Tutorial lesson: junior-level spelling and maths. Sample containing about 5952 words speech recorded in educational context

4 speakers recorded by respondent number C98

PS1SU Ag4 m (John, age 50+, tutor) unspecified
PS1SV Ag0 m (Simon, age 9, student) unspecified
FMFPSUNK (respondent W0000) X u (Unknown speaker, age unknown) other
FMFPSUGP (respondent W000M) X u (Group of unknown speakers, age unknown) other

1 recordings

  1. Tape 086101 recorded on 1993-03-31. Locationmerseyside: Liverpool ( Students home ) Activity: Junior level Spelling and Maths

Undivided text

Unknown speaker (FMFPSUNK) [1] [...] didn't didn't get much of you last time [...] speak very quietly.
[2] Do you speak very quietly when you're playing out [...] when it's your turn to be Rush.
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [3] Do you say, Excuse me chaps could you just pass the ball over this way please.
Simon (PS1SV) [4] No I shout [...] but if they
John (PS1SU) [5] On me 'ead.
Simon (PS1SV) [6] [...] I just go [...] .
John (PS1SU) [7] So the way you talk normally when you're outside when you're playing football that's not the same as you need to talk when you're writing is it?
[8] Er a lot of people think, Oh I'll just write the way I talk.
[9] Well if you do everybody tends to make a bit of a fuss about it.
[10] What's this you can't have that don't
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [11] say that and you say, Well I do say that.
[12] So [...] don't write that.
[13] So there different different ways of putting things and I E words can you think any words that've got I and E together in them?
[14] And we can perhaps use some of those in sentences.
Simon (PS1SV) [15] Erm ...
John (PS1SU) [16] Okay we'll give up for today.
[17] ... Any you've come across recently and somebody asked you to spell them and you've thought Oh I haven't got
Simon (PS1SV) [18] Cupboard.
John (PS1SU) [19] Cupboard okay that's a good word.
[20] Cupboard hasn't got I E in it has it but it's a good word.
[21] Erm do you remember how to spell cupboard?
[22] ... Well it's you don't spell it like cupboard you spell it like a cup board.
Simon (PS1SV) [23] Cup.
John (PS1SU) [24] Cup board ... cos it used to be just a just a shelf just a board with some hooks on it hang your cups on it.
[25] Okay where's that it's in the cu [...] the cups They're on the cup board, hanging on the cup board.
[26] And after a while you say cupboard.
[27] Like forehead.
[28] Some people say, Oh must be fore head.
[29] it's forehead cos that's what people say and it used to be fore head and they change all the time that's why need to record the words and see how they're being pronounced.
[30] So that if everyone if if people who wrote the dictionaries didn't know people'd still be going round thinking that everyone said fore head or break fast.
[31] [laugh] Things like that.
[32] Okay now what have you done on punctuation?
[33] ... What do you think punctuation means?
Unknown speaker (FMFPSUNK) [34] Oh sorry.
John (PS1SU) [35] Oh it's my fault leaving it there.
Simon (PS1SV) [36] Erm ... [...]
John (PS1SU) [37] Okay how about erm do you know how where to put commas and full stops and?
Simon (PS1SV) [38] Sometimes.
John (PS1SU) [39] Full stops then which
Simon (PS1SV) [40] Full stops
John (PS1SU) [41] which is the easiest.
Simon (PS1SV) [42] After like Monday and
John (PS1SU) [43] Okay.
Simon (PS1SV) [44] after Monday and names and
John (PS1SU) [45] Right erm so when you read [...] for reading.
[46] Oh well we'll we'll have a look at these I E words and we'll have a look at punctuation some time.
[47] How where to put full stops.
[48] Remind me before the end of this lesson and we'll have a little look at how to get full stops right cos it's not too hard with those.
[49] I E mm right.
[50] What have we got here?
[51] Could you could you write thief?
Simon (PS1SV) [52] Thief.
John (PS1SU) [53] Mm. ...
Simon (PS1SV) [54] T ... mm ...
John (PS1SU) [55] Go on.
Simon (PS1SV) [56] T H
John (PS1SU) [57] T H right ... ooh that's nice writing that's nice that's very and now
Simon (PS1SV) [58] E I
John (PS1SU) [59] [whispering] Well lets have a look [...] [] ...
Simon (PS1SV) [60] [whispering] E I [] ... [...] pen isn't it.
John (PS1SU) [61] Now ooh okay.
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [62] Erm ... now you're putting you're E I again aren't you.
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [63] Right so it's very awkward erm really you just think, I can't remember is it I E, E I.
[64] You write it down and you think, Mm maybe that's right maybe it's the other way.
[65] so there's a fairly good rule that works nearly all the time.
[66] The first thing to do is is it making an E sound this I E?
Simon (PS1SV) [67] E yeah.
John (PS1SU) [68] E yeah okay so we can use the rule which should now work pretty well all the time.
[69] So it's I before E except after C.
[70] So is it after a C does the I E come after a C?
[71] No so it's going to be I E.
[72] So try T H I E ... That's it and then the?
Simon (PS1SV) [73] What?
John (PS1SU) [74] What's what's the last letter?
Simon (PS1SV) [75] H innit
John (PS1SU) [76] F. [phonic]
Simon (PS1SV) [77] thief.
[78] Oh F.
John (PS1SU) [79] Yeah thief.
[80] Okay that's it.
[81] Now on your own have a go at chief.
Simon (PS1SV) [82] Chief.
John (PS1SU) [83] Alright chief.
Simon (PS1SV) [84] Chief?
John (PS1SU) [85] Chief.
Simon (PS1SV) [86] Chief.
John (PS1SU) [87] Like an Indian chief or
Simon (PS1SV) [88] C ...
John (PS1SU) [89] That's it.
[90] Okay very good.
[91] And brief. ...
Simon (PS1SV) [92] Mm.
[93] ... Oops missed the I [...]
John (PS1SU) [94] Mm do it again that one with with the with the whole lot in.
[95] Just just one line through when you cross out.
Simon (PS1SV) [96] Brief.
[97] ... Oh not again.
John (PS1SU) [98] So
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [99] do the B R and then stop and think do B R and then think now which am I gonna do I E
Simon (PS1SV) [100] R [...] scribble there .
John (PS1SU) [101] So do yeah.
[102] ... Now
Simon (PS1SV) [103] I ... F
John (PS1SU) [104] That's it okay [...] So if you can remember that rule the these these words are ones that a lot of adults get wrong a lot of the time.
[105] They'll they and they you'll see them going mm not that not that one back to the first I don't know and then they get the dictionary out.
Simon (PS1SV) [106] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [107] and they have a look and then they say, Oh I'm sure it wasn't that way.
[108] [laugh] So how about grief?
[109] Grief. ...
Simon (PS1SV) [110] That's just the same with a G.
John (PS1SU) [111] Exactly right very good yeah well done.
[112] So if that's brief, grief is going to be the same cos it's the same
Simon (PS1SV) [113] Mhm.
John (PS1SU) [114] rule.
[115] How about erm field.
Simon (PS1SV) [116] Erm ...
John (PS1SU) [117] As in a football field.
[118] ... Does it make an E sound? ...
Simon (PS1SV) [119] [...] L
John (PS1SU) [120] Yeah so it's I it makes an E sound so we use it this I E or E I is it after a C?
[121] No so brilliant.
[122] So it's a good rule that.
[123] There are quite a lot of words that that will work for.
[124] Now let's try the other ones where it's after a C okay.
[125] Let's try ... could you spell ceiling?
[126] ... It starts with a C I'll give you a clue on that.
Simon (PS1SV) [127] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [128] And the next thing that happens is an E sound.
[129] ... That's brilliant.
[130] That they that's it exactly.
[131] Have you ever spelt it before?
Simon (PS1SV) [132] No.
John (PS1SU) [133] See so it's just by learning the pattern it's like say if you were you were playing football every time somebody every time the ball came towards you you had to learn all about the way the ball goes Oh it's you know it's slowing down cos the grass is wet and it's curling and things like that.
[134] If you had to learn every time you couldn't spot patterns you'd never you'd never be able to play football cos you'd be you'd always be a learner wouldn't you.
[135] You'd always be thinking, Oh what's go what's going to happen to this.
[136] but as yo as you learn
Simon (PS1SV) [137] Hold on.
John (PS1SU) [138] [laugh] Watering the garden eh?
[139] [...] ... Is that your dog or next door's?
Simon (PS1SV) [140] [...] the dog's
John (PS1SU) [141] Oh.
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [142] So I think that was pretty good I think it was brilliant in fact ceiling you've never seen it before worked out how to spell it.
[143] So it's a good rule this.
[144] Now how about receive?
[145] These are ones these are ones that a lot of adults get wrong, receive.
[146] ... Okay is that a is that a Y that last one?
Simon (PS1SV) [147] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [148] Er receive V [phonic]
Simon (PS1SV) [149] V. [phonic]
John (PS1SU) [150] V [phonic] what sound does a Y make on the end of a word?
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [151] Right tacky
Simon (PS1SV) [152] Oh.
John (PS1SU) [153] or jolly, happy makes a makes the E sound usually.
[154] So that's that's that's great you've got the hard bit recei and then it's V that Y should be a V E so just cross the tail off the Y.
[155] Receive erm there are there aren't a lot of other words that do have C in well there are but they're quite sort of awkward words like ... try deceive.
Simon (PS1SV) [156] Deceive.
John (PS1SU) [157] Just finish off receive so that's V E okay receive try deceive.
Simon (PS1SV) [158] Deceive oh. ...
John (PS1SU) [159] That's it.
[160] That is brilliant.
Simon (PS1SV) [161] I've never heard of that word.
John (PS1SU) [162] Ah if you're erm conning someone you
Simon (PS1SV) [163] Calling
John (PS1SU) [164] con conning someone
Simon (PS1SV) [165] Oh conning .
John (PS1SU) [166] You're giving them a ... a load of old flannel and [laugh] trying to trying to trying to persuade them that something's true you're deceiving them.
[167] Yeah erm you give you give you give me the money now and I'll give you the elephant later it's just round the corner.
[168] [laughing] You know. []
[169] Oh it's a good car this yeah it's only done two thousand miles.
Simon (PS1SV) [laugh]
John (PS1SU) [170] One lady owner a vicar's wife you know.
[171] Okay erm now ... so does what what are the rules about this I E thing? ...
Simon (PS1SV) [172] I before the E except [...] C.
John (PS1SU) [173] Except when it comes after C except after C.
[174] That's brilliant but that's only when it makes an E sound.
[175] Now there are some I E words [...] E and an I or an I and an E and it doesn't make an E sound.
[176] How about erm things like ooh ... foreign can you spell foreign?
Simon (PS1SV) [177] Foreign?
John (PS1SU) [178] Or neighbour, do you ever watch neighbours ?
Simon (PS1SV) [179] Neighbour.
[180] No.
John (PS1SU) [181] Nor me [laugh] can't stand it.
Simon (PS1SV) [182] The first time I watched it I thought [...] ... That's wrong.
John (PS1SU) [183] Okay that's not right but what's what's right about it?
[184] It starts with N ends in S okay.
[185] [cough] N [phonic] something.
[186] Erm is this a D or a B?
Simon (PS1SV) [187] Oh.
John (PS1SU) [188] Okay so that's a B.
Simon (PS1SV) [189] [...] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [190] Erm you don't always get it wrong you've been doing quite well but occasionally you just if you're
Simon (PS1SV) [191] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [192] if you I think it happens when you're worrying about something else in the word and you're concentrating on something else thinking, Ooh what's he want here is it going to be an E I or an I E or what.
[193] You're concentration goes it's like er it's like someone's going to try and head it in to the net and he's trying to work out which corner it's going into and he's
Simon (PS1SV) [194] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [195] so busy working it out he misses the ball in the end.
Simon (PS1SV) [laugh]
John (PS1SU) [196] [laugh] Yeah.
[197] Concentrating too much on the little details rather than the main thing so B and D ... quite important to get those.
[198] Erm right ... mm ... Do you know you know you know D and B don't you?
[199] You don't need to practise them at all you know which one's which.
Simon (PS1SV) [200] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [201] Cos some people have trouble with them and they can't see a difference they can't see any difference.
Simon (PS1SV) [202] I know.
John (PS1SU) [203] But er I don't think you are at all dyslexic are you.
[204] No one ever mentioned that
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [205] I don't think so.
[206] Okay ... other other words with do you think you could look that one up?
[207] Neighbour it's erm it's quite an awkward word it comes in occasionally you can look it up if you like.
[208] look it in a di have you got a dictionary?
Simon (PS1SV) [209] I don't think so erm
John (PS1SU) [210] Erm.
Simon (PS1SV) [211] probably.
John (PS1SU) [212] Look in the do you get
Simon (PS1SV) [213] Yeah I've got [...]
John (PS1SU) [214] a T V Times? or Radio Times or the paper .
Simon (PS1SV) [215] We've got we've got a dictionary yeah.
John (PS1SU) [216] Right if you haven't if you can't find the dictionary you could look in the paper see what time Neighbours is on.
Simon (PS1SV) [217] Mhm.
John (PS1SU) [218] And it'll say you'll see how to spell it [...] .
[219] Erm do you read the paper at all?
[220] What do you read?
Simon (PS1SV) [221] The what's on telly what's on the cinemas
John (PS1SU) [222] Mhm.
Simon (PS1SV) [223] erm
John (PS1SU) [224] Anything else you read er football pages anything like that ?
Simon (PS1SV) [225] Yeah a bit about football.
John (PS1SU) [226] Okay.
[227] Erm when you read it you come across strange words you know words that maybe you know you've heard them but you wouldn't think of trying to write them.
[228] Erm
Simon (PS1SV) [229] Well I [...] read [...]
John (PS1SU) [230] Well if you if you couldn't read it yeah you can get someone to help you but if you can't u usually see you know quite a lot of words.
[231] You know a lot more words than you know how to spell don't you.
[232] And this is the problem.
[233] Erm as you get older once you get to my age you can spell most of the words you know.
[234] But at your age you know so many words you couldn't really be expected to spell all of them and you're you're thinking Oh whatever I do I every word I write down is wrong.
[235] And it's not.
[236] Something like ooh nine out of ten maybe more than that perhaps ninety five out of every hundred words that you write down are okay they're spelt correctly it's just the awkward ones.
[237] The only trouble is the teachers keep giving you all the awkward one don't they everybody
Simon (PS1SV) [238] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [239] does because those are the ones you have to learn how to spell.
[240] Now they don't come in right today we're going to spell can anyone spell is?
[241] Ooh that's a hard one. [laugh]
Simon (PS1SV) [laugh]
John (PS1SU) [242] Right he goes Now who's going to spell cat?
Simon (PS1SV) [laugh]
John (PS1SU) [243] Right all these words you know how to spell them.
[244] But there's some awkward ones and they've got to concentrate on the awkward ones so that you get this impression I can't spell anything.
[245] We had twenty spellings yesterday and I only got five right.
[246] Okay but they were f they were twenty awkward ones if they said right we'll have you pick any twenty words you know and see if you can spell them you'd get twenty out of twenty wouldn't you.
[247] Okay.
Simon (PS1SV) [248] The maths now [...]
John (PS1SU) [249] The maths we'll have a we'll have a look at that erm ... tied deceive ... [...] Right can you spell eight?
Simon (PS1SV) [250] Eight?
John (PS1SU) [251] Eight number eight [...] think about maths.
[252] It's one of these I E words but it doesn't make an E sound does it?
[253] Good that's it good go on.
Simon (PS1SV) [254] Oh. ...
John (PS1SU) [255] That is brilliant.
[256] Excellent.
[257] Now that is a very awkward word I mean it's nothing like that it should be A T E shouldn't it.
Simon (PS1SV) [laugh]
John (PS1SU) [258] [...] that doesn't look a could you do weight?
[259] ... That's that's that's eight.
Simon (PS1SV) [260] Yeah and weight's just the same but [...]
John (PS1SU) [261] Just the same.
[262] Go on.
[263] Right now it is just the same is that what you've written though?
Simon (PS1SV) [264] What.
John (PS1SU) [265] What did you do.
Simon (PS1SV) [266] Eight.
[267] There?
John (PS1SU) [268] That's eight yeah
Simon (PS1SV) [269] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [270] and what have you got here?
Simon (PS1SV) [271] Weight.
John (PS1SU) [272] What does it say?
Simon (PS1SV) [273] Oh wight.
John (PS1SU) [274] Right wight.
[275] Quite wight.
[276] So I I think you get bored with some of this when it's easy you're looking at that and you think, Oh I can do this just put a W in front of tr .
[277] yeah and then mm and you forget
Simon (PS1SV) [278] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [279] you're you're not concentrating so you need to concentrate a bit on making sure that you finish off like you know [...] somebody's somebody's passed to you're right in front of the goal all you've got to do is tap it in and you think, Oh anyone could do this which foot should I [...] no problem [...]
Simon (PS1SV) [280] And then by the time [...]
John (PS1SU) [281] [...] Cos you just lose lose concentration.
Simon (PS1SV) [282] Yeah I haven't kicked the ball yet.
John (PS1SU) [283] Mm you've got to keep on top of it and keep with it .
Simon (PS1SV) [284] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [285] So how a so write that one out again s with the the way it should be for weight .
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [286] Yeah that's it on the same line [...] .
Simon (PS1SV) [287] Weight. ...
John (PS1SU) [288] Hang on that's eight.
Simon (PS1SV) [289] Yeah ei oh [...]
John (PS1SU) [290] That's E I right.
[291] Now you tried it there and you left the E out now you've left the I out.
Simon (PS1SV) [292] Oh.
John (PS1SU) [293] Okay third time lucky oh that was sneaky just got it in.
[294] Right weight and last one freight freight.
Simon (PS1SV) [295] Freight?
John (PS1SU) [296] Have you heard of a freight train?
Simon (PS1SV) [297] No.
John (PS1SU) [298] Ah ... Fr
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [299] Okay you can do eight you can do weight so can you do
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [300] have a guess at freight.
[301] ... That's it.
[302] Erm ... can you do height?
Simon (PS1SV) [303] Height?
John (PS1SU) [304] Height sounds as if it should be pronounced hate.
Simon (PS1SV) [305] Height.
John (PS1SU) [306] [...] it's the same as same as eight.
Simon (PS1SV) [307] Is it?
John (PS1SU) [308] Yeah.
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [309] I I hate my height.
[310] ... [...] just do eight. ...
Simon (PS1SV) [311] There there's eight.
John (PS1SU) [312] Eight.
[313] And then put an H in front of it and it's height.
Simon (PS1SV) [314] Oh yeah.
John (PS1SU) [315] Which is ridiculous cos if you put a H in front of it it should say hate.
Simon (PS1SV) [316] I know.
John (PS1SU) [317] So so it's absolute rubbish some of this
Simon (PS1SV) [318] or
John (PS1SU) [319] spelling isn't it.
Simon (PS1SV) [320] or hite heat.
John (PS1SU) [321] H E [phonic] I [phonic]
Simon (PS1SV) [322] Hate.
John (PS1SU) [323] H E I G T [phonic] [laugh]
Simon (PS1SV) [laugh]
John (PS1SU) [324] Nothing like it absolutely nothing like it.
[325] So try and remember that I E one when it makes an E sound I before E except after C now that's going to help you with quite a few words.
[326] It won't handle all of them it won't mean you're g always going to get all your spellings right now
Simon (PS1SV) [327] But
John (PS1SU) [328] but it'll mean you can get a lot of them .
Simon (PS1SV) [329] most of the I Es.
John (PS1SU) [330] Yeah you'll be getting most of those right and you won't have to learn sit up all night saying, Oh he's given me another thirty five I E words to learn tonight.
Simon (PS1SV) [331] Mhm.
John (PS1SU) [332] It'll work for a lot of them.
[333] Erm I did say we'll just have a quick mention punctuation before we look at the maths.
Simon (PS1SV) [334] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [335] Erm
Simon (PS1SV) [336] What does punctuation mean?
John (PS1SU) [337] Punc punctuation do you want to try and do you want to just write it down.
[338] P P U N.
Simon (PS1SV) [339] Title title
John (PS1SU) [340] Oh yes oops sorry you you write it.
[341] P U N C
Simon (PS1SV) [342] [...] P U N C
John (PS1SU) [343] Punc ...
Simon (PS1SV) [344] P ... U ... N ... C
John (PS1SU) [345] T punct and then U letter U ... and then ation A T I O N.
Simon (PS1SV) [346] And underline the title.
John (PS1SU) [347] For next time if you like you can think of some tion words and and write them down.
[348] Words ending in tion like station a railway station or see how many you can but punctuation.
[349] The real reason you put it in is to make it obvious what we mean.
[350] So people don't get mixed up about what exactly we mean and to help when you're reading it.
[351] So if you're reading something out.
[352] This is about maths so we'll have a look in that for punctuation.
[353] ... Mm not many here not much so we'll [...] questions.
[354] ... I mean most of these end in question mark.
[355] So the main thing about punctuation is first you know you know the main points.
[356] Erm just going to start a sentence what would I do?
Simon (PS1SV) [357] Capital letter.
John (PS1SU) [358] Right okay and now I've finished a sentence How do i finish a sentence?
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [359] That's it now that that's m that's about sort of seventy f seventy five percent of punctuation.
[360] Capital letter for the first one full stop at the end that's the main point.
[361] If you follow that, people can understand what you're writing.
[362] And they can have a good guess.
[363] And then sometimes you need to put commas in if they're are long lists.
[364] When else would you need capital letters?
Simon (PS1SV) [365] [...] Writing the date.
John (PS1SU) [366] Right okay.
[367] Days days of the week
Simon (PS1SV) [368] Writing
John (PS1SU) [369] writing the month yeah.
Simon (PS1SV) [370] Writing names of people
John (PS1SU) [371] writing names of people what about if you're writing names of countries would you ?
Simon (PS1SV) [372] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [373] Yeah.
[374] Okay so the important things capital letters and full stops you already know how to use them.
[375] Okay so you're okay on on that, what about commas?
Simon (PS1SV) [376] No.
[377] Don't know nothing about them.
John (PS1SU) [378] Well if we had a long a long thing to read.
[379] I've got some here.
[380] Er here we are.
[381] ... Okay I'll move it round there.
[382] How about this one about cricket?
[383] Could you read all that could you read that?
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [384] Go on read it out.
Simon (PS1SV) [385] [reading] Cricket is a popular sport in Yorkshire.
[386] Sometimes members of the Yorkshire team are chosen to play the England and they play against teams from Australia.
[387] The West Indies and Pakistan. []
John (PS1SU) [388] What about the West Indies and Pakistan?
[389] So the way you read it you said [reading] And they play against teams from Australia [] and then you said and then you stopped there but you said [reading] The
Simon (PS1SV) [390] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [391] West Indies and Pakistan. []
[392] Now this is where we use commas.
[393] So [reading] cricket is a popular sport and so on.
[394] The Yorkshire team are pos are chosen to play for England and they play against teams from Australia [] comma [reading] the West Indies [] and there should really be a comma there [reading] and Pakistan.
[395] [] .
[396] There should really be a comma there but we've got a funny twist to the rule we don't put comma before the and don't put a comma before the and.
Simon (PS1SV) [397] Like if there's a full stop you don't put and next to it.
John (PS1SU) [398] That's right.
[399] You know quite a few rules don't you about punctuation that's good.
[400] So a comma we use it in lists of things.
[401] Erm next year I'm going to play for Liverpool, Everton, Tranmere Rovers, Chelsea and erm
Simon (PS1SV) [402] Sheffield Wednesday.
John (PS1SU) [403] and Sheffield Wednesday and Sheffield Unan nited and Manchester United if if they'll let me.
Simon (PS1SV) [404] [laugh] If they'll let me .
John (PS1SU) [405] And if I'm [laugh] and if I'm fit enough.
[406] Okay.
[407] so I'm going to play for Manchester comma
Simon (PS1SV) [408] But
John (PS1SU) [409] Tranmere comma when there's a list of things okay
Simon (PS1SV) [410] It should be commas [...]
John (PS1SU) [411] you have commas but don't do a comma before the last so er if I said tonight I'm going to have sausage, egg, chips, beans, tomatoes and cake.
Simon (PS1SV) [laugh]
John (PS1SU) [412] Right where would the commas go?
[413] I'm going to have sausage, egg, chips, beans, tomatoes and cake .
Simon (PS1SV) [414] Comma next to sausage what else is there?
John (PS1SU) [415] Eggs.
Simon (PS1SV) [416] Eggs so comma but all of them just before the last one.
John (PS1SU) [417] Okay so they're all so ... could you write this one down then tonight I'm having fish, chips and peas. ...
Simon (PS1SV) [418] I am having
John (PS1SU) [419] F erm well what would you like?
[420] Sausage, egg and chips.
Simon (PS1SV) [421] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [422] Okay.
Simon (PS1SV) [423] Oh sausages
John (PS1SU) [424] Ah [laugh]
Simon (PS1SV) [laugh]
John (PS1SU) [425] You should think before you say yes.
[426] How do you spell sausages oh dear.
[427] Well it's a some it's a German word it's a funny word and it's S A U
Simon (PS1SV) [428] S
John (PS1SU) [429] S A U sausages.
Simon (PS1SV) [430] Sausages.
John (PS1SU) [431] S A U S so that's saus and then ages A G E S.
[432] ... Sausages.
Simon (PS1SV) [433] Sausages.
John (PS1SU) [434] What were we having sausages?
Simon (PS1SV) [435] Comma
John (PS1SU) [436] Yeah sausages comma erm we can have what we like can't we.
Simon (PS1SV) [437] Oops. [...]
John (PS1SU) [438] Beans.
Simon (PS1SV) [439] Sausages
John (PS1SU) [440] Beans.
Simon (PS1SV) [441] Sausages, egg and beans.
John (PS1SU) [442] Okay. ...
Simon (PS1SV) [443] Egg no comma because it's
John (PS1SU) [444] No comma there because there's the and coming you learn very quickly very good.
[445] ... And you can spell beans.
[446] Do you know another way and what goes at the end ... what goes at the end of the sentence?
Simon (PS1SV) [447] Full stop.
John (PS1SU) [448] Now you told me how to start a sentence
Simon (PS1SV) [449] A capital letter.
John (PS1SU) [450] But what you do a lot I think is you know how to do quite a few things but you're concentrating I mean here you're thinking, Ah all I'm doing now is where w w get the commas in the right place.
[451] and while you're thinking about that you forget all about everything else.
[452] Now you've got to keep on top of what you already know.
Simon (PS1SV) [453] Keep [...]
John (PS1SU) [454] Sort of keep on so that you're building on that all the time so you think right okay I know how to do capital at the start, full stop at the end, keep that don't let that go just cos I'm concentrating on something else.
[455] So what am I going to do right I starting a I'm starting off so let's gets the capital.
[456] Now I can forget that.
[457] Now I can now what am I doing I'm doing commas.
[458] Okay now I've finished my commas I've finished the sentence now what do I do now right full stop.
[459] So you're sort of thinking at different levels.
Simon (PS1SV) [460] [...] watch. [...]
John (PS1SU) [461] Doesn't matter.
[462] [...] let it go.
[463] So
Simon (PS1SV) [464] It goes on for a minute.
John (PS1SU) [465] Ah that's alright.
[466] So capital capital T there but you have a look at what you've just done.
[467] Tonight, not an easy word to spell ... I mean you might think it is but a lot of people spell it incorrectly.
[468] You see it written down all over the place incorrectly.
[469] [...] N I T E at the end of it.
[470] You do you see things like that so tonight okay I helped you with sausages but you got most of it.
[471] Beans could you write erm I have been out.
[472] ... I have been out I have been out today.
[473] ... Good capital full stop.
[474] And what's the difference between this been and that bean?
Simon (PS1SV) [475] That's been like going out
John (PS1SU) [476] Right.
Simon (PS1SV) [477] and [...]
John (PS1SU) [478] That's the one you eat.
[479] Okay well they're two completely different spelling different things and you got them bot right I didn't I didn't help you I didn't even say and think about which sort of bean you're using or anything like that did I.
[480] You know I think I think your spelling I think your spelling and your general English is pretty good.
[481] But I think the problem is that you you only concentrate on little bits at a time.
Simon (PS1SV) [482] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [483] And you you forget what you already know or you don't bother with it you don't bother sort of concentrating on that thing, Oh let's get that bit right.
[484] Erm you're just looking at a little bit that's new and you're forgetting about the old stuff.
[485] Okay so you need to keep it all keep a general picture.
[486] Make it a team if you like you know get all the all the other bits of stuff that you know all the other knowledge get that coming in all working together so the whole thing just flows up and down nicely instead of
Simon (PS1SV) [487] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [488] jumping about.
[489] Okay I think that's very good really I I don't think I think you're writing is very nice as well.
[490] What do you think?
Simon (PS1SV) [491] It's okay.
John (PS1SU) [492] It's I think it's pretty good.
[493] Erm ... one problem I think is that you can ... you tend to look at letters I think sort of one or two letters together erm instead of trying to think of a whole word.
[494] Because I when you do think about the word then you leave some of the letters out.
[495] So maybe think of them as syllables little bits say if we're going to say something like Tranmere Rovers.
[496] Say Tran- mere Ro- vers .
Simon (PS1SV) [497] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [498] Split it into each one so you'd write, Tran, I've got that, mere, Ro, vers like that erm and then you're not going to miss bits out.
[499] Cos you could easily easily miss bits out.
[500] Okay I thank I think ... tell me e tell me what where you'd put capitals on this one about the cricket.
Simon (PS1SV) [501] On the P.
John (PS1SU) [502] Right tell me where you'd start off with capitals.
[503] Good so first one because it's the first in the sentence that's an
Simon (PS1SV) [504] C
John (PS1SU) [505] automatic one
Simon (PS1SV) [506] Cricket.
John (PS1SU) [507] on that C.
[508] Right and what happens next?
[509] [reading] Cricket is a popular sport in [] ?
Simon (PS1SV) [510] Yorkshire.
John (PS1SU) [511] Right so capital Y for that.
Simon (PS1SV) [512] Full stop here .
John (PS1SU) [513] Good yeah full stop.
[514] So Starting a new sentence.
Simon (PS1SV) [515] [...] Oh.
John (PS1SU) [516] Okay so good a capital letter on there yeah.
Simon (PS1SV) [517] [reading] times members of Yorkshire []
John (PS1SU) [518] Good.
Simon (PS1SV) [519] Capital letter full stop.
John (PS1SU) [520] Hold it
Simon (PS1SV) [521] Capital letter erm
John (PS1SU) [522] [reading] Sometimes members of the the Yorkshire team [] ... Yeah you could have it you could have a a capital on that.
Simon (PS1SV) [523] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [524] But no full stops yet cos we haven't finished a sentence we haven't
Simon (PS1SV) [525] Oh.
John (PS1SU) [526] finished what we're saying about them .
Simon (PS1SV) [527] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [528] [reading] Sometimes members of the Yorkshire team []
Simon (PS1SV) [529] [reading] are chosen to play for England and they play against []
John (PS1SU) [530] Okay.
Simon (PS1SV) [531] [reading] teams []
John (PS1SU) [532] Capital E for England yeah.
Simon (PS1SV) [533] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [534] [reading] and they play against []
Simon (PS1SV) [535] [reading] teams from Australia, the West Indies and Pakistan. []
John (PS1SU) [536] Okay so what's what punctuation along along here?
Simon (PS1SV) [537] Mm comma.
John (PS1SU) [538] Okay so let's go for the easy one first and get it out of the way.
[539] Before we forget it at the end.
Simon (PS1SV) [540] Full stop.
John (PS1SU) [541] Okay.
[542] Australia country capital A and as you say comma, the West Indies capital W and I and
Simon (PS1SV) [543] Pakistan full stop.
John (PS1SU) [544] Right and a full stop.
[545] I think you're pretty good at english and punctuation I think well you tell me what do you think you've got to concentrate on?
Simon (PS1SV) [546] Mm ... Mm.
[547] ... Don't know.
John (PS1SU) [548] Yes you do go on tell i what have I just been telling you then that you need to concentrate on that I think you should be concentrating on.
Simon (PS1SV) [549] Well ... just don't think about one thing and forget about all the others.
John (PS1SU) [550] It's it's if you think about say you're playing football.
Simon (PS1SV) [551] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [552] Now you've got to be at different levels all the time.
[553] You're thinking about if the ball is coming to you ... you're watching the ball.
[554] It's going to finish up about ten yards in front of me.
[555] Okay I'm running a bit faster I'm going to be there.
[556] Right well forget about thinking about that for a moment I'll look round where everyone else.
[557] He's over there, he's running up through there,
Simon (PS1SV) [558] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [559] he's on the left wing,
Simon (PS1SV) [560] Ah.
John (PS1SU) [561] two defenders coming up, they're probably going to get to me so I'm going to pass it as soon as I get it.
[562] What's going on all around you so then you concentrate on the ball again.
[563] So you're concentrating on the little bits you're doing and then you're
Simon (PS1SV) [564] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [565] moving back a bit to get the bigger picture what's going on
Simon (PS1SV) [566] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [567] with everything else and then you zoom in again and concentrate on.
[568] So you need to do this in lot's of jobs in maths, in english, in any any work that you do.
[569] Sometimes you see someone painting a door or something and [...] get that little bit done there and then they step back to make sure they haven't missed something cos they could be it could be so obvious to anyone who's just standing, What's he doing there he's left a big piece in the corner there that
Simon (PS1SV) [570] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [571] he hasn't painted.
Simon (PS1SV) [572] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [573] He's going [...] , Ooh look there's a little tiny thin bit there I haven't done Oh
Simon (PS1SV) [574] No.
John (PS1SU) [575] yes that's fine.
[576] He's only looking at that bit.
Simon (PS1SV) [577] That and then you leave [...]
John (PS1SU) [578] That's it so you can do these same with your words.
[579] You're concentrating to getting the I E or the E I and you leave half of it off or something.
[580] So concentrate and then sort of pull back a bit from it and check the main bits and a good way is going through the sounds of each syllable.
[581] So if someone said erm, Czechoslovakia, go Czech-o-slo-vak-i-a.
Simon (PS1SV) [582] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [583] Like that and you'll that sounds right I mean you think, I don't know how to spell it.
Simon (PS1SV) [584] Mhm just do that .
John (PS1SU) [585] [...] but you could do like that .
Simon (PS1SV) [586] Czech-o -so-vak- i-a .
John (PS1SU) [587] Czech-o -slo-vak-i-a.
[588] And people would know what you meant even if you didn't spell it right.
Unknown speaker (FMFPSUNK) [...]
Simon (PS1SV) [589] Thank you.
John (PS1SU) [590] Erm no I'm fine thanks.
[591] Now I would like you to tell me about numbers.
Simon (PS1SV) [592] Numbers?
John (PS1SU) [593] Mhm.
[594] What are they?
Simon (PS1SV) [595] Numbers [laugh] erm ...
John (PS1SU) [596] What do we use them for?
Simon (PS1SV) [597] Maths.
John (PS1SU) [598] Well it's a bit like that's a bit like saying what do you use words for?
[599] English.
Simon (PS1SV) [600] Oh right.
John (PS1SU) [601] [...] don't use words just for eng I mean you use words mainly for talking
Simon (PS1SV) [602] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [603] don't we.
[604] Would you like a drink please?
[605] No thank you.
[606] Erm do you want to come out and play?
[607] No I'd rather do my english.
[608] [laugh] I don't like football any more, I'd rather do maths.
[609] Things like that it's for letting that's what words are for well numbers are for telling other people how much you [...] how much do you Would you like a cup of coffee?
[610] No I'll just have half a cup please.
Simon (PS1SV) [611] Yeah.
John (PS1SU) [612] Okay.
[613] Erm what time are you coming out to play football?
[614] Oh
Simon (PS1SV) [615] Ooh.
John (PS1SU) [616] about half past three.
Simon (PS1SV) [617] Or ten P M .
John (PS1SU) [618] Or in about two hours time.
Simon (PS1SV) [619] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [620] So all these numbers come into your life all the time it's not just for maths you need
Simon (PS1SV) [621] [...] go to the shop and you're wondering if you've got the right change.
John (PS1SU) [622] Exactly or have go enough money.
Simon (PS1SV) [623] Mm.
John (PS1SU) [624] How much are those Lion bars?
[625] Oh they're thirty four P each.
Simon (PS1SV) [626] What ... rip-off [laugh] .
John (PS1SU) [627] Can I get can I get can I get three of them.
[628] And will I get three out of a pound?
[629] Is a pound enough to get Lion bars?
[630] Don't know you'd have to work it out okay.
[631] So that's that's why erm the numbers are important it's not for maths.
[632] Now this is open here is this were there particular things you wanted to do?
Simon (PS1SV) [633] Time
John (PS1SU) [634] D time?
Simon (PS1SV) [635] Well I know me time we we we done that not so long ago.
John (PS1SU) [636] Okay.
[637] And you're happy with erm twenty four hour clock?
Simon (PS1SV) [638] No.
John (PS1SU) [639] No well it's dead easy there's a little trick on the twenty four hour clock [...]
Simon (PS1SV) [640] Twelve thirteen is one
John (PS1SU) [641] Okay.
Simon (PS1SV) [642] fourteen is two fifteen is three
John (PS1SU) [643] Right okay so you so I asked are you happy with the twenty four hour clock you say no and then you know it .
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [644] Erm
Simon (PS1SV) [645] I've seen the paper [...]
John (PS1SU) [646] An awful lot of adults have awful they have an awful lot of adults
Simon (PS1SV) [647] like the twenty and all the [...]
John (PS1SU) [648] Okay twenty what time is twenty thirty?
Simon (PS1SV) [649] Erm.
John (PS1SU) [650] Mm.
Simon (PS1SV) [651] [...] give me a minute.
John (PS1SU) [652] Don no don't do it in your head just write it down there
Simon (PS1SV) [653] Oh yeah.
John (PS1SU) [654] just write twenty thirty.
[655] ... Okay and we have to put something in between there.
[656] [...] put a yeah.
Simon (PS1SV) [657] Right [...]
John (PS1SU) [658] Yeah now take twelve away from the twenty right twelve underneath it and take it away.
[659] ... No one says you can't write it down don't have to do it in all in your head do you.
Simon (PS1SV) [660] No twelve er an an twelve well twelve away from twenty
John (PS1SU) [661] Mhm.
[662] ... Twelve is ten and two isn't it.
[663] If you took the ten away from the twenty how many would you have left?
Simon (PS1SV) [664] Ten.
John (PS1SU) [665] Ten if you took
Simon (PS1SV) [666] Eight.
John (PS1SU) [667] That's it you were there before me right.
[668] So take the ten away and the you have ten left over and then take the two away from that so eight.
[669] So what time is twenty thirty put the just put the eight under the twelve there.
Simon (PS1SV) [670] Eight o'clock .
John (PS1SU) [671] We've still got thirty still got thirty cos we haven't taken any so perhaps put twelve nought nought under that and take it away .
Simon (PS1SV) [672] Half eight.
John (PS1SU) [673] Half eight at night.
[674] Erm on twenty four hour clock then what time would seven o'clock be?
[675] How would you work that out?
Simon (PS1SV) [676] Twe on the twenty four hour clock what time would seven o'clock be?
John (PS1SU) [677] Mhm. ...
Simon (PS1SV) [678] Oh I won't bother writing this
John (PS1SU) [679] So
Simon (PS1SV) [680] one down.
John (PS1SU) [681] Why not?
Simon (PS1SV) [...]
John (PS1SU) [682] Okay what are you going to do then?
[683] Tell me what you're going to do?
Simon (PS1SV) [684] Fifteen is three, sixteen is four
John (PS1SU) [685] Mm.
Simon (PS1SV) [686] seventeen is five ... eighteen is six ... nineteen is seven.
John (PS1SU) [687] Okay [...] nineteen.
Simon (PS1SV) [688] So nineteen.
John (PS1SU) [689] Seven o'clock could be ni nineteen hundred hours.
[690] Oh well I think you're alright on those.
[691] Erm what about I'm just trying to find something that you're not good at.
Simon (PS1SV) [692] Divided.
John (PS1SU) [693] Divi division?
[694] Okay. ...
Simon (PS1SV) [695] Share between and all
John (PS1SU) [696] Mm.
[697] That's the that's the most awkward thing to do the one that most people have most problem with.
[698] Let's have a quick look at where the numbers came from.
[699] Okay.
[700] The first numbers we got were just counting numbers.
[701] Everyone's happy with those [...] with that you can do three add five?
[702] Yeah if I said do three add five would you actually do that would you do three add five or would you do five add three?
Simon (PS1SV) [703] Five add three.
John (PS1SU) [704] Good so what would that come to?
Simon (PS1SV) [705] Five ... three ... eight.
John (PS1SU) [706] Okay now so let's say if we had some numbers you you can you could make your own notes about this.
[707] If we're doing add we're just starting off with the counting numbers.
[708] So we can say start with counting numbers.
Simon (PS1SV) [709] Right start with cou counting numbers?
John (PS1SU) [710] Counting numbers those are the numbers you use for counting things with like three or six or most people call them the normal numbers.
[711] ... Now we're going to see what happens ...
Simon (PS1SV) [712] [...] counting erm ... cou
John (PS1SU) [713] Ah counting C O U N T count ... counting numbers.
Simon (PS1SV) [714] count [...] start start with counting what?
John (PS1SU) [715] Numbers. [tape ends]