PS2AP | X | f | (No name, age unknown) unspecified |
PS2AR | X | f | (No name, age unknown, office worker in carpet factory) unspecified |
PS2AS | X | m | (Ken, age unknown) unspecified |
(PS2AP) |
[1] ... do you find the, I mean do you find the management alright, do you get on okay with them and everything? |
(PS2AR) |
[2] Mm, aye. [laugh] |
(PS2AP) |
[3] Nobody really crabby? |
(PS2AR) |
[4] [laugh] No, there isn't really. [5] Cos in my office there's quite a lot of bosses in my office, |
(PS2AP) |
[6] Mhm. |
(PS2AR) |
[7] cos it's the production control so [...] |
(PS2AP) |
[8] Mhm. |
(PS2AR) |
[9] just talk to them like anybody else does [...] . |
(PS2AP) |
[10] What do, what do you actually do in your office, is it like telephone duties or typing or what? |
(PS2AR) |
[11] A bit of everything. [...] |
(PS2AP) | [...] |
(PS2AR) |
[12] Just do everything really. |
(PS2AP) |
[13] Mhm. [14] Do you get to know all the different people that ph ring up, all the different clients and that? |
(PS2AR) |
[15] Well we don't speak to clients, it's just salesmen and [...] |
(PS2AP) |
[16] Aha. |
(PS2AR) |
[17] people I [...] speak to. |
(PS2AP) |
[18] Mhm. |
(PS2AR) |
[19] Talking to quite a lot of different people. |
(PS2AP) |
[20] Mhm ... do you get to know basically everything [...] work. [...] |
(PS2AR) | [...] |
(PS2AP) |
[21] So how did you get erm the job in the office? [22] [...] Was it just a, within the factory, [...] out about it? |
(PS2AR) |
[23] No it was [...] been here for six weeks and I was just expecting to leave |
(PS2AP) |
[24] Mhm. |
(PS2AR) |
[25] and I was gonna go and apply for [...] but then Neil he sent for me and just asked me, just told me there was a job come up in the office and if I wanted it |
(PS2AP) |
[26] Mhm. |
(PS2AR) |
[27] I was to go. |
(PS2AP) |
[28] So it was just luck really? |
(PS2AR) | [...] |
(PS2AP) |
[29] Were you relieved? |
(PS2AR) |
[30] [laugh] I don't know, I didn't really want to work in an office. |
(PS2AP) |
[31] No. |
(PS2AR) |
[32] I'd prefer to work in a factory. |
(PS2AP) |
[33] Mhm. |
(PS2AR) |
[34] That's right, if I didn't work in the office I didn't work in the factory. [laugh] |
(PS2AP) |
[35] Oh I see, aha. |
(PS2AR) | [laugh] |
(PS2AP) |
[36] So you didn't have a great deal of choice? |
(PS2AR) | [laugh] |
(PS2AP) |
[37] Oh well ... [...] Anything else? [38] [laugh] ... I don't think most of these questions apply to you actually because they're mostly like for the kind of older women, I was gonna ask them about how they er coped with the, you know, running a house and |
Ken (PS2AS) | [...] |
(PS2AP) | [laugh] |
(PS2AR) | [laugh] |
(PS2AP) |
[39] I'm not gonna insult you by asking are you really that old. [laugh] |
(PS2AR) | [...] |
(PS2AP) |
[40] You're not planning to get married in the future then? [laugh] |
(PS2AR) |
[41] Yes [laugh] |
Ken (PS2AS) |
[42] Would you recommend this job to er other folk your age or |
(PS2AR) |
[43] I didn't have very good qualifications |
Ken (PS2AS) |
[44] Aha. |
(PS2AR) |
[45] here, good qualifications |
(PS2AP) |
[46] [cough] Excuse me. |
(PS2AR) | [...] |
(PS2AP) |
[47] Aha. [48] Have you ever thought about like maybe going to college or [...] ? |
(PS2AR) |
[49] No. |
(PS2AP) |
[50] No? |
(PS2AR) |
[51] I'm just not, I'm not interested in it, no. |
(PS2AP) |
[52] You're not academic, you don't like it? |
(PS2AR) |
[53] No. |
(PS2AP) |
[54] So what kind of hobbies have you got? [55] Do you do anything like, do you have any friends from work that you see outside of work? [...] |
(PS2AR) |
[56] [...] 's boyfriend, he works here. |
(PS2AP) |
[57] Oh well, you met him, did you meet him here, aha? [58] ... Well it hasn't been a complete loss. [laugh] |
(PS2AR) |
[59] [laugh] Well I don't know. [laugh] |
(PS2AP) |
[60] Do you do anything, I mean do they do, do any trips, like to the lights of Blackpool or anything now? |
(PS2AR) |
[61] Well occasionally somebody runs something but not very often. |
(PS2AP) |
[62] Aha. [63] Do they have a football team now? |
(PS2AR) |
[64] They used to, but [...] don't think, they haven't got one now. |
(PS2AP) |
[65] No, cos [...] |
(PS2AR) |
[66] They've just got a snooker team and a golf club and |
(PS2AP) |
[67] Aha. |
(PS2AR) |
[68] things like that. |
(PS2AP) |
[69] Aye, and are a lot of people involved in that that work in the factory? |
(PS2AR) |
[70] Just the men. |
(PS2AP) |
[71] Mhm, the women don't have any clubs then? |
(PS2AR) | [laugh] |
(PS2AP) |
[72] Och no, we can't have that, you'll |
(PS2AR) | [laugh] |
(PS2AP) |
[73] have to start some. [laugh] |
(PS2AR) |
[74] No just the men. |
(PS2AP) |
[75] Just the men, what's the kind of proportion of women to men in the factory? |
(PS2AR) |
[76] I'd say it was about half and half in the factory but higher up it's all men. |
(PS2AP) |
[77] All men aha. |
Ken (PS2AS) |
[78] Does that bug you? |
(PS2AR) |
[79] Not really, it doesn't annoy me but I know there are some ... like women older than me in ... in my office that know they're not gonna get anywhere because it's all men. |
Ken (PS2AS) |
[80] Mhm. |
(PS2AP) |
[81] Mhm. [82] [...] a wee bit of resentment? |
(PS2AR) |
[83] Aye, cos about six month ago there was a job come up in our office for like a trainee assistant manager type, well an assistant to an assistant manager [laughing] kind of thing [] so I applied for it and another woman in the office applied for it cos she's been here for like sixteen years or whatever. |
(PS2AP) |
[84] Mhm. |
(PS2AR) |
[85] So, and she knew about the office, and I knew about the office and knew everything they were wanting me to know but a man got it from outside so |
(PS2AP) |
[86] Oh right. |
(PS2AR) |
[87] It was a bit |
(PS2AP) |
[88] Aha. |
Ken (PS2AS) |
[89] Do you ever feel like changing at all? |
(PS2AR) |
[90] No, not really, [...] [laugh] |
(PS2AP) |
[91] [laugh] No it's all men. [92] Do they ever send you on training courses or anything like that? |
(PS2AR) |
[93] No. [...] |
(PS2AP) |
[94] Do you feel your job's secure? |
(PS2AR) |
[95] As long as the factory's here I'll be here I would [...] . |
(PS2AP) |
[96] Mhm. |
(PS2AR) |
[97] It's a job that they need somebody to do, they couldn't just |
(PS2AP) |
[98] Mhm. |
(PS2AR) |
[99] pay you off and things |
(PS2AP) |
[100] Aha. |
(PS2AR) |
[101] would just pile up and [...] , you'd always need somebody. |
(PS2AP) |
[102] Aha, so |
(PS2AR) |
[103] [...] somebody. [laugh] |
(PS2AP) |
[104] Okay? |
Ken (PS2AS) |
[105] Mhm. |
(PS2AP) |
[106] Smashing. |