BNC Text H4T

Medical consultations. Sample containing about 418 words speech recorded in public context

2 speakers recorded by respondent number C293

PS204 Ag5 m (No name, age 60, general practitioner) unspecified
PS205 X f (Suzanne, age unknown) unspecified

1 recordings

  1. Tape 090916 recorded on 1993-04-13. LocationStrathclyde: Glasgow ( doctor's surgery ) Activity: medical consultation

Undivided text

(PS204) [1] Well Suzanne what can I do for you tonight?
Suzanne (PS205) [2] I've been taking this pain under my armpit and it's kind of under back.
[3] You know it's worrying when [...] [...] ?
(PS204) [4] [laugh] Oh good.
[5] I'm gonna enjoy this.
Suzanne (PS205) [6] [laughing] Ah [] .
(PS204) [7] Let's have a wee look in here.
Suzanne (PS205) [8] It's right here.
(PS204) [9] And there?
Suzanne (PS205) [10] And there.
(PS204) [11] Right.
Suzanne (PS205) [12] And right under here.
(PS204) [13] Underneath there.
Suzanne (PS205) [14] You know? [phone rings]
(PS204) [15] Now tell me if I do
Suzanne (PS205) [16] That's sore.
(PS204) [17] Sore in there?
Suzanne (PS205) [18] Aye.
(PS204) [19] If I do that?
Suzanne (PS205) [20] Oh!
[21] [laughing] Ah [] .
(PS204) [22] That's [...]
Suzanne (PS205) [23] [laughing] You enjoyed that [] .
(PS204) [24] Yeah.
[25] I enjoyed that [...] .
[26] [phonecall starts] [...] [telephone conversation ends] Aye.
[27] That's it.
[28] That's all.
[29] [...] on a nerve that goes through there.
[30] And up right and underneath.
Suzanne (PS205) [31] It's, was right in here
(PS204) [32] Mhm.
[33] Right underneath.
[34] That's
Suzanne (PS205) [35] you know?
[36] Where it was kind of
(PS204) [37] right.
Suzanne (PS205) [38] That's [laughing] sore [] .
(PS204) [39] Aha.
[40] Ah.
[41] I'm bad man.
[42] I'm a bad man.
[43] Er are you on any sort of medication at all Suzanne?
[44] Nothing?
Suzanne (PS205) [45] No.
[46] Nothing at all.
(PS204) [47] Nothing?
[48] No er things from the chemists and cough mixtures or anything [...] ?
Suzanne (PS205) [49] No.
[50] Nothing at all.
[51] No.
(PS204) [52] Alright.
[53] ... Cos this is quite strong stuff I'm gonna give you because that's, once that's been there for a week or two it's hard to get it shifted.
[54] And you really need to get fairly strong stuff to get it going.
[55] ... Now because it's this strong, never take it on an empty stomach.
Suzanne (PS205) [56] Right.
(PS204) [57] Right?
[58] Always have something in your stomach.
[59] Even if it's just a biscuit.
[60] Bit of toast.
[61] A scone.
[62] Anything.
Suzanne (PS205) [63] Right.
(PS204) [64] And you're north [...] ?
Suzanne (PS205) [65] North .
[66] Aye.
(PS204) [67] Forgotten your number.
Suzanne (PS205) [68] Forty five.
(PS204) [69] [whispering] Forty five [] . [cough]
Suzanne (PS205) [70] [...] er it's virtually [...] and the constipation.
(PS204) [71] Mhm.
Suzanne (PS205) [72] What is it?
[73] Is it just a bottle?
(PS204) [74] It's a bottle.
[75] Mm.
[76] Yeah.
[77] Just give a weeny, just a half a teaspoonful of that.
[78] And that will get it eased no bother at all.
[79] ... Is he on solids now or is he still
Suzanne (PS205) [80] Aye.
[81] Yes.
[82] But he he's never eat any of those for three days.
(PS204) [83] He's just picky.
Suzanne (PS205) [84] He's been bothered with constipation for months but the, the, now when he does do it he's screaming you know?
[85] It [...] when he's
(PS204) [86] Right.
Suzanne (PS205) [87] doing it?
(PS204) [...] [...]
Suzanne (PS205) [88] But as I say he's never done any of it for a couple of days.
(PS204) [89] Right.
[90] That ... that's [...] lubricant that'll loosen it and let it work its way through nice and gently.
[91] Cos th without actually forcing it at all.
Suzanne (PS205) [92] Right.
(PS204) [93] So it will all come through and not too, you know without too much bother.
Suzanne (PS205) [94] That's fine.
(PS204) [95] Okay?
[96] Right Suzanne.
Suzanne (PS205) [97] Right.
[98] Thanks very much.
(PS204) [99] Right.
[100] Cheerio now.
Suzanne (PS205) [...]