BNC Text H55

Medical consultations. Sample containing about 211 words speech recorded in public context

4 speakers recorded by respondent number C304

PS20T Ag5 m (No name, age 60, general practitioner) unspecified
PS20U X f (Carol, age unknown) unspecified
H55PSUNK (respondent W0000) X u (Unknown speaker, age unknown) other
H55PSUGP (respondent W000M) X u (Group of unknown speakers, age unknown) other

1 recordings

  1. Tape 091009 recorded on 1993-04. LocationStrathclyde: Glasgow ( doctor's surgery ) Activity: medical consultation

Undivided text

(PS20T) [1] Come in. ...
Carol (PS20U) [2] Hello.
(PS20T) [3] Hello.
[4] ... Aye.
[5] What can we do for this lady?
Carol (PS20U) [6] Er it's just to see if I could get a repeat prescription for the pill.
(PS20T) [7] [...] ?
[8] Mm.
[9] Which one is it [...] ?
Carol (PS20U) [10] Er I think it's Marvelon
(PS20T) [11] Marvelon [...] Marvelon ... No problems with
Carol (PS20U) [12] No.
(PS20T) [13] your taking it? ...
(PS20T) [14] [...] . ... [...] [...]
Carol (PS20U) [...]
(PS20T) [15] That's okay.
[16] ... Mm.
[17] [...] you to sign one of these crazy forms?
[18] ... And erm I need to check your blood pressure Carol, and I'll get the girls to get one of these forms for you to fill in.
Carol (PS20U) [19] Right.
(PS20T) [20] Right, so [...] go and do that.
Carol (PS20U) [...] ...
(PS20T) [21] [...] you sit yourself
Carol (PS20U) [...]
(PS20T) [22] you just sit down there. ...
Carol (PS20U) [23] What's the form for?
(PS20T) [24] Oh, it's just [...]
Carol (PS20U) [...]
(PS20T) [25] a wee forms
Carol (PS20U) [26] Is it?
(PS20T) [27] for [...] that's for the civil service to run around and play games with.
Carol (PS20U) [laugh]
(PS20T) [28] Aye, that's what they're all for.
[29] ... Yeah.
[30] Fine.
[31] [...] . No problem.
[32] Just two, two seconds I'll get one of
Carol (PS20U) [...]
(PS20T) [33] these forms. ...
Unknown speaker (H55PSUNK) [...]
(PS20T) [34] Oh Hello.
[35] Hello monster. ... [...]
Unknown speaker (H55PSUNK) [...]
(PS20T) [36] Oops.
[37] Sorry!
Unknown speaker (H55PSUNK) [38] Okay. ...
(PS20T) [39] Now.
[40] ... [...] that out the way.
[41] Too many pockets that's what the trouble is.
[42] If I get you to sign [...] on that line there [...] .
Carol (PS20U) [43] Right.
(PS20T) [44] Right Carol? ...
Carol (PS20U) [45] Anything else I have to [...] ?
(PS20T) [46] No, that's all.
Carol (PS20U) [47] Is that okay?
(PS20T) [48] That's, that's lovely.
[49] Fine [...] I'll fill in the rest.
Carol (PS20U) [50] Right.
[51] Thank you [...] .
(PS20T) [52] Right.
[53] Okay Carol?
[54] Bye now.