BNC Text H5P

Medical consultation. Sample containing about 791 words speech recorded in public context

2 speakers recorded by respondent number C321

PS2D3 Ag5 m (No name, age 60, general practitioner) unspecified
PS2D4 Ag5 m (Thomas, age 70) unspecified

1 recordings

  1. Tape 099405 recorded on 1993-04. LocationStrathclyde: Lanark ( doctor's surgery ) Activity: medical consultation

Undivided text

(PS2D3) [1] Good morning Thomas.
[2] Well now
Thomas (PS2D4) [3] [...] aye.
(PS2D3) [4] what can we do for you today?
[5] ... Thank you.
[6] What can we do for you today, Tom?
Thomas (PS2D4) [7] Ah ... [...] she's not getting out of bed at all.
(PS2D3) [8] She's not?
Thomas (PS2D4) [9] No.
[10] She's not.
(PS2D3) [11] Aye.
[12] ... Well we'll get the specialist to go in and see her and see what he makes of her, see if he can get her back on her feet.
[13] ... She still in bed all the time?
Thomas (PS2D4) [14] Aye.
[15] Aye. ...
(PS2D3) [16] What about her leg?
[17] How's it doing?
Thomas (PS2D4) [18] It's not doing very good.
(PS2D3) [19] Is it not?
Thomas (PS2D4) [20] No.
[21] ... No it is not.
[22] ... She [...] that er that cream, and I couldn't [...] doing it any good.
(PS2D3) [23] Is it not?
Thomas (PS2D4) [24] No.
[25] No. ...
(PS2D3) [26] Right.
[27] ... Oh I'll get that sorted out for you.
[28] No problem.
Thomas (PS2D4) [29] Mm.
(PS2D3) [30] And what about yourself Thomas, how are you doing?
Thomas (PS2D4) [31] Och.
[32] Up and down. [laugh]
(PS2D3) [33] Good days and bad days.
Thomas (PS2D4) [34] Aye.
[35] Up and down.
[36] Er ... I wanted ... some tablets Doctor.
(PS2D3) [37] Some tablets?
Thomas (PS2D4) [38] Aye.
[39] Chest trouble, you know.
(PS2D3) [40] Right.
[41] ... And your ... your stomach.
[42] Bottle, are you needing some more of that Tom?
Thomas (PS2D4) [43] Aye aye aye aye er [...] . ...
(PS2D3) [44] And your Paraven
Thomas (PS2D4) [45] Parav plenty of Paraven
(PS2D3) [46] Plenty of them Tom?
Thomas (PS2D4) [47] Aye.
(PS2D3) [48] What about the Cimetidine
Thomas (PS2D4) [49] Aye, I need them.
(PS2D3) [50] You need some of them?
Thomas (PS2D4) [51] Aye. [...] . ...
(PS2D3) [52] Now what about Alice, is she needing?
Thomas (PS2D4) [53] Aye er ... [...] er Lus Lustril
(PS2D3) [54] Need some of the Lustorol
Thomas (PS2D4) [55] Lustorol ... Bolterol er
(PS2D3) [56] And Bolterol
Thomas (PS2D4) [57] [...] ... Er Ni Nikram,Ni Nikram tablets.
[58] Nikram
(PS2D3) [59] Nikram
Thomas (PS2D4) [60] Nikram [...] tablets.
(PS2D3) [61] What's she taking that for Tom?
Thomas (PS2D4) [62] Inflammation. ...
(PS2D3) [63] She's only supposed to take that for a week at a time Tom.
Thomas (PS2D4) [64] Er is she?
(PS2D3) [65] Aye.
[66] That's dangerous stuff that.
Thomas (PS2D4) [67] Is it?
(PS2D3) [68] Aye.
[69] If she takes that for more than seven days it can poison her system.
Thomas (PS2D4) [70] Oh aye.
(PS2D3) [71] So le leave it off just now,
Thomas (PS2D4) [72] Aye.
(PS2D3) [73] is she still getting trouble with the inflammation?
Thomas (PS2D4) [74] Aye, aye,
(PS2D3) [75] Is she?
Thomas (PS2D4) [76] aye.
(PS2D3) [77] Right.
[78] ... Well Nikram was fine thirty years ago, but it, it's too dangerous now.
Thomas (PS2D4) [79] Ah, ah, ah.
(PS2D3) [80] Cos er it was alright
Thomas (PS2D4) [81] Ah.
(PS2D3) [82] way back in the old days but ... Now then,
Thomas (PS2D4) [83] Er some Stella Stelladine
(PS2D3) [84] Some Stellazine
Thomas (PS2D4) [85] Stellazine aye. ...
(PS2D3) [86] And
Thomas (PS2D4) [87] Norvex?
[88] Nordex
(PS2D3) [89] Sorry, Norvex
Thomas (PS2D4) [90] Norvex aye. ...
(PS2D3) [91] No.
[92] Don't know that one.
Thomas (PS2D4) [93] Mm.
(PS2D3) [94] Wh what's that one for Tom?
Thomas (PS2D4) [95] Er ... what was that one for? ... [...] tablets and then capsules. ...
(PS2D3) [96] Oh right, right.
[97] Capsules.
[98] Right.
Thomas (PS2D4) [99] [...] ... [...] Nor it's er Nor Normax, Normax tablets.
(PS2D3) [100] Normax That's right.
[101] That's right.
[102] Right.
Thomas (PS2D4) [...]
(PS2D3) [103] Erm aye.
[104] That's right.
[105] That's the one,
Thomas (PS2D4) [106] Aye.
(PS2D3) [107] that's the one.
Thomas (PS2D4) [108] [...] Normax ...
(PS2D3) [109] That's that.
[110] ... And ... there we are young Thomas.
[111] Th keep that going for a wee while again.
Thomas (PS2D4) [112] Aye. ...
(PS2D3) [113] See if we can get her ready for the dancing.
Thomas (PS2D4) [114] Mhm.
[115] Mhm.
[116] ... Er she, she brought up er a, a black [...] it was all, all black.
(PS2D3) [117] Mhm.
Thomas (PS2D4) [118] All black.
(PS2D3) [119] Aye.
Thomas (PS2D4) [120] And er ... she was gonna [...] er ... erm [...] .
(PS2D3) [121] Mm.
Thomas (PS2D4) [122] The black mass she [...] up.
(PS2D3) [123] That's right.
[124] That's, that's the Voltarol probably doing that to her.
Thomas (PS2D4) [125] Voltarol
(PS2D3) [126] Aye.
[127] That'll be the Voltarol doing that to her.
Thomas (PS2D4) [128] Aye.
[129] Aye.
(PS2D3) [130] She'll need to watch she doesn't take too many of them.
Thomas (PS2D4) [131] Mm.
(PS2D3) [132] Cos they must be a wee bit too strong.
Thomas (PS2D4) [133] Ah, aye, aye.
(PS2D3) [134] So keep her ... three a day.
[135] No more than three a day and if
Thomas (PS2D4) [136] Three a day.
[137] Aye.
[138] Aye.
(PS2D3) [139] you can keep her down at two, so much the better.
Thomas (PS2D4) [140] Ah, aye.
(PS2D3) [141] But tell her she'll need to watch because that's the Voltarol
Thomas (PS2D4) [142] Mm.
(PS2D3) [143] beginning to react
Thomas (PS2D4) [144] Aye.
[145] And the other ones too?
(PS2D3) [146] choke her.
Thomas (PS2D4) [147] [...] the other ones.
[148] The er that erm ... what do you call it ... erm when you [...] very dangerous.
[149] I've been telling her about that and all.
(PS2D3) [150] Aye, tell her about that one as well.
Thomas (PS2D4) [151] Aye.
[152] Aye.
(PS2D3) [153] Aye, that, it'd be the Voltarol that would give her the, the black stuff coming through.
Thomas (PS2D4) [154] Black stuff, aye.
[155] Coming through, aye, aye.
(PS2D3) [156] That would do that.
[157] But the Negram er it can put her blood right away down.
Thomas (PS2D4) [158] Oh.
(PS2D3) [159] Within, within two or three days.
Thomas (PS2D4) [160] Mm.
(PS2D3) [161] If she takes too much.
Thomas (PS2D4) [162] Too many?
(PS2D3) [163] Aye.
[164] So tell her or else.
Thomas (PS2D4) [165] Aye, yeah.
(PS2D3) [166] Or else [mimicking ferocity]
Thomas (PS2D4) [laugh]
(PS2D3) [167] she'll get a punch.
[168] And er ... what's er what's wrong with her leg at all, is it inflammation did she say?
Thomas (PS2D4) [169] Aha, yeah.
[170] Inflammation in the ligaments in there.
(PS2D3) [171] [...] aye, aye.
[172] We'll get it cut off and put in the bin, that's what they'll do with it.
Thomas (PS2D4) [laugh]
(PS2D3) [173] [laughing] Don't tell her I said that.
[174] Don't tell her I said that or she'll be up ... fighting me [] .
Thomas (PS2D4) [laugh]
(PS2D3) [175] Er what else er n you got
Thomas (PS2D4) [176] Er
(PS2D3) [177] everything for yourself?
Thomas (PS2D4) [178] I've, I've got everything, aye.
(PS2D3) [179] You've got everything?
Thomas (PS2D4) [180] Aye [...] . [laugh]
(PS2D3) [181] [laughing] Right.
[182] Right Tom [] .
Thomas (PS2D4) [183] Alright.
(PS2D3) [184] Okay now, go easy, and we'll get that, we'll get something sorted out for her.
Thomas (PS2D4) [185] Aye.
[186] Aye.
(PS2D3) [187] We'll let you know.
[188] Okay?
Thomas (PS2D4) [189] Okay, right.
(PS2D3) [190] Right Tom.
Thomas (PS2D4) [191] Right you are.
(PS2D3) [192] Okay.
[193] Right,
Thomas (PS2D4) [194] Cheerio.
(PS2D3) [195] cheerio now.