BNC Text H5R

Medical consultation. Sample containing about 158 words speech recorded in public context

2 speakers recorded by respondent number C322

PS2D5 Ag5 m (No name, age 60, general practitioner) unspecified
PS2D6 X m (Charlie, age unknown) unspecified

1 recordings

  1. Tape 099406 recorded on 1993-04. LocationStrathclyde: Lanark ( doctor's surgery ) Activity: medical consultation

Undivided text

(PS2D5) [1] Good morning.
Charlie (PS2D6) [2] Er, it's an insurance [...] .
(PS2D5) [3] [...] . ...
Charlie (PS2D6) [4] Updated for yesterday.
(PS2D5) [5] [whispering] [...] twelfth [...] [] ...
Charlie (PS2D6) [6] Can you give us a prescription for these?
(PS2D5) [7] Just some more of those?
[8] Aye, sure.
[9] That's that covered.
[10] That.
[11] ... Twenty second [whispering] [...] []
Charlie (PS2D6) [12] Twenty sixth I've got an interview. ...
(PS2D5) [13] Are these helping?
Charlie (PS2D6) [14] Aye.
(PS2D5) [15] Good. ...
Charlie (PS2D6) [16] Aye, [...] I think I've a wee touch of the flu.
(PS2D5) [17] You must be the only one
Charlie (PS2D6) [18] Is it back?
(PS2D5) [19] [laugh] Oh aye.
Charlie (PS2D6) [20] Aye?
(PS2D5) [21] Oh, it's never been away.
Charlie (PS2D6) [22] Oh, I feel terrible this morning.
(PS2D5) [23] Never been away, it's been ... the last month [...]
Charlie (PS2D6) [24] Oh I never caught it, right enough, but I feel as if I've caught it now.
(PS2D5) [25] [whispering] Well let's see if [] we can get things quietened down for your life.
[26] Have it easy.
[27] In the past month in here, well, it's been like that every day.
[28] Been like that every day, there's never been a, a quiet day.
[29] ... There we are Charlie, that'll keep that right for you.
Charlie (PS2D6) [30] Okay, thanks.
(PS2D5) [31] Okay,
Charlie (PS2D6) [...]
(PS2D5) [32] right.
[33] Cheerio now.
Charlie (PS2D6) [34] Cheerio.