PS2MS | X | m | (Graham, age unknown, managing director) unspecified |
HDXPSUNK (respondent W0000) | X | u | (Unknown speaker, age unknown) other |
HDXPSUGP (respondent W000M) | X | u | (Group of unknown speakers, age unknown) other |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[1] So certain things on testing. [2] You're probably very proud of your masterpiece, and erm, there's ot there's the temptation to keep making minor improvements, just to make it a bit better. [3] Er, but any change you make to a computer system, is likely to introduce bugs into the system, so that it doesn't give the right answers any more. [4] Er, so you have to resist that temptation. [5] If there's something that isn't working, there's a well known adage with computers, don't fix it. [6] Erm, what you need to do is, if you can, save up all the changes, for one batch and then do them all together. [7] Cos there's economy to scale on, first economy is the scale on understanding the system. [8] Before you can make changes to the system, you have to understand it, and that takes an awful long time. [9] Er, so there's economy to scale on that, and there's the economy to scale on testing too. [10] If you have to test ... an something, then there's economy to scale if you test the ten things instead of one. [11] ... Erm, when you start testing, you shouldn't input the real numbers, to start with. [12] You shouldn't start with nice simple constant numbers, maybe thousands all the way across, cos the eye's very good at detecting irregular patterns, and when you put nice simple numbers in, the eye can see these irregular patterns clearly, and highlighting errors. [13] On this spreadsheet here, I haven't input my s constant round numbers. [14] [cough] If you look at that spreadsheet, then nothing seems wrong with that, seems okay. [15] [...] seems wrong certainly. [16] But if I put nice round numbers in, the green cells are the input cells. [17] Thousand across all the columns here, erm, nice round numbers input elsewhere. [18] Then most of the, the rows also come out with nice round numbers, except this one row here, stands out. [19] Numbers look a bit odd there. [20] I'll have to investigate. [21] So you start with nice, you may then change one or two of the numbers, to check various aspects. [22] You start with nice constant round simple numbers. [23] There's all sorts of ex it's probably impractical to test every single cell. [24] You have to concentrate too on extremes, the first and the last in a row or a column. [25] Erm, there's no many different aspects of two extremes. [26] Does anybody here write spreadsheets for other people to use? [27] So it's solely for your own use. [28] If you write a spreadsheet for somebody else, you might be using a sixty six megahertz four eight six duel processor erm, spaceship, and, somebody is using a steam driven I B M A T or something, and it runs quite acceptably on your machine, [...] a reasonable speed, and you give it to somebody else on that steam driven thing, and it takes ages to do anything, and er, you press a button and they wait half an hour ... sort of thing. [29] This happened to you ... some way or other? [30] You need [...] to research into this, don't you? [31] But it's given you a spreadsheet it takes ages to load it |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[32] [...] even load it. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[33] So, there's that to consider as well if you're writing spreadsheets for other people. [34] Erm. [35] When you finish testing, well, as you test you start off with simple numbers and you then start changing some of the numbers, to test other aspects, and eventually you're happy that everything seems to be working alright. [36] Now, what you probably do is just reset all the input cells back to zero. [37] Erm, and you lose that test data set. [38] It's a good idea to keep that test data, because later on, you're almost certainly going to make changes and you'll therefore need to re-test the system, and a quick way to re-test the system is to put all that test data in again and see if you get the same answers. [39] And if you don't, then you can see very quickly what's gone wrong, and probably where it's gone wrong, as well. [40] So, keep that test data set. [41] That's another good reason for keeping all your inputs in a separate area. [42] It then makes it easy to save all your inputs into a separate file, when they're all in one separate input area. [43] If you've got them scattered about all over the place, it makes it much more difficult to try and save them, [...] and, later on, get the data back in. [44] It's very easy to do all in one separate area combine and put the test data file back in again, but very difficult when scattered about. [45] Erm, [...] said that. [46] No matter how erm, simple or small a change you're making, you'll probably think oh, that's bound to work, no need to test that, such a simple change. [47] You'd be surprised. [48] You have to test every single thing. [49] Now even if you test things thoroughly as you're building your spreadsheets, then it's quite possible that something you do later on affects something you do earlier on. [50] So, you need to go back when you finish the whole system, and test everything again. [51] Erm, but you won't remember all the things to test, as you forget very quickly, so as you're building the spreadsheet, you ought to write down a list of things you're going to go back and test. [52] Sorry. [53] [...] that's a point [...] testing certain aspects. [54] It'll often pay to think about er, the order in which you test. [55] Because if yo if you got to the end of testing and then you found an error, you might have to go all the way back to the beginning again, because what it affects affects something that you did earlier on, so you have to go back and test everything again. [56] But if you thought about the order that you test, then, if something doesn't work, you may only have to go back a few steps and re-test. [57] When do you enter? [58] Yeah, well, that's a fact of life for [...] the boasts out. [59] I suppose you might [...] a very simple spreadsheet, then er, just adding up a column of numbers is hardly get that wrong. [60] Er, that's true. [61] But then there are underlying boasts in One Two Three and in DOS and a certain rare combination of circumstances, it's possible that [...] . [62] It's highly unlikely that summing up a single column of [...] numbers. [63] But it's possible. [64] This could be certain circumstances, and there are, when you get the wrong answer. [65] That column of numbers. [66] If you knew what the combination of circumstances were, then you could perhaps re-do your spreadsheet with a different way to avoid it. [67] But, er, you're not going to know all bugs that there are in the software. [68] But having said that, if the something doesn't work. [69] Well, human nature being what it is, then erm, you're likely to blame Lotus. [70] So oh, Lotus is not working properly. [71] But ninety nine times out of a hundred, it's your spreadsheet that's at fault. [72] You had this experience before? [73] Blamed it on Lotus [...] . [74] Test, er, documenting in the next topic. [75] The same reasons as er, testing, er, you ought to do it as you go. [76] Because if you come back later on, and try and document your spreadsheets, then an awful lot is forgotten. [77] So you have to spend time or time to re-understand what you were doing before you can document it properly. [78] When I write a system for a client, then I do the documentation in advance ... of writing the system. [79] Erm,an another advantage of doing that is, it ensures that you do in other things, which is design a system. [80] Nobody documents the spreadsheets. [81] Nobody designs the system. [82] People just jump straight in, do the first bit, erm, having done the first bit, they then think about how they're gonna fit in the next bit, and you end up with a rambling mess that er, doesn't fit together, doesn't work together too well. [83] If you plan things as in most in life, if you plan ahead, you can actually er, do it a lot quicker. [84] And that certainly applies to building computer systems. [85] Planning ahead, building your spreadsheets. [86] You probably end up writing the system file quicker, and have a much simpler system which also maintain in far less time. [87] You can also have far less errors etcetera. [88] So, if you do the documentation in advance in the documentation ... yeah, in the documentation, I explain what spreadsheets there are, where things are on the spreadsheets, the various procedures for how to do certain things. [89] You do this, this, this, go here and there, and go there, do that and so on. [90] You've actually thought through exactly erm, how the spreadsheet is going to be designed. [91] Er, now certain documentation are very valuable. [92] One of those is the spreadsheet map. [93] It's a bird's eye view as to where everything is on the spreadsheet. [94] So this is the whole spreadsheet, and erm, these green boxes within the spreadsheet, are the different areas within the spreadsheet. [95] Erm, so in the top left of this spreadsheet I've got some documentation, below that some blank rows, a key parameter section here. [96] Below that to the right, is some imported data, and so on. [97] So I know where things are on the spreadsheets. [98] And not only that, I've written some text on the spreadsheet showing the process that's going on. [99] So the first thing that happens is data gets er, imported into the spreadsheet here, and second thing that could happen is er, the unwanted records get deleted. [100] Step three, is something called run flags, so something specific to this spreadsheet gets extracted, and so on. [101] So I've got a good idea what's going on on that spreadsheet, what's on it, where it is, and what's happen what happens [...] in the processes. [102] They're very useful pieces of documentation. [103] As I was saying before, the most important thing to understand is the overview. [104] Once you understand the overview, you can start to work your way, and understand the individual detail. [105] Er, it's a good idea to got documentation actually on the spreadsheet itself, because then it doesn't go missing. [106] [cough] I'll put the file name, the date, and time, that's what we were talking about before. [107] If you want a file naming convention, you might want to explain the different elements of the file name. [108] Erm, if you're responsible, you might want to put your name down, if you're the creator of this spreadsheet. [109] You probably don't want to do this, I would imagine. [110] But anybody who inherits your spreadsheet in the future erm [phone rings] ... Anybody who inherits your spreadsheet in the future may want to understand something about it, so you're obviously going to be a good source of providing that information. [111] Or there's anybody in your own organization who is responsible [...] name the PCs and the files etcetera may want to know, is this your file. [112] Do you want to delete it or whatever. [113] It might be useful to know who was doing that. [114] Erm, even if you inherit some spreadsheets from this person that's left, that's useful knowledge because you don't have to spend time searching for whoever might have created this spreadsheet. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[115] Erm, this is a general method [...] spreadsheet that Harlow's code handled it applications and [...] department say that erm, [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[116] Did you hear that? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[117] Yeah. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[118] She had to stay here to midnight. [119] [laugh] [cough] Right, erm. [120] So, er, what the description [...] was there by the way, it's not meant to be a description of the person. [121] What it is, is this thing that follows, is that any changes you make, any modifications are likely sources of problems. [122] If ... somebody calls you up and says something's not working, always ask, well what did you change recently, and ninety five percent of the time, it's that that's the cause of the problems. [123] The [...] that they changed recently. [124] So you want to make a note of what's changed, so when you make a change, who made it, [...] . [125] A description of the change. [126] Why does this spreadsheet exist? [127] So that's an important thing to know. [128] What's the overall purpose of this spreadsheet? [129] So here is some text explaining that. [130] On this slide I've kept the text pretty small, because [...] stays on this line, but er, you've got more text than I've got there, to explain the purpose of this spreadsheet. [131] [...] and very importantly is er, a list of instructions on how to use it, in order to erm, update it for the current month. [132] You do this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this. [133] To do some other tasks, you do this, this, this, this and this and so on. [134] So you have a list of procedures for erm, what you have to do, and this one will certainly be very useful to anyone else, who's going to use the spreadsheet. [135] But it's also useful for yourself, because you can forget a couple of steps, even though you've built this spreadsheet, and er, when you update this spreadsheet for the following months, you know, occasionally you might forget a step. [136] Well, it's like you check the lists, you can quickly, even if you think you remembered it, [cough] you can still quickly read through [...] to see whether you've done all those different things, and you do sometimes forget, so it's useful for that as well. [137] Er, if you were writing a written article, then you may well include references, or sources of information that, that help you write that article. [138] Same way on your broad spreadsheets, you may include sources of references, mainly people that you've spoken to, that provided you information. [139] Maybe various manuals, such as the Lotus manual. [140] You may be using some particular part in the spreadsheet that you consider to be unusual, er you may want to include a page reference, so that er, [phone rings] you can understand it again ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[141] [phonecall starts] Hello, yeah, yeah, I'll get him to call you back, then, bye, bye [telephone conversation ends] . |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[142] Er, then ... then it, when you're looking at the back, unusual part of the Lotus again, you know which page of the manual to go, or all of the help screens. [143] Tells somebody how to get to particular help screens or people often have difficulty finding things on the help screens, so, some instructions for where to find a particular piece of information on the help screens can be useful. [144] You can create a basic form of map on the spreadsheet. [145] In fact the whizzy-wig, whenever you use it, you don't have to actually draw a diagram, that map that we just saw with boxes and arrows and things, you could draw that on the spreadsheet with the whizzy-wig. [146] On a text spreadsheet though, you can't draw things, but er, you could use some letters positioned roughly where the different parts of the spreadsheet are. [147] So you could, you could create a crude form of map on the spreadsheet, particularly on a text spreadsheet like this. [148] Good idea to have a list of all the file names, cos er, you may want to copy this system to some other computer. [149] But you you'll probably, I would imagine, over a period of time, put a number of extra files in that directory that you're going to need. [150] So identify which of the files you need, er, would be useful, so that's what this would do. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[151] Sorting them [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[152] Okay. [153] Thanks very much, and if you er were to er, accidentally lose some files, you would know which files have gone missing. [154] Er, another useful piece of documentation, is a diagram listing all the files that you've got in your system. [155] So there's a box for each file, and there's a flow of data from one file to another, a little arrow showing how the data passes from one file to another. [156] Er, it'd be a good idea to also write the file names. [157] These are just the descriptions, but the file names would be useful to appear on those ends of those boxes as well. [158] And if you were to write a manual, er, though that's probably unlikely for most of you. [159] Basically, if you write a manual for somebody else to use, then er ... there's a standard layout of manuals, computer manuals, that is to have a Getting Started section, tells you how to instal in ... some of the basics like how to start it running, erm, the How To section is very important. [160] The procedures and how to do certain, certain tasks. [161] You ever used a Lotus manual? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[162] No. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[163] A lot of people don't. [164] Never seen it most people, I don't think. [165] Er, but they have a lot of steps on how to do things. [166] You do this, this, this and this. [167] For all sorts of different tasks. [168] So that's probably the most important part of the manual. [169] Er, with reference section, perhaps describes all parts of the system, and the index is very useful, even though it's only a dozen pages long, your manual. [170] So if you're looking for something, [cough] bit of a pain having to wade through half a dozen pages, if you can go to the index and then jump directly to the relevant page, and then save you a bit of time. [171] On most modern word processing software, it makes it very easy to create an index. [172] Ho who uses any word processing software. [173] What software do you use? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[174] Couple [...] Playwrite. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[175] Playwrite. [176] I'm not sure I'd call that modern word processing. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[177] Does that cre create indexes for you? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[178] No. [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[179] Not that you're aware. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[180] Oh, right. [181] Okay. [182] It it's that what you're used to ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[183] No [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[184] Word for Windows |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[185] Word, Word for Windows, which certainly is, that is a modern word processing package, right. [186] Er, er, any questions on that. [187] Er, have a quick revision, then our final test ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[188] Oh, right, okey-doke, alright, thanks very much. [189] Bye-bye. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[190] See you, Bobbie |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[191] Bye. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[192] Bye, Bobbie. [193] Cheerio. [194] Have a nice weekend. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[195] Thank you very much. ... [revision] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[196] Did you want to go on this side? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[197] So the last time we had a break was er, well, actually, we didn't do the useful formulae, did we, last time? [198] So we can include that in it. [199] ... Right, are you ready? [200] ... Right, I think it's the left turn to go first. [201] Erm, if you got er, a label in B three and another label in B four. [202] How do you enter a formula that joins them together? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[203] Plus B three ampersand B four. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[204] Right, good. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[205] Right. [laugh] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[206] Er, if you got a, a number in one of the cells that you're joining. [207] You got a label in one cell and a number in another cell, you want to formally join the two together, er, what's the formula? ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[208] [...] ... B three B four. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[209] B three B four? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[210] Yeah. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[211] So the number is B four, let's say. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[212] Yes, it is. [213] That's right ... plus ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[214] [...] do you think B three ... |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[215] B three, B four's got the number. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[216] [...] plus B three, erm ... and you got a brackets, that way and erm, B four has the at stream ... |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[217] At stream, yeah. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[218] Open brackets ... no, at stream, open brackets ... |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[219] Yeah. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[220] B four |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[221] Yeah. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[222] Close brackets. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[223] Oh, yeah, er, give you half for that. [224] Put it across to this side, you know the question [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[225] Never done it before. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[226] You didn't get it quite right ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[227] The brain [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[228] [laugh] There would be a plus in front of the ... ampersand ... comma zero you missed [...] th the ampersand |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[229] Ah. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[230] [...] now string B four comma zero four no decimals. [231] Okey-doke. [232] Er, over to the left, erm ... if you're using file combine copy to copy data across, and you want to copy both numbers [...] and er, labels. [233] There may be some formulae, but you don't want the formulae, how do you do it, the file combine copy. [234] What do you do? [235] There's three steps, I want. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[236] Well, the way I'd always done it before was, change it to value, before I combined it. [237] But then you [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[238] Yes. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[239] Yeah. [240] When you got [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[241] [...] three steps. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[242] Yeah. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[243] Yeah. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[244] Oh, is, is it range value. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[245] Ah, well that's one of the steps ... [cough] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[246] [...] you've had it and you combine A [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[247] Ah, well that's another method. [248] I'm saying, if you're using file combine copy, because you want numbers as well as labels ... [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[249] Yes, that's the first step, put it on manual ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[250] Then you do file combine ... |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[251] Then you do the file combine, yeah ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[252] And then you do the ... [...] range copy |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[253] [...] range value ... |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[254] You do range value, do you? [255] Er, and how do you do the range value? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[256] [...] added value to the field that you're [...] into the field that you are in. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[257] You copy it into the field that you're already in. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[258] You copy it to itself. [259] Okay, you can now try. [260] Yes, yeah, there you go. [261] Er, [...] range. [262] Erm ... what's the disadvantage of the, the extract method? [263] That is er saving a range from the prompt file, using extract, and then going into the other file and doing a file combine in that extracted file. [264] What's the disadvantage of that method? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[265] It [...] on things. [266] [...] the extracted file |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[267] [...] take it to the combined product. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[268] Yes, you er, change the from file, and you save it, but then you forget to do the extract. [269] Th that's the, the risk with it. [270] That's the same problem with your method, by the way. [271] If you use range on the from file to copy it, you may change that file, save and forget to range value to a different range. [272] Right, okey- doke, over to the left. [273] Erm, what doesn't file combine add to copy? ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[274] Sorry? |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[275] What doesn't file combine add, copy. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[276] Labels. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[277] Labels, is one thing. [278] There's two things. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[279] Erm |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[280] Formulas. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[281] Formulas. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[282] Formulas, that's it. [283] It doesn't copy labels. [284] Or whatever. [285] Right, the other side. [286] Er, if you create a file linking formulae ... in One Two Three Release Two, erm, when you retrieve a file that contains [cough] the file with the formulae, er, does it update the file links, as you retrieve it? ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[287] That's the question. [288] Yeah, when you retrieve it, does it update the file links automatically, or do you have to do something to make it update? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[289] Update it manual. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[290] [...] Yeah, I thought you did ... |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[291] Yes, why I am asking you ... or I did I say ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[292] [...] it does automatic but it [...] wasn't. [293] ... Isn't that right? |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[294] Yeah, well that's right ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[295] [...] therefore it was on automatic. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[296] Yes, that's right. [297] It is automatic, in Release Two, but it's not in Release Three, that was the other question. [298] Never mind. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[299] Oh, sorry [laugh] [...] two part mistakes. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[300] Across to the er, the left, erm, can you erm, create a file linking formula, that links not just one cell, but a whole range of cells. [301] So you create a range name in the from file that covers [cough] a range of that say ten cells. [302] Erm, does that work? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[303] No. [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[304] You can only do one ... |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[305] Yes, you only link one cell to one cell. [306] That's right. [307] Okey- doke. [308] Erm, in One Two Three Release Three, erm, when you retrieve a file, it doesn't [...] it doesn't automatically update a file. [309] Er, give me two methods of updating ... the linking formulae in Release Three or Four. [310] Two methods. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[311] Does it [...] ... |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[312] Er, in One Two Three Release Three and Four, it doesn't update the, the linking formulae, when you retrieve the file. [313] Er, give me two methods ... for, for how you can update the linking formulae? ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[314] Would it [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[315] No. [316] I'll pass it across. [317] Over here One method? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[318] No. [319] No, the one method was to open the other file, the on the prompt file and the two files. [320] You had both files in memory and automatically updates. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[321] Yeah. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[322] And the other method was to go to the menus and choose, file, admin link refresh. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[323] Alright. [324] Erm, over to the er, left erm ... how do you make a directory? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[325] Go into DOS first. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[326] Into DOS. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[327] I want to create a directory called put off the root directory. [328] Go into DOS, right. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[329] Go into DOS backslash C D. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[330] Backslash ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[331] [...] C D when you can do anything, anything [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[332] Right. [333] So what d how do I make a directory put, then ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[334] M D backslash [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[335] Right. [336] Fine. [337] [...] the root directory. [338] Okey-doke. [339] Er, over to the right. [340] [cough] [...] One Two Three and you want to change the current directory, to point at this directory, put. [341] What do you do? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[342] [...] backslash directory [...] I think you can just type in file. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[343] Yes, file directory, I'll put there then. [344] Okey-doke. [345] Over to the other side, erm. [346] How do you delete all files that have two two in positions three and four, of the file name? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[347] Delete space question make, question mark, what was it? [348] Two two |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[349] Er, twenty two. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[350] Twenty two, asterisk dot asterisk. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[351] Yeah. [352] That's it. [353] The other side. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[354] Sorry. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[355] Only occasionally. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[356] Erm, when you start testing your spreadsheets, what er, type of numbers should you input? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[357] Even or round numbers. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[358] Round numbers. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[359] Nice ro that's one aspect of it, yes. [360] Round numbers. [361] [...] what do you call a round number? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[362] A hundred. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[363] A hundred, yeah, okey-doke. [364] Erm, one aspect ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[365] [...] golden rule [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[366] That's it. [367] Yes, that's without a consistent across all [cough] [...] there. [368] Good. [369] Well done. [370] Er, right, over to the other side. [371] Erm, What's an advantage of having your inputs in a separate area, for the purpose of view testing? [372] Erm, what's the advantage of having your inputs in an separate area from the view of testing? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[373] You can use them again, if you're re-testing. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[374] Yes. [375] Aw use it again, er, yes, can you say a bit more? [laugh] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[376] What do you want me to change? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[377] [...] a bit more. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[378] Er, you could use them again, that's true, but you could do anywhere, I suppose them again but er, |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[379] But that's why you never put them [...] you put them in numbers. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[380] And that means? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[381] Sorry? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[382] Save them. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[383] Save them, extract, yes. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[384] You can save them more easily, than when they're scattered about. [385] Yeah, you can do that. [386] Right, okey-doke. [387] Over to the to the right, erm, give me er three very important parts of the computer documentation? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[388] [...] the design specifications, is that what you mean? [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[389] That's wa that's the overall thing you're talking about is it? [390] No,t the actual ... main parts of the documentation. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[391] Who wrote the spreadsheet. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[392] Because that's detail really, er, I was looking for the main parts. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[393] What, on the spreadsheet or design the spreadsheet. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[394] Er, off or on the spreadsheet. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[395] Sort of like, things like, if you've got a, if [...] contents spreadsheet, where it comes from, what files [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[396] Er, well, you used, well, you're getting a bit more detailed, but wh what is that thing? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[397] Sorry? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[398] [...] cleared out ... having cleared directory [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[399] Clear directory. [400] No, perhaps my question was too vague. [401] I wa wanted sort of major pieces of documentations of the individual details on that documentation schedule, major bits. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[402] The input area. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[403] The report to [...] calculations. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[404] Oh, no that's ... I guess I'll just have to rephrase my question. [405] Er. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[406] Well, what's a spreadsheet map? [407] [laugh] That's another question. [408] [laugh] What do you put on a spreadsheet map? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[409] That's one of the important [...] of the documentation. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[410] [...] and then [...] it then it goes [...] down ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[411] Yeah, then it goes down to [...] to [...] orgies or whatever [laugh] [...] what they are [laugh] [...] has any of that worked? |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[412] I don't know, somebody's spreadsheets [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[413] That's three things that are in there. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[414] So wh how do you, what's on the map? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[415] Erm, come on. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[416] [...] you've got squares ... |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[417] You've got squares ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[418] You've got writing. [laugh] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [laugh] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[419] [...] what the lines what the lines showing ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[420] Showing the cells ... the different cells. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[421] Shows you, yeah, you got boxes showing you where things are on the spreadsheets, and you got some tags saying what those are. [422] You got arrows showing flow of data. [423] What else do you have on the spreadsheets? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[424] Erm, the name of what the, what the erm, spreadsheet looks like. [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[425] Er, not in that, well, there might be on that, but er, but that there [...] what resources are on the spreadsheet. [426] On that batch. [427] How are things that were numbered one, two, three, four, five, six ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[428] Oh, extra process. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[429] Yes, extra processes that are going on. [430] I'll give you er, four for that. [laugh] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[431] [...] well, you didn't get the rest of the question at all. [432] Erm, what ... give me erm, give me erm, seven things [...] yeah, seven things to put on this spreadsheet. [433] Seven pieces of documentation actually on this spreadsheet. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[434] Amendment [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[435] That's one, yes. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[436] Date. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[437] What the amendment was. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[438] The date. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[439] The date, time, file name. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[440] Date, time, file name. [441] Yes, that's two. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[442] Who created it. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[443] Sorry, who created it. [444] Yes, that's three. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[445] Run instructions. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[446] Run instructions. [447] Yes, that's four. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[448] What it's for. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[449] Yes, the purpose of it, that's five. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[450] File names. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[451] Had that one. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[452] The date it's been and updated. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[453] We had that one. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[454] Who updated it. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[455] What it [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[456] We had that one. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[457] References. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[458] I suppose you could, but it's not one of the things I had listed. [459] Did somebody say references? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[460] Yeah. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[461] What did you mean? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[462] [laugh] Who do you talk to if you need any information. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[463] Oh yes, that's right, yes reference. [464] That's the right thing. [465] Six. [466] One more ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[467] Give us a clue. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[468] I've just talked about it. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[469] Who to talk to? |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[470] Sorry? [471] We've just talked about it in this room. [472] The other thing. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[473] [...] the map. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[474] The map. [475] That's it. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[476] Well done, [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[477] Shall I give them that? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[478] That's a quarter. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[479] Quarter. [laugh] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[480] I'll give you that, |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[481] [...] yeah. [482] Right, over to the right, erm ... erm, give me another important piece of documentation. [483] Map was one ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[484] The invoice. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[485] The invoice. [486] I'll pass it across. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[487] [...] created |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[488] How about the user manual? |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[489] Well, yes, er well ... that's one I was after. [490] There's two pieces that are missing. [491] Not including the user manuals. [492] Can't give you that one. [493] [laugh] Two other useful pieces of documentation. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[494] What amount. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[495] No, he [...] he's said that one before. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[496] Is there a design document? |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[497] Well, may well be, but er, I wasn't after that ... Has anybody think of anything? [498] We only did it er, seven minutes ago, it shows you how quickly you forget. [499] Er, list of the file names, that's one of them, and one of them, open this to everybody, anybody who can get it, gets a point. [blowing nose] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[500] What directories in it. |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[501] No, well, maybe, but er, it wasn't what I was after. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[502] [...] updated modifications ... |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[503] Er, well, that's part of what's on the spreadsheet, [...] It's some sort of diagram. |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[504] Sorry? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[505] Not exactly, well, not exactly [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[506] Diagram representing the things that are in the system ... |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[507] [...] folders |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[508] Files is that what you said? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[509] I said folders actually [laugh] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[510] Yeah, files. [laugh] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[511] Well, you already got one [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[512] Well, I don't think anybody got it really. [513] There was too many [...] . [514] So let's see, the left got seven, that's nine, and the right got er, three, four [...] |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) |
[515] Who's that for? |
Unknown speaker (HDXPSUNK) | [...] |
Graham (PS2MS) |
[516] Right, thank you all very much for having [...] formulas now. |