PS3FM | Ag2 | f | (Fiona, age 30+, local councillor, artist, Interviewee) unspecified |
PS3FN | X | f | (liz davies, age unknown, radio presenter, Interviewer) unspecified |
PS3FP | Ag1 | f | (No name, age 17+, student) unspecified |
PS3FR | Ag1 | f | (Jenny, age 17+, student) unspecified |
PS3FS | Ag1 | f | (Lucy, age 17+, student) unspecified |
HVAPSUNK (respondent W0000) | X | u | (Unknown speaker, age unknown) other |
HVAPSUGP (respondent W000M) | X | u | (Group of unknown speakers, age unknown) other |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[1] Well yes since leaving college yes it's been predominantly figurative and I always take my subject matter from things that I've seen which have interested me for one reason or another. |
liz davies (PS3FN) |
[2] Which college did you go to? |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[3] I went to Edinburgh College of Art. |
liz davies (PS3FN) |
[4] Is it a while since you were at school here then? |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[5] Yes it's in fact er I left school here in nineteen seventy six so it's eleven years since I was here. [6] But I've been back recently as a teacher so it's I've to do a quick change act from a twin-set and pearls into a beret and er smock [laughing] to become an artist [] . |
liz davies (PS3FN) |
[7] What sort of questions have the children been asking you? |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[8] Well they've been very direct and they've been having to make me think a lot about what I'm doing. [9] They asked me first of all why I paint on paper and I'm using older [...] to paint on. [10] And I explained to them it's because having been unemployed [laughing] most of my [] professional life that I've always been short of money and that's what's led me to work on very cheap materials. [11] So I explained it's mostly a practical thing. [12] There's not the mystery around it really and I've sort of made that into one of my points about =bout my work and also erm I always thought perhaps once I became wealthy and had money I would do real paintings in oil and canvass. [13] But er I then explained to them that I realize that it doesn't actually matter and it's the quality of the image that you produce that matters and not what it's made of or on. [14] So I try an encourage them that their images and what they chose to make pictures of are as important as my ones. |
liz davies (PS3FN) |
[15] Have you ever had Arts Council grant assistance or grants from any other source? |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[16] No. [17] I've had indirect help through the [...] Arts Centre and the Traverse Gallery but I've never had funding paid to me directly in any way or prizes or anything like that. |
liz davies (PS3FN) |
[18] So it's not an easy life? |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[19] No but I think you do I mean I manage. [20] And in a way I'm quite glad to be outside that circuit because my existence as a an artist is in many ways more real than to be cosseted by Arts Council money. ... |
(PS3FP) |
[21] It's been good I like [...] I really like the way she's used [...] . [22] I think it's really relevant to the pictures I think it's really good. [23] And I think that Marion's it's awful sort of bold and bright and I'm not so keen on that. |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[24] Are you hoping to take up art after you leave school? |
(PS3FP) |
[25] Well I did think about it but the Careers Officer advised me no cos he thought that you have to be really really good before y get in and he asked me if I thought I was really good and I said that well I was not too bad but and he said that he thought it would be better to concentrate on something else. [26] It's quite difficult to get a job afterwards too it's quite hard to make money [...] after you have come out of college. |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[27] Are you going to give it a try though? |
(PS3FP) |
[28] I don't know [...] made my mind up yet. |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[29] Jenny, what have you enjoyed about watching these two at work? |
Jenny (PS3FR) |
[30] Well I think it's been awful interesting to see the pictures develop and like they're so rough at first and they're [...] and more developed and they're more things in them and the colours are getting more definite and everything. |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[31] How much do you paint yourself apart from in school? |
Jenny (PS3FR) |
[32] I've just sort of painted recently so I do a bit but no much. |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[33] Are you going to take it up? |
Jenny (PS3FR) |
[34] No [laughing] I don't think so [] . |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[35] Too hard a life? |
Jenny (PS3FR) |
[36] Yes I would say so [laugh] |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[37] Do you like er colour work or abstract work or more figurative work, which do you like best? |
Jenny (PS3FR) |
[38] Well I think colour's awful important so I liked in Marion's an awful lot. [39] That was very good. |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[40] What what did you like about the work Lucy? |
Lucy (PS3FS) |
[41] Erm I like Marion's because of the the colours in it but I didn't I didn't really like Fiona's because I didn't think it was vivid enough. [42] Whereas Marion's sort of it it didn't tell a story like what erm Fiona's did but it was just it's the kind of painting I like. |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[43] Has it been an interesting experience then for you all seeing artists so close and at work? |
Unknown speaker (HVAPSUNK) |
[44] Yes definitely |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[45] Would you like to have more of it? |
Unknown speaker (HVAPSUNK) |
[46] Yes |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[47] How much has it made you think then about your own painting just watching these two hard at work? |
Lucy (PS3FS) |
[48] Maybe I'm just a bit too careful with what I do. [49] I don't like they've both they've worked as they've gone along and haven't been scared to put colours in and things. [50] Whereas when I work I'm sort of too careful I think I'm too scared to do something. |
Jenny (PS3FR) |
[51] Well I think like Lucy said it has made you think about the [...] really. [52] You put the paint on thick you no to be too careful and just er do what you feel like you know just what you think you should. |
(PS3FP) |
[53] I agree with Jenny but I don't think I am too frightened to slop on paint cos you know since I've started doing pallet knife paintings cos it's really made me feel fair more confident. |
Fiona (PS3FM) |
[54] Would you all say that? |
Unknown speaker (HVAPSUNK) |
[55] Yes |
(PS3FP) |
[56] Well I'm trying [laughing] anyway [] . [recording ends] |