BNC Text KB8

34 conversations recorded by `Ann2' (PS14B) on 3 April 1992 with 37 interlocutors, totalling 12018 s-units, 78798 words, and over 8 hours 19 minutes 57 seconds of recordings.

38 speakers recorded by respondent number 601

PS14B Ag4 f (Ann, age 53, registered childminder, Central Northern England, )
PS14C Ag4 m (James, age 57, charge nurse, North-east England, ) husband
PS14D Ag0 f (Rebecca, age 9, student, North-east England, ) friend
PS14E Ag0 f (Amy, age 8, student, North-east England, ) friend
PS14F Ag0 m (Matthew, age 8, student, North-east England, ) friend
PS14H Ag0 m (Richard, age 6, student, North-east England, ) friend
PS14K Ag0 m (Martin, age 6, student, Northern England, ) friend
PS14L Ag3 f (Dorothy, age 36, probation officer, Central Midlands, ) friend
PS14M Ag0 m (James, age 2, pre-school, North-east England, ) friend
PS14N Ag0 f (Bryony, age 2, pre-school, North-east England, ) friend
PS14P Ag0 m (Richard, age 2, pre-school, North-east England, ) friend
PS14R Ag4 f (Isabelle, age 53, shop assistant, North-east England, ) neighbour
PS15B Ag0 f (Sally, age 10, student, North-east England, ) friend
PS15C Ag3 f (Andrea, age 37, teacher, North-east England, ) friend
PS15D Ag3 m (Sid, age 35+, teacher, North-east England, ) friend
PS15G Ag3 f (Marilyn, age 42, secretary, Northern England, ) friend
PS15S Ag4 m (Bill, age 55, clerk to town council, North-east England, ) friend
PS15U Ag4 f (Betty, age 58, housewife, North-east England, ) friend
PS15V Ag2 m (Paul, age 27, unemployed, North-east England, ) friend
PS166 Ag3 f (Jackie, age 38, clerical officer, North-east England, ) neighbour
PS167 Ag3 f (Pat, age 39, shop assistant, North-east England, ) husband's niece
PS168 Ag0 f (Chris, age 9, student, North-east England, ) husband's great-niece
PS169 Ag5 f (Margaret, age 86, retired, North-east England, ) mother-in-law
PS16F Ag0 f (Erin, age 7, student, North-east England, ) friend
PS16G Ag2 f (Kathy, age 32, housewife, Northern England, ) friend
PS16H Ag0 m (Martin, age 6, student, North-east England, ) friend
PS16S X u (No name, age unknown) role unspecified
PS172 X u (Evelyn, age unknown) role unspecified
PS17G Ag2 f (Maggie, age 30, childminder, Northern England, ) friend
PS17L Ag5 m (Arthur, age 70, retired, Northern England, ) neighbour
PS17M Ag5 m (Tom, age 70, retired, Irish, ) neighbour
PS17N Ag3 f (Rosie, age 35, childminder, Northern England, ) friend
PS17S Ag5 m (Alan, age 60, baker, North-east England, ) acquaintance
PS18D Ag2 f (Louise, age 29, housewife, North-east England, ) friend
PS50S Ag3 f (Jean, age 35, housewife, Northern England, ) acquaintance
PS6NU Ag1 f (Alison, age 24, housewife, Northern England, ) neighbour
KB8PSUNK (respondent W0000) X u (Unknown speaker, age unknown) other
KB8PSUGP (respondent W000M) X u (Group of unknown speakers, age unknown) other

34 recordings

  1. Tape 069001 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( home ) Activity: child minding
  2. Tape 069002 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( home ) Activity: child minding
  3. Tape 069003 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: children arriving to be taken to school
  4. Tape 069004 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home and out ) Activity: taking children to school and bringing other children home in car
  5. Tape 069201 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: getting children ready to go for a walk
  6. Tape 069202 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home and outside ) Activity: getting children ready to go for a walk and out walking
  7. Tape 069301 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: with children
  8. Tape 069302 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: with children
  9. Tape 069401 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: talking with husband
  10. Tape 069402 recorded on 1992-04-04. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: talking with husband
  11. Tape 069403 recorded on 1992-04-04. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home and out ) Activity: washing dishes and out shopping
  12. Tape 069501 recorded on 1992-04-04. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: visit from friend on business
  13. Tape 069502 recorded on 1992-04-04. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: preparing dinner
  14. Tape 069503 recorded on 1992-04-04. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: eating dinner
  15. Tape 069601 recorded on 1992-04-04. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( neighbour's house ) Activity: having a coffee
  16. Tape 069701 recorded on 1992-04-04. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( neighbour's house ) Activity: taking parcel to neighbour
  17. Tape 069702 recorded on 1992-04-04. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: talking with husband
  18. Tape 069801 recorded on 1992-04-05. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: husband leaving for work
  19. Tape 069802 recorded on 1992-04-05. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: picked up niece to visit mother-in-law in hospital
  20. Tape 069803 recorded on 1992-04-05. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( hospital ) Activity: visiting mother-in-law
  21. Tape 070001 recorded on 1992-04-06. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( home and outside ) Activity: going to school
  22. Tape 070002 recorded on 1992-04-06. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( outside ) Activity: going to school
  23. Tape 070003 recorded on 1992-04-06. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( out ) Activity: walking to school and having lift back
  24. Tape 070004 recorded on 1992-04-06. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( friend's home ) Activity: having a cup of coffee
  25. Tape 070201 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  26. Tape 070202 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  27. Tape 070203 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  28. Tape 070401 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  29. Tape 070402 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  30. Tape 070701 recorded on 1992-04-07. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  31. Tape 070801 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at work ) Activity: Unspecified
  32. Tape 070802 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at work ) Activity: Unspecified
  33. Tape 070803 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: Unspecified
  34. Tape 070804 recorded on 1992-04-03. LocationNorthumberland: Morpeth ( at home ) Activity: Unspecified

1 (Tape 069001)

Ann (PS14B) [1] Hello Matthew.
Matthew (PS14F) [2] Hello.
Ann (PS14B) [3] How was your grandma?
Matthew (PS14F) [4] Erm ... she's getting better.
Ann (PS14B) [5] Mm?
Matthew (PS14F) [6] She's getting better.
Ann (PS14B) [7] Did you go to see the river yesterday?
Matthew (PS14F) [8] No.
Ann (PS14B) [9] Oh.
[10] We did, didn't we?
James (PS14C) [11] It was okay.
Ann (PS14B) [12] Yes.
James (PS14C) [13] And it had gone down hadn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [14] Yes.
[15] It had gone down a lot though.
[16] Has anyone listened to erm ... what was it, Radio Newcastle?
Matthew (PS14F) [17] Yes.
[18] It's on.
[19] The [...] 's on.
Ann (PS14B) [20] You've listened to it?
Matthew (PS14F) [21] No.
[22] I've not listened to it.
Ann (PS14B) [23] Oh.
[24] We see Mrs as we came out of school.
[25] ... It was at the school yesterday, rather.
[26] And er ... she said that one of them was drying out nicely.
[27] ... What's happened to my voice this morning?
[28] [clears throat] ... Can I turn it down a little bit please James?
[29] ... James?
James (PS14C) [30] What?
Ann (PS14B) [31] Can I turn it down a little bit please?

2 (Tape 069002)

Ann (PS14B) [32] Why?
[33] What about yesterday?
Matthew (PS14F) [34] With all the walking we did.
Ann (PS14B) [35] Oh!
[36] The walking?
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Matthew (PS14F) [37] [...] with our two feet. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [38] Aren't you used to walking that far?
Matthew (PS14F) [39] No.
Richard (PS14H) [40] We walked further than that when we went to Crackside.
Ann (PS14B) [41] Aye.
[42] You walk a long way when you go to, across Crackside.
[43] ... Would you like to go to Crackside Richard?
[44] ... He is.
[45] Tired I think, just nodding his head isn't he?
Matthew (PS14F) [46] Aha.

3 (Tape 069003)

Ann (PS14B) [47] What are you doing?
Matthew (PS14F) [48] Making a fortune teller.
Ann (PS14B) [49] Making what?
Matthew (PS14F) [50] Fortune tellers.
Richard (PS14H) [51] Fortune tellers.
Ann (PS14B) [52] A fortune teller.
[53] Oh I love you.
Matthew (PS14F) [54] That's for one.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Matthew (PS14F) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [55] It's for what?
Matthew (PS14F) [56] One, four
Ann (PS14B) [57] One.
Matthew (PS14F) [58] eight.
[59] ... Will you a choose a number?
Richard (PS14H) [60] Two.
Matthew (PS14F) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [sigh]
Matthew (PS14F) [61] I got [...] .
[62] It's that one with the
Ann (PS14B) [63] What do you
Matthew (PS14F) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [64] What is this?
Richard (PS14H) [65] A thingummybob!
Ann (PS14B) [66] [laughing] A thingummybob [] !
Richard (PS14H) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [67] Explain it.
Matthew (PS14F) [laugh]
Richard (PS14H) [68] I'm doing it that way.
[69] Erm, there, you open up and turn it upside down.
Ann (PS14B) [cough]
Richard (PS14H) [70] It's got a face there and he's got ears up there and he's got ... erm the ears on the other head of his
Ann (PS14B) [71] Oh!
[72] That's clever.
[73] Have you seen it Amy?
[74] Look!
Richard (PS14H) [75] Ha.
Ann (PS14B) [76] You can have it that way up ... or
Amy (PS14E) [77] That way.
Ann (PS14B) [78] that way up.
Richard (PS14H) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [79] Brilliant!
[80] There you are.
Richard (PS14H) [81] I'm not really sure about side heads yet.
Ann (PS14B) [82] Oh.
[83] I see.
[84] ... And what are you doing?
[85] Oh!
[86] You're making one as well.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [87] Making the same as Richard. [tv on]
Ann (PS14B) [88] Jim.
James (PS14C) [89] What?
Ann (PS14B) [90] How many leaflets did you say you still had to deliver?
James (PS14C) [91] All this side ... Hillside ... and Tayside, [...] ... and Catherine's ... Square.
Ann (PS14B) [92] Well
James (PS14C) [93] And possibly [...] Village.
Ann (PS14B) [94] have you got the leaflets?
James (PS14C) [95] That's all the leaflets I have left.
Richard (PS14H) [96] Do a little bit more.
Ann (PS14B) [97] Are, are you going to ring Martin and see if you can get some ... if he's got any more?
James (PS14C) [98] [cough] Well I might.
Ann (PS14B) [99] I just thought, if it was any ... good ... if I took Bryony to the hairdresser with me ... and you took Richard and James
Matthew (PS14F) [100] Take me.
Ann (PS14B) [101] if you could get hold of any before ... I went out, I need to be out at quarter to ten.
Matthew (PS14F) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [102] Is that any good?
[103] Or not?
Richard (PS14H) [104] You might need this.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [105] I can't take them with me either.
Ann (PS14B) [106] Oh.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [107] I'll deliver when you ... for the half an hour when you come back.
Ann (PS14B) [108] Okay.
[109] [sighing] Right [] .
[110] ... I just thought it would have saved time.
[111] ... Still a lot of roads ... blocked ... by snow according to the television news.
Matthew (PS14F) [112] Snow?
Ann (PS14B) [113] Yes.
Matthew (PS14F) [114] We didn't have snow at home.
Ann (PS14B) [115] Didn't you see the
Richard (PS14H) [116] I saw it.
Ann (PS14B) [117] cars ye when Doro ... didn't you have snow at Lonsdeen?
[118] Dorothy said her lawn was covered with snow when she arrived yesterday morning.
[119] And it was thick on the front of our car.
Matthew (PS14F) [120] Well we didn't have any on our car.
Ann (PS14B) [121] And you're only a hundred yards from her.
Matthew (PS14F) [122] Well ... we had some on the garden but ... there's no
Ann (PS14B) [123] Oh it was th and we saw a ... well you saw some, who was it?
[124] Erm ... Richard ... you were trying to break up a big lump of snow yesterday weren't you?
Richard (PS14H) [125] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [126] Where was that?
Richard (PS14H) [127] On the road.
James (PS14C) [128] On the road.
Richard (PS14H) [129] Up in town.
[130] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [131] Yes.
[132] Er, that could have fallen off a car cos it was a big piece and there wasn't anywhe anywhere else.
Richard (PS14H) [133] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [134] Where else did it say the ... roads are blocked Jim?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [135] The road from [...] to Ashington is closed because of flooding.
Ann (PS14B) [136] No I meant
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [137] And [...] ... er [...] .
[138] The ... er ... road from Alston over to [...] is blocked with snow and it's passable from ... Alston over to Wear there only with four wheel drive vehicles.
[139] I did mention cars are barred anywhere else.
[140] ... Cos that's where all, where the roads to Alston are closed.
Ann (PS14B) [141] Aye.
James (PS14C) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [142] What are you reading Richard?
Richard (PS14H) [143] That.
Ann (PS14B) [144] I can't see it.
[145] What does it
Richard (PS14H) [146] Soccer Coaching.
Ann (PS14B) [147] Who?
[148] Soccer Coaching.
[149] Mm!
[150] Do you want to be a footballer?
Richard (PS14H) [151] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [152] I think your brother is tired this morning Amy, all we're getting from him is nodding.
[153] Was he in a bad temper when he got up again?
Amy (PS14E) [154] Yes he was screaming.
Ann (PS14B) [155] Screaming?
Richard (PS14H) [156] Didn't wanna get up.
Ann (PS14B) [157] Oh dear.
[158] Oh dear.
Matthew (PS14F) [159] Pick a colour Jim.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [160] I dunno.
[161] Er
Matthew (PS14F) [162] Yeah?
Rebecca (PS14D) [163] You have to ... you have to write in, in proper numbers.
Matthew (PS14F) [164] I don't know what to do for the numbers.
Rebecca (PS14D) [165] In that just there.
Richard (PS14H) [166] You go, one, two, three, four.
[167] One, two, three, four.
[168] Where does it come out?
Matthew (PS14F) [169] What do you do?
Rebecca (PS14D) [170] This'll do for the numbers.
Ann (PS14B) [171] Have you finished it?
Rebecca (PS14D) [172] You put one two
Amy (PS14E) [173] Not yet.
Rebecca (PS14D) [174] three ... five
Ann (PS14B) [175] Sorry.
Rebecca (PS14D) [176] six ... seven, eight.
Ann (PS14B) [177] You're an expert on these are these aren't you Rebecca?
Rebecca (PS14D) [178] Yep.
[179] And I
Ann (PS14B) [180] Whoops!
[181] You've dropped your pencil
Rebecca (PS14D) [182] I thought you had to make them
Ann (PS14B) [183] pen.
Rebecca (PS14D) [184] quite a while ago.
Amy (PS14E) [185] [laughing] And you forgotten [] .
Rebecca (PS14D) [186] No!
[187] You've forgotten.
Amy (PS14E) [188] No I didn't.
Rebecca (PS14D) [189] Oh yeah!
[190] Ner ner ner!
[191] Then I wouldn't start making them.
Amy (PS14E) [192] I, I made them ... I started making them quite a while ago.
Rebecca (PS14D) [193] So have I.
Ann (PS14B) [194] Rebecca.
Amy (PS14E) [195] What?
[196] Rebecca wants red
Rebecca (PS14D) [197] Matthew can try it.
Matthew (PS14F) [198] I can
Amy (PS14E) [199] Rebecca wants, Rebecca wants
Rebecca (PS14D) [200] Red.
Amy (PS14E) [201] red.
Matthew (PS14F) [202] Erm ... you've got a hairy chest.
Ann (PS14B) [203] [laughing] Who's got a hairy chest [] ?
Matthew (PS14F) [204] I love your hairy chest.
Ann (PS14B) [205] Oh. [laugh]
Rebecca (PS14D) [206] Matthew used to love that one.
Matthew (PS14F) [207] No I don't.
Rebecca (PS14D) [208] [laughing] He still does [] .
Amy (PS14E) [laugh]
Matthew (PS14F) [209] You're being ... horrible!
Rebecca (PS14D) [210] Saying I've got a hairy chest.
Matthew (PS14F) [211] Oh oh!
Ann (PS14B) [212] Where are you up to?
[213] Oh you're still filling in the
Amy (PS14E) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [214] Aha.
[215] ... What are you making?
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [216] Is that a hat or a boat?
[217] What
James (PS14C) [218] A boat.
[219] It's a u
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [220] Well unless he's a really
Ann (PS14B) [221] The what?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [222] small head, it's a
Ann (PS14B) [223] [laugh] ... The crayons?
James (PS14C) [224] Yes please.
Ann (PS14B) [225] And there you are.
James (PS14C) [226] I'm gonna try and make it waterproof.
Ann (PS14B) [227] Waterproof?
[228] Oh!
[229] Of course, with wax crayon.
[230] You'd have
Amy (PS14E) [231] Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [232] to do every single tiny bit.
James (PS14C) [233] The triplets ... have been coming in here.
Ann (PS14B) [234] I know, we've got, we've got hardly any crayons left, I think someone's eating them!
James (PS14C) [235] Well I'm not eating them!
Richard (PS14H) [236] Me neither Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Richard (PS14H) [237] I don't eat them!
Rebecca (PS14D) [238] Neither have I!
Amy (PS14E) [239] Neither have I!
Ann (PS14B) [240] Now are you sure Richard?
[241] You do strange things!
[242] Are you sure you haven't eaten [laughing] the crayons [] ?
Richard (PS14H) [243] No.
Ann (PS14B) [244] [laugh] ... I don't know where they're disappearing to.
Amy (PS14E) [245] What shall I do [...] ?
[246] What shall I do for seven?
Ann (PS14B) [247] What have you got so far?
Amy (PS14E) [248] I've got ... kiss me quick, I love your hairy chest, I love your bi but I love your big ears, I love you
Rebecca (PS14D) [249] Give us a kissy, kissy!
Amy (PS14E) [250] I hate you
Rebecca (PS14D) [251] Give us a kissy, kissy!
[252] ... Actually now I've got those three.
[253] ... Erm
Amy (PS14E) [254] And eight?
[255] Eight?
Rebecca (PS14D) [256] I don't know.
Ann (PS14B) [257] Mm?
Matthew (PS14F) [258] We can clear up [...]
Amy (PS14E) [259] What shall I do for eight?
Rebecca (PS14D) [260] I've put
Ann (PS14B) [261] What do you usually put on?
Amy (PS14E) [262] Er, I dunno.
Ann (PS14B) [263] Well do you want something nice or something horrible?
Rebecca (PS14D) [264] You're a princess.
Ann (PS14B) [265] Do you want something complimentary ... [laughing] or something insulting [] ?
Amy (PS14E) [laugh]
Rebecca (PS14D) [266] You're a princess.
Ann (PS14B) [267] Ooh!
[268] Ooh!
[269] Ooh!
[270] Who wants to be a princess?
Rebecca (PS14D) [271] Don't know.
Richard (PS14H) [272] You're a queen. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Rebecca (PS14D) [273] Or a queen.
Ann (PS14B) [274] Richard do you want to be a princess?
Rebecca (PS14D) [laugh]
Richard (PS14H) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Matthew (PS14F) [laugh]
Amy (PS14E) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [275] Well
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [276] There you are, we've got a smile out of him.
Richard (PS14H) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [277] He must be ... coming round.
Richard (PS14H) [278] Like you said ... you get people who are not morning people.
Ann (PS14B) [279] That's right.
[280] ... [sneeze] ... Well if I could choose I would go to bed at about two o'clock in the morning ... and get up at about ... ten o'clock in the morning.
[281] That would suit me fine.
Richard (PS14H) [282] Eight hours sleep?
Ann (PS14B) [283] Er er ... well, I would read for an hour before I went to sleep.
Richard (PS14H) [284] Seven hours sleep?
Ann (PS14B) [285] Yes.
[286] Well last night I went to bed at about ... I went to bed early last night, I was in bed at half past eleven ... and I read
Richard (PS14H) [287] Early?
[288] That's early?
Ann (PS14B) [289] That's early for me.
[290] ... And I read for ... about an hour.
Richard (PS14H) [291] Do you usually go to bed at midnight?
Ann (PS14B) [292] Midnight, one o'clock ... depends what I'm doing.
Richard (PS14H) [293] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [294] I better get my contact lenses in hadn't I?
Richard (PS14H) [295] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [296] Oh!
[297] Good heavens!
[298] It's twenty to already.
[299] I haven't even got my face on.
[300] And my lenses in.
[301] Ooh!
[302] Urgh!
[303] Where are they?
Matthew (PS14F) [304] Your hairy legs are lovely!
Ann (PS14B) [305] [laugh] ... Whose hairy legs are lovely?
Matthew (PS14F) [306] I dunno.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [307] Tt!
[308] Oh!
[309] There's a bit of ... fluff or something on there.
Rebecca (PS14D) [310] Even just now I got [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [311] Has anyone seen the river this morning?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [312] No.
James (PS14C) [313] But probably gone down.
Ann (PS14B) [314] Oh it was down a ... tremendous amount
James (PS14C) [315] Do you want [...] ?
Ann (PS14B) [316] yesterday afternoon wasn't it Rebecca?
Rebecca (PS14D) [317] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [318] Oh!
[319] You were there ... [laughing] weren't you [] ?
Rebecca (PS14D) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [320] Right from the ... what was it?
[321] The
Rebecca (PS14D) [322] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [323] ninth step it was the night before.
[324] Right down to the second from the bottom.
[325] ... Oh!
[326] Don't say I'm going to have ... bother with my lenses this morning.
James (PS14C) [327] Red, green, yellow or blue?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [328] Yellow.
James (PS14C) [329] Mm.
[330] Pick a number?
Ann (PS14B) [331] This one feels funny.
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [332] Is anyone here later tonight?
Amy (PS14E) [333] No.
Ann (PS14B) [334] Rebecca, are you?
[335] Matthew are you here after school today?
Matthew (PS14F) [336] Yes I am, but I'm not late.
Ann (PS14B) [337] You're not late.
[338] What day is it?
Matthew (PS14F) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [339] Frid oh it's
Matthew (PS14F) [340] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [341] Friday that's everyone's here.
Rebecca (PS14D) [342] I keep thinking it's ... [...] were off school yesterday.
Ann (PS14B) [343] Yeah.
[344] Martin's not coming after school today, his ... granny Jean's going to meet him because ... his mum has to go to Scotland ... with her work ... so Trevor has to push the triplets home in the buggy.
[345] Cos Jim'll be at work, he won't be able to give them a lift in the car.
[346] And granny Jean is going to take Martin home in the bus.
[347] And Dorothy's bringing granny Iris back down ... from Scotland with her.
[348] I think she's probably going to stay overnight.
Matthew (PS14F) [...] [...]
Richard (PS14H) [349] I'm not, I'm just [...] .
James (PS14C) [350] [singing] Dee dee dee, dee dee [] .
Matthew (PS14F) [351] Red.
[352] ... two ... four.
Rebecca (PS14D) [353] Eight.
Amy (PS14E) [354] You're a ba bug.
Rebecca (PS14D) [355] Maybe not.
[356] ... Amy said I was a bug!
Amy (PS14E) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [357] Amy said you were a what?
Rebecca (PS14D) [358] A bug.
Ann (PS14B) [359] A bug?
[360] ... Well ... come to think of it, Rebecca!
[361] [laugh] ... I do see the similarity.
Rebecca (PS14D) [362] It was off this.
Ann (PS14B) [363] Mm?
Rebecca (PS14D) [364] It was off the fortune teller.
Ann (PS14B) [365] Oh..
Amy (PS14E) [366] You don't really look like a bug.
Ann (PS14B) [367] She doesn't really think you lo you're a bug then?
Matthew (PS14F) [368] Ooh!
[369] Are these for you?
Ann (PS14B) [370] Oh yes.
Amy (PS14E) [371] You've got a hairy chest.
Matthew (PS14F) [372] Hairy chest!
Ann (PS14B) [373] Oh.
[374] It's got
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [laugh]
Amy (PS14E) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [375] Who had the hairy chest?
Matthew (PS14F) [376] Me!
Amy (PS14E) [377] Matthew.
Ann (PS14B) [378] Oh yes.
Amy (PS14E) [379] Erm
Matthew (PS14F) [380] Oh yes!
[381] ... Oh no!
Amy (PS14E) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [382] Well you've got a cough Amy.
[383] How long have you had that?
[384] You weren't coughing yesterday.
Amy (PS14E) [385] I was.
Ann (PS14B) [386] Were you?
[387] I didn't hear you.
[388] ... Right.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [389] Where am I looking at?
[390] Inside?
Matthew (PS14F) [391] What?
Amy (PS14E) [392] In there.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [393] Eight.
Ann (PS14B) [394] He saying eight cos that's his birthday.
Amy (PS14E) [395] [laughing] Is it [] ?
Rebecca (PS14D) [396] Oh!
[397] Matthew!
[398] Stop hitting!
Amy (PS14E) [...]
Rebecca (PS14D) [399] Which colour Ann?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [400] I'll have eight again.
Ann (PS14B) [401] What colour?
[402] Erm, I'll have ... red
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [403] Green.
Ann (PS14B) [404] What do I do now?
[405] Choose an number?
Rebecca (PS14D) [406] Choose a number?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [407] Two.
Ann (PS14B) [408] Six.
Rebecca (PS14D) [409] Pick a number.
Ann (PS14B) [410] Er
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [411] Four.
Ann (PS14B) [412] five.
[413] Two.
Amy (PS14E) [414] I love you.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [415] Oh!
[416] Ooh!
[417] That's nice to know Amy.
Amy (PS14E) [418] I love Jim
Rebecca (PS14D) [419] I hate you.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [420] Only twenty minutes to go then Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [421] Oh!
[422] Rebecca!
Amy (PS14E) [423] I love Jim.
[424] I got the opposite.
Ann (PS14B) [425] Love Jim and hate me.
[426] Right, I've got to go upstairs and put my face on, very quickly.
Amy (PS14E) [laugh]
Rebecca (PS14D) [427] Don't make a mess of it.
Amy (PS14E) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [428] [laugh] ... I'll have to do it quickly.
[429] Erm
Amy (PS14E) [430] Check that, Rebecca's hand.
Rebecca (PS14D) [431] Ten.
Ann (PS14B) [432] where was that, I was going to take
James (PS14C) [433] Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [434] that upstairs?
[435] That, and that.
Amy (PS14E) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [436] Okay.
Richard (PS14H) [437] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [438] Right, I'll
James (PS14C) [439] Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [440] I haven't got time to do it again
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [441] Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [442] pet, I've got to get ready.
James (PS14C) [443] One!
Ann (PS14B) [444] Will you ti put the er
Matthew (PS14F) [...]
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [445] papers and things that you've finished with ... bits of paper in the bin please.
Amy (PS14E) [446] What number?
Ann (PS14B) [447] And
Amy (PS14E) [448] Where's my thingybob?
Rebecca (PS14D) [449] You've probably picked [...]
Ann (PS14B) [450] tidy up the rest of the things.
Amy (PS14E) [...]

4 (Tape 069004)

Ann (PS14B) [451] Jim, there's a letter here ... addressed to Mrs S ... do you think it must be Shirley?
[452] It says inside your Sealink travellers cheques.
[453] ... Why would Shirley use our address do you think?
[454] Unless they've sent for ... two lots and used ... used this address for one.
[455] [sighing] Right [] .
[456] Er ... well I'll just put it up there.
[457] I better go.
[458] ... Where are we?
[459] Right, see you shortly.
[460] Bye.
[461] [going outside] ... Have you all got your lunch boxes.
Richard (PS14H) [462] Me, me.
Ann (PS14B) [463] Have you got everything Richard?
[464] Right.
[465] Okay, let's go.
Richard (PS14H) [466] I have.
[467] Now you're ... [...] !
Ann (PS14B) [468] Ooh!
[469] Should have
Bryony (PS14N) [470] Ah!
[471] Ah!
Ann (PS14B) [472] brought my umbrella I think.
[473] Look at the sky.
Bryony (PS14N) [474] Don't!
Ann (PS14B) [475] Come along.
[476] Don't ... fiddle along in the middle
Richard (PS14H) [477] No!
[478] No!
Ann (PS14B) [479] of the ro ... mind the puddle!
[480] Oh!
Richard (PS14H) [481] Ah!
[482] Ah!
Ann (PS14B) [483] You'll have soaking wet socks in school.
Richard (PS14H) [484] I didn't notice it.
Bryony (PS14N) [485] Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [486] What love?
Bryony (PS14N) [487] What's that thing?
Ann (PS14B) [488] I'll let you see this.
[489] ... Oh.
[490] Can you see this?
Bryony (PS14N) [491] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [492] Come on Twinkle.
[493] ... You're losing your socks Rebecca.
Richard (PS14H) [494] Rebecca, you're losing your socks.
Ann (PS14B) [495] If you trip up with two hands in your pockets Amy, you'll have nothing to stop you falling on your nose.
Amy (PS14E) [496] What?
Richard (PS14H) [497] Amy.
Ann (PS14B) [498] Where is she?
Rebecca (PS14D) [499] It'd be funny if she did fall on her nose.
Amy (PS14E) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Rebecca (PS14D) [500] She'll have a flat ... nose! [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [501] A flat nose?
Rebecca (PS14D) [502] Like Miss ... if you don't do hard work you'll get a flat face!
Amy (PS14E) [503] Yeah I know.
[504] No, I mean
Rebecca (PS14D) [505] She won't have a flat face, she'll have a flat nose. [laugh]
Amy (PS14E) [506] I mean, not likely.
Ann (PS14B) [507] How do you get a flat face if you don't do hard work?
Rebecca (PS14D) [508] I don't know.
[509] And she's just joking with us to get [laughing] us working [] .
Ann (PS14B) [510] Oh I see.
[511] ... I see.
Rebecca (PS14D) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [512] Er, stop here, we'll ... we'll cross here look.
Amy (PS14E) [513] I wonder why she likes me?
Ann (PS14B) [514] Right.
[515] Line up to cross the road.
Richard (PS14H) [516] Aha!
Amy (PS14E) [517] After school can we see the river again?
Richard (PS14H) [518] Urgh!
[519] Urgh!
Ann (PS14B) [520] Yes.
[521] Right, cross now.
Amy (PS14E) [522] And see if the water has passed that line.
Ann (PS14B) [523] Pardon?
Amy (PS14E) [524] Can't wait to see if the water has passed [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [525] Oh it ... those huge puddles along the path sometimes take ages to clear away.
[526] The weather man said dry today, look at it.
[527] Doesn't look as if it's going to be dry to me.
Matthew (PS14F) [528] Look!
[529] It's a little
Richard (PS14H) [530] I know.
Matthew (PS14F) [531] island. [...]
Amy (PS14E) [532] [laugh] ... So I need to stay a bit later.
Matthew (PS14F) [533] After we've been to the river tonight?
Amy (PS14E) [534] That's what I've just asked!
[535] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [536] Yes.
[537] You can have a look at the river toni it's right
Amy (PS14E) [538] He asked [...]
Ann (PS14B) [539] it's right down Matthew.
Amy (PS14E) [540] He hasn't seen the river on a Saturday.
Ann (PS14B) [541] I don't think it's time to go across now.
[542] ... Cos it's er ... nearly nine o'clock.
[543] ... That's not Dorothy's car, it ... no, it isn't.
Matthew (PS14F) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [544] Mm?
[545] Who ran in front of a car?
Matthew (PS14F) [546] The new
Rebecca (PS14D) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [547] Who?
Matthew (PS14F) [548] The new girl.
Ann (PS14B) [549] The new girl in your class?
[550] Oh!
[551] Who's the new girl in your class?
Matthew (PS14F) [552] Dunno.
Ann (PS14B) [553] Just stop here a minute.
[554] Look, there's a car reversing.
[555] Wait a minute till this car
Richard (PS14H) [556] Why?
Ann (PS14B) [557] gets out onto the road.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [558] Is it okay?
Rebecca (PS14D) [559] Bye Ann.
[560] See you tomorrow.
Ann (PS14B) [561] Wait a minute
Richard (PS14H) [562] Bye.
Ann (PS14B) [563] Rebecca you can't cross yet.
Rebecca (PS14D) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [564] Is anyone going to decide which way the ... cars are [laughing] going here [] !
Matthew (PS14F) [565] She's in there, and then ... this one.
Ann (PS14B) [566] Right.
[567] I can go, oh!
Amy (PS14E) [568] Our car conked out on the way to school.
Ann (PS14B) [569] Did it?
[570] Where?
Amy (PS14E) [571] At ... in ... we'd just turned round the corner ... and it conked out.
Ann (PS14B) [572] Oh!
Amy (PS14E) [573] But we got it started again.
Ann (PS14B) [574] Right, you can cross now.
[575] Bye
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [576] Bye!
Ann (PS14B) [577] Amy!
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [578] Bye!
Ann (PS14B) [579] Bye Matthew.
[580] Bye
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [581] Bye!
Ann (PS14B) [582] Rebecca.
[583] I'll come this way.
[584] I think ... they're just going in.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [585] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [586] Hello.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [587] Morning.
Ann (PS14B) [588] [shouting] Bye Richard [] !
[589] ... Morning Cathy.
[590] Morning
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [591] Morning.
Ann (PS14B) [592] Brenda.
[593] ... [sighing] Oh [] !
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [594] Hello.
Ann (PS14B) [595] Hello!
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [596] It's not a nice morning is it?
Ann (PS14B) [597] It isn't. [traffic noise]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [598] Hello everyone!
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [599] I was listening to the radio!
Ann (PS14B) [600] Were you?
[601] What did you hear?
Bryony (PS14N) [602] Er, just songs.
[603] Do you know
Ann (PS14B) [604] Pardon?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [605] what
Ann (PS14B) [606] Songs?
[607] Wait a minute.
[608] Hold on!
[609] Hold on!
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [610] You know what I hear on on the radio
Ann (PS14B) [611] There are no cars coming.
[612] Aha.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [613] cos she's in Scotland now.
Ann (PS14B) [614] That's right.
[615] Well
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [616] And I got ... [...] 's coming.
[617] And I got
Ann (PS14B) [618] Have you?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [619] a badge with it.
Ann (PS14B) [620] Oh!
[621] Yes.
[622] Well I'll see you tonight because I know granny
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [623] No!
[624] I'm not going!
Ann (PS14B) [625] No, I know granny Jean's collecting you but granny
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [626] I'm not coming later [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [627] Jean usually comes and stands beside me anyway.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [628] Oh yes.
Ann (PS14B) [629] See you later pet.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [630] Give me a kiss.
Ann (PS14B) [631] Go straight in cos they've just gone in.
[632] Bye-bye.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [633] Have a nice day dear.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [634] Hello.
Ann (PS14B) [635] Hello.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [636] Ooh!
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [637] Quickly!
Ann (PS14B) [638] [shouting] Bye Martin [] !
[639] Hello.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [640] Oh hello.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [641] Off to see Jim?
Ann (PS14B) [642] I am.
[643] Yes.
[644] ... Hello.
[645] Ooh! [sigh]
James (PS14C) [646] What you doing?
Ann (PS14B) [647] Er ... oh right.
[648] ... There we are.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [649] A piece of paper.
[650] And how are all of you this morning?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [651] What?
Ann (PS14B) [652] Is Bryony any better?
[653] ... Oh!
Dorothy (PS14L) [654] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [655] There we are.
Dorothy (PS14L) [656] They're all home.
Ann (PS14B) [657] Oh!
[658] There isn't much room.
Dorothy (PS14L) [659] Not too bad at all.
[660] They all slept for twelve, nearly twelve hours Saturday
Ann (PS14B) [661] Wow!
Dorothy (PS14L) [662] night.
[663] Yes.
[664] So all be
Ann (PS14B) [665] Aren't you good?
[666] Thank you.
Bryony (PS14N) [667] I, I've got up too early.
Ann (PS14B) [668] You got up too early?
Dorothy (PS14L) [669] No you didn't, you got up just right.
Ann (PS14B) [670] No!
[671] You were very, very good mummy says.
Dorothy (PS14L) [672] Ah, we were pleased daddy and I.
Ann (PS14B) [673] I bet you were. [laugh]
Dorothy (PS14L) [674] [laugh] ... Well we've got up this morning we've, and I said to Trevor ... have the kids been up in the night?
[675] Cos I thought ... have I slept through everything
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Dorothy (PS14L) [676] and er
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Dorothy (PS14L) [677] left him with the lot?
[678] But, no.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [679] Are they still alri
Dorothy (PS14L) [680] They got to bed at ten to seven, they were shattered.
Ann (PS14B) [681] er ... well ... you had a busy day yesterday didn't you?
[682] This morning
Bryony (PS14N) [683] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [684] I'm going to go to the hairdressers ... so Jim's going to look after you.
[685] I won't be away very long.
Dorothy (PS14L) [686] Say, that's fine.
Bryony (PS14N) [687] That's fine.
Dorothy (PS14L) [688] Yes.
Bryony (PS14N) [689] Where's Jim go and [...] say?
Ann (PS14B) [690] I'm going to the hairdressers, cos I usually go today don't I?
Bryony (PS14N) [691] No!
Ann (PS14B) [692] But you're here today instead.
[693] So instead of going this afternoon I'm going this morning while Jim's at home before he goes to work.
Bryony (PS14N) [694] Oh I'm going to look after the house.
Ann (PS14B) [695] You're going, you're
Dorothy (PS14L) [696] No, that's
Ann (PS14B) [697] going to look after Jim, how about that?
Dorothy (PS14L) [698] Jim needs a lot of looking after.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Bryony (PS14N) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [699] Right.
[700] Oh!
[701] Get this seat belt off
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [702] this
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [703] car seat off my ni
Dorothy (PS14L) [704] [...] looking at him since half past nine and
Ann (PS14B) [705] Oh!
Dorothy (PS14L) [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [singing] [...] []
Dorothy (PS14L) [706] Now watch the puddles!
[707] No!
[708] Ah!
[709] Straight through the puddles in [...]
Ann (PS14B) [710] Oh dear!
Dorothy (PS14L) [711] James!
[712] In this house!
[713] One
Ann (PS14B) [714] [laughing] Oh ho your []
Dorothy (PS14L) [715] two ... if I get to three I'm going to be cross!
Ann (PS14B) [716] Come along Richard.
[717] Your brother's being naughty, he's run away up the street look!
[718] Where's Bryony?
[719] Oh sta Bryony stay there, I'll lift you over the puddle.
[720] Don't come through it.
Richard (PS14H) [721] Jump over the puddle.
Ann (PS14B) [722] Right Richard.
[723] Wait a minute.
Dorothy (PS14L) [724] Right.
[725] In this house this time
Ann (PS14B) [726] No, you're not going to run away!
Dorothy (PS14L) [727] so you can and see Jim.
Ann (PS14B) [728] Come and see Jim.
Dorothy (PS14L) [729] [...] your bottom.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [730] Yes!
Dorothy (PS14L) [731] In you go.
Ann (PS14B) [732] You go to mummy while I close the other car door look.
Dorothy (PS14L) [733] And I'll er
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [...]
Dorothy (PS14L) [734] Go!
[735] In!
[736] Why don't you
Ann (PS14B) [737] In you go.
Dorothy (PS14L) [738] get in.
[739] Do you want to get a smack bottom?
Ann (PS14B) [740] In you go.
[741] Go and find Jim can you?
Dorothy (PS14L) [742] Just stop running away!
[743] ... I'll, I'm not chasing after him [...] . [...]
Ann (PS14B) [744] Cathy ... Dorothy ... James ... You've decided to come back have you Ja er we ... [laugh] ... Got you!
[745] Aargh!
[746] You thought you were going to escape!
[747] Didn't you?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [748] I'm [...]
Ann (PS14B) [749] Get in that house!
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [750] I'll fall.
Ann (PS14B) [751] Wipe your feet.
[752] Clever boy.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [753] Who is that?
Ann (PS14B) [754] Wipe your feet.
[755] Feet wiped.
[756] Come on.
[757] Wipe your feet.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [758] Ah!
Ann (PS14B) [759] Er, feet wiped please.
[760] Clever boy.
[761] Show me how you do it.
[762] Com oh!
[763] Very, very good.
[764] Oh!
[765] Very good indeed.
[766] There we are.
[767] In you go, find Jim.
[768] Go and say good morning to Jim.
[769] ... Have you said good morning Jim?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [770] Where, where's this letter?
James (PS14C) [771] Go and say hello.
Ann (PS14B) [772] Where's what letter?
Bryony (PS14N) [cough]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [773] I'm doing a picture.
Ann (PS14B) [774] You're doing a picture are you?
Bryony (PS14N) [775] There.
[776] You're at work
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [777] And I've erm ... a letter to draw.
Ann (PS14B) [778] you're at work already.
Bryony (PS14N) [779] Er, you're very nicely, you're very
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [780] And I have a letter to draw.
Bryony (PS14N) [781] nicely.
Ann (PS14B) [782] You're doing it very nicely.
[783] She's drawing a picture mummy, very nicely.
Dorothy (PS14L) [784] Right.
[785] Well the thing
Ann (PS14B) [786] What are you doing Richard?
Dorothy (PS14L) [787] the thing I'm gonna concentrate on with you now is sto to stop you running away.
Bryony (PS14N) [788] Mine!
[789] It's mine!
Dorothy (PS14L) [790] So, that's what you're going to be getting
Bryony (PS14N) [791] That's mine!
Dorothy (PS14L) [792] smacked bottoms for now.
Bryony (PS14N) [793] That's mine!
Dorothy (PS14L) [794] Not much else, just running away.
Ann (PS14B) [795] It's what, Bryony?
Bryony (PS14N) [796] It's
Ann (PS14B) [797] It's what?
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [798] A I've drawed a letter.
Bryony (PS14N) [799] That's that [...] .
[800] It's that one.
Ann (PS14B) [801] That's that one.
[802] Yes.
[803] What are you drawing?
Dorothy (PS14L) [804] What are you doing?
Bryony (PS14N) [805] I'm doing a picture.
Ann (PS14B) [806] Yes, but what a what
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [807] Mummy, I'm drawing a
Ann (PS14B) [808] are you drawing a picture of?
Bryony (PS14N) [809] Mm.
[810] A picture.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [811] I, I'm drawing, we've drawn a circle.
Ann (PS14B) [812] You've drawn a circle.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [813] Mm.
[814] We, we're drawing that.
Bryony (PS14N) [815] I'm drawing a picture.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [816] I've
Ann (PS14B) [817] You're drawing a circle as well.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [818] What colour is this circle?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [819] Erm, wait till I've done, I haven't drawn it.
Bryony (PS14N) [820] I've done a orange circle.
Ann (PS14B) [821] You've drawn a
Dorothy (PS14L) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [822] Yes, that's right.
[823] That's
Bryony (PS14N) [824] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [825] orange.
[826] That's an orange circle.
Dorothy (PS14L) [827] Could you give these to Trevor to go on the buggy tonight please?
Ann (PS14B) [828] Oh yes.
Dorothy (PS14L) [829] Cos he's
Ann (PS14B) [830] Right.
Dorothy (PS14L) [831] collecting them.
James (PS14C) [832] Cor!
Ann (PS14B) [833] Will
Dorothy (PS14L) [834] And
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [835] Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [836] I put
Dorothy (PS14L) [837] I've got them [...] for, for er, see if
Ann (PS14B) [838] Put those
Dorothy (PS14L) [839] they've been a pain.
Ann (PS14B) [840] at that end look.
[841] Yeah.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [842] Look at our picture!
Dorothy (PS14L) [843] It's erm
James (PS14C) [844] That's a beautiful picture James!
Dorothy (PS14L) [845] I have to freeze it, er defrost it in the kitchen
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [...]
Dorothy (PS14L) [846] the night [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [...]
James (PS14C) [847] You've
Ann (PS14B) [848] Right.
James (PS14C) [849] drawn me a
Ann (PS14B) [850] No problem.
James (PS14C) [851] bee!
[852] Was it
Ann (PS14B) [853] No problem.
James (PS14C) [854] [...] ?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [855] [...] !
Bryony (PS14N) [856] Nearly
Dorothy (PS14L) [857] And Martin ... you remembered
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [858] It's just there.
Dorothy (PS14L) [859] going to his mum's
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [860] I'll do it again.
Ann (PS14B) [861] Yes.
Dorothy (PS14L) [...]
James (PS14C) [862] And James did it?
[863] Well you're very clever
Ann (PS14B) [864] She, cos she
James (PS14C) [865] boys!
Richard (PS14H) [866] No.
[867] Ah.
Ann (PS14B) [868] when she's been at the school gate, she comes
Bryony (PS14N) [869] What's this?
Ann (PS14B) [870] and stands with me anyway usually
Bryony (PS14N) [871] What colour is this?
Ann (PS14B) [872] so I'll see her.
James (PS14C) [873] Mm.
[874] What?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [875] Why?
James (PS14C) [876] So, if you put it up there [...] .
Dorothy (PS14L) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [877] There you are.
James (PS14C) [878] Okay?
[879] There you are.
Dorothy (PS14L) [880] I wonder what's brought this change of heart?
Bryony (PS14N) [881] You have that.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [882] Mummy, see what she needs.
Ann (PS14B) [883] What time have you to be in ... Clackmannan?
Dorothy (PS14L) [884] Two o'clock.
[885] But I've gotta go
Ann (PS14B) [886] Oh.
Dorothy (PS14L) [887] back into the [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [888] Aha.
James (PS14C) [889] The er ... the roads up ... right up to Ashington is ... closed.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Dorothy (PS14L) [890] I wonder if I'll get o ... through Longhurst okay?
James (PS14C) [891] Well you should do, but it never mentions that.
Dorothy (PS14L) [892] I'm wondering whether to go the A one way, or Longhurst way.
[893] I mean, there's no easy way to get there.
James (PS14C) [894] Th they never mentioned
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [895] You have that.
Bryony (PS14N) [896] And you have those.
Ann (PS14B) [897] Well, there's no, well there is a ... there is a bit between ... er, Ocken and er ... Widdrington isn't there?
[898] There's quite a bit
Dorothy (PS14L) [899] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [900] there.
Dorothy (PS14L) [901] I'll go the A one way I think.
Ann (PS14B) [902] Aha.
James (PS14C) [903] But they've mentioned that ... but it was
Ann (PS14B) [904] You've made clean
James (PS14C) [905] but it was quite funny yesterday when I went to
Ann (PS14B) [906] Let's have a look.
James (PS14C) [907] Ashington.
Dorothy (PS14L) [908] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [909] Oh!
[910] You have done green and red, yes.
James (PS14C) [911] No, but they never mentioned
Ann (PS14B) [912] That's a beautiful picture!
Dorothy (PS14L) [913] He's brought Goldilocks Ann, erm ... can he bring it home please because he reads it at night before he goes to bed.
[914] And if he doesn't he goes mad!
Richard (PS14H) [915] I read, I went [...]
Dorothy (PS14L) [916] Cos that's his favourite book.
Ann (PS14B) [917] Oh!
[918] You should have left your Goldilocks at home and just choosed mine.
Dorothy (PS14L) [919] Oh!
[920] You see
Richard (PS14H) [921] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [922] And then we wouldn't, you wouldn't forget.
Richard (PS14H) [923] I wanna read this one.
Dorothy (PS14L) [924] He feels a bit at grief cos he didn't
Richard (PS14H) [925] I didn't
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [926] That one.
Dorothy (PS14L) [927] James had an extra Goldilocks
James (PS14C) [928] Oh dear me!
Dorothy (PS14L) [929] story yesterday, last night.
James (PS14C) [930] Let's have your picture.
Ann (PS14B) [931] Because what?
Dorothy (PS14L) [932] James had an extra Goldilocks story
James (PS14C) [933] Right, the tissues?
Dorothy (PS14L) [934] yesterday so he's brought it with him, it's Ja it's his book!
Ann (PS14B) [935] Oh I see.
James (PS14C) [936] Where are the tissues?
Ann (PS14B) [937] Is that your book today?
[938] The tissues?
[939] In the kitchen I think.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [940] What time
Richard (PS14H) [941] And, and use the, use
James (PS14C) [942] Billy Goats Gruff.
Richard (PS14H) [943] and use the [...] your home.
James (PS14C) [944] Upstairs [...] Billy Goats Gruff Ann?
Richard (PS14H) [945] A and, erm
Ann (PS14B) [946] Pardon?
James (PS14C) [947] I'm talking to [...] .
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [948] The Three Billy Goats Gruff?
James (PS14C) [949] Where will it be?
Ann (PS14B) [950] I don't know where it ... it should be
James (PS14C) [951] You've got a runny nose Richard.
Dorothy (PS14L) [952] Give us a kiss bye-bye.
Ann (PS14B) [953] The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Dorothy (PS14L) [954] Yeah I know that.
Ann (PS14B) [955] should be with all the books.
[956] I read it to them yesterday afternoon.
[957] We practised didn't we?
James (PS14C) [958] I don't know.
[959] You
Ann (PS14B) [960] Cos when we went to nursery yesterday morning Jim, all the children
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [961] Mine!
Ann (PS14B) [962] sat on the floor for this story.
Bryony (PS14N) [963] Erm!
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [964] Mine!
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [965] And these three wouldn't cos they're used to sitting on the chair arm.
[966] Aren't you?
[967] But we, we'd better practise sitting on the floor for stories, so that you're ready for nursery when you go
James (PS14C) [968] Have to sit on the floor.
Dorothy (PS14L) [969] Well if practise that
Ann (PS14B) [970] properly in May.
Dorothy (PS14L) [971] I'll practise them not running off!
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Bryony (PS14N) [972] I wanna see those [...] !
Dorothy (PS14L) [973] Right, well give us a kiss bye-bye then.
Richard (PS14H) [974] No.
Dorothy (PS14L) [975] See you tomorrow.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [976] [...] [...] trousers.
Ann (PS14B) [977] Oh no Ja oh!
James (PS14C) [978] It's alright cos Ann's [...]
Dorothy (PS14L) [979] Bye-bye.
James (PS14C) [980] Come and see what Ann's got.
Ann (PS14B) [981] James this ho this hole in the corner near the
Richard (PS14H) [982] Bye-bye.
Ann (PS14B) [983] door is being stuffed
James (PS14C) [984] Ta-ta mummy.
Ann (PS14B) [985] with all kinds of things!
[986] I bet that's where half my crayons are.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [987] Yes, it's in the front room.
James (PS14C) [988] Yes, it's in the front room.
Ann (PS14B) [989] Look, no Richard!
[990] I don't want things stuffing down that hole.
[991] Put it in the bin.
[992] Clever boy.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [993] Come and say bye-bye to mummy, look, cos she's in a hurry.
Richard (PS14H) [994] I want to come with you.
James (PS14C) [995] Yes, well say tarrah to mummy first then.
Ann (PS14B) [996] Come, are you coming to the door?
Richard (PS14H) [997] Well I'll, I'll just [...]
Ann (PS14B) [998] Well pu i alright put it in the bin quickly, then come and say bye-bye to mummy.
[999] Hurry up.
[1000] Hurry up!
[1001] Hurry up!
[1002] Diddle ee dee dee!
[1003] That's it.
James (PS14C) [1004] [...] go and say tarrah to mummy.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1005] Er, no!
Ann (PS14B) [1006] [laughing] Oh ho [] !
Dorothy (PS14L) [1007] [laughing] James doesn't!
[1008] Oh ho [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1009] Oh!
[1010] What a polite boy.
Dorothy (PS14L) [1011] I know.
James (PS14C) [1012] Bye-bye mummy.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [crying]
Dorothy (PS14L) [1013] Go on then, give me a [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1014] No!
Dorothy (PS14L) [1015] I've got to open that without that in.
James (PS14C) [1016] Tarrah mummy!
Dorothy (PS14L) [1017] Bye-bye! [...]
Richard (PS14H) [1018] I want Beethoven music.
[1019] We want Beethoven!
James (PS14C) [1020] You want Beethoven music?
Ann (PS14B) [1021] You want Beethov
James (PS14C) [1022] Oh alright.
Richard (PS14H) [1023] I want [...] !
Ann (PS14B) [1024] Who wants Beethoven music?
James (PS14C) [1025] Richard and James.
Ann (PS14B) [1026] Oh right, if
Bryony (PS14N) [1027] Richard and James.
Ann (PS14B) [1028] alright you can have Beethoven music.
[1029] I'm going to go and wave to your mummy, seeing as no one else will!
Richard (PS14H) [1030] She's gone, mummy.
Ann (PS14B) [1031] Horrible lot!
[1032] ... I'll wave [laughing] to you [] .
Dorothy (PS14L) [1033] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [1034] They're too busy ... jumping around wanting Beethoven music.
Dorothy (PS14L) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Dorothy (PS14L) [1035] I wonder if [...] up to them you know.
Ann (PS14B) [1036] [laugh] ... Well they don't like Elvis.
Dorothy (PS14L) [1037] No they don't.
Ann (PS14B) [1038] James doesn't anyway.
[1039] He switched it off.
[1040] ... Are you staying at your mum's tonight?
Dorothy (PS14L) [1041] No.
[1042] I'm staying at Christopher's.
Ann (PS14B) [1043] Oh.
[1044] Aha.
Dorothy (PS14L) [1045] She's not been any more so ... I'll have to go round to [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [1046] Aha.
Dorothy (PS14L) [1047] And then he'll be [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [1048] How long's your mother going to stay?
Dorothy (PS14L) [1049] Few weeks.
Ann (PS14B) [1050] [laugh] ... [laughing] Don't look like that [] !
Dorothy (PS14L) [1051] Well
Ann (PS14B) [1052] Oh!
Dorothy (PS14L) [1053] But the thing is, my mum's an and, and Trevor's Aunty Edna have started writing to each other and have become friends ... so we'll see you again at Christmas ... [laughing] she'll say to aunty Edna [] !
[1054] So they've both invited themselves again.
Ann (PS14B) [1055] Oh!
[1056] God!
Dorothy (PS14L) [1057] [laugh] ... And my mum's going to ... on holiday to Wales ... she thinks, this summer
Ann (PS14B) [1058] Aha.
Dorothy (PS14L) [1059] which I'm really pleased about cos she's never done that before in Wales.
Ann (PS14B) [1060] Yes.
Dorothy (PS14L) [1061] But she might be going with a friend, and I think she's planning on meeting up with Aunty Edna.
[1062] So it's gonna be a conspiracy against him.
Ann (PS14B) [1063] Aunty Edna's Trevor's Aunty Edna i that's right
Dorothy (PS14L) [1064] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [1065] yes.
[1066] Oh well.
Dorothy (PS14L) [1067] But they're lovely separately.
[1068] ... Put them together, and I think we've lost out.
Ann (PS14B) [1069] [laugh] ... Oh well. [car starting]
Dorothy (PS14L) [1070] Martin still calls her Aunty Yakky Da!
Ann (PS14B) [1071] O hang on, I can't hear you.
[1072] What?
Dorothy (PS14L) [1073] Martin still calls her Aunty Yakky Da. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [1074] Aunty Yakky Da!
[1075] [laugh] ... Yakky Da!
[1076] [laugh] ... Right.
[1077] I'll see you on
Dorothy (PS14L) [1078] Monday.
Ann (PS14B) [1079] Monday.
[1080] Bye!
Dorothy (PS14L) [1081] Bye!
Bryony (PS14N) [1082] We, we just ... we, we're having a look at Beethoven's music!
Ann (PS14B) [1083] Yo you're not having a look at Beethoven music, you're listening to Beethoven music.
Bryony (PS14N) [1084] We're lis we're listening. [music]
James (PS14C) [1085] And then they want Mozart music on they said.
Ann (PS14B) [1086] Who wants Mozart?
Richard (PS14H) [1087] After, after
James (PS14C) [1088] Richard.
Richard (PS14H) [1089] Beethoven's
James (PS14C) [1090] did.
Ann (PS14B) [1091] After Beethoven, what?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1092] You want Mozart music do you?
Richard (PS14H) [1093] After Beethoven.
Ann (PS14B) [1094] I see.
Bryony (PS14N) [1095] Me ee!
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1096] And er, and [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [1097] And Bryony's going to play the piano at the same time
Richard (PS14H) [1098] Yeah.
[1099] No.
Ann (PS14B) [1100] is she?
Bryony (PS14N) [1101] He says he's gonna
Ann (PS14B) [1102] Pardon?
Richard (PS14H) [1103] Ah, I am.
James (PS14C) [1104] Those begonias are doing quite well now look.
Ann (PS14B) [1105] Ooh yes!
[1106] They've sprouted up.
Richard (PS14H) [1107] That's erm ... Billy Goat Gruff.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [...] [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1108] Richard, what?
[1109] Yes.
[1110] That's Billy Goat Gruff.
[1111] Look at these begonias!
Richard (PS14H) [1112] Oh! [...] !
Bryony (PS14N) [1113] I want to see the Billy Goat Gruff.
Ann (PS14B) [1114] They're growing bigger aren't they?
Bryony (PS14N) [1115] Billy Goat Gruff.
James (PS14C) [1116] Mind the door darling.
Ann (PS14B) [1117] I think that umbrella tree's going to have to be thrown out.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...] [music]
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [1118] Hello!
[1119] Anna!
Ann (PS14B) [1120] Hello Bryony!
Bryony (PS14N) [1121] Look!
James (PS14C) [1122] Come on.
[1123] You can come and [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1124] Yes, I'm in here as well.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...] [piano music]
James (PS14C) [1125] What d'ya have
Ann (PS14B) [1126] Well
James (PS14C) [1127] to do?
Richard (PS14H) [1128] The very ... [...]
James (PS14C) [1129] Billy Goats Gruff.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1130] How can you listen to music and listen to the Three Billy Goats Gruff at the same time?
Bryony (PS14N) [1131] Once upon a time!
[1132] Once upon a time
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
James (PS14C) [1133] Once upon a time
Ann (PS14B) [1134] Why don't you save the story for when I go to the hairdresser?
James (PS14C) [1135] there was three billy goats
Ann (PS14B) [1136] Cos I'll be going out in
Bryony (PS14N) [1137] Hello!
Ann (PS14B) [1138] in what?
James (PS14C) [1139] I made some coffee?
Ann (PS14B) [1140] Have you?
[1141] Oh thank you.
James (PS14C) [1142] One fine day in the Bluesberry Woods [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1143] Right, Jim's made me some coffee, so while you have the story
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1144] Yes, yes!
James (PS14C) [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1145] Me!
Ann (PS14B) [1146] I'll go and drink my coffee.
James (PS14C) [1147] and at the bridge lived [...] three billy goats gruff
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1148] Look what I've got!
Bryony (PS14N) [1149] I founded you
Ann (PS14B) [1150] You found it for me?
[1151] What is it you've found for me?
Bryony (PS14N) [1152] Erm, a card.
Ann (PS14B) [1153] Oh, my Mother's Day Card.
[1154] That's the one from Jim.
[1155] What are you doing? [piano music]
Richard (PS14H) [1156] [...] !
James (PS14C) [1157] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [1158] Right, take ... come and have your milk and biscuits, I've got it ready.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1159] Come along Bryony.
Bryony (PS14N) [1160] I want that off.
James (PS14C) [1161] Alright.
[1162] I'll turn it off then.
Ann (PS14B) [1163] Jim put it off.
James (PS14C) [1164] Don't touch!
[1165] Go with Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [1166] Come along then.
[1167] It's ready.
James (PS14C) [1168] Come and get your biscuits.
Ann (PS14B) [1169] Cos I've got to go out in a few minutes.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1170] I know, I wa I want this
Ann (PS14B) [1171] Come along James.
James (PS14C) [1172] Won't this work [...] .
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1173] What are you doing this?
Ann (PS14B) [1174] What am I doing?
[1175] I'm get I've ... going to give you your milk and biscuits.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1176] What have you got in your hand?
Ann (PS14B) [1177] What have I got in my hand?
[1178] I've got a ... a tape recorder in my hand.
[1179] Right, let's have you at the table.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1180] Well, Bryony wants to sit in her own chair today, so you sit on your own chair.
Richard (PS14H) [1181] No I don't want to sit there.
Ann (PS14B) [1182] Well she might want to swap later.
Richard (PS14H) [1183] [crying] I don't
Ann (PS14B) [1184] You don't wa
Richard (PS14H) [1185] wanna go on my chair [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1186] You don't want to go on your chair?
[1187] You haven't sat in your own chair all this week.
Richard (PS14H) [1188] I don't wanna sit on that!
Ann (PS14B) [1189] Come on.
[1190] Clever boy.
[1191] Cos I've got to go out in ten minutes, I'm going to get my hair done and you're going to look after Jim aren't you?
[1192] Come along.
[1193] Up you jump.
[1194] Let's see how quickly you can jump up off the floor.
[1195] Let's see if you can jump up
James (PS14C) [1196] [cough] Well where's my [] coffee then?
Richard (PS14H) [whining] [...] []
Ann (PS14B) [1197] I thought you'd had yours when you made mine.
[1198] I'll make you
James (PS14C) [1199] I made yours, and mine, but you never
Richard (PS14H) [1200] [whining] I'm
Ann (PS14B) [1201] brought mine.
Richard (PS14H) [1202] finishing my cup [] .
Ann (PS14B) [1203] Oh!
[1204] Sorry.
[1205] I didn't think it was in there.
[1206] Let's see how quickly Richard can
Richard (PS14H) [1207] No.
Ann (PS14B) [1208] jump up, see if he can jump up before I count three.
[1209] One, two
Richard (PS14H) [1210] No.
Ann (PS14B) [1211] three!
[1212] Oh!
[1213] He
James (PS14C) [1214] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [1215] can't.
[1216] Come on Twinkle, up you come.
[1217] Oh!
Richard (PS14H) [1218] No!
[1219] No!
Ann (PS14B) [1220] You're going to have a squawk are you?
Richard (PS14H) [1221] [crying] No [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1222] Don't you want this nice biscuit?
Richard (PS14H) [1223] I don't want any
Ann (PS14B) [1224] No do there's yours look James.
[1225] Don't eat
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1226] Ah.
Ann (PS14B) [1227] your brother's as well.
[1228] Oh well.
[1229] Richard doesn't want his biscuit.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1230] [whining] He just got mine then [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1231] He hasn't, I got it back off him.
[1232] Look, there it is.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1233] [whining] He just took it [] .
Ann (PS14B) [1234] There it is.
[1235] Up you jump.
[1236] There.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1237] [whining] He just got it [] .
[1238] [crying] I just wanna have er any [...] [] !
Richard (PS14H) [1239] [...] ... And that one's yours.
Ann (PS14B) [1240] Right, I'll ... we'll go out after dinner shall we?
Richard (PS14H) [1241] Well I just wanna go
Ann (PS14B) [1242] We'll go and see if the river's gone down any more.
[1243] See if the swans have come back shall we?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1244] After dinner!
Richard (PS14H) [1245] Where were they?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1246] [whining] I don't want another [...] []
Richard (PS14H) [1247] I think it might be deep, because that'll be deep.
Bryony (PS14N) [1248] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [1249] Is it very deep?
[1250] That wasn't
Bryony (PS14N) [1251] Yeah.
Richard (PS14H) [1252] I'm not going to [...] .
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1253] It will be deep.
Ann (PS14B) [1254] Well
Richard (PS14H) [1255] I am not going to [...] ma ma my, I do ... [whining] I am not going to go in my own chair [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1256] You're not going to go in your own chair?
[1257] Well, in that case, wait till Bryony's finished hers and then you can sit in her chair.
[1258] Will that do you?
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1259] See if we've got ... there's lots of milk left.
[1260] Right.
Bryony (PS14N) [1261] He's got his ... [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1262] Mummy, I'm tired.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1263] Mine!
Ann (PS14B) [1264] Well give him it ... what back?
Bryony (PS14N) [1265] My drink.
Richard (PS14H) [1266] Well that biscuit.
[1267] I've drunk ... drunken it.
Ann (PS14B) [1268] You've drunken it?
[1269] It's, you ... you've drunk it you mean?
[1270] No you haven't.
[1271] Are you going to drink yours later then?
Richard (PS14H) [1272] I'm going to look for my [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [1273] I think I'll have to get some straws and you can practise drinking out of th drinking with straws.
[1274] Cos they have little
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1275] We
Ann (PS14B) [1276] milk bottles at nursery school don't they?
[1277] With straws.
Richard (PS14H) [1278] So we could [...]

5 (Tape 069201)

Ann (PS14B) [1279] Quickly!
James (PS14M) [1280] I don't
Ann (PS14B) [1281] Look ... if we don't be quick it'll be time to meet the children from school before
James (PS14M) [1282] No.
Ann (PS14B) [1283] we've even ... got anywhere.
[1284] Right, here are your reins Bryony.
[1285] Have yours then.
[1286] Arms in.
Bryony (PS14N) [1287] Don't want to.
Ann (PS14B) [1288] Just put your straps on
Bryony (PS14N) [1289] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [1290] so you can get in the buggy.
Bryony (PS14N) [moan]
Ann (PS14B) [1291] Yes you can have the red cover on you, don't worry.
[1292] Haven't even got the buggy out yet.
[1293] I didn't
James (PS14M) [1294] Have you got
Ann (PS14B) [1295] want to get it out till the last minute in case it rained on it again.
[1296] Right, who's next?
Bryony (PS14N) [1297] I'm red.
Richard (PS14H) [1298] I'm next!
Bryony (PS14N) [1299] [crying] I'm red [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1300] You're red!
[1301] I no, the door's locked Bryony.
[1302] I'm not ready to get the buggy out yet.
[1303] I haven't got your coats on, or mine even.
[1304] Right.
[1305] You stand still.
[1306] Good boy.
[1307] Hood up.
[1308] Wait a minute!
[1309] Where are your reins?
[1310] Don't think that, come here!
[1311] Don't run away when I'm trying to
James (PS14M) [1312] Richard
Ann (PS14B) [1313] get you ready!
James (PS14M) [1314] Richard run away.
Ann (PS14B) [1315] Well Richard'll be left behind won't he?
[1316] ... Come on Richard.
Richard (PS14H) [1317] I'm coming!
Ann (PS14B) [1318] If you're coming, come now.
Richard (PS14H) [1319] I'm going in the
James (PS14M) [1320] I'm really cold!
Richard (PS14H) [1321] front today.
Ann (PS14B) [1322] No, I want James in the front today.
Bryony (PS14N) [1323] Oh!
[1324] And I'm having the, I'm er ... I having the
Ann (PS14B) [1325] Listen to me!
[1326] Listen to me!
[1327] Listen to me!
Bryony (PS14N) [1328] Well I'm having the ee ee
Ann (PS14B) [1329] Will you be qui ... yo will you be quiet and listen please.
[1330] I want James in the front today because ... the buggy is easier to tip up with the lightest one in the front.
[1331] And
Richard (PS14H) [1332] Oh oh!
Ann (PS14B) [1333] if it starts to snow or hailstone, or pour down ... I want to try and carry the umbrella ... and it's very difficult
James (PS14M) [1334] I wa do I wa I wa I wa I want ah
Ann (PS14B) [1335] to, push a buggy with three of you in, and hold an umbrella up.
[1336] So ... now don't vanish again.
[1337] You can't get out the door James cos it's locked.
James (PS14M) [...]
Richard (PS14H) [1338] You've got reins. [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [1339] You're going to get it.
Richard (PS14H) [1340] No.
Ann (PS14B) [1341] Right, let's have the cream on your faces.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1342] Come here.
[1343] Come ... come on, we've got to windproof
Richard (PS14H) [1344] I'm not a
Ann (PS14B) [1345] you.
Richard (PS14H) [1346] I'm not ha having some on my face.
Bryony (PS14N) [1347] Am I?
James (PS14M) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [1348] Lift your ... dab, dab, dab ... dab ... dab.
James (PS14M) [1349] My mummy.
Ann (PS14B) [1350] Rub a dub dub, three
Bryony (PS14N) [1351] I don't want that.
Ann (PS14B) [1352] keep still it'll go in your mush.
[1353] Three men in
Richard (PS14H) [1354] A tub
Ann (PS14B) [1355] a tub.
Bryony (PS14N) [1356] [whining] I don't like that [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1357] Yes you do like it, it stops your face getting sore.
Bryony (PS14N) [1358] [whining] I don't like it [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1359] Who wants a sore face?
Bryony (PS14N) [moan]
Richard (PS14H) [1360] I don't like it.
James (PS14M) [1361] I don't.
Ann (PS14B) [1362] No you don't.
Richard (PS14H) [1363] I don't.
Ann (PS14B) [1364] Did you have to do that James?
[1365] Give it back to me please.
[1366] Thank you.
[1367] It'll have to be washed now.
[1368] Right, let's have the cream on your face.
[1369] Bryony do you want some?
Bryony (PS14N) [1370] No.
James (PS14M) [1371] But, I don't.
[1372] But, we need
Bryony (PS14N) [1373] I don't.
[1374] Ready.
[1375] I don't want some on me.
[1376] But I don't want some on me.
Ann (PS14B) [1377] Stand still please James.
Bryony (PS14N) [1378] [whining] I don't want some
James (PS14M) [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [1379] on me.
[1380] I don't want some on me [] .
Ann (PS14B) [1381] Well don't you?
[1382] Why?
Bryony (PS14N) [1383] But I don't.
Ann (PS14B) [1384] Well your face doesn't get in a mess like the boys
Richard (PS14H) [1385] No.
Ann (PS14B) [1386] does, does it?
Bryony (PS14N) [1387] [whining] I don't [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1388] Alright.
[1389] Just a tiny bit to your face.
[1390] So your face doesn't get
Bryony (PS14N) [1391] [whingeing] No [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1392] sore.
Bryony (PS14N) [1393] [whingeing] No [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1394] Alright.
Richard (PS14H) [1395] You get rid of them shells.
James (PS14M) [1396] No. [singing] [...] []
Ann (PS14B) [1397] Hey!
[1398] Little boys do not sit on windowsills.
[1399] Get down!
[1400] Before you break your neck.
[1401] Come on.
[1402] Down, quickly.
[1403] Get back on that chair arm.
James (PS14M) [1404] Get off!
Richard (PS14H) [crying]
James (PS14M) [1405] I pull him down.
Ann (PS14B) [1406] It's not a good idea to pull him off.
[1407] Let me have a look.
Richard (PS14H) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [1408] Don't you climb on now you've pulled him off.
Richard (PS14H) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [1409] Let's have a look at you.
Richard (PS14H) [1410] [crying] He's [...] [] .
Ann (PS14B) [1411] What did you bump?
[1412] Show me what you bumped.
Richard (PS14H) [1413] [crying] I hate you [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1414] Show me what you bumped.
Richard (PS14H) [...]
James (PS14M) [1415] Erm, I fell off the end.
Ann (PS14B) [1416] He just did something did he?
James (PS14M) [1417] Aha.
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1418] Come on, let's have your straps on.
Bryony (PS14N) [1419] Er, what has he done?
[1420] What did he do'ed ?
[1421] What did he do?
Ann (PS14B) [1422] What did he do?
Bryony (PS14N) [1423] On the arm.
Ann (PS14B) [1424] James pulled Richard off the windowsill and sat on his head.
[1425] Now come down!
[1426] Down!
[1427] Now!
[1428] You're not to climb up there.
[1429] Dangerous.
Bryony (PS14N) [1430] He know, it's high.
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1431] You will fall on yourself and bang your head on the radiator when you step backwards.
Bryony (PS14N) [1432] Well don't kick ... me with those shoes.
James (PS14M) [1433] We're going.
Ann (PS14B) [1434] Yes.
[1435] Right.
[1436] ... Have my coat on.
Bryony (PS14N) [1437] Where are we going now?
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1438] Will you pick that
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1439] cover up off the floor please so I can get near the back door?
[1440] Thank you.
Richard (PS14H) [1441] That's my
James (PS14M) [1442] Ooh!
[1443] Ooh!
Richard (PS14H) [1444] cover, there's my rain cover.
[1445] There
Ann (PS14B) [1446] That one's Bryony's the red one.
[1447] Who knows where my gloves are?
Bryony (PS14N) [1448] Mine is the red one.
Ann (PS14B) [1449] Here's yours, yours is on the radiator Richard.
[1450] There's yours.
[1451] And I
Richard (PS14H) [1452] Mine.
Ann (PS14B) [1453] don't want you to take them outside because you trail them in the wet.
Bryony (PS14N) [1454] I know
Ann (PS14B) [1455] And there's no point in
Bryony (PS14N) [1456] we do.
Ann (PS14B) [1457] put, covering you
James (PS14M) [1458] I want my raincoat on.
[1459] That's my raincoat.
Ann (PS14B) [1460] I'm going to cover you up with
James (PS14M) [1461] And thi thi
Ann (PS14B) [1462] Yes, that one's yours.
James (PS14M) [1463] out.
Ann (PS14B) [1464] Let me find my gloves first.
[1465] Are they in my shopping bag?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [1466] And my covers!
James (PS14M) [1467] Richard
Ann (PS14B) [1468] No they're not in
James (PS14M) [1469] like this.
Richard (PS14H) [1470] Where's mine?
Ann (PS14B) [1471] Where's your cover?
[1472] It's on the radiator in the hall.
[1473] Go and get it carefully
Bryony (PS14N) [1474] It's
Ann (PS14B) [1475] I think
Bryony (PS14N) [1476] lovely and warm.
Ann (PS14B) [1477] I think it's there.
[1478] No it's not, it's in the chair in the kitchen look.
[1479] It's on the chair in the kitchen.
[1480] Why have you only got one hand in this glove.
James (PS14M) [1481] Oh oh oh!
Bryony (PS14N) [1482] There.
[1483] There.
James (PS14M) [1484] Where, [singing] [...] [] aargh!
Bryony (PS14N) [1485] [shouting] Mine!
[1486] Mine [] !
[1487] [crying] Mine, he's [...] [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1488] What are you doing?
[1489] Don't! [laugh]
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [1490] I think I'll cry in a minute.
[1491] Get out the way.
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [1492] What's the matter?
[1493] Did you hit your sister again?
[1494] Well ... you might be the smallest, but you're a bully do you know that?
Bryony (PS14N) [1495] [crying] He's a naughty boy [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1496] He is a naughty boy when he hits you for nothing.
[1497] That's not kind is it?
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
James (PS14M) [1498] I'll [...] in a minute!
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [1499] You'll what in a minute?
[1500] Right.
[1501] Let's have my lipstick on.
[1502] We'll be ready yet, won't we?
Richard (PS14H) [1503] Ooh!
[1504] Ooh!
[1505] Ooh!
Ann (PS14B) [1506] What time is it?
Richard (PS14H) [1507] [whining] I don't wanna go out.
[1508] I don't wanna go out [] .
Ann (PS14B) [1509] Do you realize we've been trying to get ready for twenty minutes?
[1510] Or more.
[1511] Move over please, I can't get past you.
Bryony (PS14N) [1512] You can.
Ann (PS14B) [1513] I can't.
[1514] Let me just write the
James (PS14M) [1515] [singing] Dee dee ee, dee dee ah ha [] .
Bryony (PS14N) [1516] Did you see the river?
Ann (PS14B) [1517] Hold on a minute.

6 (Tape 069202)

Ann (PS14B) [1518] There you are, you're past.
James (PS14M) [1519] Yep.
[1520] Let's go out.
Bryony (PS14N) [1521] [...] he hit
Ann (PS14B) [1522] Richard, where have you got
Bryony (PS14N) [1523] me!
Ann (PS14B) [1524] I know he hit you pet, but you're better now aren't you?
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1525] Richard, come back please.
Bryony (PS14N) [1526] Naughty.
[1527] Er, naughty.
Ann (PS14B) [1528] No you do not need to go in the shower.
[1529] You're not going in the shower!
[1530] Come back!
Bryony (PS14N) [1531] I've been in the
James (PS14M) [1532] Come back!
Bryony (PS14N) [1533] shower.
Ann (PS14B) [1534] You've been in the shower have you?
Bryony (PS14N) [1535] I been in the shower.
Richard (PS14H) [1536] I go in that shower [...] .
Bryony (PS14N) [1537] I been in the shower.
Ann (PS14B) [1538] Have you?
James (PS14M) [...]
Richard (PS14H) [1539] I'm going to climb in.
Ann (PS14B) [1540] You're not supposed to go in the shower with shoes on.
Richard (PS14H) [1541] I did.
[1542] I did.
Ann (PS14B) [1543] Right.
[1544] I'm fastened up.
James (PS14M) [1545] Well turn it on [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [1546] Now then, gloves.
[1547] Where have I put the key?
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1548] I'm going to get the buggy out of the garage so mind your,
Bryony (PS14N) [1549] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [1550] lift Jack out the way.
[1551] Now listen, I want ... nobody to come over the step because you're trailing these covers ... and you'll get them wet, so inside!
[1552] Are you listening James?
James (PS14M) [1553] I am listening.
Ann (PS14B) [1554] Good.
[1555] I'm pleased to hear it.
[1556] Right, I'll just get the ... when I get this lock off ... two ... three, that's it.
[1557] ... I said stay inside James!
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1558] No!
[1559] Stay on the doorstep please till I bring the buggy over.
[1560] Cos it's very wet, and if you jump in this puddle and get your trousers wet we'll never get out if we've got to stop to change you.
[1561] ... Oh!
[1562] And I hope the handle's not stuck this time.
[1563] Or I'll have to bash it with a rolling pin again.
Bryony (PS14N) [1564] I want to go.
Ann (PS14B) [1565] You want to what?
Bryony (PS14N) [1566] I want to go in my seat.
Ann (PS14B) [1567] Oh in a minute, I've got to put ... get my lock off the gate ... put it back in.
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1568] Now wait a minute till I get the handle fixed.
[1569] Wait a min oh!
[1570] It's sticking, look.
[1571] Let me, wait till I
Bryony (PS14N) [1572] You come in and
Ann (PS14B) [1573] tt.
Bryony (PS14N) [1574] get one.
Ann (PS14B) [1575] [sighing] Oh [] !
Bryony (PS14N) [1576] You come in and get one.
Ann (PS14B) [1577] No!
[1578] Don't get in yet ple ... er ... will you bring me the rolling pin please James.
James (PS14M) [1579] I will.
Ann (PS14B) [1580] Go with si go on then, now!
Bryony (PS14N) [1581] I want, I want to go in.
Ann (PS14B) [1582] Let me get ... anybody.
[1583] Don't fight, I asked James cos he was nearest Richard.
Bryony (PS14N) [1584] I sit in.
Ann (PS14B) [1585] You're not going in the front Bryony, you're going in the back beside Richard.
[1586] Can you get in the back please.
Bryony (PS14N) [1587] I'm in, in the back.
Ann (PS14B) [1588] Go on then, climb in the back.
Richard (PS14H) [1589] No.
Ann (PS14B) [1590] I wonder if I kicked it
James (PS14M) [1591] Is that a rolling pin?
Ann (PS14B) [1592] wait a minute I've kicked it.
[1593] Oh!
[1594] It's a bit
James (PS14M) [1595] Is that a rolling pin?
Ann (PS14B) [1596] Still no good though.
James (PS14M) [1597] Is that a rolling pin?
Ann (PS14B) [1598] Yes, no.
[1599] [laughing] That's a roll of greaseproof paper [] .
[1600] You know what a rolling pin looks like.
[1601] What do we use when we're baking pas oh it's alright, I've fixed it.
[1602] Right.
[1603] Wait till I put the brake on.
[1604] Right, come and get in.
[1605] Bryony, you've got in the front, you're supposed to be in the back.
Bryony (PS14N) [1606] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [1607] Come on.
Bryony (PS14N) [1608] [whining] No [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1609] In you get.
Bryony (PS14N) [1610] No!
Ann (PS14B) [1611] Good girl.
[1612] Sit down please.
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [1613] Sit down please.
Bryony (PS14N) [1614] [crying] No [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1615] That's it.
Bryony (PS14N) [1616] No!
Ann (PS14B) [1617] That's a rolling pin.
[1618] Clever boy.
[1619] But it, I don't need it now, I managed to fix it without bashing it with that.
Richard (PS14H) [1620] Oh jump!
Ann (PS14B) [1621] [sighing] Mm [] .
[1622] ... Don't climb over backwards, get in the side like you're supposed to.
Bryony (PS14N) [1623] He's getting in my
Ann (PS14B) [1624] In you get.
Bryony (PS14N) [1625] side!
Ann (PS14B) [1626] He's not in your side.
[1627] Right.
[1628] Sit down so I can fasten you all in.
Bryony (PS14N) [1629] No!
Ann (PS14B) [1630] Wait a minute.
James (PS14M) [1631] I'll go in that ... one side.
Bryony (PS14N) [moan]
James (PS14M) [1632] And mine
Ann (PS14B) [1633] [sighing] Oh [] .
James (PS14M) [1634] not that.
Ann (PS14B) [1635] Where's Richard clipped in.
[1636] Turn round James.
[1637] Put your foot re
Richard (PS14H) [1638] Ee ee ee [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1639] Put your footrest up.
James (PS14M) [1640] What?
[1641] What?
Bryony (PS14N) [1642] [crying] No!
[1643] No [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1644] Leave your sister's face alone Re Richard.
Bryony (PS14N) [1645] [crying] Er, naughty boy [] !
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1646] I think your brothers are not being kind to you today are they?
Bryony (PS14N) [1647] They're naughty boys!
Ann (PS14B) [1648] Don't say it's raining again!
[1649] Oh!
[1650] Ah.
James (PS14M) [1651] Not raining
Ann (PS14B) [1652] There.
James (PS14M) [1653] now.
Ann (PS14B) [1654] Right, that's everybody clipped in.
[1655] Let's get your rain covers on.
[1656] Keep
Richard (PS14H) [1657] Yep.
Ann (PS14B) [1658] the wind off you.
Bryony (PS14N) [1659] No!
[1660] No!
[1661] [whining] I don't, I don't want to [] .
Ann (PS14B) [1662] Maybe you don't want to but it'll keep the wind off you, and it keeps raining.
Bryony (PS14N) [1663] [whining] No!
[1664] No [] !
Ann (PS14B) [1665] Well you'll just have to cry Bryony because you're going to have them on because it keeps raining.
Bryony (PS14N) [1666] I don't
Ann (PS14B) [1667] And, they'll keep your hands warm cos none of you'll keep your gloves on will you?
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1668] Right.
[1669] Red one for Bryony
Bryony (PS14N) [1670] [whining] No [] .
Ann (PS14B) [1671] to match your coat.
[1672] Here we are.
[1673] Where is she?
James (PS14M) [1674] My hood's come off.
[1675] Quick!
Ann (PS14B) [1676] Your ho alright!
[1677] Your hood's come off, we'll pull it up again.
[1678] Don't panic.
[1679] ... Just tell me, there's no need to squawk.
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1680] Right.
[1681] Let's see.
Bryony (PS14N) [1682] And you've done it like this.
Ann (PS14B) [1683] Put your head up straight so I can get this one on top of this.
[1684] And then it won't come off.
James (PS14M) [1685] [whining] It's on [...] [] .
Ann (PS14B) [1686] Your hood's up, your, your anorak will
James (PS14M) [1687] [whining] But I want it that way [] .
Ann (PS14B) [1688] You don't want it
James (PS14M) [1689] That way.
Ann (PS14B) [1690] That's right.
[1691] That's the way it goes.
James (PS14M) [1692] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [1693] Now then, let's see ... put your feet straight on the footrest so I can ... tuck these things over.
Richard (PS14H) [1694] Well you just get my rain cover.
[1695] I haven't got mine.
Ann (PS14B) [1696] I'm going to get your rain cover, I can only ... I've got two hands and there are three of you.
[1697] So you have to wait your turn.
[1698] ... Who's been tearing up all the newspaper that the wet wellies were on?
James (PS14M) [1699] I don't know.
Ann (PS14B) [1700] Right.
[1701] Richard, let's get yours on.
Richard (PS14H) [1702] We didn't do it, we didn't do it [...] Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [1703] [laughing] Oh!
[1704] No, you never do it do you [] ?
Richard (PS14H) [1705] The other one did, no, other ones did it.
Ann (PS14B) [1706] The other ones did?
Richard (PS14H) [1707] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [1708] It wasn't torn up when the other ones went to school.
[1709] So I don't think they did it.
[1710] Put your arm ... up a little bit till I can get this pulled down over your feet.
[1711] ... There!
[1712] Is everybody wrapped up warm?
[1713] ... Now ... hang on, cos I need some tissues in my pocket.
[1714] Erm ... where are we?
[1715] I don't need my purse.
Richard (PS14H) [1716] Do you need your pen?
Ann (PS14B) [1717] [sigh] ... Let's see ... I need my umbrella ... my gloves, where have I put the key now?
[1718] I took it out so you wouldn't lock me ou oh, it's my coat pocket.
[1719] I'll just put the ... lock off the gate on the windowsill.
[1720] Er ... I need that piece of paper.
[1721] ... I think we're ready.
[1722] ... I think.
[1723] Right, what's stuck to my foot?
[1724] A piece of newspaper.
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1725] Lock the door.
Richard (PS14H) [1726] Take that ... you've got to take that.
Ann (PS14B) [1727] I've got, yes.
Richard (PS14H) [1728] You've got to take that?
[1729] You've got to take that!
Ann (PS14B) [1730] Mhm.
[1731] ... Can I put this bag
Bryony (PS14N) [moan]
Ann (PS14B) [1732] do you think it'll just go on there?
Bryony (PS14N) [1733] By me.
Ann (PS14B) [1734] I'll just put it on there like that.
Bryony (PS14N) [1735] No.
Ann (PS14B) [1736] Cos it keeps slipping off my shoulder.
[1737] Oh!
[1738] I've still got my glasses on and I don't need them.
James (PS14M) [1739] I don't like that there.
Ann (PS14B) [1740] I'll just put them in the bag cos I've locked the door.
James (PS14M) [1741] And move your bag.
[1742] Carry it on my shoulders.
Ann (PS14B) [1743] Yes.
[1744] I know you carry it on your shoulder sometimes.
[1745] It's a bit long for you.
[1746] Oh!
James (PS14M) [1747] But
Ann (PS14B) [1748] Look at
James (PS14M) [1749] I want
Ann (PS14B) [1750] I'll have to go back in the house because I've got two odd gloves on.
[1751] I've got two left hand gloves here.
[1752] Ooh, I am a nitwit!
[1753] ... I don't know where I go er ... [sigh] ... Right.
[1754] That's better.
[1755] I've got ... a pair of gloves now instead of two odd ones.
James (PS14M) [1756] Well put it on.
Ann (PS14B) [1757] I'm going to put it o
James (PS14M) [1758] You can put that one on.
Ann (PS14B) [1759] I'm going to put it on.
James (PS14M) [1760] Put that one on.
[1761] Got that one on.
Ann (PS14B) [1762] Yes.
[1763] Right.
Richard (PS14H) [1764] And that [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1765] Take the brake off, and off we go.
[1766] Are we ready?
[1767] We'll reverse out the gate.
Richard (PS14H) [1768] That way.
Ann (PS14B) [1769] Are you going to reverse.
[1770] Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!
Bryony (PS14N) [1771] I don't want
Richard (PS14H) [1772] Ann.
Bryony (PS14N) [1773] to.
Ann (PS14B) [1774] Aren't you doing it today?
James (PS14M) [1775] We're a minibus.
Ann (PS14B) [1776] We're a minibus today are we?
[1777] Right, we're in the
James (PS14M) [1778] We're in a [...] minibus.
Bryony (PS14N) [1779] There.
[1780] May we driving the minibus
James (PS14M) [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [1781] with you.
Ann (PS14B) [1782] You're in a minibus Bryony.
[1783] James said he's in a double decker.
Richard (PS14H) [1784] And we're, I, I'm driving the ... [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [1785] A what?
Bryony (PS14N) [1786] I'm driving a minibus.
Ann (PS14B) [1787] You're driving a mini
James (PS14M) [1788] I'm driving a double
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
James (PS14M) [1789] decker.
Bryony (PS14N) [1790] I'm driving a minibus.
Ann (PS14B) [1791] Yes, you're driving a minibus Bryony.
[1792] James is driving a double decker.
[1793] I don't know what Richard's driving.
Richard (PS14H) [1794] I'm driving a double decker.
Ann (PS14B) [1795] You're driving a double decker as well.
Richard (PS14H) [1796] I'm driving a double decker.
James (PS14M) [1797] The road!
Ann (PS14B) [1798] There we are.
James (PS14M) [1799] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [1800] Paul must be fixing his car.
Bryony (PS14N) [1801] Paul not in his car today.
Ann (PS14B) [1802] Pardon?
Bryony (PS14N) [1803] Paul not in his car today?
Ann (PS14B) [1804] Paul's not in his car today?
[1805] No.
[1806] I think he's been fixing it.
[1807] [cough] ... Not many flowers left on that winter jasmine now are there?
James (PS14M) [1808] Winter jasmine.
Ann (PS14B) [1809] Yes.
[1810] It's winter jasmine.
[1811] There's only about six left on.
[1812] ... The leaves are growing now though.
[1813] The flowers come on before the leaves come on.
[1814] And when the when the flowers drop off the leaves grow.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1815] Pardon.
[1816] ... You'll have to talk louder I can't hear you, you're all muffled under those covers.
James (PS14M) [1817] And we're all muffled under the [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1818] And the wind's blowing in my ears.
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1819] Pardon.
Richard (PS14H) [1820] We're nice and warm aren't we?
Ann (PS14B) [1821] You're nice and warm?
Richard (PS14H) [1822] We're nice and warm now.
Bryony (PS14N) [1823] We're nice and warm.
Ann (PS14B) [1824] Yes you are nice and warm.
James (PS14M) [1825] We're nice and warm.
Ann (PS14B) [1826] My face is cold.
[1827] The rest of me gets warm with pushing this
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1828] buggy.
Richard (PS14H) [1829] I'm cold.
James (PS14M) [1830] Buggy.
Richard (PS14H) [1831] Buggy.
[1832] Buggy.
[1833] Buggy.
Bryony (PS14N) [1834] My hands are cold.
Ann (PS14B) [1835] Mm?
Bryony (PS14N) [1836] I saw a Telecom ... van.
Ann (PS14B) [1837] You did.
Bryony (PS14N) [1838] I saw a Telecom van
Ann (PS14B) [1839] I don't think it is a Telecom van any more.
[1840] It used to be ... but I think it's an old
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1841] I think it's an old one that somebody's bought to use for themselves.
[1842] Cos they've painted the Telecom writing off it.
[1843] So it's just plain yellow now.
[1844] The new Telecom vans are grey.
[1845] I like the yellow ones better.
James (PS14M) [1846] I like the yellow ones.
Ann (PS14B) [1847] You like the yellow ones as well.
[1848] They're nice bright ones aren't they?
Richard (PS14H) [1849] I like the yellow ones.
James (PS14M) [1850] Well ... the new ones are grey.
Ann (PS14B) [1851] Can you see the sandbags?
[1852] Look at those sacks full of sand near the door, near the shop door.
[1853] They're called sandbags, do you know what they were for?
James (PS14M) [1854] What sandbags?
Ann (PS14B) [1855] That was to stop the water flooding into the shop.
[1856] It didn't get quite that high though.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1857] [sighing] Oh [] !
Richard (PS14H) [1858] Ah ah!
Ann (PS14B) [1859] What can you see now?
Richard (PS14H) [1860] That, I can see a
James (PS14M) [...]
Richard (PS14H) [1861] a gas van.
Ann (PS14B) [1862] Yes.
[1863] That's right, that's a gas van.
[1864] Clever boy Richard.
Bryony (PS14N) [1865] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [1866] Whoops!
James (PS14M) [1867] I can see a gas van.
Ann (PS14B) [1868] Yes, that's right.
James (PS14M) [1869] And I can
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [1870] Hello.
Ann (PS14B) [1871] Hello Shirley.
Richard (PS14H) [1872] Who was that coming?
[1873] There goes the gas van.
Bryony (PS14N) [1874] Gas van.
[1875] Gas van.
Ann (PS14B) [1876] It is, it's a gas van.
Richard (PS14H) [1877] Why does it live there?
Ann (PS14B) [1878] Perhaps somebody's having a ... gas cooker repaired.
[1879] Perhaps the gas ... cooker's broken and they need it mending.
[1880] Oh look ... the boys and girls are coming for play time.
[1881] I saw Erin ... run past ... and Amanda.
[1882] Did you see Erin and Amanda?
Richard (PS14H) [1883] We saw [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [1884] I wonder if Martin and ... Richard are out?
[1885] ... Hello Claire.
[1886] Hello!
[1887] ... Hello Christie.
[1888] ... Who's that?
[1889] Can you see them?
[1890] Look, they're coming out for play time.
[1891] You can't wave to them can you, cos you're all covered up?
[1892] ... Anyone else we know?
[1893] ... There's Mrs .
[1894] Hello.
[1895] Mrs said hello.
James (PS14M) [1896] Oh.
[1897] Hello.
Ann (PS14B) [1898] We'd better go hadn't we?
[1899] Oh!
[1900] It's too cold to stand still anyway for me.
[1901] We'll see them when we come back to collect the others.
Bryony (PS14N) [1902] See the [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [1903] Wait a minute, I can't hear you Bryony?
[1904] What pet?
[1905] What did you say?
[1906] I don't know what you said.
[1907] I didn't hear you properly.
Bryony (PS14N) [1908] Minibus.
Ann (PS14B) [1909] Is that the minibus you're driving ... Bryony?
Bryony (PS14N) [1910] I'm driving my minibus.
Ann (PS14B) [1911] Hang on a minute.
[1912] This path's all covered in mud look.
Bryony (PS14N) [1913] I'm driving my minibus.
[1914] I'm driving my mini
Ann (PS14B) [1915] It's a plarty path.
[1916] Yes it wa you're driving your minibus.
[1917] And one just went past.
[1918] Didn't it?
Bryony (PS14N) [1919] He's driving double decker.
Ann (PS14B) [1920] Oh, a man's pressed the button ... we can't make it in time.
Bryony (PS14N) [1921] [...] ... Another minibus.
Ann (PS14B) [1922] Another minibus.
[1923] And a motorbike.
[1924] Oh it's a [...] .
[1925] ... What colour's that car?
Richard (PS14H) [1926] Black.
Ann (PS14B) [1927] I can see an, an orange Land Rover.
[1928] It's an electric one, electric van.
[1929] ... Hurry up green man.
[1930] He's coming ... now.
[1931] Over we go.
[1932] Round the corner.
[1933] There look.
[1934] There's an electricity van.
[1935] It's an electricity Land Rover.
[1936] With two big ladders on it.
[1937] There.
[1938] ... Look at the trees now.
[1939] Oh look!
[1940] Can you see the buds ... on the conker trees?
[1941] Look!
[1942] They've all opened out.
[1943] Can you see all the new little leaves on the conker tree?
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [1944] I didn't notice them before.
Bryony (PS14N) [1945] No.
Ann (PS14B) [1946] Probably cos we've had to walk with my head down with the rain ... all the time.
[1947] ... Right, we'll go along ... we'll go the long way.
James (PS14M) [1948] No, go just here.
Ann (PS14B) [1949] Mm?
James (PS14M) [1950] What can we hear.
[1951] What can you hear?
Ann (PS14B) [1952] Oh.
[1953] Yes we're going in here, we ... say that again, what did you say?
[1954] What can you hear?
[1955] Oh!
[1956] That was what you said, what can you hear?
[1957] I can hear the
Richard (PS14H) [1958] Car wash!
Ann (PS14B) [1959] That's right.
[1960] The car wash.
[1961] You can see the steam coming from it cos it's hot water.
[1962] ... I can hear the weir.
[1963] Listen.
[1964] Can you hear the weir.
James (PS14M) [1965] I can hear the weir.
Ann (PS14B) [1966] At least you can see the weir today, we couldn't see it on ... Wednesday could we?
[1967] ... The water went straight across the top.
[1968] There wasn't a weir there.
James (PS14M) [1969] Oh no!
Ann (PS14B) [1970] Oh look.
[1971] It's all bubbling up again.
[1972] The water's still flowing very fast isn't it?
James (PS14M) [1973] It's very deep.
[1974] It is very deep isn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [1975] It is very deep.
[1976] It's very, very deep.
[1977] But it's gone down a lot.
[1978] ... I bet there's been a lot ducks' nests washed away though.
[1979] I don't think there'll be as many ducklings this year.
[1980] A lot of the ducks' nests will have been washed away.
Bryony (PS14N) [1981] I can see [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [1982] Can you see the sand on this path where the water's been right over the top of it?
Richard (PS14H) [1983] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [1984] What you saying Bryony?
[1985] What love?
[1986] I wish you'd talk a bit louder I can't hear you.
[1987] Look, here's another conker tree.
[1988] Horse chestnut.
[1989] Can you see the leaves?
[1990] Wait a minute, I can reach this one.
Bryony (PS14N) [1991] So can I.
Ann (PS14B) [1992] Look at this one, can you see ... hang on ... there look ... look at the leaves opening, oh, you're too far forward.
[1993] There look.
[1994] Can you see James?
James (PS14M) [1995] No.
Ann (PS14B) [1996] Up here look.
James (PS14M) [1997] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [1998] And, can you see on the end, look ... that's where the flowers'll grow, the blossom.
[1999] They look like big candles don't they, when they're growing?
[2000] That's the beginnings of the flowers growing.
[2001] ... Can you see all the sand on the grass?
James (PS14M) [2002] Up came the river and [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2003] Yes, the river washed it all up, right over this path.
[2004] Look, we're going through sand now.
[2005] Think we were at the beach wouldn't you?
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2006] Yes, it looks like the beach with all the sand across the path.
[2007] The river washed it all up onto the path.
James (PS14M) [2008] Ah!
[2009] Ah!
[2010] We're on a beach.
[2011] Look Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [2012] Can't see the swans though.
[2013] They're not at this end of the river.
Richard (PS14H) [2014] Can you see ducks, Ann?
Ann (PS14B) [2015] Yes, I can see ducks.
[2016] Ah look!
[2017] There's a white duck.
[2018] Can you see the white duck?
[2019] Straight over there look.
[2020] There's a white
James (PS14M) [2021] I see it!
Ann (PS14B) [2022] duck.
James (PS14M) [2023] There.
Richard (PS14H) [2024] I can't see the white ducks over there.
Bryony (PS14N) [2025] Oh oh!
[2026] [...] . There are white ducks over there.
Ann (PS14B) [2027] White ducks like that one have escaped from farms.
Richard (PS14H) [2028] And th and the ... they're little, little lady ducks.
Ann (PS14B) [2029] There a lot more drakes than ducks though look, aren't there?
Richard (PS14H) [2030] They ... I look?
Ann (PS14B) [2031] Yes, you look.
[2032] There's a
James (PS14M) [2033] Moorhens!
Ann (PS14B) [2034] Moorhens?
[2035] Where?
[2036] I can't se
James (PS14M) [2037] Over there.
Ann (PS14B) [2038] I can't see any just at the moment.
James (PS14M) [2039] There.
Ann (PS14B) [2040] How much time have we got?
[2041] Right, we'll go up this way, through the promena along the promenade, and then we'll go ... back through the town ... and it'll be time to get the others from school by then.
Richard (PS14H) [2042] Don't push me! ... [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2043] Right.
James (PS14M) [2044] Where we going?
Ann (PS14B) [2045] We're going for a walk along the river to see if we can ... if the swans are near the Old Gate Bridge.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2046] See what else we can find to see.
James (PS14M) [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [2047] I'm having the bag like that one.
Richard (PS14H) [2048] No you're not.
Bryony (PS14N) [2049] I'm having the, I'm having the bag!
James (PS14M) [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [2050] I having the bag!
Ann (PS14B) [2051] You're having the bag.
Bryony (PS14N) [2052] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [2053] Are you carrying my bag for me?
Bryony (PS14N) [2054] I'm carrying your bag for you.
Ann (PS14B) [2055] Someone naughty's smashed a seat, look!
[2056] Can you see?
[2057] A seat's missing from there.
[2058] Just the posts at the end.
Bryony (PS14N) [2059] Naughty [...] . [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2060] When Jim and I came along at ... night time on Wednesday
Richard (PS14H) [2061] Oh look!
Ann (PS14B) [2062] there was erm
Richard (PS14H) [2063] There's some
James (PS14M) [2064] Where did you go there?
Richard (PS14H) [2065] there's some more duck.
Ann (PS14B) [2066] Those are drakes those.
[2067] Yes.
[2068] They're the daddy ones.
[2069] There was erm, some ribbons tied right across here sa saying police notice ... closed.
[2070] Couldn't go down there under the promenade.
[2071] But the river was right over the top of it.
James (PS14M) [2072] Who left the gate open?
Ann (PS14B) [2073] Who left the gate open?
[2074] I don't know.
[2075] Oh it's tied up a somebody's tied it back with a piece of string.
Richard (PS14H) [2076] What's the dog doing there?
Ann (PS14B) [2077] What's the dog doing?
[2078] I can't see a dog, where is it?
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2079] I can't see a dog.
[2080] I can only see a daddy and a little girl on a roundabout.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2081] Along where?
[2082] We're going down here, yes.
Richard (PS14H) [2083] Don't want to go down here.
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2084] Right, now this is steep hill so I've got to go slowly and hang on to you ... tightly so th ... buggy doesn't run away from me.
James (PS14M) [2085] Whee!
[2086] Vroom!
Ann (PS14B) [2087] Whee!
[2088] There we are, we're at the bottom.
[2089] We haven't seen any moorhens at all have we?
[2090] Look over there!
Richard (PS14H) [2091] There is over there.
Ann (PS14B) [2092] Look though
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2093] I can only see one ... one duck ... all the rest are drakes.
[2094] One, two ... three, four
James (PS14M) [2095] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [2096] five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen drakes and one duck.
Bryony (PS14N) [cough] ... [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2097] Not many ducks though are there?
[2098] They're all daddy ones.
James (PS14M) [2099] I see a white one.
[2100] I see the white one.
Ann (PS14B) [2101] Yes, we saw a white one, that was round near the leisure centre.
James (PS14M) [2102] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [2103] Wasn't it?
Richard (PS14H) [2104] Over the bridge.
Ann (PS14B) [2105] Can you see all the bubbles on the river.
[2106] All the white bits.
[2107] That's all the air bubbles because the river's flowing so fast.
Richard (PS14H) [2108] Blue, blue [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2109] And bubbling up over ... the stepping stones and things.
[2110] ... Can you hear the birds singing?
[2111] Listen.
James (PS14M) [2112] Er ... yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [2113] Can you hear?
Bryony (PS14N) [2114] I hear birds singing.
Ann (PS14B) [2115] You can hear the birds singing.
[2116] Yes.
[2117] They're in those trees up there.
James (PS14M) [2118] I wanna go in the tunnel.
Ann (PS14B) [2119] You want to go in the tunnel?
James (PS14M) [2120] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [2121] You mean underneath the bridge?
[2122] I think it's still flooded James.
James (PS14M) [2123] I want to go under the bridge.
Ann (PS14B) [2124] It was still flooded yesterday. [sniff]
Richard (PS14H) [2125] And all up under the [...] ?
James (PS14M) [2126] I want to go under the tunnel.
[2127] I want to go under the tunnel.
Ann (PS14B) [2128] We can't pet, I can't get the buggy down the steps
James (PS14M) [2129] I've got
Ann (PS14B) [2130] anyway.
James (PS14M) [2131] I've got ... I've got my coat on.
Ann (PS14B) [2132] Yes, you've got your coat on.
[2133] You need your coat on today don't you?
James (PS14M) [2134] And I've got a [...] .
Bryony (PS14N) [2135] I've got coat on.
Ann (PS14B) [2136] Yes, we've all got our coats on.
[2137] Cos it's cold.
[2138] Look at the wind blowing the trees.
[2139] Can you see the wind blowing the leaves?
Richard (PS14H) [2140] Yes, I can.
Bryony (PS14N) [2141] Oh, that was ... [...] leaves.
Ann (PS14B) [2142] Yes.
[2143] Can you see
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2144] can you see all this rubbish, all these leaves and bits of grass and everything on this ... wire netting?
[2145] Can you see James?
[2146] Look ... all of this, this is where the river came up to.
[2147] The wa the water was right up to there.
[2148] That's why no one could come along here on Wednesday night.
[2149] You can see how high the water is with all ... all that
Richard (PS14H) [2150] All with the water!
Ann (PS14B) [2151] all those bits of grass and leaves stuck on the fence.
[2152] [sniff] ... There's a bird singing, listen.
[2153] ... Can you hear it?
[2154] Sounds as if it's just above us
Richard (PS14H) [2155] [...] sand.
Ann (PS14B) [2156] doesn't it?
Richard (PS14H) [2157] All this sand.
[2158] ... All this, look
Ann (PS14B) [2159] Mm?
Richard (PS14H) [2160] [...] ... with that stuck on the
Ann (PS14B) [2161] It has, it's
Richard (PS14H) [2162] there.
Ann (PS14B) [2163] all stuck on the fence.
[2164] Bits of grass and leaves.
Bryony (PS14N) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [2165] And all kinds of rubbish
James (PS14M) [2166] What?
Ann (PS14B) [2167] stuck on the fence cos that ... that's how high the river was.
[2168] ... And there's all those things got washed along in the river, they got stuck on the fence.
[2169] And that's how hi you can tell how high it was.
[2170] ... It was right over the top of this seat look.
James (PS14M) [2171] On the back.
Ann (PS14B) [2172] Even over the back of this seat.
Bryony (PS14N) [2173] I see some on the fence.
Ann (PS14B) [2174] Mm mm.
Bryony (PS14N) [2175] It got stuck on the fence.
Ann (PS14B) [2176] It did, yes.
[2177] Didn't get stuck on here because
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2178] these ... this fence is, has, hasn't got
Bryony (PS14N) [2179] Stuck on the fence.
Ann (PS14B) [2180] netting on it.
Bryony (PS14N) [2181] It's stuck on the fence.
Ann (PS14B) [2182] Yes.
[2183] ... Yeah, they've ... oh!
[2184] Hey!
[2185] I wonder if you can ... there's a huge tree stuck underneath the bridge.
[2186] Oh.
[2187] I don't know, wait a minute till I see if I can ... where can I, can you see ... wait a minute, I'll show James first.
[2188] Look James.
James (PS14M) [2189] Mm.
[2190] What?
Ann (PS14B) [2191] Can you se no you're too far forward.
[2192] Wait a minute.
[2193] Can you see
James (PS14M) [2194] What?
[2195] What?
Ann (PS14B) [2196] There's a big tree stuck underneath the bridge.
[2197] If you look un can you see the bridge over there?
[2198] Underneath the arch ... of the bridge.
James (PS14M) [2199] What's it doing
Ann (PS14B) [2200] It's a big tree stuck there.
[2201] Now, can Richard see it?
[2202] Hang on a minute.
[2203] ... Bryony, can you see it now?
[2204] Look through there ... look through that ... opening there.
[2205] You're looking the wrong way.
[2206] Let's see if Richard can see it.
[2207] It's a huge tree!
Richard (PS14H) [2208] I can see it in the way.
Ann (PS14B) [2209] Can you see, Richard, now?
Richard (PS14H) [2210] Mm mm.
[2211] Under the bridge.
Ann (PS14B) [2212] Ov that's, that's right.
[2213] Big tree stuck underneath.
Bryony (PS14N) [2214] Can I see the
James (PS14M) [2215] There's [...] in it ... haven't they?
Bryony (PS14N) [2216] I was looking the wrong way.
Ann (PS14B) [2217] What?
Bryony (PS14N) [2218] I was looking the wrong way.
Ann (PS14B) [2219] You were looking the wrong [laughing] way [] ?
[2220] Yeah.
Bryony (PS14N) [2221] Round the wrong way.
James (PS14M) [2222] I can,
Richard (PS14H) [2223] Look, [...]
James (PS14M) [2224] I can do that.
[2225] ... Do, down, and there.
Richard (PS14H) [2226] No.
Ann (PS14B) [2227] Look, if you look down there ... under the bridge in the tunnel, look it's still flooded.
[2228] Oh!
[2229] Look at all the sand, you can't get down the sand's so deep.
[2230] Cos the river was right up here.
[2231] ... Look at all that sand
James (PS14M) [2232] Look at that.
Ann (PS14B) [2233] it's left behind!
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2234] Tha would make a huge sand pit that would.
James (PS14M) [2235] Look at that!
Ann (PS14B) [2236] Ooh!
[2237] Golly!
[2238] Look at the state of the path, it's all wet mud.
[2239] Never mind.
[2240] We can't go back again, we'll have to go this way.
[2241] Look at the muddy state of the path!
Richard (PS14H) [2242] It's all muddy. [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2243] We're gonna have muddy wheels.
[2244] Never mind.
Bryony (PS14N) [2245] Why?
Ann (PS14B) [2246] [sigh] ... A ... pick-up ca pulling a horse box look.
[2247] Oh, there's no horse in it though.
[2248] That's a horse box for carrying horses around.
[2249] But it's empty.
[2250] There isn't a horse in it.
[2251] If I can get across this road ... and the bridge ... I'll take you over the other side and you might be able see the big tree trunk better.
Richard (PS14H) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2252] Hang on, there's a car coming this way.
Bryony (PS14N) [2253] Ah!
[2254] That muddy path.
Ann (PS14B) [2255] What love? ... [sigh]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2256] It's a wonderful contraption but
Ann (PS14B) [2257] Ooh!
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2258] it looks heavy.
Ann (PS14B) [2259] It might be a [laughing] wonderful contraption, but it is heavy [] !
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2260] [laugh] ... Yeah.
[2261] Now they're this size
Ann (PS14B) [2262] Yeah.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2263] [laughing] I suppose, yes [] .
[2264] It's, ooh!
Ann (PS14B) [2265] It's suppo [laugh] ... hello.
James (PS14M) [2266] [...] what are they [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [2267] It's supposed to fit them until they're four, but it won't.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2268] Oh.
[2269] No.
Ann (PS14B) [2270] It's had the handle repaired three times.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2271] Times, yeah.
[2272] And you've got ... to balance [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2273] And it's so high now their dad's mended each time, fortunately he teaches technology
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2274] Oh. [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [2275] and he's mended it, but er ... it's high.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2276] Yeah.
[2277] It looks it.
Ann (PS14B) [2278] You know when I want to turn a corner I've got to stand on my toes and put my full weight on it to turn it.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2279] [...] ... you could have them on a lead [laughing] couldn't you [] ?
Ann (PS14B) [2280] Oh they're, they're
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [2281] they can walk very well
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2282] That's right.
Ann (PS14B) [2283] and they can walk a long way
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2284] But
Ann (PS14B) [2285] but if the weather's bad
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2286] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [2287] and they want to stop and look in
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2288] They want to be
Ann (PS14B) [2289] every shop window
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2290] Oh I know.
Ann (PS14B) [2291] which we usually do
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2292] Yes.
[2293] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [2294] it takes forever to do it.
[2295] So
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2296] That's right.
[2297] [laughing] That's the best way [] .
Ann (PS14B) [2298] So this is [laughing] we [] ... yes.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2299] How's your [...] hubby?
Ann (PS14B) [2300] He's fine thank you.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2301] Yes.
[2302] But the
Ann (PS14B) [2303] Yes.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2304] last time I met him he was off sick.
Ann (PS14B) [2305] He was off for ten weeks.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2306] Was he really?
[2307] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [2308] Yes.
[2309] But he's
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2310] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [2311] he's ... they put him on erm ... he went onto ward one
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2312] Oh yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [2313] because it was lighter
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2314] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [2315] for
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2316] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [2317] oh about ... six weeks I think he was on er ... and then he decided he was well enough to go back to his
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2318] Go back.
Ann (PS14B) [2319] own heavy ward.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2320] So he's fit again?
Ann (PS14B) [2321] Yes.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2322] Oh well,tha ... as long as he's [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [2323] Yes.
[2324] Mind, the election's taking up quite a lot of his time.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2325] Ah!
[2326] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [2327] He's out
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2328] It will.
Ann (PS14B) [2329] so he
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2330] I thought he would be, yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [2331] haven't seen a great deal of him recently.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2332] He can't leave it alone [laughing] can he [] ?
Ann (PS14B) [2333] [laugh] ... And I'll only go when it, the rain's not torrential.
[2334] Get fed up being frozen and wet!
[2335] Now then
James (PS14M) [2336] Where are we going then?
[2337] Where are we going this time.
Ann (PS14B) [2338] Look, I've brought you, now you can, now you can see the great big tree stuck under the bridge.
[2339] Look at it.
[2340] Is Bryony looking the right way this time.
[2341] Hang on, till I get the brake on, [laughing] or you'll run into the river [] .
[2342] ... Can you see?
[2343] Look at that great big tree stuck under the bridge!
[2344] It's pulled up by its roots.
[2345] By the deep water running so fast.
[2346] The water's been flowing so fast it's just ... dug up the tree by its roots ... and it pulled it along ... and it's got wedged in the bridge look.
Richard (PS14H) [2347] It's got ... wedged.
Ann (PS14B) [2348] Yes, it's wedged against
James (PS14M) [2349] Look!
Ann (PS14B) [2350] the bridge.
James (PS14M) [2351] Look!
Ann (PS14B) [2352] Yes.
[2353] Oh, a digger going over the bridge, look.
Bryony (PS14N) [2354] Digger!
Ann (PS14B) [2355] Yes.
[2356] A digger.
[2357] That's right.
Richard (PS14H) [2358] It's [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [2359] I'll just er ... put you beside this ... seat for a minute ... while I ... check this whatsit.
Bryony (PS14N) [2360] What are you doing?
Ann (PS14B) [2361] I've got to check, ouch!
[2362] Oh my ... silly knee!
[2363] ... I'm checking to see if this has stopped.
[2364] ... I'll sit on this seat a little minute ... while you tell me what you can see.
Bryony (PS14N) [2365] I can see a tree.
James (PS14M) [2366] I can see the tree do wedged under there.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2367] You can see the tree wedged under there?
[2368] I can, oh you can, can you see the duck sitting on the bank?
[2369] If you look under the arch of the bridge you can see them.
[2370] What can you hear?
[2371] ... Listen very carefully.
[2372] ... Can you hear
Richard (PS14H) [2373] No.
Ann (PS14B) [2374] What can you hear?
James (PS14M) [2375] Hear a car.
Ann (PS14B) [2376] Hear what?
James (PS14M) [2377] I can hear a car coming.
Ann (PS14B) [2378] A car coming?
[2379] Yes but ... listen what you can he ... I'll tell you what I'll turn you round.
[2380] ... I can hear something else, another sound.
Bryony (PS14N) [2381] Boys and girls.
Ann (PS14B) [2382] Yes!
[2383] Clever girl.
[2384] Bryony can hear boys and girls.
[2385] They're in school, I'll show you where the school is.
Bryony (PS14N) [cough]
Richard (PS14H) [2386] Look!
[2387] Look! [...]
James (PS14M) [2388] Ducks!
[2389] Ducks!
[2390] Ducks!
[2391] I can
Ann (PS14B) [2392] Yes we ca ... I think these ducks must think we've got some bread for them, but we haven't have we?
Richard (PS14H) [2393] We haven't.
[2394] We haven't.
Ann (PS14B) [2395] We haven't.
[2396] No.
[2397] They're coming to see if we have though.
[2398] And there's a white duck come along now look.
[2399] I think it's escaped from a farm.
Bryony (PS14N) [2400] White duck.
[2401] A white duck!
Ann (PS14B) [2402] Yes, a white duck.
[2403] That's right.
Bryony (PS14N) [2404] A [...] duck.
Ann (PS14B) [2405] And there's one other duck ... that's a mallard duck ... isn't it?
[2406] And all the rest are drakes again.
Bryony (PS14N) [2407] Oh look!
[2408] A green duck.
Ann (PS14B) [2409] Yes.
[2410] What are green ones?
[2411] The ones with green heads are
Richard (PS14H) [2412] Er, they're the mummy ones.
James (PS14M) [2413] They probably think we've got some bread for them.
Richard (PS14H) [2414] They're the mummy
Ann (PS14B) [2415] Yes.
Richard (PS14H) [2416] ones.
Ann (PS14B) [2417] What are the ones with green heads?
[2418] They are the
Bryony (PS14N) [2419] The [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [2420] The what,da the what, Bryony?
Bryony (PS14N) [2421] The daddy [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [2422] Bryony said they were daddy ones.
[2423] That's right.
[2424] And the daddy ones are called
Richard (PS14H) [2425] Drake ones.
Ann (PS14B) [2426] Drakes.
Richard (PS14H) [2427] The drake ones, and the daddy ones are called ... drakes.
Ann (PS14B) [2428] Oh!
[2429] My goodness!
[2430] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven drakes chasing one duck!
[2431] Poor duck.
James (PS14M) [2432] What's it doing then?
Ann (PS14B) [2433] They're chasing them.
[2434] All the drakes are chasing the duck.
James (PS14M) [2435] Poor old duck.
Ann (PS14B) [2436] Yes.
[2437] They're all chasing the duck.
[2438] Ooh!
[2439] They've all sat down.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2440] Mm?
[2441] ... [sniff] ... Sounds like the boys and girls are go having a good time at play time doesn't it?
[2442] That's the school that Terry goes to.
James (PS14M) [2443] Ooh!
Ann (PS14B) [2444] We haven't been round this way for a ... while have we?
[2445] We usually go one of the other ways.
[2446] ... Where it's easier for you to walk.
Richard (PS14H) [2447] All chasing the duck weren't they?
Ann (PS14B) [2448] They were, yes.
[2449] All of them were chasing the duck but they've all ... they've all decided to stop for the moment, they're all sitting down on the grass.
[2450] I don't think you can see them, can you see them?
[2451] Or is that tree in the way?
[2452] ... I wonder if that's the latest fashion?
[2453] All those boys er, over there have got scarves tied round their head like pirates.
Bryony (PS14N) [2454] They are.
Ann (PS14B) [2455] They are what?
[2456] Pirates? [laugh]
Bryony (PS14N) [2457] They are pirates.
Ann (PS14B) [2458] You think they're pirates do you?
Richard (PS14H) [2459] No she does not.
Bryony (PS14N) [2460] That's the [...]
Richard (PS14H) [...]
James (PS14M) [2461] Er,we we're gonna get underneath the bridge.
[2462] Over
Ann (PS14B) [2463] Pardon?
James (PS14M) [2464] there.
Ann (PS14B) [2465] What?
James (PS14M) [2466] [...] ... stuck underneath the bridge?
Ann (PS14B) [2467] Yes.
[2468] It is.
[2469] It's still stuck underneath the bridge.
Richard (PS14H) [2470] Aha.
James (PS14M) [2471] It's stuck underneath
Richard (PS14H) [...]
James (PS14M) [2472] the bridge.
[2473] Still stuck

7 (Tape 069301)

Ann (PS14B) [2474] Richard.
Amy (PS14E) [2475] Hello [...] !
Ann (PS14B) [2476] Come up here.
James (PS14M) [2477] Urgh!
[2478] I don't want my [...] .
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS14H) [2479] [singing] Di di di, ah da []
Ann (PS14B) [2480] Here we go.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...] [screaming]
Matthew (PS14F) [2481] Richard!
Ann (PS14B) [2482] You've got your what?
Matthew (PS14F) [2483] Take the other side off.
Ann (PS14B) [2484] A birthday?
Rebecca (PS14D) [2485] It's an aeroplane that's
Ann (PS14B) [2486] You're in an aeroplane?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2487] Oh I see.
Amy (PS14E) [2488] I'll be the cook [...] .
Richard (PS14P) [2489] She's sitting on a [...] and doesn't know what she's sitting on!
Ann (PS14B) [2490] I see.
Matthew (PS14F) [2491] Right I'll be, I'll be the [...] .
Richard (PS14P) [2492] And Matthew's the cook in the kitchen.
[2493] Richard, you're the driver.
Richard (PS14H) [2494] I'm being
Richard (PS14P) [2495] Right.
Richard (PS14H) [2496] the driver.
James (PS14M) [2497] That's one of Matthew's sticks!
Richard (PS14P) [2498] You want Matthew to [...] ?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS14P) [2499] Right.
[2500] Richard!
[2501] Stop driving!
Amy (PS14E) [2502] More please?
Richard (PS14P) [2503] Stop driving Richard.
James (PS14M) [2504] Can I have some more?
[2505] Can I have some more?
Amy (PS14E) [2506] That's mine!
Ann (PS14B) [2507] I forgot, I've gotta change the batteries.
Richard (PS14P) [2508] Get off!
[2509] Get off!
[2510] Get off!
Rebecca (PS14D) [2511] Well the driver doesn't get any!
[2512] Give that here!
Richard (PS14H) [2513] Mm mm.
[2514] This is good.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS14P) [2515] Richard!
[2516] Stop driving please!
Rebecca (PS14D) [...]

8 (Tape 069302)

Andrea (PS15C) [2517] Please Richard!
[2518] Please Richard!
[2519] Please stop jumping on the chair arms will you?
Richard (PS14P) [2520] Yeah.
Andrea (PS15C) [2521] You don't jump on chair arms.
Ann (PS14B) [2522] That was your daddy ... James and Richard and Bryony.
[2523] Your, he's, he's er ... he's going to try to leave school earlier today and he'll be here at half past four ... instead of quarter past five.
[2524] So, I'll just drink my coffee and I'll get your tea ready quickly.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Rebecca (PS14D) [2525] Richard, you've gotta set the table.
Ann (PS14B) [2526] Richard, let me wipe your nose again.
[2527] Keep still.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2528] Don't move your head around.
Richard (PS14P) [2529] I'll eat it up.
Ann (PS14B) [2530] There you are.
[2531] Right, let me drink my coffee quickly and then get their tea ready.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...] [screaming]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2532] James!
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [2533] Oh gosh!
[2534] I'm going to be drinking cold coffee here aren't I?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [2535] You, can you slow down!
[2536] D'ya know Rebecca
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [2537] Oh dear!
Amy (PS14E) [2538] What you gonna do?
Ann (PS14B) [2539] Rebecca made me a cup of coffee ages ago
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [crying]
James (PS14M) [2540] I didn't really mean it.
Ann (PS14B) [2541] and I'm never going to get it drunk.
James (PS14M) [scream]
Andrea (PS15C) [2542] Oh!
[2543] Oh!
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [2544] Right.
Andrea (PS15C) [2545] Oh!
[2546] Oh!
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2547] Are you in the aeroplane now?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2548] Yo!
Ann (PS14B) [2549] Oh!
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2550] You're what?
[2551] You're bad guys?
[2552] I know that
Rebecca (PS14D) [2553] Good guys.
Ann (PS14B) [2554] you don't have to tell me you're bad
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2555] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [2556] guys.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2557] I'm being a bad guy.
Rebecca (PS14D) [cough]
Andrea (PS15C) [2558] Is that Rebecca?
[2559] You keep swallowing [...] .
Rebecca (PS14D) [2560] Amy.
Ann (PS14B) [2561] Who's doing anything
Andrea (PS15C) [2562] You did that?
Ann (PS14B) [2563] exciting this weekend?
James (PS14M) [2564] Me!
Richard (PS14P) [2565] Not me.
Ann (PS14B) [2566] Not you?
Amy (PS14E) [2567] We've got to sit at the back [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2568] What are you doing?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Rebecca (PS14D) [2569] Nothing.
Ann (PS14B) [2570] You're not doing anything?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2571] Can Amy catch this aeroplane?
Richard (PS14P) [2572] Ah! [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2573] You can.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...] [for five minutes or so as tape inaudible due to kids playing, screaming, loud tv]
Rebecca (PS14D) [2574] That there was a mighty splash.
Ann (PS14B) [2575] He'll, he'll tell you what's next.
[2576] He ... please come out of that drawer will you?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2577] That's right.
[2578] There was a mighty splash and he fell head first into the river and he didn't come up again.
[2579] That's exactly right.
[2580] You know it word for word.
[2581] Every time [...] I say what ... which story shall we have today, they say ... the Three Billy Goats Gruff.
James (PS14M) [2582] Get off!
Ann (PS14B) [2583] It's exactly
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [2584] the same.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2585] I don't need you!
Ann (PS14B) [2586] Exactly the same as when I used to look after
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2587] [singing] [...] [] .
Ann (PS14B) [2588] Amy and Richard!
[2589] Here's your mum.
James (PS14M) [2590] Amy and Richard!
Ann (PS14B) [2591] Here's your mummy, Amy and Richard.
James (PS14M) [2592] Amy, mummy [...] !
Rebecca (PS14D) [2593] [laughing] Just, he's going []
James (PS14M) [2594] Here's your mummy!
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [2595] Oh!
[2596] D'ya know I've wiped, washed this floor three times from this orange spilt!
Andrea (PS15C) [2597] Seventeen one eighty fives?
[2598] Thirty one
Ann (PS14B) [2599] [laughing] Can't be bad cos ... I couldn't work it out [] !
Andrea (PS15C) [2600] Don't ask me.
Ann (PS14B) [2601] Do you want a calculator?
Andrea (PS15C) [2602] I did it twice in my
Richard (PS14P) [2603] Mum!
Andrea (PS15C) [2604] head.
Richard (PS14P) [2605] Mum!
Ann (PS14B) [2606] Thank you.
Andrea (PS15C) [2607] Thank yo thank you very much.
Richard (PS14P) [2608] What, what did she say to you?
Ann (PS14B) [2609] She's ... trying to work money out
Andrea (PS15C) [2610] Oh [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2611] in her head.
[2612] Move over please Rebecca, I need to sweep there dear.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2613] Let's have a look.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2614] I'll just, come over here cos this is hot.
James (PS14M) [2615] No you want it!
Richard (PS14P) [2616] No!
[2617] Oh no!
[2618] We want ... it in soup cups.
James (PS14M) [2619] Get your
Richard (PS14P) [2620] No!
Ann (PS14B) [2621] Yes you want it in soup cups.
[2622] You can have it in soup cups.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2623] Do not worry.
[2624] I'm stirring it to make sure it's hot enough.
[2625] Warm enough.
Richard (PS14P) [2626] Don't worry [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [2627] I'll have to [...] though.
[2628] I've got a clean spoon.
Bryony (PS14N) [2629] I don't want a spoon.
Rebecca (PS14D) [2630] Erm
Ann (PS14B) [2631] It isn't warm enough yet.
Andrea (PS15C) [2632] Go on.
[2633] Just taste it.
Bryony (PS14N) [2634] [whingeing] I didn't want the soup
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2635] Yes yo
Bryony (PS14N) [2636] warming [] .
Ann (PS14B) [2637] Yes you want, you don't want cold
Rebecca (PS14D) [2638] Are you go are you gonna get me a spoon?
Ann (PS14B) [2639] soup, it's a cold day.
Bryony (PS14N) [2640] No!
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...] [children playing]
Ann (PS14B) [2641] Let's see.
[2642] Have you got your sleeves pushed up?
James (PS14M) [2643] That ready.
Ann (PS14B) [2644] We don't want soup on your sleeves.
James (PS14M) [2645] That ready.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2646] Do mine.
Ann (PS14B) [2647] [laugh] ... Have you
Richard (PS14P) [2648] Mum.
Ann (PS14B) [2649] Oh.
[2650] These are Amy's papers aren't they?
Amy (PS14E) [2651] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [2652] There you are.
Amy (PS14E) [2653] Ee ee ee ee.
Ann (PS14B) [2654] That's it.
Bryony (PS14N) [2655] I've got my [...] .
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [...]
Andrea (PS15C) [2656] What are you doing?
Ann (PS14B) [2657] I, I'll, I'll cut that in two.
[2658] Wait a minute, I'll cut it in two.
[2659] It's too big.
Andrea (PS15C) [2660] With a bit of luck.
Ann (PS14B) [2661] Here you are.
[2662] Sit on your chair.
[2663] There's a piece of stottie for you.
[2664] And there's a piece of ... stottie for you.
Andrea (PS15C) [2665] Wave bye-bye to Ann now.
Richard (PS14P) [2666] Bye-bye Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [2667] Bye-bye Richard.
[2668] Bye Amy.
Andrea (PS15C) [2669] Bye.
Ann (PS14B) [2670] Bye Andrea.
Andrea (PS15C) [2671] Thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [2672] Cor!
[2673] I'll have to give this floor a wipe again.
[2674] My ... shoes are sticking to the floor.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [2675] Where there's orange been spilt.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2676] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [2677] [sighing] Oh [] !
Rebecca (PS14D) [laugh] [tv on] [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [2678] Where's Bryony gone?
[2679] [shouting] Bryony come and have your tea pet [] .
[2680] ... Your dad's coming at half past four.
[2681] Well as near as half past four he can.
[2682] [laughing] That means he'll be quarter to five [] !
Rebecca (PS14D) [2683] Why's he early tonight for?
Ann (PS14B) [2684] Well Dorothy had to go to a prison in erm ... Clackmannan ... for her
Rebecca (PS14D) [2685] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [2686] you know with her job
Rebecca (PS14D) [2687] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [2688] and ... while she's up there, after she's been there she was going to Creep ... to spe
Rebecca (PS14D) [2689] What does she do again for
Ann (PS14B) [2690] Probation Officer.
Rebecca (PS14D) [2691] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [2692] She's going to spend the night with her sister
Rebecca (PS14D) [2693] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [2694] and then pick her mother up cos she lives in Creep as well, she can't stay at her mother's house cos she's just
Rebecca (PS14D) [2695] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [2696] got a one bedroomed ... flat.
Rebecca (PS14D) [2697] One bedroom flat?
Ann (PS14B) [2698] Yes.
[2699] Anyway, she's ... I think it's an old people's flat.
[2700] She's got ... she's gonna pick her mother up and come back home, bring her mother back home tomorrow with her.
Rebecca (PS14D) [2701] Mm mm!
Ann (PS14B) [2702] And [...]
Rebecca (PS14D) [2703] Is that Martin's granny Iris?
Ann (PS14B) [2704] That's right.
Rebecca (PS14D) [2705] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [2706] And she's going to stay for a fortnight with them.
[2707] ... So ... bu [shouting] Bryony!
[2708] Your tea, come and have your tea [] !
[2709] What's she doing?
Rebecca (PS14D) [2710] Watching [laughing] television [] .
Ann (PS14B) [2711] Come on square eyes!
[2712] Never mind the television.
[2713] ... Oh!
[2714] Golly!
[2715] This floor's sticky everywhere.
[2716] You must have spilt more juice than I wiped up.
Sally (PS15B) [2717] Mm.
[2718] ... Come on Bryony.
Bryony (PS14N) [2719] Okay.
Ann (PS14B) [2720] Never mind, by the time
Sally (PS15B) [2721] Bryony!
Ann (PS14B) [2722] I've wiped this I'll have washed the whole floor.
Sally (PS15B) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [2723] I won't need to do it tonight.
[2724] ... I'll get some knitting done.
[2725] Seeing as I haven't any ironing to do.
Sally (PS15B) [2726] We're not gonna have
Ann (PS14B) [2727] See if that's better.
Sally (PS15B) [2728] Urgh!
[2729] You're not gonna be going before tea are you Bryony?
Ann (PS14B) [2730] See if this soup's warm enough now.
Bryony (PS14N) [2731] Has she really got
Sally (PS15B) [2732] She's just gonna
Bryony (PS14N) [2733] No!
Sally (PS15B) [2734] she keeps on running
Ann (PS14B) [2735] She
Sally (PS15B) [2736] away from me.
Ann (PS14B) [2737] she's not very well Sally.
[2738] She's not well
Sally (PS15B) [2739] Ah!
Ann (PS14B) [2740] She's not even very we she's got a ... quite a bad
Sally (PS15B) [2741] Have you got a cold?
[2742] Keeps on laughing at me [laughing] and running away [] !
Ann (PS14B) [2743] Oh.
[2744] Come on horror!
Bryony (PS14N) [2745] I'm not one ... I'm [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [2746] Are you our horror?
Bryony (PS14N) [2747] Not a horror!
Sally (PS15B) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [2748] You're not a horror?
[2749] What are you?
Bryony (PS14N) [2750] I'm not erm
Ann (PS14B) [2751] What are you?
[2752] You are the best
Bryony (PS14N) [2753] girl in the world!
Ann (PS14B) [2754] That's right!
[2755] The best
Sally (PS15B) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [2756] girl in the world Sally!
Sally (PS15B) [laugh]
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2757] We told her that once she started going to the loo every time.
Sally (PS15B) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [2758] There you are sh oh where's your cushion?
[2759] You can't reach the table without your cushion?
James (PS14M) [2760] I want some more stottie
Sally (PS15B) [2761] Here it is.
Ann (PS14B) [2762] You want some more stottie Well that's no way to get any is it?
[2763] Try again.
James (PS14M) [2764] Me
Ann (PS14B) [2765] May
James (PS14M) [2766] I have some more stottie please!
Ann (PS14B) [2767] That's a good boy.
[2768] ... You like
James (PS14M) [2769] Thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [2770] stottie don't you?
[2771] Do you know when I go stay with my Gareth ... I've got to so we've got to take stotties with us
James (PS14M) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [2772] for him and Shirley.
[2773] Cos they, Shirley loves it as well.
[2774] And Shirley's not a Geordie like you.
[2775] A Geordie hinny.
Sally (PS15B) [2776] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [2777] Oh!
[2778] There's a knot in your ... apron.
James (PS14M) [2779] I, I want some more stottie please?
Ann (PS14B) [2780] Good boy.
[2781] Just a sec
James (PS14M) [2782] May I ... have er some more stottie
Ann (PS14B) [2783] You certainly may.
[2784] Clever boy.
James (PS14M) [2785] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [2786] Just wait one minute.
James (PS14M) [2787] Look a tree.
Ann (PS14B) [2788] Cos your brother's apron's got a knot in it.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2789] Please can I have some stottie please?
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2790] You may.
James (PS14M) [2791] That apron alright?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2792] Me.
[2793] Yeah.
James (PS14M) [2794] That apron alright?
Ann (PS14B) [2795] Yes his apron's alright now.
[2796] You need your sleeves up.
Sally (PS15B) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2797] And you need it fastened a bit higher.
James (PS14M) [2798] I want my stottie
Ann (PS14B) [2799] Yes it's coming.
[2800] It's coming.
James (PS14M) [2801] I want it.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2802] I
Ann (PS14B) [2803] It's coming.
[2804] There you are.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2805] don't like it.
James (PS14M) [2806] Can we have some more stottie please?
Ann (PS14B) [2807] Yes.
[2808] Here you are.
Rebecca (PS14D) [2809] [singing] I want to go [...] [] .
Ann (PS14B) [2810] There now.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2811] Thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [2812] Clever boy.
[2813] Oh!
[2814] What polite children we've got.
[2815] Haven't we?
Rebecca (PS14D) [2816] There's another.
James (PS14M) [humming]
Rebecca (PS14D) [...]
James (PS14M) [2817] Can I have [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [2818] Mm?
[2819] ... We couldn't see the swans today Sally.
[2820] Were they
Sally (PS15B) [2821] I couldn't see them either.
Ann (PS14B) [2822] Which way did you come home?
Sally (PS15B) [2823] Erm, the .
Ann (PS14B) [2824] Oh!
[2825] And the Skillery Bridge isn't washed away is it?
Sally (PS15B) [2826] I know.
[2827] But there's two
Rebecca (PS14D) [2828] Except under the bridge it was.
Sally (PS15B) [2829] erm trees
Ann (PS14B) [2830] But who, who started
Sally (PS15B) [2831] under there.
Ann (PS14B) [2832] the rumour that Skillery Bridge had been washed away?
James (PS14M) [...]
Sally (PS15B) [2833] It was Stephen .
Ann (PS14B) [2834] Yeah but then dad said when he came in that, he'd heard that the middle of it had gone. [tv on]
Sally (PS15B) [2835] What?
[2836] Stephen came in our class and he said that ... er ... Skillery Bridge had
Ann (PS14B) [2837] And who said the flood wall had gone?
[2838] When you were all sent home early.
Sally (PS15B) [2839] Er er ... I think he said that as well. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [2840] Ha!
[2841] [laughing] One way of getting out of school, I don't know [] !
Sally (PS15B) [2842] [laugh] ... He did.
[2843] He di he did.
Ann (PS14B) [2844] Said that as well?
Sally (PS15B) [2845] And ... and ... none of his parents came to collect him.
[2846] He just walked by himself.
Ann (PS14B) [2847] Were you only collected?
[2848] Could you only come out if your parents collected you?
Sally (PS15B) [2849] No, I didn't think they were bothered to tell you truth.
Ann (PS14B) [2850] So how did you manage to get out early?
Sally (PS15B) [2851] Well it was ... well ... Dawn's mum came into school she said we were [...]
James (PS14M) [2852] [...] I want one!
Ann (PS14B) [2853] Oh!
[2854] But er ... nobody rang me.
Sally (PS15B) [2855] Mm!
Ann (PS14B) [2856] I don't think I was out.
[2857] I mean, I would have come up and
James (PS14M) [2858] I've got a [...] soup!
Ann (PS14B) [2859] and got you all.
James (PS14M) [2860] Have I got all my [...] soup?
Ann (PS14B) [2861] You have, yes.
[2862] You like that soup don't you?
Sally (PS15B) [2863] I don't know how she came in the school.
[2864] Sh she just came in.
[2865] She got this ... pen and paper ... and wrote everybody's names down ... mm mm ... so then she just
Ann (PS14B) [2866] I didn't re
Sally (PS15B) [2867] took them all out.
Ann (PS14B) [2868] I didn't realize, I would have thanked her.
[2869] I've seen her twice since then.
Sally (PS15B) [2870] Mm mm!
Ann (PS14B) [2871] I didn't, I didn't realize that erm
Sally (PS15B) [singing] [...] []
Bryony (PS14N) [2872] I wanna do something in my chair.
Ann (PS14B) [2873] Right.
[2874] Let's find some spoons.
[2875] One
Sally (PS15B) [2876] You love stottie cake.
Ann (PS14B) [2877] two
Bryony (PS14N) [2878] Two ... three!
Ann (PS14B) [2879] three ee ee!
Sally (PS15B) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [2880] There's a spoon for Bryony.
[2881] One for James.
[2882] And one for Richard.
[2883] Are you going to swap hands Richard?
Richard (PS14P) [2884] I'll cross hands.
Ann (PS14B) [2885] You've, you've got it in
Richard (PS14P) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [2886] Oh!
[2887] You're going to be right handed today are you?
Richard (PS14P) [2888] I'm not trying to use both hands.
Ann (PS14B) [2889] That's first time I've seen Richard use his right hand.
[2890] With his spoon.
Sally (PS15B) [2891] Who's this coming?
Ann (PS14B) [2892] Matthew, here's your daddy!
[2893] ... Mummy's coming back for you two.
Sid (PS15D) [2894] Hello.
Ann (PS14B) [2895] Right then.
[2896] Hello.
Sid (PS15D) [2897] Feeding time?
Ann (PS14B) [2898] It is.
Sally (PS15B) [2899] [...] .
[2900] There you go, you can speak to yourself.
[2901] You're pretending that you're speaking to somebody and just ... [laughing] speak all the time [] .
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2902] I don't [...] .
Sid (PS15D) [2903] You can't find your what?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2904] Find my shoes.
Ann (PS14B) [2905] Well
Sid (PS15D) [2906] You can't find your shoe?
[2907] You've probably
Ann (PS14B) [2908] they're eating better than they did at dinner time.
Sid (PS15D) [2909] The triplets will have eaten it?
Ann (PS14B) [2910] What?
Sid (PS15D) [2911] A shoe. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [2912] [laugh] ... That wouldn't surprise me at all, the things ... I've seen them try to eat.
Sid (PS15D) [2913] Nope.
Ann (PS14B) [2914] Erm
Sid (PS15D) [2915] I'll let ... I'll let you figure this one out.
Ann (PS14B) [2916] Is it four ... four times?
[2917] Monday he didn't come ... Tuesday he didn't come
Sid (PS15D) [2918] Wednesday he didn't come.
Ann (PS14B) [2919] Wednesday he didn't come.
Sid (PS15D) [2920] Thursday was about
Ann (PS14B) [2921] Thursday
Sid (PS15D) [2922] he did.
Ann (PS14B) [2923] I did two sessions [...] .
[2924] So that's five from ten.
Sid (PS15D) [2925] I didn't think I could be [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2926] Well I know what you mean.
Sid (PS15D) [...]
James (PS14M) [2927] Could I have some more stottie
Ann (PS14B) [2928] I ha
James (PS14M) [2929] cake please?
Ann (PS14B) [2930] I haven't been up there since ... I got in from school
Sid (PS15D) [2931] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [2932] I haven't checked with the [...] so in, just in case they don't
Sid (PS15D) [2933] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [2934] see it
Sid (PS15D) [2935] Okay.
Ann (PS14B) [2936] they had, they've been telling everyone to go home [...] ... [...] .
Sid (PS15D) [2937] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [2938] Now then ... ooh!
[2939] You're eating very, very nicely.
Bryony (PS14N) [2940] I, I want some more of that [...] ... er please.
Ann (PS14B) [2941] Er don't wipe your se hang on a minute till I catch this soup that's dribbling down.
[2942] You want some more stottie cake?
Bryony (PS14N) [2943] I do.
James (PS14M) [2944] I, I got more of this soup.
Ann (PS14B) [2945] You have, yes.
Sally (PS15B) [2946] Yeah.
James (PS14M) [2947] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [2948] Is it delicious?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2949] Scrumptious!
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2950] Scrumptious?
James (PS14M) [2951] It's dripping all over the place.
Ann (PS14B) [2952] It's dripping on the table is it?
[2953] There's your stottie Bryony.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [2954] There you are James.
Richard (PS14P) [2955] Please can I have some more?
Ann (PS14B) [2956] Yes you may.
Richard (PS14P) [2957] Please.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [2958] He, he says he'll eat this.
Sally (PS15B) [2959] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [2960] There you are Richard.
[2961] Thank you.
Sally (PS15B) [2962] Thanks Ann.
Richard (PS14P) [2963] Thank you Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [2964] Good boy.
Richard (PS14P) [2965] Thank you Ann.
Sally (PS15B) [2966] Good
Ann (PS14B) [2967] You're welcome.
James (PS14M) [2968] Orange juice.
[2969] He's got orange juice in ... it's got orange juice in it.
Ann (PS14B) [2970] Your cup's got orange juice in it has it?
[2971] ... Have you got everything Matthew?
Matthew (PS14F) [2972] Thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [2973] Do you think I'll be able to put my wellies away now?
Sally (PS15B) [2974] [laughing] Away [] .
[2975] I think ... Bryony likes ... erm ... Smarties because she's always ... sucking the juice out of beans.
Ann (PS14B) [2976] I'm just going to, I think I can put my wellies away now. [laugh]
Sid (PS15D) [2977] You nearly needed your waders, I tell you!
Ann (PS14B) [2978] Well, we were getting worried.
Sid (PS15D) [2979] You'll get, I'll bet you were getting
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Sid (PS15D) [2980] Okay.
[2981] Thanks a lot.
Ann (PS14B) [2982] Bye.
[2983] Bye Matthew.
Sid (PS15D) [2984] Bye.
Ann (PS14B) [2985] Right.
[2986] Oh!
[2987] I was gonna put the television off but Rebecca's still in there?
[2988] Rebecca, is Joanna coming tonight?
[2989] Or is she going to library?
Rebecca (PS14D) [2990] I think she'll be
James (PS14M) [2991] Oh look!
Rebecca (PS14D) [2992] going somewhere because
Ann (PS14B) [2993] I think
Rebecca (PS14D) [2994] it's twenty past four now.
Ann (PS14B) [2995] Mm.
[2996] Yes.
[2997] Well ... it's quarter past already.
[2998] ... Why are you eating left-handed this Bryony?
[2999] You don't eat left-handed.
[3000] ... And Richard's decided to be right-handed after all this time.
[3001] ... Well ... that is daddy's isn't it?
Richard (PS14P) [3002] I'm not spilling it too.
[3003] I'm not spilling too.
Ann (PS14B) [3004] No, you're not spilling it.
[3005] ... You're being very careful.
Richard (PS14P) [3006] Yes.
James (PS14M) [3007] But
Richard (PS14P) [3008] Can you drink it?
James (PS14M) [3009] but, but I'm making it very hard.
Ann (PS14B) [3010] Can you drink it [...] ?
Richard (PS14P) [3011] No.
Ann (PS14B) [3012] Take your spoon out of this
Richard (PS14P) [3013] He's got it on his face!
Ann (PS14B) [3014] cup.
Richard (PS14P) [3015] He's got it on his
Ann (PS14B) [3016] No.
Richard (PS14P) [3017] face!
Ann (PS14B) [3018] Put that there.
[3019] Who's got it on his face?
[3020] [laugh] ... He's got moustache!
[3021] Right.
[3022] Carefully, with two hands then.
James (PS14M) [3023] I want the spoon.
Ann (PS14B) [3024] You need your spoon.
[3025] Oh.
[3026] There it is.
[3027] ... Wait a minute now, we'll just wipe that on ... this off the table so it doesn't go on your sleeve.
[3028] That's it.
Richard (PS14P) [3029] There's some on my arm.
Ann (PS14B) [3030] There's some on your arm is there?
[3031] Hang on a minute then.
[3032] Let me see.
[3033] ... Is it off?
Richard (PS14P) [3034] It is.
Ann (PS14B) [3035] That's good.
[3036] That's why we push your sleeves up cos we don't want it on your arms do we?
Richard (PS14P) [3037] Erm ... [...] hands.
Ann (PS14B) [3038] On your hand?
[3039] There you are then.
[3040] It's off. ... [sniff]
Sally (PS15B) [3041] What are they having for their pudding?
Ann (PS14B) [3042] Er er
Sally (PS15B) [3043] [laughing] Richard's got it all over his face [] !
Ann (PS14B) [3044] Let's see you Richard.
[3045] Yo oh ... just a minute, it's dripping down your chin.
[3046] Let me get it off here so it doesn't go on your collar.
[3047] Lift your chin up cos your collar's got out of your pinny somehow or other.
[3048] Let me wipe it down here look.
[3049] It's on the edge of the table.
[3050] That's it.
[3051] That's it.
Richard (PS14P) [3052] And on my [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [3053] Oh well you'll ha ... if you keep getting it on your fingers just eat it up and I'll wash you when you've finished.
[3054] As long as it's not going near your sleeve it doesn't matter. ... [...]
Sally (PS15B) [3055] Shall I ... I want to stir it.
Ann (PS14B) [3056] Oh!
[3057] Girls.
[3058] ... What are you doing?
Sally (PS15B) [3059] Stop that now.
Ann (PS14B) [3060] Look, don't mess about.
[3061] Daddy's coming early for you today.
Sally (PS15B) [3062] We've got these in our house.
Ann (PS14B) [3063] Those?
Sally (PS15B) [3064] Those
Ann (PS14B) [3065] These
Sally (PS15B) [3066] soup like ... soup like things.
Ann (PS14B) [3067] Well you know where I got them from.
[3068] When er
Sally (PS15B) [3069] I dunno.
Ann (PS14B) [3070] you probably got them from the same place.
[3071] They were free with petrol.
Sally (PS15B) [3072] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [3073] And ... when Paul ... had his taxi business.
Sally (PS15B) [3074] Betty gave us them.
Ann (PS14B) [3075] Betty?
[3076] Betty gave you yours.
[3077] Betty gave me mine.
Sally (PS15B) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [3078] [laugh] ... They use so much petrol on a taxi business they got ... she's got about a dozen still I think.
[3079] She gave me ... five I think it was.
Sally (PS15B) [3080] It's those ... that's the same.
Ann (PS14B) [3081] Well I think Jim got one and I got five.
[3082] Erm Betty gave me five I meant.
Sally (PS15B) [3083] I think we've got about four or five.
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3084] Richard!
[3085] Properly please.
Richard (PS14P) [3086] And there.
[3087] No.
Ann (PS14B) [3088] Do you want some help?
[3089] Anyone want some help?
Bryony (PS14N) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [3090] Well you're getting nowhere doing that.
[3091] Come on, I'll help you.
Richard (PS14P) [3092] I want to do that!
Ann (PS14B) [3093] Well, well do it properly then.
[3094] ... Look if you hold the handle you can tip it, tip it up.
[3095] Like, like that.
Richard (PS14P) [3096] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [3097] [...] it.
[3098] ... Bryony's going to drink hers.
Sally (PS15B) [3099] Mm!
[3100] I like that smell.
Ann (PS14B) [3101] Do you?
Sally (PS15B) [3102] Mm.
Bryony (PS14N) [3103] My er [...]
Sally (PS15B) [3104] Was it good washing with that Bold al ... Bold all in one?
Ann (PS14B) [3105] Erm
Sally (PS15B) [3106] Don't slurp it.
[3107] [whispering] Stop it [] !
Ann (PS14B) [3108] I didn't think it was really much better than any
Sally (PS15B) [3109] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [3110] item used.
[3111] ... Are you finished Bryony?
Bryony (PS14N) [3112] I'm finished.
Ann (PS14B) [3113] Are you going to eat your stottie
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Sally (PS15B) [3114] That's, that's you keep on eating.
Ann (PS14B) [3115] Don't!
[3116] ... Right.
[3117] That's to go home with Trevor.
[3118] ... Has Bryony got her other shoe back on again by the way, does anybody know?
Sally (PS15B) [3119] Erm, nope.
[3120] [laughing] She's, got a bare foot and sa a shoe on [] .
Ann (PS14B) [3121] Shall I take that off you
Bryony (PS14N) [3122] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [3123] now you've eaten
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3124] all that?
[3125] Good girl.
[3126] Give me your spoon.
[3127] Give me your spoon.
Bryony (PS14N) [3128] Thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [3129] Clever girl!
[3130] What a clever girl!
[3131] And you're a clever
Bryony (PS14N) [3132] Look at those two!
Ann (PS14B) [3133] Pardon?
Bryony (PS14N) [3134] No, look at those two.
Ann (PS14B) [3135] Look at those two?
[3136] Yes.
[3137] They're being good boys
Bryony (PS14N) [3138] They're good boys
Ann (PS14B) [3139] aren't they?
[3140] Well
Bryony (PS14N) [3141] there.
Ann (PS14B) [3142] look at the sun shining again!
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3143] Hooray!
Richard (PS14P) [3144] What?
Bryony (PS14N) [3145] It's not dark yet.
Ann (PS14B) [3146] No it's not dark yet.
[3147] It ... it's springtime now.
[3148] It was dark when you went home in the
Bryony (PS14N) [3149] It's light time.
Ann (PS14B) [3150] winter.
Bryony (PS14N) [3151] It's light time.
Ann (PS14B) [3152] It's light time is it?
Bryony (PS14N) [3153] Light time.
Ann (PS14B) [3154] It's the day time.
Sally (PS15B) [3155] Oh.
Bryony (PS14N) [3156] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [3157] It gets dark later now.
[3158] Cos it's springtime now.
[3159] And James has so soup on his sweatshirt.
James (PS14M) [3160] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [3161] Keep still a minute while I wipe you.
James (PS14M) [3162] No that's ... that you don't
Ann (PS14B) [3163] It's because
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3164] James will not sit straight at the table, he sits
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3165] sideways.
Bryony (PS14N) [3166] I know.
Ann (PS14B) [3167] Don't you?
James (PS14M) [3168] I don't.
Ann (PS14B) [3169] Oh yes you do.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3170] [mimicking pantomime cheer] Oh yes you do []
James (PS14M) [3172] No I don't [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3173] [mimicking] Oh Yes you do []
James (PS14M) [3175] No I don't [...] .
[3176] Yes you do.
Ann (PS14B) [3177] That's not what you're supposed to say.
[3178] Richard'll tell you what you're supposed to say.
[3179] You do it Richard.
[3180] [mimicking a pantomime cheer] Oh! Yes you do [] .
Richard (PS14P) [3182] [mimicking] Yes you do [] !
James (PS14M) [3183] I don't Richard.
Sally (PS15B) [3184] Do you want him to have this
Ann (PS14B) [3185] And what do you say?
Sally (PS15B) [3186] do you Anne?
Ann (PS14B) [3187] What?
Sally (PS15B) [3188] You didn't have this one before.
Richard (PS14P) [3189] No.
James (PS14M) [3190] You go.
Ann (PS14B) [3191] No I said that.
[3192] You look as if you've been washing your face in soup.
Sally (PS15B) [3193] Do you want that one?
James (PS14M) [3194] Oh oh!
Ann (PS14B) [3195] Thanks Sal.
Sally (PS15B) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3196] Sally be careful!
[3197] Oh you've got your sock off as well.
[3198] Not Sally, Bryony.
[3199] I'm calling you Sally!
[3200] Aren't I silly?
Bryony (PS14N) [3201] I'm not
Sally (PS15B) [3202] Yeah.
Bryony (PS14N) [3203] Sally.
Ann (PS14B) [3204] You're not Sally are you?
Bryony (PS14N) [3205] I said I'm not Sally.
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3206] I'll go and ... I'll go and find your ... can anyone see Bryony's sock?
[3207] Oh there it is.
[3208] And where's her shoe?
[3209] ... Right.
[3210] Right.
[3211] Let's put your shoe and so
Bryony (PS14N) [3212] That's my shoe!
Ann (PS14B) [3213] Put your shoe and sock back on.
James (PS14M) [3214] Ooh!
[3215] Bryony.
Ann (PS14B) [3216] Very good!
[3217] Thank you James.
[3218] Good boy.
[3219] Give me your spoon.
Sally (PS15B) [3220] Let me see you take it off.
Ann (PS14B) [3221] Thank you.
James (PS14M) [3222] Ooh!
[3223] It's not here. ... [children watching tv]
Ann (PS14B) [3224] Have you finished with, ooh no, not quite Richard.
Richard (PS14P) [3225] Not finished.
[3226] Not finished now.
[3227] ... I want to do it.
Ann (PS14B) [3228] Well I'll he look it's difficult to get the last bit out of soup cups, I'll help you.
[3229] You do it then.
[3230] Here you are.
[3231] I'll tip
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3232] wait a minute look, you've got some on the table, you don't want your sleeve in that.
Richard (PS14P) [3233] I don't that bit there.
Ann (PS14B) [3234] You don't want that piece?
[3235] Right let's sling it on the garage roof for the birds.
[3236] Here you are stuggies ... Wo!
Sally (PS15B) [3237] For the birds. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [3238] I hit it.
[3239] Right from the back door.
[3240] D'ya think
Richard (PS14P) [3241] It's the
Ann (PS14B) [3242] I'm brilliant?
Richard (PS14P) [3243] I give it the birds.
Ann (PS14B) [3244] Er, wait a minute.
[3245] D'ya want a
James (PS14M) [3246] I think you brilliant.
Ann (PS14B) [3247] You think I'm brilliant?
[3248] That's good.
[3249] Do you want something else to eat?
Richard (PS14P) [3250] I do.
Ann (PS14B) [3251] Well sit back at the table please.
[3252] Don't get off your chair until you've finished.
Richard (PS14P) [3253] I sit there.
Ann (PS14B) [3254] Let's see ... what I've got
Richard (PS14P) [3255] I want [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3256] Let's see what I
James (PS14M) [3257] No [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3258] can find for you.
James (PS14M) [3259] Aargh!
[3260] Aargh!
[3261] Aargh.
Richard (PS14P) [3262] Urgh!
Ann (PS14B) [3263] Do you want one of these?
Richard (PS14P) [3264] I do.
James (PS14M) [3265] I want one of them please.
Ann (PS14B) [3266] Say yes please.
James (PS14M) [3267] I don't
Richard (PS14P) [3268] Yes please.
James (PS14M) [3269] want one.
Ann (PS14B) [3270] You don't?
James (PS14M) [3271] No.
[3272] I don't wa I [...] this one.
Ann (PS14B) [3273] There you are.
Richard (PS14P) [3274] I want a green one.
Ann (PS14B) [3275] You wanted the green one?
[3276] What
James (PS14M) [3277] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [3278] colour have you got James.
Richard (PS14P) [3279] I want a green one.
James (PS14M) [3280] lellow one.
Ann (PS14B) [3281] Yes, you've got yellow.
Richard (PS14P) [3282] I want green.
Ann (PS14B) [3283] There's one for you.
[3284] Right.
[3285] Let's see
Richard (PS14P) [3286] I, I get, there you are.
[3287] There you are.
[3288] There you are.
Ann (PS14B) [3289] I thank you.
[3290] Give me yo
Rebecca (PS14D) [3291] Ann can you look, look a colour one for me?
Ann (PS14B) [3292] See what colour's in here for you then?
Bryony (PS14N) [3293] You got a red one ... for me ... haven't you?
Ann (PS14B) [3294] What love?
Richard (PS14P) [3295] Here you are.
Ann (PS14B) [3296] Thank you.
Bryony (PS14N) [3297] Oh!
Richard (PS14P) [3298] One for her, and none for [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [3299] I have to get the packet open first.
[3300] It's difficult.
[3301] Where's my sharp knife?
Sally (PS15B) [3302] I'm gonna get you!
Ann (PS14B) [3303] Here we are.
[3304] What colour ra what colour Richard?
Richard (PS14P) [3305] It's er er er ... erm
Ann (PS14B) [3306] What colour is it?
Richard (PS14P) [3307] Green.
Ann (PS14B) [3308] Yes.
Richard (PS14P) [3309] Green.
Ann (PS14B) [3310] Another green one.
[3311] There you are Richard.
[3312] ... Now where have I put the cloth?
[3313] Here.
Sally (PS15B) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3314] I keep losing things don't I?
James (PS14M) [3315] We've lost one.
[3316] I've lost one.
Ann (PS14B) [3317] Lost one what?
James (PS14M) [3318] Lost er
Ann (PS14B) [3319] What have you lost one of?
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3320] Let me just wipe your ... hands and your chin before you wipe them on your sleeves.
[3321] What are you doing down there Bryony?
[3322] ... Get back on th
Richard (PS14P) [3323] I dropped it.
[3324] I got it.
Ann (PS14B) [3325] What did you get?
Richard (PS14P) [3326] I got it.
James (PS14M) [3327] Can I have another biscuit please?
Ann (PS14B) [3328] You got what?
Richard (PS14P) [3329] I got ... my chocolate biscuit back.
James (PS14M) [3330] Well I got you ... gre got another green one haven't you?
Ann (PS14B) [3331] You want me to open that?
Richard (PS14P) [3332] I don't wanna, I'll do it.
[3333] I want you to leave it open.
Ann (PS14B) [3334] Do you want it opening?
Richard (PS14P) [3335] I just want you to leave it in.
Ann (PS14B) [3336] You want it leaving in?
Richard (PS14P) [3337] I want it leaving in.
Ann (PS14B) [3338] Don't you want to eat it?
Richard (PS14P) [3339] I can still, I can still eat it inside.
Bryony (PS14N) [3340] My shoe come off.
Ann (PS14B) [3341] You mean you want the wrapper leaving on it?
[3342] Oh.
Bryony (PS14N) [3343] My shoe come off.
Ann (PS14B) [3344] I know.
[3345] I'm going to put your shoe on any second.
James (PS14M) [3346] I want the wrapper on.
Ann (PS14B) [3347] Do you mean like this Richard?
Richard (PS14P) [3348] I want
Ann (PS14B) [3349] Is that what you mean?
Richard (PS14P) [3350] the wrapper on.
Ann (PS14B) [3351] There you are.
Richard (PS14P) [3352] On it.
Ann (PS14B) [3353] Right Bryony I'll ... put your shoe on now.
Richard (PS14P) [3354] That's a [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [3355] Come on then.
[3356] It's your other foot.
[3357] Bring your foot round carefully.
[3358] That's it.
[3359] ... And who's coming to see you tomorrow?
Bryony (PS14N) [3360] Daddy!
Ann (PS14B) [3361] No, daddy's coming in a minute for you.
[3362] Who's coming to see you tomorrow?
Bryony (PS14N) [3363] Mummy!
James (PS14M) [3364] Daddy!
Ann (PS14B) [3365] Yes, mummy's coming back from Scotland, but who's she bringing with her?
Bryony (PS14N) [3366] Granny Iris!
James (PS14M) [3367] Granny Iris!
Ann (PS14B) [3368] Granny Iris!
Bryony (PS14N) [3369] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [3370] [singing] Won't that be lovely [] ?
[3371] ... And your Granny Jean had a lovely holiday.
[3372] She went over the sea in an aeroplane didn't she?
James (PS14M) [3373] What?
Ann (PS14B) [3374] To Jordan.
James (PS14M) [3375] I'm going on today!
Ann (PS14B) [3376] And she went to Egypt at the end of last year.
[3377] ... South America.
[3378] Goes on lots of holidays doesn't she?
[3379] There now.
[3380] Are you finished James?
Richard (PS14P) [3381] Go, going on holiday
James (PS14M) [...]
Richard (PS14P) [3382] again.
Ann (PS14B) [3383] My goodness!
[3384] You've filled your mouth too fu
Richard (PS14P) [3385] Going on holiday again.
Ann (PS14B) [3386] Mm mm?
[3387] Keep still.
James (PS14M) [3388] I've nearly finished.
Ann (PS14B) [3389] You've still got that lot.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3390] Do you want some milk James?
James (PS14M) [3391] Yeah I want
Ann (PS14B) [3392] Pardon?
James (PS14M) [3393] Yes please.
Ann (PS14B) [3394] Better.
[3395] Where's your cup gone?
[3396] Here.
James (PS14M) [3397] Erm
Ann (PS14B) [3398] I'll get you some milk.
James (PS14M) [3399] A I er I don't want erm finish my bun.
Ann (PS14B) [3400] There you are dear.
[3401] Drink some milk Richard now.
Richard (PS14P) [3402] I, oops!
Ann (PS14B) [3403] It's lovely and sunny now.
Richard (PS14P) [3404] I want cold milk.
[3405] Don't want it warming do I?
Ann (PS14B) [3406] No.
[3407] There you are.
[3408] Thank you.
James (PS14M) [3409] I [...] big boy, I need the toilet.
Ann (PS14B) [3410] You need the toilet?
[3411] A wa
James (PS14M) [3412] I say I've got a wa well I ... I don't I, but er ... I didn't er, I will get washed.
Richard (PS14P) [3413] I'll take the [...]
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3414] Yes.
[3415] You need to be washed first.
James (PS14M) [3416] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [3417] Let's wash your face quickly
James (PS14M) [3418] I will
Ann (PS14B) [3419] then, then we'll go to the toilet.
James (PS14M) [3420] Erm ... I will walk ... on the back erm ... [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [3421] Let's see your hands.
Richard (PS14P) [3422] I need the toilet.
[3423] I need
Ann (PS14B) [3424] You need the toilet as well?
Richard (PS14P) [3425] I need a poo please.
Ann (PS14B) [3426] Oh right.
James (PS14M) [3427] I need a wee.
Sally (PS15B) [3428] If they need the toilet
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Sally (PS15B) [3429] I'll take them.
Ann (PS14B) [3430] Oh thanks Sal.
Sally (PS15B) [3431] You need the toilet James?
Ann (PS14B) [3432] Just a minute
James (PS14M) [3433] Erm
Ann (PS14B) [3434] I'll take it off for you.
Rebecca (PS14D) [3435] And I'll take them too cos I'm gonna go as well.
Ann (PS14B) [3436] Oh!
[3437] Rebecca needs the toilet as well.
Sally (PS15B) [3438] You can take Richard up cos I'll take James.
Ann (PS14B) [3439] She's going to take you.
[3440] I don't think James ne Richard needs to go, it's, it's
Rebecca (PS14D) [3441] No.
Ann (PS14B) [3442] er James.
[3443] Sit down there you do ne ne ... don't need to go yet do you?
Rebecca (PS14D) [3444] Wait Sal!
James (PS14M) [3445] Sal. [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3446] Wait a minute.
James (PS14M) [3447] Mm mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [3448] It isn't loose enough it won't go over your head.
James (PS14M) [3449] You look after er ... Amy.
Ann (PS14B) [3450] Look after Amy?
[3451] Amy's gone home.
Sally (PS15B) [3452] Amy's gone home.
James (PS14M) [3453] Look a ... [...] .
Sally (PS15B) [3454] You
Ann (PS14B) [3455] Amy, and big Richard and Matthew have all gone
Sally (PS15B) [3456] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [3457] home now.
James (PS14M) [3458] But they ... didn't, you won't get Richard [...] .
Sally (PS15B) [3459] Come on then.
[3460] Come on then.
Ann (PS14B) [3461] Er, Richard!
[3462] You're not going upstairs ... in a mess like that, you'll stick your hands on everything you come to.
[3463] Let's get you washed.
[3464] Are you going to finish eating that first?
[3465] You sit there and finish eating that and I'll wash your hands.
Richard (PS14P) [3466] [singing] [...] [] .
[3467] ... I've eaten all up!
Ann (PS14B) [3468] You've eaten it all up?
Richard (PS14P) [3469] I've
Ann (PS14B) [3470] Yo
Richard (PS14P) [3471] finished.
Ann (PS14B) [3472] you put too much in your mouth at once.
[3473] You can hardly close your mouth!
Richard (PS14P) [3474] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [3475] Can you?
Richard (PS14P) [3476] I'm throwing water in the ceiling.
[3477] I'm putting water in the ceiling.
Ann (PS14B) [3478] You put water in the ceiling?
Richard (PS14P) [3479] No, I'll put water on your ceiling.
Ann (PS14B) [3480] I don't want water on the ceiling.
[3481] We had water on the ceiling.
Richard (PS14P) [3482] And I we I'm gonna put all of my [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [3483] Gareth's turned the bath on.
[3484] When Gareth lived with us before he got married he turned the bath on and walked away and left it.
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3485] Mm mm.
[3486] That was a mess!
[3487] We couldn't have the lights on.
[3488] all the water came over the top of the bath.
Richard (PS14P) [3489] I, I er,o we had to get the ladders ... we had to go up the ladders didn't we?
Ann (PS14B) [3490] Had to get the, ladder?

9 (Tape 069401)

James (PS14C) [3491] I thought, they'd
Ann (PS14B) [3492] They went ... years ago.
James (PS14C) [3493] well I thought they'd gone but, but I saw them here.
Ann (PS14B) [3494] How long was our guarantee?
James (PS14C) [3495] Well there won't be anybody there.
[3496] At Horsefields.
Ann (PS14B) [3497] Oh yeah!
[3498] I haven't even read the papers today.
James (PS14C) [3499] Exactly.
[3500] Past a thousand picture window normally two hundred and forty a pound, now only forty eight pounds.
Ann (PS14B) [3501] What?
[3502] ... Do you think it's a real [...] ?
James (PS14C) [3503] Well it says it is, it's been
Ann (PS14B) [3504] It's a whole page spread.
[3505] ... Three at five hundred there.
James (PS14C) [3506] Don't go for that one there.
Ann (PS14B) [3507] [...] the last three hundred [...] .
[3508] ... There's no catch.
[3509] ... [reading newspaper advertisement] From such an established ... reputable company.
[3510] ... All prices are fully inclusive of double glazing ... the Raid One Security P V C, da da da.
[3511] Fittings and all the ... service guaranteed [] .
[3512] ... Well I don't know.
[3513] ... It doesn't say anywhere where there's a guarantee.
[3514] ... All [...] Windows in ... Cheshire.
[3515] I wonder if it's the same address as when we got ours?
James (PS14C) [3516] Well, we should have the guarantee still, there in the box there.
Ann (PS14B) [3517] Unle it's, it's ... how
James (PS14C) [3518] Well
Ann (PS14B) [3519] long is it since it was supposed to have gone bust?
James (PS14C) [3520] Well that's since that.
[3521] I thought it had gone ins
Ann (PS14B) [3522] I thought it was about ten years.
James (PS14C) [3523] Ah.
[3524] Wasn't there somewhere in Lancaster Park ... who got the ... [...] ?
Ann (PS14B) [3525] I can't remember.
[3526] ... When we got that, when we had ours it, and er ... they said if you ... if you found someone else who would ... like ... who would have ... cold shield you would get er, seventy five pounds back.
James (PS14C) [3527] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [3528] And you gave the thing to, who was it who was thinking about it?
[3529] Was it erm ... what did they call ... Isobel ... Isobel
James (PS14C) [3530] .
Ann (PS14B) [3531] .
[3532] Wasn't it her?
James (PS14C) [3533] It might have been.
[3534] I can't remember.
Ann (PS14B) [3535] Wasn't it just before or after her husband died?
James (PS14C) [3536] Dunno.
[3537] ... Cos that, well I don't know, her husband died when we were just, came here.
[3538] It could have been that.
Ann (PS14B) [3539] Yeah.
[3540] Yeah.
[3541] ... Well I phoned Shirley ... and she said she's fine.
James (PS14C) [3542] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [3543] I told her off for not le not telling me she was ill.
[3544] And she said, no, no!
[3545] I'm fine.
[3546] She's got her friend Sandy staying with her.
James (PS14C) [3547] So where's Gareth gone?
Ann (PS14B) [3548] She was, he was in the house, I didn't speak to him though
James (PS14C) [3549] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [3550] so that, I just spoke to Shirley.
[3551] Erm ... Sandy's staying with her for a few days.
[3552] ... What else did she say?
James (PS14C) [3553] Did you say about us going down or not?
Ann (PS14B) [3554] No I didn't mention it.
James (PS14C) [3555] Ah.
Ann (PS14B) [3556] At the moment.
James (PS14C) [3557] Have you asked her about the
Ann (PS14B) [3558] She's got ... somebody
James (PS14C) [3559] the letter?
Ann (PS14B) [3560] staying now.
[3561] I asked her about the letter ... and she kne she said ... she couldn't remember anything about it ... but she filled in something when they came back from Belfast.
James (PS14C) [3562] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [3563] And ... she said, open it.
[3564] So I opened it ... and it's one of these things ... er ... if you ... book to go to ... Dublin ... before May the, whatever, the end of May
James (PS14C) [3565] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [3566] then if you went again in ... the autumn ... [laughing] you [] ... you ge you get er ... fifty pounds' worth of ... vouchers or something,yo you go half price.
[3567] It's one of those con things like they tried
James (PS14C) [3568] Well like our holiday they, they go
Ann (PS14B) [3569] Yes.
James (PS14C) [3570] and,an ... where they booked.
Ann (PS14B) [3571] Why , I mean why would she go to
James (PS14C) [3572] Dublin, yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [3573] Dublin before
James (PS14C) [3574] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [3575] it's ... and why Dublin when er, when they were
James (PS14C) [3576] Coming across from Belfast.
Ann (PS14B) [3577] when they crossed from Northern
James (PS14C) [3578] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [3579] Ireland?
James (PS14C) [3580] I don't know.
[3581] Cos they're trying to sell the things aren't
Ann (PS14B) [3582] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [3583] they, all the time?
Ann (PS14B) [3584] Anyway, she doesn't want it.
[3585] ... Martin still ha hasn't got his ... erm ... invalidity ... pension sorted out.
James (PS14C) [3586] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [3587] But he's managing alright at the moment.
[3588] He's filled in all the things.
[3589] I forgot to ... er, I haven't watched the television at all.
[3590] And I forgot to ... record, what do you call that thing?
[3591] With a devil in it?
James (PS14C) [3592] Well it was ... half
Ann (PS14B) [3593] I fo
James (PS14C) [3594] way through when I came
Ann (PS14B) [3595] I forgot to
James (PS14C) [3596] in.
Ann (PS14B) [3597] That's, I know, I forgot to record it for you.
[3598] I think I'll go to bed early tonight.
[3599] ... Does that rain mean ... it's off the coast or it's
James (PS14C) [3600] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [3601] [laughing] in our area [] ?
James (PS14C) [3602] Ha.
Ann (PS14B) [3603] And was that minus one just the western side or us as well?
James (PS14C) [3604] We'll get to th
Ann (PS14B) [3605] Oh yeah.
James (PS14C) [3606] we'll get it with the local news after this.
Ann (PS14B) [3607] Oh well.
[3608] According to this it's cloud.
[3609] At least it's a white cloud not a ... black one.
[3610] ... Did you see your mother?
James (PS14C) [3611] [yawning] No [] .
Ann (PS14B) [3612] Oh.
James (PS14C) [3613] [yawning] But I've got a message [] , will you tell my brother, no, don't tell my brother ... th sa they said ... she said to one of the nurses ... and they said, your brother?
[3614] Oh!
[3615] My son.
[3616] [laugh] ... I said well what did yo don't you have to tell me?
[3617] She says, I'm not gonna tell you.
[3618] [laughing] So I didn't get to hear what, what, I [] , they didn't have to tell nothing.
Ann (PS14B) [3619] Oh.
[3620] What was she doing tonight?
James (PS14C) [3621] I don't know.
Ann (PS14B) [3622] Ooh!
James (PS14C) [3623] Mostly dry
Ann (PS14B) [3624] Mostly
James (PS14C) [3625] sunny spells.
Ann (PS14B) [3626] sunny spells.
[3627] ... I'll have to get some washing done.
James (PS14C) [3628] [yawn] ... Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [3629] Sally was quite intrigued by that.
[3630] ... You'll have to get this week's ... a new one.

10 (Tape 069402)

Ann (PS14B) [3631] We'll have to get a ... a better box.
[3632] There's some bottles ... jars for the bottle bank as well.
[3633] ... You know the last time you missed the erm
James (PS14C) [3634] Aye.
Ann (PS14B) [3635] the last time you missed the ... television pages ... television supplement and a comic thing ... out of the Mirror.
[3636] I don't think he believed me.
[3637] And it's in ... it'll be twice in a month.
[3638] And ... Chris is back again as our paper boy.
James (PS14C) [3639] Tt.
[3640] What happened to the new one?
Ann (PS14B) [3641] The other was so useless!
[3642] But according to the ... er, that new manager in the paper shop ... everyone else got theirs.
[3643] So I said, well I'm sorry but I'm not included in everyone else.
[3644] And he gave me one.
James (PS14C) [3645] I think I'll get the Radio Times this week [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [3646] The Radio Times?
[3647] Why?
James (PS14C) [3648] Cos it's got all the ... them extra wo got all of them extra ones in. ... [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3649] Oh.
[3650] ... Are we staying up all Thursday night?
James (PS14C) [3651] I don't know.
Ann (PS14B) [3652] What shift are you on on Friday?
James (PS14C) [3653] I'm off.
Ann (PS14B) [3654] Oh!
[3655] Of course.
[3656] Well you could stay in bed all day on Friday.
[3657] ... And I could take the kids to school and go back ... I could do that. [laugh]
James (PS14C) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [3658] We need to ... oh no we don't.
[3659] I need to go to the Co-op ... and Iceland.
[3660] What shall I get for your mother?
[3661] ... I'll get her some chocolate biscuits or something.
[3662] ... You would think she would ... put on a lot of weight wouldn't you?
James (PS14C) [3663] I don't think she eats that much though.
Ann (PS14B) [3664] I know, she's ... she doesn't eat that much, but what she is eating i everything's sweet.
James (PS14C) [3665] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [3666] Chocolates and
James (PS14C) [3667] Is she eating them?
Ann (PS14B) [3668] Pardon?
James (PS14C) [3669] Does she eat [...] though?
Ann (PS14B) [3670] Well sh ... I don't know.
James (PS14C) [3671] You know what the
Ann (PS14B) [3672] She goes in the
James (PS14C) [3673] staff are like?
Ann (PS14B) [3674] Mm?
James (PS14C) [3675] You know what those sa staff are like.
Ann (PS14B) [3676] I know.
[3677] Most of them are, well yes.
[3678] But, they certainly do.
[3679] If anyone offered me a chocolate when I was nursing, yes I would eat it cos I was always [laughing] hungry [] .
[3680] ... Which reminds me I meant to get weighed this morning ... before I had my breakfast.
James (PS14C) [3681] That don't matter.
Ann (PS14B) [3682] And I forgot.
[3683] Remind me tomorrow.
[3684] Before I eat anything.
[3685] ... I think I'd better put some washing in before I go out.
[3686] ... Are those ... ankle boots dry?
James (PS14C) [3687] That's all she's saying ... you couldn't it with these before if you [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [3688] What?
James (PS14C) [3689] The boots you've got on.
[3690] Give better support than the ones ... those flat heeled ones.
[3691] Where did you buy them from?
[3692] For your Achilles' tendon.
Ann (PS14B) [3693] It's better now.
[3694] I get, on Wednesday I, I did the erm ... Angeline said to me don't do the high impact if you think it's ... going to hurt again.
[3695] I co still have the support under it.
[3696] ... I managed okay.
[3697] It didn't hurt.
James (PS14C) [3698] Who's Angeline?
[3699] ... Which is the right one for
Ann (PS14B) [3700] The pink one's a dish cloth.
[3701] ... The blue one's the one I wipe up ... small stains off the floor.
James (PS14C) [3702] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [3703] I wonder how Bryony is?
James (PS14C) [3704] What?
Ann (PS14B) [3705] I said, I wonder how Bryony is?
[3706] ... And she wasn't very well yesterday.
[3707] Every time she got a bump ... or knock off one of the others she was crying ... instead of clouting them back.
[3708] ... It must have been Richard, I do I don't think ... Richard's very, he
James (PS14C) [3709] Sorry, what d'ya say Richard was?
Ann (PS14B) [3710] I said I don't ... well stop running the tap.
[3711] I say, I don't think Richard's ... very well either.
[3712] ... Cos he cried more than usual.
[3713] ... I wonder what time, the other night, Trevor had with them on his own?
[3714] ... What do you think of granny Jean offering it ... offering again to get Martin ... from school to save Trevor walking him home?
James (PS14C) [3715] Well it's ... well perhaps there's nothing in it for him.
Ann (PS14B) [3716] I don't know.
[3717] ... I like her.
James (PS14C) [3718] Mm?
Ann (PS14B) [3719] I like her.
[3720] ... Can I just ri ... rinse my thingy.
[3721] And get my [...] in.
[3722] ... Ooh!
[3723] I've got hand cream on my hands.
[3724] ... That spurtle was used as a ... I can't
James (PS14C) [3725] A [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3726] remember what Richard was using it as yesterday.
James (PS14C) [3727] Well he was poking me ... in the groin.
Ann (PS14B) [3728] What are we going to do about these ... tiles for the step
James (PS14C) [3729] I dunno.
Ann (PS14B) [3730] to cover this ... little hole in our path?
[3731] I should hate to think what must be down there now.
[3732] Tt.
[3733] Oh!
[3734] Well leave it cos it's ... it's
James (PS14C) [3735] Well I told you that Fenwicks had ... and they were cheaper than
Ann (PS14B) [3736] Cheaper?
[3737] Fenwicks?
James (PS14C) [3738] but cheaper than ... what they call it?
[3739] The place in, the old place.
[3740] ... Yes.
[3741] They were cheaper.
[3742] I got the price for you.
Ann (PS14B) [3743] Cheaper than the do-it-yourself shop up Brady's?
James (PS14C) [3744] They were both
Ann (PS14B) [3745] But when, can we get through to Newcastle?
James (PS14C) [3746] Well I ... well I'll have a week's holiday after Easter and I've gotta go ... unless we go to [...] .
[3747] And I've got a ... an all day meeting, I've arranged it on the ... Tuesday ... that's if we're being presented to [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [3748] Which Tuesday?
[3749] After they break up?
James (PS14C) [3750] That's right.
[3751] ... Which is, this, next Friday.
Ann (PS14B) [3752] Yes.
James (PS14C) [3753] So I hope to sort it out ... the Lenten appeal ... well
Ann (PS14B) [3754] The what?
James (PS14C) [3755] The Len
Ann (PS14B) [3756] Lin
James (PS14C) [3757] the Lenten's appeal at the schools ... that Mrs was supposed to ... let Miss know ... so she could get it off to the parents to get the money back ... so that they bought the scanner.
Ann (PS14B) [3758] See, you didn't tell me about that.
James (PS14C) [3759] I did tell you.
Ann (PS14B) [3760] You didn't.
[3761] All you told me ... go on ... ah ... only this one's
James (PS14C) [3762] Miss wanted to
Ann (PS14B) [3763] all you told me was that Miss was retiring.
[3764] But, I haven't to tell anyone.
[3765] Which I haven't done.
[3766] ... Which I don't intend to do.
James (PS14C) [3767] At the beginning of Lent Miss approached me
Ann (PS14B) [3768] Yes.
James (PS14C) [3769] to see ... what she should do about the Lenten appeal
Ann (PS14B) [3770] Aha.
James (PS14C) [3771] as she always does.
[3772] Since I said, why send money to Great Ormond Street when there was ... plenty of children's things local?
Ann (PS14B) [3773] Yes.
James (PS14C) [3774] So I asked if we wanted anything?
[3775] And she said what about the bed at the Cottage Hospital?
Ann (PS14B) [3776] What good's a bed with no extra nurses?
James (PS14C) [3777] Well there are special beds.
Ann (PS14B) [3778] Oh you mean a bed?
[3779] Well
James (PS14C) [3780] Tt!
Ann (PS14B) [3781] D'ya mean a special kind of mattress be
James (PS14C) [3782] Well, she just asked about a bed, so I told her that ... we were
Ann (PS14B) [3783] You mean a bed to replace a bed that there already is?
[3784] But why's
James (PS14C) [3785] She di na she just said a bed, and so
Ann (PS14B) [3786] Yes.
James (PS14C) [3787] I told her there were special beds that we have ... are very useful, in fact ... very necessary in some, some cases, and are ... painfully short of them.
Ann (PS14B) [3788] Aha.
James (PS14C) [3789] And a Nimbas bed ... costs two thousand pound.
[3790] And there's another one on the market which I can't remember the name of, which costs a lot more.
Ann (PS14B) [3791] Mhm.
James (PS14C) [3792] Something like, five thousand.
[3793] But I can't remember the name.
[3794] Anyway, I said I'd ... make enquiries as to what a ... is wanted.
[3795] And I said there's a, there's a new children's ward ... will open at the Wandsbergh Hospital ... perhaps they would like something.
[3796] I saw Mrs , and Mrs said ... they were aiming to raise money for the scanner appeal.
Ann (PS14B) [3797] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [3798] But, also they're going to ... have a ... an obstetric adult patient's department ... at the College Hospital for the very first time.
Ann (PS14B) [3799] A what?
[3800] A
James (PS14C) [3801] An obstetric outpatients
Ann (PS14B) [3802] Yeah.
[3803] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [3804] and they're, obviously they would be, tend to be other children ... with mothers then ... so they would like perhaps a play facility there.
[3805] And other children who go to the E N T clinic, and go to the
Ann (PS14B) [...]
James (PS14C) [3806] or just go to the outpatients in general, and the casualty
Ann (PS14B) [3807] Yes.
James (PS14C) [3808] there's very limited facilities for children to play.
[3809] So ... but I also coaxed Mrs about ... the Wandsbergh [...] .
[3810] Anyway, she ... wanted to, me to go and see her, she said there we there was a scanner appeal, and she was also trying to talk about all sorts of other things that were possible ... and ... because there was an arts appeal and ... for arts facilities at the hospital, and all sorts of things.
[3811] So ... I went back to Miss and said about the scanner appeal and she said that would be ... she thought that that would be the best idea.
[3812] ... Not the children's things at the ... Cottage Hospital.
[3813] I also told her it's the diamond jubilee of the hospital ... and ... the children from ... will be invited to the hospital for that day ... that week, sorry.
[3814] It's gonna be a week ... [...] .
[3815] So she wanted to know what date it is.
[3816] So I, I asked Mrs to ... but would she write to Miss and give her all the details.
[3817] And she said, oh she'd be, she'd be far better if she went to see and explained it all.
[3818] And that she was going on Wednesday, I think.
[3819] Up she went ... you know
Ann (PS14B) [3820] Hold on.
[3821] Which one was going to see which
James (PS14C) [3822] It's
Ann (PS14B) [3823] one?
James (PS14C) [3824] Mrs was going to see Miss
Ann (PS14B) [3825] Was going to see Miss
James (PS14C) [3826] .
Ann (PS14B) [3827] Oh.
[3828] I see.
[3829] I didn't know which one.
James (PS14C) [3830] But I give them a ... so then I saw Mrs on Tuesday ... [cough] ... when I was at Ashington.
[3831] And she came up with all sorts of things that ... she would like for the ... the new Wandsbergh development.
[3832] But on a ... but there's nothing ready of course, so th ... there's, there's a ... giant sundial they're going to have in one of the courtyards ... and it's a giant one ... it's, it's the, the building and the blocks of ... things in, in the ... in the courtyard that make up the ... the time.
[3833] So the sun shines on the that particular bit of the ... of the courtyard and it's eight o'clock, and that one is nine o'clock and so forth.
[3834] This is just in a courtyard and there'll be shrubs and things so she's got
Ann (PS14B) [3835] Hold on.
[3836] Wha how ... where is it going to be seen from?
James (PS14C) [3837] I presume it's seen from the wards ... that are up behind looking down onto this courtyard.
[3838] There's also erm ... a play area for the ... the children's ward ... there's also some murals on the ... the walls, various artistic murals.
[3839] And, of course, they've got this grant from ... Artcan ... for six thousand pound ... for a proggie mat ... exhibition.
Ann (PS14B) [3840] A six thousand pound grant for a proggie mat
James (PS14C) [3841] Well
Ann (PS14B) [3842] exhibition?
James (PS14C) [3843] well over, over a period, it's ... and other things too but they sa they said that murals and proggie mats are involved in it.
[3844] ... And various other art things.
[3845] But also,th the thought of a gar a garden and the children keeping the garden ... up.
[3846] But that's a, apparently that was a long way and they have transport difficulties to go from here ... to ... the Wandsbergh Hospital.
[3847] But then I thought, perhaps ... if ... that
Ann (PS14B) [3848] I can't see the education committee ... with their lack of money paying for transport for children from here
James (PS14C) [3849] Well they won't
Ann (PS14B) [3850] to go Ashington Hospital to do a
James (PS14C) [3851] they won't so the they, they
Ann (PS14B) [3852] garden.
James (PS14C) [3853] the, the, the ... education committee and the school governors have no money at all
Ann (PS14B) [3854] No.
James (PS14C) [3855] to pay for that.
Ann (PS14B) [3856] I would expect
James (PS14C) [3857] But then
Ann (PS14B) [3858] that's a very low priority.
James (PS14C) [3859] well it isn't even a priority, it is nothing.
[3860] They won't get the money.
[3861] Th they won't pay for them to go swimming
Ann (PS14B) [3862] Well I don't
James (PS14C) [3863] they've gotta walk to go swimming.
[3864] But, I thought that ... now that the M S has acquired that bus ... and it's going to be standing around doing nothing for most of the time ... and it's a twenty nine seater bus.
[3865] I mean, the seats come out so that wheelchairs can go in ... but ... in between times it's twenty seats you see.
Ann (PS14B) [3866] And then you'll need a P S V
James (PS14C) [3867] Well
Ann (PS14B) [3868] licence.
James (PS14C) [3869] but, but that's, that's ... that's easily remedied if you could get a er ... a driving licence holder ... to take them ... oh a volunteer driving licence holder among one of the parents ... or somebody who could take the children, er, periodically in the bus to visit the hospital to do this sort of thing.
[3870] So that was a possibility.
[3871] But I haven't seen Miss about all these sort of things.
[3872] But I did also say ... to Mrs , that a new head would be appointed to take the imports from the first of September, that it might be better to discuss it with them ... after I've discussed with Miss .
Ann (PS14B) [3873] I only know one person ... I only know one bus driver with children.
James (PS14C) [3874] There's ambulance drivers.
Ann (PS14B) [3875] And he got hi I think their children go to the Catholic School.
[3876] Er ... this ... letter from the Multiple Sclerosis
James (PS14C) [3877] Yes.
[3878] Says any
Ann (PS14B) [3879] that says if you've got wheelchairs in you reduce your number of people.
[3880] You're not
James (PS14C) [3881] To sixteen.
Ann (PS14B) [3882] you're not reducing the size of the bus.
James (PS14C) [3883] Well I think that's crazy.
Ann (PS14B) [3884] And someone who's been just used to driving a car ... are they going to be able to drive the huge long bus with no extra
James (PS14C) [3885] Well
Ann (PS14B) [3886] tuition?
James (PS14C) [3887] Well I, I
Ann (PS14B) [3888] Whether it's got ... whether it's got sixteen people in it or ... twenty nine
James (PS14C) [3889] Well er
Ann (PS14B) [3890] it doesn't alter the length of the bus.
James (PS14C) [3891] I drive the minibus at the hospital
Ann (PS14B) [3892] I know.
James (PS14C) [3893] which only takes four wheelchairs ... and of course there's the drivers of, of the minibus things that bring them.
[3894] I think, I, I would query that anyway, that just [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3895] Would you like to get into a vehicle the length of a bus with no extra tuition
James (PS14C) [3896] No.
Ann (PS14B) [3897] and just drive
James (PS14C) [3898] But, but
Ann (PS14B) [3899] it?
James (PS14C) [3900] but I query as well, whether just because you reduce the number of spa passengers in it ... that you, you, you don't need ... a P S V licence, or the equivalent isn't a P S V licence but it's, it's
Ann (PS14B) [3901] Oh you do,the they've looked into that.
James (PS14C) [3902] But it sounds ... doubtful to me.
[3903] But anyway ... there's the insurance point of view.
[3904] But anyway, any ... I mean ... that's the easy, and I mean, if, if people who are willing to drive can have experience in driving ... before they take passengers out.
[3905] I mean, I didn't drive the minibus until I'd driven it without passengers.
Ann (PS14B) [3906] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [3907] I mean I ... I, I ... I [laughing] drove the minibus [] ... with only somebody in with me ... before I drove out with people in it.
Ann (PS14B) [3908] Didn't you da drive Dancy Dags?
James (PS14C) [3909] Oh yes, I drove that, but that was a long time ago that.
Ann (PS14B) [3910] Yeah, but ... yo you drove that one
James (PS14C) [3911] I drove it to Ashington and [...]
Ann (PS14B) [3912] Mm.
[3913] You drive her to Ashington in it.
James (PS14C) [3914] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [3915] Erm ... do you think I should throw these roses out?
[3916] They're
James (PS14C) [3917] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [3918] dead aren't they?
James (PS14C) [3919] I'm afraid so.
Ann (PS14B) [3920] It's a shame.
James (PS14C) [3921] Well they'll be forced for last Sunday.
Ann (PS14B) [3922] Pardon?
James (PS14C) [3923] They will be forced for last Sunday, and that was
Ann (PS14B) [3924] Oh I know.
James (PS14C) [3925] the air wasn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [3926] I know, but they were dead by about Tuesday.
[3927] The yellow one was dead by Tuesday.
[3928] So ... what a shame.
[3929] Never mind.
[3930] ... Right, I'll put my make up on.
James (PS14C) [3931] Have you decided where you want this umbrella tree?
Ann (PS14B) [3932] Er er
James (PS14C) [3933] You need a saucer at the bottom.
[3934] But they're never the right size for that it wants [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [3935] Well there's a huge saucer on the old one.
James (PS14C) [3936] Ah but that's in it ... you can put one in that
Ann (PS14B) [3937] Well
James (PS14C) [3938] plant pot, that's a different matter altogether.
Ann (PS14B) [3939] Jus just leave it there for now.
[3940] Erm ... I'm going to put my make up on ... and think what I need from the shops.
James (PS14C) [3941] Right.
[3942] It's ten o'clock love.
Ann (PS14B) [3943] I know.
[3944] I'm gonna have to hurry up or you'll get no dinner.
[3945] ... I'll take that upstairs with me.
[3946] Ooh!
[3947] My head feels a lot better.
James (PS14C) [3948] It's gotta be better.
Ann (PS14B) [3949] [sighing] Oh [] !
[3950] ... I don't
James (PS14C) [3951] That er
Ann (PS14B) [3952] I haven't had a ... a headache like this for a
James (PS14C) [3953] Still it's much more quick.
Ann (PS14B) [3954] I know.
[3955] I need some ... le er ... the, I wanted a carton of live yoghurt ... I don't think the live yoghurt I used was any good because, for a start [laughing] it was [] fruit flavoured, no it wasn't, it was natural, but it said mild flavoured
James (PS14C) [3956] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [3957] and I don't think it was the proper ... like the Greek style, real live yoghurt that would have
James (PS14C) [3958] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [3959] started all the fungus growing on it.
[3960] It is beginning to look like a proper stone cup though.
[3961] And they're saying that ... er ... okay, I'll go and get ready.
James (PS14C) [3962] So do you want the yoghurt, yoghurt before we go to the ... [...] ?
Ann (PS14B) [3963] I don't think it matters, but ... if the weather's still going to be freezing at night
James (PS14C) [3964] And if so does, does
Ann (PS14B) [3965] I've got the
James (PS14C) [3966] the, [laughing] it's outside all the time anyway [] .
Ann (PS14B) [3967] I know, but it's got the polythene bag round it still.
[3968] ... I got it standing on that brick ... so it would drain.
[3969] ... I wish I knew what to do with the other azalea.
[3970] Some of the ... erm ... stems on it look as if the ... not mouldy but they're, they're sort of
James (PS14C) [3971] Well we'll just have to dig it up and put
Ann (PS14B) [3972] green.
James (PS14C) [3973] another one in.
Ann (PS14B) [3974] Those hyacinths in the cauldron are taking a long time to come out aren't they?
James (PS14C) [3975] I know.
Ann (PS14B) [3976] I would have thought the tulip ... that went in the er coal scuttle ... the tulips in the cauldron ... I thought they'd had it, they were lying down completely.
James (PS14C) [3977] I know.
[3978] They just straightened
Ann (PS14B) [3979] They were
James (PS14C) [3980] up.
Ann (PS14B) [3981] just ... grown up again.
[3982] And those ... forget-me-nots ... that are called blue ball and are supposed to have brilliant blue flowers, they're coming out with erm ... tiny ... pinkey, purpley flowers.
James (PS14C) [3983] I know.
Ann (PS14B) [3984] If they're blue, so am I!
James (PS14C) [3985] And then we've got miniature roses gonna come up, one that's on it own, that one with the
Ann (PS14B) [3986] The wha
James (PS14C) [3987] on the tub.
Ann (PS14B) [3988] Is there one in the tub?
[3989] No.
James (PS14C) [3990] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [3991] Oh ye the one in the tub looks okay, it's the other one.
James (PS14C) [3992] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [3993] I like the other best as well, it's the peach one.
[3994] When are you going to prune them?
James (PS14C) [3995] Well, when I plant that other one where you want it planted, that's
Ann (PS14B) [3996] I wonder when er ... John 's going to have the erm
James (PS14C) [3997] Wheelbarrow ready.
Ann (PS14B) [3998] Yes.
[3999] Oh!
[4000] Said in yesterday's paper ... that someone had had a wheelbarrow ... valued at thirty pounds stolen from a back garden ... and it was somewhere at Kirk Hill.
[4001] Where the back gardens aren't particularly accessible.
[4002] ... So ours must have cost, I'm sure that would cost them a lot more than thirty pounds.
James (PS14C) [4003] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [4004] Cos it didn't, it didn't say ... a wrought iron wheelbarrow or anything, it just said a wheelbarrow.
James (PS14C) [4005] Well those er ... four tapes
Ann (PS14B) [4006] So we'll have to get it
James (PS14C) [4007] those four tapes, incidentally, I saw, you know the ... compil the Bach, Beethoven, Mozart and ... Tchaikovsky, I saw them for fifteen pound.
Ann (PS14B) [4008] What four tapes?
James (PS14C) [4009] The four, not tapes, compact discs.
[4010] The set of four that we sent ... so they were fifteen pound in ... there.
Ann (PS14B) [4011] That who sent to you?
James (PS14C) [4012] That Shirley and ... Gareth sent me for Christmas.
Ann (PS14B) [4013] Ah ah!
James (PS14C) [4014] The
Ann (PS14B) [4015] I wish you'd think of something you would like for your birthday.
James (PS14C) [4016] I told you, I want a ... I would like a fiddle.
[4017] D'ya know I ... and you need binoculars to go to ... Rome with.
[4018] Take a couple of them.
Ann (PS14B) [4019] Well I can't see very well through binoculars.
James (PS14C) [4020] The Sistine Chapel.
[4021] We mustn't take those big ones with us.
Ann (PS14B) [4022] Oh Jim ... they're too heavy.
James (PS14C) [4023] I know.
[4024] ... You, [laughing] an easier camera [...] [] .
Ann (PS14B) [4025] It doesn't need a camera, it needs you!
[4026] New
James (PS14C) [4027] No it doesn't.
Ann (PS14B) [4028] new camera
James (PS14C) [4029] What's happened with that camera, you've
Ann (PS14B) [4030] You
James (PS14C) [4031] got to rewind it every time the ... better ones now automatically wind, that's what I mean.
Ann (PS14B) [4032] You have never sat down ... and read
James (PS14C) [4033] You have to rewind it, it's a
Ann (PS14B) [4034] all the
James (PS14C) [4035] problem.
Ann (PS14B) [4036] read all the instructions, the same with the video camera.
[4037] You haven't even watched the tape.
James (PS14C) [4038] When have I had an opportunity to watch the tape?
Ann (PS14B) [4039] Oh!
[4040] You must have been able to squeeze half an hour sometime or other.
[4041] ... Anyway, I'm going to get ready or we'll never get the shopping done before you go to work.
[4042] ... Will we?

11 (Tape 069403)

Ann (PS14B) [4043] Right, I'm ready.
[4044] Have you locked the back door?
[4045] ... I thought we were walking?
James (PS14C) [4046] No.
Ann (PS14B) [4047] I thought we were walking?
James (PS14C) [4048] No, it's alright.
Ann (PS14B) [4049] Are we not?
[4050] Okay.
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4051] Pardon?
[4052] ... I thought we were walking?
James (PS14C) [4053] Well do you want to walk or do you want to go in the car?
Ann (PS14B) [4054] Well I'll have to go ... to the paper shop.
James (PS14C) [4055] Well I'll drop you at the paper shop while I go round
Ann (PS14B) [4056] Oh.
[4057] That's a good idea.
[4058] ... I'll turn it.
[4059] ... I hope we can get out at the road end.
[4060] Have you stuck a poster in, no you haven't, in the back window?
James (PS14C) [4061] No, I haven't.
Ann (PS14B) [4062] I think more people see the back
James (PS14C) [4063] Well I know, cos
Ann (PS14B) [4064] coming up that way than they do the front window.
James (PS14C) [4065] a lot of people go to [...] now, more people
Ann (PS14B) [4066] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [4067] there, yeah.
[4068] So they'll see it
Ann (PS14B) [4069] Yes.
James (PS14C) [4070] both ways.
[4071] I'm gonna stick one in the back as well.
Ann (PS14B) [4072] Have I got my glasses with me or I can't see the prices.
[4073] Oh!
[4074] I haven't got my purse.
[4075] Oh well, brilliant!
[4076] ... Is that a squashed ball in the road?
[4077] ... That means I haven't got a key to get back in the house.
James (PS14C) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4078] If you just stop here I'll run over the road.
[4079] If you give me the key please.
[4080] Thanks.
[4081] Ooh!
James (PS14C) [4082] There's a car wants to be in.
Ann (PS14B) [4083] It's there.
[4084] ... Sorry!
[4085] [car starting] ... He didn't look very pleased did he?
James (PS14C) [4086] If he was in a such a desperate hurry he could have gone down and gone ... over there.
Ann (PS14B) [4087] We don't usually get a second post on a Saturday.
James (PS14C) [4088] We do, you get a parcel delivery.
Ann (PS14B) [4089] Oh yeah.
[4090] ... I've dropped my pen under your seat.
[4091] ... I'll get it when we sa ... unless you, have you got another one?
[4092] Thanks.
[4093] ... Have you seen Kathleen, er ... Katherine recently?
James (PS14C) [4094] No.
Ann (PS14B) [4095] I've just realized I haven't either, when I saw that woman crossing the road I thought it was her.
[4096] Please let us out someone!
[4097] Press the
James (PS14C) [4098] It wasn't
Ann (PS14B) [4099] button somebody
James (PS14C) [4100] it wasn't them that was [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [4101] Oh, thank you kind sir.
[4102] ... It wasn't what?
James (PS14C) [4103] It wasn't the cars there it was the cars turning in that's stopping him getting out.
Ann (PS14B) [4104] [sigh] ... We need some sugar.
[4105] We've had no sugar all this week.
[4106] Not that you've noticed.
[4107] ... I made the custard from er ... sugar cubes.
[4108] And I didn't know how lo how old the sugar cubes were.
[4109] Right.
[4110] We got them ... when we packed up your mother's house.
[4111] Right, where am I, I'll meet at er
James (PS14C) [4112] Co-op.
Ann (PS14B) [4113] Co-op.
[4114] Okay.
James (PS14C) [4115] Better hu hurry up.
Ann (PS14B) [4116] I can't get out any quicker.
[4117] See you later. ... [opening door of shop]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4118] Hello.
Ann (PS14B) [4119] Hello.
[4120] please.
[4121] And there was no erm ... television supplement, and no comic in the ... Daily Mirror this morning.
[4122] That's the second time in ... the past four weeks we've had ... missed that.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4123] Erm, I dunno.
[4124] There's seven only, oh that one.
Ann (PS14B) [4125] Seventeen.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4126] Seventeen.
Ann (PS14B) [4127] Aha.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4128] That's three sixty four please.
Ann (PS14B) [4129] Sixteen forty eight.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4130] Thank you.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4131] That's it, thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [4132] There you go, the sixty five.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4133] Thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [4134] Thank you.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4135] One sixty two.
Ann (PS14B) [4136] Thank you.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4137] Thank you. [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4138] You haven't given me the bits missing from the Mirror.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4139] Well that's erm ... tt ... nothing I can do about that until asking for the Mirror itself [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [4140] Well I'm sorry but my Daily Mirror divi delivered this morning without the television supplement, and without the comic ... and I want
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4141] The page of
Ann (PS14B) [4142] them.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4143] the actual page?
Ann (PS14B) [4144] The whole, the whole supplement that come on Saturdays.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4145] That was [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [4146] That part.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4147] That part wasn't in?
Ann (PS14B) [4148] This part was not in.
[4149] And there's usually a free comic as well and that wasn't in either.
[4150] And that's the second time in the past four weeks that those pieces have been missing from it.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4151] Tt.
[4152] Well, take that paper there okay.
Ann (PS14B) [4153] No, I don't need the whole paper, I've got the rest of it.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4154] Look, I cannae give you one out of there though.
Ann (PS14B) [4155] Well you're going to have to!
[4156] Because
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4157] I can't
Ann (PS14B) [4158] when I pay for a paper I want it to be complete, so I want that piece ... and I want that, that piece.
[4159] No, wait a minute, where is it?
[4160] Which is the television?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4161] Can you take my eighty P for this so we can go.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4162] Alright.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4163] Ta.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4164] What's that, sixty pence?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4165] Fifty.
Ann (PS14B) [4166] Where does it start?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4167] That's forty change.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4168] Thanks a lot.
[4169] Ta.
Ann (PS14B) [4170] Which is the beginning of this?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4171] That's thirty six please.
Ann (PS14B) [4172] There we are.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4173] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [4174] Right, so I've got the two pieces that are missing from my paper.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4175] Sorry.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4176] And that's gonna be [...] someone else's paper then?
Ann (PS14B) [4177] Well ... I've already paid for mine so I'm going to get
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4178] Well some, well someone'll pay for that.
Ann (PS14B) [4179] so, well you'll just have to tell them that it's missing.
[4180] But when I've paid for a newspaper I expect all the pieces ... that I've paid for.
[4181] And I've already paid for mine, so this I'll take.
[4182] Thank you.
[4183] ... [cough] ... Hello.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4184] Alright?
Ann (PS14B) [4185] I said to him [...] .
[4186] ... Hello.
[4187] ... Hello.
[4188] ... That's
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4189] A dona helps needy children and their communities abroad.
[4190] It drop
Ann (PS14B) [4191] Oh.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4192] drops wells with clean water and
Ann (PS14B) [4193] I'll support that.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4194] things like that.
[4195] Helps with education.
[4196] Raises a lot of money through sponsorship.
Ann (PS14B) [4197] Aha.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4198] A few people committing money every month.
Ann (PS14B) [4199] Will it go in?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4200] Yeah.
[4201] I'm sure it will.
Ann (PS14B) [4202] Thank you.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [4203] Thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [4204] Thanks.

12 (Tape 069501)

Ann (PS14B) [4205] Because we get no sun in this room whatsoever
Bill (PS15S) [4206] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [4207] of course
Bill (PS15S) [4208] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4209] with the ... the bathroom
Bill (PS15S) [4210] Well, you said we could.
Ann (PS14B) [4211] blocking it off.
Bill (PS15S) [4212] Er, we seem to have, you know, before
James (PS14C) [4213] Let's enough light in.
Bill (PS15S) [4214] before I was a gard er ... was a mo a gardener, and after I'd three years to the extent I can't.
James (PS14C) [laugh]
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4215] You sound like me, I'm always moving
James (PS14C) [4216] Who do you want me sign it as?
[4217] Member or Vice Chairman?
Bill (PS15S) [4218] Vice Chairman please.
[4219] That's
James (PS14C) [4220] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [4221] Would you like some coffee?
Bill (PS15S) [4222] No thank you.
[4223] I'll er ... [...] for years ... she's just come back and she's ... I said I want [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [4224] Where's she been?
Bill (PS15S) [4225] She's been down to [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [4226] Oh!
[4227] I didn't know.
[4228] I
Bill (PS15S) [4229] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4230] was talking to Maurice yesterday.
Bill (PS15S) [4231] She's act ... she er ... they've been down for a ... for a flying visit, I think,th they like to fly and fly back because it gets th ... the fre [...] used to the freedom.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
James (PS14C) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4232] Yes.
James (PS14C) [4233] [laugh] ... You get er ... rather tied up with looking after Marcus and his ... sister.
Bill (PS15S) [4234] Well, yeah.
[4235] I know Marcus and ... Naomi is, is relatively easy compared with er
Ann (PS14B) [4236] [laugh] ... He's a lovely little boy isn't he?
Bill (PS15S) [4237] Yeah, that one ... er,wha th were all from, from the er ... they were all from the
Ann (PS14B) [4238] Urgh!
[4239] This coffee's
Bill (PS15S) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4240] cold.
Bill (PS15S) [4241] except for the last one ... which ... I missed off the last time.
[4242] I, it went through alright, but er ... I've got a reminder this time so I ... I thought well
James (PS14C) [laugh]
Bill (PS15S) [4243] I will miss that one.
[4244] That er ... er,i information centre.
James (PS14C) [4245] Oh yes.
[4246] Ah yes.
[4247] Right well, have you
Bill (PS15S) [4248] That's it.
James (PS14C) [4249] sorted anything out about the oranges?
[4250] Aha.
Bill (PS15S) [4251] Yes.
[4252] Erm ... I've got a letter saying that it's er ... th the mayor ... the [...] ... is it sixteen, fifteen pounds worth of o of er
James (PS14C) [4253] Oranges.
Bill (PS15S) [4254] oranges, is ... gonna be issued in the place we say that that er, er at two o'clock ... if it's wet we'll be in the
James (PS14C) [...]
Bill (PS15S) [4255] the pavilion.
James (PS14C) [4256] Oh!
Bill (PS15S) [4257] Which is, like, next door.
[4258] I had the Rotaract, erm, they ... said they'd probably be, offered, er er, one of these castle things ... er jumping castles from ... [...] .
James (PS14C) [4259] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [4260] Did you see those on the news yesterday?
Bill (PS15S) [4261] Aye.
[4262] I see, yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Bill (PS15S) [4263] They can cause a lot of [...] apparently.
Ann (PS14B) [4264] Adults and children
James (PS14C) [4265] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4266] injuries.
[4267] I fell off one the week before last ... at the soft play ... but ... it wasn't blown up ... quite enough.
Bill (PS15S) [4268] Oh I see.
Ann (PS14B) [4269] And, as I ste
James (PS14C) [4270] Well there's no carpet, he said there's just
Ann (PS14B) [4271] Well, there was
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4272] there's a great ... you know the big heavy ... erm, foam thing, but it kept slipping away.
[4273] All the morning I kept pushing it back again.
Bill (PS15S) [4274] Aye.
[4275] Yeah.
[4276] They
Ann (PS14B) [4277] Er
Bill (PS15S) [4278] couldn't tell me I suppose.
Ann (PS14B) [4279] and it a it had happened to of ... slipped away at that time ... and I went to step off, and, with it not being blown up properly ... that's how ... it just flattened and I went off sid I've still got a big bruise on my left knee! [laugh]
Bill (PS15S) [4280] Well erm ... the only
Ann (PS14B) [4281] So I, I do not jump on any more.
Bill (PS15S) [4282] the only trouble with that sort of thing i is, again if you ever get any wet on it because
James (PS14C) [4283] Mm.
[4284] Mm mm.
Bill (PS15S) [4285] Oh well.
[4286] And, there's certainly some
James (PS14C) [4287] So the mayor's taking out the oranges?
Bill (PS15S) [4288] And er
Ann (PS14B) [4289] So they've got, they've got it back now, so it's got nothing to do with us?
Bill (PS15S) [4290] No, I don't suppose, thank you.
[4291] Er
Ann (PS14B) [4292] Do you work?
Bill (PS15S) [4293] No. [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4294] Mm.
James (PS14C) [4295] No, erm ... basically er ... I think for the [...] anyhow Trevor will be coming in, so we'll, we just st try and stay a little more to see what happens at the end.
Bill (PS15S) [4296] [...] ... But erm
James (PS14C) [4297] See they handed it over to us and, but they didn't wanna ... you know, it was very ... when, what they call them?
[4298] Erm
Bill (PS15S) [4299] It was Temple wasn't it,la last year?
James (PS14C) [4300] Aye, Temple was ... [...] ... but it, it was a good job because we had no oranges ... and they had to go and break in. [laugh]
Bill (PS15S) [4301] It's alright now [...] .
James (PS14C) [4302] [clears throat] ... Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4303] Was that the year the oranges were horrible?
James (PS14C) [4304] Er
Ann (PS14B) [4305] I've
Bill (PS15S) [4306] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4307] they were Seville oranges, I'm sure they were
James (PS14C) [4308] Well they've, they've been nice.
Ann (PS14B) [4309] Seville oranges.
Bill (PS15S) [4310] Aye.
James (PS14C) [4311] They've never been really nice.
Bill (PS15S) [4312] Yeah.
[4313] Well I don't know where they're getting them from, but I mean, that's what they say.
Ann (PS14B) [4314] Well that year
Bill (PS15S) [4315] And they've got Round Table laid on to help and they want help from the ... from us.
[4316] So they want us to go around at ... half past one ... or the two of them can start cos we've got an addition [...] .
James (PS14C) [4317] Well, it worked.
[4318] Er, I'm just ... wondered, you know,wi with ... because they came to expect it and we, we didn't know.
[4319] And, they'd handed it over to us and then ... obviously they wanted it back, but then
Bill (PS15S) [4320] Well, I think it's like everything else, I think that ... er, with, with Lawrence being off they're just sort of meeting everything as a crisis and getting, getting
Ann (PS14B) [4321] Well if you're at work
James (PS14C) [4322] Yo you see as well to go with what you call them?
James (PS14C) [4323] Er, [...]
Bill (PS15S) [...]
James (PS14C) [4324] he, he
Bill (PS15S) [4325] Didn't
James (PS14C) [4326] he didn't want anything to do with it you see.
[4327] That's where ... and he's not from [...] , he's not from this end so ... had ... er no real interest ... for him I don't think.
Ann (PS14B) [4328] If you're at work Dorothy could go ... If I help, I'll help with Trevor with his triplets.
James (PS14C) [4329] Well you can go and get their oranges and the
Ann (PS14B) [4330] Yes, but it's, he, he ... couldn't possibly push that buggy
James (PS14C) [sigh]
Ann (PS14B) [4331] around that field.
James (PS14C) [4332] But it isn't in the fields though.
Bill (PS15S) [4333] [...] it's up beside the
James (PS14C) [4334] It's, it's
Bill (PS15S) [4335] it, it's Carlisle Park.
Ann (PS14B) [4336] Oh!
[4337] That's
James (PS14C) [4338] Because
Ann (PS14B) [4339] better.
James (PS14C) [4340] because the, the, the pa the er
Ann (PS14B) [4341] Oh!
[4342] Because of that lea
James (PS14C) [4343] The Easter Field is, is
Ann (PS14B) [4344] leaking
Bill (PS15S) [4345] It's got a [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [4346] Yes.
James (PS14C) [4347] So it can't be used.
Ann (PS14B) [4348] Right.
Bill (PS15S) [4349] But I presume that ... we do turn out if we do it right in the middle.
James (PS14C) [4350] Well in actual fact, people who turned out were Isobel ... and me, and er ... what they call him?
[4351] Er, one who goes on?
[4352] Er, from Lonsdene?
[4353] Er ... Fred ?
Ann (PS14B) [4354] Fred
James (PS14C) [4355] No.
[4356] Fred .
Bill (PS15S) [4357] No, Jack's not very well.
Ann (PS14B) [4358] Well I helped you ... one year
James (PS14C) [4359] Oh yes.
Ann (PS14B) [4360] cos there was only
James (PS14C) [4361] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [4362] there was only ... you and somebody else.
James (PS14C) [4363] Well the year I was chairman.
[4364] Th the, er ... the year I was wi I was chairman, we were both there. [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4365] There was one child came up about seventeen times
James (PS14C) [4366] Oh yes!
Ann (PS14B) [4367] I think.
James (PS14C) [4368] Erm, down, it was down here remember?
Bill (PS15S) [4369] I know.
James (PS14C) [4370] That was the year the oranges were horrible, maybe his mother was making marmalade.
Bill (PS15S) [4371] [laugh] ... The only thing about er is that the Rotaract one tentatively mentioned about the [...] .
James (PS14C) [4372] Well that's it.
[4373] I mean,th tha when we took it over we, we got that, cos people said well, you know, just dishing out the oranges wasn't ... there should be something organized so Rotaract said they would do ... we said we would give the money towards the prizes.
Bill (PS15S) [4374] So that they wouldn't hate us.
[4375] Well when er, the, the, the, there's two words, the charter, and what's the other word?
[4376] There's two things to do with [...] .
James (PS14C) [4377] Food and jar, that's right.
Ann (PS14B) [4378] Yeah.
Bill (PS15S) [4379] Well well Barlen, Barlen.
James (PS14C) [4380] Barlen [...] and [...] .
Bill (PS15S) [4381] Yeah.
[4382] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4383] I can't say that properly.
[4384] Those words aren't used where [laughing] I come from [] .
Bill (PS15S) [4385] [laugh] ... And er, er
Ann (PS14B) [4386] Mind, I use words that Jim doesn't.
Bill (PS15S) [4387] the, the Rotaract er ... presents this year that they're [...] towards, so he's been ... quite pleased.
James (PS14C) [4388] Mhm.
Bill (PS15S) [4389] [...] ... So they'll, they'll be done.
[4390] And Round Table it says, has laid on for the
James (PS14C) [4391] Well Round Table a er have never, that's the first time then?
[4392] We got
Bill (PS15S) [4393] Well it's
James (PS14C) [4394] because, cos it's Rotaract who's always
Bill (PS15S) [4395] It must be the borough involved with the
James (PS14C) [4396] Mhm.
Bill (PS15S) [4397] But I'm er
James (PS14C) [4398] But they were keen.
[4399] I mean, I, they, they've, they've, they did work didn't they?
[4400] With, with the games and things when, when we were there.
Ann (PS14B) [4401] Yes.
James (PS14C) [4402] And it was a reasonable day too
Ann (PS14B) [4403] I know all the children.
James (PS14C) [4404] I mean, we thought it'd rain this year so it's ... more
Bill (PS15S) [4405] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [4406] likely to be a better day then
Ann (PS14B) [4407] And ee, all the kids ended up with a prize didn't they?
James (PS14C) [4408] Oh, eventually, yes.
[4409] I mean,th the
Ann (PS14B) [4410] Yeah they
James (PS14C) [4411] they were [...] that had bigger to ones
Ann (PS14B) [4412] The winners got
Bill (PS15S) [4413] Who supplied those then?
James (PS14C) [4414] Out of the money that we gave them.
Bill (PS15S) [4415] Oh!
[4416] The
Ann (PS14B) [4417] Yes.
Bill (PS15S) [4418] I see, it was, and that was what Rotaract did?
James (PS14C) [4419] Yes.
[4420] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [4421] They had big eggs, well, you know, sort of the
Bill (PS15S) [4422] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [4423] Smarties type egg so about so big
Bill (PS15S) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4424] for the prizes
Bill (PS15S) [4425] Ah.
Ann (PS14B) [4426] and the others got little Cadbury's
Bill (PS15S) [4427] Ah.
Ann (PS14B) [4428] Creme Eggs.
[4429] Which remi reminds me, I've got to get some for all they ... spare children [laughing] before []
Bill (PS15S) [4430] Yes.
[4431] [cough] ... well
Ann (PS14B) [4432] before they ran out.
Bill (PS15S) [4433] It's surprising actually cos th the more, the more ... common ones do run out because of course th the other ones are a bit pricey.
Ann (PS14B) [4434] The blooming Creme Eggs are on sale all the year round ... and then they run out at Easter.
[4435] That's happened, I couldn't get any ... one year ... I took the triplets to the erm ... Goose Hill coffee morning in the Town Hall and I gave them all money for the tombola ... and one of them ... won a Creme Egg
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4436] but I persuaded him that it would melt while he had his drink and to put it in my bag ... and er ... it was lunchtime when we got home and we were going some ... I, I can't remember what we were doing afterwards ... so I gave it to his mother, I thought she could share it.
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4437] Mind, by the time you'd shared a Creme Egg between ... those three and their older brother
Bill (PS15S) [4438] Yeah.
[4439] There's not much of it left.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4440] No, but I could have seen a, there'd be an ... almighty tantrums from the other two if Ji er
Bill (PS15S) [4441] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [4442] James had had it.
Bill (PS15S) [4443] I can imagine.
Ann (PS14B) [4444] Mm.
[4445] Mm.
James (PS14C) [4446] Is there anything much for the agenda for a week on Tuesday?
Bill (PS15S) [4447] Not a great deal.
[4448] I mean, what I'll
James (PS14C) [4449] Yeah.
Bill (PS15S) [4450] do is ... we'll get rid of those couple of things left over
James (PS14C) [4451] Mhm.
Bill (PS15S) [4452] and er ... basically, it's, Peter's got the one coming which is er ... put the ducks in the river.
James (PS14C) [4453] Mm.
Bill (PS15S) [4454] Er, he's doing the, a, and what I'm er sug suggesting
James (PS14C) [4455] Aha.
Bill (PS15S) [4456] like well ... apparently the fella that's done it, for years, and years, for years, for years has had a [...]
James (PS14C) [4457] Mhm.
Bill (PS15S) [4458] and he's, he's just ... ke you know what I mean, I think he's, he's getting an extension so that's why there's a bit of delay on that.
James (PS14C) [4459] Mhm.
Bill (PS15S) [4460] And it's where that lot meet [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [4461] I've been counting them since.
James (PS14C) [4462] Well how much, I mean
Ann (PS14B) [4463] I read the letter in the paper.
James (PS14C) [4464] how much was he paying [...] ?
Bill (PS15S) [4465] It was summat like er ... I dunno, it was summat like five hundred pound a year.
[4466] It was quite modest.
James (PS14C) [4467] Mm.
Bill (PS15S) [4468] Er
Ann (PS14B) [4469] There were thirteen
James (PS14C) [4470] But
Ann (PS14B) [4471] drakes cha ... er chasing one duck ... er, just past the baths along the promenade.
[4472] And then we sat ... at the far side of the Old Gate bridge ... and er ... an old lady came along ... and said, and she was counting them ... but she said, just look at that thing, she counted seven ... although, in actual fact, by then ... th these dra the seven drakes had stopped cha chasing the duck and they were all sitting down.
[4473] And a there was a domestic one ... in each group ... there was one along near the baths in among the thirteen, and there was another white one ... near Old Gate Bridge.
James (PS14C) [4474] Did he cull them as well?
Bill (PS15S) [4475] Yeah, apparently so.
Ann (PS14B) [4476] Yes.
James (PS14C) [4477] Did he feed them?
[4478] Cos there's ... there was, there used to be fe feed put down for that as well. [...]
Bill (PS15S) [4479] Well, to be honest, it seems to, I ... Peter's got the details cos he's been talking to er, the public health clerk.
James (PS14C) [4480] Mhm.
Bill (PS15S) [4481] But it's, it's, it's ... it sort a ... it's, I think carrying through from the old borough days
James (PS14C) [4482] That's right.
Bill (PS15S) [4483] and, somebody ha erm ... nobody really knew a great deal about it, so I think he's been doing some research on that.
[4484] That's the one paper that is a bit er ... maybe a bit so ... but th I'll have to check with the N ... R A because of course er, the river
James (PS14C) [4485] Mm.
Bill (PS15S) [4486] er policing is their responsibility.
James (PS14C) [4487] It is.
Bill (PS15S) [4488] They, they've not ... they'll not do that.
James (PS14C) [4489] No.
Bill (PS15S) [4490] No.
[4491] But I mean,we really, we've gotta make sure that they haven't got any objections.
[4492] But of course, in the meanwhile, of course we've had a flood.
Ann (PS14B) [4493] Yes.
James (PS14C) [4494] And it's going to kill most of the
Ann (PS14B) [4495] Yes.
James (PS14C) [4496] eggs ... wash most of the nests away I was thinking yesterday.
Bill (PS15S) [4497] It's bloody incredible actually!
[4498] We always get extreme [...] .
James (PS14C) [4499] Well that's, it wasn't a obviously as high as the flood twenty seven years ago.
Bill (PS15S) [4500] No.
James (PS14C) [4501] But was, pretty near.
[4502] It was getting near.
[4503] But of course the higher standards they've got no protection cos they ... didn't want ... what was offered.
Bill (PS15S) [4504] They didn't want a bank.
James (PS14C) [4505] Well that's right.
Bill (PS15S) [4506] Er none whatsoever.
James (PS14C) [4507] It was
Bill (PS15S) [...]
James (PS14C) [4508] a raised footpath that was before
Bill (PS15S) [4509] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [4510] this wasn't it?
[4511] Than, than the bridge right round.
Bill (PS15S) [4512] Which is what we're doing at, at the Wandsbeck innit?
[4513] So we'll put a ... we'll put a bank in, very deliberately at the first level
James (PS14C) [4514] Mhm.
Bill (PS15S) [4515] erm ... and went right the way through with, it did look, it doesn't look bad at all, it was
James (PS14C) [4516] Yeah well ... no, it didn't.
[4517] I mean, this looks ... well there's nothing else they could do here.
[4518] It doesn't look il ugly, but I mean it, it ... it's not attractive
Bill (PS15S) [4519] No.
James (PS14C) [4520] but it's
Bill (PS15S) [...]
James (PS14C) [4521] but, but, but they've got protection.
Bill (PS15S) [4522] But I mean er that one lent itself to that.
James (PS14C) [4523] That's right.
[4524] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [4525] Yes.
James (PS14C) [4526] It would have been ideal.
Bill (PS15S) [4527] But you see now of course, that was when there were River
James (PS14C) [4528] Yeah.
Bill (PS15S) [4529] River Authority days and
James (PS14C) [4530] Yeah.
Bill (PS15S) [4531] that was quite good.
[4532] Erm ... it was quite useful er, they ... you could get things done, now
James (PS14C) [4533] Mm.
Bill (PS15S) [4534] now it's nothing.
James (PS14C) [4535] Well they just ... put
Ann (PS14B) [4536] I came along the river path when I came home from shopping.
[4537] Sitting in the, the sand, damp sand [laughing] under the bridge [] .
James (PS14C) [4538] Mm.
Bill (PS15S) [4539] You never saw that one that would er ... you know the one on the Bedford Road because Bedford Road has a [...]
James (PS14C) [4540] Well they ... that's right.
[4541] I mean
Ann (PS14B) [4542] Yes.
James (PS14C) [4543] there's nothing can be done, than the
Ann (PS14B) [4544] No.
James (PS14C) [4545] nothing at all.
Ann (PS14B) [4546] Mhm.
Bill (PS15S) [4547] Mhm.
James (PS14C) [4548] But er, ah, you know, it gets up into the garden but I don't think it, it's got anywhere near the house er this time, cos I was up there ... on Thursday and I, you could see where it had been, but it was ... and I mi I'd have got very worried about er
Bill (PS15S) [4549] But you could actually put a bag all the way and tie it into ... tie it into er ... the ... it's the Skillery Bridge that one.
James (PS14C) [4550] Yes, the Skillery Bridge
Bill (PS15S) [4551] And
James (PS14C) [4552] yeah.
Bill (PS15S) [4553] you just sort of tied up the
Ann (PS14B) [4554] Well
James (PS14C) [4555] Yes, well, that's where we'll have to go from there
Bill (PS15S) [4556] I think.
James (PS14C) [4557] round ... but
Ann (PS14B) [4558] There were wild rumours flying around on Wednesday, I was told
James (PS14C) [4559] They didn't want to
Ann (PS14B) [4560] by several people that the Skillery had gone.
[4561] In
James (PS14C) [4562] But it hadn't, no.
Bill (PS15S) [4563] It survived. [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4564] Well Jim, Jim saw the children going back to er ... school after swimming
Bill (PS15S) [4565] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [4566] over it on Thursday afternoon ... but er
James (PS14C) [4567] But there was a lot of debris up against it, and high up against it!
Ann (PS14B) [4568] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [4569] So they could see how bad
Ann (PS14B) [4570] Was Fold Cottage flooded?
James (PS14C) [4571] It was bound to be
Ann (PS14B) [4572] It didn't
James (PS14C) [4573] Ann.
[4574] Bound to be.
Ann (PS14B) [4575] I thought they built a wall around it the
James (PS14C) [4576] No.
Ann (PS14B) [4577] last people who bought it.
Bill (PS15S) [4578] Yeah, but even on that you see,yo yo you know,yo ... you're never really stuck with it ... I mean
James (PS14C) [4579] No.
Bill (PS15S) [4580] [...] , once you're in the clear ... you ... really it's the silliest in the world to have a little [...] actually.
James (PS14C) [4581] Yeah.
[4582] Well this , who is ... must be related to David , anyway, erm ... they bought the house facing the o is it Old Cross, Old Gate bridge ... and has spent a lot of money on doing it up,li just over three million ... of course the whole of the downstairs was flooded today.
Bill (PS15S) [4583] Is that Mrs 's?
James (PS14C) [4584] Yes, that's right.
[4585] The one
Ann (PS14B) [4586] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [4587] facing her, that's right.
[4588] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [4589] Aha.
[4590] It's called Aubern House is it?
James (PS14C) [4591] That's right.
Bill (PS15S) [4592] That's right.
[4593] It's Aubern, it's bigger than Aubern Place on the left.
James (PS14C) [4594] No, it's, it's not, it's called something Cottage actually.
[4595] Aubern is the one round the corner.
Bill (PS15S) [4596] Ah.
Ann (PS14B) [4597] Oh!
Bill (PS15S) [4598] Aye, she must have lived around the corner ... but she was the [...] .
[4599] Cos she was only, the only one I'm thi
James (PS14C) [4600] The first one I'm sure is something Cottage.
[4601] It might be Aubern Cottage but ... but the one round the corner ... the newer one, not the stone one
Bill (PS15S) [4602] Aye.
James (PS14C) [4603] the stone one
Bill (PS15S) [4604] Cos he used to live in that one..
James (PS14C) [4605] .
[4606] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [4607] Yes.
James (PS14C) [4608] Yes he did.
[4609] Before the . [laugh]
Bill (PS15S) [4610] Ah.
[4611] Well Stan was a ... he looked like Cliff Michelmore didn't he?
[4612] Stan.
[4613] The original Stan [...] .
James (PS14C) [4614] Aye.
Bill (PS15S) [4615] [...] ... And he, and I remember ah, er er, I mean I was only, well I was sort of and he had his feet up on the table, he was smoking a cigarette ... and he, and he had a laid back attitude. [laugh]
James (PS14C) [4616] Oh yes, definitely.
[4617] But we, we got our mortgage from, from the council, you know, obviously
Bill (PS15S) [4618] Aha.
James (PS14C) [4619] because it's ... our ... it's, Ann was pregnant then ... didn't smo and she didn't smoke so
Ann (PS14B) [4620] And I, I gave up smoking when I was pregnant.
James (PS14C) [4621] So, do you smoke?
[4622] No.
[4623] I don't smoke.
[4624] Erm, d'ya drink?
[4625] Not really.
[4626] Erm, have you got any hire purchase goods?
[4627] No.
[4628] The, the cooker which we were buying quarterly, can't have a mortgage.
Ann (PS14B) [4629] It was ... it was the
James (PS14C) [4630] They say they won't believe that.
Ann (PS14B) [4631] The cooker was three pounds a quarter.
James (PS14C) [4632] He says they won't believe
Ann (PS14B) [4633] And he let
James (PS14C) [4634] they, you can't have it, I'll put you down as a moderate drinker.
Ann (PS14B) [4635] We couldn't afford to drink!
[4636] We were destitute in those days
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4637] We didn't know at the time, but I wasn't working
James (PS14C) [4638] Couldn't have a mortgage.
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4639] and we were actually living, living below the poverty line.
[4640] If I'd read ... erm ... i if I'd read properly ... all the instructions in the back of the er ... book
James (PS14C) [4641] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4642] I would have got fo erm ... free orange juice, free vitamin drops
James (PS14C) [4643] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4644] and free milk for Gareth.
Bill (PS15S) [4645] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4646] But, Jim was a charge nurse.
[4647] Goodness only knows what ... staff nurses did then?
[4648] Jim was a charge nurse, it never occurred to us that we were living before, below the poverty line.
Bill (PS15S) [4649] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4650] I mean, er
Bill (PS15S) [4651] You probably still are. [laugh]
James (PS14C) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
James (PS14C) [4652] I know we're
Ann (PS14B) [4653] Possibly.
James (PS14C) [4654] no, we're a, we're, we're
Ann (PS14B) [4655] we do we do live on
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4656] we don't live on so much erm
James (PS14C) [4657] Ah.
Ann (PS14B) [4658] broth and er
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4659] we used to have, I used to make big pan of broth ... you could get gorgeous bacon bones with plenty bacon on in the Co-op in those days, it were wi it was when they, they did all the boning in the shops and you could go, get good meaty bones and I used to
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4660] I used to fill it full of vegetables
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4661] and ... barley so, and
James (PS14C) [4662] Yeah I know.
Ann (PS14B) [4663] and split peas.
[4664] But er ... it was po possibly a healthier diet actually, than we have now.
Bill (PS15S) [4665] Aye.
[4666] Well of course, this is it, I mean you just
Ann (PS14B) [4667] It was quite fat free anyway. [laugh]
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4668] When you, when you look and you see how people survived [...] and of course they delivered the [...] ... that you, I mean like we had dripping and bread.
James (PS14C) [4669] Oh yes!
[4670] Yes.
[4671] That's a real, that's
Bill (PS15S) [4672] Terrible thing isn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [4673] Yes.
[4674] You read books like erm ... Lark Rise to
James (PS14C) [4675] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4676] Candleford and there they went ... breakfast was bread and dripping and
James (PS14C) [4677] Mm.
Bill (PS15S) [4678] It used to taste nice.
James (PS14C) [4679] [laugh] ... Oh!
[4680] I liked it.
Ann (PS14B) [4681] I gave my, a
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4682] a few years ago when my sons were teenagers ... I had some nice dripping and I said, you've never had bread and dripping and I gave them some, I put a bit of salt on, I said, try this, I loved a bit of med bread and dripping when I was ... your age.
[4683] And they took a mouthful and urgh!
[4684] Urgh!
James (PS14C) [4685] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [4686] And we when ... how old were they when we went to Whitley for a holiday?
[4687] And I saw some liquorice root ... and I said, oh!
[4688] Look Jim
James (PS14C) [4689] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [4690] I haven't seen that for years.
[4691] I used to buy that for a ha'penny.
James (PS14C) [4692] During the war time
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4693] a ha'penny for two sticks.
[4694] And I got them some of that, urgh urgh!
James (PS14C) [4695] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [4696] They thought it was horrible.
[4697] So there was I walking round Whitley chewing this liquorice root.
Bill (PS15S) [4698] Just look as if you were spitting tobacco. [laugh]
James (PS14C) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4699] [laugh] ... I didn't like the locust beans though.
James (PS14C) [4700] Nah.
[4701] But it
Ann (PS14B) [4702] And I loved a pennorth of, a pennorth of karie lick your finger and dip that in.
Bill (PS15S) [4703] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4704] I know they call it sherbet now, but it's not the same, it was sort of erm
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4705] it's like sugary
Bill (PS15S) [4706] We never saw sweets in those days [...] .
James (PS14C) [4707] Oh well there was, the sweets were on the rationing and, and they
Bill (PS15S) [4708] Mm.
James (PS14C) [4709] were they very, very few to get.
Ann (PS14B) [4710] Was it two ounces a week we got?
Bill (PS15S) [4711] And that was only after the war er in
James (PS14C) [4712] Mm.
Bill (PS15S) [4713] Scotland anyway.
James (PS14C) [4714] That's right.
[4715] Yes.
Bill (PS15S) [4716] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [4717] Oh yes.
Ann (PS14B) [4718] I used to get my, my teacakes.
James (PS14C) [4719] Well I didn't know what bananas were.
[4720] I mean, I knew what they looked like from pictures
Bill (PS15S) [4721] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [4722] but I never
Ann (PS14B) [4723] No.
Bill (PS15S) [4724] never had a taste.
James (PS14C) [4725] Just, no, no.
[4726] Well I
Ann (PS14B) [4727] I
James (PS14C) [4728] I obviously had just before the war but I don't, don't, didn't remember then until afterwards.
Ann (PS14B) [4729] I knew what a pineapple
James (PS14C) [4730] And oranges.
Ann (PS14B) [4731] looked like because we had erm
Bill (PS15S) [...] [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4732] a black leaded, no we had one of these black leaded grates, you know, with
Bill (PS15S) [4733] Aye.
Ann (PS14B) [4734] oven at the side
Bill (PS15S) [4735] Ah yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4736] and there was a pineapple on the oven door.
Bill (PS15S) [4737] Oh.
[4738] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [4739] The first
Bill (PS15S) [4740] I mean
Ann (PS14B) [4741] oh we, I, I got dried bana we had dried bananas Jim.
James (PS14C) [4742] Ah, but you were
Ann (PS14B) [4743] I was under five.
James (PS14C) [4744] You were under five.
[4745] I wasn't.
Ann (PS14B) [4746] And my bro
James (PS14C) [4747] I was the youngest, I was just five
Ann (PS14B) [4748] My brother and I got dried bananas
James (PS14C) [4749] when war broke out.
Ann (PS14B) [4750] and we also got peanut butter because we were under five.
James (PS14C) [4751] Ah.
Ann (PS14B) [4752] But erm
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4753] the first bananas I saw, my
James (PS14C) [4754] [laughing] Luxury, is peanut butter [] !
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4755] My great aunt had a sho
Bill (PS15S) [4756] Yeah.
[4757] They
Ann (PS14B) [4758] a fruit shop.
Bill (PS15S) [4759] You wouldn't touch the stuff now would you?
James (PS14C) [laugh]
Bill (PS15S) [4760] [...] .
[4761] I like bananas.
James (PS14C) [laugh]
Bill (PS15S) [4762] Mind you, I bet you don't touch peanut butter then?
Ann (PS14B) [4763] Erm ... just very occasionally ... in the school holidays
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4764] erm ... at lunchtime I don't have many children at school holidays because ... apart from one of them, all of them have one or both parents who are teachers
Bill (PS15S) [4765] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [4766] so I have Sally, and, and er, her mum always cooks a meal in the evening so I, I do something like toasted cheese sandwiches or beans on toast or something like that at lunch time, but there was one time when she wanted peanut butter ... and, all her brother used to ask, I, her brother doesn't come to me now, he stays at home cos he's going on fifteen, and as he's next door but one anyway, you know if, if anything goes wrong he can come along to me, but all he wanted was my homemade blackcurrant jam, and now he doesn't come any more I've got to actually give him
James (PS14C) [4767] Send some round.
Ann (PS14B) [4768] I give him the blackcurrant jam, I give Myrene the blackcurrant jam, jam to take home for him.
Bill (PS15S) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4769] He loves it!
Bill (PS15S) [4770] [laugh] ... Yeah, that's right.
[4771] I remember you saying.
James (PS14C) [4772] If you will be industrious.
Bill (PS15S) [4773] Mm mm mm.
James (PS14C) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [4774] Oh I like, I qui I quite like making jam.
Bill (PS15S) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4775] And it would be absolutely sacrilegious to, to ... buy hot cross buns. [walking out of room]
Bill (PS15S) [4776] Oh well.
Ann (PS14B) [4777] Yeah.
Bill (PS15S) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4778] Oh do no I
Bill (PS15S) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4779] Oh.
[4780] ... No there are certain things that I just couldn't do.
[4781] I couldn't buy a Christmas pudding, and I couldn't buy a hot cross bun.
[4782] It, I think it's too ingrained in me from my grandmother and my mother.
[4783] You know, you made your Christmas puddings, everybody had to have a wish when they ... stirred them.
[4784] I better see if this dinner's ready.
[4785] Bye.
Bill (PS15S) [4786] Bye.

13 (Tape 069502)

Ann (PS14B) [4787] Hey, you know, talking about the ducks on the river, you know that ... elderly, ever so refined lady
James (PS14C) [4788] Who brought bread to feed
Ann (PS14B) [4789] Yes.
James (PS14C) [4790] the ducks?
[4791] Yes.
[4792] Yes well, that's right.
Ann (PS14B) [4793] I think she must have been ... quite well off some time, had fallen on ... really hard times.
[4794] I mean, she told me ... oh, a couple of years ago that she was eighty.
[4795] And, I better get this dinner out.
[4796] And erm ... she always thought of her husband as daddy.
James (PS14C) [4797] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [4798] And her daughter ... I think she must have been getting on because ... around the time she told me that she was eighty, she happened to mention that her daughter was forty.
James (PS14C) [4799] She had no grandchildren [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4800] I know, her daughter, er her daughter's not married.
[4801] Well I haven't seen her feeding the ducks ... for about three or four months.
[4802] I wonder if she's died or she's ill?
James (PS14C) [4803] She's always going to jumble sales.
Ann (PS14B) [4804] I know.
[4805] All, all her clothes came from jumble sales.
[4806] Everything.
[4807] She wa she was buying, long after nylon shirts went out of fashion, there we there was a pile of nylon shirts, and she said I'm, I'm just looking to see if this ... if these will be suitable for daddy.
[4808] I can't remember ... er, she gave me the reason why she wanted these for ... oh, he, he, he always wears his cuffs out or something.
[4809] ... She was quite pleasant to talk to, I liked listening to her.
[4810] I don't think I know her name.
[4811] So, I couldn't even ask anyone.

14 (Tape 069503)

Ann (PS14B) [4812] Are you ready for your dinner?
[4813] I've made the tea.
[4814] ... I forgot to put those in the freezer.
[4815] ... I think I'll do the bedrooms this afternoon.
James (PS14C) [4816] Especially Bry Bryony's bedroom.
[4817] ... And those begonias are doing well now.
Ann (PS14B) [4818] Which?
[4819] Where?
[4820] In the front room?
James (PS14C) [4821] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [4822] How many have grown?
James (PS14C) [4823] Er
Ann (PS14B) [4824] Sometimes you look at them.
[4825] ... It doesn't matter, you don't need to look.
[4826] Get on with your dinner!
[4827] You'll be late.
James (PS14C) [4828] Mm.
[4829] ... There's four in the sitting room, there's one well advanced that's doi doing quite well, there's one upstairs that's just about ready for ... er, repotting, and there are ... two more that have sprouts on.
[4830] Only [...]
Ann (PS14B) [4831] So that's seven out of ten, was it?
James (PS14C) [4832] Oh yeah.
[4833] Yeah.
[4834] About seven.
Ann (PS14B) [4835] Well that's not bad for one ninety nine.
[4836] There's erm ... I know they'd be, probably be better quality ... but there are ... nine, I think it is, advertised in ... today's paper that say, erm for er eleven ninety nine.
[4837] ... So even, we get ... seven for one ninety nine, it's a bargain.
James (PS14C) [4838] Depends what they flower like though.
Ann (PS14B) [4839] I hope they're different colours.
James (PS14C) [4840] And how long they last.
[4841] ... And if we
Ann (PS14B) [4842] Well they go on flowering for quite, you you've got
James (PS14C) [4843] No, no, I mean, how long ... you put
Ann (PS14B) [4844] Oh yeah, you'll have to le leave the children's.
James (PS14C) [4845] I know that.
[4846] But ... if we keep them for the next ten years they're a ... a real bargain, if, if, if
Ann (PS14B) [4847] Aha.
James (PS14C) [4848] they're all no good next year, well ... it'll be just a ... an ordinary bargain.
Ann (PS14B) [4849] I don't think, I dunno ... that ... I wonder if we should put some gravel under that umb umbrella tree.
[4850] ... Or if it should even be near that radiator.
[4851] In Australia, you know they grow into great big huge trees in Australia, Mrs told me.
James (PS14C) [4852] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [4853] She said er, Derek ... has them in his garden.
James (PS14C) [4854] Well it's a bit better climate out there.
[4855] Well I don't know if it's a better climate, but it's a warmer climate.
Ann (PS14B) [4856] Well it must get hotter ... than it does in this house for a start!
James (PS14C) [4857] It is hotter.
Ann (PS14B) [4858] I was freezing last night in bed!
[4859] And you were snoring.
James (PS14C) [4860] So were you.
Ann (PS14B) [4861] I hardly got any sleep last night, my head was aching so much.
James (PS14C) [4862] Well every night you do.
[4863] Every night.
Ann (PS14B) [4864] How can I, it, I was on my side.
James (PS14C) [4865] Well you still snore, er you snore on your side.
Ann (PS14B) [4866] Ouch!
[4867] Ooh they're hot!
James (PS14C) [4868] Have to close your mouth.
[4869] It's a wonder you haven't got a sore throat all the time Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [4870] How many staff have you got off?
James (PS14C) [4871] I'm not sure, everyone's off sick.
Ann (PS14B) [4872] Mm.
[4873] Will you be home late?
James (PS14C) [4874] I don't think so.
Ann (PS14B) [4875] Mm.
[4876] Have you checked the television pages?
[4877] Is there any wildlife programmes or anything you want me to ... oh hold on, I've got it here.
[4878] ... Er
James (PS14C) [4879] When's the Messiah on?
[4880] That's on tomorrow isn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [4881] The Messiah?
James (PS14C) [4882] And the original version from Dublin.
Ann (PS14B) [4883] The Messiah, the Messiah in Dublin ... seven forty five tomorrow.
James (PS14C) [4884] I'd like that recorded please.
Ann (PS14B) [4885] Right.
[4886] There's absolutely nothing on ... on Saturdays.
[4887] I hate being here with ... on my own on a Saturday.
James (PS14C) [4888] Well you should save the programmes you recorded ... and watch them on a Saturday.
Ann (PS14B) [4889] I haven't recorded any.
James (PS14C) [4890] Instead of
Ann (PS14B) [4891] Have I?
James (PS14C) [4892] wanting, get rid of them quickly.
Ann (PS14B) [4893] I haven't recorded any.
[4894] ... Can't remember what I was doing.
[4895] Might as well watch the wildlife programme.
James (PS14C) [4896] You didn't record them either.
Ann (PS14B) [4897] Oh well.
[4898] Tt.
[4899] [reading newspaper] Jim'll Fix it, the Big Break [] .
[4900] [sighing] Oh [] .
[4901] [reading] Clint Eastwood film.
James (PS14C) [4902] You haven't gotta record any more of them anyway.
Ann (PS14B) [4903] On The Up [] .
[4904] On The Up's a repeat.
[4905] Casualty's a repeat.
James (PS14C) [4906] We never watch Casualty so
Ann (PS14B) [4907] [reading] The Life and Works.
[4908] A writer has his work, has her works republished and proves to be something of a mixed blessing [] .
[4909] ... I wonder what that's about?
[4910] It don't give you much information [...] .
[4911] ... [reading] Film, The Marrying Kind at three twenty five.
[4912] ... Barton and Simpson comedy ... An Extra Bunch of Daffodils.
James (PS14C) [4913] Well there's all these
Ann (PS14B) [4914] A humorous view of a wife murderer from the writers who brought us Hancock and Steptoe.
[4915] Stratford John's Killer [] .
James (PS14C) [4916] Isn't tha these
Ann (PS14B) [4917] That might be interesting.
[4918] That's at five past eight.
James (PS14C) [4919] what they call it?
[4920] These pro is that Channel Four?
[4921] Cos there's these programmes
Ann (PS14B) [4922] Randall and Hopkirk Deceased.
James (PS14C) [4923] Deceased.
[4924] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [4925] That surely must be a repeat.
James (PS14C) [4926] They're all repeats those specials.
Ann (PS14B) [4927] They haven't put repeat on for that.
James (PS14C) [4928] But the Channel Four they're
Ann (PS14B) [4929] Johnny Cash and San Quentin.
[4930] I seem to remember seeing that years ago.
James (PS14C) [4931] Well if you, read it, it's these special ... things on Channel Four.
Ann (PS14B) [4932] Is that the, ah!
[4933] T V Heaven.
[4934] Ah!
[4935] So it is.
[4936] I don't remember An Extra Bunch of Daffodils do you?
James (PS14C) [4937] No.
Ann (PS14B) [4938] Oh oh oh!
[4939] [reading] Live and Let Die.
[4940] House of Fear.
[4941] A spooky tale about a woman ... who returns to the stately [...] which has been home to the ... Stafford Dynasty for hundreds of years.
[4942] The trouble is her ancestors are still around [] .
[4943] ... It doesn't say who, I suppose, the guests are.
[4944] Nope.
[4945] Absolutely nothing.
[4946] ... Are these ... oh.
James (PS14C) [4947] Well they expect everybody to go out on a Saturday night you see.
Ann (PS14B) [4948] Mm.
James (PS14C) [4949] Or at work.
Ann (PS14B) [4950] There's much more on a Sunday.
[4951] ... There's May to De ... December.
[4952] And I like Lovejoy, except I've missed ... but they're repeats, but I never saw it the first time.
[4953] Did we?
[4954] ... [reading] Messiah in Dublin [] .
[4955] ... Well there's no point in me watching it if I'm going to record it for you.
[4956] I'll watch it with you.
[4957] ... Blimey!
[4958] He's brave.
[4959] [reading newspaper] A man left paralysed from the waist down after a parachuting acce accident two years ago, attempts the World's first solo ... paraplegic sky dive [] .
[4960] ... Blimey!
[4961] ... Perhaps he thinks lightning doesn't strike twice.
[4962] ... [reading] Jeeves and Wooster.
[4963] ... Screaming Thing [] .
[4964] Knocked quite a lot in their reviews in the ... papers.
[4965] I like it.
[4966] And I like Wed anyway.
James (PS14C) [4967] Yes, but that's just their opinion.
Ann (PS14B) [4968] What are your shifts next week?
[4969] Can you remember offhand?
James (PS14C) [4970] Yes.
[4971] I'm early Monday and Tuesday ... and Wednesday ... a day off Thursday ... Friday ... late
Ann (PS14B) [4972] Wait a minute.
James (PS14C) [4973] late Saturday.
Ann (PS14B) [4974] You're early, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday?
James (PS14C) [4975] Mhm.
[4976] ... And I'm off
Ann (PS14B) [4977] And you're off Thursday, Friday.
James (PS14C) [4978] Thursday and Friday.
[4979] And I'm late Saturday ... and then I'm on holiday.
Ann (PS14B) [4980] Oh.
[4981] ... It's time you had some early.
James (PS14C) [4982] I'm early, New Years, no, not New Years, Easter ... [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [4983] Do what?
James (PS14C) [4984] I'm early Easter Monday instead of being on late.
Ann (PS14B) [4985] Why?
James (PS14C) [4986] Cos somebody wan
Ann (PS14B) [4987] Has someone changed with you?
James (PS14C) [4988] somebody wants ... wants to be late for some reason.
[4989] ... And, if we're not going to Aldershot ... it doesn't make any difference.
[4990] Well it wouldn't made any difference cos we would have come on the Sunday anyway.
Ann (PS14B) [4991] That will be Easter Sunday.
James (PS14C) [4992] I know.
Ann (PS14B) [4993] Do we want to travel on Easter Sunday?
James (PS14C) [4994] Well the traffic's not big on Easter Sunday.
[4995] The traffic would be big on the Monday.
Ann (PS14B) [4996] Well if it hadn't been al for all those hours and hours hold ups last time we went down I quite like travelling ... overnight.
[4997] Especially when you get to the M twenty five.
[4998] Are you ready for your pudding?
James (PS14C) [4999] Oh yes please.
Ann (PS14B) [5000] [cough] ... If it stays fine I think I'll put another load of washing in here.
James (PS14C) [5001] Thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [5002] I think I've given myself too much dinner.
[5003] And I've got, there was some left if you wanted it by the way?
[5004] If forgot.
James (PS14C) [5005] No thanks.
Ann (PS14B) [5006] I cooked too much.
[5007] ... D'ya know that blue wool I got?
James (PS14C) [5008] That.
Ann (PS14B) [5009] Well Dorothy got ... er, some to knit something for Bryony ... and she actually got too much so if I do run out ... if I haven't enough to finish this ... er er ... vest, T-shirt ... summer top, whatever it's called ... she'll have some.
James (PS14C) [5010] Is that one you're knitting for Shirley?
Ann (PS14B) [5011] Mm mm.
[5012] ... There should be plenty of that wool for me.
[5013] I still have to stitch er, erm ... my cardigan up for ... Melanie but erm ... it was easy to start off the other one while I was ... talking to your mother.
[5014] ... Right.
[5015] [...] . ... So were these dumplings okay?
James (PS14C) [5016] Very nice thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [5017] Well they were ma and they were made with vegetarian suet.
James (PS14C) [5018] Well they [...] Catherine baked them.
Ann (PS14B) [5019] Catherine's were baked not ... boiled.
[5020] ... I prefer baked dumplings anyway.
James (PS14C) [5021] You what?
Ann (PS14B) [5022] I've, I would bake dumplings if you liked them.
[5023] I prefer them baked.
[5024] I like crusty tops on them.
James (PS14C) [5025] Well with the taste, sooner have them ... the hardness of it.
Ann (PS14B) [5026] You only had a tiny taste of one.
James (PS14C) [5027] No it wasn't.
Ann (PS14B) [5028] You were pinching somebody else's ... I don't know.
James (PS14C) [5029] The Yorkshire pudding I love.
Ann (PS14B) [5030] I don't know.
[5031] They were in the middle of the dinner when we got there.
James (PS14C) [5032] I know.
Ann (PS14B) [5033] You'd had yours.
[5034] And you grabbed a piece of somebody's dumpling and said, oh I'll have a bite of that.
[5035] And you said afterwards you didn't like it.
James (PS14C) [5036] Well I didn't care much for it.
[5037] No.
Ann (PS14B) [5038] Well they must be better for you than an animal fat.
James (PS14C) [5039] Possibly.
[5040] With all this ... it's a predisposition
Ann (PS14B) [5041] They cook just as fluffy
James (PS14C) [5042] the cholesterol you know
Ann (PS14B) [5043] as with ordinary suet.
James (PS14C) [5044] that's, that's the problem.
Ann (PS14B) [5045] What?
James (PS14C) [5046] It's the predisposition to ... heart attacks, it doesn't matter how well you sa stick to your diet what have you ... cholesterol
Ann (PS14B) [5047] You can have a, a cholesterol test, you know ... in erm
James (PS14C) [5048] I know.
Ann (PS14B) [5049] which chemist is it?
[5050] Er ... Simm and Webb, they've got a notice on the window, have your cholesterol tested.
[5051] Why don't you go and see?
James (PS14C) [5052] What for?
Ann (PS14B) [5053] Well I would be interested ... to see them put
James (PS14C) [5054] Well why don't you have your cholesterol tested.
Ann (PS14B) [5055] I know what mine is, mine was erm ... well below
James (PS14C) [5056] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5057] the last ti what did I have to go for?
[5058] ... The last time I went for a smear and ... a blood pressure check and various things sh I, I said ... are you doing cholesterol checks?
[5059] And she said no.
[5060] Would you like one?
[5061] And I said, yes I would please.
[5062] ... Anyway, I had to ring up after two week, can't you remember?
[5063] I rang up after two weeks ... and I spoke to the nurse and she said, oh, your cholesterol's alright.
[5064] And I said ... but what is it please?
[5065] And she said, oh well it's ... no it was the receptionist, she said it's fine.
[5066] And I said, yes but I would like to know exactly ... what my cholesterol count is.
[5067] So she said, oh I'll have to get the nurse.
[5068] So the nurse came on the phone and she sa she said ... erm ... oh it's, it's fine it's well within the limits.
[5069] And I said, but what is it?
[5070] So she said it was ... five point ... four, or five point six I think it was.
[5071] Why can't they just tell you?
[5072] Why do you have to drag these things out of people.
James (PS14C) [5073] Well they
Ann (PS14B) [5074] I want to know.
James (PS14C) [5075] wanna keep these things to themselves you see.
[5076] Keep it to themselves [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [5077] Oh!
[5078] That's stupid.
[5079] It's my body!
[5080] ... Betty's ... Betty has lived on ... they had roast beef for Christmas because they'd eaten no red meat for so long
James (PS14C) [5081] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5082] with her cholesterol, that they actually, she was so sick of turkey and chicken, and fish ... and er ... she's had no cream cakes.
[5083] What else does she have?
[5084] ... She uses semi-skimmed milk.

15 (Tape 069601)

Ann (PS14B) [5085] He's thoroughly settled isn't he?
Betty (PS15U) [5086] No.
[5087] Well, have a seat.
Ann (PS14B) [5088] Thank you.
[5089] ... Oh, were you watching it?
[5090] The horse race?
Betty (PS15U) [5091] No.
[5092] No, no.
[5093] [sighing] Oh [] .
[5094] I said to Paul ... if Alex comes and he's putting the bet
Ann (PS14B) [5095] Oh!
[5096] Oh!
Betty (PS15U) [5097] gonna fall off with any [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [5098] No.
Betty (PS15U) [5099] Cos Alex comes and he's putting a bet on, I says he'll have to put ... ten pence each way or whatever for me on
Ann (PS14B) [5100] Mm mm.
Betty (PS15U) [5101] over the road. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [5102] Ah!
[5103] [laugh] ... Oh oh!
[5104] Yes.
[5105] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5106] Because I always refer
Ann (PS14B) [5107] Ah Norman.
Betty (PS15U) [5108] I, when I'm going over there, I would say, I'm just going over the road
Ann (PS14B) [...]
Betty (PS15U) [5109] Paul.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Betty (PS15U) [5110] And he
Ann (PS14B) [5111] Have you got a chance?
Betty (PS15U) [5112] [laughing] It's eighteen to one [] .
Ann (PS14B) [5113] I'm thinking about Tony.
[5114] Oh well.
Betty (PS15U) [5115] Eighteen to one!
[5116] And it says, it's a stayer.
Ann (PS14B) [5117] And is Alex comi are you expecting Alex?
Betty (PS15U) [5118] Well he might come.
[5119] He might come.
[5120] But I mean it's
Ann (PS14B) [5121] Anyway, talking of over the road, where is she?
[5122] Is she home?
Betty (PS15U) [5123] No.
[5124] She's in the Cottage.
Ann (PS14B) [5125] Still?
Betty (PS15U) [5126] Same ward as Mr .
Ann (PS14B) [5127] And has she been cleared o
Betty (PS15U) [5128] She's been quite ill.
[5129] No.
Ann (PS14B) [5130] Has she?
Betty (PS15U) [5131] She's been quite ill.
[5132] She's not, she's had a kidney ... er, yes a kidney infection.
Ann (PS14B) [5133] She's not
Betty (PS15U) [5134] Er er
Ann (PS14B) [5135] demanding to be home or anything?
Betty (PS15U) [5136] No she's been ... quite ... very ill.
[5137] She's been very ill.
[5138] Er, but she's recovered.
[5139] But now she is wanting to be home.
Ann (PS14B) [5140] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5141] But er ... Doctor had suggested to Jimmy ... that erm ... he try the new home this Friday.
Ann (PS14B) [5142] Oh yes.
[5143] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5144] Because they have qualified nurses apparently.
Ann (PS14B) [5145] Mm mm.
Betty (PS15U) [5146] And erm
Ann (PS14B) [5147] Would she agree to it?
Betty (PS15U) [5148] Well he hasn't dared put it to her.
[5149] Well, mind, she has been quite ill, but she's recovering now.
[5150] She'll say a few daft things like ... she always says, how's my mother?
Ann (PS14B) [5151] Oh!
[5152] But
Betty (PS15U) [5153] And what does she think
Ann (PS14B) [5154] Oh!
Betty (PS15U) [5155] of this carry-on?
[5156] Well I mean her mother's been dead ... for, I don't know how many years.
Ann (PS14B) [5157] Well how old is she, eighty
Betty (PS15U) [5158] She's eighty two.
Ann (PS14B) [5159] eighty two.
Betty (PS15U) [5160] That's what I said to her when she said it the other day I said ... how old are you Mrs ?
[5161] She said ... eighty two.
[5162] I says, right.
[5163] How old would your mother be?
[5164] And I could see the ... wheels turning
Ann (PS14B) [5165] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5166] round, see.
Ann (PS14B) [cough]
Betty (PS15U) [5167] Then Jimmy said ... well you know she's been dead for ... many years ... and er ... she says, oh that's right.
[5168] And she just sort of brushed it off.
[5169] And she'll say to Jimmy ... erm ... I don't know how you're managing to look after yourself.
[5170] Who's getting your [laughing] meals [] ?
[5171] Well, of course Jimmy's got his own meals for ... the whole of his life more
Ann (PS14B) [5172] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5173] or less.
Ann (PS14B) [5174] In fact, one of the nurses had said to Jim last night ... your mum said ... er ... don't tell my brother ... and then, then she said, your brother?
[5175] Who, who is your brother?
[5176] She said, I don't, I mean, don't tell my son.
[5177] So well Jim said, well what is it?
[5178] She said I can't [laughing] tell you, I haven't to tell you [] !
[5179] So he didn't know what she'd been up to.
Betty (PS15U) [5180] [laugh] ... [laughing] Oh dear [] !
Ann (PS14B) [5181] [laugh] ... Oh yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5182] Well the thing is, she's got nobody to talk to there you see, she's in this little four bedder
Ann (PS14B) [5183] Aha.
Betty (PS15U) [5184] all the clo and like all closed off [...]
Ann (PS14B) [5185] Mm.
Betty (PS15U) [5186] and the lady ... opposite
Ann (PS14B) [5187] I've never been in wo in er ... one or ... two.
Betty (PS15U) [5188] Two.
Ann (PS14B) [5189] Two.
[5190] I've never been in ward two.
Betty (PS15U) [5191] The lady opposite, erm ... has had a stroke but she's not ... exactly ... and she's deaf
Ann (PS14B) [5192] Oh yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5193] so she can't hear her.
[5194] Mrs can't get up to go over to her.
Ann (PS14B) [5195] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5196] Now the lady in the bed diagonally, she, has to be hoisted everywhere.
Ann (PS14B) [5197] Oh!
Betty (PS15U) [5198] I think she must have had a really bad stroke.
[5199] Now she talks across to her, but she has a bit of a ... ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, and it's difficult
Ann (PS14B) [5200] Mm.
[5201] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5202] to understand.
Ann (PS14B) [5203] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5204] And the lady on the other bed ... beside her, is erm ... she's very deaf.
[5205] So, the result is that, that she just ... sits there or lies there
Ann (PS14B) [5206] Mm.
Betty (PS15U) [5207] she can't, she can't stand or anything.
Ann (PS14B) [5208] Who's Mr got in with him?
[5209] Has he got
Betty (PS15U) [5210] He's right at the bottom
Ann (PS14B) [5211] has he got
Betty (PS15U) [5212] of the ward ... on the right ... erm, and er, it's like a mens' ward.
Ann (PS14B) [5213] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5214] Er, at the bottom and on the right and i it's all men, and I, I, I speak to them, but I don't know any of them er, personally.
[5215] Now, Mr ... pardon me.
[5216] He goes into his riding on Wednesday
Ann (PS14B) [5217] Oh!
Betty (PS15U) [5218] cos he showed me his calendar.
[5219] He says, I'm going ma his speech is terribly good.
Ann (PS14B) [5220] Mhm.
Betty (PS15U) [5221] Erm ... he forgets, he knows the word but he can't get it
Ann (PS14B) [5222] Get out.
Betty (PS15U) [5223] out.
Ann (PS14B) [5224] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5225] And he was trying, he says I'm going to my new home.
[5226] I says, when are you going?
[5227] And he tried to er, to get it out and he couldn't, then he pointed to the calendar
Ann (PS14B) [5228] Oh.
Betty (PS15U) [5229] and ... on Sunday it says ... Roger ... comes.
[5230] They must have picked the wrong [...]
Ann (PS14B) [5231] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5232] And then on Wednesday ... it is erm ... his riding ... and I asked the sister, I said, is that right?
[5233] She said well depending how he ... he holds up like.
Ann (PS14B) [5234] Oh.
Betty (PS15U) [5235] She says, there's been [...]
Ann (PS14B) [5236] So are they selling his house?
Betty (PS15U) [5237] Well it's not his.
Ann (PS14B) [5238] Isn't it?
Betty (PS15U) [5239] No.
Ann (PS14B) [5240] Oh!
[5241] Who does it belong to?
Betty (PS15U) [5242] He, he rented it privately, a private owner.
Ann (PS14B) [5243] Mm!
Betty (PS15U) [5244] Because that, he did mention that ... he says ... so the next thing is the home'll have to go.
[5245] You know the tears came at this time
Ann (PS14B) [5246] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5247] I says, yes.
[5248] I says it's sad.
[5249] I said you couldn't manage ... on your own [...] .
[5250] ... No, that's why he was frightened when they did the alterations.
[5251] Er, and they wanted him to move ... out completely away somewhere, he was frightened he didn't get back in after.
Ann (PS14B) [5252] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5253] And, I think he just moved in to ... Muriel's next door.
Ann (PS14B) [5254] Yes.
[5255] Yeah, that's right.
Betty (PS15U) [5256] And he said well
Ann (PS14B) [5257] He did.
Betty (PS15U) [5258] erm, he wouldn't leave in case they wouldn't let him back in after modernizing.
Ann (PS14B) [5259] Yeah.
[5260] [sighing] Oh well [] .
Betty (PS15U) [5261] So ... but ... erm ... Jimmy hasn't sort of put it to her yet.
Ann (PS14B) [5262] Is Doug ... going into the police ... or applying?
Betty (PS15U) [5263] Well he told me last year he'd applied.
Ann (PS14B) [5264] I know.
[5265] He told me he applied but I thought he told me he'd been turned down.
Betty (PS15U) [5266] Well I never heard the ... well he had applied once before ... and ... he ... he got as far an interview and then he ... didn't get any further.
[5267] But then he applied just last summer for the Metropolitan.
Ann (PS14B) [5268] Yeah.
[5269] Cos er erm
Betty (PS15U) [5270] I haven't heard the outcome of that.
Ann (PS14B) [5271] Marie ... Marie was going down to her mother's ... she was running as usual, she dashed up to our back door and said, is Doug around?
[5272] And I said, I don't know what shift he's on, is his car out?
[5273] And it wasn't.
Betty (PS15U) [5274] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5275] And I said do you want a piece of paper to write him a message or something?
[5276] And she said, no it was just that ... he's talking of renting his house ... erm ... and I know of someone who wants to rent one.
Betty (PS15U) [5277] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [5278] So I said well where's Doug going?
[5279] Then she said something about ... June ... and the Met.
Betty (PS15U) [5280] Oh well Doug wasn't here again, he never mentioned it.
Ann (PS14B) [5281] Or did she say he's going for an interview in ... June for the Met, or something, anyway.
Betty (PS15U) [5282] Well he's not
Ann (PS14B) [5283] Cos I, I haven't seen him at all.
Betty (PS15U) [5284] I walked up ... from the woods with him, came
Ann (PS14B) [5285] Mm.
Betty (PS15U) [5286] together, he never mentioned it.
Ann (PS14B) [5287] In fact, I thought it must be all finished with because ... he, he was quite talkative about it during the summer
Betty (PS15U) [5288] Yes.
[5289] A well I remember a well I was, I was sure
Ann (PS14B) [5290] then I, and he said to me about
Betty (PS15U) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [5291] being turned down.
Betty (PS15U) [5292] Oh!
[5293] Cos he hoped, if he got into the Met ... and then he transfer ... up here.
Ann (PS14B) [5294] Oh!
Betty (PS15U) [5295] You see, like ... it's like 's grandson.
Ann (PS14B) [5296] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5297] I mean he started off in the Met ... er ... did his training and everything ... and then I think he's up here somewhere now.
Ann (PS14B) [5298] I tell you someone ... erm ... our boiler went wrong on ... ah, I think it was Wednesday
Betty (PS15U) [5299] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [5300] Thursday, I just can't remember, and Raymond came through
Betty (PS15U) [5301] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5302] it must have been Thursday because I didn't want him to come, I said to Jim, tell him not to come we'll just turn the whole lot off.
[5303] But the kitchen was reeking ... of
Betty (PS15U) [5304] mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5305] fumes!
[5306] And, and
Betty (PS15U) [5307] Oh dear!
Ann (PS14B) [5308] er, I could feel it prickling the back of my nose and my throat
Betty (PS15U) [5309] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [5310] and ... and my eyes started to water
Betty (PS15U) [5311] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5312] I opened the windows.
[5313] Oh!
[5314] And there was ... when it came on, in the afternoon there was this tremendous ... very loud roar!
[5315] Now, it sometimes goes ... whoosh!
Betty (PS15U) [5316] Yes.
[5317] When they
Ann (PS14B) [5318] It comes on initially
Betty (PS15U) [5319] Yes.
[5320] And dies down.
Ann (PS14B) [5321] and it immediately dies down and then it's okay, but there was this tremendous roar ... and a loud click and it went out.
[5322] And it was only about ... we i it was wi within a couple of minutes, or, probably less ... Jim came in ... er ... I think he was, I don't know where he'd been cos his day off was Thursday I think.
[5323] Yes he was.
[5324] And ... I told him about it, and he said oh yes, the pilot light has gone out ... and he relit it.
[5325] And it was fine.
[5326] It sounded okay ... but we kept getting these fumes.
[5327] So we kept opening the door ... it blew out once again and he put it on again ... and we were still getting these fumes till about ... oh ... about half past five it seemed to stop,u we had the windows open.
Betty (PS15U) [5328] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5329] And then ... Raymond phoned at about quarter to seven.
[5330] No.
[5331] He didn't.
[5332] Sorry!
[5333] Sorry!
[5334] It we he phoned at ... it was, it was five to six, Jim was going to take me to aerobics because of the weather
Betty (PS15U) [5335] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5336] I had my wellies in case the leisure centre was flooded!
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [5337] Ha.
[5338] There was only ten of us there.
[5339] Anyway, erm ... Raymond was on the phone because he was tal and I was saying to Jim ... tell him I don't want him to come if the ra if the road's cut off to Blythe I don't want him to get stuck, I mean, he's got a wife
Betty (PS15U) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [5340] and two small children at home.
[5341] And I'm saying, it's time I was out, I'm gonna be [laughing] late [] .
[5342] Anyway, he insisted he was coming at half past seven.
[5343] And he came at half past seven and he cleaned it and he looked at it, and he said er ... it wasn't ... anything that he could see, he thinks it was just down draught, but we've had winds before.
[5344] And he said that ... the cowl ... we've got on that chimney
Betty (PS15U) [5345] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [5346] off the kitchen and ru and runs the boiler, he said it's the best kind you can get, nothing should come in there.
[5347] And as he's driven up at the back then he looked up and he said ... you ca you could see daylight through it so it was, wasn't blocked by anything.
Betty (PS15U) [5348] Wasn't blocked.
Ann (PS14B) [5349] Erm ... but he said
Betty (PS15U) [5350] D'ya think it was the rain, maybe?
Ann (PS14B) [5351] I don't know.
Betty (PS15U) [5352] Driving wind?
Ann (PS14B) [5353] I said could it have been continuous rain?
[5354] And he said something about ... he'd once ... they'd once had to work ... all one day and all one night a near the Regent [...] Centre ... because ... er, something had gone wrong with the ... gas pipes because erm of flooding.
Betty (PS15U) [5355] Oh!
[5356] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [5357] So whether we've ... but nobody else seems to have noticed anything like this.
Betty (PS15U) [5358] No, I, I haven't had anything like that.
Ann (PS14B) [5359] Anyway, he couldn't find anything.
[5360] He said, we'll just have to ... leave it ... and, if it happens again we'll have to go into it further, but it hasn't happened again, so now it's okay.
Betty (PS15U) [5361] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5362] Except last night ... I thought ... what on earth's this?
[5363] It just smelt like Christmas cake cooking, and I wasn't cooking anything at all.
[5364] I mean ... Jim went to work at one o'clock and the last of the kids ... went home, I've had my dinner
Betty (PS15U) [5365] Perhaps something's melting then.
Ann (PS14B) [5366] at midday.
[5367] But i it was no, it was no stronger in the kitchen than the living room.
Betty (PS15U) [5368] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5369] I sniffed around the boiler, I sniffed around the cooker
Betty (PS15U) [laugh] [...]
Ann (PS14B) [5370] ah, but ... when the kids went home I just had ... ha I had a sandwich.
Betty (PS15U) [5371] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5372] That's all I had, I hadn't cooked anything.
Betty (PS15U) [5373] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5374] Erm ... the triplets had ... soup ... and stottie and I warmed that up in the microwave.
Betty (PS15U) [5375] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5376] And this smell lasted for about half an hour and then, then I couldn't smell it again.
Betty (PS15U) [5377] And it disappeared?
[5378] It's, what kind of boiler is that you have?
Ann (PS14B) [5379] Er ... ooh!
[5380] ... I can't remember the make.
[5381] It's one of these that uses less fuel.
[5382] More efficient.
[5383] Well we've had it, how long have we had it?
[5384] About ... three, four years.
[5385] Anyway, how are the
Betty (PS15U) [5386] Well you've had a lo bother with it though haven't you?
Ann (PS14B) [5387] We've have had,we
Betty (PS15U) [5388] Well about two or three
Ann (PS14B) [5389] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5390] haven't you?
Ann (PS14B) [5391] Th the shelf ... with ... containers on have been too close, you know those Tupperware containers?
Betty (PS15U) [5392] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5393] Have been too close to it ... and it had, and the vents at the back had got churned up with dust at one time, I keep dusting it now.
Betty (PS15U) [5394] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [5395] Anyway, while I go Ra Raymond was here, he says, oh Alan's back.
[5396] And they said, well where from?
[5397] He said well he's got a transfer to Accrington.
[5398] Didn't you know he was in the prison service?
Betty (PS15U) [5399] Is that
Ann (PS14B) [5400] I didn't
Betty (PS15U) [5401] his brother?
Ann (PS14B) [5402] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5403] Oh!
[5404] Right.
[5405] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [5406] And he had to go and train somewhere down south, but he's got a ... he, apparently he'd been trying for a year and he's got to Accrington.
Betty (PS15U) [5407] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [5408] Cos I thought he was doing pretty well in the Post Office, he was
Betty (PS15U) [5409] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5410] he was getting promotion.
Betty (PS15U) [5411] Once you see th there's gonna be changes there possibly.
Ann (PS14B) [5412] Oh!
[5413] Is there?
[5414] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5415] Well maybe not wi depends, depends whoever gets in.
[5416] Erm ... that bloody racist.
Ann (PS14B) [5417] It's, no, it, that's the Telecom I think, he actually worked for the
Betty (PS15U) [5418] Oh!
[5419] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [5420] Post Office.
Betty (PS15U) [5421] Oh!
[5422] They er, oh aye.
Ann (PS14B) [5423] He started off as a counter clerk
Betty (PS15U) [5424] Right.
[5425] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [5426] and worked his way ... higher up.
Betty (PS15U) [5427] Mhm.
[5428] Mhm.
[5429] ... Well I'm surprised that erm ... actually going into the police force but he didn't hear when he
Ann (PS14B) [5430] No.
Betty (PS15U) [5431] I mean it was just ... day before yesterday I walked up with him.
Ann (PS14B) [5432] I mean, last year was [...] [phone rings] Oh! [...]
Betty (PS15U) [5433] That's probably Gillian telling me [...] [phone rings]
Ann (PS14B) [5434] Oh!
[5435] I saw Gillian ... I met her round [...] .
Betty (PS15U) [5436] [phonecall starts] Ee!
[5437] I, you know I think I'm failing!
[5438] [laugh] ... That's the second time today I haven't remembered my
Ann (PS14B) [5439] Don't you know your own number?
Betty (PS15U) [5440] number.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Betty (PS15U) [5441] I want to say ... [laugh] ... That's you.
[5442] , that's, that's right.
[5443] I just got it off [...] .
[5444] I'm carrying it over.
Ann (PS14B) [5445] It is Gillian.
Betty (PS15U) [5446] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Betty (PS15U) [5447] Oh!
[5448] Right.
[5449] So ... righto Gillian.
[5450] Okay.
[5451] Bye for now.
[5452] Bye [phonecall ends] .
Ann (PS14B) [...]
Betty (PS15U) [5453] Well she says Michael hasn't rung so she said I assume that he's ... coming ... cos if he's ... going to be late, if he's anywhere ... reasonable
Ann (PS14B) [5454] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5455] and finds a phone he rings and tells her.
[5456] Erm, because I was going out for half past two and er, she rang, she says he hasn't rung yet so I assume he's going to be home.
[5457] So that's alright
Ann (PS14B) [5458] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5459] isn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [5460] I saw her briefly, and, I didn't even speak to her other than to say hello.
[5461] Dorothy and I took the triplets for their nursery visit ... on
Betty (PS15U) [5462] Oh!
[5463] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [5464] Thursday
Betty (PS15U) [5465] Yes.
[5466] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [5467] Er ... they wouldn't go and sit down for the story with all the other children sit at, sat on my knee on the floor for a short while.
Betty (PS15U) [5468] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5469] Cos, at home you see ... er ... Dorothy and Trevor always read their stories in bed, and when I read their stories I have me on the arm chair ... two sitting on one chair arm
Betty (PS15U) [5470] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [5471] and one sitting on the other chair arm
Betty (PS15U) [5472] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [5473] so that they can all see the pictures.
Betty (PS15U) [5474] All see the book.
[5475] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5476] So, they couldn't get it into their heads that you had to sit on the floor.
Betty (PS15U) [5477] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5478] Mind, when I read their story on erm ... I read them on Thursday afternoon and I said, right we better practise for nursery
Betty (PS15U) [5479] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5480] so I had the older ones from Goose Hill
Betty (PS15U) [5481] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5482] you know the ... when they were off school
Betty (PS15U) [5483] That's right.
Ann (PS14B) [5484] and I sat them [laughing] on the floor []
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [5485] and they sat and listened then.
Betty (PS15U) [5486] How old are the triplets?
Ann (PS14B) [5487] They're three on the nineteenth.
Betty (PS15U) [5488] Ah!
[5489] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [5490] And, the other thing ... it took a while for u for us to get them to, they'd never drunk milk out of a straw, through a straw
Betty (PS15U) [5491] [laughing] Oh yes [] .
Ann (PS14B) [5492] and a third of a pint bottle is too big.
Betty (PS15U) [5493] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5494] I only give them half that much at a time.
Betty (PS15U) [5495] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5496] Bryony especially tends to drink small amounts.
Betty (PS15U) [5497] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5498] But you leave the cup on the table and she'll call you back every ten
Betty (PS15U) [5499] She keeps going back.
Ann (PS14B) [5500] minutes for a sip.
Betty (PS15U) [5501] Yes.
[5502] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [5503] But of course, they were picking the bottle up and they were trying to tip it as well .
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [5504] So I'll have to get some straws and we'll have to practise
Betty (PS15U) [5505] [laughing] Yeah [] !
Ann (PS14B) [5506] that.
Betty (PS15U) [5507] [laugh] ... Aren't they bent straws or not?
Ann (PS14B) [5508] No, this, they're quite, they didn't ... th they were quite tough
Betty (PS15U) [5509] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [5510] strong plastic ones so they ... they didn't chew
Betty (PS15U) [5511] They'll soon
Ann (PS14B) [5512] they didn't chew them.
Betty (PS15U) [5513] they'll soon fit in.
Ann (PS14B) [5514] And er
Betty (PS15U) [5515] Cos Stephanie will
Ann (PS14B) [5516] I know.
Betty (PS15U) [5517] be there.
[5518] Was it morning?
Ann (PS14B) [5519] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5520] Ah, Jenny will be meeting Stephanie.
Ann (PS14B) [5521] Yes, well when we came out ... Bryony was difficult to start with, she didn't want her coat on.
Betty (PS15U) [5522] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5523] But Richard ... I was trying to get his on a and I, I've, I've helped two other children to put theirs on, I don't know who they were, and Dorothy says, oh we better get out Ann the teacher wanted the ... the visitors
Betty (PS15U) [5524] Away.
Ann (PS14B) [5525] to get out before
Betty (PS15U) [5526] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5527] the others came.
[5528] Well, we just got out into the hallway where all these mothers were standing round ... and
Betty (PS15U) [5529] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [5530] Richard threw himself on the floor screaming!
Betty (PS15U) [5531] Ee!
Ann (PS14B) [5532] He wasn't going home.
Betty (PS15U) [5533] Oh dear!
Ann (PS14B) [5534] And I was try and he,he of course he's, he's heavy
Betty (PS15U) [5535] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [5536] and when he just makes himself flop, he wouldn't stand up.
[5537] When I tried to sit him up
Betty (PS15U) [5538] Pick him up.
Ann (PS14B) [5539] to put his coat on, I picked him up and tried to carry him, and he just flung himself around so hard I had to put him down and he immediately flung himself on the floor again!
Betty (PS15U) [5540] Oh!
[5541] Lovely [laughing] exhibition [] .
Ann (PS14B) [5542] Oh!
[5543] Golly!
[5544] Anyway
Betty (PS15U) [5545] And was it because he didn't want to leave?
Ann (PS14B) [5546] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [5547] Oh!
[5548] He was staying there.
[5549] And we I was ... I was trying to explain to him that erm ... we've had to go home, the teachers were clearing everything up
Betty (PS15U) [5550] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5551] all the children were going home
Betty (PS15U) [5552] For lunchtime.
Ann (PS14B) [5553] because there were different children coming in the afternoon.
Betty (PS15U) [5554] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5555] But no, no.
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [5556] So I picked him up and I carried him, Dorothy had gone out the wrong door, instead of going out the door at that end ... she'd gone right along this long corridor
Betty (PS15U) [5557] And come out the main door.
Ann (PS14B) [5558] so I followed her and of course, we're going past all the blooming classrooms!
[5559] And the
Betty (PS15U) [5560] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5561] classrooms all had their doors open.
Betty (PS15U) [5562] Yeah.
[5563] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5564] And ... anyway I carried him half way along and I had to put him down
Betty (PS15U) [5565] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5566] I managed to get his coat on ... and a woman came along, I, I don't know if she was a dinner lady or what, she had a ... a sort of overall on ... and er ... I said come on let's catch up with your mummy, and she said, ah!
[5567] Are these triplets?
[5568] Are these
Betty (PS15U) [5569] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5570] Mr 's triplets?
Betty (PS15U) [5571] Oh!
[5572] Right.
[5573] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [5574] And I said yes.
[5575] And she said, oh Mr teaches ... my son at school.
Betty (PS15U) [5576] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [5577] She said, come along hold my hand as well and er, I'll tell my son tha that, that er Mr 's son ... took me to the door.
[5578] So he shut up
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [5579] and listened to her.
Betty (PS15U) [5580] [laugh] ... Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [5581] He'd calmed down tha
Betty (PS15U) [5582] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5583] by then.
Betty (PS15U) [5584] Well I had trouble
Ann (PS14B) [...]
Betty (PS15U) [5585] with Joshua on erm ... what day will it be?
[5586] ... Erm ... it must have been the last day, it must have been Friday, must have been Friday.
[5587] Cos usually, he's keen to go to Ron and Stephanie's.
Ann (PS14B) [5588] Mhm.
Betty (PS15U) [5589] He wouldn't get in his pushchair.
[5590] He wouldn't put his coat on.
[5591] Erm ... I finally got his coat on, and then, I said, come on we'll walk.
[5592] No.
[5593] No.
[5594] And chuck his hat down on the kitchen floor.
[5595] I said, well I'd have to go and leave you then.
[5596] So, of course, he got up, I went to close the door ... he was there ... so ... I tried him in his pushchair, I says well you'll have to walk, I know it's only five minutes away.
[5597] So
Ann (PS14B) [5598] Mhm.
Betty (PS15U) [5599] it was a bad day.
[5600] So er ... he wouldn't move!
[5601] Got so far on, he stood and he started crying and yelling and, don't want to go!
[5602] Want to go home!
[5603] Don't want to go!
[5604] Now I used to get him along there ... and ... then he was sort of in tears but there was ... kids in the hall, the little hall ... and then when you sort come in the door, not the main door, the one, the
Ann (PS14B) [5605] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5606] door you're supposed to come in.
Ann (PS14B) [5607] The one we should have go gone in
Betty (PS15U) [5608] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5609] and come out of?
Betty (PS15U) [5610] Well, immediately on the left there's a door ... an and the hall goes along by the path that you, you come up to that door.
Ann (PS14B) [5611] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5612] And, the children were in there erm doing their P E and er ... he went stood at the door and watched them and he was ... quite happy.
[5613] And, they all filed out ... and the ... the caretaker, I presume, started putting the tables up, and the chairs for lunch
Ann (PS14B) [5614] Mhm.
Betty (PS15U) [5615] and er ... he wouldn't keep out, so, so in the end the caretaker got him a little chair
Ann (PS14B) [5616] Mhm.
Betty (PS15U) [5617] and ... sat him against the wall.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Betty (PS15U) [5618] He said that's your chair, now ... you can watch me.
[5619] Well he sat there as good as gold.
[5620] The only trouble was when Stephanie come out he didn't [laughing] want to come home [] .
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Betty (PS15U) [5621] Oh!
[5622] It was difficult.
Ann (PS14B) [5623] It's a lovely nursery isn't it?
Betty (PS15U) [5624] I haven't actually been in ... to, I've only ever got as far as the [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [5625] They've got every kind of toy and equipment you can think of.
Betty (PS15U) [5626] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [5627] And they've got it divided up into bits with a, sort of a little kitchen.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [5628] Are you still going up to start me off?
Betty (PS15U) [5629] Well Gillian's been on the phone
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [5630] Or was that Gillian?
Betty (PS15U) [5631] she says, she thinks Michael must be coming home because he hasn't rung her.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [5632] Right.
[5633] So you're not baby-sitting?
Betty (PS15U) [5634] Well, not that I know of.
[5635] Not
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [5636] Aha.
Betty (PS15U) [5637] unless he hasn't been near a phone and couldn't ring her.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [5638] Right.
Betty (PS15U) [5639] So, I might get a call by half past two ... but I doubt it.
Ann (PS14B) [5640] Erm ... and then there's one ... like a little living room, it has a little settee in it and chairs, you know, child size?
Betty (PS15U) [5641] Oh, Oh yeah.
[5642] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5643] And there's a big er ... water play ... bath sort of thing
Betty (PS15U) [5644] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5645] and sand ... and slides and
Betty (PS15U) [5646] Well I know there's slides cos Stephanie talks about them.
Ann (PS14B) [5647] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5648] She loves it!
Ann (PS14B) [5649] And every kind of building brick and ... Duplo brick and Lego brick and Stickle brick and
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [5650] things.
[5651] And plenty of easels and paint
Betty (PS15U) [5652] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [5653] and er ... oh, they've also got books ... yo you know you can buy the books
Betty (PS15U) [5654] Oh!
[5655] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [5656] just ... just in that er, sort of little tiny lobby bit
Betty (PS15U) [5657] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5658] where you turn right to go into the ... nursery
Betty (PS15U) [5659] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5660] into the actual classroom
Betty (PS15U) [5661] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5662] er, they've got ... books on there
Betty (PS15U) [5663] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [5664] and there's a, a book to sign and you can borrow any book
Betty (PS15U) [5665] Oh!
[5666] Right!
Ann (PS14B) [5667] then you just sign the book to say you've got it.
Betty (PS15U) [5668] Oh I see!
[5669] No I didn't know that.
Ann (PS14B) [5670] And have you looked ... erm, the headmistress took us outside to see the yard ... and ... that looks
Betty (PS15U) [5671] No, I haven't been out
Ann (PS14B) [5672] huge
Betty (PS15U) [5673] there.
Ann (PS14B) [5674] yard with a a apparently they have er, a lot of ... in the summer ... they do a lot of er ... whatever they're doing out there.
[5675] Practically everything they do out there, they take all the equipment outside.
Betty (PS15U) [5676] Yeah.
[5677] Well they have like ... erm, sort of bogey things or something, cos I know ... Stephanie was tipped out of one last
Ann (PS14B) [5678] Oh!
Betty (PS15U) [5679] year.
[5680] The friend was ... erm ... pushing her, and she came home with a big ... bump on her head
Ann (PS14B) [5681] Mm.
Betty (PS15U) [5682] and erm ... and that's what erm, the teacher came and said she'd fallen out of erm ... one of the, er I think she said bogeys or something?
[5683] Because when Gillian came home, Gillian says who were you playing with?
[5684] And she said Melanie.
[5685] And, but she says it wasn't deliberate, it wasn't deliberate, it was an accident.
[5686] So Gillian had seen the teacher
Ann (PS14B) [5687] Still around?
Betty (PS15U) [5688] Still there.
[5689] [cat noise] Must a reluctant bride.
[5690] [laugh] ... Erm, she said oh it was just purely and simply an accident that erm
Ann (PS14B) [5691] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5692] But she starts proper school in September.
Ann (PS14B) [5693] Does she?
Betty (PS15U) [5694] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5695] Mm!
Betty (PS15U) [5696] Yeah, she's only four in August.
Ann (PS14B) [5697] Is that, you put it flat onto it
Betty (PS15U) [5698] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5699] it's a ... windproof thing.
Betty (PS15U) [5700] Yeah, she's only four in August.
Ann (PS14B) [5701] Oh yes
Betty (PS15U) [5702] And erm
Ann (PS14B) [5703] she's gonna be one of the very young ones.
Betty (PS15U) [5704] and she's, she's really quite small, cos Mike isn't
Ann (PS14B) [5705] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5706] very tall.
[5707] Now Kate
Ann (PS14B) [5708] Ya.
Betty (PS15U) [5709] takes after her mum.
[5710] But
Ann (PS14B) [5711] Mm.
Betty (PS15U) [5712] er Stephanie's ... quite small really ... but, she's all there, she's, she's quite bright.
Ann (PS14B) [5713] Do you remember when I had erm ... Michael ... he's fifteen now.
[5714] The one whose mum had multiple sclerosis ... they lived at Upham Pond.
Betty (PS15U) [5715] Oh yes!
[5716] Yeah!
Ann (PS14B) [5717] He was only four and one week when he started school.
Betty (PS15U) [5718] Well, Stephanie's just going to be
Ann (PS14B) [5719] His birth er his birthday was the thirty first of August ... and ... I think it was, I can't remember when he started
Betty (PS15U) [5720] About the sixth or something
Ann (PS14B) [5721] it was the fifth or the sixth of
Betty (PS15U) [5722] September.
Ann (PS14B) [5723] I think it was the sixth ... of September.
[5724] And he was ... [laugh] ... I know he was chubby but he was quite ... short.
Betty (PS15U) [5725] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5726] He looked so young.
Betty (PS15U) [5727] And, Joshua now goes to the playgroup at the erm ... Saint Aden's Church.
Ann (PS14B) [5728] Oh yes.
[5729] That's where er
Betty (PS15U) [5730] I think just one day a week visiting allowed.
Ann (PS14B) [5731] Dorothy takes the triplets on Mondays.
Betty (PS15U) [5732] Right.
[5733] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [5734] They, they are actually starting nursery school on the fifth of May.
[5735] They seem so tiny to be going five mornings a week though.
Betty (PS15U) [5736] The triplets?
Ann (PS14B) [5737] Mhm.
Betty (PS15U) [5738] Er fifth of ... that's just next month?
Ann (PS14B) [5739] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5740] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [5741] I don't
Betty (PS15U) [5742] So is she going to drop them off there earlier?
Ann (PS14B) [5743] Yes.
[5744] Er ... well, well she'll obviously
Betty (PS15U) [5745] Or have you to go there?
Ann (PS14B) [5746] collect them on Mondays and Fridays
Betty (PS15U) [5747] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5748] and walk up, they'll get the minibus down.
[5749] I forgot to notice exactly where the mi where the bus stop outside the school.
Betty (PS15U) [5750] They just stop anywhere.
[5751] You just wait outside the gate, Gillian just waits outside her gate.
[5752] The minibuses will stop anywhere, you just put your hand out.
Ann (PS14B) [5753] Oh!
Betty (PS15U) [5754] Jus erm ... park yourself, you know, away from the entrance
Ann (PS14B) [5755] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5756] erm
Ann (PS14B) [5757] Well I'll have to move myself away from the school gate [...] they can just ... they think I'll be actually waiting
Betty (PS15U) [5758] That's right.
[5759] That's right.
Ann (PS14B) [5760] at the school gate.
Betty (PS15U) [5761] But erm, er, they drop you off wherever you want to be dropped off and then pick you up ... I mean I ... I come down on occasions ... and I just stand outside their gate.
Ann (PS14B) [5762] Oh.
Betty (PS15U) [5763] Erm ... and I've noticed that they drop people off.
[5764] They drop Jessie off at her door next door ... they drop somebody else two or three doors down, er, they'll stop anywhere.
Ann (PS14B) [5765] Oh that's fine.
Betty (PS15U) [5766] And they run every erm
Ann (PS14B) [5767] And the ... yeah
Betty (PS15U) [5768] five minutes I think it is.
Ann (PS14B) [5769] Mm.
[5770] Their grandma said to me yesterday, have you worked out how you're going to get to ... nursery?
[5771] And I said, well yes I'll just walk up and I'll get the minibus back.
[5772] And she said, will you manage?
[5773] But, I've had them on buses several times just when I, when I'm going on a bus.
Betty (PS15U) [5774] Well now the occasions
Ann (PS14B) [5775] It won't be a special treat any more once [laughing] they're coming back from nursery three times a week on a bus will it [] ?
Betty (PS15U) [5776] That's right.
[5777] That's right.
[5778] Yeah.
[5779] Erm ... I mean I go up there
Ann (PS14B) [5780] And probably when I was
Betty (PS15U) [5781] at half past eleven, but that's when Gillian's on ... doing the manager's job which is nearly twice a, twice a year.
[5782] Erm
Ann (PS14B) [5783] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5784] She's just ... like a week ago she was ... she did the manager's job ... and, she drops ... she brings Joshua down here for about quarter to nine, then she goes back up to Stop Hill with the girls
Ann (PS14B) [5785] Mm.
Betty (PS15U) [5786] takes them to school.
Ann (PS14B) [5787] Mhm.
Betty (PS15U) [5788] And then Paul takes me ... up to their house ... where I, usually about ten past eleven ... gives me time to get the pushchair put up again and
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Betty (PS15U) [5789] [laugh] ... sorted out ... and then I just walk along and pick up Stephanie.
[5790] Erm ... so I was there, at the odd occasions when I can give you a lift up ... but the they'll be very odd.
Ann (PS14B) [5791] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5792] They'll be very odd.
[5793] And then I stay there you see.
Ann (PS14B) [5794] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5795] I stay there then.
Ann (PS14B) [5796] Aha.
Betty (PS15U) [5797] Erm ... until Gillian ... because she, she doesn't finish till five when she's doing the manager's shift.
Ann (PS14B) [5798] Aha.
Betty (PS15U) [5799] Five.
[5800] So erm ... but that's only about three times a year at the most.
Ann (PS14B) [5801] Yeah.
[5802] ... [sniff] ... Have I seen you since erm ... I haven't seen you to talk to for very long have I?
Betty (PS15U) [5803] No, well I, I tend to keep away at nights when I, cos I think erm, those triplets so you must be
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Betty (PS15U) [5804] absolutely worn out and ready for peace and quiet.
[5805] Cos I know what it is myself with ... I mean, they're different ages but, and they're independent ... but it's wearing.
Ann (PS14B) [5806] Well it's
Betty (PS15U) [5807] Questions all the time.
Ann (PS14B) [5808] d'ya know it's funny, on a Wednesday when I go, when they've gone home and I've tidied up a bit
Betty (PS15U) [5809] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5810] and gone straight to aerobics for six o'clock
Betty (PS15U) [5811] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5812] I feel quite fit by the time I get back, you know ... by the time I've done
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [5813] the aerobics ... you sho I should be feeling absolutely knackered!
Betty (PS15U) [5814] [laughing] Absolutely [] !
Ann (PS14B) [5815] But I'm not.
[5816] I fe I fe I feel, you know
Betty (PS15U) [5817] Full of beans!
Ann (PS14B) [5818] I feel full of beans and quite
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [5819] hungry by then.
Betty (PS15U) [5820] Well I, when I come back from Stop Hill when I've been on a long shift till five o'clock, I'm whacked because ... their bungalow is so warm
Ann (PS14B) [5821] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5822] and it, really it drains.
Ann (PS14B) [5823] Mm.
[5824] It's like Jim at work he's shattered when he comes in.
Betty (PS15U) [5825] Ee!
[5826] I come here
Ann (PS14B) [...]
Betty (PS15U) [5827] I sit down, I yawn and it comes to bedtime and I'm really too tired to go up the stairs.
Ann (PS14B) [5828] Mm.
Betty (PS15U) [5829] I feel absolutely, and I think thank goodness I'm back [laughing] in my draughty old house [] !
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Betty (PS15U) [5830] [laugh] ... Wha ... oh dear!
Ann (PS14B) [5831] I never feel cold in your house.
Betty (PS15U) [5832] Well, it's alright if, you know, if you're in a room where the fire's on, although I have had the heating on ... erm ... a few days recently because of the cold.
[5833] But I was hoping it was off for good er ... but it didn't work out that way cos of the weather.
[5834] Erm ... I thought I'll try and save a bit of gas ... this month.
[5835] This quarter.
[5836] But erm ... and I, I got my er microwave and I'm trying to save some electric.
[5837] I've been doing most of my ... cooking with the
Ann (PS14B) [5838] Aha.
Betty (PS15U) [5839] rather than putting a big oven on.
Ann (PS14B) [5840] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5841] And if ... some, er,jus it was very thin slices of beef, topside of ... well I thought I'll get some beef out, and I did it in the microwave and it cooked ... but it was ... it was quite tough.
[5842] I think if I'd had er ... no teeth I wouldn't have been able to manage at all, or if I had
Ann (PS14B) [5843] You might have slightly overcooked it.
Betty (PS15U) [5844] That's what he said.
Ann (PS14B) [5845] It's, you tend, to start with you do tend to erm
Betty (PS15U) [5846] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5847] overcook things.
Betty (PS15U) [5848] Yeah.
[5849] Well it ... there wasn't a recipe to cover just what I was doing with the
Ann (PS14B) [5850] I know i i it
Betty (PS15U) [5851] and it was just a case of ... erm ... pot luck, I would sort of brought it out and looked at it and, er no it wasn't cooked, it was cooked on the edges so I turned it over and ... turned it round and put it back in again.
Ann (PS14B) [5852] Did you let it stand?
Betty (PS15U) [5853] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [5854] For a while after?
Betty (PS15U) [5855] Yes.
[5856] Yes.
[5857] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5858] Before it carries on.
Betty (PS15U) [5859] Er it was
Ann (PS14B) [5860] It's like when you cook
Betty (PS15U) [5861] it was cooked
Ann (PS14B) [5862] cakes they look as if they're not quite cooked
Betty (PS15U) [5863] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5864] but by the time they've stood for five minutes they are.
Betty (PS15U) [5865] Well
Ann (PS14B) [5866] Did you remember if you cook a cake and you put a piece of erm ... kitchen paper over the top
Betty (PS15U) [5867] Mhm.
[5868] I don't.
Ann (PS14B) [5869] Oh.
[5870] I, I can't remember where I got, I remember telling ... Beryl that a long
Betty (PS15U) [5871] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [5872] time ago
Betty (PS15U) [5873] Right.
[5874] Well I
Ann (PS14B) [5875] well before she knows
Betty (PS15U) [5876] well I've cooked a
Ann (PS14B) [5877] Someone who told me roundabout that
Betty (PS15U) [5878] a cake recipe
Ann (PS14B) [5879] time.
[5880] The other thing is ... yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5881] but it was, to me, it was more like a erm ... er, er a sponge ... erm ... like a pudding sponge.
Ann (PS14B) [5882] Yes.
[5883] What
Betty (PS15U) [5884] Er
Ann (PS14B) [5885] kind of a cake did you make?
Betty (PS15U) [5886] It was just a plain erm ... Victoria
Ann (PS14B) [5887] Oh.
Betty (PS15U) [5888] sponge recipe.
Ann (PS14B) [5889] Chocolate cakes are, are very nice if
Betty (PS15U) [5890] But I didn't have a proper tin.
Ann (PS14B) [5891] you do, brown, but use brown sugar.
Betty (PS15U) [5892] Yes.
[5893] I made a pudding actually
Ann (PS14B) [5894] And u and dark brown
Betty (PS15U) [5895] A pudding.
Ann (PS14B) [5896] sugar.
[5897] I that's nice and
Betty (PS15U) [5898] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5899] moist.
[5900] But ... when you, when you time ... when the cooked cake's finished cooking
Betty (PS15U) [5901] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5902] if you leave it for two minutes
Betty (PS15U) [5903] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5904] run a knife round
Betty (PS15U) [5905] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5906] tip it up onto your hand, just briefly
Betty (PS15U) [5907] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5908] just for a second, and then
Betty (PS15U) [5909] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5910] back a again.
Betty (PS15U) [5911] Yes I did.
Ann (PS14B) [5912] Let's the air go, and get underneath
Betty (PS15U) [5913] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [5914] and that helps the bottom to dry out quicker.
Betty (PS15U) [5915] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5916] Now ... someone else told me, and it worked, and if you just lay a piece of kitchen paper over the top, that absorbs some of the moisture
Betty (PS15U) [5917] The moisture.
Ann (PS14B) [5918] as well and ta and the top isn't so soggy.
Betty (PS15U) [5919] Mm.
[5920] Well I didn't have
Ann (PS14B) [5921] But chocolate cakes are definitely the best.
Betty (PS15U) [5922] Well I did a chocolate pudding
Ann (PS14B) [5923] In the microwave.
Betty (PS15U) [5924] and it was lovely.
[5925] Erm
Ann (PS14B) [5926] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5927] but this ... cake that I made ... erm ... we thought was more like a ... a pudding ... and I
Ann (PS14B) [5928] Yeah but they're so
Betty (PS15U) [5929] put jam on it
Ann (PS14B) [5930] they're so pale as well.
Betty (PS15U) [5931] and the next day it, it was ... sort o like a rock, well not
Ann (PS14B) [5932] The o
Betty (PS15U) [5933] exactly, but it was pretty
Ann (PS14B) [5934] the only cakes I make in erm ... in a microwave are ... chocolate cakes
Betty (PS15U) [5935] And are they alright the next day?
Ann (PS14B) [5936] Yes.
[5937] They're a lot moister if you, if you use dark brown sugar
Betty (PS15U) [5938] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5939] they definitely are a lot more moist.
Betty (PS15U) [5940] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [5941] And as long as you don't over, overcook them.
Betty (PS15U) [5942] Mm.
[5943] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5944] And I'll tell you what I always do.
Betty (PS15U) [5945] But what, what do you make them in?
[5946] Er, like a, a deep er flan, erm
Ann (PS14B) [5947] I've got these, you know the very thin microwave dishes?
[5948] They're getting a bit battered now.
Betty (PS15U) [5949] Plastic?
Ann (PS14B) [5950] They're very thin plastic.
Betty (PS15U) [5951] No.
[5952] I haven't got
Ann (PS14B) [5953] They're about
Betty (PS15U) [5954] any plastic ones.
Ann (PS14B) [5955] Th I got them in the electricity board, there three for sixty pence.
Betty (PS15U) [5956] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [5957] You're only, I think you're only supposed to use them for a, a few months, I've been using them for about three years.
Betty (PS15U) [5958] Mhm.
[5959] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5960] Er, they've got a dimple in here and there.
Betty (PS15U) [5961] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5962] But er
Betty (PS15U) [5963] Cos it's a, my recipe said a, a
Ann (PS14B) [...]
Betty (PS15U) [5964] a souffle dish.
[5965] Well I'd smashed
Ann (PS14B) [5966] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5967] my souffle dish.
[5968] But I had, I, I ... I never thought, I have a casserole dish which is about the ... the same height as the
Ann (PS14B) [5969] Mhm.
Betty (PS15U) [5970] souf I could have done it in there
Ann (PS14B) [5971] That might help.
Betty (PS15U) [5972] but I didn't, I did it my pyrex ... bowl
Ann (PS14B) [5973] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [5974] which of course, the bottom is narrower than the top.
Ann (PS14B) [5975] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [5976] [laughing] And it came right up like that
Ann (PS14B) [5977] Ah!
[5978] Ah!
Betty (PS15U) [5979] and it come over the top [] !
Ann (PS14B) [5980] These things are about ... so high.
[5981] Smales
Betty (PS15U) [5982] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5983] have a lot of microwave dishes.
Betty (PS15U) [5984] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [5985] They're about that wide and they're about that deep and I just put a circle of greaseproof in the bottom
Betty (PS15U) [5986] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [5987] don't grease them or anything.
Betty (PS15U) [5988] Oh, just put the greaseproof in?
Ann (PS14B) [5989] Ju I just lay a piece of greaseproof in the bottom.
Betty (PS15U) [5990] Oh!
[5991] Now, I grease mine and er, I put the greaseproof in.
Ann (PS14B) [5992] I don't grease them I just put this ... I've got ... a pile of little circles of greaseproof paper ready cut to to fit the
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [5993] bottom of the
Betty (PS15U) [5994] Oh, well you're well organized.
Ann (PS14B) [5995] three dishes.
Betty (PS15U) [5996] You're well organized.
[5997] Well I, I do
Ann (PS14B) [5998] I've done it for all kinds of things, I mean, I, I cook vegetables in them in it and I warm up
Betty (PS15U) [5999] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6000] tins of peas in it.
[6001] I warm up baked beans for the children's
Betty (PS15U) [6002] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [6003] tea in it.
Betty (PS15U) [6004] Pa Paul does that.
Ann (PS14B) [6005] In fact, they're
Betty (PS15U) [6006] And I've
Ann (PS14B) [6007] stained with tomato soup.
Betty (PS15U) [6008] Mm.
[6009] Baked potatoes, we've had quite a lot of baked pot
Ann (PS14B) [6010] I don't know why I get tomato soup with all that colour in it.
Betty (PS15U) [6011] baked potatoes, and er it makes lovely erm ... custard.
Ann (PS14B) [6012] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [6013] Lovely custard.
[6014] Er
Ann (PS14B) [6015] And
Betty (PS15U) [6016] the only thing is I haven't got a big enough jug so I have to do half quantities.
Ann (PS14B) [6017] I make mine, I make my, my custard in erm ... er ... I think it is ... it's a casserole about so wide, it's my biggest casserole.
Betty (PS15U) [6018] Oh right!
[6019] It's in a, about
Ann (PS14B) [6020] It's a round one about that far across.
Betty (PS15U) [6021] about a three pint?
Ann (PS14B) [6022] Er er ... nearly two pint I think
Betty (PS15U) [6023] Two pint.
Ann (PS14B) [6024] it'll be.
[6025] It's about this shallow
Betty (PS15U) [6026] Oh well, I put
Ann (PS14B) [6027] I found it, it, it, it seems to cook quicker.
Betty (PS15U) [6028] Yeah.
[6029] Oh I could be using that, that
Ann (PS14B) [6030] Erm ... the last time
Betty (PS15U) [6031] casserole dish.
Ann (PS14B) [6032] I made ... half a pint of ... white sauce in the ... measuring jug ... I
Betty (PS15U) [6033] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [6034] boiled it all over the place.
[6035] The last time I made ... about half a pint of [laughing] bread sauce, I lost half the bread sauce all over it [] !
Betty (PS15U) [6036] [laugh] ... Oh well I can do half a pint successfully, but I've gotta watch.
Ann (PS14B) [6037] Yeah, you need to stir it every minute or so.
Betty (PS15U) [6038] Yes.
[6039] I have to, I have to watch it.
[6040] Er, I can do half a pint
Ann (PS14B) [6041] And you don't
Betty (PS15U) [6042] quite well.
Ann (PS14B) [6043] no you know your erm ... smoky ... glass beakers
Betty (PS15U) [6044] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [6045] don't use those in
Betty (PS15U) [6046] Oh no.
[6047] I haven't.
Ann (PS14B) [6048] Nancy used one of those in it ... and she just lifted it out and the whole lot shattered all over
Betty (PS15U) [6049] Chee ee!
Ann (PS14B) [6050] the place.
Betty (PS15U) [6051] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [6052] But I read ... you know when you make your coffee in it
Betty (PS15U) [6053] Mhm.
[6054] Well Paul makes his in ... there.
Ann (PS14B) [6055] Give it a stir first.
[6056] It's just recently I read about this ... it's not getting air into it or something is the reason it ex it can suddenly shoot up all over you.
Betty (PS15U) [6057] Oh it's in my book, yes, it can come
Ann (PS14B) [6058] Well I always
Betty (PS15U) [6059] up.
Ann (PS14B) [6060] I put the coffee, my milk powder, and the water in
Betty (PS15U) [6061] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [6062] and, stir it ... anyway
Betty (PS15U) [6063] Aha.
[6064] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [6065] and then put it in, and it's ... so far ... it's been okay.
Betty (PS15U) [6066] Well Paul makes, he does hot chocolate actually
Ann (PS14B) [6067] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [6068] in the tu erm
Ann (PS14B) [6069] I di er, I only have er ... I only make chocolate [...] .
Betty (PS15U) [6070] But mine has a, mine has a grill, I got one with a grill
Ann (PS14B) [6071] Oh yes.
Betty (PS15U) [6072] so I've cooked, I cook the
Ann (PS14B) [6073] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [6074] chicken ... in it ... in a casserole dish
Ann (PS14B) [6075] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [6076] covered ... and then I erm ... switch off microwave and put it on grill and it browns
Ann (PS14B) [6077] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [6078] erm
Ann (PS14B) [6079] I haven't got one of
Betty (PS15U) [6080] the breast.
Ann (PS14B) [6081] those of course.
Betty (PS15U) [6082] Well mine's a Moulinex.
Ann (PS14B) [6083] When this wears out ... I'm gonna
Betty (PS15U) [6084] I got it
Ann (PS14B) [6085] get rid of this one.
Betty (PS15U) [6086] I got it cheap at the Co-op at Lyme.
[6087] I went to Argos to get this particular Moulinex.
Ann (PS14B) [6088] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [6089] And they didn't have it in there, they just had the ... the touch oven ultra erm ... is that on?
Ann (PS14B) [6090] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [6091] Tt!
[6092] Oh!
[6093] God!
[6094] Erm ... and it was quite expensive.
[6095] Erm, and so I said no I can't afford that, cos I sold my shares you see.
Ann (PS14B) [6096] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [6097] I'm glad I did, they've gone right down.
[6098] Have you noticed?
Ann (PS14B) [6099] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [6100] Erm ... so ... Paul says come on, we'll have a look in the Co-op ... and here they had ... the very same one I wanted in the Co-op ... and it was ten pound cheaper.
Ann (PS14B) [6101] Well you know when we got our Vax ... vacuum cleaner
Betty (PS15U) [6102] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [6103] that was ten pounds cheaper than Argos.
Betty (PS15U) [6104] Really?
Ann (PS14B) [6105] So, er we got that at the Co-op.
[6106] It was
Betty (PS15U) [6107] Really?
Ann (PS14B) [6108] a hundred and forty nine
Betty (PS15U) [6109] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [6110] in ... or a hundred and forty nine ninety nine or whatever it was, I can't remember ... in erm ... Argos
Betty (PS15U) [6111] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [6112] and it was ten pounds cheaper in the Co-op.
Betty (PS15U) [6113] Well
Ann (PS14B) [6114] But ... so we got it there.
Betty (PS15U) [6115] this is what we found cos I said, oh
Ann (PS14B) [6116] There was something else, you know when I got the ... when I got my food processor
Betty (PS15U) [6117] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [6118] that was something like eighty pounds, I can't remember exactly
Betty (PS15U) [6119] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [6120] but for some reason we'd been to Gateshead, and I'd looked up food processors in the Argos catalogue
Betty (PS15U) [6121] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [6122] and the Index, Littlewoods
Betty (PS15U) [6123] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [6124] catalogue ... and we were in Argos, I mean, sorry, we're in Gateshead ... and we ... I know ... I was trying to get erm ... a very pale peach wallpaper ... for, for the
Betty (PS15U) [6125] Oh right.
Ann (PS14B) [6126] bathroom to match ... the very, very, very ... extremely pale peach
Betty (PS15U) [6127] I know.
Ann (PS14B) [6128] flowers that we've got
Betty (PS15U) [6129] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6130] on so many tiles
Betty (PS15U) [6131] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [6132] and I couldn't get any.
[6133] And, we've looked in Mawpers, and we've Newcastle, and Jim said let's go to Gateshead.
[6134] I can't ... somebody had a sale on in Gateshead so we went there ... and then we went to the Co-op, and of course, I got the exact paper I wanted, just sort of this mottley ... mottley, marbly pale peach
Betty (PS15U) [6135] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [6136] paper.
[6137] And we looked at erm ... food processors
Betty (PS15U) [6138] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [6139] and we got the food, food processor, it was cheaper than Argos and Index
Betty (PS15U) [6140] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [6141] I got a free, there was a free electric carving knife with it
Betty (PS15U) [6142] Oh!
[6143] Right!
Ann (PS14B) [6144] plus, at the time there was five percent ... extra off ... erm, cos Jim's got a, a Co-op gold card
Betty (PS15U) [6145] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [6146] and if you got it through this gold card there was another five percent off so or ... something like that off.
Betty (PS15U) [6147] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [6148] So, we got a real bargain there.
Betty (PS15U) [6149] Oh!
[6150] You got, you got quite a few
Ann (PS14B) [6151] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [6152] bargains didn't you?
[6153] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6154] Oh, I'm very careful with my money.
[6155] [laughing] I always
Betty (PS15U) [6156] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6157] check if them things are cheaper first [] .
Betty (PS15U) [6158] Well erm ... I do most things ... in it if I can.
[6159] I did some pork chops er, the other day ... erm ... and, and they cooked ... they cooked very well.
Ann (PS14B) [6160] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [6161] They cooked very well.
Ann (PS14B) [6162] Mhm.
Betty (PS15U) [6163] Erm
Ann (PS14B) [6164] That, that erm ... yellow ex ... Telecom van
Betty (PS15U) [6165] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6166] that usually parked down
Betty (PS15U) [6167] That parks on
Ann (PS14B) [6168] the end of the road
Betty (PS15U) [6169] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6170] is that the same one that's just gone past with ... it said erm ... snacks?
[6171] I could just er say read it when it went by
Betty (PS15U) [6172] Oh I didn't know.
Ann (PS14B) [6173] in big red writing it said snacks, and one er, I couldn't make out what
Betty (PS15U) [6174] Whose is it?
Ann (PS14B) [6175] I don't know.
[6176] Has somebody started up in business?
Betty (PS15U) [6177] I wondered if it was ?
Ann (PS14B) [6178] [sighing] Oh [] !
[6179] Don't mention the !
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [6180] I'd love to slaughter that child!
Betty (PS15U) [6181] Were you having trouble with them the other night?
Ann (PS14B) [6182] Having trouble?
[6183] Did you not hear about when they broke the thing?
Betty (PS15U) [6184] Well I ... I went out to them, and ... because I heard banging, and I looked out the window and they were hacking at my fence, and I went out bu and was playing war with them when Jim crossed the road with one of them following behind and away down the street, and I thought oh!
[6185] Jim must have had ... trouble.
[6186] And
Ann (PS14B) [6187] He
Betty (PS15U) [6188] then when I was in the kitchen I saw Mr go to your door later
Ann (PS14B) [6189] Yeah.
Betty (PS15U) [6190] one night.
[6191] And, I've gone out, it wasn't that was hacking my fence mind, erm, it was another boy, I didn't know him with a [...] , and I went out and I, I ... and he said, I wasn't.
[6192] I says, yes you were!
[6193] And, that chap that lives ... two below Mrs , they haven't been in very long with
Ann (PS14B) [6194] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [6195] a little dog.
Ann (PS14B) [6196] Aha.
Betty (PS15U) [6197] He came out the curtain ... and swore at him.
[6198] And he said, yes you were.
[6199] He says, I saw you!
[6200] So I says, right get away from my property!
[6201] And they'd hacked two or three of the erm ... the wood ... erm ... staves on the fence.
Ann (PS14B) [6202] Mhm.
Betty (PS15U) [6203] Now, when I came back from Stop Hill the other night, must have been, oh must have been Thursday, cos Paul erm, was going out with Alec and then they were going to Alec for dinner ... and when I came back ... one of the ... erm ... wooden staves was off ... here, had been prized off.
[6204] Cos Paul put it on the next day.
[6205] So, a couple of nights
Ann (PS14B) [6206] One of ours was off as well.
Betty (PS15U) [6207] couple of nights later, I looked down and here's three of them, boy, somebody else ... and another
Ann (PS14B) [cough]
Betty (PS15U) [6208] one, and one was sitting on my fence, there, so I banged on the window and said get off the fence!
[6209] Erm ... he just, he just sat there and
Ann (PS14B) [6210] Mhm.
Betty (PS15U) [6211] like that, I said, [shouting] get off that fence [] !
[6212] And he just ... he took no diving notice and they all were giggling at me.
[6213] See, so I went out ... I said, get off my property you're trespassing!
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Betty (PS15U) [6214] I said, that is my property and when you sit on my fence ... that is a, an offence!
[6215] Now, I says I'll get the police the next time!
[6216] Okay.
[6217] So they just casually got off and walked away.
[6218] I don't know who he was but he was with .
Ann (PS14B) [6219] Mm.
Betty (PS15U) [6220] I'm frightened to leave home.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [6221] You had trouble as well have you?
Ann (PS14B) [6222] Well, Jim had just put something through Bob's letter box
Betty (PS15U) [6223] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [6224] and he heard ... there was a crash ... and ... Martin said, ee!
[6225] I've broken the glass.
Betty (PS15U) [6226] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [6227] And the other two, Ali and tha you know the ... erm, Bangladeshi boy down ... ... he plays with them.
[6228] There was Ali and the ... and Michael .
Betty (PS15U) [6229] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6230] And Jim came along and he says what did you say?
Betty (PS15U) [6231] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [6232] He says I've broken the glass.
[6233] And he said well just get yourself home and tell your father that I want it paid for this time because I only replaced that glass last week, which he had
Betty (PS15U) [6234] Yeah.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [6235] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [6236] he'd put it in at the beginning of the week before.
[6237] So he came in and he, he, he said I'm just going down to see 's father, he's just smashed the glass in the cold frame and I'm ... I'm sick of this!
[6238] Cos he's already stopped him setting fire ... to trees in the orchard over there.
Betty (PS15U) [6239] Oh yeah.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [6240] Mm.
[6241] That's awful that.
Ann (PS14B) [6242] He's stopped him cutting down trees.
[6243] So he went down ... and it was Kelly he spoke to ... and er ... she said he

16 (Tape 069701)

Jackie (PS166) [6244] Thank you for the parcel.
Ann (PS14B) [6245] Weren't you expecting this?
Jackie (PS166) [6246] No.
Ann (PS14B) [6247] Oh!
[6248] You, when you rang the other night ... you, you did sound like Jackie , I'm sure you were Jackie on the phone, and with her not living here very long
Jackie (PS166) [6249] Aha.
[6250] Thought it was
Ann (PS14B) [6251] thought
Jackie (PS166) [6252] me.
Ann (PS14B) [6253] I thought she'd just er ... you know, she was worried about her children cos ... as usual they'd left the keys behind, they were the house.
Jackie (PS166) [6254] Ah.
Ann (PS14B) [6255] Yeah.
Jackie (PS166) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [6256] Oh well, if you don't know.
Jackie (PS166) [6257] There again, it's gonna be, it's something like, that [...] said it was forty four days and suddenly I thought, bugger that!
[6258] I'm going [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [6259] Forty four days?
Jackie (PS166) [6260] Aye.
Ann (PS14B) [6261] Oh.
[6262] Oh well.
Jackie (PS166) [6263] And I thought bloody hell [...] .
[6264] Don't be daft.
Ann (PS14B) [6265] Are you going to get
Jackie (PS166) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [6266] to pay your debts with a [laughing] pan
Jackie (PS166) [6267] No I've got
Ann (PS14B) [6268] in your hand [] !
Jackie (PS166) [6269] Ah no, this is, I'm just getting us a new pan.
[6270] Say, a big one, over the road they normally have it.
Ann (PS14B) [6271] Oh!
Jackie (PS166) [6272] Erm
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Jackie (PS166) [6273] You know my bathroom tiles are coming on ... Tuesday.
Ann (PS14B) [6274] Mhm.
[6275] Right.
Jackie (PS166) [6276] I mean the bathroom's not yet done, it's still not a [...] of paper one side.
Ann (PS14B) [6277] Oh.
[6278] Well then, while
Jackie (PS166) [6279] Once you got
Ann (PS14B) [6280] you can you've gotta
Jackie (PS166) [6281] got
Ann (PS14B) [6282] sell out.
Jackie (PS166) [6283] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6284] Yeah.
Jackie (PS166) [6285] I was up the street and [...] got the building society here. [...]
Ann (PS14B) [6286] We want some erm ... er, what they call them?
[6287] Quarry tiles
Jackie (PS166) [6288] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [6289] you know to step down into the kitchen.
Jackie (PS166) [6290] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6291] I would like some quarry tiles on there, but we can't get any of the narrow ones, they've got a curved edge.
Jackie (PS166) [6292] Mind, I'll have to go buy one cos I've seen them in Newcastle.
[6293] In Wroxons I get my plants ... and they've got them cheaper ... than [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [6294] Well they told, they, they told us that we couldn't get i they couldn't get us any
Jackie (PS166) [6295] No.
Ann (PS14B) [6296] with a curved edge.
[6297] And I don't want the little ones ... tripping up and crashing their heads on a
Jackie (PS166) [6298] Oh I see.
[6299] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [6300] And, and ... in the corner where the door is there's a hole in the step underneath the ... the door hinge.
Jackie (PS166) [6301] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [6302] And er ... James, triplet ... he's pres er ... pushing bits of paper and ... I should imagine there's pens and crayons and all kinds down there.
Jackie (PS166) [6303] The only thing you could do is get the, you know that kind of plastic edging you can get for ... wall tiles
Ann (PS14B) [6304] Yeah.
Jackie (PS166) [6305] with curved ... put a bit of that in.
[6306] That
Ann (PS14B) [6307] Yeah.
Jackie (PS166) [6308] would take the raw, the raw edge off.
Ann (PS14B) [6309] Aha.
Jackie (PS166) [6310] It will curve it down.
Ann (PS14B) [6311] You can get them in the square ones, the six by six, but I wa I wanted ... the way we worked it out, eight by four would work out more economical.
Jackie (PS166) [6312] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [6313] Cos eventually, I wouldn't mind the kitchen having quarry qua quarry tiles.
Jackie (PS166) [6314] No I don't like them.
Ann (PS14B) [6315] I like quarry tiles.
[6316] ... Right.
Jackie (PS166) [6317] See ya!
[6318] I, the, I wonder it's for?
Ann (PS14B) [6319] I don't know, it's been, I went [laughing] along to ask Betty and Paul if they knew [] .
[6320] It's been there since ... before half past one I think.
[6321] I was putting the washing on at the back and I saw the en the bit sticking past the house.
Jackie (PS166) [6322] It's that fella ... the ... probably going to a wedding.
Ann (PS14B) [6323] I think it must be a, I think it must
Jackie (PS166) [6324] He's got it
Ann (PS14B) [6325] be a driver.
[6326] He can't, he can't be actually at a wedding because
Jackie (PS166) [6327] She can just pretend it's her new car.
Ann (PS14B) [6328] [laugh] .
[6329] Oh yes!
Jackie (PS166) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [6330] We can dream!
Jackie (PS166) [6331] Bye.

17 (Tape 069702)

Ann (PS14B) [6332] Hello.
James (PS14C) [6333] Why's the door off the latch?
Ann (PS14B) [6334] Oh!
[6335] Oh!
[6336] Mm.
[6337] I know what it was ... erm ... the Empire Stores' man ... brought a parcel for Jackie when she was out ... and when
James (PS14C) [6338] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [6339] I took it along ... to her, to save me locking myself out I put the sneck up.
[6340] I must have forgotten to put it down when I came in again.
James (PS14C) [6341] Well I'd better go and lock the door.
Ann (PS14B) [6342] That was hours ago.
James (PS14C) [6343] Didn't know if you were in or not.
Ann (PS14B) [6344] Well I'd hardly be out if the door wasn't ... locked when it's dark.
James (PS14C) [6345] Yes, but it seemed so odd that the door was standing open.
Ann (PS14B) [6346] Ooh!
James (PS14C) [6347] And there was
Ann (PS14B) [6348] Was the inside door closed?
James (PS14C) [6349] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [6350] Mm.
James (PS14C) [6351] The inside door was closed.
Ann (PS14B) [6352] We haven't got any
James (PS14C) [6353] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6354] of next door's cats upstairs then?
James (PS14C) [6355] No.
[6356] No, no cats could get in.
[6357] [sighing] Oh [] !
Ann (PS14B) [6358] Have you had a good day?
James (PS14C) [6359] Well it, it depends what you mean by a good day?
[6360] It's tiring.
[6361] [yawning] Heavy [] .
Ann (PS14B) [6362] Why?
[6363] Did you ... have any deaths?
James (PS14C) [6364] No, no deaths thank goodness.
[6365] There's a lot of poorly people I'm afraid.
Ann (PS14B) [6366] Oh.
James (PS14C) [6367] But they're all alright tonight.
[6368] Not expecting any deaths yet.
[6369] Yet.
Ann (PS14B) [6370] Mm.
[6371] Had enough for this week.
[6372] Right.
[6373] I'll get you something to eat.
James (PS14C) [6374] Thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [6375] Are you hungry?
James (PS14C) [6376] A bit.
[6377] Alright.
Ann (PS14B) [6378] Well it's now, I'll just warm it up.
[6379] Okay?
James (PS14C) [6380] Thank you.
[6381] Yes.
[6382] [sighing] Ah [] !
[6383] ... Was Jackie in?
[6384] And so you took the parcel?
Ann (PS14B) [6385] Yes.
James (PS14C) [6386] And she gets any, a lot of parcels that woman.
[6387] She must be the best, one of the best customers they've, she, they've got.
Ann (PS14B) [6388] Yes, but she's got all the erm ... she's got hundreds of ... well not hundreds, but she's got a lot of customers, I mean, she works in ... huge offices doesn't she?
James (PS14C) [6389] Yes.
[6390] It's the biggest ... erm ... fraud er o well civil service outside London.
Ann (PS14B) [6391] Yeah.
[6392] ... Right.
[6393] ... There was erm ... what I thought was a, a white Rolls ... parked outside our house when I was putting the washing on the line ... just after you went to work.
[6394] ... Erm ... well ... I've gotta wash the dishes.
[6395] I was with, and it was, I could see it at the front.
James (PS14C) [6396] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [6397] Er, it turned out it wasn't a Rolls it was a Bentley, but I don't know one car from
James (PS14C) [6398] Oh yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6399] another.
[6400] A
James (PS14C) [6401] It's still a rather ... classy car.
Ann (PS14B) [6402] Yes.
[6403] Well it looked like a wedding car cos there were bouquets in the back.
James (PS14C) [6404] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [6405] And, Paul was working on his car out the front ... and I went to ask him if he knew who was getting married.
[6406] And er ... he said it had been standing there for quite a while.
[6407] He thought it was ... maybe just ... er ... the driver had taken someone to the church ... was waiting to go back for them.
[6408] And er ... Betty called me in for a cup of coffee but ... [clears throat] ... and I was there, I think, for over two hours.
James (PS14C) [6409] Tt.
Ann (PS14B) [6410] I didn't mean to stay that long ... cos I had a lot to do.
[6411] Anyway, it was, it was still there
James (PS14C) [6412] Like what?
Ann (PS14B) [6413] it was still there when I took
James (PS14C) [6414] [laughing] What do you mean you had a lot to do [] ?
[6415] Like what?
Ann (PS14B) [6416] Housework!
James (PS14C) [6417] Why?
Ann (PS14B) [6418] It was still there ... when I took Jackie's parcel to her and it wa I, I think ... I didn't look out the, the window ... till about five o'clock and it had gone then.
[6419] But Betty
James (PS14C) [6420] Well , 's a taxi driver.
Ann (PS14B) [6421] Yes.
[6422] And tho erm ... Betty thinks the er ... the for ... do er cars as well.
James (PS14C) [6423] Mm. ... [...]
Ann (PS14B) [6424] Yes.
[6425] ... See if it is hot enough.
James (PS14C) [6426] Thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [6427] Has that just come through the letter box?
James (PS14C) [6428] No it came before.
Ann (PS14B) [6429] Oh.
[6430] ... I'll make you some
James (PS14C) [6431] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [6432] coffee.
James (PS14C) [6433] Yes, it's ... hot enough thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [6434] Right.
[6435] ... Is it raining?
James (PS14C) [6436] I suppose it is.
[6437] I don't know if it is.
Ann (PS14B) [6438] Well the back wall looks wet.
James (PS14C) [6439] Well th there was no rain on it when I came ... came here.
[6440] Must have su must have suddenly started.
Ann (PS14B) [6441] It is raining.
[6442] ... I got the washing ... nearly all dry anyway.
[6443] All the shirts.
[6444] I didn't ... it was so bright and ... windy so ... I put another lot in after that lot came out ... it'll be, only be ... T-shirts I'll have in the dryer when they finish off.
James (PS14C) [6445] Well these poor blighters who got flooded ... who ... could do with the wind to dry the houses out couldn't they?
Ann (PS14B) [6446] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [6447] The er ...
Ann (PS14B) [6448] The what?
James (PS14C) [6449] I delivered those leaflets this morning ... in Auburn Place ... the house at the end
Ann (PS14B) [6450] Which one?
James (PS14C) [6451] the one that was flooded, the one that was
Ann (PS14B) [6452] The one facing onto the bridge?
James (PS14C) [6453] Yes.
[6454] That er ... Tess bought ... and they did it all up.
[6455] When they told me at work she'd bought that, I was, cos they lived up at Green Lane ... I thought my God he'd have ... they've picked a ... a bad spot there cos there's no flood protection at all there.
[6456] And in fact, when the river rises they ... it drops down onto that house, and the house next door.
[6457] Anyway, I saw that everything was up, the doors, the back door was open, the front door was open ... there was everything up from downstairs and ... must be awful.
Ann (PS14B) [6458] Well I saw the curtains were down ... erm ... when I took ... the triplets
James (PS14C) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [6459] all around there yesterday, the curtains were down and it looked as if there was ... a table piled up with cardboard boxes in the, in the front window.
James (PS14C) [6460] There was.
[6461] Well there's, it was er ... there was a table.
[6462] And a house further along ... in ... Abbey View there ... cos i and it was four houses actually in the
Ann (PS14B) [6463] The one on [...] ?
James (PS14C) [6464] No.
Ann (PS14B) [6465] Th the one just past the social club?
James (PS14C) [6466] No not that one.
[6467] Well that one, I wa I, I delivered there.
[6468] But, no, about three houses on from that ... they were decorating.
[6469] Now, it looked as if they were newly decorating so whether the water got into there or not, but it didn't look ... as if they were in the process of decorating so ... I hope it didn't for their sake.
Ann (PS14B) [6470] Well, that one on the cor the first one
James (PS14C) [6471] Aye.
[6472] That's the one that appears on television [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [6473] That was the one that was on television with the water right ... the way
James (PS14C) [6474] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6475] up it.
James (PS14C) [6476] But further on, you know er, what they call, the teacher lives?
Ann (PS14B) [6477] Brian ?
James (PS14C) [6478] They've got erm ... sort of walls in front of the houses, right next to the, the bay windows with erm ... with the slot, where they, they slot in these steel erm, plates.
Ann (PS14B) [6479] Have they?
James (PS14C) [6480] Yes.
[6481] Oh yes.
[6482] About two or three of them, they have, at that end.
Ann (PS14B) [6483] I never noticed that.
James (PS14C) [6484] Yep.
[6485] With erm ... and they had sand, they all had sandbags along there, but they had these sort of ... er ... walls built up.
[6486] But I mean th they're decorative walls, they've got plants growing in the top and this sort of thing, built up to the, about the level of the window
Ann (PS14B) [6487] Mhm.
James (PS14C) [6488] and er ... then they have ... the gap for the path and they have a, erm ... a steel plate.
[6489] Because when I went up I had to climb over the steel plate.
[6490] Cos they hadn't removed them.
Ann (PS14B) [6491] Mhm.
James (PS14C) [6492] Even though the water was all down.
[6493] But erm
Ann (PS14B) [6494] Have they done
James (PS14C) [6495] the
Ann (PS14B) [6496] that themselves?
James (PS14C) [6497] I think so, yes.
[6498] I think so.
[6499] Yes, cos they're not the same.
[6500] I mean each ... each house is different but er ... there's ... not all of them have them, there's only two or three had done that.
[6501] And that was at Brian 's end.
[6502] The ones
Ann (PS14B) [6503] And he, he is the very end one isn't he?
James (PS14C) [6504] I dunno if he's ... er, but it's his end, I don't know if it's his house, I can't remember if it was his house, but at that end of the street.
Ann (PS14B) [6505] Didn't he buy the one that we looked at, once?
James (PS14C) [6506] We did look at one there.
[6507] I can't remember.
[6508] I don't know.
[6509] But in any case, erm ... th the end house hasn't got that up ... it's ... oh, what they call her?
[6510] Rosie?
Ann (PS14B)
James (PS14C) [6511] Rosie .
[6512] Her house has.
[6513] And the house next to her, on either side, those are the three houses that have got that on.
Ann (PS14B) [6514] I've never seen Ro Rosie for years!
[6515] I know, she's working erm
James (PS14C) [6516] Well her husband was very ill wasn't he?
Ann (PS14B) [6517] at the workers' education ... what is it called?
[6518] W E A?
James (PS14C) [6519] Workers' Education Association.
Ann (PS14B) [6520] She works, she works for that.
James (PS14C) [6521] Does she?
[6522] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [6523] Erm
James (PS14C) [6524] What doing?
[6525] Does she lecture like?
Ann (PS14B) [6526] Yes.
[6527] I think, yes.
James (PS14C) [6528] What subject?
Ann (PS14B) [6529] I can't remember, but there was a whole
James (PS14C) [6530] Well it can't be in Moorford because the only thing that
Ann (PS14B) [6531] No it's at Ashington.
James (PS14C) [6532] the only thing they do in Moorford is ... birds.
[6533] Ornithology.
Ann (PS14B) [6534] No, erm ... I'm sure it's in a, at Ashington.
James (PS14C) [6535] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [6536] And
James (PS14C) [6537] Well I've never seen
Ann (PS14B) [...]
James (PS14C) [6538] it advertised.
[6539] They do quite a, they've got quite a big programme in Gosforth and Newcastle ... and
Ann (PS14B) [6540] I'm not sure.
[6541] I think
James (PS14C) [6542] Whitley Bay I think as well.
Ann (PS14B) [6543] I think ... I think I heard Jean ... say something about erm ... the writers' workshops.
James (PS14C) [6544] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [6545] I'm not sure if ... she said tha that Rosie had, had given them a lecture or something once, then I said oh!
James (PS14C) [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [6546] I know Rosie quite well.
[6547] ... There's your coffee.
James (PS14C) [6548] Thank you.
[6549] Thank you.
[6550] That was very
Ann (PS14B) [6551] Was it hot?
James (PS14C) [6552] nice.
[6553] Thank you
Ann (PS14B) [6554] Was it
James (PS14C) [6555] very much.
Ann (PS14B) [6556] hot enough for you?
James (PS14C) [6557] Yes, it was hot enough.
Ann (PS14B) [6558] It looked as if it was.
James (PS14C) [6559] Well I don't like it too hot, [...] ever.
Ann (PS14B) [6560] Pardon?
James (PS14C) [6561] I don't like hot food ever.
Ann (PS14B) [6562] Oh I know, you're like my mother, stone cold!
James (PS14C) [6563] I don't like it stone cold, I just like it nice, cos if it's too hot you can't taste it.
[6564] Try to get it down me before it burns my tongue!
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
James (PS14C) [6565] These folks and that with all these spices and things a ... you can't taste the food ... you taste
Ann (PS14B) [6566] I know.
James (PS14C) [6567] the spices.
[6568] Cos that's what it was all about,tas take away the taste ... of the rotten food, that's the whole point of spices.
Ann (PS14B) [6569] I know, I think it's hilarious!
[6570] Asdir ... erm ... saying my ginger wine was too hot.
James (PS14C) [6571] Was too hot.
Ann (PS14B) [6572] Bloody ridiculous!
James (PS14C) [6573] When she's used to eating ... red hot curries
Ann (PS14B) [6574] But they don't drink red hot stuff I suppose.
[6575] I suppose that was the difference.
[6576] They don't drink red hot stuff, they drink, [laughing] only eat red hot stuff, and they drink ... cool things to cool their mouth down after [] !
Ann (PS14B) [6577] She drinks tea.
James (PS14C) [6578] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6579] Well she ... she used to drink tea when she ... if I ever ... well I didn't invite her in for a coffee do, well I didn't to begin with did I?
James (PS14C) [6580] Well they drink, do they not, does she
Ann (PS14B) [6581] I mean
James (PS14C) [6582] not drink coffee?
Ann (PS14B) [6583] No.
[6584] I invite, when we walk back from school ... erm ... when she first came to live ... round there, and er ... I used to walk back from school with her sometimes ... and say, would you like a cup of coffee?
[6585] Well she didn't know anybody of course and she'd say, no [laughing] thank you [] .
[6586] And then after ... oh, after a few weeks she said ... I'll come in for a cup of tea.
[6587] So I said, okay.
[6588] So I used to make tea for her.
[6589] ... And it got, in the end, actually, if I was, if I had to do something ... that was urgent ... or I had to go somewhere ... I used to have to say to her ... something like, you know, erm ... oh I better get on, I got a lot to do this morning, or ... I'm goi I've to be shopping and ... be back in time to cook Jim's dinner or something like that cos he's starting, oh I've gotta have his dinner ready at twelve before he goes to work and ... if I really was pushed ... otherwise she would have come in every day.
[6590] Not that I minded her coming in every day, just didn't, not always that time.
James (PS14C) [6591] Aye.
[6592] I wonder how they're getting on through there?
Ann (PS14B) [6593] And also, if she came in ... when I had the triplets ... it meant that erm ... you know, she was sitting talking to me when I wanted to be playing with them and ... taking them out and getting on with doing things with them.
James (PS14C) [6594] They still haven't sold the house have they?
Ann (PS14B) [6595] No.
[6596] ... Well I was just talking about that today to Betty.
[6597] You ar di ... didn't you see it?
[6598] Didn't you show someone round it once?
James (PS14C) [6599] Yeah, I've shown two lots of people round.
Ann (PS14B) [6600] Did you notice the bathroom ceiling?
James (PS14C) [6601] Yes. [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [6602] I only saw it erm ... you showed two lots round didn't you?
James (PS14C) [6603] Mm mm.
[6604] I did.
Ann (PS14B) [6605] I only showed er, Gillian
James (PS14C) [6606] I didn't show them right u opened the house and was stood with them, walked round with her like, you know, but ... breezed
Ann (PS14B) [6607] Well actually the time I went in it was erm ... when Gillian was thinking of buying it
James (PS14C) [6608] Oh aye.
Ann (PS14B) [6609] and er ... I went ... her mother and father were with her ... and I just really went in up and down the stairs, and they went upstairs and they, they shouted, oh Ann!
[6610] Come and look at this.
[6611] And er ... in the back ... I think it was the back bedroom ... there was a, a light switch ... and the wiring ... was sort of hanging from, from the switch.
[6612] It looked dangerous!
James (PS14C) [6613] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [6614] And there was ... there was something weird.
[6615] It wasn't a telephone point ... I don't know what it was.
James (PS14C) [6616] Television point?
Ann (PS14B) [6617] No, it came from ... half way along the hall, up under the stair carpet ... and into the erm ... front bedroom, but it, it didn't have a, a sort of, you know the
James (PS14C) [6618] Yes.
[6619] Aye.
Ann (PS14B) [6620] it didn't have a telephone, sort of attachment.
[6621] ... And the bathroom ceiling was black mould!
[6622] And of course, if it, if it had been ... I know they came once ... because
James (PS14C) [6623] Who came?
Ann (PS14B) [6624] Well, Syrej
James (PS14C) [6625] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [6626] dropped Asdir off ... and she drove away and I saw her and the four children go, along to the house
James (PS14C) [6627] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [6628] cos I was in here ... and er ... I think she had some paint in her hand
James (PS14C) [6629] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [6630] and after about ten minutes I thought ... what the devil is she doing in there!
[6631] No, she only had the three children, erm ... Asthana wasn't born.
[6632] That was it.
James (PS14C) [6633] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6634] I thought, what's she doing in there?
[6635] Tha that's right, she was pregnant wasn't she, after
James (PS14C) [6636] Can't be.
Ann (PS14B) [6637] Asthana wasn't born when she left here.
James (PS14C) [6638] That's right, she was [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [6639] Mm mm.
James (PS14C) [6640] Well surely she was born when ... [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [6641] No,go [sigh] ... well perhaps it wasn't long after Asthana was born.
[6642] Anyway, it was, it was in the winter.
[6643] Erm
James (PS14C) [6644] Is it two years now?
[6645] Oh I can't remember.
Ann (PS14B) [6646] It is, you know.
[6647] I think Asth
James (PS14C) [6648] Eighteen months old.
[6649] Two Christmases.
Ann (PS14B) [6650] No,Januar .
[6651] Janu
James (PS14C) [6652] It's two Christmases anyway.
Ann (PS14B) [6653] it's January the seventh.
[6654] Asthana's birthday, she must be two.
James (PS14C) [6655] No, no, no, no, she's the [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [6656] Oh!
[6657] They moved before Christmas.
James (PS14C) [6658] I know it's two Christmases.
Ann (PS14B) [6659] Aye.
[6660] Well, whatever.
[6661] And er ... well that might have been it,A Asthana might have been a tiny baby.
[6662] So I went along there cos I thought ... if she was painting ... the children will be frozen and nothing to sit on and no
James (PS14C) [6663] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [6664] heating.
[6665] So I went down, and she was, she was painting the bathroom ceiling.
[6666] And I said ... er, I'll take the children back to my house with me, at least they'll be warm, I can give them a drink or something.
[6667] So they came back ... but of course, if it's jus if it's been pouring in on that bathroom ceiling again it's, it, when I took, when Elsie called up to me, come and look at this, the bathroom ceiling was black mould!
James (PS14C) [6668] It wasn't black when I ... showed those people round, but it was damp.
[6669] You could see
Ann (PS14B) [6670] Oh no.
James (PS14C) [6671] the stains of the damp.
Ann (PS14B) [6672] Perhaps he's been and washed it off again.
[6673] Sometimes when he comes
James (PS14C) [6674] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6675] through.
James (PS14C) [6676] Aye.
Ann (PS14B) [6677] But nobody, how long is it since the last time we showed them in?
James (PS14C) [6678] It's quite a while now.
[6679] I dunno.
[6680] I can't remember when it was.
Ann (PS14B) [6681] And the key's still on our kitchen windowsill so
James (PS14C) [6682] Yes.
[6683] ... Yeah but look at, the amount of houses that are for sale.
Ann (PS14B) [6684] Oh yes, but ... but look how quickly Marie sold hers.
James (PS14C) [6685] But it was in a better state.
[6686] Better condition wasn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [6687] Oh it was beautiful!
James (PS14C) [6688] I know.
[6689] Aye.
[6690] ... But I mean, there's a lot of houses for sale.
Ann (PS14B) [6691] Some of them are sold quite quickly.
[6692] ... There's some new people in number ... ten is it?
James (PS14C) [6693] I don't know.
Ann (PS14B) [6694] They park their car just beside Doug's house.
[6695] I don't see them very much, they tend to use the back door, and sort of come out and then go down
James (PS14C) [6696] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [6697] the back lane.
[6698] I don't see them come round the front.
[6699] ... [sigh] ... You haven't drunk your coffee.
[6700] ... Did you see your mother?
James (PS14C) [6701] Yes.
[6702] And she's complaining about not going anywhere or
Ann (PS14B) [6703] Ee!
[6704] The places she's been in the last couple
James (PS14C) [sneeze]
Ann (PS14B) [6705] of weeks.
James (PS14C) [6706] Yes.
[6707] She's
Ann (PS14B) [6708] If she could only remember where she'd been ... and how much she's enjoying it while she's actually doing it.
James (PS14C) [6709] Aye.
[6710] Cost me a fiver for her hair to be done on Monday and another fiver to go out on ... Berlin Square on Tuesday.
[6711] And tomorrow, she's going to this ... thing at the chapel.
[6712] Going for tea.
Ann (PS14B) [6713] What thing at the chapel?
James (PS14C) [6714] Going for tea and then for the service afterwards.
Ann (PS14B) [6715] Mm!
[6716] Oh yes!
James (PS14C) [6717] So they're going about four o'clock.
Ann (PS14B) [6718] I'll have to go ... earlier to see her because they'll be ... maybe getting her changed for that.
James (PS14C) [6719] Aha.
[6720] Karen came and asked me ... I says alright.
[6721] Have you got to go?
[6722] And I said yes.
[6723] ... Mind, she didn't go out this afternoon cos they went, some of them went up to the British Legion Club this afternoon.
Ann (PS14B) [6724] Didn't she want to go?
[6725] Or wasn't there room?
James (PS14C) [6726] I don't know.
[6727] She were up sick all night, but I don't think she, she would have wanted to go anyway.
[6728] The erm ... you know the rather large lady that, who I always speak to?
Ann (PS14B) [6729] Er, yes.
James (PS14C) [6730] In the last bed there.
Ann (PS14B) [6731] Yes.
James (PS14C) [6732] Er, she'd been up there sometimes [...] .
[6733] She's really enjoyed herself because ... tipple [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [6734] [laugh] ... What had she been drinking?
James (PS14C) [6735] She likes her whiskies.
Ann (PS14B) [6736] Oh.
James (PS14C) [6737] A couple of whiskies.
[6738] Yeah, she said it was really
Ann (PS14B) [6739] Well your mother wouldn't want that.
James (PS14C) [6740] I know.
[6741] ... And it was she who told me that she'd been, that's where they'd been.
[6742] And she remembers everything.
Ann (PS14B) [6743] I know.
James (PS14C) [6744] Aye.
Ann (PS14B) [6745] Your mother doesn't remember where she's been as soon as she's, gets ... out of the minibus.
James (PS14C) [6746] Yes, I know.
Ann (PS14B) [6747] Tt!
[6748] ... I mean, and she, and
James (PS14C) [6749] Well I was just thinking
Ann (PS14B) [6750] she asks the same question over and over again.
James (PS14C) [6751] looking at those ... well it was Denise who brought the list in, but I'd already [...] with the sta er the gardens ... but, you know ... the garden scheme in Northumberland.
Ann (PS14B) [6752] It's lying around somewhere.
James (PS14C) [6753] Aye.
[6754] And I thought you might want to go some time anyway ... er, not on a Sunday.
[6755] But ... there's one at Blagden Hall.
Ann (PS14B) [6756] Has she got her colostomy bag back on yet?
[6757] Or are they still leaving it off?
James (PS14C) [6758] I don't know.
Ann (PS14B) [6759] How do they take her anywhere if she's got the bag off?
[6760] ... Must, well that's you out.
James (PS14C) [6761] Well, I was thinking we could perhaps take her to Blagden Hall now that's open.
Ann (PS14B) [6762] Well supposing you, if that's okay.
[6763] I mean
James (PS14C) [6764] Anyway, they're having ... it's
Ann (PS14B) [6765] it's one thing being in a hospital but to take her somewhere
James (PS14C) [6766] it depends, it depends on the weather.
Ann (PS14B) [6767] enclosed is
James (PS14C) [6768] It depends on the weather of course.
Ann (PS14B) [6769] not very fair to her.
James (PS14C) [6770] So that, I mean that's ... I'm a half day that day.
Ann (PS14B) [6771] I think I read that Blagden was open from ... half past
James (PS14C) [6772] It's open from
Ann (PS14B) [6773] one till half past three ... or something.
James (PS14C) [6774] Well that's, no, it's been
Ann (PS14B) [6775] Or was it half past one, where did I put it?
[6776] Was it half past one to dusk.
James (PS14C) [6777] It's just there.
[6778] That's it there.
Ann (PS14B) [6779] It's not much
James (PS14C) [6780] It's later.
[6781] It's my half day on the, that Sunday.
Ann (PS14B) [6782] Where is it?
James (PS14C) [6783] I don't know where it is, I haven't marked
Ann (PS14B) [6784] Well you've got so many piles of papers lying around!
James (PS14C) [6785] They're not mine there, those are all yours!
[6786] ... Here it is.
[6787] Here it is.
[6788] Here it is.
Ann (PS14B) [6789] Where?
[6790] I've got my glasses on, I'll do it, I'll read it.
[6791] ... . [6] You can't see without your glasses.
James (PS14C) [6792] I can't.
[6793] There, Blagden, there.
[6794] ... It's at the top.
Ann (PS14B) [6795] Where?
James (PS14C) [6796] I've marked it at the top.
[6797] Some time
Ann (PS14B) [6798] Oh yeah.
James (PS14C) [6799] in May.
[6800] May the what was it?
[6801] You ca you can't see it.
Ann (PS14B) [6802] I can't see at ... oh right.
James (PS14C) [6803] Well I can see there alright.
Ann (PS14B) [6804] Wait a minute till I switch on the other light.
James (PS14C) [6805] I'll tell you it's
Ann (PS14B) [6806] It's cos it's written on blue paper in tiny print.
James (PS14C) [6807] it's the third of May.
Ann (PS14B) [6808] [reading brochure] Daffodils ... and arboretum
James (PS14C) [6809] And there's a coffee bar.
Ann (PS14B) [6810] products, plant and cake stalls.
[6811] Suitable for wheelchairs.
James (PS14C) [6812] Well that's what I was thinking.
Ann (PS14B) [6813] Toilet for disabled.
James (PS14C) [6814] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [6815] Tea with home-baked scones and cakes.
[6816] Open from one till ... five [] .
James (PS14C) [6817] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [6818] It still isn't a lot of time if you finish work at quarter past three, and you're not home till
James (PS14C) [6819] I'm, I'm a half day, I finish at twelve.
Ann (PS14B) [6820] Oh!
[6821] Oh!
[6822] Right.
[6823] Oh that's okay then.
James (PS14C) [6824] I was just thinking if we take her out that afternoon.
Ann (PS14B) [6825] Sunday, May the third.
James (PS14C) [6826] In fact, I was ... there's a ... I'm going to suggest that we, we take some of the patients er ... and early about ... when is this?
[6827] It's in June.
Ann (PS14B) [6828] Well do you want to go ... take some of the other patients that day and I'll go as an escort?
James (PS14C) [6829] Well on the twelfth of June my ... Age Concern are having ... er, a fair at Blagden Hall, all day that day.
Ann (PS14B) [6830] On when?
James (PS14C) [6831] The twelfth of July.
[6832] ... So on Hazel's birthday.
[6833] No, that's twelfth of June.
Ann (PS14B) [6834] Twelfth of June, your Hazel's birthday.
James (PS14C) [6835] What's the twelfth of July?
Ann (PS14B) [6836] I've no idea.
James (PS14C) [6837] It's the twelfth of July is last year the er
Ann (PS14B) [6838] Fourth of July's Independence Day.
James (PS14C) [6839] it's the twelfth of July of last year they ... had one.
[6840] No, that's the fourteenth of July.
Ann (PS14B) [6841] I don't think anything's the twelfth of July.
James (PS14C) [6842] No.
[6843] It's the fourteenth of July is Bastille Day.
[6844] But, anyway
Ann (PS14B) [6845] And what are you that day?
James (PS14C) [6846] I'm on early.
[6847] All earlies.
Ann (PS14B) [6848] Ordinary early?
[6849] Quarter past three early?
James (PS14C) [6850] Oh, well, I say I'm on early but ... I will be, I could be an early or a late.
[6851] So that's
Ann (PS14B) [6852] So if you took them that day you'd be going while you were on duty?
James (PS14C) [6853] Well, for pa most of it ... or part of it.
[6854] But I could organize that.
[6855] And, if ... what they call it?
Ann (PS14B) [6856] Is that a Sunday at Easter?
James (PS14C) [6857] It's a Sunday.
[6858] If they can actually let me know ... whether that bus is available or not
Ann (PS14B) [6859] You're not gonna drive that bus are you?
James (PS14C) [6860] I didn't say I was.
[6861] But, Mr has got a P S V licence.
[6862] I don't know if I can drive
Ann (PS14B) [6863] Oh!
James (PS14C) [6864] the bus or not, it depends ... we'll have to see.
Ann (PS14B) [6865] And does he, does he drive the buses?
[6866] Er, the hospital bus like
James (PS14C) [6867] No.
Ann (PS14B) [6868] that?
James (PS14C) [6869] No.
[6870] No.
[6871] He's never driven.
[6872] He's not down as a ... as a driver for the minibus now.
[6873] But he's got a P S V licence which is a different thing altogether.
Ann (PS14B) [6874] Yes, but, if he was willing to drive in his spare ta time, he would have his name down surely?
[6875] Wouldn't he?
James (PS14C) [6876] Well one would have thought so, but I said to er Mrs you see, about the minibus, no not the minibus, the M S bus being available ... and, I said the problem was ... or maybe ... that we'd have to have drivers who have had a P S V licence, or what they call it?
[6877] It isn't a P S V license now, it's ... very different type of licence.
Ann (PS14B) [6878] Well whatever it's called.
James (PS14C) [6879] But it's the same thing.
Ann (PS14B) [6880] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [6881] And she said, oh my husband's just renewed his.
[6882] So he could drive and so there'd be no problem she says.
[6883] But he's never ever, as far as I know ... offered to drive the minibus.
Ann (PS14B) [6884] Does he work?
James (PS14C) [6885] Well
Ann (PS14B) [6886] It sounds, it sounds odd saying, oh my husband's just renewed his, it makes it sound as if he hasn't had a P S V ... erm ... licence for a while.
James (PS14C) [6887] I don't know.
Ann (PS14B) [6888] Cos if he was working, and driving ... he wo it, surely he would have automatically renewed it?
James (PS14C) [6889] I don't know.
Ann (PS14B) [6890] So it sounds as if he's just renewed it after a while.
James (PS14C) [6891] They used to have some sort of test on that [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [6892] So maybe that's why he's never volunteered before.
[6893] If he didn't have the licence, he couldn't.
James (PS14C) [6894] Well yes, of course.
Ann (PS14B) [6895] Except, he could have for the minibus of course.
[6896] ... Where's my knitting gone?
James (PS14C) [6897] I think he had a pet shop.
Ann (PS14B) [6898] Well he wouldn't need a P S V licence for a pet shop.
James (PS14C) [6899] But, I don't know that he does now.
Ann (PS14B) [6900] Unless you were a Pet Shop Boy ... and were a roadie.
James (PS14C) [6901] Mm mm. [cough]
Ann (PS14B) [6902] I can't remember what line I was doing.
James (PS14C) [6903] Well ... because she ... periodically brings the bird seed for the ... the bird on the ward.
[6904] I'm sure he never [...] .
[6905] Whether the business was successful or not.
[6906] I had a vague recollection ... somebody said he had this pet shop at Blagden or som ... not Blagden er
Ann (PS14B) [6907] Blagden?
[6908] There are no shops
James (PS14C) [6909] not Blagden
Ann (PS14B) [6910] at Blagden.
James (PS14C) [6911] Bury.
Ann (PS14B) [6912] Oh.
James (PS14C) [sniff]
Ann (PS14B) [6913] Mhm.
James (PS14C) [6914] But we could still take the minibus and just take ... three or four.
Ann (PS14B) [6915] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [6916] Well that's an alternative.
[6917] ... But that will be a good day to go out on.
Ann (PS14B) [6918] Mm mm.
James (PS14C) [6919] But we could take my mother on the other one.
Ann (PS14B) [6920] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [6921] Or we could take ... them periodically.
[6922] Could go out, well the next ... then there's a queue a mile long.
[6923] I said no.
[6924] I said mark the ones on that thing.
[6925] [...] you want to go to.
[6926] ... That's when I [...]
Ann (PS14B) [6927] It's a bit far to take her to near Berwick.
James (PS14C) [6928] I wasn't thinking of taking her there, I was thinking of taking you!
Ann (PS14B) [6929] Oh.
James (PS14C) [6930] Anyway, it might be too cold.
Ann (PS14B) [6931] And Corn Hill on the Tweed's a bit far for you my love.
James (PS14C) [6932] I was thinking about
Ann (PS14B) [6933] There's Anwick
James (PS14C) [6934] cos you
Ann (PS14B) [6935] Howick at Anwick.
James (PS14C) [6936] I was thinking of you going there.
Ann (PS14B) [6937] Where's Hallington?
James (PS14C) [6938] I dunno.
[6939] It tells you.
[6940] Does it not?
Ann (PS14B) [6941] Oh!
[6942] Wait a minute.
[6943] Between Colwell and Kirkharl.
James (PS14C) [6944] Mm.
[6945] ... Etaul Manor's open nearly every Sunday.
Ann (PS14B) [6946] Wasn't it Kirk oh no it was Katheaton.
[6947] Was it Ka
James (PS14C) [6948] Where Capability Brown
Ann (PS14B) [6949] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [6950] came from?
[6951] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [6952] That's right.
[6953] We never did find his house did we?
James (PS14C) [6954] No.
Ann (PS14B) [6955] If there's any
James (PS14C) [6956] [laughing] And there's nothing there [] !
Ann (PS14B) [6957] if there's any ... remnants of his house.
[6958] There was certainly no ... indication of it anywhere in the village.
[6959] There wasn't even anybody to ask!
James (PS14C) [6960] Nope.
[6961] But if you wanted to go to any of those, those I marked for my ... days off, apart from the one to Blagden on a half day.
[6962] But I could go that day.
[6963] Cos it's no distance to Blagden.
[6964] The others we'll take
Ann (PS14B) [6965] We could walk there.
James (PS14C) [6966] Tt.
[6967] Aye, it's three mi it's over four miles, it's ... I haven't got the street map, it's about four miles.
[6968] ... [sigh] ... Well we took your mother and we ... that time.
Ann (PS14B) [6969] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [6970] Perhaps we'll get the bus there.
[6971] And then, in those days there was a bus service that way.
[6972] I don't think there's a bus service running that way now.
Ann (PS14B) [6973] Isn't there?
James (PS14C) [6974] Nope.
[6975] To get to
Ann (PS14B) [6976] Well how many houses are on that road?
[6977] There's only
James (PS14C) [6978] Well there's a fair number.
[6979] Actually on the road itself there's ... well there is a fair number.
[6980] There's quite a few in the estate itself.
[6981] Quite a few houses down
Ann (PS14B) [6982] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [6983] the estate.
[6984] ... Tt.
Ann (PS14B) [6985] Did you tell me ... what did they call the one who lived there?
[6986] That worked with you.
James (PS14C) [6987] Near the road there?
Ann (PS14B) [6988] Yeah.
[6989] Di
James (PS14C) [6990] She got [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [6991] Oh that's right.
[6992] ... Where is she?
James (PS14C) [6993] Well er, she's at home, or she's in the erm R E I
Ann (PS14B) [6994] I used to see her in the hairdressers sometimes.
James (PS14C) [6995] while the death is being investigated.
[6996] And she ... she went into the R E I, with a query ... stroke.
Ann (PS14B) [6997] I know.
[6998] I remember that.
James (PS14C) [6999] A query ... I think she had a query lump on her breast or something, er lump or something.
[7000] And ... they transferred her to the, the Cottage ... and she did quite well, and she was home.
[7001] And whatever lump it was ... they said wasn't anything to worry about.
[7002] But then ... it was virtually ... er ... clear again, she was saying ... but she has a brain tumour.
[7003] And whether they can operate [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [7004] Mm.
[7005] Oh dear.
[7006] ... She was nice, she was a nice woman.
James (PS14C) [7007] But he retired early, of course, because of his ... bad knees.
Ann (PS14B) [7008] Mhm.
James (PS14C) [7009] He couldn't ... well he was the ... head gamekeeper for Lord .
Ann (PS14B) [7010] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [7011] And er ... the dampness and the ... tramping all over the ... rough ground and what have you, wasn't good for his knees.
Ann (PS14B) [7012] Mm.
James (PS14C) [7013] He [...] ... came from all over ... Macaw or somewhere down there ... he came from.
Ann (PS14B) [7014] Mm.
[7015] Didn't know that.
James (PS14C) [7016] And when he came out of the army ... you know, after the war ... er ... he didn't want to go.
[7017] Well, I think, I don't know if they went back to the pits and sort of left, but he didn't want to stay there and ... and got this job as a gamekeeper [...] .
[7018] ... [...] . He had a stroke.
[7019] They say that if you, if it wasn't for the shooting ... we wouldn't have any grouse or pheasants cos they wouldn't be preserved.
[7020] ... [...] they ... they'd be [...] on a farm if he wants.
[7021] The grouse apparently it would.
Ann (PS14B) [7022] I nearly stood on a grouse once, when we were walking up ... I wasn't walking with you, it was when we were with the Footpath Society.
[7023] Got the shock of my life!
[7024] I was walking along talking to ... Mika I think ... and it just shot up from in front of me, I had my foot out.
[7025] It waited till the very last second.
James (PS14C) [7026] Mm.
[7027] Well that's
Ann (PS14B) [7028] I couldn't believe it!
James (PS14C) [sniff]
Ann (PS14B) [7029] Perhaps it decided to stay put and I wouldn't notice it was there and maybe at the last second it decided it would ... run for it!
James (PS14C) [7030] Well we nearly ... when I was up with the children at the to ... when I was [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7031] Mm.
James (PS14C) [7032] and it went up into those ... they were coming down in the minibus ... and er ... we stopped ... so the I can't remember where we stopped.
[7033] Anyway, it was a good job we did because these ... erm ... these grouse and these chickens, I mean, they were so blended in with the ... the, the ... roadside you could hardly see them, and then they moved.
[7034] As we were coming down so slowly, and I think ... we stopped suddenly ... cos then they walked across the path.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
James (PS14C) [7035] You couldn't, you co you couldn't see them when they were on the roadside, you know on, on the ... whe when they moved
Ann (PS14B) [7036] Mm.
James (PS14C) [7037] onto the actual track like, so
Ann (PS14B) [7038] Mm.
James (PS14C) [7039] And Joy got the red squirrel so, at er [...] ... when I was out.
Ann (PS14B) [7040] Well Edith told me ... that erm
James (PS14C) [7041] Or was it Kenneth saying?
Ann (PS14B) [7042] as soon as she bought her house ... do you know which is her house?
James (PS14C) [7043] Yes I've been to it.
Ann (PS14B) [7044] What did you go there for?
James (PS14C) [7045] To deliver something for you. [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7046] Oh maybe, a Christmas
James (PS14C) [7047] Can't remember what it was.
Ann (PS14B) [7048] card it would be.
[7049] Cos that, the, you know the le
James (PS14C) [7050] But that's not where we saw the red squirrel.
Ann (PS14B) [7051] you know at the left hand side of her house they've planted some trees.
James (PS14C) [7052] That's out the back there.
Ann (PS14B) [7053] Yeah.
[7054] But there was already ... no.
[7055] It's at the ... oh!
James (PS14C) [7056] It's out the back.
Ann (PS14B) [7057] No, the back of her house opens ... has erm
James (PS14C) [7058] Goes out onto the spri the spring head itself.
Ann (PS14B) [7059] The back of her house, the back garden ... erm, faces onto a field.
[7060] There's the fence
James (PS14C) [7061] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [7062] o over the fence from that, er, the back garden ... is the field, but
James (PS14C) [7063] That leads over to the
Ann (PS14B) [cough]
James (PS14C) [7064] other side of the house.
Ann (PS14B) [7065] but to the left of their house, when you're facing the front door to the left
James (PS14C) [7066] Whe you mean when you're outside
Ann (PS14B) [7067] the there are some trees
James (PS14C) [7068] or inside?
Ann (PS14B) [7069] Outside.
[7070] There are some erm ... trees there
James (PS14C) [7071] Mhm.
Ann (PS14B) [7072] there was already ... quite a few trees there, it was like a small wood ... and they've plan and
James (PS14C) [7073] Well it is, that is.
Ann (PS14B) [7074] they've planted some extra ones.
[7075] I think they've planted some
James (PS14C) [7076] That's the spring [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [7077] fruit trees.
[7078] It's a huge garden!
[7079] So they've got a
James (PS14C) [7080] But we were
Ann (PS14B) [7081] wood in it
James (PS14C) [7082] I know but up there
Ann (PS14B) [7083] but from the time they moved in she noticed red squirrels.
James (PS14C) [7084] Oh we didn't walk that way, we went up ... further down.
[7085] And erm
Ann (PS14B) [7086] I think she said she'd seen a badger as well.
James (PS14C) [7087] Well it's quite possible, yeah.
[7088] In the ... from there onwards, you know,we there's nothing.
Ann (PS14B) [7089] No.
James (PS14C) [7090] You know,a after those houses
Ann (PS14B) [7091] Yes I mean, that's right.
James (PS14C) [7092] th er the, there's fields until you get to ... the Irish Sea, int there?
[7093] Just about.
Ann (PS14B) [7094] Well yes.
James (PS14C) [7095] But there's a few odd houses, a few odd villages, which are only small, but there's nothing much really.
[7096] ... When you re walk, going west it's countryside all the way.
Ann (PS14B) [7097] Mhm.
James (PS14C) [7098] Well
Ann (PS14B) [7099] She's gone to California, Edith.
James (PS14C) [7100] Has she?
Ann (PS14B) [7101] I met her ... erm
James (PS14C) [7102] On holiday?
Ann (PS14B) [7103] Yes.
[7104] I don't know if she's gone alone or with some, or with a friend, but er ... she said she wanted to, she'd never been to California ... and she wanted to go ... before she was too ... old and crotchety to get there ... because David's ... he's in no fit state to go anywhere any more.
James (PS14C) [7105] So why, what
Ann (PS14B) [7106] So she asked, she asked if sh her sister-in-law ... cos Sheila's living er ... near her daughter.
James (PS14C) [7107] And did er
Ann (PS14B) [7108] Well,so
James (PS14C) [7109] Near Berwick or something.
Ann (PS14B) [7110] and somewhere near Berwick, yes.
[7111] Ladyki no they moved from Ladykirk into Berwick I think.
[7112] And Sheila, erm

18 (Tape 069801)

James (PS14C) [7113] Mustn't forget these.
Ann (PS14B) [7114] Oh, your glass where've you, have you picked your glasses up?
James (PS14C) [7115] Got me glasses up yes ...
Ann (PS14B) [7116] Seeing as you frequently forget them
James (PS14C) [7117] do you want some posters for Gordon and Adam, well I can only lend you a couple of ones, but those might do if she turns them over
Ann (PS14B) [7118] What?
James (PS14C) [7119] those there, cos those are the ones I had for the European elections
Ann (PS14B) [7120] Oh ...
James (PS14C) [7121] So did you say the yellow leaves on this umbrella tree are due to
Ann (PS14B) [7122] If they're not, if they don't, if it doesn't get sufficient light, the leaves turn all green
James (PS14C) [7123] Green, right, so in actual, so that would
Ann (PS14B) [7124] it's proper name's erm, er Schefflera
James (PS14C) [7125] Schefflera
Ann (PS14B) [7126] Schefflera something like that
James (PS14C) [7127] so those have been getting plenty of sunshine, light
Ann (PS14B) [7128] Yes
James (PS14C) [7129] and those haven't
Ann (PS14B) [7130] if it's been standing on the floor though, only the top leaves would, I don't know what to do about having it there though, that's right above the radiator, it'll dry it out that's, that's why I said
James (PS14C) [7131] Well that's where the first one was
Ann (PS14B) [7132] do you think we should stand it on some gravel in the saucer there's plenty of gravel
James (PS14C) [7133] You can do you can do
Ann (PS14B) [7134] oh I'll go and put some in after, when you've gone to work
James (PS14C) [7135] but that's where the other one, that first one stood, remember when you first got it?
Ann (PS14B) [7136] Yes, but when we first got it the radiator wasn't on ... it was the summer time
James (PS14C) [7137] Oh
Ann (PS14B) [7138] it was erm ... it was bought for us in July ah July
James (PS14C) [7139] oh [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7140] can't remember which July
James (PS14C) [7141] well it still lived on there all the time ...
Ann (PS14B) [7142] It didn't, we took it in the front room
James (PS14C) [7143] there it is Schefflera,Scheff [spelling] S C H E F F L E R A []
Ann (PS14B) [7144] I said I thought it was that
James (PS14C) [7145] Schefflera ... well I'd put that along in case it [...] that
Ann (PS14B) [7146] Why?
James (PS14C) [7147] Cos that came out of the old one ...
Ann (PS14B) [7148] Well put it on the draining board and I'll wash it and then put it back ...
James (PS14C) [7149] Right, I'll see ya tonight
Ann (PS14B) [7150] Mhm, mhm ...
James (PS14C) [7151] Tarrah
Ann (PS14B) [7152] mm, bye ...

19 (Tape 069802)

Ann (PS14B) [7153] It's okay, it's just, let's get me bag in, thank you
Pat (PS167) [7154] Your son's got more sense than me, look I've put a coat on I'm sitting here sweating
Ann (PS14B) [7155] I've got a T-shirt under this
Pat (PS167) [7156] Oh I've got a thick
Ann (PS14B) [7157] huge long jumper.
Pat (PS167) [7158] I've got a big thick sweatshirt on and underneath I've got a polo neck jumper on an'all ... and foolishly put a coat on
Chris (PS168) [7159] I got this yesterday, it's Tetris
Ann (PS14B) [7160] Hang on a minute, let's see, oh very nice why did you get that?
Chris (PS168) [7161] you have to get as many lines, I got it er, in August in Ireland
Ann (PS14B) [7162] Aha, I should have this seatbelt fastened shouldn't I?
Pat (PS167) [7163] Yes you should, what's that shop like there?
[7164] Is it any good Ann?
[7165] I looked at, it looks a good little shop does that
Ann (PS14B) [7166] I don't know, I mean unless you
Pat (PS167) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7167] it's a daft place to have an antique shop isn't it, where there's no other shops?
Pat (PS167) [7168] Well, it's a long way down I know this erm
Ann (PS14B) [7169] It's, it's
Pat (PS167) [7170] it looks like they'd have lots of good stuff in
Ann (PS14B) [7171] erm ... some of it is, but I mean, some of the things like that washing machine from about
Pat (PS167) [7172] Oh aye
Ann (PS14B) [7173] nineteen ten by the look of it
Pat (PS167) [7174] mm
Ann (PS14B) [7175] and the great big [laugh] photograph of Queen Victoria ... but they do have some nice things in, some of the crockery was quite nice
Pat (PS167) [7176] Expensive though isn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [7177] I don't know, I've never been in it, I've just looked through the window and then they've got junk, I mean that, that er
Pat (PS167) [7178] And they've not got prices on them neither
Ann (PS14B) [7179] that erm modelled bull
Pat (PS167) [7180] Aye
Ann (PS14B) [7181] [laugh] well that's some
Pat (PS167) [7182] well somebody might like it
Ann (PS14B) [7183] someone's obviously brought, obviously brought from Spain, from a holiday, who wants a secondhand bull [laughing] from Spain [] ?
Pat (PS167) [7184] People
Ann (PS14B) [7185] Aha
Pat (PS167) [7186] people collect strange things
Ann (PS14B) [7187] I suppose they do ... yes ...
Pat (PS167) [7188] I've get er, erm ... Coronation cup
Ann (PS14B) [7189] yeah
Pat (PS167) [7190] if I get it, it's up in the loft somewhere though, it's a king, it's a fat king with a beard
Ann (PS14B) [7191] George the fifth
Pat (PS167) [7192] and it's like, er is it like, erm really, it's relief that's the word
Ann (PS14B) [7193] yes
Pat (PS167) [7194] in the bottom of the cup, it just [...] when you hold the cup up to the light, the picture comes through, you know it's, the shape and the colours come through when you hold it up to the light
Ann (PS14B) [7195] ah
Chris (PS168) [7196] you see, you see after [...] you see you never find any [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7197] I've got some Coronation mugs somewhere, I've got some that er ... my grandmother had
Pat (PS167) [7198] That looks a nice little house there, across there, it looks a big house actually
Ann (PS14B) [7199] Right next door to the pub
Pat (PS167) [7200] er handy aye
Ann (PS14B) [7201] it's got a very, very old oak staircase in that house because erm
Pat (PS167) [7202] Been in?
Ann (PS14B) [7203] Er, no, there's Joanna one of the girls I look after and er Rebecca who lives next door to me, erm ... some friends of ours years ago were going to, were thinking of buying it, it was about five thousand pounds then, so it shows ya how long ago it is
Pat (PS167) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7204] er, but it needed quite a few repairs doing to it
Pat (PS167) [7205] just from a quick glance it looked like it would need some er work on it
Ann (PS14B) [7206] it had one of those
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7207] it had, erm ... one of them cast iron baths you know in the middle of the bathroom with the sort of er ... curly legs, Queen Anne type legs on it
Pat (PS167) [7208] Remind me that [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7209] they said it was very nice, but, the, they reckoned then it needed about another five thousand pounds spending on it
Pat (PS167) [7210] Just think you'd be laughing now if they'd spent that five grand on it
Ann (PS14B) [7211] Oh yes, yes
Chris (PS168) [7212] Shall I get out my side?
Ann (PS14B) [7213] Yes, lift the seat up then please Chris
Chris (PS168) [7214] What [...] is that?
Pat (PS167) [7215] Ann do you want a smoke before you go in?
Ann (PS14B) [7216] Why do you?
[7217] I've got some in my bag actually
Chris (PS168) [7218] Right [...]
Pat (PS167) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7219] I'll show ya, here are
Chris (PS168) [...]
Pat (PS167) [7220] shut the door and I'll lock it
Ann (PS14B) [7221] Close the door so your mum can lock it
Pat (PS167) [7222] cannot lock that one and then it's opened again
Ann (PS14B) [7223] Oh, our front passenger seat won't lock either, you've got to lock it from the inside, ta
Pat (PS167) [7224] Now watch this cos it's er, fairly takes your head, ears off, get it in an angle away from ya up here, that'll do ya ...
Ann (PS14B) [7225] Thanks, can you stick that in my shove it, shove it in my bag
Pat (PS167) [7226] Tell her [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7227] please
Pat (PS167) [7228] can give the services in the church, I knew they'd be on today because it's the first Sunday in every month
Ann (PS14B) [7229] Are you invited for tea every time?
Pat (PS167) [7230] No
Ann (PS14B) [7231] Oh
Pat (PS167) [7232] so I wonder if she's going down the, well she might be down for the service now
Chris (PS168) [7233] What?
Ann (PS14B) [7234] [whispering] We can hear you [] , hmm, erm
Pat (PS167) [7235] Do you want a Polo?
Ann (PS14B) [7236] No thanks
Pat (PS167) [7237] Chris do you want a Polo?
Chris (PS168) [7238] Erm, erm, yes please
Ann (PS14B) [7239] [laugh] I don't, I'm going the wrong way, I'm going the way when I go with Jim the quick way
Chris (PS168) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [7240] we can't go that way when we're not staff
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Pat (PS167) [7241] I should have explained, I should of told them, I never thought
Ann (PS14B) [7242] Mm, mm, never mind
Pat (PS167) [7243] funny I thought [...]

20 (Tape 069803)

Ann (PS14B) [7244] Probably ...
Pat (PS167) [7245] Well if the Witnesses have their way then be the end of the world before they all
Ann (PS14B) [7246] Look at these crocuses mine are all
Pat (PS167) [7247] They're beautiful aren't they?
Ann (PS14B) [7248] mine are all dead.
Pat (PS167) [7249] I think they look gorgeous growing out like that
Chris (PS168) [7250] Ours are yellow ones
Ann (PS14B) [7251] They do, ours are finished
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7252] mind they get more sun here than they do in erm, or in, or even though the ones in the front garden are, they're dead, and they get lots of sun, the ones in me tubs and cauldrons and
Pat (PS167) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [7253] stuff in the erm ... in the back, don't get so much sun ...
Pat (PS167) [7254] You got your knitting?
Ann (PS14B) [7255] Of course, when do I go anywhere without me knitting?
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7256] wait till I put this in the bin ... oh I want to sneeze again [sniff] ... stand on it ... there we are ... News Post Leader down there, we didn't get one this week
Pat (PS167) [7257] No that's [...] pile of them [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7258] we got neither of the free press this week
Pat (PS167) [7259] Did you get the free Journal?
Ann (PS14B) [7260] We did a few weeks ago
Pat (PS167) [7261] Complimentary one
Ann (PS14B) [7262] for about a week trying
Pat (PS167) [7263] Yeah that's it
Ann (PS14B) [7264] all these extra benefits you could get
Pat (PS167) [7265] [laugh] nobody [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7266] well I read the free one for the week and that was it
Pat (PS167) [7267] Well we get the Journal anyway
Ann (PS14B) [7268] Oh, have you pressed the button?
[7269] ... I don't know if it was pressed or not, hello
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [7270] Hello
Ann (PS14B) [7271] hello ... hello
Margaret (PS169) [7272] Hello
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Margaret (PS169) [7273] hello, hello
Ann (PS14B) [7274] hello mum, oh what, [laughing] glasses clashing together []
Margaret (PS169) [7275] I've just put the kettle on
Ann (PS14B) [7276] You've just made us a cup of tea have you?
Margaret (PS169) [7277] just come
Ann (PS14B) [7278] Oh
Margaret (PS169) [7279] go get these stools around
Ann (PS14B) [7280] if I'd got here a minute quicker I'd got you some chocolate biscuits you could of been having with that cup of tea ...
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7281] er
Pat (PS167) [7282] Where's Jim get them chairs from?
Ann (PS14B) [7283] He gets them out the day room I think
Margaret (PS169) [7284] [...] are allowed?
Ann (PS14B) [7285] I dunno [laughing] he just gets them []
Pat (PS167) [laugh] [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7286] well if there's, if there's not many people sitting in the day room, perhaps we can pinch one, all the stools seem to be taken ... there aren't many spare in there, can we pinch a couple of chairs please?
[7287] Er, the stools all seem to be taken ... er there you are, are you getting one Chris?
Chris (PS168) [7288] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7289] Can you carry that?
Chris (PS168) [7290] Thank you, yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7291] Thank you ... they're all watching the Sunderland match, can you hear them?
[7292] On that television Chris ...
Pat (PS167) [7293] Ha, I thought you'd gone
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Pat (PS167) [7294] I thought you'd done a runner and run away
Ann (PS14B) [7295] Absconded ... right
Margaret (PS169) [7296] I'll get [...] ...
Ann (PS14B) [7297] Is this some washing?
Margaret (PS169) [7298] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7299] I'll take it
Pat (PS167) [7300] I'll take it
Ann (PS14B) [7301] It's alright, I don't mind
Pat (PS167) [7302] me mum [...] in a couple of days ...
Ann (PS14B) [7303] I can see them there where I can seem them, so I can, there's you, biscuits mum
Margaret (PS169) [7304] But you [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7305] Have you lost something?
Margaret (PS169) [7306] No [...]
Pat (PS167) [7307] Do you want to bring your chair forward a bit?
[7308] You okay?
Ann (PS14B) [7309] Come a bit forward we can't hear you, I can't see you
Pat (PS167) [7310] Stand up ... yeah be over in a minute I'll do it I'll
Ann (PS14B) [7311] you stand up and Pat'll pull it ... oh ee
Pat (PS167) [7312] Okay then, a couple of steps forward
Ann (PS14B) [7313] Two steps forward that's it, hard work
Pat (PS167) [7314] right
Ann (PS14B) [7315] getting up, standing up
Pat (PS167) [7316] right
Margaret (PS169) [7317] Fine [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7318] There's your tea back
Pat (PS167) [7319] can you do that quietly?
[7320] Finished that one then, the next one eat it quietly so it doesn't bother people
Ann (PS14B) [7321] Have you got your knitting?
Chris (PS168) [7322] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Chris (PS168) [7323] I didn't have any, I finished that one for her
Ann (PS14B) [7324] Yes
Chris (PS168) [7325] erm
Ann (PS14B) [7326] the peach one?
Chris (PS168) [7327] yes
Ann (PS14B) [7328] Er that one
Chris (PS168) [7329] I've just got the buttons to put on and I didn't have any wool and I thought what shall I start knitting, jumpers and things for school cos she starts the middle school in September
Ann (PS14B) [7330] Oh yes of course
Chris (PS168) [7331] and she'd be wanting uniform ones
Ann (PS14B) [7332] yes
Chris (PS168) [7333] but I'm not sure what colour to do yet, and I had a bit of spare, there's a girl who I work with who's pregnant, so I thought I'd just knit what wool I got
Ann (PS14B) [7334] Oh yeah
Chris (PS168) [7335] but that's in Aran and this is just a double knit but
Ann (PS14B) [7336] mm
Chris (PS168) [7337] I thought I'd knit it anyway and it should be alright just to give her a little something
Ann (PS14B) [7338] yes
Chris (PS168) [7339] it's a nice pattern innit?
[7340] I'll take the pattern cos Ann's sure to say where is it?
Ann (PS14B) [7341] [laugh] ... yes ...
Chris (PS168) [7342] Who's bringing the flowers?
Pat (PS167) [7343] Those flowers?
Margaret (PS169) [7344] They've been there [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7345] They were from Aunty Barbara and Uncle Alan for Mother's Day, yeah
Pat (PS167) [7346] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7347] they sent money to Uncle Jim and he, oops, that knitting needle nearly go in your eye, and er, he went and got them, let's see they're keeping them watered
Pat (PS167) [7348] That's right, you don't play with that, leave that where it was child
Ann (PS14B) [7349] it must leave it or you'll get noises ... they need watering
Pat (PS167) [7350] Eh?
[7351] ... Do you want some water?
Ann (PS14B) [7352] I said I'll get, I just go and put some water in
Pat (PS167) [7353] Oh for them, alright
Ann (PS14B) [7354] for this plant
Chris (PS168) [7355] Mam
Pat (PS167) [7356] What?
Ann (PS14B) [7357] It's a shame, it was an expensive one ...
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7358] I'll take it to the tap
Pat (PS167) [7359] What's that?
[7360] Where you going this afternoon?
Margaret (PS169) [7361] I dunno [...]
Pat (PS167) [7362] Ann says someone will tell us when she comes back, some are with the church cos I know there is a service on today and them ones downstairs from [...] but Ann says they're going away just later on so there's no point in going down, mm, now is there?
Margaret (PS169) [7363] No ...
Pat (PS167) [7364] So, oh Sunderland's playing this afternoon, semi-final
Ann (PS14B) [7365] There you are it's had a drink
Chris (PS168) [7366] Where's your knitting?
Ann (PS14B) [7367] My knitting, it's here
Pat (PS167) [7368] Is that Capri?
Ann (PS14B) [7369] You're going, you're going out to tea, that's where you going
Pat (PS167) [7370] But where?
Ann (PS14B) [7371] At the Methodist church ... and then
Chris (PS168) [7372] Where?
Ann (PS14B) [7373] you're going to the service
Pat (PS167) [7374] Which Methodi which church were it?
Ann (PS14B) [7375] you went out for lunch on er Tuesday, you went to Eldon Square and you had your lunch there
Pat (PS167) [7376] Ooh that reminds remind me
Ann (PS14B) [7377] you had your hair permed on ... Monday was it?
[7378] Or Wednesday
Chris (PS168) [7379] Which Methodist church?
Ann (PS14B) [7380] Morpeth Methodist
Pat (PS167) [7381] She's had it permed?
Ann (PS14B) [7382] Yeah
Chris (PS168) [7383] Look at this [...]
Pat (PS167) [7384] Ah well just cos you haven't, it has to be wet doesn't it?
[7385] You just been brush since then ah
Ann (PS14B) [7386] Yeah cos er Jim had just come on duty and she was going up in the lift with somebody and they said please can we have five pounds, your mother's just had her hair permed
Pat (PS167) [7387] Is that Capri?
[7388] No it's not [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7389] No, it's er
Pat (PS167) [7390] Capri's rough, it's horrible to knit with
Ann (PS14B) [7391] this Dorothy told me about she said get yourself up to the wool shop Ann and
Pat (PS167) [7392] It's nice that, like you say it's nice and soft
Ann (PS14B) [7393] I've got it, I've got some how, but this wool threaded through here, she said get yourself up to the wool shop at Stock Hill they've got this cotton look stuff in all colours for er fifty pence a ball
Pat (PS167) [7394] Mm ...
Ann (PS14B) [7395] so I went ...
Chris (PS168) [7396] [...] I, I went [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7397] Did you?
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7398] Er, er, Jim got erm a ticket in the sweep at work for me, but it was er, what was it?
[7399] Over the Road
Pat (PS167) [7400] Well we, er, a I can never [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7401] His didn't win either
Pat (PS167) [7402] once they've crossed [...]
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Chris (PS168) [7403] I'd have backed Durham Edition if he was racing
Ann (PS14B) [7404] Jim should have backed Party Politics shouldn't he?
Pat (PS167) [7405] Yeah the only one as
Ann (PS14B) [7406] Don't think I don't think he's actually backed one in his li I, I haven't backed one in my life
Pat (PS167) [7407] You haven't?
Ann (PS14B) [7408] I've, I've just bought erm
Pat (PS167) [7409] Oh I always did
Ann (PS14B) [7410] sweep, sweeps
Pat (PS167) [7411] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7412] yeah
Pat (PS167) [7413] yeah, that's the only thing I've, it's the only horse [...] he might not have got all the way round this time
Ann (PS14B) [7414] oh
Pat (PS167) [7415] in fact all of our horses main meeting, [...] me mother and Jim they were all up and running and if, they were front runners, you know and they were all finished and James he backed a two hundred to one shot, I says you're joking, aye it was up there with 'em mind and it finished twelfth, he said well it was a good bet
Chris (PS168) [7416] How much money is he gonna get?
Pat (PS167) [7417] He's not gonna get anything because it didn't finish in the first three ... but it was two hundred to one each way, he had two pound each way on it
Chris (PS168) [7418] So how much would he have got?
Pat (PS167) [7419] Er four hundred, four hundred, to, four hundreds if it'd won, for a place he would have get less, but he was still in it it was
Ann (PS14B) [7420] In third
Pat (PS167) [7421] that was a good bet that, two hundred to one
Ann (PS14B) [7422] Too true
Chris (PS168) [7423] Mummy is
Pat (PS167) [7424] he says he was going by the horse like
Chris (PS168) [7425] I should of brung mine mum
Pat (PS167) [7426] Where's, where, you got any knitting?
[7427] Did you give up did you?
Ann (PS14B) [7428] Did you give up on your squares?
Chris (PS168) [...]
Pat (PS167) [7429] Oh you've got your little game that's right, keep it on quiet, do it on the quieter one so we don't
Ann (PS14B) [7430] Oh have you got, can you have it louder and quieter?
Chris (PS168) [7431] Aha
Pat (PS167) [7432] She can have no, she can have it with no sound or the sound
Ann (PS14B) [7433] Oh I see
Pat (PS167) [7434] I'd rather you had it with the no sound in here [...] see if you can beat your re what's your record?
Chris (PS168) [7435] Fifteen
Pat (PS167) [7436] Right, see if you can beat that you see, but er, an hour to try and beat that
Chris (PS168) [7437] and, oh
Pat (PS167) [7438] yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7439] Well you've got less actually because they'll be getting your grandma changed
Pat (PS167) [7440] Yeah ... they're going to tea are they?
[7441] Where, where at?
Ann (PS14B) [7442] Yes they're going to Methodist church, then they're gonna that
Pat (PS167) [7443] In Morpeth?
Ann (PS14B) [7444] yes ... are you too you young to remember our [...] christening [...]
Pat (PS167) [7445] No
Ann (PS14B) [7446] that one
Pat (PS167) [7447] I know where that one is, aha
Ann (PS14B) [7448] yes ... you'll have
Pat (PS167) [7449] mm, mm
Ann (PS14B) [7450] you'll have your tea in the hall downstairs and then go into the service upstairs in the Methodist church
Margaret (PS169) [7451] Why?
Pat (PS167) [7452] What else?
Ann (PS14B) [7453] Cos you're invited ma
Pat (PS167) [7454] Yes erm, it's a day out, an afternoon out ... it's for a day out your gonna
Ann (PS14B) [7455] You like a good sing and you know all the Methodist hymns
Pat (PS167) [7456] Oh aye, be singing
Ann (PS14B) [7457] Why yes ... yes I was told you should of heard you erm on the karaoke night
Pat (PS167) [7458] Yes [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [7459] when they had all the songs you knew
Pat (PS167) [7460] you enjoyed that aye
Ann (PS14B) [7461] you were singing your head off non stop
Pat (PS167) [laugh]
Margaret (PS169) [7462] Who told a thing like that about me?
Pat (PS167) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [7463] You forget we've got spies, all the staff on this ward tell Jim exactly what you've been doing ... er, that's, that's how he knew you got your hair done, can we have five pounds, she's just had her hair permed, the day before he's just coming in and, no they sent to the ward can we have five pounds please your mum's been out for the day and she's had her lunch out ... you cost him a fortune and you say you've never been anywhere
Margaret (PS169) [7464] Well he knows where the, he knows where the money is
Ann (PS14B) [7465] He didn't get in yesterday to see you because er he's got, he was very, very busy, he's got a lot of poorly, really poorly patients at the moment
Margaret (PS169) [...]
Pat (PS167) [7466] The erm election note's up, I mean it, we were going through the local candidates through ... you know when the important dates are?
Ann (PS14B) [7467] Aha, yes
Pat (PS167) [7468] Well it's not just er Labour, Conservative,ma erm, oh what is
Ann (PS14B) [7469] The general election?
Pat (PS167) [7470] is it
Ann (PS14B) [7471] You're voting for an M P
Pat (PS167) [7472] who goes to our local is it or not?
Ann (PS14B) [7473] is yours Ronnie ? ...
Pat (PS167) [...] ...
Ann (PS14B) [7474] are you not in Ronnie 's constituency?
Pat (PS167) [7475] Oh he's Blythe isn't he?
Ann (PS14B) [7476] Are you in are you in Morpeth constituency
Pat (PS167) [7477] I don't know cos er
Ann (PS14B) [7478] or Blythe?
Pat (PS167) [7479] no idea [...] I don't take a lot
Ann (PS14B) [7480] Have you had no election addresses around?
Pat (PS167) [7481] Oh yes aye, but I haven't had time to read them yet
Ann (PS14B) [7482] Don't you know even notice the names?
Pat (PS167) [7483] No, not at the min not at the min I haven't erm, there was one shoved through just this morning and I was on the phone I just picked it up and I shoved it on the
Ann (PS14B) [7484] Teesdale you must be
Pat (PS167) [7485] Teesdale, Teesdale, I'm sure there's a Teesdale in it
Ann (PS14B) [7486] you must be in erm, you must be in Blythe constituency
Pat (PS167) [7487] Teesdale rings a bell
Ann (PS14B) [7488] because ours are Conservative is Glen and the Green is Nick, Nick is it?
[7489] The Green ... er ... the Lib Dem is Brian oh he's a horrible man
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7490] he's one of these men who stand up and talk whether they've got anything to say or not you know at at meetings
Pat (PS167) [7491] There's a lot like that
Ann (PS14B) [7492] not, not just political meetings, any kind of a meeting he gets
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7493] up and spouts, and a lot of it's a load of rubbish
Chris (PS168) [...] ...
Ann (PS14B) [7494] and he's got such a superior attitude, I feel like spitting at him ... yes, she got that yesterday
Margaret (PS169) [7495] It's pretty
Chris (PS168) [7496] I show you how to play the game
Margaret (PS169) [7497] Come on then
Chris (PS168) [7498] you make a [...]
Pat (PS167) [7499] I, I know the last time and I was reading all me pamphlets that came through ... and I thought why, you know, but a lot of them I dunno ... it's hard to know who to vote for I think
Ann (PS14B) [7500] We surely don't want any more Tories in
Pat (PS167) [7501] Well ... I don't think I've done that badly with them, you know
Ann (PS14B) [7502] What do you think's happened to the Health Service?
Pat (PS167) [7503] Mm
Ann (PS14B) [7504] Have you talked to a nurse recently?
Pat (PS167) [7505] The nurses always complain, they were badly paid
Ann (PS14B) [7506] Oh
Pat (PS167) [7507] this that and the other
Ann (PS14B) [7508] just talk to them, just so short staffed, I don't know when Jim last got off duty on time
Pat (PS167) [7509] Aye, they're short staffed
Ann (PS14B) [7510] the last time he should have finished at quarter to one he got off about half past one ... mm ...
Pat (PS167) [7511] So is that because they could [...] they won't take on any more?
Ann (PS14B) [7512] They can't, because of all the wards that are closed, because there aren't enough nurses
Pat (PS167) [7513] I'm, I'm sure there's plenty of people who want to do nursing ... and a lot would be for the erm
Ann (PS14B) [7514] They can train, there's plenty training, but when you've finished your training there's nowhere
Pat (PS167) [7515] There's no
Ann (PS14B) [7516] there's no jobs, look at erm Sunderland
Pat (PS167) [7517] Aye, they're limiting the numbers, the government are limiting the numbers
Ann (PS14B) [7518] Sunderland General out of the last thirty something that trained, two got jobs
Pat (PS167) [7519] Ah
Ann (PS14B) [7520] and they had to, I don't know where they went, but two got jobs it was in
Margaret (PS169) [7521] but it doesn't tell you what kind it is
Ann (PS14B) [7522] I read that in the
Chris (PS168) [7523] it does
Margaret (PS169) [7524] Where?
Ann (PS14B) [7525] in that free general I got
Chris (PS168) [7526] There
Ann (PS14B) [7527] or was it er
Chris (PS168) [7528] when you, when you finished the game, oh sorry
Ann (PS14B) [7529] somebody's Chronicle I borrowed for some reason
Margaret (PS169) [laugh]
Chris (PS168) [7530] when you've finished the game off
Ann (PS14B) [7531] I can't remember
Chris (PS168) [7532] if you press all them together [...]
Pat (PS167) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7533] Have you beaten your last score yet?
Chris (PS168) [...]
Pat (PS167) [7534] She had, she had got to ten [...] and as soon as she got eleven, mam I've got eleven
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Pat (PS167) [7535] mam, mam I've got twelve, I says well you don't have to tell us in the middle, wait until you've finished then, tell us how many you've got. ...
Chris (PS168) [7536] It's called
Pat (PS167) [7537] She's going away in a couple of weeks with the Brownies
Chris (PS168) [7538] it's called Tetris, it's I'll show ya
Ann (PS14B) [7539] Where you going?
Chris (PS168) [7540] I'm going to Hexham
Ann (PS14B) [7541] Very nice
Pat (PS167) [7542] Wit Wit Withams still beside it
Chris (PS168) [7543] look
Ann (PS14B) [7544] aha
Chris (PS168) [7545] the game ah, the game is called Tetris
Ann (PS14B) [7546] yes
Pat (PS167) [7547] oh, erm
Chris (PS168) [7548] and it is a Nintendo [...] Aunty Ann ...
Pat (PS167) [7549] They've got a cottage in the country just for the Brownies [...]
Chris (PS168) [7550] Aunty Ann
Margaret (PS169) [7551] Oh
Chris (PS168) [7552] a Nintendo watch
Ann (PS14B) [7553] Oh yes
Pat (PS167) [7554] so their days are full so they'll be, [cough] and the day she goes there I'm going to City Hall to see Joe Cocker that night
Ann (PS14B) [7555] Oh
Margaret (PS169) [7556] Who?
Pat (PS167) [7557] Joe Cocker
Ann (PS14B) [7558] Is it your just, just your Brownie pack?
Chris (PS168) [7559] Mm, mm
Pat (PS167) [7560] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7561] They're going, is it just one pack go at once, not ones from various
Chris (PS168) [7562] Just, just [...] one ...
Ann (PS14B) [7563] How long are you going for?
Chris (PS168) [7564] Er three days
Ann (PS14B) [7565] Mm, mm ... where you trying to go with that Zimmer?
Pat (PS167) [7566] Chris you were right about Casualty last night it was a repeat, she says to me I've seen it before, I says no you haven't
Chris (PS168) [7567] Right at the beginning
Pat (PS167) [7568] cos she said I'm sure Aunty Ann said it was a new series [...]
Chris (PS168) [7569] It wasn't a new series
Pat (PS167) [7570] No I know you were right now, cos I haven't seen it but grandma says it was new
Margaret (PS169) [7571] Who grandma?
Pat (PS167) [7572] Your grandma she said today to me
Chris (PS168) [7573] It, it, it isn't new
Ann (PS14B) [7574] I didn't see any television last night
Pat (PS167) [7575] she said it was a repeat
Ann (PS14B) [7576] I was trying to catch up on housework
Pat (PS167) [7577] aye a repeat
Chris (PS168) [7578] It wasn't a repeat oh yeah it was
Pat (PS167) [7579] she said I'm going to be sick when, so [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7580] Are you trying to impersonate a monkey or what?
Pat (PS167) [laugh]
Chris (PS168) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [7581] She's crawling round and round the bars of this Zimmer
Chris (PS168) [7582] Zimmer, is that what they're called them?
Pat (PS167) [7583] I'll get you one for Christmas, yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7584] Hmm
Chris (PS168) [7585] Aye you're not, people'll think I'm a mental case with one
Ann (PS14B) [7586] Well aren't you?
Pat (PS167) [7587] Beg your pardon?
Ann (PS14B) [7588] What makes you think you're not?
Chris (PS168) [7589] [...] that is a very nasty thing to say you know
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Chris (PS168) [7590] very nasty ...
Ann (PS14B) [7591] oh
Chris (PS168) [7592] shall
Ann (PS14B) [7593] whoops
Chris (PS168) [7594] I said erm me gran
Pat (PS167) [7595] Give us more wool a bit and me needles
Chris (PS168) [7596] grandma er said when she went to China and that she saw these bogeys on the back of bikes that they were carrying
Ann (PS14B) [7597] Mm, mm
Chris (PS168) [7598] and I said grandma how many, how many hankies did they have for you?
Ann (PS14B) [7599] Oh [laugh]
Pat (PS167) [7600] What?
[7601] How many what?
Ann (PS14B) [7602] She's making jokes
Pat (PS167) [7603] Hankies, me mam was on about the bogeys that they pull on the, back behind their bikes
Chris (PS168) [7604] And I said
Ann (PS14B) [7605] Aha
Chris (PS168) [7606] how many tissues do they have to use?
Pat (PS167) [7607] and she said how many the hankies do they use
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Pat (PS167) [7608] to cover all them bogeys
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Pat (PS167) [laugh]
Chris (PS168) [7609] Ha, ha
Pat (PS167) [7610] Clever aren't you?
Ann (PS14B) [7611] I don't know
Chris (PS168) [7612] No, I'm not
Pat (PS167) [7613] She's been the middle school, she's been for a visit to the middle school
Ann (PS14B) [7614] Oh yes
Chris (PS168) [7615] Yes and I enlarge my [...] but the trouble is it make [...] we went every day after
Pat (PS167) [7616] After dinner, it's like, it gives them a taste of what it's like they go over for odd
Chris (PS168) [7617] We do not eat the [...]
Pat (PS167) [7618] er, I'll do, you know the afternoon or a morning or something in the middle school
Chris (PS168) [7619] mum we don't eat the [...]
Pat (PS167) [7620] no, I think you
Ann (PS14B) [7621] And do you think you'll like it?
Chris (PS168) [7622] Dunno
Ann (PS14B) [7623] I'm sure you will
Pat (PS167) [7624] Cos she starts the middle school in September, it's just the sort of running in
Chris (PS168) [...]
Pat (PS167) [7625] you know they take them for a little visit so they get used to the school before they go, which is a good idea, I mean we were just thrown in
Ann (PS14B) [7626] Aye, we was, yeah
Pat (PS167) [7627] and you're frightened of the school and you don't know where you are and you don't, the, the older students and that
Ann (PS14B) [7628] mm
Pat (PS167) [7629] I says to our [...]
Chris (PS168) [...]
Pat (PS167) [7630] Fred
Ann (PS14B) [7631] Fred
Chris (PS168) [7632] urgh Fred urgh
Pat (PS167) [7633] I don't, the headmaster at the [...] middle school [...]
Chris (PS168) [7634] She's horrible
Pat (PS167) [7635] Ee what did you say to me?
Ann (PS14B) [7636] No [...]
Pat (PS167) [7637] I said did you meet Mr she says oh yes he's [...]
Ann (PS14B) [laugh] ...
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7638] Were schools smaller when you were at school though?
Pat (PS167) [7639] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7640] It was certainly, the grammar school
Chris (PS168) [7641] They were talking, talking [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7642] I went to only had er ... there was about between twenty five and thirty in each year and there was only form for each year so I say
Pat (PS167) [7643] Oh they were bigger the classes are bigger now
Ann (PS14B) [7644] say there were a hundred and say, say there were thirty in a class, five forms is a hundred and fifty
Pat (PS167) [7645] There were a lot bigger than that, when I was at school
Ann (PS14B) [7646] and er
Chris (PS168) [...]
Pat (PS167) [7647] Chris
Ann (PS14B) [7648] there was about twenty ... yeah ...
Pat (PS167) [7649] there was thirty, forty in the class when
Ann (PS14B) [7650] there was two two hundred at the most and that covered fourteen small towns and small villages and mind some of them were very small villages
Pat (PS167) [7651] Oh no, we had a [...] mind [...] were big classes
Ann (PS14B) [7652] came from quite a wide area ... way up in the hills ... Airedale and all that area, at the foot of the Cleveland hills
Pat (PS167) [7653] Well the high schools now they take them from all over don't they?
[7654] Cos they just have one [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7655] I think there's thirteen hundred at the high school in Morpeth, well yes they come from Rothbury
Pat (PS167) [7656] Mm
Ann (PS14B) [7657] in fact there was one boy Les, Les ... actually lived fifty seven miles from the school ... he lived er, what was his address?
[7658] Something, his father was a shepherd, his mother actually did bed and breakfast, she was on television about five years ago, she'd actually got electricity [laughing] I think it was []
Pat (PS167) [7659] Oh
Ann (PS14B) [7660] erm both he, he became a shepherd when he left school as well, erm something
Pat (PS167) [7661] Look will you leave it?
Ann (PS14B) [7662] was Pennine Way was his address
Chris (PS168) [...]
Pat (PS167) [7663] That's why I move you so you wouldn't [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7664] but, he actually lodged in Rothbury well that was fifteen miles to come each day
Pat (PS167) [7665] What when he was at school?
Ann (PS14B) [7666] When he was at school, but he used to go home for the Christmas holidays and nobody saw him again till about March cos he was, he couldn't even get to Rothbury he was snowed in.
Pat (PS167) [7667] It doesn't seem very
Ann (PS14B) [7668] It would of just, it would have been, if he hadn't been that he, you know that he had to go to a school in Northumberland, he was just as near
Chris (PS168) [7669] I think I am [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7670] or possibly nearer to Scottish ... well he went home at weekends
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7671] It's, it's just the same as the kids from er, say erm ...
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7672] that's you she's talking to mum
Margaret (PS169) [7673] I know that just looking
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Margaret (PS169) [7674] what you got there?
Chris (PS168) [7675] A green dress
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [7676] It's green
Margaret (PS169) [7677] Hmm
Pat (PS167) [7678] I can see black
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [7679] it's a navy
Margaret (PS169) [7680] cardy
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [7681] cardy
Margaret (PS169) [7682] Oh
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [7683] that's what I wanna put on you after
Ann (PS14B) [7684] That's the cardigan we bought you for Christmas
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [7685] right
Ann (PS14B) [7686] it's a jacket cardigan
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [7687] that's the one you bought [...]
Chris (PS168) [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [7688] see you've missed your mouth
Ann (PS14B) [7689] [laugh] ... You need a bib mother
Pat (PS167) [7690] Did you not have any bother with the rains through the week at your place [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [7691] Margaret'll come back and change you later before we go to the tea party
Margaret (PS169) [7692] Where's the tea party?
Ann (PS14B) [7693] At the Methodist church
Pat (PS167) [7694] Methodist church
Margaret (PS169) [7695] Oh
Ann (PS14B) [7696] the mad hatters tea party
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [7697] So I'm gonna have a clean dress on
Margaret (PS169) [7698] Maybe
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [7699] ah, no you are
Pat (PS167) [7700] This what you looking for?
Ann (PS14B) [7701] You can't, you can't go with that one you spilt your dinner down
Pat (PS167) [7702] Oh I've bought her sweets, I bought them last week and I forgot to leave them
Chris (PS168) [7703] Mum can I have one?
Pat (PS167) [7704] Yes I'm sure she'll let you have one
Ann (PS14B) [7705] That's her excuse
Pat (PS167) [7706] I think I've got them in ...
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7707] Oh I will have one please, thank you
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7708] I always end up with a dry throat in here with all this heat
Pat (PS167) [7709] Well they're good for dry throats aren't they?
Ann (PS14B) [7710] Mm ...
Chris (PS168) [7711] Can I have one please
Pat (PS167) [7712] Yes
Chris (PS168) [7713] seeing as give me one, what's that? ...
Ann (PS14B) [7714] It's just me paper I'm marking me rose on
Pat (PS167) [7715] She wants a sweet
Ann (PS14B) [7716] Here have a sweet they're there beside her
Chris (PS168) [7717] [...] what is it?
Ann (PS14B) [7718] It's a pad Uncle Jim gave me
Chris (PS168) [7719] What is that supposed to do?
Ann (PS14B) [7720] That's supposed to be a picture of your intestines, that's your stomach ... that's your duodenum
Margaret (PS169) [7721] Everybody alright?
Pat (PS167) [7722] Yes, we're alright as we'll ever be
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7723] that's your
Pat (PS167) [7724] When Jim and me mum sitting watching the football
Ann (PS14B) [7725] that's your large intestine that's your small intestine
Pat (PS167) [7726] oh we can watch the football I don't know what er Sunderland's on this afternoon, semi final of the cup
Ann (PS14B) [7727] Doesn't look very nice does it?
Pat (PS167) [7728] says to Jim what if they get through do you know what [...] for Wembley
Chris (PS168) [7729] Is it [...] ?
Pat (PS167) [7730] to go and see them
Ann (PS14B) [7731] mm, mm
Pat (PS167) [7732] he says I've been to Wembley
Ann (PS14B) [7733] on the on the wrong side
Pat (PS167) [7734] I says I know, you haven't been to see your team here, he says right once you've been to Wembley the second time's never as good it's just that
Chris (PS168) [7735] Mum you've moved me
Pat (PS167) [7736] I know because you, you were thumping me knee, I cannot knit with you close to us man
Ann (PS14B) [7737] Why don't you move this Zimmer and sit on the seat? ...
Chris (PS168) [7738] What you doing?
Ann (PS14B) [7739] And tell me what you've been doing all the week ...
Chris (PS168) [7740] Well
Ann (PS14B) [7741] Have you done anything exciting?
Chris (PS168) [7742] [laugh] No
Pat (PS167) [7743] Well is that the way to have the chair?
Ann (PS14B) [7744] No, I'll tell you how far the rain affected us personally, you know the, well the antique shop at the end of our road
Pat (PS167) [7745] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7746] you know there are steps go up it
Pat (PS167) [7747] aha
Ann (PS14B) [7748] behind it
Pat (PS167) [7749] yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7750] well they go up at the side of it and down behind it
Pat (PS167) [7751] Down to the river?
Ann (PS14B) [7752] down and there's a path goes along and it comes, it goes under the road bridge and it comes out at the foot bridge and it runs next to it
Chris (PS168) [7753] Aha
Ann (PS14B) [7754] the water got up to the second step from the top, but, when, instead of turning right into my road if you'd keep straight on
Chris (PS168) [7755] aha
Ann (PS14B) [7756] and go along the river, you know where the flood wall is?
Chris (PS168) [7757] yeah
Pat (PS167) [7758] Mm
Ann (PS14B) [7759] that's called Bennetts Walk, Bennetts Walk was all flooded, that was closed off
Pat (PS167) [7760] mm
Ann (PS14B) [7761] but that wasn't with flood water coming over, that was because it was coming up the drains, cos it couldn't drain into the river
Pat (PS167) [7762] ah, aha
Ann (PS14B) [7763] so those houses were all sandbagged, but it, it got into some, the problem was that the, the road closed sign kept blowing down in the wind, I tried to stand it up but it was oh so heavy, I got it up, but it, it immediately blew down again, and
Pat (PS167) [7764] Well we went down
Ann (PS14B) [7765] people couldn't see that it was water there
Pat (PS167) [7766] Oh
Ann (PS14B) [7767] sort of going just a short way along and having to reverse back out again
Chris (PS168) [7768] I tell you how bad our one was, it was all over the road, this, the, the river line
Ann (PS14B) [7769] mm
Pat (PS167) [7770] at [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7771] from the
Pat (PS167) [7772] [...] goes up
Ann (PS14B) [7773] some, er when one of the
Pat (PS167) [7774] where the court is, where you used to play tennis
Ann (PS14B) [7775] when the father of one of the children came
Pat (PS167) [7776] it was right [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7777] he said [...] has flooded
Pat (PS167) [7778] oh
Ann (PS14B) [7779] yeah
Pat (PS167) [7780] and there's a house there, I think it's a farm on the corner and they, they always get it I mean
Margaret (PS169) [7781] When was this?
Pat (PS167) [7782] Last week with the rains
Ann (PS14B) [7783] Thur er Wednesday and Thursday ... the children I have before and after school at Goose Hill School, you know the one, the one near me, just the bottom of the road on the corner, that's had to be closed on Thursday because the boiler room had flooded on Wednesday and er they had to dry it out ... and also the children from Newminster were told anyone living in the Middle Queens area go home
Pat (PS167) [7784] And they closed that er school did they not?
[7785] I thought they sent them home cos the rains in
Ann (PS14B) [7786] They must send them home at erm they must of sent them home about quarter to three, because they got home at quarter past
Pat (PS167) [7787] I remember somebody came in at the shop and says the Newminster School had been sent home, but where, which school's that?
[7788] Is that the one round, down the bottom of your lane?
Ann (PS14B) [7789] No Newminster is the one along Midford road the one in the same grounds at Chantry
Pat (PS167) [7790] Oh
Ann (PS14B) [7791] if you were going
Pat (PS167) [7792] Chantry school?
Ann (PS14B) [7793] Yes
Pat (PS167) [7794] Oh, that's right up behind me
Ann (PS14B) [7795] Yes, well, they, they, they thought it
Pat (PS167) [7796] oh I [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7797] yeah, the, the, the erm, they share the same school gate
Pat (PS167) [7798] Aye
Ann (PS14B) [7799] you go up along drive in and Newminster is on your left and Chantry is on your right, at, but I should imagine erm ... I should imagine that quite a lot of Chantry School children would be sent home because they're for the children outside of Morpeth, you know they go there from [...]
Pat (PS167) [7800] yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7801] and er, where else? ...
Pat (PS167) [7802] Midford
Ann (PS14B) [7803] Do they go there from Nether Witham?
[7804] Yes they'll go there from Midford ... and of course the water was well, well up
Pat (PS167) [7805] yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7806] into the gardens, the back gardens of the houses in Midford Road
Pat (PS167) [7807] Ooh it was a sight
Ann (PS14B) [7808] and the greenhouses
Pat (PS167) [7809] the trees were racing down the river, the river was running oh they were huge, then of course when it subsides you've got a build up of trees, that's left, you know left on the, where they've blocked
Ann (PS14B) [7810] There's a big tree was wedged on er, I don't know if it's still there on Friday, I took a trip up to see it
Pat (PS167) [7811] See if there's bodies if there's any bodies down there, they'll be lifting
Ann (PS14B) [7812] Oh heck erm under the er
Chris (PS168) [...]
Pat (PS167) [7813] She said heck, she's got a swear box in our house
Chris (PS168) [...]
Pat (PS167) [7814] I put ten pence in the other day
Ann (PS14B) [7815] [laugh] Under the er old gate bridge
Pat (PS167) [7816] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7817] the [...] was flooded and the house
Pat (PS167) [7818] which one's the old gate bridge?
[7819] Is that the one from the Joiners?
Ann (PS14B) [7820] No ... the one from the Joiners that footbridge
Pat (PS167) [7821] Cos we walked other day [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7822] that was closed off on er
Pat (PS167) [7823] there was one in the paper, there was a picture of it in the paper, and it, I'm sure, it did say the old gate bridge, I'm sure and it was nearly owt it was going over the bridge
Ann (PS14B) [7824] you know where the clock you know where the clock tower is?
[7825] ... Go past the clock tower
Pat (PS167) [7826] mm
Ann (PS14B) [7827] and that's the old gate bridge, that nice big stone one, the newest one
Pat (PS167) [7828] you go over the clubs on the other side we used to go up
Ann (PS14B) [7829] you go over to the club
Pat (PS167) [7830] the bank there, where you used to
Ann (PS14B) [7831] that's right
Pat (PS167) [7832] that's the one that's, was right over the top of that
Ann (PS14B) [7833] Yes
Chris (PS168) [7834] Yeah, you know in those house [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7835] and it was it was over the footbridge you know when you go into Morpeth instead of turning
Chris (PS168) [7836] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7837] right to go into [...] go into Goose Hill
Chris (PS168) [7838] oh yeah, aha
Ann (PS14B) [7839] to come to my house, when you go over that bridge there's one further over on the left just a footbridge from the Joiners
Chris (PS168) [7840] yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7841] through to Chantry Place
Chris (PS168) [7842] mm, mm
Ann (PS14B) [7843] that bridge was closed off ... it was up to there
Pat (PS167) [7844] [...] bridge from the Joiners?
Ann (PS14B) [7845] Yes, that was closed off
Pat (PS167) [7846] That might of been the one that was
Ann (PS14B) [7847] I don't know if the I didn't see the water over it because we went, Jim and I went out at about erm ten o'clock
Pat (PS167) [7848] that's quite a drop you know, because it's quite a long way down
Ann (PS14B) [7849] It's a heck of a way down
Pat (PS167) [7850] it's a hell of a lot of water
Ann (PS14B) [7851] that's right, with
Chris (PS168) [7852] Aunty Ann did you see Noel's House Party at the end when erm
Ann (PS14B) [7853] I don't watch it pet, and er, when was it Wednesday night?
Pat (PS167) [7854] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7855] And ... we went, because it, it'd been at five o'clock you see, it'd been up to the second, that was when it was up to the second step
Pat (PS167) [7856] step
Ann (PS14B) [7857] behind the antique shop, and we went along and had a look and at ten o'clock it had dropped right down to the second step from the bottom roughly
Chris (PS168) [7858] [singing] Mama just killed a man put a gun against his head, pulled
Pat (PS167) [7859] aye
Ann (PS14B) [7860] mind it was gonna be a high tide at one o'clock in the morning
Chris (PS168) [7861] his trigger now he's dead []
Ann (PS14B) [7862] but it would still of had to risen
Chris (PS168) [7863] Grandma
Ann (PS14B) [7864] a heck of a lot to get
Pat (PS167) [7865] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7866] to that level
Pat (PS167) [7867] it takes a lot of water to do that mind
Ann (PS14B) [7868] Oh it does
Pat (PS167) [7869] don't have [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7870] Well you know where the weir is in the park?
Pat (PS167) [7871] Yes
Ann (PS14B) [7872] that's quite a drop down [...]
Pat (PS167) [7873] yes
Ann (PS14B) [7874] well there was no weir er there, it was just, it was above that
Pat (PS167) [7875] aye
Ann (PS14B) [7876] so you know it was just flowing along smoothly, you couldn't see that there was a wi er weir there
Pat (PS167) [7877] Have a nice journey won't you mum
Ann (PS14B) [7878] and the bridge near the baths the Elliott bridge
Pat (PS167) [7879] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [7880] that was closed off ...
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7881] I think it was probably the other day because erm the wa the ducks were swimming on the road at er six o'clock [laugh] just on the road near the baths
Pat (PS167) [7882] Ah
Chris (PS168) [7883] Here are Aunty Ann
Ann (PS14B) [7884] and all the new wood chippings that they'd put er
Pat (PS167) [7885] I'd hate to live that close to, to the river
Ann (PS14B) [7886] Oh so would I
Chris (PS168) [7887] Aunty Ann
Pat (PS167) [7888] I mean
Ann (PS14B) [7889] mm, mm
Chris (PS168) [7890] erm you not, guess what er a, a horse's favourite television programme are, is?
Ann (PS14B) [7891] What is a horse's favourite television programme?
[7892] What is a horse's favourite television programme?
Chris (PS168) [7893] Neighbours.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Chris (PS168) [7894] What is
Ann (PS14B) [7895] Neighbours, mm sounds more like a sheep than a horse, neighbours
Chris (PS168) [7896] What, what is a pig's most favourite thing?
Ann (PS14B) [7897] What is a pig's most favourite thing?
Chris (PS168) [7898] Honk er, honking
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Chris (PS168) [7899] honking
Ann (PS14B) [7900] Oh
Pat (PS167) [7901] Where'd did you get them from?
Chris (PS168) [7902] [...] and
Ann (PS14B) [7903] I don't know I think she's got a joke book have you?
Chris (PS168) [7904] and what is
Pat (PS167) [7905] Chris picks up these things from school
Chris (PS168) [7906] what is
Pat (PS167) [7907] keep them clean please
Chris (PS168) [7908] what is a cow's
Pat (PS167) [7909] Let me see your teeth, you haven't cleaned them in two days
Chris (PS168) [7910] what is a, what
Ann (PS14B) [7911] Disgraceful
Chris (PS168) [7912] mm, what is
Pat (PS167) [7913] Oh she's just had a
Ann (PS14B) [7914] they'll drop out
Pat (PS167) [7915] yellow sweet there
Ann (PS14B) [7916] She has, she's just eaten a yellow sweet, her tongue's all yellow
Chris (PS168) [7917] what is a
Pat (PS167) [7918] teeth are yellow
Chris (PS168) [7919] what is a cow's favourite erm meal?
Ann (PS14B) [7920] What is a cows favourite meal?
Chris (PS168) [7921] Mousse
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Pat (PS167) [7922] What?
Ann (PS14B) [7923] Mousse
Chris (PS168) [7924] mousse ... [singing] and the glory all []
Ann (PS14B) [cough]
Chris (PS168) [7925] you see I'm doing an [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7926] Oh, it's getting hotter in here
Chris (PS168) [7927] Oh it's getting hotter in here
Pat (PS167) [7928] And the window is open
Ann (PS14B) [7929] I know
Chris (PS168) [7930] the window's open, I know ...
Pat (PS167) [7931] What time does Jim finish then?
Chris (PS168) [7932] What time does Jim finish then?
Ann (PS14B) [7933] Well he should finish at nine
Chris (PS168) [7934] Jim should finish at nine
Pat (PS167) [7935] Has he been in all day?
Chris (PS168) [7936] Has he been in all day?
Ann (PS14B) [7937] No he star
Pat (PS167) [7938] Don't do it
Ann (PS14B) [7939] Parrot
Chris (PS168) [7940] Parrot
Ann (PS14B) [7941] he started at one
Chris (PS168) [7942] he started at one
Ann (PS14B) [7943] he went out at quarter to
Chris (PS168) [7944] he went out at quarter to
Ann (PS14B) [7945] he started at one
Chris (PS168) [7946] he started at one
Ann (PS14B) [7947] he should finish at nine or is it, or is it five to nine, I think it's officially five to nine, not that he ever does
Chris (PS168) [7948] not that he ever does
Pat (PS167) [7949] I don't know how he finds time for his politics
Chris (PS168) [7950] I don't know how he finds time for his politics
Pat (PS167) [7951] let alone anything else
Chris (PS168) [7952] let alone anything else
Ann (PS14B) [7953] Well
Pat (PS167) [7954] I think I'm gonna put a zip on your mouth
Ann (PS14B) [7955] there are
Chris (PS168) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [7956] occasions when er I want to discuss something seriously
Pat (PS167) [7957] There is
Ann (PS14B) [7958] with him, I [laughing] I sarcastically make an appointment [] [laugh]
Chris (PS168) [7959] Sarcastically make an appointment, what does that mean?
Ann (PS14B) [7960] There was once years and years ago, [laugh] he came in one night and I gave him these three pieces of [laughing] paper [] and er ... what was it?
[7961] He said what's this?
[7962] I said it's an application in triplicate [laugh] I'm go I'd erm, I forgotten what it was I was going to buy and I said I wanted to discuss this with you and when we can go and get it [laugh]
Chris (PS168) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [7963] I think I probably decided what it was more or less, but er ... he got quite stroppy [laugh]
Chris (PS168) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [7964] Ann can be funny sometimes, I can take a joke can't I?
[7965] I thought it was quite a good joke myself
Pat (PS167) [7966] Yeah ...
Chris (PS168) [7967] Aunty Ann
Ann (PS14B) [7968] Yes dear ... anyway the rest of them
Chris (PS168) [7969] Aunty Ann
Ann (PS14B) [7970] have gone to Belfast by the way
Chris (PS168) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [7971] I didn't see last Sunday did I?
[7972] Cos we came in the morning
Pat (PS167) [7973] Who's gone?
[7974] Oh Gareth hasn't gone
Chris (PS168) [7975] [singing] Neighbours
Ann (PS14B) [7976] No
Chris (PS168) [7977] everybody needs good neighbours
Ann (PS14B) [7978] Shirley said she wouldn't believe he wasn't going until he didn't go and all the rest of them had gone
Chris (PS168) [7979] with a little understanding []
Pat (PS167) [7980] Did you see that about Simon Weston
Chris (PS168) [...]
Pat (PS167) [7981] the Falklands through the week?
Chris (PS168) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [7982] No but I watched, I watched the programme on erm training the Paras
Pat (PS167) [7983] Yes, oh we saw that
Ann (PS14B) [7984] Oh it sickens you doesn't it?
Chris (PS168) [7985] All the swearing
Pat (PS167) [7986] She's, yeah, this is where you know
Ann (PS14B) [7987] Oh yes swear at them
Chris (PS168) [7988] [...] beep, beep
Pat (PS167) [7989] hey, hey, hey, hey
Ann (PS14B) [7990] there's no doubt about that they swear at him
Chris (PS168) [7991] where you beep up there
Ann (PS14B) [7992] I can remember when Gareth did his initial Para training, even though that, that they wear vest and a T-shirt and one of those thick army shirts
Pat (PS167) [7993] Mm, mm
Chris (PS168) [7994] Aha
Ann (PS14B) [7995] and erm, you know that the erm padded er what do they call it?
[7996] You know the camouflage jacket, what did he call it?
Pat (PS167) [7997] Erm
Ann (PS14B) [7998] Can't remember, anyway that
Pat (PS167) [7999] oh I know what you mean
Ann (PS14B) [8000] even though they had that on, with having to march and run, and he were doing these fifteen miles half, well sort of jogging and running and with the forty

21 (Tape 070001)

Ann (PS14B) [8001] Will you get me the key then please?
[8002] ... Have you got everything Richard?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [8003] Yes
Ann (PS14B) [8004] Have you Amy?
Amy (PS14E) [8005] Yes
Ann (PS14B) [8006] Right.
[8007] Matthew, have you, have you anything else?
[8008] ... Right, are we ready?
[8009] What am I standing on?
[8010] Will you prop it up please?
[8011] ... Oh I forgot it's bin day I'll have to hurry back from school.
[8012] ... Right, troops forward march!
[8013] Put the key in me pocket.
Matthew (PS14F) [8014] Rebecca's the colonel.
Ann (PS14B) [8015] Rebecca's the colonel?
Matthew (PS14F) [8016] Yes
Ann (PS14B) [8017] Right colonel!
[8018] Open the door please. ...
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [8019] Ann!
Ann (PS14B) [8020] Yes
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8021] Mm ... I had to go back it suddenly occurred to me I've got the back door key but it might still have been bolted.
[8022] I didn't know if ... Jim had bolted it when he went to work cos he went out before I got up.
Rebecca (PS14D) [8023] We caught a cat in your garden.
Ann (PS14B) [8024] Hello
Rebecca (PS14D) [8025] A ginger and white one.
Ann (PS14B) [8026] A ginger and white one?
Rebecca (PS14D) [8027] Yeah.
[8028] He had [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8029] Oh
Rebecca (PS14D) [8030] We used to have one that was ginger and white.
Ann (PS14B) [8031] Did you?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [8032] Yeah.
[8033] She's the oldest
Ann (PS14B) [8034] Right.
[8035] Left, right hup, two, three.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [8036] What are you?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [8037] You're the sergeant.
Ann (PS14B) [8038] Hi Louise
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [8039] You're the sergeant.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [8040] I'm the sergeant?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [8041] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [8042] Let's catch up with Louise.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [8043] You're the colonel, you're the lieutenant and I'm the sergeant.
Ann (PS14B) [8044] There's four of you what's the other one?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [8045] I don't know.
Louise (PS18D) [8046] You alright Ann?
Ann (PS14B) [8047] Yes thank you.
[8048] Are you?
Louise (PS18D) [8049] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8050] Good.
Louise (PS18D) [8051] Is that your shopping list you're writing ... writing on the move?
Ann (PS14B) [8052] Er ... yep ... and what have you got to say this morning Erin?
Erin (PS16F) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [8053] Nothing? [laugh]
Erin (PS16F) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [8054] Is that all?
Erin (PS16F) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [8055] Is Christopher awake?
Louise (PS18D) [8056] Oh yes.
Erin (PS16F) [8057] He's got to take [...] right off.
Ann (PS14B) [8058] He's got what?
Erin (PS16F) [8059] He's got to take [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8060] Oh, yeah ... oh keep together everyone ... I'm the colonel.
[8061] I'm the commander-in-chief.
[8062] ... Haven't we got a lance corporal?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [8063] No
Ann (PS14B) [8064] My son's a lance corporal.
[8065] ... Oh quickly, there's a car coming!
[8066] ... Oh ... They tell me it's er ... open day on Wednesday?
Louise (PS18D) [8067] Wednesday
Ann (PS14B) [8068] I didn't know.
[8069] But
Louise (PS18D) [8070] yeah
Ann (PS14B) [8071] you know I haven't er had I had letters about it?
Louise (PS18D) [8072] Yes, a yellow letter.
Ann (PS14B) [8073] Oh, I mustn't have read it.
[8074] They usually show me the letters in case
Louise (PS18D) [8075] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [8076] it's something to do with me.
[8077] So they want collecting early?
Louise (PS18D) [8078] More than likely.
Ann (PS14B) [8079] Well none of the parents ... ouch!
[8080] Broken a nail.
Louise (PS18D) [8081] Go forward Erin.
Ann (PS14B) [8082] None of them are, be going during school hours so I'll get them out half an hour or three quarters of an hour early or so.
Louise (PS18D) [8083] Aha.
Ann (PS14B) [8084] Oh
Louise (PS18D) [8085] Had a rush?
Ann (PS14B) [8086] I've been up since half past seven.
Louise (PS18D) [8087] She's as slow as a broken down snail.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Louise (PS18D) [8088] She drives me batty.
Ann (PS14B) [8089] I've never heard that one [laughing] a broken down snail.
[8090] I like that
Louise (PS18D) [8091] She is!
Ann (PS14B) [8092] that appeals to me.
[8093] I shall use that [] .
Louise (PS18D) [8094] She drives me batty.
[8095] I mean she was upstairs three quarters of an hour and when she came to the top of the stairs she still just had her vest and knickers on.
[8096] I said hurry up!
Matthew (PS14F) [8097] Bye Ann!
Ann (PS14B) [8098] Bye Matthew, are you
Rebecca (PS14D) [8099] Bye Ann!
Ann (PS14B) [8100] Oh yes, you're not in my house.
Rebecca (PS14D) [8101] Bye Ann!
Louise (PS18D) [8102] Bye children!
Ann (PS14B) [8103] Bye Rebecca!
Louise (PS18D) [8104] Bye Rebecca!
Ann (PS14B) [8105] Bye bye Rebecca, bye Amy, bye Matthew, bye Richard ... I've got a load of videos in here the triplets left on Friday.
Louise (PS18D) [8106] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [8107] Although I don't think Trevor would of wanted to carry them cos he was pushing them up.
[8108] Dorothy had to go up to Scotland.
Louise (PS18D) [8109] Oh I see.
Ann (PS14B) [8110] [...] oh has Kathy had her hair done?
Louise (PS18D) [8111] Oh yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8112] Oh!
Louise (PS18D) [8113] Morning
Ann (PS14B) [8114] Good.
[8115] Very smart.
Kathy (PS16G) [8116] I finished, I finished my hair [...] [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [8117] You've finished your decorating?
Kathy (PS16G) [8118] Yes at
Ann (PS14B) [8119] Oh
Kathy (PS16G) [8120] last [...] I got moved back in last night.
[8121] Ooh carry please, ooh carry please [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8122] Who is it?
Kathy (PS16G) [8123] I dunno.
[8124] Sorry Adam, don't know who that one is.
Ann (PS14B) [8125] So will you see Lorraine then?
Kathy (PS16G) [8126] I don't know.
[8127] Does she pick Paul up tonight [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8128] I don't know.
[8129] If she doesn't, if we don't see her I'll ring her.
Kathy (PS16G) [8130] Right.
[8131] Right you are.
[8132] I'll
Ann (PS14B) [8133] Right.
Kathy (PS16G) [8134] be going anyway.
Ann (PS14B) [8135] I'd better get over the road [...]
Kathy (PS16G) [8136] Right then.
Ann (PS14B) [8137] I'm not sure if I'm seeing Martin or, over or not cos Dorothy's got her mother staying with her.
Kathy (PS16G) [8138] You can't remember?
Ann (PS14B) [8139] Yeah
Kathy (PS16G) [8140] That's the one that was [...] at the gymnastics.
[8141] Got the coat on.
[8142] You know her, I can't think of her name.
[8143] ... What's this?
[8144] A mystery.
[8145] Oh is this the thing we went round the door with?

22 (Tape 070002)

Ann (PS14B) [8146] Oh!
[8147] Where's your mum?
Martin (PS16H) [8148] [...] parked over there.
Ann (PS14B) [8149] Alright, I've gotta go and see her.
[8150] Right pet.
[8151] Your Granny Iris get here?
Martin (PS16H) [8152] Yeah she doesn't come here [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8153] No but she, she came, she's come to stay with you.
Martin (PS16H) [8154] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8155] Yes, alright pet.
[8156] ... See you ... Bye!
[8157] Whoops!

23 (Tape 070003)

Ann (PS14B) [8158] Oh!
[8159] Yes please.
[8160] I've got a pile of stuff in here anyway for you.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8161] Have you?
[8162] Who's that from?
Ann (PS14B) [8163] The videos, your children's videos
Dorothy (PS14L) [8164] Ah right.
Ann (PS14B) [8165] and er what else, oh and the Goldilocks book he didn't take home.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8166] Right
Ann (PS14B) [8167] I found that yesterday in the erm ... doll's pram.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8168] I was gonna ask a favour, if you don't mind for tonight.
Ann (PS14B) [8169] Yeah?
Dorothy (PS14L) [8170] Would you mind having the boys for about half an hour because I would like to get Bryony's hair cut.
[8171] I want about three or four inches off the bottom
Ann (PS14B) [8172] Mhm
Dorothy (PS14L) [8173] and I think she's gonna have an absolute screaming fit.
Ann (PS14B) [8174] [laugh] Where're you taking her?
Dorothy (PS14L) [8175] Probably to the one at Staffhill if I could have an, if I can get an appointment booked.
Ann (PS14B) [8176] Yeah
Dorothy (PS14L) [8177] It's just that, well you can imagine what she's gonna be like.
[8178] But she screams so much when she gets her hair cut and she won't have
Ann (PS14B) [8179] I know.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8180] it tied back.
[8181] So even though I'd like
Ann (PS14B) [8182] I still haven't given, that's reminded me seeing Shona there, I, I don't think I've given her that pair of trousers and the sweatshirt and I told her that I've got them.
[8183] I must look for them.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8184] Right, so that'd be lovely if you don't mind having them after school.
Ann (PS14B) [8185] Right, I'll get you these er
Dorothy (PS14L) [8186] Oh I'll pick them up [...] if you like, cos I'm gonna go and see if I can get my shoes [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8187] Alright, well I'll, I'll give you them now cos they're here in the car.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8188] Oh right!
Ann (PS14B) [8189] I've got I've got them with me.
[8190] That's erm the card with teddy bears on that Bryony wanted that she kept me
Dorothy (PS14L) [8191] Oh right last night.
Ann (PS14B) [8192] she kept meaning to take home and kept forgetting.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8193] [...] isn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [8194] It is, yes.
[8195] Oh she loved it.
[8196] She carried it all around on er Tuesday.
[8197] Right, there are your videos.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8198] Right, thanks.
[8199] The children have been difficult this weekend I don't know what's a matter with them, I think they're just
Ann (PS14B) [8200] Well, the er th they seem to ... Richard seemed to cry a bit more or a bit easier, you know, if he bumped himself and Bryony, and I think it was, well Bryony it seemed to be a heavy cold that was making her feel miserable.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8201] Yes
Ann (PS14B) [8202] And I think maybe it was with all of them.
[8203] They were just slightly under the weather.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8204] And Martin has taught them to say you stupid zombie.
Ann (PS14B) [8205] Oh great!
[8206] Oh great! [laugh]
Dorothy (PS14L) [8207] I know, that's I'm really pleased about that.
Ann (PS14B) [8208] Oh dear!
Dorothy (PS14L) [8209] So James is going around calling everybody a stupid zombie.
Ann (PS14B) [8210] Oh well, it makes a change from a [laughing] stupid idiot []
Dorothy (PS14L) [8211] I know.
[8212] It's gonna be wonderful at nursery if he goes straight up to his teacher again.
Ann (PS14B) [8213] Oh.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8214] Oh heck.
Ann (PS14B) [8215] Again?
[8216] Why?
Dorothy (PS14L) [8217] You know when she told him to close the cupboard?
Ann (PS14B) [8218] No.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8219] At nursery?
Ann (PS14B) [8220] No.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8221] She was, he was going in her cupboard, Mrs I gather he said you stupid idiot to her. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [8222] Oh dear!
[8223] Oh what a start on your first visit
Dorothy (PS14L) [8224] I know
Ann (PS14B) [8225] or [laughing] a good impression [] .
Dorothy (PS14L) [8226] I know.
[8227] I think that's part of the reason why she said you've got your hands [laughing] full [] .
Ann (PS14B) [8228] I heard her say you've got your hands full but I didn't know why.
[8229] Oh, hey.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8230] And then with Richard having the screaming fits when it was time to go home.
Ann (PS14B) [8231] Ah but that, that
Dorothy (PS14L) [8232] Very reluctant.
Ann (PS14B) [8233] that was a good sign wasn't it?
[8234] He was screaming because he had to go [laughing] home [] .
Dorothy (PS14L) [8235] Yeah but none of the them would sit down or anything like that so you know
Ann (PS14B) [8236] Yeah, oh, no
Dorothy (PS14L) [8237] I think she's got quite a [laughing] [...] [] .
[8238] Well I mean that's what children are like.
Ann (PS14B) [8239] Well ... none of the others looked as young as them did they?
Dorothy (PS14L) [8240] No, they're not.
[8241] I mean they're not even three, yet they're going to be the absolute youngest.
[8242] Joe who started, you know Debbie who's
Ann (PS14B) [8243] Yes
Dorothy (PS14L) [8244] got three boys?
Ann (PS14B) [8245] Yes
Dorothy (PS14L) [8246] Joe was er three at the beginning of February.
[8247] Well at that age a few months makes a difference.
Ann (PS14B) [8248] It does yes.
[8249] Oh, how's your mother?
Dorothy (PS14L) [8250] Alright, she's er quite [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8251] She hasn't driven yo you round the bend yet?
Dorothy (PS14L) [8252] [...] squawking at each other because the kids have been so diabolical!
[8253] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [8254] Oh dear.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8255] So I think she's got quite an impression of Trevor now.
[8256] I keep saying to her they're not normally like this.
Ann (PS14B) [8257] Well they're not.
[8258] ... But if they're not feeling quite well what can you expect?
Dorothy (PS14L) [8259] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [8260] I mean what do you feel like when you're not quite well?
[8261] Aren't you short-tempered and whatever?
Dorothy (PS14L) [8262] Mm [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [8263] Oh I've undone me belt.
[8264] Right then, I'll see you
Dorothy (PS14L) [8265] Do you want me to, have you got everything that you need to give me?
[8266] Yes, you have
Ann (PS14B) [8267] Yes
Dorothy (PS14L) [8268] you've given me [...] book.
Ann (PS14B) [8269] Yeah one book [...] yours.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8270] Right, lovely and I'll see you, or do you want to keep those for tomorrow?
[8271] Those videos?
Ann (PS14B) [8272] I just thought you might've needed them today that was all
Dorothy (PS14L) [8273] Oh I'm gonna get them out as much as possible.
Ann (PS14B) [8274] If you're going up the wall with them if they're not very well.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8275] [clears throat] Did
Ann (PS14B) [8276] Okay
Dorothy (PS14L) [8277] they actually watch them last week?
Ann (PS14B) [8278] Er they watched ... they watched a bit of Spot and a bit of Paddington.
[8279] They didn't, they di they weren't watching them for very long at all.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8280] Right well have those in case you're climbing up the wall.
Ann (PS14B) [8281] [laugh] ... [...] I'm climbing up
Dorothy (PS14L) [8282] They're very fond of Rosie and Jim but
Ann (PS14B) [8283] Oh yes.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8284] but er
Ann (PS14B) [8285] If I'm climbing up the wall I just take them out.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8286] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [8287] Right, can you, wait a minute, I've got me hand caught round the handle.
[8288] Right, oh you'll need er James's Goldilocks book though.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8289] Right, right.
Ann (PS14B) [8290] Okay.
[8291] Ow!
[8292] Me head!
Dorothy (PS14L) [8293] Sorry!
[8294] So I'll make [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8295] You didn't do it, it was me.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8296] close to half past three as I can so I can be back by four to pick them up.
Ann (PS14B) [8297] Right.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8298] Right, thanks a lot.
Ann (PS14B) [8299] Right, thanks, see you later.
Dorothy (PS14L) [8300] Bye!
Ann (PS14B) [8301] Bye!
[8302] ... Morning Isabelle!
Isabelle (PS14R) [8303] I'm kennel maid [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8304] Kennel maid, oh yes
Isabelle (PS14R) [8305] [...] I'll have to do more washing.
Ann (PS14B) [8306] Aha.
[8307] ... Paul!
Paul (PS15V) [8308] Coming!
Ann (PS14B) [8309] It's like Fort Knox your house.
[8310] Where do I get car mats for Jim's car?
Paul (PS15V) [8311] Car mat in [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8312] Yes.
[8313] I want some car mats for his birthday.
[8314] He's on yes, he's only getting a little present cos I'm [laughing] still paying for his camcorder [] till next month.
Paul (PS15V) [8315] [...] Auto Parts.
Ann (PS14B) [8316] Where's that?
Paul (PS15V) [8317] It's er
Betty (PS15U) [8318] Mayes.
[8319] What used to be Mayes the food shop.
Paul (PS15V) [8320] Yeah next
Ann (PS14B) [8321] Mayes
Paul (PS15V) [8322] to Rydales and Newton's
Betty (PS15U) [8323] on the corner of erm
Ann (PS14B) [8324] Oh right up the top of Newgate Street?
Paul (PS15V) [8325] Yeah [...]
Betty (PS15U) [8326] Yeah on the opposite [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8327] Cos you have to get special mats for special cars, don't you?
[8328] Don't you?
Paul (PS15V) [8329] You can or you can get universal fit ones.
Ann (PS14B) [8330] Oh.
[8331] I just wondered because we were in Winners once and it had some and he picked them up and he looked at them and he said I don't think these are the right shape for my car and I know he needs some.
Paul (PS15V) [8332] Do Winners sell them, do they?
[8333] I didn't know
Ann (PS14B) [8334] Oh yes but erm
Paul (PS15V) [8335] I didn't know that.
Ann (PS14B) [8336] I can't remember how much they were.
Betty (PS15U) [8337] Does it not say on the package
Paul (PS15V) [8338] Some do [...] some are properly tailored for [...]
Betty (PS15U) [8339] whether they're for a, what's Jim got a Fiat?
Ann (PS14B) [8340] I didn't know if you had to go to er a special Fiat garage or what?
Paul (PS15V) [8341] No, no, no.
Ann (PS14B) [8342] Oh
Betty (PS15U) [8343] Did you have Sheila yesterday?
Ann (PS14B) [8344] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8345] Cos she, she'd gone to you first and she, and she came along, she said erm Ann's not in, she said I've come down to see you both.
[8346] I said I think she'll be at the hospital visiting her mother-in- law.
Ann (PS14B) [8347] Yeah I was.
Betty (PS15U) [8348] So when she went out I said Ann's probably back now and er she said well if I don't see her tell her I've been down
Ann (PS14B) [8349] Mhm
Betty (PS15U) [8350] and er and ... so I said to Paul, Ann'll get plenty conversation today. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [8351] Yes, it was nice to see her wasn't it?
Betty (PS15U) [8352] It was it was very nice and she said erm Edith's in America.
Ann (PS14B) [8353] Well I knew that.
[8354] I met Edith the day before she was going.
Betty (PS15U) [8355] Oh, right, right.
Ann (PS14B) [8356] She said erm ... according to Sheila, David's not as bad as, as Edith says he is.
[8357] But Edith said to me
Betty (PS15U) [8358] He still comes down to [...] walks down
Ann (PS14B) [8359] Does he?
[8360] I haven't seen him Oh!
Betty (PS15U) [8361] I said I haven't seen him.
[8362] Oh she says he does, he goes down.
Ann (PS14B) [8363] I must've been out at the wrong time.
Betty (PS15U) [8364] Cos he can't see, can't read for a terribly [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8365] No
Betty (PS15U) [8366] for a long period of time [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8367] She said he's most upset because he can't drive any more, erm
Betty (PS15U) [8368] Are you on your own?
Ann (PS14B) [8369] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8370] Want a cup of coffee?
Ann (PS14B) [8371] Well, were you making one now?
Betty (PS15U) [8372] He's just making one, yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [8373] Oh, half a one please, Paul!
Paul (PS15V) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8374] Half a cup please!
[8375] I'll just go an lock me door then.
Betty (PS15U) [8376] Yeah, okay [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8377] Right.
Betty (PS15U) [8378] Are you going up the street?
Ann (PS14B) [8379] Er yes I'm going to get these car mats.
Betty (PS15U) [8380] Course.
[8381] I'm going as well, right.
Ann (PS14B) [8382] Well if that's where I'm going to I wouldn't be able to get the triple buggy into that shop, would I?
Betty (PS15U) [8383] Has it got double doors that shop?
Ann (PS14B) [8384] It's only a small shop, isn't it?
[8385] Anyway, [laugh] it's better to go today.
[8386] It's too far to walk them and it's, it's up hill [laughing] all the way in that, with that chariot []
Betty (PS15U) [8387] [...] on your own than push the buggy.
Ann (PS14B) [8388] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8389] Yeah.
[8390] Right, coffee's coming up!
Ann (PS14B) [8391] Besides which, if I can't get any I'll have to think of something else.
[8392] Right, I'll go and lock me door.

24 (Tape 070004)

Betty (PS15U) [8393] I think it's the wet.
[8394] ... Which is Ann's?
Paul (PS15V) [8395] You what?
Betty (PS15U) [8396] Which is Ann's
Ann (PS14B) [8397] Which is mine?
Betty (PS15U) [8398] without sugar?
Paul (PS15V) [8399] The one on the [...] .
Betty (PS15U) [8400] That one, okay, right, oh!
[8401] How long has the kettle been on?
Paul (PS15V) [8402] It's just been [...] .
Betty (PS15U) [8403] Oh right.
[8404] Oh might as well go and sit down then Ann, waiting for ... blast off! ...
Ann (PS14B) [8405] Ooh!
Betty (PS15U) [8406] It is chilly, honestly and I don't want to put the heating on again.
[8407] I, I'll hold it off for the ... I'm economizing on the
Ann (PS14B) [8408] Doesn't sound very hopeful.
[8409] Does erm Bob er m know a lot about growing plants and things as well as vegetables?
Betty (PS15U) [8410] Oh yes, he, he
Ann (PS14B) [8411] I'm looking, I want somebody who knows something about gardening.
[8412] I'm trying to find out why one of our azaleas has turned up its toes.
Betty (PS15U) [8413] Albert over the road will be the best one to
Ann (PS14B) [8414] Oh.
Betty (PS15U) [8415] tell you that, cos he was erm, erm school
Ann (PS14B) [8416] Oh.
Betty (PS15U) [8417] grounds gardener.
[8418] He
Ann (PS14B) [8419] I'll try
Betty (PS15U) [8420] he would deal with shrubs more than, Bob hasn't got a, I mean he grows flowers and [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8421] I know
Betty (PS15U) [8422] and things like that.
Ann (PS14B) [8423] yeah.
[8424] Thank you.
Betty (PS15U) [8425] Erm, but erm, I mean he nearly does know, but I mean Albert is ...
Ann (PS14B) [8426] Is it lit?
Betty (PS15U) [8427] Mm mm Albert is the gard he, you know, really good gardener.
[8428] Er I mean he shows [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8429] Well they're both in tubs, they're both planted in ericaceous compost which is what we were told.
Betty (PS15U) [8430] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [8431] When we ... fed them before the winter we gave them proper er ... fertilizer for things that need acid soil.
Betty (PS15U) [8432] Mm mm
Ann (PS14B) [8433] I know they can be affected by wind and frost and it turns the leaves brown and kills off the buds, but why is only one affected?
[8434] And as soon as it's
Betty (PS15U) [8435] Are they different kinds?
[8436] Or
Ann (PS14B) [8437] No.
Betty (PS15U) [8438] are they exactly the same?
Ann (PS14B) [8439] They're the same kind exactly but they're different colours that's all.
[8440] They're both in, they're both in wooden half barrels.
Betty (PS15U) [8441] But, but don't azaleas don't azaleas shed their leaves?
Ann (PS14B) [8442] Erm I think some do ... but some are evergreen and these are evergreen.
Betty (PS15U) [8443] Oh!
[8444] Because I had one ... in the garden here and we moved it actually when we, we took the er hedge out er to put the fence and the gate on er and we moved it somewhere else and it er it just died off.
[8445] Er but it used to er shed its leaves.
Ann (PS14B) [8446] Well, yeah I think some do.
Betty (PS15U) [8447] And I think you're supposed to prune a little bit, aren't you?
Ann (PS14B) [8448] They're not big enough to prune yet.
[8449] They're, they're about er
Betty (PS15U) [8450] But should you not prune them lightly to
Ann (PS14B) [8451] eighteen inches.
Betty (PS15U) [8452] encourage new growth? [...] you see
Ann (PS14B) [8453] No i it's er
Betty (PS15U) [8454] Albert going past, he's back and forwards to the garden.
Ann (PS14B) [8455] It said in the gardening book.
[8456] It didn't say much about them.
[8457] Really it's about, you know, huge erm rhododendrons, it's only a little bit at the end of that.
[8458] But erm
Betty (PS15U) [8459] I've got a book here.
Ann (PS14B) [8460] you know that er polythene that's got wire netting in between it like a, like a wire netting sandwich with po with clear polythene on the outside?
[8461] We bent some of that round the windward side of the barrel
Betty (PS15U) [8462] Oh right yes a sort of [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8463] and I, and tied a lump of string round it to keep it on.
[8464] So it's been sheltered from the wind.
Betty (PS15U) [8465] Ooh unless the
Ann (PS14B) [8466] We've made sure
Betty (PS15U) [8467] cat's done something on it.
Ann (PS14B) [8468] Oh God, next door's cats.
[8469] Er I thought I had one in the house yesterday I went, as Sheila was going erm ... Jackie was in her garden
Betty (PS15U) [8470] Oh yes
Ann (PS14B) [8471] and I was telling her that that was the daughter-in-law of Mrs who lived there before
Betty (PS15U) [8472] Owned the house originally.
Ann (PS14B) [8473] Graham did
Betty (PS15U) [8474] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8475] and er I'd left the front door and the inner door open and
Betty (PS15U) [8476] It don't switch off I'll have to go and do it.
Ann (PS14B) [8477] oh, and er the cat was lurking around ... however, it had gone somewhere else.
[8478] ... I can't
Betty (PS15U) [8479] Oh gosh!
[8480] I've done it full!
Ann (PS14B) [8481] Oh never mind I'll drink half of it.
[8482] ... Yeah, azaleas.
Betty (PS15U) [8483] It's a weak one anyway, Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [8484] It just says, where is it?
[8485] [reading] Lime-free soil plus large quantities of peat or leaf mould.
[8486] Some shade during the heat of the day [] .
[8487] Er it doesn't get any.
[8488] Erm when the sun's at the hottest anyway it's sheltered it only gets, oh and the other thing is, you, er it, it doesn't say here but you're supposed to, it's supposed to be somewhere where they'll be sheltered from the early morning sun if there's been
Betty (PS15U) [8489] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [8490] a frost.
[8491] Oh we've had frost we haven't [laughing] any early morning sun [] anyway.
[8492] Thank you.
Betty (PS15U) [8493] They said your azaleas reach five to eight feet.
[8494] ... [...] it doesn't say, does it?
Ann (PS14B) [8495] I gave it some water cos I
Betty (PS15U) [8496] They might be different types, you see.
[8497] One might
Ann (PS14B) [8498] Yeah but
Betty (PS15U) [8499] [...] you see what I mean?
Ann (PS14B) [8500] I know it's, it's just turning up its toes.
Betty (PS15U) [8501] Oh!
[8502] Dear, dear.
Ann (PS14B) [8503] How much are car mats, Paul?
Paul (PS15V) [8504] I think they're within the region of two quid each up to about five pound each.
Ann (PS14B) [8505] Mm I can afford that.
Betty (PS15U) [8506] [reading] Evergreen Azaleas.
[8507] Mostly small plants three to four feet high [] .
[8508] Is that what you've got?
Ann (PS14B) [8509] Yes they are small cos I got them
Betty (PS15U) [8510] [reading] Small dark green leaves,
Ann (PS14B) [8511] to go in these half barrels
Betty (PS15U) [8512] flowering prolifically May and June.
[8513] Mostly hybrids.
[8514] Forms of [...] azalea.
[8515] Look for the [...] hybrid [...] flowering June July.
[8516] Exceptionally hardy but needing shade. [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [8517] Well it's against the garage wall.
Betty (PS15U) [8518] Mostly very hardy, large flowers, pink [...] no pruning needed.
[8519] Propagated by layers. [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8520] It said in my book just tidy them up if you, you know, if they needed a bit of tidying up.
Betty (PS15U) [8521] [...] planting out [...] [] .
[8522] No, it doesn't say any more than that.
[8523] No, it doesn't say
Ann (PS14B) [8524] That's more or less what it said in my book except erm they need to be shaded from early morning sun if there's been a frost.
[8525] Well we've had plenty of frosts but there's been no early morning sun.
[8526] I know there's been wind
Betty (PS15U) [8527] Oh there's been a lot of wind [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8528] but er
Betty (PS15U) [8529] which probably is bad as a frost.
Ann (PS14B) [8530] Yeah
Betty (PS15U) [8531] Have you got them in separate containers?
Ann (PS14B) [8532] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8533] Ah yes, I think you told me.
Ann (PS14B) [8534] And the, they're beside the garage facing towards the kitchen
Betty (PS15U) [8535] Mm ... oh they're sheltered
Ann (PS14B) [8536] and the sun always comes along the side of the house.
[8537] I can tell because me, me washing always blows towards the gate, to the back gate
Betty (PS15U) [8538] Mm mm
Ann (PS14B) [8539] right?
Betty (PS15U) [8540] Mm mm
Ann (PS14B) [8541] Erm ... so that must be, that's south over there isn't it?
Betty (PS15U) [8542] Mm mm
Ann (PS14B) [8543] Well it should be a south wind, it's not even a north wind. ...
Betty (PS15U) [8544] That's west ... that's south
Ann (PS14B) [8545] Yes, that's right.
Betty (PS15U) [8546] No
Ann (PS14B) [8547] Hang on.
Betty (PS15U) [8548] That's west, that's east, that's north
Ann (PS14B) [8549] Wait a minute,wh which, which direction's Scot oh me nose.
Betty (PS15U) [8550] that's south, that's south, that's south
Ann (PS14B) [8551] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8552] that's south
Ann (PS14B) [8553] Well it's coming ... along the side of the house along there.
Betty (PS15U) [8554] Yeah, but that'll be like a tunnel, you know, when the wind's blowing because the wind hits our front
Ann (PS14B) [8555] Yeah
Betty (PS15U) [8556] windows and is it the one er nearest the front that is
Ann (PS14B) [8557] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8558] Oh yeah, no
Ann (PS14B) [8559] But it's only about er ... what's in between the two barrels?
[8560] Th the,th you know that erm small cauldron with er primroses in?
Betty (PS15U) [8561] Mm
Ann (PS14B) [8562] That's all that's separating them, I mean they're close together
Betty (PS15U) [8563] Yes, but different plants respond differently to [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8564] and it's not big enough to shelter the other one and the other one looks perfectly healthy.
Betty (PS15U) [8565] Mm ... unless you've just got some disease.
Ann (PS14B) [8566] Good cup of coffee that.
Betty (PS15U) [8567] Eh?
Ann (PS14B) [8568] I said it's a good cup of coffee that.
Betty (PS15U) [8569] Oh!
[8570] Thank Paul [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [8571] Thank you Paul!
Betty (PS15U) [8572] It's the one coffee I get made per day.
[8573] I get one in the morning and then at night.
[8574] Well he makes tea at night.
[8575] He makes a cup of tea at night and that's his effort.
[8576] ... So er Sheila was saying that erm ... Andrea's in Lon er Bath.
Ann (PS14B) [8577] Oh!
Betty (PS15U) [8578] Erm I said what's she doing she says she's gonna do archaeology.
Ann (PS14B) [8579] Oh yes now
Betty (PS15U) [8580] But she said she's only, she said she's twenty one and she said
Ann (PS14B) [8581] I think Edith
Betty (PS15U) [8582] she's got no A levels yet.
Ann (PS14B) [8583] Well what about erm Kathleen's Jenny is seventeen!
Betty (PS15U) [8584] I know, I know and she's coming to Newcastle
Ann (PS14B) [8585] Yes
Betty (PS15U) [8586] erm University
Ann (PS14B) [8587] Yeah
Betty (PS15U) [8588] cos she said she'd just bought a flat [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8589] Mhm
Betty (PS15U) [8590] she's gonna lend to them.
[8591] Erm but I mean I thought Andrea was going in catering and she says well that's what we hope.
[8592] We thought that would be best for her [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8593] Oh yes she was very keen wasn't she when she used to come and stay with her Grandma?
Betty (PS15U) [8594] But she says she's now wanting to do archaeology erm but she says she hasn't got any A levels!
Ann (PS14B) [8595] You can't do that without A levels.
Betty (PS15U) [8596] So she says I don't think she's really capable of getting any.
[8597] So she's just left [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8598] Yes
Betty (PS15U) [8599] Andrea
Ann (PS14B) [8600] Yeah ... oh
Betty (PS15U) [8601] So she says Graham erm forgot the name, what do they call him?
Ann (PS14B) [8602] And Jennifer's doing er did she say history and politics?
Betty (PS15U) [8603] Oh right is she doing history and poli oh
Ann (PS14B) [8604] Aha, yeah
Betty (PS15U) [8605] Erm Gillam, he's working for some er publishers in London.
Ann (PS14B) [8606] Mm so he must be twenty
Betty (PS15U) [8607] Oh he'll be
Ann (PS14B) [8608] four, five?
Betty (PS15U) [8609] Yes I think, cos he's through university.
Ann (PS14B) [8610] Oh and is Ann still in Kenya?
[8611] I didn't ask her any of it.
Betty (PS15U) [8612] Yeah she's in Nairobi, mhm
Ann (PS14B) [8613] Er yes
Betty (PS15U) [8614] Nairobi and she says they come across, she comes across occasionally.
[8615] They were gonna let the house.
Ann (PS14B) [8616] Well I thought Edith said she came across at Christmas cos if you remember, we've always sent her Christmas cards to her house in, near Harrogate haven't we?
Betty (PS15U) [8617] That's right, yes, yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8618] Well we didn't know where else to send them.
Betty (PS15U) [8619] No.
[8620] Cos she said
Ann (PS14B) [8621] But I'm sure
Betty (PS15U) [8622] she'd gone for a couple of days when she was up but she says she hasn't been up to see her for about eighteen months! ... [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8623] You know when er the fir when we went up to Edith's, when she'd first moved in, for
Betty (PS15U) [8624] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [8625] coffee?
Betty (PS15U) [8626] Mm
Ann (PS14B) [8627] Didn't Edith say then that Ann came across for Christmas?
[8628] ... To be with the children, mm
Betty (PS15U) [8629] Well that's two years ago!
[8630] Isn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [8631] Oh yes it will be.
Betty (PS15U) [8632] It it wasn't last [...] well, it'll be nearly two years
Ann (PS14B) [8633] No she's be erm Edith moved in was it January or February?
Betty (PS15U) [8634] January.
Ann (PS14B) [8635] That's right because we got a card in the, in our Christmas card saying that they were moving back to
Betty (PS15U) [8636] That's right.
Ann (PS14B) [...]
Betty (PS15U) [8637] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [8638] and er they hope to be in by January the ... something?
Betty (PS15U) [8639] I knew it was January
Ann (PS14B) [8640] Yeah, oh ... cos that's when she said Frank, Frank only came for a short while or something? [laugh]
Betty (PS15U) [8641] [laugh] Yes
Ann (PS14B) [8642] So he doesn't have to pay taxes.
Betty (PS15U) [8643] I mean they must find they must find it expensive because I mean if they're keeping that house on ... they have to have somebody going in to look at it, won't they?
[8644] And they'll have a home in Nairobi.
Ann (PS14B) [8645] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8646] Still it must pay them, must pay them to do that.
Ann (PS14B) [8647] Oh ... what's Paul doing?
Betty (PS15U) [8648] Perfectly honest I don't know he spends a lot of time [laughing] in there [] .
Ann (PS14B) [8649] [laugh] Oh I wa I was wa
Betty (PS15U) [8650] I don't quite know what he does sometimes
Ann (PS14B) [8651] I was watching for him erm I'd been to the loo and I glanced out the er landing window and I thought it looked too tall for you.
[8652] I thought it was his shape moving behind your kitchen net curtain and er I thought oh I'll dash and ask him now about those car mats so I can go and get them.
Betty (PS15U) [8653] Well I, tell him what kind of car it is.
Ann (PS14B) [8654] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8655] Erm
Ann (PS14B) [8656] Well this is, this is why I thought perhaps erm ... I didn't want to ask Jim too much or he would know I was buying them for him you see.
Betty (PS15U) [8657] That's right yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8658] And I remember this time in Winners when he, he picked them up and looked at them and said I don't think these are the right ones for my car and that, that's why I thought
Betty (PS15U) [8659] They were too small you see, weren't they?
Ann (PS14B) [8660] and I was thinking where on earth is there a shop in [...] that sells, sells things like that or do you have to go to a garage and I'd forgotten that that fruit
Betty (PS15U) [8661] Yes
Ann (PS14B) [8662] shop was one now.
Betty (PS15U) [8663] Yes it's, it's very useful actually.
[8664] I've been up there buying things for him in the past when he was er operating the taxi and he hadn't time to go himself.
Ann (PS14B) [8665] Yeah
Betty (PS15U) [8666] And er if they haven't got it they'll get it for you.
[8667] They're very good.
Ann (PS14B) [8668] Mm
Betty (PS15U) [8669] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [8670] You mean if they haven't got any I'll have to make a model.
[8671] I bought him one Christmas years and oh hey, we were just married and I ordered him an extending ladder from the Co-op
Betty (PS15U) [8672] Mm
Ann (PS14B) [8673] and I ordered it in November, it finally came in February.
[8674] So I bought
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [8675] him something else for Christmas, something smaller and I made him a model out of matchsticks and I said this is the prototype
Betty (PS15U) [8676] Oh my
Ann (PS14B) [8677] of your Christmas present!
[8678] [laugh] I
Betty (PS15U) [8679] goodness!
[8680] That would need some concentration
Ann (PS14B) [8681] I, I just sort of made erm two short ladders about two inches long.
Betty (PS15U) [8682] Oh right.
Ann (PS14B) [8683] I think I did it with a pair of tweezers to, so I could stick the
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [8684] matchsticks together and then I stuck one half on top of the other to make it look like an [laughing] extending ladder [] .
Betty (PS15U) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8685] Yes
Betty (PS15U) [8686] When is his birthday then?
Ann (PS14B) [8687] Er Wednesday.
Betty (PS15U) [8688] Oh right, right.
[8689] So he's er an April ... erm birthday?
Ann (PS14B) [8690] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8691] Mm
Ann (PS14B) [8692] He's always telling me all the best people are born in April.
Betty (PS15U) [8693] Well my, my [...] vary.
[8694] Jennifer, she was born on April Fool's Day.
[8695] ... I think that must
Ann (PS14B) [8696] Oh yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8697] be awful being an April Fool.
Ann (PS14B) [8698] I'll tell you who else is the first of April as well.
[8699] Mrs at this end of the old people's bungalows.
Betty (PS15U) [8700] Oh yes!
[8701] I know who you mean.
[8702] I see he er the son's re er well he hasn't retired he's er given notice that he's not er going to be on the market committee now.
[8703] Oh I saw your photograph in the [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8704] Oh
Betty (PS15U) [8705] Did you see it?
Ann (PS14B) [8706] I'll tell you why he's probably not going to be on the mar market committee because his daughter had a
Betty (PS15U) [8707] Yes he said
Ann (PS14B) [8708] jewellery stall.
Betty (PS15U) [8709] he said there's been a lot of erm talk about his daughter and erm son-in-law having a stall and [...] is one of the markets where he intends to trade in and erm he thinks
Ann (PS14B) [8710] This is
Betty (PS15U) [8711] that the [clears throat] he'll be sort of for a right.
Ann (PS14B) [8712] She's on the council, the town council, his daughter.
Betty (PS15U) [8713] Is she?
Ann (PS14B) [8714] Fiona yes.
[8715] According to Jim she's never opened her mouth and said a single thing yet but er
Betty (PS15U) [8716] [laugh] She turns up?
Ann (PS14B) [8717] Yes.
[8718] Well I suppose he's had a lot of flack, I mean look at the
Betty (PS15U) [8719] Well he says that
Ann (PS14B) [8720] everyone says if you want a council house in [...] you've got to
Betty (PS15U) [8721] Well that's mentioned in the art was mentioned in the article as well
Ann (PS14B) [8722] you've got to join the Liberal Party and you've got to be related to Ian
Betty (PS15U) [8723] Erm he got a lot of flack
Ann (PS14B) [8724] But let's face it
Betty (PS15U) [8725] when he was on the housing erm
Ann (PS14B) [8726] well all his three children got houses at, at eighteen.
[8727] None
Betty (PS15U) [8728] Yes
Ann (PS14B) [8729] of them married
Betty (PS15U) [8730] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [8731] and when ... when this one who's got the market stall was pregnant
Betty (PS15U) [8732] Mm
Ann (PS14B) [8733] she gave up her flat and went to live with her mother.
Betty (PS15U) [8734] Mm
Ann (PS14B) [8735] When she was pregnant again, I think the father by then was divorced so she married him, she immediately got a house
Betty (PS15U) [8736] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8737] no, she had a house to start with.
[8738] When you think of all the families on the waiting list
Betty (PS15U) [8739] I know they're waiting [clears throat]
Ann (PS14B) [8740] and single eighteen year olds being given
Betty (PS15U) [8741] Yeah
Ann (PS14B) [8742] houses it's, it's, they left themselves wide open for
Betty (PS15U) [8743] That's right well that was
Ann (PS14B) [8744] people to
Betty (PS15U) [8745] mentioned in the article as well about the housing committee
Ann (PS14B) [8746] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8747] in the [...] erm ... well [...] silly to put yourself in that predicament wouldn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [8748] Mm
Betty (PS15U) [8749] It's mad.
Ann (PS14B) [8750] It is.
[8751] Stupid.
Betty (PS15U) [8752] I'm going [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8753] But remember when
Betty (PS15U) [8754] this afternoon [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8755] Are you?
Betty (PS15U) [8756] I've been
Ann (PS14B) [8757] Oh yeah
Betty (PS15U) [8758] we're having a salad to make.
[8759] That's what he's doing in the kitchen washing the, cos Paul says if you're back late I'll be having my dinner before you come, I says okay.
Ann (PS14B) [8760] I forgot to check wha if Jim's got a meeting tonight.
[8761] If he has I've got to think of something to cook ... that he can finish off cooking so he can eat it before I get back from aerobics so I can stick mine [laughing] in the microwave to warm up [] .
Betty (PS15U) [8762] You warm it up?
[8763] You warm it up?
Ann (PS14B) [8764] Yes, I mean it
Betty (PS15U) [8765] [...] mhm
Ann (PS14B) [8766] it doesn't need to be absolutely freshly cooked.
[8767] Yes.
[8768] No this is why I ca I don't know if you remember, but erm she was interviewed by a reporter, Fiona and she,i when the market traders were all on strike and you know all those months the [...]
Betty (PS15U) [clears throat]
Ann (PS14B) [8769] er and there was only the two fruit stalls there
Betty (PS15U) [8770] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [8771] and occasionally the fish st well
Betty (PS15U) [8772] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8773] yes occasionally three fruit stalls and one fish stall, she said er the market, the market hadn't ceased trading, trading, it was perfectly healthy it was doing very well!
[8774] Cos I thought, I
Betty (PS15U) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8775] thought where have you been?
[8776] I mean there had been how many?
[8777] Ninety was it?
Betty (PS15U) [8778] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8779] Sometimes a hundred.
Betty (PS15U) [8780] Mm mm
Ann (PS14B) [8781] And er four stalls at the most there and according to her it was perfectly healthy and there was nothing wrong with it.
[8782] I thought, and then I happened to go, Jim came to carry the fruit and vegetables for me and when it had opened again, and there was she with this, I looked at Jim and I said ah!
[8783] That's why she said that she's got this jewellery stall.
Betty (PS15U) [8784] Oh!
[8785] I didn't know what stall, type of stall she had I just read about it in the paper [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8786] I haven't had a proper look around the market for ... I looked
Betty (PS15U) [8787] I went down
Ann (PS14B) [8788] I looked at the buttons next to the fruit stall because what I usually do I go and get the fruit and vegetables, if Jim's on the right shift he takes them home, otherwise I buy them while it's quieter, the man keeps them for me, I go straight across the leisure centre to soft clay cos it's only open on Wednesdays and then on the way back one of them walks
Betty (PS15U) [8789] Oh you put them in the pram.
Ann (PS14B) [8790] and I put the fruit and [laughing] vegetables in the buggy [] and we come straight home cos it's time to eat by then.
Betty (PS15U) [8791] Mm mm
Ann (PS14B) [8792] I'll have another cigarette and then I must dash.
Betty (PS15U) [8793] Yes I'm going to the street and getting an early lunch and getting myself organized for ... going out.
Ann (PS14B) [8794] What time are you to go up?
Betty (PS15U) [8795] Well half past two I usually erm
Ann (PS14B) [8796] Dorothy was telling me [laughing] this morning [] you know when we were at erm nursery?
Betty (PS15U) [8797] Mm mm
Ann (PS14B) [8798] [lighting cigarette] That's lit erm ... I heard Mrs you've got your hands full there.
[8799] Dorothy told me why.
[8800] She'd er Mrs had asked James to close the cupboard and he called her a [laughing] stupid idiot [] .
Betty (PS15U) [8801] Mm!
Ann (PS14B) [8802] Yes.
[8803] Oh that's gone out.
Betty (PS15U) [8804] Oh my!
Ann (PS14B) [8805] And now Martin's taught him to call people stupid zombie so Dorothy's not pleased.
Betty (PS15U) [8806] Oh dear!
[8807] He's not going to be very popular with her help at [...] .
[8808] Oh he'll soon get out of it.
[8809] I mean they, they settle down, they settle down [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8810] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8811] I mean it's good for them learning to be amongst a lot of children and they soon learn that erm they can't have their way.
Ann (PS14B) [8812] Well her boys are quite amenable really but erm
Betty (PS15U) [8813] Bryony is the one
Ann (PS14B) [8814] Bryony you know
Betty (PS15U) [8815] Mm
Ann (PS14B) [8816] the tantrum screaming carries on when she doesn't want her coat on to go out.
Betty (PS15U) [8817] Yeah.
[8818] I had a bit
Ann (PS14B) [8819] I mean
Betty (PS15U) [8820] of that with Joshua last
Ann (PS14B) [8821] if she
Betty (PS15U) [8822] week and he's got to the stage now where don't want to
Ann (PS14B) [8823] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8824] and he starts crying if you insist erm and you have to be pretty firm with him
Ann (PS14B) [8825] Mm mm
Betty (PS15U) [8826] and won't say anything er go away, go away
Ann (PS14B) [8827] Yeah Bryony went if you, well she's not so bad now she's got over that phase where she refused to have her coat on, but if you're trying to get her ready erm and she doesn't want to get ready, she'll say either go away or don't do that to me if I'm trying to get her coat on.
Betty (PS15U) [8828] [laugh] Oh dear!
[8829] The joys
Ann (PS14B) [8830] And and James sometimes says I don't want to hear that!
Betty (PS15U) [laugh] [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8831] Well ... she says it's not her and I don't remember saying that.
Betty (PS15U) [8832] Oh!
[8833] Oh well, it must be you then. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [8834] I mean, no if he says something that I don't like I usually say oh that's not very nice is it?
Betty (PS15U) [8835] Mm
Ann (PS14B) [8836] But if er ... if I'm s if I say to him you're not, you're not eating properly, sit up and, you know,pu bring your plate near to you
Betty (PS15U) [8837] Mm mm
Ann (PS14B) [8838] I don't want to hear that!
Betty (PS15U) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [8839] Tt oh!
Betty (PS15U) [8840] Well, won't be long now before they're in school, another, another year?
[8841] A year this summer?
Ann (PS14B) [8842] Erm they'll go a year in, wait a minute.
[8843] They'll go a year come September, won't it?
[8844] Yes.
[8845] April, May, June, July, August, September they'll be four in five months
Betty (PS15U) [8846] Mm mm
Ann (PS14B) [8847] by then.
Betty (PS15U) [8848] Gosh it soon passes, doesn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [8849] When you think it doesn't seem five minutes ago
Betty (PS15U) [8850] Ee I know.
[8851] It seems when you first had
Ann (PS14B) [8852] that the tiniest
Betty (PS15U) [8853] them it, it seemed ages before they were going to be on their [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8854] Well they was
Betty (PS15U) [8855] going to school.
Ann (PS14B) [8856] well James especially, the, the tiniest Baby-gro
Betty (PS15U) [8857] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8858] his feet came down to the knees on it
Betty (PS15U) [8859] [laughing] Yes [] .
Ann (PS14B) [8860] and they had Bryony in, I'm sure it was a doll's dress
Betty (PS15U) [8861] Mm mm
Ann (PS14B) [8862] you know when they were two days old, Trevor took me through to the hospital
Betty (PS15U) [8863] He's not working!
Ann (PS14B) [8864] Who?
Betty (PS15U) [8865] Erm Shirley's husband, Jimmy.
Ann (PS14B) [8866] That's funny.
Betty (PS15U) [8867] Cos I've seen him about a lot.
Ann (PS14B) [8868] Jim said that to me yesterday and I said isn't he on holiday?
Betty (PS15U) [8869] Well he seems
Ann (PS14B) [8870] That, that
Betty (PS15U) [8871] to be having a long holiday!
Ann (PS14B) [8872] Jim said to me last night ... is er Jimmy ... h is he not working?
Betty (PS15U) [8873] No!
[8874] I've just seen him go past.
[8875] I thought, I wonder if you knew cos he's been about a lot lately.
Ann (PS14B) [8876] I haven't noticed.
Betty (PS15U) [8877] Mm yes he's been
Ann (PS14B) [8878] Oh!
Betty (PS15U) [8879] going out with the dog rather than Shirley.
Ann (PS14B) [8880] Oh.
[8881] ... I wonder if erm Shirley's sister's working because she often meets her ... nieces ... yes her nieces from school and she has her nephew with her, you know, Judith's.
Betty (PS15U) [8882] Oh!
[8883] Do does her sister live here now?
Ann (PS14B) [8884] No I
Betty (PS15U) [8885] Cos didn't she leave her husband?
Ann (PS14B) [8886] Oh she remarried.
[8887] She's
Betty (PS15U) [8888] Oh has she remarried has she?
Ann (PS14B) [8889] she's got, yes, have you seen her
Betty (PS15U) [8890] No I haven't
Ann (PS14B) [8891] eldest daughter,
Betty (PS15U) [8892] I don't know
Ann (PS14B) [8893] Ruth, you know the one I used to look after?
[8894] Well, when she first left her husband she moved in with Shirley
Betty (PS15U) [8895] With Shirley yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8896] and er how did they all fit in that house?
Betty (PS15U) [8897] I don't know [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [8898] [laugh] Cos there was Shirley and Jimmy, and Ann and Sarah, and Judith, and Ruth and Christopher, and Christopher was ... was Christopher nine?
[8899] ... Or was he at road, by then?
[8900] Erm Ruth was definitely at Goosehill School.
[8901] She's very tall, very slim and very, very attractive.
[8902] She's really pretty.
Betty (PS15U) [8903] Mm I don't know
Ann (PS14B) [8904] And Christ Christopher's six foot something and a very handsome young man.
Betty (PS15U) [8905] And does her sister work?
Ann (PS14B) [8906] Well this is what I was wondering because
Betty (PS15U) [8907] Mm [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8908] because Shirley seems to have been looking after, anyway she married this ... Robert
Betty (PS15U) [8909] Mm
Ann (PS14B) [8910] apparently she used to go out with him before she married ... Derek, I think her first husband was called.
[8911] And now she's got er Rona and Sophie ... I can't remember the boy's name.
Betty (PS15U) [8912] So she's got six children altogether?
[8913] She had three to her first marriage.
Ann (PS14B) [8914] I can't no, she's got Ruth and Christopher, Judith's the mother
Betty (PS15U) [8915] Oh!
[8916] Oh right.
Ann (PS14B) [8917] She's got Ruth,a Shirley's Ann, to me, looks more like Judith than she looks like her mother.
Betty (PS15U) [8918] Oh right!
[8919] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8920] Except of course, Ann's blonde and
Betty (PS15U) [8921] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8922] er ... Shirley's black, or it was.
[8923] She seems to have gone very grey very quickly.
Betty (PS15U) [8924] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [8925] You know, really, really quickly.
Betty (PS15U) [8926] Well I, I suppo this is her sister you're talking about?
Ann (PS14B) [8927] Mm mm.
[8928] No!
[8929] Shirley herself.
Betty (PS15U) [8930] Shirley.
[8931] Oh I hadn't noticed it [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8932] Yeah, her sister's got slightly lighter hair than, than Shirley had.
Betty (PS15U) [8933] I do I don't know her sister much.
Ann (PS14B) [8934] But I think they live at Pegswood.
[8935] But the other thing is, Judith's husband plays ... in a band ... now ... I'd, I th it might be a pipe band, I'm not sure
Betty (PS15U) [8936] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [8937] and he travels arou they go ... or is it a [...] band?
[8938] [laughing] I don't know [] , erm but he sometimes goes abroad with it I think, but he, he goes to different parts of the country and Judith goes with him.
[8939] I know erm when there was only Ruth and Christopher ... before Judith had Rona, they sometimes used to come and stay with Shirley.
[8940] I would think it would be easier for [laughing] Shirley to go to their house [] to look after them now.
Betty (PS15U) [8941] I'd have thought so, yes, yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [8942] But I think, I think
Betty (PS15U) [8943] Does, does the boy come to this, the, the girl come to this school?
Ann (PS14B) [8944] No, erm the little ones?
Betty (PS15U) [8945] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [8946] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8947] Oh and they live at Pegswood, do they?
Ann (PS14B) [8948] Well
Betty (PS15U) [8949] I just think they might [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8950] I wonder well they did, they certainly were living in Pegswood, but I've noticed when they bring the children to school the car frequently comes along the river way.
Betty (PS15U) [8951] Oh they must live down there somewhere or maybe ... I mean
Ann (PS14B) [8952] So that to come ... that way
Betty (PS15U) [8953] they've gotta be, they're coming from the bottom of Bennet's Walk or from
Ann (PS14B) [8954] Or from
Betty (PS15U) [8955] [...] Courts [...] street
Ann (PS14B) [8956] or from up the hill or somewhere, yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8957] Mm
Ann (PS14B) [8958] Or unless they come from Stobb Hill and come by the station and over the crossing.
Betty (PS15U) [8959] Well that means they've gotta come over the crossing.
Ann (PS14B) [8960] I know but it's, it's sometimes
Betty (PS15U) [8961] Gotta be quicker!
Ann (PS14B) [8962] it's sometimes very difficult to
Betty (PS15U) [8963] The traffic!
Ann (PS14B) [8964] turn into Goose Hill off erm
Betty (PS15U) [8965] That's right
Ann (PS14B) [8966] off the main road.
[8967] ... Right, I'd better go and get ready and go and get those car mats.
Betty (PS15U) [8968] Well make sure you get the right ones.
Ann (PS14B) [8969] I know.
Betty (PS15U) [8970] Ask, can these be changed if they're not right?
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Betty (PS15U) [8971] Keep the bill.
Ann (PS14B) [8972] Yes.
Betty (PS15U) [8973] Keep the bill.
Ann (PS14B) [8974] I'll take the jars.
[8975] I've got some jars there's s bottles and things for the erm
Betty (PS15U) [8976] I've got milk bottles that I, you know, when I bought the odd bottle [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8977] I've still, oh
Betty (PS15U) [8978] and I don't know wh how to get rid of them!
Ann (PS14B) [8979] I've still got one milk bottle left.
Betty (PS15U) [8980] Well I've got three because sometimes they, they haven't got milk in the Co-op and they haven't got milk in the, in Iceland
Ann (PS14B) [8981] Mm
Betty (PS15U) [8982] I call at Louie's and he
Ann (PS14B) [8983] Oh!
Betty (PS15U) [8984] had bottled milk.
Ann (PS14B) [8985] I didn't know they sold them.
Betty (PS15U) [8986] Yes!
[8987] Yes.
[8988] Erm so I've bought a few bottles and I don't [...]
Ann (PS14B) [8989] Well take them, take them back.
[8990] Is there a crate there or what?
[8991] Take them back there.
Betty (PS15U) [8992] Oh I never thought!
[8993] Yes, I never thought.
[8994] That's an idea.
Ann (PS14B) [8995] I wonder if that has, does that milkman still come round here?
[8996] Has he got any [laughing] customers left [] ?
Betty (PS15U) [8997] I don't [...] I think he does, I think he comes late at night, Paul er said cos sometimes he's up watching videos or whatever
Ann (PS14B) [8998] Oh I've heard the milkman
Betty (PS15U) [8999] erm
Ann (PS14B) [9000] I've heard bottles rattling early in the morning but I, sort of one o'clock, two o'clock but I hadn't
Betty (PS15U) [9001] cos I was sort of lying in bed sort of late
Ann (PS14B) [9002] noticed who it was
Betty (PS15U) [9003] one night when Paul came up and I wasn't asleep and I saw like ... this bright light
Ann (PS14B) [9004] Mm
Betty (PS15U) [9005] and Paul was coming up the stairs, I said is that the police, is that a police car?
[9006] And er ... he said no, it'll be the milk, it's the milkman, he comes at this time.
[9007] So it must be that one
Ann (PS14B) [9008] Mm mm
Betty (PS15U) [9009] because the other chap comes about half past eight in the morning, nine o'clock.

25 (Tape 070201)

Ann (PS14B) [9010] You had a good day?
Sally (PS15B) [9011] Yes thanks
Ann (PS14B) [9012] good ... what are those little ones doing? ... you all by yourself Martin?,
[9013] Martin where are the, where's Richard?, big Richard
Martin (PS14K) [9014] Gone home, his dad came
Ann (PS14B) [9015] well where was I?, oh, must've been when I went to the loo ... Have you had a drink Martin?
Martin (PS14K) [9016] yeah ...
Ann (PS14B) [9017] hello
James (PS14C) [9018] Hello [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9019] what're you laughing at?, with those two
James (PS14C) [9020] James and Richard, I've just come in the door and they want Beethoven music on, Mozart music
Ann (PS14B) [9021] [laugh] well
Martin (PS14K) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9022] very cultured children
James (PS14C) [9023] and they're wanting
Martin (PS14K) [9024] Joanna won't be coming after school
Ann (PS14B) [9025] ah you've remembered to tell me today have you?
Martin (PS14K) [9026] [...] pick her up
Ann (PS14B) [9027] why where's she going?
Martin (PS14K) [9028] to the library
James (PS14C) [9029] I've got to go to the library myself
Ann (PS14B) [9030] right, well I'm just making you some coffee, it'll be, it'll, nearly ready if you want to put the Beethoven music on for them
James (PS14C) [9031] right, thank you, I'll go and check which [...] the tapes on ...
Ann (PS14B) [9032] I went to the loo and Ron's been and collected Amy and Richard
James (PS14C) [9033] that sounds good
Ann (PS14B) [9034] and I, I I, wouldn't have known they'd gone
James (PS14C) [9035] oh
Ann (PS14B) [9036] I said to Martin where's Richard?
[9037] ... Rebecca's with the two little ones isn't she?
James (PS14C) [9038] yes and Sally unclear
James (PS14M) [9039] read them things
James (PS14C) [9040] what
Ann (PS14B) [9041] what's er
James (PS14C) [9042] do you want me to do?
James (PS14M) [9043] I want you to come here erm
James (PS14C) [9044] I'm coming
James (PS14M) [9045] I want I want to tell you a secret
James (PS14C) [9046] go and tell me a secret then ...
Ann (PS14B) [9047] [cough] ... who's telling secrets?
James (PS14C) [9048] James is telling me a secret
Ann (PS14B) [9049] oh
James (PS14C) [9050] tell me a secret then
Ann (PS14B) [9051] you've got secrets?
Martin (PS14K) [9052] which one's Mozart?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9053] oh you listening to the moonlight sonata?
James (PS14M) [9054] no, er not yet, ah
Ann (PS14B) [9055] is that the moonlight sonata?
James (PS14M) [9056] mm
Ann (PS14B) [9057] can you say, can you say moonlight sonata
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
James (PS14C) [9058] yeah
Ann (PS14B) [9059] I want to hear James say moonlight sonata
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9060] what?, what did you say?
James (PS14M) [9061] er, a [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9062] I don't know what you're saying that's all jumbled up
James (PS14C) [9063] he wants some Mozart on now
Martin (PS14K) [9064] he's trying to say it
Ann (PS14B) [9065] say moonlight
James (PS14M) [9066] moon, moonlight
Ann (PS14B) [9067] that's it, sonata
James (PS14C) [9068] we'll put Mozart on now for ya then
James (PS14M) [9069] sternata
Ann (PS14B) [9070] not sternata,sonata ...
James (PS14M) [9071] sonata
Ann (PS14B) [9072] that's it, say it again, stop kicking the piano, say sonata, if you're going to kick the piano, you'll have to come back round here or you'll come out of this room
James (PS14M) [9073] I jumped
Ann (PS14B) [9074] well come away then, you don't kick the piano that's not
James (PS14M) [9075] I won't
Ann (PS14B) [9076] what they're for, nor is Sally supposed to eat crisps in this room, go in the other room please I don't wanna, I don't vacuum in here every night
James (PS14C) [9077] say, say [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9078] [...] , that's not Beethoven though James
James (PS14C) [9079] no he asked for
James (PS14M) [9080] that's Mozart
James (PS14C) [9081] Richard wanted Mozart on
Ann (PS14B) [9082] oh, Mozart's Jim's favourite
James (PS14C) [9083] no
Ann (PS14B) [9084] what's he got?, tt
Martin (PS14K) [9085] I know he keeps going like this with it, he keeps going
Ann (PS14B) [9086] what d'ya do, what's Richard doing?
Martin (PS14K) [9087] he keeps going
Ann (PS14B) [9088] what're you doing Richard?
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9089] don't fiddle with the speaker pet ... come round here to me for a minute
Richard (PS14P) [9090] I just want a
Ann (PS14B) [9091] he's pale isn't it?, look at his face
Martin (PS14K) [9092] I know
Ann (PS14B) [9093] come here, let me, come here and have a cuddle from me, you're just wanting to look at what pet?
Richard (PS14P) [9094] I just want to look
Ann (PS14B) [9095] I still don't know what you want to look at, you want to look at what?
Richard (PS14P) [9096] I want to look at your things
Ann (PS14B) [9097] you want to look at my things, what things do you want to look at?
Richard (PS14P) [9098] I want look at your things
Martin (PS14K) [9099] those Chinese
James (PS14C) [9100] put them all back in, you tell me which who's that?
Ann (PS14B) [9101] the ornaments?
James (PS14C) [9102] who's that?
Martin (PS14K) [9103] yes ...
James (PS14M) [9104] Mozart
James (PS14C) [9105] clever boy, who's that one?
Martin (PS14K) [9106] before when he did open the drawer
James (PS14M) [9107] Beet
James (PS14C) [9108] Beethoven, clever boy
Martin (PS14K) [9109] erm with all the records in
James (PS14M) [9110] Beethoven
Martin (PS14K) [9111] and said no Richard don't do they, so James goes and does it
James (PS14M) [9112] what's that?
James (PS14C) [9113] that's Tchaikovsky that one
Martin (PS14K) [9114] and Richard goes no Rebecca just told me not to do it, so you shouldn't
James (PS14C) [9115] that's a big [...] word that's Tchaikovsky isn't it
Martin (PS14K) [9116] do it either
James (PS14C) [9117] and this one
Ann (PS14B) [9118] oh
James (PS14C) [9119] that one
Ann (PS14B) [9120] if I go to look at something
James (PS14C) [9121] that's Bach
Ann (PS14B) [9122] in the supermarket and I pick it up to have a look Bryony says don't touch that's naughty, don't touch Ann, put it down at once
James (PS14C) [9123] clever boy
Ann (PS14B) [9124] what do you specially want to look at Richard?
Richard (PS14P) [9125] want to look at the [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9126] oh
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9127] it's really a pen holder that erm
Martin (PS14K) [9128] is it?
Ann (PS14B) [9129] crystal heart, yes ... no [...] what? ... he didn't, no that was a silver wedding anniversary present from Dorothy who used to work with Jim
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9130] yes ... Betty , I'm sure it was from Dorothy
James (PS14C) [9131] well
Ann (PS14B) [9132] I know it's a long time ago
James (PS14C) [9133] I'm driving the mini bus
Ann (PS14B) [9134] oh I'll get your coffee
James (PS14C) [9135] on Thursday, for the elections
Ann (PS14B) [9136] er I know someone who has a P S V licence, Doug, just got it, mind he's does voluntary driving already for age concern at er, where, it's not in [...] I can't remember where it is
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9137] he's applied to the Metropolitan police, he's going down for an interview in June
Martin (PS14K) [9138] Ann have you had your coffee yet?
Ann (PS14B) [9139] I'm just going to get it ... what are you doing Sal?
Sally (PS15B) [9140] just reading this book
Ann (PS14B) [9141] it's a funny place to read a book
Sally (PS15B) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9142] in the kitchen lening , leaning on er, on there ... there's a drink there look on the draining board for you if you haven't had one
Sally (PS15B) [9143] mm ...
James (PS14C) [9144] no, no Richard
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9145] there you are dear
James (PS14C) [9146] thank you
Martin (PS14K) [9147] there's a video on for you and then you say right it's finished now
James (PS14C) [9148] it looks like a robin that er doesn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [9149] it isn't though
James (PS14C) [9150] look at them dancing to Mozart these two
Ann (PS14B) [9151] [laugh] you funny boys
James (PS14C) [9152] not there James
Ann (PS14B) [9153] not on there please ... no ... not on, not on there and don't touch those ornaments please cos those are my expensive ones
James (PS14C) [9154] highly intellectual children these two
Ann (PS14B) [9155] [laughing] yeah []
Martin (PS14K) [9156] it's come off ...
Ann (PS14B) [9157] the handle oh he's pulling the
James (PS14C) [9158] don't James please, leave the horse alone. ...
Ann (PS14B) [9159] I don't know, your brother's a menace Martin
Martin (PS14K) [9160] look this is brilliant
Ann (PS14B) [9161] what is it?
Martin (PS14K) [9162] it's a ghost school it is
Ann (PS14B) [9163] a ghost school?
Martin (PS14K) [9164] do you like it?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Martin (PS14K) [9165] do you like it ...
Ann (PS14B) [9166] Rebecca do you know if Amy took her poster?
James (PS14C) [9167] no
Rebecca (PS14D) [9168] I don't know
Ann (PS14B) [9169] she didn't
Rebecca (PS14D) [9170] I don't know
Ann (PS14B) [9171] oh ...
James (PS14M) [9172] take your tie off [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9173] take your tie off what?
James (PS14C) [9174] cos I don't want to hurt myself, because the, the badge there and that's what he say
Ann (PS14B) [9175] oh Jim [laugh] Jim's badge on his tie, yes
James (PS14C) [9176] so he, he knows, come on then, no don't
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9177] leave the doors open, I don't like polishing
James (PS14M) [9178] don't like polishing
Ann (PS14B) [9179] they need polishing though
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Rebecca (PS14D) [9180] at home if I do some housework I get money for it cos I [...] mum have you got any ironing?
James (PS14C) [9181] [...] don't
Rebecca (PS14D) [9182] mum
Ann (PS14B) [9183] oh blimey
Rebecca (PS14D) [9184] I like ironing
Ann (PS14B) [9185] oh Rebecca, I can think of five million things I'd rather do ... Rebecca says she likes ironing ... I certainly don't
Sally (PS15B) [9186] I don't, huh
Ann (PS14B) [9187] she won't when she's bigger
Sally (PS15B) [9188] huh
Ann (PS14B) [9189] what pet?
James (PS14M) [9190] I've come in for the [...] polish
Ann (PS14B) [9191] you coming for the what?
James (PS14M) [9192] I'm coming for the [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9193] for the polish, well it's, it's very kind of you, but it doesn't matter, thank you all the same I'll
James (PS14M) [9194] I, I want to rub it
Ann (PS14B) [9195] I'll tell you what I'll give you a duster if you want to rub it, will that do?
James (PS14M) [9196] just gimme a duster
Ann (PS14B) [9197] here, if you want, there, that'll do, give it a good ru , I think that's the right one, give it a rub with er, oh no it isn't, hang on, that's got [...] or something on it
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9198] bye, bye
Ann (PS14B) [9199] where's the, where's the soft, are you going?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9200] yeah
Ann (PS14B) [9201] here you are I'll give you this look, this is a nice soft cloth, you can give it a rub with that ... oh dear
Marilyn (PS15G) [9202] got everything
Ann (PS14B) [9203] hello Marilyn
Marilyn (PS15G) [9204] hi
Ann (PS14B) [9205] he'd come to get a cloth, they're in the front room with Jim, the, he couldn't get in the door, they're saying, we, I want, we want Beethoven music, we want Mozart music, so Jim's in there with them and they will not leave the cabinet of the music centre
Marilyn (PS15G) [9206] oh
Ann (PS14B) [9207] you know the, the things alone and I said get your hands off those doors I don't like polishing, so he's come for a cloth and the polish
Marilyn (PS15G) [9208] so he can [...] it
Ann (PS14B) [9209] yes, so I've giving him a, a cloth to go and rub it with
Marilyn (PS15G) [9210] you do not dry this hair properly
Ann (PS14B) [9211] mm
Martin (PS14K) [9212] well teacher doesn't even give us
Marilyn (PS15G) [9213] oh
Martin (PS14K) [9214] give us time to get dressed, she says oh hurry up now and we've just come out the bath
Ann (PS14B) [9215] they all complain of that mind, that there, that there isn't time to get dressed, to dry their hair properly
Martin (PS14K) [9216] we, we've only just got out the bath and then she says come on hurry up now
Marilyn (PS15G) [9217] off you go now
Ann (PS14B) [9218] oh
Marilyn (PS15G) [9219] oh well, Joanna's at the library
Ann (PS14B) [9220] yes remembered to tell me
Marilyn (PS15G) [9221] thank you very much er there was something else ...
Ann (PS14B) [9222] tomorrow is Tuesday, are you going swimming? is that what your going, is that what you're telling me, is that what, is, that was what you were trying to remember
Marilyn (PS15G) [9223] no I'm not going swimming tomorrow, too busy tomorrow , it [...] [laugh] right, then
Ann (PS14B) [9224] and Wednesday on the open day, you're going after school
Marilyn (PS15G) [9225] yes, I was supposed to be going the morning well up until ten o'clock off, to go and see the assembly because er the lady I've been replacing is back, so that means we have somebody spare around, but we've got two people off this week
Ann (PS14B) [9226] oh
Marilyn (PS15G) [9227] you know [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9228] I'll go and collect them early anyway
Marilyn (PS15G) [9229] so, well you don't have to, I mean it's you know
Ann (PS14B) [9230] I know but when, when the others are going there's
Marilyn (PS15G) [9231] mm, I, I mean I told them I went
Ann (PS14B) [9232] the
Marilyn (PS15G) [9233] in the morning that was it, I wouldn't be able to get too early
Ann (PS14B) [9234] yeah there're, there are very few left
Marilyn (PS15G) [9235] mm, mm
Ann (PS14B) [9236] and I once went in to collect some and erm, I think it was Mrs said oh good have you come to take them away or something like that cos there was, there weren't many left in the school so I
Marilyn (PS15G) [9237] well if you don't mind that would be
Ann (PS14B) [9238] I, I said well is it alright if I take them because I've not actually come to see their work
Marilyn (PS15G) [9239] mm
Ann (PS14B) [9240] and the parents are coming after school, oh that's fine she said, we don't do very much
James (PS14C) [9241] no
Ann (PS14B) [9242] so it's ever so, have you polished it?
James (PS14M) [9243] I, I, shall I come and polish your [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9244] we can, can I just rub the lipstick off the end of your nose, where I kissed you?
Marilyn (PS15G) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9245] there oh
Marilyn (PS15G) [9246] so I'm not looking forward to breaking the news [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9247] no, no cos she just told me this morning you were going to see her work in the morning .
James (PS14C) [9248] [...] and what's, Richard's been, did you give him that duster?
Ann (PS14B) [9249] he came and asked for the duster and the polish
James (PS14C) [9250] he's been
Ann (PS14B) [9251] he said I want a cloth and the polish
James (PS14C) [9252] he's been dusting
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
James (PS14C) [9253] [...] I'll go and switch it off
Marilyn (PS15G) [9254] bye
Ann (PS14B) [9255] bye Marilyn
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9256] there, you putting it away now
James (PS14M) [9257] and that, I'm, I'm just polishing now
Ann (PS14B) [9258] no ... that's not, that isn't polish anyway ...
James (PS14M) [9259] I'm just polishing
Ann (PS14B) [9260] you're working very hard aren't you? ... you're a hard worker
James (PS14M) [9261] I'm ju
Ann (PS14B) [9262] my coffee's got cold, that hasn't stayed warm very long has it?, perhaps I didn't heat it up hot enough to start with, I'll warm it up a bit.
[9263] ... Er ... [...] might do it, oh that's very kind of you, you're dusting all my kitchen cupboards? do the drawers as well
James (PS14M) [9264] I'm, I'm dusting your kitchen cupboards, I'm dusting your kitchen cupboards and your cup cupboards
Ann (PS14B) [9265] you're a very, very helpful boy, are you feeling happier now?
Sally (PS15B) [9266] what's the matter with him?
Ann (PS14B) [9267] he's, he's not very well, he's fi , look how pale he is, he's pale, James is quite pale as
James (PS14C) [9268] go on upstairs [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
James (PS14C) [9269] say what you've finished with
Ann (PS14B) [9270] oh, er well the two I've finished with are together ... mm
Bryony (PS14N) [9271] I, I, I I want
Ann (PS14B) [9272] why
Bryony (PS14N) [9273] a drink of milk
Ann (PS14B) [9274] you want a drink of milk
Bryony (PS14N) [9275] I do
Ann (PS14B) [9276] well do you, well try again, mind your fingers and
Bryony (PS14N) [9277] well please may I have some milk please
Ann (PS14B) [9278] you certainly may have some milk
Bryony (PS14N) [9279] thank you, please can I have some milk please
Ann (PS14B) [9280] alright, let's find your cup
Bryony (PS14N) [9281] there it is
Ann (PS14B) [9282] that, yes, but you can't get it out, you'll spill it on ya, right, close the fridge door please, you're not supposed to go in the fridge either are you?, you're supposed to ask me if you want them, look you're letting all the cold out of the fridge ... ah, get out of the freezer ... what shall I do with you?
Bryony (PS14N) [9283] nothing
Ann (PS14B) [9284] what shall I do with you?
Bryony (PS14N) [9285] [laugh] nothing
Ann (PS14B) [9286] look James I'll get cross, now leave the fridge and the freezer, closed please
Bryony (PS14N) [9287] nothing
Ann (PS14B) [9288] here , here you are, here's your drink of milk
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9289] where are you?, here you are
Bryony (PS14N) [9290] I'm dusting
Ann (PS14B) [9291] please give the, no don't fight,b ,ge Richard's doing the dusting, let him have the duster, he asked for it
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9292] yes
Bryony (PS14N) [9293] I'm making it all nice and clean
Ann (PS14B) [9294] oh lovely
Bryony (PS14N) [9295] I'm making you
Ann (PS14B) [9296] all sparkling clean is it? that's lovely
Bryony (PS14N) [9297] I wanna rub the washing machine
Ann (PS14B) [9298] you want to what with the washing machine?
Bryony (PS14N) [9299] I wanna rub it with the cloth
Ann (PS14B) [9300] you want to rub it with the cloth ...
Bryony (PS14N) [9301] rubbed it with the, with the cloth
Ann (PS14B) [9302] look, you're going to spill that milk if you're not careful
Bryony (PS14N) [9303] mm, no
Ann (PS14B) [9304] look, you're going to have it on the floor, will you hold it up straight please ... or I might have to scream, shall I scream?, it's alright Richard he didn't spill any
Sally (PS15B) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9305] you, you, you don't need to wipe the floor he didn't spill it ...
Sally (PS15B) [9306] what's that Ann? ... oh a new book, new book ...
Ann (PS14B) [9307] it's er [...] colostomy
Sally (PS15B) [9308] oh yeah
Ann (PS14B) [9309] bags ... it belongs to Jim really, I just acquired it ... Martin I think your comic's here somewhere, or did I ... there you are, remember to take it home with you please, good boy ...
James (PS14C) [9310] so, do you want the [...] you're finished with?
Ann (PS14B) [9311] yes
James (PS14C) [9312] but, are you finished with that one?, or do you want it out again?
Ann (PS14B) [9313] I haven't read that one
James (PS14C) [9314] you want it out again
Ann (PS14B) [9315] erm, let me have a look, I don't think I've read this one
James (PS14C) [9316] there's two on the floor and the others [...]
Ann (PS14B) [...]
James (PS14C) [9317] that was the other one, the one I've just given you, A Wagon Load of Monkeys, the other two is, were on the floor
Ann (PS14B) [9318] I've read those two I haven't read that one, I'll have that one out please [...]
Sally (PS15B) [9319] is Bryony having a
Ann (PS14B) [9320] what's he doing with a knife?,
[9321] I know it's not a sharp one but nevertheless, you don't, scrape
Sally (PS15B) [9322] is Bryony
Ann (PS14B) [9323] cupboard doors with a knife
Sally (PS15B) [9324] is Bryony gonna have her hair short or just trimmed?
Ann (PS14B) [9325] well her mother was hop ... you're being a pest James, er her mother was hoping to have it just below her ears, but
Sally (PS15B) [9326] just below, I'm getting my hair, hair cut now cos it's getting far too thick. ...
Ann (PS14B) [9327] look, come out of there please, there's nothing in there for little boys ... is there?
Sally (PS15B) [9328] look at all this mess
Ann (PS14B) [9329] I know I ... when I make chutney I use ... look you'll smash all the enamel off that casserole and it's a pretty one, I don't want it, why don't you have a run around outside?
James (PS14M) [9330] no
Ann (PS14B) [9331] come on let's go outside and have a run about
James (PS14M) [9332] I don't wanna go out with my coat
Ann (PS14B) [9333] well get your coat then, you can put
James (PS14M) [9334] I
Ann (PS14B) [9335] show Sally how you can put your coat on ... have you seen him put his own coat on Sally?
Sally (PS15B) [9336] erm, no ... where's his coat?, are you coming outside?
Ann (PS14B) [9337] Jim
James (PS14C) [9338] yes
Ann (PS14B) [9339] where'd you want this, the post?, that the, before they stab each other with it ... oh that sounds like he's in the cooker is he
Sally (PS15B) [9340] oh look James, what's this book? ...
Ann (PS14B) [9341] do you want strangulating?, or hanging upside down on the clothes line by your toe nails?
James (PS14M) [9342] no
Ann (PS14B) [9343] or beating till your nose bloods vinegar
Sally (PS15B) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9344] that's what Jim's mother always threatens to do to people
James (PS14C) [9345] thank you
Ann (PS14B) [9346] it's Sally's hair band
James (PS14M) [9347] your hair band
Ann (PS14B) [9348] yes, oh, Richard looks more cheerful, he's jumping up and down, not on the road, come back in this gate.
[9349] ... Oh Jim you've left them ... stay there with Jim, James come along, back this way please ... come back horror, [laugh] I can still run fast, faster than you, come on, good boy, you're not to run away, come along, here's your mummy coming ... look there's mummy
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9350] I've got James Jim, have you got Richard?
James (PS14C) [9351] yeah
James (PS14M) [9352] urgh
Ann (PS14B) [9353] Jim went to put something in the garage
James (PS14M) [9354] I, I, I want
Ann (PS14B) [9355] and these two escaped oh look
James (PS14M) [9356] I want
Ann (PS14B) [9357] sshh, look, there's Paul look, there's Paul cleaning his car
James (PS14C) [9358] there's your mummy
James (PS14M) [9359] urgh
Ann (PS14B) [9360] let's have a look at Bryony
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9361] I've brought you some cream cakes, I'm very grateful
Ann (PS14B) [9362] Dorothy
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9363] well
Ann (PS14B) [9364] oh look at pretty Bryony
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9365] one for you and one for Jim
James (PS14M) [9366] urgh
Ann (PS14B) [9367] thank you very much, no you're not running away
James (PS14M) [9368] I go back down
Ann (PS14B) [9369] look at your pretty, look at your pretty sister, look at your pretty sister, she's got her hair cut shorter, isn't she pretty?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9370] I've squashed your cake
James (PS14M) [9371] I want, I want [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9372] I'm gonna squash your son so it's alright, if he doesn't stop twisting my arm round
James (PS14M) [9373] I wanna go and [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9374] I think that's a load better
Ann (PS14B) [9375] pardon?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9376] is it alright?
James (PS14M) [9377] I wanna go and [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9378] yes it looks nice
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9379] mind, she took a lot of time over it
Ann (PS14B) [9380] aha, Richard's cheered up, he was a bit miserable
James (PS14M) [9381] ride the bike
Ann (PS14B) [9382] he says I wanna go with mummy, but he's, he, no, in that gate, in that gate has Jim got hold of Richard's stuff?
James (PS14M) [9383] I wanna [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9384] yes
Ann (PS14B) [9385] oh
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9386] I believe so
Ann (PS14B) [9387] where's the l lock gone?
James (PS14M) [9388] oh dear, I wanna play
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9389] there, it's down there
Ann (PS14B) [9390] oh
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9391] and you know that Jim recorded on one of his cassettes some programmes for Martin
Ann (PS14B) [9392] mm
James (PS14C) [9393] yeah you run away
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9394] that's to replace
James (PS14C) [9395] you must never do that
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9396] the
James (PS14C) [9397] you're such a good boy
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9398] video, I'm saying that's to replace the video you used cos you record programmes for Martin
James (PS14M) [...]
James (PS14C) [9399] mm
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9400] and there's a spare one if you, [...]
James (PS14C) [9401] ooh she's just fallen over
James (PS14M) [9402] I, I wanna go [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9403] I want you in here
James (PS14M) [9404] I want the cars and bikes
Ann (PS14B) [9405] let Jim
James (PS14C) [9406] well you haven't had [...]
James (PS14M) [9407] I want the cars and bikes
James (PS14C) [9408] you'll enjoy doing that
Ann (PS14B) [9409] will you let Jim through the gate
James (PS14M) [9410] I want
James (PS14C) [9411] oh she is now [laugh]
James (PS14M) [9412] I want the cars and bikes out
Ann (PS14B) [9413] you, you can't have the cars and bikes out, you're going home now, mummy's come to get you, you're going home for your tea
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9414] oh Jim have we got a meeting tomorrow?
James (PS14C) [9415] a meeting [...]
James (PS14M) [9416] oh tell mummy I want to play on the bikes
Ann (PS14B) [9417] what?
James (PS14M) [9418] I want [...] play on the bikes
Ann (PS14B) [9419] I don't know what you're saying, er you're mumbling
James (PS14M) [9420] erm I want to [...] ride on a bike
Ann (PS14B) [9421] I want to
James (PS14M) [9422] ride on a bike please ...
Ann (PS14B) [9423] you can't have a bike today
James (PS14M) [9424] please can I have the cars and bikes out
Ann (PS14B) [9425] why's he mumbling like that all the time?
James (PS14M) [9426] please
Ann (PS14B) [9427] no I'm sorry but you can't have the cars and bikes out because it's tea time and you're going home for your tea, Bryony's had her hair cut and mummy's come back ... there's look
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9428] Hello, which one is it?
Ann (PS14B) [9429] which one do you think? ... who are you?, tell who you are
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9430] what's all the babies called again?
Ann (PS14B) [9431] what's your name?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9432] what's the babies called?, erm, erm
Ann (PS14B) [9433] they're not babies any more now are they really?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9434] Bryony , Bryony, James and
Ann (PS14B) [9435] Bryony, James and, what's your brother called?
James (PS14M) [9436] Bryony and James
Ann (PS14B) [9437] Bryony and James and
James (PS14M) [9438] Richard
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9439] Richard yes
Ann (PS14B) [9440] that's right
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9441] he's, he's, James?
Ann (PS14B) [9442] are you James?
James (PS14M) [9443] I am
Ann (PS14B) [9444] I am, I am
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9445] [laugh] I knew you would be James because he said his brother's name and, I know it's Keith, it must be James
Ann (PS14B) [9446] you're not to climb on this gate, look there's a little tiny bit of rust there already
James (PS14M) [9447] can she come in
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9448] I'll put you in he car
Bryony (PS14N) [9449] no I don't wanna go in
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9450] now what have I done with me car keys, I'm covered in hair
Ann (PS14B) [9451] oops, oh golly, look at that
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9452] James
Ann (PS14B) [9453] you hold my hand Richard, my goodness you're like grease lighting aren't you, a pair of slippery eels, your poor mum's trying to run after your brother in high heels ... are you staying at my house tonight James?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9454] bye, bye James ...
Ann (PS14B) [9455] can you get hold of Richard please and I'll go back and get Bryony ... Bryony
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9456] she's in the house, Bryony come ... oh [...] that's a really good girl
Ann (PS14B) [9457] come on pet, in the car, clever girl, isn't she pretty? she's had, she's had her hair cut, isn't she pretty?,
[9458] Eran thinks your hairs pretty, jump in the car, tea time ...
Bryony (PS14N) [9459] oh my doll ... oh my doll ... oh my doll, where's the doll?
Ann (PS14B) [9460] where's your little do ? where are you, where are
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9461] in my pocket
Ann (PS14B) [9462] oh
Bryony (PS14N) [9463] where's my doll
Ann (PS14B) [9464] mummy's got them in her pocket
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9465] there in my pocket
Ann (PS14B) [9466] oh they're in no they're not, there the, oh they're there
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9467] they're in the front of the car
Bryony (PS14N) [9468] they're in the car
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9469] so if there's anything you said they like to watch it, if you want to tape anything for them
Ann (PS14B) [9470] you and me isn't on at the moment
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9471] they love Rosie and Jim, but that's on a Monday
Ann (PS14B) [9472] oh
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9473] our video doesn't work, it needs replacing
Ann (PS14B) [9474] oh ... well ... if I'm in I'll try and remember
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9475] but I mean don't worry I mean they might be [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9476] to tape things
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9477] on a Tuesday, it's just that if you come across anything, don't go scouring
Ann (PS14B) [9478] yes, no the erm, the two o'clock thing that they used to watch, well erm ... story time it was once and er
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9479] well it's not for my house, it's for yours
Ann (PS14B) [9480] oh
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9481] you know just to
Ann (PS14B) [9482] then you, you and me came back on, but it's finished and it hasn't been replaced, it's ... are you out of breath
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [laugh] ...
Ann (PS14B) [9483] look at that, she's just fastened James in and he's undone his straps
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9484] oh ... oh he's got [...] on, what's he doing? putting the [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9485] fiddling with the gears
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9486] phew
Ann (PS14B) [9487] cor, huh ...
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9488] [laugh] they know how to open the windows open the door
Ann (PS14B) [9489] I know
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9490] and everything ...
Ann (PS14B) [9491] well look how quickly Richard learnt to operate my video, got to have the child lock on it now all the time
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9492] [laughing] yeah [] [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9493] except I forget to put it on ... and then he twiddles, twiddles with the er
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9494] right
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
James (PS14C) [9495] blue library ticket
Ann (PS14B) [9496] I haven't seen anything with it, it, I haven't
James (PS14C) [9497] I've put them down, I can't see them, I brought them down when I brought
Ann (PS14B) [9498] where were you erm, I'll help you to look
James (PS14C) [9499] what? ...
Ann (PS14B) [9500] I can't hear you ... what you doing?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9501] you didn't pick up Jim's library tickets did you?
Richard (PS14P) [9502] we did
Ann (PS14B) [9503] you
James (PS14M) [9504] I got them, them library tickets
Richard (PS14P) [9505] no [...] haven't got any library tickets
Ann (PS14B) [9506] you haven't
James (PS14M) [9507] I haven't got any, yeah sorry we haven't got any library tickets
Ann (PS14B) [9508] oh alright, he's put them down somewhere and he can't find them, and he thought perhaps you might of picked them up, cos you're always picking things up you shouldn't aren't you?
James (PS14M) [9509] I got this at Woolworths
Ann (PS14B) [9510] you've what?, you got what at Woolworths?
Richard (PS14P) [9511] we, we have, we haven't got any library tickets
Ann (PS14B) [9512] oh
Richard (PS14P) [9513] so we haven't
Ann (PS14B) [9514] what do you want to do tomorrow when you're at my house?
James (PS14M) [9515] we, can I come tomorrow please?
Ann (PS14B) [9516] yes what are you going to do?
James (PS14M) [9517] I want, I want, I want paint strawberry
Ann (PS14B) [9518] you're painting strawberry, how would you do strawberry?
James (PS14M) [9519] strawberry and cheese
Ann (PS14B) [9520] strawberry, strawberry
James (PS14M) [9521] strawberry and straw
Ann (PS14B) [9522] and cheese
James (PS14M) [9523] strawberry and cheese
Ann (PS14B) [9524] urgh that doesn't sound very nice to me, I like strawberry cheese cake though [laugh] he's telling me something about strawberry and cheese
Martin (PS14K) [9525] oh good my book of Cluedo, ow
James (PS14M) [9526] ow I want my door closed
Ann (PS14B) [9527] alright put your arm in and I'll close your door, I've had a
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9528] I'm sorry I hope I haven't made you late
Ann (PS14B) [9529] mm
James (PS14C) [9530] are we having dinner when we come back Ann?
Ann (PS14B) [9531] I don't know, depends what you want to do, I can prepare it now actually there's only Sally left is?, is it only you left Sal?
Sally (PS15B) [9532] yeah
James (PS14C) [9533] why don't we eat when we come back?
Ann (PS14B) [9534] I know but I can warm mine up in the microwave, have you got a meeting tonight?
James (PS14C) [9535] no
Ann (PS14B) [9536] oh
James (PS14C) [9537] tomorrow night ...
Ann (PS14B) [9538] erm ... I can't hear for Dorothy's car, what did you say? is he going ... I think I'd better ... I said thank you for the cake
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9539] oh your very welcome, thanks [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9540] I'm saying there's Jim going to the library in the car, the lazy lump, take him all of seven minutes to walk there
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9541] I could never of got them and got her hair cut [...] cos she did do it slowly and got it level
Ann (PS14B) [9542] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9543] right, see ya tomorrow, bye everyone ... which doors Jim gone in?
Sally (PS15B) [9544] er
Ann (PS14B) [9545] we'll go round the back, cos I don't know if he opened the front ... oh you have to move fast haven't ya to catch those three?
Sally (PS15B) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9546] well two especially ... right I can put the lock in
James (PS14C) [9547] found it I put it behind so stop the kids
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
James (PS14C) [9548] so I know wonder
Ann (PS14B) [9549] well you should know if ever you've lost anything
James (PS14C) [9550] ta la
Ann (PS14B) [9551] bye
James (PS14C) [9552] see you shortly
Ann (PS14B) [9553] did you hear what I said, I think your, I don't know if you'd gone back in the house when I said, I'll prepare, I'll prepare the dinner
James (PS14C) [9554] I'll have it with you when you come back
Ann (PS14B) [9555] tonight I mean I'll prepare
James (PS14C) [9556] I'll, I'll have it when you, I, I'll have it with you when you come back
Ann (PS14B) [9557] alright, whatever you say, right ... there doesn't seem to be so much mess as usual
Sally (PS15B) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9558] in fact I might not even need to vacuum the floor, need I?, if I pick that bit of paper up off there
Sally (PS15B) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9559] what is it
Sally (PS15B) [9560] erm ... I've forgotten ...
Ann (PS14B) [9561] right ... are you watching this?
Sally (PS15B) [9562] yeah
Ann (PS14B) [9563] right, I'll shall go and do some work in the kitchen then ... the ...
Sally (PS15B) [9564] Ann's upstairs
Ann (PS14B) [9565] I'm here
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9566] Ah
Ann (PS14B) [9567] I went to the loo
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9568] I've booked the Easter holiday wrong well
Ann (PS14B) [9569] oh, phew
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9570] Bob's put down for the Wednesday and the Thursday off, so it's the Tuesday and the Friday I'm stuck on the second week
Ann (PS14B) [9571] right
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9572] is that alright?
Ann (PS14B) [9573] yes, yes
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9574] cos I've got the first week off, but it's just, I'm just stuck for Tuesday and Friday of the second week, you've got the Mayday holiday off and in the summer I've got the first three full weeks of the summer holiday off
Ann (PS14B) [9575] mm, mm
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9576] so I'm stuck for the next three weeks and half a week because I, you know I get the, August bank holiday I get two days, saying that they're probably going up to Grans for a week in the holidays ... er sometime to stay with her particularly with her being on her own as well this year
Ann (PS14B) [9577] yes
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9578] so erm, will that be a problem
Ann (PS14B) [9579] no
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9580] the first three weeks, three and a half weeks
Ann (PS14B) [9581] no
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9582] cos your on holiday
Ann (PS14B) [9583] our holidays the first two weeks of the school holiday
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9584] well mines the first two weeks and I'm keeping them off those two days that they're supposed to be at school
Ann (PS14B) [9585] yes, yes
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9586] so I'm actually taking the first three weeks and you're taking the last
Ann (PS14B) [9587] yeah
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9588] two of mine
Ann (PS14B) [9589] yeah, yes so we're
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9590] there you are
Ann (PS14B) [9591] doing it alright
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9592] yeah, right okay then, we shall go, I hope the weather keeps up because I want a good week next week, we're gonna work out where we're gonna go for a couple of days aren't we?
Sally (PS15B) [9593] mm
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9594] got any good suggestions?, we were gonna go to the Hancock museum and see the monsters of the deep, but it ended in March
Ann (PS14B) [9595] oh that's right, there's there's
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9596] yeah
Ann (PS14B) [9597] a new exhibition
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9598] where?
Ann (PS14B) [9599] at the Hancock the
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9600] is there?
Ann (PS14B) [9601] erm, oh what did Pat tell me?, she just told me yesterday
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9602] oh was it dinosaurs?
Ann (PS14B) [9603] yes
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9604] yes I saw it on Sunday
Ann (PS14B) [9605] yes yes it's dinosaurs
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9606] well we could go and see that
Sally (PS15B) [9607] what?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9608] the dinosaurs exhibition at the Hancock and the other things there, cos it's a good museum, then we could have er lunch at MacDonalds and a look round the ... we could go to the [...] museum as well, that's free
Ann (PS14B) [9609] yes
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9610] if I can find my way there
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9611] [laugh] I'll probably have to do me tour of the quayside to start at the beginning where we went
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9612] and go all the way round [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9613] yes
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9614] and then I'd know where I am, huh, I just can't go to it from this end [clears throat] , right I'm out tonight, I'm at the joiners with friends so
Ann (PS14B) [9615] mm, mm
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9616] I'd better go and get our tea ...
Ann (PS14B) [9617] I'm doing ours
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9618] so we'll go
Ann (PS14B) [9619] when I come back
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9620] oh you're going to aerobics
Ann (PS14B) [9621] from me leaping about
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9622] [laugh] you still doing your? [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9623] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [9624] right see ya Ann, thanks
Ann (PS14B) [9625] right ... Hello
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9626] I haven't got much done, I've got all the cups and things washed, but oh Catherine's just phoned me
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9627] wait until she gets her phone bill pay the phone
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9628] erm, I'll get, have I got time?,
[9629] I've got time to do the potatoes before I go, erm
James (PS14C) [9630] have they [...] around a bit?
Ann (PS14B) [9631] she said yeah, she, erm, the reason that women who does the earrings couldn't make them for me, was that she buys all the parts, well the flower earrings she makes, she buys all these parts and she ex assembles them which ever parts you want
James (PS14C) [9632] mm, mm
Ann (PS14B) [9633] the colours and everything and the order you want them, but the little figures ... erm, she buys them and she just paints them, and that's how she could make er the ones for Shirley er for me, erm ... she gets little soldiers and she can paint them in the camouflage dress
James (PS14C) [9634] yes
Ann (PS14B) [9635] you know the, er the para smock and er
James (PS14C) [9636] with the red hat, and [laughing] she dyes the red hat []
Ann (PS14B) [9637] but in, no it's not red, it'll, I think it's military police, erm, that's how she can do it with er, erm a maroon beret, because she said to me did I want a peaked cap? and I said no the, the er, erm maroon beret, so it shows its the parachute regiment
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9638] what, oh, erm, there's something I've just thought of though, when they wear the er camouflage things, is that when they wear the maroon belt round?, isn't the kaki belt with the dress uniform?
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9639] anyway she said, er Catherine said she was surprised that the woman couldn't do it for me, before the end of June
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9640] but Catherine, cos I didn't know Catherine sells stuff for her
James (PS14C) [9641] that's nice
Ann (PS14B) [9642] that's how Catherine gets such a lot of stuff by post she, she actually
James (PS14C) [9643] I know she does, she does
Ann (PS14B) [9644] and, er, ah but you spoke to Catherine on the phone and I was out, and you didn't tell me that part, and erm
James (PS14C) [9645] you sure I didn't
Ann (PS14B) [9646] but Catherine hasn't got her number
James (PS14C) [9647] you have
Ann (PS14B) [9648] well I have because we have erm, we've got that Durham and Wearside telephone directory, so I gave Catherine the number and she said she's got to ring her tonight about something ... I think what Catherine must of done was, well she must of send orders to her by post
James (PS14C) [9649] oh ...
Ann (PS14B) [9650] cos they're not X directory if we can get hold of the number, er ... so she's going to say to her could she do it any quicker and I said well ... the woman said if she could do it any quicker she would ring me, she asked for me phone number.
[9651] ... You know I'm hungry, I feel slightly sick, I, I think I'll eat er, what, a digestive biscuit, it's a bit late isn't it?
James (PS14C) [9652] aye, [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9653] to start eating now no I, no I'll walk round, I'm meeting erm Cathy at the bottom of the road, or outside her house, whatever, Lorraine's not going again
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9654] yeah
James (PS14C) [9655] and he gave me three good [...] I can't remember my [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9656] what was it?
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9657] oh
James (PS14C) [9658] what, have a [...] because we're going to [...] another chap had said are you sure I've ordered this milk and it was this young man who's serving you see, and so, the, the more senior librarian she says [...] she said it reminds me of interesting reading, was about erm, it was a very sort, it was, it was an [...] but it was about architecture of, of Italy, you see, it was quite a detailed thing, you know really good [laughing] detail []
Ann (PS14B) [9659] you mean its kind for architects
James (PS14C) [9660] that's right
Ann (PS14B) [9661] serious students or architecture
James (PS14C) [9662] I don't mind
Ann (PS14B) [9663] aha ... Marilyn got had got
James (PS14C) [9664] cos it's [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9665] oh
James (PS14C) [9666] [...] about, you know with the same writer, I always buy Sackville, something to do with Sackville, you know the erm, er, what they call it?
Ann (PS14B) [9667] the [...] Sackville West?
James (PS14C) [9668] that's right, that's, that, I think it was [...] so, I mean that she was [...] so it must be just something to do with gardens as well, cos she was a gardener wasn't she?, [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9669] yes
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9670] yes
James (PS14C) [9671] erm
Ann (PS14B) [9672] among lots of other things
James (PS14C) [9673] I thought [...] was one of the other books I ordered for you ... with regard to what they call it [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9674] mm, mm
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9675] right, there's the potatoes done anyway
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9676] get them in some water ...
James (PS14C) [9677] er, well I've got to go [...] erm last week and even er [...] ... oh well if you've got [...] erm, they're are ... well I think twenty might be all I need
Ann (PS14B) [9678] Brian would of only need twenty, I told
James (PS14C) [9679] what?
Ann (PS14B) [9680] you that
James (PS14C) [9681] Brian would only need twenty that's all, apart from what I need
Ann (PS14B) [9682] that, that was to do, behind Algate that you said you were doing
James (PS14C) [9683] no I didn't say that ... I didn't, I wasn't doing [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9684] Algate Court
James (PS14C) [9685] no, no, I was just doing the front, he did behind those [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9686] well he was twenty short
James (PS14C) [9687] well Brian will then needs twenty and I need about twenty as well, so ... cutting, you know the hill gate, the, the erm, the houses, you know as you go into the park, passed the Joiners Arms, you know those houses up there.

26 (Tape 070202)

Ann (PS14B) [9688] Was that Dorothy?
James (PS14C) [9689] That was Dorothy, yes
Ann (PS14B) [9690] so she's got about twenty left
James (PS14C) [9691] she's got about twenty left, yes
Ann (PS14B) [9692] oh, right, erm, look I'll have to go and get changed, or I'm gonna be late
James (PS14C) [9693] I've been to
Ann (PS14B) [9694] oh where's that digestive biscuit I was gonna eat
James (PS14C) [9695] I've been to [...] house
Ann (PS14B) [9696] oh yeah
James (PS14C) [9697] I've been to take the registers there to [...] hill
Ann (PS14B) [9698] mm, mm
James (PS14C) [9699] and I've also spoke, I've spoke to John this afternoon, he said yes, this morning I mean about taking them yes, he said yes definitely take them, erm and I suggested that Jack goes in
Ann (PS14B) [9700] well ... it can't do any harm, why doesn't he go up when he's in on Wednesday, well he's coming to the market
James (PS14C) [9701] well he's [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9702] on Wednesday, why doesn't he go in while then?
James (PS14C) [9703] yeah, well it doesn't matter when he goes, as long as he goes in
Ann (PS14B) [9704] you're not in are you?
James (PS14C) [9705] half day Wednesday
Ann (PS14B) [9706] oh you won't be able to, anyway I've gotta get changed quickly
James (PS14C) [9707] right
Ann (PS14B) [9708] oh I need a pair of clean socks ... [cough]
James (PS14C) [9709] don't pinch any more of mine
Ann (PS14B) [9710] I'm not pinching your socks, I'm using me own white ones ... oh which is a pair here? ... that one goes ... that's a pair
James (PS14C) [9711] what are all these bits at the back for?
Ann (PS14B) [9712] they belong to the triplets ... right

27 (Tape 070203)

Ann (PS14B) [9713] Right, money ... money, money, money, there's my money ... and that ... what else do I need?,
[9714] I can't think ... I need those
James (PS14C) [9715] Do you want anything recording or are you alright? ...
Ann (PS14B) [9716] I'll be back by ten past seven, erm what else do I need?
James (PS14C) [9717] if there's nothing you want recording what do you want me to do with the dinner? ...
Ann (PS14B) [9718] erm ... just keep turning
James (PS14C) [9719] okay
Ann (PS14B) [9720] right, I'll just put me money in my pocket but I've still got
James (PS14C) [9721] but I have to bring am to put it on?
Ann (PS14B) [9722] what?
James (PS14C) [9723] at seven o'clock?
Ann (PS14B) [9724] you can if you like, erm, what else do I need? oh heck is that the time ... er
James (PS14C) [9725] I don't know what you need now, you've got your mat, you've got your money, you've got your coat
Ann (PS14B) [9726] oh I know
James (PS14C) [9727] you've got your socks
Ann (PS14B) [9728] pad and me pen ... I've got me what?
James (PS14C) [9729] you've got your money, you've got your mat, you've got your coat and you've got your socks
Ann (PS14B) [9730] I should hope so, I've got me socks on me feet
James (PS14C) [9731] so what more do you need?
Ann (PS14B) [9732] nothing ... got some tissues
James (PS14C) [9733] pardon?
Ann (PS14B) [9734] I've got some tissues in my pocket, er, right, I'm going then, see you later, bye
James (PS14C) [9735] right, ta la ...
Ann (PS14B) [9736] right

28 (Tape 070401)

Ann (PS14B) [9737] What's he got ... oh he's got the box, he's climbed up and got the box with me
Evelyn (PS172) [9738] Don't touch it now
Ann (PS14B) [9739] hey that's got my engagement ring, my eternity ring and
Evelyn (PS172) [9740] oh
Ann (PS14B) [9741] oh dear me
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9742] it's mine and it's got other rings in it, look
Richard (PS14P) [9743] I [...] that
Evelyn (PS172) [9744] you'll have to put them up on the ceiling
Ann (PS14B) [9745] that's one a, that one's [...]
Richard (PS14P) [9746] I only did er that
Ann (PS14B) [9747] pet, you must not touch that, you're not to climb up and get things off shelves, you come out of the cupboard ... ee ...
Evelyn (PS172) [9748] what a life
Ann (PS14B) [9749] mm, mm
Evelyn (PS172) [9750] no, I really must go
Ann (PS14B) [9751] what you doing? anything interesting
Evelyn (PS172) [9752] I'm knitting I'm knitting, I'm doing a matinee coat for this child in Australia who's due on the twenty second
Ann (PS14B) [9753] he's in that cupboard again look, huh
Evelyn (PS172) [9754] twenty second a ba er about a week before we go and I have a little toy for, for Geoffrey he's two
Ann (PS14B) [9755] mm, mm
Evelyn (PS172) [9756] and I'm knitting a little lemon matinee coat
Ann (PS14B) [9757] oh, what's he got in his hand?
Evelyn (PS172) [9758] what have you got this time?
Ann (PS14B) [9759] he's got the washer [laughing] instructions []
Evelyn (PS172) [9760] oh no [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9761] they've already got the front torn off it
Richard (PS14P) [9762] I [...]
Evelyn (PS172) [9763] I love their jumpers
Ann (PS14B) [9764] yes they're nice aren't they?
Evelyn (PS172) [9765] they, they not home knit are they?
Ann (PS14B) [9766] no they're bought ones
Evelyn (PS172) [9767] they're beautiful
Ann (PS14B) [9768] we'll have to, we'll look we'll have a story this afternoon, if we don't get out this morning it could be pouring down
Evelyn (PS172) [9769] yes
Ann (PS14B) [9770] and we've got to go to buy some
Richard (PS14P) [9771] milk
Ann (PS14B) [9772] yes
Evelyn (PS172) [9773] when is the, the sale in [...] is it next Saturday?
Ann (PS14B) [9774] which sale?
Evelyn (PS172) [9775] well the big sale, you know with the furniture and everything
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9776] I did
Evelyn (PS172) [9777] big rugs
Ann (PS14B) [9778] I didn't know there was one
Evelyn (PS172) [9779] every year they have one
Ann (PS14B) [9780] oh
Evelyn (PS172) [9781] by the lions, you know the lions have it
Ann (PS14B) [9782] oh , I haven't seen it advertised ...
Evelyn (PS172) [9783] it's usually at the beginning of June, it wasn't on Saturday so it must be next Saturday
Ann (PS14B) [9784] there was a stall in [...] on Saturday, but that was for the erm, was it Saturday?
Evelyn (PS172) [9785] there's er
Ann (PS14B) [9786] it was for the er cat scanner and it was run by the Co-Op it was, it was just
Evelyn (PS172) [9787] oh I saw that sign
Ann (PS14B) [9788] outside the Co-Op
Evelyn (PS172) [9789] yeah, this is, this is same sort for the er
Richard (PS14P) [9790] Billy don't [...]
Evelyn (PS172) [9791] town hall tomorrow
Richard (PS14P) [9792] Billy don't
Ann (PS14B) [9793] well what's there? just
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9794] oh, half us, listen we're not having the three billy goats gruff just know, because we're going to go out, would you like to put your coat on?
Richard (PS14P) [9795] I don't
Ann (PS14B) [9796] well you can't go out without it
Evelyn (PS172) [9797] so I'll I'll shall have a look in there
Ann (PS14B) [9798] yes
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9799] oh I've locked the door again, I've gotta keep the door locked you see
Evelyn (PS172) [9800] of course
Ann (PS14B) [9801] I once went to get the buggy out and I'd accidentally left the key in the door
Evelyn (PS172) [9802] oh it's in the garage
Ann (PS14B) [9803] and Richard locked me out and I
Evelyn (PS172) [9804] oh yes
Ann (PS14B) [9805] I had to go and get Doug, I had to run down to school
Evelyn (PS172) [9806] I know you had to burst the door open
Ann (PS14B) [9807] I know I'd had to smash the door, he had to smash the door open with a spade, the lock for me, cos, he, he, he couldn't get, he tried er taking that panel out at the bottom and he couldn't get it out and I didn't really want him to smash the double glazed glass, in fact it, that would of been very difficult
Evelyn (PS172) [9808] oh you'd try anything
Ann (PS14B) [9809] erm, frosted double glazed glass would of been difficult
Evelyn (PS172) [9810] your flowers are nice aren't they?
Ann (PS14B) [9811] they are, yes
Evelyn (PS172) [9812] yeah, right I shall go then
Ann (PS14B) [9813] yeah
Evelyn (PS172) [9814] and continue with my knitting and I'm painting as well
Ann (PS14B) [9815] oh, mm
Evelyn (PS172) [9816] bye, bye
Ann (PS14B) [9817] [...] busy, right, bye, are you gonna shout bye, bye to Mrs ?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [9818] bye
Ann (PS14B) [9819] say see you another day
Richard (PS14P) [9820] see you another day
Bryony (PS14N) [9821] bye
Evelyn (PS172) [9822] see you another day
Ann (PS14B) [9823] right, bye
Richard (PS14P) [9824] bye
Ann (PS14B) [9825] shut the door again, are you going to put your coats on?
Bryony (PS14N) [9826] not me, no we are not
Ann (PS14B) [9827] no you are not, well you can't come out with me then without coats on
Richard (PS14P) [9828] I am, I am
Ann (PS14B) [9829] can you?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9830] what love? you're gonna put yours on, what a clever girl

29 (Tape 070402)

Ann (PS14B) [9831] You're standing on your rain cover look ... what you trying to reach
Bryony (PS14N) [9832] I, I
Ann (PS14B) [9833] mm?, what you doing?, will you boys come back please and put your coats on?
Bryony (PS14N) [9834] I want my coat on, I want my coat on, I want my coat on
Ann (PS14B) [9835] you want your coat on, how about you having a try and see if you can put yours on, like Richard and James ... do you think you can?
Bryony (PS14N) [9836] I can
Ann (PS14B) [9837] stand that up look ... if you break that mirror I won't be able to see to put my contact lenses in.
[9838] ... Who's putting their coats on? ... oh they've gone to the toilet ... what you doing?, looking at your pretty face ... mm ... [laugh] ... we'd better go and see what your brothers are doing
Bryony (PS14N) [9839] they're putting them coats on
Ann (PS14B) [9840] you, no they're not putting their coats on, they've gone to the toilet, Richard can go to the toilet by himself actually ... can't he? ... he's a clever boy isn't he? ... can you get your coat for me?, you get your coat now, I'll put it on for you ... I hope you haven't broken that, have you?, pick it up, carefully ... give it to me look
Bryony (PS14N) [9841] oh
Ann (PS14B) [9842] right we'll put it back right over there, here's your toilet roll there if you want
Bryony (PS14N) [9843] I need the toilet
Ann (PS14B) [9844] you need the toilet again?, you've just been
Bryony (PS14N) [9845] toilet mummy I need
Ann (PS14B) [9846] alright
Bryony (PS14N) [9847] pink potty, need the pink potty
Ann (PS14B) [9848] you don't need the pink potty, the pink potty's right outside the toilet door
Bryony (PS14N) [9849] need the toilet, need the toilet
Ann (PS14B) [9850] you don't need the toilet
Bryony (PS14N) [9851] I need to come on the pink potty, I need a ...
Ann (PS14B) [9852] I'm here, what, wait I'll see what they're doing, what are you doing boys?
Richard (PS14P) [laugh]
James (PS14M) [9853] in the shower
Ann (PS14B) [9854] pardon?
James (PS14M) [9855] we're in the shower in
Ann (PS14B) [9856] you're in the shower
James (PS14M) [9857] we're in the moon
Ann (PS14B) [9858] you're in er
James (PS14M) [9859] on the moon
Ann (PS14B) [9860] you're on the moon
James (PS14M) [9861] we, we in
Ann (PS14B) [9862] Richard's in the shower and your on the, alright I'll close the door
Bryony (PS14N) [9863] I come in
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9864] you want to go to the toilet first?
James (PS14M) [9865] me, me, me going me going to the moon
Ann (PS14B) [9866] you want the toilet first Bryony you said, alright, go on then what are you going to
James (PS14M) [9867] I [...] the moon
Ann (PS14B) [9868] your, that's the moon is it?
James (PS14M) [9869] I [...] the moon
Ann (PS14B) [9870] alright, do you want me to close the door?
James (PS14M) [9871] yes
Ann (PS14B) [9872] I close
Bryony (PS14N) [9873] I go and get a rain cover
Ann (PS14B) [9874] oh, where is it? ...
Bryony (PS14N) [9875] I'll go and get it
Ann (PS14B) [9876] her rain covers over there, it's, ooh, where is it?
[9877] ... I don't know where it is, where's Bryony's rain cover James?, oh it's down here look, it's on the kitchen floor you've put it ... is this your space suit to go to the moon?, is that your space suit Richard?
Richard (PS14P) [9878] ah, what [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9879] is it your space suit, if you're going to the moon you need a space suit on if you're going in a space ship, er thank you, thank you
James (PS14M) [9880] that's mine
Ann (PS14B) [9881] er you don't play with my aerobics mat
James (PS14M) [9882] that's mine space
Ann (PS14B) [9883] it isn't, it's Bryony's space suit, give her, otherwise she'll be squeaking cos she wants her own, here's yours James, you have your own, give that one to Bryony, here's your space suit Bryony, you'll need this if you're going to the moon
James (PS14M) [9884] me
Ann (PS14B) [9885] look Richard's got his on, here's yours
James (PS14M) [9886] I want my red hat on, I want my red hat on, I want my red hat on
Ann (PS14B) [9887] wait wait a minute, look this is how you do it, do it as if you're in the buggy you see, you put your head through there, put your, there now
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9888] [laugh] look at Bryony, with that red peaked hood and, and the front of this rain cover hanging down and the back bit all punched up at the back
Richard (PS14P) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9889] you look like a red chicken
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9890] you look more like a red chicken Bryony
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9891] oh Richard be careful not to bump into each other
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [9892] oh I'll get me ready [cough] ...
Bryony (PS14N) [9893] I want my suit on
Ann (PS14B) [9894] you want what?
Bryony (PS14N) [9895] I want my suit on
Ann (PS14B) [9896] has it come off?, your space suits come off has it?, alright, here, well stand still or I can't put it on while you're jumping about ... come here jumping bean, don't you want it on?
Bryony (PS14N) [9897] I do
Ann (PS14B) [9898] well come and get it on then, here it is, there you going back into space
Bryony (PS14N) [9899] been on the
Ann (PS14B) [9900] eh
Bryony (PS14N) [9901] I've been on the [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9902] you're going where?, you're going back to the moon, oh have you co , have you come back from the moon now?
Richard (PS14P) [9903] I haven't
Ann (PS14B) [9904] you haven't ... I thought you had, have you come back down to earth?, you landed?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9905] you're going back to the moon?
[9906] ... Are you still on the moon? [laugh]
Richard (PS14P) [9907] We've been to the moon
Ann (PS14B) [9908] you've been to the moon, are you coming back yet?
James (PS14M) [9909] we going to Ashington
Ann (PS14B) [9910] you're going to Ashington now
James (PS14M) [9911] we're going to Ashington
Ann (PS14B) [9912] right, I'll see you when you come back ...
Bryony (PS14N) [9913] we're gonna come back from Ashington, we're gonna come back from Ashington when, when it's dinner time we'll come back
Ann (PS14B) [9914] you're gonna come back from Ashington when it's dinner time, look it's starting to get brighter outside.
[9915] ... Ashington's not in the bathroom, come on, downstairs please, Bryony while we're up here lets you go to the loo, you might as well, look when your upstairs already, you said you needed a wee ... so you might as well go now while we're upstairs
Bryony (PS14N) [9916] I need a poo
Ann (PS14B) [9917] do you pet?
Bryony (PS14N) [9918] I need a wee, wee
Ann (PS14B) [9919] alright, shall we take this space suit off you while ya
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9920] yes, you can, ooh what's he getting in the bathroom, I can hear something, you sit there
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9921] and see what they're doing, where are they?, where've have you got
Bryony (PS14N) [9922] we're vacuuming
Ann (PS14B) [9923] you are not, will you come downstairs please?
Bryony (PS14N) [9924] I did my [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9925] come down then
Bryony (PS14N) [9926] I did a wee on my thingy
Ann (PS14B) [9927] you've done a wee on your thingy, oh don't worry, we'll wash it, down the stairs boys now, quickly please
Bryony (PS14N) [9928] look at it
Ann (PS14B) [9929] good boys , what
Bryony (PS14N) [9930] look at it
Ann (PS14B) [9931] look at it, I will wash your hand in two seconds, when you're ready, here, I'll just wipe it with a bit of loo roll for now and we'll wash it when your ready
Bryony (PS14N) [9932] my finger
Ann (PS14B) [9933] there you are, drop that in the toilet can you please? ... look at them, right, down these stairs this instant, look be careful what you're doing with that round you, carry it downstairs please, Richard, take, take your space suit off while you walk downstairs otherwise you're gonna trip over it, here I'll drop them down the stairs for you ... there we are ... you go down those stairs ... ooh ...
Bryony (PS14N) [9934] I've got lots of them in
Ann (PS14B) [9935] you've got lots of what?
Bryony (PS14N) [9936] I've got lots of them in
Ann (PS14B) [9937] got lots of them in, have you?, you've got a piece stuck to you, you look as if you're making confetti ... tiny bits of paper ...
Richard (PS14P) [9938] I want to put it on me
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9939] I'll just stand here look so I can hear what Richard and James are doing downstairs ...
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9940] gent ...
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9941] what pet?
Bryony (PS14N) [9942] I don't want [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9943] right just
Bryony (PS14N) [9944] potty, I'm going on the little potty
Ann (PS14B) [9945] you're going on the potty instead of the toilet now are you?
Bryony (PS14N) [9946] potty
Ann (PS14B) [9947] well you need, you want the pink one
Bryony (PS14N) [9948] potty
Ann (PS14B) [9949] make your mind up
Bryony (PS14N) [9950] potty
Ann (PS14B) [9951] well you need
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9952] need to get at the front of it look, sit down, pull your trousers down further, that's it
Bryony (PS14N) [9953] I wanna do a poo
Ann (PS14B) [9954] well you sit there then, I'll come back in two minutes I, I can't hear what Richard and James are doing
James (PS14M) [9955] no, I, you put in er
Ann (PS14B) [9956] what are you doing boys?
James (PS14M) [9957] put in, put a [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9958] what? ...
James (PS14M) [9959] can you have a [...]
Richard (PS14P) [9960] not yet, not yet
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...] ...
Ann (PS14B) [9961] I'm coming Bryony, I think she's shouting now, don't come downstairs with your trousers round your ankles ... ooh ... oh what a clever girl, stand still while I wipe your bot, ooh ... come here, bendy over, touch your toes, clever girl, down you go, that's it, what a clever girl, right just hold on a minute, wait a minute, let me put some water in here and then, oh dear ...
Bryony (PS14N) [9962] I did a poo in the pink potty, I did a poo in the pink potty
Ann (PS14B) [9963] you did, yes ... I'll just give this potty, move, oh I'm gonna fall over your feet, I'll just give it a rinse out and dry it
Bryony (PS14N) [9964] I did a poo
Ann (PS14B) [9965] you did, you're the cleverest girl
Bryony (PS14N) [9966] I done another poo
Ann (PS14B) [9967] you did, you're the cleverest girl in the world aren't you? ... there's your space suit ... where are you?, come here while I pull your pants up, pants up first, pants up first ... lets run some water ... wait a minute your trousers are not pulled up ... right both hands in ... a little bit of soap on, now rub them together ... good rinse, get all the soap off, right shake, rattle and roll, hands washed, I mean dried sorry
Bryony (PS14N) [9968] I'm in your bathroom
Ann (PS14B) [9969] what?
Bryony (PS14N) [9970] in your bathroom
Ann (PS14B) [9971] yes you're in my bathroom ... now then
Bryony (PS14N) [9972] I'm in your bedroom
Ann (PS14B) [9973] my bedroom?, this isn't, I don't sleep, oh dear, somebody's crying downstairs
Bryony (PS14N) [9974] Richard
Ann (PS14B) [9975] lets yes
Bryony (PS14N) [9976] it's Richard
Ann (PS14B) [9977] yes it's Richard, wait a minute, lets go down and see what's the matter with Ri , what's the matter Richard?
Bryony (PS14N) [9978] Richard [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9979] what's the matter Richard?
James (PS14M) [9980] James is in my [...] in my seat
Ann (PS14B) [9981] James is in your seat is he?
James (PS14M) [9982] he is
Ann (PS14B) [9983] oh, are you in your brother's seat?
Richard (PS14P) [9984] I'm not, I'm in me own
Ann (PS14B) [9985] well there's plen there's plenty of room there look, you can get beside him
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9986] look Richard, Richard, I want you to put your coat on now anyway, coat on please now
Richard (PS14P) [9987] no I don't want my coat
Ann (PS14B) [9988] we are going out now and I want your coat on, here we are
Richard (PS14P) [9989] no I don't want my coat
Ann (PS14B) [9990] there's yours James
Richard (PS14P) [9991] I don't, I don't want my coat on
Ann (PS14B) [9992] we've got to go and buy some milk
Richard (PS14P) [9993] I don't want my coat on
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS14P) [9994] no
Ann (PS14B) [9995] er you put yours on please James for me ...
Bryony (PS14N) [9996] I don't wanna go [...] ...
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9997] I'm here Richard, what's the matter?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [9998] look, where you going?
Richard (PS14P) [9999] he's going in my seat again
Ann (PS14B) [10000] he's going in your seat ag , look, you don't, you, I've told you, you want your coats on
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10001] you come, you come with me a second, just come here a second with me, you just stand beside me, come here, oh poor Richard
Richard (PS14P) [10002] he just come back
Ann (PS14B) [10003] are you feeling niggly?, mm
Richard (PS14P) [10004] he just being naughty, he just being very naughty to me
Ann (PS14B) [10005] is he?
James (PS14M) [...]
Richard (PS14P) [10006] he's been naughty to me, cos he not letting me in, he, he not letting me in his coat either
Ann (PS14B) [10007] is he not being kind to you today?
Richard (PS14P) [10008] he's not being kind to me
Ann (PS14B) [10009] oh dear
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10010] what colour what is?
[10011] ... I think your brother and sister are about to fight now
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [10012] what's the matter Bryony?
Bryony (PS14N) [10013] smacked me, he smacked me
Ann (PS14B) [10014] who isn't nice?
Bryony (PS14N) [10015] James smacked me
Ann (PS14B) [10016] James is not nice
Bryony (PS14N) [10017] he smacked me
Richard (PS14P) [10018] what colours this one? and what colours this one?, what colours this one?
Ann (PS14B) [10019] you tell me the colours
Richard (PS14P) [10020] what colours this one?
Ann (PS14B) [10021] what colour is it?
Richard (PS14P) [10022] is it pink?, is it, is it pink?
Ann (PS14B) [10023] it is pink you're right, clever boy, what colour are the others?
Richard (PS14P) [10024] how about erm
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [10025] come here please Bryony
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10026] jump up, you've got your shoe off look
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [10027] are you two fighting?
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [10028] come here
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [10029] he smacked me
Ann (PS14B) [10030] what, he what?
Bryony (PS14N) [10031] he smacked me
Ann (PS14B) [10032] he smacked you did he?, are you smacking your sister?
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [10033] oh look I've got all the tissues are used up, I'll have to go upstairs, let's see if there's one in my shopping bag, your nose is streaming Bryony ... you can't get out James, it's locked, Richard I mean, sorry ... come on, let me in, here lets wipe your nose
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [10034] look it doesn't matter now because we're going out for some milk, here
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [10035] turn your face round good girl, yeah
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [10036] oh cheer up, come on mm, poor Bryony
Bryony (PS14N) [crying]
Ann (PS14B) [10037] come on, let's have this coat on
James (PS14M) [10038] have my coat on [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10039] what love?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS14P) [10040] are we going out the front door?
Ann (PS14B) [10041] er no we're going out the back door cos you're going in the buggy
James (PS14M) [10042] mm in the front door
Ann (PS14B) [10043] I can't keep three of you out of puddles if you're walking ...
Bryony (PS14N) [10044] I want to walk
Ann (PS14B) [10045] and your trousers I'd be soaked before
Bryony (PS14N) [10046] I want to walk
Ann (PS14B) [10047] you'll be freezing cold and wet
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10048] no, you're not walking, not this time ... it's damp out there and it might rain again
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10049] you need some wellies you three
James (PS14M) [10050] we need some wellies, yours
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10051] my wellies are too big for you, I've got much bigger feet than you've got haven't I?, look you just compare
Richard (PS14P) [10052] do we need some wellies, do we need some wellies
Ann (PS14B) [10053] well when you're a bit bigger perhaps your mummy I'll buy some, you just look at your feet, compare your feet with mine look ... look at your feet, yes [...] look, look at the size of your feet and then look at the size of mummy's, look, who's feet are biggest?
Richard (PS14P) [10054] mine
Ann (PS14B) [10055] yours, they're not, my feet are much, much bigger than yours, my feet are twice as long as yours
Bryony (PS14N) [10056] naughty boy hit me , naughty boy hit me, naughty boy hit me
Ann (PS14B) [10057] I think your mum will buy you some when you are a bit bigger, I expect you'll have some next winter, when you go in the, [...] at the moment you don't really need them do you?
Bryony (PS14N) [10058] where's my dog gone? where's your dog gone?
Ann (PS14B) [10059] where's your dog gone?
[10060] , I dunno
Bryony (PS14N) [10061] where's my dog gone?, my dog gone?
James (PS14M) [10062] I think I'm gonna walk, I'm gonna walk
Bryony (PS14N) [10063] where's my dog gone?
Ann (PS14B) [10064] James don't lick the window please James, when I said don't lick the window, I mean it ... [...] ... who's got a biscuit?
Bryony (PS14N) [10065] sucked it, dog it he did suck it, suck it
Ann (PS14B) [10066] oh he sucked his biscuit before, that's right, I put it in the bin didn't I? and I said to you don't eat it because Richard's been sucking it, lift your foot up please let's have your shoe back on again
Bryony (PS14N) [10067] again, [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10068] James, I don't want you licking the window please
James (PS14M) [10069] I, I what do you say to Richard?, what did, what did you say to Richard?
Ann (PS14B) [10070] it's been cleaned with er windowlene, we don't want you licking that in case there's any traces on it, apart from the filthy mess you make of the window, right, there's one coat on, are we at last beginning to get somewhere I ask myself
Bryony (PS14N) [10071] I've got my coat on, I've got my coat on
Ann (PS14B) [10072] yes, Richard put your coat on please for me ...
Richard (PS14P) [10073] I've got it on, I've done
Ann (PS14B) [10074] where've you put it? ... come on ... look on your toes now, get up ... come on, stand here and put your, here you are, here's your coat, here's your coat, put it on please ... here's yours James, stand up please
Richard (PS14P) [10075] I don't want to
James (PS14M) [10076] I wanna put it on myself
Ann (PS14B) [10077] yes you put it on yourself then, you two boys are yawning, I'll just get the straps, where are they?, oh, oh ... right here we are
Richard (PS14P) [10078] I'm gonna walk
Ann (PS14B) [10079] you're not going to walk, you're going in the buggy ... stand up
Richard (PS14P) [10080] I'm gonna walk
Ann (PS14B) [10081] look it's no, it's no point, there's no point in arguing Richard because
Richard (PS14P) [10082] I don't wanna go
Ann (PS14B) [10083] well unfortunately it's not what you want
Richard (PS14P) [10084] I don't want to
Ann (PS14B) [10085] what's on the television?
Bryony (PS14N) [10086] [...] television
Richard (PS14P) [10087] I don't wanna go out
Ann (PS14B) [10088] pardon?
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [10089] [...] television
Ann (PS14B) [10090] look your sisters trying to tell me something about the television, well the televisions not switched on though
Richard (PS14P) [10091] I don't want my straps on
Ann (PS14B) [10092] you're getting your straps on, stand up please
Richard (PS14P) [10093] no ...
Ann (PS14B) [10094] stand up please
Bryony (PS14N) [10095] mines undone
Ann (PS14B) [10096] come on, no time for arguments, that's you zipped up, fasten your hood
Richard (PS14P) [10097] I'm not going in my straps
Ann (PS14B) [10098] good, James has got his coat on look, clever boy, right lets sort these out, lets see
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10099] they're all tangled up together, there's yours Bryony, which are these?,
[10100] James, this one's Richard's ... these are Richard's
James (PS14M) [10101] these are [...]
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10102] arms in
Richard (PS14P) [10103] I wanna come to [...]
James (PS14M) [10104] your not
Ann (PS14B) [10105] the front is James's seat Richard ...
Richard (PS14P) [10106] I don't wanna go in the back
Ann (PS14B) [10107] look, yes you are, you er, you're mummy puts you in the front, but she's a lot taller than I am, and she can tip it up easier, I need James in the front because he's the lightest, you're the heaviest
Richard (PS14P) [10108] I don't want to sit [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10109] and it's hard to tip the buggy up when I've got the heaviest it's, one in the front, it's easier with the lightest one let's have your reigns on
James (PS14M) [10110] he not sitting at the front
Richard (PS14P) [10111] I am the lightest one, you're the heaviest
Ann (PS14B) [10112] it is, it is yes
Richard (PS14P) [10113] you're the heaviest
James (PS14M) [10114] I'm not the heaviest
Ann (PS14B) [10115] if, you are, because you're bigger than James aren't you?
James (PS14M) [10116] I'm not bigger than you
Ann (PS14B) [10117] everybody's different sizes ... look at Jim, Jim's very, very tall isn't he?
[10118] ... Ji Jim's a lot taller than your daddy and your mummy's taller than I am
James (PS14M) [10119] I've got a daddy, I've got a daddy, I've got a daddy
Ann (PS14B) [10120] and you just happen to be taller and heavier than James
James (PS14M) [10121] I've got a daddy to, I've got a daddy to
Ann (PS14B) [10122] you've got a daddy to, yes
Richard (PS14P) [10123] I'm not the heaviest today, I'm not the heaviest
Ann (PS14B) [10124] you are the heaviest pet
Richard (PS14P) [10125] no I am not
Ann (PS14B) [10126] Bryony let's have your straps on
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10127] up the, what are you doing to her?
Bryony (PS14N) [10128] he's doing to me
Ann (PS14B) [10129] oh, let's get out
Bryony (PS14N) [10130] he's smacking me
Ann (PS14B) [10131] come on put your arms in
Bryony (PS14N) [10132] he's smacking me
Ann (PS14B) [10133] I know he's
Bryony (PS14N) [10134] he's smacking me
Ann (PS14B) [10135] oh, I know
Bryony (PS14N) [10136] you naughty boy
Ann (PS14B) [10137] keep still
Bryony (PS14N) [10138] he [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10139] it's so hot
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [10140] hit me, he still hit me
Ann (PS14B) [10141] who hit you?
Bryony (PS14N) [10142] Richard did
Ann (PS14B) [10143] no he said that
Bryony (PS14N) [10144] Richard did
Ann (PS14B) [10145] hey, what happened there?,
[10146] I want no more fighting or I might have to fight ... what shall I do with you?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
James (PS14M) [10147] put him in the bin, put him in the bin
Ann (PS14B) [10148] put him in the bin, right
James (PS14M) [10149] put him in the bin
Bryony (PS14N) [10150] put him in the bin
Richard (PS14P) [10151] we're not going in the bin are we?
Ann (PS14B) [10152] well there's plenty of room the, don't hit Bryony James, there's plenty of room
Bryony (PS14N) [10153] he's hitting me again
Ann (PS14B) [10154] James, stop hit, hey, stop it, now, oh, are we gonna have one of those days where you go around beating up your brother and sister? ...
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10155] I'm going to get the buggy ... can I
Bryony (PS14N) [10156] on no, no, he, me
Ann (PS14B) [10157] get off her you're hurting her
Bryony (PS14N) [10158] are we, are we
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [10159] are we going, are we go, wow, wow, wow, wow
Ann (PS14B) [10160] I'm going to get the buggy
James (PS14M) [10161] I'll help you
Ann (PS14B) [10162] will you
Bryony (PS14N) [10163] I'll help you
Ann (PS14B) [10164] well if you run away, I'll ... tie you up, what?
James (PS14M) [10165] [...] got these boots
Ann (PS14B) [10166] got what on?
James (PS14M) [10167] got these boots
Ann (PS14B) [10168] what did I say about going on the road if you're helping me, come back onto the path, hello
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10169] I can hear a car, I think there's one gonna come round the corner ...
James (PS14M) [10170] not having the cars and bikes
Ann (PS14B) [10171] no, if it ... if it stays dry after dinner you can have the cars and bikes out
James (PS14M) [10172] we're gonna have wellies on we're gonna have wellies on
Ann (PS14B) [10173] who's going to have wellies on?, who's gonna have wellies on?
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10174] let me open the gate the other way so I can get the buggy in
James (PS14M) [10175] [...] wellies on ...
Ann (PS14B) [10176] right, come on, come on the buggy's ready now, hello, in
James (PS14M) [10177] the buggy's [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10178] in the, jump in the buggy, come on James
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10179] get in the buggy and I'll close this door, where have I put the lock?, oh ... it's not good we're gonna have to get a new garage door, that one nearly kills me lifting that up, scraping it along the ground, you're in are you?, oh very good, two of you in, Richard, come and get in, just a minute where's your, let me clip you in
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...] ...
Ann (PS14B) [10180] how're you stuck?
James (PS14M) [10181] I, I'm not
Ann (PS14B) [10182] you're not stuck, you're pretending, was that a joke?,
[10183] Richard come on love
Bryony (PS14N) [10184] I was pretending
Ann (PS14B) [10185] you're pretending as well are you?
Richard (PS14P) [10186] I wanna come in that one I wanna come in that one
Ann (PS14B) [10187] no James's is in the front
James (PS14M) [10188] put him in the back, put him in the back
Ann (PS14B) [10189] mm, mm
James (PS14M) [10190] put him in the back [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10191] Richard come and get in please, Richard ... Richard come on in you jump, good boy
Richard (PS14P) [10192] I don't wanna go in the back
Ann (PS14B) [10193] get in please Richard
Richard (PS14P) [10194] I'm not going in the back, not
Ann (PS14B) [10195] in please Richard
Richard (PS14P) [10196] I'm not ...
Ann (PS14B) [10197] where's he gone, round the corner, come on in you get
Richard (PS14P) [10198] no, I just, no I'm
Ann (PS14B) [10199] I'm sorry, but I'll just have to lift you in then, one, two, three up he goes, ooh
Richard (PS14P) [whine]
Ann (PS14B) [10200] sit down please Richard
Richard (PS14P) [10201] I don't
Ann (PS14B) [10202] where's your shoe? ... you've lost your shoe, oh is that it?, there it is, put your feet down, let's have your shoe back on, you put your foot rest up and stop clanging it please
James (PS14M) [10203] that's how it goes
Ann (PS14B) [10204] you want it just like that, we'll have to put it up if you're gonna carry the milk back for me ... right let's clip you in ... who do I fasten in?,
[10205] James ...
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10206] listen, listen, what can you hear?
James (PS14M) [10207] can hear birds singing
Bryony (PS14N) [10208] I can hear birds singing
Ann (PS14B) [10209] yes, yes, I can hear the birds singing
Bryony (PS14N) [10210] I can hear birds singing
Ann (PS14B) [10211] I can't see them, can you see any?, oh I can see one on Marilyn's roof
Bryony (PS14N) [10212] see one bird
Ann (PS14B) [10213] you can't see the garage is in the way turn round
Bryony (PS14N) [10214] I can see one bird I can see one
Ann (PS14B) [10215] you can see one bird
Bryony (PS14N) [10216] I see one bird
Ann (PS14B) [10217] oh
Bryony (PS14N) [10218] I see one bird singing
Ann (PS14B) [10219] yeah, will you turn round straight please so I can clip in at this side good gir
Bryony (PS14N) [10220] I can, I can hear a bird singing
Ann (PS14B) [10221] yes, now, shall we put the rain covers on or not?
Richard (PS14P) [10222] no
Ann (PS14B) [10223] we'll, we'll have to take them though
Richard (PS14P) [10224] no, no
Ann (PS14B) [10225] yes, we'll have to take them
Richard (PS14P) [10226] no
Ann (PS14B) [10227] oh look at the sky it's grey, the sun came out for a minute, but it's all grey again, oh, this sides ever so stiff
James (PS14M) [10228] my knees, hurt my knees
Ann (PS14B) [10229] what's wrong with your knees?,
[10230] Richard needs his nose wiped ... I'll have to go upstairs and get some more tissues, who needs they're nose wiped?,
[10231] Richard
Bryony (PS14N) [10232] I do, I do, I do, mine wiped, mine wiped
Ann (PS14B) [10233] let me see you James, look up James
Bryony (PS14N) [10234] mine wiped
Ann (PS14B) [10235] look up James, you're okay, I'm gonna put a bit of cream on you though ... let's put this tissue in the bin, right
Richard (PS14P) [10236] no ...
Ann (PS14B) [10237] are we ready?, let's have
James (PS14M) [10238] I want some on me
Ann (PS14B) [10239] [...] yes I'll put some on yours [...]
Richard (PS14P) [10240] I don't want that on, I don't want this on
James (PS14M) [10241] I want some on my nose
Ann (PS14B) [10242] you don't, oh look I've got cream on Rich James's coat, I'll have to wipe that off quickly
Richard (PS14P) [10243] I don't want it
Bryony (PS14N) [10244] silly Ann
Ann (PS14B) [10245] alright you don't ne , actually you don't need your hood up, because it's ever so warm even though it's dull
Bryony (PS14N) [10246] I don't want
Ann (PS14B) [10247] alright, you can leave it down
James (PS14M) [10248] wipe my nose
Bryony (PS14N) [10249] I just wanna leave it down
James (PS14M) [10250] I want some on my face
Ann (PS14B) [10251] yes I'm going to put some on your face when I've got this rubbed into Richard's ... Richard's face is looking a lot better isn't it?, right dab, dab
James (PS14M) [10252] haven't got mine me coat
Ann (PS14B) [10253] dab, dab, dab, rub a dub, dub, three men in a tub, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker
Bryony (PS14N) [10254] rub a dub, dub, three men in a tub, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker
Ann (PS14B) [10255] that's it, how are you turning round when I've got you strapped in?, are you, I've fastened it both sides
Bryony (PS14N) [10256] I'm looking at the
Ann (PS14B) [10257] I'll have to adjust your straps
Bryony (PS14N) [10258] I'm looking at [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10259] just a minute, that bit isn't rubbed in, wait till I get something to wipe that bit off your coat ... who's going to carry my bag?
Bryony (PS14N) [10260] I am
James (PS14M) [10261] I am I'm going to carry your bag
Ann (PS14B) [10262] here
James (PS14M) [10263] I'm going to
Bryony (PS14N) [10264] I am
Ann (PS14B) [10265] just keep still
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10266] well wait a minute I've got get me purse ... better make sure I've got some money with me hadn't I? ... oh there's plenty there [sniff] ... here you are, oh don't take your shoes off Bryony, fasten them up look, here you are if you're carrying my bag for me
James (PS14M) [10267] I am
Bryony (PS14N) [10268] oh Bryony said first I think, here you are
James (PS14M) [10269] I carry
Ann (PS14B) [10270] you're, you're going to carry the milk back James, right let's get these rain covers behind you
James (PS14M) [10271] I wanna [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [10272] I carry the milk, I wanna carry the milk
Ann (PS14B) [10273] well it's easier to carry it on the front ru font, oh, front foot rest ...
Bryony (PS14N) [10274] can I, can I, can
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10275] what's happened here? ...
Bryony (PS14N) [10276] I don't want, I don't want that on
Ann (PS14B) [10277] oh that's right you don't want it on, I'm just going to put it behind you
Bryony (PS14N) [10278] put behind me, I wanna carry the milk back, I wanna carry the milk back
Ann (PS14B) [10279] you, you can't carry, oh where's the think that goes on the back?, oh there, there we are, you can't carry the milk pet back because we can't put your foot rest up high like we can with the front one, so there's nothing to balance it on, and if you drop it, the big plastic bottle will burst open, won't it? put this rain hood
Bryony (PS14N) [10280] and [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10281] behind you ...
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...] ...
Bryony (PS14N) [10282] I'm hiding, I'm hiding
Ann (PS14B) [10283] here you are James, put that behind you ... ah ...
James (PS14M) [10284] what's that on a?
Ann (PS14B) [10285] it's me wire you've got caught in nearly ... now then ... I just put me lipstick on ...

30 (Tape 070701)

Martin (PS14K) [10286] Nine more tapes to go, fill.
Ann (PS14B) [10287] No, two.
Martin (PS14K) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10288] Two after this one.
James (PS14M) [10289] I thought they just did sides.
[10290] One side, two side, three side, four side, like that.
[10291] I didn't know [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10292] Oh, oh, it took four sides, James, after this. ...
James (PS14M) [10293] Does it just have one, one side to each tape? ...
Ann (PS14B) [10294] No, two.
James (PS14M) [10295] I thought they normally had two, you see.
Ann (PS14B) [10296] Right.
[10297] ... Now then ... let's see, where are we up to?
[10298] What's the matter with you?
Bryony (PS14N) [10299] [crying] I falled over on the living room. []
Ann (PS14B) [10300] No, not I falled over I fell over.
Bryony (PS14N) [10301] [crying] I fell over over the living room. []
Ann (PS14B) [10302] You fell over the [laughing] living room?
[10303] Oh dear! []
Bryony (PS14N) [10304] O over the living room floor!
Ann (PS14B) [10305] You fell over me living room floor?
Bryony (PS14N) [10306] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [10307] Let me have a look at you.
[10308] Did I get you washed?
[10309] Who did I wash?
[10310] I must have I've taken your apron off.
[10311] You're drinking out of your mug the wrong, beaker the wrong way round.
[10312] Bryony, did I get you washed?
[10313] Let me have a look.
Bryony (PS14N) [10314] Get me washed!
Ann (PS14B) [10315] I don't think I did.
[10316] Let's have a look at your face.
[10317] [...] Come and get washed.
[10318] ... Come and get washed, clever girl.
[10319] Why are you drinking that?
[10320] Oh look he's spilt milk all [laughing] over. []
[10321] Shall I tell you something?
[10322] I think I'll be glad when you go home today.
[10323] Do you know that?
[10324] Keep still.
[10325] Careful.
[10326] Right Bryony, there's just you to wash ... when I find something to wash you with.
[10327] Where's it [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10328] You are very, very good!
[10329] ... Come out of that cupboard, please!
[10330] Oh, your brothers are being baddies today, aren't they?
[10331] ... Where're you going, Richard?
Richard (PS14P) [10332] [...] baddie!
Ann (PS14B) [10333] Yes, you are bad.
[10334] You haven't got your hands washed, love.
Bryony (PS14N) [whine]
Ann (PS14B) [10335] And the other hand.
[10336] The other hand.
Bryony (PS14N) [whine]
Ann (PS14B) [10337] Don't squawk!
[10338] You sound like a squeaky, squawky parrot.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10339] What?
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10340] Yes, I'm taking your apron off.
Bryony (PS14N) [10341] No, I want my apron off! ...
Ann (PS14B) [10342] Right.
[10343] ... Wipe this one.
[10344] ... Now where have they gone?
[10345] ... What are you doing?
Martin (PS14K) [10346] I'm, I'm going from here because, cos cos all the kermuffle [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10347] I know , Richard simply uses it
Martin (PS14K) [10348] No!
Ann (PS14B) [10349] as an excuse to get in the bedrooms
Richard (PS14P) [10350] and I said the bedrooms not the toilet
Ann (PS14B) [10351] to try and switch on the cassette player in the bedroom.
Martin (PS14K) [10352] Well James needs a wee cos he's already doing it.
Ann (PS14B) [10353] Yes.
Bryony (PS14N) [10354] I want my shoes off.
Ann (PS14B) [10355] You don't want your shoes, down the
Martin (PS14K) [10356] Are you not going that way?
Ann (PS14B) [10357] stairs, please!
Martin (PS14K) [10358] The toilets are on that way. ...
Ann (PS14B) [10359] There's no toilets up those stairs.
Bryony (PS14N) [10360] Oh!
Ann (PS14B) [10361] Down you come, Richard.
[10362] He does, he likes to get in the bedroom and, and he fiddles on with the erm
Martin (PS14K) [10363] Mm, plays cassette.
Ann (PS14B) [10364] the cassette player if he gets a chance. ...
Bryony (PS14N) [10365] [...] ... What was that?
Ann (PS14B) [10366] What's Richard doing?
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10367] Come out of the bathroom you two!
Bryony (PS14N) [10368] Come out of the bathroom! ...
Ann (PS14B) [10369] Look!
[10370] Look!
[10371] Down the stairs, please.
[10372] Down!
[10373] Down the stairs, please!
Richard (PS14P) [10374] I need a wee!
Ann (PS14B) [10375] You need a wee, right.
[10376] You, come out of that bath and down the stairs.
[10377] Come on, your mummy's coming in a minute and daddy.
[10378] ... Come on, let's have, oh!
[10379] Who's that coming in the gate?
[10380] Did I hear it?
[10381] No.
[10382] ... Come on, pet.
[10383] ... Where are we?
[10384] What's that?
[10385] Oh, it's just a wooden train.
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10386] Well you don't need the train while you're on the toilet, do you?
Richard (PS14P) [10387] I do!
[10388] I do!
[10389] I do!
Martin (PS14K) [10390] [laugh] I've just seen Richard try to open the erm door to the piano [laughing] [...] []
Ann (PS14B) [10391] Oh, I know he can though.
Martin (PS14K) [10392] He can't get in.
Ann (PS14B) [10393] He can actually.
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10394] What?
James (PS14M) [10395] Want my pants up.
Ann (PS14B) [10396] You want your pants up?
[10397] You haven't washed your hands yet.
James (PS14M) [10398] Don't want my hands washed.
Ann (PS14B) [10399] Oh yes you do!
James (PS14M) [10400] I don't.
Ann (PS14B) [10401] Oh, yes you do!
[10402] Oh, yes you do
James (PS14M) [10403] I don't.
[10404] Oh, I don't Oh yes I don't.
Ann (PS14B) [10405] You mean [laugh]
James (PS14M) [10406] [laughing] Oh, yes I don't. []
Ann (PS14B) [10407] You're supposed to say, oh, no I don't.
[10408] And I say, oh, yes you do.
James (PS14M) [10409] I don't!
Ann (PS14B) [10410] And then you say, oh, no I don't like Richard does.
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10411] Yes, when you get a bit bigger we'll have to take you to a pantomime and then you'll be able to say that.
[10412] ... Right, shake.
[10413] ... Who's that?
[10414] Oh, just the boys playing in the lobby.
[10415] I think they're, I think they're
James (PS14M) [10416] [whining] I don't wanna [...] []
Ann (PS14B) [10417] Wait a minute!
[10418] You're not going with wet hands.
[10419] Perhaps they're going back in their space ship.
James (PS14M) [10420] [...] back in the space ship.
Ann (PS14B) [10421] Right, off you go.
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10422] What about this train, do you want it?
[10423] ... Oh, he's pulled all this ... dirty washing out the basket ... [cough] No, not in there.
[10424] Not in there!
[10425] Let's not have every room in the house turned into a tip.
[10426] ... One coat missing.
[10427] Oh dear.
[10428] ... Is that Jim back?
[10429] ... Thought I heard Jim's voice.
[10430] It wasn't.
Jean (PS50S) [10431] He said he was going delivering, he had a whole pile of stuff to deliver.
Ann (PS14B) [10432] Oh.
[10433] I wonder what time he's coming back for his dinner then?
[10434] Er, Bryony!
[10435] Let me put your shoe on.
[10436] ... Can I have your sh
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10437] Are you, what are you in a you four?
Bryony (PS14N) [10438] We all sitting down!
Ann (PS14B) [10439] I know you're all sitting down.
[10440] What are you in?
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10441] This was their space ship this morning.
[10442] They had the plastic covers off the pram over them for space suits, didn't you?
[10443] You were spacemen.
[10444] They were
Richard (PS14P) [10445] Look!
[10446] Look!
Ann (PS14B) [10447] going to the moon, weren't you!
[10448] Ooh, that's a nice cuddle [kiss]
Richard (PS14P) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [10449] Wait a minute!
[10450] You're falling over me!
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [10451] On the television.
Ann (PS14B) [10452] What's on the television?
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10453] What was on the television?
Bryony (PS14N) [10454] The man.
Ann (PS14B) [10455] A spaceman ... you mean?
[10456] ... Er just be careful that you don't trap your fingers in this door, you two.
[10457] You've done it before and your arms.
Richard (PS14P) [10458] Er, let's, let's, let's do it again [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10459] What are you going to do again?
Martin (PS14K) [10460] They open the door and they say boo! [...] look in the window at them
Bryony (PS14N) [10461] [...] Let's say boo!
Ann (PS14B) [10462] Let's say boo!
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10463] You want to say boo as well?
[10464] Are you all going out and leaving me in here?
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10465] Don't, stop banging the door so hard!
[10466] ... Boo!
[10467] ... That's just what I need as well.
[10468] Just what I need all your filthy fingers and, and mouth marks all over the glass ... top of the door.
[10469] ... I can see you from here.
[10470] ... You've got funny striped ... faces through this glass.
[10471] Ha!
[10472] Ha!
[10473] Ha!
[10474] I can see you!
[10475] ... I can see, I can see Richard through the keyhole.
[10476] I can see you through the keyhole, Richard!
[10477] ... Whose is that eye?
[10478] ... [laugh] I could see you through the keyhole.
[10479] [laugh] Bo!
James (PS14M) [10480] Let's, let's say boo to Richard.
Ann (PS14B) [10481] Listen who I can hear, listen.
[10482] Who's that?
[10483] What can you hear?
James (PS14M) [10484] I can hear Mummy and Daddy [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10485] I can, I can hear your mummy's voice are you not going to see her?
[10486] She's not that way she's that way!
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10487] Well, aren't you coming to see your, come and say hello to your mummy!
[10488] Come on, say hello to mum.
[10489] Go and give her a kiss.
[10490] Come on, kisses for your mum.
[10491] Go and give her a big cuddle.
[10492] She's been at work all day!
[10493] ... Don't,s oh.
[10494] Come out of the car, button.
Kathy (PS16G) [10495] [...] how have they been?
Ann (PS14B) [10496] James has been a James today.
Kathy (PS16G) [10497] Has he?
Ann (PS14B) [10498] I could've throttled them after dinner. [laugh]
Kathy (PS16G) [10499] Hello Richard!
Richard (PS14P) [10500] Mum!
Kathy (PS16G) [10501] Hello.
Ann (PS14B) [10502] They fought over everything they could think of to fight over they were really niggly!
[10503] Well James was.
[10504] I thought maybe he was getting the same as Richard and Bryony had had, but he's cheered up.
Kathy (PS16G) [10505] You've cheered up, have you?
[10506] You've been a monster today?
James (PS14M) [10507] No [...]
Kathy (PS16G) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10508] You have been, James monster.
Kathy (PS16G) [10509] Have you been a Jimmy monster?
Ann (PS14B) [10510] Yes, we had a carry-on at, at dinner-time.
[10511] He would not stop hitting, slapping Richard across the face.
Kathy (PS16G) [10512] Oh!
[10513] I don't like the sound of that!
Ann (PS14B) [10514] So I, I made him swap places as, er, with Bryony and of course he wou he wasn't sitting there!
[10515] He was gonna sit in his own seat.
[10516] I said you can't cos you keep hitting Richard in the face for nothing!
[10517] You won't let him eat his dinner!
Kathy (PS16G) [10518] Was he, was he
Ann (PS14B) [10519] So
Kathy (PS16G) [10520] naughty to you?
Ann (PS14B) [10521] so Richard's crying because he'd been hitting him the face.
[10522] He's howling and scr w wailing cos I wouldn't let him go back in the same chair! [laugh]
Kathy (PS16G) [10523] Have you got a proper cuddle? [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10524] So he ate his tea later ... and then he said to me ... I'm not gonna hit him any more.
[10525] He didn't at teatime, did you?
Kathy (PS16G) [10526] Good!
Ann (PS14B) [10527] And then they just had the bikes and cars to [laughing] fight over. []
Kathy (PS16G) [10528] Ee, what a mess they've left you, Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [10529] Oh, we've been like this all, Amy and Richard tried to tidy it up.
[10530] ... Well I tried to tidy it up before we went to school and they were flinging it all out again and there just wasn't time! ...
Kathy (PS16G) [10531] Charming!
Ann (PS14B) [10532] So, I shall do it when they've gone home and then I'll, at least I'll know, [laughing] that it won't [] it won't be being undone.
James (PS14M) [10533] I wanna go in the car!
Kathy (PS16G) [10534] Is it Jim's birthday today?
Ann (PS14B) [10535] Tomorrow.
Kathy (PS16G) [10536] Oh tomorrow.
[10537] Get your shoes on popsy!
James (PS14M) [10538] Go in the car!
Kathy (PS16G) [10539] You can go in the car when Bryony's got her shoe on.
Bryony (PS14N) [10540] It's gone upstairs!
Kathy (PS16G) [10541] It's upstairs is it?
[10542] Whereabouts upstairs?
Ann (PS14B) [10543] I've just put it back on her?
Kathy (PS16G) [10544] [...] Are you not feeling well then?
Ann (PS14B) [10545] Oh Richard, James, James said can I have the hairbrush out.
[10546] I said as long as you don't go near your sister.
Kathy (PS16G) [laugh] [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10547] I didn't want to hear everybody running round the hair, room screaming, not having my hair combed, not!
Kathy (PS16G) [10548] Have you got pretty hair now?
Ann (PS14B) [10549] And he's chasing them with a brush and saying, come here, an absolute mess!
[10550] He said to her, not today this was a week or two back.
[10551] She's going ... screaming, not get my hair done!
[10552] He says come here, come here!
[10553] You're an absolute mess!
Bryony (PS14N) [10554] I wanna erm train.
[10555] I wanna take it home!
[10556] I wanna take it home!
[10557] Can I take it home?
Kathy (PS16G) [10558] Well that's Ann's train, sweetheart, that's not our train!
Ann (PS14B) [10559] She can take it with her.
Kathy (PS16G) [10560] Do you want to borrow it?
Bryony (PS14N) [10561] Yes, I want to borrow it
Ann (PS14B) [10562] You borrow it.
Kathy (PS16G) [10563] You ask Ann if you can borrow it, please.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Kathy (PS16G) [10564] May I borrow
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Kathy (PS16G) [10565] borrow the train, please?
[10566] That's a good girl.
Bryony (PS14N) [10567] borrow, please?
Ann (PS14B) [10568] Yes, you can borrow the train.
Kathy (PS16G) [10569] Right, let's get your er shoe on and let's er [laugh] get these boys away from you.
Ann (PS14B) [10570] Where's she put her shoe?
[10571] I've just p ... is it near the front door because I've just put it back on her.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [10572] When she came in and er
Kathy (PS16G) [10573] It's here.
Ann (PS14B) [10574] Oh it's down here.
Bryony (PS14N) [10575] [...] train.
[10576] [...] train!
Ann (PS14B) [10577] It's a wooden train.
Kathy (PS16G) [10578] It's a wooden train.
Ann (PS14B) [10579] It's a wooden one it's made of wood that train.
Bryony (PS14N) [10580] I wanna take it home !
[10581] I wanna take it home!
Ann (PS14B) [10582] Yes, you're taking it home with you!
Kathy (PS16G) [10583] And aren't you a good girl having your hair cut.
[10584] She's still going on about it.
Ann (PS14B) [10585] Oh.
[10586] Oh we've been telling her how pretty she is ... with her hair cut.
[10587] ... Major operation!
[10588] ... Martin, put the television off please.
[10589] ... Martin, put the television off please, Martin!
[10590] Thank you.
Kathy (PS16G) [10591] How old's your granddaughter now, Hazel?
Maggie (PS17G) [10592] Nine.
Kathy (PS16G) [10593] Is she?
Maggie (PS17G) [10594] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [10595] Oh, here's Jim back.
Kathy (PS16G) [10596] Martin, don't stand on the jigsaws please, there's a good boy.
Ann (PS14B) [10597] Where are your shoes, Martin?
Martin (PS14K) [10598] I don't know but [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Kathy (PS16G) [10599] Happy Birthday for tomorrow if I don't see you.
James (PS14C) [10600] Oh, thank you.
Kathy (PS16G) [10601] Oh, I forgot to bring your card.
Ann (PS14B) [10602] He finishes at quarter-to-one tomorrow.
[10603] I think.
Maggie (PS17G) [10604] [...] Jim.
James (PS14C) [...] ...
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [10605] Get your shoes on please, Martin.
James (PS14C) [10606] Where's these [...] children, are they going home?
Martin (PS14K) [10607] There's a kind of mystery here, wasn't there?
[10608] A mystery and we still can't [...]
James (PS14C) [10609] Well I did.
[10610] The one I recorded for you I gave to your [...]
Kathy (PS16G) [...]
Martin (PS14K) [10611] [...] another one.
James (PS14C) [10612] There you are.
Kathy (PS16G) [10613] I'm sure it's at home, Martin.
Martin (PS14K) [10614] No, there's another one! [...]
James (PS14C) [10615] Well I don't know about that one then.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [10616] Well there were two episodes on the one Bucky O'Hare video as I [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10617] Oh, is that it?
Martin (PS14K) [10618] No, it's
Ann (PS14B) [10619] I didn't know Jim had recorded one for him.
[10620] I knew I recorded one for him and I didn't, I didn't
Kathy (PS16G) [10621] Well there were two episodes recorded on the [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10622] know Jim had recorded one.
Martin (PS14K) [10623] Yeah, but that [...] it, it, it [...] on and the other
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10624] Well we definitely, I definitely only recorded one.
James (PS14C) [10625] ready to go home.
Group of unknown speakers (KB8PSUGP) [...]
Bryony (PS14N) [10626] Where's my duck gone?
[10627] Where's my duck gone?
Kathy (PS16G) [10628] Right, I'll put this one in the car.
Ann (PS14B) [10629] What's, Bryony dear, what are you saying? ...
Bryony (PS14N) [10630] There's my duck, there's my duck.
Kathy (PS16G) [10631] Martin! shoes [...]
James (PS14C) [10632] She's found it.
Ann (PS14B) [10633] Where's your other one you had two ducks when you, ah, there's one down there look near Hazel's feet.
James (PS14C) [10634] There you are, flower!
[10635] There you are, Bryony!
Ann (PS14B) [10636] And I think the other one must be in the car .
James (PS14C) [10637] There's your shoe!
Martin (PS14K) [10638] I definitely have got a video.
James (PS14C) [10639] Find your shoe. [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10640] We haven't got another video!
Martin (PS14K) [10641] Well you said you had and I remember you had.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [10642] You've probably wiped it off now, by now cos it was ages ago
Ann (PS14B) [10643] I recorded one and he took it home and if Jim had recorded another episode on it I don't remembering him doing it.
[10644] Because you took the recording
Martin (PS14K) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10645] home after
James (PS14C) [10646] Sally was the one, or somebody wanted the other programme I put the tape in and recorded [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [10647] Yeah.
James (PS14C) [10648] thank you and I gave it to Dorothy.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [10649] Mm.
Martin (PS14K) [10650] Yeah, but there was another one [...]
James (PS14C) [10651] Well I don't know anything about that!
Ann (PS14B) [10652] Well that would make three and we've definitely have not recorded three because there were only two episodes to go when you were upset
James (PS14C) [10653] Come on [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10654] because you were going to miss it.
[10655] And I
James (PS14C) [10656] That's right!
Ann (PS14B) [10657] recorded it and I sent it home with you.
[10658] I didn't know Jim had sent another one, had recorded another one
James (PS14C) [10659] Have you got any others then? [...]
Martin (PS14K) [10660] The other one wasn't sent home it was kept here.
Ann (PS14B) [10661] Well don't know where it is cos I didn't, I didn't
James (PS14C) [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [10662] We watched it on the Friday, didn't you?
[10663] Or the Thursday.
Ann (PS14B) [10664] record it.
James (PS14C) [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [10665] We watched on the Friday, didn't you, or the, the Thursday?
James (PS14C) [10666] Ooh [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10667] Where's the car box gone?
James (PS14C) [10668] Don't know.
[10669] Are you gonna take [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10670] Is your mum waiting to put you in the car, Richard?
James (PS14C) [10671] Come on [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10672] Can anybody see the car box?
Martin (PS14K) [10673] If you do find it will you tell me?
Maggie (PS17G) [10674] It was beside me.
Martin (PS14K) [10675] If you do find it [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10676] Unless one of them tipped it over.
Ann (PS14B) [10677] Oh, it's here.
Martin (PS14K) [10678] If you, Anne!
Ann (PS14B) [10679] If I find it I'll [...] it but I, I don't know of any other recording.
Martin (PS14K) [10680] Well it was [...] that one. ...
Ann (PS14B) [10681] That's just Richard he likes to ring the door bell.
[10682] ... If it was someone else they're hardly likely to ring the door bell with Jim standing beside the front door, are they?
[10683] Get your shoes on, Martin, please, your mum's waiting to go home.
[10684] ... Are they here?
[10685] ... That's rubbish.
[10686] ... Puzzles forever.
Martin (PS14K) [singing] ...
Ann (PS14B) [10687] Have you got your shoes on, Martin?
[10688] Right, get your coat it's under Sally's look.
[10689] ... Put your coat on, good lad.
[10690] ... Oh, the wheels are off the tractor I wonder where it is?
[10691] And if I can mend it.
[10692] ... What's this in me hand?
[10693] Put that in there.
[10694] [cough] Martin, have you got any books, or s oh he's not here.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [10695] Walking straight through.
Ann (PS14B) [10696] Oh, hello.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [10697] Hi.
[10698] Ready love?
Martin (PS14K) [10699] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [10700] Has erm
James (PS14C) [10701] Ta ra Bryony.
[10702] Ta ra Dorothy.
Ann (PS14B) [10703] Did Martin have any, Martin!
[10704] Martin, Martin, Martin, did you have any books or anything
James (PS14C) [10705] Ta ra Sally.
[10706] Ta ra [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10707] with you?
[10708] Okay.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [10709] Ta ra [laugh]
Kathy (PS16G) [10710] Stop it! [...] stop it!
Ann (PS14B) [10711] What's he doing?
Kathy (PS16G) [10712] He keeps undoing the belt!
Ann (PS14B) [10713] Who's that?
Kathy (PS16G) [10714] Stop it.
[10715] Richard.
[10716] ... Stop it!
[10717] ... Look!
[10718] Don't do that!
[10719] No.
Ann (PS14B) [10720] You'll fall out.
Kathy (PS16G) [10721] You'll fall out, Richard.
Ann (PS14B) [10722] You've got to stay fastened in the car.
Kathy (PS16G) [10723] No, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to smack your fingers if you do that, Richard.
[10724] I don't really know what else I can do?
[10725] It's about eight times he's taken himself out.
[10726] No!
Ann (PS14B) [10727] It's dangerous!
Kathy (PS16G) [10728] No!
Dorothy (PS14L) [10729] Good girl!
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Sally (PS15B) [10730] I got ... nineteen out of twenty-five
Kathy (PS16G) [10731] You've changed, eh Richard!
Ann (PS14B) [10732] What was that for?
Dorothy (PS14L) [10733] Merit mark for her
Sally (PS15B) [10734] Science .
Dorothy (PS14L) [10735] Science.
Ann (PS14B) [10736] Oh, very good!
James (PS14C) [10737] Very good!
Ann (PS14B) [10738] You didn't tell me that!
James (PS14C) [10739] What about the historical visit in Northumberland?
Dorothy (PS14L) [10740] Yes, that's to come yet.
Sally (PS15B) [10741] I, I haven't, I haven't, I haven't got that back yet.
Kathy (PS16G) [10742] Put your belt on Richard.
[10743] Now!
Dorothy (PS14L) [10744] What about your prayer?
Sally (PS15B) [10745] I haven't got that merit mark yet either.
Dorothy (PS14L) [10746] Oh right.
[10747] Ann, would you be able to have Sally for me on the first of May?
[10748] It's a Friday.
Ann (PS14B) [10749] Expect so.
Dorothy (PS14L) [10750] Before the, cos it's a Baker day, before
Ann (PS14B) [10751] Oh.
Dorothy (PS14L) [10752] the
Ann (PS14B) [10753] Yes.
Dorothy (PS14L) [10754] Monday May holiday.
Ann (PS14B) [10755] Yes.
Dorothy (PS14L) [10756] I was originally gonna take it off but I've changed my holidays.
[10757] I'm taking my full three weeks in the summer.
[10758] ... So ... I've changed it. [...]
James (PS14C) [10759] [...] on Easter Monday so I'm sorry I won't be there with your oranges, Dorothy.
Dorothy (PS14L) [10760] Oh right.
[10761] Right, I'm off cos I'm at the careers night, tonight.
Ann (PS14B) [10762] Well you weren't going to be anyway because you er, oh it's on tonight is it?
Dorothy (PS14L) [10763] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [10764] Yeah.
Dorothy (PS14L) [10765] Instead of last week. [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10766] That's right.
[10767] I know it was cancelled because of the weather.
[10768] There now!
Kathy (PS16G) [10769] Yeah.
[10770] Daddy's staying at work half past eight tonight. [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10771] Are you all calmed down? ...
Kathy (PS16G) [10772] Bye bye!
Ann (PS14B) [10773] Bye everyone!
[10774] Blow me a kiss! [kiss]
Kathy (PS16G) [10775] Blow a kiss!
Ann (PS14B) [10776] Blow me a kiss.
[10777] [kiss] ... See you tomorrow!
Kathy (PS16G) [10778] Bye bye!
Ann (PS14B) [10779] Say see you tomorrow!
Kathy (PS16G) [10780] See you tomorrow!
Bryony (PS14N) [10781] See you tomorrow!
Ann (PS14B) [10782] Yes, clever girl!
[10783] Bye!
Kathy (PS16G) [10784] Bye! ...
Ann (PS14B) [10785] I must sit down for two minutes, Jim.
James (PS14C) [10786] Alright, sit down for three minutes.
Ann (PS14B) [10787] I will.
[10788] I'll sit down for three minutes!
[10789] I need to sit down for three minutes or, me back'll snap in two.
[10790] ... Oh thanks, Hazel.
[10791] ... Now where's that
James (PS14C) [10792] [...] consider how expensive those houses are in Rectory Park and Rectory Dean the roads are just shockers.
Ann (PS14B) [10793] Are they?
James (PS14C) [10794] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [10795] Well, are they not private roads?
[10796] Oh no,
James (PS14C) [10797] I don't know.
Ann (PS14B) [10798] they're unadopted roads aren't they?
James (PS14C) [10799] I don't I've no idea if they're adopted or not.
Ann (PS14B) [10800] Oh, where does this go?
[10801] [...] Oh, I'll put them away later.
[10802] They go in the cupboard under the stairs.
[10803] ... Where does this go?
James (PS14C) [10804] I was a late and I changed to an early and back to a late [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [10805] Well you wouldn't have been able to go if you'd been erm
James (PS14C) [10806] If I'd been in earlier I might've gone and seen [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10807] Oh I see.
[10808] ... Some of these puzzles, Jim, must've fallen down behind the erm fermenting bin.
James (PS14C) [10809] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [10810] I just can't get close enough to see.
[10811] ... Some of these things as well, they've been pinching ... back from upstairs, toys they, they've played with when they were smaller ... and they don't play with them now and I put them upstairs out of the way and they keep going and finding them and bringing them down.
[10812] ... That was up, cos they don't seem to play with that much now.
[10813] ... So have you got all these things delivered now?
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10814] How many? ...
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10815] Where?
[10816] Which area?
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10817] Oh.
[10818] ... Where does that shape go?
James (PS14C) [10819] So er ... yeah the children from school were singing in their Easter bonnets and Easter hats.
Ann (PS14B) [10820] Oh, was there?
Maggie (PS17G) [10821] At the hospital?
James (PS14C) [10822] school, yes.
Maggie (PS17G) [10823] Oh! ...
Ann (PS14B) [10824] Is erm ... Matthew at [...] Matthew
James (PS14C) [10825] I would imagine so [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10826] Oh, well he wouldn't
James (PS14C) [10827] must be.
Ann (PS14B) [10828] I can't remember how old he is. ...
James (PS14C) [10829] Well the oldest one's ... [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10830] Ouch! ...
James (PS14C) [...] ...
Ann (PS14B) [10831] When I want to sit down and have a cigarette I haven't got any.
[10832] ... Are you at a meeting tonight?
James (PS14C) [10833] Yes, at half-past seven [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10834] Oh, [...] .
James (PS14C) [10835] Do you want me to go up and get you some?
Ann (PS14B) [10836] Yes please.
[10837] ... Oh, there's a piece of ... I should imagine there's bits of puzzles under the chairs anyway.
[10838] Sure to be.
[10839] ... Oh!
Maggie (PS17G) [10840] [...] at the match last night?
James (PS14C) [10841] I saw, I saw bits and pieces of it.
[10842] Er ... I was on duty [...]
Maggie (PS17G) [10843] Do you have any more work to do?
James (PS14C) [10844] Well
Maggie (PS17G) [10845] When, when [...]
James (PS14C) [...]
Maggie (PS17G) [10846] You could hear such cheer when they, when they got the goal.
James (PS14C) [10847] Oh it was a great goal was that, wasn't it?
Maggie (PS17G) [10848] It was, yeah and erm there was only Jim and I watching, the dog was lying peacefully [laugh] then he jumped up [...] he started barking he didn't
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Maggie (PS17G) [10849] know what was going on.
James (PS14C) [10850] Peter selling er, er a ticket to go, he didn't watch it.
Maggie (PS17G) [10851] Jim says no, Kath's asked him if he would like to go but [...] he wanted to go down to Wembley er ... get yourself away!
[10852] If you can, if you can get yourself a ticket.
Ann (PS14B) [10853] Mm.
Maggie (PS17G) [10854] Er he probably thinks he could get one through [...] but he says no, I've been once.
[10855] But the second time, they tell me, isn't as good as the first time when you go.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Maggie (PS17G) [10856] She says, well it's your team! [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10857] Yes!
Maggie (PS17G) [10858] cos it wasn't Sunderland that he went to see when he got the ticket the last time.
[10859] I can't remember who he said it was ... but erm ... [...] I've always fancied going [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10860] So you get yourself down there, then.
Maggie (PS17G) [10861] [...] Sunderland were there. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [10862] Oh.
Maggie (PS17G) [10863] I wouldn't have been bothered about any other ... cos you see it better on the, on the screen.
Ann (PS14B) [10864] Yes.
Maggie (PS17G) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10865] Yes, you do.
Maggie (PS17G) [10866] But you, you lose out a little bit on the atmosphere.
Ann (PS14B) [10867] Yes.
Maggie (PS17G) [10868] Unless you can create your own atmosphere.
Ann (PS14B) [10869] Well, that's it.
[10870] I mean you should have all your friends and neighbours in and have a party!
Maggie (PS17G) [10871] Well the last the last time when Sunderland got to the Final in seventy-three ... er there were five of us in the, in my house and I'd made red and white rosettes [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Maggie (PS17G) [10872] we had our red and white rosettes and when our, I was sitting watching the match and when they scored the goal my slippers went up in the air.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Maggie (PS17G) [10873] And Jim er Bill grabbed the camera that was on the mantlepiece and he got a shot, not of me, but he got a shot of Pat and her friend and Bryan and er, it was er, er, something I'll never forget.
Ann (PS14B) [10874] Mm.
Maggie (PS17G) [10875] [...] it really was ... So erm ... but I don't know, I, I think if Jim got a ticket, if he got two tickets and he said [...] do you wanna come?
[10876] I would
Ann (PS14B) [10877] Mm.
Maggie (PS17G) [10878] go like the shot but I, I certainly wouldn't go without Jim, without somebody else.
Ann (PS14B) [10879] Mm.
Maggie (PS17G) [10880] But I'll have to get me red and white coat out again [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10881] Well you wor work on, work on Jim!
[10882] I mean Pat said he can go so ... tell him to get two tickets and you'll go with him. ...
Maggie (PS17G) [10883] [...] red and white scarf [...] got plenty of other reds [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [10884] I don't know if er
Maggie (PS17G) [10885] I could, I could quickly get a Sunderland scarf, believe me, Ann.
Ann (PS14B) [10886] Mm.
Maggie (PS17G) [10887] There's shop in [...] sells them.
Ann (PS14B) [10888] Well our Nick used to have er a red, the red and white scarf and hat and everything.
[10889] He had a tie ... there's drawers full of stuff upstairs belonging to him I don't know if there's anything in there.
Maggie (PS17G) [10890] Do you remember when we used to [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10891] I knit him red and white stripe gloves.
James (PS14C) [10892] [...] yes.
Maggie (PS17G) [10893] [...] red with a white tassel on it.
Ann (PS14B) [10894] Mm.
Maggie (PS17G) [10895] Red and white scarf. ... [...]
James (PS14C) [10896] Mm. ...
Maggie (PS17G) [10897] Those were the days!
Ann (PS14B) [10898] Yeah. ...
James (PS14C) [10899] Well, you know, apart from anything else they always [...] they were prepared to give me free tickets for the [...] would never do that.
Maggie (PS17G) [10900] Yes, I know [...]
James (PS14C) [10901] [...] I mean Newcastle, we went to Newcastle and they showed us round the ground er ... when there was no match on and we saw the trophies and the directors' box and various places like that.
[10902] But they wouldn't let us in, if we wanted to go the match we had to pay.
[10903] But er, Sunderland gave us free tickets, complimentary tickets not free tickets, complimentary tickets in the seats in the Grandstand!
Ann (PS14B) [10904] Aha.
James (PS14C) [10905] And er ... [...] were not cheap seats.
Maggie (PS17G) [10906] No.
James (PS14C) [10907] And then we went round, you know where that [...] they had a training place at Washington?
[10908] We went round there and showed us all the way round
Maggie (PS17G) [10909] Did they?
James (PS14C) [10910] Yes er ... yes cos er
Maggie (PS17G) [10911] When they opened the ground at [...] a few years ago [...] Bill was still alive, and er we could go and visit, go into the ground and go and have a look round and it was open to the, the general public.
[10912] Er, he took me down [...] [laugh]
James (PS14C) [10913] [...] it was the tunnel where they came out and all round there [...]
Maggie (PS17G) [10914] Well, we, we went in from the [...]
James (PS14C) [10915] when there was a match on.
Maggie (PS17G) [10916] and we went in from the [...] end and er ... down the pitch and in through the [...] saw the physio room and the, the changing room, baths ... upstairs [...] saw the trophy.
Ann (PS14B) [10917] Mm mm.
Maggie (PS17G) [10918] [...] highlight in Hazel's life. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Maggie (PS17G) [10919] And when I, I mean when I, I actu actually felt quite emotional cos I'd not been to [...] Park to see a match for a long time and I mean we're living up here erm, and er, I just felt quite emotional when I got out and saw that lovely pitch it was in perfect [...] [...]
James (PS14C) [10920] Oh, it's immaculate, oh yeah.
Maggie (PS17G) [10921] Oh it was gorgeous!
[10922] It was in the summer, before the season started.
[10923] ... You haven't, you still haven't told me what this is made of?
James (PS14C) [10924] What, oh that's ...
Ann (PS14B) [10925] Jim, will you go and g , what time does the off-licence shut?
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10926] The Victoria Wine.
[10927] Cos it's where,
James (PS14C) [10928] Later isn't it?
[10929] Isn't it later?
Ann (PS14B) [10930] it's where I get my cigarettes from the Victoria Wine shop. ...
James (PS14C) [10931] [...] ... [...] this programme on.
[10932] And there's this [...] to start with.
[10933] Er, and Mo Mowlam, that's why I watched it cos Mo Mowlam was on [...] ... [...] but anyway [...] all these nurses getting twenty thousand a year, staff nurses.
Ann (PS14B) [10934] No, what, he was talking about taxation.
James (PS14C) [10935] That's right.
Ann (PS14B) [10936] And that er they would be worse off because he said even staff nurses are getting more than twenty thousand pounds a year.
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10937] Which of course charge nurses aren't getting anywhere near twenty thousand pounds a year and only a few ... erm nursing officers.
James (PS14C) [10938] Well it's nursing officers, you have to get into that bracket if you get twenty thousand a year.
Ann (PS14B) [10939] Yes.
Maggie (PS17G) [10940] Paul was er telling all these nursery rhymes, nursery, fairy stories rather
James (PS14C) [10941] There's this, there's, there's, there's Hague [...] this Hague fellow who's a tory
Ann (PS14B) [10942] Hague is a
James (PS14C) [10943] you know, so I rang up to Anglia television last night in the programme and objected to this,
Ann (PS14B) [10944] And of course he had the nurses' pay
James (PS14C) [10945] this lie!
Ann (PS14B) [10946] scale in the other hand while he was ringing them.
[10947] Where's me purse?
James (PS14C) [10948] [...] [...] make an announcement but no announcement was made.
[10949] There was no announcement made at the end of the programme so, and they never got back to me, so I rang this morning first thing and last night they didn't ask me my name and address, but this morning they did.
[10950] They got me name and address and telephone number at work and at home so [...] I told the unions that they had to write in and complain about it too.
Maggie (PS17G) [10951] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [10952] There you are.
James (PS14C) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10953] Thanks.
James (PS14C) [10954] and er ... but what, I mean [...]
Ann (PS14B) [cough]
James (PS14C) [10955] who was sitting in the audience who is a nurse ... and er would've known and she would've been trying to get in and say this is not true.
[10956] [...] But she did ask a question, she was the first question that was asked, the one about erm
Ann (PS14B) [10957] Yes, but that's all very well but, bout, but er
James (PS14C) [10958] it's too late then, that's what A Angie said, Angie said, you know they, they make this and it's too late you can't undo the, the, it's a lie!
Ann (PS14B) [10959] That's right!
[10960] So there's half the country thinking staff nurses are earning well over twenty thousand are owning, earning over twenty thousand.
[10961] Your Pat said to me on Sunday while I was talking to her, she said, when she was saying oh well she doesn't know whether to vote Tory because
James (PS14C) [10962] They've never been so well off.
Ann (PS14B) [10963] she's done quite well under them.
[10964] As Jim said, in six months time if he's redundant she won't be feeling
Maggie (PS17G) [10965] Yes
Ann (PS14B) [10966] the same.
Maggie (PS17G) [10967] it's true.
Ann (PS14B) [10968] But she said, I said oh
James (PS14C) [10969] It was the La it was Will Owen and the Labour government that brought [...]
Ann (PS14B) [10970] I said oh Pat just, just, I said have you spoken to a nurse recently?
[10971] ... You know, how demoralised they are and the state of the hospitals and things and she said, oh well, nurses er, they, they've always complained that they're hard up and,
Maggie (PS17G) [10972] And they always have been.
Ann (PS14B) [10973] and the rest of it.
[10974] So, talk some sense into her will you?
[10975] Just point out that they might be redundant and
James (PS14C) [10976] Well, if the Tories win, I mean the privatization will really go to town.
[10977] I mean even the trusts.
[10978] The ambulance men in Northumberland because it's a trust ... and they're paid by the trust
Ann (PS14B) [10979] That was another thing he said, wasn't it?
James (PS14C) [10980] They, they
Ann (PS14B) [10981] That they privatized erm ambulance service, they're now the highest paid in the country.
James (PS14C) [10982] Which is
Ann (PS14B) [10983] and Jim, Jim's got their pay scale and, and
James (PS14C) [10984] Well the trust [...] paying them
Ann (PS14B) [10985] They're being paid,
James (PS14C) [10986] less!
Ann (PS14B) [10987] they're being paid less than the N H S
James (PS14C) [10988] Than, than the N H S!
Ann (PS14B) [10989] ones!
James (PS14C) [10990] I mean just across, if they go down to Durham which is an N H S ... ambulance service.
Ann (PS14B) [10991] And that's, you know, anybody listening to that on the television would think, oh yes, that's true!
[10992] You know it's, it's
Maggie (PS17G) [10993] [...] over there and you er believe everything they've said.
Ann (PS14B) [10994] once it's stuck in their head then it's like reading things in the newspapers.
James (PS14C) [10995] What, what am I going for?
Maggie (PS17G) [10996] Cigarettes.
Ann (PS14B) [10997] Er,fort well if you, if you manage to get to Victoria Wines in time er, get me erm, ... er twenty erm ... no, get me forty er Emb what do they call them?
[10998] Elite, please?
[10999] If you've gotta go to the Co-op, just get me twenty of whatever's ... there is.
James (PS14C) [11000] Forty Elite?
Ann (PS14B) [11001] If you get to the Victoria Wine in time.
[11002] ... I don't know if he will.
[11003] I don't know if it shuts at five o'clock or what they do ... or if evening staff come on?
[11004] I've never tried to go after ... five o'clock.
Maggie (PS17G) [11005] Mind you, Ann, I suppose that's why Pat got thinking about a Tory er vote.
Ann (PS14B) [11006] No, she wasn't thinking, well she wasn't exactly thinking about a Tory vote.
[11007] She said, well I, I don't know what to do, she said, I haven't read, you know, she hadn't read the election, she hadn't had time to read the election addresses, and she's not really interested in ac actually so she hasn't watched it on the television.
[11008] And I said, oh Pat, you don't want a Tory government in a again, do you?
[11009] And she said, well, I I I don't know, she said, you know we've done alright under them.
[11010] ... What does she think's happening to education?
[11011] What does she think's ha happening to the hospitals?
Maggie (PS17G) [11012] I don't think, probably she hasn't really thought it, she's, she's been more concerned with her own self but she's ... .
[11013] can't, I don't know.
[11014] I'll have to have a talk with her.
Ann (PS14B) [11015] [laugh] Put your daughter straight!
Maggie (PS17G) [11016] [...] I've, I've ... I've often thought I would never vote Tory but, I mean, I've been better off in some ways in that I was able to buy my council house.
[11017] But that, as far as I can make out, is the only thing that I've benefited by, you know, with them being in.
Ann (PS14B) [11018] Mm mm.
Maggie (PS17G) [11019] erm
Ann (PS14B) [11020] The unemployed certainly haven't been better off.
Maggie (PS17G) [11021] The, the thing is
Ann (PS14B) [11022] The young people leaving school haven't been better off.
Maggie (PS17G) [11023] Well it would be erm, the number of people who are being put out of work
Ann (PS14B) [11024] Yeah.
Maggie (PS17G) [11025] and it's not just every week or every month, it's every day, when you hear of jobs being lost
Ann (PS14B) [11026] That's right. ...
Maggie (PS17G) [11027] It's a, it's a [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11028] And isn't it a hundred, hundred and, hundred and fifty small businesses go bust every year?
[11029] I mean they keep saying we've given the all, all these opportunities to all these
Maggie (PS17G) [11030] [...] a case in point
Ann (PS14B) [11031] small businessmen and there's a hundred and fifty.
Maggie (PS17G) [11032] She tried to get, she's tried to get started making, doing her own business, spoke to her the other day and she's, well, Pat spoke to her on Sunday and she got more out of her than I did
Ann (PS14B) [11033] Mm.
Maggie (PS17G) [11034] but er, she's not getting [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11035] No.
[11036] Paul next door left school, you know, he cou all he wanted to be was a mechanic, it's, it's all he's ever been, he's really good.
[11037] But he's learnt from his father
Maggie (PS17G) [11038] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [11039] and he couldn't a job and then, I me I mean, he tried for apprenticeships all over the place and other jobs and he just couldn't get one!
[11040] When his father died, when he was twenty- one, he took over the erm taxi business.
[11041] Well it was private hire, but most of the work came from Northgate Hospital.
Maggie (PS17G) [11042] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [11043] You know they, they ran, they took the nurses, because the nurses home was a mile or, was it a mile or a mile and a half or something from the hospital, they had this, they took them in the morning and then they took them at lunchtime and then all the different shifts coming on and off they took them, and they had the schools run as well.
[11044] And then, of course the er, they started running down Northgate hospital and they closed down the nurses home.
[11045] So there was half his business worked out, wiped out in one go.
[11046] ... And then erm, his schools run was way up into the country, quite a long way ... and then that was changed.
[11047] First of all th the erm registration went up, then something else went up and then ... two of his children from farthest away were moving so he was gonna be paid much less than that.
[11048] Well the ordinary private hire, there's so many of them, I mean his dad had been doing it for years but there's so many started up.
Maggie (PS17G) [11049] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [11050] He couldn't compete!
[11051] And, and then finally the council said, he actually had an Austin Princess, but you know Paul and his cars that that nineteen, I don't know what it is the car he's got in his garage now, but he buys old cars and completely rebuilds them, it looks like a new car now and he ha he had an Austin Princess which, which actually it was a P reg and er they told him he couldn't run the service unless he bought a much newer car.
[11052] And he couldn't do it, because, the pair of them, I mean, that was, that business was supporting his mother as well and between them, after they'd paid for the petrol, they were taking in less than a hundred pounds a week and that was for the two of them.
Maggie (PS17G) [11053] Two.
Ann (PS14B) [11054] So he couldn't keep it going any longer and he had to give it up, so he's on the dole again.
[11055] It's about ... oh, it's, it's over a year since he packed in and he's tri applied for hundreds of jobs.
[11056] He's applied for jobs in Washington and
Maggie (PS17G) [11057] Mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [11058] you know it's quite
Maggie (PS17G) [11059] I, mm mm.
Ann (PS14B) [11060] a long way to travel to
Maggie (PS17G) [11061] I read in er
Ann (PS14B) [11062] but see you just get nothing.
Maggie (PS17G) [11063] in the paper just last week Nissan had er ... about ... had some jobs
Ann (PS14B) [11064] He wrote to Nissan.
Maggie (PS17G) [11065] going.
Ann (PS14B) [11066] That was one of the places he
Maggie (PS17G) [11067] and they had,
Ann (PS14B) [11068] wrote to.
Maggie (PS17G) [11069] they expected, they expected a lot of er ... applications.
[11070] They got thirty thousand!
Ann (PS14B) [11071] Yes.
Maggie (PS17G) [11072] Phew!
[11073] You know, it was er, it was ridiculous [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11074] Thirty thousand
Maggie (PS17G) [11075] that there, there, there had to be so many people
Ann (PS14B) [11076] Mm mm.
Maggie (PS17G) [11077] who needed a job.
Ann (PS14B) [11078] Yes.
[11079] ... Yes.
Maggie (PS17G) [11080] And they expected a lot of but they didn't expect that many.
Ann (PS14B) [11081] They say unemployment's hitting the ... south now ... but I wonder how many jobs they get that ... thirty thousand apply for?
Maggie (PS17G) [11082] Mm.
[11083] ... Sorry state of affairs.
Ann (PS14B) [11084] Yeah.
[11085] ... The teaching, teaching jobs are the same.
[11086] Hundreds and hundreds applying for teaching jobs.
[11087] ... Rubbish.
[11088] ... Is that rubbish?
[11089] What's this?
[11090] ... Something from [...]
Maggie (PS17G) [11091] You won't get a copy of the completed er ... thing, will you?
Ann (PS14B) [11092] No.
[11093] ... Nope!
[11094] There's bits of paper everywhere you look.
Maggie (PS17G) [11095] Well I think I'd better make a
Ann (PS14B) [11096] Whose key's this? ...
Maggie (PS17G) [11097] Got mine here.
Ann (PS14B) [11098] That's not your key, is it?
Maggie (PS17G) [11099] No, [...] ...
Ann (PS14B) [11100] I'm sure it's not mine.
Maggie (PS17G) [11101] Jim's? ...
Ann (PS14B) [11102] Jim's is on his car keyring, I'll put it there until I find out.
[11103] Unless it was a loose one that was lying on here ... cos Richard was
Maggie (PS17G) [11104] I've got as many keys at home [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11105] Oh, I've got,
Maggie (PS17G) [11106] and I haven't a clue [laugh] [...] I
Ann (PS14B) [11107] oh, I've got, I've
Maggie (PS17G) [11108] keep thinking I, you know, I should throw them out or something.
Ann (PS14B) [11109] I've got keys to these, there's an old lady opposite, I've got keys for her ... erm front door and back door. ...
Maggie (PS17G) [11110] Well I've got [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11111] She's got a, I think er ... has she got a ... no, I don't think she's got a key to my house now, she used to have er in case I lock meself out.
[11112] And Betty had, but that
Maggie (PS17G) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11113] then we got the new front door so only Betty now has got er, a spare backdoor key ... which wasn't much good the day I bolted the door into the kitchen!
[11114] Could only get as far as the kitchen.
Maggie (PS17G) [11115] I've been grateful for Jessie having my key because er I've locked myself out one or two ...
Ann (PS14B) [11116] Yes.
Maggie (PS17G) [11117] You know, I get out the door and I think I've left the key [laughing] in the lock. []
Ann (PS14B) [11118] There's something extremely sticky on this windowsill.
Maggie (PS17G) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11119] Urgh!
[11120] It's all claggy.
[11121] ... I don't know what they've had on there, I'll have to wash it off properly.
Maggie (PS17G) [11122] [...] oh there's my paper [...] .
Ann (PS14B) [11123] Oh.
Maggie (PS17G) [11124] What happens as far as patients in hospital are concerned Ann when it comes to an election?
Ann (PS14B) [11125] Well if they've applied in time they can get a p postal vote.
Maggie (PS17G) [11126] Mm.
Ann (PS14B) [11127] Er ... or they can ask for someone to take them.
[11128] Jim's actually running people from Comfort House ... there.
[11129] ... Someone er ... asked ... it was someone who was deliving, delivering the erm election ... the polling cards.
[11130] He'd been helping his wife to, she must work for the council and he'd been helping her and he said er ... the matron at Comfort House had asked and he, and he'd noticed Jim's name on when he delivered ours so he knew where they could, he'd take them.
[11131] The only thing is in a place like that they're more likely to be Tory.
[11132] However, Jim says he'll take them.
Maggie (PS17G) [11133] Where is Comfort House?
Ann (PS14B) [11134] It's er, a private nursing home ... do you know where the library is?
Maggie (PS17G) [11135] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [11136] You go past ... past the library ... past the ambulance station and round the corner.
Maggie (PS17G) [11137] I haven't been as far down there, I've only been as far as the doctor's surgery, down that road.
[11138] ... What opposite, is that opposite the er, opposite
Ann (PS14B) [11139] Oh, the clinic, yes, yes, yes.
Maggie (PS17G) [11140] the library?
Ann (PS14B) [11141] No, it's further round than that.
Maggie (PS17G) [11142] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [11143] If you go, if you actually

31 (Tape 070801)

Ann (PS14B) [11144] Fruit and vegetables back.
Arthur (PS17L) [11145] You got some [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11146] Do you know whose car was stolen from this road last week?
Arthur (PS17L) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11147] Oh.
[11148] Cost Kathy down the road was telling me that erm a Yugo car had been stolen from Alexandra Road
Arthur (PS17L) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11149] Last week.
[11150] I don't know anyone who's got a Yugo car do you?
Arthur (PS17L) [11151] What's [...]
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11152] I don't know.
[11153] But apparently it was stolen last week.
Arthur (PS17L) [11154] Aye.
[11155] [...] like.
Ann (PS14B) [11156] No.
Arthur (PS17L) [11157] I never tried [...] if I could help
Ann (PS14B) [11158] Aha.
Arthur (PS17L) [11159] you know just because of this cos the French on the right left of centre you know.
Ann (PS14B) [11160] Jim can't get ours in it's it's all our garage is full of paper work and things
Arthur (PS17L) [11161] You need a
Ann (PS14B) [11162] from the front.
Arthur (PS17L) [11163] There's people have got something on them you know for
Ann (PS14B) [11164] Well he puts a krook-lo gotta krook-lok when he goes
Arthur (PS17L) [11165] [...] steering column you know.
Ann (PS14B) [11166] Yeah.
Arthur (PS17L) [11167] The steering wheel
Ann (PS14B) [11168] Aha.
Arthur (PS17L) [11169] [...] now like.
Ann (PS14B) [11170] Yes.
Arthur (PS17L) [11171] You got your hands full by time you do some shopping with them .
Ann (PS14B) [11172] [laugh] yes.
[11173] Sit still Bryony.
Arthur (PS17L) [11174] Right.
Ann (PS14B) [11175] Sit still Bry Yes it's lovely.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11176] What d'ya want to do?
[11177] What's the ma
James (PS14M) [11178] She wants to walk.
Ann (PS14B) [11179] You want what?
[11180] You're not fastened.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11181] Oh sorry.
[11182] I'm careless aren't I turn round.

32 (Tape 070802)

Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11183] Pardon?
Alison (PS6NU) [11184] Going to the shop please?
Ann (PS14B) [11185] No we're going with the child minders tomorrow.
Alison (PS6NU) [11186] Oh we went erm we went the other week [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11187] I know
Alison (PS6NU) [11188] [...] but you never
Ann (PS14B) [11189] I was you I I arrived as you had left er so
Alison (PS6NU) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11190] Louise afterwards.
Alison (PS6NU) [11191] [...] aerobics on a Saturday afternoon.
Ann (PS14B) [11192] Oh yes.
Alison (PS6NU) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11193] Aha.
Alison (PS6NU) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11194] Is that the erm cardio func
Alison (PS6NU) [11195] I don't know.
Ann (PS14B) [11196] or the er what is it?
[11197] Is there a lot of high impact in it?
James (PS14M) [11198] No you got
Alison (PS6NU) [11199] No not really it's pretty low impact.
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11200] Oh
Alison (PS6NU) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11201] Yes.
[11202] I go to Maxine's erm intermediate class.
[11203] I wouldn't be able to do the you know the really high very high impact.
[11204] They
Alison (PS6NU) [11205] Well I mean I do I've been doing aerobics a long time.
[11206] It's pretty easy for me that
Ann (PS14B) [11207] Yeah.
Alison (PS6NU) [11208] what she does but
James (PS14M) [11209] We're gonna go [...]
Alison (PS6NU) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11210] And apart from the fact that you're less than half [laughing] my age [] .
[11211] It helps doesn't it?
[11212] Although the intermediate class most of them seem to be teenagers and twenties.
[11213] There's a few thirties and there's a couple I think probably in their forties but when it comes to the high impact they don't do it they just step it out you know.
[11214] Erm
James (PS14M) [11215] [...] push you in the buggy.
Ann (PS14B) [11216] But the
James (PS14M) [11217] Push.
Ann (PS14B) [11218] the advance class on a the first one on a Friday morning is nearly all high impact.
Alison (PS6NU) [11219] Is it?
Ann (PS14B) [11220] There are very few floor exercises.
[11221] Well I wouldn't be able to do that.
[11222] But I can keep up with the intermediate class and I said to Maxine, Does this get any harder?
[11223] And she said, No we do different exercises but there's this amount of high impact.
[11224] So.
[11225] Oh what's the mat
Alison (PS6NU) [11226] He's gone forward.
[11227] He's cutting his top teeth I think.
Ann (PS14B) [11228] Is he?
Alison (PS6NU) [11229] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [11230] Oh.
Alison (PS6NU) [11231] He had a cold when he cut his bottom two and his top ones are nearly through and he's getting cold.
Ann (PS14B) [11232] Have a look at have a look at baby Daniel.
Alison (PS6NU) [11233] Crying.
Ann (PS14B) [11234] Have a look at him.
[11235] See if he'll have a look at you.
Alison (PS6NU) [11236] There's a little boy.
[11237] Mm?
Ann (PS14B) [11238] There.
Alison (PS6NU) [11239] [...] laughing.
[11240] I think you're tired.
Ann (PS14B) [11241] Is he a tired boy?
James (PS14M) [11242] Yeah.
Richard (PS14P) [11243] Poor Daniel.
Alison (PS6NU) [11244] I don't [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11245] Yes.
Richard (PS14P) [11246] Poor Daniel.
Alison (PS6NU) [11247] I saw you in the paper with him.
Ann (PS14B) [11248] Aha.
[11249] Have you seen Bryony's hair?
[11250] She's had it cut.
Alison (PS6NU) [11251] Has she?
Ann (PS14B) [11252] Yeah.
Alison (PS6NU) [11253] Was it right down her back was it?
Ann (PS14B) [11254] It was.
[11255] And it was so tangly.
[11256] And she wouldn't have it brushed and she was shaking her head about when you tried to brush it so.
[11257] She's lost all her curls from the bottom of it.
[11258] I don't know if it'll come back.
[11259] Yes she wanted to ride this morn I'm taking the buggy like this so I can carry the fruit and vegetables back from the market.
Alison (PS6NU) [11260] Oh yeah you [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11261] Get up.
[11262] Get up.
[11263] Oh fancy climbing under a buggy.
[11264] Get out.
Alison (PS6NU) [11265] [...] on there.
Ann (PS14B) [11266] Get out.
James (PS14M) [11267] Get out.
Ann (PS14B) [11268] Yes tell your brother to get o .
[11269] Oh are you gonna keep him right today James?
[11270] James was the horror yesterday.
Alison (PS6NU) [11271] I think they all [laughing] have their moments [] .
Ann (PS14B) [11272] [laugh] No J James with a cheeky grin on his face just kee often when he gets in the mood goes round doing
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11273] anything he can find that he knows he shouldn't be doing like pulling things out the freezer and then the fridge and and pulling the cooker door down and
James (PS14M) [11274] [...] buggy.
Ann (PS14B) [11275] What?
[11276] I can't push the buggy with you riding on the back either.
[11277] You might trip off and go underneath it.
[11278] Jump down.
[11279] Right we'd better go.
[11280] Say bye bye to Daniel and Alison.
Alison (PS6NU) [11281] Bye [...]
James (PS14M) [11282] Bye.
Ann (PS14B) [11283] Bye bye Alison.
[11284] Right [laugh] see you bye.

33 (Tape 070803)

Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11285] Hello Tom.
Tom (PS17M) [11286] How you doing?
Ann (PS14B) [11287] How we doing?
[11288] We're progressing very slowly.
Tom (PS17M) [11289] Are you?
Ann (PS14B) [11290] As you can see.
[11291] Aren't we?
Tom (PS17M) [11292] Are there three like these?
Ann (PS14B) [11293] Yes they're triplets.
Tom (PS17M) [11294] But are are they yours? no.
Ann (PS14B) [11295] No [laughing] they're not mine [] .
Tom (PS17M) [11296] Eh.
Ann (PS14B) [11297] Do I want two year old triplets at fifty three?
Tom (PS17M) [11298] Oh they'd be they'd be saying, Boy she's history. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [11299] [laughing] Ah [] Have you never noticed I only have them three days a week?
James (PS14M) [11300] What we got mine
Ann (PS14B) [11301] You must have seen me often enough without them.
Tom (PS17M) [11302] Oh aye.
Bryony (PS14N) [11303] What is [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11304] What is that man?
[11305] He's called Tom but I don't know.
[11306] What is your other name?
Tom (PS17M) [11307] .
Ann (PS14B) [11308] .
[11309] Mr .
Tom (PS17M) [11310] I told them I told [...] that I was going home for good when the sister hurted herself.
[11311] Between sister
Richard (PS14P) [11312] [...] he not
Ann (PS14B) [11313] Aha.
Tom (PS17M) [11314] and she lives in Ireland you see.
Ann (PS14B) [11315] Yes.
Tom (PS17M) [11316] And er and I was telling everyone I said, Oh I'm going to [...] and I was flinging everything over the [...] you know.
[11317] That I didn't didn't want her out.
[11318] And er I want to go back now to get the money.
Ann (PS14B) [11319] Oh yes.
Tom (PS17M) [11320] To see what [...] to say.
[11321] So the fellow next door he says
Ann (PS14B) [11322] Oh don't
Tom (PS17M) [11323] Are you going to sell er sell your washing machine?
[11324] Yes I said on the [...] I says.
[11325] I says a sixty six er hundred six hundred for it.
[11326] So I says erm, Do you have any washing machines er that you have and all this and I give it all to him.
[11327] And now I'm starting to look for to get some [laughing] [...] [] .
Ann (PS14B) [11328] Oh.
Tom (PS17M) [11329] So anyway
Ann (PS14B) [11330] So you're not going to go back now?
Tom (PS17M) [11331] No.
Ann (PS14B) [11332] Where is it you come from in Ireland?
Tom (PS17M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11333] Oh.
[11334] That's right.
[11335] I remember talking to you and I said I had erm friends from, that's in Tipperary isn't it?
Tom (PS17M) [11336] Aye.
Ann (PS14B) [11337] I had friends from
Tom (PS17M) [11338] Aye.
[11339] Ooh [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11340] There were there were there were student nurses with me their their father was a sen senator.
Tom (PS17M) [11341] Aye.
Ann (PS14B) [11342] There was about nine children in the family I think.
[11343] The ones I knew were Bridget Margaret and Mary.
Tom (PS17M) [11344] Aye.
Ann (PS14B) [11345] They had brother
Tom (PS17M) [11346] Aye.
Ann (PS14B) [11347] and I can't remember the rest.
Tom (PS17M) [11348] So they're nieces from
Ann (PS14B) [11349] Yes yes.
Tom (PS17M) [11350] And they're nieces from they says, Uncle Tom we hear that you're going er er back to Northern Ire or to Ireland.
[11351] I said, Going to Northern Ireland.
[11352] Don't you go there they'd kill you.
[11353] And er
Ann (PS14B) [11354] Yes.
Tom (PS17M) [11355] it's a long way off for them to Northern Ireland you see.
[11356] Lovely place for us coming.
[11357] Great great er [...] for er football.
Ann (PS14B) [11358] Mm.
[11359] I used to read the erm these friend that I was a student nurse with erm used to have their local paper sent over and er I used to read it.
[11360] Not that I knew anything about the area of course.
[11361] But it was quite fascinating reading about the Ja Richard jump down.
[11362] Oh dear.
Tom (PS17M) [11363] Watch yourself there now.
Ann (PS14B) [11364] I think they're gonna start fighting any second.
Tom (PS17M) [11365] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [11366] We'd better move.
[11367] No no.
[11368] Oh they're rub oh they're rubbing noses.
[11369] Oh
Tom (PS17M) [11370] Aye [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [11371] It's not a good idea because Richard's got a streaming cold and James hasn't.
Tom (PS17M) [11372] Oh get them out of it.
[11373] Good bye [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11374] Bye.

34 (Tape 070804)

Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11375] Oh those are pretty dresses.
[11376] Right we're nearly to the vegetable stall aren't we?
[11377] I wonder if this man here's got buttons on today.
[11378] Let's see.
[11379] There's Rosie look.
Rosie (PS17N) [11380] Would you like [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11381] Hello Rosie Oops.
[11382] You gonna crash into
Rosie (PS17N) [11383] [laugh] Crashing there.
Ann (PS14B) [11384] Yes.
Rosie (PS17N) [11385] Busy here today I would think.
[11386] Getting out like.
Ann (PS14B) [11387] It's lovely isn't it?
[11388] Sunshine and has this man got his buttons on today?
[11389] I can't see.
Rosie (PS17N) [11390] Tucked away somewhere. [laugh] [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11391] Well yes.
Rosie (PS17N) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [11392] Only for my granddaughters mostly.
[11393] Now then oh no don't you can't push the buggy into the lady's legs.
[11394] Don't think she'd be pleased at all.
[11395] ... Right now then.
[11396] I'll just park Bryony here look.
[11397] ... Let me park Bryony here.
[11398] ... No sit still be Just sit still for now please.
[11399] Sit still for now please.
[11400] It's only for a few minutes till I buy these and then you can have a turn at walking.
[11401] Er can't see a small turnip.
[11402] There's no cauliflowers any more.
[11403] Let's go up here and join the queue.
[11404] Let me get in the queue look or we'll miss our turn.
[11405] Stand here look in the queue.
[11406] Have a li have a little talk to Bob look.
[11407] There's Bob
None (PS16S) [11408] Hold that for me.
Ann (PS14B) [11409] Are you going to hold his hold is erm straps for Doug.
None (PS16S) [11410] Thank you.
Ann (PS14B) [11411] There oh I'll have to bring her over a bit.
[11412] Let's see.
[11413] Er what do I want.
[11414] I'll move you a bit nearer Bryony just one sec.
[11415] ... Have you got a spare hand on you?
None (PS16S) [11416] Aye.
Ann (PS14B) [11417] Can you just hang on to those while I I'm push Bryony a bit.
[11418] I'm going to pu right.
[11419] I'll push you a bit bit nearer look.
[11420] Doug's in the queue have you seen him?
[11421] He's holding James and Richard's reins while I bring you a bit nearer.
[11422] There you are.
[11423] It'll be your turn to walk when I've got the fruit and vegetables.
[11424] Thanks Doug.
[11425] There I've moved your sister a bit nearer.
[11426] She was too far away.
[11427] ... Yes you will Bryony I can't hold.
[11428] Give him a gentle stroke.
[11429] Oh look I'm getting pushed out the queue beca I'm gonna [...] There we are.
[11430] Mind Bob's tail don't stand on him or he won't be pleased.
[11431] Give him the bag.
[11432] Two pounds of carrots and two pounds of onions please.
[11433] Don't pulled him James just hold his lead gently.
[11434] ... Being served thanks.
[11435] Erm a small turnip please and a small cabbage.
[11436] Yes please the the smallest you've got.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11437] Er Right can I have five [...] .
[11438] Sorry about [...] That'll do.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11439] You being served love?
None (PS16S) [11440] No no.
[11441] Can I have potatoes please.
Ann (PS14B) [11442] Don't stand on Bob's tail whatever you do.
[11443] Er broccoli please.
None (PS16S) [11444] And a turnip yes.
Ann (PS14B) [11445] What else do I need folks.
[11446] We've got oranges and we've got apples.
James (PS14M) [11447] What is he doing?
None (PS16S) [11448] Oh he's making a noise.
Ann (PS14B) [11449] Celery please.
James (PS14M) [11450] What what did you tell him to do?
[11451] What'd you tell him
Ann (PS14B) [11452] Erm three pou
None (PS16S) [11453] Be quiet.
Ann (PS14B) [11454] Three pounds of bananas please.
[11455] Wondered what I was standing on there it's a bit of squashed carrot.
[11456] Three pounds of bananas.
[11457] ... Pound of mushrooms please.
[11458] ... And ten pounds of potatoes and that's it thank you.
[11459] Stand still you two.
[11460] Yes I'm going to get you out Bryony in a.
[11461] You're going to it's your turn to walk in a minute.
Richard (PS14P) [11462] We'll push [...] Bryony.
Ann (PS14B) [11463] Thank you.
[11464] Right let's go let's go to the end look.
[11465] The man's going to give us them at the end of the stall so that.
[11466] Yes I'm going to get you out.
[11467] Let me let's bring the buggy back look.
[11468] I'm putting them in the back of the buggy.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11469] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [11470] Right can you just drop them in there please.
[11471] Thanks very much.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11472] You gotta walk have you? [laugh] [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11473] Well Jim's at work all day so I won't.
[11474] He can't come and pick them up from here on anything.
[11475] Thank you.
[11476] Now who's who's James you ride a little bit now and then Richard will.
[11477] So I'll get Bryony out look.
[11478] Let's get Bryony.
[11479] Don't squa Will you stop whining petal.
Bryony (PS14N) [11480] [...] coming.
[11481] Is it Richard coming?
Ann (PS14B) [11482] No I think James is going to have a ride now are you James?
[11483] And Bry
James (PS14M) [11484] I'm not.
Ann (PS14B) [11485] Who is it you Richard?
[11486] Are you goi is it
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Richard (PS14P) [11487] No.
Ann (PS14B) [11488] Well one of you must and then you can get out and walk again.
[11489] You have to take turns.
[11490] Bryony's ridden all the way here look.
[11491] Just a minute.
[11492] James will you stand very still be
Bryony (PS14N) [11493] I can't get out.
Ann (PS14B) [11494] Stand very still.
Bryony (PS14N) [11495] I can't get out.
Ann (PS14B) [11496] Oh wait a minute it.
[11497] What did I say?
[11498] I sa I said stand very still please beside me while I loosen Bryony.
[11499] Very very still.
Bryony (PS14N) [11500] Help me help me.
Ann (PS14B) [11501] Yes I'm getting you out treasure.
[11502] This this er thing's got stuck on the rails.
Bryony (PS14N) [11503] [...] he's got [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11504] Yes but one of them's going to get in.
[11505] Who's going to get in first and who's going to get in later?
James (PS14M) [11506] I don't want to get in later.
Ann (PS14B) [11507] You you both have to have a little ride each back to my house because I can't I don't think
Bryony (PS14N) [11508] Not go back to my house.
Ann (PS14B) [11509] Oh that's it.
Richard (PS14P) [11510] I'm not going back.
Ann (PS14B) [11511] James you're going away again come back please.
Bryony (PS14N) [11512] [...] my reins.
Ann (PS14B) [11513] Well you have to hang on to the buggy then.
[11514] Look I've been holding Richard.
[11515] Let's see if I can manage all three of you walking.
[11516] Get on and hold the buggy then.
[11517] You have to hold the buggy or you have to.
[11518] No if you hold it there you can reach better.
[11519] You're a bit small to hang on to the handle.
[11520] You you've got a filthy nose.
[11521] Let's have a look.
[11522] No you're going to tip it if you do that.
[11523] Don't tip it please.
[11524] No.
[11525] Yes you're tipping it because you're trying
Bryony (PS14N) [11526] You're naughty boy. [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11527] Listen you're tipping it.
[11528] You can't swing on the handle Richard.
[11529] Bryony if you're going to walk you need hold on to there because when you hang on to the handle it's too high and you tip it over.
[11530] Richard get off the back of it or I'll put in the buggy.
[11531] If you want to walk Bryony you must hold there please.
[11532] You hold on to there.
[11533] Go on good girl.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11534] Well I can't push it because there's nowhere to put my
Bryony (PS14N) [11535] I don't want to go
Ann (PS14B) [11536] Listen to me there's no
Bryony (PS14N) [11537] I don't want to go in.
Ann (PS14B) [11538] Well I'll have to hold your reins then.
Bryony (PS14N) [11539] Don't want to go in.
Ann (PS14B) [11540] You can't hold there because I need to be in the middle of it to push it.
[11541] Where am I supposed to go?
James (PS14M) [11542] You can [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11543] James your straps are stuck round her arm.
James (PS14M) [11544] You [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11545] Right well I'm going home without you then because I can't put I can't there's no way I can push this buggy with you walking on my toes Bryony.
[11546] So you need to walk there.
[11547] So that I've got room to walk.
[11548] You hold on there.
[11549] You get round the corner please.
[11550] You hold on to that handle.
[11551] Look look James is hol Richard's holding that handle James is holding that handle you hold there.
[11552] Well you'll have to ride again then.
[11553] Wait a minute the brake's on.
[11554] Because I can't if you're holding that handle there there's nowhere for me to walk.
[11555] I'll just be treading on your toes all the time.
[11556] You heels I mean.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11557] You've got your hands full there.
Ann (PS14B) [11558] If they would just cooperate a bit.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11559] Oh they won't they're too little I think. [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [11560] Yes.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11561] Too little to understand.
Ann (PS14B) [11562] Never mind we're in a straight line now so.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11563] They don't go round corner either do they?
Ann (PS14B) [11564] They don't no.
[11565] No there's things to be said
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11566] Very limited.
Ann (PS14B) [11567] Yes.
[11568] Now listen I want to see I want to s Have you got buttons today?
[11569] Oh right thank you.
[11570] He that man hasn't g Hello.
[11571] That man hasn't got buttons today.
[11572] So we need to see if there's another button stall.
[11573] There's one more lady but where does she go?
[11574] I think she I think she might be at the far side.
[11575] Just a minute.
James (PS14M) [11576] There's another one.
[11577] Have to have another one.
[11578] Have another one.
[11579] [...] another one
Ann (PS14B) [11580] Just a minute.
James (PS14M) [11581] [...] another one.
Ann (PS14B) [11582] That's a nice jog suit but it's oh it's the same as one I've got.
[11583] Oh no it's not it's better it's a zip down the front.
[11584] ... Let's see.
[11585] Right.
[11586] Now that's that's good Bryony I can push it while you're walking there.
[11587] Very good.
[11588] Is the lady with buttons round this.
[11589] Oh dear you see what I mean I'm walking on your heels.
[11590] ... Now then.
[11591] Can anyone see the lady with buttons?
James (PS14M) [11592] I can't.
Ann (PS14B) [11593] I can't either.
Bryony (PS14N) [11594] I can't.
Richard (PS14P) [11595] I can't either.
Ann (PS14B) [11596] Oh.
[11597] Let's see.
[11598] Let's see if this man's got some
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11599] What?
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11600] Pandas.
[11601] Oh pandas on the cans yes.
[11602] Ca we need to reverse a bit.
[11603] Let's go back across here look.
[11604] I'm going to get some bread buns.
[11605] ... Right I need to get my purse look.
[11606] Here we are.
[11607] Bryony come and stand over here or hang on to the buggy whichever you want to do.
[11608] ... Right stand here.
[11609] ... Those a cans of erm it's fizzy.
[11610] No don't touch them because if if you drop they'll fizz up and bust.
Bryony (PS14N) [11611] Panda panda.
Ann (PS14B) [11612] Yes they're pandas on the drinks.
[11613] I said don't
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11614] Finger buns or bread buns sixty pence a dozen
Ann (PS14B) [11615] don't touch.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11616] Oh you can freeze anything love.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11617] Can you?
[11618] Erm
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11619] Iced finger buns bread buns you've Scottish.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11620] Can I have three steak pies please.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11621] Three steaks love.
[11622] Oh no problem love.
[11623] Just take [...]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11624] Wait a minute I'll get you some.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11625] They were still red hot this morning when we got on the market these were.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11626] I hope you've got some change cos I haven't.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11627] I'm all right with pound [...] .
[11628] There you go love.
Ann (PS14B) [11629] Sorry.
[11630] Yes sorry.
[11631] Oh.
[11632] Look can you move over here look cos it's nearly our turn.
[11633] Nearly look.
[11634] Isn't it?
[11635] ... Don't touch the buns.
[11636] You have no browned ones.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11637] No.
Ann (PS14B) [11638] Erm right I'll have a packet of er round ones please.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11639] Packet of bread buns love.
Ann (PS14B) [11640] Yes.
[11641] What are these?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11642] Five packets for a pound love.
Ann (PS14B) [11643] I'll have er two orange two lemon er what else and a packet of shortcake please.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11644] That's sixty love.
Ann (PS14B) [11645] Erm is that all I want?
[11646] Er yes that's it thank you.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11647] One sixty love.
Ann (PS14B) [11648] Keep still till I get my money out pet.
[11649] Have you always had that notice up there?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11650] Yes darling.
Ann (PS14B) [11651] I've never noticed it before that you came from .
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11652] Oh aye every every week.
Ann (PS14B) [11653] We used to live at Washington.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11654] Oh aye Washington.
Ann (PS14B) [11655] That's where my husband comes from.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11656] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [11657] monument.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11658] Aye.
[11659] That's nice that's just like a lemon here that one.
Ann (PS14B) [11660] One sorry what did you say one six one sixty.
[11661] There you are thank you very much.
[11662] There now let's put this in the bag.
[11663] Thanks.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11664] Thanks love.
Ann (PS14B) [11665] Don't swing on the stall Richard.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11666] Sixty pence a dozen girls your finger buns or bread buns now.
Ann (PS14B) [11667] Let me put
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11668] Everything you see on the stall [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11669] let me put this in the front of the buggy look.
[11670] And don't squash them.
James (PS14M) [11671] [...] bread buns.
Ann (PS14B) [11672] Those are biscuits.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11673] Finger buns or bread buns at sixty pence a dozen.
Richard (PS14P) [11674] Er I will hold [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11675] Right Bryony shall we get in the same
Bryony (PS14N) [11676] No.
Ann (PS14B) [11677] Will you put the biscuits back please Richard you don't want biscuits now you've had a biscuit this morning with your milk.
[11678] That's all for to all for this morning.
[11679] Bryony come back where you were clever girl.
[11680] What a clever girl.
[11681] Come back where you were .
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11682] [...] sixty pence a dozen your finger buns or bread buns now.
[11683] Your pies are three for a pound your pasties are four for a pound.
Ann (PS14B) [11684] Come back where you were or you'll have to get in.
[11685] Come on you help me push like you were before look.
[11686] Can you?
[11687] That's the way good girl.
[11688] Richard don't swing on the buggy pet.
[11689] I think that lady with the button.
[11690] Oh wait a minute.
[11691] No that's not her.
[11692] That's not her.
[11693] Can you stop while I just glance at this.
[11694] Richard.
[11695] You are you tired?
[11696] Do you want to ride?
Richard (PS14P) [11697] I do not want to ride.
Ann (PS14B) [11698] You don't?
Richard (PS14P) [11699] I don't want
Ann (PS14B) [11700] Don't swing on the buggy you're gonna have it tipped completely over.
[11701] ... Look how many times have I told you to stop swinging on the handle you're tipping it over.
[11702] We'll end up with all the fruit and vegetables and and the bread buns and the biscuits all over the floor.
[11703] They would get filthy.
[11704] ... [music] Do you hear the music.
[11705] Shall we have a waltz?
[11706] Yes.
[11707] I'm yes.
[11708] [singing] We will make love. []
[11709] See these.
James (PS14M) [11710] I don't want to see these.
[11711] I don't want to see these.
Ann (PS14B) [11712] But I I need to you see I need some buttons for Beverley and Melanie's cardigans.
[11713] You're not to touch them.
[11714] [music] Those aren't cream they're yellow aren't they.
[11715] Listen.
[11716] [singing] I'm [...] been blue ... sorry ... [] .
[11717] Are those clear or blue?
[11718] Where's the lady?
James (PS14M) [11719] They are clear.
Ann (PS14B) [11720] Where's the lady gone off this stall?
James (PS14M) [11721] They're clear.
Ann (PS14B) [11722] Clear.
[11723] No they're they're blue.
James (PS14M) [11724] Are they clear?
Ann (PS14B) [11725] [singing] Take me back in your arms []
James (PS14M) [11726] Are they clear?
Bryony (PS14N) [11727] Oh they're yellow.
James (PS14M) [11728] Are they clear?
Ann (PS14B) [11729] No tho those are not clear.
[11730] Those are clear.
[11731] I think I'll have to get this kind.
[11732] But the lady's vanished off the stall so I can't buy them.
[11733] [singing] Lonely have you ever been blue. []
[11734] What treasure?
[11735] I think these are too small.
[11736] Let me see that one.
[11737] That's that's yellow lemon.
[11738] Some of them are so faded on the top that when you they're not they're not the colour you think they are.
[11739] Oh that's the size I want.
[11740] Now let's put them all back and see if we can see the lady.
[11741] No just leave all of those look.
[11742] Oh here she is.
[11743] Put them back please.
[11744] Hurry up cos it's near our turn to be serv where's my purse.
[11745] Let's get my purse.
[11746] Put them back please Bryony.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11747] Yes darling.
Ann (PS14B) [11748] Fourteen please.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11749] Fourteen my love right oh. [music]
Ann (PS14B) [11750] Oh no you're not to take the top off.
[11751] Don't take the top off put them back now look.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11752] There you are now my darling.
Ann (PS14B) [11753] Thanks.
[11754] ... Oh I've used all my change I'll have to give you five pounds.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11755] There she is.
[11756] Skived off you see you know what I mean.
Ann (PS14B) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11757] Took all my bloody change out me till.
[11758] The lady's just had fourteen of these.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11759] Thirty pence please.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11760] I'm very pleased about that.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11761] Are you?
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11762] Yeah.
Ann (PS14B) [11763] No.
[11764] You're gonna lose half.
[11765] Richard.
[11766] Hang on a minute.
[11767] Yes.
[11768] Wait a minute you're you're losing some of your buttons over here look.
[11769] Come back.
[11770] No.
[11771] Let's put them all back.
[11772] Put them back.
[11773] Clever boys.
[11774] Thank you.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11775] You'll have [...] have you.
Ann (PS14B) [11776] [laugh] It does get rather warm on occasions.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11777] That one yeah that one goes in the pink in the pink.
Ann (PS14B) [11778] Is that in
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11779] Yeah it's all right.
Ann (PS14B) [11780] Right let's let's all get lined get lined up again ready to move.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11781] All lined up again.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11782] It's a good way trying to teach them colours isn't it?
Ann (PS14B) [11783] Actually they they were quick at learning colours.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11784] There now.
Ann (PS14B) [11785] Especially Bryony she learnt the colours very very quickly.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11786] There now.
Ann (PS14B) [11787] Even things like silver and grey and brown.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11788] Oh.
Ann (PS14B) [11789] Not just the primary colours.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11790] Into formation.
Ann (PS14B) [11791] Right Bryony in the middle.
[11792] That's it.
[11793] Richard
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11794] Right that's it away away there.
Ann (PS14B) [11795] Wagons roll.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [11796] Thank you bye.
[11797] ... Let me see what these eggs are like round this corner.
[11798] Where is he?
[11799] Oh it's it's sorry it's round the next corner.
[11800] Those are garden garden gnomes.
Bryony (PS14N) [11801] Cats.
Ann (PS14B) [11802] Cats?
[11803] Gnomes er frogs look over there there are frogs.
[11804] Can you see oh and snails and little houses.
[11805] Hedgehogs there's a tortoise.
[11806] There's a little fawn look a baby deer.
[11807] Oh look at the seal and the birds.
Bryony (PS14N) [11808] The birds. [...]
James (PS14M) [11809] I can't see them.
Ann (PS14B) [11810] I don't like the gnomes but the animals are very good.
[11811] James you've you've gone on the wrong side.
[11812] Bryony in the middle.
[11813] We're going round the corner to the egg man.
[11814] ... And round this corner.
[11815] ... Look at the tiger ski tiger skin seat covers.
[11816] Can you see there look?
[11817] Like tiger ski hello.
[11818] Oh the ducks yes ducks that's right the ducks had better watch out or they're gonna get run over.
James (PS14M) [11819] They're on the road.
Ann (PS14B) [11820] Yes the ducks are on the road.
[11821] ... What love?
[11822] ... No we need to get ... I think I'll just get half a dozen.
[11823] What have I done with my purse now is it there it is.
[11824] Right let's [...] [noise - traffic] Oh do you see there's the road sweeper.
[11825] Right let's get over here a little bit.
[11826] Yes it was a road sweeper.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11827] It's came in handy for the shopping that now anyway hasn't? [laugh]
Ann (PS14B) [11828] It's getting them to push it and keep in keep in line.
[11829] One in the middle and one at each side.
[11830] But yes I can get the shopping in.
[11831] It's no good shopping in shops with it though cos we can't get round the aisles with them like this.
[11832] Bryony.
[11833] Come over here just in case the road sweeper's coming up here. ...
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11834] There you go sir that's two ninety eight there please altogether there now.
[11835] Got it a tiny bit cheaper for you there sir.
[11836] Two pound two change thanks very much cheers now.
Ann (PS14B) [11837] Six size three please.
[11838] I'd better not take any more at once in case they [laughing] fall off [] .
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11839] Forty two there thanks.
[11840] You haven't got the two have you?
Ann (PS14B) [11841] Just a sec.
[11842] Yes I have.
[11843] Thanks.
[11844] Thank you.
[11845] There we are let's put see if we can find a space to put these.
Richard (PS14P) [11846] Eggs.
[11847] Got [...] eggs.
Ann (PS14B) [11848] Yes I've I've bought eggs yes.
[11849] Let's see if they're go in this I wonder if I can balance them on top of the on top of the potatoes.
[11850] Now we need to turn the buggy round.
[11851] We're going back to my house now.
[11852] We're going back to my house because we're going
James (PS14M) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11853] We no we're not going to soft play today.
[11854] We're going to soft play tomorrow.
[11855] Look let's move because the man can't get out for us.
[11856] Tomorrow we're going to soft play not today.
[11857] Round we go.
James (PS14M) [11858] We're going on Tuesday.
Ann (PS14B) [11859] No we're going no not Tuesday we're going on Thursday this week.
[11860] Right you get back in the middle please Bryony.
[11861] Good girl.
[11862] And off we go again.
[11863] Off we go off [singing] Here we go here we go [] .
[11864] Yes. ...
Richard (PS14P) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11865] Oh you've bumped your head on the handle.
[11866] It's stopped now it's gone away.
James (PS14M) [11867] Road sweeper.
[11868] I see a road sweeper.
Ann (PS14B) [11869] Up we go.
James (PS14M) [11870] I see a road sweeper.
Ann (PS14B) [11871] Yes we saw a road sweeper. ...
James (PS14M) [11872] Green ducks.
Ann (PS14B) [11873] The green ducks are drakes the ones with green heads.
[11874] Right let's get back to my house or there won't be time to make this case before dinner time.
[11875] ... Look at that duck over there.
[11876] That must be one of the ducks that's that's half white and half domestic duck and half mallard.
[11877] Is that is that the swan up there look or is it the white I can't it's too far away to see.
James (PS14M) [11878] [...] swan.
Ann (PS14B) [11879] It isn't a swan I thought it was but I I don't, hello, I don't think it is.
[11880] You don't want to go back to your house.
[11881] Do you want to go back to my house.
James (PS14M) [11882] I'm not going back to your house.
Ann (PS14B) [11883] You're not going back to my house.
[11884] Where are we going then?
Richard (PS14P) [11885] We going back to your house.
Ann (PS14B) [11886] We are.
[11887] You're going to help me make to make a birthday cake for Jim remember.
[11888] You don't want to help.
[11889] Does anybody want to help?
[11890] I thought you would like to do that you like cooking.
[11891] ... Come off the mud please Bryony it's all clarty.
[11892] What are we doing?
[11893] I'll tell you what we're going to do
Bryony (PS14N) [11894] I want to walk [...] I want to walk [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11895] No Bryony come back please because if you walk by yourself they'll want to as well.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11896] You've got your hands full.
Ann (PS14B) [11897] [laughing] Yeah. []
James (PS14M) [11898] I want to walk by myself.
Bryony (PS14N) [11899] I want to walk by myself.
[11900] I'm gonna walk by myself.
[11901] I'm gonna walk by myself.
Ann (PS14B) [11902] No you're not going to walk by yourself.
Bryony (PS14N) [11903] I want to walk
Richard (PS14P) [11904] Bryony.
Bryony (PS14N) [11905] Can I walk by myself?
Ann (PS14B) [11906] No darling we're near the river.
[11907] No way can you walk by yourself.
[11908] What?
James (PS14M) [11909] Shall I walk by myself.
Ann (PS14B) [11910] I can't let you walk by yourselves near the river.
[11911] What if you ran away?
[11912] It's no good saying you don't because you do.
[11913] Hello.
[11914] Look you see what I mean.
[11915] Bryony.
[11916] ... Come on get hold of the buggy.
[11917] You hold the middle of the buggy like that.
[11918] Richard come back where you were at this side.
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11919] Well get in the buggy then Bryony.
[11920] Either hold on to there or get in it.
[11921] Well if you're gonna.
[11922] Put you in the front seat hold on Bryony wants to get back in the buggy.
[11923] Let's put her let's put her in the front seat.
[11924] Well well Bryony says she wants to go in the buggy.
James (PS14M) [11925] [...] that want to.
Ann (PS14B) [11926] Let's see.
[11927] Richard oh my goodness.
[11928] You would want to stop and change over when we're right beside the river wouldn't you?
[11929] When it's hard to hang on to all your reins.
[11930] Right you jump in.
[11931] Jump in.
[11932] You'll have to have it up a little bit or the same thing'll happen at
Bryony (PS14N) [...]
Ann (PS14B) [11933] Yes.
[11934] Right let's go again.
[11935] One at each side boys please.
[11936] Bryony if you get your foot underneath it like you did before when you kicked the footrest down and then your foot went underneath the buggy and you screamed didn't you?
[11937] You can't swing on the buggy handle it makes it too heavy and it makes it tip up.
[11938] James hold your side please.
[11939] There.
[11940] The moorhen one moorhen Bryony.
[11941] Wait a minute cos Bryony wants to see moorhens.
[11942] Let's see if we can look.
[11943] Where.
[11944] Let me see if I can get Bryony to see where this moorhen is.
[11945] Can you see that tree branch, move along a little bit Richard.
[11946] That's right it's in the bott the trees hanging the branch is hanging right down to the river and the moorhen's standing on it.
[11947] That's right.
[11948] But I can't see any more moorhens and there's usually a few more round if there's one.
[11949] But I can't see them.
[11950] Right then let's get in a line again.
[11951] In a line again.
[11952] Yes we're going yes you can see it as well.
James (PS14M) [11953] Is it over there?
Ann (PS14B) [11954] Yes it is it's over there that's right.
[11955] ... There we are.
Richard (PS14P) [11956] I can see the birds.
Ann (PS14B) [11957] You want to see the birds.
[11958] Well in that case ... no there Richard Richard means the birds in the park in the aviary.
[11959] We we can't go and see.
[11960] Listen.
[11961] Yes that's what kind's that one Bryony?
[11962] Bryony says she can see one in the sky.
[11963] What is it can you remember?
[11964] That's right it's a seagull.
[11965] There's another seagull.
[11966] That's a black-headed gull that one.
Richard (PS14P) [11967] I want to see the one in the park.
Ann (PS14B) [11968] Yes it's a white one with a black head.
Richard (PS14P) [11969] I want to see the one in the park.
Ann (PS14B) [11970] You want to see the birds in the park.
[11971] The trouble is
Richard (PS14P) [11972] I want to see the one in the park .
Ann (PS14B) [11973] Yes but but I can't push this buggy up that very very very steep hill to get down the other side to the birds.
[11974] Isn't it beautiful.
[11975] I am.
[11976] [laugh] I am.
[11977] They want to go up to the aviary but I I can't get I can't get this buggy up there up that hill.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11978] I should think not either.
Ann (PS14B) [11979] Listen we'll come
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11980] Another day.
Ann (PS14B) [11981] Yes cos we we can walk easily
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11982] Yes.
Ann (PS14B) [11983] We can easily
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11984] [...] lovely weather up here.
Ann (PS14B) [11985] Oh I hope so.
Unknown speaker (KB8PSUNK) [11986] Better than last Wednesday.
Ann (PS14B) [11987] Oh yes.
[11988] You wouldn't think it was the same month would you?
[11989] Yes that's the weir.
Richard (PS14P) [11990] I want to see the one in the park.
Ann (PS14B) [11991] You want to see what?
[11992] But I've just explained about five times.
[11993] To go to the one in the park we'd have to go up that hill and there's no way I can push this buggy with Bryony in the front and all these fruit and vegetables I couldn't get up and the hang on to you two with your reins I couldn't get up that steep hill.
[11994] So the best thing to do the best thing to do listen.
[11995] No Bryony I'm telling you you listen I'm telling you.
[11996] The best thing to do would be to come tomorrow and we'll walk there without the buggy.
[11997] We can easily walk there and we can come in the front we can come in the front gates of the park and we don't have to go up great big steep hills do we?
[11998] ... Just a minute
Alan (PS17S) [11999] Your mummy's got full hands.
Ann (PS14B) [12000] I'm not mummy.
Alan (PS17S) [12001] Oh you're not mummy are you not?
Ann (PS14B) [12002] I'm their friend.
Alan (PS17S) [12003] Oh their friend.
[12004] Well you've got full hands.
Ann (PS14B) [12005] No I look after them three days a week.
Alan (PS17S) [12006] Oh [...] youngsters to look after [...] bank.
Ann (PS14B) [12007] Mhm.
Alan (PS17S) [12008] And [...] by gum she's got her hands full there you know.
[12009] And the young one was listening when she come to us.
[12010] She said, By gum that woman's got full hands.
Ann (PS14B) [12011] [laugh] Oh she's got out look.
[12012] Come back a bit.
[12013] [pedestrian warning bleeper] Oh look we're gonna have to press the button
Alan (PS17S) [12014] Oh dear [...]
Ann (PS14B) [12015] We're gonna have to press the button again look.
Alan (PS17S) [12016] Ee press the button again.
[12017] I'll put this here look.
Ann (PS14B) [12018] Let's get the buggy up to the ... go on then somebody.
[12019] That's the way.