11 conversations recorded by `Keith' (PS0H9) between 10 and 15 January 1992 with 10 interlocutors, totalling 2501 s-units, 24051 words (duration not recorded).

11 speakers recorded by respondent number 13

PS0H9 Ag3 m (Keith, age 36, telecommunication engineer, Central Midlands, )
PS0HA Ag2 m (Richard, age 33, telecommunication engineer, Central Midlands, ) colleague
PS0HB Ag2 m (Russell, age 34, bakery worker, Central Midlands, ) friend
PS0HC Ag3 m (Michael, age 35, engineer, Central Midlands, ) friend
PS0HD Ag3 f (Kathleen, age 42, nurse, Central Midlands, ) sister
PS0HE Ag3 m (Terence, age 42, engineer, Central Midlands, ) brother-in-law
PS0HF Ag5 m (Joseph, age 72, retired, Central Midlands, ) father
PS0HG Ag5 f (Eileen, age 74, housewife, Central Midlands, ) mother
PS0HH Ag4 m (Dave, age 45, engineer, North-east Midlands, ) colleague
KCYPSUNK (respondent W0000) X u (Unknown speaker, age unknown) other
KCYPSUGP (respondent W000M) X u (Group of unknown speakers, age unknown) other

11 recordings

  1. Tape 052402 recorded on 1992-01-10. LocationNottinghamshire: Nottingham ( in car ) Activity: collecting parcels from railway station
  2. Tape 052403 recorded on 1992-01-10. LocationNottinghamshire: Nottingham ( in car ) Activity: travelling to pub
  3. Tape 052404 recorded on 1992-01-10. LocationNottinghamshire: Nottingham ( in car ) Activity: at sister's home
  4. Tape 052405 recorded on 1992-01-12. LocationNottinghamshire: Nottingham ( at home ) Activity: watching television and reading comics
  5. Tape 052406 recorded on 1992-01-12. LocationNottinghamshire: Nottingham ( at home ) Activity: talking
  6. Tape 052407 recorded on 1992-01-10. LocationNottinghamshire: Nottingham ( sister's home ) Activity: talking
  7. Tape 052501 recorded on 1992-01-15. LocationNottinghamshire: Nottingham ( at work ) Activity: at work with colleague
  8. Tape 052502 recorded on 1992-01-15. LocationNottinghamshire: Nottingham ( at work ) Activity: at work with colleague
  9. Tape 052503 recorded on 1992-01-15. LocationNottinghamshire: Nottingham ( friend's home ) Activity: visiting friend
  10. Tape 052504 recorded on 1992-01-15. LocationNottinghamshire: Nottingham ( friend's home ) Activity: visiting friend
  11. Tape 052602 recorded on 1992-01-15. LocationNottinghamshire: Nottingham ( friends' home ) Activity: visiting friends

1 (Tape 052402)

Richard (PS0HA) [1] Hey up, I got some
Keith (PS0H9) [2] Some what?
Richard (PS0HA) [3] we had five pounds worth
Keith (PS0H9) [4] Did ya?
Richard (PS0HA) [5] went into
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [6] saw a mate of mine
Keith (PS0H9) [7] Oh alright
Richard (PS0HA) [8] he says how many do you want?
[9] I says two or three so he give us three
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [10] Oh
Keith (PS0H9) [11] how much
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [12] this is like confession you know save you going to church on a Sunday
Richard (PS0HA) [13] This is true ...
Keith (PS0H9) [14] Is that where you got to now?
Richard (PS0HA) [15] Don't look at me I didn't order them
Keith (PS0H9) [16] What is it?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [17] I'm not complaining mister, yeah he double
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [18] mm
Richard (PS0HA) [19] Spoke to
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [20] las yesterday, yesterday evening
Keith (PS0H9) [21] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [22] Got some more here
Richard (PS0HA) [23] Got more?
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [24] Yeah
Richard (PS0HA) [25] Did you gather
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [26] all spelt differently
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Richard (PS0HA) [27] These
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [28] Oh got two the same
Richard (PS0HA) [29] these are on the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [30] just trying to contract me down
Keith (PS0H9) [31] Yeah I expect to drive him
Richard (PS0HA) [32] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [33] got to go back and sort out any more problems we've got, that's where I'm going now ... erm
Richard (PS0HA) [34] Why have you got more problems?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [35] get a complete list of complaints of them
Richard (PS0HA) [36] I thought that you got that already
Keith (PS0H9) [37] Well I got
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [38] Rhys says I've got to do it proper and then into Chelmsford do, do
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [39] wasting his time, thank you, ta, he's wasting his time
Keith (PS0H9) [40] He was, got smacked and told him
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [41] I believe it they've got, they've got so many local companies
Keith (PS0H9) [42] Yeah
Richard (PS0HA) [43] you know board, even Daleys in Leicester
Keith (PS0H9) [44] Yeah
Richard (PS0HA) [45] and they go and drag somebody up in
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [46] Yeah
Richard (PS0HA) [47] and he says to them, the thing is when it goes wrong
Keith (PS0H9) [48] You're stuck
Richard (PS0HA) [49] well you've got a three hour drive to go and put it right
Keith (PS0H9) [50] Yes ...
Richard (PS0HA) [51] you know ... you just [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [52] that's it, another thing is
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [53] I don't think to ask, cos you hear from the way they were talking they were buying it ...
Richard (PS0HA) [54] I don't know, but er
Keith (PS0H9) [55] they've got themselves stuck on the nine o'clock appointment
Richard (PS0HA) [56] Who's that?
Keith (PS0H9) [57] Ropers, they don't know, well they know I'm coming in some time today, but they don't know when
Richard (PS0HA) [58] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [59] so it's
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Richard (PS0HA) [60] Crazy absolutely crazy
Keith (PS0H9) [61] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [62] well I
Richard (PS0HA) [63] If this is where I
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [64] [laugh] you know what I've been trying to get hold of a couple of one of these ... you know the phones, the phones that Donald's got
Richard (PS0HA) [65] Oh not the, I thought you meant
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [66] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [67] Yeah
Richard (PS0HA) [68] what for yourself?
Keith (PS0H9) [69] Yeah
Richard (PS0HA) [70] I don't like it
Keith (PS0H9) [71] Don't you?
Richard (PS0HA) [72] I don't, no
Keith (PS0H9) [73] Certainly faster than the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [74] I've got
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [75] [laugh] ... I dunno erm, no I don't like them at all it's in fact I'm not even impressed with it I mean you look at the people with G six hundred and you look at the fifty six
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [76] and they're not a
Keith (PS0H9) [77] Fifty six hundred?
Richard (PS0HA) [78] No ... oh you think well that's not an executive phone that's just er a phone with a couple of buttons on it
Keith (PS0H9) [79] Yeah
Richard (PS0HA) [80] well you know what the six hundreds are don't ya?
Keith (PS0H9) [81] No
Richard (PS0HA) [82] That's the white one with the, with the green L E D display it's got the calculator on it ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [83] no, that's the fifty six hundred, the same model as O S D T
Keith (PS0H9) [84] Yeah
Richard (PS0HA) [85] the erm, the six hundred has got a separate power supply ... little black eighteen volt car
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [86] looks like a mark two executive station, instead of being L C D it's L E D display, green L E D
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [87] Rider's got one, you know as you walk in
Keith (PS0H9) [88] Oh yeah, the
Richard (PS0HA) [89] on the right
Keith (PS0H9) [90] Oh that thing
Richard (PS0HA) [91] Yeah, did you like them?
[92] They're one of the best we've ever done, I tell you what
Keith (PS0H9) [93] You know there's quite a few about, I've seen them, you know
Richard (PS0HA) [94] Mm
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [95] must of taken about ten years to make
Richard (PS0HA) [96] Eh?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [97] its external goes in the back ... far superb
Keith (PS0H9) [98] Yeah well, I put the paperwork in there and I
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [99] well I always keep it in the box so I don't get mixed up then, I don't start calling the mark three key board
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Richard (PS0HA) [100] I wonder why it doesn't work

2 (Tape 052403)

Richard (PS0HA) [101] Bruising quite well innit?
Keith (PS0H9) [102] Yes ... [laugh] your neighbours could do with a lesson in parking
Richard (PS0HA) [103] Oh ... this one or that one?
Keith (PS0H9) [104] Well I think it's Gary ... I mean he's left a gap there's room for just about a car either side of him
Richard (PS0HA) [105] Yeah, oh I know ... I've said time and time again to them if you park up a bit, you know ... that house
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [106] his driveway that he put up and er he just about misses where the tree was, but he's chopped all the tree down so he can have his grass, I dunno, well even if it meant just supporting the piece of something above his car so he don't get any sap on it or ought
Keith (PS0H9) [107] Yeah well that's a point yeah there's something
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [108] I didn't thought of that ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ... [...] ...
Richard (PS0HA) [109] It gets me how people drive a car sometimes with a
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [110] to look through
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [111] oh yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...

3 (Tape 052404)

Keith (PS0H9) [112] Well, well see how it goes, but erm ... I don't, the thing is you see they can teach you so much about laying different bonds and making patterns and doing portholes and things like that, that'll be handy to know, but obviously you're not gonna learn that until much later on
Terence (PS0HE) [113] Mm, what about arches with a keystone?
Keith (PS0H9) [114] Yeah they'll probably teach you that, yeah more than likely, yeah, you'd of touch the chimney flue, part of it, but the trouble is the qualifications have fall beyond of what I want to do anyway and considering it's gonna cost a couple of grand to get it
Terence (PS0HE) [115] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [116] it's not worth it because I'm not gonna sort of get myself into a position where I'm only likely, where in other words get a job as a bricklayer
Terence (PS0HE) [117] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [118] so it's really not worth getting qualifications on reflection so ... I want to do a bit of work you see, build myself a reputation that sort of thing
Terence (PS0HE) [119] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [120] and then do the odd wall, that's fine
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [121] yeah, I'm tempted to go around now looking at brickwork now
Terence (PS0HE) [122] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [123] getting ideas
Terence (PS0HE) [124] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [125] and probably incorporate one or two, can't do that on the garage though cos it won't, it's gonna be out of character
Terence (PS0HE) [126] Mm, yeah, but er ...
Keith (PS0H9) [127] the, Russ' erm, done, well he's already got a wall, just make it a bit bigger, an existing wall just taking it around the back so gonna do that in the summer I'll erm, well in the spring, yeah gives er a bit, a bit of a practice
Terence (PS0HE) [128] Mm ... what's Russell like any good?
Keith (PS0H9) [129] Yeah, he's quicker than I am, but he don't seem to be as accurate
Terence (PS0HE) [130] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [131] you know, by the time I've got about three bricks down, he's two
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [132] he's not as accurate as I am, no, but what I do I, I point mine up as well
Terence (PS0HE) [133] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [134] cos that way it gives me a bit more incentive, it gives me an idea of how it's looking
Terence (PS0HE) [135] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [136] whereas Russ just throws it together and don't bother pointing it, and to me that is incentive, I mean you don't do it when you build it I know you don't, when you're earning, it's a bit of er, a mark, a guide to how you do it.
[137] ... And er, certainly take advantage of the half price
Terence (PS0HE) [138] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [139] thing , for twenty four quid for a hundred and eight weeks, you've got, you've got to take that, think it's coming on and learning, got the thing in there, start to progress it might get you, it's gonna get to the point where he says right, you know you've got them just about to sort of labour it's, you know, accurately with a fair amount of speed now we'll start sort of now being a bit adventurous, gonna get a lot more interesting.
[140] ... You sees like cutting, you know you see these walls that are like that and they sort of go down like that and join a pillar and do the same again, just, instead of doing that you lay the soldiers across the top and you, you've got to sort of cut the bricks in between ain't ya?
Terence (PS0HE) [141] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [142] Cutting bricks is another fault of Russ, it's all commonsense actually if you think about it, I mean actually we've drove round at night looking at people's walls and things like that and some were absolutely appalling, they've obviously paid money to have that done, [cough] so you, you, you can see it don't have to be absolutely perfect
Terence (PS0HE) [143] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [144] although I'm, that'll only do for me
Terence (PS0HE) [145] Yeah, these floors are impossible to
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [146] yeah, he's had his drive took across his back you know that there
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [147] mm
Terence (PS0HE) [148] They do it individual
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Terence (PS0HE) [149] don't they?
Keith (PS0H9) [150] Mm
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [151] yeah, there's one good there but, erm what they do, is they do it in concrete you know, but they can make it look like bricks
Terence (PS0HE) [152] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [153] they colour the concrete
Terence (PS0HE) [154] Oh dear
Keith (PS0H9) [155] and they, they put the concrete down, then they get this thing to put on it and it, it sort of moulds it
Terence (PS0HE) [156] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [157] it just textures it like
Terence (PS0HE) [158] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [159] looks like bricks, another one they can make it look like welsh slate and things like that
Terence (PS0HE) [160] Christ
Keith (PS0H9) [161] Yeah ... yeah it's quite er ... What are those
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [162] audio monitors?
Terence (PS0HE) [163] Monitor audio yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [164] Monitor audi
Terence (PS0HE) [165] Yeah it's sort of an L in shape of a O we've got
Keith (PS0H9) [166] Oh yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Terence (PS0HE) [167] oh
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [168] did ya?
Terence (PS0HE) [169] Yeah, what I like about, what I liked about them was that they were dead flat like, you know if you, imagine it a sweet the weight for a sweet were from say ten ounces to twenty kilos
Keith (PS0H9) [170] Yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [171] you have some speakers if you, if you do a run like that you'll hit a pitch were it resonate with the speaker
Keith (PS0H9) [172] Yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [173] I mean most speakers have got resonate point, some, most of them are quite low
Keith (PS0H9) [174] Yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [175] but these, there are nothing, you know, there is no intonation at all
Keith (PS0H9) [176] Yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [177] it was just everything that you heard was
Keith (PS0H9) [178] As it should be
Terence (PS0HE) [179] Yeah like crisp you know
Keith (PS0H9) [180] Yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [181] Yeah, I mean I don't know how powerful they were that, I mean he weren't, he weren't belting on those but there was, he was playing loud enough to appreciate with its own you know
Keith (PS0H9) [182] Yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [183] oh it went really well, how much does it cost?
Keith (PS0H9) [184] He was on about something about
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Terence (PS0HE) [185] apparently monitors for some reason the most monitor cost, monitor class speakers
Keith (PS0H9) [186] Yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [187] but they're infinite in there er
Keith (PS0H9) [188] Yeah I've heard that
Terence (PS0HE) [189] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [190] Yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [191] that's what he was saying as long as you don't ... what was he saying?
[192] Some it you have to do
Keith (PS0H9) [193] I think one rule that you have to follow and as long as you follow that particular rule then they can handle infinite amount of power, don't make sense to me
Terence (PS0HE) [194] No ...
Keith (PS0H9) [195] cos there are some
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [196] direct drive aren't they, you know a lot of them passed a couple don't they there's a
Terence (PS0HE) [197] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [198] an output stage
Terence (PS0HE) [199] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [200] and a really big
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [201] I think it goes through that way, but, I think these are direct drive, but it's actually a straight piece in
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [202] you know
Terence (PS0HE) [203] Is it?
Keith (PS0H9) [204] Yeah, straight into the back of the speaker so you can actually make the speaker do what you want like
Terence (PS0HE) [205] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [206] to within reason like
Terence (PS0HE) [207] Yeah, so the amp has to be match, match it then?
[208] Or do you have to, have som
Keith (PS0H9) [209] You might, yeah , the trouble is it's gotta match down to be exact or
Terence (PS0HE) [210] Mm, is his amp like that?
Keith (PS0H9) [211] Yeah, his amp's got, yeah his amp was built for this particular type of er, I can't remember what bloody amp he's got now ... there were no, no particularly flash like, you know, er, er, they were saying something to do with clipping, I think it's to do with clipping they saying the power up, the power point's alright as long as you don't ... clip, because what happens is if the wave forms doing that
Terence (PS0HE) [212] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [213] you gain er an R M S
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [214] with power
Terence (PS0HE) [215] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [216] but if you, if you actually clipping
Terence (PS0HE) [217] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [218] the speaker's actually being pushed by the amp and staying out
Terence (PS0HE) [219] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [220] you're practically burning the coil out so it's just a dri , a straight forward plattening
Terence (PS0HE) [221] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [222] it can't handle any more so you got a, a
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [223] playing into the coil and it's not doing anything so it's just, just
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [224] in you know
Terence (PS0HE) [225] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [226] I think that's the point what he's making ... and that's what actually you know does the lamp damage that [sniff] mm ...
Terence (PS0HE) [227] Do you speak good for what they are?
Keith (PS0H9) [228] Yeah they are
Terence (PS0HE) [229] To say erm
Keith (PS0H9) [230] that's what bothers me about it you ain't
Terence (PS0HE) [231] You just ain't got the power though
Keith (PS0H9) [232] Well the thing is to buy summat
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [233] like it you know, you, you can spend a lot of bloody money just to try and improve
Terence (PS0HE) [234] That's right
Keith (PS0H9) [235] them, you know
Terence (PS0HE) [236] that's right, well the thing is these are, I was looking at the power today I, er not read it properly in the past, there only four rounds, these have got to be A, if you want both A and B on
Keith (PS0H9) [237] Yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [238] you've got to have A tons
Keith (PS0H9) [239] Yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [240] if you have, cos what, what happens is if you put A and B it erm ... it parallels them off, so if you've got two sets of four amps it's in two rows
Keith (PS0H9) [241] Oh yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [242] so it's no good cos it's four to A zones, you can run four providing you only have that channel ...
Keith (PS0H9) [243] Can't say that
Terence (PS0HE) [244] I suppose you could, but it's got A and B outputs you see
Keith (PS0H9) [245] Yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [246] but it says here nominal input twenty five watts R M S ... here it says maximum what forty watts
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Terence (PS0HE) [247] yeah, but that's a hundred ... I mean you can tell, I've tried it, it is, I, I ain't even had it half way and it's, you can tell it's overdriving them
Keith (PS0H9) [248] Yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [249] is that a four to eight, O drive as well, does it say four to eight games?
Keith (PS0H9) [250] It does, it's hundred watts, yeah it says you can use anything between four and eight Os
Terence (PS0HE) [251] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [252] but if you want them both, if you want both A and B on you've got to have a
Terence (PS0HE) [253] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [254] but er it's measure hundred, hundred watts R M S into eight Os
Terence (PS0HE) [255] So it's ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Terence (PS0HE) [256] Does he want fruit juice?
Keith (PS0H9) [257] No he won't
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Terence (PS0HE) [258] yeah

4 (Tape 052405)

Keith (PS0H9) [259] What do you think to the board game on the back?
Michael (PS0HC) [260] Oh, I thought it quite witty actually, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [261] Miracle Squares ... I think there's a lot of thought gone into it you know, it can't be easy to re er to, to just dream up a game ... erm, I like the one about you go to the last supper and the waiter spills soup on your trousers, the waiter, ha [laugh] ... tell you else about the Marx brothers an'all, the waiter is er the king of Snowdonia and it's Groucho Marx, the, they've got this massive hall, and er ... these big steps leading down into it you know and as, as they're coming in there's somebody at the top and Ann says who's, who's walking in and they walk down the stairs you know and Mr and Mrs and the king has you know ... and he says oh the king Snowdonia is about to arrive, he should be here any minute now, he should be here dead on this time you know, he gets these big fanfare trumpets up da, da, da, da, the king of Snowdonia, and there's nothing and all of a sudden it flashes to Groucho Marx and then he's in bed with
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [262] and, and they do it about four or five times, you know, the king of Snowdonia, welcome to see and all the bugles going you know all of a sudden he appears in the middle of the picture he says oh I've come through the back door
Michael (PS0HC) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [263] [laugh] Yeah ... don't know how many films they made do you?
Michael (PS0HC) [264] No, they used to have a very good thing didn't they at weekends for
Keith (PS0H9) [265] Did they?
Michael (PS0HC) [266] Yeah a few years ago
Keith (PS0H9) [267] They usually have them at erm Christmas time don't they, usually have a couple of Marx Brothers' films on
Michael (PS0HC) [268] Yeah ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [269] Say you can buy them films if you want
Michael (PS0HC) [270] Yeah I, I, looking what it says in erm, rather than take the load
Keith (PS0H9) [271] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [272] cos they're not, they're not, get round to it otherwise ... erm, I'm hoping they
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [273] do you know how long it lasts?
Keith (PS0H9) [274] A couple of hours
Michael (PS0HC) [275] Does it?
Keith (PS0H9) [276] Mm ... Dave Allen's on that as well the only bit, I think I've set it for the Beast Master ain't I?
Michael (PS0HC) [277] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [278] Yeah well when ... right at the beginning of the tape is Dave Allen, but that's adult
Michael (PS0HC) [279] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [280] so, don't let the kids watch that.
Michael (PS0HC) [281] Yeah ...
Keith (PS0H9) [282] Do you like him?
Michael (PS0HC) [283] Sometimes yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [284] Mm ...
Michael (PS0HC) [285] Only now and again though
Keith (PS0H9) [286] Mm ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [287] Oh dear
Michael (PS0HC) [288] What's the time then?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [289] Still got the timesheets to do yet ...
Michael (PS0HC) [290] I've got a load of paperwork to do tomorrow
Keith (PS0H9) [291] Have ya?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [292] what actually paper or the
Michael (PS0HC) [293] Bills er, customer bills
Keith (PS0H9) [294] Oh
Michael (PS0HC) [295] sort out which bits are
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [296] you know
Keith (PS0H9) [297] Mm, I've only got one charge me this week, you don't seem to get many now
Michael (PS0HC) [298] Oh
Keith (PS0H9) [299] I just have one connect, connect to
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [300] programme, programme one, ha only
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [301] get all these programmes for some reason, somebody allowed for it when they put the system in, mind you still have to check it I suppose but checked through it, tested it, took me about five minutes, still a minimum charge of an hour
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [302] try and include the customers into
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [303] as much as possible
Keith (PS0H9) [304] Mm
Michael (PS0HC) [305] I'm giving er a reduced rate for a while, so if anything goes wrong we foot the bill
Keith (PS0H9) [306] Oh yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [307] say like we're moving some equipment from one place to another
Keith (PS0H9) [308] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [309] we do all the disconnect cable and
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [310] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [311] check it out for them and they want a quote, say it takes two blokes an hour each
Keith (PS0H9) [312] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [313] quote them a couple of hours, we drop the normal rate, you know by say thirty percent to start
Keith (PS0H9) [314] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [315] and wrap it up into a package and say you know if anything goes wrong and it takes four hours then you
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [316] the same, yeah, cos if, didn't the Co-Op move or something?
Michael (PS0HC) [317] Oh yeah they did er
Keith (PS0H9) [318] And they fell flat on their face didn't they?
Michael (PS0HC) [319] Yeah, they did a move like
Keith (PS0H9) [320] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [321] it cost them a bomb that did ...
Keith (PS0H9) [322] Well we went to a solicitor's office, what was it Friday morning?
[323] Thursday morning?
[324] Friday morning?
[325] And erm ... they'd moved the kit, got the electricians to do it and it took, it took three fuses when they did it, I mean the extensions fused on that particular system, the data pairs fused
Michael (PS0HC) [326] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [327] and er they had to call us in, well Dick went out and er I think it was actually two separate visits so they must of, cos they're refurbishing the place you see so they must of moved into one office and thought oh you know this don't work, move into another office the day after, well this don't work either and he, he actually did two separate visits, whether they'll actually bill them for it I don't know [cough] , but I mean it's a minimum of an hour in both cases so
Michael (PS0HC) [328] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [329] you know two calls, two hours
Michael (PS0HC) [330] Mm ... I dunno what we get asked to do you know, I mean in some cases we can handle everything like pulling out bloody cables after other receive in that kind of thing
Keith (PS0H9) [331] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [332] Oh I had one bloody customer see if I can quote him to a complete relocate, it was only a bloody er systems, probably no taller than that speaker
Keith (PS0H9) [333] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [334] but it's like a P C a bit
Keith (PS0H9) [335] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [336] like a flat P C but a power system one
Keith (PS0H9) [337] Oh them sitting on the desk?
Michael (PS0HC) [338] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [339] Mm
Michael (PS0HC) [340] be like, be a bit lonely you know something like that, that kind of line
Keith (PS0H9) [341] Mm
Michael (PS0HC) [342] that width
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [343] wanted it relocated with all the cabling and that, you know er to the terminals
Keith (PS0H9) [344] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [345] in the same building?
Michael (PS0HC) [346] No to another site
Keith (PS0H9) [347] Mm
Michael (PS0HC) [348] this is why it's
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [349] you know
Keith (PS0H9) [350] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [351] I says if we do it for you it'll cost you a fortune, he said
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [352] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [353] cos a lot of it's bloody play by ear you know the contract's
Keith (PS0H9) [354] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [355] put together
Keith (PS0H9) [356] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [357] if, they can't, they've got this system when they can key it in you know and comes up with a price, but it's that bloody strip
Keith (PS0H9) [358] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [359] you're better off just putting a bloody
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [360] mm
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [361] mm
Michael (PS0HC) [362] Now is the time for the engineering man that is it ... yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [363] So you, it, he got you to move it in the end?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [364] Yeah I didn't do it in myself like, but we did, we did end, end up with
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [365] yeah.
Keith (PS0H9) [366] I went to some er, what was it, estate agents erm Alan Orwood on King Street, I says to them er, what was it, want an extra extension put in who do you go to?
[367] I says well where did you get the system from?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [368] Communications, I said well you can either go to them or you can got to, we'll do it for ya, so it's really up to you, he says well who's the cheapest?
[369] I says well I don't know to be honest, I says I don't deal with them, but we were talking about Mercury these cross-routing got one of these systems here
Michael (PS0HC) [370] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [371] and then I said have you got, are these cross-routing it?
[372] He says no, he says we've thought about it, I says well you really ought to have it I says if you're dial dialling a lot of erm, cos they dial a lot of these insurance companies and er mortgage lenders, the head offices, they're always out in Ottingham, I said the Mercury pin number only cost you seven pound fifty a year, I says you think you can save that in a week ... so er ... ha ... so erm he was on about it, he says who's the cheapest for that?
[373] I says well we, we put erm a mailshot out for four hundred and ninety nine pound, cos the software and all the re-programming involved, I says Ford Communications followed it up, you know, they put a mailshot out for two hundred and ninety nine pound all in, oh he says I think I'd rather prefer G P T to them
Michael (PS0HC) [374] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [375] which is erm now I'm dealing all the same company, maintenance and everything
Michael (PS0HC) [376] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [377] so er we've got to hang on to it
Michael (PS0HC) [378] Mm ... surprising how, especially the, the bigger companies as well they tend to want to do things
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [379] Yeah, it's only a small estate agent
Michael (PS0HC) [380] Yeah ... it's, it's surprising how many companies want to like leave that side of things to un
Keith (PS0H9) [381] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [382] one company may handle the lot from
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [383] that's it, yeah, yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [384] There's a lot of money to be made in that if you want little bits of, put things here and there that you can different [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [385] mm ... yeah I
Michael (PS0HC) [386] even if he puts the cable in, did replace put the cable in then?
Keith (PS0H9) [387] No we subcontract it
Michael (PS0HC) [388] Oh yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [389] we've got two subcontractors that we get in touch with, they just do it and then bill owes and then we uplift it
Michael (PS0HC) [390] Yeah ... but effectively the customers are only dealing with plastic of
Keith (PS0H9) [391] Mm
Michael (PS0HC) [392] Yeah for their own in installation like
Keith (PS0H9) [393] Yeah that's right yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [394] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [395] probably as we don't add any real value when we did little jobs like the cabling you know
Keith (PS0H9) [396] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [397] they come to us and all we've done is uplifting and gone bloody subcontracting
Keith (PS0H9) [398] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [399] whereas other bigger sites we do all the planning and everything you know
Keith (PS0H9) [400] Mm
Michael (PS0HC) [401] so we actually add some value to it
Keith (PS0H9) [402] Well we do that, we do that, we, we know
Michael (PS0HC) [403] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [404] exactly what we've got, erm
Michael (PS0HC) [405] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [406] how many clients we've got, you know for updating, what the capacities are and plus er we don't know erm what sort of cable we've got in so they might have only a ten P a cable when they already have nine pairs in use
Michael (PS0HC) [407] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [408] and they want two extra extensions you see in a certain area, we obviously don't know that
Michael (PS0HC) [409] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [410] only the contractors do and even they only know when they go on site so, but we, we sort of say you do this, you do that and then we contract to who can do it, there's some of them by er
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [411] usually
Michael (PS0HC) [412] mm ...
Keith (PS0H9) [413] I think for er even for upgrades we er the contracts do it sometimes which to me's wrong cos they aren't engineers
Michael (PS0HC) [414] Mm ...
Keith (PS0H9) [415] But what er ... what ... what needles me a bit, but you can't blame them cos I, if I was er ... a small communications firm I'd do the same myself, but, you see we won't sell now small systems through a sell
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [416] we do it through a dealership, like if you want a Cortin if you want a Sierra you've got to go to Cowlers or something you can't go to Ford
Michael (PS0HC) [417] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [418] for it, they won't sell it ya, it's the same as us, we won't sell direct
Michael (PS0HC) [419] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [420] so these businesses they buy from you know ... erm communications company, a local company or Nottingham Telephones or something like that
Michael (PS0HC) [421] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [422] and, erm ... what they tend to do once it's gone in they'll say if there's anything you need, if you get any problems on the system or there's anything you want he says get in touch with us, he says and if necessary we'll get in touch with
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [423] and we'll sort it out ourselves and what they do, if a customer says oh there's a phone that's broke, or it's not working or something like that, they'll say oh okay we'll get in touch with the maintenance for you, you see, cos he's making nowt out of it, if you say we dropped the phone and broke it, well we'll send a and then they send an engin one of their blokes out with a replacement phone and charge him for a new one, once they say wants some re-programming doing, oh yeah were sending an engineer round and they get, the dealer then gets the money for it so all we get is the flack end of it ... you know so we, a service contract it's priced because, low because you know you're gonna make a bit on moves and changes
Michael (PS0HC) [424] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [425] and that sort of thing, you know re-programming and upgrade, but we don't get that now because the er, the dealers are filtering all that sort of work off
Michael (PS0HC) [426] Mm ...
Keith (PS0H9) [427] which it can't be right cos, I suppose in a way it's none of our business but it is I mean if it [sniff] gets to it, it puts our company in financial difficulties it means it's jobs on the line int it that sort of thing
Michael (PS0HC) [428] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [429] that's why we've got to start cutting back ... there's no money for wage rises and that sort of thing so ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [430] what they are doing [sniff] you see, an authorized dealer, well even a non-authorized dealer get hold of a piece of kit and then somebody say want this system, right okay, and they just have a big load of forms for maintenance agreements and all they do the dealer'll go along and put this kit in, B T'll come along and say yeah that conforms to regulations, sign here, the customer er sign here, the dealer send the maintenance agreement to us, we signed it, send it back, we've never even seen it, then we turn up and find that the main control unit's high up in the attic or in a damp cellar, in a cupboard where you can't see it, there's no light and stuff like that and we're taking jobs on like that and it you know, it's just impossible to work on them
Michael (PS0HC) [431] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [432] you see, but B T are not interested in that, all they're interested in is that the wiring's, you know that the boards are
Michael (PS0HC) [433] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [434] the series that they should be, but we do pre-maintenance inspections now
Michael (PS0HC) [435] Mm ...
Keith (PS0H9) [436] and, cos I said to the dealers for a long time you know don't put them under stairs, don't put them in store rooms, they get locked, locked up with vacuum cleaners and you can't get to the gear when you go to them, don't put them high up on the wall we can't reach them and they just laugh, but er, I think the last laugh's on us now cos er if I see one high up on the wall, I say well that, I say we're not accepting that, you have to move it
Michael (PS0HC) [437] Mm ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [438] what you doing you daft cat? ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [439] What a life
Keith (PS0H9) [440] Eh?
Michael (PS0HC) [441] What a life eh?
Keith (PS0H9) [442] I know, woke up this morning she was, she was obviously cold, cat was right under the covers, snuggled right up to me and got her, her chin on me arm like that, I was asleep ... Justifying Nation, did you like that?
[443] Good innit?
Michael (PS0HC) [444] Mm, mm ... like that one
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [445] that's quite good
Keith (PS0H9) [446] What's that?
Michael (PS0HC) [447] A new one where he got up a
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [448] Roger's got Transmission Vamp erm Velveting
Michael (PS0HC) [449] Yeah, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [450] that's good
Michael (PS0HC) [451] Yes
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [452] C D
Michael (PS0HC) [453] Where?
[454] Erm West Park Leisure Centre
Keith (PS0H9) [455] Oh
Michael (PS0HC) [456] It's a bit in the Midlands sort of
Keith (PS0H9) [457] What Wendy James was she?
Michael (PS0HC) [458] Mm, she stop the bloody ha, stop the traffic when she used to walk in you know
Keith (PS0H9) [459] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Michael (PS0HC) [460] Everybody but you was looking at her out the window, incredible she really was
Keith (PS0H9) [461] Yeah, very short int she though Wendy James
Michael (PS0HC) [462] Is she?
[463] Oh I dunno
Keith (PS0H9) [464] Oh yeah, she's only about four foot ten
Michael (PS0HC) [465] Oh I didn't know, didn't know that
Keith (PS0H9) [466] Mm right midget
Michael (PS0HC) [467] Oh
Keith (PS0H9) [468] Yeah ...
Michael (PS0HC) [469] Oh she's quite bright though ain't she?
Keith (PS0H9) [470] Yeah
Michael (PS0HC) [471] Really
Keith (PS0H9) [472] She's no thicko is she?
[473] ... I like them, I like erm Transmission Vamp
Michael (PS0HC) [474] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [475] Crashers one of my favourites too ... your the only one as well
Michael (PS0HC) [476] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [477] Rich er Russ played that yesterday, I played it through that on his C D, put it through his Leek speakers, brilliant
Michael (PS0HC) [478] Mm ...
Keith (PS0H9) [479] I used to like a lot of that stuff you know the New Wave the erm
Michael (PS0HC) [480] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [481] The Stranglers er something ...
Michael (PS0HC) [482] Do you want some more fruit juice?
Keith (PS0H9) [483] No
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [484] Did you read that proper that bit?
Michael (PS0HC) [485] Yeah most of it like, yeah you see if there's any
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [486] what
Michael (PS0HC) [487] Young Bailey
Keith (PS0H9) [488] [laugh] Yeah critics ... did you see that?
Michael (PS0HC) [489] Eh?
Keith (PS0H9) [490] The critics?
Michael (PS0HC) [491] Not under that one no
Keith (PS0H9) [492] where they didn't like the Christmas, not the modern parents where they, they wouldn't let them have a Christmas tree, the erm [sniff] the critics is was erm ... oh what was that about?
[493] We saw it on telly and the er what was it Crispen or er Crispen something typical vegetarian names and she was criticizing the television Top Of The Pops and how they could do better you know and they got an art
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [494] Oh I remember you saying yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [495] it'd cost you about a hundred thousand quid and by the time they've done it, it's exactly the same as what the other one was ... .
[496] They're not tending to play Bohemian Rhapsody on the er radio so much are they as er
Michael (PS0HC) [497] No
Keith (PS0H9) [498] The Days Of Our Lives, they tend to play that a bit more
Michael (PS0HC) [499] Yeah they need to
Keith (PS0H9) [500] I've never heard that you know ... until, until it was, this round, since it last come out ... must be out of touch in me old age
Michael (PS0HC) [501] Probably, perhaps you don't notice it so much do you, but something, something like that breaks the tension on it don't it I suppose
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [502] Yeah if you don't , if you don't like it you probably just put it to the back of your mind then
Michael (PS0HC) [503] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [504] dismiss it something ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [505] [laughing] Yeah [] , yeah, what's the other one?
[506] It uncle Vern, big Vern something?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [507] yeah, he's all, all erm ... he's on the front cover ain't he, I'm not spending my Christmas in joking
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [508] he's, he's thinking the law's after him all the time
Michael (PS0HC) [509] [laugh] He's always wanting to top himself as well isn't he?
Keith (PS0H9) [510] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [511] eh?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Michael (PS0HC) [512] Completely useless isn't he?
Keith (PS0H9) [513] Which one's that?
Michael (PS0HC) [514] It's the spook of Brassnick isn't it out of Dandy is it?
[515] Was it the Dandy?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [516] Sparky was it?
[517] That bloody one
Keith (PS0H9) [518] No the [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [519] cos Brassnick was the one with the square head and the cap weren't he?
Michael (PS0HC) [520] Yeah, I didn't think there was a children's one
Keith (PS0H9) [521] I think [...] cos we used to have them on a trolley, yeah ... mm, I wonder if that
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [522] is the same that I, I think next time I get a Whizz I'll erm, I'll look cos there's a Zit comic as well
Michael (PS0HC) [523] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [524] I'll have a look and see if it's the same publishers, cos it looks the same kind of format, but then again it probably would be cos it's aimed at the same market
Michael (PS0HC) [525] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [526] so they're probably trying to muscle into the er that niche you see, but er ... brown bottle ... you find the critics?
Michael (PS0HC) [527] No I ain't read this
Keith (PS0H9) [528] Ain't ya?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Michael (PS0HC) [529] no I've not read that
Keith (PS0H9) [530] Take it until you've read it
Michael (PS0HC) [531] No [laugh] you're alright, it's ...
Keith (PS0H9) [532] [reading] Keep the cheapskates parade [] they've got inflatable sheep and all sorts for set up here [laugh] ... oh it's still number one then
Michael (PS0HC) [533] Yeah ...
Keith (PS0H9) [534] What you looking at there?
Michael (PS0HC) [535] No it's er pair of tits on the front on the tree
Keith (PS0H9) [536] [laughing] On the tree house [] yeah, yeah, what's that one called?
Michael (PS0HC) [537] Leafy Woods, The House in Leafy Woods
Keith (PS0H9) [538] That's it, yeah ... what was the one er, the out of date Christmas puddings, did you read that one as well?
[539] It's about four pages long that one
Michael (PS0HC) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [540] where at the end, you don't, you know, you expect it's haunted to be a real you know, she says oh no screw that we've got the market by the bollocks [laugh]
Michael (PS0HC) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [541] [laugh] the vicar Adolf Hitler
Michael (PS0HC) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [542] they've been playing loads of, out of date Christmas puddings
Michael (PS0HC) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [543] I don't know ... but the artwork's very good ain't it?
Michael (PS0HC) [544] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [545] You know the ideas there I think [sniff]
Michael (PS0HC) [546] [reading] The men's best buy in Leafy Woods when Frank taught the children many of natures wonderful secrets []
Keith (PS0H9) [547] Ha
Michael (PS0HC) [548] [reading] what about these done, is it safe to eat these?
[549] No Jack, cos you see these are rocks [] [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Michael (PS0HC) [550] Oh dear ...
Keith (PS0H9) [551] A modern parent sitting there with a polo neck jumper on
Michael (PS0HC) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [552] loads of big teeth
Michael (PS0HC) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [553] [laugh] ... Play all the record after er Queen aren't they?
[554] ... What's that?
[555] This is funny number one, probably Queen's not number one any more then
Michael (PS0HC) [556] I don't know ...
Keith (PS0H9) [557] put the radio on and find out

5 (Tape 052406)

Keith (PS0H9) [558] Something about Kwiksave not being in these supermarkets
Joseph (PS0HF) [559] Yeah
Eileen (PS0HG) [560] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Eileen (PS0HG) [561] I've always said Kwiksave are the best
Keith (PS0H9) [562] Well, bloody hell only nineteen pence cheaper out of a bo basketful
Eileen (PS0HG) [563] Eh?
Keith (PS0H9) [564] Only nineteen pence cheaper out of a basketful, everybody else is only pennies over
Joseph (PS0HF) [565] Oh yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [566] It's still cheaper
Joseph (PS0HF) [567] we notice the joints of beef in Tesco gone up by a few quid
Keith (PS0H9) [568] Is what?
Joseph (PS0HF) [569] gone up by a few quid from six pound odd to eight pound odd
Keith (PS0H9) [570] Oh, it says here the basic necessities the things you buy have er have actually gone up, or they've hardly moved at all.
[571] ... [music] that amp's good
Joseph (PS0HF) [572] Is it?
Keith (PS0H9) [573] Mm ... yeah I like that ... So when they picking his car up then?
Eileen (PS0HG) [574] Tonight I think
Keith (PS0H9) [575] Yeah?
Joseph (PS0HF) [576] I was going to ring him up tonight ... gonna ring him up after the
Keith (PS0H9) [577] So which one's having it?
Joseph (PS0HF) [578] Well the first one's already had the first chance
Keith (PS0H9) [579] Mm
Joseph (PS0HF) [580] I'm gonna tell him there'll be no fetch it'll go to the tomorrow night the other one
Keith (PS0H9) [581] Mm ... mm, you've done well then to get that one
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [582] I'm bloody sure I wouldn't of paid it ... no way, er, thing is though you see when you first look at it, it don't look a bad car, but when you start studying it closely you start to see just exactly what problems it's got with it [cough] did you point out the faults on it then?
Joseph (PS0HF) [583] Think he told him
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Joseph (PS0HF) [584] that's why it won't
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [585] did he tell him about the hole in the wing then?
[586] And the head gasket that had gone?
Joseph (PS0HF) [587] Said it, the bloke at the garage said they've changed the oil and that now he said it ain't bloody leaking ...
Keith (PS0H9) [588] You don't get all that water from nowhere ... who choose the oil?
[589] The bloke at the garage?
Joseph (PS0HF) [590] Terry did it
Keith (PS0H9) [591] I know Terry changed it, yeah
Joseph (PS0HF) [592] but it's not
Keith (PS0H9) [593] well it ain't run far enough has it?
[594] Really ... I reckon there's something wrong, convinced of it, oh it runs alright once it's moving ... it's just such an awkward driver that's all ... I was glad to get out of the thing I was ... did knock the bloody er whatsit down, buses knock the er
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [595] gate way down to the embankment, were jogging down there tonight, I'll have a look at it ... mm ... on about it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]

6 (Tape 052407)

Keith (PS0H9) [596] Flogged it
Kathleen (PS0HD) [597] No, none of them
Keith (PS0H9) [598] yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [599] the lad with the Porsche offered three thousand with four brand new tyres on it and a year's M O T, that's what he offered when the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [600] when it was done
Keith (PS0H9) [601] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [602] and the other one never got back, he said he'd ring up to eleven o'clock last night, half past ten
Keith (PS0H9) [603] Ain't you rang him?
Kathleen (PS0HD) [604] Oh no, cos it er
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [605] you'll took that three grand
Kathleen (PS0HD) [606] Pardon?
Keith (PS0H9) [607] You ought to have took that three grand
Kathleen (PS0HD) [608] Yeah, but that three grand the bloke changed his mind
Keith (PS0H9) [609] I thought you said the three grand as it stood without the M O T and anything
Kathleen (PS0HD) [610] The lad rang and offered Terry three thousand pounds
Keith (PS0H9) [611] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [612] and his dad came with him
Keith (PS0H9) [613] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [614] and said he wanted an M O T on it, so his dad offered but he scrubbed his did, he wouldn't let him do it
Keith (PS0H9) [615] Oh
Kathleen (PS0HD) [616] he wanted an M O T, so Terry M O, he
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [617] get four brand new tyres on
Keith (PS0H9) [618] Yeah and then say I don't want it
Kathleen (PS0HD) [619] Yeah, they, it was them who got us to M O T it
Keith (PS0H9) [620] What you ought to do was to said to him give me a deposit ...
Kathleen (PS0HD) [621] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [622] give me a deposit on it, I get it M O T'd if you change your bloody mind too bad
Kathleen (PS0HD) [623] That's right
Keith (PS0H9) [624] you can pay for the M O T
Kathleen (PS0HD) [625] Yeah, that was like in good faith really weren't it, it's M O T
Keith (PS0H9) [626] So what's happened now then has he changed his mind then?
[627] Has he told you he don't want it?
Kathleen (PS0HD) [628] Well I quoted the three thousand as it stood, and, but Wayne won't, Wayne won't take that, in fact Wayne says on the phone didn't he tell him to
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [629] thought he wanted an M O T and
Keith (PS0H9) [630] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [631] three thousand, the thing is it's got four brand new tyres
Keith (PS0H9) [632] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [633] twelve months' M O T just to what to pay what the lad had offered it
Keith (PS0H9) [634] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [635] for it
Keith (PS0H9) [636] that's how you get Porsches innit?
Kathleen (PS0HD) [637] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [638] no ta
Kathleen (PS0HD) [639] But the other one didn't get back to me
Keith (PS0H9) [640] Apparently said
Kathleen (PS0HD) [641] said he was gonna ring me last night and he's had plenty of time to ring tonight
Keith (PS0H9) [642] Mm
Kathleen (PS0HD) [643] so he's not bothered either
Keith (PS0H9) [644] No
Kathleen (PS0HD) [645] That surprised me cos they both were keen when
Keith (PS0H9) [646] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [647] they were looking over it
Keith (PS0H9) [648] We see if anything happens really
Kathleen (PS0HD) [649] The thing is
Keith (PS0H9) [650] Cool down
Kathleen (PS0HD) [651] the thing is, he saw it without an M O T and that lad wanted it, as soon as you've got it M O T'd he don't want it
Keith (PS0H9) [652] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [653] but he wanted it as well
Keith (PS0H9) [654] they do waste your bloody time they're
Kathleen (PS0HD) [655] I'm going to put
Keith (PS0H9) [656] I tell you what that's the worse thing about cars, getting rid of them
Kathleen (PS0HD) [657] erm I'm going to put in the paper again Friday, Saturday and then Wayne's gonna have to borrow it, it's his problem it's not mine, he's gonna have to sort it out
Keith (PS0H9) [658] Mm
Kathleen (PS0HD) [659] if he's gonna borrow the money and get it
Terence (PS0HE) [660] The only good thing are at least his tyres
Keith (PS0H9) [661] Yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [662] if it's
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Terence (PS0HE) [663] or something like that
Keith (PS0H9) [664] that's right
Terence (PS0HE) [665] then I can, I wanted
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [666] he wanted four tyres?
Terence (PS0HE) [667] Four, every one, mind you I knew there was
Keith (PS0H9) [668] Borderline
Terence (PS0HE) [669] I mean each one was borderline yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [670] Oh
Terence (PS0HE) [671] yeah I mean one point six millimetres something like
Keith (PS0H9) [672] Oh that's right
Kathleen (PS0HD) [673] A hundred and ninety three quid for four tyres
Keith (PS0H9) [674] It is, yeah
Terence (PS0HE) [675] I know they're all some
Keith (PS0H9) [676] How much?
Kathleen (PS0HD) [677] A hundred and ninety three quid
Terence (PS0HE) [678] Mm
Kathleen (PS0HD) [679] It'll pay, it'll pay Wayne to keep it now until he comes back and
Keith (PS0H9) [680] Yeah probably so yeah, and at this time of year they're fetching so ridiculous in low money anyway, probably better off in the summer when the lads want to go out, out and about, well they're not bothered now nobody wants to go anywhere do they?
[681] ... So erm
Terence (PS0HE) [682] He might go and get a loan
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Terence (PS0HE) [683] put it in the bloody garage and forget it ain't he?
Kathleen (PS0HD) [684] Yeah ... it's er I take the car back half term, if, you know, I don't mind driving it down there, but the thing is how am I gonna get back if I drive it down, it's gonna cost me forty pound fifty
Keith (PS0H9) [685] Well wait until he's gonna come one weekend and you go down there and then come back together, oh why then again you're wasting your bloody, ha
Kathleen (PS0HD) [686] He's going away next week
Keith (PS0H9) [687] Is he?
[688] Oh dear
Kathleen (PS0HD) [689] that's why he's selling it, he's going away for seven
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [690] why?
[691] Why not sell it?
Kathleen (PS0HD) [692] No, but said it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [693] oh
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [694] and then our dad lent you that three thousand when you moved in
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [695] he didn't lend me three thousand quid, he cut it off the will
Kathleen (PS0HD) [696] It don't matter to me, I'm not bothered, it's just, it's just me and you should have this, look, it's his money, I'm not bothered, I've not
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [697] well you know if I, I said is it gonna cause any problems when he did it, cos it was er, it was er, to me
Kathleen (PS0HD) [698] Not with you
Keith (PS0H9) [699] No
Kathleen (PS0HD) [700] not with you
Keith (PS0H9) [701] No, but it was a loan to me and I said to my dad he was loaning it me and I said to him erm ... I pay you back and then when I went to pick the cheque up er he says er well me mum says he giving you that you know he says what we're gonna do is when, when they write the will out you'll get that much less than the others, I says well as long as it ain't gonna cause any problems
Kathleen (PS0HD) [702] Not with me I'm sure it's not you know
Keith (PS0H9) [703] and he says no I, I reckon I had a word with our Margaret she said no it don't matter, but if that's gonna be the case I'd rather give it to him back, I mean I've got it
Kathleen (PS0HD) [704] Mm ... she
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [705] she says it should be you three, me three and
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [706] well I don't believe that, well
Kathleen (PS0HD) [707] and [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [708] I'll give it to him back then
Kathleen (PS0HD) [709] Oh don't say anything
Keith (PS0H9) [710] I've got the money in the bank, I might as well
Kathleen (PS0HD) [711] not after all
Keith (PS0H9) [712] give it to him
Kathleen (PS0HD) [713] not after all this time, he's probably calmed down now, but er if, if our mum and dad give me anything she takes the hump, but mum and dad can give Margaret anything and it does not bother me
Keith (PS0H9) [714] Funny, a bit like that
Kathleen (PS0HD) [715] I couldn't, I couldn't care less honestly
Keith (PS0H9) [716] Well she always used to say, why you don't say anything, but she always used to say to, she'd never come down to the house, I mean I don't think she's been to my house, house five times
Kathleen (PS0HD) [717] She don't
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [718] it does my house, in fact it come the other day when Kerry had to pick a battery up and I walked out the front with Kerry and he sat in the car and didn't even look at me
Kathleen (PS0HD) [719] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [720] yet when you go round to the house he's sociable enough
Kathleen (PS0HD) [721] She bought me at my
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [722] didn't come in, I cannot be doing with that
Keith (PS0H9) [723] I don't think she's been five times to my house in all the time I've lived there, now in the early days er ... she said that when it, hang on, she said she'd never come down cos she didn't like er
Kathleen (PS0HD) [724] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [725] I thought well that's fair comment cos there's people's houses I'd stay away from cos I don't like the wives, so I mean, you know, that's, I don't go round, but the thing is she's been gone about what three year now, four year or something or however long it is ... why don't she come now?
Kathleen (PS0HD) [726] Perhaps our Marg she's just that way
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [727] oh it don't bloody matter to me
Kathleen (PS0HD) [728] A apart from that
Keith (PS0H9) [729] she can stay away she can come, come round
Kathleen (PS0HD) [730] apart from that
Keith (PS0H9) [731] she can take her choice
Kathleen (PS0HD) [732] that would upset me mum and dad, I don't want, they're too old to be upset
Keith (PS0H9) [733] What?
Kathleen (PS0HD) [734] you know
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [735] perhaps she's mellowed now, I mean the last time she went on with it, about it, was probably over a year ago, but she's still going on about it definitely a year ago not just
Keith (PS0H9) [736] What to mum and dad or to you?
Kathleen (PS0HD) [737] er she's on, I think she said something earlier, well she told me she said something to mum and dad earlier on
Keith (PS0H9) [738] But she hadn't?
Kathleen (PS0HD) [739] I don't know if she'd not
Keith (PS0H9) [740] Liar
Kathleen (PS0HD) [741] but she said I want, no, Keith had three thousand we ought to have it and erm, I said it's mum and dad's money it's got nothing to do with you, you've got kids, we've had that money
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [742] and erm, you know, they spend it on the six of them pocket money for sixteen years it all of them have left school now
Keith (PS0H9) [743] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [744] that's just how Margaret, she's just that way, it used to hurt me at one time, but I, I don't hurt easily
Keith (PS0H9) [745] You know roughly
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [746] I'm, I'm, I'm
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [747] myself so much, that erm nothing bothers me, everything just rides straight across me back
Kathleen (PS0HD) [748] I used to, there's one of the women I work with used is a shout and she used to upset me and
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [749] mm
Kathleen (PS0HD) [750] Not that she saw me teased, but even now I can give her back you know
Keith (PS0H9) [751] Mm
Kathleen (PS0HD) [752] and I don't stand any nonsense from anybody, but erm
Keith (PS0H9) [753] Mm
Kathleen (PS0HD) [754] as far as me mum and dad are concerned I'm, I try and protect them
Keith (PS0H9) [755] Mm
Kathleen (PS0HD) [756] I, just erm, I'm
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [757] on now this year to have me mum and dad cos she never had them at Christmas and I thought it's not fair, you know, she's the
Keith (PS0H9) [758] Right
Kathleen (PS0HD) [759] me mum and dad'll feel it
Keith (PS0H9) [760] Yeah ... oh don't, I reckon it was June who got
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [761] up there
Kathleen (PS0HD) [762] Do you?
Keith (PS0H9) [763] Yeah, I've never been the same since I was there you know
Kathleen (PS0HD) [764] Are you?
Keith (PS0H9) [765] No, no it's hard
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [766] I erm ... I always vowed I'd never let erm, never let anything get to me like that again
Kathleen (PS0HD) [767] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [768] you know, cos I was in desperation then, but, nobody, I mean I just, I just don't bother, I don't let things bother me it's as simple as that
Kathleen (PS0HD) [769] It's not good building
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [770] no that's right, yeah, I mean, I, I've said it, I don't care, but er I've said in the past that er, I think some of the reason me and Ann split up was, I mean she always used to say I never treated her right and all things like that, I did you know, and I do care for her, but a lot of the things was I never showed it because erm if anything bothered me I never know it showed and it didn't bloody bother me because I'd resolved myself after Julie that I'd never let anything bother me again
Kathleen (PS0HD) [771] Mm ... well you have to put your defences down, but not all women are like that
Keith (PS0H9) [772] Oh I know they're not
Kathleen (PS0HD) [773] like them two, erm
Keith (PS0H9) [774] No, well I've meet quite a few since and they're alright, they come and they go, but, I don't know [cough] ...
Kathleen (PS0HD) [775] That Ann probably be alright now, but that's how she should ever so
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [776] yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [777] Used to let them at me mum leave er my kids that she made of hers, yet she, me mum never treated them all the same
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [778] if that, if anybody would see that it'd be somebody in neutral position, like me, and as far as I'm concerned treat them all the same
Kathleen (PS0HD) [779] Mm, mm
Keith (PS0H9) [780] and they treat us all the same an'all ...
Kathleen (PS0HD) [781] but she's, she's terrible, she's got a good point you see you got to let them stop, but it's just, she's got an extremely jealous nature
Keith (PS0H9) [782] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [783] and, er I always say that I am so grateful I am not, because I've seen what it's done and our Marg with Val her sister, we've both got sisters who are extremely jealous you've seen them, you've seen jealously eat away at them
Keith (PS0H9) [784] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [785] and I say that I am so grateful that
Keith (PS0H9) [786] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [787] that I'm not jealous yet and both of them
Keith (PS0H9) [788] Yeah I'm the same
Kathleen (PS0HD) [789] have got more than me
Keith (PS0H9) [790] Yeah ... well that's it ...
Kathleen (PS0HD) [791] I know I've got a detached house and Marg's got a semi, but Marg lives in much more erm
Keith (PS0H9) [792] Con financial comfort
Kathleen (PS0HD) [793] appreciate their lives that
Keith (PS0H9) [794] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [795] you know we've erm, we've chosen to have the erm
Keith (PS0H9) [796] Material side
Kathleen (PS0HD) [797] property
Keith (PS0H9) [798] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [799] Well not really material just got better taste than me
Keith (PS0H9) [800] Why is she
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [801] what's better about her house than yours?
Kathleen (PS0HD) [802] Well it always looks beautiful anyway
Keith (PS0H9) [803] Well that's only cos, why is it?
Kathleen (PS0HD) [804] So you think
Keith (PS0H9) [805] Yeah, but so is this
Kathleen (PS0HD) [806] Fucking all secondhand
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [807] ah, but the only bloody reason it's secondhand is cos it's the, that's the style you want
Kathleen (PS0HD) [808] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [809] that's why
Kathleen (PS0HD) [810] I'm happy with this style
Keith (PS0H9) [811] it's the style you want
Kathleen (PS0HD) [812] Yeah I'm happy with it
Keith (PS0H9) [813] you can't get new stuff, you can't go out and get something new like that, to that quality
Kathleen (PS0HD) [814] Mm, I'm happy with it
Keith (PS0H9) [815] Mm
Kathleen (PS0HD) [816] not
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [817] I ... well I'm on about doing some stuff I am cos I can't get, can't find what I want, build my own ... yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [818] We've had, we've had the video repaired and
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [819] up to date, one hour's work
Keith (PS0H9) [820] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [821] no, no parts thirty quid
Keith (PS0H9) [822] You're joking
Terence (PS0HE) [823] I'm gonna ring up to that tomorrow
Keith (PS0H9) [824] Is it got service
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [825] actually it was thirty five but five of it was
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Terence (PS0HE) [826] one hour, thirty pounds and I took it to them
Keith (PS0H9) [827] You took it to them?
Terence (PS0HE) [828] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [829] Wonder if they've charged ya for er
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [830] Well we charge fifty pound an hour you know
Kathleen (PS0HD) [831] Oh do you?
[832] ... Is service
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [833] I don't know er
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [834] well probably gone to the best place maybe it's right
Keith (PS0H9) [835] Well that's right, yes
Kathleen (PS0HD) [836] Well Terry said it was because, we took this, we took that, we took, taken a place on Pranting Street and it still don't work
Keith (PS0H9) [837] Yeah, it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [838] yeah, so we said next time we have anything we'll take it to across the
Keith (PS0H9) [839] So what was wrong with it then?
Kathleen (PS0HD) [840] The cassette kept getting stuck
Keith (PS0H9) [841] It's only the belt usually
Kathleen (PS0HD) [842] It says on
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [843] wind it up
Keith (PS0H9) [844] Wind it up have they?
Terence (PS0HE) [845] re-line cam gear and flat gears on cassette housing, red, idol and cleaned up ...
Kathleen (PS0HD) [846] I think the speed up
Keith (PS0H9) [847] Such delicate things
Terence (PS0HE) [848] Oh they are, much
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [849] you can't bloody see what's happening can you?
Terence (PS0HE) [850] Oh it's a
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Terence (PS0HE) [851] no
Kathleen (PS0HD) [852] I say thirty, we've had that either eight or nine years I can't re I can't remember which, that's cost us thirty five quid in eight or nine years
Keith (PS0H9) [853] Can't grumble
Terence (PS0HE) [854] No
Kathleen (PS0HD) [855] I said if we had a maintenance on it, maintenance was thirty odd quid a year, over eight years it would of cost us two hundred and forty pound
Keith (PS0H9) [856] Oh yeah these maintenance contracts are the lowest, I mean I took one out on my mum's C D player because they'd, they'd had trouble with it, er multi play, turns out it was the stack one they had trouble with not that one, but it was only thirty quid for four years I mean
Kathleen (PS0HD) [857] Well that
Keith (PS0H9) [858] Yeah, well I bought, I got the C D cheap enough, you know when I bought them that mini unit, that went just after a year, that bloody thing when it packed up, do you remember it was playing in night, in the middle of the night and my dad got up and said what pratt's playing music, it's his own [laugh] ha
Kathleen (PS0HD) [859] That was lightning weren't it then?
Keith (PS0H9) [860] Well I do it probably was actually but it was the switch that had gone, maybe lightning had hopped across the switch, yeah, but erm, that's all it was it was the switch, but er, I mean the thing is it went wrong and they had to pay for it, okay it's only a tenner to have it done, but it, if a C D player, I mean if the carriage goes, you know, sixty, seventy quid, you know I'm buying these electrical things, it's, because it's a burg lock, I can buy them, get them a warranty with it an'all, then it's took the burden off them.
Kathleen (PS0HD) [861] My dad's pleased with the compact disc, erm, my dad appreciates a good sound don't he?
Keith (PS0H9) [862] Yeah
Kathleen (PS0HD) [863] Really pleased
Keith (PS0H9) [864] appreciates a good sound and puts that bloody crap on, ha
Kathleen (PS0HD) [865] What's he put on?
Keith (PS0H9) [866] Oh I don't know that stuff with, er I dunno, Acker Bilke or [laugh]
Kathleen (PS0HD) [867] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [868] When I first got it in the I was a bit, well it don't sound too hard, bit down hard, but then again they were in a rush, I said there's your present and I gave it to them, and they unwrapped it and me mum says oh come on we'll be late for the club, cos they were getting free drinks at the pub, oh she, she didn't even want to look at it, I said oh, and she looked at it
Kathleen (PS0HD) [869] To see
Keith (PS0H9) [870] and er me dad says ooh it's a video recorder and he, I says no it isn't, he says it is, it's a video recorder, I says it isn't dad, I said Christ I bloody bought it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [871] I says have another look, he says what is it?
[872] I said it's a compact disc player, mum says oh that's nice, she says what do they do?
[873] And I said, I said pour us a tea, oh she says we'll be late for the pub, I thought oh sodding hell
Terence (PS0HE) [874] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [875] so I says alright put it down
Kathleen (PS0HD) [876] She don't think and as you get, you get older they get worse
Keith (PS0H9) [877] Mm
Kathleen (PS0HD) [878] erm, don't, they just don't think cos our kids you know they'll have money erm, say they had money and bought them presents
Keith (PS0H9) [879] Mm
Kathleen (PS0HD) [880] and I think the lads they used to get them some chocolates or something, she says oh more chocolates I've got loads of them
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [881] I know I bought
Kathleen (PS0HD) [882] Do you know it's
Keith (PS0H9) [883] and it what not since she's been owed
Kathleen (PS0HD) [884] They, they still remember that
Keith (PS0H9) [885] Oh aye
Kathleen (PS0HD) [886] and they, that was when they were kids and they still remember it
Keith (PS0H9) [887] It's not cos she's [...] it, cos she's like that you know I bought her summat, when ours were not, not very old, I didn't know what to get her and I bought her an ornament, she says oh I wish people'd stop buying me ornaments I've got too many, has to dust round them I thought you'll get sod all next year
Kathleen (PS0HD) [888] I've had that, yeah and that
Keith (PS0H9) [889] you'll get bugger all
Kathleen (PS0HD) [890] yeah, I think our Julie bought her some talc, she said everybody's bought me talc and that, and our Julie said this year she don't know what to get grandma cos whatever I get her she says she don't want it
Keith (PS0H9) [891] She moans about it I know
Kathleen (PS0HD) [892] and that's, that's just it really she don't think does she?
Keith (PS0H9) [893] No, she bloody ought to after the first couple of dozen times, but anyway, when they come back and we got back at night and we started playing them and putting things on er you know they got to like it
Kathleen (PS0HD) [894] Yeah, that's it, my dad said it's a lovely, well it is
Keith (PS0H9) [895] That's right
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [896] I wish I could get another one, it, I can't get one of them
Kathleen (PS0HD) [897] Oh
Keith (PS0H9) [898] same, the same as that, cos the idea was get two the same and I've got one contract, ha
Kathleen (PS0HD) [899] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [900] I've thought guaran two machines you're guaranteed for four years then, cos they didn't write the serial number down, so if I got two machines and it goes faulty I just send it back and say this machine's faulty, they don't know how many I've got
Kathleen (PS0HD) [901] Mm.

7 (Tape 052501)

Dave (PS0HH) [902] Morning young man
Keith (PS0H9) [903] Morning
Dave (PS0HH) [904] How are you?
Keith (PS0H9) [905] Alright, have you got it?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [906] how long?
Dave (PS0HH) [907] Five minutes
Keith (PS0H9) [908] Yeah, we've been to
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [909] oh you've found it ...

8 (Tape 052502)

Dave (PS0HH) [910] You say sometimes it comes on on line three?
Keith (PS0H9) [911] Line three, yeah ... no, not on this one
Dave (PS0HH) [912] So you've got
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [913] yeah
Dave (PS0HH) [914] goes onto there
Keith (PS0H9) [915] Aha
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [916] yeah
Dave (PS0HH) [917] The first thing to do is change the erm change the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [918] cos that, well I tell you what I think the first thing to do is do a system reset if that doesn't change the display decoder
Keith (PS0H9) [919] I think
Dave (PS0HH) [920] if that, yeah, if that don't work escalate it, because it's a loan problem, you've done everything you can then
Keith (PS0H9) [921] What about C P U?
Dave (PS0HH) [922] Change the C P U?
[923] ... Bloody hell, mm, well I'd escalate it because it's a known problem, they might come, turn back and say change the C P U.
Keith (PS0H9) [924] Well you know what you can do
Dave (PS0HH) [925] They're not they're not gonna do anything about it
Keith (PS0H9) [926] They're gonna ask if you've changed it
Dave (PS0HH) [927] Yeah they will yeah, well you can have a word with them first, you've got to have a word with them before you escalate any way
Keith (PS0H9) [928] Yeah
Dave (PS0HH) [929] but I, I think that's the erm ...
Keith (PS0H9) [930] but I mean
Dave (PS0HH) [931] that's the answer
Keith (PS0H9) [932] I, shouldn't I, that decoder's got to ... er ...
Dave (PS0HH) [933] It's got to be told something before it does it yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [934] Yeah , you'll, you'll hear that actually come in, if you disconnect one of those legs, if you disconnect that blue wire ... on there and then cease the intercom and put it back down again you know the relay clicking ... you'll hear it come in and go back out again, there you go ...
Dave (PS0HH) [935] So the twenty four volts is here permanent
Keith (PS0H9) [936] Oh yeah ... yeah ... yeah ... I say reset the system, do a system reset and then see how it goes, it's all, it, it er it's the main problem them, and there's no cure for it.
[937] We've spent months of shelving and then in the end he just says oh sod it, just took it out for an eight one six then.
Dave (PS0HH) [938] There is one other cure [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [939] What's that take the bell off?
Dave (PS0HH) [940] What can you, I don't know if you ever, ever came across any of these er the mark two that want an extension and I think it would project a
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [941] producing stuff
Keith (PS0H9) [942] Mm
Dave (PS0HH) [943] and it was er
Keith (PS0H9) [944] Oh acoustics
Dave (PS0HH) [945] Yeah, that would cure the bastard, cos it would only ring when this rang
Keith (PS0H9) [946] It would also ring if you pull a page out.
[947] What was it an amplifier with a speak on it?
Dave (PS0HH) [948] It's a little acoustic er coupler type
Keith (PS0H9) [949] What does it do sense a sound and then ring
Dave (PS0HH) [950] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [951] ring a bell or does it actually pour out of a speaker what comes out of a speaker?
Dave (PS0HH) [952] No it rings a bell
Keith (PS0H9) [953] Does it?
Dave (PS0HH) [954] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [955] So if I call a paging call out and a paging call comes out it's gonna ring the bloody bell
Dave (PS0HH) [956] Not necessarily ...
Keith (PS0H9) [957] I don't particularly want to get involved in anything like that
Dave (PS0HH) [958] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [959] but I tell you what you know the mark two, have you ever displayed a coder and it rings, rings the bell when the intercom rings, rings the bell if the trunk's designed to ring and all that, you know when you get the, you put a call on hold and it comes back and it goes brr, brr, brr, the bell starts going ding, ding, ding, a right noise and apparently that's standard in the system ... I think that was a bit of an oversight to be honest with you ...
Dave (PS0HH) [960] So the, it's not worth changing the data and the
Keith (PS0H9) [961] Not data to the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [962] no I mean change the data
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [963] to the phone ...
Keith (PS0H9) [964] No I tell you it's wasting my time it's a known problem
Dave (PS0HH) [965] Say is there something on the data
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [966] well whenever I've had this
Dave (PS0HH) [967] Clear this rubbish up
Keith (PS0H9) [968] Well you know the one at erm ... the environmental
Dave (PS0HH) [969] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [970] the erm ... the displayed decoded it's actually mounted next to the kit and all we'll do is take twenty four volts out, volts out, they'll take the, take the data off the kit itself and then just bring twenty four volts out ...
Dave (PS0HH) [971] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [972] you know, maybe cos the signal's stronger now I don't know, but that's the way to do it there, well you've got to bring twenty four volts out anyway
Dave (PS0HH) [973] Oh yeah I'll get
Keith (PS0H9) [974] you can take it here or you can take it there, it's just that the, the displayed decoder is safer
Dave (PS0HH) [975] Mm, but what I can't weigh up is there's nothing wrong together in the first place
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [976] found the twenty four volts
Keith (PS0H9) [977] Where is that?
Dave (PS0HH) [978] Across there through that gap
Keith (PS0H9) [979] The very, the very strays are where the wire goes, if you look at the drawing there a bit er, it actually comes in and out you know, one, one of them is actually the same, it actually just comes in and loops in and goes out again and you may
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [980] find that you're actually on the same potential there, could be low potential and difference between the two ... that's all you need
Dave (PS0HH) [981] Something there ... there ... there it's them two, it looks like it could be them, with them round together
Keith (PS0H9) [982] Yeah, that's right
Dave (PS0HH) [983] So weird
Keith (PS0H9) [984] Oh very weird, yeah, I
Dave (PS0HH) [985] preferred I mean ... there must be some more, how many more lines are there, look, hang on then
Keith (PS0H9) [986] Well
Dave (PS0HH) [987] there you are
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Dave (PS0HH) [988] end of the bloody wires are causing that then is there?
Keith (PS0H9) [989] Why?
[990] ... They say
Dave (PS0HH) [991] Say, say that is the bell
Keith (PS0H9) [992] Yeah ... mm ...
Dave (PS0HH) [993] and they're your data
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [994] mm
Dave (PS0HH) [995] they're not paralleled off
Keith (PS0H9) [996] Oh
Dave (PS0HH) [997] they're not paralleled off
Keith (PS0H9) [998] It's a weird way of doing things, it's extremely, it's, it's weird, if you look at the drawing
Dave (PS0HH) [999] I don't even need to look at the drawing for this
Keith (PS0H9) [1000] it's only six
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1001] well to have to see take the bloody thing off
Dave (PS0HH) [1002] Oh shut up moaning we've got, aha I'm going down to er Wellingborough in the next
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1003] Wellingborough?
[1004] Why what you gonna say?
[1005] Your going to Wellingborough that's a bloody turn up for the books isn't it?
[1006] I upset George the other day
Dave (PS0HH) [1007] Why?
Keith (PS0H9) [1008] He says well I, we were on about sort of and he says bring it up at the next meeting, I says
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1009] I says what meeting's that?
[1010] He says, the next regional meeting it's being held in Neesden he says you can go to that one can't ya?
[1011] I says no I can't, he says it's not very far, I said it's not the distance that bothers me it's the fact that you want us to sit there till eleven o'clock at night and not get paid for it, he says yeah but if you want to say something, I says I'd say something if I thought we'd be backed on it, but we're not, oh I'm not going anywhere to be if I'm not being paid
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1012] I'm not getting involved ...
Dave (PS0HH) [1013] I didn't know Dick was er ... Bob, moving, er Dick 's
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [1014] is it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1015] Yeah, cos he covers Derby, he lives in Calverton, he comes through Nottingham to get to Derby, I live in Nottingham and I just do Nottingham, I'm nearer to Derby than what he is, near as door bell, I think it's the way they've laid it out though
Dave (PS0HH) [1016] Well they're trying to send
Keith (PS0H9) [1017] it is
Dave (PS0HH) [1018] they're trying to send me on
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1019] on that what?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1020] well why don't you go?
Dave (PS0HH) [1021] That's not on my patch like
Keith (PS0H9) [1022] It's my patch, suit me here
Dave (PS0HH) [1023] Well I did make
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1024] do what
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Dave (PS0HH) [1025] company here
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [1026] never heard of it
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1027] yeah well it did didn't it when the weather's like that ...
Dave (PS0HH) [1028] There we are
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1029] if you're gonna do that, I'll tell ya if you switch it off and switch it back on again if, if it's the problem I think it is it'll cure it, if it's ... which I don't think it is, it's the other one that's incurable
Dave (PS0HH) [1030] Incurable
Keith (PS0H9) [1031] It's incurable ... the reason I say it's incurable the system's too
Dave (PS0HH) [1032] Eh?
Keith (PS0H9) [1033] The reason I say it's, it's, the system's too old to go back to the Japs and say get this sorted out, rewrite the software because they're just gonna say not likely we haven't made it for ten years, or whatever ... seven or eight years or whatever it is, it's out of date, they're not gonna start working on the system that's that old ... all they'll want to do is to sell you a new one
Dave (PS0HH) [1034] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1035] that's what we'll do
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1036] [laugh] are they overhead them cables?
[1037] They're not are the oh they are, the end there
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1038] bloody hell ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1039] no I don't think it's in there, it's just description stuff, sizes and what have you ... maybe on the right section there, it's the one where you might wire the L J Us up as well, that's
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1040] section, ah I think it is, that's it the one with the M B F to
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1041] what's that?
Dave (PS0HH) [1042] Station socket
Keith (PS0H9) [1043] Right
Dave (PS0HH) [1044] box ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1045] extension belt ... there it is next page ... there you go ... hear that mate, it just goes in there look, and that, oh hang on a minute no it don't that goes to the bell, through the bell, back out again ... and then ... er
Dave (PS0HH) [1046] Come out through the bell, back through the bell on to there and back to there
Keith (PS0H9) [1047] That's right through this big
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1048] that's right, so you'll probably only just seeing
Dave (PS0HH) [1049] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1050] circuitry there and then there's your, your data
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1051] which you, you do parallel off
Dave (PS0HH) [1052] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1053] like a yellow and that just says ring, ring, ring that brings the lane and it just does that, that's that belt, all it's doing is taking it through them relay contacts
Dave (PS0HH) [1054] Yeah ... mm I see
Keith (PS0H9) [1055] which is why you don't see a voltage at the same leg really
Dave (PS0HH) [1056] Yeah ... fucking weird though innit why it should suddenly start pulling like that
Keith (PS0H9) [1057] That's the way they are, have, have you any extension, extensions put in?
[1058] Tell you what it could be, ah hang on a minute, I ordered an extension for a bloody for a phone for that office, it could be the phone that's doing it in that office there ... I know, I know ... it could be corrupting, you know on the mark one the big one, the old generation mark one
Dave (PS0HH) [1059] It's been going on for months
Keith (PS0H9) [1060] Has it?
Dave (PS0HH) [1061] Two or three months
Keith (PS0H9) [1062] Oh two or three months
Dave (PS0HH) [1063] Yeah, but it's got worse and worse
Keith (PS0H9) [1064] Oh right, yeah
Dave (PS0HH) [1065] and he said it's got worse since he got the new switchboard operator, which makes you think
Keith (PS0H9) [1066] She's probably putting calls, she ain't cos we've tried it over there, you pressed intercom, put it down, it, it does that
Dave (PS0HH) [1067] Shouldn't do that should it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1068] No, I tell ya, there's about four in the company started doing it altogether, oh this is about the fourth one I think ... why that's what third
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1069] told me I was talking to Brian day before yesterday, second line, he says there's loads of them doing it and it can't be cured ...
Dave (PS0HH) [1070] Well all we can do then is reset innit?
Keith (PS0H9) [1071] Yeah, let's do a system reset and
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [1072] you sure you put everything back together that end first
Keith (PS0H9) [1073] Very careful, we'll do that when we get over there, ha ...
Dave (PS0HH) [1074] Let me get me glasses
Keith (PS0H9) [1075] it looks more like the Selby's one than the erm, than the environmental
Dave (PS0HH) [1076] Oh, I mean
Keith (PS0H9) [1077] cos the main environmental was er, it did it on its own, with a completely empty switchboard, no calls on five o'clock at night, everybody had gone home and the bloody thing would just sit ringing, ringing, ringing, ringing and erm
Dave (PS0HH) [1078] I know this is only when the switchboard's busy
Keith (PS0H9) [1079] Yeah, well you know this, this Selby's one that was the same, when the switchboard was busy it would er, if you, if you sees line three and played it down, well if anybody sees line three and played it down it used to do that or if you sees the intercom that did it, says it's more like the Selby's one than the new one
Dave (PS0HH) [1080] Well I
Keith (PS0H9) [1081] and that was incurable
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1082] well that was only there
Dave (PS0HH) [1083] If you see line three on ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1084] You got the key?
Dave (PS0HH) [1085] You've got it
Keith (PS0H9) [1086] I ain't got the key ... I ain't got the key you had it
Dave (PS0HH) [1087] You put it in your pocket
Keith (PS0H9) [1088] I didn't ... you've got it
Dave (PS0HH) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [1089] Right then, what you got there for?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [1090] better tell them first
Keith (PS0H9) [1091] You tell them ... can we just switch the phones off for a couple of minutes, no, no calls on are they?
[1092] Cheers, okay Dave ... give it a good thirty second
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1093] bet you've got a screwdriver over there ain't ya?
[1094] Got to put this one back together while we're waiting ...
Dave (PS0HH) [1095] Oh
Keith (PS0H9) [1096] What you got after this then, d'ya know?
Dave (PS0HH) [1097] Dunno
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [1098] mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1099] That one of Selby's you know it was fine until they put an extension in just er a key station as soon as they did that this one started acting up, so he said it's only since we did that, he said it happened the day after we put that in, I said okay, disconnected it, still did it, disconnected it at the, end here, still did it, erased it from the program so it didn't even know it existed, still did it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1100] yeah, I, er
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [1101] wait for the light to come back up
Keith (PS0H9) [1102] have you connected it?
[1103] Yeah, even connected it on the end here, the, the station and set this display decoder up and it even did it there so it was nothing to do with the live lamp wire, the way they routed it we thought that perhaps rerouted it to the cable or something like that
Dave (PS0HH) [1104] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1105] nothing ... went round and unplugged every phone out, wedged every one out cos we thought it might of been a station that's going down, cos er I'm saying about the mark one, the old
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1106] two sixty, if you've got a bad phone it used to drag the paging down for all others, where if you've got paint in the socket
Dave (PS0HH) [1107] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1108] or a bit of mould in one of the sockets it used to click all the phones when anybody made a call and er, all, all sorts of things that, I would of thought ah there's a faulty phone somewhere and it's degenerating and er we went round and waste every single one out, every single one, went to this extension pressed line three, play it down and the phone rang, I thought right it's not a phone, I changed the cabinet, I changed all the cards and the cards in one big one, I had one three
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1109] so it weren't interacting between the two, everything had changed and it still did it, were a new kit, got a cabinet of setting line, changed it and it still did it.
Dave (PS0HH) [1110] Well it st I mean it's something stupid innit?
[1111] Because the simple reason
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1112] I even went in at seven in the morning when they've got no compressors going in case it was the compressors dragging the whatsit down
Dave (PS0HH) [1113] because to me it's, it's something like that ... everything, it's gotta be the C P U innit?
[1114] It's gotta be something telling that bell to ring
Keith (PS0H9) [1115] That's right
Dave (PS0HH) [1116] and you would think if you change every bloody thing out
Keith (PS0H9) [1117] That's right
Dave (PS0HH) [1118] whenever it was telling it to ring
Keith (PS0H9) [1119] That's right
Dave (PS0HH) [1120] to stop
Keith (PS0H9) [1121] Yeah, well I got a kit there and I wir I wired, just put it on the floor and it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1122] light on the wall, had it all connected bang, bang, pull them erm, er wired them all up and still did it, that mine?
[1123] Or yours?
Dave (PS0HH) [1124] Yours
Keith (PS0H9) [1125] Is it?
[1126] Yours
Dave (PS0HH) [1127] Yours
Keith (PS0H9) [1128] Call one please ring Brian before ten thirty, it's ten twenty nine now so, oh bloody car phone ...
Dave (PS0HH)
Keith (PS0H9) ...
Dave (PS0HH) [1129] It's like Selby must be decoder number right round here
Keith (PS0H9) [1130] No find it next to the unit, next to the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ... [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Dave (PS0HH) [1131] That's what I like you co , you depend on someone helping me out and
Keith (PS0H9) [1132] [laugh] Don't
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1133] out on you
Dave (PS0HH) [1134] Well I, I wonder ... if it does occur again, happen again
Keith (PS0H9) [1135] Yeah
Dave (PS0HH) [1136] do decode it ... it's hell of a run you know innit?
Keith (PS0H9) [1137] I did that at Selby's, I had the decoder, the new cabinet, everything, I had the decoder there hanging on the floor like that, I wired it up and I pressed extension sixteen and away it went, it said four there and the display decoder was there about ten extensions
Dave (PS0HH) [1138] And it was about ten, sixteen that was doing it
Keith (PS0H9) [1139] I think it was sixteen yeah, fifteen or sixteen, I'm sure it was sixteen
Dave (PS0HH) [1140] Aye you said, like you say it could be se
Keith (PS0H9) [1141] but third lines
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1142] that is something that'd happened all of a sudden, of about four throughout the cou , well three at the time throughout the country have suddenly gone like it within about a month or so of each other , and they've never had any trouble before, but I was talking to Brian and he said that's a load of cobblers, he says it's been doing it for a long time and there's loads of them doing it.
Dave (PS0HH) [1143] Unless we
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [1144] and see what's been used
Keith (PS0H9) [1145] Yeah ... well if, if I get called backed to
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1146] it, or I'll change that display decoder first, I mean that's been reset now, forget that, er
Dave (PS0HH) [1147] Aye
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1148] yeah, well if you can get out o, f of that though
Dave (PS0HH) [1149] You can
Keith (PS0H9) [1150] Can you, what on eight three one? ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1151] Oh dear ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [1152] I mean ... I figured it's gotta be something date, dated I feel
Keith (PS0H9) [1153] Oh aye, yes
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [1154] cause it to do it
Keith (PS0H9) [1155] Well I thought that, but er
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1156] you know, that was my
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1157] to do it, but then again that was in it all the time, you know, it just don't make sense
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1158] funny how they're both garages weren't it?
[1159] Mm ... in fact, eh I tell you what
Dave (PS0HH) [1160] Over head
Keith (PS0H9) [1161] all, yeah they're not, round the corner, all three garages is this is Selby's and there's erm, Selby's is Volkswagen repairer and er, oh no, yeah Lee invite
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1162] it was in their garage where the lorry was.
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1163] Of all the systems we've got three garages it's happened to, radio station
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1164] I think that wants putting back together there
Dave (PS0HH) [1165] Eh?
[1166] If you want to ring Brian ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1167] Cancel that will clear it up
Dave (PS0HH) [1168] Put this one back together
Keith (PS0H9) [1169] I thought you'd on we'll do a reset and see how it goes, and just leave it if it, if it clears it erm that's fine
Dave (PS0HH) [1170] And if not I think the next thing actually is to move the decoder ... or change the decoder
Keith (PS0H9) [1171] Change it, wow, bloody step
Dave (PS0HH) [1172] That's three times you try to fall that, if you have an industrial injury
Keith (PS0H9) [1173] Three steps to heaven that's what it is, kill myself next time
Dave (PS0HH) [1174] Somebody said did you see the accident, no [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [1175] I ask did I have my eyes shut when I kicked him, er
Dave (PS0HH) [1176] Free line now
Keith (PS0H9) [1177] Yeah I just clear it ... er I don't like the idea of doing that actually
Dave (PS0HH) [1178] Why?
Keith (PS0H9) [1179] What using it for er
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1180] without asking, it comes up on the er ... have er, I'll ask her first ... [phonecall starts] hello it's the G P G engineer love, yeah, er my pager's just gone off, is it okay to use my telephone just to answer it please?
[1181] It is okay is it?
[1182] Alright, thank you, ta [phonecall ends] ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Dave (PS0HH) [1183] O'Connors again
Keith (PS0H9) [1184] O'Connors?
Dave (PS0HH) [1185] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1186] Where's that?
Dave (PS0HH)
Keith (PS0H9)
Dave (PS0HH) [1187] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1188] What's happened there?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1189] I haven't been there for over a, a year or more I think last time I was there
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]

9 (Tape 052503)

Keith (PS0H9) [1190] On a tray ... there's service
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1191] Is there?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1192] I had to put the phone down because of you
Russell (PS0HB) [1193] Oh I do apologize profusely, profoundly whatever it is, no, no I was there when you bought it
Keith (PS0H9) [1194] I know, I've gotta get a frame
Russell (PS0HB) [1195] You've got a get another a picture, it's crap
Keith (PS0H9) [1196] That's not a bad picture that
Russell (PS0HB) [1197] Yeah, it's two-toned as well, it's green and blue
Keith (PS0H9) [1198] Blue and green
Russell (PS0HB) [1199] or is it just I can prove it's green and green because it's a quester two tone exterior with a
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1200] so that roof's supposed to be green then
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1201] and that on the top of the boiler is definitely not blue, even though they use blue ink for it
Russell (PS0HB) [1202] That's definitely green cos it's got green on it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1203] right
Russell (PS0HB) [1204] Brill news
Keith (PS0H9) [1205] What?
Russell (PS0HB) [1206] got a disco on March twenty eighth yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1207] it's not that I don't wanna do it, it's
Keith (PS0H9) [1208] Not the people that book with you
Russell (PS0HB) [1209] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1210] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1211] it's relatives
Keith (PS0H9) [1212] Yeah and you feel obliged to them to have it for next to nothing
Russell (PS0HB) [1213] I feel obliged to do it er for more
Keith (PS0H9) [1214] No
Russell (PS0HB) [1215] No, I've been saying they booked me about two months ago and I've been saying that they have a deposit
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1216] mm
Russell (PS0HB) [1217] Well tonight
Keith (PS0H9) [1218] Mm
Russell (PS0HB) [1219] one of the lads at work come up says there's a disco on March twenty eight and before I said I'm already booked, I said yeah, he says er how much do you charge, I told him and I says well if you let me have confirmation as soon as you can and a deposit of ten or fifteen pounds as soon as you can
Keith (PS0H9) [1220] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1221] as soon as you know for definite
Keith (PS0H9) [1222] That rides over the, the relatives
Russell (PS0HB) [1223] it overrides them
Keith (PS0H9) [1224] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1225] I'm gonna pass them on to one of the other bods at work
Keith (PS0H9) [1226] Why does somebody else at work do a disco?
Russell (PS0HB) [1227] One of the girls at work, her brother does them, er ... so it's got me out of it
Keith (PS0H9) [1228] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1229] never get out of it
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Russell (PS0HB) [1230] Well I don't want to keep a date open for no reason at all and I mean say [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1231] That's it, yeah the general yeah, if you tell them to say you don't want it you've had it ain't ya?
Russell (PS0HB) [1232] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1233] You know our Wayne don't ya?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]

10 (Tape 052504)

Russell (PS0HB) [1234] We're back on line
Keith (PS0H9) [1235] Testing
Russell (PS0HB) [1236] right that one..
Keith (PS0H9) [1237] I've got
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1238] excuse me ... I tell you what I like them, them
Russell (PS0HB) [1239] Two boxes of
Keith (PS0H9) [1240] chicken
Russell (PS0HB) [1241] Yeah I know, a terrible oversight there, I've got erm you know them chicken nuggets that I get, have you seen them?
Keith (PS0H9) [1242] Them cheapo ones from Wallis?
Russell (PS0HB) [1243] Or they might be turkey ones, I go to Kwiksave
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1244] you get thirty in a bag for about well just erm for a couple of quid I think, or you get twenty four in a bag, oh I don't know, you get something like that anyway ... yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1245] I think I'm gonna have to start eating some stuffing
Russell (PS0HB) [1246] I thought the erm, I should, I should get it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1247] so erm ... [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ... [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1248] tell you what I was in a bath this morning
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1249] [laugh] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1250] You know what I mean
Russell (PS0HB) [1251] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1252] no you didn't you said you were gonna leave it
Russell (PS0HB) [1253] Oh yeah, that was it, yeah, yeah, muttered it under my breath as I walked out, yeah, I'll have to get in touch with that to say if got that erm
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1254] yeah, yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1255] I say that amplifier was absolutely useless
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1256] ha
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1257] He says need another wire
Russell (PS0HB) [1258] Who says a what, a chap at work?
Keith (PS0H9) [1259] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1260] Well we can get an extension lead, mind you it's alright you
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1261] it's not the same is it?
Russell (PS0HB) [1262] You may find that's a moulded plug and it, no that end trigger, is it a variable speed trigger?
Keith (PS0H9) [1263] No
Russell (PS0HB) [1264] Oh I was gonna say I bought a variable speed trigger for mine cos its back up [drilling noise] it erm
Keith (PS0H9) [1265] But sometimes when you're using it it don't quite work
Russell (PS0HB) [1266] Yeah, mine, like that
Keith (PS0H9) [1267] Ha, see what he means ... it's a switch
Russell (PS0HB) [1268] Is it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1269] told him it might need a new switch
Russell (PS0HB) [1270] Yeah, well that's why a switch, a switch on mine, so oh no the cable didn't come
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1271] I says to him be prepared for a bill said I don't mind paying for one, but
Russell (PS0HB) [1272] My last one was eight pound summat but mine's a variable speed reversible and all that
Keith (PS0H9) [1273] About four quid
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1274] there's no slow start on the reverse I got it while I was working in Leicestershire so I couldn't really take it back it'll cost me more in petrol
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1275] mm
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1276] what, I didn't, did you call
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1277] special on Sunday?
Keith (PS0H9) [1278] Why?
Russell (PS0HB) [1279] Well Les says er when we got out the car and you went he says bloody hell that uses some juice don't it?
[1280] I said well he reckons it does, he says when he filled up at the garage it were full, he says we hadn't got back and it was between the half and three quarters, I said oh I never looked at it
Keith (PS0H9) [1281] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1282] Is it really that thirsty?
Keith (PS0H9) [1283] Does about twenty, twenty three to the gallon
Russell (PS0HB) [1284] What on a motor like that, no surely not must
Keith (PS0H9) [1285] Right
Russell (PS0HB) [1286] do more
Keith (PS0H9) [1287] at the speed I was doing it keeps it to that, if I'd of kept it to fifty it would of been a lot more
Russell (PS0HB) [1288] You what, well come on we were only doing fifty on the way back
Keith (PS0H9) [1289] Yeah, weren't on the way there though
Russell (PS0HB) [1290] I know
Keith (PS0H9) [1291] [laugh] seventy minimum on the way there
Russell (PS0HB) [1292] Do you think it's worth it though for what you get out of it, well I mean you obviously do, you like the car don't you?
Keith (PS0H9) [1293] I like it, er pulls the looks, it don't pull the birds but it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1294] yeah, yeah, soon I'll call you logo he went running
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1295] yeah ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1296] what is it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1297] A bit of a funnel
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1298] saucepan? ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1299] oh you're deep frying them are you?
Keith (PS0H9) [1300] Deep frying is a lot actually is a lot better than shallow frying
Russell (PS0HB) [1301] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1302] cos it seals the food as soon as you put it in
Russell (PS0HB) [1303] Does it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1304] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1305] So you don't get so much fat in it, yeah I'll have to get a deep fat frying pan then, for all the fat
Keith (PS0H9) [1306] Oh it's true
Russell (PS0HB) [1307] for all the fried foods I'm not
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1308] no that's what I mean yeah, I've, I mean I ain't got
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1309] for all the u fatty foods I eat I fry pasta, deep fat one, deep pan, oh I don't know, you know what I mean
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1310] yeah ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1311] switch that's gone, it's proving it cos it's a bastard
Russell (PS0HB) [1312] Well you, if it's intermittent an'all put
Keith (PS0H9) [1313] This
Russell (PS0HB) [1314] the toggle fish on to use for a week if it cures the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1315] no
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1316] I'll get a longer lead as well for it
Russell (PS0HB) [1317] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1318] about five metres of wire, is that long enough?
Russell (PS0HB) [1319] What powers the drill?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1320] is it?
[1321] Oh I, I had one of them ... oh would blow off wouldn't it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1322] What is it?
Russell (PS0HB) [1323] yeah, it's says low on it oh number, three thousand and under, one point eight amp, four hundred watts
Keith (PS0H9) [1324] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1325] expect it to be that thick then
Keith (PS0H9) [1326] Yeah, ... thing is getting them wires out
Russell (PS0HB) [1327] Oh screws from under the side
Keith (PS0H9) [1328] Fuck off
Russell (PS0HB) [1329] What, what you on about?
[1330] ... Oh brilliant
Keith (PS0H9) [1331] Don't you know how to do them?
Russell (PS0HB) [1332] Mine, mine was mine was erm if you've got screw contacts on it, mine have ... well to say that these er ... these switches are so unreliable you'd expect it to be erm
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1333] these be a bit user friendly, cor blimey, just cut it about all things down and put a chocolate strip in, plenty of room in the handle ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1334] Oh really
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Russell (PS0HB) [1335] You really want that one off though don't ya?
[1336] Did he say he wants a
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1337] as well?
Keith (PS0H9) [1338] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1339] It's a bit of a pain int it?
[1340] Seven or eight years
Keith (PS0H9) [1341] Oh I tried it for her
Russell (PS0HB) [1342] That's alright then
Keith (PS0H9) [1343] er, I'll put a new switch on and wire, it ain't the wire at all it's the switch
Russell (PS0HB) [1344] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1345] have to double that, cos when you wiggle the wires here what it is when you wiggling the wire you're moving the ... thing contact, I said if you wiggle the wire it's alright it's sort of coincidental
Russell (PS0HB) [1346] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1347] [cough] it might actually just be breaking the wire there
Russell (PS0HB) [1348] Maybe, just remake it
Keith (PS0H9) [1349] I can't get them out, you can see it's struggling ...
Russell (PS0HB) [1350] Usually is the wire
Keith (PS0H9) [1351] Not on them it isn't, it's usually the switch
Russell (PS0HB) [1352] Eh?
Keith (PS0H9) [1353] It's usually the switch
Russell (PS0HB) [1354] What on these?
Keith (PS0H9) [1355] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1356] I dunno I think my jig saw went, that was the wire, I just cut it off and made it off again and it was alright ... it's short enough so it don't go through the window when you throw it
Keith (PS0H9) [1357] [laugh] Break the window to get the bloody wires through
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1358] it's what?
Keith (PS0H9) [1359] Where to get the ideas for the lamps and that
Russell (PS0HB) [1360] Just
Keith (PS0H9) [1361] what it is, it's these modern new
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1362] they're not that bloody brilliant
Russell (PS0HB) [1363] Mm, I can still remember Ann's face now, oh this bloody thing, got it and threw it, no, no
Keith (PS0H9) [1364] Yes [laugh]
Russell (PS0HB) [1365] it just stopped short of the window, well no it was quite short you know, you could just see it aiming for the window, luckily it was plugged in
Keith (PS0H9) [1366] [laugh] It stopped it dead
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1367] it stopped it dead in its track, yeah, couldn't get to rewire it after it though it snapped it a little bit. ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1368] Yeah, just rewire it up, just try it for er, you know, I mean it failed straight away, if it don't fail within half an hour then your er ... you know what it is, save yourself getting a switch.
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1369] Yeah, scrub the switch up [laugh] that'll do for a change, paint it black inside the hose thing.
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1370] cos if it's not the wiring, the switch is alright
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1371] won't be able to what?
Keith (PS0H9) [1372] Won't be able to get the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1373] why?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ... [...] ... [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1374] a brand new blade, if working on something and
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1375] working away not ... minding my own business
Russell (PS0HB) [1376] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1377] working away
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Russell (PS0HB) [1378] Yeah ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1379] Oh did I laugh me ... just about done with these
Russell (PS0HB) [1380] Oh and I thought there were a couple of speakers
Keith (PS0H9) [1381] Oh, don't know where they're from
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1382] no not really, not proper ... stand over here
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1383] no I'm gonna turn the fan on, oh Jesus Christ
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1384] mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1385] and it always has the same thing
Russell (PS0HB) [1386] Yeah must be want what they swallowed it and they're swimming round
Keith (PS0H9) [1387] Oh shit
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ... [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1388] Zoom, zoom, zoom
Russell (PS0HB) [1389] What time is it?
[1390] Half past seven, what d'ya reckon then
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1391] do ya?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1392] have you
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1393] teletext?
Keith (PS0H9) [1394] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1395] Oh I don't know how you work that
Keith (PS0H9) [1396] Just press a button
Russell (PS0HB) [1397] go on and says you wouldn't mind my telly
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1398] just happened to mention in the night says I'd like a white telly you know, go a bit more with, with the decor
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1399] a cream, yeah, a cream telly you know, oh I'll have that one he says when you sell it, oh Christ almighty, I thought I was, excuse me ... perhaps I, I would like a teletext one, just get, you know I don't want, I'm not sort I don't like the colour, I'd rather see a white one in the corner
Keith (PS0H9) [1400] Mm
Russell (PS0HB) [1401] get a white telly with teletext, you know ... I suppose I could put that one in the bedroom
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1402] yeah, yeah ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1403] oh dear
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1404] eh?
[1405] Oh that's sunken there innit, yeah ... don't think there's yet an empty seat [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [1406] They've got people standing on top an'all
Russell (PS0HB) [1407] Yeah look at that right down to the water line though innit?
Keith (PS0H9) [1408] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1409] Them on the bottom they're bound to get their feet wet aren't they?
Keith (PS0H9) [1410] Mm ... These countries are amazing aren't they, they're so
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1411] in the cities and yet
Russell (PS0HB) [1412] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1413] out in the wild
Russell (PS0HB) [1414] Mm, oh, aye look at that [laugh] oh can you imagine waking up to that, well probably wake up blind
Keith (PS0H9) [1415] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1416] tossed over a few times in the night, burnt me eyes out
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1417] yeah, yeah ... I'd like to visit somewhere like that you know ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1418] Do what?
Russell (PS0HB) [1419] I dunno, as you say to see the culture things like that ... but it's a bit difficult to put niggers down in their own country ... well what's that then, is that, is that just the ferry between an island or something
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Russell (PS0HB) [1420] Look for this boat it doesn't even stop, blimey
Keith (PS0H9) [1421] Amazing int it you get something like that and it'll go forever
Russell (PS0HB) [1422] Mm
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Russell (PS0HB) [1423] Blimey is that the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1424] a bit wicked innit?
Keith (PS0H9) [1425] [laugh] Did you hear that?
Russell (PS0HB) [1426] Yeah ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1427] [laugh] Can you imagine if they got cholera on that ... what was that boat that got cholera on it, it wiped them out, not the Mary Celeste was it?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1428] no
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1429] mm ... I reckon pirates had a go at that you know ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1430] Makes you wonder don't it?
Russell (PS0HB) [1431] Mm ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Russell (PS0HB) [1432] What's he travelling all that way for that, he could of gone to Doddington market, get the same effect couldn't ya?
[1433] Same thing
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1434] both selling rubbish
Keith (PS0H9) [1435] Eh? ...
Russell (PS0HB) [1436] Get out you're not getting on that boat, look at it ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Russell (PS0HB) [1437] Oh god ... Oh no wonder you say there's us like eating cockles I suppose as the French eating snails int it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1438] Mm
Russell (PS0HB) [1439] Same sort of thing ... [phone rings]
Keith (PS0H9) [1440] [phonecall starts] Hello there man, of course I'm awake, I'm eating my tea, ha you're wrong, Russell's organizing his night so that he's gonna pick you up half eight quarter to nine ... okay ... well I, I ain't had a shower or anything yet, I mean er everything's organized I organized it all for picking you up eight quarter to nine, bless you, what's your number?
[1441] ... Oh what I'll do when I'm ready I'll give you a bell which means it'll be what ten, fifteen minutes from then to picking you up ... Oh that's it ... Alright, see you bell in a bit, ciao [phonecall ends]
Russell (PS0HB) [1442] I thought that was floating then, but it's an island, the way their camera was moving it looked like the old grass was moving, oh that's a nice boat
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Russell (PS0HB) [laugh] ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1443] yeah ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1444] They have to pay as well?
Russell (PS0HB) [1445] Oh they ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1446] talking to one of these receptionists today and she says erm ... [cough] she's been trying to get a bit of erm, she's split up with her husband, trying to get, a bit of extra money together, you know, to be, she's got her own house like, buying her own house and all this and that she's fell into a bloody modelling job and saying get yourself a passport and er on about sending her off to either the South of France or Kenya
Keith (PS0H9) [1447] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1448] Yeah ... so she's er ... instead of just earning herself a bit of money she ain't done bad has she?
[1449] Mind she's dead smart ... dead smart ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1450] Well there's a thing going round a few years ago weren't there with these models, just pay for them to go out there ...
Russell (PS0HB) [1451] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1452] and just keep them on meagre wages and then they'd have to subsidize themselves or [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1453] Oh, no oh no it's not like that, it's a proper model agency in er, in Nottingham, it, it sounds above board, well I've heard of the, the lass that's running it actually, she's an ex page three girl, she's er very good, you know, from what I've heard it's erm, it's a reputable agency and er, yeah the ones of the sharks doing that, but er, she ain't one of them ... thing is she doe she
Keith (PS0H9) [1454] Everybody wants to
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1455] yeah, yeah, including English women [laugh] er, what's he doing with that bird, he still, what's he doing? ... oh I don't believe it, he's got an AIDS problem and he's shaving a, oh god
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1456] yeah, that's true ... it does show ya that it can grow though don't it, not the hair I mean AI AIDS you know if you shave somebody head and got AIDS and you shave his head, he cuts them both, that's it, two people's got AIDS just like that.
[1457] ... That was an antelope with his arse weren't it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1458] Which one?
Russell (PS0HB) [1459] That was were they just got all aboard
Keith (PS0H9) [1460] Yeah ...
Russell (PS0HB) [1461] You can't get many of them out of sea surely
Keith (PS0H9) [1462] I thought they're trading people that's coming up as well
Russell (PS0HB) [1463] Oh ... that one isn't dead yet is he?
[1464] That one is ... good god the size of that one ... that must be still alive oh look at that look ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1465] yeah ... er I could tell that was still alive that pig
Keith (PS0H9) [1466] Mm ...
Russell (PS0HB) [1467] I can't stand to see people being cruel to animals it absolutely appals me, it does really, I feel like to take an axe to them
Keith (PS0H9) [1468] Mm
Russell (PS0HB) [1469] I feel like I'd, I could take an axe to them ... oh look at that look ... oh ... dear, probably seen his mother butchered ... ah see that big fat body just then a pair of feet I thought it was his, did you see that?
Keith (PS0H9) [1470] Mm
Russell (PS0HB) [1471] [laugh] I thought cor blimey it's a wonder he can walk ... look at that ... you wouldn't believe that today would you nineteen ninety two ... oh no wonder they all come over here, is so really, can't blame them if that's the sort of quality of life they've got
Keith (PS0H9) [1472] Sorry we should never of let them in first
Russell (PS0HB) [1473] Well there'd ought to of been more control ... but apparently now, you know how the Indians come over here, all the time don't they?
Keith (PS0H9) [1474] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1475] You try and get to India, not that you'd want to go mind you, you try and live in India, won't let you in
Keith (PS0H9) [1476] Mm
Russell (PS0HB) [1477] No, you cannot get to India from what I've heard, you cannot get in
Keith (PS0H9) [1478] Well I see this thing in the paper ...
Russell (PS0HB) [1479] Well the only reason you want to get out of here is to get out of the way of Indians
Keith (PS0H9) [1480] Yeah full of white man over there
Russell (PS0HB) [1481] Yeah that's it cos they're all over here
Keith (PS0H9) [1482] See if you can find a tickatape reading machine for a
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1483] a tickatape reading, what er, er a telex type thing?
Keith (PS0H9) [1484] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1485] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1486] I've got
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1487] have ya?
Keith (PS0H9) [1488] Really love it, it is racist
Russell (PS0HB) [1489] [laugh] I'm not racist
Keith (PS0H9) [1490] You, I tell you you'll love it
Russell (PS0HB) [1491] Me?
Keith (PS0H9) [1492] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1493] I can't stand bigots, racist bigots, especially black'uns ... no
Keith (PS0H9) [1494] I tell ya if you can, if you know anywhere that's got one
Russell (PS0HB) [1495] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1496] it'll look
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1497] yeah, er that's not many of them these days is there?
Keith (PS0H9) [1498] Aren't there?
Russell (PS0HB) [1499] I tell you what the biggest racist are the black, black, not so much the blacks, are the Asians
Keith (PS0H9) [1500] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1501] They're terrible, they really are, not all of them
Keith (PS0H9) [1502] Oh I know but them who are, are really bad
Russell (PS0HB) [1503] Yeah oh when I went to that
Keith (PS0H9) [1504] You know a lot of people erm, you're not, they
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1505] to acc accept them to what they are
Russell (PS0HB) [1506] I'm the same, I'm, I won't prejudge
Keith (PS0H9) [1507] But when they start coming [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1508] Yeah that's right
Keith (PS0H9) [1509] and start calling you behind your back cos you'll find out
Russell (PS0HB) [1510] Yeah ... mm a bit like I say when I went to that dentist surgery at er Leicester
Keith (PS0H9) [1511] Mm
Russell (PS0HB) [1512] last year I couldn't believe my welcome, they're coming out and apologizing are you alright to wait, you know, he's, he's got dentist in the surgery and oh it was amazing
Keith (PS0H9) [1513] I know, I was I went up for some chips at the top
Russell (PS0HB) [1514] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1515] and er [cough]
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1516] and I says to him that's one thing you never get at that, that one at Top Shop
Russell (PS0HB) [1517] What's that?
Keith (PS0H9) [1518] well she says like, I won't be a minute
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1519] I could see what she was doing, I won't be a minute, I think she knows what I go in for
Russell (PS0HB) [1520] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1521] it ain't very often I go in for something other than chips and not have chips as well you know
Russell (PS0HB) [1522] Chips and chips?
Keith (PS0H9) [1523] Well you know like fish and nothing else
Russell (PS0HB) [1524] Yeah , yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1525] [cough] says oh I'll not be a minute ... yeah so he starts, you don't get that sort of thing that one, the Big Shops
Russell (PS0HB) [1526] Yeah you, you're there and they just ignore you
Keith (PS0H9) [1527] Yeah
Russell (PS0HB) [1528] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1529] and she were telling me the guy that runs it won't let them talk to the customers, said that was pig ignorant surely
Russell (PS0HB) [1530] owns it?
[1531] I thought he owns them all
Keith (PS0H9) [1532] No don't own that one at Top Shop
Russell (PS0HB) [1533] Don't he?
Keith (PS0H9) [1534] No
Russell (PS0HB) [1535] Oh I thought he did, are you sure?
[1536] I reckon he does you know
Keith (PS0H9) [1537] But when you go go into this one yeah they're nice and friendly aren't they?
Russell (PS0HB) [1538] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1539] You walk in and just like er, they're always talking to you
Russell (PS0HB) [1540] And he won't let them talk to the customers?
Keith (PS0H9) [1541] At that one at the Big Shops, the guy that ru okay it might be the guy that runs it not the one that owns it
Russell (PS0HB) [1542] Yeah I'm sure owns it
Keith (PS0H9) [1543] won't let them talk
Russell (PS0HB) [1544] Yeah ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1545] he won't let them talk, it's disgusting, I tell ya, you know, no end of times I've been in there and it's obvious we're waiting for chips
Russell (PS0HB) [1546] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1547] to cook and they won't say
Russell (PS0HB) [1548] Anyone who don't want chips
Keith (PS0H9) [1549] Something like that
Russell (PS0HB) [1550] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1551] on top of as well, we've just put them in they'll be about five minutes or whatever
Russell (PS0HB) [1552] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1553] I mean what does it cost, no, no end of times I've just
Russell (PS0HB) [1554] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1555] walked out with it's unreal [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1556] Do you know the bloke , do bloke, do you know the bloke who owns it then?
[1557] Have you seen him?
Keith (PS0H9) [1558] No, it's, when I was talking to these
Russell (PS0HB) [1559] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1560] this other chappie
Russell (PS0HB) [1561] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1562] you know the top one out the two
Russell (PS0HB) [1563] Yeah, you don't know if he's Greek then?
Keith (PS0H9) [1564] He's some foreigner thing, but they were saying they don't allow them to talk to the customers that's it, you don't talk false stop, no hows, whys or whatever, you don't talk
Russell (PS0HB) [1565] Tell him cobblers
Keith (PS0H9) [1566] Yeah I don't go though
Russell (PS0HB) [1567] I won't, I wo I won't erm
Keith (PS0H9) [1568] I won't go in the shop even with [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1569] where there's ignorance
Keith (PS0H9) [1570] I've even considered reporting it to the health people
Russell (PS0HB) [1571] Why is it bad?
Keith (PS0H9) [1572] It can be
Russell (PS0HB) [1573] Can it?
[1574] ... Oh he don't look very pleased with something does he?
[1575] Want to nail him to the fence you should think he's not ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1576] yeah, yeah [laugh] he had them all panicking ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1577] Their captain's making it difficult for them on the blower
Russell (PS0HB) [1578] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Russell (PS0HB) [1579] [laugh] Did you see that? [laugh] he nearly shot himself in the butt that time didn't he?
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh] ...
Russell (PS0HB) [1580] He's in a rush to get somewhere ain't he?
Keith (PS0H9) [1581] Yeah he's had a big
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1582] is that what it is?
[1583] ... Oh it's a definite to the side, oh that's his canoe there
Keith (PS0H9) [1584] Oh I don't know why he just doesn't turn the boat so the current was too much for the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1585] it is innit?
Keith (PS0H9) [1586] Yeah ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1587] yeah ... did you not know that?
Russell (PS0HB) [1588] I learnt something about it in the past yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1589] You know when you're fishing
Russell (PS0HB) [1590] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1591] boil ham
Russell (PS0HB) [1592] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1593] throw it down as ground bait
Russell (PS0HB) [1594] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1595] sends the fish high
Russell (PS0HB) [1596] Does it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1597] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1598] oh I've heard of them, yeah, but I know this
Keith (PS0H9) [1599] Pre-boil it
Russell (PS0HB) [1600] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1601] rinse the stuff out, and just throw it in and you're away
Russell (PS0HB) [1602] Oh
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1603] I wonder if you grind it up and smoke it in a pipe with tobacco, would it have the same effect?
Keith (PS0H9) [1604] I don't know
Russell (PS0HB) [1605] I bet it would eh?
[1606] I used to use them when I was fishing
Keith (PS0H9) [1607] Yeah didn't boil it though did you?
Russell (PS0HB) [1608] Mm, mm
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1609] can't remember, I di didn't go for long
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Russell (PS0HB) [1610] yeah, we was talking about them today actually as a mat as a ... as a coincidence we er, we own that creepy crawlies and dragonflies ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1611] Oh it didn't look like it was making a hundred miles an hour anyway
Russell (PS0HB) [1612] No ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1613] What happens if that engine blows up?
Russell (PS0HB) [1614] Yeah, well it goes downstream then don't it?
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Russell (PS0HB) [1615] Goes back to the fisherman and they just er done the dirty on ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Russell (PS0HB) [1616] Yeah got one job all day today, oh yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1617] Got a good day then?
Russell (PS0HB) [1618] Good day, yeah ... well I was in Beeston all morning preparing it, there's a programme on
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1619] well I used er technical supports, workshop, went in there grab my
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Russell (PS0HB) [1620] and dashed out and fitted it, complete waste of bloody time mind you cos er we've got the own software back in now, well actually the latest releases of it, we were going back a release because er we were having trouble, but it turns out it's not our problem ... external problem so, put three dot seven back in.

11 (Tape 052602)

Keith (PS0H9) [1621] I can see it, blimey where's that from?
[1622] Did it?
[1623] What for?
[1624] What
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1625] really?
Keith (PS0H9) [1626] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1627] You could use that couldn't you?
[1628] You, you, you have two don't you for a sub base or just, you just have one do ya?
Keith (PS0H9) [1629] One yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1630] Cos it's not, it's non-directional ain't it base?
Keith (PS0H9) [1631] What, what it is on that one you've got this speaker right and it goes down to really low frequencies especially
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1632] right, oh you've got to have a special sub base speaker then?
Keith (PS0H9) [1633] Well it ain't gotta, it ain't got to be a sub base one, it's a base speaker
Keith (PS0H9) [1634] Mm, bigger then
Keith (PS0H9) [1635] You know , you know that padding that you put on the car you know that stuff on the doors inside?
Keith (PS0H9) [1636] Mm, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1637] You put two squares of that and stick on to the cone
Keith (PS0H9) [1638] You're joking
Keith (PS0H9) [1639] and it slows you down, and it goes in out and like that
Keith (PS0H9) [1640] Blimey ... well you could have them on your A speakers and then have yours, just play your surrounds couldn't ya if you wanted to do it that way if you want really
Keith (PS0H9) [1641] Yeah but you'll lose, you'll lose
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1642] oh of course you are yeah, yeah ... oh
Keith (PS0H9) [1643] just like that and hi-fi speakers and hi squire, hi-fi speakers
Keith (PS0H9) [1644] Hi squire be hi squire speakers
Keith (PS0H9) [1645] Anyway
Keith (PS0H9) [1646] something beginning with S
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [1647] Yeah, all sorts like that
Keith (PS0H9) [1648] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1649] and there's one it's supposed to be erm a pretty good unit
Keith (PS0H9) [1650] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1651] and it only had one over all the speaker
Keith (PS0H9) [1652] Oval?
[1653] Electrical?
[1654] Was it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1655] Yeah on a four amp speaker that's it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1656] well we're not talking
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1657] again, sub base
Keith (PS0H9) [1658] No, no these are speakers on
Keith (PS0H9) [1659] Really, new ones?
Keith (PS0H9) [1660] Well not new ones out all
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1661] sort of catalogue in them
Keith (PS0H9) [1662] Mm ... computer, yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1663] yeah I thought about, about that amp you know
Keith (PS0H9) [1664] Did you get it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1665] Oh, eh
Keith (PS0H9) [1666] Have you tried it out?
Keith (PS0H9) [1667] Oh yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1668] Do you make a hundred and fifty watt speaker?
Keith (PS0H9) [1669] Ha, was it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1670] Sixteen hundred
Keith (PS0H9) [1671] Well the ones I'm running are twenty five watts
Keith (PS0H9) [1672] What's the, what's
Keith (PS0H9) [1673] forty, twenty five watts or less, forty watts nominal ... the ones I'm running not through a hundred watt channel, er
Keith (PS0H9) [1674] Now we went, we went to er to [...]
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1675] No it's just after the [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1676] just before Christmas
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1677] Right, okay then Angela, about six o'clock then
Keith (PS0H9) [1678] Ain't you got the [...] ones?
Keith (PS0H9) [1679] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1680] Okay then
Keith (PS0H9) [1681] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1682] see ya, ta-ta
Keith (PS0H9) [1683] he says he says
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1684] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1685] about a hundred and forty quid the pair
Keith (PS0H9) [1686] The pair?
Keith (PS0H9) [1687] The pair
Keith (PS0H9) [1688] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1689] and they erm say a hundred and forty watt
Keith (PS0H9) [1690] Handling
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1691] yeah there's, yeah, yeah that's not bad then, you said they sounded alright didn't you?
Keith (PS0H9) [1692] Sounds
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1693] did they?
Keith (PS0H9) [1694] And when he sat in here like they've got like two glass doors
Keith (PS0H9) [1695] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1696] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1697] He's got two of them that go in to his next room
Keith (PS0H9) [1698] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1699] and then he got it up the back that far
Keith (PS0H9) [1700] You can hear it
Keith (PS0H9) [1701] and he got it turned up a bit and sounds bloody from the other room
Keith (PS0H9) [1702] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1703] and then we get in the doors
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1704] well you know what I've done with mine erm, just temporarily, I'm trying to find out to speaker position, eh?
Keith (PS0H9) [1705] Put big resisters on it
Keith (PS0H9) [1706] Big resisters yeah, I just don't turn it up very far, it's, it's, it's lovely, it really is, it's well worth the money
Keith (PS0H9) [1707] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1708] and er I've put er, you know how my room's, the fire's there and I, I had erm sort of either side of the fireplace didn't I, but one
Keith (PS0H9) [1709] Yes
Keith (PS0H9) [1710] was in the back room cos of the size of the fireplace and one in that corner ... but they're in the way, that was only temporary while the house is upside down and I've put two
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1711] yeah, yeah, put them upside down and the house will be the right way round, I've put one either side of the patio door and sort of based them slightly inwards on the floor to get the maximum bass response, I understand in that room it's brilliant, it's absolutely su boom, boom
Keith (PS0H9) [1712] Yeah but what happens when you come down the other end?
Keith (PS0H9) [1713] As soon as you walk through the archway, I mean you'd expect it to be an open
Keith (PS0H9) [1714] You'll lose it
Keith (PS0H9) [1715] You lose it
Keith (PS0H9) [1716] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1717] Well you'd lose it
Keith (PS0H9) [1718] Could you get, you know when I said it, you know when I said about
Keith (PS0H9) [1719] It must hit the wall and bounce off
Keith (PS0H9) [1720] did I, did I ask you about that erm when Dave
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1721] lighting on the ceiling, he's got four speakers and I said look what, what's happening is the, the sound from that particular sound from that
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1722] mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1723] It does work that does cos I've, I've read about it in one of the books
Keith (PS0H9) [1724] Oh yeah, it's like wiring your speakers back to front as well
Keith (PS0H9) [1725] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1726] erm, getting the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1727] wrong, your, your, your bass response just goes [whistling] it cancels out cos one's pushing and pulling, the other's pulling and pushing, vicious
Keith (PS0H9) [1728] Yeah, I've got a design for a set of speakers upstairs and do, I think it's three way like that
Keith (PS0H9) [1729] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1730] and it's, it's got the box the design of the box will interfere
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1731] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1732] I tell you what there's been about four or five different types of that
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1733] is there?
Keith (PS0H9) [1734] Yeah, you've got one where you get bass reflex
Keith (PS0H9) [1735] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1736] right and then you've got an infinite backing where you got speakers there like that and then you got a board behind that and then one behind that and behind that
Keith (PS0H9) [1737] That's right yeah, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1738] you know, there's another one, another, another type of back is
Keith (PS0H9) [1739] This is all for bass is it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1740] No it's all for speaker's cabinets
Keith (PS0H9) [1741] Mm, mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1742] it's easily when
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1743] the computer program
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1744] is it
Keith (PS0H9) [1745] and all the generator the sills
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1746] mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1747] an amplifier, a multimeter
Keith (PS0H9) [1748] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1749] you know, and you stick it on, you know, like it shows in the circuit, and then whatever reading you get that's
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1750] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1751] whatever that is, I dunno
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1752] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1753] work out and you can put all the information in to the computer
Keith (PS0H9) [1754] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1755] bloody hell, yeah, my box in, I think my speaker boxes are glued together, you can't get at erm
Keith (PS0H9) [1756] Are they vacuum sealed though?
Keith (PS0H9) [1757] It wouldn't surprise me
Keith (PS0H9) [1758] Because it, it, it turns to the, you don't lose so much bass in the back
Keith (PS0H9) [1759] Yeah, if it's vacuum sealed yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1760] Yeah cos in, well I don't suppose it could be vacuum sealed it would rip all your
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1761] wouldn't it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1762] Yeah I suppose it would wouldn't it, if it tries to come forward yeah, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1763] But you don't get any
Keith (PS0H9) [1764] as your bass come out your
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1765] yeah, yeah, you don't get the sort of, when your speaker's on loud you get a lot of sound coming out the back
Keith (PS0H9) [1766] Yeah, but it's very, it's well, can, I don't suppose it can be, I might of had one of the speakers out but I know there in the back of the speakers, you had this loft insulation it's full of that
Keith (PS0H9) [1767] Yeah it's like white stuff
Keith (PS0H9) [1768] No it's yellow, it's yellow
Keith (PS0H9) [1769] Wadding
Keith (PS0H9) [1770] Yeah like wadding yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1771] yeah there's a lot of different designs you can't move the back of these
Keith (PS0H9) [1772] Can't ya?
Keith (PS0H9) [1773] you've got to take the speakers out the front
Keith (PS0H9) [1774] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1775] to get, you know, to get inside
Keith (PS0H9) [1776] I can't get in my back or front
Keith (PS0H9) [1777] Oh can't you get your speakers out?
Keith (PS0H9) [1778] I can't remember now, I know I've had a go to have a look at them to see how, to see exactly how, cos what I thought, what I thought I was gonna do was, I didn't like the furniture of the, of the speakers and when I was keeping that system I was gonna remount the speakers in the box a bit more you know decorative
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1779] but erm, you know, I remember as coming across one or two obstacles and I couldn't get in to it ... I thought if I'd tried a bit harder, I didn't want to start you know ... so
Keith (PS0H9) [1780] I've been thinking about convert these speakers this time
Keith (PS0H9) [1781] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1782] because you only sort of need to buy one set of speakers
Keith (PS0H9) [1783] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1784] move the cabinets and if they're no good just cut them up and throw them away
Keith (PS0H9) [1785] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1786] you know, but, one of them it shows you inside the side view of the cabinet
Keith (PS0H9) [1787] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1788] right, and you've got your speaker there, and you've got your
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1789] coming down like that, but in the corner you've got a piece of concrete
Keith (PS0H9) [1790] Concrete?
Keith (PS0H9) [1791] and ceramic tiles set on it
Keith (PS0H9) [1792] You're joking
Keith (PS0H9) [1793] Eh?
[1794] All in the, all in the book
Keith (PS0H9) [1795] Oh
Keith (PS0H9) [1796] ceramic tiles set in it like that
Keith (PS0H9) [1797] [laugh] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1798] Well that's the sound lock
Keith (PS0H9) [1799] Oh
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1800] [laugh] yeah, but
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1801] perspex in the speakers so you can see through them ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1802] But the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1803] of perspex is not the right material for the, for the box is it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1804] Not really because
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1805] mm, wouldn't sound right though, you wouldn't get the cor correct type of resonance out of it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1806] mm, I don't know I think a lot of the sound travels through the wood, I think that's all part of it, you know, I don't think you'd have very good erm quality out of to be honest with you ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1807] You know them, you know them little tubes that you put in
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1808] mm, I've seen them on the front that's all yeah, mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1809] things like that, they've a plastic tube in them, I
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1810] is it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1811] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1812] really
Keith (PS0H9) [1813] but it's the right size
Keith (PS0H9) [1814] This is it you see, I mean a, a company like or have gone to a lot of trouble to get that length right, er and to tune the box and all this that and the other and get the right, I don't know maybe er just think oh you know you just build this, put this massive speaker in and call it a sub based woofer
Keith (PS0H9) [1815] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1816] you know, you don't know what the qualities gonna be like, it's alright getting one for fifty quid
Keith (PS0H9) [1817] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1818] if it's decent, but if you've got a decent system and you've got a crap
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1819] you're really wasting your time having one
Keith (PS0H9) [1820] Yeah I know
Keith (PS0H9) [1821] Yeah cos I've seen a sub based
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1822] they're over three hundred pounds and there must be a difference
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1823] is it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1824] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1825] Well, rather pay a bit more and get one that's good
Keith (PS0H9) [1826] Yeah, I mean that Kenwood's got, he
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1827] he says it looks nice as well
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1828] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1829] You can't actually see the speakers
Keith (PS0H9) [1830] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1831] he's got Kenwood words written on it and a great big diamond on the, at the end
Keith (PS0H9) [1832] Mm, yeah,ma maybe with a W
Keith (PS0H9) [1833] Yeah with a W
Keith (PS0H9) [1834] That's right yeah that it's made out, yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1835] does it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1836] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1837] Yeah and that's, that's what two hundred quid?
Keith (PS0H9) [1838] That's two hundred quid
Keith (PS0H9) [1839] Yeah, but I tell you what about then I says to him I went to him and says erm about the stamp thirty one hundred, he says erm
Richard (PS0HA) [1840] Well I wouldn't do it, I'm not stupid enough
Keith (PS0H9) [1841] Oh he says I can get you one, I said I want to hear it first
Richard (PS0HA) [1842] Oh aye
Keith (PS0H9) [1843] he said oh it's not rigged up, there's no plug on it, there's no speakers attached to the back, I says well when can you get rigged up?
[1844] He says I'm coming New Year's Day, alright, he went down and he shut it, cos I went in the shop and I says er hang on I thought you was open New Year's Day?
[1845] I were, ah I says I came here at quarter past two, place was all shut up
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1846] what time did you go, I can deal with the manager and she was the manageress, he's the assistant, er, er, er, I says oh dear have I dropped you in it?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1847] I paid you till four o'clock, I thought oh no [laugh] er and he says do you want one?
[1848] I says I want to listen to it, you know, I said I've heard it with C D going through it with about four sets of speakers, but I want to listen to it through eight sets of speakers with cassette, a cassette that I like to make sure, to my type, he says I guarantee you now you will like it, he says you will like he says, he says we do a ten day er return thing, he says you buy something, he says you bring it back within ten days undamaged we'll give you money back if you don't like the quality of the sound, for whatever reason we'll give you your money back.
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1849] yeah, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1850] when, when I went in to work the other day, Pete says I don't know about that, that Kenwood stuff
Keith (PS0H9) [1851] Oh too hot
Keith (PS0H9) [1852] says er they do C D player
Keith (PS0H9) [1853] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1854] and amp and a set of speakers it's about three hundred and odd quid and it's er Samsung and it's supposed to be one
Keith (PS0H9) [1855] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1856] of the best you can, the best sound you can get
Keith (PS0H9) [1857] Really?
Keith (PS0H9) [1858] three hundred pound
Keith (PS0H9) [1859] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1860] I thought well
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1861] no [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1862] be a bargain for somebody
Keith (PS0H9) [1863] Yeah ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1864] this one, look at the back, I think the reason it's so big is to go in on the sockets at the back, put, you can put two tapes on it
Keith (PS0H9) [1865] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1866] C D, two video recorders through it, why you would want to put er the video recorders through an amp I don't know, but you can ...
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1867] have that
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1868] Moving out
Keith (PS0H9) [1869] Oh I wouldn't let them drive me out
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1870] Eh?
Keith (PS0H9) [1871] I wouldn't let them drive me out would you?
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1872] I don't
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1873] you can, you can probably get better ones than, than white labels
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1874] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1875] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1876] they keep themselves to themselves
Keith (PS0H9) [1877] That's right, they're always personable you know, they'll always speak to you
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1878] Aye
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1879] Aye
Keith (PS0H9) [1880] Even they're not always a problem though
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1881] lived on his own
Keith (PS0H9) [1882] Well I mean look at mine I've got white neighbours and you don't get noisier than them
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1883] pleasant enough, you know, but it's just everything you've done, you know
Keith (PS0H9) [1884] Sat here and
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1885] oh god I've had enough of this, so I went round, knocked on the front door,win curtain went back like that, she went ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1886] What?
Keith (PS0H9) [1887] so I went round the back
Keith (PS0H9) [1888] Oh dear
Keith (PS0H9) [1889] knocked on the door Jim said er
Keith (PS0H9) [1890] Jim fancy her does he?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1891] he was, he was sportsman happy, he was out on
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1892] well that'd be
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1893] going round the block wouldn't it?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1894] used to go, used to go for runs didn't he?
Keith (PS0H9) [1895] Well , well you do anyway when you see them on telly and they're all hanging round the, you know, the, the A N C meetings they all go up and down like this
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [1896] I think they do that in their sleep, I don't think there's a
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1897] get used to it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1898] yeah [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1899] Yeah poor thing knocked on the door
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1900] I said eh can you turn this music down, my kid's asleep, oh right, oh and he went and turned it down
Keith (PS0H9) [1901] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1902] went in then
Keith (PS0H9) [1903] Well that's it
Keith (PS0H9) [1904] and then we waited till next morning when they were all fast asleep you know and
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1905] mm
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1906] didn't go to bed about five in the morning
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1907] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1908] then you start drilling and sawing
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1909] hammering and banging one night
Keith (PS0H9) [1910] especially, especially trying to do a bit of
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1911] up against the wall
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1912] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1913] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1914] we had, we had hammer drilled the blunt bit
Keith (PS0H9) [1915] [laugh] Well they were knocking one night well gone twelve, about twenty to one I think it was, still banging and hammering, and I'm sure if I rang him and said look you know pack it up this, he'd, he'd say oh I'm sorry yeah and he will, but you shouldn't have to do that
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1916] No they should have
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1917] that's right
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1918] I've always ain't I when I've done summat, if I've been sawing or banging, making a noise I've always stopped at ten
Keith (PS0H9) [1919] Yeah that's, I think that's a reasonable time
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1920] He didn't only did that cos you lost your temper
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1921] did you hear us last night?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1922] I said did you hear us, she said
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1923] mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1924] but when I did this, I did this
Keith (PS0H9) [1925] Cor blimey that goes in one ear
Keith (PS0H9) [1926] when I did this there were no there were nobody next door
Keith (PS0H9) [1927] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1928] were there that side
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1929] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1930] then I bothered?
Keith (PS0H9) [1931] No
Keith (PS0H9) [1932] I mean sometimes you could sit here and
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1933] their music on
Keith (PS0H9) [1934] Mm
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1935] Or you'd be
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1936] The thing, the thing I like about it is with, with blackies and things like that when they turn it up all they do is boom, boom
Keith (PS0H9) [1937] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1938] when you've got white people next door at least you can hear the music
Keith (PS0H9) [1939] You can hear the er
Keith (PS0H9) [1940] I don't mind that I
Keith (PS0H9) [1941] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1942] like, I'd turn the telly off and listen to their music sometimes
Keith (PS0H9) [1943] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [1944] I don't mind the Beatles
Keith (PS0H9) [1945] [laugh] Don't like the Beatles, though I like the blackies between, between two slices of bread ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1946] How's your telly? is it alright?
Richard (PS0HA) [1947] Oh brilliant, yeah brilliant no problem
Keith (PS0H9) [1948] Have you tried them both together?
Richard (PS0HA) [1949] Yeah both work yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1950] Great
Richard (PS0HA) [1951] Wicked, watch Ian, Ian Botham first time in my life
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1952] Er you watched that er Jack Nicholson thing?
Richard (PS0HA) [1953] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1954] What The Shining?
Richard (PS0HA) [1955] No
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [1956] Oh really
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1957] got this program upstairs, I didn't tell you about it did I?
[1958] Mick come down on Saturday, you know Mick
Keith (PS0H9) [1959] Mick?
Keith (PS0H9) [1960] Big Mick
Keith (PS0H9) [1961] Big Mick
Richard (PS0HA) [1962] Mick and Ricky?
Keith (PS0H9) [1963] No just Mick
Richard (PS0HA) [1964] Not Mick and Ricky?
Keith (PS0H9) [1965] No it's just Mick now
Richard (PS0HA) [1966] Right
Keith (PS0H9) [1967] Ricky has left, she went off with a bloke ten years younger than her
Keith (PS0H9) [1968] Really?
Keith (PS0H9) [1969] Yeah
Richard (PS0HA) [1970] You're joking
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1971] Not
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [1972] she was more like a bloke
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1973] I like
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1974] I can get on with him
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1975] you could get on with Ricky she's a good listener
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1976] oh really, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1977] Anyway he come down and he got this box with disks in
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1978] I thought he was gonna say he's got a belly
Keith (PS0H9) [1979] computer, computer disks
Keith (PS0H9) [1980] Computer disks yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1981] and he just come in and he just sort of put them down like that, put the books next to them like that and never said nothing, so I never said nothing to them about them anyway
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1982] computers and that and er he left it and he just carried on talking about this that and the other, and he says right I'm going and he went and he left the game, he'd brought it down for the kids, he didn't say, you know
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [1983] had their computer nicked
Keith (PS0H9) [1984] yeah, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1985] it's Nick and Eddy's
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [1986] He's goodhearted that way
Keith (PS0H9) [1987] he gave it them and never said owt, you know what I mean he just says oh there's a Ninja in there and Batman and this that and the other and left them
Keith (PS0H9) [1988] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1989] there's, there's a program in there it's called Auto Ring you put
Keith (PS0H9) [1990] Oh yeah yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1991] put, put put them in
Keith (PS0H9) [1992] seen that we use that
Keith (PS0H9) [1993] put this program in and you swap it for this er map disk, then it comes up, you tell it where you are, where you going to and it works your route out
Keith (PS0H9) [1994] Yeah it gives you about three or four erm individual routes, don't it?
Keith (PS0H9) [1995] It gives you the fastest route
Keith (PS0H9) [1996] Shortest by road
Keith (PS0H9) [1997] Shortest route
Keith (PS0H9) [1998] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [1999] and an intermediate route
Keith (PS0H9) [2000] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2001] or in some cases you get two intermediate routes
Keith (PS0H9) [2002] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2003] and it tells you how far away it is, how long it should take you to get there
Keith (PS0H9) [2004] to get there, yeah, you can put the time of day in as well can't ya?
Keith (PS0H9) [2005] You can tell it what time you wanna set out
Keith (PS0H9) [2006] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2007] you can also tell it what you
Keith (PS0H9) [2008] I think it also works out the, the traffic load
Richard (PS0HA) [2009] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2010] you can also, you can also
Keith (PS0H9) [2011] Amazing
Keith (PS0H9) [2012] work out if you want to avoid a place, you can put, say, say you're going from
Keith (PS0H9) [2013] Mm or you can go by
Keith (PS0H9) [2014] say from here here to Corby or something like that
Keith (PS0H9) [2015] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2016] where you go, you go through Leicester more or less wouldn't you?
Keith (PS0H9) [2017] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2018] And you can just put down Nottingham to Corby avoiding Leicester
Keith (PS0H9) [2019] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2020] and it says break and you can put out all your stops going in
Keith (PS0H9) [2021] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2022] you know you stop for twenty minutes, put twenty minutes, and you, you just press return and it throws a map up, a map of part of England
Keith (PS0H9) [2023] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2024] where you are
Keith (PS0H9) [2025] That's it
Keith (PS0H9) [2026] goes
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2027] like that and puts all the numbers in
Keith (PS0H9) [2028] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2029] and then you can zoom in on it closer
Keith (PS0H9) [2030] Yeah that's it you can move the arrow around can't ya, the arrow moves
Keith (PS0H9) [2031] Yes
Keith (PS0H9) [2032] and you can move the arrow and the cursor, that's it an arrow and a mouse you just hit it and it expands that bit
Keith (PS0H9) [2033] Yeah you can zoom into it, you can zoom out from it, then you can put more detail in it, put more little places in around it and you can
Keith (PS0H9) [2034] That's it, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2035] where, where you are and that
Keith (PS0H9) [2036] I think Gordon's got one, we use one at work though, yeah it's, yeah yes it's very good
Keith (PS0H9) [2037] and then you just print it out and what you do
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2038] instead of, instead of in the map with a, with a drawing like that
Keith (PS0H9) [2039] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2040] you, you get to the text one as well? ...
Keith (PS0H9) [2041] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2042] Where it tells you you're at
Keith (PS0H9) [2043] Yeah that's it
Keith (PS0H9) [2044] Nottingham and
Keith (PS0H9) [2045] That's it
Keith (PS0H9) [2046] you have to walk so and so for three miles
Keith (PS0H9) [2047] Yeah that's it
Keith (PS0H9) [2048] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2049] Often my
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2050] that's it, yeah, yeah, you can give it to the driver then can't you?
Keith (PS0H9) [2051] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2052] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2053] I was just wondering how on earth your supposed to get to the M one heading towards er Bramford I mean
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2054] no Cockbrave, everywhere you go from here is towards Cockbrave
Keith (PS0H9) [2055] Is it?
Keith (PS0H9) [2056] Yeah [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [2057] I like, I like that, I like the idea of it telling you how far it is
Keith (PS0H9) [2058] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2059] Lovely
Keith (PS0H9) [2060] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2061] you know it's
Keith (PS0H9) [2062] if you put twenty minute break in then does it tell you which is the best cafe to stop at and how much egg and chips cost you?
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2063] and what you can do is if you've got a
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2064] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2065] you can go and say er Nottingham, Grantham, Grantham to Lincoln, Lincoln to Newark and it'll tell you the, the route between each town
Keith (PS0H9) [2066] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2067] like that you see, if you get to Lincoln you've done that one
Keith (PS0H9) [2068] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2069] go down here, down here, down here
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2070] you see it
Keith (PS0H9) [2071] Mm, very good, yeah, I was spellbound when I first saw that, saw that about, I think the first time about three years ago
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2072] how, how long did it take Mick to sort it out?
Keith (PS0H9) [2073] Sorry?
Keith (PS0H9) [2074] How long did it take Mick to sort a route out?
Keith (PS0H9) [2075] Erm, it all depends, it looks erm
Keith (PS0H9) [2076] On that one it sort of leaves a disk, it's got like a bar underneath
Keith (PS0H9) [2077] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2078] and as it's checking the list for the roads in the town
Keith (PS0H9) [2079] That is I think that is
Keith (PS0H9) [2080] it, it cuts down like that, then it goes off then it starts again, then it goes off and then goes
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2081] that's it yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm vaguely recalling it now because it was six months ago since I saw Mick's but er, yeah that sounds about right
Keith (PS0H9) [2082] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2083] I can remember something about that
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2084] eight hundred and forty eight miles
Keith (PS0H9) [2085] Really?
Keith (PS0H9) [2086] fourteen hours and something
Keith (PS0H9) [2087] Good lord
Keith (PS0H9) [2088] that's without a break
Keith (PS0H9) [2089] Yeah, well he's, when he first says to me he says right he says er, this was when I first got an inkling that he was gonna check the mileage you know like for the future, and it says erm, where do you wanna go to?
[2090] I says er ... when was it, he says where do you wanna go from?
[2091] I says Scotland, he says where?
[2092] To Nottingham, where do you wanna go by?
[2093] I says Dublin ... he says I can't it's gotta be in Geordie then he says erm he says well where do you wanna go through?
[2094] I says well Blackpool then, did all the routes you know, tell you all the routes that you can take for you know, and that took what fifteen seconds, twenty seconds or something to work that out, maybe there's not a lot to er alternatives
Keith (PS0H9) [2095] Usually has a C C
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2096] that's it er yeah but the thing is learners can't use motorways, er they want something to, wish to avoid motorways
Keith (PS0H9) [2097] I think there might be yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2098] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2099] I ain't had a proper look I just put it on and said, work a few routes out you know where it
Keith (PS0H9) [2100] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2101] where you're going, I mean I did Nottingham to Peterborough, how long did it take Nottingham to Peterborough?
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [2102] Hour fifteen under
Keith (PS0H9) [2103] An hour and eleven
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [2104] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2105] one hour and eleven minutes it said on there
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [2106] that's from door to door
Keith (PS0H9) [2107] Yeah will do, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2108] It'll take me fifty minutes
Richard (PS0HA) [2109] Did it?
Keith (PS0H9) [2110] Yeah, but I mean I think this is sticking to us
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [2111] I tell you another option, tell you another option you've got in it, you can put down your G T I as well you can go in a G T I
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [2112] What's that?
Keith (PS0H9) [2113] I don't know the difference that makes but it's got an option, something like erm
Keith (PS0H9) [2114] Well it's for time int it, obviously
Keith (PS0H9) [2115] normal normal car
Keith (PS0H9) [2116] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2117] you know van, lorries and stuff like that
Keith (PS0H9) [2118] but, but the thing is if, if the traffic's gonna be heavy, if it thinks we're gonna get stuck in traffic, if you've got a G T I you're that type of driver you've got that type of power, you can sort of pass and save a bit of time
Keith (PS0H9) [2119] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2120] so maybe it's, yeah, it's a good idea though ... yeah
Richard (PS0HA) [2121] Yeah have you seen those things like, like these
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [2122] it's like an L C D screen between
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Richard (PS0HA) [2123] the one with the, with the, with the map spins on the side of the road? ...
Keith (PS0H9) [2124] The one
Richard (PS0HA) [2125] It's a screen about this big right and you put it on your dashboard and plug it in to your cigarette lighter and er it's like a control centre and if there's been a crash
Keith (PS0H9) [2126] Mm
Richard (PS0HA) [2127] on the roads and if there's road works or summat, the section on, it's got all the major roads
Keith (PS0H9) [2128] Mm
Richard (PS0HA) [2129] and this section on your L C D flashes and you can like and you can zoom in and it'll say blah, blah, blah, road works at such and such avoid, or something like that
Keith (PS0H9) [2130] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2131] I know they did
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2132] you had it, you had it on your dashboard like that, you know like a map
Keith (PS0H9) [2133] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2134] and what happen was you had like a, a receiver in your car and all the information was transmitted from, transmitted from like on lamp post
Keith (PS0H9) [2135] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2136] and if you was, it says like he, you
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2137] going to Oxford, if you went to Oxford and you come to such and such a way and you're going out towards Ipswich and the big roundabout there was
Keith (PS0H9) [2138] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2139] you know solid or there's been an accident it tells you there's an accident at, at this point
Keith (PS0H9) [2140] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2141] and this is your alternative route and gives you an alternative way to go round to get passed it
Keith (PS0H9) [2142] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2143] I'd seen an accident the other day in town I'd seen two and did you notice
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2144] they knocked the bridge down
Keith (PS0H9) [2145] What bridge?
Keith (PS0H9) [2146] Er not the bridge the er the gates to the Embankment have you seen that?
Keith (PS0H9) [2147] Yeah I have
Keith (PS0H9) [2148] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2149] seen the state
Keith (PS0H9) [2150] Did you?
Richard (PS0HA) [2151] What, what was the thing about that?
[2152] What happened?
Keith (PS0H9) [2153] I dunno I just, I was coming in at dinner time and there was a, a double decker bus with all its front smashed in, the wall fell over
Keith (PS0H9) [2154] Mm, apparently the guy that was driving it had overalls on, so he may have been a mechanic delivering it to somewhere or test driving it over there
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2155] yeah
Richard (PS0HA) [2156] Yeah [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2157] then I went, I went into town a bit later on, come down Manstral Road and there was like a load of traffic there and I got to where the traffic lights are just before you get to the big turning at Manstral Road
Keith (PS0H9) [2158] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2159] do you know where I mean?
Keith (PS0H9) [2160] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2161] And there was a single decker bus then, right, stopped in the middle of the road and there was an Escort and he'd gone under the back right up to his windscreen like that the back
Keith (PS0H9) [2162] Really?
Keith (PS0H9) [2163] the back of the bus was right at his windscreen like that
Keith (PS0H9) [2164] Aye, cos they're quite high aren't they at the back, them Fords ain't they?
Keith (PS0H9) [2165] Yeah, and it was right up to his windscreen
Keith (PS0H9) [2166] Good god
Keith (PS0H9) [2167] just look, the windscreen weren't broke
Keith (PS0H9) [2168] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2169] but the back of the bus was level with it like that
Keith (PS0H9) [2170] Yeah, you know these short dump trucks, the little stubby things, I saw one of them once erm, at the junction of Avenue Street and erm, well outside Lynn's there
Keith (PS0H9) [2171] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2172] and there was this dump truck sort of about two foot out, he'd obviously changed his mind and sort of had er stopped, had a Reliant Regal, you know a Reliant Regal it was right up to the windscreen and there was a pile of glass in, you know everywhere it was
Keith (PS0H9) [2173] Tell you what
Keith (PS0H9) [2174] and that was that was done right underneath this lorry
Keith (PS0H9) [2175] on the, on the way to work one morning when I was, I was at
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2176] I went, I used to go into town, past that grey garden ... up, up Forest Road
Keith (PS0H9) [2177] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2178] and then turn left and you're down towards Icing Green, do you know where I mean?
[2179] And you come out near that new
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [2180] No, you went from
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2181] it's called Mount Eaton Road
Keith (PS0H9) [2182] Mount Eaton Road I know yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2183] Yeah that's when you, when you come up that
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2184] yes
Keith (PS0H9) [2185] to the lights
Keith (PS0H9) [2186] Yes yeah oh I was
Keith (PS0H9) [2187] instead of turning round
Keith (PS0H9) [2188] coming the wrong way on the wrong road, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2189] if you go up
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2190] and going straight on up the hill ...
Keith (PS0H9) [2191] You come along Ladford Road
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2192] Boulevard, that's with the bed shop on the corner
Keith (PS0H9) [2193] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2194] Straight up there
Keith (PS0H9) [2195] straight on, past Camby and Sand
Keith (PS0H9) [2196] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2197] up to the lights
Keith (PS0H9) [2198] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2199] and then you come up and turn left at the florists
Keith (PS0H9) [2200] Yeah, the
Keith (PS0H9) [2201] right
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2202] go straight up
Keith (PS0H9) [2203] go straight up the hill
Keith (PS0H9) [2204] Salvage Street
Keith (PS0H9) [2205] Salvage Street is it?
Keith (PS0H9) [2206] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2207] are the one
Keith (PS0H9) [2208] I was coming down there, right
Keith (PS0H9) [2209] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2210] and I just got through the traffic lights first thing in the morning and there was two light
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2211] I couldn't believe it both of them and they'd smashed into each other
Keith (PS0H9) [2212] Really?
Keith (PS0H9) [2213] and there were bits of fibreglass all over the street
Keith (PS0H9) [2214] Oh
Keith (PS0H9) [2215] and two halves of car like laying on the side.
Keith (PS0H9) [2216] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2217] Incredible, I, I could never believe that, two
Keith (PS0H9) [2218] They
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2219] into each other, cos they do don't they?
[2220] Eh yeah Rick's er, Rick's car broke down you know and, and van broke down and somebody he, he, he lived in Clifton and worked at Radcliff on Trend and somebody says to him oh you can borrow our car it was a Reliant Regal, eh he said oh god, you know, I'll have to park it round the corner, and he got out, didn't go into work, you know go to work every day where erm
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2221] yeah, no problem, and he says when you're driving along he says people flashing me, he says you see a head a pair of headlights flashing you think, it's not, it's another Reliant Regal some other bloke with a cap on you know
Richard (PS0HA) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [2222] you know, one enthusiast club
Keith (PS0H9) [2223] We had a bit of fun er not last Saturday the Saturday before didn't we?
[2224] ... We went bowling, he, come across he says
Richard (PS0HA) [2225] Oh I, yeah, yeah haven't a car
Keith (PS0H9) [2226] he says oh can we go in your car tonight he says mine's er, the alternator's gone
Keith (PS0H9) [2227] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2228] and you have to push it to start it like, I says yes alright then, I knew the timing was out on mine so I thought I'd do that this afternoon
Keith (PS0H9) [2229] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2230] before we go, so I'm out there just set the timing
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2231] then all of a sudden it went, but you know like
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2232] kids give it a shove, pushed it on the street
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2233] so turned it round and come back, this bloke pulls up in this er ... well three, three litre
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2234] [...] super job was it?
Keith (PS0H9) [2235] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2236] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2237] J reg weren't it, jumped out, wanna push?
[2238] Yeah alright then, got down about ten yards it started again
Keith (PS0H9) [2239] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2240] got it home and what it is, is the timing on the car probably cos it's so old
Keith (PS0H9) [2241] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2242] is a lot further up er what it says in the book, no way near them
Keith (PS0H9) [2243] Yeah you can't set it by the book
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2244] so I just, you know
Keith (PS0H9) [2245] Till it sounded right
Keith (PS0H9) [2246] Mm that's it
Keith (PS0H9) [2247] That's it, I do till it peaks without pinking
Keith (PS0H9) [2248] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2249] that's it, it's done
Keith (PS0H9) [2250] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2251] so it er, it were running alright then, and er I took it for a spin I went round the block, up Robin Hood Way ...
Keith (PS0H9) [2252] Which one's that?
[2253] Yeah, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2254] Yeah, up to Wickes
Keith (PS0H9) [2255] Mm, mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2256] straight up the erm by the custom bridge, right up to the next island round there, round the island and back down again
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2257] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2258] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2259] I give it some you know
Keith (PS0H9) [2260] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2261] back over the flyover, back down here, comes up stop, turns it straight back on again
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2262] oh no
Keith (PS0H9) [2263] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2264] thought right, spanner ... took it out the starter motor
Keith (PS0H9) [2265] What's that?
Keith (PS0H9) [2266] Well it wasn't it was the solenoid
Keith (PS0H9) [2267] Yeah, is it for a gauge?
Keith (PS0H9) [2268] A ring
Keith (PS0H9) [2269] Is the solenoid on the starter?
Keith (PS0H9) [2270] Yeah, yeah, what it, what it was on them ones
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2271] when you turn your key it suddenly clicks and it clicks the thingy forward
Keith (PS0H9) [2272] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2273] and then when it does that when the solenoid comes back
Keith (PS0H9) [2274] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2275] it comes back through the starter motor and so I thought oh right strip it all down see what's up, see if it's bent inside
Keith (PS0H9) [2276] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2277] strips it all down, gets the book out, do this, no, that don't work, put the book away
Keith (PS0H9) [2278] Aha [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [2279] ripped it to pieces
Keith (PS0H9) [2280] Yeah just use your commonsense
Keith (PS0H9) [2281] took it all to pieces, cleaned it up all inside it's great, I thought right I'll take it outside and I'll try it now
Keith (PS0H9) [2282] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2283] just outside
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2284] held your foot on it so it didn't fly all over the place, yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2285] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2286] where's all this gone
Keith (PS0H9) [2287] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2288] I thought I'll get one ... down the scrap yard
Keith (PS0H9) [2289] Well the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2290] yeah so you can get the solenoid off
Keith (PS0H9) [2291] Eh?
Keith (PS0H9) [2292] don't you?
[2293] No, the one, the one I worked on it was inter
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2294] you had to get a, take, replace the lot
Keith (PS0H9) [2295] The cella solenoid on the top like that
Keith (PS0H9) [2296] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2297] and all, all it's got is now
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [2298] Keith?
Keith (PS0H9) [2299] No ta
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2300] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2301] this
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [2302] Don't put it on the floor
Keith (PS0H9) [2303] this solenoid is under
Keith (PS0H9) [2304] It look like ribbon and there's more to come
Keith (PS0H9) [2305] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [2306] What do you mean I made it like a brick?
Keith (PS0H9) [2307] [laugh] A bit slow on that one weren't ya?
Keith (PS0H9) [2308] there's this solenoid on the top
Keith (PS0H9) [2309] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2310] and it's got like a, a metal thing that comes from it and it's on a pivot
Keith (PS0H9) [2311] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2312] like, so you've got a solenoid that holding the top on the pivot and the bit at the bottom just like a
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2313] like that
Keith (PS0H9) [2314] Yeah like selector like a J selector?
Keith (PS0H9) [2315] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2316] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2317] and when it clicks back it just goes like that, it pushes and pulls
Keith (PS0H9) [2318] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2319] and all you do is you take that pin out and pull it out ...
Keith (PS0H9) [2320] Oh, eh
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2321] oh, eh, does it?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2322] yeah go on
Keith (PS0H9) [2323] So I went round the scrap yard
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2324] to er, what's it called?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2325] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2326] Ken's
Keith (PS0H9) [2327] Ah
Keith (PS0H9) [2328] No, not
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2329] anyway went in, have you got one?
[2330] Well there's one there, there's one there and there's one round the back, so I looked in that one
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2331] it's a different engine
Keith (PS0H9) [2332] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2333] cos in, when you
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2334] and it shows you the, the engine
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2335] I went round the back and they'd got
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2336] yours a two litre?
[2337] I thought it was a sixteen hundred, yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2338] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2339] looked in it they're the same, I thought
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2340] tried to pull it out, it won't come out, there's a bracket on it, on the back
Keith (PS0H9) [2341] Was it?
Keith (PS0H9) [2342] Yeah, and it was getting a bit dark and I couldn't see
Keith (PS0H9) [2343] Oh
Keith (PS0H9) [2344] and I couldn't see underneath like er
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2345] is it done?
[2346] I said no not yet, he says we're going in a minute, quarter to
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2347] dip stick
Keith (PS0H9) [2348] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2349] pulled it out the way, fiddle me car
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2350] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2351] and then I go some, put it in
Keith (PS0H9) [2352] It's alright
Keith (PS0H9) [2353] cleaned it all first
Keith (PS0H9) [2354] Yeah my nephew's selling an X R Two you know, grant it in the paper's three thousand
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2355] whatever it is, deflate, and er ... guy come round, no problems, no problems with it, well I mean the head gasket's gone and there's a hole near the wing and bald tyre on it but mechanically it's, this guy comes round to look at it, I mean he's been driving it from Plymouth, he's in the navy, up and down here, bloke comes round, yeah no problem, come on round mate, come and have a look at it, look round it, says yeah I like this can I just take it for a drive?
[2356] Yeah, goes click, click, click, the starter motor, wouldn't believe it would ya?
[2357] Eh?
Keith (PS0H9) [2358] Would of finished up
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2359] and now the van's got the red light heat coming on, on the battery, took it into the garage and checked it, it's charging the battery alright, its alternator's okay, but we don't know what it is ... but when you turn it on, when you turn the key on in the morning
Keith (PS0H9) [2360] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2361] you know where the indicator's on it's a dead flash int it?
Keith (PS0H9) [2362] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2363] It sounds like that, but in the dashboard
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2364] on the back of the er alternator
Keith (PS0H9) [2365] Is it?
Keith (PS0H9) [2366] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2367] Your instrument voltage regulator
Keith (PS0H9) [2368] That's what I think it is
Keith (PS0H9) [2369] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2370] it's not cutting out for the for the thingy
Keith (PS0H9) [2371] That's right is your
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2372] no
Keith (PS0H9) [2373] Oh
Keith (PS0H9) [2374] What, what else is happening, you know you know your brake warning lights?
Keith (PS0H9) [2375] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2376] When your brakes are going
Keith (PS0H9) [2377] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2378] erm that then don't come on either, but when it clicks like that they flash together and they both light up, and then when you start it up they go up and then they come back on again
Keith (PS0H9) [2379] You got an
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2380] problem?
Keith (PS0H9) [2381] I don't think so ... he, he says it's charging alright so
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2382] sounds like you've got a
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2383] to me
Keith (PS0H9) [2384] This is it, if it's a
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2385] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2386] If the, if the battery was, like if you want it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2387] the battery, when you turn it on that
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2388] that's true, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2389] Yeah, so you can leave it and
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2390] but this, this er starter motor is the one I bought from the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2391] is better than the one that's in it
Keith (PS0H9) [2392] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2393] it's got four good
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2394] instead of two
Keith (PS0H9) [2395] Has it?
Keith (PS0H9) [2396] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2397] yeah, well is it?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2398] you've got more chance of it firing
Keith (PS0H9) [2399] Yeah, cos if one set go you still got
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...] ...
Keith (PS0H9) [2400] right ... I went to G T Cars
Keith (PS0H9) [2401] Yeah, will they do it?
Keith (PS0H9) [2402] to ask about the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2403] yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2404] To buy one
Keith (PS0H9) [2405] I bet they'll sell you one wouldn't they?
Keith (PS0H9) [2406] Yeah they would, yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2407] Did they?
Keith (PS0H9) [2408] Yeah and
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2409] starter motor before
Keith (PS0H9) [2410] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2411] I says er how much are they?
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2412] how much? ...
Keith (PS0H9) [2413] Well I'd say to price it, I know they're not quite so expensive on carpet but I'd say ... I'd say about seventeen pounds, but I bet it was about twenty seven or thirty one
Keith (PS0H9) [2414] It was about fifty seven
Keith (PS0H9) [2415] You're joking, just for a solenoid?
Keith (PS0H9) [2416] I said alright, how much is it for the starter motor with the solenoid built onto it like?
Keith (PS0H9) [2417] Oh probably about sixty two
Keith (PS0H9) [2418] Eighty quid
Keith (PS0H9) [2419] Yeah, that's it
Keith (PS0H9) [2420] Twenty quid for a starting motor
Keith (PS0H9) [2421] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2422] I'll have one of them
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2423] well he says we've had so many of them
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2424] I thought I'm not surprised
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2425] I've got er, I've got a database
Keith (PS0H9) [2426] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2427] on a database because it'll soon be
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2428] what I've done is I've put like erm ... the year, the year and the make of the month, right
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2429] the month anyway, so I've put something like one, ten, eighty seven ... right as the month and after that I've put down what magazine it is
Keith (PS0H9) [2430] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2431] every
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2432] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2433] and then I've put project what it's called and then I've put what kind of project it is what type
Keith (PS0H9) [2434] Oh right
Keith (PS0H9) [2435] and then I've put like audio
Keith (PS0H9) [2436] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2437] and photographic
Keith (PS0H9) [2438] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2439] so that in the end when I sell it again I can put the type in alphabetical ascending order
Keith (PS0H9) [2440] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2441] so it'll be like erm amplifier, bass amplifier
Keith (PS0H9) [2442] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2443] you know
Keith (PS0H9) [2444] Oh yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2445] things like that
Keith (PS0H9) [2446] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2447] It, it's all that and then you can just look through the amplifier
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2448] and it takes about eighty records at a time because it's using forty five letters with the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2449] right
Keith (PS0H9) [2450] cos some of them are dead wrong
Keith (PS0H9) [2451] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2452] erm so many for the dates and for so many for the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2453] and so on like that and er, I thought okay
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KCYPSUNK) [2454] I don't like the bow on it
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2455] load it, sort it out and print it, right?
Keith (PS0H9) [2456] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2457] It starts off happily printing away, gets to page full
Keith (PS0H9) [2458] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2459] starts to wind fan fold paper and wind it and wind it and wind it
Keith (PS0H9) [2460] Bet they're all printed
Keith (PS0H9) [2461] it's coming right through
Keith (PS0H9) [laugh]
Keith (PS0H9) [2462] I thought what the bloody hell's all this
Keith (PS0H9) [2463] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2464] switched it off, fanned it all back, right and I thought start again, I must be doing something wrong, so I
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2465] the switches in the back
Keith (PS0H9) [2466] Yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2467] so er ... I thought I'd try it on one piece ... one piece of paper
Keith (PS0H9) [2468] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2469] one with perforation on
Keith (PS0H9) [2470] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2471] try it on that, put the paper in
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2472] did pass the paper and er the paper light comes on
Keith (PS0H9) [2473] Right, yeah, and he's carried on printing while the
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2474] paper like
Keith (PS0H9) [2475] Really?
Keith (PS0H9) [2476] Yeah, gets
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2477] page, winds that piece of paper out, withdraw the package like that
Keith (PS0H9) [2478] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2479] and then it winds another piece of paper in and starts printing again
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2480] yeah, aha
Keith (PS0H9) [2481] You're supposed to be using that, so it's printing the sheet and throwing it out and
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2482] printing on that one and then throwing that out and making another one
Keith (PS0H9) [2483] Yeah
Keith (PS0H9) [2484] that's why the, that's why they're running backwards and then forwards again
Keith (PS0H9) [2485] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2486] to make sure it ain't falling in, you know
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2487] What printer is it?
Keith (PS0H9) [2488] Epsom
Keith (PS0H9) [2489] They're good
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2490] very good, yeah, I say you could borrow my printer again, but that's, that packed up you know
Keith (PS0H9) [2491] Did it?
Keith (PS0H9) [2492] that printer of mine, yeah about
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2493] about, no, no it's only about a fortnight ago, I was on site doing a job and I come out and ... as far as you know what you call courtesy dial in a card, so that you don't cut anybody off, you can dial it and everybody says oh what's going off, you know, you can courtesy dial it, when we've finished it shuts that channel down
Keith (PS0H9) [2494] Mm
Keith (PS0H9) [2495] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2496] oh can't get it, and that's what we do and it comes up three channels you can use and somebody else cleared out two channels are used and if them channel
Group of unknown speakers (KCYPSUGP) [...]
Keith (PS0H9) [2497] everybody on that call, instead of sixteen channels on a card and there's five people using it, it comes up five channels in use and blocks out number eleven so that nobody else can use it
Keith (PS0H9) [2498] Ah right
Keith (PS0H9) [2499] you see?
Keith (PS0H9) [2500] as they as they share the line it switches them off
Keith (PS0H9) [2501] Blocks them off as well yeah, and it comes up one channel in use ... when they cleared out card down, it clears the card so you can take it out ... I don't, they come down three channels in use, two channels in use, one channel in use.