18 conversations recorded by `Paul2' (PS1H4) between 29 November and 5 December 1991 with 8 interlocutors, totalling 556 s-units, 3462 words, and 34 minutes 16 seconds of recordings.

10 speakers recorded by respondent number 25

KDKPS000 X u (No name, age unknown) role unspecified
PS1H4 Ag2 m (Paul, age 34, aircraft dispatcher, London, )
PS1H5 Ag0 f (Sarah, age 8, student (state primary), London, ) daughter
PS1H6 Ag0 f (Lisa, age 6, student (state primary), London, ) daughter
PS1H7 Ag0 f (Caroline, age 10, student (state primary), London, ) daughter
PS1H8 Ag2 f (Pam, age 34, aircraft dispatcher, Scottish, ) colleague
PS1H9 Ag2 f (Ursula, age 32, aircraft dispatcher, London, ) colleague
PS1HA Ag2 f (Sue, age 32, aircraft dispatcher, London, ) colleague
KDKPSUNK (respondent W0000) X u (Unknown speaker, age unknown) other
KDKPSUGP (respondent W000M) X u (Group of unknown speakers, age unknown) other

18 recordings

  1. Tape 016401 recorded on 1991-11-29. LocationSurrey: Woking ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  2. Tape 016402 recorded on 1991-11-29. LocationSurrey: Woking ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  3. Tape 016403 recorded on 1991-11-29. LocationSurrey: Woking ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  4. Tape 016601 recorded on 1991-12-02. Location: Heathrow Airport ( work ) Activity: Unspecified
  5. Tape 016602 recorded on 1991-12-02. LocationGreater London: Heathrow Airport ( work ) Activity: Unspecified
  6. Tape 016603 recorded on 1991-12-02. LocationGreater London: Heathrow Airport ( work ) Activity: Unspecified
  7. Tape 016604 recorded on 1991-12-02. LocationGreater London: Heathrow Airport ( work ) Activity: Unspecified
  8. Tape 016701 recorded on 1991-12-03. LocationSurrey: Woking ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  9. Tape 016702 recorded on 1991-12-03. LocationSurrey: Woking ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  10. Tape 016703 recorded on 1991-12-03. LocationSurrey: Woking ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  11. Tape 016704 recorded on 1991-12-03. LocationSurrey: Woking ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  12. Tape 016705 recorded on 1991-12-04. LocationGreater London: Heathrow Airport ( bus ) Activity: going home
  13. Tape 016706 recorded on 1991-12-04. LocationGreater London: Heathrow Airport ( bus ) Activity: going home
  14. Tape 016707 recorded on 1991-12-04. LocationGreater London: Heathrow Airport ( bus ) Activity: going home
  15. Tape 016801 recorded on 1991-12-05. LocationSurrey: Woking ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  16. Tape 016802 recorded on 1991-12-05. LocationSurrey: Woking ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  17. Tape 016803 recorded on 1991-12-05. LocationSurrey: Woking ( work ) Activity: Unspecified
  18. Tape 016804 recorded on 1991-12-05. LocationSurrey: Woking ( work ) Activity: Unspecified

1 (Tape 016401)

Paul (PS1H4) [1] What, when you was in the bath.
Sarah (PS1H5) [2] No [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [3] So what did you do at this farm today then?
Sarah (PS1H5) [4] Rode the cows.
Paul (PS1H4) [5] Yes.
Sarah (PS1H5) [6] Erm, tried to see the sheep.
Paul (PS1H4) [7] What time did the coach leave?
Sarah (PS1H5) [8] Erm ... it was erm, well, it didn't leave early, it leave
Paul (PS1H4) [9] What [...] straight to school.
Sarah (PS1H5) [10] Yeah ... left about ten o'clock.
Paul (PS1H4) [11] Yeah ... did you have your lunch there?
Sarah (PS1H5) [12] Yeah ...
Paul (PS1H4) [13] How many, did your whole class go?
Sarah (PS1H5) [14] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [15] What was it a barn?
Sarah (PS1H5) [16] Yeah, and the woods.
Paul (PS1H4) [17] And the woods.
Sarah (PS1H5) [18] Went to the woods in the [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [19] Yeah.
Sarah (PS1H5) [20] From the [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [21] Was it a big coach?
Sarah (PS1H5) [22] Quite a big [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [23] Who'd you sit next to?
Sarah (PS1H5) [24] [...] ... that's [...] ain't it?
Paul (PS1H4) [25] Pardon!
Sarah (PS1H5) [26] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [27] [...] , got another one upstairs I think.
Sarah (PS1H5) [28] Yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [29] Have you got one?
Sarah (PS1H5) [...] ...
Paul (PS1H4) [30] So did you have your lunch at the barn or did you
Sarah (PS1H5) [31] Oh we won't [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [32] You went back to the coach
Sarah (PS1H5) [33] Er, no , you, we, we had this sort of classroom to stay
Paul (PS1H4) [34] What in the barn?
Sarah (PS1H5) [35] yes.
Paul (PS1H4) [36] Oh yes.
Sarah (PS1H5) [37] So we ate in there
Paul (PS1H4) [38] [...] .
Sarah (PS1H5) [39] we [...] I don't, I don't know it's in Weybridge I think.
Paul (PS1H4) [40] Weybridge?
Sarah (PS1H5) [41] Yes ... and erm ... erm ... a big bridge and we played this game called worm, there's this bits of paper and they pretend their worms
Paul (PS1H4) [42] Paper?
Sarah (PS1H5) [43] yes, it's, a newspaper
Paul (PS1H4) [44] Yeah.
Sarah (PS1H5) [45] cos we were, we were erm, with these [speaking very slowly] two boys and about [...] and erm ... erm I think it was [...] , two foxes ... worms were behind them
Paul (PS1H4) [46] [...] .
Sarah (PS1H5) [47] There was this erm, the people were birds ...
Caroline (PS1H7) [48] [laugh] .
Sarah (PS1H5) [49] there were little birds and the big bird, I was the big bird and my friend Jasmine was the little bird
Paul (PS1H4) [50] Yeah.
Sarah (PS1H5) [51] we had to run to get a worm, but we erm ... we erm ... you had to get past the foxes without them touching you, if you touch them you won't be able to get a worm
Paul (PS1H4) [52] Oh right, what, then your out of play?
Sarah (PS1H5) [53] well no, you go back and you have to start again, then you go, unless if you get say five that's how many worms you have to give baby birds a day
Paul (PS1H4) [54] Oh.
Sarah (PS1H5) [55] so if there's some
Paul (PS1H4) [56] Lisa why's the video back?
Sarah (PS1H5) [57] there's
Paul (PS1H4) [58] hold it
Sarah (PS1H5) [59] a [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [60] where's the remote for the video? ... you got it?
Lisa (PS1H6) [61] It's in the other room.
Sarah (PS1H5) [62] If there was a 'p'
Paul (PS1H4) [63] Oh ok.
Sarah (PS1H5) [64] on the, on the worms
Paul (PS1H4) [65] I [...] .
Sarah (PS1H5) [66] if there was a 'p' on the worms, it poison, you, you, you little
Paul (PS1H4) [67] You was still dangerous?
Sarah (PS1H5) [68] your little bird is dead.
Paul (PS1H4) [69] Oh that's charming.
Sarah (PS1H5) [70] Huh, huh.
Paul (PS1H4) [71] Where's the erm ... Lisa pass me the remote for the T V please ... so it was a good day out [...] .
Sarah (PS1H5) [72] Yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [73] Have you got some trip coming up Lisa?
Lisa (PS1H6) [74] No.
Paul (PS1H4) [75] What?
Lisa (PS1H6) [76] No ...
Paul (PS1H4) [77] [...] it erm, John and Linda are coming on Sunday.
Caroline (PS1H7) [78] Oh, I didn't know that.
Paul (PS1H4) [79] [...] , watch out, cos they've got a baby boy.
Lisa (PS1H6) [80] Why?
Paul (PS1H4) [81] Called Craig.
Lisa (PS1H6) [82] Yeah .
Sarah (PS1H5) [83] How old is he?
Paul (PS1H4) [84] He's about, about a year old.
Caroline (PS1H7) [85] One year?
Paul (PS1H4) [86] He's ah, I think he's gonna be every where .
Caroline (PS1H7) [87] That's ok .
Sarah (PS1H5) [88] I got [...] .
Lisa (PS1H6) [89] All of the boys in my class, every single boy tease me.
Paul (PS1H4) [90] Every boy teases you?
Lisa (PS1H6) [91] Yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [92] Aha, too bad.
Sarah (PS1H5) [93] Huh, don't you mean she bullies the boys at school?
Lisa (PS1H6) [94] I don't.
Paul (PS1H4) [95] I bet you do ... ah ... what do you want for tea?
Sarah (PS1H5) [96] Erm .
Lisa (PS1H6) [97] Erm .
Paul (PS1H4) [98] Well actually you just had a packed lunch today didn't you?
Sarah (PS1H5) [99] Yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [100] So you better have something er, [...] something for tea.
Caroline (PS1H7) [101] [...] erm ...
Paul (PS1H4) [102] [...] .
Sarah (PS1H5) [103] Bacon and egg.
Paul (PS1H4) [104] Erm, [...]
Sarah (PS1H5) [105] Yeah ... what's that?
Paul (PS1H4) [106] Sounds like an aeroplane.
Lisa (PS1H6) [107] [...] .
Sarah (PS1H5) [108] No, I mean what type?
Paul (PS1H4) [109] Oh I don't know there's a [...] ... it's the helicopter.
Sarah (PS1H5) [110] Is it?
Paul (PS1H4) [111] Yeah
Sarah (PS1H5) [112] Oh.
Paul (PS1H4) [113] so er
Lisa (PS1H6) [114] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [115] Excuse me.

2 (Tape 016402)

Paul (PS1H4) [116] Sorry what do you say Lisa?
Lisa (PS1H6) [117] Could I have a biscuit?
Paul (PS1H4) [118] Erm, I don't think we've got any at the moment cos mum's just gone to the shops ... What do you want for tea Lisa?
Lisa (PS1H6) [119] Erm ...
Paul (PS1H4) [120] Did you get your photograph taken then in the end?.
Lisa (PS1H6) [121] Yeah .
Paul (PS1H4) [122] Well where, where, how did the bull drip on your head?
Lisa (PS1H6) [123] Well, he was in this pen and I was sort of behind him
Paul (PS1H4) [124] Yeah.
Lisa (PS1H6) [125] well, in front of him.
Paul (PS1H4) [126] [...] head.
Lisa (PS1H6) [127] I don't know, cos I, I was behind my friend
Paul (PS1H4) [128] Yeah.
Lisa (PS1H6) [129] I was bit, in front of the bull and the bull got close enough to dribble on me.
Paul (PS1H4) [130] Did it smell?
Lisa (PS1H6) [131] Yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [132] Disgusting?
Lisa (PS1H6) [133] Disgusting.
Paul (PS1H4) [134] A real slobbery one? ...
Lisa (PS1H6) [135] When, when we went there was this er, more gates and his little ... his house, right, went through the little door, or big door [laugh] , and he went through to the gate and he, and he sort of goes
Paul (PS1H4) [136] Did he have a ring through his nose?
Lisa (PS1H6) [137] Yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [138] Laugh.
Lisa (PS1H6) [139] Yeah.

3 (Tape 016403)

Paul (PS1H4) [140] What do you do at school today Caroline?
Caroline (PS1H7) [141] [...] you've got my special cup.
[142] [...] at the beginning erm, at play time we went in Mrs Parry's room and watched and watched a video about places to live
Paul (PS1H4) [143] What
Caroline (PS1H7) [144] Erm , huh
Paul (PS1H4) [145] What look's favourite place to live?
Caroline (PS1H7) [146] Well, I think it was actually different places, but, about people living in the Grand Canyon will
Paul (PS1H4) [...]
Lisa (PS1H6) [147] All I want
Paul (PS1H4) [148] No .
Lisa (PS1H6) [149] for Christmas.
Paul (PS1H4) [150] You should of taken photographs [...] .
Caroline (PS1H7) [151] Mm, I, I didn't know because all of a sudden we got into ... school and Mr Walker said erm, when you've been in assembly go to Mrs Parry's room [laughing] and erm we watching a video [] [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDKPSUNK) [152] Come on out the kitchen.
[153] Want to go out, yeah? [...] ...
Caroline (PS1H7) [154] Er, [...] making lanterns ...
Paul (PS1H4) [155] [...] Christmas lanterns?
Caroline (PS1H7) [156] Yeah, oh we [...] erm, bits of paper with patterns on them, like stain glass windows and the colouring, we colour them in and we stick them together and make a lantern ...
Paul (PS1H4) [157] Are they not for the er class room [...] windows?
Caroline (PS1H7) [158] No, we've got them sort of standing up on, on the top of our book shelf ... I suppose I could make a few lanterns for in here for Christmas.
Paul (PS1H4) [159] You don't want to stick them on the wall cos of bringing all the er paint off.
Caroline (PS1H7) [160] Er like them
Lisa (PS1H6) [161] [...] .
Caroline (PS1H7) [162] and that's only blue tack.
Paul (PS1H4) [163] [...] I think Lisa
Caroline (PS1H7) [164] Dad
Paul (PS1H4) [165] did that.
Lisa (PS1H6) [166] No I didn't.
Caroline (PS1H7) [167] Dad, the, well erm, were doing about things about light and we've got this black piece of paper, cutting out a shape sort of candle and cutting, erm colouring paper underneath so that we can put them on the windows at [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [168] What, let the light shine through?
Caroline (PS1H7) [169] Mm ... so that [...] can blow up ...
Lisa (PS1H6) [170] Just think all these [...] and newspapers stuck between [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [171] Why it was [...] .
Lisa (PS1H6) [172] Yeah .
Caroline (PS1H7) [173] Yeah .
[174] Yeah he was [...] a lot.

4 (Tape 016601)

Paul (PS1H4) [175] You're intending to erm take them [...] on board
Paul (PS1H4) [176] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [177] Fine, well [...] so er ... you have to allow [...] on the [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [178] I know, what a martyr [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [179] [...] it's just [...] ...
Pam (PS1H8) [180] You going to [...] Sue?
Paul (PS1H4) [181] Yeah [...] .
Pam (PS1H8) [182] Yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [183] [...] .
Pam (PS1H8) [184] What did he say, last [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [185] I was walking
Pam (PS1H8) [186] [...] bumper.
Paul (PS1H4) [187] [...] .
Pam (PS1H8) [188] [laugh] .
Paul (PS1H4) [189] Well, it's not my first day any way.
Pam (PS1H8) [190] [laugh] .
Caroline (PS1H7) [191] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [192] Yeah, ok, well thank you for that [...]
Caroline (PS1H7) [193] [...] yeah
Pam (PS1H8) [194] Yeah, have a good laugh Chris
Paul (PS1H4) [195] [...] full explanation everything.
Caroline (PS1H7) [196] No.
Pam (PS1H8) [197] He's not, why what have you got planned?.
Paul (PS1H4) [198] [...] if you can remember what the rule [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [199] [laugh] yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [200] There must be some [...] .
Sue (PS1HA) [201] Don't you need [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [202] I, I'm trying a little French at the moment cos
Sue (PS1HA) [203] What?
Paul (PS1H4) [204] wish me good luck, cos I need it
Caroline (PS1H7) [205] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [206] need all the help I can get .
Pam (PS1H8) [...]
Sue (PS1HA) [207] Yeah .
Paul (PS1H4) [208] [...] why , that's what the problem you've spoken for a long time you just know it, but you don't know [...] why you use that way, you just do that way.
[209] There must be some rules that you can follow er [...] .
Pam (PS1H8) [210] Maybe erm, [...] [laugh] .
Paul (PS1H4) [211] Yes, you are [...] saying it's worth the strong view [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDKPSUNK) [212] [...] .
Pam (PS1H8) [213] Oh yeah .
Paul (PS1H4) [214] [...] [...] something
Pam (PS1H8) [215] German
Paul (PS1H4) [216] [...] yeah
Paul (PS1H4) [217] Mm .
Paul (PS1H4) [218] why you said that in English, why you ... erm ... it's so unbelievable, simple.
Caroline (PS1H7) [219] Oh [...] it's just the same as that on the book [...]
Pam (PS1H8) [220] It's really difficult
Caroline (PS1H7) [221] Having exceptions to the rule
Pam (PS1H8) [222] do you think they're [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [223] Yeah, there's so many exceptions [...] years ago, you said you know there's so many [...] exceptions [...] .
[224] You might as well, you can't ler , you might as well learn it parrot fashion, you can't learn the general rules, there's so many section to the rules you
Pam (PS1H8) [225] Why?
Paul (PS1H4) [226] might as well individual [...] just a little bit [...] .
Caroline (PS1H7) [227] Oh.
Sue (PS1HA) [228] Tell you what [...] me, I [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [229] Yeah.
Sue (PS1HA) [230] [...] I'm not [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [231] No.
Sue (PS1HA) [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [232] [...] .
Sue (PS1HA) [233] Well they get, you get sort of ones from the B B C
Caroline (PS1H7) [234] [...] are doing some aren't they, but I don't if they're actually video's, there was something inside, they say, it's the other week ago, German, French and Spanish I think [...] learning centre in [...]
Sue (PS1HA) [235] Yeah .
Caroline (PS1H7) [236] push out, but I've had the [...] cos that's [...] .
Pam (PS1H8) [237] Is it German Chris?
Caroline (PS1H7) [238] Well, [...] why?
Pam (PS1H8) [239] No, it's just that Jill was asking the other day and I said I can't remember.
Caroline (PS1H7) [240] Yeah, well not very [...] , the only [...] that sort of thing I [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [241] Yeah.
Caroline (PS1H7) [242] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [243] Yeah, [...] thanks very much see you at [...] .
Pam (PS1H8) [244] [...] I can't believe it [laugh] .
Sue (PS1HA) [245] Nor can I.

5 (Tape 016602)

Paul (PS1H4) [246] There looks ... there sor sor sort of a big erm ... type of, it's almost like, well it is a [...] that they do it's er
Unknown speaker (KDKPSUNK) [247] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [248] [...] all the way round here, it just looks as though the [...] on top of the bath robe [...] cot into the oh into the [...] look along there [...]
Sue (PS1HA) [249] What were the [...] discipline, it's appalling.
Paul (PS1H4) [250] Well he won't [...] .
Sue (PS1HA) [251] And [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [252] [...] umm-ing and ah-ing [...]
Sue (PS1HA) [253] You wouldn't [...] about nineteen and you get these big [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [254] Come off [...] it must of been horrible .
Sue (PS1HA) [255] [...] , then when do you [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [256] I would of done [...] just [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KDKPSUGP) [laugh] ...
Paul (PS1H4) [257] [...] .

6 (Tape 016603)

Paul (PS1H4) [258] Have we had an engineer [...]
Sue (PS1HA) [...]
Ursula (PS1H9) [259] Do what mate?.
Paul (PS1H4) [260] You doing flying one, zero?
Ursula (PS1H9) [261] Think so ...
Sue (PS1HA) [262] [...] unlocked.
Ursula (PS1H9) [263] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [264] [...] to [...] our [...] are on sixty five, [...] on
Ursula (PS1H9) [265] Why what do you want [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [266] [...] I want four, [...] Charlie on sixty three.
Sue (PS1HA) [...]
Ursula (PS1H9) [267] [...] .
Sue (PS1HA) [268] [...] yes , this is what I think [...] jacket [laugh] .
Ursula (PS1H9) [269] [...] horrible .
Sue (PS1HA) [270] [...] parking code [...] .

7 (Tape 016604)

Paul (PS1H4) [271] I think they're gonna change with the erm
Lisa (PS1H6) [272] You [...] with er early [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [273] Yeah .
Lisa (PS1H6) [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [274] So we've been starting on the, but this is a bit of a shame though because, what I like, when we, when we, when we have our three days off, it's nice to know on your, on your last day off that still have a late night because your not back to work until the afternoon you know .
Lisa (PS1H6) [275] Yeah .
Paul (PS1H4) [276] Where's you might find on your last [...] on the earliest at five
Lisa (PS1H6) [277] Yeah, [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [278] Oh yeah I suppose it will be much too early ... Left home at er [...] today [...] come in, I thought I [...] so I'd only gone about half a mile down the road [...] filled up my car, paid the money [...] the car wouldn't start [laugh] I kept turning [...] nothing was happening [...] and then all of a sudden after a couple of minutes it erm ... [...] like the way I've button up my coat? [laugh]
Lisa (PS1H6) [279] [laugh] .
Paul (PS1H4) [280] Alright [laugh] I thought I was, I was walking [...]
Lisa (PS1H6) [281] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [282] I was walking along talking to you and I was thinking this feels really strange you know [laugh] .
Lisa (PS1H6) [laugh] ...
Paul (PS1H4) [283] You know if I'd gone on the [...] I said hello look here's a mad man
Lisa (PS1H6) [284] [laugh] .
Paul (PS1H4) [285] [laugh] .
Lisa (PS1H6) [286] You must of been [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [287] Oh it started in the end, I think it was the er starter motor, but I went home again and took Mandy's car instead, because I thought I don't want it to play up tonight, you know, in the car park so I'll have to check it out tomorrow afternoon.
[288] It was so embarrassing, [...] sitting there, you know you couldn't, it must be ok, I've just driven here.

8 (Tape 016701)

Lisa (PS1H6) [289] Can I watch the end of Rupert?
Paul (PS1H4) [290] No you can't watch the end of Rupert.
Sarah (PS1H5) [291] I watch [...] .
Lisa (PS1H6) [292] Say [...] .
Sarah (PS1H5) [...] ...
Paul (PS1H4) [293] What did you have for lunch then?
[294] Hello.
Sarah (PS1H5) [295] We had, we had fish fingers, beans and chips
Lisa (PS1H6) [296] Fish fingers, beans and chips
Caroline (PS1H7) [297] Fish fingers, beans and chips .
Paul (PS1H4) [298] Alright, alright don't be stupid .

9 (Tape 016702)

Paul (PS1H4) [299] I went down to Hobridge yesterday afternoon.
[300] [...] when I went down there, there must of been a [...] winding me up [...] but the only problem was that er, it was all [...] into er one thirty ... but er ... but I mean after you went out I took Thomas out on the road
Paul (PS1H4) [301] Yeah .
Paul (PS1H4) [302] So I said is that right in the old stories
Paul (PS1H4) [303] So.
Paul (PS1H4) [304] So I said [...] to them pop down there on the way home, check it out
Paul (PS1H4) [305] Yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [306] so [...] time.
Paul (PS1H4) [307] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [308] Well I'll book it up erm, find out at least a week before hand [...] ... [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [309] Yeah ...
Paul (PS1H4) [310] I mean we, we said to them [...] ring up on the day
Paul (PS1H4) [311] Yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [312] the thing is by Friday morning there's a lot of people [...] but er.

10 (Tape 016703)

Lisa (PS1H6) [313] People from Air Canada were talking about [...] .
[314] Louise erm, two years ago we meet at the seven four seven for Bangkok air New York [...] , we were in [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [315] Yeah.
Lisa (PS1H6) [...] [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [...]
Lisa (PS1H6) [316] To have [...] and [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [...]
Lisa (PS1H6) [...] [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [317] Oh, it should be announced yeah, I think that Kevin should take the [...] job, he might have five hundred passengers aboard the airline, he might have
Lisa (PS1H6) [318] He have four hundred five
Paul (PS1H4) [319] Four hundred and five and six
Lisa (PS1H6) [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [320] of them. [...]
Lisa (PS1H6) [...] ...
Paul (PS1H4) [321] [...] like us, he [...] .
Lisa (PS1H6) [322] Yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [323] [...] .

11 (Tape 016704)

Ursula (PS1H9) [324] I said to Pam, go on tell her, do you think Christine will mind if we go [...]
Unknown speaker (KDKPSUNK) [325] [laugh] .
Ursula (PS1H9) [326] [...] answer the question I ask, [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [327] [...] .
Ursula (PS1H9) [328] [...] , I'm not [...] , Julie had to go down [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [329] Why?
Ursula (PS1H9) [330] Why [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [331] There must be a [...] .
[332] Was there a big trail of dust down the corridor or something as a [...] .
Lisa (PS1H6) [333] Can I borrow that ash tray a minute? [...] [laugh] .

12 (Tape 016705)

Paul (PS1H4) [334] Where've you been Ray, I've been looking everywhere for you?
Sue (PS1HA) [335] [laugh] I've been here all the time.
Paul (PS1H4) [336] Just the Gas Board rang for you.
Sue (PS1HA) [337] Oh did they?
Paul (PS1H4) [338] Yeah.
Sue (PS1HA) [339] Ok, yes, I'm having trouble with my boiler, not the wife
Paul (PS1H4) [340] Oh, alright .
Sue (PS1HA) [341] the other boiler, ok
Paul (PS1H4) [342] Erm , but
Sue (PS1HA) [343] I'll ring back .
Paul (PS1H4) [344] they said they don't think they'll be able to do too much at the moment
Sue (PS1HA) [345] Ok.
Paul (PS1H4) [346] if you want to try and get hold of them again
Sue (PS1HA) [347] Alright.
Paul (PS1H4) [348] just that I tried the phone room, I'll take you down there and, I could see you from up here and I said he's around.
Sue (PS1HA) [349] Just gone to the loo Paul.
Paul (PS1H4) [350] Oh, oh.
Sue (PS1HA) [351] [laugh] .
Paul (PS1H4) [352] Sorry about that.
[353] Erm [...] it was
Sue (PS1HA) [354] Yeah
Paul (PS1H4) [355] about an hour ago
Lisa (PS1H6) [356] How are you?
Paul (PS1H4) [357] Oh ok, oh he's probably half way between home
Lisa (PS1H6) [358] Ok, mm
Paul (PS1H4) [359] and you then in that case, an hour ago.
Sue (PS1HA) [360] Yeah, I'll call them back, don't worry .
Paul (PS1H4) [361] You sure?
Sue (PS1HA) [362] Yeah I'll telephone.
Paul (PS1H4) [363] [...] .
Lisa (PS1H6) [364] How are you Paul?
Paul (PS1H4) [365] I'm fine thanks Christina, I'm even better now.
Lisa (PS1H6) [366] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [367] No.
[368] [...] . See you later on
Sue (PS1HA) [369] Yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [370] Take care.

13 (Tape 016706)

Paul (PS1H4) [371] Oh shit, I was supposed to phone up Thomas.
Lisa (PS1H6) [372] Yeah, I spoke to Thomas
Paul (PS1H4) [373] Yeah.
Lisa (PS1H6) [374] and if there's something [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [375] Yeah.
Lisa (PS1H6) [376] I, I said I can't [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [377] I went to Hoebury yesterday afternoon and they're fully booked till one thirty in the afternoon.
Lisa (PS1H6) [378] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [379] Oh, is he on tomorrow?
Lisa (PS1H6) [380] [...] I can tell him tomorrow.
Paul (PS1H4) [381] Ok.
Lisa (PS1H6) [382] Well, that you were in this afternoon.
Paul (PS1H4) [383] Yeah, but tell him I went to Hoebury in the afternoon.
Lisa (PS1H6) [384] Yeah [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [385] Good ... fully booked till one thirty in the afternoon, so there's, there's no point, we'll only be there for two hours. [...] .
Lisa (PS1H6) [386] Pardon?
Paul (PS1H4) [...] ...
Lisa (PS1H6) [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [387] [...] .
Lisa (PS1H6) [388] That's it.
Paul (PS1H4) [389] [...] you got one of those er [...] you know
Lisa (PS1H6) [390] Yes [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [391] [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDKPSUNK) [392] [...] .
Lisa (PS1H6) [393] And I [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [394] [...] . [...] ... [...]
Lisa (PS1H6) [395] [...] . [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [396] I tried to ring the office [...]
Lisa (PS1H6) [397] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [398] No, I mean he rang, I was supposed to ring him at home though.

14 (Tape 016707)

Ursula (PS1H9) [399] So it was a good day was it?
Paul (PS1H4) [400] [laugh] he was doing well till [...] buggered off.
Ursula (PS1H9) [401] Yeah [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [402] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [403] [laugh] .
Ursula (PS1H9) [404] Having tea [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [405] Sorry.
Unknown speaker (KDKPSUNK) [406] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [407] [...] , yeah I have a [...] .
None (KDKPS000) [408] You weren't being very nice to us [...] .
Ursula (PS1H9) [409] I say you've been [...] thank you very much.
None (KDKPS000) [410] But I should of done
Ursula (PS1H9) [411] Yeah
None (KDKPS000) [412] [...] someone is going to help me up
Paul (PS1H4) [413] I [...] .
None (KDKPS000) [414] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [...]
None (KDKPS000) [415] No.
Ursula (PS1H9) [...]
None (KDKPS000) [416] What was your problem?
Ursula (PS1H9) [417] You just wait.
Paul (PS1H4) [418] Leave it.
None (KDKPS000) [419] [...] . [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [420] Got her revenged planned [...]
None (KDKPS000) [421] [...] don't be like that, honestly.
Paul (PS1H4) [422] Don't take it personally now do we?
None (KDKPS000) [423] [...] how can you take it personally when it's not your [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [424] I was a bit disappointed in [...] I, well I think it's [...]
Ursula (PS1H9) [425] You do?
Paul (PS1H4) [426] Two hundred and fifty [...] .
Ursula (PS1H9) [427] [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [428] See look, [...] .

15 (Tape 016801)

Caroline (PS1H7) [429] Oh Daddy ... I went into the upstairs bathroom ... and turned on the light, it went on and it went ping ... and then turned off again.
Paul (PS1H4) [...]

16 (Tape 016802)

Paul (PS1H4) [430] Christmas tree, I don't know where we're gonna put it.
Caroline (PS1H7) [431] Oh we could move that vase ... and then put it there.
Sarah (PS1H5) [432] No we could move the table over.
Caroline (PS1H7) [433] But we haven't got a tree.
Lisa (PS1H6) [434] Yeah shall I ask fa sa Father Christmas gonna get one.
Paul (PS1H4) [435] Well probably.
Caroline (PS1H7) [436] He's got magic, he can go [...] ... and get one.
Paul (PS1H4) [437] I don't know where we're gonna put the Christmas tree.
Caroline (PS1H7) [438] We could put
Sarah (PS1H5) [439] Yeah.
Caroline (PS1H7) [440] it behind the door.
Lisa (PS1H6) [441] [...] one
Paul (PS1H4) [442] Could behind the door.
Sarah (PS1H5) [443] And nobody would be able to get in.
Caroline (PS1H7) [444] We could erm ... put it ... there.
Sarah (PS1H5) [445] No we want to put it up
Caroline (PS1H7) [446] We could have a small one.
Lisa (PS1H6) [447] Could put it over there.
Paul (PS1H4) [448] Yeah b if you put it here it's only [...] a small one there isn't it?
Caroline (PS1H7) [449] Yeah ... oh yeah
Sarah (PS1H5) [450] Can we make the erm ... [...] fairy on.
Lisa (PS1H6) [451] Can we move the [...] dresser ... dresser up and put it in there?
Paul (PS1H4) [452] Erm.
Sarah (PS1H5) [453] [...] .
Lisa (PS1H6) [454] Gonna cost a ... cost a lot of money [...] .
Caroline (PS1H7) [455] I remember ... when it was Christmas ... we bought [...]
Sarah (PS1H5) [456] What in there?
Paul (PS1H4) [457] Not a very good place.
Caroline (PS1H7) [458] Can I come with you this year to get the Christmas tree?
Lisa (PS1H6) [459] Me too!
Caroline (PS1H7) [...]
Sarah (PS1H5) [460] [...] er ... ba er ... and I can get
Paul (PS1H4) [461] Put it there you can't get the T V.
Sarah (PS1H5) [462] get the tinsel.
Caroline (PS1H7) [463] Mm ... yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [464] That'll cover it right up there.
Caroline (PS1H7) [465] I'm going to give Granddad
Paul (PS1H4) [466] I dunno
Caroline (PS1H7) [467] a present ... [...] .
Lisa (PS1H6) [468] [...] .
Caroline (PS1H7) [469] You can't Lisa!
Lisa (PS1H6) [470] I can [...] .
Caroline (PS1H7) [471] Look [laughing] there he is [] !
Lisa (PS1H6) [laugh]
Caroline (PS1H7) [472] [laugh] Oh.
Lisa (PS1H6) [473] [laugh] .
Paul (PS1H4) [474] I don't know where we're gonna put one.
Caroline (PS1H7) [475] Mm ... Ever ... nearly everybody can have a Christmas tree, but some people can't.
Sarah (PS1H5) [476] Some people can't ... because they haven't got enough money.
Caroline (PS1H7) [477] Yes but what about [...] ?
Unknown speaker (KDKPSUNK) [478] Dad thinks we can't cos we need the television.
Sarah (PS1H5) [479] That's [...]
Caroline (PS1H7) [480] What?
Sarah (PS1H5) [...]
Caroline (PS1H7) [481] Why?
Sarah (PS1H5) [482] Nobody'll be able to see.
Caroline (PS1H7) [483] [laugh] ... ha.
Paul (PS1H4) [484] Haven't got a lot of room really, have we?
Sarah (PS1H5) [485] No.
Caroline (PS1H7) [486] Mm ... We could have a small one about there.
Paul (PS1H4) [487] Yeah a small one's not very good though, in there is it?
Unknown speaker (KDKPSUNK) [488] If [...] we can
Lisa (PS1H6) [489] We've got pictures.
Unknown speaker (KDKPSUNK) [490] No!
Paul (PS1H4) [491] [...] .
Sarah (PS1H5) [492] I'd I'd move that erm
Caroline (PS1H7) [493] No we could move
Sarah (PS1H5) [494] there
Caroline (PS1H7) [495] this table ... over here and put it over there there.
Paul (PS1H4) [496] Or we might ... move this forward here
Caroline (PS1H7) [497] Mm.
Paul (PS1H4) [498] and then
Caroline (PS1H7) [499] Yeah.
Sarah (PS1H5) [500] Even the cards just about.
Caroline (PS1H7) [501] Mm.
Sarah (PS1H5) [502] Oh.
Paul (PS1H4) [503] Don't wanna get one just yet anyway, it's a bit early.
Unknown speaker (KDKPSUNK) [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [504] End up with all the needles dropping off.
Sarah (PS1H5) [505] We've got ... the small [...] Christmas tree ... about that big
Caroline (PS1H7) [506] I've seen it.
Sarah (PS1H5) [507] and it's ... hasn't got needles on it at all.
Unknown speaker (KDKPSUNK) [508] [...] just a big pine.
Caroline (PS1H7) [509] [...] ... you know that tinsel stuff ... it's ... it's not shiny.

17 (Tape 016803)

Paul (PS1H4) [510] You been waiting long?
Ursula (PS1H9) [511] I went up there and [...] ... oh look ... oh they've gone!
Paul (PS1H4) [512] Oh.
Ursula (PS1H9) [513] Where did you go?
Paul (PS1H4) [514] We must have parked ... we could have parked.
Ursula (PS1H9) [515] We can ... [...] that though.
Paul (PS1H4) [516] Yeah.
Ursula (PS1H9) [517] What's up there [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [518] Just there?
Ursula (PS1H9) [519] Yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [520] I just came down ... and I walked all through that Kenyan
Ursula (PS1H9) [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [521] I w I walked all through that Nigerian mob ... and I thought oh we I'll walk down the ticket desk, see if this is all shut
Ursula (PS1H9) [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [...]
Ursula (PS1H9) [522] Someone walked down there.
Paul (PS1H4) [523] Wonder how much ... oh mush ... How are you lately, haven't seen you for ages, give us a ring [...] still out buying the old place ... I married her, yeah.
Ursula (PS1H9) [524] Yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [525] What's up with Robert?
Ursula (PS1H9) [526] Did Clare give you the message?
Paul (PS1H4) [527] I said erm
Ursula (PS1H9) [528] He told me ... he said Natalie
Paul (PS1H4) [529] he said erm
Ursula (PS1H9) [530] I nearly forgot.
Paul (PS1H4) [531] erm ... she said send her send her a mail [...] something like that ... yeah so I went to the ticket desk, it was locked up and they'd just come walking back and I thought ... ah I hope she's not been waiting around.
Ursula (PS1H9) [laugh]
Paul (PS1H4) [532] I can't do that [...] ... I tell you, I mean I don't mind, don't get me wrong it's just that ... I was the last one back up ... and I got up there, still got a little bit of [...] to do ... and they got more [...] than they did
Ursula (PS1H9) [533] Oh yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [534] [...] right, see you ... [...]
Ursula (PS1H9) [535] Yeah, oh yeah, I know.
Paul (PS1H4) [536] I mean ... okay so I thought ah ... I don't give a shit you know, I mean ... but I was only like two minutes behind.
Ursula (PS1H9) [537] I know ... I know.
Paul (PS1H4) [538] and then Steve says ... well I'll just make last orders, see you later Paul.
Ursula (PS1H9) [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [539] And then [...] says you've got a key haven't you?
Ursula (PS1H9) [540] Want fifty [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [541] I says no! ... said oh alright
Ursula (PS1H9) [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [...]
Ursula (PS1H9) [542] I've had before [...] where I have been told [...] ... waited and helped people finish their [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [543] Yeah ... yeah I done that.
Ursula (PS1H9) [544] And those have gone home ... while I've been doing something else for them, they've gone, and left me!
Paul (PS1H4) [545] I can't believe it!
Ursula (PS1H9) [546] And I could of gone with them!
Paul (PS1H4) [547] Yeah I mean I ... I mean sometimes when you get [...] day you think oh yes they could, you know, so you like start a round don't you if you
Ursula (PS1H9) [548] And you wait for other people an that and ... and you don't leave that's all ... I won't do that again, [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [549] I say I do ... I don't mind I just think what the bloody hell, you know we're only ... just like two minutes apart!
Ursula (PS1H9) [550] I know ... yeah.
Paul (PS1H4) [551] It was like [...] today, well right, we're off ... see you.

18 (Tape 016804)

Ursula (PS1H9) [552] Paul had asked me to do a swap ... to do his early next ... Wednesday ... so yeah, put the form in and everything ... the form came back today saying he's already on a late ... and the day that he's supposed to be repaying me he's already on shift [...]
Paul (PS1H4) [553] [...] the six o'clock news [...]
Ursula (PS1H9) [554] He [...] .
Paul (PS1H4) [555] He loses control, I tell you.
Ursula (PS1H9) [556] He hasn't got a clue what he's lost!
Paul (PS1H4) [557] [...] .