70 conversations recorded by `Richard' (PS0NB) between 17 and 18 May 1991 with 9 interlocutors, totalling 3210 s-units, 17061 words, and 3 hours 18 minutes 13 seconds of recordings.

11 speakers recorded by respondent number 3

PS0NB Ag2 m (Richard, age 31, catering manager, Central Northern England, )
PS0NC X u (No name, age unknown) role unspecified
PS0ND X u (No name, age unknown) role unspecified
PS0NE X u (No name, age unknown) role unspecified
PS0NF X u (No name, age unknown) role unspecified
PS0NG X u (No name, age unknown) role unspecified
PS0NH X u (No name, age unknown) role unspecified
PS0NJ X u (No name, age unknown) role unspecified
PS0NK X u (No name, age unknown) role unspecified
KDPPSUNK (respondent W0000) X u (Unknown speaker, age unknown) other
KDPPSUGP (respondent W000M) X u (Group of unknown speakers, age unknown) other

70 recordings

  1. Tape 000406 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  2. Tape 000407 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  3. Tape 000408 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  4. Tape 000409 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  5. Tape 000410 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  6. Tape 000412 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  7. Tape 000413 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  8. Tape 000414 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  9. Tape 000415 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  10. Tape 000416 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  11. Tape 000417 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  12. Tape 000418 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  13. Tape 000419 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  14. Tape 000420 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  15. Tape 000421 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  16. Tape 000422 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  17. Tape 000423 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  18. Tape 000503 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  19. Tape 000504 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  20. Tape 000505 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  21. Tape 000506 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  22. Tape 000507 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  23. Tape 000508 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  24. Tape 000510 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  25. Tape 000511 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( work ) Activity: Unspecified
  26. Tape 000512 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  27. Tape 000513 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  28. Tape 000601 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  29. Tape 000603 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  30. Tape 000604 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  31. Tape 000605 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  32. Tape 000606 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  33. Tape 000607 recorded on 1991-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Work ) Activity: Unspecified
  34. Tape 000608 recorded on 1992-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  35. Tape 000609 recorded on 1992-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  36. Tape 000610 recorded on 1992-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  37. Tape 000611 recorded on 1992-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  38. Tape 000612 recorded on 1992-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  39. Tape 000613 recorded on 1992-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  40. Tape 000614 recorded on 1992-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  41. Tape 000615 recorded on 1992-05-17. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  42. Tape 000701 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  43. Tape 000702 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  44. Tape 000801 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  45. Tape 000802 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  46. Tape 000803 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  47. Tape 000804 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  48. Tape 000805 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  49. Tape 000806 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  50. Tape 000807 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  51. Tape 000808 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  52. Tape 000809 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  53. Tape 000810 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  54. Tape 000811 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  55. Tape 000812 recorded on 1992-05-18. LocationLondon: Greenford ( Home ) Activity: Unspecified
  56. Tape 000902 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  57. Tape 000903 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  58. Tape 000904 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  59. Tape 000905 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  60. Tape 000906 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  61. Tape 000907 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  62. Tape 000908 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  63. Tape 000909 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  64. Tape 000910 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  65. Tape 000911 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  66. Tape 000912 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  67. Tape 000913 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  68. Tape 001001 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  69. Tape 001002 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified
  70. Tape 001003 recorded on 1991-05-18. Location: Northolt ( home ) Activity: Unspecified

1 (Tape 000406)

Richard (PS0NB) [1] Right, then I'll just put it down here ... Nine teas ... Your not actually shooting till Tuesday are you?
None (PS0NC) [2] No, [...] ... .
[3] What time does he [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [4] Twelve ninety till three.

2 (Tape 000407)

Richard (PS0NB) [5] Pass the plate, er fillet of cod, meat and potato pie.
[6] Just made it.
[7] Gravy's in there ... .
None (PS0NC) [8] Can I put the spare cup down [...] ?
Richard (PS0NB) [9] Hm, sure ... .
None (PS0NC) [10] Thanks very much.
None (PS0NG) [11] [...] .
None (PS0NC) [12] [...] .
None (PS0NG) [13] That was [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [14] Right, got to [...] for you as well down there.
None (PS0NC) [15] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [16] Shall shall I'll keep the [...] up here is that safer.
None (PS0NC) [17] I would if I were you,def definitely.
[18] Another one [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [19] [laugh] .
[20] Right, so, that's all yours then .
None (PS0NC) [21] [...] mine, right .
Richard (PS0NB) [22] And erm, get all your disposables.
None (PS0NC) [23] Well I can leave them outside really, when I've finished one, [...] I'm going to wash all the cafeteria itself as well.
Richard (PS0NB) [24] Hm.
None (PS0NC) [25] Cos that's a bit grubby.
[26] What time do you think it's the best time today?
[27] Cos I don't want to take a load of stuff in and then have to move it here, from A to B to wash, you know.
[28] I'm [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [29] Erm, there's not , there's not so much pressure on there with that [...] can change them next week.
None (PS0NC) [30] No, it's true.
Richard (PS0NB) [31] So just do what you can and when.
None (PS0NC) [32] Hm, that's right because, did you cancel er Hannah?
Richard (PS0NB) [33] Hannah?
[34] No I haven't, er, I'm going [...] .
None (PS0NC) [35] There's a [...] in the restaurant, somebody's [...] in here as well, so I'll probably be able to just [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [36] [...] .
None (PS0NC) [37] Yeah, more in here, so somebody's.
Richard (PS0NB) [38] [...] .
None (PS0NC) [39] [...] you never know when she's here.
Richard (PS0NB) [40] No, that's ok.
None (PS0NC) [41] [...] I want to er clean the floor before I take a load of stuff in, and I'm not moving it twice, then there's gone into a clean floor.
Richard (PS0NB) [42] Yeah, yeah, well that's ... I'll get, I'll do the order first .
None (PS0NC) [43] Cos I wouldn't know everything your giving me, I'm putting it into them little er.
Richard (PS0NB) [44] Yes.
None (PS0NC) [45] [...] at the back [...] I'm not leaving anything out on top here .
Richard (PS0NB) [46] Oh no , no don't.
[47] I'll, cos Dennis want's that erm, window locked up as well.
None (PS0NC) [48] Which one?
Richard (PS0NB) [49] Store room.
None (PS0NC) [50] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [51] So they can't see in.
None (PS0NC) [52] Oh yeah, well that'll be easy ...
Richard (PS0NB) [53] But, I'll do the order and then you can get all the stuff down there and it's finished with .
None (PS0NC) [54] Right .
[55] So you [...] you know [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [56] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [57] Erm, are you going already?
Richard (PS0NB) [58] Yeah, I'll just do an order for the stores .
None (PS0NC) [59] His gone, he, he he gone away today [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [60] Yeah, Phil I'll get it today, and leave him it [...] .
None (PS0NC) [61] Right.

3 (Tape 000408)

Richard (PS0NB) [62] I'll put this order in with erm Fred.
None (PS0NC) [63] Yes, I won't bother taking it upstairs er mine.
Richard (PS0NB) [64] No, this I'll go straight down there.
None (PS0NC) [65] Yeah [...] .
[66] So if he wants to leave it [...] I'll can come [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [67] I [...] .
None (PS0NC) [68] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [69] Great.
None (PS0NC) [70] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [71] Yeah, it's on my er notice board.
None (PS0NC) [72] Ta.

4 (Tape 000409)

Richard (PS0NB) [73] Hello.
None (PS0ND) [74] Hi you're just in time, help yourself.
None (PS0NH) [75] Oh dear he's after money.
None (PS0ND) [76] Hm.
None (PS0NH) [77] Oh dear, isn't it always the way?
Richard (PS0NB) [78] I've got another little order here for you.
None (PS0NH) [79] We don't carry any dish clothes.
Richard (PS0NB) [80] Oh right, I'll get those from er Bookers then, quite a big order.
None (PS0NH) [81] Like to go straight, nine, four spoons.
[82] Spoons, sacks, napkins, which ones?
[83] Dispensers or er green.
Richard (PS0NB) [84] The others if you have them.
None (PS0NH) [85] Green.
Richard (PS0NB) [86] Yeah.
[87] Olive cups and clear cups.
None (PS0NH) [88] That's all for the er.
Richard (PS0NB) [89] Stage cafeteria.
None (PS0NH) [90] Hm.
Richard (PS0NB) [91] If you just leave all outside the door and we'll, then when we get.
None (PS0NH) [92] Ok.
[93] Right.
None (PS0NJ) [94] [...] you down on ere [...] .
None (PS0NH) [95] On holiday.
Richard (PS0NB) [96] That's is, order some more cups [...] .
None (PS0NH) [97] There is only one problem, I've only got one box up here.
None (PS0NJ) [98] Well, if there's if there's anything worth we'll gonna be.
Richard (PS0NB) [99] What about lids?
[100] . What about lids?
None (PS0NJ) [101] Lids, shouldn't need lids, makes it, cos it's actually for the stages.
None (PS0NH) [102] I know it's ok [...] on the order today.
Richard (PS0NB) [103] Right, if there's, if there's gonna be, if there's gonna be looking a bit iffy, if you'll let me know on any item, and then I'll get, I'll, and then I'll box [...] .
None (PS0NH) [104] Oh, we can get them, [...] so there's no problem there [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [105] [...] for Christ's sake.
Richard (PS0NB) [106] Me, oh you've lost me, oh what a shame.
None (PS0NH) [107] You on ere somewhere, where are ya?
None (PS0NJ) [108] Oh no, I can see you, you can't.
Richard (PS0NB) [109] Go on then, how much?
None (PS0NH) [110] Twelve pounds.
None (PS0NJ) [111] Who put, [...] .
None (PS0NH) [112] Well, that was that Tim.
Richard (PS0NB) [113] Oh Tim, right.
None (PS0NH) [114] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [115] Right.
[116] Oh yeah, you're out of luck, I haven't got that much money on me.
None (PS0NH) [117] Monday?
Richard (PS0NB) [118] Well no, I'll get it, I'll probably got some upstairs in my coat, so, when you come up for your cup of tea or whatever, or your bottle of milk.
None (PS0NH) [119] Yeah, alright then.
None (PS0NJ) [120] You try and give you money, there he is there.
None (PS0NH) [121] Oh there he is there ... I'm going blind aren't I?
[122] What about you?
None (PS0NJ) [123] I'm not on there.
None (PS0NH) [124] You are.
[125] You did, you put it down on there [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [126] Yeah, your [...] .
None (PS0NH) [127] You kicked up and said [laugh] and then you put down [laugh] .
Richard (PS0NB) [128] How much have you raised then and collect it all?
None (PS0NH) [129] What me or everybody?
Richard (PS0NB) [130] You.
None (PS0NH) [131] Me, about three hundred and eighty seven quid.
Richard (PS0NB) [132] How much was it your supposed to contribute [...] ?
None (PS0NH) [133] Hm, your ticket in there.
[134] er, I needed eight hundred pounds, I [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [135] [...] .
None (PS0NH) [136] I've got nearly over five hundred quid [...] , then the petrol and then food where you couldn't get food donated, and new tyres for the bike before I went so you could only get [...] on the road [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [137] [...] dunnit?
[138] Rather you than me.
None (PS0NH) [139] Well I collected the less out of everybody.
Richard (PS0NB) [140] Oh right.
None (PS0NH) [141] There was er, twenty six riders and three pillions, the pillions are responsible as well for there money.
Richard (PS0NB) [142] Yeah.
None (PS0NH) [143] And er nearly twenty thousand pounds was raised. [...] .
None (PS0ND) [144] Who was there.
None (PS0NH) [145] Eight, sixteen.
Richard (PS0NB) [146] So some people actually raised over.
None (PS0NH) [147] Yes.
[148] erm, other people like me, didn't make enough.
Richard (PS0NB) [149] No.
None (PS0NH) [150] I don't know the final figure until the presentation which is in July and once that's done I'll have a certificate for [...] .
[151] Plus I made a video of the entire [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [152] That's not my [...] . [...] .
None (PS0NH) [153] It seems [...] . [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [154] Yeah, did we, is that not on the quotation?
[155] Ok, normally what we do is to charge erm, erm the lowest charge is fifty pence per mile ... ok, so that'll be from the time it leaves here in London till the time it returns.
[156] Yeah I can recommend some people certainly.
[157] er well grips are [...] a little bit more than that, there all free lance but on the approximate daily rate in this country about a hundred and forty five a day ... yeah, yeah, there open to negotiation because they're free lance sure ok lovely, thank you very much, thanks, goodbye.
Richard (PS0NB) [158] Hi Mark, erm, I've got a problem with my dishwasher.
None (PS0NJ) [159] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [160] Well no it's, it's falling apart basically.
None (PS0NJ) [161] Throw it out.
Richard (PS0NB) [162] Well, yeah, no, it's, it's just that I've, there's several screws and bits and pieces missing.
None (PS0NJ) [163] Right.
Richard (PS0NB) [164] Right, Harold's been sort of trying to have a look at it all week long, but he's, he hasn't really got time.
None (PS0NJ) [165] Right, so erm.
Richard (PS0NB) [166] Can I get somebody in? or
None (PS0NJ) [167] Yeah, guess you'll have to, is that covered on our maintenance? [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [168] With who?
None (PS0NJ) [169] I don't know, [...] service [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [170] You've only, I think the only contract is the British Gas one.
None (PS0NJ) [171] Have we not had a [...] with the er.
Richard (PS0NB) [172] Yeah, British Gas are doing the ovens.
None (PS0NJ) [173] Right.
Richard (PS0NB) [174] But er, he's, he's er, they don't electrics.
None (PS0NJ) [175] Yeah, well.
Richard (PS0NB) [176] But I had Hobart in yesterday and there willing to do a maintenance contract on everything, if you want.
None (PS0NJ) [177] Are they?
[178] Might be a good idea for a quote.
Richard (PS0NB) [179] Well there gonna be a quote through that's it so er .
None (PS0NJ) [180] That's a good idea .
[181] Let's get a quote [...] .
[182] All right, yeah, [...] get someone in.
Richard (PS0NB) [183] Right, I'll, what I'll do I'll try and pick up on the local electrician or something.
None (PS0NJ) [184] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [185] [...] it's not an electrical problem.
None (PS0NJ) [186] No.
Richard (PS0NB) [187] You see, it's just mechanical, it's just, somebody's got these really fine screws.
None (PS0NJ) [188] Yes.
Richard (PS0NB) [189] What have you.
None (PS0NJ) [190] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [191] Yeah.
None (PS0NJ) [192] Yes [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [193] Yeah, great, cos it's exactly, there's nothing wrong electrical.
None (PS0NJ) [194] No, just [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [195] Just literally falling apart.
None (PS0NJ) [196] Well I'll get Peter to look at it, if he can't do anything, get someone in.
Richard (PS0NB) [197] Great.
None (PS0NJ) [198] Ok.
Richard (PS0NB) [199] Ok, that's Mark.

5 (Tape 000410)

Richard (PS0NB) [200] Hey, oh lovely .
None (PS0NK) [201] Hm, hm, hm. hm , oh what?
Richard (PS0NB) [202] Speak to it.
None (PS0NK) [203] What, what is it?
Richard (PS0NB) [204] It's a microphone.
None (PS0NK) [205] Yeah.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [206] You're being taped.
None (PS0NK) [207] Oh you're taping.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [208] [laugh] .
None (PS0NK) [209] I'm not with it today.
Richard (PS0NB) [210] It's your lucky day.
None (PS0NK) [211] [...] .
[212] Are you gonna black mail [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [213] It's no it's for market research telephone ringing [...] for [...] company .
None (PS0NK) [214] Are you sure?
[215] ... Are you sure now?. [...] good morning.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [216] [...] gonna get some [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [217] [laugh] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [218] [laugh] .
None (PS0NK) [219] Er I think actually his on A stage, no B stage, no A stage here, sorry, I'll try, I'll try for you, hold on.
Richard (PS0NB) [220] [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [221] Yes, here we are.
Richard (PS0NB) [222] Hi. [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [223] My, that was quick [...] . [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [224] Who?
None (PS0NK) [225] Oh yeah, good.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [226] Oh, who's that?
Richard (PS0NB) [227] That's what I intend to use in the eh.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [228] What's name.
Richard (PS0NB) [229] [...] place.
[230] telephone ringing
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [231] Well yes, I mean.
Richard (PS0NB) [232] Put the feed in the [...] it holds it.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [233] Oh.
Richard (PS0NB) [234] Same system as they use on the aircraft.
None (PS0NK) [235] Yes, who's calling?
[236] Hold the line.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [237] That's a good idea innit?
Richard (PS0NB) [238] That's the horrible bit there, [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [239] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [240] Oh.
None (PS0NK) [241] [...] be here in a minute. [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [242] [...] .
None (PS0NK) [243] Oh god, mind you there was a fire last night, and the fire couldn't tell, just by looking at somebody, what they'd been up too, you get.
Richard (PS0NB) [244] [laugh] .
None (PS0NK) [245] And it's, it takes photographs of it.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [246] What's it like? [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [247] Oh lovely.
None (PS0NK) [248] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [249] I'll try that one next.
None (PS0NK) [250] [laugh] .
Richard (PS0NB) [251] [laugh] .
None (PS0NK) [252] I would hope to [...] you know [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [253] I think there names are already [...] .
None (PS0NK) [254] Do what?
Richard (PS0NB) [255] There's no names or anything involve.
None (PS0NK) [256] Oh, I see, oh.
Richard (PS0NB) [257] It doesn't go any further.
None (PS0NK) [258] What's it for then?
Richard (PS0NB) [259] It's for market research [...] .
[260] Something to do with [...] .
None (PS0NK) [261] Oh I see, Oh well you've got a London one here.
Richard (PS0NB) [262] Alright.
None (PS0NK) [263] [laugh] .
[264] Well I'm not as cockney as some.
Richard (PS0NB) [265] No.
None (PS0NK) [266] Try not to be [laugh] .
Richard (PS0NB) [267] See you later ... .
[268] Is this all that first order?
[269] Fred?
None (PS0NH) [270] Yes.
Richard (PS0NB) [271] Great, thanks.

6 (Tape 000412)

Richard (PS0NB) [272] Strange isn't it.
None (PS0NC) [273] What?
Richard (PS0NB) [274] Strange isn't it .
None (PS0NC) [275] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [276] Oh lovely.
[277] Oh that's, that's [...] haven't been blessed.
None (PS0ND) [278] Yeah, [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [279] These are the unblessed cartoons.
None (PS0NC) [280] Oh well.
None (PS0ND) [281] You haven't got [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [282] You haven't got any holes ... Ok [...] that's, do you want to do some toast?
[283] Do toast?
None (PS0ND) [284] [...] .
None (PS0NC) [285] [...] .
[286] And sausage and bacon by the side of it, it's not for me anyone [...] .
[287] ed.2 O

7 (Tape 000413)

Richard (PS0NB) [288] Mushroom roll on brown, apple juice, cheese [...] .
None (PS0NC) [289] Brown toast with what?
[290] . Mushroom roll on brown.
Richard (PS0NB) [291] Just mushroom roll [...] .
[292] Mushroom roll, cheese roll, juice and porridge.
None (PS0NC) [293] [adding on till] .
[294] That's one, eight, five.
Richard (PS0NB) [295] And Beef roll, bacon and mushroom toasted sandwiches, right.

8 (Tape 000414)

None (PS0NJ) [296] What does Unigate say about them?
Richard (PS0NB) [297] Well erm ... I mean they put a whole package together for me.
None (PS0NJ) [298] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [299] Which is er supplying a lot of stuff.
None (PS0NJ) [300] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [301] Which is all very, you know, the price is across [...] brochure.
None (PS0NJ) [302] No, I don't [...] they even got the milk.
Richard (PS0NB) [303] Yeah.
None (PS0NJ) [304] But, they can't touch the other prices.
Richard (PS0NB) [305] Well, yeah, the thing is the what, also the range of stuff that they carry, you know, it's all actually er.
None (PS0NJ) [306] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [307] All here, so er, well, anyway, I'll give erm er, I'm gonna give them a try next week.
None (PS0NJ) [308] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [309] See if it all turns up alright.
None (PS0NJ) [310] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [311] Well that's alright, I'll take, your alright, I'll take it.
None (PS0NJ) [312] Next Monday.
[313] You wouldn't want any milk only next week er.
Richard (PS0NB) [314] [...] .
[315] Deliver the eights, drop in the end of next week.
None (PS0NJ) [316] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [317] Then I'll.
None (PS0NJ) [318] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [319] Confirm it.
None (PS0NJ) [320] Then I say no, no, but ... I've got a feeling I've got the price of milk [...] pint.
Richard (PS0NB) [321] Yeah.
[322] Well you see, see it's not all down just to the price of milk, you know it's, it's the whole package .
None (PS0NJ) [323] Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [324] But erm, you ... what I'll do, I mean, pop in next Friday.
None (PS0NJ) [325] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [326] And er, we'll see that if they've, if they've come through with the goods all right.
None (PS0NJ) [327] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [328] See from that.
None (PS0NJ) [329] Ok then, oh what'll I owe you for me bacon [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [330] Your alright.
None (PS0NJ) [331] Oh lovely.
Richard (PS0NB) [332] Yes.
None (PS0NJ) [333] Can I have two plates of bread and butter?
Richard (PS0NB) [334] Two plates of bread and butter.
[335] I'm [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [336] [singing] , there you go three teas.
Richard (PS0NB) [337] And three teas.
[338] [ringing up till] . There you go.
None (PS0NJ) [339] Ta.
Richard (PS0NB) [340] Yes, yes, yes.
None (PS0NJ) [341] The egg/bacon please. [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [342] It's alright Harold ... Egg, bacon, tomatoes/mushrooms.
None (PS0NJ) [343] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [344] Just one?
None (PS0NJ) [345] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [346] Do you want to serve?
[347] [ringing up till] . Two seventy please.
None (PS0NJ) [348] Thank you.
Richard (PS0NB) [349] More tea?
[350] Tea, anyone want tea?
None (PS0NJ) [351] Six teas please.
Richard (PS0NB) [352] Six teas, all on your er.
None (PS0NJ) [353] Yeah, all on [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [354] Ah ... [whistling] .
[355] There's go [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [356] Thank you ...
Richard (PS0NB) [357] Six teas. [ringing up till] [...] Two seventy
None (PS0NJ) [357] Two fifty sixty two seventy
Richard (PS0NB) [358] Great, thanks.
None (PS0NJ) [359] Thank you.
[360] Teas paid for. [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [361] Paid for these teas?
Richard (PS0NB) [362] Two pound please.
None (PS0NJ) [363] Two pounds?
Richard (PS0NB) [364] Aha ... .
None (PS0NJ) [365] I'll have two and two of toast please Brydie.
None (PS0NC) [366] Oh, [...] Rusday.
None (PS0NJ) [367] And er, a bit of bacon please gov.
Richard (PS0NB) [368] [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [369] Well done bacon. [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [370] Your tea's there.
None (PS0NJ) [371] Oh.
Richard (PS0NB) [372] Got to pay for them, er [ringing up till] . [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [373] No [...] .
[374] One eighty. [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [375] Drop of tea there.
None (PS0NJ) [376] Two sausage [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [377] Two pound and five pence please.
[378] Thank you.

9 (Tape 000415)

None (PS0NJ) [379] You should've had an Expresso coffee.
Richard (PS0NB) [380] Seen the price of them.
None (PS0NJ) [381] [laugh] imagine Dennis's face.
Richard (PS0NB) [382] [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [383] Cup of tea.
Richard (PS0NB) [384] Cup of tea Dave.
None (PS0NJ) [385] Tea, and a milk, pint of, you got semi?
Richard (PS0NB) [386] Think so.
None (PS0NJ) [387] Mushroom/Ham.
None (PS0NJ) [388] [...] on there without a.
Richard (PS0NB) [389] Yeah.
None (PS0NJ) [390] Bloody milk. [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [391] [...] ... Two bread and butter.
Richard (PS0NB) [392] Two bread and butter, eh, your going the whole hog today.
[393] Two twenty two.
[394] Have you got ya have you got your bread and butter?
None (PS0NJ) [395] No.
[396] Y h1 B

10 (Tape 000416)

Richard (PS0NB) [397] Great, thanks.
None (PS0NJ) [398] What was it?
Richard (PS0NB) [399] Twenty two, you were paying for all the teas weren't ya?
None (PS0NJ) [400] Yeah.
[401] Thank you.
Richard (PS0NB) [402] Great.
[403] Coffee to go. [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [404] Lovely jubbly.
None (PS0NJ) [405] What are they twenty?
Richard (PS0NB) [406] Do, what?

11 (Tape 000417)

Richard (PS0NB) [407] It's arriving today sometime.
None (PS0NJ) [408] Is it?
[409] What's that thing on there?
Richard (PS0NB) [410] That's a microphone.
None (PS0NJ) [411] What for?
Richard (PS0NB) [412] [...] this way.
None (PS0NJ) [413] Why've you got a microphone there?
Richard (PS0NB) [414] Well, were doing a candid camera in here today.
None (PS0NJ) [415] Oh, is that what it is.
None (PS0NC) [416] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [417] Na, it's for market research.
[418] I'm recording you. [...] .
None (PS0NC) [419] [...] . [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [420] Right, thanks Fred.
[421] Your on holiday after today?
[422] Lovely.
[423] Hi.
None (PS0NJ) [424] Hi, I've got er two porridges.
Richard (PS0NB) [425] Yeah.
None (PS0NJ) [426] Two toasts, er toasted bacon sandwich and a buttered roll.
Richard (PS0NB) [427] Two, four, five, thank you.
None (PS0NJ) [428] Two.
Richard (PS0NB) [429] No, it's gonna be [...] [laugh] ...
None (PS0NJ) [430] You stay away from my [...] you've got the whole floor full of butter.
None (PS0NE) [431] Hello, are you being done?
None (PS0NC) [432] What's [...] I didn't [...] .
[433] Alright. [...] .
None (PS0NE) [434] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [435] Oh, oh, bargain, bargain job today.

12 (Tape 000418)

Richard (PS0NB) [436] There you go.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [437] I suddenly acquired that, I dunno where I got it from.
None (PS0NC) [438] Don't say nothing shh.
[439] When you place it back [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [440] Oh, [laugh] .
None (PS0NC) [441] He's doing market research.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [442] Oh I see.
[443] Oh alright [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [444] Ah, spoil sport.
None (PS0NJ) [445] Hello.
Richard (PS0NB) [446] Oh, ho.
None (PS0NJ) [447] Good morning.
Richard (PS0NB) [448] Good morning, fine thanks.
None (PS0NJ) [449] Wired for sound are ya?
Richard (PS0NB) [450] We are indeed.
None (PS0NJ) [451] Eh, er, steak and roll please.
Richard (PS0NB) [452] Steak and roll .
None (PS0NJ) [453] and butter please ... .
[454] [...] I'm sorry, can I take it away?
Richard (PS0NB) [455] Oh, right [...] cheese roll.
None (PS0NC) [456] You say a cheese roll or roll?.
Richard (PS0NB) [457] Yes please ... . [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [458] I think I've put erm, a couple of other things on your bill.
None (PS0NJ) [459] Right.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [460] Cos I, I wasn't too sure.
[461] For Dennis , is that alright?
None (PS0NJ) [462] What's that?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [463] Breakfast.
[464] Right, this is all [...] .
[465] I know some of the last lot, they were all on one thing.
[466] I don't mind that, do you think you could take it or something cos otherwise I'll never remember whose had what.
Richard (PS0NB) [467] Hold on, what I do is label it, they all come to me for signing.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [468] Right, oh right what.
Richard (PS0NB) [469] So.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [470] What all of them?
Richard (PS0NB) [471] Yeah, if you could sort of, if you could put, put erm, if you could date them wherever they were so I can just remember, alright, it'll help me.

13 (Tape 000419)

None (PS0NC) [472] Telephone till tomorrow, get after it would you?
[473] Leave my body alone.
Richard (PS0NB) [474] [laugh] .
None (PS0NC) [475] Telephone [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [476] Sorry.
None (PS0NC) [477] I answer the telephone down there [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [478] It's a joke, shall we get you an intercom system?
None (PS0NC) [479] No seriously.
Richard (PS0NB) [480] Seriously I am .
None (PS0NC) [481] I mean eh , I haven't got a key .
Richard (PS0NB) [482] [...] .
None (PS0NC) [483] [...] said leave my body alone. [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [484] [...] might'n I?
Richard (PS0NB) [485] Do you think you make, think you can allow her to eh.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [486] Yeah, I [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [487] [...] .
[488] I think she's persuading me.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [489] Mind you if you can take his toast down, take his cereal down, then I'll come back [...] .
None (PS0NC) [490] Of course.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [491] Is [...] alright with you?
Richard (PS0NB) [492] [...] .

14 (Tape 000420)

Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [493] If we eat under the table over [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [494] No seriously.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [495] The best place is to hide it underneath.
Richard (PS0NB) [496] No, it is, it's just for market research for a dictionary company.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [497] Yeah, but, yeah, even so.
Richard (PS0NB) [498] Well no, I suppose the, use some sort of analysis of what er, what words are in use.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [499] Time [...] .
None (PS0NC) [500] [...] boys on the beach today.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [501] [...] today.
Richard (PS0NB) [502] [...] is, no he's not on the [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [503] Your get him on it [...] .
None (PS0NC) [504] [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [505] It's not a bad idea, it's, get quite a good conversation in there.
Richard (PS0NB) [506] In where?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [507] The loo.
Richard (PS0NB) [508] Lovely .
None (PS0NC) [509] [laugh] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [510] Yeah, [...] ... Outside [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [511] Who's that?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [512] Fred.
Richard (PS0NB) [513] Yeah, he was in first thing.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [514] I think he's got [...] ...
None (PS0NC) [515] One, two, three, four, five, six hour more.
Richard (PS0NB) [516] Hm.
None (PS0NC) [517] [...] .
None (PS0NE) [518] Well I've got an early finish tonight.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [519] [...] I really wasn't [...] .
[520] [...] made me a cup of tea [...] .
None (PS0NC) [521] [...] .
None (PS0NE) [522] Has he finished [...] yet?
[523] Has he finished?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [524] Well tomorrow.
[525] He'll go back [...] , but there given it again.
[526] He's gotta [...] miles and miles back next week and then he's going back to [...] following week to be lift driver.
[527] Then he goes back to [...] er for a week or so, then his back at [...] and there really treating him, but of course he won't [...] .
None (PS0NC) [528] [...] no that . [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [529] I what?
None (PS0NC) [530] [...] .
[531] They ain't got a union.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [532] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [533] [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [534] No money.
None (PS0NC) [535] The thing is, it's er not right to set somebody who don't want the [...] job and then just pull them back with them it's rough grade money that's what [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [536] Why's not, it's not a sack is it?
[537] I mean it's only a contract.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [538] [...] to fill his contract.
[539] If the contract's finished, that's it.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [540] Bill hasn't actually finished his permanently in the drivers, but they can't [...] so he choose the one that's got to go, but in the meantime there's these two other guys they closed [...] down, and er, these two buyers they got redundancy money, they drive [...] and they can go through there [...] and still work [...] so they've got the money but still work at [...] so there coining it in.
None (PS0NC) [541] See what I mean it's [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [542] Right, now, instead of getting rid of them two and making them go back to Mars Bars, then [...] back.
[543] I should think [...] I mean, one of the guys he does the [...] and they don't even want to do the word [...] .
[544] Our monies going to go up and down like a yo-yo really [...] .
None (PS0NC) [545] [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [546] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [547] Right, I'm going sort something.
None (PS0NE) [548] [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [549] Yeah, remember last [...] .
[550] [...] done the work and they just, just a couple of months ago we got a letter taking him to court.
[551] They adjourned it, cos there gonna fight 'em, Solicitors for er [...] they, they go guilty.
[552] Cos any other person who has just not applied and have a couple of points be able to take you to court.
None (PS0NE) [553] Na.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [554] [...] Solicitors there's no way you can't not fight it, in the beginning you can just go guilty and he said hang on minute let me just read it through [...] he said no, he said you've got to go and do it.
[555] That's July the seventeenth, he [...] could loose his licence [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [556] What they charging him with?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [557] Erm, [...] uncare, undue care and attention, yeah.
[558] But it's no way, I mean it was a really wet morning at quarter to seven, it had been raining, and he was right behind a lorry, and he, he, the lorry went to go one way and the [...] he didn't go back because he knew he was going one way and the guy was going the other, he just started to go round to go to the left and bike was just there, he had no way of seeing him or he [...] .
[559] Was it a catch two situation [...] .
None (PS0NC) [560] [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [561] Well she's already booked [...] .
[562] We had that [...] well she's claiming for loss of earnings, think she's broke a leg, we don't know [...] weren't allowed to take a photo [...] bike [...] she had a brand new.
[563] Well it's all happening I'll tell her.
None (PS0NC) [564] [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [565] What [...] do, you have to go to police station [...] .
[566] Last time we were there we had to bail Darren out. [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [567] Well the Solicitors turned round and said to him that there's a twenty five per cent chance he'll lose his licence, but then he'll get there erm, but most he'll probably get is about a month, and then he said, well surely your job could find you something to do in that time, [...] has said, no licence, no job, so what he had to do was to [...] .
None (PS0NC) [568] Can Solicitor [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [569] [...] , he's gonna fight for his licence [...] .

15 (Tape 000421)

Richard (PS0NB) [570] How's it going downstairs then Kate?
None (PS0ND) [571] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [572] Yeah.
[573] You've got everything squeezed in?
None (PS0ND) [574] Lord, squeeze any more, I thought we was gonna a.
Richard (PS0NB) [575] [...] .
None (PS0NC) [576] [...] up at that stage, [...] I was going in there to make something and I saw [...] . [...] .
None (PS0ND) [577] Bye, bye Pete.
Richard (PS0NB) [578] Were not gonna get a sink in that bathroom, [...] .
None (PS0ND) [579] Bye, bye.
None (PS0NC) [580] [...] you're going early.
None (PS0ND) [581] I go this way [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [582] You can't, you can't put a waste pipe [...] that.
None (PS0ND) [583] Gotta be good, can't take liberties.
Richard (PS0NB) [584] So I'll have to use those sinks over, [...] those big ones for that.
None (PS0NC) [585] Hm.
Richard (PS0NB) [586] And er, get a hand wash basin put in the other side.
None (PS0NC) [587] [...] I'm sure [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [588] Well, I can get you hot water.
None (PS0NC) [589] Hm, yeah, that'll be good.
Richard (PS0NB) [590] Couple of those instant ones.
None (PS0NC) [591] I mean I might be wrong, I'm [...] .
[592] I can see they never get clean again, the sun clean them.
Richard (PS0NB) [593] Yeah, are they alright?
None (PS0NC) [594] See the mess room and the .
Richard (PS0NB) [595] Yeah .
None (PS0NC) [596] I [...] go near them, some [...] jump out and catch you [...] . [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [597] Surprised if they [...] .
None (PS0NC) [598] They will.
Richard (PS0NB) [599] Mind you, I don't think business stays as quite as it is.
None (PS0NC) [600] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [601] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [602] His gone of [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [603] Has he?
[604] I don't blame him.
None (PS0NC) [605] His [...] .
[606] His [...] must be good.
Richard (PS0NB) [607] Well, I'll think there should be plenty of work for him, he's quite .
None (PS0NC) [608] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [609] Well, plays a [...] knight doesn't he?

16 (Tape 000422)

Richard (PS0NB) [610] Was, I hope Lyons Maid turn up [...]
None (PS0ND) [611] Like me to give them a ring?
Richard (PS0NB) [612] No, just said today ... What's the betting they can't find it?
None (PS0NC) [613] Betting [...] .
None (PS0ND) [614] [...] .
None (PS0NE) [615] [...] in the back room.
None (PS0NC) [616] [...] stick them up for [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [617] Yeah, well I don't think the window cleaner helps so I'll get it screwed.
None (PS0NC) [618] Come on [...] applied for new [...] .

17 (Tape 000423)

Richard (PS0NB) [619] See Peter in the engineering shop, gonna fix the dishwasher for her? [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [620] Well Harold was supposed to be, he hasn't got time.
None (PS0ND) [621] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [622] What Peter?
None (PS0ND) [623] No Harold. [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [624] Harold, I had a word with him.
None (PS0ND) [625] Oh you did.
Richard (PS0NB) [626] Hm.
None (PS0NC) [627] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [628] Well he just can't [...] .
None (PS0ND) [629] Well no, have you seen her there?.
Richard (PS0NB) [630] Can't wait any longer.
None (PS0NC) [631] Just bring empty [...] .

18 (Tape 000503)

Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [632] Cassoulet
Richard (PS0NB) [633] Yeah, I know, well what's that?
None (PS0NJ) [634] French casserole.
Richard (PS0NB) [635] Load of rubbish.
[636] What's in it, Aubergine, Courgettes.
None (PS0NJ) [637] Aubergines, Courgettes, beans erm.
None (PS0NC) [638] You don't take [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [639] Lamb, Pork.
Richard (PS0NB) [640] Oh, that sounds nice.
None (PS0NJ) [641] Little bit of spice.
Richard (PS0NB) [642] Can I have a splodge of that.
None (PS0NC) [643] Oh.
None (PS0NJ) [644] Yeah, do you want anything with it?
None (PS0NC) [645] Now Arthur, trying to make cup of tea for you.
None (PS0NJ) [646] Whoops.
None (PS0NC) [647] [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [648] Wow.
[649] I need a take over bid, yes, oh dear

19 (Tape 000504)

Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [650] He's feeling guilty about the tea you see.
None (PS0NC) [651] Thanks very much, oh how many coffee's do you want?
None (PS0NJ) [652] One.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [653] Your so nice to him when he comes over, [...] nice.
None (PS0NC) [654] Take away [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [655] He does what for ya?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [656] He collects our post for us about half three and we all bring cups of tea and all sorts.
Richard (PS0NB) [657] Oh .
[658] Really.
None (PS0NC) [659] [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [660] [...] down, yeah.
None (PS0NC) [661] Does he? [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [662] Does he?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [663] Yeah, he comes round to give me a clip round the ear and give me hassle [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [664] Does he?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [665] So [...] .
None (PS0NC) [666] Alright?
None (PS0NJ) [667] Fish and chips and a tea.
None (PS0NC) [668] One eighty six please.
None (PS0NJ) [669] One eighty six, there are.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [670] Did you get the invoice [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [671] Erm, yes, floating around somewhere.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [672] Oh.
Richard (PS0NB) [673] It has.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [674] Did you take my pound the other day?
Richard (PS0NB) [675] Did I take your pound the other day?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [676] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [677] Probably.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [678] I think you did.
Richard (PS0NB) [679] Yes, yes, I did .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [680] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [681] There we go, sign your life away.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [682] Thank you.
[683] [laugh] . Oops.
Richard (PS0NB) [684] Oh, oh, that confused her.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [685] Sorry, ruin your [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [686] Thank you.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [687] I'm not addressed to anybody.
Richard (PS0NB) [688] Oh, well, come here, will, where are we?
None (PS0NC) [689] A nice bit of quiche.
None (PS0NJ) [690] Yeah and half a portion of chips.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [691] Ah.
None (PS0NC) [692] Oh, I say you poor thing.
None (PS0NJ) [693] Yeah, I no, something else want, Richard promised me something special today.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [694] Did he?
[695] Hope mine wasn't broken.

20 (Tape 000505)

Richard (PS0NB) [696] It's for market research.
None (PS0NJ) [697] Yeah, what?
None (PS0NJ) [698] Market research.
Richard (PS0NB) [699] Yeah.
None (PS0NJ) [700] Do me a favour.
Richard (PS0NB) [701] Seriously, for a dictionary company.
[702] Doing ana analysis of the erm.
None (PS0NJ) [703] Do they have bollocks in it?
Richard (PS0NB) [704] [laugh] .
None (PS0NJ) [705] With one L, two S's.
None (PS0NJ) [706] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [707] So eh, well it's just a, seems worthwhile.
None (PS0NJ) [708] Oh, good, got any more?
Richard (PS0NB) [709] [laugh] .
None (PS0NJ) [710] You could add some colour [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [711] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [712] Oh dear.
None (PS0NJ) [713] Suppose [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [714] Treacle sponge, yes, no.
[715] Oh.
Richard (PS0NB) [716] [...] .
[717] ? o 3 c

21 (Tape 000506)

Richard (PS0NB) [718] Within reason.
None (PS0NJ) [719] Yeah [laugh] .
Richard (PS0NB) [720] [laugh] .
[721] I've a kept that on the thingy, took it down the [...] on the thingy.
None (PS0NJ) [722] Straight out.
None (PS0NC) [723] On the account.
None (PS0NJ) [724] On account he ain't got the right money.
None (PS0NC) [725] One [...] seventy eight, alright?
None (PS0NJ) [726] Thanks, right, Dave.

22 (Tape 000507)

None (PS0NJ) [727] Coffee flavoured drinks.
Richard (PS0NB) [728] What's, what's that flavour drink?
None (PS0NJ) [729] I said two coffee flavoured drinks.
Richard (PS0NB) [730] Oh coffee, coffee flavoured?
None (PS0NJ) [731] [...] coffee [...] .
None (PS0NC) [732] Do you like it?
Richard (PS0NB) [733] No, it's not.
None (PS0NJ) [734] Do you think it's a bit weak?
None (PS0NC) [735] I think it's [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [736] Ooh, dirty weekend in [...] .
None (PS0NC) [737] Is it weak for you, look Gary, you like everything strong don't ya?
None (PS0NJ) [738] Oh, [laugh] .
None (PS0NC) [739] [...] .

23 (Tape 000508)

Richard (PS0NB) [740] No, it's just the eyes have grown that's all.
None (PS0NC) [741] Her what?
Richard (PS0NB) [742] It's just your eyes that have grown.
None (PS0NC) [743] You haven't got any eh, sausage, liver sausage for you yet.
Richard (PS0NB) [744] I've ordered one.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [745] You've ordered one have you?
Richard (PS0NB) [746] Hm.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [747] Better order two.
None (PS0NC) [748] [...] next week.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [749] Aha, starve ...
Richard (PS0NB) [750] Oh.

24 (Tape 000510)

Richard (PS0NB) [751] They put the load, the cheap bits that go inside of the er front.
None (PS0NJ) [752] Ah that's it [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [753] Then you get the, then you get the expensive bits ...
None (PS0NJ) [754] So what is it, something like that?
[755] Backing [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [756] No, these are the top opening ones we want.
None (PS0NJ) [757] Top opening ones right here.
Richard (PS0NB) [758] Those.
None (PS0NJ) [759] All these ones.
Richard (PS0NB) [760] Hm, hm.
None (PS0NJ) [761] Yeah, right.
[762] Oh there not too bad.
Richard (PS0NB) [763] No, well, there are, they work as a bain marie.
None (PS0NJ) [764] Yeah ... Right.
Richard (PS0NB) [765] These are the ones.
None (PS0NJ) [766] Stick them there, just take them down.
Richard (PS0NB) [767] Sealed up, whether it's hot or cold they retain the temperature.
None (PS0NJ) [768] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [769] You see, basically what you do, you just take them out and we put salad bar, all we do, we have one of those and one of those.
None (PS0NJ) [770] Hm, hm.
Richard (PS0NB) [771] Plonk it down, take the lids off and there it is.
None (PS0NJ) [772] That's it is it?
Richard (PS0NB) [773] You've salad bar's there.
None (PS0NJ) [774] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [775] I mean, it's what they do on [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [776] Well you said these [...] .
[777] Colour here just to box that [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [778] Oh.
None (PS0NJ) [779] White a grade type port of [...] hell of a lot to it [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [780] No, trouble is you, you can do anything with it.
None (PS0NJ) [781] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [782] But, it's just the price.
None (PS0NJ) [783] Do you get any discount out of it?
Richard (PS0NB) [784] Not on the amount were [...] if you think the health's, I mean the Health Service buy sort of forty at a time, erm, so, you never know.
None (PS0NJ) [785] No.
Richard (PS0NB) [786] I, the thing is to get, what, I mean what you could do is say right, well, you, we, we don't mind putting your name up, bit of advertising cos it's gonna all the film world's gonna be seeing it, so all the location caterers would be able to use them.
None (PS0NJ) [787] Yes [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [788] But they do, there's, cos they put a charge on orders below so much.
[789] There we are, twenty pounds surcharge on orders below fifty.
None (PS0NJ) [790] Fifty one [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [791] Well, we do [...] yeah.
[792] Well that's basically and for the people who are just buying an odd box.
None (PS0NJ) [793] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [794] But I would think, I mean, ideally we need four I would think in the first instance er two of those and two of those and then the inners.
[795] Have they got, it's the, in this company I, I've never used there equipment before, but it, it seems.
None (PS0NJ) [796] Alright.
Richard (PS0NB) [797] It seems better than er the ones I have used.
[798] There, there lids are certainly a better idea, built with better fasteners cos there's.
None (PS0NJ) [799] I know it's ages since [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [800] No, the er, the Reuberwerk one, the German ones, the fasteners on them are a ... have plastic clips.
None (PS0NJ) [801] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [802] But once, if they've been washed in really hot water they tend to distort.
None (PS0NJ) [803] Oh, right.
Richard (PS0NB) [804] But these, these are [...] metal frame works.
None (PS0NJ) [805] Hm, hm, yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [806] And they just pull down and there all flush, so they don't get knocked.
None (PS0NJ) [807] Hm, hm.
Richard (PS0NB) [808] Very er.
None (PS0NJ) [809] They look alright ...
Richard (PS0NB) [810] Will be only one stage away from doing locations then.
None (PS0NJ) [811] Hm, yes, [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [812] Huh, yeah, huh, huh.
None (PS0NJ) [813] Right, hold on.
Richard (PS0NB) [814] Well.
None (PS0NJ) [815] There's someone [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [816] Yeah, that's it, if a, but what we had used in that, used them in the er cafetiere down there.
None (PS0NJ) [817] Yeah, hm, hm.
Richard (PS0NB) [818] So, er, and they can be used on the stages as well.
None (PS0NJ) [819] Hm, hm.
Richard (PS0NB) [820] I've never seen the the, I think there just about sa , oh that's the impact proof, they have to say that ere a.
None (PS0NJ) [821] Hm, yeah, how, how [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [822] Well, hm, hm, hm.
None (PS0NJ) [823] Obviously intact err, just if somebody kicks it or accidentally drops them or something .
Richard (PS0NB) [824] Yeah, I've seen them , I mean, I've seen them sort of dropped from about six foot.
None (PS0NJ) [825] And they've stayed intact.
Richard (PS0NB) [826] Oh, oh, nothing happens.
None (PS0NJ) [827] Yeah, oh well that's not too bad.
Richard (PS0NB) [828] No, I mean they're they're not going to take a truck running over them [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [829] No [...] wouldn't it?
[830] It's [...] stage off.
Richard (PS0NB) [831] Yeah, they've now cancelled the cafetiere.
None (PS0NJ) [832] Have they?
Richard (PS0NB) [833] Yeah, they've been told to cut down on the spending.
None (PS0NJ) [834] So there coming up here are they?
Richard (PS0NB) [835] Only er, only, they're only paying for lunch for those that they have to pay for lunch [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [836] The afters and the [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [837] Yeah, the, the , it's the usual, they're doing every cut back they can, they're still paying, everybody gets breakfast, afternoon tea and [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [838] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [839] There all.
None (PS0NJ) [840] A bunch [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [841] There all cutting it now, so.
None (PS0NJ) [842] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [843] Cos the Producer you see, he won't have, he won't have the books in works.
None (PS0NJ) [844] Hm, yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [845] [...] and er the company have told him his got to a.
None (PS0NJ) [846] Cut back.
Richard (PS0NB) [847] Cut back.
[848] There goes the cafetiere.
None (PS0NJ) [849] Hm, hm, yes.
Richard (PS0NB) [850] Mind you, I mean,he he still still a solid weeks work.
None (PS0NJ) [851] Oh well.
Richard (PS0NB) [852] Yeah.

25 (Tape 000511)

None (PS0ND) [853] What's the name of the restaurant [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [854] Ah, it's Italian, ah, Giga, Gigero or something.
None (PS0ND) [855] Oh.
Richard (PS0NB) [856] Are you going?
None (PS0ND) [857] Are you?
Richard (PS0NB) [858] Probably.
None (PS0ND) [859] How about your wife?
Richard (PS0NB) [860] No, nobody's invited.
None (PS0ND) [861] Aren't they?
Richard (PS0NB) [862] No [...] . [...] .
None (PS0ND) [863] Oh .
Richard (PS0NB) [864] Which is a bit naughty, but.
None (PS0ND) [865] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [866] That's the way it goes. [...] .
None (PS0ND) [867] Funny were sort of [...] company isn't it?
Richard (PS0NB) [868] Hm, myself I don't know I might go, might not.
[869] Depends on [...] .
None (PS0ND) [870] I suppose [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [871] It's not worth [...] .
None (PS0ND) [872] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [873] Why?
None (PS0ND) [874] Is the baby better completely?
Richard (PS0NB) [875] His, yeah he's a lot better than.
None (PS0ND) [876] [...] .
None (PS0NC) [877] Children [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [878] Hm.
None (PS0NC) [879] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [880] He tends to play you up thought if he gets the chance.
None (PS0ND) [881] I bet the [...] very good.
Richard (PS0NB) [882] Hm ... I assume Dennis is still enthusiastic about this, after his seen the price.
None (PS0ND) [883] What is it?
Richard (PS0NB) [884] Hm.
None (PS0ND) [885] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [886] About [...] ... It's good equipment.
None (PS0ND) [887] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [888] Looks very well designed, you know there's nobody that makes them in this country.
None (PS0ND) [889] Really.
Richard (PS0NB) [890] It's all imported ...
None (PS0ND) [891] [...] .
None (PS0NC) [892] I'm working up know [...] , I always come up and watch telly. [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [893] Most of these salad bowls will be nice for that counter, won't it?
None (PS0NC) [894] Hm. [...] you will sign if you get excuse me.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [895] Square ones [...] .
None (PS0NC) [896] [...] .
[897] You get a lot more in the square ones.
[898] With these you seem to [...] . [...] .
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [899] These look nice and tidy now.
[900] These are tidy.
None (PS0NC) [901] [...] pay for them ... So [...] everything starts Monday does it?
None (PS0ND) [902] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [903] Oh [...] .
None (PS0ND) [904] Yeah [...] .
None (PS0NC) [905] Didn't he fancy being a [...] .
None (PS0ND) [906] [...] who Darren?
None (PS0NC) [907] Hm.
None (PS0ND) [908] He only drives me, me up the wall.
None (PS0NC) [909] You look [...] .
None (PS0ND) [910] Trevor's put him off [...] .
[911] He'll need encouraging to do it.
[912] Oh as he said something, he loves driving, but he hates driving in London.
[913] He really does.
None (PS0NC) [914] [...] .
None (PS0ND) [915] We, we always no if, if [...] comes in, we always no if his been in [...] , we go and hide.
None (PS0NC) [916] [...] .
[917] Do you both come [...] ?
None (PS0ND) [918] No, [...] .
None (PS0NC) [919] [...] .
None (PS0ND) [920] Well yes he goes, [...] .
[921] We go up there sometimes on a Saturday night, cos my brother and his wife [...] .
[922] Yeah, so erm [...] .
None (PS0NC) [923] [...] .
None (PS0ND) [924] Erm, [...] street, you, you know where that big church is, by the light of big round a about road [...] .
None (PS0NC) [925] [...] .
None (PS0ND) [926] [...] . [...] .
None (PS0ND) [927] [...] went up five pounds, my sister done her nut till I told her how much ours was.
None (PS0NC) [928] [...] .
[929] Get more expensive.
None (PS0ND) [930] [...] that was really a lot of money [...] about twenty two pounds .
None (PS0NC) [931] How's the [...] . [...] .
None (PS0ND) [932] Lovely, yeah.
[933] I haven't actually do [...] Darren has, Darren has.

26 (Tape 000512)

Richard (PS0NB) [934] What is it you've got for me?
None (PS0NH) [935] Perspex, [...] columns.
Richard (PS0NB) [936] Oh from, which one are they from?
None (PS0NH) [937] Where there [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [938] Frank Cooper's , thank you.
[939] Oh yeah, Frank Cooper's that, C P C, freebies.
None (PS0NH) [940] I see.
[941] What are they for?
Richard (PS0NB) [942] Spence in sauce of course.
None (PS0NH) [943] Oh I see.
Richard (PS0NB) [944] I'm surprised they sent it by courier, he said he was going to drop them in, mind, there's another one, a big one to come, this is only a small one.
None (PS0NH) [945] Lovely.
Richard (PS0NB) [946] [...] money in it? [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [947] Portion pack.
None (PS0NH) [948] Oh [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [949] Yeah.
[950] It's all packaging.
None (PS0NH) [951] [laugh] . [...] ... [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [952] Hm.
None (PS0NH) [953] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [954] This can all go straight in the bin this with all this lot.
[955] All that for this little thing.
None (PS0NH) [956] Yeah one [...] .
[957] [...] ... Probably right, must be another part to that. [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [958] Nothing else in that.
None (PS0NH) [959] No [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [960] Hm.
None (PS0NH) [961] Nothing else to it.
Richard (PS0NB) [962] No, nothing.
None (PS0NH) [963] So you just tumble them all in there and sort of fish about try and sort out which one it is.
Richard (PS0NB) [964] [...] .
None (PS0NH) [965] Yes.
Richard (PS0NB) [966] That's not much cop is it?
None (PS0NH) [967] [...] .
[968] [...] can't be right.
[969] If your gonna put .
Richard (PS0NB) [970] It's not like it was in the picture.
None (PS0NH) [971] No, your gonna put those little sachets in there, there should be a bit wider in there so that you can take which one you want.
Richard (PS0NB) [972] Yeah.
None (PS0NH) [973] But, even then.
Richard (PS0NB) [974] Well it was suppose, the one on the picture was in different levels.
None (PS0NH) [975] Yeah.
[976] No this isn't right, there's something wrong there, that's not complete.
Richard (PS0NB) [977] No.
None (PS0NH) [978] How do they come down, just in er flat box don't they?
Richard (PS0NB) [979] Hm.
None (PS0NH) [980] Yeah, well you probably can get them in there and you [...] in there and get the thing out again. [...] ...
Richard (PS0NB) [981] It's pretty badly made in it?
None (PS0NH) [982] It is badly made.
[983] [...] cost more than anything else, [...] .
[984] Well I would of, I would of thought that [...] , I mean if your gonna take something out that that's sort of size all well and good, but I mean it won't even dispense will it?
Richard (PS0NB) [985] No.
[986] Oh well.
None (PS0NH) [987] I mean you you need something where it's gonna pop itself out.
[988] It's all welded round you can't get it out [...] .
[989] Well that's it, it can't be right, it can't be right, because what you would expect in there, is another sort of perspex piece that comes at an angle like that.
Richard (PS0NB) [990] Hm.
None (PS0NH) [991] And you put them in, you know whatever it is, all one side.
Richard (PS0NB) [992] The feed, the feed in.
None (PS0NH) [993] And they would force themselves to the front all the time.
Richard (PS0NB) [994] Yeah.
None (PS0NH) [995] That I could understand, yeah something that was sort of that shape, even if it was only just at an angle [cough] , but it, I would of said that was much to big for it.
Richard (PS0NB) [996] Hm.
None (PS0NH) [997] Those little sachets, unless of course you've got a divider in there that takes two different types, yeah ... Oh one.
Richard (PS0NB) [998] Perspex column dispense.
None (PS0NH) [999] Well, well that is [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1000] Urgent dispatched. [bell ring]
None (PS0NH) [1001] Something definitely wrong here.
[1002] And there's nothing else in that box at all.
Richard (PS0NB) [1003] No, only the packaging.
None (PS0NH) [1004] [...] answer.
Richard (PS0NB) [1005] No.
[1006] Oh well, it's for free.
None (PS0NH) [1007] Yeah, but, why have [...] free things is there useless.
Richard (PS0NB) [1008] Hm, we'll find some use for it [laugh] .
None (PS0NH) [1009] Just about hold a box of tea to pull the tea bag out of it, won't it?
Richard (PS0NB) [1010] Hm.
None (PS0NH) [1011] But even then it's at the wrong angle, you, you mustn't, you shouldn't put your hand right inside.
Richard (PS0NB) [1012] Hm.
None (PS0NH) [1013] That, that [...] avoid that sort of thing doesn't it?
Richard (PS0NB) [1014] Hm, it's not terribly smooth either.
None (PS0NH) [1015] No.
Richard (PS0NB) [1016] And that's direct from Frank Cooper is it?
None (PS0NH) [1017] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [1018] [...] .
[1019] That looks [...] .
[1020] But I would of thought there'd be an inside of a lid for that.
None (PS0NH) [1021] Well, yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [1022] A lid or something to keep the muck and [...] .
None (PS0NH) [1023] One no doubt the rep will turn up again before long.
Richard (PS0NB) [1024] It's certainly not on.
None (PS0NH) [1025] I've got a big one coming a wooden one, supposedly ... I think of something. [laugh] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1026] It doesn't dispense [...] at the bottom level.
None (PS0NH) [1027] Oh.
[1028] Funny thing.
[1029] It certainly doesn't look complete.
[1030] I'm sure there should be an inside and a lid to it.
Richard (PS0NB) [1031] Hm, you'd of thought so.
[1032] Well, will see when he turns up.
None (PS0NH) [1033] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1034] [laugh] .
None (PS0NH) [1035] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1036] Eh, certainly not given much away.
None (PS0NH) [1037] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1038] Probably is.
None (PS0NH) [1039] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1040] Well ya, the Frank Cooper's part of er C P C, Knorr, all that group of companies.
None (PS0NH) [1041] [...] himself back to Rank Hovis [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1042] Well, yeah,C C P C are the parent company.
[1043] Trading under various names.
None (PS0NH) [1044] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1045] And to send something out like that by special despatch.
None (PS0NH) [1046] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [1047] More money then sense.
None (PS0NH) [1048] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1049] [laugh] .
None (PS0NH) [1050] Yeah, well never mind.
Richard (PS0NB) [1051] Yeah.
None (PS0NH) [1052] That's all your stuff for the [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1053] Yeah, yeah , were gonna get a trolley round and er take it, soon as lunch is set.
None (PS0NH) [1054] We ordered everything so it'll be [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1055] Oh, oh lovely, fine.
None (PS0NH) [1056] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1057] Oh there's loads, plenty of stuff.
None (PS0NH) [1058] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1059] Oh, well.
None (PS0NH) [1060] Oh, come up [...] Sea bass today.
Richard (PS0NB) [1061] Sea bass, that'll be the day.
None (PS0NH) [1062] I had a nice one last weekend.
Richard (PS0NB) [1063] What Sea bass?
[1064] Where'd you get that?
None (PS0NH) [1065] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1066] A bit pricey usually.
None (PS0NH) [1067] Yeah they are, they're quite expensive.
Richard (PS0NB) [1068] Oh.
None (PS0NH) [1069] But they were nice and big, fat and sliced open, grilled [...] nice.
Richard (PS0NB) [1070] Hm, oh they are aren't they, beautiful fish, but erm, I couldn't see anybody here paying.
None (PS0NH) [1071] [...] .
[1072] My favourite fish is Sole.
Richard (PS0NB) [1073] Sole, yeah.
None (PS0NH) [1074] [...] .
[1075] I like all fish [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1076] I er.
None (PS0NH) [1077] [...] all sorts of sauces with it.
Richard (PS0NB) [1078] No, I like the meaty fishes, but it's the, it's the price of 'em, it's just like buying steak.
None (PS0NH) [1079] Yeah, I just say [...] get a, a meal of a fish [...] it's gonna cost you a fiver then ain't it, [...] come down on [...] by the time you've got a two, three of them.
Richard (PS0NB) [1080] Oh.
None (PS0NH) [1081] Eh they only [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1082] No, nothing on them.
None (PS0NH) [1083] Your just paying money [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1084] Yeah, there's a company that er imports from the south seas, all the fishes and they just charge two pound a pound.
None (PS0NH) [1085] Hm.
Richard (PS0NB) [1086] Whatever arrives, but you just don't know what your going to get [laugh] , no, it's flown in er trying to think it comes in four days a week by air, it's selling at a good price but you don't know what your going to get and I mean, you couldn't, you couldn't risk using it somewhere like this, so, it, the chances of selling it.
None (PS0NH) [1087] [...] with all fish especially with [...] it's gotta be [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1088] Hm.
[1089] Yeah, we use to do it on location.
None (PS0NH) [1090] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1091] Yeah.
None (PS0NH) [1092] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1093] You get all the er, [...] selling different, especially, I mean if your going round with people for months.
None (PS0NH) [1094] Yeah [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1095] You got you've gotta give 'em some.
None (PS0NH) [1096] Bit more about it.
Richard (PS0NB) [1097] Yeah.
None (PS0NH) [1098] You know it just tastes the same.
Richard (PS0NB) [1099] Yeah.
[1100] That's it like a st stage is here, I mean it's very awkward to caterer for people down here and for the stages on the same menu.
None (PS0NH) [1101] Oh, I expect it is, [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1102] Yeah.
None (PS0NH) [1103] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1104] I got, I got the information from those boxes.
None (PS0NH) [1105] Oh have ya, yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [1106] As, yeah.
None (PS0NH) [1107] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1108] Except the only.
None (PS0NH) [1109] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1110] Hundred and fifty.
None (PS0NH) [1111] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1112] Yeah, but then you've got to put the containers inside them so that's another few quid, yeah, right, wait and see what he says.
None (PS0NH) [1113] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1114] No.
None (PS0NH) [1115] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1116] I think.
None (PS0NH) [1117] [...] .
None (PS0NJ) [1118] Good morning [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1119] I think Page's do it.
None (PS0NH) [1120] Oh they do.
Richard (PS0NB) [1121] Have you spoken to them?
None (PS0NH) [1122] No I haven't.
Richard (PS0NB) [1123] I'll give them a ring then and see.
None (PS0NH) [1124] Well that was the only thing.
Richard (PS0NB) [1125] Yeah [...] .
[1126] I think that's quite expensive that stuff.
None (PS0NH) [1127] [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1128] No.
None (PS0NJ) [1129] Say hello.
Richard (PS0NB) [1130] Say hello?
None (PS0NJ) [1131] Please [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1132] [...] microphone.
None (PS0NJ) [1133] Bollocks. [...] .
None (PS0NH) [1134] No it's [...] for the base.
Richard (PS0NB) [1135] Have you got the letter [...] .
None (PS0NH) [1136] [...] .
[1137] Lovely, what is that for?
Richard (PS0NB) [1138] It's three quarter, er market research, Collins Dictionary's.
None (PS0NH) [1139] Yeah.
[1140] I see.
[1141] Great stuff.
[1142] So it just records everything that's going on.
Richard (PS0NB) [1143] Sees what people say, how good the English language is [laugh] .
None (PS0NH) [1144] I see ... That's a good idea because you er get everything in that [...] depending on what area your in.
Richard (PS0NB) [1145] I think, I think this place covers just about everything. [laugh] .
None (PS0NH) [1146] This one is most amazing [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1147] Hm.
None (PS0NH) [1148] You'll certainly pick up some er colourful language.
Richard (PS0NB) [1149] Hm.
None (PS0NH) [1150] Local colour as well, when they talk about doing something and er doing it wrong oh.
Richard (PS0NB) [1151] [laugh] .
None (PS0NH) [1152] [...] given it some of that [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1153] Right, thanks [...] the, some of the names they've got for food.
None (PS0NH) [1154] Oh yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [1155] Yeah, I can't, Oh.
[1156] They've got oh, can't remember what, we had one this morning for bake beans, I can't remember what it was.
[1157] Trumpers or something ... Right gonna do, gonna get lunch in.

27 (Tape 000513)

Richard (PS0NB) [1158] It's unbelievable, they sent that by special despatch.
[1159] Frank Cooper's, special messenger just to deliver that, in a great big box.
[1160] It's a sauce dispenser ... Well madam have you got any comments?
None (PS0NC) [1161] No [...] .

28 (Tape 000601)

Richard (PS0NB) [1162] It was a good film that ... very good.
None (PS0ND) [1163] Yes?
Richard (PS0NB) [1164] Mm ...
None (PS0ND) [1165] It's just a more and more [...] I I think was just a [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1166] Yeah.
[1167] It's worse it is. ... yeah we need to we need to get busy again we do.
[1168] Oh!
[1169] Ho!
[1170] Tut!
[1171] Tut!

29 (Tape 000603)

Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1172] Originally when I first went there I used to go twice a week.
None (PS0NC) [1173] But that was seven pound an hour?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1174] Yeah that was very good.
None (PS0NC) [1175] ... Janet figures that Jeremy takes the good out of it.
None (PS0ND) [1176] [...] what the what the pay is now here is what I was earning three years to four years ago [...]
None (PS0NC) [1177] We ain't all that [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1178] I mean then the rate was four pound an hour.
[1179] I mean I know you can get that here now.
None (PS0NC) [1180] ... If you can get some of those [...]
None (PS0ND) [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1181] Well I was wondering now [...]
None (PS0NC) [1182] Get a couple of [...]
None (PS0ND) [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1183] What I did I started as an agency cleaner.
[1184] That's how I got my job.
None (PS0ND) [1185] Yeah.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1186] They er were recommended [...] ... And most of the [...] they were clean jobs.
[1187] So you didn't have to go there or be there at a certain time ... .
[1188] You don't do that here.
None (PS0ND) [1189] We're we're being the best paid [...]
None (PS0NC) [1190] Not er [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1191] [...] two fifty an hour [...]
None (PS0NC) [1192] Not er some er
None (PS0ND) [1193] If you just know somebody or somebody or something like [...] you're probably just looked after [...]
None (PS0NC) [1194] Oh yeah [...]
None (PS0ND) [1195] I mean anybody that serves the purpose [...]
None (PS0NC) [1196] Oh yeah [...]
None (PS0ND) [1197] I mean it's obvious to them that [...] anywhere.
[1198] And er then they're not going to let anybody go there are they?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1199] Karen I used to take Karen [...] she was married to that English fellow.
[1200] He was he worked up in [...] He was [...] and she had two [...] and Gary and Andy [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1201] I knew I was leaving.
[1202] And when I left her before I left the others [...] .
[1203] But the post and er the [...] I left them I left the post [...]

30 (Tape 000604)

Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1204] Oh no!
[1205] You alright.
[1206] I don't like you keep looking at me.
[1207] Give me a complex you know I got a [...] nose or something [laugh]
None (PS0NF) [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1208] [...] get my glasses [...]
None (PS0ND) [1209] Oh yes!
[1210] She's right.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1211] [...] He's got a wart at the end of his nose and I couldn't see it.
None (PS0ND) [1212] Who told you that?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1213] My mate Sue.
[1214] I can't make out.
[1215] I'm gonna go [...]
None (PS0NF) [1216] Oh yes!
None (PS0ND) [...]
None (PS0NF) [1217] Mm?
None (PS0ND) [1218] I didn't say that [...]
None (PS0NF) [1219] [laugh] see the ghost [...]
None (PS0ND) [1220] Oh don't worry [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1221] He had his leg across like that
None (PS0NF) [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1222] Mm

31 (Tape 000605)

None (PS0NC) [1223] That ice cream?
Richard (PS0NB) [...]
None (PS0ND) [1224] Twos
Richard (PS0NB) [1225] Is that [...]
None (PS0NE) [1226] [...] in there locked up.
None (PS0NC) [1227] Of course.
Richard (PS0NB) [1228] Excuses she [...] she couldn't find it [...]
None (PS0ND) [1229] No I said to her I said don't be so bloody stupid.
[1230] [...] a bloody menace.
[1231] A load of cobblers he talks.
None (PS0NE) [1232] Has he got another one Chris?
None (PS0ND) [1233] Got one with my name in it [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1234] He told me not to say anything so I didn't?
[1235] He's got one with a name on it.
None (PS0ND) [1236] I said I got my name on ... up in lights
None (PS0NC) [1237] What was he when he had a key when I had this one?
None (PS0NC) [1238] He knew the number [...]
None (PS0ND) [1239] It's hanging in there
None (PS0NC) [1240] He knew the number?
Richard (PS0NB) [1241] Alright
None (PS0ND) [...]
None (PS0NE) [1242] Mm.
None (PS0ND) [1243] The other one [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1244] But he'd seen the number didn't he [...]
None (PS0ND) [1245] [...] the silly old
Richard (PS0NB) [1246] No he's got a number on if you look on the key.
None (PS0NC) [1247] [...] the number [...]
None (PS0ND) [1248] [...] key number they call it the [...] number er
None (PS0NE) [...]
None (PS0NC) [1249] It's quite expensive to have a number isn't it?
None (PS0NE) [1250] No you get em on numbers.
Richard (PS0NB) [1251] Yeah you get em on numbers. [...]
None (PS0NE) [1252] The only the only lot that's really safe is an [...]
None (PS0ND) [...]
None (PS0NE) [1253] Cos the keys are ... all the keys are individual ... and they're registered.
[1254] Yeah and er you've got to erm get a replacement key.
[1255] You've got to go through the manufacturer.
Richard (PS0NB) [1256] Of course you give them back to the client.
[1257] [...] Rather when Carla comes back Monday you've got to tape the [...] with a bit of wood [...] the window just outside the door because the bolt is on the same side.
None (PS0NC) [1258] Oh he's off Monday?
None (PS0ND) [1259] Put it on for Tuesday.
[1260] Put it on the inside on the opposite one okay?
None (PS0NE) [1261] Right.
[1262] Lovely
None (PS0NC) [1263] Is he off Monday?
None (PS0ND) [1264] You have to pull it down or leave it down all the time because you always have to leave the light on there anyway ...
Richard (PS0NB) [1265] You having trouble choosing [...] Frank this morning problem was completely the way of the door [...] these days you couldn't get in or out.
[1266] Some [...] what's his name Frank?
None (PS0ND) [1267] Frank will you put that [...] away please? [laugh]
None (PS0NE) [1268] Do you all stay to [...] on er Monday?
None (PS0ND) [1269] Oh A's [...] on Monday
None (PS0NE) [1270] No the people we've booked they've got the B and D
Richard (PS0NB) [1271] B?
None (PS0NE) [1272] B and D
Richard (PS0NB) [1273] B?
None (PS0ND) [1274] Do you want an ash tray?
None (PS0NE) [1275] But I don't I don't know which one they're working on yet.
Richard (PS0NB) [1276] You want an ash tray?
None (PS0ND) [1277] Well what about A then?
None (PS0NE) [1278] I haven't heard anything more.
Richard (PS0NB) [1279] Really?
None (PS0NE) [1280] Then then there's er what's the name [...] what's the woman they're working on at the minute ... this lot the
Richard (PS0NB) [1281] C
None (PS0NE) [1282] C isn't it?
None (PS0NC) [1283] See you later.
Richard (PS0NB) [1284] Right.
None (PS0NE) [1285] So it's only D that's empty
Richard (PS0NB) [1286] [...] for a walk
None (PS0NC) [1287] [...] last minute don't they?
None (PS0NE) [1288] Yeah ... yes.
[1289] Oh that's expedience.
None (PS0ND) [1290] I think I'd feel it wouldn't you.
[1291] I know I asked her [...] I feel confused now.
None (PS0NE) [1292] [...] sorbet
None (PS0ND) [1293] Well I knew it's [...] I wonder
None (PS0NE) [1294] Yes moving pictures are on D and E and A and M on C.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1295] [...] someone here today.
None (PS0NE) [1296] Mm
None (PS0ND) [1297] It's not I mean too bad
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1298] [...] A B C
None (PS0NE) [1299] That's just after [...]
None (PS0ND) [1300] Mm?
None (PS0NE) [1301] That's just after [...]
None (PS0NE) [1302] A and M
None (PS0ND) [1303] I think I've seen them before.
[1304] They have been here before haven't they?
None (PS0NE) [1305] Don't know.
[1306] I worked with her husband apparently.
None (PS0ND) [1307] Did you?
None (PS0NE) [1308] He was a producer on American friends.
None (PS0ND) [1309] Oh?
None (PS0NE) [1310] That's [...] He's he's a nice guy ... you know very good.
Richard (PS0NB) [1311] Oh dear! ...
None (PS0ND) [1312] Mm.
None (PS0NE) [1313] Wonder what he's doing now?
[1314] Should have asked her.
[1315] Ask her next time she's round.
[1316] Unless they've got another film going out here [...] ...
Richard (PS0NB) [1317] I think it's poppy due
None (PS0NE) [1318] A and M yeah.
[1319] It's a record com
Richard (PS0NB) [1320] It is is it?
None (PS0NE) [1321] A record company.
None (PS0ND) [1322] Ah!
[1323] I wondered [...]
None (PS0NE) [1324] Yeah.
[1325] Quite a big company actually.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1326] Yes but I thought A and M are only a small one.
None (PS0NE) [1327] No.
Richard (PS0NB) [1328] I don't remember that name here before [...] I know I know I know some of the faces alright.
None (PS0NE) [1329] I remember the Carpenters used to be on here you know.
None (PS0ND) [1330] Yes?
Richard (PS0NB) [1331] I thought the Carpenters were on E M I ... Oh dear! ...
None (PS0ND) [1332] There's something the matter with the screen
None (PS0NE) [1333] Mm mm.
[1334] No huh!
None (PS0ND) [1335] [...] he would be so cruel.
Richard (PS0NB) [1336] [...] ahead of you ... [...]
None (PS0NC) [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1337] Why?
None (PS0NE) [1338] [...] ?
None (PS0ND) [1339] He doesn't like it best.
None (PS0NE) [1340] They used to be [...] for a while.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1341] Yeah.
[1342] You know he sounded a long time when he was saying it.
[1343] [...] gone quick isn't it?
[1344] At that time he said he'd be wearing [...]
None (PS0NE) [1345] Where's he been?
None (PS0ND) [1346] France I thought he was [...] ...
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1347] I'm quite sure you know.
None (PS0NE) [1348] I must say I do miss that thing.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1349] Yeah I bet you do because it was [...] used to that and then you stuck in one place.
None (PS0NE) [1350] I was somewhere different every day.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1351] Of course.
None (PS0NF) [1352] [...] wasn't there?
None (PS0ND) [1353] Do you [...] then retired?
None (PS0NE) [1354] Two more years of it then ... well ... You see as long as my wife had a career -it was only because of the little one.
[1355] I mean while she had her career it didn't matter so much because I was there.
[1356] As long as I was in the country I was home on a Friday night and them again till Monday morning.
[1357] So I always had the weekends.
None (PS0ND) [1358] You come to spend more time together than you are now because you go home in the evenings she goes out.
None (PS0NE) [1359] Yes.
None (PS0ND) [1360] I mean when you come she [...]
None (PS0NE) [1361] She's the just same as
None (PS0ND) [1362] It's time for bed anyway.
None (PS0NE) [1363] Well that's what I said you know it's just the same as it was it's not
None (PS0ND) [1364] Mm
None (PS0NE) [1365] It's nothing changed really apart from the fact that I get the time with the little one.
None (PS0ND) [1366] Mm
None (PS0NE) [1367] So
None (PS0ND) [1368] Mm
None (PS0NE) [1369] I mean that had to change ... or he wouldn't have known who I was ...
None (PS0ND) [1370] And when he wanted to get some when he's old enough for money ... There must be [...] as well as around some fifty now.
None (PS0NF) [1371] Don said to come up early today if you want sandwiches.
[1372] Just to order I mean.
None (PS0NE) [1373] That was Friday.
None (PS0NF) [1374] [...] Sunday isn't it?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1375] [...] birds of a feather aren't they really?
None (PS0NE) [1376] I used to get down the pub on a Friday lunch time absolutely.
[1377] Hope she comes [...]
None (PS0ND) [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1378] Was one of the charges B H?
[1379] Do you know what I was going through?
None (PS0NF) [1380] Who was that?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [...]
None (PS0NE) [1381] I hope [...] not that I'm choosy.
[1382] Don't expect Alan checked on you yesterday.
[1383] Only cos I took you down there to the cafeteria.
[1384] You have been talking about what we will be doing with it.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1385] Mm.
None (PS0NE) [1386] And er he [...] went off after er chasing after somebody somebody to see what they're up to
None (PS0ND) [1387] They're putting your [...] after layer and layer [...] on that house.
[1388] And you can't even go in it when you when [...] how strong the [...]
None (PS0NF) [1389] What on the dolls houses?
None (PS0ND) [1390] Mm.
[1391] [...] the room is red now. [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1392] Oh God!
[1393] Actually I'd rather have no house.
None (PS0ND) [1394] Mm.
None (PS0NE) [1395] Yeah I don't think it's very good for a kiddy.
None (PS0NF) [1396] No no no no no ...
None (PS0NE) [1397] But
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1398] I think it looks more like a kennel.
None (PS0NF) [1399] It's for mad dogs and Englishmen.
None (PS0NE) [1400] [...] there's plenty of that here.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1401] [laugh] Oh God!
None (PS0ND) [1402] But I don't know what they're going to do about that door but it's gonna make [...] fingers in the doors.
None (PS0NE) [1403] Who's that? [...]
None (PS0ND) [1404] Girls yes
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1405] Do the other one have a door you know the the one at the shops?
None (PS0ND) [1406] Yes they have a door.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1407] Half a door is it?
None (PS0NF) [1408] Oh no it's a full door which is er when you open it it stays open and it's got er what do you call it?
[1409] Handle or a knob or whatever you call it with all the proper kind of things on it ...
None (PS0ND) [1410] Now our last run.
None (PS0NE) [1411] Our last run.
[1412] Another day nearly over,
None (PS0ND) [1413] Another week
None (PS0NE) [1414] Yeah
None (PS0ND) [1415] over.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1416] Another day older and leaves are dead.
None (PS0NE) [1417] I hope not.
[1418] ... Oh!
Richard (PS0NB) [1419] What time do they come with their oysters?
None (PS0NE) [1420] I don't think they're going to turn up now.
None (PS0NF) [1421] Don't look like it cause I think they finish earlier on Friday.
None (PS0NE) [1422] Mm.
[1423] I would imagine they sort of they couldn't find the place
None (PS0NF) [1424] Mm
None (PS0NE) [1425] and they've just taken them back ... [...] ... If they don't turn up Monday I'll get on to them.
None (PS0ND) [1426] Monday?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1427] Probably be here early.
[1428] Did did they say they'd come today yeah?
None (PS0NE) [1429] Yeah.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1430] Probably be here early Monday morning.
None (PS0NE) [1431] [yawn] ... So you're working on it some stage as yet?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1432] No.
None (PS0ND) [1433] When you said no you made me think now [...]
None (PS0NE) [1434] Mind you everything's down there.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1435] Oh what stage?
[1436] Is it a B or a G?
None (PS0NE) [1437] Well this is it.
[1438] We don't know.
None (PS0ND) [1439] When er Colin's here [...] one time.
[1440] It used to be all in that little log book on the wall.
[1441] What was on where [...] he used to write it down and he said everybody's said [...] never know.
None (PS0NE) [1442] We'll have to get a board up in there.
None (PS0ND) [1443] Mm
None (PS0NE) [1444] In the office down there [...]
None (PS0ND) [1445] What for?
None (PS0NE) [1446] For what's on on each stage.
[1447] [...] keep the bills down there and then we can just write it on there [...]
None (PS0ND) [1448] Yeah ...
None (PS0NF) [1449] I think today has been quite interesting [...]
None (PS0NE) [1450] I think it will work a lot better ... once we get boxes ... basically
None (PS0ND) [1451] Will it will it save a lot of hassles.
None (PS0NE) [1452] Well you know everything can be made and if it's cold you just put the boxes in the fridge and if it's hot you just put it in and seal it up.
None (PS0ND) [1453] Yeah [...] I hope you realize that freezer's [...] Who's going to take that down one of the boys [...] next week.
None (PS0NE) [1454] Well Mark's supposed to have organized [...]
None (PS0ND) [1455] Certainly not [...] .
[1456] So it can't be a very big fridge because they they had one here before and I was lucky to get four cartons of orange in there and one bottle and you've had it.
[1457] And I can't [...] get any bigger.
None (PS0NE) [1458] Well
None (PS0ND) [1459] And especially when in the summer months [...]
None (PS0NE) [1460] Yeah but what I'm saying when we got the thermal boxes ... you put the stuff in this big fridge er in here
None (PS0ND) [1461] Mm
None (PS0NE) [1462] and just take the boxes.
None (PS0ND) [1463] What's he going to [...]
None (PS0NE) [1464] Well yes fair enough.
[1465] Doesn't seem to be any objections.
None (PS0ND) [1466] Really?
[1467] What about er the other the other dishes [...] enquiries ... weirder because [...]
None (PS0NE) [1468] Yeah [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1469] Mm
None (PS0NF) [1470] Really?
None (PS0NE) [1471] Well the [...]
None (PS0ND) [1472] I didn't know they had so much money
None (PS0NE) [1473] Well I know [...] they don't mind me spending tens of pounds but spending hundreds of pounds is usually a bit
None (PS0ND) [1474] Yeah
None (PS0NE) [1475] out of order.
[1476] But this is it they don't said no to spending ninety five pounds on a fridge ... yeah those boxes I mean it's gonna be six seven hundred pounds for those
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1477] There must be
None (PS0NE) [1478] That's not on ...
None (PS0NF) [1479] They make some [...] ?
None (PS0NE) [1480] No.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [...]
None (PS0NE) [1481] Oh yeah.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1482] What good will they do?
None (PS0ND) [1483] Oh they're very good so long as
None (PS0NE) [1484] Well they keep the soup hot or keep the soup cold. [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1485] For how long?
[1486] All
None (PS0NE) [1487] Well er erm once they're opened they're alright for about an hour.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1488] Oh I see.
None (PS0NE) [1489] Like it's like they're like thermos flasks.
None (PS0NF) [1490] Oh yes.
None (PS0NE) [1491] But they carry food.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1492] Oh dear!
None (PS0NF) [1493] [yawn] Excuse me get [...] nothing.
None (PS0NE) [1494] Yeah get cleared up.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1495] [...] my head out.
None (PS0NF) [1496] [laugh] I [...] be relaxing now just when I yawn.
None (PS0NE) [1497] Oh.

32 (Tape 000606)

Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1498] Do any of you you girls want any bread?
None (PS0ND) [1499] I would like five rolls [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1500] Yeah ...
None (PS0NC) [1501] Four of those [...]
None (PS0ND) [1502] You had the last three.
None (PS0NC) [1503] [...] the fridge.
None (PS0NE) [1504] Thanks.
[1505] Thanks.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1506] Cos it's summer time [...] that's today's.
None (PS0NC) [1507] Yes but [...] my head as well.
[1508] There are some others [...]
None (PS0NC) [1509] You're just hard up you know [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1510] Rusty!
[1511] Do you want any bread?
None (PS0NF) [1512] Yes.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1513] What?
None (PS0NF) [1514] Brown.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1515] Brown?
[1516] One two three?
None (PS0NF) [1517] Two.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1518] Two ... Do you want any more?
None (PS0NC) [1519] I'll just have a bit of brown.
[1520] Thanks very much.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1521] Do you want anything else?
[1522] ... Cake?
None (PS0NF) [1523] Brown.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1524] Brown as well
None (PS0ND) [1525] Do you know I don't think that's [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1526] Have a brown

33 (Tape 000607)

Richard (PS0NB) [1527] [singing] Step inside love [] ... At least I left the light on.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1528] You're alright.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1529] Oh.
[1530] Thanks very much Chris.
Richard (PS0NB) [...]
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1531] But of course.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1532] [...] very rich [...] ... [...] peanuts.
Richard (PS0NB) [1533] Sorry?
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1534] The only one [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [1535] Well this is it I miss you so much.
Unknown speaker (KDPPSUNK) [1536] Yeah!
[1537] That's what I thought.

34 (Tape 000608)

Richard (PS0NB) [1538] So you been in all day?
None (PS0NC) [1539] Almost.
[1540] We were all going to go to [...] Mark called in because Daniel was ill.
Richard (PS0NB) ... [...]
None (PS0NC) [1541] [...] ... [...] Why?
Richard (PS0NB) [1542] ... Mm?
None (PS0NC) [1543] Why?
Richard (PS0NB) [1544] I just wondered.
[1545] ... Ah!
None (PS0NC) [1546] [...] you know it takes time really.
Richard (PS0NB) [1547] Mm.
[1548] ... [...] I know.
None (PS0NC) [1549] [...] It's eleven o'clock before I turn around after finishing the kitchen.
Richard (PS0NB) [1550] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [1551] ... Guy's asleep.
[1552] ... Guy!
Richard (PS0NB) [1553] [puffing] Steady at it!
[1554] Mm.
None (PS0ND) [crying]
None (PS0NC) [1555] Oh dear!
Richard (PS0NB) [1556] Oh!
None (PS0ND) [crying]
None (PS0NC) [1557] What's the matter?
[1558] Oh Dear!
[1559] Dear!
[1560] Dear!
[1561] [...] You got a
Richard (PS0NB) [...]
None (PS0ND) [crying]
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1562] Oh!
None (PS0NC) [1563] He's a nice man really.
None (PS0ND) [crying]
Richard (PS0NB) [1564] Ha!
[1565] Ha!
None (PS0NC) [1566] Ha!
[1567] Ha!
[1568] Oh but he is.
Richard (PS0NB) [1569] Oh Guy!
None (PS0NC) [...]
None (PS0ND) [crying]
None (PS0NC) [1570] Pooh!
None (PS0ND) [crying]
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1571] He's had a sleep this afternoon?
None (PS0NC) [1572] Mm. [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1573] Mm.
None (PS0NC) [1574] [...] this afternoon.
[1575] That's one of the other reasons I didn't er go anywhere.
[1576] I must wash my hair.

35 (Tape 000609)

Richard (PS0NB) [1577] Got a piece of scone there?
[1578] [...] ... Thank you.
None (PS0NC) [1579] ... He's making a lovely mess with that.
[1580] ... Ah!
Richard (PS0NB) ... [...]
None (PS0ND) [1581] Eh!
None (PS0NC) [1582] Mm.
[1583] See!
None (PS0NC) [1584] There!
Richard (PS0NB) [1585] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [1586] Yep.
None (PS0ND) [1587] Ee!
None (PS0NC) [1588] Mm.
Richard (PS0NB) [1589] Mm.
None (PS0ND) [1590] Ee!
Richard (PS0NB) [1591] Been quite well today actually.
None (PS0NC) [1592] Ha!
[1593] He didn't have much last night.
Richard (PS0NB) [...]
None (PS0NC) [1594] Only took about half his bottle.
Richard (PS0NB) [1595] Mm.
[1596] What about the banana thing? [...]
None (PS0NC) [1597] Had a little bit.
[1598] Only half a dozen spoons full.
None (PS0ND) [cooing]
None (PS0NC) [1599] Ha!
[1600] Ha!
Richard (PS0NB) [1601] That nice?
[1602] ... Well he shouldn't eat much tonight.
None (PS0NC) [1603] Mm
Richard (PS0NB) [1604] He's eaten quite well. ... [...]
None (PS0NC) [1605] Ha!
[1606] Ha!
None (PS0ND) [1607] Hey
Richard (PS0NB) [1608] Hey!
[1609] Hey!
None (PS0ND) ... [scream]
Richard (PS0NB) [1610] That's it.
[1611] Say hello Daddy!
None (PS0NC) [1612] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [1613] Hello Daddy!
None (PS0ND) [1614] ... Hey!
None (PS0NC) [1615] Hey!
[1616] Hey!
None (PS0ND) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1617] What's the time?
[1618] We got to get ready [...]
None (PS0NC) [1619] Mummy's got to get ready.
Richard (PS0NB) [1620] Can I leave him with the
None (PS0NC) [1621] Yes.
[1622] His Nibs.
[1623] Come on darling there we go in there.
[1624] Do you want a bit more scone after that?
None (PS0NC) [1625] Well I've left that there for him.
None (PS0ND) [baby noises]
Richard (PS0NB) [1626] It's actually a third of a roll.
[1627] Er erm he's had an apple today er
None (PS0NC) [1628] Mm.
Richard (PS0NB) [1629] [...] piece of [...] pie.
[1630] And er er [...] you know most of that rice ... sweet you know.
None (PS0NC) [1631] All right.
[1632] Which one?
Richard (PS0NB) [1633] The one with the strawberry.
None (PS0NC) [1634] Alright.
Richard (PS0NB) [1635] He ate most of it most of the rice anyway.
[1636] But still no vegetable.
[1637] But what happens after [...] of being looked after you know.
None (PS0NC) [1638] After a scone.
Richard (PS0NB) [1639] You don't think he'll [...]
None (PS0NC) [1640] Erm.
[1641] Ah! [...] cup of tea.
[1642] Oh yes!
Richard (PS0NB) [...]
None (PS0NC) [1643] Not too warm is it?
[1644] No.

36 (Tape 000610)

Richard (PS0NB) [1645] Oh was that nice?
[1646] Ooh!
[1647] Shall we move down here?
[1648] And we get you some more scone?
[1649] Yes.
[1650] Yes we can.
[1651] ... There you go!
[1652] Mm.
[1653] A little butter on it.
[1654] There we go!
[1655] Is that nice?
[1656] Mm ... Oh!
[1657] Lovely.
[1658] Oh!
[1659] Lovely.
[1660] Mm!
[1661] ... Mm.
[1662] ... Aren't we getting in a mess with this eh?
[1663] Oh!
[1664] Ah yes!
[1665] [...] ... There!
[1666] Here we go?
[1667] A bit more?

37 (Tape 000611)

Richard (PS0NB) [1668] Oh!
[1669] Is that any way to treat your bottle?
[1670] Want any more of this?
[1671] ... No.
[1672] You ready to go down?
[1673] ... Okey dokey.
[1674] There we go tiger.
[1675] There we go.
None (PS0ND) [baby noise]
Richard (PS0NB) [...]

38 (Tape 000612)

Richard (PS0NB) [1676] Sorry dear
None (PS0NC) [1677] [...] Guy can have a bath tonight because the water's hot enough.
None (PS0ND) [1678] Da!
Richard (PS0NB) [1679] Guy can have a bath tonight?
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1680] What?
[1681] Well he doesn't well he can have one in the morning if it isn't?
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1682] Alright.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1683] No.
[1684] We'll see how you go eh?
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1685] Alright.
[1686] ... We'll see how he does.
[1687] Won't we?
None (PS0ND) [1688] Eargh!
Richard (PS0NB) [1689] At the moment you're er just practising as demolition.
[1690] Ah!
[1691] Ah!
None (PS0ND) [1692] Mm!
Richard (PS0NB) [1693] Mm!
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1694] Yes.
None (PS0NC) [1695] ... What do you think that [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1696] I think it's a good buy actually.
None (PS0ND) [1697] Eh!
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1698] No.
None (PS0ND) [1699] Eh!
None (PS0NC) [...]
None (PS0ND) [1700] Da!
[1701] Da!
[1702] Da!
Richard (PS0NB) [1703] I don't know what ... I really don't know what you do with it.
None (PS0ND) [1704] Der!
Richard (PS0NB) [1705] Because it's very bad for parking isn't it?
None (PS0NC) [1706] Well except that road up where we park [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1707] Yeah.
[1708] We're actually at the front of it.
[1709] You know we're not going to get?
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1710] [...] not going to get people stopping that's the thing.
[1711] ... I don't [...]
None (PS0NC) [1712] [...] you're going to Stockport [...]
None (PS0ND) [1713] Da!
Richard (PS0NB) [1714] Alright.
Richard (PS0NB) [1715] ... Yeah.
[1716] Have to be after the Bank Holiday.
[1717] ... We'll just have to try and go over as
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1718] we're taking her to see that property and er have a look around and see if there's any more.
None (PS0ND) [1719] Geh!
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1720] Yeah.
[1721] Have a little think about it.
[1722] ... [...] it wasn't a bad shop.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1723] The thing was er a basement.
[1724] Yeah.
[1725] A large basement.
[1726] It had a large basement under it.
None (PS0NC) [1727] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [1728] What do you do with it?
None (PS0NC) [1729] That's right.
Richard (PS0NB) [1730] And what usage they'll give you.
[1731] Mind you with the site as it is I would imagine it would give most usage on that.
None (PS0NC) [1732] ... it's been settled and that [...] was it?
Richard (PS0NB) [1733] Well no.
[1734] It's not a [...] lounge area and that I suppose it was behind the shop area.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1735] [...] price it's a
None (PS0NC) [1736] No.
[1737] It's no good to us.
[1738] If it if it [...]
None (PS0ND) [1739] Dee!
Richard (PS0NB) [1740] If it, well no.
[1741] No.
[1742] That's it.
[1743] Huh.
[1744] I shall chew it over. [...]
None (PS0ND) [1745] Eh!
[1746] Eh!
[1747] Eh!
Richard (PS0NB) [1748] If you if you were going into I mean if you specialized ... in patisserie or something where you're chucking a lot of the stuff out.
None (PS0NC) [1749] Eh.
Richard (PS0NB) [1750] You'd be alright.
[1751] ... That's a ... [...] I don't realize the market value.
[1752] Well it's not a good time to enter the market now.
[1753] Not with anything as ... [...] iffy as that.
None (PS0NC) [1754] Well he could try coming down.
Richard (PS0NB) [1755] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [1756] It's the only good thing.
[1757] ... When you er [...] what you need there.
[1758] [...] Tells me not many [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1759] No.
[1760] It's not it's traffic.
None (PS0NC) [1761] Traffic lights.
Richard (PS0NB) [1762] If they can't stop [...]
None (PS0NC) ... [...]
None (PS0ND) [1763] Da!
Richard (PS0NB) [1764] Who produced who?
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1765] Er!
[1766] Right.
None (PS0NC) [1767] Television. [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1768] Business.
[1769] ... Nothing was was moving was it?
[1770] ... Prices have to come down.
None (PS0NC) [1771] [...] ... prices are definitely coming down.
Richard (PS0NB) [1772] Alright.
[1773] Mind you the best ones would be by er those ones they've been selling off to the highest offer.
None (PS0NC) [1774] So much easier going for [...] Haven't got a hundred and thirty for rent.
[1775] ... Ordinarily [...] twelve.
[1776] They still [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1777] Are they new?
None (PS0NC) [1778] That one that one was eighty something.
Richard (PS0NB) [1779] ... Guy!

39 (Tape 000613)

Richard (PS0NB) [1780] Bet you Perivale's no good to us is it?
None (PS0NC) [1781] [...] it was er ... good night.
Richard (PS0NB) [1782] ... I'll see what if we come up with anything with Trevor if I go over this weekend.
None (PS0NC) [1783] Yeah [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1784] ... I can always take Guy with us.
[1785] ... Be alright won't it?
[1786] Ride you round in the car.
None (PS0NC) [...] ... [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1787] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [1788] ... [...] sixty-five thousand now.
Richard (PS0NB) [1789] What?
None (PS0NC) [1790] Barbara and Ian [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1791] Increasing it?
None (PS0NC) [1792] Mm.
Richard (PS0NB) [1793] What?
None (PS0NC) [1794] To sixty-five thousand.
[1795] I don't know what is now [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1796] Then he
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1797] then he's been put on a short week?
None (PS0NC) [1798] Yes.
Richard (PS0NB) [1799] They're crazy?

40 (Tape 000614)

Richard (PS0NB) [1800] Ooh you got your orange juice as well as tea now?
[1801] Have you?
[1802] Erm!
None (PS0ND) [1803] Eh!
None (PS0NC) [1804] [...] orange juice.
Richard (PS0NB) [1805] Orange juice.
None (PS0NC) [1806] Squash.
Richard (PS0NB) [1807] Squash.
[1808] Alright.
[1809] We'll go shopping early tomorrow.
None (PS0ND) [1810] Eh!
None (PS0NC) [1811] [...] Oh!
[1812] Throwing it on the floor.
[1813] Pick it up.
None (PS0ND) [1814] Eh!
None (PS0NC) [1815] Pick it up please?
[1816] ... Pick it up and give it to mummy please?
None (PS0ND) [1817] Eh!
None (PS0NC) [1818] Pick it up!
[1819] ... Pick it up and give it to mummy please.
[1820] Pick it up.
[1821] Cap your bottle.

41 (Tape 000615)

None (PS0NC) [1822] I changed his nappy [...] goes to bed.
Richard (PS0NB) [1823] Ah ha eh.
[1824] Oh!
None (PS0ND) [laugh]
Richard (PS0NB) [1825] [laugh] Ah oh!
[1826] Here's a good boy.
[1827] ... Well I doubt he's not going to be terribly early tonight is he?
[1828] I wouldn't think if he's had a good sleep today.
None (PS0NC) [1829] ... regular time.
Richard (PS0NB) [1830] Well he went down about quarter to seven last night.
None (PS0NC) [1831] Between seven and half past.
Richard (PS0NB) [1832] Eh?
None (PS0NC) [1833] [...] half past seven's fine.
Richard (PS0NB) [1834] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [1835] Just don't want to push it any later.
Richard (PS0NB) [1836] Oh yeah.
[1837] Well he's always in bed by then.
[1838] Aren't you?
[1839] Ah!
[1840] When did we get this?
[1841] I don't remember this.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1842] I see you got this.
None (PS0NC) [1843] Is his [...] necessary? [...] you know.
[1844] Never go to the farm.
Richard (PS0NB) [1845] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [1846] Then it goes to [...] for [...]
None (PS0ND) [1847] Yeah
Richard (PS0NB) [1848] No.
[1849] What you do with it?
[1850] You suck it do you?
None (PS0NC) [1851] Ha!
[1852] Ha!
[1853] Ha!
[1854] No you build it on the brick.
Richard (PS0NB) [1855] What?
None (PS0NC) [1856] He's got an orange one over there and then [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1857] Oh!
[1858] That!
None (PS0NC) [1859] And a [...] one somewhere and a green one and
Richard (PS0NB) [1860] But what about this thing [...]
None (PS0NC) [1861] Well that bit's from the top.
[1862] It's Humpty Dumpty. [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1863] [...] ... That's just the right size for Guy's mouth.
[1864] He likes
None (PS0NC) [1865] It's his dummy
Richard (PS0NB) [1866] It is nice to chew on though isn't it?
None (PS0NC) [1867] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [1868] [laugh] Yeah can daddy have a chew?
[1869] Ah thank you.
[1870] [laugh] . Oh what do you spy?
[1871] I know what you spy.
None (PS0ND) [...]
None (PS0NC) [1872] Apparently we are going to be busy tonight.
Richard (PS0NB) [1873] Is this for [...]
None (PS0NC) [1874] Yes.
Richard (PS0NB) [1875] [yawn] where is the
None (PS0NC) [1876] Careful.
Richard (PS0NB) [1877] What a lot of admissions?
None (PS0NC) [1878] Yes.
[1879] Not admissions [cough] police cases.
Richard (PS0NB) [1880] What a little girl?
None (PS0NC) [1881] Oh she was there this morning.
Richard (PS0NB) [1882] Oh.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1883] I would have thought with a child that it would be far better to be N H S.
None (PS0NC) [1884] [...] the parents joined.
Richard (PS0NB) [1885] Er ...
None (PS0NC) [1886] Oh teddy.
[1887] Teddy bears.
None (PS0ND) [cough]
None (PS0NC) [1888] Teddy bears.
None (PS0ND) [laugh]
None (PS0NC) [1889] Ta thank you.
[1890] Thank you.
[1891] Give it to daddy then.
Richard (PS0NB) [1892] Thank you.
[1893] Oh oh!
[1894] Where's he gone?
[1895] There.
[1896] Ah.
None (PS0NC) [1897] Thank you.
None (PS0ND) [laugh]
Richard (PS0NB) [1898] Ha ha ha said the duck.
None (PS0NC) [1899] [...] that's right.
[1900] It's the duck.
[1901] Where's rabbit?
[1902] Can you see rabbit on the card?
None (PS0NC) [1903] That's it there.
[1904] That's teddy.
[1905] Where's rabbit?
None (PS0NC) [1906] I don't think much to this.
[1907] I put some spray on these wheels to try and get them to go.
None (PS0NC) [1908] There's bound to be Mothercare.
Richard (PS0NB) [1909] Yeah but they're not on straight though the
None (PS0NC) [1910] Where?
Richard (PS0NB) [1911] the metal pieces
None (PS0NC) [1912] Didn't they er break it there?
Richard (PS0NB) [1913] Did they?
None (PS0NC) [1914] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [1915] Yeah I know they were ... is that what they were for [...] ?
[1916] Whose put it back together?
None (PS0NC) [1917] I don't know how.
Richard (PS0NB) [1918] I suppose whatever happened it's not right ... Far too ... these ones are alright.
[1919] They've got these little balls in but there's nothing here.
[1920] These are just straight up against the metal.
None (PS0NC) [1921] The reason [...] safety thing I think.
None (PS0NC) [1922] Yes but you he can
None (PS0ND) [laugh]
None (PS0NC) [1923] Thank you. [laugh]
Richard (PS0NB) [1924] I mean Guy couldn't push it.
None (PS0NC) [1925] He can move it.
Richard (PS0NB) [1926] I mean it's
None (PS0NC) [1927] but it'll take time
Richard (PS0NB) [1928] Yeah.
[1929] It's eased off a bit now.
[1930] I put that silicone on it.
None (PS0NC) [1931] Perhaps they've put the nut back on too tight [...] I mean I know they were fiddling with the back.
Richard (PS0NB) [1932] That one?
None (PS0NC) [1933] Don't ladder my tights thank you.
None (PS0ND) [crying]
Richard (PS0NB) [1934] I don't know.
None (PS0ND) [crying]
None (PS0NC) [1935] What's the matter then?
Richard (PS0NB) [1936] All these kids come and wreck your toys.
[1937] I don't know.
[1938] Mind you they're only little ones tomorrow aren't there?
[1939] So it won't be so bad.
None (PS0NC) [1940] Do you want the telephone?
[1941] Who you going to phone then?
[1942] Who you going to phone?
[1943] Say hello Nana.
[1944] Whose nanny.
[1945] Say hello Nanny.
[1946] Say hello nanny.
[1947] Oops then don't say hello to nanny that's alright.
Richard (PS0NB) [1948] Is nanny alright?
[1949] Oh yes.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1950] Oh yes!
[1951] Which one?
None (PS0NC) [1952] New granddad.
[1953] The other one?
Richard (PS0NB) [1954] Yes.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1955] No.
None (PS0NC) [1956] Because I'm not [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [1957] Oh!
None (PS0ND) [crying]
Richard (PS0NB) [1958] Yeah when you've taken the pushchair down.
None (PS0NC) [1959] What's up darling?
[1960] What's the matter?
Richard (PS0NB) [1961] What over [yawn] the weekend.
None (PS0NC) [1962] Well you're [...] who's that?
Richard (PS0NB) [1963] You going down on a weekend darling?
None (PS0NC) [1964] Well I've got to give them forty eight hours notice.
[1965] They don't always have a Saturday usually [...] .
[1966] So I'll just have to find out.
Richard (PS0NB) [1967] Oh right
None (PS0NC) [1968] Find out when I can take [...] .
[1969] Sit up then.
[1970] Where's teddy?
[1971] Where's teddy?
[1972] Where's teddy?
[1973] That's Teddy that's a clever boy.
[1974] Where's the clown?
[1975] ... There's the clown yes that's the clown.
[1976] Funny clown.
[1977] Where's the pirate?
[1978] No.
[1979] [...] the train or what.
[1980] Looks like the train I suppose.
None (PS0ND) [1981] Yeah yeah
None (PS0NC) [1982] Yes yes.
[1983] Where's rabbit?
[1984] Can you see rabbit?
[1985] Where's rabbit?
[1986] ... Is that rabbit?
[1987] Say hello rabbit.
[1988] Hello rabbit.
[1989] Hello rabbit.
[1990] Hello rabbit.
[1991] Ah is this rabbit?
[1992] [...] . Do you know that card you bought him [...] the duck?
[1993] Probably something to keep. ...
Richard (PS0NB) [1994] [yawn] Please.
[1995] Mm.
[1996] Are you going to pick some sort of album or something then?
None (PS0NC) [1997] Oh yes [...] we've got so many [...] We've got all his birth cards and all our cards ... then it gets
Richard (PS0NB) [1998] Mm?
None (PS0NC) [1999] What just thought [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2000] Aha, Far more handsome.
[2001] Now where're you going?
None (PS0NC) [2002] Flowers.
[2003] Look flowers.
[2004] They're flowers aren't they?
[2005] Pretty!
[2006] There are more flowers there.
[2007] Flowers flowers.
[2008] Anyway I've got to go to work.
Richard (PS0NB) [2009] Mm.
[2010] Mummy's got to go to work.
[2011] Ah.
None (PS0ND) [2012] Dad!
Richard (PS0NB) [2013] Dad.
None (PS0NC) [2014] There's dad.
Richard (PS0NB) [2015] Ah!
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [...]
None (PS0NC) [2016] That woodwork gonna be wrecked.
[2017] They say it's going to be nice tomorrow.
Richard (PS0NB) [2018] The forecast's good yes.
None (PS0ND) [2019] Da da
Richard (PS0NB) [2020] Got you!
[2021] Got you!
[2022] Got you!
[2023] Ah ha ha ha ha!
[2024] [laugh] Oh you're going to play with your trike are you?
[2025] Do you want to have a go with your trike?
None (PS0NC) [2026] [...] direct debit.
Richard (PS0NB) [2027] What's that? [...]
None (PS0ND) [2028] Cry
Richard (PS0NB) [2029] Oh darling.
None (PS0NC) [2030] What's up.
[2031] Bu bu bu bu bup.
Richard (PS0NB) [2032] Why are we any better off doing a direct debit?
None (PS0NC) [2033] Well only in so much as we don't get big bills.
[2034] We're not going to get big bills.
Richard (PS0NB) [2035] We don't anyway do we?
None (PS0NC) [2036] Well this is an exception but I knew it would be higher because we've had the heating on so often.
[2037] This is quite high to what we normally get.
Richard (PS0NB) [2038] Is it?
[2039] Yeah of course yeah.
[2040] Oh I don't know it's up to you ... [yawn] ... Well the price has probably gone up has it?
None (PS0NC) [2041] Yeah the tariff's gone up.
Richard (PS0NB) [2042] Mm.
None (PS0NC) [2043] It's all gone up.
[2044] Gas is gone up everything's gone up.
None (PS0ND) [2045] Aye aye aye.
None (PS0NC) [2046] Mm.
Richard (PS0NB) [2047] Mm well ... if you feel ... whatever.
[2048] Well probably er probably do that once once we [...]
None (PS0NC) [2049] Darling darling I've got to go to work.
[2050] I've got to go to work.
Richard (PS0NB) [2051] Come on sweetheart [yawn]
None (PS0NC) [2052] I've got to go and earn some pennies yes
Richard (PS0NB) [yawn]
None (PS0NC) [2053] I have.
[2054] I don't work much but there it goes.
Richard (PS0NB) [laugh]
None (PS0NC) [2055] What look I've got to go to work.
[2056] Why doesn't daddy take you to see the dickie birds?
Richard (PS0NB) [2057] Do you want to go see the dickie birds?
None (PS0NC) [2058] Go to the back window go look out of the windows.
Richard (PS0NB) [2059] [laugh] Did you see [...]
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2060] Yeah to get out.
None (PS0NC) [2061] Do you want to go with daddy and see the dickie birds?
Richard (PS0NB) [2062] Yes cos we ah yeah yesterday after you'd finished after I'd finished tried to feed him.
[2063] As soon as he got out and about he was going round the house looking for you and then he just stood at the bottom of the stairs and banged until I took him upstairs and he could have a look round up there and then he realized you weren't there
None (PS0ND) [crying]
Richard (PS0NB) [2064] and then he came to me as a last hope
None (PS0NC) [2065] [laugh] I'm sorry I've got to go to work.
[2066] Lets go see dickie birds come you stay with daddy let's go see dickie birds
Richard (PS0NB) [2067] Come on
None (PS0NC) [2068] He's getting worse
Richard (PS0NB) [2069] Mm.
[2070] He's very clingy towards you now.
None (PS0ND) [crying]
None (PS0NC) [2071] Where's the dickie birds?
[2072] Ah there they are.
Richard (PS0NB) [2073] They're
None (PS0NC) [2074] There they are shush there's the dickie birds
Richard (PS0NB) [2075] Oh Oh [whispering] here [] .
[2076] It's the birds.
None (PS0ND) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2077] They'll fly away if you do that.
[2078] Yeah yes they will.
[2079] Hello birds.
[2080] Hello birds.

42 (Tape 000701)

Richard (PS0NB) [2081] There ... there's my good boy.
[2082] There's my good boy.
[2083] Oh!
None (PS0ND) [2084] [...] ... deh!
Richard (PS0NB) [2085] Deh?
None (PS0ND) [2086] Deh!
[2087] Deh!
[2088] Deh!.
Richard (PS0NB) [2089] Hello!
[2090] Who's this Guy?
[2091] Who's this?
[2092] Hello!
[2093] Ah!
[2094] Hello!
[2095] Ah!
[2096] There ...
None (PS0ND) [2097] Eh.
Richard (PS0NB) [2098] Hello.
None (PS0ND) [2099] Eh!
Richard (PS0NB) [2100] Yes.
None (PS0ND) [2101] Eh.
Richard (PS0NB) [2102] Yeah.
[2103] Hello.
[2104] Hello turkey.
None (PS0ND) [2105] Eh.
Richard (PS0NB) [2106] Hello.
[2107] Hello.
None (PS0ND) [2108] Eh.

43 (Tape 000702)

Richard (PS0NB) [2109] Alright no we got to put your coat on now.
[2110] Yes we have.
[2111] Mm.
[2112] Now come on.
[2113] ... There you go.
[2114] You're going to go to sleep aren't you?
[2115] I can see this.
[2116] ... Yes.
[2117] So one little cap on.
[2118] One little cap on.
None (PS0ND) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2119] Ho!
None (PS0ND) [2120] Deh.
Richard (PS0NB) [2121] Oh.
[2122] ... One little coat on.
[2123] ... Come on.
[2124] There we go.
None (PS0NC) [2125] ... Changed his vest and all?
Richard (PS0NB) [2126] Oh Guy.
[2127] Oh Guy.
None (PS0NC) [2128] We certainly bought the right coat when we bought that.
Richard (PS0NB) [laugh]
None (PS0NC) [...]
None (PS0ND) [2129] Hey.
None (PS0NC) [...]
None (PS0ND) [2130] Hey.
Richard (PS0NB) [2131] Hey.
None (PS0ND) [2132] ... Ah. [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2133] Yeah.
None (PS0ND) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2134] All ready.
[2135] All ready.
None (PS0NC) [2136] Good.
Richard (PS0NB) [2137] Oh we won't have the hat on though.
None (PS0NC) [...]

44 (Tape 000801)

None (PS0NC) [2138] Oh when did you get this one then?
Richard (PS0NB) [2139] Indian shop
None (PS0NC) [2140] That's where I went
Richard (PS0NB) [2141] Sorry?
None (PS0NC) [2142] That's where I went they didn't have any.
Richard (PS0NB) [2143] No the Indian up at Sudbury
None (PS0NC) [2144] Oh is that where you went?
Richard (PS0NB) [2145] Yeah.
[2146] I knew I'd get icing sugar there you see.
None (PS0NC) [2147] That's cheaper look.
Richard (PS0NB) [2148] Oh yeah there's a bit of a difference isn't there?
None (PS0NC) [2149] Hm. [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2150] We didn't get any did we?
[2151] I tried to get some pizza things as well.
[2152] I couldn't get er I couldn't get any.
[2153] There's your Bombay mix.
None (PS0NC) [2154] What I thought was er what were those er
Richard (PS0NB) [2155] Those
None (PS0NC) [2156] You're going to use those avocados?
[2157] You gonna do those avocado and prawn dip probably?
Richard (PS0NB) [2158] What for the mums?
None (PS0NC) [2159] Yeah for the mums.
Richard (PS0NB) [2160] Mm
None (PS0NC) [2161] Is it difficult?
Richard (PS0NB) [2162] No.
[2163] Not so long as we've got the stuff.
None (PS0NC) [2164] We've got the prawns and the avocados.
[2165] I don't know what else you need.
Richard (PS0NB) [2166] Lemon juice ... I want to know what did you mean.
[2167] Do you mean [...] ?
None (PS0NC) [2168] Yes some of that [...] prawn and [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [noseblow]
None (PS0NC) [2169] and er prawn and avocado and a little bit of mayonnaise just mixed together ...
Richard (PS0NB) [noseblow]
None (PS0NC) [2170] You want to use those avocados up?
Richard (PS0NB) [2171] Oh yeah.
[2172] I didn't get round to it did I?

45 (Tape 000802)

Richard (PS0NB) [2173] No not very good at all were they?
[2174] No.
None (PS0NC) [crying]
None (PS0ND) [2175] Where's your drink?
[2176] Where's your drink?
Richard (PS0NB) [2177] Ah.
[2178] You gonna tell mummy all about it?
None (PS0ND) [...] ...
Richard (PS0NB) [2179] I'd better get baking in a minute.
None (PS0ND) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2180] No it's just that I like to get all this out of the way.
None (PS0ND) [2181] We can try and get some [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2182] Do you see?
None (PS0ND) [2183] Get those things out of the way first.
Richard (PS0NB) [2184] Oh.
[2185] Oh.
[2186] Mm.
None (PS0NC) [2187] Eh eh
Richard (PS0NB) [2188] Oh
None (PS0NC) [2189] Eh eh
None (PS0ND) [2190] Don't let him eat until lunch time.
Richard (PS0NB) [2191] Oh.
[2192] Lovely ...
None (PS0ND) [2193] Ta.

46 (Tape 000803)

None (PS0NC) [2194] Right well if I get tidy then before I wash up then you can start baking.
Richard (PS0NB) [2195] Yeah.
[2196] And ice the cake.
None (PS0NC) [2197] I'll put your cake in there [...] while I'm clearing up.
Richard (PS0NB) [2198] So that's all right.
[2199] I need the mixer to make the icing.
None (PS0NC) [2200] [...] in here?
Richard (PS0NB) [2201] Yeah put the [...]

47 (Tape 000804)

Richard (PS0NB) [2202] Oh what's this?
[2203] ... [munching] No you can't have that yet.
[2204] I haven't read it.
[2205] ... Oh oh.
[2206] You've got a biscuit Guy, you don't want another one.
[2207] Two biscuits.
[2208] Oh two biscuits.
[2209] Mm.
[2210] Is that daddy's?
[2211] Thank you.
[2212] Thank you.
[2213] Mm.
[2214] It's Guy's biscuit Mm.
[2215] yeah.

48 (Tape 000805)

None (PS0ND) [2216] Da ... .
Richard (PS0NB) [2217] Da da
None (PS0ND) [2218] da da da da da da
Richard (PS0NB) [2219] Yes darling ... .
[2220] There's a clever boy.
[2221] There's a clever boy.
None (PS0ND) [2222] Yaya yaya da da da
Richard (PS0NB) [2223] Let's get that one first.
[2224] Alright.

49 (Tape 000806)

Richard (PS0NB) [2225] Hello ... .
[2226] hello er ha ha.
[2227] ... . Yeah oh he's all shy this morning.
[2228] ... Yeah er she's working gone to work
None (PS0NG) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2229] Yeah.
None (PS0NG) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2230] This is it.
None (PS0NG) [2231] You're a hand at that.
Richard (PS0NB) [2232] Yeah.
[2233] Oh
None (PS0NG) [2234] It's not very nice weather is it?
Richard (PS0NB) [2235] No it's not no.
[2236] Not lived up to the forecast at all.
None (PS0NG) [2237] No [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2238] No.
[2239] Bye ta ta.
[2240] Ta ta.
[2241] Come on.
[2242] Go see your swing.
[2243] Want to have a go on your swing?
[2244] Yeah.
[2245] Oh.
[2246] ... There.
[2247] ... Come on.
[2248] Oh. ...
None (PS0ND) [2249] Yeah
Richard (PS0NB) [2250] Yes
None (PS0NG) [2251] [...] Doris, will you call him in Jack.
Richard (PS0NB) [2252] Hello.
[2253] Say hello ... .
[2254] Oh Oh.
None (PS0NH) [2255] You got your daddy with you.
Richard (PS0NB) [2256] He's all shy this morning.
[2257] Aren't you?
None (PS0NH) [2258] He's alright?
[2259] Is she well?
Richard (PS0NB) [2260] Sandy?
[2261] What oh Guy?
[2262] He's fine he's fine.
[2263] Yeah.
None (PS0NH) [2264] Only I heard him crying a bit lately at night time.
Richard (PS0NB) [2265] Oh well.
[2266] Oh we've been trying to get him to sleep through.
[2267] Cos he's been playing us up a bit you know
None (PS0NH) [2268] Oh I thought he's a bit noisy but it's only just lately actually ah.
Richard (PS0NB) [2269] Well it's since you know we had that party last weekend.
None (PS0NH) [2270] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [2271] Since then.
None (PS0NH) [2272] Yeah.
[2273] That's right yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [2274] You know he got all excited and it put his system out and his routine gone so we're er
None (PS0NH) [2275] Er?
Richard (PS0NB) [2276] fighting with him.
None (PS0NH) [2277] Oh I see.
[2278] I thought there was a bit of naughtiness there.
Richard (PS0NB) [2279] Yes.
None (PS0NH) [2280] I thought there was a bit of naughtiness.
Richard (PS0NB) [2281] You will won't you?
[2282] Yes.
[2283] You did better this morning.
None (PS0NH) [2284] It's only when the daylight comes I think when he sees the daylight.
Richard (PS0NB) [2285] Yes and the birds I think.
None (PS0NH) [2286] And the birds and he thinks it's time to get up or something.
Richard (PS0NB) [2287] Yeah
None (PS0NH) [2288] And you want everyone else to get up as well don't you?
Richard (PS0NB) [2289] Not half.
None (PS0NH) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2290] But we kept you up later last night and you slept a little bit longer.
[2291] So we'll just have to see.
None (PS0NH) [2292] I think it gets a bad habit really there [...] a bad habit really then.
Richard (PS0NB) [2293] Yeah.
None (PS0NH) [2294] You never get a chance to have yourself an evening to relax.
Richard (PS0NB) [2295] Yeah.
None (PS0NH) [2296] He'll want to be up until you go to bed more or less.
Richard (PS0NB) [2297] Yes.
[2298] What did ... .
None (PS0NH) [2299] People have done it in the past and have regretted it.
Richard (PS0NB) [2300] Yeah.
None (PS0NH) [2301] You want your evenings to yourself really.
Richard (PS0NB) [2302] Yeah.
[2303] We've got to get him trained.
None (PS0NH) [2304] Yeah you want to have a time to go to bed.
[2305] Mine are always half past six seven o'clock
Richard (PS0NB) [2306] Yeah.
None (PS0NH) [2307] in bed er
Richard (PS0NB) [2308] Well that he does he usually goes down at half six quarter to seven.
None (PS0NH) [2309] Yeah yeah yeah
Richard (PS0NB) [2310] But er
None (PS0NH) [2311] Because they need twelve hours rest you know.
[2312] He'll be back to normal again won't you?
[2313] I just see him because I wake up as well you know with the birds as well.
[2314] And it's the company you know to hear somebody else.
Richard (PS0NB) [laugh]
None (PS0NH) [2315] [laugh] Isn't it?
[2316] You don't care do you?
Richard (PS0NB) [2317] No he doesn't.
[2318] You like it outdoors though don't you?
None (PS0NH) [2319] Ah yes well
Richard (PS0NB) [2320] You can't keep him in.
None (PS0NH) [2321] Unfortunately the weather's not very good.
Richard (PS0NB) [2322] No no but
None (PS0NH) [2323] It says they promise the sunshine, but nothing at all.
Richard (PS0NB) [2324] Yeah.
None (PS0NH) [2325] But it says tomorrow's going to be fine.
Richard (PS0NB) [2326] Oh
None (PS0NH) [2327] Tomorrow's gonna to be fine.
Richard (PS0NB) [2328] Oh!
[2329] It's always tomorrow.
[2330] It's always tomorrow.
None (PS0NH) [2331] Yeah tomorrow.
Richard (PS0NB) [laugh]
None (PS0NH) [2332] It'll be a sunny day tomorrow [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2333] Ah
None (PS0NH) [2334] We hope ... .
Richard (PS0NB) [2335] Lovely.
[2336] You keeping alright?
None (PS0NH) [2337] Yes [...] up and about.
[2338] Mind you I pay for it afterwards [...] when I do around the garden.
[2339] I wake up of a morning and wonder what's happened.
[2340] [laugh] But there you.
[2341] It's something that always happens.
[2342] I mean even when you're young and play football or running there you know at the start of a season you know ...
Richard (PS0NB) [2343] You get a few aches and pains
None (PS0NH) [2344] So I know that when the gardening starts again I'm going to get backaches and cramp and everything else until er the body gets used to it again.
Richard (PS0NB) [2345] That's it.
None (PS0NH) [2346] Ah well I got some rhubarb for my daughter.
Richard (PS0NB) [laugh]
None (PS0NH) [2347] Might go to lunch now.
Richard (PS0NB) [2348] Ah lovely.
[2349] Right you going to have a go on your swing then.
[2350] Yes?
[2351] Here we go.
[2352] Is it alright.
[2353] Oh yes.
[2354] Shall we have a go on here.
[2355] Oh get your feet in.
[2356] There we go.
[2357] There we go.
[2358] Sit down.
[2359] There we go.
[2360] Oh.
[2361] There ha is that nice?
[2362] There.

50 (Tape 000807)

Richard (PS0NB) [2363] Oh I'll put I'll make your tea.
[2364] Did everything go all right?
None (PS0NC) [2365] There have been two of us on this morning.
Richard (PS0NB) [2366] Oh.
[2367] Have there not been too many people in then?
None (PS0NC) [2368] There are going to be quite a few discharges but I mean it was you know
Richard (PS0NB) [2369] They were pushing their luck as usual.
None (PS0NC) [2370] Well there's only two on tomorrow morning and there are four wards and they've got five admissions this afternoon.
[2371] I mean it's stupid ...
Richard (PS0NB) [2372] Mm mm mm and haven't you been a good boy?
None (PS0NC) [2373] And your teeth need cleaning look.
[2374] Did you clean your teeth this morning?
Richard (PS0NB) [2375] Well he had the tooth brush.
None (PS0NC) [2376] Did you not put the tooth paste on it?
Richard (PS0NB) [2377] No.
None (PS0NC) [2378] Didn't you have your tooth paste on?
Richard (PS0NB) [2379] No but he had his tooth brush.
None (PS0NC) [2380] His tooth brush.
[2381] Well what's happened to that other tooth.
[2382] That's what I want to know.
[2383] Look he's still got a dirty nose.
Richard (PS0NB) [2384] And er ... Oh ... so I'll what would you like doing with that lamb
None (PS0NC) [2385] I'll roast it shall I because I know what to do with roast dinner.
Richard (PS0NB) [2386] Alright.
[2387] Fine yeah.
None (PS0NC) [2388] Unless you want anything special
Richard (PS0NB) [2389] No darling.
[2390] Nice little bit of apricot and walnut stuffing inside and er
None (PS0NC) [2391] Have you done that?
Richard (PS0NB) [2392] No.
[2393] No.
[2394] I don't think we've got apricots or walnuts have we?
None (PS0NC) [2395] Yeah we've got marmalade.
Richard (PS0NB) [2396] Marmalade?
None (PS0NC) [2397] Yeah walnuts and [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2398] I've eaten all that haven't I?
None (PS0NC) [2399] Have you?
[2400] I don't know do I.
Richard (PS0NB) [2401] I like that.
[2402] It's almonds anyway that was.
None (PS0ND) [laugh]
None (PS0NC) [2403] One two three wee.
[2404] Where's teddy?
[2405] There you go.
[2406] Mummy's going to have a cup of tea.
Richard (PS0NB) [2407] A cup of tea for mummy.
None (PS0NC) [2408] Did he have any er what time did he have dinner then?
Richard (PS0NB) [2409] Ba ba boom boom.
[2410] What time did you have dinner?
[2411] Just gone twelve I think.
None (PS0NC) [2412] I'll see if he'll have a sleep then shall I?
Richard (PS0NB) [2413] Er oh yeah.
[2414] And he had half of I gave him that banana desert.
None (PS0NC) [2415] Oh did he?
Richard (PS0NB) [2416] Yeah he ate some of that.
[2417] I think he must have been full.
None (PS0NC) [2418] Yeah probably.
Richard (PS0NB) [2419] Yes
None (PS0ND) [crying]
None (PS0NC) [2420] Yeah tut tut tut ... it's all right.
[2421] Just take your [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2422] Oh chocky buttons.
[2423] Oh you lucky boy.
None (PS0ND) [crying]
None (PS0NC) [2424] Look look look
Richard (PS0NB) [2425] He had a sleep
None (PS0NC) [2426] Oh there's a milk chocolate
Richard (PS0NB) [2427] this morning
None (PS0NC) [2428] [...] I always do that.
[2429] ... [...] milk chocolate they're all milky you know.
Richard (PS0NB) [2430] I must admit I thought they were and er
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2431] What was I going to ... Oh hear
None (PS0NC) [2432] I thought they were milky bars likely.
Richard (PS0NB) [2433] Mm.
None (PS0NC) [2434] Did you want one of these?
Richard (PS0NB) [2435] Lovely!
None (PS0NC) [2436] One of those? ...
Richard (PS0NB) [2437] Oh dear ah oh.
[2438] Shall I pop over and see Trevor then?
None (PS0NC) [2439] Yes.
[2440] We can all go can't we?
Richard (PS0NB) [2441] Yeah
None (PS0NC) [2442] I'll stay with Enid.
Richard (PS0NB) [2443] Yeah fine.
None (PS0NC) [2444] That's of course if she's there. [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2445] Oh yes they're both supposed to be off
None (PS0NC) [2446] If they can't turn up
Richard (PS0NB) [2447] It's no good is it?
None (PS0NC) [2448] You know I mean if he can't even remember
Richard (PS0NB) [2449] What time yeah.
[2450] Mind you I heard he could hear it in the background so he must have got a few kids
None (PS0NC) [2451] Er.
[2452] I mean what we can do is set the oven.
[2453] It will come on and cook itself.
[2454] Then it's ready for when we want it.
Richard (PS0NB) [2455] That's good yeah great.
[2456] Do you want a piece of cake?
None (PS0NC) [2457] Mm
Richard (PS0NB) [2458] Have you had anything to eat?
None (PS0NC) [2459] No.
Richard (PS0NB) [2460] No?
[2461] Do you want a sandwich?
None (PS0NC) [2462] Oh I had I had something this morning.
Richard (PS0NB) [2463] That's not much is it?
[2464] Do you want a sandwich?
[2465] Yes?
None (PS0NC) [2466] I'm not really hungry.
[2467] I'll have a bit of cake this time.
Richard (PS0NB) [2468] That'll keep you going.
[2469] It's not all
None (PS0NC) [2470] Shall we take a bit over for Edith?
Richard (PS0NB) [2471] You can if you like darling.
None (PS0NC) [2472] Unless you [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2473] Well take take that little piece
Richard (PS0NB) [2474] It's not worth it for that ...
Richard (PS0NB) [2475] Mm ... Oh that would be alright if we go yeah we can all go over for a nice little run out ...
None (PS0NC) [2476] Yeah [...] won't it?
[2477] I'll do the washing when I get back.
[2478] You going to phone him?
Richard (PS0NB) [2479] Mm.
[2480] I'll make sure it's alright.
None (PS0NC) [2481] Well it would do.
Richard (PS0NB) [2482] Which book for his number? ...
None (PS0NC) [2483] The white one the dairy one the diary one.
Richard (PS0NB) [2484] What's it under??
None (PS0NC) [2485] Yeah ...
Richard (PS0NB) [2486] Is theirs an O eight one then?
None (PS0NC) [2487] Nine five O
Richard (PS0NB) [2488] Nine five O is that it?
None (PS0NC) [2489] [...] five eight.

51 (Tape 000808)

Richard (PS0NB) [2490] Right we're in business ...
None (PS0NC) [2491] What time do you want this cooked for?
Richard (PS0NB) [2492] Er
None (PS0NC) [2493] Do you want this stuffing with it so that it's all cooked together?
Richard (PS0NB) [2494] Yes that's a good idea?
None (PS0NC) [2495] Watch it!
Richard (PS0NB) [2496] Er what time do we want it for?
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2497] About six?
[2498] Oh no we have to come back to feed Guy haven't we?
[2499] So it means being back here for five do we
None (PS0NC) [2500] I'm sure they'll do him a sandwich box.
Richard (PS0NB) [2501] Oh I don't want to throw his routine too much.
[2502] His sleep pattern going again.
[2503] Jack was talking about it.
[2504] Said Guy's been playing up a bit lately hasn't he?
None (PS0NC) [2505] Was sad was he?
Richard (PS0NB) [2506] Oh yeah he heard him he said it's alright I wake up with the birds myself anyway.
[2507] Not much choice now.
None (PS0NC) [2508] Yeah I know.
[2509] He was alright this morning.
Richard (PS0NB) [2510] Yeah he wasn't so bad but er
None (PS0NC) [2511] What time do you want it ready [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2512] Five
None (PS0NC) [2513] Five are we going to be back by five?
Richard (PS0NB) [2514] Oh no we're going to give Guy
None (PS0NC) [2515] I'll put ours for six.
[2516] If we come back we come back.
Richard (PS0NB) [2517] Yes fine.
[2518] Lovely.

52 (Tape 000809)

Richard (PS0NB) [2519] Lovely
None (PS0NC) [2520] I'll make it six fifteen.
Richard (PS0NB) [2521] Yes.
None (PS0NC) [2522] Duration.
[2523] How long will it take to cook the lamb?
Richard (PS0NB) [2524] Let's just have a look.
[2525] It's not there it's not er there.
[2526] An hour ...
None (PS0ND) [2527] Da ah.
None (PS0NC) [2528] Dad ... How much?
[2529] An Hour?
Richard (PS0NB) [2530] Yeah slow give it an hour and a half in a slow oven.
None (PS0NC) [2531] An hour and a half
None (PS0ND) [2532] Da ah. [laugh]
Richard (PS0NB) [2533] Might as well
None (PS0NC) [2534] We'll have vitamins
Richard (PS0NB) [2535] Yeah okay.
None (PS0NC) [2536] Right?
[2537] And what number?
None (PS0ND) [2538] Da ah.
Richard (PS0NB) [2539] Five that'll be about right
None (PS0NC) [2540] Five.
[2541] Well it's set.
None (PS0ND) [2542] Ah
None (PS0NC) [2543] Forgot to shove it in.
Richard (PS0NB) [2544] Ah
None (PS0NC) [2545] Were you looking at yourself?
[2546] Look at you.
[2547] Were you looking at yourself?
[2548] And did you eat all those?
[2549] Well done.
Richard (PS0NB) [2550] I can put some petrol in the Fiat bar over there can't I?
[2551] She's getting low isn't she?
None (PS0NC) [2552] Look I've got to do this darling.
[2553] You're [...] my tea.
Richard (PS0NB) [2554] Oh.
[2555] Sorry mummy!
[2556] Do you want it?
[2557] Here have mine because I've had plenty of tea.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2558] Naughty daddy
None (PS0NC) [2559] Why you drinking mummy's tea?
[2560] You go to daddy for a minute let me get this erm these spuds on.
Richard (PS0NB) [2561] Come on sweetheart come on.
None (PS0NC) [2562] Does he need his bum changing?
Richard (PS0NB) [2563] Yes shall I go do that?
None (PS0NC) [2564] Yes while I do this?
Richard (PS0NB) [2565] Yes
None (PS0NC) [2566] What have you done with the lamb?
[2567] ... How many spuds shall I do?
Richard (PS0NB) [2568] Well a few.
[2569] We can always give one to Guy can't we?
None (PS0NC) [2570] Yes we can have it mashed through.
None (PS0ND) [2571] Da da
Richard (PS0NB) [2572] That's it lovely a bit of oil.
[2573] Mm
None (PS0ND) [2574] Da E!
None (PS0NC) [2575] Put another top on him will you for me please?
Richard (PS0NB) [2576] Okey dokey.
[2577] A clean top eh?
None (PS0NC) [2578] Yeah put on that er you know the little jumper with buttons on not the yellow one but the blue one.
Richard (PS0NB) [2579] With buttons down
None (PS0NC) [2580] It's up there
Richard (PS0NB) [2581] Yeah we'll have a go.
[2582] You look good whatever won't you.
[2583] Yeah.
None (PS0ND) [2584] Yep
Richard (PS0NB) [2585] Yep yep [...]
None (PS0ND) [laugh]
Richard (PS0NB) [2586] [laugh] Oh who's a clever boy ... Ooh ... [yawn] There we go lovely.

53 (Tape 000810)

Richard (PS0NB) [2587] Oh up we come ... Let's take this one off.
None (PS0ND) [2588] Da
Richard (PS0NB) [2589] Here we go.
[2590] Sit up.

54 (Tape 000811)

Richard (PS0NB) [2591] Oh that one looks nice doesn't it?
[2592] Yeah that looks nice and bright.
None (PS0ND) [2593] Ah.
Richard (PS0NB) [2594] Ah.
[2595] Ooh.
None (PS0ND) [2596] Ah ah ah ah
Richard (PS0NB) [2597] Ah ah ah ah.
[2598] No come on come along put this on.
[2599] There's a good boy.
None (PS0ND) [crying]
Richard (PS0NB) [2600] Up up this arm in.
[2601] Put this little arm in.
None (PS0ND) [crying]
Richard (PS0NB) [2602] No.
[2603] Come along now.
[2604] There we go.
[2605] That's it.
None (PS0ND) [crying]
Richard (PS0NB) [2606] Now then
None (PS0ND) [crying]
Richard (PS0NB) [2607] That's it.
[2608] What's all this noise about?
None (PS0ND) [2609] Eh
Richard (PS0NB) [2610] What's all this noise about?
[2611] What's all the noise about?
[2612] [sigh] ... Ho put your shoe on.
[2613] That's it.
[2614] Push down.
[2615] There's a good boy.
[2616] There's my good boy.
[2617] You're tired aren't you?
[2618] You can have a nice little sleep in the car.
[2619] Yes.
[2620] Yes you can.
[2621] Ya we'll see we'll take you to see Uncle Trevor and Aunty Edie.
[2622] Yes
Richard (PS0NB) [2623] There's a good boy.
None (PS0ND) [2624] Deh
Richard (PS0NB) [2625] Deh.
[2626] That's birdies, yeah.
None (PS0ND) [2627] Yeah
Richard (PS0NB) [2628] Yeah
None (PS0ND) [2629] Yeah
Richard (PS0NB) [2630] Oh right there we are close the window.
[2631] Yeah.
None (PS0ND) [2632] Eh eh eh eh
Richard (PS0NB) [2633] Daddy'll wash his hands.
[2634] Just wait there.
[2635] There's a good boy.

55 (Tape 000812)

Richard (PS0NB) [2636] Oh you're brushing your teeth there's a clever boy.
[2637] There's my clever boy.
[2638] [noseblow] Oh come on then ... Ah that's better.
None (PS0ND) [2639] Dada
Richard (PS0NB) [2640] Dada.
[2641] Oh
None (PS0ND) [2642] Dad
Richard (PS0NB) [2643] Oh there we go that's better.
[2644] Shall we put some other shoes on for driving?
[2645] Yes.
[2646] Oh you sit there and push it here.
[2647] There we are ... What shoes shall we put on?
[2648] Careful!
[2649] Careful!
[2650] ... There we are.
None (PS0ND) [2651] [...] Ma.
Richard (PS0NB) [2652] That's better.
[2653] Oh yes. ...
None (PS0ND) [2654] [...] Mm mm mm.
Richard (PS0NB) [2655] You're not going to bed no you're not.
[2656] Ah ah.
[2657] Come on then come on then.
[2658] There let's put your toothbrush back.
None (PS0ND) [2659] Ah
Richard (PS0NB) [2660] Oh ah there.
None (PS0ND) [2661] La la
Richard (PS0NB) [2662] La la la la.
[2663] Oh yes we're ready.
[2664] We're ready.
[2665] We don't need a coat on in the car do we?
None (PS0NC) [2666] I shouldn't think so.
Richard (PS0NB) [2667] It might be quite warm and we're going to go to sleep in the car.
[2668] I would think.
[2669] Yes
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2670] Yes.
[2671] Yes we can.
[2672] Oh yes we can.
[2673] Oh.
[2674] Up.
None (PS0NC) [2675] [...] dancing no dancing.
[2676] Dancing.
[2677] Come on then let's go.
None (PS0ND) [crying]
None (PS0NC) [2678] We're going we're going we're going.
None (PS0ND) [crying]
Richard (PS0NB) [2679] So.
None (PS0NC) [2680] We're going.
Richard (PS0NB) [2681] Shall we just top this up with something for a drink for him?
None (PS0NC) [2682] Yeah.
[2683] Well we can top it up there.
Richard (PS0NB) [2684] Oh alright.
None (PS0NC) [2685] Because we've got water [...] .
[2686] Come on then let's go.
[2687] Is that back door locked?
[2688] Let's go.

56 (Tape 000902)

Richard (PS0NB) [2689] Do you need anything from the house?
None (PS0NC) [2690] No.
[2691] You got the bottle?
Richard (PS0NB) [2692] Yeah.
[2693] ... There's the bottle.

57 (Tape 000903)

Richard (PS0NB) [2694] Why, watch with Guy.
[2695] ... I mean it's a case of of what time we'd make the journey isn't it?
[2696] It'll make a big difference.
[2697] I don't know you have any thoughts on that?
None (PS0NC) [2698] Well, we've got to do
None (PS0ND) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2699] Mind you Br Brian's supposed to be coming back to me on er whether or not he he's gonna be around at all.
[2700] Cos he's in Paris.
[2701] ... But he he doesn't know what his schedule is yet.
[2702] He doesn't know whether he you know is flying over or driving over or ... where he'll be when.
[2703] ... So I don't know. ...
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2704] Yeah.
[2705] ... Didn't take you this morning.
None (PS0NC) [2706] Take [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2707] When I took Guy out.
[2708] Well I couldn't get er [...] couldn't get a paper or anything. ...
None (PS0NC) [2709] So the meat and the spuds should be cooked.
Richard (PS0NB) [2710] Lovely.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2711] Say well we don't want to do too much do we today.
[2712] ... I think in next weekend ... possibly er ... if we drove down on the Sunday evening ...
None (PS0NC) [2713] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [2714] Sort of Guy would sleep
None (PS0NC) [2715] Yeah
Richard (PS0NB) [2716] and it'd be the roads should be quieter.
[2717] Shouldn't
None (PS0NC) [2718] [...] staying over for the bank holiday monday?
Richard (PS0NB) [2719] Yeah.
[2720] I don't know.
[2721] I mean it's gonna be hell on the roads on bank holiday Monday isn't it?
[2722] And the thing is if we get up Friday morning, it's gonna give us enough time, up there.
[2723] ... We'll see.
[2724] ... We'll have to go and see Russell and Leslie on this, this time though.
[2725] ... I'll try and arrange it so Auntie Dorothy spends Sunday with us. ...
None (PS0NC) [2726] [...] ... I mean haven't even got the er ... [...] on yet. ... [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2727] Mm.
None (PS0NC) [2728] [...] on Tuesday to see what she was doing [...] that's of course if she can get [...] .
[2729] If not, we're going to have to buy one.
Richard (PS0NB) [2730] Right. ...
None (PS0NC) [2731] Can't put you in a drawer can we?
Richard (PS0NB) [2732] Just trying to think whether there might be somebody up there that I know that has one.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [laugh] ...
None (PS0NC) [2733] We'll have to take a couple of gifts up for them [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [2734] What, Russell and Leslie?
[2735] Actually the baby might be here now.
None (PS0ND) [hiccup]
None (PS0NC) [2736] Give your mum a kiss.
[2737] ... [...] Yeah, it might be.
[2738] I knew it wouldn't be here this week you know I mean if they've told her there's another three to four weeks it's unlikely that it was gonna be ... last weekend.
Richard (PS0NB) [2739] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [2740] Still.
[2741] Not to worry.
Richard (PS0NB) [2742] No.
[2743] ... Wonder what he'll be.
None (PS0NC) [2744] Probably another girl.
Richard (PS0NB) [2745] That's what I think. ...
None (PS0ND) [cough]
Richard (PS0NB) [2746] ... I'd lay odds on Russell wants a boy.
None (PS0NC) [2747] What a son and heir?
Richard (PS0NB) [2748] Yeah.
[2749] Son and heir.
None (PS0NC) [2750] Good job we had one.
Richard (PS0NB) [2751] Well that's it.
None (PS0NC) [...]
None (PS0ND) [scream]
Richard (PS0NB) [laugh]
None (PS0NC) [2752] [laugh] Isn't it funny?
[2753] I stink of garlic again.
Richard (PS0NB) [2754] Do you?
[2755] Oh dear.
[2756] I wonder how that happened.
None (PS0NC) [2757] [...] you know like
Richard (PS0NB) [2758] Sorry.
None (PS0NC) [2759] it's very embarrassing.
Richard (PS0NB) [2760] Is it?
[2761] Did somebody mention it?
None (PS0NC) [2762] Yes.
[2763] Breathing fumes over patients when they're not feeling well and nauseated and then they get this [...] of garlic.
[2764] It's very unfair on them, I was ever so annoyed with you this morning.
Richard (PS0NB) [2765] Oh sorry.
None (PS0NC) [2766] This poor patient was really ill and there I was breathing garlic over her.
Richard (PS0NB) [2767] Ah.
[2768] Did she mention it?
None (PS0NC) [2769] She did.
Richard (PS0NB) [2770] Did she really. ...
None (PS0NC) [2771] She said what, what were you eating last night she said
Richard (PS0NB) [laugh]
None (PS0NC) [2772] as she vomited.
Richard (PS0NB) [2773] [laugh] Don't, who's exaggerating.
None (PS0NC) [2774] I'm not exaggerating.
[2775] She was really ill this morning [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [laugh]
None (PS0NC) [2776] [...] quite a nice [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2777] Mm.
[2778] It's quite a nice area here.
None (PS0NC) [2779] I like this area I really do actually if I could afford to live here I would.
[2780] But it's so expensive.
[2781] I'll tell you something I don't want to go to [...] school.
Richard (PS0NB) [2782] No.
None (PS0NC) [2783] I really don't.
Richard (PS0NB) [2784] Well come on we know he won't.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2785] He won't.
None (PS0NC) [2786] Well I've got to go [...] and put his name down [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2787] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [2788] Specially for a playgroup.
None (PS0ND) [scream]
Richard (PS0NB) [2789] Mind you the school for this catchment any better?
None (PS0NC) [...]
None (PS0ND) [...]
None (PS0NC) [2790] I think so I mean, there [...] good and bad wherever you go but I never [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2791] What about Bushey?
None (PS0NC) [2792] Bushey.
[2793] Well I wouldn't send him to [...] wouldn't be living there.
[2794] ... It just depends on where we live I'm not gonna go to a place just because of a school
Richard (PS0NB) [2795] No.
None (PS0NC) [2796] I just know that Wood End Way is really crap. [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2797] Mm. ...
None (PS0NC) [2798] But [...] might have changed [...] headmasters have changed.
[2799] Curriculum might [...] .
[2800] When I was there it was [...] [baby shouting over the top] You agree don't you? [to baby]
Richard (PS0NB) [2801] Yes.
None (PS0ND) [shouting]
Richard (PS0NB) [2802] Right.
None (PS0NC) [2803] We're having a sleep.
Richard (PS0NB) [...]
None (PS0ND) [shouting]
None (PS0NC) [2804] Never.
[2805] [...] really.
Richard (PS0NB) [2806] Tell you, if we were in Yorkshire I'd send him to the, the, that er the convent school that I went to.
None (PS0NC) [2807] As long as they're not cruel.
Richard (PS0NB) [2808] Oh they weren't they were great you know.
[2809] That school, that school made more of an impression than I mean it was, if anything they were too soft.
None (PS0NC) [2810] I don't mind a bit of discipline but I don't like cruelty.
[2811] I remember when I was at er ... [...] tech I was reading and when I read I'm absorbed, you know what I mean
Richard (PS0NB) [2812] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [2813] I don't hear anything.
[2814] And I was reading, I wasn't even doing anything, I was just sitting reading and the teacher walked in and I didn't hear him.
[2815] Didn't hear anything.
[2816] The next thing I knew he was pulling me up by my hair.
Richard (PS0NB) [2817] Shh yeah.
None (PS0ND) [shouting]
None (PS0NC) [2818] Yet you would have thought that you know, it wasn't as if I were disrupting the class or anything.
Richard (PS0NB) [2819] Yeah the very first school I went to was quite disciplined.
[2820] I don't, it was very, it was very old fashioned really.
[2821] There was a lot of bullying and what have you, you know.
None (PS0NC) [2822] No I don't want him to go to a school where there's a lot of bullying.
Richard (PS0NB) [...]
None (PS0NC) [2823] Admittedly [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2824] Yeah.
[2825] You see I'm worried, I was actually the young- the youngest in the school ... you know when I started. ...
None (PS0ND) [shouting]
None (PS0NC) [2826] You're noisy this afternoon.
[2827] What are you doing to that shoe lace?
[2828] What are you doing to that shoe lace?
Richard (PS0NB) [2829] So he's ... you've had a fun day haven't you Guy?
None (PS0ND) [2830] da da
Richard (PS0NB) [2831] Ah.
None (PS0ND) [2832] da da.
Richard (PS0NB) [2833] We've had ...
None (PS0NC) [2834] Shoe, shoe, shoe.
[2834_1] A shoe.
[2835] Yes.
[2836] Shoe.
None (PS0ND) [shouting]
None (PS0NC) [2837] [...] trying to get out [...] .
[2838] Now do you're shoes up properly.
[2839] To be honest [...] you'd be better off instead of aiming for Watford going straight across.
Richard (PS0NB) [2840] Straight up here?
None (PS0NC) [2841] No, no.
Richard (PS0NB) [2842] Oh.
None (PS0NC) [2843] Keep going until um.
[2844] You know where as you normally turn left
Richard (PS0NB) [2845] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [2846] Here [...] going to Watford.
[2847] Mind you you can always go up that way.
Richard (PS0NB) [2848] Use the other road.
[2849] If I can go up here and cut across a
None (PS0NC) [2850] Yeah cut across that should be [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2851] Yeah.
None (PS0NC) [2852] [...] you're going out of your way.
Richard (PS0NB) [2853] [...] yeah.
None (PS0NC) [2854] [...] take off then [...]
None (PS0ND) [scream]
None (PS0NC) [2855] [...] I've got your nose, I've got your nose!
[2856] Where's Guy's mouth?
[2857] ... That's it!
[2858] Where's Guy's teeth?
[2859] ... Guy's teeth.
[2860] [...] broke a few there as well haven't you?
None (PS0ND) [2861] ga ga ga ga ga [baby talk]
Richard (PS0NB) [2862] What's wrong? ...
None (PS0NC) [2863] It's cos you [...]
None (PS0ND) [scream]
None (PS0NC) [2864] Oi, oi, oi, oi what a noise.
[2865] What a noise for one so young.
[2866] Who's a silly billy?
[2867] There's a silly billy.
[2868] Is it you?
[2869] Is it you?
[2870] Is it you?
None (PS0ND) [2871] Ga ga.
None (PS0NC) [2872] Daddy.
[2873] Gottle a gear gottle a gear gottle a gear.
[2874] ... There now what are you gonna do? ...
None (PS0ND) [2875] Ga ah!.
None (PS0NC) [2876] Oi!
[2877] Mind [...]
None (PS0ND) [crying]
Richard (PS0NB) [2878] Wonder if it's this road surf- there's a feeling a bit of vibration on the steering then.
[2879] ... It's nice up here isn't it?
None (PS0NC) [2880] Yeah.
[2881] Anything's better than Northolt.
Richard (PS0NB) [2882] Well yeah. [laugh] .
None (PS0NC) [2883] They've got [...] .
[2884] Oi oi oi oi.
[2885] What a noise.

58 (Tape 000904)

Richard (PS0NB) [2886] Well hopefully we'll be moved before er Christmas. ...
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2887] I know.
[2888] Just never seems to be, we never seem to have a lot of time [...] . ...
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2889] No, there's no point in moving unless it's ... I'm getting er ... a lot of money.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2890] No.
[2891] ... Ideally I want a job where I get relocation.

59 (Tape 000905)

Richard (PS0NB) [2892] You'll just have to remind me.
[2893] I haven't ... haven't come from it.
[2894] I'm not used to coming from this direction so just remind me where the turning is.
None (PS0NC) [2895] Oh alright then. ...
Richard (PS0NB) [2896] Oh there's that new building on the corner isn't there?

60 (Tape 000906)

Richard (PS0NB) [2897] [radio playing throughout] Yeah.
[2898] ... Anita was saying yesterday about erm ... where they're living now.
[2899] And er ... you know there's
None (PS0NC) [2900] [...] next one [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2901] Next one.
[2902] Right.
[2903] ... There's a lot of old people there and er ... there's a ... quite a way to walk to the shops.
None (PS0NC) [2904] Yeah she's not in a very good position [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2905] No she was saying they have built some shops where they are.
[2906] Thousand pounds a week or something ... rent.
None (PS0NC) [2907] Yeah [...] .
[2908] I told you that there was going to be some available but [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2909] It's it's well.
[2910] They're dreaming.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2911] Well nobody's gonna take them.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2912] Ah.
[2913] ... She can't afford to though can she?
None (PS0NC) [2914] No, not now. [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2915] That's fine.
None (PS0NC) [2916] I mean you might expect to [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2917] Oh yeah.
None (PS0NC) [2918] They've done it nicely. [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2919] [...] asleep now [laugh] .
None (PS0NC) [2920] [...] I mean, living up that end it's not so bad is it? [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2921] Well yeah. [...] [laugh]
None (PS0NC) [2922] Well no they're just [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2923] No.
None (PS0NC) [2924] Yet [...] in comparison to what [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2925] Whereabouts is this?
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2926] Well, yes and, yes and no.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2927] I know.
[2928] It's very er, very narrow road this isn't it?
[2929] ... Can't get her in any tighter.

61 (Tape 000907)

Richard (PS0NB) [2930] Yes we can.
[2931] ... Just pop round and er ... see that shop.
[2932] ... Don't know [...] that one goes through. ...
None (PS0NE) [2933] He's got good access here anyway for [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2934] Mm.
[2935] I've got a feeling for the number of empty sites they must have hammered the rents or the rates or something.
[2936] ... Mind you he's got it all worked out so ... right we know it's six, six pound per square foot ... is what we'll pay. ...
None (PS0NE) [2937] What you've got to remember is that this is er ... this is southern England and not northern England.
Richard (PS0NB) [2938] [laugh] .
[2939] Oh no you can get, you can get er ... six pounds per square foot is quite a bit.
[2940] ... I mean you can get units sort of er ... I'd be in inner London for that price.
[2941] ... It's just getting them with access that's the problem. ...
None (PS0NE) [2942] Well that one looks a bit promising anyway.
Richard (PS0NB) [2943] Mm. ...
None (PS0NE) [2944] Down here?
Richard (PS0NB) [2945] Mm.
[2946] [...] still sat there?
None (PS0NE) [2947] [...] still in Devon [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [2948] Well it needed gutting and starting again.
[2949] But it's just sat there.
[2950] Doing nothing with it.
[2951] ... Crazy.
None (PS0NE) [2952] [...] planning on pulling the whole thing down.
Richard (PS0NB) [2953] Now then what do we want.
[2954] Erm suppose I better check that round.
None (PS0NE) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2955] This?
[2956] This is the, just over there that's the ... A1 ... intersection.
[2957] ... Don't know what these councils are playing at though.
[2958] I mean they'll just they'll just have it sat there empty, it's been empty a year now.
None (PS0NE) [2959] [...] Perhaps they decided a bakery isn't the right sort of thing for it.
Richard (PS0NB) [2960] Well no there were other people [...] have applied.
[2961] Yeah.
[2962] They [...] , just not let it.
[2963] Shall shall we go back round there?
[2964] You wanna go to Pullens don't you?
None (PS0NE) [2965] I don't want to it's up to you to say!
Richard (PS0NB) [2966] Well I don't know cos ... you know the way ... sort of.
None (PS0NE) [2967] Oh well go up this way then.
[2968] [...] back of the estate some place.
Richard (PS0NB) [2969] We are yeah.
None (PS0NE) [2970] Hang on I'll have a look see where we are.
Richard (PS0NB) [2971] Well this'll take us back
None (PS0NE) [2972] [...] . ...
Richard (PS0NB) [2973] No lorries.
None (PS0NE) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2974] No.
[2975] ... This is where we've just been isn't it?
None (PS0NE) [2976] Go to your right. ...
Richard (PS0NB) [2977] Oh even a bus service.
None (PS0NE) [2978] Yeah you've got [...] comes up here.
[2979] And the three o six.
[2980] [...] . There's quite a [...] service [...] buses plus they've got mini buses running around all over the shop as well so.
Richard (PS0NB) [2981] Aha.
[2982] ... See I mean look at that.
[2983] All those tru trucks are just parked up.
[2984] Even hire trucks there.
None (PS0NE) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2985] Yeah.
None (PS0NE) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2986] But I mean it's, it's money.
[2987] You can't have, I mean you can't have all this stuff [...] .
[2988] Crazy. ...
None (PS0NE) [...] ... [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2989] That's a fire station.
None (PS0NE) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2990] It's all [...] half the trip.
[2991] Yeah it's offices, car parking.
[2992] There's no er ... it's no good for lorries is it?
None (PS0NE) [2993] Not for the sort, not for the sort of operation you're looking at no. [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2994] Nice area.
None (PS0NE) [2995] [...] office blocks.
Richard (PS0NB) [2996] It's a ... modern enough as it is.
[2997] And they keep building them.
None (PS0NE) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [2998] No I think, they were making er ... lots of money out of offices but not any more.
None (PS0NE) [2999] Well there's not that many bloody companies left to put, to go in them is there?
Richard (PS0NB) [3000] No.
[3001] ... Is it round here?
[3002] ... Boreham Wood football club [laugh]

62 (Tape 000908)

Richard (PS0NB) [3003] Straight over?
None (PS0NE) [3004] Haven't been down here for a while.
[3005] It's all [...] new to me.
[3006] [...] . I've not been down here [...]

63 (Tape 000909)

None (PS0NE) [3007] To set up that sort of operation [...] twenty four hours trucks rolling in and out, you've got to be on an industrial estate [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3008] Mm.
None (PS0NE) [3009] There's no way you're gonna get round [...] whatsoever.

64 (Tape 000910)

Richard (PS0NB) [3010] Right [...] ... Ah I know where I am.
[3011] Yes.
[3012] We looked at a bakery down here.
None (PS0NE) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3013] Mm.
[3014] And it was just so antiquated.
[3015] ... Big old stone ovens you know?
[3016] Hole in the wall job.
None (PS0NE) [3017] Oh yeah?
[3018] Not really suitable.
Richard (PS0NB) [3019] Well, it would have taken a lot of investment.
[3020] And it was only ... it was a leasehold job.
[3021] Property needed quite a bit of work doing on it. ...
None (PS0NE) [cough]
Richard (PS0NB) [3022] Just along here somewhere on the left.
[3023] Yeah that's it. ...
None (PS0NE) [3024] There?
Richard (PS0NB) [3025] Just gone past it yeah.

65 (Tape 000911)

Richard (PS0NB) [3026] Right.
[3027] ... That's the one is it? ...
None (PS0NE) [3028] Well I didn't know there was anything up here I was just, I just come up here to ...
Richard (PS0NB) [3029] That all looks ... occupied.
None (PS0NE) [3030] see what's around.
[3031] [...] up there.
Richard (PS0NB) [3032] Oh yeah, lease for sale.
None (PS0NE) [3033] [...] I know there was a few different [...] up here.
[3034] ... [...] two thousand square feet
Richard (PS0NB) [laugh]
None (PS0NE) [3035] That's what we want.
Richard (PS0NB) [3036] Mm.
None (PS0NE) [3037] Ah that's roll on roll off.
Richard (PS0NB) [3038] Yeah.
[3039] Mega.
None (PS0NE) [3040] Mega mega.
Richard (PS0NB) [3041] Yeah.
[3042] Mega bucks as well. ...
None (PS0NE) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3043] There we go.
[3044] That looks empty.
[3045] I don't see any er for sale signs up though.
None (PS0NE) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3046] It would appear there's a few.
None (PS0NE) [3047] Yeah.
[3048] [...] office in the front.
[3049] ... again, easy access.
Richard (PS0NB) [3050] Yeah.
None (PS0NE) [3051] Just turn right up there and it takes you up to the bottom of the M10.
[3052] Which gives you the M25 and the M1.
[3053] ... Somebody must be letting the bloody things out [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [3054] Well they're all blank.
[3055] Well there's, there's some blank .
None (PS0NE) [3056] There's two units left.
[3057] So who would, who does them? [...] ...
Richard (PS0NB) [3058] I don't see any er ... notices in the windows like a telephone number [...] .
[3059] ... [...] Unit one and four are still open.
[3060] Oh this is where Mercury are.
[3061] Aha.
[3062] ... [...] we use Mercury at work.
None (PS0NE) [3063] Yeah it's a pity you didn't wanna go for something bigger innit, that would have been ideal wouldn't it?
[3064] Roll on roll off [laugh] .
Richard (PS0NB) [3065] If we were supplying Marks and Spencer in this country it might be the answer but er ...
None (PS0NE) [3066] This erm ... this used to be a [...] distribution sort of [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3067] Well it looks like it yeah.
None (PS0NE) [3068] erm [...] golden something or other.
[3069] Diesel pumps and all sorts over there.
Richard (PS0NB) [3070] mm.
[3071] That's that one.
None (PS0NE) [3072] Maybe you can get it at a knock down price.
Richard (PS0NB) [3073] [laugh] .
[3074] They'd have to knock it down a hell of a bloody lot. ...
None (PS0NE) [3075] That's not bad.
Richard (PS0NB) [...]
None (PS0NE) [3076] Mm?
Richard (PS0NB) [3077] Bilton [...] that's a company innit, that's not ... an agent.
None (PS0NE) [3078] Is it.
[3079] Alright back it up a bit.
[3080] ... . Well I suggest that Bilton is, is the people you're gonna enquire with these two, for these two [...] .
[3081] If you wanna take the numbers of that.
[3082] Number thirteen doesn't look too healthy.
[3083] Fourteen [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3084] That's on the other side of the board.
[3085] The sign.
None (PS0NE) [3086] Yeah.
Richard (PS0NB) [3087] Where are we [...] ?
[3088] Er
None (PS0NE) [3089] Sorry you're in erm West Radlett
Richard (PS0NB) [3090] [...] isn't it.
None (PS0NE) [3091] Right beside of Rank Xerox.
[3092] Unit fourteen.
[3093] Biltons
Richard (PS0NB) [3094] Good god that's been there a long time.
[3095] It's still o one.
None (PS0NE) [3096] Yeah
Richard (PS0NB) [3097] Is that gonna be an oh eight one of you think?
None (PS0NE) [3098] That'll be an oh eight one.
[3099] Erm ... no oh one's Inner London so it's gonna be o seven one innit.
[3100] . [...] Mhm ... so he's got a few possibilities.
Richard (PS0NB) [3101] Yeah.
None (PS0NE) [3102] Those two round there look quite er ... [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3103] Tasty.
None (PS0NE) [3104] Yeah.
[3105] Right erm ... hang a left [...] .
[3106] ... I think ... those two round there might, like those other two on the other one.
[3107] They're newer so that more easily adapt to what
Richard (PS0NB) [3108] Yeah.

66 (Tape 000912)

Richard (PS0NB) [3109] Oh I think I might just put some petrol in over there.
[3110] Look like they've ... got an offer on.
None (PS0NE) [...] ...
Richard (PS0NB) [3111] [cough] Monday Wednesday or Friday [...] .
[3112] Bloody hell.
[3113] Is Tesco's still open?
None (PS0NE) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3114] Yeah.
None (PS0NE) [3115] No idea.
Richard (PS0NB) [3116] No they open on a Sunday [...]
None (PS0NE) [3117] Sorry?
Richard (PS0NB) [3118] I know they open on a Sunday now.

67 (Tape 000913)

Richard (PS0NB) [3119] Doesn't matter I mean, it'll go for a long time you know.
[3120] ... Just ... last another week yet.
None (PS0NE) [3121] [...] left up here.
[3122] Here.
[3123] [...] . Now take the second turning on the left.
[3124] [laugh] . There is a second turning on the left don't worry.
[3125] Used to be a bus route. ...
Richard (PS0NB) [3126] This one?
None (PS0NE) [3127] Yeah go left [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3128] Left and a bit of a right I think [laugh]
None (PS0NE) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3129] I've got a feeling ... we came to look at something round here.
[3130] Yeah we did.
[3131] ... We did come and have a look at a shop down here. ...
None (PS0NE) [3132] Like that one?
Richard (PS0NB) [3133] It could be.
[3134] There was one for sale down here.
[3135] ... Supermarket, supermarket.
[3136] That's empty.
[3137] ... No for sale on the bugger.
[3138] ... They've got a supermarket, if that's a hairdressers that hasn't made it, it's not a good sign.
[3139] ... Newsagents ... hardware ... that's gone as well has it?
[3140] I wonder if they're terminating the leases.
[3141] Rebuilding.
[3142] ... It's council isn't it? ...
None (PS0NE) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3143] Yeah but, well that side of the road's probably still going.
[3144] Probably gonna redevelop one side then redevelop the other. ...
None (PS0NE) [3145] That'd be [...] council wouldn't it?

68 (Tape 001001)

Richard (PS0NB) [3146] Ooh ... isn't that clever!
[3147] Come on then darling.
[3148] ... There's good boy.

69 (Tape 001002)

None (PS0NC) [3149] Alright alright alright it's alr , it's alright!
[3150] ... Now calm down, keep calm.
[3151] What's the matter?
[3152] Daddy's made you look, look ... some dinner.
[3153] Yeah splch sssplllcchh
None (PS0ND) [3154] Coo coo
None (PS0NC) [3155] Coo coo.
[3156] Carrots seem to work slowly.
[3157] [...] not overdone.
[3158] This finishes at six fifty.
[3159] So you're gonna have to remember the oven goes out at six fifteen.
[3160] And you might have to put it on manual.
[3161] Okay?
Richard (PS0NB) [3162] Yeah a buzzer goes off though doesn't it?
None (PS0NC) [3163] No well I'm not sure.
Richard (PS0NB) [3164] Oh.
None (PS0NC) [3165] I'm not sure if the buzzer goes off, might do.
None (PS0ND) [3166] Mm.
Richard (PS0NB) [3167] Mm. ... [...]
None (PS0NC) [3168] Thank you.
Richard (PS0NB) [3169] Are you going to er ... do you want a drink for him?
None (PS0NC) [3170] Erm ... no I don't think so but he's had his tea [...] .
[3171] He'll have his milk soon.
Richard (PS0NB) [3172] Okey dokey.
[3173] ... We've got bath to-, does he?
None (PS0NC) [3174] Yeah put him in a bath [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3175] Ooh!
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3176] There you are mummy.
None (PS0NC) [3177] Thank you.

70 (Tape 001003)

None (PS0NC) [3178] How do you do and how do you do and how do you do again!
Richard (PS0NB) [3179] Hello!
[3180] Hello sweetheart.
[3181] Ah.
None (PS0NC) [3182] Hello daddy.
Richard (PS0NB) [3183] Did you have a nice bath?
None (PS0NC) [3184] Very quick it was but we did have a nice bath didn't
None (PS0ND) [cry]
Richard (PS0NB) [3185] Ah
None (PS0NC) [3186] [...] wash .
Richard (PS0NB) [3187] Haven't got any mince sauce dear.
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3188] I thought we had some.
[3189] I can't find it.
None (PS0NC) [3190] Oh dear.
[3191] Come in or shut the door darling.
Richard (PS0NB) [3192] Oh sorry.
[3193] Shall I get some?
None (PS0NC) [3194] Come in.
[3195] Well it's up to you [...] .
Richard (PS0NB) [3196] Well, have
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3197] I haven't got any money.
[3198] [...] bother,
None (PS0NC) [3199] Where where can you get some at this later hour now?
Richard (PS0NB) [3200] Seven eleven that's all.
None (PS0NC) [3201] Oh is it worth it.
Richard (PS0NB) [3202] Well not
None (PS0NC) [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3203] Alright we'll manage.
None (PS0NC) [3204] I'm sure we had some [...]
Richard (PS0NB) [3205] I'm sure we had some.
None (PS0NC) [3206] I know we did ... saw it in the fridge.
Richard (PS0NB) [3207] Yeah.
[3208] Oh.
None (PS0NC) [3209] It's not in any of the cupboards?
Richard (PS0NB) [3210] No I can't see it.
None (PS0NC) [3211] I know we had some we didn't use it all I know we didn't.