BNC Text KE6

59 conversations recorded by `Wendy' (PS0X8) between 21 and 28 February 1992 with 8 interlocutors, totalling 10803 s-units, 70883 words, and 10 hours 46 minutes 58 seconds of recordings.

10 speakers recorded by respondent number 111

PS0X8 Ag4 f (Wendy, age 54, machine minder, Central South-west England, )
PS0X9 Ag2 f (Bev, age 25, unemployed, Central South-west England, ) daughter
PS0XA Ag4 m (Michael, age 55, production engineer, Central South-west England, ) husband
PS0XB Ag2 f (Beth, age 30, office worker, Scottish, ) friend
PS0XC Ag3 f (Jill, age 40, office worker, Central South-west England, ) friend
PS0XD Ag4 f (Sandra, age 45, machine minder, Home Counties, ) friend
PS0XE Ag5 f (Doreen, age 62, machine minder, London, ) friend
PS0XG Ag4 f (Dee, age 49, packer, Central South-west England, ) friend
KE6PSUNK (respondent W0000) X u (Unknown speaker, age unknown) other
KE6PSUGP (respondent W000M) X u (Group of unknown speakers, age unknown) other

59 recordings

  1. Tape 036401 recorded on 1992-02-21. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  2. Tape 036402 recorded on 1992-02-21. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  3. Tape 036403 recorded on 1992-02-21. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  4. Tape 036404 recorded on 1992-02-22. LocationHampshire: Andover ( car and in town ) Activity: talking and shopping
  5. Tape 036405 recorded on 1992-02-22. LocationHampshire: Andover ( in town ) Activity: shopping
  6. Tape 036406 recorded on 1992-02-22. LocationHampshire: Andover ( in town ) Activity: shopping
  7. Tape 036407 recorded on 1992-02-22. LocationHampshire: Andover ( in town ) Activity: shopping
  8. Tape 036501 recorded on 1992-02-22. LocationHampshire: Andover () Activity: talking
  9. Tape 036502 recorded on 1992-02-22. LocationHampshire: Andover () Activity: talking
  10. Tape 036503 recorded on 1992-02-22. LocationHampshire: Andover ( on the way to pick up the bus to ice show at Wembley and on bus ) Activity: talking
  11. Tape 036701 recorded on 1992-02-22. Location: London ( on bus from Wembley back to Andover ) Activity: talking
  12. Tape 036702 recorded on 1992-02-22. Location: London ( on bus from Wembley back to Andover ) Activity: talking
  13. Tape 036703 recorded on 1992-02-23. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home and ? shopping ) Activity: talking
  14. Tape 036704 recorded on 1992-02-23. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  15. Tape 036801 recorded on 1992-02-23. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  16. Tape 036901 recorded on 1992-02-23. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: eating lunch
  17. Tape 036902 recorded on 1992-02-23. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: television on
  18. Tape 036903 recorded on 1992-02-23. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: television on
  19. Tape 037001 recorded on 1992-02-24. LocationHampshire: Andover () Activity: talking
  20. Tape 037002 recorded on 1992-02-24. LocationHampshire: Andover ( going to work and at work ) Activity: talking
  21. Tape 037003 recorded on 1992-02-24. LocationHampshire: Andover ( coming back from work and in shop ) Activity: talking
  22. Tape 037004 recorded on 1992-02-24. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  23. Tape 037005 recorded on 1992-02-24. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  24. Tape 037006 recorded on 1992-02-24. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  25. Tape 037101 recorded on 1992-02-24. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  26. Tape 037102 recorded on 1992-02-24. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  27. Tape 037201 recorded on 1992-02-25. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  28. Tape 037202 recorded on 1992-02-25. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  29. Tape 037203 recorded on 1992-02-25. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  30. Tape 037204 recorded on 1992-02-25. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  31. Tape 037301 recorded on 1992-02-25. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: loud music on television
  32. Tape 037303 recorded on 1992-02-25. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: television on
  33. Tape 037304 recorded on 1992-02-25. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: loud television
  34. Tape 037305 recorded on 1992-02-25. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: television on
  35. Tape 037401 recorded on 1992-02-26. LocationHampshire: Andover ( out ) Activity: going to work
  36. Tape 037402 recorded on 1992-02-26. LocationHampshire: Andover () Activity: Unspecified
  37. Tape 037403 recorded on 1992-02-26. LocationHampshire: Andover ( out and at home ) Activity: coming home from work shopping at home
  38. Tape 037501 recorded on 1992-02-26. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  39. Tape 037502 recorded on 1992-02-26. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  40. Tape 037503 recorded on 1992-02-26. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  41. Tape 037504 recorded on 1992-02-26. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  42. Tape 037505 recorded on 1992-02-26. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  43. Tape 037506 recorded on 1992-02-26. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  44. Tape 037507 recorded on 1992-02-26. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  45. Tape 037508 recorded on 1992-02-26. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  46. Tape 037509 recorded on 1992-02-26. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  47. Tape 037601 recorded on 1992-02-27. LocationHampshire: Andover () Activity: Unspecified
  48. Tape 037602 recorded on 1992-02-27. LocationHampshire: Andover ( out ) Activity: walking
  49. Tape 037603 recorded on 1992-02-27. LocationHampshire: Andover () Activity: talking
  50. Tape 037604 recorded on 1992-02-27. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  51. Tape 037605 recorded on 1992-02-27. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  52. Tape 037606 recorded on 1992-02-27. LocationHampshire: Andover ( at home ) Activity: talking
  53. Tape 037701 recorded on 1992-02-27. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  54. Tape 037702 recorded on 1992-02-27. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  55. Tape 037703 recorded on 1992-02-27. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  56. Tape 037704 recorded on 1992-02-27. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  57. Tape 037705 recorded on 1992-02-27. LocationHampshire: Andover ( home ) Activity: talking
  58. Tape 037801 recorded on 1992-02-28. LocationHampshire: Andover ( going to work and at work ) Activity: talking
  59. Tape 037802 recorded on 1992-02-28. LocationHampshire: Andover ( at work and in town ) Activity: talking

1 (Tape 036401)

Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [1] If you're not doing it like that and you're in a conversation or atmosphere in the room, when I find it, this little gadget is wonderful, this will pick up for a long way, this will pick up the dogs next door, if there was no other noise in this room.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2] Mm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [3] This is a little mike stand okay and it
Wendy (PS0X8) [4] Mhm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [5] sit like that and to attach it all you do is swing it round vertically, plonk it on, I've done that wrong
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh] ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [6] oh, well it goes like that
Wendy (PS0X8) [7] That's right
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8] and it consists I mean you've got probably what a yard maybe
Wendy (PS0X8) [9] Mhm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [10] I would think possibly up there, if you two are sitting here
Wendy (PS0X8) [11] Mm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [12] then it would make sense if you're gonna continue doing that
Wendy (PS0X8) [13] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [14] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [15] to have it somewhere like that
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [16] yeah I mean to be honest it's just a case of one of you, it does go that way, I knew I was right the first time, of one of you just remembering
Wendy (PS0X8) [17] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [18] to turn the tapes over
Wendy (PS0X8) [19] Yeah, it'll probably be me
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [20] and, and also then
Bev (PS0X9) [21] I'm sure it will
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [22] and al , also then the batteries, every third tape
Wendy (PS0X8) [23] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [24] because they do use a lot of juice up
Wendy (PS0X8) [25] Mm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [26] okay
Bev (PS0X9) [27] Mm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [28] so that's that, that's all of that, thank you very much
Wendy (PS0X8) [29] No, no problem
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [30] and I'll see you next week
Wendy (PS0X8) [31] Aha
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [32] at erm four-ish about four
Wendy (PS0X8) [33] Yeah, well if that's alright, only as being that's the, what I call the end of month, like I've got to pay all of the bills and they must get it until the next, the end of the month
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [34] Yeah, well fair enough
Wendy (PS0X8) [35] the whole lot
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [36] fair enough, you don't need your headphones
Wendy (PS0X8) [37] Mm, no
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [38] so I'll take those back with me, I've got another pair in here
Wendy (PS0X8) [39] Mhm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [40] erm, oh I'm, and that's it, that's great
Wendy (PS0X8) [41] alright
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [42] so, don't worry about bad language, I mean any sort of dialect you know, just forget it's there
Wendy (PS0X8) [43] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [44] Mm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [45] One thing I think it does tell you in your guidelines, one is, if you do have friends round, out of courtesy you should maybe say so this is an experiment
Wendy (PS0X8) [46] Say you've got a
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [47] cos they go ooh for about three seconds or a couple of minutes and they'll forget about it
Wendy (PS0X8) [48] Yeah, well I don't think we plan any at the moment do we?
Bev (PS0X9) [49] No, no
Wendy (PS0X8) [50] No no
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [51] Right lovely
Wendy (PS0X8) [52] Thank you
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [53] thanks very much ladies I'll see you next week okay?
Wendy (PS0X8) [54] Right we'll see you next week
Bev (PS0X9) [55] Right
Wendy (PS0X8) [56] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [57] Okay, you let me out
Wendy (PS0X8) [58] [laugh] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [59] bye then
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [60] Goodbye
Wendy (PS0X8) [61] Is it on?
Bev (PS0X9) [62] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [63] Well what shall we talk about, the weather?
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [64] Did you want another cup of tea?
[65] And, what on earth is this film about?
Bev (PS0X9) [66] Well I think he's sort of, he's out of a job ain't he?
Wendy (PS0X8) [67] Well he was just now, yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [68] and he wants a wife
Wendy (PS0X8) [69] anyway I must get on my letter to June
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [70] oh, oh it's erm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [71] for it
Bev (PS0X9) [72] oh leave it here
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [73] it is
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [74] yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [75] Now she's gone, did she put my
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [76] Aha
Wendy (PS0X8) [77] I don't want to lose that one
Bev (PS0X9) [78] your sacred pen
Wendy (PS0X8) [79] that is the best pen I have
Bev (PS0X9) [80] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [81] so I'll leave all that there and then
Bev (PS0X9) [82] Di can read through it when she gets back
Wendy (PS0X8) [83] You'll have to read through all that
Bev (PS0X9) [84] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [85] and er, it's simpler than me doing it anyway in the ...
Bev (PS0X9) [86] Oh er the bloody thing's finished now ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [87] What your jumper?
Bev (PS0X9) [88] Yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [89] Well then tomorrow I must make a little list, see cos I want to finish that baby's jumper
Bev (PS0X9) [90] Which one?
Wendy (PS0X8) [91] to send to Malta
Bev (PS0X9) [92] Oh yes
Wendy (PS0X8) [93] and erm
Bev (PS0X9) [94] you can always do some little motif yourself on it
Wendy (PS0X8) [95] Yeah, it's a girl now we know what it is don't we?
[96] Er
Bev (PS0X9) [97] perhaps a couple of little roses or something like that
Wendy (PS0X8) [98] Yeah or go down and buy a couple of those little roses, which is much simpler
Bev (PS0X9) [99] Well yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [100] innit?
[101] You know much nicer we really want it very, very pretty
Bev (PS0X9) [102] but there again , but there again if they start cos kids do pull
Wendy (PS0X8) [103] running , not very big er mat matinee jacket though is it really?
Bev (PS0X9) [104] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [105] You know ...
Bev (PS0X9) [106] cos she's fed up with you that's why ... I've lost this film now.
Wendy (PS0X8) [107] I think it's rubbish anyway
Bev (PS0X9) [108] Yeah, yeah ... I probably think that they're having an affair I think
Wendy (PS0X8) [109] I think so ...
Bev (PS0X9) [110] she looks old and haggard in this
Wendy (PS0X8) [111] Mm, it's amazing what they can do though with make-up and
Bev (PS0X9) [112] Well they can make her into an old, old lady
Wendy (PS0X8) [113] just trust Fletcher, she's quite smart and nice ain't she?
Bev (PS0X9) [114] Yeah ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [115] what?
Bev (PS0X9) [116] Who's the maid
Wendy (PS0X8) [117] Dunno
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [118] Oh where have I got to go tomorrow then?
Wendy (PS0X8) [119] Oh I, I want to go to
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [120] erm possibly the wool shop, erm square one and Abbey National, I think I can't think of anywhere else at the moment
Bev (PS0X9) [121] Oh my
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [122] not ready yet
Wendy (PS0X8) [123] Did you go in there?
Bev (PS0X9) [124] No, but it still went off
Wendy (PS0X8) [125] No
Bev (PS0X9) [126] be next week ... why, he's not gone and chickened out?
[127] ... I wonder if we're suppose to talk all the time?
Wendy (PS0X8) [128] Dunno, well you can't talk all the time you'd have a sore throat wouldn't you?
[129] I mean it's, it's general I suppose I mean if it would be better to switch it on and off which you can do and er, you know, I mean we can't sit here continually talking
Bev (PS0X9) [130] Well I know, I know
Wendy (PS0X8) [131] I'd never get my letters written anyway ... so if you want to switch it off, I'll get on with my letters and erm you do your knitting and I'll, what is the time?
[132] I've got to do the potatoes yet
Bev (PS0X9) [133] So that's every fo , every second we think to say something, we've got to turn it on?
Wendy (PS0X8) [134] Well
Bev (PS0X9) [135] Is it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [136] otherwise we leave it for an evening just have general, I mean if we can she wants us to do the whole twenty, she said she'd be delighted, there was Yorkshire Television on her car keys
Bev (PS0X9) [137] I know I saw it
Wendy (PS0X8) [138] Yeah I that
Bev (PS0X9) [139] it don't mean a thing really, but
Wendy (PS0X8) [140] It don't mean anything at all, but then nevertheless, I mean they always want somebody to do these sort of things it's all, all for a purpose I suppose
Bev (PS0X9) [141] Oh well
Wendy (PS0X8) [142] I don't er ta very much
Bev (PS0X9) [143] it's all a survey's a survey innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [144] Surveys yeah, but I mean from your and my point of view we don't sit here talking all the time, but when your father gets in then there's talk ...
Bev (PS0X9) [145] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [146] er work and that
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [147] gosh she don't look too bad there
Wendy (PS0X8) [148] No ...

2 (Tape 036402)

Wendy (PS0X8) [149] Well if I get this letter done and then we'll ... get the envelope, get the stuff for Malta, sort out what I'm gonna send
Bev (PS0X9) [150] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [151] see what I'm gonna, well, see if I can get the little
Bev (PS0X9) [152] The other little rain jacket tomorrow
Wendy (PS0X8) [153] rain jacket for Annaleigh ... get the jacket done, get that in for Ian and something in for Claire and then when you go down town ... you can do it for me ...
Bev (PS0X9) [154] I thought we were going to town tomorrow?
Wendy (PS0X8) [155] Yeah, but it won't be ready will it?
[156] Can't be ready cos the little jacket ain't erm
Bev (PS0X9) [157] That's true, that's true
Wendy (PS0X8) [158] for
Bev (PS0X9) [159] We haven't got any ribbon anywhere have we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [160] Well I might have I just don't know ... I think I mean I used a load at, why, want white?
Bev (PS0X9) [161] Well what was
Wendy (PS0X8) [162] I used, I used yellow that I'd bought
Bev (PS0X9) [163] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [164] but erm
Bev (PS0X9) [165] What did you put the white in then?
Wendy (PS0X8) [166] I don't know, I just don't know ... anyway I mean it only needs a yard don't it?
[167] That
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [168] they like all that
Bev (PS0X9) [169] Yeah ... I wonder if I can find another
Wendy (PS0X8) [170] Well I should of bought some
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [171] same time I would think, never mind I will go and get some now
Bev (PS0X9) [172] Well done
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [173] yes ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [174] no ... not really, all that money, I mean in the end is it worth rescuing I say, I know it's sport and I know what about it, but, it's an awful lot of money though
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [175] ought to go back to amateur, proper amateur
Wendy (PS0X8) [176] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [177] Yeah, it's all become too, erm, professional
Wendy (PS0X8) [178] high powered innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [179] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [180] It's not only that it's all money innit, that's why
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [181] Yeah, I thought about that last night ... try and be quieter
Bev (PS0X9) [182] [laugh] ... oh dear, oh dear, just what will it be like when dad gets in? [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [183] Oh interesting
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [184] I think
Bev (PS0X9) [185] Oh no
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [186] oh
Bev (PS0X9) [187] Oh no
Wendy (PS0X8) [188] It's not on ... oh ...
Bev (PS0X9) [189] I wanted my programme
Wendy (PS0X8) [190] I know that
Bev (PS0X9) [191] Oh look, see what time's
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [192] right ...
Bev (PS0X9) [193] Erm ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [194] I don't know what else I've got
Bev (PS0X9) [195] where we've put the paper?
[196] Oh there it is ... Catchword's not until five, five tonight
Wendy (PS0X8) [197] Five, five?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [198] is there?
Bev (PS0X9) [199] No not really
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [200] tomorrow then
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]

3 (Tape 036403)

Bev (PS0X9) [201] It's the policeman you know
Wendy (PS0X8) [202] Policeman, I thought it was a woman, yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [203] No he was an ex-policeman
Wendy (PS0X8) [204] Oh I see, I thought it was a policeman doing it today
Bev (PS0X9) [205] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [206] oh ... that's a
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [207] innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [208] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [209] she'll probably be one of the cleverest people you'll ever meet
Bev (PS0X9) [210] Yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [211] What time does your father get in?
[212] It's about half five innit normally?
Bev (PS0X9) [213] A bit earlier on
Wendy (PS0X8) [214] Oh is it Friday?
Bev (PS0X9) [215] earlier on a Friday yeah, well mind you he was early last week cos he had his hair cut, ha ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [216] yes ... [laugh] ... Freda all dressed in red, right well if I start
Bev (PS0X9) [217] And her hair still looks
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [218] I know it's horrible innit?
[219] I'm gonna start
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [220] I don't know where he is tonight do you?
Bev (PS0X9) [221] No
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [222] he might be down the club
Wendy (PS0X8) [223] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [224] Oh, you know I said I saw Sharon today?
Wendy (PS0X8) [225] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [226] She goes down the Railway
Wendy (PS0X8) [227] Who goes down the Railway?
Bev (PS0X9) [228] Sharon she plays bingo on a Sunday night
Wendy (PS0X8) [229] Oh crikey [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [230] she said is Jim still on the committee?
[231] I said yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [232] Now he is, yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [233] he said, she said I thought that was his name, cos his name was up on the board I said oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [234] Mm, oh dear
Bev (PS0X9) [235] roped in there, now, I said he's in there already
Wendy (PS0X8) [236] Well it's alright as long as it doesn't get to be like I said it could, these are lovely stamps you know
Bev (PS0X9) [237] I know ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [238] I've never had this one
Bev (PS0X9) [239] R E I G N reign
Wendy (PS0X8) [240] Oh I ain't seen it yet, ha, S C R U signet, S I G N E T, S I G N E T that's how you spell it signet, I'll start using these things
Bev (PS0X9) [241] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [242] Aha, I'll throw them away most of time, it's quite nice aren't they really?
[243] ... There's Molly just come home
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [244] Alan's got to be away you know
Bev (PS0X9) [245] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [246] he's got to be
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [247] wait, oh no ... crusting ... they you are look, there's plenty of -ing words
Bev (PS0X9) [248] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [249] go on have a look darling ...
Bev (PS0X9) [250] I thought reign was good
Wendy (PS0X8) [251] Mm ... erm
Bev (PS0X9) [252] I love those jackets she wears you know
Wendy (PS0X8) [253] Well I shall go and
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [254] on the big way now, she's preggy
Bev (PS0X9) [255] Yes I know, but they do make it
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [256] oh it's very smart I have to say that, I mean when you've got something like that you only need a skirt and a top
Bev (PS0X9) [257] Yeah, but that top she had on before all you need is a black dre a black skirt and it's a suit then
Wendy (PS0X8) [258] Yeah, absolutely, yeah ...
Bev (PS0X9) [259] wrist ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [260] S T R O ... stow S T O W well that's no good, B E O ... R O S T ... R E S T O no for restore we want another E look
Bev (PS0X9) [261] Yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [262] Twerps
Bev (PS0X9) [263] I've got five
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [264] twerps
Bev (PS0X9) [265] None of these words I don't think are
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [266] Oh look at that
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [267] I think we're
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [268] anyway, certainly ... [laugh] what is the date today?
Bev (PS0X9) [269] Twenty first ... sportier
Wendy (PS0X8) [270] Sportier yeah well as you say I mean a lot of these words you wouldn't want chancing yourself, would you?
Bev (PS0X9) [271] Well no, he's sportier than I am
Wendy (PS0X8) [272] Yeah well I suppose so one of the, it must er ... [laughing] ha, you want a U now
Bev (PS0X9) [273] Oh nasty
Wendy (PS0X8) [274] Oh R, Q, X, Q, X, Q, X, Q, X
Bev (PS0X9) [275] Yeah, oh look at that, pulled all me stitches off
Wendy (PS0X8) [276] Yeah afraid so
Bev (PS0X9) [277] Ooh I've lost a stitch here
Wendy (PS0X8) [278] S E X sex, fate, S H I [] [laugh] I won't see the other one G H ...
Bev (PS0X9) [279] I T sight S I G H T
Wendy (PS0X8) [280] Yeah that's right ... hats [laugh] ... oh ... what's that then, father's home
Bev (PS0X9) [281] Little devil he's home early, what's that?
Wendy (PS0X8) [282] It's early innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [283] Done half a day ... I suppose we'd better tell him that we're taping [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [284] Oh good it's only one part
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [285] well I'm not doing those am I?
Bev (PS0X9) [286] Why?
Wendy (PS0X8) [287] Cos I can't be bothered that's why
Bev (PS0X9) [288] Oh it's seventy five oh I don't like them ... erm thirty five and ... four ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [289] What's this half a day then?
Michael (PS0XA) [290] Oh, ha, not late
Wendy (PS0X8) [291] We just sat here just now and said that you'd be in about half past
Michael (PS0XA) [292] Half past four?
Wendy (PS0X8) [293] half past five, I can't remember
Michael (PS0XA) [294] Half past five
Wendy (PS0X8) [295] ah?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [296] half past four, hair cut last week
Wendy (PS0X8) [297] Yeah, that's what we said actually
Bev (PS0X9) [298] Yeah, but
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [299] half a day then.
Wendy (PS0X8) [300] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [301] We're doing a survey
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Michael (PS0XA) [302] Doing a what?
Wendy (PS0X8) [303] A survey, we've got a microphone going
Bev (PS0X9) [304] You're on tape
Michael (PS0XA) [305] Oh am I?
Wendy (PS0X8) [306] Mm, you see my letters where you, where, did they come when you got here?
[307] Before you went?
[308] Connie and June
Michael (PS0XA) [309] Eh, oh June was it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [310] June yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [311] Oh I thought it was Kate
Wendy (PS0X8) [312] I thought it was Ann
Michael (PS0XA) [313] if it was
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [314] then I
Wendy (PS0X8) [315] Yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [316] then I put a
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [317] to it
Wendy (PS0X8) [318] No, erm, well cos you saw her didn't you?
[319] ... Er Jack
Michael (PS0XA) [320] Jack, yeah, yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [321] Jack down the pub and er
Michael (PS0XA) [322] I said to her about that phone call didn't I?
Wendy (PS0X8) [323] You did yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [324] It was quite a long letter actually
Michael (PS0XA) [325] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [326] she's hoping to go and have her knee done
Michael (PS0XA) [327] That's right yeah, Jack did say that, but I forgot to tell you, yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [328] Well she'd been waiting because he's on full time again now
Michael (PS0XA) [329] Yeah that's right
Wendy (PS0X8) [330] You knew that?
Michael (PS0XA) [331] Oh more than full time
Wendy (PS0X8) [332] Oh is he?
Michael (PS0XA) [333] Oh yeah, tapes?
Wendy (PS0X8) [334] Only twenty
Bev (PS0X9) [335] We've got to talk for twenty tapes
Wendy (PS0X8) [336] Talk for twenty tapes
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [337] and I get paid twenty five pounds
Michael (PS0XA) [338] For what?
Bev (PS0X9) [339] For her talking [laugh]
Michael (PS0XA) [340] For using up the tapes, I'll take it tomorrow at Wembley
Bev (PS0X9) [341] [laugh] Strange but
Michael (PS0XA) [342] Where'd that come from then?
Wendy (PS0X8) [343] Oh Yorkshire Television she had er on her key ring weren't it Bev?
Bev (PS0X9) [344] Yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [345] So it's just normal talking is it?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [346] well yeah , unless it's something you don't want them to hear
Michael (PS0XA) [347] You start and stop it
Wendy (PS0X8) [348] [laugh] she said that and she said she don't mind us swearing [laugh] she said I'll leave you fourteen, it actually says twenty tapes in the, bits of paper but she said if you could fill twenty I'd be over the moon did she say?
Bev (PS0X9) [349] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [350] Anyway she'd knocked at the door and er, I said to her oh I don't have to buy anything and she said no, no and erm
Michael (PS0XA) [351] They lend it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [352] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [353] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [354] I think Mr has died
Michael (PS0XA) [355] Oh
Bev (PS0X9) [356] Funeral car
Wendy (PS0X8) [357] well she said a couple of funeral cars
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [358] mm, mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [359] And then er she looked over and
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [360] well er it's gotta be him, it's not her and erm, she came
Bev (PS0X9) [361] Well she was never, that, that well
Wendy (PS0X8) [362] What Mrs ?
Bev (PS0X9) [363] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [364] Oh she's a
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [365] I would of thought wouldn't you Mick?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [366] yeah, she's always buzzing about, but erm, no this lady came back
Michael (PS0XA) [367] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [368] with the tapes and the recorder and she said I nearly knocked that door, you know
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [369] and erm I said well
Bev (PS0X9) [370] Well it's not doing much good you going out there talking
Wendy (PS0X8) [371] Well you're still doing it ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [372] yeah she said don't worry about the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [373] mm, mm ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [374] I mean I wouldn't think of her sending the camera over
Bev (PS0X9) [375] What else did I say?
[376] Give one to Mrs and one to Mrs
Wendy (PS0X8) [377] Yeah ...
Bev (PS0X9) [378] I never got in till twelve again today
Michael (PS0XA) [379] Er
Bev (PS0X9) [380] mm
Michael (PS0XA) [381] any good in it?
Bev (PS0X9) [382] Well, they do their best for me, but it's embarrassing
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [383] Ian coloured them all the way, the way in Malta and when you read the letter
Bev (PS0X9) [384] Oh it's a funny letter
Wendy (PS0X8) [385] Oh it is a funny letter mate, well it's a Connie letter Mick
Michael (PS0XA) [386] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [387] of her, her bits and pieces
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [388] I'll read it to you, eh?
Michael (PS0XA) [389] [laugh] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [390] It's ever so funny
Michael (PS0XA) [391] No, not with that
Wendy (PS0X8) [392] Oh I'd forgotten about that, right I had to go back a couple of times didn't I Bev?
Bev (PS0X9) [393] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [394] To make sure that I was reading it to Bev right, but then you understand it's a Connie letter don't you?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [395] eh ... what she needs is what we need for the summer weather Connie, my brother is
Michael (PS0XA) [396] Who you wrote to Jim?
Wendy (PS0X8) [397] No I've done Jim
Michael (PS0XA) [398] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [399] only I want to send this packet over now look with the baby coat and all that ... well I won't be able to post it tomorrow cos it won't be ready ...
Bev (PS0X9) [400] Oh dear
Wendy (PS0X8) [401] Oh you've been out nearly every day ain't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [402] m ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [403] what?
[404] Well shut it off then
Bev (PS0X9) [405] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [406] alright then, he's reading
Bev (PS0X9) [407] do what?
Wendy (PS0X8) [408] You'll just have to keep on doing it that's all
Bev (PS0X9) [409] Oh
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [410] every time someone has a conversation
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [411] on and off
Wendy (PS0X8) [412] You don't have to do it every time
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [413] leave it on ... N ...
Michael (PS0XA) [414] Nice little letters those aren't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [415] They are nice little letters, this one just as hard to understand
Bev (PS0X9) [416] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [417] that's what Bev said I couldn't even think who Belle the dog was and dad had to remind me ...
Bev (PS0X9) [418] Erm ... N, C, H, punch ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [419] Er
Wendy (PS0X8) [420] Oh they're coming out pretty good today aren't they
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [421] yeah ... adore, adorned ... I had it, ha, ha, ha ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [422] [laugh] I've never heard of it
Bev (PS0X9) [423] No ... oh, right ... there's some writing behind
Michael (PS0XA) [424] Oh yeah, ha ...
Bev (PS0X9) [425] L L I I L
Wendy (PS0X8) [426] Oh lovely ...
Bev (PS0X9) [427] S ... still
Wendy (PS0X8) [428] No ...

4 (Tape 036404)

Wendy (PS0X8) [429] We're on now okay?
Michael (PS0XA) [430] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [431] Well I've got to get through ... right so you do the papers then and I can, only we do wanna go to square one and er we both need that sort of thing
Bev (PS0X9) [432] Jogging trousers
Wendy (PS0X8) [433] Well if they're that price I mean we'll er go into it won't we?
[434] It'll certainly do us at the moment in the winter won't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [435] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [436] Otherwise I mean er, there is better ones there, but
Bev (PS0X9) [437] Well it's more for swimming for us two
Wendy (PS0X8) [438] Well it is and I mean they'll be simpler wouldn't they, than pulling up things like this ... I mean if we're not gonna get out there, Rosemary says she gets out there about nine o'clock, don't she?
Michael (PS0XA) [439] Oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [440] Well cos
Bev (PS0X9) [441] they probably go for a drink
Wendy (PS0X8) [442] I dunno, don't matter anyway, erm, but you see that one is half past seven to half past eight
Michael (PS0XA) [443] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [444] so we don't need to go down that early Bev
Bev (PS0X9) [445] Well we do for a swim ... we're going to a
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [446] spa
Wendy (PS0X8) [447] Yeah, but so do they, and their official time is half past seven to half past eight innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [448] Well phone them up and
Wendy (PS0X8) [449] Yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [450] then you'll know won't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [451] You doing a swim because that costs more, but it's not just actual spa we've put down for though
Wendy (PS0X8) [452] No ... oh well we'll go and we'll see then, try it this week and next week and then see, see from there won't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [453] I know
Wendy (PS0X8) [454] But er ... it's pretty chilly you know ain't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [455] Yeah, well it's better than the, last two days easy
Wendy (PS0X8) [456] Ah, yeah but it's, it's damp isn't it sort of
Michael (PS0XA) [457] Chilly, it's bloody cold
Wendy (PS0X8) [458] I know it was I went out, that's an enormous place over there you know
Michael (PS0XA) [459] them
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [460] innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [461] Yeah ...
Bev (PS0X9) [462] Power store are the ones to be there
Wendy (PS0X8) [463] Power store?
Bev (PS0X9) [464] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [465] Well that one over there look should be the W H Smith one you see
Bev (PS0X9) [466] Oh so that
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [467] is it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [468] yeah well that's what I understood anyway, weren't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [469] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [470] Cos that's been shut for ages innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [471] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [472] That weren't there very long really was it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [473] No ultimate was in it wasn't it?
[474] With it, that was the electrical place ...
Michael (PS0XA) [475] Whoops, sorry
Wendy (PS0X8) [476] What are you doing?
Michael (PS0XA) [477] I was just
Wendy (PS0X8) [478] Dreaming
Michael (PS0XA) [479] I just looked down to see what the time was, I just looked up
Wendy (PS0X8) [480] Oh
Michael (PS0XA) [481] the trouble with this car is you can't come down
Wendy (PS0X8) [482] you've got to slow it down
Michael (PS0XA) [483] you can't come down through the gears
Wendy (PS0X8) [484] No
Michael (PS0XA) [485] you're either accelerating or you're, or you're braking [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [486] Well don't do it again then
Michael (PS0XA) [487] No ... I just looked at the clock that was all it was ...
Bev (PS0X9) [488] Graham's got a sale on
Wendy (PS0X8) [489] Who?
[490] Graham's, oh yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [491] they can't do much of a business
Wendy (PS0X8) [492] you wouldn't think so apart from their regulars that's all I can say
Michael (PS0XA) [493] Who?
Wendy (PS0X8) [494] Graham's them
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [495] up there, oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [496] But, you know they've gotta
Michael (PS0XA) [497] but I mean old what's name had a following up there didn't he?
Wendy (PS0X8) [498] What erm ?
Michael (PS0XA)
Wendy (PS0X8) [499] Yeah he did
Michael (PS0XA) [500] whether it's the same sort of thing, and there were certain people
Wendy (PS0X8) [501] Well, I mean you won't get
Michael (PS0XA) [502] that wouldn't go anywhere else
Wendy (PS0X8) [503] no, you won't get the erm passing type trade, I don't think
Michael (PS0XA) [504] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [505] I don't think you will, but er
Michael (PS0XA) [506] No I don't think so, but
Wendy (PS0X8) [507] you, you
Michael (PS0XA) [508] as I say I'm certainly erm has his own
Wendy (PS0X8) [509] Yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [510] that wouldn't go anywhere else
Wendy (PS0X8) [511] Yeah well I mean that's right, but I say, quite seriously the prices in these exclusive shops
Michael (PS0XA) [512] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [513] today, I don't er
Michael (PS0XA) [514] well certain amount of people buy that type of
Wendy (PS0X8) [515] Of course they, do, course they do, well you won't get the passing trade where people want half a dozen shirts
Michael (PS0XA) [516] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [517] you know just, just fashion again, innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [518] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [519] You won't get any of that
Michael (PS0XA) [520] I don't know
Wendy (PS0X8) [521] I think so, yeah ...
Bev (PS0X9) [522] You never phoned Aunty Lesley last night
Wendy (PS0X8) [523] Mm I didn't can't I?
Michael (PS0XA) [524] What's that for?
Wendy (PS0X8) [525] Well just to see how she is, I mean we haven't been down there
Michael (PS0XA) [526] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [527] and er, you know it's just a contact really isn't it?
[528] ... I said I'd keep contact and
Michael (PS0XA) [529] Mm ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [530] I mean she could come up to us, but she always seems to be rushing about, here, there and everywhere don't she?
Bev (PS0X9) [531] Yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [532] Don't get out yet
Wendy (PS0X8) [533] No, alright then, I can't anyway, oh
Michael (PS0XA) [534] Oh well last I got out I found that I was about a foot too far forward out into the
Wendy (PS0X8) [535] Oh
Michael (PS0XA) [536] out over there look
Wendy (PS0X8) [537] right we'll get back here then and, not having to go to the post office now will be a help cos that really is the other end of town innit?
[538] ... It is cold that innit?
[539] ... Oh, I do need some trousers I can't bloody, these are all coming apart anyway
Bev (PS0X9) [540] Oh [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [541] all round the waist
Bev (PS0X9) [542] Oh yes the waist band
Wendy (PS0X8) [543] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [544] sort of on its own
Wendy (PS0X8) [545] and I mean really and honestly that not worth bothering to sew them up, they'll do for work, but that's all
Bev (PS0X9) [546] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [547] It's a chilly wind you know, I hope we've got a better bus tonight
Bev (PS0X9) [548] Why?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [549] well I mean that one was just a bad, a bad effort
Bev (PS0X9) [550] It was just unfortunate
Wendy (PS0X8) [551] Yeah, I mean he did say, he didn't really oh, realise the heater was gone
Bev (PS0X9) [552] That's rubbish that
Wendy (PS0X8) [553] Well I thought it was, but who knows ... you never know which way they're going here
Bev (PS0X9) [554] No, well you watch the indicator
Wendy (PS0X8) [555] Yeah, but, sometimes people don't use them do they?
[556] ... Ah?
[557] I did tell him it was
Bev (PS0X9) [558] I know
Wendy (PS0X8) [559] what's name didn't I?
[560] I didn't bring my gloves
Bev (PS0X9) [561] Well done
Wendy (PS0X8) [562] cos I had a cigarette in one pocket and this thing in the other you see
Bev (PS0X9) [563] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [564] This is a pretty little shop innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [565] Yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [566] Oh, oh well it could of been worse I suppose, it's Saturday again look ... oh my hands are cold ... mm
Bev (PS0X9) [567] At least they've got all
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [568] yeah, mm yeah that's necessary innit on a Saturday?

5 (Tape 036405)

Wendy (PS0X8) [569] That doesn't matter, whatever ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [570] Right thanks a lot me dear for your trouble
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [571] yeah ta ta
Wendy (PS0X8) [572] Have you got another pen?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [573] Yeah, sorry, sorry
Wendy (PS0X8) [574] [laugh] That's alright don't worry ...

6 (Tape 036406)

Wendy (PS0X8) [575] Hiya Marge
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [576] Hello, said you'd be down town this morning
Wendy (PS0X8) [577] that was a marathon weren't it Bev?
Bev (PS0X9) [578] Cor it was
Wendy (PS0X8) [579] Is it sorted?
Bev (PS0X9) [580] No book went in and where the woman put the figures in last week that was the end of it, it was in there to pick up, but it was still thirty quid out, so Pam started doing it
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [581] So I said to
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [582] well it's Pat, she's ever so nice
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [583] Well Pat's doing it for me, well somebody's doing it for me, so
Wendy (PS0X8) [584] Yeah, well she's really good I mean
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [585] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [586] I was in front of Bev when I went in there and I said to her
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [587] she's gonna sort it
Wendy (PS0X8) [588] go to Pat because some
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [589] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [590] My book's terrible now
Wendy (PS0X8) [591] of them are such dickheads
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [592] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [593] I mean there's one in there particularly that
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [594] messed up both of us
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [595] Ah?
Wendy (PS0X8) [596] there's one of them that messed up both of us
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [597] I don't deal with the bank the only thing I got it now
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [598] We do, we do the bank not the building, the only place where
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [599] yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [600] Yeah, no all I do is two insurances in the Midland now, I had so much hassle
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [601] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [602] that er I, two insurances I take the money in every month
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [603] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [604] and there's about what did I put it?
[605] Oh I had to put that postal order in there, there's about fifty quid in there
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [606] just to keep the thing ticking over, yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [607] and, and I puts the insurance money every month and they take it out, I don't touch the blasted thing now
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [608] Well I done my, we bank Barclays when I opened mine, they're great over there
Wendy (PS0X8) [609] Oh yeah, yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [610] but er it's all this
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [611] every time I go in the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [612] you've got trouble
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [613] I'm waiting for somebody [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [614] We've got to go in here, yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [615] I see you then
Wendy (PS0X8) [616] see you then, ta ta, oh they've still got them ... oh, god that was freezing
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [617] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [618] don't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [619] What do you mean?
[620] That's the ones innit?
[621] There
Bev (PS0X9) [622] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [623] three to four
Bev (PS0X9) [624] that's fine four
Wendy (PS0X8) [625] That's fine innit, let's make sure it's alright, it's lovely innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [626] Sweet innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [627] It's nice to have two different ones Bev because er
Bev (PS0X9) [628] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [629] I'll just have a look at these shirts up here ... no, they're nice Bev
Bev (PS0X9) [630] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [631] they're nice aren't they?
[632] Oh we'll come down another day and look, that's nice innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [633] A bit short in the body
Wendy (PS0X8) [634] Oh is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [635] It looks it don't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [636] Now look at the beautiful colours though
Bev (PS0X9) [637] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [638] Alright, I'll go and pay for this ...
Bev (PS0X9) [639] They're quite smart mum
Wendy (PS0X8) [640] What's that?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [641] yeah, oh they're nice
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [642] thanks very much, oh
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [643] One ninety nine love please ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [644] thank you, oh, that wind was bitter in the end
Bev (PS0X9) [645] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [646] Thank you
Wendy (PS0X8) [647] Thanks very much, ta
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [648] go and look over the shoes Bev and see if there's, what sevens there are would you
Bev (PS0X9) [649] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [650] please?
[651] Thanks a lot
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [652] Thank you very much
Wendy (PS0X8) [653] Ta ... no I don't like them, cos I've got a high instep look, here I'll, I'll, it'll cut me you see
Bev (PS0X9) [654] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [655] Yeah, bloody hell they haven't half sold some ain't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [656] Seven
Wendy (PS0X8) [657] Yeah, but they
Bev (PS0X9) [658] Luminous aren't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [659] Very luminous, threes and fours in the black, there's the plimsolls ... fours, fours, they're not are they?
[660] Nothing there
Bev (PS0X9) [661] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [662] Bo I don't want those again do I, what are those fours?
[663] No I, I really, I've gotta be very careful, that'll be better cos it's got the elastic, right we'd better get on then hadn't we?
[664] ... No it don't matter I got this, this is what I wanted ...
Bev (PS0X9) [665] We want some for a little jacket mum
Wendy (PS0X8) [666] Yeah and we want to go to Square One don't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [667] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [668] Well if we go to Square One now ... oh I'm glad you saw that
Bev (PS0X9) [669] There's some nice stuff in there now
Wendy (PS0X8) [670] What here?
Bev (PS0X9) [671] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [672] Oh ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [673] oh ... is that for the red?
[674] ... Oh we won't faff about in here we'll just
Bev (PS0X9) [675] No just look
Wendy (PS0X8) [676] Well if they've gone, they're gone aren't they? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [677] Oh they look quite nice
Wendy (PS0X8) [678] Five ninety nine
Bev (PS0X9) [679] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [680] Oh
Bev (PS0X9) [681] one ninety nine
Wendy (PS0X8) [682] oh that's the other one's innit?
[683] ... Oh they're nice ...
Bev (PS0X9) [684] What you want?
Wendy (PS0X8) [685] very nice ... seventeen ninety nine
Bev (PS0X9) [686] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [687] small to medium here, five ninety nine, I'll have a look at the top and see if there's anything else, what are those? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [688] Two ninety nine, don't have to be black
Wendy (PS0X8) [689] Well I'd prefer black
Bev (PS0X9) [690] What are these?
Wendy (PS0X8) [691] Oh what are those?
[692] ... That erm, that's them innit?
[693] Have they got a straight bot
Bev (PS0X9) [694] Two ninety nine
Wendy (PS0X8) [695] Oh I wonder what they'll be like, I don't want them as tight as those others, yeah but it's the legs and that, those others of mine, when I got them back they were really very ti tight
Bev (PS0X9) [696] Oh shouldn't be
Wendy (PS0X8) [697] Well I'll go and try a pair of those, small, medium, then you've got a large I'd expect, well I'll take a large as well, right ...
Bev (PS0X9) [698] These are large
Wendy (PS0X8) [699] Oh let's try that one then ...
Bev (PS0X9) [700] Can't even do it
Wendy (PS0X8) [701] Erm I've got two can I try them on?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [702] Yes, just go through
Wendy (PS0X8) [703] Right, thanks, oops

7 (Tape 036407)

Wendy (PS0X8) [704] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [705] If I try a pair of yours on at home
Wendy (PS0X8) [706] Alright then
Bev (PS0X9) [707] and see whether they fit
Wendy (PS0X8) [708] They're nice stuff this, much nicer than the other ones, it's all in a mess, sorry, I'll have
Bev (PS0X9) [709] Small, medium
Wendy (PS0X8) [710] small, medium, I'm sure that's what I had, no they feel nice though, I didn't like the feel of the other ones, I expect there's enough money in there, I've got me plimsolls to put on
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [711] yes they're hard those ... oh I didn't know how to do it, no wonder ... that'll, that'll be fine first thing won't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [712] Yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [713] These socks are no good for these
Bev (PS0X9) [714] Well you shouldn't of put them on
Wendy (PS0X8) [715] I was cold ...
Bev (PS0X9) [716] Oh I like that one
Wendy (PS0X8) [717] Sorry?
Bev (PS0X9) [718] The longer one
Wendy (PS0X8) [719] Longer what dear?
Bev (PS0X9) [720] ladies
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [721] oh that's a good one, yeah, sorry, no they're good ain't they?
[722] Right hang on there Bev, money ... right that was softer than other ones, I'll come in another day and have a good root round
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [723] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [724] have these ... great
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [725] right, super thanks very much, bye, oh they're lovely stuff, what she on about the kiddie?
Bev (PS0X9) [726] Oh it started off with
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [727] she said in Germany, I said no I said I can walk into them any moment
Wendy (PS0X8) [728] Ha
Bev (PS0X9) [729] he said
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]

8 (Tape 036501)

Wendy (PS0X8) [730] Over at Basingstoke and I had a look in the shoe shops, and that, they would be very handy for me erm lace up though
Bev (PS0X9) [731] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [732] but these were are all crumped and I don't want clumsy ones ... cos you feel as though you've got Doctor Marten's or something on you know
Bev (PS0X9) [733] But they're not comfortable after a while
Wendy (PS0X8) [734] and they look it though, they look it, that you know, they really do
Bev (PS0X9) [735] All fuddy duddy
Wendy (PS0X8) [736] Yeah, yeah and they're sort of grey, I'm not sure if she got them in a charity, I'm certainly sure it wasn't bought in a shoe shop, cos she goes round every charity, she won't go in, you know I told you about that, oh I don't know what it is, she said it's loaded out with stuff and we'll have to have a walk round there, erm, round by what was Kennedy's, erm
Bev (PS0X9) [737] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [738] by the bingo hall
Bev (PS0X9) [739] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [740] that was a fruit shop she said it's loaded out as a cheap shop she said and erm, she won't go in there because bloke's stood in there, she said she don't mind going in and paying fifty, because, well they don't do that do they?
Bev (PS0X9) [741] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [742] you know, so erm
Bev (PS0X9) [743] Yeah, but he's only watching the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [744] well he's probably got nowhere else to go, I mean it's
Bev (PS0X9) [745] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [746] just aged off innit, there must be an out place, but you wouldn't er
Bev (PS0X9) [747] I wouldn't leave them
Wendy (PS0X8) [748] No you wouldn't leave it, but she said it's a cheap shop so, but she said there's loads
Bev (PS0X9) [749] but I've got to go to job spot one time
Wendy (PS0X8) [750] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [751] so when we walk round
Wendy (PS0X8) [752] Yeah, yeah that's right, but I mean just go and have a look, and I actually said to her well you'd be better with somebody else, you know, not going in there on your own
Bev (PS0X9) [753] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [754] and erm, you know, she, she obviously needs somebody else with her to make it not so obvious for her
Bev (PS0X9) [755] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [756] not
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [757] but I think that, that with what it is you know, but then I say she's got that anyway, she's not as, as tough as what she makes out, but er it would be worth having a look you never know what's in there, and I say I must pick up a couple of paper towels
Bev (PS0X9) [758] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [759] I'm not, I'm not gonna pay any more than that
Bev (PS0X9) [760] There's no point in it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [761] No, oh I know what I never got that ain't finished I'll have to go down the shops, I might go down
Bev (PS0X9) [762] What?
Wendy (PS0X8) [763] I didn't get that baby card did I?
Bev (PS0X9) [764] You don't know whether
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [765] I looked
Bev (PS0X9) [766] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [767] I di last night when I was up there and he said to me what was that noise, I went through all the piles and I had a quick look in the bureau but, I didn't find that, I don't know what I've done with that
Bev (PS0X9) [768] I know there was a baby one, you know that, erm ... pile with all different cards
Wendy (PS0X8) [769] And there was a baby one in there?
Bev (PS0X9) [770] I'm sure there was, I'll go and have a look
Wendy (PS0X8) [771] There was get wells and driving test, oh have a look because I mean
Bev (PS0X9) [772] I'm sure there's one there
Wendy (PS0X8) [773] it was, it was particularly, it, it totally for a girl
Bev (PS0X9) [774] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [775] because I said it was erm Simon's, and then I didn't know really where they lived and erm, I know they moved out, out of next door to Lesley's, and in the end it never got done that, that more to the point ... but erm I can't do that up until I've done that can I?
[776] Well I can't do that up until the coat's ready anyway
Bev (PS0X9) [777] Oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [778] but erm that
Bev (PS0X9) [779] what shall we do with that then?
Wendy (PS0X8) [780] Oh I don't know I mean it's gonna go through there, well I suppose I'm sure I can get some round the neck
Bev (PS0X9) [781] It won't fit round the neck
Wendy (PS0X8) [782] Got to fix it then haven't you?
[783] You'll want somewhere where you can either have it hanging
Bev (PS0X9) [784] Well no what did I do with that one for ... erm Ian and Diane?
Wendy (PS0X8) [785] might get it through the bottom, that'll be simpler won't it?
[786] ... I don't know what's gonna be simplest?
Bev (PS0X9) [787] When I did that one for Ian, we just tied it in at the back didn't we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [788] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [789] And had that
Wendy (PS0X8) [790] well let it dry off for a minute, well they must have a card, good job I thought about that ... I should be interested to see what she calls her because I think Annalise is a beautiful name
Bev (PS0X9) [791] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [792] and you don't hear it much here do you?
Bev (PS0X9) [793] No, well, it's like Nina's name, I can't remember it, Anastasia or something like that
Wendy (PS0X8) [794] Yeah, and shorten it to Nina
Bev (PS0X9) [795] Yeah, how they got Nina out of it, it is something like Anastasia, but it's
Wendy (PS0X8) [796] Well Nina must be in there somewhere so
Bev (PS0X9) [797] Well I believe er, her sisters used to call her Neen
Wendy (PS0X8) [798] Anasteen, Anasleen, Anasleen
Bev (PS0X9) [799] some something like that and they used to call her Neen
Wendy (PS0X8) [800] Oh
Bev (PS0X9) [801] and she said I don't like that call me Nina
Wendy (PS0X8) [802] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [803] and it stuck at
Wendy (PS0X8) [804] Oh well they've added the A on then
Bev (PS0X9) [805] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [806] obviously
Bev (PS0X9) [807] Mm, nobody calls her, whatever it is
Wendy (PS0X8) [808] No
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [809] well they all call Annalise that
Bev (PS0X9) [810] Annalise
Wendy (PS0X8) [811] Annalise, I've never heard anybody out there call her Anna or Lisa, or Lise or anything, always Annalise, it's such a pretty name
Bev (PS0X9) [812] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [813] ain't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [814] It's funny you know, if you give them a long name
Wendy (PS0X8) [815] Yeah they don't shorten it
Bev (PS0X9) [816] they get very shortened
Wendy (PS0X8) [817] but their, the name of their new house is Dew Drops
Bev (PS0X9) [818] Is it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [819] It's very nice
Bev (PS0X9) [820] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [821] innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [822] Well it's the oldy-worldy
Wendy (PS0X8) [823] Yeah, certainly is, I think that's super
Bev (PS0X9) [824] but I don't know why Hayley and Ian are called theirs Jack?
Wendy (PS0X8) [825] So did Susan, Susan called theirs Jack, that little boy
Bev (PS0X9) [826] Oh yes, but er
Wendy (PS0X8) [827] Well Jack were then, they, they put these, in the paper periodically they put
Bev (PS0X9) [828] Well the girl was gonna be Layla
Wendy (PS0X8) [829] What erm
Bev (PS0X9) [830] if they had a girl it was Layla
Wendy (PS0X8) [831] What Hayley?
Bev (PS0X9) [832] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [833] Mm quite nice that, I don't mind that
Bev (PS0X9) [834] Fleetwood Mac song
Wendy (PS0X8) [835] Oh is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [836] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [837] Oh I didn't know that, but erm, no in the paper periodically
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [838] went mad on it, on Fleetwood Mac
Wendy (PS0X8) [839] Oh, but when Prince Andrew was born that caught on
Bev (PS0X9) [840] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [841] you know X years ago, but this is what they do
Bev (PS0X9) [842] and Eugene
Wendy (PS0X8) [843] er, well
Bev (PS0X9) [844] I haven't heard any Eugenes
Wendy (PS0X8) [845] No, that was picked out the history book
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [846] would of picked that, they had a
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [847] book here didn't they?
[848] I should of gone through the book to find that, put some money on it ... because if she had Victoria as well, I thought about Victoria and er of course I didn't know about Eugene I don't read, but it's in the book
Bev (PS0X9) [849] Is it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [850] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [851] I
Wendy (PS0X8) [852] oh yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [853] If there are any
Wendy (PS0X8) [854] Don't know what it'll be do you?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [855] no, I don't think they'll have any more now
Wendy (PS0X8) [856] No I don't think they will but you can't really believe all that you read in a newspaper can you?
Bev (PS0X9) [857] No, but they don't seem a happy couple at the moment do they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [858] Well it's the impression you get innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [859] Yeah, but there again the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [860] wouldn't give out or let that out
Wendy (PS0X8) [861] No
Bev (PS0X9) [862] if there weren't a certain amount of truth
Wendy (PS0X8) [863] Oh it's got all
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [864] something totally out
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [865] oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [866] Though he's got all those people up there again, Amy Karen er not Karen er Caroline
Bev (PS0X9) [867] Caroline
Wendy (PS0X8) [868] and er Peter ...
Bev (PS0X9) [869] Oh you know that erm ... course that ... erm cookery
Wendy (PS0X8) [870] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [871] for German
Wendy (PS0X8) [872] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [873] well there's a holiday one, it's ... a holiday
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [874] one at, at
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [875] yeah, well what is that then?
Bev (PS0X9) [876] Ten weeks but that would probably only be sort of erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [877] A German holiday?
Bev (PS0X9) [878] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [879] Oh what like erm a
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [880] yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [881] That's quite interesting then and you don't know when that one starts?
Bev (PS0X9) [882] Well it's starting earlier than that, but I wonder whether to leave it until ... because I might already know most of
Wendy (PS0X8) [883] Yeah, oh you do know certain, a certain amount don't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [884] Just got to get to get the sentences, oh I know quite a few words ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [885] Yeah I mean we can get by over there can't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [886] Yeah, I think I'll wait until September and
Wendy (PS0X8) [887] Well you won't wait until that long you'll put it down in May
Bev (PS0X9) [888] May
Wendy (PS0X8) [889] won't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [890] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [891] So don't forget that, I think that's more comprehensive and that was a Monday night wasn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [892] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [893] So even with swimming
Bev (PS0X9) [894] Oh I won't pack up at my swimming
Wendy (PS0X8) [895] No, oh no
Bev (PS0X9) [896] No, what I think I'll do swimming-wise is go down to seven fifteen
Wendy (PS0X8) [897] Yeah, do you wanna go Monday dinner time, if you're not, you're not
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [898] wouldn't phone you on Monday, she may, but she isn't supposed to
Bev (PS0X9) [899] She isn't supposed to, well if you're, you're working though aren't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [900] I'm working but it's half past twelve innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [901] That's right, yeah, I don't mind
Wendy (PS0X8) [902] Well let's, let's, let's say we'll try
Bev (PS0X9) [903] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [904] and see what the weather's like and you name it, I mean we know now
Bev (PS0X9) [905] Well let me just check me diary, I know
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [906] no, but we now know that, if it, if I've got the right time, half past twelve's fine
Bev (PS0X9) [907] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [908] erm, oh wait a minute I can't
Bev (PS0X9) [909] You can't the cooker man
Wendy (PS0X8) [910] the cooker man, oh well let's see another day then dependent on this
Bev (PS0X9) [911] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [912] I mean cos if that job's available Bev
Bev (PS0X9) [913] I'll take it
Wendy (PS0X8) [914] you'll have to have a start about it won't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [915] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [916] I mean it'll stop you
Bev (PS0X9) [917] Oh it'll stop me
Wendy (PS0X8) [918] what's name, but that don't matter because although
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [919] he said to me part time er, but of course he didn't know, erm they might, might want somebody part time, but erm, I mean that's gotta be at least even if it's three pounds an hour
Bev (PS0X9) [920] Oh I'm not thinking about it
Wendy (PS0X8) [921] Well you're not bothered about that anyway
Bev (PS0X9) [922] I'm not even bothered to think about it
Wendy (PS0X8) [923] I mean eight hours a day, it's gotta be over the hundred
Bev (PS0X9) [924] Er nine thirty to five thirty so I won't get in till ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [925] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [926] I won't get in till I don't know when
Wendy (PS0X8) [927] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [928] get on the bus and that
Wendy (PS0X8) [929] In the morning?
Bev (PS0X9) [930] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [931] No he's picking you up at night
Bev (PS0X9) [932] Oh he'd pick me up at night, I see
Wendy (PS0X8) [933] he said half past five is fine, half past five
Bev (PS0X9) [934] past five
Wendy (PS0X8) [935] is fine
Bev (PS0X9) [936] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [937] no it doesn't, that's no problem
Bev (PS0X9) [938] well really it's not that much further forward
Wendy (PS0X8) [939] it's only down the road innit?
[940] I say no, that, that ain't the problem
Bev (PS0X9) [941] Hopefully if I do get it, there's somebody there, that's going from Andover
Wendy (PS0X8) [942] Well that's what I said, you don't know do you?
Bev (PS0X9) [943] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [944] Or somebody in the next place or the next place, we reckon we know where it is
Bev (PS0X9) [945] Do you?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [946] no Woolworth's
Bev (PS0X9) [947] Woolworth's
Wendy (PS0X8) [948] Have you never been out there?
Bev (PS0X9) [949] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [950] No, well it's the big paved erm way
Bev (PS0X9) [951] Long way?
Wendy (PS0X8) [952] Oh yeah, there's, mind you
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [953] but what's out there is load of erm unit factories, unit places and
Bev (PS0X9) [954] Well it'd have to be somewhere
Wendy (PS0X8) [955] Yeah similar to my place up there
Bev (PS0X9) [956] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [957] er but a bigger area and they're like big warehouses, big, well like the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [958] yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [959] and erm, he's got in the, in the fabric one he's got double doors and all the rolls of carpet and erm, he's got a table in there and obviously to make a cup of tea, got a couple of beds in there cos he's sold them and it's like a big warehouse and erm ... all around there there's a big concreted area, you know, and er all these units and that's where we, we reckon it is.
[960] I mean there's a lot there, there's a lot of
Bev (PS0X9) [961] Places
Wendy (PS0X8) [962] places ... yeah ... no, no the evening one would be a doddle ... Anyway we'll wait and see, might not occur.
[963] I mean if then, if you did then the, the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [964] are out
Bev (PS0X9) [965] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [966] but then, providing we go on the Tuesdays you can still go German on the Mondays, anyway couldn't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [967] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [968] well for all that time
Wendy (PS0X8) [969] if you have that
Bev (PS0X9) [970] I won't
Wendy (PS0X8) [971] probably won't be there
Bev (PS0X9) [972] they won't be there
Wendy (PS0X8) [973] No that's right, no
Bev (PS0X9) [974] but thirteen weeks
Wendy (PS0X8) [975] Yeah, well that's norm isn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [976] I don't know
Wendy (PS0X8) [977] Yeah, well when I, when I was up RAF Andover
Bev (PS0X9) [978] I had a feeling that it's six weeks
Wendy (PS0X8) [979] Oh I, how awful for thirteen weeks, with me, I know she did when she had Ian went back
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [980] I know she did, but anyway doesn't matter whatever it is.
Bev (PS0X9) [981] Well then I'd have to stop the Income Support
Wendy (PS0X8) [982] Oh yeah , oh yeah you most probably end up with
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [983] so you couldn't do that, you'd have to tell them that, and say well I've got to start my
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [984] because I'm involved with the
Bev (PS0X9) [985] I'll have a temporary job
Wendy (PS0X8) [986] Ah?
Bev (PS0X9) [987] I'll have a temporary job
Wendy (PS0X8) [988] Yeah, oh no you'll have to
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [989] things like that ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [990] we get on quite well
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [991] you know
Bev (PS0X9) [992] Yeah, we seem to get held up everywhere we go
Wendy (PS0X8) [993] Yeah we did
Bev (PS0X9) [994] I couldn't believe it when
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [995] no, never mind ... ha, my brother went into the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [996] if I buy them too big then they're, all
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [997] on the floor
Bev (PS0X9) [998] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [999] you know, they're just too long
Bev (PS0X9) [1000] Oh I'll try a pair of yours on
Wendy (PS0X8) [1001] Yeah, but they're stretchies that's what's so nice about them
Bev (PS0X9) [1002] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1003] and the material is, you feel the stretch, the others are like this and they just sit there, but then in the end they ride up you see
Bev (PS0X9) [1004] They bag
Wendy (PS0X8) [1005] Oh they bag something terrible but then I say at the price I'm not gonna buy them, I'm not, but in the Dodger's there's not one small in any colour
Bev (PS0X9) [1006] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [1007] well then if I go onto a medium, then you're getting all this length and all this business here, all that business and it's too much, if I could of found a four I'd certainly tried it on for swimming you know, [yawning] but I don't want it all baggy and horrible [] you know
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1008] and I do like that sewing stripe down the middle
Bev (PS0X9) [1009] Yes
Wendy (PS0X8) [1010] because it always looks smarter than, like this ... just plain
Bev (PS0X9) [1011] Like a pin stripe sort of thing
Wendy (PS0X8) [1012] Well it's just like
Bev (PS0X9) [1013] isn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1014] a crease
Bev (PS0X9) [1015] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [1016] when you iron in a crease it's, it's just like that ain't it?
[1017] ... I
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1018] I don't know
Bev (PS0X9) [1019] A bit dodgy
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1020] yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1021] You put that corned beef in the fridge didn't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [1022] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1023] Do you want some salad cream for now?
Bev (PS0X9) [1024] I think there's enough
Wendy (PS0X8) [1025] Oh cos I'm going down the shop
Bev (PS0X9) [1026] I wouldn't bother
Wendy (PS0X8) [1027] No, I'll do it tomorrow then ... do something different for dinner tomorrow, well you can either try some, oh I've got another here, we could try
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1028] eh?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1029] Sandra does it, but I mean I wouldn't bother with
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1030] all that
Bev (PS0X9) [1031] Oh no ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1032] [laugh] ... They certainly do bring the old repeats back don't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [1033] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [1034] I mean they're not bad little programmes, but quite seriously you
Bev (PS0X9) [1035] We've seen them
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1036] though
Wendy (PS0X8) [1037] once you've seen them ... If I put one of those skirts on, the navy I think, and if I get any marks on it
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1038] well no, I'm only wearing me bloody coat and the skirt and er grey tights that's all, er whatever up top ... I mean I hope that, have a look, I hope it's gonna be a better bus anyway this week ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1039] Make sure that hip's on the side then
Wendy (PS0X8) [1040] I've already got one, I'm not bothered about that, I mean for kids I think, I think it's a good idea because well then they don't lay on it
Bev (PS0X9) [1041] Oh I've done that for many a year
Wendy (PS0X8) [1042] Yeah, oh it is neater I agree with that, I just want to get on with it now
Bev (PS0X9) [1043] You're not happy with it are you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1044] I am happy with it, I've just lost interest
Bev (PS0X9) [1045] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [1046] No I, I want it certainly ... oh you must get hungry in a minute surely ... we must try that freeze dry too
Bev (PS0X9) [1047] Yeah freeze dry too
Wendy (PS0X8) [1048] How many cups was in there?
Bev (PS0X9) [1049] Six
Wendy (PS0X8) [1050] Mm, it's incredible really
Bev (PS0X9) [1051] Mm ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1052] It'll be nice if you could summon up people like that on the phone won't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1053] Oh yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1054] [yawning] oh dear [] god I've got to work at Albridge tonight
Bev (PS0X9) [1055] Go to sleep on the bus
Wendy (PS0X8) [1056] Well yeah but it takes longer on the bus, but er
Bev (PS0X9) [1057] But if you're tired you can go to sleep anywhere
Wendy (PS0X8) [1058] Oh you do ... I hope Tommy's got that photo of her now
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1059] when did he post it?
[1060] Or did I post it?
[1061] He posted it didn't he?
Bev (PS0X9) [1062] He post it
Wendy (PS0X8) [1063] That'll be last Saturday then won't it, that's a week then won't it?
[1064] I'm sure she's on the move, for it, you know
Bev (PS0X9) [1065] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1066] I mean it came out well I thought, it came out very well, considering it was, you know, different process, and it certainly does the job and I still haven't got my damn postcards have I?
Bev (PS0X9) [1067] No
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1068] yeah I would, I've got to write to Dot tomorrow
Wendy (PS0X8) [1069] Yeah, yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1070] cos I think it's only fair
Wendy (PS0X8) [1071] I've got that card, I think it's in there ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1072] oh no, well I mean, I think you've got to do it properly, I don't think you should do it on the caravan because A you're gonna get the reception, B you're gonna have to make an appointment and it, in a letter
Bev (PS0X9) [1073] I'll probably have to see them anyway
Wendy (PS0X8) [1074] Sorry?
Bev (PS0X9) [1075] I'll probably have to go up to them
Wendy (PS0X8) [1076] Well you probably shall well that's, well that's their choice then not yours
Bev (PS0X9) [1077] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1078] but the whole point is you can put down every detail in a letter for them to read, to put on file, can't you?
[1079] No I think you should do it, do it that way round ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1080] Well I'll pop up there first then
Wendy (PS0X8) [1081] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1082] even if I'm not
Wendy (PS0X8) [1083] I'll give them a ring tomorrow
Bev (PS0X9) [1084] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1085] and erm ... I mean really it's a bit difficult actually because er you don't know about that
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1086] Why?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1087] Well you don't know whether you'll be able, you can go down in an evening
Bev (PS0X9) [1088] No I'll just say I'll pop down some time
Wendy (PS0X8) [1089] She might of had hers by now mightn't she?
Bev (PS0X9) [1090] Yeah, whoops big
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1091] oh big foot ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1092] Well she might be that little bit further on let's face it I mean
Bev (PS0X9) [1093] Yeah, I could ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1094] [laugh] ... Well otherwise you might be you know, a little bit further, but
Bev (PS0X9) [1095] I wonder whether how long it's gonna take Martin to fit that gear if Martin can do it
Wendy (PS0X8) [1096] Well I want, now I want yeah well I understand but I wonder how long since they will leave it ... she's already looked for an answ , you know she doesn't get an answer, that's the point, I should think by now he'd
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1097] I can't see, I mean, of course I mean she can take him to court over the money
Bev (PS0X9) [1098] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [1099] if he disagrees or don't do anything, but I can't see how he can't leave it, can be without it, has to know ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1100] Oh I'd
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1101] yeah, but not from her point of view I mean, not from her point of view she'll, she'll surely just go ahead ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1102] they are a damn nuisance
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1103] well we ain't had lots and lots
Wendy (PS0X8) [1104] Well since Helen went we've had no luck at all with neighbours, I think they're
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1105] disgusting ... but then they're not the sort of people you can talk to are they?
Bev (PS0X9) [1106] No ... is there a girl up this road called Rachel?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1107] Not that I know of, well I mean I don't know
Bev (PS0X9) [1108] Two er, two kiddies, er there's that, that one then, it's gotta be
Wendy (PS0X8) [1109] What one?
Bev (PS0X9) [1110] Sandra
Wendy (PS0X8) [1111] Why?
[1112] They're not called Rachel ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1113] No, but, who else up here's got two children?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1114] Well there's a woman that comes up
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1115] not the woman with three there's another woman that's got two, I don't know her, she comes round with some of those envelopes sometimes
Bev (PS0X9) [1116] Er because
Wendy (PS0X8) [1117] charity
Bev (PS0X9) [1118] you know Sharon
Wendy (PS0X8) [1119] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1120] it's a bit of er
Wendy (PS0X8) [1121] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1122] erm ... she, she said I know somebody up your road
Wendy (PS0X8) [1123] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1124] she's got two children and I don't know anyone
Wendy (PS0X8) [1125] I don't know who's up the top, who lives up there I mean
Bev (PS0X9) [1126] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [1127] somebody took over Horace's place there, I don't
Bev (PS0X9) [1128] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1129] know who they are, next to
Bev (PS0X9) [1130] er
Wendy (PS0X8) [1131] I don't know anybody
Bev (PS0X9) [1132] Sharon and her man went, on er
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1133] wedding, er honeymoon, went on honeymoon with them
Wendy (PS0X8) [1134] They what?
Bev (PS0X9) [1135] You know
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1136] Janet
Bev (PS0X9) [1137] Janet
Wendy (PS0X8) [1138] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1139] Sharon and that lot went on hol honeymoon with them
Wendy (PS0X8) [1140] Why?
Bev (PS0X9) [1141] I don't know ... they
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1142] well
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1143] about that then ... what for a holiday or
Bev (PS0X9) [1144] I think so
Wendy (PS0X8) [1145] Strange innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [1146] Dinner time
Bev (PS0X9) [1147] Dinner time
Wendy (PS0X8) [1148] I thought so I mean it was getting on a bit
Bev (PS0X9) [1149] Goody, goody ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1150] How you getting on with that then?
Michael (PS0XA) [1151] Ah?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1152] How you getting on with it?
Michael (PS0XA) [1153] Slowly
Wendy (PS0X8) [1154] Oh
Michael (PS0XA) [1155] it's going
Wendy (PS0X8) [1156] Ah?
Michael (PS0XA) [1157] it's going
Wendy (PS0X8) [1158] Is Derek coming tomorrow then?
Michael (PS0XA) [1159] Oh I'll phone him up this afternoon then
Wendy (PS0X8) [1160] Yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [1161] cos er, see how many he wants, there's fourteen they're not gonna have, I'm not gonna have fourteen if we don't need fourteen
Wendy (PS0X8) [1162] Oh no
Michael (PS0XA) [1163] I think eight or nine
Wendy (PS0X8) [1164] Really
Michael (PS0XA) [1165] but can't even tell it, ought to be able to do it
Wendy (PS0X8) [1166] Oh he's done a lot of work ain't he?
Michael (PS0XA) [1167] Yeah, but for the little place it is
Wendy (PS0X8) [1168] Is it little?
Michael (PS0XA) [1169] Well, it's a bungalow
Wendy (PS0X8) [1170] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1171] Yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [1172] but the, the back garden and, I suppose our, our lawn and Gareth's together probably
Wendy (PS0X8) [1173] That's it?
Michael (PS0XA) [1174] Yeah, but he's got in there a half shed and er this er
Wendy (PS0X8) [1175] Summer house
Michael (PS0XA) [1176] summer house, yeah, yeah, and he's got a patio outside, didn't, it's a only a patio it's nothing, it's not covered in or anything but there's steps up to it and that and, and that's it, he's got nothing in his garden, it's lawn and
Wendy (PS0X8) [1177] Oh it's just a
Michael (PS0XA) [1178] and er
Bev (PS0X9) [1179] And pretty
Wendy (PS0X8) [1180] and pretty
Michael (PS0XA) [1181] yeah , yeah that's right, it's lawn and, and flowers, he's got nothing er
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [1182] the beds are only half
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1183] yeah I know, I didn't realise it was that small
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [1184] it's the same size as our lawn
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1185] oh, oh I didn't realise, mm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Michael (PS0XA) [1186] hot water now
Wendy (PS0X8) [1187] What?
Michael (PS0XA) [1188] Hot water now
Wendy (PS0X8) [1189] Hot water?
Michael (PS0XA) [1190] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1191] What?
Michael (PS0XA) [1192] Well switch your tap on ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [1193] the bathroom one doesn't
Wendy (PS0X8) [1194] Ah?
Michael (PS0XA) [1195] The bathroom one don't
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1196] It was very hard to turn on when I was
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1197] I've been able to turn it on but it ain't been
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1198] no ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1199] Is that no good?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1200] I think we'll take those sausage rolls with us tonight
Michael (PS0XA) [1201] Do what?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1202] take those sausage rolls or a pork pie with us
Michael (PS0XA) [1203] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1204] I mean it is only to have something with you, innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [1205] Well it is, yeah, er what you having?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1206] One double please
Bev (PS0X9) [1207] Yes please
Michael (PS0XA) [1208] Right ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1209] So what time do you wanna leave?
Michael (PS0XA) [1210] Ah?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1211] What time do you wanna leave here?
Michael (PS0XA) [1212] Well if we're gonna take the car we'll
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1213] four thirty, alright ... I tried that Channel Four Mick
Michael (PS0XA) [1214] Do what?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1215] I tried to find that horse
Michael (PS0XA) [1216] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1217] and it's, it's the wrong tape, it only tells you last week's winners
Michael (PS0XA) [1218] Well it tell about it erm, it, it tell about it because there's a special bonus offer on it
Wendy (PS0X8) [1219] Yeah and we wound, re-wound the tape and er looked for the number and it's the same number, I've done it three times and I got this other bloke and I went right through it once and it says
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1220] last week and erm, if you wanna do it again watch Channel Four on Saturday, so I'll try it when the programme's on, they might of found out
Michael (PS0XA) [1221] Yeah ... cos he did say there was a special bonus
Wendy (PS0X8) [1222] That's right, er and it had the same number ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1223] still those little chops looked all right didn't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [1224] Yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1225] Right now then
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1226] yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1227] Right, done it ...

9 (Tape 036502)

Bev (PS0X9) [1228] What?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [1229] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [1230] I'll have to do me
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1231] this year, this week then, this'll be the week going he'll come up
Bev (PS0X9) [1232] Right
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1233] yeah ... we've got a
Bev (PS0X9) [1234] Less than an hour now
Wendy (PS0X8) [1235] less than an hour, oh I was waiting for those results well I'd drink me tea as well obviously but
Bev (PS0X9) [1236] You don't mean it though
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1237] are you darling
Wendy (PS0X8) [1238] Oh bored
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1239] oh I'd rather gone out, I think there's, there's one of those
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1240] for us
Bev (PS0X9) [1241] Mm, what about a nice long walk go and pick up Jesse and
Wendy (PS0X8) [1242] Oh no I don't want Jesse, I mean after what your father said this morning
Bev (PS0X9) [1243] I heard
Wendy (PS0X8) [1244] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1245] Yeah ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1246] mm, so did I, no Jesse's too erm
Bev (PS0X9) [1247] Young still ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1248] don't want to, I mean you don't want to get involved in something like that
Bev (PS0X9) [1249] You don't want to start anything off like that
Wendy (PS0X8) [1250] I told them I wouldn't have her, I, I if they wanted to go on holiday I wouldn't have her, I couldn't have her in here she'd knock everything to bits, try to move everything in here that she wouldn't chew
Bev (PS0X9) [1251] Well you couldn't
Wendy (PS0X8) [1252] you couldn't do it could you?
Bev (PS0X9) [1253] No, she'd have all those
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1254] as I say she'd have everything down, I think I, she definitely needs a big house, but not only that I mean she has to put everything up like
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1255] and then she got up on that
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1256] did they?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1257] who to?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1258] Alright mother I'll go and get ready ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1259] well what I'll do I'll go and get some clothes, now what we do, we gonna take some food with us then?
Michael (PS0XA) [1260] Like what?
[1261] I'm not bothered cos I, I mean the things that we did last year
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [1262] have a bag of chips between us
Bev (PS0X9) [1263] We might as well get a bag of chips
Michael (PS0XA) [1264] I, I mean I can have a sausage roll and a piece of cake
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1265] we might as well, yeah, what is a bag of chips
Wendy (PS0X8) [1266] Well
Bev (PS0X9) [1267] split three ways?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1268] if I erm
Michael (PS0XA) [1269] Well on the other hand we didn't want one between us er
Wendy (PS0X8) [1270] One each
Bev (PS0X9) [1271] No [yawning] right if I'll go and get me clothes [] then erm er well I'm gonna have a cup of tea
Michael (PS0XA) [1272] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1273] and then that'll have to be it
Wendy (PS0X8) [1274] Well no that have to be it then
Bev (PS0X9) [1275] because I'll be going
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1276] no, it's quite a journey, how long is it?
Michael (PS0XA) [1277] Oh a good hour and a half
Wendy (PS0X8) [1278] Hour and a half?
Michael (PS0XA) [1279] It's right into the middle of London
Bev (PS0X9) [1280] Didn't seem that long last time
Michael (PS0XA) [1281] Yes it was
Wendy (PS0X8) [1282] We were chatting and that
Michael (PS0XA) [1283] It's a full, have to go er, go off the end, end of the M four
Bev (PS0X9) [1284] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1285] Yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [1286] I wonder if I'll try
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [1287] M three, M twenty five and then
Bev (PS0X9) [1288] Don't go any
Michael (PS0XA) [1289] enter London, enter London cos erm Wembley's er first up fairly on aren't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [1290] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1291] Yeah , how far's [...] then?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1292] April was it?
Michael (PS0XA) [1293] No April, May
Wendy (PS0X8) [1294] May
Michael (PS0XA) [1295] May fourth I think
Wendy (PS0X8) [1296] Oh my god
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [1297] get in
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1298] ah, with this
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1299] going though
Michael (PS0XA) [1300] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [1301] that's gonna change a lot of things innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [1302] Oh which one?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1303] The Rosea, the big, big hotel, come
Michael (PS0XA) [1304] Opposite the bell
Wendy (PS0X8) [1305] Opposite the bell
Bev (PS0X9) [1306] Oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1307] There's a
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1308] the bell is yeah, but certainly the other one's changed it's name anyway, it's not the Rosea not now, but er, it's gone
Bev (PS0X9) [1309] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [1310] it's in the paper cos, a fellow on the way to work said it was and she, Graham got married in the May and er they get married in Cyprus but
Bev (PS0X9) [1311] They were gonna hold something here
Wendy (PS0X8) [1312] they were having one here as well and erm they booked it for the day and they were staying there overnight, cos they were, they've got a house and they were gonna let guests stay at their house and while they stayed up there and then
Bev (PS0X9) [1313] Oh dear
Wendy (PS0X8) [1314] well I said to her I prefer the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1315] cos when I got the paper I had a look and I
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1316] and she er she said what ... and she said oh well I don't think I'll phone Graham but if Maxine shows him the paper, she said I reckon he'll phone them because er, it did say, I think in the paper that the, that she said they're letting everybody know
Michael (PS0XA) [1317] But somebody might take it home with them
Wendy (PS0X8) [1318] so er
Bev (PS0X9) [1319] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1320] Well er the banks call it in or something
Michael (PS0XA) [1321] Yeah but that's
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1322] is that done?
Michael (PS0XA) [1323] It can't be used for anything else I wouldn't of thought
Wendy (PS0X8) [1324] No, well no you wouldn't
Bev (PS0X9) [1325] Convention hall
Wendy (PS0X8) [1326] But er, this hotel and, and banquet hall and
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1327] innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [1328] And, and they've got erm, well they must be more than the Portacabins, but I mean they've got erm places there though
Wendy (PS0X8) [1329] Oh, yeah they did have something didn't they?
Michael (PS0XA) [1330] Yeah, yeah, I don't know what it is
Wendy (PS0X8) [1331] No they did have, oh, oh, do what?
Bev (PS0X9) [1332] I'm going to get my clothes
Wendy (PS0X8) [1333] Oh alright ... what?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1334] I didn't hear that either, don't expect to get dressed like this and get out in it?
Michael (PS0XA) [1335] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [1336] Oh, sitting around here ... oh yeah, that'll be the week we win it won't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [1337] want ten no draws that's
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1338] yeah ... yeah, cos when it's got that three it's two
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1339] two millions
Michael (PS0XA) [1340] Eh?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1341] two million winners, three ain't there recently?
Michael (PS0XA) [1342] Yes, oh that's the er, you can't win any more on
Wendy (PS0X8) [1343] No, that's what I mean there have been three big ones very recently, cos like syndicate won it and the old lady won it and that other woman, that younger woman won it ... right what I've done, all bits together ... what time do you think we'll be back?
Michael (PS0XA) [1344] I don't know time love, I've no idea what time
Wendy (PS0X8) [1345] Mm
Michael (PS0XA) [1346] probably be about midnight or just after twelve
Wendy (PS0X8) [1347] Mm
Michael (PS0XA) [1348] we're thinking about half past ten leave
Wendy (PS0X8) [1349] Mm
Michael (PS0XA) [1350] only we were ... stuck there for a little while last time couldn't get out could we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1351] Well yeah, that's right , no
Michael (PS0XA) [1352] I think we were all back but we couldn't get out could we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1353] Something like that, when did we go, this time last year then?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1354] tend to get it don't we, cos er
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1355] Right have we got it all then?
Bev (PS0X9) [1356] Yeah, I think so ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1357] Well we've done your
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1358] yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1359] Haven't I
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1360] I don't know
Wendy (PS0X8) [1361] It's got to be innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [1362] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1363] Well we didn't do any
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1364] we didn't do anything in that erm bob sleigh, four man bob sleigh
Wendy (PS0X8) [1365] No, do you want more tea now then?
Michael (PS0XA) [1366] Yeah ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1367] Well they must of thought they had a chance
Bev (PS0X9) [1368] Yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1369] well they must of thought they had a chance our bob sleighs
Michael (PS0XA) [1370] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [1371] mustn't they?
Michael (PS0XA) [1372] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1373] It's not surprising they don't come anywhere, they've got so much erm hype and pressure
Michael (PS0XA) [1374] Mm, mm

10 (Tape 036503)

Bev (PS0X9) [1375] Hankies
Wendy (PS0X8) [1376] No, there were two or three in my handbag, I don't think I took it out
Bev (PS0X9) [1377] Oh I'll have one then
Wendy (PS0X8) [1378] Oh
Bev (PS0X9) [1379] if you've got it
Wendy (PS0X8) [1380] right
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1381] oh I put me hand in and I thought don't know what that is ... okay, off we go, turn everything off, don't leave a light, oh what's that?
[1382] ... I think that must of been the old boy over the road you know
Michael (PS0XA) [1383] What the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [1384] in the paper
Wendy (PS0X8) [1385] Oh, oh
Michael (PS0XA) [1386] she didn't realise until it was in the paper
Wendy (PS0X8) [1387] Well I didn't know anything, nothing at all
Michael (PS0XA) [1388] Well that's sort of there we are then
Bev (PS0X9) [1389] Thank you ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1390] I think he'd been better for a long time on and off
Michael (PS0XA) [1391] Yes
Wendy (PS0X8) [1392] he is now
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1393] oh was he?
[1394] ... As long as I can remember we've been up here
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1395] I think don't you?
Michael (PS0XA) [1396] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1397] what?
Bev (PS0X9) [1398] I should of wet my hair down
Wendy (PS0X8) [1399] I shouldn't worry about it in this wind, anyway it's not the right time to do it in the wind, as cold as this, is it really?
[1400] I mean we're gonna get blown apart I think ... we shall see won't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [1401] Mm, can you see with me sitting in the middle?
Michael (PS0XA) [1402] Yeah, no, no I don't
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ... [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1403] What car's that one then do you know?
Michael (PS0XA) [1404] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [1405] Mm
Michael (PS0XA) [1406] it depends where David, erm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [1407] today don't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1408] Oh
Michael (PS0XA) [1409] Could of been
Wendy (PS0X8) [1410] could of been that, yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [1411] there's times when they got back look isn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1412] Mm, oh yeah ...
Michael (PS0XA) [1413] Of course it will be now won't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1414] What?
Michael (PS0XA) [1415] Bloody kid
Wendy (PS0X8) [1416] Is there, oh yeah, always the way innit?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1417] always the way I mean it's like when your trying to
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1418] cross the road here, especially in the morning
Bev (PS0X9) [1419] Yeah me, it made me late on Friday
Michael (PS0XA) [1420] Did it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1421] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1422] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1423] I know
Bev (PS0X9) [1424] I had to scoot round Church Lane
Michael (PS0XA) [1425] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1426] the thing is when
Bev (PS0X9) [1427] and I left twenty to
Wendy (PS0X8) [1428] yeah, the thing is when I go to work it erm
Michael (PS0XA) [1429] What just down here?
[1430] About there?
Bev (PS0X9) [1431] Down here and trying to get past to get into Crick Laid
Wendy (PS0X8) [1432] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1433] because you never know whether they're going to turn
Michael (PS0XA) [1434] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [1435] You don't, that's quite right, I said no rea , not everybody uses their indicat indicator
Bev (PS0X9) [1436] They don't use their indicators any more
Wendy (PS0X8) [1437] No they don't
Bev (PS0X9) [1438] er, if they're, er far, not too far away from the other car
Wendy (PS0X8) [1439] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1440] they'll come round on his indicator
Wendy (PS0X8) [1441] Mm, that's right, no I'm afraid it's er a bit of a pain, but as I say seven o'clock in the morning mind going
Bev (PS0X9) [1442] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1443] off to
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1444] Road, sometimes I don't see a soul, Jimmy's about the only one I see
Michael (PS0XA) [1445] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [1446] and another morning there's a stream of cars ... I think it's being one minute ear early or one minute late
Michael (PS0XA) [1447] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1448] Mm, yeah but I was coming out at half past nine
Wendy (PS0X8) [1449] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1450] yeah, well quarter to, twenty to ten
Wendy (PS0X8) [1451] Mm
Michael (PS0XA) [1452] Yeah I was gonna say you'd think that early
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1453] yeah, been sorted wouldn't you?
Michael (PS0XA) [1454] lorries
Bev (PS0X9) [1455] There were lorries, cars, the lot
Wendy (PS0X8) [1456] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1457] taxis and ... one thing I know is they scoot round Church Lane
Wendy (PS0X8) [1458] Mm, mm I know
Bev (PS0X9) [1459] and it was busy, but that's beside the point
Wendy (PS0X8) [1460] Yeah, well it was beside the point because you, you had an appointment didn't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [1461] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1462] Anyway if you're late it looks bad on you anyway straight away don't it? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1463] These are like buying bad old crisps, the other one's there
Wendy (PS0X8) [1464] Really?
Bev (PS0X9) [1465] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1466] Generally find that don't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [1467] Very, very friendly, but he had his shirt tail hanging out the lot
Wendy (PS0X8) [1468] Oh god
Michael (PS0XA) [1469] Who?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1470] At this place she went
Michael (PS0XA) [1471] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1472] I thought you little devil ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1473] Go and see the boss or is it over there,whi , which, where?
Michael (PS0XA) [1474] Gotta be over there
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1475] oh
Michael (PS0XA) [1476] [laugh] I said it won't be here
Wendy (PS0X8) [1477] Oh good, oh Jill's in there already
Bev (PS0X9) [1478] Big one?
[1479] Big bus
Wendy (PS0X8) [1480] Mm ...
Michael (PS0XA) [1481] Right under the
Wendy (PS0X8) [1482] Mm?
Michael (PS0XA) [1483] right under the, hello
Wendy (PS0X8) [1484] Okay ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1485] Aah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1486] It is a bit innit?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1487] yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1488] right
Michael (PS0XA) [1489] See you
Wendy (PS0X8) [1490] Gonna what?
Michael (PS0XA) [1491] You told me it'd be over there look
Wendy (PS0X8) [1492] Did you?
[1493] Used to be here though didn't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [1494] Yeah, but er ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1495] eh?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1496] Hi
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [1497] Hello
Wendy (PS0X8) [1498] Alright? ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1499] Hello how are you?
Beth (PS0XB) [1500] I'm fine thank you, hi you, alright?
Bev (PS0X9) [1501] Yeah
Beth (PS0XB) [1502] No I'm not sitting here, I'm just blocking the gangway
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1503] here, this will do ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1504] is it
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1505] did you want it out?
Bev (PS0X9) [1506] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1507] that's your arm innit that one?
Bev (PS0X9) [1508] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1509] Have you got er, must have a knob somewhere
Beth (PS0XB) [1510] Is it under the seat or somewhere like that
Bev (PS0X9) [1511] No you're not in a car
Wendy (PS0X8) [1512] I don't know I'll get Mick to have a look in a minute ... ah, ah, is there a little handle at the side, at your side?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Beth (PS0XB) [1513] this one?
[1514] ... No
Wendy (PS0X8) [1515] There's a, there's a
Beth (PS0XB) [1516] a lever
Wendy (PS0X8) [1517] a lever here
Beth (PS0XB) [1518] so
Wendy (PS0X8) [1519] have I, have I got one then?
[1520] That looks
Bev (PS0X9) [1521] Have you got?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1522] I have got a lever here
Bev (PS0X9) [1523] Have you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1524] Yeah, down right down
Bev (PS0X9) [1525] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1526] I think is done
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1527] Oh dear

11 (Tape 036701)

Wendy (PS0X8) [1528] How many were there then Mick do you know?
Michael (PS0XA) [1529] Well, forty eight originally
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [1530] another five
Wendy (PS0X8) [1531] Five
Michael (PS0XA) [1532] Five
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1533] so you should have forty eight?
Michael (PS0XA) [1534] Forty eight I think yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1535] Who's missing then?
[1536] ... That's it then is it?

12 (Tape 036702)

Wendy (PS0X8) [1537] Where's that one?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1538] up there
Wendy (PS0X8) [1539] The Sheridan, I suppose it is innit?
[1540] Sheridan or Sheriton's, I don't know whether that's it or Sheriton's or Sheridon's, Sheridan, I don't know
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1541] ah?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1542] well no
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1543] well no it doesn't, get it right ... see that's the station
Bev (PS0X9) [1544] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [1545] where they were, Howard and Pete right were coming up to the erm football
Bev (PS0X9) [1546] I think right
Wendy (PS0X8) [1547] and they shutted off
Bev (PS0X9) [1548] if we ever thought to ourselves what we're doing
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1549] mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1550] you might there, it drops you right
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1551] Oh you certainly are, yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1552] ain't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1553] but that, as I say for England and France erm they closed it for some reason
Bev (PS0X9) [1554] Who?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1555] all the system was closed there, as Howard said erm it er a bit of a nuisance they had to go all the way round the houses
Bev (PS0X9) [1556] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1557] I don't know how they did it in the end, but
Bev (PS0X9) [1558] Mm ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1559] well it certainly was spectacular though
Bev (PS0X9) [1560] Very good
Wendy (PS0X8) [1561] weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1562] Very good
Wendy (PS0X8) [1563] Ah?
[1564] ... Certainly was, as I say I don't think you'll see a lot of, better lot of colour than that
Bev (PS0X9) [1565] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [1566] not anywhere
Bev (PS0X9) [1567] Oh that illuminist
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1568] yeah, yeah, it's surprising what you can do ain't it? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1569] Yeah it was terrific
Wendy (PS0X8) [1570] [yawning] Oh tired now []
Bev (PS0X9) [1571] Tired now, yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1572] Yeah , still it means you haven't got to get on a train or
Bev (PS0X9) [1573] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [1574] nothing like that, well that's the beauty of this innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [1575] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [1576] Quite honestly ... oh it was eight till ten that show was on for basically
Bev (PS0X9) [1577] Yes
Wendy (PS0X8) [1578] yeah ... yeah ... what did you say they did it three times?
Jill (PS0XC) [1579] I don't know who was cooking actually they both had their hands [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1580] Oh no quite probably matinee and then the early evening which I thought those people were coming out from look and erm, and this one, good grief fancy doing that be here half a day, you'd think you'd earn the damn money wouldn't you?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1581] I don't know
Jill (PS0XC) [1582] I don't think so
Wendy (PS0X8) [1583] No
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1584] yeah probably
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1585] so if that run is just tomorrow then we just got in didn't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [1586] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1587] You know ... [laugh] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1588] Tired
Wendy (PS0X8) [1589] Ah?
Bev (PS0X9) [1590] Tired now
Wendy (PS0X8) [1591] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1592] what are they?
Bev (PS0X9) [1593] Chippendales
Wendy (PS0X8) [1594] Yes, on Thursday that is
Bev (PS0X9) [1595] I know, it'll be worth suffering
Wendy (PS0X8) [1596] Woolworth's wasn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1597] it'll be worth suffering Chippendales
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1598] Chippendales on Thursday
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1599] [laugh] I don't know the programmes are pretty good aren't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [1600] Yes
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1601] and they don't do they?
Bev (PS0X9) [1602] I know they don't
Wendy (PS0X8) [1603] [yawn] Hope they're not like that bloke at Audrey's [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1604] [laugh] ... [yawn] I can't wait until we get home, sometimes it goes quite quickly the journey though going home
Bev (PS0X9) [1605] Yeah, going home it does
Wendy (PS0X8) [1606] Yeah, trying to get up there I mean you're waiting to see the show aren't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [1607] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1608] So er, it's quite different ain't it ... still it's not a bad time to come out
Bev (PS0X9) [1609] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [1610] is it?
[1611] And I mean being that he parked there it was perfect weren't it?
[1612] Didn't have a long walk or anything ... [yawn] ... so the next schedule go out is erm is
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1613] is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1614] I don't know, is there skittles somewhere?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1615] I don't know what they're doing of, I haven't a clue
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1616] yeah more than one though
Bev (PS0X9) [1617] Well he normally gives a little er
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1618] mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1619] So, right here
Wendy (PS0X8) [1620] [laugh] ... Pretty busy in there isn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1621] Eh?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1622] Pretty busy in that restaurant
Bev (PS0X9) [1623] Well people do go out to restaurants
Wendy (PS0X8) [1624] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1625] I think it's marvellous they go out to a restaurant
Wendy (PS0X8) [1626] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1627] but
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1628] really, have you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1629] Can't can I go on me own
Bev (PS0X9) [1630] Of course you can
Wendy (PS0X8) [1631] You can't go on your own, what's, what's there in it going on your own?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1632] oh I know, please
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1633] mm?
Bev (PS0X9) [1634] stuck, he's stuck again ... isn't he?
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1635] oh you might get him interested in different things
Wendy (PS0X8) [1636] Ha, what
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1637] you never know
Wendy (PS0X8) [1638] Could do
Bev (PS0X9) [1639] you're never too old to change
Wendy (PS0X8) [1640] I'm not so sure about that one
Bev (PS0X9) [1641] Oh well ... oh dear
Wendy (PS0X8) [1642] It was good weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1643] It's brilliant ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1644] But er Helen, she missed the best one, ah?
[1645] It was better than the other one, it might of been the seats but I don't think so because I mean there was so much in this one
Bev (PS0X9) [1646] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1647] I mean the other was a nice story, but, I think this year's is better
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1648] more for the show
Wendy (PS0X8) [1649] Yeah it was more of a show than a story weren't it?
[1650] But there was something
Bev (PS0X9) [1651] It brought you to the place and then
Wendy (PS0X8) [1652] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1653] and then it just it
Wendy (PS0X8) [1654] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1655] erupted
Wendy (PS0X8) [1656] Yeah it did ... my feet ache now
Bev (PS0X9) [1657] My feet are aching now, I've got thick tights on
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1658] shoes
Wendy (PS0X8) [1659] I know
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1660] but I didn't know how cold it'll be, but
Bev (PS0X9) [1661] That's not a brilliant idea
Wendy (PS0X8) [1662] you see , no it isn't a brilliant idea but the thing is we didn't have much further to walk can we?
Bev (PS0X9) [1663] Yes
Wendy (PS0X8) [1664] We could of done
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1665] the what?
Bev (PS0X9) [1666] I think
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1667] [yawning] yeah, you are, great []
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1668] oh I put my half off, I doubt if I get my feet back in them, but, yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1669] [laugh] oh dear
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1670] ah so you are, sure you will, sure you will
Bev (PS0X9) [1671] Then I can sew it up and I've only got the
Wendy (PS0X8) [1672] One sleeve, oh
Bev (PS0X9) [1673] one sleeve
Wendy (PS0X8) [1674] it's gonna be a good one you know
Bev (PS0X9) [1675] I hope so
Wendy (PS0X8) [1676] I can see it, you know, it looks it right
Bev (PS0X9) [1677] When it gets the toggles on it should be okay
Wendy (PS0X8) [1678] The what?
Bev (PS0X9) [1679] When it gets the toggles on it should be okay
Wendy (PS0X8) [1680] Yeah , but it looks like it's gonna be good some of them
Bev (PS0X9) [1681] I don't know what one to do next really
Wendy (PS0X8) [1682] Well you'll have to decide I mean you
Bev (PS0X9) [1683] I think I'll do another plain one, but this one, some were plain
Wendy (PS0X8) [1684] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1685] but ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1686] mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1687] erm, that chunky one
Wendy (PS0X8) [1688] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1689] it's not just plain, there's so many stitches ... erm stocking stitch and so many rib
Wendy (PS0X8) [1690] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1691] so
Wendy (PS0X8) [1692] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1693] it'll have some pattern but not
Wendy (PS0X8) [1694] terrific amount
Bev (PS0X9) [1695] a terrific
Wendy (PS0X8) [1696] mm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1697] cos it has two bands of rib
Wendy (PS0X8) [1698] Yeah [yawning] oh, oh, oh god [] well
Bev (PS0X9) [1699] Then you can help me unpick it
Wendy (PS0X8) [1700] [laugh] Well that won't take long to unpick it will it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1701] No ... it hadn't been knitted up too long
Wendy (PS0X8) [1702] No
Bev (PS0X9) [1703] that's what I don't want for it to er
Wendy (PS0X8) [1704] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1705] crinkle too quickly
Wendy (PS0X8) [1706] Yeah, anyway once it's washed it's all gone anyway
Bev (PS0X9) [1707] Oh yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1708] so really that's not a problem
Bev (PS0X9) [1709] No ... but as you, I'll use that what's not a
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1710] ha, ha, I bet you will, it won't take that long to unpick it though ... but I mean you've got a, quite a selection there to choose haven't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [1711] Yeah, oh if I can undo that one then I can do the sleeve
Wendy (PS0X8) [1712] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1713] cos that'll be quite
Wendy (PS0X8) [1714] Mm?
Bev (PS0X9) [1715] that will be quite intra intricate
Wendy (PS0X8) [1716] Yeah, not much bigger job anyway, innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [1717] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1718] Well I'll look, I'll see how much of that plum is left
Bev (PS0X9) [1719] I think there's quite a lot of plum and
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1720] you can't use that much can you?
Bev (PS0X9) [1721] I think it was two balls
Wendy (PS0X8) [1722] Plenty then innit?
[1723] For that and
Bev (PS0X9) [1724] and you've got two, well what was in them?
[1725] You would of got two cos you would of been a big one won't you?
[1726] Just that colour
Wendy (PS0X8) [1727] That's right, but I mean all I want it for is the erm
Bev (PS0X9) [1728] Body
Wendy (PS0X8) [1729] the body and use the black
Bev (PS0X9) [1730] Two black feet
Wendy (PS0X8) [1731] That's right ... I think it looked very effective what that woman had on
Bev (PS0X9) [1732] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1733] so
Bev (PS0X9) [1734] can do one like that with that mustard up the top shelf
Wendy (PS0X8) [1735] Yeah it's nice innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [1736] with the black
Wendy (PS0X8) [1737] That would stand out wouldn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1738] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1739] That would be nice, you won't want that much for the sleeve
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1740] of black, so, do anything with black for ages
Bev (PS0X9) [1741] I saw your Andrew the other day
Wendy (PS0X8) [1742] Eh?
Bev (PS0X9) [1743] I would think Andrew doing some
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1744] Probably would
Bev (PS0X9) [1745] three pound balls and three pound thirty, er three pound twenty seven
Wendy (PS0X8) [1746] How much was it nine?
[1747] Yeah it was nine, that's right, no it could be quite interesting actually, and then the other way
Bev (PS0X9) [1748] Or then you'd do like the four, four, four flares
Wendy (PS0X8) [1749] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1750] flat back
Wendy (PS0X8) [1751] Yeah, it's limitless innit, but the other way is to do right down the centre, one on one and one on the other
Bev (PS0X9) [1752] Yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1753] reverse it on the back or have the same on the back
Bev (PS0X9) [1754] No what, what you normally do with those is er, say one half black and one half yellow and you have a yellow sleeve that side
Wendy (PS0X8) [1755] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1756] and a black sleeve that side
Wendy (PS0X8) [1757] [yawning] that's right [] , limitless innit?
[1758] ... But it would be wise to use the plum before I got the cerise or the sea green
Bev (PS0X9) [1759] Well it would
Wendy (PS0X8) [1760] Yeah, of course it would, well it only sat there anyway again innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [1761] Of course it does
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [1762] haven't we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1763] Well we always do, I mean if you'd use all that was in that cupboard you'd have half a dozen jumpers
Bev (PS0X9) [1764] I know
Wendy (PS0X8) [1765] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1766] Well I shall use the mohair next
Wendy (PS0X8) [1767] Yeah, well there must be a fair amount of mohair
Bev (PS0X9) [1768] There is ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1769] I mean that was an exceptionally good buy weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1770] Well what I want is the black and the cerise
Wendy (PS0X8) [1771] Mm ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1772] because I'm not sure whether to put all different colours in
Wendy (PS0X8) [1773] Well I think, I'd just experiment
Bev (PS0X9) [1774] or the black and the cerise and all the jacquards
Wendy (PS0X8) [1775] but you must yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1776] because that could be quite effective
Wendy (PS0X8) [1777] That would be effective, but I mean you don't want to do any that you've got to unpick, no that
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1778] is not viable that
Bev (PS0X9) [1779] Yeah, that's why I think if I did all the jacquard in the cerise
Wendy (PS0X8) [1780] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1781] that would show up beautiful
Wendy (PS0X8) [1782] Mm, yeah I think it would
Bev (PS0X9) [1783] because what they've done on that pattern, why they've got so many different colours, where it mixes so you've got your red and your
Wendy (PS0X8) [1784] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1785] green, they've got like an orangey
Wendy (PS0X8) [1786] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1787] you know where it crosses
Wendy (PS0X8) [1788] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1789] you know like that one of Howard's jumper
Wendy (PS0X8) [1790] Yeah, yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1791] well they've got it so that the colours in the middle
Wendy (PS0X8) [1792] Sort of mingle
Bev (PS0X9) [1793] mingle
Wendy (PS0X8) [1794] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1795] and like you've sort of got a yellow and a green, they've put like an olive in that, an olive colour, but I haven't got colours that I can
Wendy (PS0X8) [1796] No
Bev (PS0X9) [1797] mix like that
Wendy (PS0X8) [1798] not like that no
Bev (PS0X9) [1799] No, that's the thing
Wendy (PS0X8) [1800] Oh well, oh, as long as you don't have to unpick, because that is awful
Bev (PS0X9) [1801] Oh I know
Wendy (PS0X8) [1802] It's just a mess innit after?
Bev (PS0X9) [1803] Yeah, but I don't know it'll be quite effective
Wendy (PS0X8) [1804] Yeah, oh yeah, but as I say it's limitless really
Bev (PS0X9) [1805] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1806] especially with a
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1807] unless I go up that shop, top shop and have a look at those gramme balls, yellow, oranges
Wendy (PS0X8) [1808] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1809] red and got those to put in the black
Wendy (PS0X8) [1810] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1811] but there again my er
Wendy (PS0X8) [1812] How much were they?
Bev (PS0X9) [1813] Ninety nine P
Wendy (PS0X8) [1814] Oh, that's not so bad is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1815] No but there again
Wendy (PS0X8) [1816] But there again you're buying again
Bev (PS0X9) [1817] Well I'd put in the cerise and have all the jacquard colours, it, it would look very effective
Wendy (PS0X8) [1818] Mm it certainly would, it doesn't have to be different colours
Bev (PS0X9) [1819] No, no it doesn't ... how many black ones are there?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1820] I can't remember
Bev (PS0X9) [1821] Two
Wendy (PS0X8) [1822] No I don't think there was two
Bev (PS0X9) [1823] No just one
Wendy (PS0X8) [1824] I think there was only one because they only had one, and I got one white cos they only had one I think, it was the other colours I'm sure I'd got two of, I must of done, cos I mean I've used a lot myself don't I?
Bev (PS0X9) [1825] Yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1826] No I, I would think the black and the white were one, but mind you it goes a long blinking way don't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1827] Well I
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1828] yeah ... but I think it was only one and one of those two, I, I'd picked the white up because there wasn't any black, for that first time
Bev (PS0X9) [1829] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [1830] because I thought that was neutral didn't I? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1831] Erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [1832] I don't know if I had them or not
Bev (PS0X9) [1833] I wonder if I've seen one of those
Wendy (PS0X8) [1834] Three hundred again I think ... [yawning] it was [] it was six balls weren't it?
[1835] Two, four, six
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1836] but they want seven and I want to put that big bit at the bottom.
Wendy (PS0X8) [1837] Have I used any black?
[1838] I haven't have I?
Bev (PS0X9) [1839] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [1840] No ...
Bev (PS0X9) [1841] Or was it seventy five ball?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1842] I dunno
Bev (PS0X9) [1843] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [1844] I think it was fifty, I do, but I'm not sure ... oh perhaps if we can get over there at the end of the, well it's the end of the month next week anyway innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [1845] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [1846] I mean, you don't know what they've got over there now do you?
[1847] I mean basically we go there and the meat shop don't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [1848] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1849] There's not much else we want to look around at is there?
Bev (PS0X9) [1850] We wanna look at shoes
Wendy (PS0X8) [1851] Shoes I
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1852] yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1853] But then again it's not a brilliant idea going on a
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1854] for wool when we've got so many
Wendy (PS0X8) [1855] Oh yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1856] cos we'll come back loaded up ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1857] haven't got it right actually, I mean basically we can go up the top shop and buy what we like can't we?
[1858] Get one, O nine, I mean providing you've got enough to do what you want to do in mohair
Bev (PS0X9) [1859] I don't know
Wendy (PS0X8) [1860] no you'd have to get all out and have a look, but I mean if I go over there I'll bring back a load of D K and I know I will ... we'll see.
Bev (PS0X9) [1861] Well you see the trouble is when we're buying it over there right
Wendy (PS0X8) [1862] You get the left overs
Bev (PS0X9) [1863] we buy six hundred
Wendy (PS0X8) [1864] Six hundred, yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1865] which is two hundred per person
Wendy (PS0X8) [1866] Yeah, well you see it's quite a point you know, cos if we go up the top shop, we just, well the most I would buy is four
Bev (PS0X9) [1867] Well that's four pound, four pound
Wendy (PS0X8) [1868] Well that's what four pound and four nines
Bev (PS0X9) [1869] Forty
Wendy (PS0X8) [1870] thirty six
Bev (PS0X9) [1871] Four pound thirty six where you'd pay two pounds, four pounds for two hundred grammes
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1872] mm, dunno well we'll see anyway, it depends on you and what you're doing
Bev (PS0X9) [1873] But there again it's better wool that you're buying from the
Wendy (PS0X8) [1874] What, at the top shop?
Bev (PS0X9) [1875] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1876] yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1877] Yeah, that's a very old make you know, that one's been going for donkey years, but it's those colours, I mean there's at least, well with the o
Bev (PS0X9) [1878] Well the trouble is we go over there and we buy a good buy
Wendy (PS0X8) [1879] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1880] but it might not be the colours that we're actually looking for
Wendy (PS0X8) [1881] Well I, I'm sure it wouldn't be, what did I say I said that sea green and the cerise
Bev (PS0X9) [1882] And I said the mustard
Wendy (PS0X8) [1883] The mustard and the beigey one weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1884] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1885] Er oatmeal
Bev (PS0X9) [1886] Er, yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1887] Well that's, that's two jumpers each innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [1888] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1889] I mean I've got plenty of black, so mustard and black whatever, whatever, cerise and black or something, that's daft really you know
Bev (PS0X9) [1890] It's very silly
Wendy (PS0X8) [1891] I mean nine times out of ten we erm, we just go over there and buy what's there
Bev (PS0X9) [1892] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1893] regardless when we come back well what are you going to make with it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1894] See, that's what I've bought patterns now
Wendy (PS0X8) [1895] Yeah, no well I think that, thinking about it seriously now
Bev (PS0X9) [1896] What I want to find one is one without a well
Wendy (PS0X8) [1897] Without a well?
Bev (PS0X9) [1898] Yeah, so it can hang over trousers
Wendy (PS0X8) [1899] Oh I see
Bev (PS0X9) [1900] A long one
Wendy (PS0X8) [1901] What like a sweat top or some of them does
Bev (PS0X9) [1902] Yeah, yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1903] but I er
Bev (PS0X9) [1904] We know that one, that woman was wearing that white one
Wendy (PS0X8) [1905] Yeah yeah, yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1906] now something like that, that can go over a skirt
Wendy (PS0X8) [1907] Or anything and it's very versatile
Bev (PS0X9) [1908] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1909] No, thinking about it seriously it would be better to go up there, have a swifty through patterns you know, you need a bit of time
Bev (PS0X9) [1910] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1911] you need a bit of time
Bev (PS0X9) [1912] but then again it'll take me longer to find that one this morning
Wendy (PS0X8) [1913] Oh, that was when I was waiting in the queue weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [1914] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1915] Mm, it really
Bev (PS0X9) [1916] it caught my eye and I thought well
Wendy (PS0X8) [1917] Yeah, it really is stupid having all these left overs, alright as I said before I can make all that kid stuff, but in the end I've got too much to take over
Bev (PS0X9) [1918] Yeah ... and then again you don't always wanna, erm start all along, with them do you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1919] No
Bev (PS0X9) [1920] And then you've got different colours that don't really go with that, but ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1921] Anyway I mean I've got a fair pile now to take in August ain't I?
Bev (PS0X9) [1922] Yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [1923] No I, well the, the colours that I like you know the cerise and the
Bev (PS0X9) [1924] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1925] the green, I can, I, he's says to buy four of them without thinking about it cos they're so nice and that's really the thing that we don't do when we go to Basingstoke we start going around saying well which one shall I have, but they said that you haven't looked at it like I've looked at those and you looked at yours because that oatmeal colour will be very, very handy for erm sticking with anything and everything
Bev (PS0X9) [1926] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1927] Well I mean I've looked round here for a pair of blinking shoes, the only trouble here er had over here is that I've got to go somewhere where they're wide enough and that's
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1928] Littlewoods innit?
[1929] ... The only ones here that did a wider fitting that one, er at the time I bought some, well those with the gold on the back was Stead and Simpson and they did a wider fitting, but I don't know anybody else, but they may now
Bev (PS0X9) [1930] Probably do now
Wendy (PS0X8) [1931] they may now, but erm, I mean these I've got on are Williams, they're an E fit that I, I particularly sent away for
Bev (PS0X9) [1932] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1933] Well I don't want to do that any more cos you've got to wait three damn weeks nearly for the blasted things to come and then if they're no good you've got to send them back.
Bev (PS0X9) [1934] Yeah, but there again you see ... they're, you're not going into a shop saying oh they look nice
Wendy (PS0X8) [1935] No, anyway those plimsolls they're, they're alright
Bev (PS0X9) [1936] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1937] now I said the others, they've got to be lace-ups though look, it's gotta be lace-ups
Bev (PS0X9) [1938] It must be easier to find wider
Wendy (PS0X8) [1939] Yeah because I mean if there, if you've got a high instep it still don't matter because you only widen your laces don't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [1940] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1941] Well perhaps I'll have a look in town next Friday then, I could definitely do with a pair
Bev (PS0X9) [1942] [yawning] Well we could even, oh dear [] we could even go
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1943] oh dear
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1944] [laugh] yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1945] don't we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1946] yeah ... yeah we do cos it's there innit?
[1947] Quite right
Bev (PS0X9) [1948] If we're gonna spend money you might as well go to Littlewoods or
Wendy (PS0X8) [1949] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [1950] somewhere where it's decent
Wendy (PS0X8) [1951] Mm, same, the same situation as those clothes
Bev (PS0X9) [1952] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1953] weren't it?
[1954] Oh I didn't like them I was, I could see them riding up the leg just like that pair I had on that day and in the end they look so grey and they look like
Bev (PS0X9) [1955] I had a doggy bag the other day
Wendy (PS0X8) [1956] Eh?
Bev (PS0X9) [1957] doggy bag when their
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1958] yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1959] in the end they do
Wendy (PS0X8) [1960] Yeah they do ... but they, those others I was quite, you didn't try them on so I
Bev (PS0X9) [1961] No I forgot I was downstairs weren't I so? ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [1962] buy one tomorrow [yawn] but the material is better and the shape is better
Bev (PS0X9) [1963] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1964] and the stirrups are nice
Bev (PS0X9) [1965] They're smart aren't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1966] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1967] But they've got to be long enough in the leg for me
Wendy (PS0X8) [1968] Yeah they have, but there was people the other night with that type trouser on and boots
Bev (PS0X9) [1969] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1970] Yeah ... when I went in the ladies loo there was one woman in there and they did look nice
Bev (PS0X9) [1971] Cord ones are beautiful
Wendy (PS0X8) [1972] Yeah well there again like I said before I tend to rub the cord and then they all
Bev (PS0X9) [1973] Everybody does
Wendy (PS0X8) [1974] Yeah I know
Bev (PS0X9) [1975] They are very stylish
Wendy (PS0X8) [1976] Yeah ... I've got mine back on now
Bev (PS0X9) [1977] Eh?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1978] I've got mine back on, but it won't be long when I get out the bus mind, but [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [1979] Say?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1980] I said I'll put my shoes back on but I don't know what my feet will be like when I get out the bus
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1981] yeah it's strange innit coming back?
Wendy (PS0X8) [1982] It's just as
Bev (PS0X9) [1983] Yeah but it's a clearer road as well
Wendy (PS0X8) [1984] Yeah, that's, that's fair, yeah, just a different proposition innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [1985] Well yes they're all sort of bubbly to get out there
Wendy (PS0X8) [1986] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [1987] We've seen it now were tired
Wendy (PS0X8) [1988] Not tired now, but I shall want a cup of tea
Bev (PS0X9) [1989] Oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1990] I might have a sausage roll [laugh] ... the sandwiches are alright, but you can eat them twice as many can't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [1991] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [1992] You know when they're packed up like that
Bev (PS0X9) [1993] I think cos they're packed up and they're all fresh and
Wendy (PS0X8) [1994] Mm ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [1995] put the lettuce in and put the tomato in
Wendy (PS0X8) [1996] That's right
Bev (PS0X9) [1997] and then
Wendy (PS0X8) [1998] Oh they weren't bad at all
Bev (PS0X9) [1999] No they were very nice
Wendy (PS0X8) [2000] Mm, weren't bad at all, oh I had had something
Bev (PS0X9) [2001] but I, I couldn't of ate before we came out
Wendy (PS0X8) [2002] No, but I wish I'd brought the pork pies with me, I could of taken that, one of them
Bev (PS0X9) [2003] Yes
Wendy (PS0X8) [2004] I might eat one when I get out
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2005] yeah, well whatever, just something otherwise you get up in the morning and you're starving aren't you?
[2006] ... Still it was well worth coming up here tonight.
Bev (PS0X9) [2007] Oh yes ... [yawning] oh yeah [] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2008] Hello the thinner is really, really easy tomorrow
Bev (PS0X9) [2009] Probably do a
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2010] or something
Wendy (PS0X8) [2011] Yeah could do, that's a good idea
Bev (PS0X9) [2012] cos that'll fill won't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2013] Yeah, I know
Bev (PS0X9) [2014] You won't have as much
Wendy (PS0X8) [2015] Oh no, we've got that other cake of yours
Bev (PS0X9) [2016] Oh yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2017] No, better have your cake
Bev (PS0X9) [2018] Have my cake?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2019] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [2020] Well it can stay in there
Wendy (PS0X8) [2021] Well we'll have a look at it and we might have both [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [2022] No I don't think you'll have both
Wendy (PS0X8) [2023] Why not?
Bev (PS0X9) [2024] Eat it in the evening?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2025] Eat one of them, I, we have one afternoon like we usually do, we'll have a look at it and see how big it is and all that, yours, and we'll go from there, I mean actually for us three that trifle will only do that, they're never that, that big
Bev (PS0X9) [2026] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [2027] Oh, I mean if you want to put a tin of fruit with it
Bev (PS0X9) [2028] Yeah but that, that makes it large, large
Wendy (PS0X8) [2029] We'll have a look at the coffee thing
Bev (PS0X9) [2030] That looked a bit scrumptious that
Wendy (PS0X8) [2031] Yeah I'm surprised at him
Bev (PS0X9) [2032] Eh, start thinking about as much as
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [2033] I guess I'll give him a kick up the arse if he
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2034] Oh he won't say no to me
Wendy (PS0X8) [2035] Oh
Bev (PS0X9) [2036] Not very often anyway
Wendy (PS0X8) [2037] Oh
Bev (PS0X9) [2038] erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2039] [yawning] That's right []
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2040] yet?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2041] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [2042] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [2043] Yeah he is ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2044] it won't be long
Bev (PS0X9) [2045] Well we'll soon know if he snores [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2046] oh he's awake then [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [2047] Well he was
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2048] nodding
Wendy (PS0X8) [2049] [laugh] ... [yawn] ... Oh what's the time then?
Bev (PS0X9) [2050] [yawning] Oh I don't know, I don't know []
Wendy (PS0X8) [2051] Nearly eleven, this stop
Bev (PS0X9) [2052] It is, I make it a couple of minutes past
Wendy (PS0X8) [2053] No, I think it's a good run, it can't be that late
Bev (PS0X9) [2054] Oh, we'll be in well before twelve
Wendy (PS0X8) [2055] I hope so, yeah ... I wonder where we are then?
Bev (PS0X9) [2056] Isn't it clever how they changed the co costumes, er like that pink
Wendy (PS0X8) [2057] What with the lines?
Bev (PS0X9) [2058] With the black, you know it had the black bit as well
Wendy (PS0X8) [2059] Oh yes , that was brilliant I mean that man, what's his name?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2060] or something
Wendy (PS0X8) [2061] A brilliant programme wasn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2062] Yes, always worthwhile getting one
Wendy (PS0X8) [2063] It is, I slipped up on chess one
Bev (PS0X9) [2064] That was at the front
Wendy (PS0X8) [2065] I slipped up on that chess one I got the black and white one
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2066] yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2067] Velcro
Bev (PS0X9) [2068] Velcro
Wendy (PS0X8) [2069] that's probably his professional name innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [2070] Yeah, that was her favourite one that was
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2071] Zoe's was it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2072] I think that was very clever, very, very clever
Wendy (PS0X8) [2073] That's the one I liked [laugh] brilliant aren't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [2074] Well they are
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2075] make a thing like that ... take it to work and show the girls
Bev (PS0X9) [2076] She was brilliant
Wendy (PS0X8) [2077] Yes she was
Bev (PS0X9) [2078] I think that, which one was the other one that was
Wendy (PS0X8) [2079] I don't know because I said to you ... oh I had a super view
Bev (PS0X9) [2080] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2081] that's gorgeous that is
Bev (PS0X9) [2082] They look ever so perfect
Wendy (PS0X8) [2083] have those two colours together brilliant
Bev (PS0X9) [2084] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2085] brilliant
Bev (PS0X9) [2086] They're ever so heavy them aren't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2087] Yeah I bet
Bev (PS0X9) [2088] Well they'll last for a long time
Wendy (PS0X8) [2089] Mm, that one, I don't know though ... didn't have a blonde woman see and I never, I didn't, I didn't realise there was two and I really did not and I suddenly there's, they all come out on the ice
Bev (PS0X9) [2090] I think
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2091] didn't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [2092] I'd be surprised if she never get erm, her mansion in her
Wendy (PS0X8) [2093] Her what?
Bev (PS0X9) [2094] her sort of own mansion
Wendy (PS0X8) [2095] Unless she was one of the poorest
Jill (PS0XC) [2096] She shouldn't be
Wendy (PS0X8) [2097] Well no she shouldn't be but since going she just suddenly appeared didn't she?
Bev (PS0X9) [2098] Yeah ... that one
Wendy (PS0X8) [2099] Yeah but that was the dark haired one weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2100] Don't matter, must of had it done
Wendy (PS0X8) [2101] Eh?
Bev (PS0X9) [2102] I think she's had it highlighted
Wendy (PS0X8) [2103] Oh
Bev (PS0X9) [2104] If you look at her face she had quite a pointed nose
Wendy (PS0X8) [2105] Oh, no I didn't really matter
Jill (PS0XC) [2106] That her?
Bev (PS0X9) [2107] she's in Washington
Wendy (PS0X8) [2108] is it really?
[2109] Is she?
Bev (PS0X9) [2110] Seattle
Wendy (PS0X8) [2111] Mm ... I don't know then
Bev (PS0X9) [2112] Oh this one Jane Taylor
Wendy (PS0X8) [2113] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [2114] [reading] A bella blo , blonde from Whitney Bay []
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2115] I've got a feeling
Bev (PS0X9) [2116] cos they do, but when
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2117] rings a bell
Bev (PS0X9) [2118] [reading] The top trainers at home and abroad, Claire Hurst, the National and International Championships [] , I've seen her on ice on the
Wendy (PS0X8) [2119] Oh I thought oh I, I, I seemed to remember the Whitney Bay bit and I mean I don't know what I've done with the blinking programme last year, I mean they're all in the magazine rack, but I don't think that one's there ... that was terrific that weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2120] Oh when I had this one it went over to
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2121] oh
Bev (PS0X9) [2122] didn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2123] Oh that's been and gone then innit?
[2124] I didn't think of that you know
Bev (PS0X9) [2125] Unfortunately it went
Wendy (PS0X8) [2126] Yeah that's right , and I thought to myself what if, I wouldn't of thrown it away, I keep all my programmes
Bev (PS0X9) [2127] We should of got two really shouldn't we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2128] Never thought of that you know ... oh well, where you going
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2129] We learn a lot of things ... but then again as I say
Wendy (PS0X8) [2130] There it goes innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [2131] Yeah, have some good times ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2132] Brilliant costumes though
Bev (PS0X9) [2133] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2134] I don't know if it tells you how much this production cost but [yawning] I know it said something about, oh [] the one thing
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2135] or something ... Shaun Powell, that's a nice name innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [2136] Yes I like that ... that one
Wendy (PS0X8) [2137] Yeah that's it
Bev (PS0X9) [2138] that's brilliantly , very brilliant ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2139] Whoever thought those up it's unreal innit?
[2140] ... That was particularly good weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2141] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2142] That really was
Bev (PS0X9) [2143] They remind me of Liquorice All Sorts
Wendy (PS0X8) [2144] That's it, that's it
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2145] yeah it's sort of that er look about it innit?
[2146] ... I could do with a cup of tea now I know that, oh I couldn't see that signpost ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2147] I don't really know
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2148] what's that then?
Bev (PS0X9) [2149] Choreography
Wendy (PS0X8) [2150] Choreography?
Bev (PS0X9) [2151] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2152] Oh ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2153] that must be a high point in a career you know, when you first see them go out
Wendy (PS0X8) [2154] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [2155] of who thought it all up, the opening night
Wendy (PS0X8) [2156] I should say so ... so what's he?
[2157] He's the president, he's the costumier, what's this chap of travelling secateurs ... [reading] we welcome you up with him, for audition please contact local show office, in city where we perform, qualify you to be a trained figure skater, at least seventeen, not older than twenty six, for further information please write to Ms at []
Bev (PS0X9) [2158] Switzerland, oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [2159] there, look
Bev (PS0X9) [2160] oh that's
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2161] what?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2162] Caroline , Alison
Wendy (PS0X8) [2163] Oh I see ... yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [2164] They don't give you pictures of everybody
Wendy (PS0X8) [2165] No, I didn't even look at it, apart from
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2166] the pictures in the book ain't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [2167] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2168] You know, they are in there but
Bev (PS0X9) [2169] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [2170] not individually is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2171] Yeah ... I think it was Caroline
Wendy (PS0X8) [2172] Yeah ... [yawning] oh dear []
Bev (PS0X9) [2173] That's the one isn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2174] What?
[2175] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [2176] That she
Wendy (PS0X8) [2177] That was awful them
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2178] weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2179] Well it has to give the effect
Wendy (PS0X8) [2180] Cor dear me , straight out
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2181] it has to give you that effect ... I thought it was marvellous
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2182] eh?
Bev (PS0X9) [2183] I thought it was marvellous
Wendy (PS0X8) [2184] So did I, well that's certainly worth the money, I know it's a lot of money
Bev (PS0X9) [2185] Oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2186] but, you do it, if you think of it individually, what are you gonna do for that money anywhere else?
Bev (PS0X9) [2187] Exactly
Wendy (PS0X8) [2188] I mean we all saved what one fifty each on it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2189] It's thirteen fifty a ticket, it's erm, I don't think you can moan at a night out for that, especially a night out like that
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2190] What was that?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2191] Anyway nobody's gonna want to get up tomorrow
Wendy (PS0X8) [2192] Sorry?
Bev (PS0X9) [2193] Nobody's gonna want to get up tomorrow
Wendy (PS0X8) [2194] Oh well shame
Bev (PS0X9) [2195] I didn't want to get up this morning so
Wendy (PS0X8) [2196] [yawning] I said to
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2197] I said to Ernie [] oh you'll have to go and call her
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2198] of getting out weren't it?
[2199] But we were out, he was very good, I mean I know he was waiting there for us
Bev (PS0X9) [2200] But not really
Wendy (PS0X8) [2201] with all things considered we did a lot didn't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [2202] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2203] And I forgot that plastic card didn't I?
[2204] Anyway I get the opportunity, oh you didn't look in that box for that baby
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2205] well we'll have a look first, but we do want salad cream don't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [2206] Yeah ... got lettuce to eat
Wendy (PS0X8) [2207] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [2208] so we've got to get some ... Oh we'll have to go somewhere snazzy cos I've got that black dress to wear haven't I?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2209] Oh big dance
Bev (PS0X9) [2210] Eh?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2211] big dance in May
Bev (PS0X9) [2212] Can't wear that again
Wendy (PS0X8) [2213] Oh you wore it there didn't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [2214] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2215] Oh
Bev (PS0X9) [2216] have to wear it to Kate's
Wendy (PS0X8) [2217] Yeah, that's an idea
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2218] sell it to them one of them at work
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [2219] doesn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2220] Mm, I expect so, yeah [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [2221] You see
Wendy (PS0X8) [2222] No at Kate's it'll be nice won't it?
[2223] And hopeful the weather will be better
Bev (PS0X9) [2224] I just have to make sure Mitch is nowhere near
Wendy (PS0X8) [2225] Er actually I don't even know if he'll go
Bev (PS0X9) [2226] Oh I expect so, I expect so
Wendy (PS0X8) [2227] er they'll be plenty of other people there for god sake, I mean
Bev (PS0X9) [2228] Oh, he's slimy though
Wendy (PS0X8) [2229] Mm, well he'll probably be there on Tuesday again, that's what he said
Bev (PS0X9) [2230] No that'll be the third time
Wendy (PS0X8) [2231] No, yeah, well that'd be twice we've seen him
Bev (PS0X9) [2232] Oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2233] looks like
Bev (PS0X9) [2234] looks like him
Wendy (PS0X8) [2235] looks like his night, don't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2236] Er
Wendy (PS0X8) [2237] Probably goes in
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2238] have a look, cos he's got to be thirty something, I don't know what now
Bev (PS0X9) [2239] [yawning] Oh I don't know [] , you got
Wendy (PS0X8) [2240] Yeah ... [yawn]
Bev (PS0X9) [2241] Yes ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2242] Don't let me swim on my back on Thursday
Wendy (PS0X8) [2243] Why?
Bev (PS0X9) [2244] If I swim on my back I don't do my front
Wendy (PS0X8) [2245] Yeah well it's not really the wisest thing to do on a Thursday night anyway
Bev (PS0X9) [2246] I cheat when I swim on my back
Wendy (PS0X8) [2247] Yeah, but not only that when you get a couple of dickheads like we had
Bev (PS0X9) [2248] Oh I know
Wendy (PS0X8) [2249] you know you've got to watch them, they're not watching you, you've got to watch them
Bev (PS0X9) [2250] That's what puts me off, when we have those two
Wendy (PS0X8) [2251] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [2252] and we went on that other side
Wendy (PS0X8) [2253] Well we'll have to watch it this week and if er
Bev (PS0X9) [2254] That annoys me when I get
Wendy (PS0X8) [2255] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [2256] people like that
Wendy (PS0X8) [2257] Well it does me on a night like that, because the majority of people are either having a damn good lazy swim
Bev (PS0X9) [2258] But there's the lanes, there are nights when it's just even lanes
Wendy (PS0X8) [2259] I know yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [2260] so they just have
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2261] no, very annoying that, I mean that bloke going backwards and forwards is bad enough but
Bev (PS0X9) [2262] Oh he's a right pain
Wendy (PS0X8) [2263] but then obviously that's all he does or what he does ... I mean which is
Bev (PS0X9) [2264] Yeah, but he's not a bad swimmer
Wendy (PS0X8) [2265] Well he don't seem to be a bad swimmer at all he really don't
Bev (PS0X9) [2266] he just don't like going down to the deep end
Wendy (PS0X8) [2267] Maybe ... but it is difficult when people do that because I mean the majority of us are going up and down and you get this one that's going across and
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2268] but the majority of people on a Tuesday night are going for a leisurely swim aren't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [2269] Yeah, they're going for a swim
Wendy (PS0X8) [2270] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [2271] but
Wendy (PS0X8) [2272] but not tearing about, anyway if they're
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2273] of course I mean it'll be a little different this week, won't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2274] Yeah, well you're gonna go again Tue er Monday
Wendy (PS0X8) [2275] No
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2276] [yawning] Oh dear []
Bev (PS0X9) [2277] You never know Liz might come tomorrow
Wendy (PS0X8) [2278] Tomorrow?
Bev (PS0X9) [2279] er Monday ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2280] Might, well
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2281] quarter past gone anyway ... don't even know where we are actually
Bev (PS0X9) [2282] Just gone past Mick's Services
Wendy (PS0X8) [2283] Have we? ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2284] [yawning] oh dear, dear me []
Bev (PS0X9) [2285] [yawning] oh don't do that []
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2286] yes
Wendy (PS0X8) [2287] I think I'll have a look at this lot tomorrow actually
Bev (PS0X9) [2288] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2289] It's nice to read them because you know
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2290] shame we couldn't got one of them other ones last year
Wendy (PS0X8) [2291] Yeah, I never though of that and I doubt if I get it now, all I think was well I know that I got it in the magazine rack

13 (Tape 036703)

Wendy (PS0X8) [2292] Well have a look down there, it's just by the fridge and the card
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2293] I tell you what erm, that'll have to be done by that, that cake thing you bought
Bev (PS0X9) [2294] Oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2295] I never took one blinking photograph did I?
Bev (PS0X9) [2296] Why not?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2297] People did though didn't they, anything you want down the shop?
Michael (PS0XA) [2298] Pardon?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2299] Anything you need down the shop?
Michael (PS0XA) [2300] No I don't want
Wendy (PS0X8) [2301] Nothing
Michael (PS0XA) [2302] What did Ann then just wanted to talk?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2303] Er no er it was about that jumper look
Michael (PS0XA) [2304] Oh of course yeah of course you wrote her didn't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2305] Yeah and er , yeah and she said I love the colours but it's coming out, it comes out a forty eight inch
Michael (PS0XA) [2306] Yeah , yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2307] and she said if I could try it before oh, er
Michael (PS0XA) [2308] What?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2309] no she said erm, if, if I could try it oh I wait until that blessed lot's gone
Michael (PS0XA) [2310] Do what?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2311] all that blasted lot out here
Michael (PS0XA) [2312] Oh
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2313] erm, no she said if I could try it
Michael (PS0XA) [2314] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2315] erm have it made and try it
Michael (PS0XA) [2316] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2317] she said well then, then that'll be fine
Michael (PS0XA) [2318] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2319] but I said to her oh I don't think I'd have it done
Michael (PS0XA) [2320] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [2321] forty over pounds
Michael (PS0XA) [2322] Yeah just well
Wendy (PS0X8) [2323] and a forty eight
Michael (PS0XA) [2324] gotta buy gotta buy a new one innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2325] Well that's what I said to her you'll probably find something around, but I mean it was a nice, it is a nice pattern
Michael (PS0XA) [2326] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2327] but there's nothing smaller than the first size
Michael (PS0XA) [2328] Ha
Wendy (PS0X8) [2329] and also she said she's heard from Pauline
Michael (PS0XA) [2330] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2331] and they were all fine, erm getting on with that place as good as they can
Michael (PS0XA) [2332] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2333] because erm they haven't heard about their extension
Michael (PS0XA) [2334] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [2335] and erm, she said er Pauline asked where your mother's coffee set was, little coffee cups and all that and I said I don't know I've never seen one
Michael (PS0XA) [2336] Yes
Wendy (PS0X8) [2337] well I've never seen a coffee set
Michael (PS0XA) [2338] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [2339] she said it was all packed up in a box and I said well you wouldn't see it then would you?
Michael (PS0XA) [2340] Yeah, no
Wendy (PS0X8) [2341] And she said er, I said what she want it then?
[2342] So she said well must of just thought about it
Michael (PS0XA) [2343] Yeah she wants it mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2344] and she'd like it and so she well I'll ask Jean
Michael (PS0XA) [2345] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2346] erm Jean might be going out to see that new Marks & Spencer's somewhere, there's a new big one being built out
Michael (PS0XA) [2347] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2348] it's, it's not Anne's way but it's not far I don't think
Michael (PS0XA) [2349] No, yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2350] and she might take Daphne with her
Michael (PS0XA) [2351] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2352] and she said she'd ask them
Michael (PS0XA) [2353] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2354] but er
Michael (PS0XA) [2355] Well I don't know what she's talking about
Wendy (PS0X8) [2356] I don't know
Michael (PS0XA) [2357] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2358] what she's talking about you know, because I said well the bits that Daphne brought here
Michael (PS0XA) [2359] Yeah, well I say er I mean obviously Pauline remembers it from some when don't she?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2360] Well that's right, I mean how, how long ago nobody knows
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2361] must of been one mustn't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2362] Ah?
Michael (PS0XA) [2363] I said there must of been one
Wendy (PS0X8) [2364] Oh yeah, yeah, certainly
Michael (PS0XA) [2365] but it, it don't ring a bell with me
Wendy (PS0X8) [2366] Well I, I mean if it was wrapped up in a box
Michael (PS0XA) [2367] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2368] but Ann said erm perhaps she gave it away well she did
Michael (PS0XA) [2369] Yeah, she did give some away
Wendy (PS0X8) [2370] she did give Mrs didn't she?
[2371] I mean I remembered some of it, I, I remember hearing something that she'd given some bits downstairs
Michael (PS0XA) [2372] Yeah, yeah yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2373] but erm, I said well I dunno, I said I, I don't ever remember seeing it
Michael (PS0XA) [2374] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [2375] but at the same time if it was, if it's in boxes you
Michael (PS0XA) [2376] Well you wouldn't
Wendy (PS0X8) [2377] you're not gonna see it
Michael (PS0XA) [2378] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [2379] but Pauline must of remembered it perhaps for the
Michael (PS0XA) [2380] All the times your mum had
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2381] well any of you
Michael (PS0XA) [2382] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2383] I mean
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2384] wouldn't get nothing out like that
Michael (PS0XA) [2385] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2386] it must be something that they've had er they
Michael (PS0XA) [2387] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2388] had for years and erm, you know
Michael (PS0XA) [2389] Yep
Wendy (PS0X8) [2390] packed away in a box, but I suppose Pauline thought about it
Michael (PS0XA) [2391] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2392] so the problem is if nobody knows about it you start that all over again
Michael (PS0XA) [2393] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2394] don't you?
Michael (PS0XA) [2395] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2396] Cos you know that, that happened before
Michael (PS0XA) [2397] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2398] when that, over the teapot
Michael (PS0XA) [2399] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2400] at er, I, I don't remember anything, anything at all, but she said, I told her about the baby, she didn't know about that
Michael (PS0XA) [2401] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2402] and er, she said I, I said have you heard from Paul, because the last time I spoke to her she hadn't
Michael (PS0XA) [2403] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [2404] and she said yeah he's fine he's having a super time
Michael (PS0XA) [2405] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2406] and she's heard from Tanya, one letter
Michael (PS0XA) [2407] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [2408] and er she was with Colin
Michael (PS0XA) [2409] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2410] but now she's moving on, and another girl's going out this week or next week to er join them
Michael (PS0XA) [2411] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2412] so, that'll be about three I think
Michael (PS0XA) [2413] Ha
Wendy (PS0X8) [2414] I can't remember, three of four perhaps
Michael (PS0XA) [2415] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2416] and er she said I won't hear for a while because they're gonna move on now
Michael (PS0XA) [2417] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2418] but
Michael (PS0XA) [2419] Where they going now?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2420] Ah?
Michael (PS0XA) [2421] Where they going from Malta then?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2422] They're not in Malta they're in Australia
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2423] yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2424] yeah, went to Perth
Michael (PS0XA) [2425] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2426] to start off and then erm, I think they went for work permits or something
Michael (PS0XA) [2427] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2428] you know
Michael (PS0XA) [2429] I think so
Wendy (PS0X8) [2430] but really liking it
Michael (PS0XA) [2431] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2432] but er, she says I've gotta get off of the phone cos I've, when I, when I told him I was gonna phone you he went oh no
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2433] Well he will won't he? ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [2434] Morning
Wendy (PS0X8) [2435] Morning ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [2436] Thirty four love ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [2437] Hi you Wen
Wendy (PS0X8) [2438] Hi you, alright?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [2439] Alright my girl?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2440] Yeah ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [2441] Oh we've got a
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2442] Good morning ladies ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [2443] See you
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [2444] Bye ... just a bit over is that alright?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [2445] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [2446] Fifty four ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [2447] One eighty five then ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2448] Thank you ... can I have er, a quarter of pink bon bons up the end please?
[2449] ... And a quarter of the chocolate ones
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [2450] Same bag I suppose
Wendy (PS0X8) [2451] Yeah that'll be fine, yeah ... ta ... thanks very much ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [2452] Two eighty two then please
Wendy (PS0X8) [2453] Thanks very much ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [2454] Seventeen, eighteen
Wendy (PS0X8) [2455] Thank you ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2456] I bought that card for that baby
Michael (PS0XA) [2457] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [2458] and she wanted salad cream
Michael (PS0XA) [2459] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [2460] I mean there's all that salady bits and I got
Michael (PS0XA) [2461] Yes
Wendy (PS0X8) [2462] I got some coleslaw so
Michael (PS0XA) [2463] Right
Wendy (PS0X8) [2464] perhaps make a bit more
Michael (PS0XA) [2465] Well I
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2466] of it eh?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2467] they're what?
Michael (PS0XA) [2468] They're opened up now
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2469] yeah ... right it's the last one
Bev (PS0X9) [2470] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2471] Yeah ... well I say once the thing's done, then it's done innit?
[2472] You, you know, I got some coleslaw, so, that'll make a bit more of that won't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2473] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2474] And salad cream ... cos you've got sausage rolls haven't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [2475] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2476] So quite honestly you ought to be able to make a ... a bit of something out of it ... there's
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2477] over there
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2478] that's a pretty little card innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [2479] Mm ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2480] What's this one then?
Bev (PS0X9) [2481] For deaf people and blind
Wendy (PS0X8) [2482] Oh ... well we either have that war film this afternoon or the Errol Flynn don't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [2483] Well that's a war one as well innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2484] Oh is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2485] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2486] Oh ... drinking chocolate
Bev (PS0X9) [2487] Mhm, they are nice, I'll have that one
Wendy (PS0X8) [2488] Well we still haven't got one, I know we've got the Kit-Kats, but we still haven't got bits to pick have we?
Bev (PS0X9) [2489] Well we didn't have but we have now, mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2490] We didn't have, do you want tea now?
Bev (PS0X9) [2491] Mm please ...

14 (Tape 036704)

Wendy (PS0X8) [2492] Sets, that's a set look
Bev (PS0X9) [2493] That's what I meant
Wendy (PS0X8) [2494] Oh, I wouldn't think of that, oh dear
Bev (PS0X9) [2495] Well they're putting on a show that's what it's all about
Wendy (PS0X8) [2496] get those two done ... he says he ain't got much
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2497] no, but I took the bits that I wanted, and my bits ... and I'll try and get on that
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2498] ask to go in there is there?
[2499] Just wanna put a little thing that, I mean I've written her a letter, I just put a little thing that erm
Bev (PS0X9) [2500] [singing] dooby, dooby, dooby do, dooby, dooby, do [] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2501] well I could put a little sticker on Clare's hadn't I?
[2502] That little blue sticker Clare
Bev (PS0X9) [2503] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2504] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2505] only I've finished the letter
Bev (PS0X9) [2506] What you got?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2507] Well I put in there would you pass this thing on, just in case there's any confusion, I put in there I hope Annalise and erm Ian liked the raincoat ... and jacket for the baby ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2508] She'll know what it is won't she?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2509] Eh?
Bev (PS0X9) [2510] I said she'll know what it is
Wendy (PS0X8) [2511] Yeah ... do you want a biscuit or something?
[2512] I just bought er the, which ones do you want?
Bev (PS0X9) [2513] I'll have a Digestive, we've got to finish them off
Wendy (PS0X8) [2514] Well yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2515] only we didn't really eat last night properly at all did we?
Bev (PS0X9) [2516] No ... good old Flipper
Wendy (PS0X8) [2517] Do what?
Bev (PS0X9) [2518] Good old Flipper
Wendy (PS0X8) [2519] Oh is that now?
[2520] Haven't had that for a long while ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2521] I didn't see on there really
Wendy (PS0X8) [2522] Mm?
Bev (PS0X9) [2523] I said I didn't see on there
Wendy (PS0X8) [2524] Oh I see
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2525] I know
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2526] yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2527] oh I see ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2528] Should be about right shouldn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2529] Mm, looks like it, pretty little cardigan innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [2530] Mm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2531] actually down there you know
Bev (PS0X9) [2532] I'm not
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2533] what you do, cos I've got to finish on the other side
Wendy (PS0X8) [2534] Mm, mm
Bev (PS0X9) [2535] so that I'll
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2536] mm, I've got a long way to go yet then have I?
Bev (PS0X9) [2537] Not if erm, the longer the jumper it looks
Wendy (PS0X8) [2538] Well
Bev (PS0X9) [2539] doesn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2540] wear it on, you don't know do you?
[2541] I'm quite sure I don't
Bev (PS0X9) [2542] I don't know much about it
Wendy (PS0X8) [2543] No
Bev (PS0X9) [2544] but as I say I've sat and done this
Wendy (PS0X8) [2545] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [2546] cos I wanna do something else
Wendy (PS0X8) [2547] That's right ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2548] like that?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2549] Ann said hold on to the pattern, she said I don't know what to do, erm knit them
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2550] I know how she's done it, yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [2551] Well if I did all that again
Wendy (PS0X8) [2552] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [2553] that's gonna be quite
Wendy (PS0X8) [2554] well you'll have to see how much black there is cos
Bev (PS0X9) [2555] that'll be quite effective won't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2556] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [2557] But you see I want to put that extra bit on the bottom you see
Wendy (PS0X8) [2558] Mm , well if there's only one pocket which I'm sure there is you won't have enough
Bev (PS0X9) [2559] No ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2560] Is the back quite
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2561] I don't know
Wendy (PS0X8) [2562] It's a good way of doing it, innit, there's no messing about is there? ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2563] oh ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2564] No start again
Wendy (PS0X8) [2565] Oh it is, oh
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2566] mm
Bev (PS0X9) [2567] follow the pattern, but there again this stuff goes a long way
Wendy (PS0X8) [2568] Mm, it does
Bev (PS0X9) [2569] so I might chance it
Wendy (PS0X8) [2570] What's the needles?
Bev (PS0X9) [2571] Fours and four and a half
Wendy (PS0X8) [2572] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [2573] so it's not double knit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2574] No, oh no, did I try it on smaller needles?
Bev (PS0X9) [2575] No I tried it on smaller needles
Wendy (PS0X8) [2576] You did
Bev (PS0X9) [2577] but that was on tens, I've done it on tens
Wendy (PS0X8) [2578] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [2579] but
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2580] oh you did
Bev (PS0X9) [2581] It's just a bastard to do this rib
Wendy (PS0X8) [2582] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [2583] and get the rib going ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2584] Yeah I don't remember whether it was you or, or me
Bev (PS0X9) [2585] cos ours was seven red er seven blue, black
Wendy (PS0X8) [2586] Mm ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2587] but if it knitted sort of like it did not before
Wendy (PS0X8) [2588] Yeah well you can leave out the pattern there can't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [2589] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2590] Just in case you, I reckon, I think it's too big
Bev (PS0X9) [2591] Cor, that would be
Wendy (PS0X8) [2592] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [2593] I wonder why, whether it would be too striking
Wendy (PS0X8) [2594] Not with the colours you've got I wouldn't of thought
Bev (PS0X9) [2595] No with erm, just the purple, you know I was gonna do it all cerise
Wendy (PS0X8) [2596] Mm, I dunno what
Bev (PS0X9) [2597] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [2598] because the black's gonna take it off innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [2599] The black should take it off
Wendy (PS0X8) [2600] Mm certainly ... cor look at that
Bev (PS0X9) [2601] Awful innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2602] [laugh] Oh god, were it erm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2603] awful
Bev (PS0X9) [2604] Mm ... that's where they are, all
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2605] yeah ... cor let's have a look now and see whether
Wendy (PS0X8) [2606] Oh what's
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2607] No, I mean they might not be, but, I wonder, they put it in there once a month
Bev (PS0X9) [2608] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [2609] you know the big spread that I saw that time
Bev (PS0X9) [2610] I dunno
Wendy (PS0X8) [2611] I don't remember the paper I only look at the front and the back on a Friday, well pick it up and have a look ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2612] Travel club
Wendy (PS0X8) [2613] Yeah, tell me, right that's, that's it, I thought I wore that ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2614] Right theatre trip Joseph
Wendy (PS0X8) [2615] How much?
Bev (PS0X9) [2616] Seventy nine join us in a weekend trip
Wendy (PS0X8) [2617] Is that a weekend?
[2618] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [2619] Yes
Wendy (PS0X8) [2620] not bad is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2621] Miss Saigon
Wendy (PS0X8) [2622] No I don't fancy that one ... somebody I know went
Bev (PS0X9) [2623] Oh
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2624] yeah, yeah ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2625] Ah, but ... Joseph is a sightseeing one
Wendy (PS0X8) [2626] As well
Bev (PS0X9) [2627] but Miss Saigon is a bed and breakfast
Wendy (PS0X8) [2628] Mm, well seventy nine quid is not bad you know, when you go up Saturday?
Bev (PS0X9) [2629] Thirteenth of March and fourteenth of March so
Wendy (PS0X8) [2630] Mm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2631] no look theatre trip to Joseph it says [reading] join us on a weekend trip to see one of Andrew Lloyd Webber's famous, famous, fabulous it says, that's why I try and
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2632] fabulous productions, also a sightseeing tour of London, seventy nine pounds, Miss Saigon, don't miss this great opportunity to see this smash hit musical prices include bed and breakfast and a visit to Covent Garden []
Wendy (PS0X8) [2633] How much is that one?
Bev (PS0X9) [2634] Seventy nine quid ... so the seats are cheaper
Wendy (PS0X8) [2635] Mm ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2636] Stratford and the Cotswolds, Grand National, Lakes and Mountains, Flying Scotsman
Wendy (PS0X8) [2637] There are rather a lot you know
Bev (PS0X9) [2638] Windmills and Waterways, that's not
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2639] Granada, Amsterdam
Wendy (PS0X8) [2640] Who?
Bev (PS0X9) [2641] Granada
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2642] oh
Bev (PS0X9) [2643] And Amsterdam, four days, three nights, bed and break
Wendy (PS0X8) [2644] How much?
Bev (PS0X9) [2645] A hundred and thirty nine
Wendy (PS0X8) [2646] Oh that's not bad is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2647] Euro Disney
Wendy (PS0X8) [2648] No ...
Bev (PS0X9) [2649] that's not a bad price
Wendy (PS0X8) [2650] How much?
Bev (PS0X9) [2651] Fifty nine a night ... Walking for
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2652] Ebbw Vale Garden Festival, Chester and the North, North Wales, Portugal, two hundred and twenty or two hundred and seventy nine for eight days
Wendy (PS0X8) [2653] Not bad
Bev (PS0X9) [2654] No it's not [reading] this holiday gives you the choice of either hotels or self catering, situated in the beautiful coast coastal town of Travana, summer in cha , chateau ... six days, one bed and breakfast, four half board
Michael (PS0XA) [2655] You want coal fire lighting or are you alright?
Bev (PS0X9) [2656] half board, Edinburgh Tattoos ... erm Kentish Gardens
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2657] and []
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2658] Oh that goes round the area
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2659] that's a hundred and eighty nine
Wendy (PS0X8) [2660] Not bad though is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [2661] No ... it don't say how long though
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2662] mm, I'd of thought that
Bev (PS0X9) [2663] No
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2664] or Las Vegas
Wendy (PS0X8) [2665] Mm, mm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2666] this weekend like, actually made my arm ache, I don't know
Wendy (PS0X8) [2667] Haven't been doing it have you?
Michael (PS0XA) [2668] What?
[2669] What a long weekend for two?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2670] is it?
[2671] Oh well tick me off if it does
Wendy (PS0X8) [2672] Well, let's see, you haven't been doing it, I mean
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2673] regular for exercise innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [2674] Mm
Michael (PS0XA) [2675] Yeah, oh a lot of it
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2676] you use all that this week?
[2677] I tan your arse
Bev (PS0X9) [2678] Oh I wouldn't
Wendy (PS0X8) [2679] I don't have to be down one night then
Michael (PS0XA) [2680] Presumably yeah, I, er, ah, well you heard what I said it will be nice, he said yeah, so, after work I suppose, well before there I'll go down, he'll help himself, it's just ... he can't take any more
Wendy (PS0X8) [2681] Mm
Michael (PS0XA) [2682] I said he can't take any more than what there is cos there ain't no more ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [2683] Flipper
Michael (PS0XA) [2684] Mm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2685] yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Michael (PS0XA) [2686] Mm, what, something I what I was watching the other night erm, what on earth was, something, it was nineteen forty seven that were, it was er, it was an old repeat
Wendy (PS0X8) [2687] Mm
Michael (PS0XA) [2688] nineteen forty seven I saw the thing, not a film, a, a show
Wendy (PS0X8) [2689] A show?
Michael (PS0XA) [2690] and I thought bloody hell
Wendy (PS0X8) [2691] Bloody hell I mean a show
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2692] Yeah, that's that's a long
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2693] I mean we've got an old Errol Flynn there
Michael (PS0XA) [2694] Yeah, ah films I mean you expect to go back, but this is, what on earth was that?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2695] Er what like a variety or what?
Michael (PS0XA) [2696] Mm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2697] or perhaps a quiz show that started then, you know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2698] When's that Des O'Connor thing on then?
[2699] That Michael Miles thing?
Michael (PS0XA) [2700] When is it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2701] Mm
Michael (PS0XA) [2702] Dunno
Wendy (PS0X8) [2703] Not to, I know we saw it the other night didn't we?
Michael (PS0XA) [2704] Yeah , yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2705] I wonder
Bev (PS0X9) [2706] That's not bad is it?
[2707] Miss Saigon with tickets, with staying
Michael (PS0XA) [2708] A lot about erm
Bev (PS0X9) [2709] forty two fifty
Michael (PS0XA) [2710] it was on about, last night on
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2711] he'd obviously been talking about, erm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2712] people, they're trying to get a trip done, Aspect of Love
Wendy (PS0X8) [2713] What's that one then?
Bev (PS0X9) [2714] Quarter past
Michael (PS0XA) [2715] That one that Michael Ball sang in, that, that
Bev (PS0X9) [2716] Erm Andrew Lloyd Webber's
Michael (PS0XA) [2717] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [2718] other one
Michael (PS0XA) [2719] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [2720] with his wife
Michael (PS0XA) [2721] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2722] What
Michael (PS0XA) [2723] in
Wendy (PS0X8) [2724] Sarah Brightman?
Bev (PS0X9) [2725] Yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [2726] Oh that's fair innit
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2727] yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2728] But there again
Michael (PS0XA) [2729] but they erm, I told what, that never arrange it and then borrow some figures
Wendy (PS0X8) [2730] Why that's right, I mean that might be the best idea in the end
Michael (PS0XA) [2731] Well yeah, we, we talk about it but
Wendy (PS0X8) [2732] didn't it?
[2733] Yeah I know they did talk about this Doreen and Owen, because er
Michael (PS0XA) [2734] Michael has told us down the pub, if they had more than a week's notice
Bev (PS0X9) [2735] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2736] Well no, that's right
Michael (PS0XA) [2737] Erm I'm not, you know erm, I mean
Wendy (PS0X8) [2738] Well this is why
Michael (PS0XA) [2739] er Rose would of had all four if she'd of known about it earlier
Wendy (PS0X8) [2740] But the thing is Mick you've gotta get, you know yourself sorted early enough
Michael (PS0XA) [2741] Yeah, that's right
Wendy (PS0X8) [2742] and if people don't pay then they lose them
Bev (PS0X9) [2743] If they all said yeah we'll go for them
Michael (PS0XA) [2744] As I say, if they said , you know I mean I, I don't know whether that much will take a lot
Bev (PS0X9) [2745] Typically it's their own bloody fault
Michael (PS0XA) [2746] but drop, pop it over one look
Bev (PS0X9) [2747] innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2748] Well I mean when they put their names down they
Michael (PS0XA) [2749] Yeah I, I don't care it happening again I tell you that
Wendy (PS0X8) [2750] Well no I'm sure it won't
Michael (PS0XA) [2751] Well it's been a
Wendy (PS0X8) [2752] What?
Michael (PS0XA) [2753] it's, it's been hassle because
Wendy (PS0X8) [2754] Do you want any more of these Bev?
Michael (PS0XA) [2755] only we, we lost sixty, sixty five pound yesterday
Wendy (PS0X8) [2756] Yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [2757] didn't we?
[2758] Sixty three pound
Wendy (PS0X8) [2759] Yeah, but the whole point
Bev (PS0X9) [2760] You can go Bruges
Wendy (PS0X8) [2761] Oh
Bev (PS0X9) [2762] you know that's where
Wendy (PS0X8) [2763] Yeah, but the whole point Mick is, it's hassle
Michael (PS0XA) [2764] Yeah, yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2765] innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [2766] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2767] I mean
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2768] and the annoying part about it
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2769] yeah, well, that
Michael (PS0XA) [2770] for both shows because there was an extra demand
Wendy (PS0X8) [2771] Yeah, but that in itself gotta stop
Michael (PS0XA) [2772] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2773] that
Michael (PS0XA) [2774] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2775] aspect of it has gotta
Michael (PS0XA) [2776] Yeah, I mean we, we've turned to thirty three this time because it's a thirty three seater
Wendy (PS0X8) [2777] Now that can be the erm
Michael (PS0XA) [2778] Now I know it's a funny thing but this time because of demand it was forty eight, now alright out of that forty eight three was still, right one was in hospital so you can
Wendy (PS0X8) [2779] Well no you're gonna get this all
Michael (PS0XA) [2780] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2781] the time
Michael (PS0XA) [2782] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2783] but er Jill gave her her money back
Wendy (PS0X8) [2784] But the whole point is Mick you are stipulating
Michael (PS0XA) [2785] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2786] an X-seater
Michael (PS0XA) [2787] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [2788] coach and if it comes out like Helen and Pete like that and they're, they're gone and the others haven't, no wonder it's been up on your wall
Michael (PS0XA) [2789] Yeah that's right
Wendy (PS0X8) [2790] but the whole point is you see, if er
Bev (PS0X9) [2791] For bedsit there's a demand for the Chippendales now then
Wendy (PS0X8) [2792] Yes she's got a list did you know?
Michael (PS0XA) [2793] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2794] yeah, well I thought she had one at
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2795] mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2796] innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [2797] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2798] But the only thing, the, the next thing is now collecting the money early enough
Michael (PS0XA) [2799] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2800] and what is that June?
Michael (PS0XA) [2801] Oh I don't know when that was cos we
Wendy (PS0X8) [2802] June weren't it Bev?
Michael (PS0XA) [2803] Eleventh I think it is well anyway
Wendy (PS0X8) [2804] I know
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [2805] It's a Thursday
Michael (PS0XA) [2806] it's a coach
Bev (PS0X9) [2807] it's a Thursday
Wendy (PS0X8) [2808] June's
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2809] I know it's it's the sixth of June
Michael (PS0XA) [2810] And we shall shortly be do our
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2811] right
Michael (PS0XA) [2812] And the only thing we've got on, I mean after tonight er it's got nothing to do with me anyway
Wendy (PS0X8) [2813] Kate's was June the sixth, June the seventh was the
Michael (PS0XA) [2814] June the eleventh is it, if June the eleventh is a Thursday then that's June the eleventh
Bev (PS0X9) [2815] That's the, that's the one
Michael (PS0XA) [2816] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [2817] Yeah, Kate's anniversary is the
Bev (PS0X9) [2818] July I thought that was
Michael (PS0XA) [2819] No

15 (Tape 036801)

Michael (PS0XA) [2820] They've just got land I think now.
[2821] And the bungalow's too big!
[2822] I mean it's erm ... either get ... one or two bedroomed bungalow can't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2823] Yeah, and I say, you know I mean obviously it's too big but I mean not from ... from the point of view that ... the buildings are right outside of them ain't they?
Michael (PS0XA) [2824] Mm.
[2825] I think that's what ... er,i as much as anything to spoil them.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2826] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [2827] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2828] But I mean I, I see no point in all of us going out and looking for presents.
Michael (PS0XA) [2829] Mm.
[2830] No.
Bev (PS0X9) [2831] Cos you only come round with
Wendy (PS0X8) [2832] Oh wha
Bev (PS0X9) [2833] little bits and
Michael (PS0XA) [2834] I mean, if we spent a tenner each.
[2835] I know you get nothing for a tenner but if you spend hundred pound ... you can
Wendy (PS0X8) [2836] You do.
Michael (PS0XA) [2837] get something quite nice for a hundred pound.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2838] Well I mean , but and then, I I don't know how much that garden furniture ... costs.
Michael (PS0XA) [2839] That
Wendy (PS0X8) [2840] That, I mean you know it's pretty erm
Michael (PS0XA) [2841] Yeah .
Wendy (PS0X8) [2842] it can be ... pretty
Michael (PS0XA) [2843] I know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2844] pricey because of what Glen and George bought!
Michael (PS0XA) [2845] Well wha , I mean before we never had a hammock weren't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2846] That's right.
Michael (PS0XA) [2847] Cos it got a bit pricey so I thought, we could of bought one [...] about half.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2848] Yeah, but I, no, I did.
[2849] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [2850] We'd have had one but ... they got dearer and dearer and dearer!
Wendy (PS0X8) [2851] Yeah, but there was no [...] Mick.
[2852] I mean th , the amount of time we have to sit in the blasted garden anyway ... is er ... nothing innit?
[2853] ... I must remember that though because erm ... I mean to gi give our erm ... erm
Michael (PS0XA) [2854] Time.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2855] some time ... or all three of them.
Michael (PS0XA) [2856] When do you go down town?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2857] Friday.
Michael (PS0XA) [2858] Oh, not before?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2859] Well I don't know.
[2860] Why?
Michael (PS0XA) [2861] Er, well, if you do and erm ... don't go special, because it's er ... not essen ... er, it's my turn to buy the ... draw prizes.
[2862] I had a quick look round yesterday but I ain't got a clue!
Wendy (PS0X8) [2863] And what what
Michael (PS0XA) [2864] But anything up to you know, ten fifteen pound.
[2865] Fi , pay fifteen pound first prize.
[2866] Don't matter about the rest, there's some in the bird box ... I can fill in, but I can't just
Bev (PS0X9) [2867] Well, isn't the Argos book out yet?
Michael (PS0XA) [2868] Mm.
[2869] Yeah, suppose so.
Bev (PS0X9) [2870] I mean, the Arg
Michael (PS0XA) [2871] I dunno.
Bev (PS0X9) [2872] Argos book's got
Michael (PS0XA) [2873] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [2874] everything!
Michael (PS0XA) [2875] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [2876] You can sit here
Michael (PS0XA) [2877] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [2878] I mean we'll, we'll have a look later
Michael (PS0XA) [2879] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [2880] on.
Michael (PS0XA) [2881] Yeah.
[2882] I'll [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2883] Well what sort of thing?
[2884] What do you want men and women
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [2885] or
Michael (PS0XA) [2886] Well
Wendy (PS0X8) [2887] [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [2888] I mean the
Wendy (PS0X8) [2889] is it
Michael (PS0XA) [2890] Because we had more money, we spent more money last time, we bought a ... erm ... a men's and a lady's watch and that went down a treat.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2891] Yeah, well cos that's that's
Michael (PS0XA) [2892] Well Tony won it but I mean it still went down a treat.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2893] What , so it's not
Bev (PS0X9) [2894] You want something that's universal for the first one.
Michael (PS0XA) [2895] Well not necessarily that, I mean, people buy when they go, I mean, I've always just gone straight away and got a nice bit bottle of booze ... and er
Wendy (PS0X8) [2896] Yeah well something like, that can get boring!
Michael (PS0XA) [2897] Wanna drink some drink and that.
[2898] But I I I'll sell more on the shop floor.
[2899] But I won't sell so many in the office.
Bev (PS0X9) [2900] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2901] No.
[2902] No, I mean it can get a bit of a boring
Michael (PS0XA) [2903] Yeah.
[2904] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2905] not got [...] .
[2906] I mean round Christmas and that
Michael (PS0XA) [2907] See it's
Wendy (PS0X8) [2908] it's ... it's a bit of
Michael (PS0XA) [2909] Well
Wendy (PS0X8) [2910] but I mean there's so much in here.
[2911] And I mean, obviously ... I'm not saying that you ought to buy it anywhere else
Michael (PS0XA) [2912] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2913] but ... but I mean I've got prizes of [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2914] Yeah, well er er er er
Bev (PS0X9) [2915] The [...] [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2916] I I I was just thinking about a ... if I couldn't find anything else ... a fifteen quid voucher for somewhere.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2917] But i it's always nice to see the article ... I think.
Michael (PS0XA) [2918] Yeah.
[2919] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2920] You know?
[2921] It's the sort of thing you say, cor that's nice!
[2922] Innit?
[2923] And how much you spending?
Bev (PS0X9) [2924] Fifteen.
Michael (PS0XA) [2925] Well it's about fifteen quid and that leaves us ... the opportunity to get six or eight
Wendy (PS0X8) [2926] Little-uns
Michael (PS0XA) [2927] little ones, yeah.
[2928] So that'll be [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [2929] Oh!
Bev (PS0X9) [2930] But erm
Michael (PS0XA) [2931] I mean, anything,i if we went to twenty it wouldn't matter.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2932] It wouldn't?
Michael (PS0XA) [2933] No, I got about forty anyway [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [2934] You've done camera.
Michael (PS0XA) [2935] We done pra practically everything I should
Wendy (PS0X8) [2936] Er
Michael (PS0XA) [2937] think.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2938] Camera
Michael (PS0XA) [2939] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2940] Well I mean you won't
Bev (PS0X9) [2941] Well what about a ... cassette ... [...] ?
Michael (PS0XA) [2942] We've done that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2943] We've done that.
[2944] Erm ... I mean everything yo you can buy is in here.
Michael (PS0XA) [2945] Cordless telephone, we did that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2946] Innit?
[2947] You know?
Michael (PS0XA) [2948] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2949] But you still wanna ... a something.
[2950] You want something for all people.
Bev (PS0X9) [2951] That's [...] a phone's [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [2952] Mm mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [2953] Do it [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2954] Don't you?
[2955] You get, I mean, you've gotta make the people
Michael (PS0XA) [2956] Yeah, well I'll get it
Wendy (PS0X8) [2957] interested.
Michael (PS0XA) [2958] Well I I mean it doesn't matter to us as far as that goes as long as they are ... erm
Bev (PS0X9) [2959] Well what the whole thing is they put
Michael (PS0XA) [2960] Get something for us out of that.
[2961] You know,i i
Bev (PS0X9) [2962] They've gotta be willing to part with that bit of money.
Michael (PS0XA) [2963] No!
[2964] But that don't matter cos the same ones buy er ... whatever it is.
[2965] But you do like to ha , give them something that ... will be useful to them.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2966] Well of course you do!
[2967] Course you do!
[2968] Well I mean, I say you won't ... actually get a better selection than looking in here ... will you?
Michael (PS0XA) [2969] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2970] [...] all there innit?
[2971] You know.
Michael (PS0XA) [2972] Right.
[2973] Oh it's ... How much is that fork and spade?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2974] Thirteen
Bev (PS0X9) [2975] Thirteen
Wendy (PS0X8) [2976] pound.
Michael (PS0XA) [2977] Oh!
[2978] See that.
Bev (PS0X9) [2979] You know but there again not everybody has a garden!
Michael (PS0XA) [2980] Well, doesn't matter [...] .
[2981] The majority do don't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [2982] Well I do think the majority do, yeah.
[2983] ... But then you don't have something to draw the women.
Bev (PS0X9) [2984] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2985] I mean, I know it gets difficult.
[2986] Course it does.
[2987] ... As I say, if you look through this book ... then
Michael (PS0XA) [2988] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2989] quite honestly what you gonna find elsewhere [...] ?
Michael (PS0XA) [2990] Yeah, I I mean I,or all I I [...] went in a single shop.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2991] No.
Michael (PS0XA) [2992] All I did was looking in the windows.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2993] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [2994] But I mean, Gill would go out and I said I'd give her a ... if if we did it ... e er ... turn and turn about you only have to find one about once every eight weeks like.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2995] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [2996] And ... whilst she bought the ... the first one last week, Yvette, did the rest.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2997] Does she?
Michael (PS0XA) [2998] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [2999] So you're actually looking for one thing?
Michael (PS0XA) [3000] And then, then I will just fill in with the rest.
[3001] Then you do get bottles of wine and ... boxes of
Wendy (PS0X8) [3002] What about a clock?
Michael (PS0XA) [3003] We done it before.
[3004] But unless it's a, no well ... if it's a nice one then
Wendy (PS0X8) [3005] Hell of a selection!
[3006] I know they're dear ones but ... I don't think there's any more on the previous page to that one though.
[3007] But it's a nice drawer I would think.
[3008] If it's a, if it's a nice
Michael (PS0XA) [3009] I mean ... I presume they do ... erm ... [...] .
[3010] That's a [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [3011] Yes, no I'm right.
[3012] I'm sure they do them, cos you can get them on the ... Christmas club can't you?
[3013] I'm sure you can get an Argos.
[3014] But I don't always think personally, it's a
Michael (PS0XA) [3015] They got a ... clock radio
Wendy (PS0X8) [3016] present.
Michael (PS0XA) [3017] They got an alarm radio.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3018] Yeah, when you see the thing.
Michael (PS0XA) [3019] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3020] Oh!
Michael (PS0XA) [3021] Course but
Wendy (PS0X8) [3022] I mean look at those, they're gorgeous aren't
Bev (PS0X9) [3023] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3024] they?
Michael (PS0XA) [3025] Well [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [3026] Oh they don't?
Michael (PS0XA) [3027] They can't , they can't have them on,bu but I mean er ... it's just that ... always, always go round the table like ... erm ... the draw, the top prizes, for that, that's all we need
Bev (PS0X9) [3028] Oh that's beautiful!
Michael (PS0XA) [3029] to do.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3030] What's that?
[3031] That's a bit dear!
Bev (PS0X9) [3032] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [3033] Wouldn't get that prize [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [3034] Beautiful!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3035] I can't really see it but I can see what it
Bev (PS0X9) [3036] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3037] But there's a lot there in my, on that other page why don't you go and have a look.
[3038] I mean, the thing is the ... they're not ... you know, some of them are not that nice but er
Bev (PS0X9) [3039] Well it sells, it's got to.
[3040] Can't have
Wendy (PS0X8) [3041] [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [3042] Well you got that one ... that one
Wendy (PS0X8) [3043] The dearest one is nineteen ninety nine in that section.
[3044] Right?
[3045] Now that, that's a pendulum one.
Michael (PS0XA) [3046] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3047] They've got three pendulum, four pendulums.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3048] That's nice, get that.
Bev (PS0X9) [3049] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3050] That's a nice wall clock!
Michael (PS0XA) [3051] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3052] Clock
Bev (PS0X9) [3053] Hairdryer?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3054] Have you had a wall clock or have you just had a clock?
Michael (PS0XA) [3055] No.
[3056] [...] but ... no I don't she had a wall, I don't know!
[3057] We've had so many [...] over.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3058] I mean a wall clock is an nice additive to the room.
Michael (PS0XA) [3059] over five years [...] bloody prizes!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3060] Mm!
Michael (PS0XA) [3061] It's get a bit out of hand!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3062] Well tha that's what I say!
Michael (PS0XA) [3063] It's a , I mean it were the same at Christmas weren't it?
[3064] When we were going to have that ... that ... [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [3065] Yeah.
[3066] Well that did
Michael (PS0XA) [3067] Because that thing didn't know what to do any more!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3068] No, well that's a [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [3069] I bet a video recorder is now down within that ... range, virtually!
[3070] Settle for something.
[3071] I mean it's not the best.
[3072] And you get them hundred and fifty odd quid can't you now?
[3073] And we [...] one before
Wendy (PS0X8) [3074] That one was only
Michael (PS0XA) [3075] because they were ... too much!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3076] Too dear!
[3077] Well that one was [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [3078] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3079] I don't know what they were this year but I mean that was ... not much dearer than that.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [3080] Who?
Bev (PS0X9) [3081] There's a [...] ?
Michael (PS0XA) [3082] [...] [...] ... yeah, have a think.
Bev (PS0X9) [3083] They are.
[3084] ... A lot of people now are collecting those.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3085] But there's two big
Michael (PS0XA) [3086] As I say, I er ... well I've just said to you, I mean er ... we sell ... forty odd quids worth to blokes.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3087] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [3088] The offices are ... I think the offices are ... I think, for the offices between them were ten pound fifty last time.
[3089] Out of forty quid like.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3090] And two big wall clocks there.
Michael (PS0XA) [3091] Yeah.
[3092] Good idea!
[3093] I'll have a look first.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3094] I mean there's radios and
Michael (PS0XA) [3095] Yeah, I, like I say we, we done
Wendy (PS0X8) [3096] There's that.
Michael (PS0XA) [3097] we done all that erm ... Wa , Walkman all that sort of thing we've done ... at one time or other.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3098] Well I say ... if you scout through this book Mick ... they've got ... an
Michael (PS0XA) [3099] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3100] an enormous range!
Michael (PS0XA) [3101] Well that's right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3102] And if you go round the shops, yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [3103] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3104] you might find ... something a little different, but I mean it's the
Michael (PS0XA) [3105] What sweets did you get?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3106] Ay?
Michael (PS0XA) [3107] What sweets you get?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3108] Erm
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [3109] You got, they're uninteresting ain't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3110] Mm?
Michael (PS0XA) [3111] They're uninteresting aren't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3112] Uninteresting?
[3113] There's nothing down there!
[3114] Unless you
Bev (PS0X9) [...] [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3115] unless you want
Michael (PS0XA) [3116] Got [...] aren't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3117] There's Liquorice Allsorts there!
Michael (PS0XA) [3118] Oh!
[3119] I see.
[3120] You've opened them have you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3121] Mm!
[3122] ... Well I, I never done the ... book [...] Mick.
[3123] [...] spotty line won't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3124] Well Mick, you won't find a bigger selection than Argos.
Bev (PS0X9) [3125] Mm!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3126] I I think the prices are ... bloody good!
Bev (PS0X9) [3127] See it's nought point one [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [3128] Oh good!
[3129] Not everybody wants it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3130] Well no, not everybody wants that sort of thing.
Bev (PS0X9) [3131] Well not everybody likes them.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3132] No, that's right!
[3133] Anyway, what [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [3134] Yeah.
[3135] ... Right, do you want to stretch that?
[3136] See how it is.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3137] Oh yes, that's your best bet Mick.
Michael (PS0XA) [3138] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3139] Oh that's
Wendy (PS0X8) [3140] And
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3141] those two big clocks there.
Bev (PS0X9) [3142] That was [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3143] That would make a nice additive to anybody's house.
[3144] ... That's it.
Bev (PS0X9) [3145] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3146] I would say so.
[3147] ... I mean, that thing is with Argos Mick it saves you walking round the blasted town!
Michael (PS0XA) [3148] Well that's right!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3149] You know I mean
Michael (PS0XA) [3150] Well, as I say, I've been all down through the ... [...] .
[3151] And as I say again, I never went into a ... into the shops, I only saw the expensive stuff really.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3152] Mm.
[3153] But it's the time it takes
Michael (PS0XA) [3154] You know [...] , Rumbelows
Wendy (PS0X8) [3155] innit?
[3156] You know, I mean
Michael (PS0XA) [3157] Dixons.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3158] Yeah, well they're all there but
Michael (PS0XA) [3159] But at least I,a , they're altogether you see, that's why I went round.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3160] I'm just , you know thinking of the time.
Michael (PS0XA) [3161] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3162] When do you have to have it by?
Michael (PS0XA) [3163] Oh er ... as long as I've got it Friday morning, but I lo , I need to know ... by
Wendy (PS0X8) [3164] Why don't you [...] then?
Michael (PS0XA) [3165] Wednesday I should think.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3166] I mean, I can go to town it's no [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [3167] No!
[3168] No!
[3169] No!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3170] It won't bother me now.
Michael (PS0XA) [3171] Well it's not necessary at all!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3172] And anyway, if you, if you run in ... if you say
Michael (PS0XA) [3173] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3174] it's a wall clock.
[3175] Just let's say ... it's one of these wall clocks.
Bev (PS0X9) [3176] All you gotta do is is just phone up and give them your
Wendy (PS0X8) [3177] Well
Bev (PS0X9) [3178] Er, just to make sure that it's there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3179] you could phone up and see if it's there, yeah.
[3180] But, failing that, you know, if yo if you're going in town anyway I can write the ticket out cos I got one here
Michael (PS0XA) [3181] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3182] and you just walk in with it, that!
Michael (PS0XA) [3183] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3184] But if you phone up and they've got one they reserve it for you but you have to get it ... that day, weren't it Bev?
[3185] ... So what's your next erm ... they were asking on the [...] .
[3186] What's your next ... item then?
Michael (PS0XA) [3187] Skittles.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3188] Skittles, that's what
Bev (PS0X9) [3189] They're good!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3190] she said.
[3191] But when I
Michael (PS0XA) [3192] And they play with them
Wendy (PS0X8) [3193] Oh!
[3194] Well I couldn't remember nothing about it!
Michael (PS0XA) [3195] No, I can't either.
[3196] It's March, but ... when in March I don't know.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3197] No, oh you're alright but I'll come in a sec .
Michael (PS0XA) [3198] And the they want me to do the ... [...] . [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3199] Mm.
[3200] ... Well that don't really interest me.
Michael (PS0XA) [3201] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3202] Not a bit.
Michael (PS0XA) [3203] Well , I've nearly dropped out but if you went along with
Wendy (PS0X8) [3204] Well I could come along in the evening perhaps.
Michael (PS0XA) [3205] Well ... the evening, afternoon.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3206] Okay.
Michael (PS0XA) [3207] Late afternoon.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3208] Yeah.
[3209] But I don't find that ... [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [3210] Well they might wanna go er ... [...] now there's two of you.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3211] Dunno.
Michael (PS0XA) [3212] Why not?
[3213] No, don't know.
[3214] That is the answer.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3215] I don't know.
[3216] Well I suppose we [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [3217] [laughing] Mm mm [] !
Wendy (PS0X8) [3218] That's what it seems, mine, mine goes out of town at least don't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [3219] They are here anyway.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3220] Oh I re remember that programme [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3221] He likes it!
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [3222] Oh well I'm doing this [...] anyway.
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3223] Don't laugh Bev!
Bev (PS0X9) [3224] Well it's boring!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3225] Right erm ... what about a barometer?
[3226] Have you had a barometer?
Bev (PS0X9) [3227] Prefer a wall clock.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3228] So would I.
[3229] And you shut the door and out of that [...] thing there.
[3230] ... That's if he's willing to go up to twenty.
Bev (PS0X9) [3231] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3232] Nineteen eighty nine, that's a nice one!
[3233] Nice one for fourteen ninety nine!
Bev (PS0X9) [3234] I like the big tall one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3235] Mm.
[3236] Well that's nineteen eighty nine.
Bev (PS0X9) [3237] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3238] But also they're fourteen ninety nine, very nice!
[3239] And it's got a pendulum.
[3240] ... Look.
Michael (PS0XA) [3241] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3242] They're all nice aren't they?
Michael (PS0XA) [3243] I wonder what size they are?
[3244] Does it say?
Bev (PS0X9) [3245] Yeah, probably.
Michael (PS0XA) [3246] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3247] Number four is sixteen by ten, by one and a half.
[3248] Sixteen
Michael (PS0XA) [3249] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3250] and one
Michael (PS0XA) [3251] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3252] half.
Michael (PS0XA) [3253] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3254] Number five ... is nineteen and a half by twelve by two and a half.
[3255] And number six ... don't tell you.
[3256] Diameter eight inches across.
Michael (PS0XA) [3257] Right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3258] Two year guarantee.
[3259] ... Oh, both of them here, either of those.
Michael (PS0XA) [3260] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3261] But that one's not bad you
Michael (PS0XA) [3262] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3263] know.
Michael (PS0XA) [3264] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3265] It's got a pendulum.
Michael (PS0XA) [3266] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3267] And that's fifteen quid!
Michael (PS0XA) [3268] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3269] Well wha , what I'll do, but I stick that
Michael (PS0XA) [3270] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3271] that's [...] bit look.
Michael (PS0XA) [3272] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3273] I mean these are all much too much.
Michael (PS0XA) [3274] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3275] I'm not
Michael (PS0XA) [3276] Ooh, is that all?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3277] I don't think anybody would er ... quibble about winning an any of those.
Michael (PS0XA) [3278] Alright. [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [3279] Right, I'm gonna go with Bevvy now.
[3280] ... Don't know whether Harold's at home today, cos he got all them people ain't he?
Bev (PS0X9) [3281] Mm?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3282] Caroline and Peter and ... Marlin [...] .
[3283] ... She's burying your wood love.
Michael (PS0XA) [3284] He does.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3285] I know.
Michael (PS0XA) [3286] [...] like he's gonna grow trees or something!
Bev (PS0X9) [3287] I dunno!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3288] Well I dunno what you do without it, I'm telling you! [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [3289] Muggy [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [3290] Er er ... oh, cos muggy out there, in the [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [3291] I know that!
[3292] What I just said!
Michael (PS0XA) [3293] Mm.
[3294] Well my hair was wet look.
Bev (PS0X9) [3295] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3296] What if he wants you to go tonight Bev?
Bev (PS0X9) [3297] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3298] It will be the opportunity to post that parcel won't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [3299] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3300] Mm.
[3301] Well I'll let him have a look later today.
[3302] But I don't think you'll get a better selection than that anyway.
Bev (PS0X9) [3303] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3304] I say if you, if you did decide on something and ... wanted it ... give me an opportunity to post ... Connie's parcel.
[3305] Anyway, I doubt very much if I want to stay in all blasted week anyway!
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3306] Well with this
Michael (PS0XA) [3307] Oh I don't know it's up to you.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3308] this weather and that, I mean it's [...] ... depressing innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [3309] Well I say, if we did and you just took it in and I went in the next day and picked it up.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3310] Yeah.
[3311] Well it, I mean let's face it it isn't gonna be no bigger than a clock is it?
Michael (PS0XA) [3312] Well no, no.
[3313] No, too right! [...] deciding what we're meant to be having.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3314] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [3315] Lots of [...] ... [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [3316] Oh yeah!
Michael (PS0XA) [3317] So it can [...] people in.
[3318] And I know we have the bottles of wine.
[3319] Sherry and, in town anything done tomorrow.
[3320] Just phone up [...] .
[3321] I mean they, everybody knows there's only one main prize.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3322] Well ... [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [3323] That's the wo , and they're always up ... [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [3324] Oh no, well I mean something that called out ev ... once a fortnight don't you?
Michael (PS0XA) [3325] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3326] That not the point
Michael (PS0XA) [3327] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3328] is it?
[3329] ... I mean Christmas ones are ... an enormous prize anyway aren't they? [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [3330] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3331] Bits and bobs anyway so ... I ain't never won one.
[3332] ... Oh well ... I suppose later on in the day ... if you have a look.
[3333] I gotta go out tomorrow anyway.
Michael (PS0XA) [3334] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3335] And I mean he will determine
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3336] I mean, cos I say, I gotta go go round Lesley's but ... there again ... there's so much on the go again.
Michael (PS0XA) [3337] Maybe [...] .
[3338] Maybe you can.
[3339] One last Sunday.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3340] I'll try to.
Michael (PS0XA) [3341] Oh well we voted for you to go there last time.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3342] I know, well sounds like [...] as well.
Michael (PS0XA) [3343] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3344] That's why you said it's [...] like at this job wasn't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [3345] Well ... it's one fifty down [...] long enough amount of time [...] .
[3346] For you to pick up a
Wendy (PS0X8) [3347] Mm.
Michael (PS0XA) [3348] a [...] .
[3349] Well I shall
Wendy (PS0X8) [3350] Pick one of them.
Michael (PS0XA) [3351] Yeah.
[3352] What does it mean?
[3353] Oh it's only ... it's got erm ... I mean I can se , see where it is and what it is in the
Wendy (PS0X8) [3354] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [3355] morning but ... evening time I could do it love.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3356] Yeah, [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [3357] Mm.
[3358] Mm, your [...] .
[3359] ... Over the magnets, one of those little unit clap things on the ... the estate where we got the car [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [3360] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [3361] I don't know, but I would imagine that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3362] Mm?
Bev (PS0X9) [3363] I said to mum I said ... works out that I get it
Michael (PS0XA) [3364] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3365] and that it's too far to walk in the mornings and that
Michael (PS0XA) [3366] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3367] I see if I can a few of erm ... one of those [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3368] Mm.
[3369] Well I said, they know it's no problem, you said
Michael (PS0XA) [3370] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3371] didn't you?
[3372] So er ... I mean if it turned out to be twelve weeks work.
Michael (PS0XA) [3373] No, don't take this the wrong way! [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [3374] No.
[3375] I won't
Michael (PS0XA) [3376] Do you still owe me a ... thirty pound?
Bev (PS0X9) [3377] Mm.
Michael (PS0XA) [3378] Ah.
Bev (PS0X9) [3379] Forgot all about it.
Michael (PS0XA) [3380] No, don't matter. [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [3381] Oh!
Michael (PS0XA) [3382] That were part of it that's all.
Bev (PS0X9) [3383] I forgot all about it.
Michael (PS0XA) [3384] It's alright.
[3385] Well I should hope somebody give it to me.
[3386] I, you know, usually ... for the hundred tonight I meant to be ... served up one packet ... and that means Wednesday buying [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [3387] [...] about.
Michael (PS0XA) [3388] No, that'll do anyway.
[3389] What do you want.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3390] No!
[3391] No
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3392] no it don't!
[3393] Everybody forgets something.
Michael (PS0XA) [3394] I thought you was gonna be, [...] like that, I was just ... wondering.
Bev (PS0X9) [3395] You little stirrer mum!
Michael (PS0XA) [3396] If it wasn't for that I'd I so , can't get what I should of done.
Bev (PS0X9) [3397] No, but you are actually.
Michael (PS0XA) [3398] You said it!
Bev (PS0X9) [3399] Paid my ransom!
Michael (PS0XA) [3400] Yeah.
[3401] I mean they work out so regular now ... that er
Wendy (PS0X8) [3402] Well I haven't worked down there lately
Michael (PS0XA) [3403] Yes, yes, yes
Wendy (PS0X8) [3404] actually.
Michael (PS0XA) [3405] Yeah.
[3406] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3407] Cos they were a pain!
Michael (PS0XA) [3408] Yeah.
[3409] Too full!
[3410] So that I ... the last time I was down there and I ... they opened up the door to go and get some cos they had hundreds in there.
[3411] Thousands, in fact, I would say.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3412] What in the cupboard?
Michael (PS0XA) [3413] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3414] Are they all blue though?
Michael (PS0XA) [3415] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3416] Oh!
[3417] Cos I thought they were doing some.
Michael (PS0XA) [3418] I bet they were, they bet there were two or three thousand of them.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3419] Yeah.
[3420] But what they
Michael (PS0XA) [3421] Full.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3422] we're doing
Michael (PS0XA) [3423] Full.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3424] was getting all this enormous load of black
Michael (PS0XA) [3425] Ah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3426] and then erm
Michael (PS0XA) [3427] Well, so you are as normal then?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3428] Well, yeah, I do what I can but
Michael (PS0XA) [3429] Well I don't think so.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3430] as I mean ... I've gotta have a look at the till on that
Michael (PS0XA) [3431] Yes, but
Wendy (PS0X8) [3432] [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [3433] if I'd have known about that, if it goes, it goes and it don't ... we should get something out of it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3434] Well erm ... I put another tripper on that.
Michael (PS0XA) [3435] No!
[3436] No!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3437] And erm
Michael (PS0XA) [3438] Alright!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3439] Dunno how long that'll take for me.
Michael (PS0XA) [3440] [...] , no.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3441] Ah?
Michael (PS0XA) [3442] You're not gonna go far [...] or nothing with it are you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3443] No.
[3444] Yeah, I'll cut it off.
[3445] Oh ... now
Michael (PS0XA) [3446] Oh oh oh, [...] !
Wendy (PS0X8) [3447] I'll cut them down then Bev, ay?
Bev (PS0X9) [3448] What?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3449] The [...] that goes in the chipper.
Bev (PS0X9) [3450] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3451] I'll cut them thin.
Bev (PS0X9) [3452] Yeah I'll
Wendy (PS0X8) [3453] Well I think you'll have to cos I don't think ... [...] don't like them too big, don't want them too big anyway do we?
Bev (PS0X9) [3454] No.
[3455] Two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen ... twenty two.
[3456] Two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen ... two, four, six, two, eight, two, fifty four, fifty five ... fifty five.
[3457] ... Eight, ten ... mm mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3458] [...] ... Ay?
Bev (PS0X9) [3459] Two ... mm, I'm counting now.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3460] Oh!
Bev (PS0X9) [3461] Two, four ... ten, [...] ... eighty six, seven, eight [...] ten, two, four, six ... [...] .
[3462] Two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty, twenty two, twenty four, twenty six, twenty eight ... thirty, two, thirty four, thirty six, thirty seven
Wendy (PS0X8) [3463] I'll be able to sew this up this afternoon.
Bev (PS0X9) [3464] Yeah.
[3465] I know you said you were able to didn't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3466] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [3467] Oh yeah, that's good!
[3468] And this'll be your easier one to sew up cos it's blue.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3469] Yeah.
[3470] These spuds aren't much good you know.
Bev (PS0X9) [3471] No?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3472] I'll have to tell him, no!
[3473] He probably have to go out to where Simon went [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [3474] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3475] No, they're ripe like hell!
Bev (PS0X9) [3476] Well it's been a very cold, cold winter.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3477] I know.
[3478] It's been ice cold that's why.
Bev (PS0X9) [3479] Yep.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3480] Mind you, I still say I like the reds.
Bev (PS0X9) [3481] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3482] They're a much better potato.
[3483] ... Well if I go on like this we'll be getting another bag next week!
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3484] Oh dear! [...] actually there but you know what I mean.
Bev (PS0X9) [3485] Yeah.
[3486] ... [sigh] Right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3487] I'll go and look at that ... potato thing ... and the meat and then ... I'll see.
[3488] See what we have to do cos the meat won't take long will it?
Bev (PS0X9) [3489] Shouldn't do.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3490] I'll give Lesley a ring in a minute.
Bev (PS0X9) [3491] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3492] Cos she ought to be down there this morning didn't she?
[3493] ... We haven't seen Helen for ages now have we?
Bev (PS0X9) [3494] No ho.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3495] When she come up with them photos I suppose ... was the last time weren't it?
[3496] Must of been mustn't it, that day?
Bev (PS0X9) [3497] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3498] What the hell is microwave film?
Michael (PS0XA) [3499] It's a load of shit!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3500] What is that then?
[3501] Gotta have it.
Bev (PS0X9) [3502] You've got to have it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3503] Yeah.
[3504] No, it's still in there, this is, [...] gotta go in the fridge for four hours.
Bev (PS0X9) [3505] It's like cling film ... but it's microwave [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [3506] Well what if I don't get it?
Bev (PS0X9) [3507] Must have it do you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3508] Yeah , it says it!
[3509] Take it out the foil tray ... erm ... put in a ... well, a pyrex ... and erm ... cover with micro co ... microwave film.
Bev (PS0X9) [3510] Cover it with a ... lid.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3511] Does that matter?
Bev (PS0X9) [3512] I would imagine it's doing exactly the same.
[3513] ... Christ, it's only up , microwave film only just come out!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3514] Has it?
Bev (PS0X9) [3515] It ain't been out that long.
[3516] Bring in your Microwave Know How.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3517] Yeah.
[3518] This has gotta defrost for four hours in the fridge.
Bev (PS0X9) [3519] Oh well.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3520] Good job I almost got it weren't it?
[3521] ... Dunno where I gotta put it, mind but still
Bev (PS0X9) [3522] It's probably cold enough out there to ... be the fridge.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3523] Ay?
Bev (PS0X9) [3524] I said it's probably cold enough out there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3525] No, well I'll put it in [...] .
[3526] ... Where's the Microwave Know How then?
Bev (PS0X9) [3527] Ah?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3528] That big one?
Bev (PS0X9) [3529] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3530] I can't reach it.
Bev (PS0X9) [3531] [shouting] Bring me the little book, that might have it as well.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3532] I can't reach the big one.
Bev (PS0X9) [3533] No, the little one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3534] Oh right.
[3535] ... Well I mean, they might sell it down the shop but ... I never heard of it.
Bev (PS0X9) [3536] It says here
Wendy (PS0X8) [3537] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3538] Cover and wrapping, wrapping food.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3539] Yeah.
[3540] What in there?
Bev (PS0X9) [3541] Ah?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3542] In the microwave?
Bev (PS0X9) [3543] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3544] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [3545] [reading microwave book] By covering ... the food during microwave cooking you can speed up the cooking procedure.
[3546] This also prevents splattering and juices all over the cooker wall [] .
[3547] That's the gravy.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3548] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [3549] It would be, yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3550] Right.
[3551] Yeah?
Bev (PS0X9) [3552] [reading] There are several ways of covering food
Wendy (PS0X8) [3553] Oh ... right.
Bev (PS0X9) [3554] use a tight fit lid
Wendy (PS0X8) [3555] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3556] to a dish
Wendy (PS0X8) [3557] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3558] or use a saucer or plate to cover.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3559] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3560] Use cooking bag ... cooking bags or roaster bag
Wendy (PS0X8) [3561] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3562] for vegetables ... and meat.
[3563] Remember to replace the metal ties ... provided with elastic band
Wendy (PS0X8) [3564] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3565] or string.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3566] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3567] Cling film, plastic wrap is inva , invaluable ... to all microwave users.
[3568] But do remember ... to puncture holes [] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [3569] It's , it says that.
Bev (PS0X9) [3570] So ... I would imagine ... as long as you put a lid on it
Wendy (PS0X8) [3571] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [3572] it's doing exactly the same.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3573] The same thing.
[3574] Do you do that when you do scrambled eggs then?
[3575] Do you put anything on it?
Bev (PS0X9) [3576] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3577] No.
[3578] Why don't that ... work the same then?
Bev (PS0X9) [3579] Because it cooks at the top and then cooks inwards.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3580] Oh.
[3581] My [...] , I better go down and get cling film I suppose.
Bev (PS0X9) [3582] I wouldn't bother!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3583] Won't bother.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3584] Well we just gotta find something that's prickable then to use ain't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [3585] Plates ... in the
Wendy (PS0X8) [3586] Yeah.
[3587] That's wha that's what it says?
Bev (PS0X9) [3588] Yeah.
[3589] I really wouldn't bother.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3590] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3591] Right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3592] I wouldn't cover that anyway.
[3593] So let the flavour out.
[3594] ... I tell you when he's coming but then I'd have the ... cooker going up the ... Swannee ... Well, well no.
Bev (PS0X9) [3595] Just say I've popped down to see the [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [3596] Yeah alright.
[3597] It's only just
Bev (PS0X9) [3598] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3599] No point in [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [3600] Yeah, that's a [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [3601] I'll say that he's gone.
[3602] Well ... speaking on telephone h hello love!
[3603] It's Wendy.
[3604] Is mum there?
Bev (PS0X9) [3605] Alright?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3606] Yeah.
[3607] Why's he acting like Sam [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3608] [laugh] ... About to say watch out he might shout without moving the receiver!
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3609] And I said he didn't.
[3610] [laugh] ... How are you?
[3611] Yeah.
[3612] Well we was coming down, now the cooker's gone up the Swannee!
[3613] And he isn't erm, it lights up in the oven.
[3614] I ain't got no bloody oven at the moment.
[3615] It lights up but it erm ... you turn to the regulo love ... and it still stays ... the same level which is ... you know, sort of you know, little.
[3616] So I've got the gas man coming tomorrow but I doubt very much he'll be able to mend it tomorrow but ... but we was, we're gonna try and get down.
[3617] She's ending up with a [...] getting on to job centres and all that, you know.
[3618] But ain't got nothing.
[3619] But er ... yeah, you ain't got nothing?
[3620] No.
[3621] Yeah.
[3622] Yeah.
[3623] Yeah.
[3624] Yeah.
[3625] Well tha that's right ee er, I mean th there is no point in sort of getting a aggravated about it is there?
[3626] None at all.
[3627] So I mean she's been waiting on that erm ... place down Junction Road but they, you know, we've had nothing from [...] .
[3628] No.
Bev (PS0X9) [3629] Asked her if she's signed on at Trevalle
Wendy (PS0X8) [3630] Lesley's had a letter to say from them ... down the job place they ain't got nothing.
[3631] Er Trevalle she's just said.
[3632] Have you heard of that one?
[3633] Tre , what is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [3634] Trevalle
Wendy (PS0X8) [3635] Trevalle Are you on that one?
[3636] Yeah, she's on it, yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [3637] Job Spot?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3638] Yeah.
[3639] You done the lot have you?
[3640] Like she has, yeah.
[3641] Yeah, well I say, it's one of those things, I mean, you get bad [...] but er ... but there's bugger all you can do is there?
[3642] You know?
[3643] ... Aha.
[3644] ... Mm.
[3645] Well, well er well it is, because I mean so many go for the sa da damn same job don't they?
[3646] But ... what about yours then, any ... nothing?
[3647] You have?
[3648] Aha.
[3649] Mm.
[3650] Does it?
[3651] Yeah.
[3652] ... The other place.
[3653] Mm.
[3654] ... Really?
[3655] ... Ha.
[3656] Yeah see that's a problem because that's like Greatley ... Greatley and Amport ... cos an an , Anne was saying that [...] wanted one in that [...] lot which is a similar, but she couldn't have one.
[3657] Yes, it's a ... Yeah.
[3658] Yes.
[3659] It's all so petty!
[3660] Innit?
[3661] You know?
[3662] ... Ha.
[3663] Yeah.
[3664] Have they?
[3665] They, they wanna get shot of ... well they've have to change their policies I think!
[3666] ... Oh have they?
[3667] ... Aha.
[3668] Yeah.
[3669] Yeah, yeah.
[3670] Oh well that's not nice then is it?
[3671] ... Yeah.
[3672] Yeah.
[3673] Yeah.
[3674] Yeah.
[3675] ... Oh, yeah.
[3676] No.
[3677] No, it's around about the [...] off innit?
[3678] You know?
[3679] Yeah.
[3680] Still, never mind I I hopefully it's a chance, you know?
[3681] I mean erm ... them solicitors sent a letter to him ... we had a copy come here but erm, he's gotta pay her fifty pound a week.
[3682] We ain't heard nothing!
[3683] Nothing at all!
[3684] So I dunno how long they're supposed to let it go on, you know?
Bev (PS0X9) [3685] Tell her he phoned you.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3686] Mm.
[3687] Well she's on income support look.
[3688] Thirty nine sixty something a, a week.
[3689] But erm ... I, you know, he he phoned again.
[3690] I suppose Bev has told you this bit.
[3691] He phoned, and I answered the phone look ... and erm ... he changed the story, he said if she wants any money I'll let her have some.
[3692] And I said, too late!
[3693] I said you've got it writing ... and in the solicitor's letter, she said in there that erm ... he must get in, if he don't understand it or er don't agree or whatever ... he must get the solicitor but er ... ain't heard, ain't nothing a about it!
[3694] Not a thing!
[3695] Mm.
[3696] Totally, yeah!
[3697] Yeah.
[3698] Oh no,tha that's it, hundred percent!
[3699] They get enough fees!
[3700] Yeah.
[3701] Yeah.
[3702] Half hour.
[3703] So I mean ... well I suppose it's, times flitting away cos I don't suppose her solicitor will let it go on forever!
[3704] They've taken out of him.
[3705] Yeah.
[3706] And they've taken out of his pay.
[3707] Anyway, but that means going to court won't it, you see?
[3708] Mm.
[3709] Well that's right!
[3710] Yeah.
[3711] Well she she reckons, you know, on the army and that he can well afford that!
[3712] And er ... I say, I dunno, he might have got a solicitor, it might be all going on, who knows?
[3713] No.
[3714] No, it's just a case of sitting.
[3715] No.
[3716] ... Well, well that's right, I mean, I know she's gotta send it in, I mean it's nothing, but it's something.
[3717] Well nothing at all!
[3718] Yeah!
[3719] We see Jenny Tuesdays, have you seen her?
[3720] Yeah!
[3721] Well you get so bloody bored don't you?
[3722] You know?
[3723] It's a good night actually.
[3724] Er, she goes down with a friend.
[3725] Oh.
[3726] ... No.
[3727] Well thi this is why we dunnit ... quite seriously because I mean I'm bored to tears!
[3728] This weather and all that and i it just ... drives me daft you know?
[3729] Th i it's a nothing sort of month innit, you know?
[3730] No!
[3731] No!
[3732] In the winter you can't.
[3733] No.
[3734] So we ... well this week on Tuesday we're erm going ... swim and spa ... and Rosemary and Anne and all them ... er Maggie they're, they are all there so ... this is what we're gonna do ... try for this week and see what it's like, you know go through all the system there.
[3735] But it is a night out.
[3736] You know?
[3737] That's right!
[3738] Yeah!
[3739] Yeah!
[3740] Cos I say, otherwise all you do is bloody housework and go to ... up the factory, you know, I mean, it's nothing!
[3741] It it's bored [...] !
[3742] How's the kids then?
[3743] Mm.
[3744] Good.
[3745] Oh well that's a ... that's a help isn't it, you know?
[3746] Oh really?
[3747] Oh, is it hi , was it his decision?

16 (Tape 036901)

Wendy (PS0X8) [3748] Well that's right!
[3749] But I mean ... [...] .
[3750] Mm!
[3751] Hell of a [...] but er ... I mean last night [...] , Val said it's alright. [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [3752] Well those sandwiches must have been
Wendy (PS0X8) [3753] Yeah, they were nice.
Bev (PS0X9) [3754] They were nice!
Michael (PS0XA) [3755] Quite nice, yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3756] Oh, they were nice. [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [3757] I do!
[3758] I I think it's fair you know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3759] Mm.
[3760] No messing about, I mean, let's be honest.
Bev (PS0X9) [3761] Oh yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3762] And er ... and then gotta [...] by himself.
Bev (PS0X9) [3763] I love salad sandwiches but I hate making them!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3764] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [3765] Too much hassle usually ain't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [3766] Well they are!
Michael (PS0XA) [3767] I mean, your mum on a Saturday used to have a gigantic ... salad sandwich!
[3768] Everything went in it!
[3769] And that fills you up.
[3770] ... I'll have another plate.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3771] Well that was ... that was more like a meal weren't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [3772] Well it's because you [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3773] In the end.
Michael (PS0XA) [3774] you put everything in it didn't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3775] I did!
[3776] Everything that was going I shoved in there!
Michael (PS0XA) [3777] Couldn't cut it!
[3778] Couldn't get
Wendy (PS0X8) [3779] No.
Michael (PS0XA) [...] [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3780] and it all , all fell out anyway.
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3781] We got
Michael (PS0XA) [3782] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [3783] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3784] Well I say, I I'm really annoyed about those tops but
Michael (PS0XA) [3785] Mm. [...] [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3786] It don't matter I mean it's a change anyway but
Michael (PS0XA) [3787] It's not today you can't get them innit?
[3788] It's yesterday when you bought you it.
Bev (PS0X9) [3789] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3790] Yeah, well that's quite a point innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [3791] Mm.
[3792] Yes.
Bev (PS0X9) [3793] Well I do remember ... standing there saying ... oh well I can do those on top.
Michael (PS0XA) [3794] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3795] So that'll be alright for tomorrow.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3796] And we haven't got any further.
Michael (PS0XA) [3797] Mm!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3798] And we should of dropped that off! [...] have them tomorrow.
[3799] I mean them ... let's face it ... one out the three of us should of ... thought a bit more.
[3800] ... [...] they are now, they [...] the week.
[3801] I suppose you dunno when he's gonna mend this cooker.
Michael (PS0XA) [3802] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3803] Well normally it takes at least two days
Michael (PS0XA) [3804] Well do you want [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3805] Yes!
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3806] Well ... they used, and it's only that, I don't know ... o get a lorry up on a Wednesday.
[3807] And that, [...] that we only have to wait till Thursday
Michael (PS0XA) [3808] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3809] somebody else will say
Michael (PS0XA) [3810] Well they can't can they? [...] [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3811] Well somebody else to ... Ay?
Michael (PS0XA) [3812] Don't worry about it!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3813] Well I know, I don't worry, it's just annoying innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [3814] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3815] But somebody who broke down on a Thursday
Michael (PS0XA) [3816] Using er ... use the tea caddy [...] on that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3817] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [3818] Like the pies that are cooked.
[3819] As long as you know that your ... gonna do it then you heat it
Wendy (PS0X8) [3820] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [3821] up in that where you are aren't they?
[3822] As long
Wendy (PS0X8) [3823] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [3824] your pies are cooked.
[3825] We've proved that they're
Wendy (PS0X8) [3826] Yeah.
[3827] Oh yeah!
[3828] I mean, that is a way out isn't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [3829] Be truthful.
Bev (PS0X9) [3830] Well ... well let's face it, one of the girls I used to work with going up ... [...] , she never used a ... ordinary oven.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3831] Didn't she?
Bev (PS0X9) [3832] Nope!
[3833] Never!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3834] Mm.
[3835] Well ... if you're, if you're able to do what you wanna do in other ways.
Michael (PS0XA) [3836] Cos they, like the microwave, it's just lots of things.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3837] I should think they use it ... you know, well Lesley does the majority of the time.
Michael (PS0XA) [3838] Right.
[3839] Yeah, well Lesley's a ... a little bit different.
[3840] Cos I mean that's something ... because they're at work they build up with
Bev (PS0X9) [3841] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [3842] Oh yeah, I think that's absolutely right!
Michael (PS0XA) [3843] If you don't know any different.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3844] That's up to you.
Michael (PS0XA) [3845] Different system.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3846] Well no, not only that if it's the simplest way
Michael (PS0XA) [3847] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3848] for yourself, I suppose you carry on doing it wouldn't you?
Michael (PS0XA) [3849] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3850] I mean, a lot more mess and a lot more ... doings the other way.
Michael (PS0XA) [3851] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3852] Well, the spuds are alright aren't they?
Michael (PS0XA) [3853] Mm!
[3854] Nothing wrong with them.
[3855] That's all I can tell you so far.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3856] The other
Michael (PS0XA) [3857] In fact
Wendy (PS0X8) [3858] [...] of table.
Michael (PS0XA) [3859] that ... Ay?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3860] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3861] Oh, missed that one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3862] Well I I was, I was wondering, see on the market generally they're whites.
Michael (PS0XA) [3863] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3864] And they all come up well.
Michael (PS0XA) [3865] Well I first ... well I'll try and see Sam, well ... when do you need them? [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3866] Oh no, I won't , I won't need them yet but
Michael (PS0XA) [3867] but [...] you know
Wendy (PS0X8) [3868] it depends where they go along there doesn't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [3869] Well, well I say, I shall see Sam in between even if it's Friday night.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3870] Mm.
[3871] It depends, I mean
Michael (PS0XA) [3872] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3873] if they go along ... they might get better as you go they might get worse, who kno , who knows!
[3874] But er
Bev (PS0X9) [3875] Oh isn't [...] good!
Michael (PS0XA) [3876] Well
Wendy (PS0X8) [3877] But
Michael (PS0XA) [3878] it hurt but it's gonna feel [...] .
[3879] They'll be a result somewhere.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3880] Some of them, these are a bit hard in the middle you know.
Michael (PS0XA) [3881] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [3882] Spuds.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3883] Spuds.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3884] Mm, well I should of said, I mean like they used to.
Michael (PS0XA) [3885] That's right.
[3886] I did a few of the last ones but [...] . [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [3887] The thing is that when you erm ... if you cut them down so much you are gonna have ... total saute aren't you?
Michael (PS0XA) [3888] Did you ... pre-cook them?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3889] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [3890] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3891] Yeah, I did.
Michael (PS0XA) [3892] Mm.
[3893] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3894] But I mean, it just means cutting them smaller actually.
Michael (PS0XA) [3895] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3896] Don't you?
[3897] ... Oh I was sick of them [...] down there.
[3898] Blame it on [...] .
[3899] Don't worry about the swimming cos we've been down there and she said yeah, I can't stir myself.
Michael (PS0XA) [3900] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3901] Lesley [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [3902] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3903] Well Jenny's asked her you see.
Michael (PS0XA) [3904] Mm.
[3905] ... Can't what?
Wendy (PS0X8) [3906] Stir herself.
Michael (PS0XA) [3907] Oh!
[3908] I thought you said spare herself [...] I was gonna say ... what has she gotta do, [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [3909] He fell over then!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3910] Did he?
[3911] I didn't look.
[3912] She said she'd gone after that house ... but she's not in the blasted catchment area though!
Michael (PS0XA) [3913] Oh Christ!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3914] You know, like that great big effort we said about.
Michael (PS0XA) [3915] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3916] But ... they can't sell them.
Michael (PS0XA) [3917] That's right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3918] But, so she might stand a chance.
[3919] Cos in the end I mean they've gotta sell them ain't they?
Michael (PS0XA) [3920] They're growing up in the village.
[3921] And they've gone up from outside haven't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [3922] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3923] They reckon
Michael (PS0XA) [3924] [...] , sometimes the village ... catchment is not
Wendy (PS0X8) [3925] What?
Michael (PS0XA) [3926] Well ... there could be no [...] in the village ... in some instances.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3927] Yeah.
[3928] Well as she said, it's only minutes down the road ... and they say [...] don't come into it.
Michael (PS0XA) [3929] Mm.
[3930] ... And where it's at?
Bev (PS0X9) [3931] I dunno.
[3932] ... Well I'm not sure about them.
Michael (PS0XA) [3933] We , well it's a whole parish away.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3934] Not sure about what Bev?
Bev (PS0X9) [3935] Potatoes.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3936] Potatoes.
Bev (PS0X9) [3937] I'm afraid, some of them are alright but some of them are not.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3938] The what Mick,so sorry?
Michael (PS0XA) [3939] Well I say the er ... it's a fair result ... as far as catchment is concerned, it's one parish to the next.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3940] Mm.
[3941] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [3942] That's what parishes are all about, that's all.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3943] They never bring in any in [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [3944] They have to.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3945] [...] ... they've rented out all the rented ones.
Michael (PS0XA) [3946] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3947] But er ... Peter's been on the ten day holiday abroad.
Michael (PS0XA) [3948] Mhm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3949] [...] ... got away.
Michael (PS0XA) [3950] Oh well, course.
[3951] [...] . Er well, unless they want to do a ... go for a piece of this ... I mean, as well anybody, if not better than anybody now.
[3952] ... And you just think [...] .
[3953] One meal of it at the moment.
Bev (PS0X9) [3954] Yeah.
[3955] I know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3956] Yep.
Bev (PS0X9) [3957] Well it's [...] before innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [3958] You what?
[3959] Mm.
[3960] See you should do a fair amount of [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [3961] Oh yeah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3962] He was doing that with business anyway.
Michael (PS0XA) [3963] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3964] He said er ... he got a letter from Brampton Row
Michael (PS0XA) [3965] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3966] No jobs!
Michael (PS0XA) [3967] Oh!
[3968] Well there ain't ... at the moment!
[3969] I mean er, that's what ... they've gotta get used to.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3970] Well, but whether he just
Michael (PS0XA) [3971] Yeah.
[3972] I mean tha , if you got that one, you got that one but
Bev (PS0X9) [3973] If you won't, you won't.
Michael (PS0XA) [3974] Yeah, that's right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3975] But they've lost [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [3976] I know!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3977] it's the situation ... she said and we'll stick with it.
Michael (PS0XA) [3978] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3979] I said that [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [3980] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3981] But I think you get to the stage where you don't expect to get one you know?
Michael (PS0XA) [3982] It's a [...] and do it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3983] Mm.
Michael (PS0XA) [3984] They'll have two in one day!
Wendy (PS0X8) [3985] Well that's wha , that's the other situation innit?
[3986] ... Is that other bloke still there?
Michael (PS0XA) [3987] Don't know.
[3988] Still not sure, I think so.
[3989] I'm not sure.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3990] Well he was nice, that day you were talking about me.
[3991] Chatting to the right one.
Michael (PS0XA) [3992] No, no I think so.
[3993] But al although that [...] ... so Les knows the other.
[3994] I mean I was
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [3995] I joined [...] a while ago remember.
Wendy (PS0X8) [3996] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [3997] Yeah, I'm not keen on them spuds.
Michael (PS0XA) [3998] No, some of the trouble [...] .
[3999] You know what it's all for.
[4000] It's the [...] , the little one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4001] Well I should of done them all.
Bev (PS0X9) [4002] Well it's not, I'm bloated anyway.
[4003] Aren't I mum?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4004] Well, so you say!
Michael (PS0XA) [4005] You were [...] sat down.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4006] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [4007] Now I'm on.
[4008] I've come
Michael (PS0XA) [4009] I see.
Bev (PS0X9) [4010] on.
Michael (PS0XA) [4011] Ah!
Bev (PS0X9) [4012] That's why you heard me about this morning!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4013] I see!
Michael (PS0XA) [4014] Well yeah , that's the one that got out.
[4015] I mean I could of gone out [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [4016] not long before sh ... she came back though.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4017] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [4018] Did he?
Michael (PS0XA) [4019] I was most ... most surprised, yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [4020] You did?
Michael (PS0XA) [4021] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [4022] Cos when erm ... oh crumbs!
[4023] When ... I pulled the toilet, I thought [whispering] oh shit [] !
Wendy (PS0X8) [4024] So normally he gets up then.
Bev (PS0X9) [4025] I know.
[4026] I know, that's why I don't do it in the morning.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4027] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [4028] Mum?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4029] No.
Bev (PS0X9) [4030] My nose has decided to run.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4031] Well it's alright then, it ain't ... what I want personally.
Bev (PS0X9) [4032] Mm.
Michael (PS0XA) [4033] Well that's good then.
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4034] [laughing] Ah [] !
[4035] Well that's good!
[4036] It's on and all!
[4037] I used to fill up that's why I don't work.
Bev (PS0X9) [4038] I'd rather fill up today.
[4039] ... I've been going, I'm going to [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [4040] Mhm.
[4041] When?
Bev (PS0X9) [4042] Erm, it's er ... it tightens your neck muscles.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4043] And it will [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [4044] The [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [4045] [laugh] ... We're on weight six already daddy!
Michael (PS0XA) [4046] [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [4047] Twenty.
Michael (PS0XA) [4048] Oh!
Bev (PS0X9) [4049] Not bad going.
Michael (PS0XA) [4050] No, but you gotta do that [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [4051] Oh it is a dreary old [...] day innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4052] Yep.
[4053] ... Oh!
Bev (PS0X9) [4054] Do you want anything here?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4055] [laughing] Aha [] !
Bev (PS0X9) [4056] Yeah?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4057] Where's that girl from?
[4058] China or somewhere is she?
[4059] You know there's one beautiful Chinese or whatever!
[4060] Last
Bev (PS0X9) [4061] What last night?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4062] night.
Bev (PS0X9) [4063] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4064] She was dressed in one of the ... outfits, and I thought well that suits you down to the ground!
[4065] ... Cos I like watching their faces.
Bev (PS0X9) [4066] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4067] [...] , you can see they're fed up.
[4068] You can see [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [4069] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4070] don't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [4071] They were dancing for you last night.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4072] Well, you missed ... a certain amount ... facewise particularly.
Bev (PS0X9) [4073] Yep.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4074] From the other side.
Bev (PS0X9) [4075] But ... don't get the seats right at the bottom [...] ... next time.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4076] Ooh no!
[4077] I won't!
Bev (PS0X9) [4078] No.
[4079] I don't know what Helen will do now actually.
Michael (PS0XA) [4080] They didn't involve her in it did they?
Bev (PS0X9) [4081] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4082] Well, only across the other side, they sat down there.
Michael (PS0XA) [4083] That'll [...] if they didn't, they [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4084] No.
[4085] No.
Michael (PS0XA) [4086] They want the old
Bev (PS0X9) [4087] No, I thought it was excellent!
[4088] I really did!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4089] That was the nicest trip weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [4090] Mm.
Michael (PS0XA) [4091] I say that chuck over's good you know!
Bev (PS0X9) [4092] It was really good!
Michael (PS0XA) [4093] But er , you know, I mean, I know it's only practice and you know how far you gotta be in front of the other whatever!
Bev (PS0X9) [4094] Well saying he dropped those too.
Michael (PS0XA) [4095] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [4096] But
Wendy (PS0X8) [4097] You know [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [4098] He's practically running [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4099] Are those those discs or whatever you
Michael (PS0XA) [4100] Mm!
Bev (PS0X9) [4101] They were very effective!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4102] They were effective!
[4103] ... They caught up in the air didn't they?
Michael (PS0XA) [4104] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4105] I say, it's all the practice, he suddenly worked it out
Michael (PS0XA) [4106] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4107] you know?
Michael (PS0XA) [4108] Oh yeah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4109] You're gonna drop one of those.
Michael (PS0XA) [4110] Well it's all the practice cos I mean ... he was moving all the time!
Bev (PS0X9) [4111] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4112] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [4113] Well he was very good!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4114] Well they all were.
[4115] I mean that ... that couple of blokes
Michael (PS0XA) [4116] Mm.
[4117] I tell you if I had a ... if I had a preference it was when everybody was on the ice.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4118] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [4119] But I don't enjoy the ice skating that much to think ... they were good at their job, yes
Wendy (PS0X8) [4120] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [4121] but ... it don't mean nothing to me the skating.
[4122] ... I say, it's not that they weren't good.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4123] Well no, but I mean I'm not a lover [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [4124] Well I love it when they do the acrobatic part of it!
Michael (PS0XA) [4125] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4126] It's something going on innit?
[4127] I mean, I like the costume, I mean I thought they
Michael (PS0XA) [4128] Well so did I!
[4129] And when they were ... th ... the [...] the film.
Bev (PS0X9) [4130] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4131] Yeah.
[4132] The red buses and the ... mauve ones and all that I mean they
Michael (PS0XA) [4133] Oh, they never goes up.
[4134] They're just doing a ... like a walk.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4135] Spectacular!
Bev (PS0X9) [4136] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4137] Spectacular!
Michael (PS0XA) [4138] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [4139] But that Liquorice Allsort one ... I er
Michael (PS0XA) [4140] Brilliant!
Bev (PS0X9) [4141] brilliant!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4142] It was.
Michael (PS0XA) [4143] Mm.
[4144] All put all their pickles on there?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4145] She did.
Bev (PS0X9) [4146] I did.
[4147] Don't they look like [...] ?
Michael (PS0XA) [4148] [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [4149] They look like burnt [...] !
Michael (PS0XA) [cough]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4150] [laughing] That was all ... [...] [] !
[4151] ... That's what I did with a cup of tea this morning ... didn't I [...] ?
[4152] It was a ruddy great gulp!
[4153] It's not on!
Bev (PS0X9) [4154] Yeah, you come running out of her bedroom
Wendy (PS0X8) [4155] Didn't know what to do!
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4156] So it's not as if we're having [...] breathing and ... didn't know what to do! ... [...] weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [4157] I've seen one bloke with a giro [...] this week.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4158] What [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [4159] Yeah.
[4160] Twenty.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4161] Well there's no [...] today.
[4162] It's not on all the time.
Michael (PS0XA) [4163] No, it's alright.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4164] Today is it?
Michael (PS0XA) [4165] Ye yeah it's er ... closing
Wendy (PS0X8) [4166] The
Michael (PS0XA) [4167] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4168] Then you got the sno , blinking snooker every night so
Bev (PS0X9) [4169] Oh.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4170] Well probably ... at six.
Michael (PS0XA) [4171] I reckon [...] the highlights [...] ... of erm ... and this is what this is.
[4172] Highlights.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4173] Is it?
Michael (PS0XA) [4174] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4175] That is a good top innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [4176] Mm.
[4177] Did you see that [...] , which one was it?
[4178] That ... blue one?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4179] Blue one.
[4180] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4181] Yeah.
[4182] Well it doesn't slide on the ice weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [4183] Ooh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4184] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4185] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [4186] You could see in some of their eyes they were a little bit
Wendy (PS0X8) [4187] Yeah, when they er
Michael (PS0XA) [whistling]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4188] didn't they muck up the ice?
Bev (PS0X9) [4189] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4190] [...] .
[4191] ... It's a lot of work weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [4192] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4193] Well, I'm going [...] to start this thing off.
[4194] If I don't get on and do it ... I'm never gonna get it done.
Bev (PS0X9) [4195] That, I like that!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4196] Ay?
[4197] Yeah, I like that!
[4198] I do.
[4199] Well that is ... really yo you feel good wearing that I would have thought.
Bev (PS0X9) [4200] Lot of work's gone onto them things.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4201] Have they?
Bev (PS0X9) [4202] Dowdy!
[4203] She just had a black skirt.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4204] Well blimey!
[4205] I don't why, should of [...] when you were young.
Bev (PS0X9) [4206] No, well I wouldn't [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4207] [...] one of those.
Bev (PS0X9) [4208] No, can't, too much children there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4209] Yeah , I know it has but er ... Lisa's fits you.
Bev (PS0X9) [4210] Lisa's fits me now. [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4211] Well I say again, I thought they might go with the children.
Bev (PS0X9) [4212] No I meant
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [4213] I know!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4214] It probably is erm
Bev (PS0X9) [4215] Well [...] all ... women now I don't think.
Michael (PS0XA) [4216] Put a film on?
Bev (PS0X9) [4217] Mm mm.
Michael (PS0XA) [4218] It just goes in like that.
Bev (PS0X9) [4219] Mm mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4220] Yes!
[4221] And we [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [4222] Hey?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4223] Have a load of kids.
Bev (PS0X9) [4224] Real excited mother!
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4225] [laughing] Yeah [] !
Michael (PS0XA) [4226] Did you hear about the one on the seat upstairs?
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [4227] She did that [...] !
[4228] Cos I don't care!
[4229] Got more than me.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4230] We have one, it [...] , let him know it must be how you sound.
Bev (PS0X9) [4231] Yeah, that'd be a good tester.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4232] Mm.
[4233] It's er, that's not me!
[4234] That's not me!
Bev (PS0X9) [4235] Oh yeah!
[4236] So that we would be pleased.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4237] Well ... I dunno, I'm surprised nativity's started at school now.
[4238] I go ... go round with the bloody [...] out there today!
[4239] At one time.
[4240] I think some of them have gone now.
Bev (PS0X9) [4241] Yeah, I think you just got the gu , red one.
[4242] The little red one.
Michael (PS0XA) [4243] Don't matter about that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4244] There was another one in the
Michael (PS0XA) [4245] Yeah so
Wendy (PS0X8) [4246] drive.
Michael (PS0XA) [4247] [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [4248] Why put it on by the [...] ?
Michael (PS0XA) [4249] Yeah, well I don't want that, I just found ... didn't wanna kick it, I
Wendy (PS0X8) [4250] I put it up that end cos I thought anybody
Michael (PS0XA) [4251] I just want
Wendy (PS0X8) [4252] sitting there that ain't got one, it's
Michael (PS0XA) [4253] Oh.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4254] it's handy.
Michael (PS0XA) [4255] Yeah, but I I
Wendy (PS0X8) [4256] Kick it off, yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [4257] Mm.
[4258] Well I used it just now that's why I knew ... there was something in there.
Bev (PS0X9) [4259] What [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4260] Well that's probably [...] before or just after a service.
Michael (PS0XA) [4261] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [4262] Well that's just right then.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4263] If it's ready.
Michael (PS0XA) [4264] Mm!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4265] Well if he's anything like last week he won't be!
Bev (PS0X9) [4266] Well, then he might have to ... he makes a mess of that bed ... I ain't made of money you know!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4267] Oh yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [4268] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4269] Well [...] ... when I was up there.
[4270] Oh well, they find a [...] it goes all over this [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [4271] Oh! [...] jumps on, jumped all over the end of my bed last night, got the bed covers
Wendy (PS0X8) [4272] No, it wasn't th , last night, it was this morning.
[4273] Oh well!
Bev (PS0X9) [4274] Well I dunno, it was a good night out.
Michael (PS0XA) [4275] It's my
Wendy (PS0X8) [4276] Ay?
Michael (PS0XA) [4277] Is it, my tape in there?
[4278] Or have you changed it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4279] I don't know what's in there.
[4280] We haven't touched it.
Michael (PS0XA) [4281] Oh well if you ain't touched it, it's mine then.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4282] No we got nothing in it, unless ... this, oh it's three o'clock!
Michael (PS0XA) [4283] Well, take mine out then.
[4284] Don't run it back cos a ... I've got so far on it.
Bev (PS0X9) [4285] Oh!
Michael (PS0XA) [4286] The Belgian one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4287] What we were gonna do is see what this bit like
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [4288] And you want erm
Bev (PS0X9) [4289] Can I have a [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [4290] your old boy's network tonight?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4291] Oh yeah!
Michael (PS0XA) [4292] Oh well I shall have to watch from ten o'clock then.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4293] Well
Michael (PS0XA) [4294] There's something on the other side.
[4295] No, no, no, no!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4296] No, well no, listen to me!
[4297] Don't bother
Michael (PS0XA) [4298] I'm not bothered.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4299] cos I'll probably blooming watch it anyway!
Bev (PS0X9) [4300] You probably will.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4301] I probably will Mick, cos I don't
Bev (PS0X9) [4302] [...] half past nine.
Michael (PS0XA) [4303] Well see.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4304] I don't put the light out at ten do I?
Michael (PS0XA) [4305] No, but I say, it's up to you.
[4306] If you
Wendy (PS0X8) [4307] I want it
Michael (PS0XA) [4308] want it saved then [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [4309] I told her off last week cos she was watching it!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4310] I watched half of it last week, as soon as you told me off I ... I put it off.
Bev (PS0X9) [4311] Because she was having it taped and watching it!
[4312] So I said that's it!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4313] Yeah I was, yeah.
[4314] And it's half a blooming hour weren't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [4315] Mm.
[4316] But does your thing starts at ten o'clock though?
Bev (PS0X9) [4317] That's alright, I'll let her watch it tonight.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4318] Ah yeah.
[4319] No, you do what you want.
Bev (PS0X9) [4320] I've got to get my jumper finished.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4321] Oh!
Bev (PS0X9) [4322] Oh I think I'll have a bit.
Michael (PS0XA) [4323] What's this then?
Bev (PS0X9) [4324] This is
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [4325] Force Ten to ... Navarone.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4326] Navarone or something.
Michael (PS0XA) [4327] Oh well they've just blown it up then.
[4328] Oh well!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4329] Navarone , I can't have
Michael (PS0XA) [4330] Have you seen it then?
[4331] Ah ah ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4332] It's not the [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [4333] No, but he ... is it [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4334] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [4335] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [4336] Oh well they've just ... blown the lot up!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4337] Sorry?
Michael (PS0XA) [4338] They've just blown the lot up!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4339] Well it had to be three o'clock dunnit? [...] ... it's the dreary neighbours weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [4340] No, [...] .
[4341] I thought it was though.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4342] Ah that's right!
[4343] ... That's right, yeah!
[4344] Robert Shaw.
Michael (PS0XA) [4345] Oh that's [...] innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [4346] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4347] Harrison Ford.
[4348] ... Edward Fox.
Bev (PS0X9) [4349] Yeah, well I, I I saw it in the paper.
[4350] I mean, you never know ... erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [4351] Well it could be quite a good story.
Bev (PS0X9) [4352] Well we've got the old Errol ... Flynn so I mean we have got
Wendy (PS0X8) [4353] Yeah, that's not a war one!
Bev (PS0X9) [4354] Yes but
Wendy (PS0X8) [4355] And ... don't let us forget Lovejoy tonight!
Bev (PS0X9) [4356] No!
[4357] But make sure we put it on the right side though!
[4358] I was quite annoyed about that! [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4359] Have to remember it.
Bev (PS0X9) [4360] that, yeah.
[4361] Blake.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4362] Blake.
[4363] At least reme ... remembered.
Bev (PS0X9) [4364] Remembered.
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [4365] though it was.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4366] Wasn't!
[4367] But I thought you would of reminded me.
Michael (PS0XA) [4368] Yeah, [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4369] Ha!
[4370] That'll be a [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [4371] Ooh, innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4372] Want a Kit-Kat?
Bev (PS0X9) [4373] No, [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [4374] Yeah, I wouldn't mind if you're going to get one.
[4375] Oh, [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4376] I thought knowing me
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4377] Well if I don't bring them in they'll sit in the cupboard
Michael (PS0XA) [4378] Yeah, I was going to get them down.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4379] And then we all say cor look, we haven't started them!
[4380] Here are then, you ready?
Michael (PS0XA) [4381] Yep!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4382] Well you just [...] in here.
Michael (PS0XA) [4383] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [4384] Oh there weren't much in [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [4385] I like them.
Bev (PS0X9) [4386] I do!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4387] I like Kit-Kat very much!
[4388] Especially these little ones.
Bev (PS0X9) [4389] The four ones are too much!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4390] Yeah, it is too much.
[4391] That's too
Bev (PS0X9) [4392] Oh thank you [...] .
[4393] ... Are you starting again?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4394] Well only ... if it's, I mean that's decent look innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [4395] God, it's [...] !
Michael (PS0XA) [4396] Pardon?
Bev (PS0X9) [4397] It's [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4398] It's [...] . ... [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [4399] [...] .
[4400] Oh yeah!
[4401] That's all I'm doing isn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4402] Are you going up [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [4403] I don't know yet.
[4404] See how I feel.
Michael (PS0XA) [4405] What's that?
Bev (PS0X9) [4406] Oh I'm going back to [...] .
[4407] Didn't want anyone up at the [...] .
[4408] And would you write my letters for him?
Michael (PS0XA) [4409] Up where?
Bev (PS0X9) [4410] At the doctors.
[4411] You ought to have it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4412] This one will be alright.
Bev (PS0X9) [4413] No ... she's not a [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4414] Mm?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4415] That's the bloke!
[4416] That's the bloke with her!
Bev (PS0X9) [4417] [...] , that's the bloke that was in Upstairs Downstairs!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4418] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [4419] Isn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4420] Yeah, he was but I can't remember what he was
Bev (PS0X9) [4421] Lady Hamilton's ... what's a name?
[4422] Colonel ... it was ... Colonel and somebody
Wendy (PS0X8) [4423] Mm.
[4424] I can't remember.
Bev (PS0X9) [4425] that was upstairs ... wasn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4426] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [4427] [...] or up , downstairs.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4428] Well if somebody at work or in a office, bound to have a watch.
[4429] I'll take it in one week but ... if not, I'll leave it there.
Michael (PS0XA) [4430] Mm.
[4431] Leave it there and [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4432] Ay?
Michael (PS0XA) [4433] Let us know that you
Bev (PS0X9) [4434] Mm.
Michael (PS0XA) [4435] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4436] Mm.
[4437] Mind, she could of got that first one out.
[4438] Shouldn't she?
Michael (PS0XA) [4439] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4440] Oh dear oh dear!
Bev (PS0X9) [4441] Oh! [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4442] Yeah oh, I've done it now.
[4443] ... I think the bloody adults should [...] wouldn't they?
[4444] ... Well really.
[4445] ... Oh my God!
Bev (PS0X9) [4446] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4447] Is it a what?
Bev (PS0X9) [4448] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4449] A what?
Bev (PS0X9) [4450] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4451] Why?
Bev (PS0X9) [4452] [...] .
[4453] ... What are they staying in aeroplane?
Michael (PS0XA) [4454] No.
[4455] [...] , the last three missions th whatever they have they'll use
Bev (PS0X9) [4456] Oh!
Michael (PS0XA) [4457] three more of them.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4458] That's right.
Bev (PS0X9) [4459] Ask you what a [...] are they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4460] What are you on?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4461] What's that?
[4462] Oh what, with no [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [4463] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4464] Oh!
[4465] Oh!
[4466] Well it's individual innit?
[4467] ... Well ... that's a quite good one!
Bev (PS0X9) [4468] [...] .
[4469] It's on hold though.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4470] No, on that.
[4471] ... He knows what to do.
[4472] So, he wanna be a hero I suppose doesn't he?
Bev (PS0X9) [4473] In the end ... it's probably.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4474] [...] is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [4475] Well ... [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4476] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [4477] Oh well.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4478] I don't mind.
[4479] ... Oh that Harrison Ford he's a ... good actor I thinks.
Bev (PS0X9) [4480] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4481] There's always plenty of action anyway.
[4482] isn't there?
Bev (PS0X9) [4483] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4484] Do you wanna sweet?
Bev (PS0X9) [4485] Oh go on then!
[4486] Twist my arm!
[4487] I'll have a [...] one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4488] Do you want some chocolate?
Bev (PS0X9) [4489] I think ... [...] [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4490] [laugh] ... Yeah, [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [4491] Your [...] looked at me then.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4492] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [4493] I don't know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4494] It is!
[4495] Taking on the rest of them.
Bev (PS0X9) [4496] Hic!
[4497] [...] . ... Shut up!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4498] Bloody neighbour!
[4499] Bloody screeching kids!

17 (Tape 036902)

Wendy (PS0X8) [4500] They never come in without their, screaming their damned heads off do they?
Bev (PS0X9) [4501] Ooh it smells [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4502] Never have a, yeah it flipping does! ... [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [4503] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4504] That feeling, I know ... little [...] !
[4505] ... They've stopped.
[4506] ... Coming out.
Bev (PS0X9) [4507] Oh they probably don't know they're there do they?

18 (Tape 036903)

Bev (PS0X9) [4508] There's not many left out of the companies.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4509] No, no outcome.
[4510] ... But [...] outside
Bev (PS0X9) [4511] [laughing] Have you been [...] [] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4512] As I say, what's the point of having [...] and the dogs?
[4513] ... Mm!
Bev (PS0X9) [4514] Look, the reason he jumps [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4515] Well ... that was the end of that!
[4516] ... Don't know who that is!
Bev (PS0X9) [4517] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4518] Is it?
[4519] ... Oh!

19 (Tape 037001)

Wendy (PS0X8) [4520] I can't understand why it don't get on her nerves, but you
Michael (PS0XA) [4521] I know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4522] can't, if people gonna ignore it
Michael (PS0XA) [4523] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4524] then er ... it goes over the top of their head dunnit?
Michael (PS0XA) [4525] Well I mean what's the alternative?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4526] Why?
Michael (PS0XA) [4527] What's the alternative?
[4528] You know, I mean ... she either ... gets on with it or gets rid of them don't she?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4529] Well no
Michael (PS0XA) [4530] It's simple!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4531] she can insulate the house.
Michael (PS0XA) [4532] Well that don't stop it from ... getting on her nerves does it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4533] Yeah, but it don't get on her nerves that's the whole point!
[4534] I mean she's obviously able to throw it off.
[4535] I mean, she's in there Mick.
Michael (PS0XA) [4536] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4537] And when we hear it in here ... she's got it worse in there cos she's in
Michael (PS0XA) [4538] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4539] there!
[4540] But I mean that yesterday afternoon ... you'd have thought the bloody things were in here wouldn't
Michael (PS0XA) [4541] Yes.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4542] you?
[4543] That was two of them but
Michael (PS0XA) [4544] Yeah.

20 (Tape 037002)

Wendy (PS0X8) [4545] She said she didn't hear them.
[4546] Yesterday afternoon, well it started off on Saturday ... and he ended up outside that house ... I'm outside ours ... there was three cars in the drive which you cannot get!
[4547] Right?
[4548] So one went right across the pavement.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4549] Terrible!
[4550] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4551] Now added to that ... by our wall ... there was this ruddy great lorry again ... it's a great bit thing with an open back right?
[4552] We a long
Sandra (PS0XD) [4553] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4554] open back.
[4555] So they park that up on the ... pavement outside our wall ... didn't come to our gate ... but, and then ... didn't it obstruct Alan's because they had it on the pavement, so anybody going down the pavement
Sandra (PS0XD) [4556] Out in the road.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4557] had to go out in the road!
[4558] So I said to Mick ... I'm sure that's illegal.
[4559] Well he don't know!
[4560] Anyway, so ... banging doors ... people galore!
[4561] So come yesterday ... there was ... people going and all this business ... and it ended up ... with just ... her car and one red one ... then the red one goes out ... she goes with the woman ... they're outside there ... two of those bloody King Charles!
[4562] And they were in the front room going wild!
[4563] Then the afternoon, we'd had lunch ... anyway ... I'd got up out the chair, I was so bloody livid!
[4564] I got up out the chair and er ... went out the front door ... and ... I said to her for God's sake it's Sunday!
[4565] What do you mean?
[4566] I said well hell well you've got them going in there full pelt ... you don't go in there to stop it!
[4567] And she said I can't hear them when I'm outside.
[4568] And I said, everybody can hear when they're walking down the pavement!
[4569] And er ... I said to her, you know, you must realise that ... when we're in here we can hear, no, you'd of thought they was in ... around our feet!
[4570] Well I can't hear them!
[4571] She had the door open at the moment ... with these bloody dogs yapping ... and she looked at me and said I can't hear them!
[4572] So, I said to her right, I said ... you wanna be in here ... live in here ... I said I'll invite you in!
[4573] And she went in and shut the door!
[4574] Well wha , that's it!
[4575] Mick said to me, what did she say?
[4576] What did she say?
[4577] So I told him!
[4578] And I said, you know, quite honestly Sandra she does nothing ... to stop these dogs.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4579] She's deaf is she?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4580] Well I wonder if she's got a hearing problem, she'd never says she has.
[4581] But you think come on!
[4582] I mean [...] ! [lorry noise]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4583] I mean she had the door, the front door open!
[4584] At that
Sandra (PS0XD) [4585] I'm surprised she couldn't even hear!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4586] Oh!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4587] I mean we have double glazing.
[4588] The idea if you've got double glazing
Wendy (PS0X8) [4589] So have I!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4590] And yes, I can hear at my front door next door but one [...] the window.
[4591] If somebody goes up their path and she barks you can hear it!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4592] Well, I said to Mick, he's just got up now.
[4593] Oh, I said to him look ... I said she obviously a person that takes no notice [...] , but she lives out in the country.
[4594] Because she's in there!
[4595] When it goes on inside, she's in there!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4596] I'm su sure she can't hear it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4597] She said I can't
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4598] hear it when I'm out here.
[4599] So I said, well that's it!
[4600] I know he don't this Sandra ... and I don't care a sod!
[4601] Bloody had a gutful of her!
[4602] I mean, for a start I don't think she should have four dogs shout out ... in there all the hours that they are!
[4603] And er ... I'm not saying they're ill treated ... cos they're probably not, but there's different ways of ill treating isn't there?
Sandra (PS0XD) [4604] I mean they don't look scruffy
Wendy (PS0X8) [4605] Certainly!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4606] you get fed but that's about it!
[4607] And they're in the warm you can't say they're
Wendy (PS0X8) [4608] No.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4609] they're not [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4610] Well I haven't seen her.
[4611] I saw her that one night look ... take one of those little ones ... going up the road ... but I've, I mean ... [...] .
[4612] All these people there this weekend and I've not seen one dog go out!
[4613] And I mean you don't just stand at your window ... but ... at some time or other
Sandra (PS0XD) [4614] Well she's probably sharing a room [laughing] with the dogs [] !
Wendy (PS0X8) [4615] Well they must be!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4616] It's like living in a dog's kennel!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4617] It's only a three bedroomed bloody semi after all!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4618] Well like living in a dog's
Wendy (PS0X8) [4619] Yeah!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4620] kennel!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4621] Yep!
[4622] So I said to him, right ... I said we either ... go ... I mean I keep saying to him you've gotta do something about this!
[4623] Either this plaster board holes or whatever the house ... well the trouble is it costs [...] such a lot of money
Sandra (PS0XD) [4624] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4625] you know, and we are, we have got that insulating lot.
[4626] Oh it's ... she's cantankerous!
[4627] She's ... whatever you say ... don't wanna know!
[4628] Well I was bloody livid!
[4629] I was really livid!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4630] Who's the other side ... of her?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4631] Well th the bloke ... but I mean he's not attached.
[4632] But he's out.
[4633] He's out
Sandra (PS0XD) [4634] I was gonna say the people on the other si I know
Wendy (PS0X8) [4635] No!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4636] they're not joined, so the other side never
Wendy (PS0X8) [4637] But he he always at work or somewhere!
[4638] You know, I mean he's only a single bloke.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4639] Oh right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4640] Hiya Doreen!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4641] Hello Doreen!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4642] But I mean this week ... er this weekend ... er, Mr died ... opposite ... erm, they've got a [...] , a [...] detached house there ... and erm ... somebody went
Sandra (PS0XD) [4643] Oh I saw her in Norwich.
[4644] She was
Wendy (PS0X8) [4645] Did you?
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4646] I didn't know anything about it you see ... and all of a sudden there's two ... big black cars in the road ... the other day
Sandra (PS0XD) [4647] He's probably paid for two.
[4648] I think Anne no
Wendy (PS0X8) [4649] I don't know.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4650] you know?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4651] Yeah.
[4652] I I
Sandra (PS0XD) [4653] Karen's sister
Wendy (PS0X8) [4654] couldn't tell you but er ... these cars turned up ... erm, there weren't no hearse ... and off they went and er ... course when I went up the garden to get some washing in Claire ... came up ... and er ... anyway she said er ... about Mr and I said well I assume it was him, I saw Mrs ... and she starts on about this dog barking out in the garden again!
[4655] But she won't do nothing about it!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4656] Oh!
[4657] One of them!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4658] I said I had a damn good go at her yesterday afternoon!
Doreen (PS0XE) [4659] Did you?
[4660] What did she say?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4661] She said she didn't hear it!
[4662] She was out in the front ... seeing as one of her umpteen people, I mean they must pack them in!
Doreen (PS0XE) [4663] Yeah that car was still there on Friday parked, it's that brown one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4664] Doreen if you'd have come up there Saturday
Doreen (PS0XE) [4665] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4666] They blocked the pavement, there was three cars in the drive which you cannot get!
Doreen (PS0XE) [4667] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4668] They blocked the pavement and there was this bloody great lorry ... up against the path so anybody coming down or up the road ... had to walk into the road ... or co , cross the road to the other side!
[4669] But yesterday afternoon ... I mean, it was Sunday afternoon after all!
Doreen (PS0XE) [4670] Yeah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4671] And she sa
Doreen (PS0XE) [4672] Well if it's like that now ... in the winter you're not out much ... in the summer when you're out in the garden
Wendy (PS0X8) [4673] You won't be able cos
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4674] we won't be able to sit out there ... and you know Claire and George?
[4675] But, I mean being in their seventies, well he's eighty now!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4676] Is he?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4677] Erm ... they spend lots of ... afternoons sat
Doreen (PS0XE) [4678] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4679] out there.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4680] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4681] I was bloody livid!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4682] You know what to do?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4683] I just got up, got out of the chair ... and went.
[4684] I was absolutely furious!
[4685] And then she turned round and said well I don't hear it!
[4686] And I said, no but you have the door open
Doreen (PS0XE) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4687] and ... these doors were going on, like they're seeing this wild woman off!
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4688] Well I thought I don't but [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [4689] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4690] No, I say I won't leave it now, if I get much more of it then it's the environmental health!
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [4691] Ah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4692] But she's one of those cantankerous types!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4693] Yeah, she must be! [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4694] But er
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4695] Thanks.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4696] It don't bother her!
[4697] But then I say, when you [...] you've probably got very, very used to it!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4698] Well that's it!
[4699] You know,an and Mick said to me
Doreen (PS0XE) [4700] She's must be quite lonely.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4701] you know, I mean they were so good when they came here but I mean they've been shut in for months now!
Doreen (PS0XE) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4702] Months and months!
[4703] So I mean, in the end ... even animals can get cheesed off!
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4704] No I've gotta give my arm a rest.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4705] Oh!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4706] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4707] Oh well, up a bit.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4708] Hiya!
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4709] No, I say she'll er ... she'll have to do something about it cos Mick said ... well, he just said to me no ... he said well ... what can she do?
[4710] Erm ... she'll have to get rid of them.
[4711] I said, she won't [...] to let them bloody in!
[4712] I mean that's what they say about Julia that time weren't it?
Sandra (PS0XD) [4713] Mm.
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4714] Well when I went to Citizen's Advice tha that lady said ... I don't think it's viable to have four dogs in ... a semi- detached anyway!
[4715] ... That was a vet so
Doreen (PS0XE) [4716] Have you got a hanger?
[4717] I've got that one
Wendy (PS0X8) [4718] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4719] that broke.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4720] Yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4721] I haven't.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4722] I bet my [...] water.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4723] Why have you, I thought I saw one but then I thought this is staff I think.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4724] Well who's is that one then?
Doreen (PS0XE) [4725] Dunno, it was on the floor [...] .
Sandra (PS0XD) [4726] What and that fell on the floor?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4727] Well if it was on the floor and somebody wants it they'll have to have it won't they?
Doreen (PS0XE) [4728] It's not the one I [...] .
[4729] Ooh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4730] What's that?
Doreen (PS0XE) [4731] I didn't see the
Wendy (PS0X8) [4732] Gone through the [...] now.
Doreen (PS0XE) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4733] It's no wonder er ... that's the er ... dearest show ... or the most expensive show they've ever done ... costume-wise ... really.
[4734] Very fabulous!
[4735] Beautiful!
[4736] Even in those seats we had were [...] .
Sandra (PS0XD) [4737] What was that actually at ... Wembley?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4738] Wembley, yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4739] Wembley.
[4740] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4741] Yeah.
[4742] The seats were fantastic!
[4743] ... That's the one I liked best, the man in the blue.
[4744] Yeah, that's the one Bev liked liked best ... and the merry-go-round that's just in there ... cos of the fair
Sandra (PS0XD) [4745] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4746] and there's the one that linked right round.
[4747] I mean that was ... they ... dimmed the lights so that they're not all erm ... silvery grey ... at one stage.
[4748] I mean, it was a job to say which one
Sandra (PS0XD) [4749] I was gonna say,i it's that one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4750] Yeah, that's the one that went over
Sandra (PS0XD) [4751] And then [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4752] that was the fair.
[4753] But erm ... but the whole the point about this show was ... three partners had stopped near the door ... the whole ice was covered with people who ... and er ... apart from the juggler an and you know ... bits
Sandra (PS0XD) [4754] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4755] like that, but ... but that isn't the woman.
[4756] That isn't the woman.
[4757] It was a blonde haired woman.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4758] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4759] But obviously she was the star when they [...] .
[4760] But the actual ... main star ... [...] ... is this one.
[4761] He was [...] .
[4762] ... Lovely when they [...] !
[4763] You know, the production?
Sandra (PS0XD) [4764] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4765] I'm sure they did do it well.
[4766] ... All that time ... must of had a ball!
[4767] [...] I thought that was [...] ... so this is [...] , we had a bad night's sleep!
[4768] I would have said while I was putting out my washing cos I did it last night on purpose for the gas man coming in.
[4769] They're all asleep next door!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4770] Yeah, they don't have to get up!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4771] No!
[4772] No!
[4773] Anyway, [...] and I have one for Connie, that's the little girl over [...] .
Doreen (PS0XE) [4774] Oh right!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4775] Yeah.
[4776] Was one, there's two now.
[4777] And [...] so she's on medicine.
[4778] Erm ... I know, like you do these ... and er ... I mean I, I've heard about Alan and Sue for a long time, I know they're having a lot of bother, you know with the ... decorating and all that.
[4779] But she's got in there, well I hope Alan and Sue can settle now.
[4780] Apparently, a lot of the trouble they had was her father!
[4781] He says [...] him to go to work and look after the kid.
[4782] Well they got two kids now but the , it was then, you know?
[4783] And er ... Alan apparently wants to go to Spain ... and Alan said well I'm not bloody working there, as he said, I don't wanna earn money like that!
[4784] And course, they had, [...] ... [...] with us you know ... at one time ... and now they've got that [...] holiday again now, so I mean none of them would of been cheap ... when they did it.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4785] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4786] And er ... I didn't realise that ... you know, the father had ... [...] .
[4787] [...] ... said about it.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4788] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4789] I didn't bloody know, I ... worked it out.
[4790] Well he knows he can er, start off
Doreen (PS0XE) [4791] Without any hassle.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4792] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4793] Oh!
[4794] [...] Doreen?
Doreen (PS0XE) [4795] Oh!
[4796] Oh!
[4797] I haven't.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4798] Beautiful it was!
[4799] Really was!
[4800] Well but we go [...] .
Doreen (PS0XE) [4801] Oh lovely!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4802] Fifteen ... fifteen quid seats we had.
[4803] Two.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4804] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4805] And we had a nice coach this time.
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4806] Oh!
[4807] Somebody called Freeway Which is a lot of
Sandra (PS0XD) [4808] Kingston.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4809] Oh yeah, Kingston, yeah.
[4810] It was Kingston.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4811] And you didn't look out the [...] [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4812] No.
[4813] And it was a beautiful warm ... comfortable.
[4814] Last time we went up,la last year was when erm ... [...] ... [...] no heating like.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4815] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4816] And it was an old coach.
[4817] I mean, alright the heating didn't go wrong ... but it wasn't that, the coach itself was ... you know, really rattled!
[4818] Rattled all the time!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4819] Yeah some are quite [...] .
[4820] They've got a, I think they've one [...] ones.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4821] We had one ... good one when we went to Bournemouth.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4822] They've got a double decker they use for the school run and that is absolutely on it's last legs by the look of it!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4823] Yeah, we had a double decker one time when we went to Bournemouth but I can't remember who it was.
[4824] But that wasn't ... old.
[4825] Cos that was when Helen and ... Tommy 's erm ... wife left their clothes on there thinking it was staying there but it never, it came back.
[4826] It was on another run, we got another coach ... come back ... so they had to go out to where the one it was to
Sandra (PS0XD) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4827] pick up their clothes!
[4828] But I tell you what though that erm ... ice rink place ... it wasn't half full!
[4829] They fill them up!
[4830] Masses and masses amounts of people!
[4831] But that is, if you go up under your own steam I mean even dearer than the way we did it.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4832] Mind you it's getting to the end of the run as well isn't it now?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4833] Then it's
Sandra (PS0XD) [4834] London.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4835] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4836] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4837] Then it's London.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4838] Er ... you know ... most of those it's sort of pre-Christmas and round Christmas.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4839] That's right.
[4840] You know, like the pantos innit?
[4841] Yeah, we certainly found it was a [...] .
[4842] But er, it was very good!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4843] Yeah, years ago my granddad [...] remember, he used to take me to a ... pantomime something
Wendy (PS0X8) [4844] Yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4845] like that.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4846] Well I suppose it's just
Wendy (PS0X8) [4847] We used to go with [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [4848] [...] go into the Brownies and ... I used to go Windsor every year actually with my two.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4849] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4850] I didn't have to pick up [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [4851] That erm
Doreen (PS0XE) [4852] or nothing on there.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4853] I don't know if you saw Brush Strokes?
[4854] You know the sequel to that?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4855] Yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4856] Veronica?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4857] Oh yeah!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4858] She used to be ... in the pantomimes at Windsor.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4859] Oh!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4860] Yeah her ... mother and father used to be ... the [...] , but they were sort of in the ... always in the scene ... erm, repertory and they were in charge of you know?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4861] That tree
Sandra (PS0XD) [4862] Perhaps her manager or something.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4863] whoever was in
Sandra (PS0XD) [4864] She had her sister
Wendy (PS0X8) [4865] there, it was good!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4866] the other sister as well.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4867] That was ... skating all around, you know ... it turned.
[4868] And the eyes went up and down and then they were going up and down.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4869] Mm!
Doreen (PS0XE) [4870] Really [...] !
Wendy (PS0X8) [4871] Almost, you know ... and ... they said they were better [...] , we were right looking at the stage over this time.
[4872] Last time we were over here and when it came down it ... ever such a big thing!
[4873] And they just go down like [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4874] Yeah!
Sandra (PS0XD) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4875] Yeah!
[4876] Ever such a big ... thing, [...] or whatever you call it!
[4877] Yeah i it's really good!
[4878] And, Bev, all Bev said [...] Liquorice Allsort through all this one.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4879] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4880] [...] she's got [...] , but I liked those.
[4881] [...] . And of course, being so [...] in the back seat they sort of when they, they she
Sandra (PS0XD) [4882] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4883] landed they, they [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4884] they don't
Sandra (PS0XD) [4885] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4886] as though they, as though they just going off [...] !
Doreen (PS0XE) [4887] Well they slide don't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4888] I mean you can't see their face
Doreen (PS0XE) [4889] Face
Wendy (PS0X8) [4890] or legs or anything can you?
Doreen (PS0XE) [4891] Cos I mean the ... I like the difficult [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [cough]
Doreen (PS0XE) [4892] with that
Wendy (PS0X8) [4893] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4894] on.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [4895] No.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4896] No, they come on.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4897] I didn't watch.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4898] I used to [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [4899] I used to do rollering a bit.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4900] though my kids both ice skating.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4901] They came down, they were altogether like that but at one point those red ones came down the ice altogether.
[4902] You weren't allowed to take photographs.
[4903] I took the camera, but I never used it.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4904] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4905] But people were popping off again like last year.
[4906] And he specifically said this bloke ... none
Doreen (PS0XE) [4907] Well [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4908] allowed [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [4909] No she didn't!
Wendy (PS0X8) [4910] Don't take any notice if they don't want.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4911] It just said no photographs inside and yet
Wendy (PS0X8) [4912] [...] [...] .
[4913] But it was, really was
Doreen (PS0XE) [4914] It's one of [...] things things on television ... about it, you know, I mean [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4915] Yeah, what the video?
Doreen (PS0XE) [4916] you see them ... things going and you wonder
Wendy (PS0X8) [4917] Ya, but yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4918] if they're told not to or whether they're allowed to.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4919] But I suppose the only difference in this is the [...] .
Doreen (PS0XE) [4920] They make the bloody things with roller skates like that.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4921] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4922] If it was me I'd go straight
Sandra (PS0XD) [4923] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4924] over.
[4925] Jason's obviously [...] down when they've, you know well ... [...] .
Sandra (PS0XD) [cough]
Doreen (PS0XE) [4926] A bit more.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4927] Oh I really buy a Range Rover.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4928] That's much better.
[4929] I mean th the Around the World in Eighty Days was good.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4930] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4931] But this was more ... [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [cough]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4932] somewhere ... it says about the am amounts that was spent on the costumes.
[4933] Must of been ... loads ... and they're opening, there's a new ... new stadium
Doreen (PS0XE) [4934] Yes.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4935] Yeah, in Switzerland. [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4936] They're at least seventeen, not over twenty ... the first figure skater.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4937] Yeah. [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [4938] Erm, Switzerland.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4939] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4940] But somewhere it says about the amount it cost, but I mean if must be [...] like that.
[4941] Must be bad!
[4942] I mean, even one's like this.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4943] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4944] You know?
[4945] But he was magnificent!
[4946] Tremendous that one!
[4947] [...] . But it was, it was very good!
[4948] But it shows the difference between last year and this year.
[4949] When we went up to th , we had coffee and Mick had a ... bottle of beer ... erm, before we went in and ... and last year, well you wouldn't of go , dreamed of getting a seat in that ... restaurant area,yo you wouldn't!
[4950] Now, this year we [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [cough]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4951] and there was a spare table.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4952] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [4953] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4954] And , the people that were milling around us when you're trying to drink a cup of coffee stood up ... last year ... it was just the, you know, people are not
Sandra (PS0XD) [4955] Was it the same time of the year?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4956] Yes.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4957] You didn't go earlier last year?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4958] Well I don't think so.
[4959] I'd have to ask Mick but ... I don't think so.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4960] I mean generally they ... you know, I, that's one of the things people cut back though isn't it? [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4961] Oh certainly!
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4962] Certainly, because erm ... I say it's ... you know, it's sort of an extra innit? something [...] innit?
Sandra (PS0XD) [4963] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4964] You know?
[4965] And er ... but you could see it.
[4966] I mean it's a huge place Doreen!
[4967] Erm, probably the ice hockey or whatever like that ... they [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [cough]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4968] but there was a hell of a lot of [...] !
Sandra (PS0XD) [4969] Yes, they do, they do horse shows and that though
Doreen (PS0XE) [4970] Mm.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4971] don't they?
[4972] That
Wendy (PS0X8) [4973] Yep!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4974] time of the year.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4975] Yep!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4976] Brian went to ... see Prince, when Prince [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4977] Oh yeah!
Sandra (PS0XD) [4978] he had the arena
Wendy (PS0X8) [4979] Yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4980] and Michael Jackson had the ... stadium.
Wendy (PS0X8) [4981] Yeah.
[4982] Nice place though!
[4983] It's a nice [...] though.
[4984] You know, for sitting and that.
[4985] Well [...] we don't know where we are in that do we?
Doreen (PS0XE) [4986] No bit of paper.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4987] No.
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [4988] Walk in where you like.
Sandra (PS0XD) [4989] Yeah.
[4990] That's [...] .
Doreen (PS0XE) [4991] Mm.
[4992] Whether he came in ... just because of Bev or whether he'd ... started on [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [4993] He came through, he came I mean [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [4994] Told you when it's [...] , yeah he starts coming round [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [4995] Well that was a few [...] .
Doreen (PS0XE) [4996] Mm?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4997] That was a [...] .
Doreen (PS0XE) [4998] No, as I say, he's coming anyway isn't he?
Wendy (PS0X8) [4999] I haven't got a clue to be honest, you
Doreen (PS0XE) [5000] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5001] know [...] .
[5002] ... If I was you [...] .
Doreen (PS0XE) [5003] Mm?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5004] He could be on [...] . [...] .
Doreen (PS0XE) [5005] Yeah, but those [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [5006] But then it would be the same [...] , wouldn't they?
Doreen (PS0XE) [5007] Yeah.
[5008] Two great [...] . [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5009] Ah!
[5010] Take me out [...] .
Doreen (PS0XE) [5011] Well yeah. [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [5012] Well Doreen said about going last week didn't you?
Doreen (PS0XE) [5013] do some of them [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [cough]
Doreen (PS0XE) [5014] there's quite a lot in there but I mean ... there's only that [...] ... just that bit of bay isn't there?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5015] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [5016] Cos all the rest have gone.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5017] That's right.
Doreen (PS0XE) [5018] They still want ... that and then perhaps we're [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5019] Well you just hope that his sister's keeps running along don't you?
[5020] You
Doreen (PS0XE) [5021] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5022] know?
[5023] I mean er ... I suppose you got quite quite a few outlets now.
Doreen (PS0XE) [5024] Well I, I got quite
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [5025] Mm.
Sandra (PS0XD) [5026] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [5027] Well they got rid of all those [...] it's the just cottages ... I saw round the back.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5028] Were they?
Doreen (PS0XE) [5029] [...] but I mean they had a lot [...] as well at one time didn't they?
[5030] And they're all gone.
[5031] [...] several notices ... [laughing] come flying back [...] [] in erm ... what's her name?
[5032] They've had some more of them as far as that didn't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5033] Mm.
Doreen (PS0XE) [5034] Well you don't wanna keep buying them do you?
[5035] They're sending, they're sending a couple of [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5036] Are they?
Doreen (PS0XE) [5037] Yeah cos ... they've had a lot in there but then
Wendy (PS0X8) [5038] Have they?
Doreen (PS0XE) [5039] can't keep buying them can you?
[5040] And I mean
Wendy (PS0X8) [5041] No.
Doreen (PS0XE) [5042] people have gone in and bought them, that's it! [...] cos I mean [...] but
Wendy (PS0X8) [5043] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [5044] it's not ... you don't wanna really [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5045] Ya.
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5046] A what?
Doreen (PS0XE) [5047] They'll have no time [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5048] Oh no time left?
[5049] No!
Sandra (PS0XD) [5050] Oh no!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5051] The [...] you see these days because it's there one minute and then it's
Doreen (PS0XE) [5052] Er
Wendy (PS0X8) [5053] not is it? [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [5054] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [5055] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5056] No, right.
Doreen (PS0XE) [5057] Still there's stuff that you can do.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5058] Oh yeah.
[5059] [...] . ... Well I put my washing out and I thought to myself right, [...] today.
Doreen (PS0XE) [5060] I put my
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [5061] [...] out at four. [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [5062] he didn't have the time.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5063] I don't think he will for one minute!
[5064] They, they didn't bother
Doreen (PS0XE) [cough]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5065] to come, come up on a Wednesday we're all going out for a
Doreen (PS0XE) [5066] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5067] well that'll mean Thursday.
[5068] But I thought well I'll get on with it, what, when they get up [...] .
[5069] I just chucked everything in that I had, did it, [...] in the box and we were out before seven.
Doreen (PS0XE) [5070] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5071] And I thought well ... that way it's done innit?
Sandra (PS0XD) [5072] Get mine done [...] .
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [5073] I know!
[5074] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [5075] Graham likes [...] merry hell ... [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5076] Oh yeah!
Doreen (PS0XE) [5077] Mm!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5078] Yeah, I know that when I
Doreen (PS0XE) [5079] The only , the only thing is she has
Wendy (PS0X8) [5080] Mm.
[5081] Well course, there's gonna be a certain amount of [...] all in the same day isn't there?
Doreen (PS0XE) [5082] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5083] You know, I mean
Doreen (PS0XE) [5084] David ... coming up there didn't he?
[5085] I don't whether [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5086] Well [...] was there weren't he?
Doreen (PS0XE) [5087] Yeah.
[5088] He seen him with her.
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [5089] No I mean, I don't think really that's very good at all!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5090] Yeah!
Doreen (PS0XE) [5091] But erm ... I don't whether he wants to.
[5092] I know Mr used to go up there cos he was still at school then and he used to go up there cos he was doing nothing but whether he ... he wants her to ... get a [...] job, well ... he [...] .
[5093] But so ... [...] he was on about
Wendy (PS0X8) [5094] Well er
Doreen (PS0XE) [5095] up at [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5096] Yeah?
Doreen (PS0XE) [5097] But David was saying, oh you know, [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5098] Mm.
Doreen (PS0XE) [5099] So she said well but you know who's doing it she said, and they won't change [...] or anything.
Sandra (PS0XD) [5100] No!
Doreen (PS0XE) [5101] Erm, George, Glen and Rosie, I mean I know what [...] . [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5102] Yeah.
[5103] Oh I know!
Sandra (PS0XD) [5104] But, I thought [...] it don't matter where you stay somebody's gonna say oh God, I wouldn't go there [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5105] Well
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5106] well that's right!
[5107] Where was that person where we went ... erm ... we went somewhere [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [5108] David was it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5109] Was it, David?
Doreen (PS0XE) [5110] Mm.
[5111] Well that thing [...] .
Sandra (PS0XD) [5112] I could hear her!
[5113] But erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [5114] Dave was being [...] .
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5115] [...] .
[5116] Well I dunno where it was [...] .

21 (Tape 037003)

Sandra (PS0XD) [5117] Hello Wendy!
[5118] I rang up.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5119] How are you?
Sandra (PS0XD) [5120] So she came out last night ... cos she was away ... well I left after it ... [...]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [5121] No, morning.
[5122] He'll be down tonight, tomorrow night and I'll guarantee it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5123] Oh God!
Sandra (PS0XD) [5124] Well she were there for two hours just trying to [...] .
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [5125] She was th there three!
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [5126] Excuse me! [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [5127] [...] ... and, she's serious!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5128] No, Daryll, yeah I've still told her where she's gone.
Sandra (PS0XD) [5129] No, don't take them.
[5130] ... Just put them in there for me please?
[5131] That's it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5132] And a quarter of your [...] please?
Sandra (PS0XD) [5133] Take these.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5134] Thank you very much.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [5135] Four forty eight please.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5136] Oh that's smashing!

22 (Tape 037004)

Bev (PS0X9) [5137] As I say, that's all dad said.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5138] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [5139] So, I don't know.
[5140] They said work from eleven point three.
[5141] I mean this is the last which is there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5142] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [5143] From what I understand.
[5144] I dunno!
[5145] [sigh] Ah!
[5146] ... Only I've ... get a [...] if you want one.
[5147] [...] . I thought there's no point in leaving it in here.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5148] Well no!
Bev (PS0X9) [5149] It's past it isn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5150] [sigh] Ah!
Bev (PS0X9) [5151] Why, why ain't that girl there then mum?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5152] What girl?
Bev (PS0X9) [5153] Erm ... .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5154] So that's for somebody else then?
[5155] Seven pound
Bev (PS0X9) [5156] Seven pound fifty for that cut.
[5157] Why what else you had?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5158] It was over seven pound.
Bev (PS0X9) [5159] Yeah, but you had a ... cut and blow dry.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5160] Yeah.
[5161] Yeah.
[5162] Well then I did [...] didn't I?
[5163] I did.
[5164] Well I wonder if there's anywhere else you know?
[5165] I mean I could definitely do with these sides done.
Bev (PS0X9) [5166] Well I might [...] ask Brenda.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5167] Oh I'll try it.
[5168] Try it.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5169] You didn't!
[5170] ... Why's that then?
Bev (PS0X9) [5171] Mm?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5172] Well I dunno, you aren't bothered about a job are you?
Bev (PS0X9) [5173] I don't think so.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5174] Well if if you don't want it say no Bev!
Bev (PS0X9) [5175] It's not that I don't wannit.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5176] What is it then?
Bev (PS0X9) [5177] I mean it's not [...] two pound!
[5178] So
Wendy (PS0X8) [5179] Leave it then.
Bev (PS0X9) [5180] Leave it.
[5181] Well no, because I've gotta give it
Wendy (PS0X8) [5182] Yeah I know, but it's no good if ... you're gonna get yourself uptight about it!
[5183] Just gonna go and on though aren't you?
[5184] Well you can always say ... you can't do it, you've got ... [...] ... divorced innit?
[5185] I I, there's no point Bev if it's gonna bother you!
[5186] I'm telling you now!
[5187] I thought you were [...] yesterday.
Bev (PS0X9) [5188] Ay?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5189] I thought were a little bit uptight.
Bev (PS0X9) [5190] Well it's not that I'm uptight.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5191] What is it then?
Bev (PS0X9) [5192] I think it's because ... I haven't done it for so long
Wendy (PS0X8) [5193] Yeah.
[5194] ... Well, [...] ... cos if it's any good, [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5195] I want it!
[5196] I don't wanna be a ... failure!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5197] Who knows!
Bev (PS0X9) [5198] Exactly!
[5199] And the only way I'm gonna know is if I take it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5200] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [5201] God it's not the right time of the bloody month!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5202] You got a couple of letters here.
Bev (PS0X9) [5203] Have I?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5204] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [5205] Where?
[5206] Oh!
[5207] ... Oh one's a [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5208] Well I should make your mind up Bev, here and now.
[5209] You really must!
[5210] If you prefer not I'll, I'll say
Bev (PS0X9) [5211] No!
[5212] I want it!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5213] I know you want it Bev but it's no good getting yourself uptight!
[5214] It's no good at all!
[5215] ... No good at all!
[5216] Just waffle on and be done [...] .
[5217] It's to be expected really.
Bev (PS0X9) [5218] Yeah, but then ... fifty nine thirty two.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5219] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [5220] Well that's erm ... cheque erm ... [...] ... [...] .
[5221] Well that's what I was waiting for weren't it?
[5222] And then I'll get my old [...] fixed.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5223] Well no, you must make your mind up [...] love.
Bev (PS0X9) [5224] Real last.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5225] Yay or nay I mean there's only a possibili , what is the thing you don't know how to do?
Bev (PS0X9) [5226] Well, the word processing.
[5227] But that's not it,i
Wendy (PS0X8) [5228] What is it then?
[5229] I mean, it seem to me it would be an ideal one ... if
Bev (PS0X9) [5230] Well it would!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5231] if, if, from what she says.
Bev (PS0X9) [5232] It would!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5233] So you take the bull by the horns or you don't!
Bev (PS0X9) [5234] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5235] Or you don't.
[5236] ... But if yo if yo let it get you down then you don't.
Bev (PS0X9) [5237] It hasn't got me down.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5238] Mhm.
[5239] Well that's what it is, apprehension's made that happen.
Bev (PS0X9) [5240] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5241] Certainly.
Bev (PS0X9) [5242] And you don't want that [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5243] Well, I say, he tend to go at eleven and three, so think about it.
Bev (PS0X9) [5244] Yeah, you're right.
[5245] You see it's not really for me to do.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5246] I mean, from the sound of it she's ... answers the telephone, does a bit of typing and
Bev (PS0X9) [5247] That girl in there though?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5248] Mm.
[5249] Does a bit of typing.
Bev (PS0X9) [5250] Oh I want it!
[5251] Don't get me wrong.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5252] So why not?
Bev (PS0X9) [5253] But the ... you gotta expect, there's bound to be a bit of apprehension.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5254] I understand that totally.
[5255] But I think it's take the bull by the horns
Bev (PS0X9) [5256] Oh yeah, [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5257] and I mean let's face it ... you might not like it!
[5258] You might not ... you might get there and you might say ... oh I don't like this!
[5259] But that can be the same anywhere couldn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [5260] Yeah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5261] If you come up my place.
[5262] Which I'm sure you wouldn't like would you?
Bev (PS0X9) [5263] Ha!
[5264] Okay I'm going out now.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5265] Well I suppose if you want to ... work ... then the first one is ... [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [5266] The first ones always can be the worst one!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5267] Ay?
Bev (PS0X9) [5268] Well, the first one's always gonna be the worst one!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5269] Mm!
[5270] Certainly is!
[5271] But I say, I'm sure your capable of taking the bull by the horns.
Bev (PS0X9) [5272] Oh God, yeah!
[5273] I've done it before it's just I haven't done it for so long!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5274] Oh well!
[5275] I mean er ... that's why I never done the [...] yesterday.
[5276] I mean, it's not that she's probably gonna go after it but ... I, you know, who knows!
[5277] I mean they know up there because of the, of theirs.
[5278] But they'll probably ... rather annoying at the moment.
[5279] Innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [5280] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5281] Well I think it's [...] ... If you want it.
Bev (PS0X9) [5282] Oh, I'll be alright now.
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [5283] I shall be alright now cos of Val.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5284] Yes, that's right.
[5285] I mean, as I say, you might get there and you might hate it anyway.
Bev (PS0X9) [5286] Yeah, I might not even get it bu
Wendy (PS0X8) [5287] No.
[5288] No, another he said was that bloke came in later.
[5289] What was that man's name?
Bev (PS0X9) [5290] Clive ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5291] Clive?
[5292] Clive?
Bev (PS0X9) [5293] I dunno, it was either Clive or Richard I think.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5294] I mean unless they get a temp from an agency ... they gonna want somebody aren't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [5295] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5296] Sounds to me as though they're just ... sell stuff, I I don't know!
[5297] But it sounds to me as though it's taking something off the telephone, which is simple innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [5298] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5299] And erm ... a bit of ... couple of letters typed.
[5300] I mean, the re ... at the least you could go and have a look I suppose if
Bev (PS0X9) [5301] Is it somewhere [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5302] He never said.
[5303] He honestly never said.
[5304] ... It seemed to me it were the type of place you could sit and do your knitting.
Bev (PS0X9) [5305] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5306] If she's sat watching them [...] ... she's pregnant but ... if she'd have sat watching Neighbours ... and she weren't able to ... [laughing] [...] was she [] ?
[5307] And he did say to me ... well he has spoken to me about it, he did say answering ... the telephone.
[5308] He said that.
Bev (PS0X9) [5309] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5310] As I say, I've only met her the once.
[5311] And she come up in the car for him once.
[5312] ... But I mean the first step is always the hardest.
[5313] I mean, if ... that don't only apply to you.
Bev (PS0X9) [5314] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5315] But er ... if you want it an and it's ... then ... no harm in going and having a look!
[5316] Is there?
[5317] Like I say, the choice is yours hundred percent!
[5318] You don't have to.
Bev (PS0X9) [5319] I want it but
Wendy (PS0X8) [5320] Well the butt of it then has gotta be go over.
Bev (PS0X9) [5321] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5322] I mean if, if she wanted you to go out there today, just if ... then the sensible is to pick up a taxi.
Bev (PS0X9) [5323] Yeah.
[5324] Well, then I know where it is.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5325] Certainly!
[5326] I mean I went, I'm i if it's the place where we said it is ... then, I mean it ... I know we went through Thicket [...] , yes I do!
[5327] Cos I saw their horses and which I think are Moira's.
[5328] But I mean ... you know what I'm like in a car I just sit there and then then ... your father turned in ... and there was all these, where we went to get the carpet, you know?
[5329] And that is as much as I can ... sort of remember.
[5330] But I really don't take much notice ... anyway, sat in a car.
Bev (PS0X9) [5331] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5332] I don't.
[5333] ... Still as I say, no,th it's, it's a fair comment to say it's to be expected.
[5334] But if you can overcome that ... you know, by saying ah what the hell!
[5335] It's either this or nothing which, which it is ... and if you want it ... I mean Lesley's not bothered about it cos he's giving her seven hundred quid a blooming ... month!
[5336] Well neither would you if yo , somebody give you seven hundred quid a month!
[5337] Neither would I!
[5338] For God's sake!
[5339] I wouldn't get up at six, put the washing out and then go up there!
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5340] Thinking [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5341] But there again, one week you might, one month you might get a ... one month he might give her that and ... bugger all the next month!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5342] Well she says it's guilt money and that is possible.
Bev (PS0X9) [5343] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5344] But, I think you're quite right in what you say.
[5345] Quite right!
[5346] ... No doubt about that.
[5347] You never know ... with what she said anyway.
[5348] Unpredictable.
[5349] But I mean, knowing her ... the ... the the sa , the money she's had ... she will ... erm ... certainly look after.
Bev (PS0X9) [5350] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5351] You know?
[5352] I mean she's been living off what ... seventy three odd quid has she?
Bev (PS0X9) [5353] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5354] So I mean there isn't anyway in the world that she's gonna bank ... seven hundred quid a month!
[5355] No way at all!
[5356] She'll er ... make the most of that because she won't ... possibly ... money for erm
Bev (PS0X9) [5357] Mhm. [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5358] she'll want money for the deposit and ... and [...] whatever she gets.
[5359] ... Has there been much noise today?
Bev (PS0X9) [5360] No, but ... their dogs and that.
[5361] ... Got a lot done this morning then?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5362] Well I did it on the way ... [...] .
[5363] Why not?
[5364] And stupid git there should of popped those [...] in there!
[5365] Really stupid!
[5366] ... Could of done that easily couldn't I?
Bev (PS0X9) [5367] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5368] There's plenty time weren't there?
Bev (PS0X9) [5369] What did they think of the brochure then?
[5370] The
Wendy (PS0X8) [5371] [cough] Yeah!
[5372] Yeah, they did like it.
[5373] ... But I say, you have to be there to appreciate it don't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [5374] Oh yeah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5375] You know?
[5376] ... Sorry?
Bev (PS0X9) [5377] I say, you might as well buy the other book.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5378] Mm mm.
[5379] ... We can go on Sunday.
Bev (PS0X9) [5380] Oh, it's going all morning.
[5381] Been going all morning.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5382] Was she in there?
Bev (PS0X9) [5383] Oh she was in there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5384] She's very [...] isn't she?
Bev (PS0X9) [5385] Oh, well it's either that or she's just ignorant!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5386] I can hear it now.
Bev (PS0X9) [5387] Wait till he's gone out now.
[5388] I think they've all gone out.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5389] Do you?
[5390] Well the red car [...] innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [5391] Yeah but I mean I only her.

23 (Tape 037005)

Wendy (PS0X8) [5392] I'll try her again and this time [...] let it all come out.
[5393] ... Impress on them that you don't wanna come out with it short.
[5394] Can you?
Bev (PS0X9) [5395] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5396] Lorna or somebody.
[5397] ... Well we know, we know Lorna.
[5398] ... But it seems to me that Gwendoline and Margarite that ... are scissor happy.
[5399] Don't go in there [...] .

24 (Tape 037006)

Wendy (PS0X8) [5400] No I mean if the , one of the [...] I think the situation
Bev (PS0X9) [5401] I shall alright.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5402] will change totally and I
Bev (PS0X9) [5403] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5404] mean ... I don't know what this is.
Bev (PS0X9) [5405] It's just going
Wendy (PS0X8) [5406] I
Bev (PS0X9) [5407] back ... after five
Wendy (PS0X8) [5408] Well
Bev (PS0X9) [5409] years.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5410] yeah, not so, so confident but if you don't make the attempt
Bev (PS0X9) [5411] Then I shall be like this every time something crops up.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5412] And you've done this all before under worse circumstances.
Bev (PS0X9) [5413] Yes.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5414] Oh well [...] , I really do!
[5415] But I think sometimes ... I mean you've either got to do what you do ... coming back from Germany ... I think you have to take the bull by the horns don't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [5416] Oh yeah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5417] And I tell you, I don't know what this is.
Bev (PS0X9) [5418] Well I don't.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5419] Or if it's gonna occur ... but it seems to me ... it would, or sounds like ... it would be a simple let in ... to the
Bev (PS0X9) [5420] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5421] to the situation.
Bev (PS0X9) [5422] Mm. [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5423] Erm ... that's only what I heard, that's all!
[5424] I don't think it's a ... massive place that ... you know, I I just think it's like ... a warehouse thing.
[5425] A [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5426] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5427] A [...] might be the word.
[5428] I don't know!
[5429] But it was no different from me starting work up here ... that time
Bev (PS0X9) [5430] After so long
Wendy (PS0X8) [5431] after so long, which it was a long time.
[5432] Course it isn't!
[5433] It ju it's just the same.
[5434] But in the end I had to do it ... didn't I?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5435] Well you have to do it.
[5436] If the circumstances are such ... you have to do it.
[5437] And er ... I say, that ... well purely taking the bull by the horns innit?
[5438] Really?
Bev (PS0X9) [5439] I know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5440] It's for your own benefit because
Bev (PS0X9) [5441] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5442] whatever it pays if it's, if it's better ... will pay more than ... obviously what you're gonna get from either or.
[5443] Then go in or
Bev (PS0X9) [5444] Well I shall still get his.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5445] Yeah, I know you still get his.
Bev (PS0X9) [5446] But ... I won't
Wendy (PS0X8) [5447] Well you ca
Bev (PS0X9) [5448] I won't get the income.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5449] Mm mm mm.
[5450] That's right.
[5451] But nevertheless ... you know, if you could get it and you could manage it ... it will relieve the bloody boredom wouldn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [5452] Ya.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5453] Cos it is boring!
Bev (PS0X9) [5454] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5455] Course it's boring!
[5456] Boring for me!
[5457] Because what is it
Bev (PS0X9) [5458] [belch] Pardon me.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5459] and that's where it should be nice ... made a change didn't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [5460] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5461] You know?
[5462] That's where it made a difference ... but I was ... sticking in all the blinking week ... I'll save that till he gets home but ... apart from
Bev (PS0X9) [5463] That's rubbish innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5464] Well apart the radio ... but I expect they're gonna ... a radio of sorts you know?
[5465] But er ... no I say, the choice is yours.
[5466] Certainly!
[5467] Well that, the first step's some when ... will have to be taken
Bev (PS0X9) [5468] Well the longer I leave it the worse it'll get.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5469] Certainly will!
[5470] But then, I mean a actually I mean as I said, Lesley ain't that bothered ... because of what he's giving her
Bev (PS0X9) [5471] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5472] but at the same time ... she's got all lethargic ... cos
Bev (PS0X9) [5473] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5474] cos she won't even go out with Jenny, look!
[5475] I mean, I say, still again, I don't know whether she swims or she doesn't ... but nevertheless it's an invitation out innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [5476] Well she can go to the spa bit.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5477] Well any of it!
[5478] Well even if you went and watched.
Bev (PS0X9) [5479] Yeah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5480] There was
Bev (PS0X9) [5481] At least you're out.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5482] there was people watching over the balcony last week.
[5483] I saw them!
Bev (PS0X9) [5484] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5485] But I say ... I believe in in one respect ... alright, she's got the car ... she can whip in and out ... but I do believe in another respect she's got to the point where she can't be bothered!
Bev (PS0X9) [5486] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5487] And it's so easy to sit every day innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [5488] [...] too!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5489] Anyway, so ... might not get the opportunity anyway, so it might not arise. [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5490] Well the point is, for a thing like that ... if somebody else knows somebody
Bev (PS0X9) [5491] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5492] and they're willing to take you on for x ... you know ... erm ... it just, a lot of it is ... word of mouth.
Bev (PS0X9) [5493] Word of mouth these days.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5494] It is!
[5495] Don't mean [...] ... there's a ... what's a name in there, a waistcoat.
Bev (PS0X9) [5496] What a
Wendy (PS0X8) [5497] mohair I think.
Bev (PS0X9) [5498] Oh.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5499] But I dunno.
[5500] That's your father.
Bev (PS0X9) [5501] Mm, quite nice innit?
[5502] Quite a different ... feel today.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5503] Mind, I get bored to tears with doing this every damn day!
[5504] Bored out my skull!
[5505] ... Right well if I ordered another, I order from the [...] thing.
Bev (PS0X9) [5506] Right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5507] If I ordered another four
Bev (PS0X9) [5508] Don't do it for Friday cos you'll be out.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5509] Oh yeah.
[5510] Oh well stay away from Friday then.
[5511] m

25 (Tape 037101)

Wendy (PS0X8) [5512] What I can't understand is, it happens all the time my telephone next door
Bev (PS0X9) [5513] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [5514] and somebody must try and get in touch with her in the evening if she's not in.
Bev (PS0X9) [5515] They must realize she does work
Wendy (PS0X8) [5516] But I mean we've had this for blooming weeks now ain't we?
[5517] Er nine weeks
Bev (PS0X9) [5518] It's either the phone or the dogs or the child
Wendy (PS0X8) [5519] Mm ... when you can hear the telephone like that in here, there's no wonder you can hear the rest of them
Bev (PS0X9) [5520] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [5521] cos that telephone was in the hall ...
Bev (PS0X9) [5522] It surprises me
Wendy (PS0X8) [5523] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [5524] leave it, leave it ringing so long
Wendy (PS0X8) [5525] What on the other end?
Bev (PS0X9) [5526] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [5527] Mm, that was stupid yesterday though Mark putting that on
Bev (PS0X9) [5528] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [5529] god dear me, who ever even thought of it look ... stopped now
Bev (PS0X9) [5530] stopped
Wendy (PS0X8) [5531] Yeah, dependent on, I mean that's twice since I've been home innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [5532] It rang about three times this morning before you got here
Wendy (PS0X8) [5533] Obvious they're away then innit?
[5534] I don't know I mean sometimes it goes and I think she's in there don't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [5535] Yeah ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [5536] I wonder if all the dogs are in there?
Bev (PS0X9) [5537] Probably
Wendy (PS0X8) [5538] I thought, when I went and opened the windows I saw the other one but I didn't see the ...
Bev (PS0X9) [5539] they wouldn't have room in one car for four dogs would they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5540] I don't think they take the dogs out in the car for a run, you know, like a lot of people do
Bev (PS0X9) [5541] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [5542] I don't think she puts them in the car
Bev (PS0X9) [5543] it's not the sort of car that you do that with, not with four anyway, you'd imagine them having an estate car
Wendy (PS0X8) [5544] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [5545] wouldn't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5546] Yeah, something where you can put the bar up at the back
Bev (PS0X9) [5547] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [5548] and erm Val has got one ain't she, for Just
Bev (PS0X9) [5549] Yeah ...

26 (Tape 037102)

Wendy (PS0X8) [5550] Is it a telephone?
[5551] It's gotta be
Bev (PS0X9) [5552] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [5553] a telephone, what the hell's going on? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [5554] Oh I don't know
Wendy (PS0X8) [5555] I reckon it's been brought into the front room because erm, if she shut that door for them, cos she shuts the animal in a, a room here there and bloody everywhere, it's stopped again now ain't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [5556] She might of answered it, she might be in there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5557] Oh that's twice, a hell of a lot of time but er

27 (Tape 037201)

Wendy (PS0X8) [5558] But they said wet and windy, but that wasn't there was it?
Bev (PS0X9) [5559] I think that was more up North.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5560] Oh, up North, right.
Bev (PS0X9) [5561] Shall I just pop that back out?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5562] Yeah Okay.
[5563] ... Is it open?
Bev (PS0X9) [5564] Yeah.
[5565] ... [...] put anything.
[5566] Put water in there.
[5567] You gotta have
Wendy (PS0X8) [5568] Oh yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [5569] liquid haven't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5570] Oh!
[5571] No, I mean don't be like [...] .
[5572] ... I say ... over there and on foot.
[5573] [...] ain't it?
[5574] You know.
Bev (PS0X9) [5575] Yep.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5576] At least out the way.
[5577] ... Cor!
Bev (PS0X9) [5578] So that can go in when we get back.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5579] Oh sorry!
[5580] ... But I mean if we ... do go out ... I, she's out whether I go in town or somewhere.
Bev (PS0X9) [5581] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5582] And ... then you got something simpler ... for cooking tonight, don't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [5583] I don't wanna mess about it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5584] Don't have to mess about when we get in.
[5585] It's too much hassle innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [5586] Oh yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5587] These plates must be your father's ain't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [5588] I would think so.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5589] Cos we didn't have any done did we?
Bev (PS0X9) [5590] No, that film last night wasn't it?
[5591] Oh you've got erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [5592] Oh I got [...] , so that's one of your father's innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [5593] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5594] Oh I'll put him in his side.
[5595] There's a [...] .
[5596] Oh, if we lose it it's only a [...] .
[5597] I put on se , when I do the leighs I did the door on the end of it look.
Bev (PS0X9) [5598] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5599] I don't bother to change.
[5600] ... And then next week I must order some more coal ... for ... but erm, I've gotta go outside here so ... no good doing it for this week is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [5601] Not really.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5602] Well I mean, see you get messed about can't you? [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [5603] Oh very easily.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5604] I mean he er ... he used to as regular as clock work but ... I say, and I have had those times when he comes ... four o'clock- ish even ... in the afternoon.
[5605] Well then
Bev (PS0X9) [5606] Well that should be a
Wendy (PS0X8) [5607] the whole day's
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5608] gone now.
[5609] Don't let me forget them slides.
Bev (PS0X9) [5610] That'll cook an hour.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5611] Why?
Bev (PS0X9) [5612] When you put the
Wendy (PS0X8) [5613] An hour?
Bev (PS0X9) [5614] Yeah.
[5615] When you get back
Wendy (PS0X8) [5616] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [5617] three quarters of an hour, to an hour that is done.
[5618] And that
Wendy (PS0X8) [5619] Right.
Bev (PS0X9) [5620] is also ... including ... everything that's in there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5621] Yeah, yeah.
[5622] Right.
Bev (PS0X9) [5623] So as long as your carrots are
Wendy (PS0X8) [5624] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [5625] onions are
Wendy (PS0X8) [5626] So we need to be home by half past four then?
Bev (PS0X9) [5627] Well no, as long as you're onions are soft
Wendy (PS0X8) [5628] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [5629] so ... which they do soften up
Wendy (PS0X8) [5630] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [5631] that's all that is.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5632] Right.
Bev (PS0X9) [5633] Cos like, it's only liquid.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5634] Yeah.
[5635] ... Have we go , got windows open upstairs or not?
Bev (PS0X9) [5636] Yes. [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5637] Well I say, you just have to do your best, so doing [...] ... but if there's any left over it'll be, always be tomorrow look.
[5638] Won't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [5639] Yeah.
[5640] ... vacuum cleaner on ... That's that erm ... [...] about that tuck.

28 (Tape 037202)

Wendy (PS0X8) [5641] Put that wor erm ... torch back ... in the car.
[5642] And er ... that'll be out the way won't it?
[5643] And I think I'll have to ... now push on about this
Bev (PS0X9) [5644] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5645] these [...] .
[5646] Cos it does [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [5647] The idea [...] , that's it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5648] Well it, what ... sauce do you want [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [5649] Well we'll have, that one will do.
[5650] Oh hang on.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5651] Cos that will give you a lot.
[5652] [...] as far as I know but
Bev (PS0X9) [5653] No.
[5654] Well I do.
[5655] Do with some more strength, so you ... he don't like [...] at all does he?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5656] [...] tomorrow.
Bev (PS0X9) [5657] Without a doubt.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5658] I don't think [...] exactly what he wants cos he came back and have some more of that other thing didn't he?
Bev (PS0X9) [5659] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5660] You know ... if they're there, they'll have it.
[5661] ... We can have mash with it can't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [5662] Have what you like couldn't you?
[5663] Not a problem is it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5664] Mash is better I think.
[5665] It is for you innit?
[5666] You prefer that don't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [5667] Well you don't have boileds do you?
[5668] So
Wendy (PS0X8) [5669] Not very often, no.
[5670] Don't really like them.
Bev (PS0X9) [5671] Don't leave much does it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5672] No.
[5673] ... How's your throat today?
Bev (PS0X9) [5674] Alright today.
[5675] Well it's [...] too much to know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5676] Probably.
[5677] ... [...] don't it?
[5678] In her hair.
Bev (PS0X9) [5679] [...] by with ... the other day it looked clean.
[5680] I come up and meet you.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5681] That's right.
[5682] Yeah.
[5683] Come over [...] dunnit?
[5684] Have a a bit of fresh air, it's a bit of fresh innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [5685] Well, yes.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5686] Well especially on a day like this, I mean you ca ... go out on a day like today.
[5687] The water [...] in all this.
Bev (PS0X9) [5688] Is that enough?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5689] It's alright.
[5690] Ah!
[5691] I should think so.
[5692] There'll be ... plenty of the other and a ... there's ... gravy anyway isn't there?
[5693] Which is sometimes what we have innit?
[5694] Well there's always other things [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5695] Cos in one respect I'd rather do ... what I think is enough ... but er ... than too much and then feel like a bloated little
Wendy (PS0X8) [5696] Oh no, that's right.
[5697] It is though innit?
[5698] I mean ... [...] ... there's more if you want it, you know?
[5699] But [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [5700] Oh yeah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5701] [...] .
[5702] ... Well I said [...] , cos I said to her yesterday, it's gotta be done hasn't it?
[5703] You gotta start now.
[5704] [...] waiting and waiting and then it's Christmas again innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [5705] Why, are they gonna have a [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5706] Yeah.
[5707] I mean
Bev (PS0X9) [5708] Why not?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5709] Ay?
Bev (PS0X9) [5710] There's one way of doing it!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5711] Well of course there is.
Bev (PS0X9) [5712] But I mean ... if I can get her to start somehow and I think it's gotta be this one.
[5713] But erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [5714] If you get one going good
Bev (PS0X9) [5715] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5716] it's [...] or [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5717] Well shove it straight in there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5718] Why? [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [5719] [...] don't want it left in here do we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5720] That's why I ain't put it out yet, but we'll er ... shove in everything that we can.
Bev (PS0X9) [5721] Is the ... sponge supposed to be out here?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5722] Well I put it on the stuff and it's blown, I'll keep it because that's what I've just used.
[5723] [...] one thing or the other.
[5724] No doubt about that.
Bev (PS0X9) [5725] Right we don't want any of this at this moment do we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5726] No.
Bev (PS0X9) [5727] We can get that out the way.
[5728] Hopefully!
[5729] ... Oh, so it's only a bit of corn. [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5730] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [5731] And of course, then [...] ... all good.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5732] So I rang up that si , that lot got better.
Bev (PS0X9) [5733] Did it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5734] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [5735] I'll go up them now then.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5736] You don't want [...] here.
Bev (PS0X9) [5737] So ... here's your bit of [...] .
[5738] ... I'll have to go look for that book then won't I?
[5739] That, Mick's
Wendy (PS0X8) [5740] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [5741] waking up.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5742] And the [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5743] Ooh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5744] That was funny weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [5745] I'd already got it.
[5746] I said I've had it at work this morning.
[5747] And Doreen said, oh we ain't got no books!
[5748] So we'll now ... have a look.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5749] Mm.
[5750] vacuum cleaner on
Bev (PS0X9) [5751] But I don't know why it is, I think that, they were gonna bring it out then.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5752] Ay?
Bev (PS0X9) [5753] I said she'll know what it is, but
Wendy (PS0X8) [5754] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [5755] it sounds like [...] .
[5756] Do you want me to [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5757] No, but don't forget later on [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5758] Pop down later.
[5759] Later, so
Wendy (PS0X8) [5760] Well I said I wanna ... I wanna wash this floor.
Bev (PS0X9) [5761] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5762] Well cos first of all I thought well you know, I don't wanna ... [...] not about okay.
[5763] ... switching off vacuum cleaner ... behind the cooker innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [5764] Ah?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5765] Look at that!
Bev (PS0X9) [5766] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5767] Behind the cooker somewhere.
Bev (PS0X9) [5768] Oh mine always leaks.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5769] Leak somewhere don't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [5770] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5771] Right, [...] .
[5772] [...] ... [...] ... she thought of anybody good I suppose you'd have a
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5773] you'd have a job wouldn't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5774] Aye.
Bev (PS0X9) [5775] Can't find anyone [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5776] That's ... what?
Bev (PS0X9) [5777] I'm safe.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5778] What do you mean I'm safe?
Bev (PS0X9) [5779] In case of a fire.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5780] Yeah.
[5781] Well that's why you, I bought some [...] ones One lu ... one in the bathroom and one in the landing look ... and one in the ... front bedroom.
[5782] [...] up there.
Bev (PS0X9) [5783] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5784] A , of course, you don't remember that.
[5785] ... And they're normally in some,e , [...] ... windows that you have them [...] ... checks for them isn't there?
Bev (PS0X9) [5786] Not, flats you don't have.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5787] Right ... well you're supposed to have fire escapes with flats.
[5788] I always thought anyway.
[5789] Supposed to.
Bev (PS0X9) [5790] Well I thought so.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5791] Yeah.
[5792] Right.
[5793] ... Right.
[5794] ... Oops!
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5795] Must use those carrots up Sunday though won't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [5796] Yeah.
[5797] ... Oh! [...] , [...] not to use that thing up.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5798] What thing?
Bev (PS0X9) [5799] Oh yeah, that's better, yes!
[5800] Well that's what it's ... blooming well got for innit?
[5801] Use it.
[5802] ... These storers come apart you know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5803] I know.
Bev (PS0X9) [5804] And I don't think we'll touch those again.
[5805] ... Well those potatoes didn't go bad.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5806] No.
Bev (PS0X9) [5807] [...] pay for them.
[5808] Bought them in [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5809] Yeah, [...] .
[5810] They're not working, they're not working are they?
[5811] ... Oh I won't bother to move that ain't going to [...] ... post out.
Bev (PS0X9) [5812] What?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5813] I said I won't bother to move that ... washing.
Bev (PS0X9) [5814] Right.
[5815] [radio/tv on] ... Want anything else to eat.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5816] No, thanks.
Bev (PS0X9) [5817] [...] .

29 (Tape 037203)

Wendy (PS0X8) [5818] Oh you wanna to have a look at it anyway.
Michael (PS0XA) [5819] That's right.
[5820] When I move that I'll [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5821] Yeah.
[5822] ... Jake's going ... to that place tomorrow.
Michael (PS0XA) [5823] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5824] That woman [...] , we went there haven't we?
Michael (PS0XA) [5825] Mhm.
[5826] Oh yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5827] And er ... no point in faking it.
Michael (PS0XA) [5828] We're having a party aren't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [5829] Well there's a ... there's balloon
Wendy (PS0X8) [5830] Balloons.
Bev (PS0X9) [5831] Balloons.
Michael (PS0XA) [5832] balloons up at the door anyway.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5833] But he's got a organ now.
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5834] Well I think it's an organ don't we?
Michael (PS0XA) [5835] What the ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5836] Yeah.
[5837] It was his fault.
Michael (PS0XA) [5838] Christmas is for family.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5839] [...] ... but er
Bev (PS0X9) [5840] [whispering] He must have [...] [] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5841] I mean she was only seeing the last one off when I came home from work!
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5842] Did Edith give you anything?
Michael (PS0XA) [5843] No, Edith didn't, thanks!
[5844] [laugh] ... I, I looking for him cos they er, I mean he is a ... [...] old farmer.
[5845] Got a day off is it?
[5846] Day off!
Bev (PS0X9) [5847] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5848] Oh well I hope she does or we're both gonna bank on it weren't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [5849] I know.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [5850] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [5851] It's only because it's no good.
Michael (PS0XA) [5852] This ain't no ... [...] .
[5853] Well I think he will ... just before I take it off and put it, and then what?
[5854] I got some here haven't we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5855] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [5856] Done one side and not the other!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5857] I think you mean [...] , I mean you just want these.
Michael (PS0XA) [5858] No, cos they'll wanna, a square one will look alright won't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [5859] Oh, you wanna first bit of light to go along that [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [5860] Yeah , that's right, yeah I know but I mean it run
Wendy (PS0X8) [5861] Yeah, but I mean you've gotta look at it.
[5862] ... Yeah that's alright isn't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [5863] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [5864] Or is it [...] , cos that's what you want.
Michael (PS0XA) [5865] All depends [...] dunnit?
Bev (PS0X9) [5866] Ye ye yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5867] Ahh ... yo you like that?
Michael (PS0XA) [5868] Ah, nice innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5869] Innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [5870] Yeah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5871] Well that's ... blooming worse family than that
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5872] innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [5873] What?
Michael (PS0XA) [5874] I'm a [...] , no.
Bev (PS0X9) [5875] Oh.
Michael (PS0XA) [5876] Ah?
Bev (PS0X9) [5877] I suppose you have to.
Michael (PS0XA) [5878] Look at that!
[5879] They need some boys who haven't got a car.
Bev (PS0X9) [5880] No, well, there you go!
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [5881] Well that's what I say, if people see it
Michael (PS0XA) [5882] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [5883] I mean it might make them er ... think, ooh I'd like that myself!
Michael (PS0XA) [5884] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5885] The trucks gone now.
[5886] I burnt [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [5887] Ay?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5888] I burnt the [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [5889] Oh are you?
Bev (PS0X9) [5890] What?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5891] I burnt the [...] .
[5892] ... No, that one won't go in, it's rubbish!
[5893] Burnt that lot see, and I done some more.
[5894] And er ... [...] so ... [...] and so i I never said a word to him.
[5895] Edith said, have you heard anything?
[5896] And so I mean I said it quite [...] ... and I said no, well they haven't come and ask me.
[5897] And er ... usually, never said a word ... he's like a friend ... and erm, this woman ... who [...] ... I said to her, mind he don't do anything about this ... I suppose [...] .
[5898] So, perhaps it was her or ... [...] and er ... tend to like her but ... but I think he, what he says he means ... [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5899] I mean because she's been on the [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5900] Oh yes.
Bev (PS0X9) [5901] and she's er [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5902] And that's poor!
[5903] And I know something too but she can't.
Bev (PS0X9) [5904] Oh no doubt.
[5905] I can't that girl!
[5906] I tell you I [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5907] Well, certainly.
Bev (PS0X9) [5908] But I thought for a girl that's [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5909] But erm ... [...] .
[5910] Well we'll have to get the carpet.
Bev (PS0X9) [5911] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5912] Well that ... what was that price for Bev? [...] , ah!
Bev (PS0X9) [5913] How much was that then?
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [5914] Yeah, well hopefully [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5915] Well we was gonna
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5916] we was gonna look in the ... erm advertiser and [...] er ... big rugs.
[5917] I got that advert today.
[5918] But er to , she never bought her [...] , she's never made [...] .
[5919] So she said well I'll go out then and she's lives in a massive great [...] ... she'll say to come back, so ... and stuck there, well poor old Margaret ... [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [5920] No, [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5921] They're sleeping tomorrow night.
Michael (PS0XA) [5922] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5923] [...] , myself ... sometimes.
Michael (PS0XA) [5924] Oh, well [...] innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5925] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [5926] Getting [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [5927] Yep.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5928] F I
Michael (PS0XA) [5929] Er er er
Wendy (PS0X8) [5930] Well it's only ... some of this wallpaper tomorrow night.
Michael (PS0XA) [5931] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [5932] But er ... anyway [a machine going]
Wendy (PS0X8) [5933] I don't know what this is like ... [...] , you go ahead love.
Michael (PS0XA) [5934] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5935] [...] radio [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5936] You never know what to say about it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5937] Oh I'm cleaning.
[5938] If you just pop that down over here.
Michael (PS0XA) [5939] Yeah, I see it.
[5940] It's a bank holiday that's why
Bev (PS0X9) [5941] Oh.
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [5942] [...] , the cars dunnit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [5943] Oh yeah, I [...] and slide shut you see ... not used to it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5944] Just the same?
Bev (PS0X9) [5945] No, [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [5946] Well [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [5947] We're just trying to find [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5948] I am [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [5949] Yeah, and that's ... a lot more out of it [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5950] Have I got it [...] then?
Michael (PS0XA) [5951] Well th that's the ... the proper [...] but er ... got to move the [...] , move the [...] , you
Bev (PS0X9) [5952] Oh!
Michael (PS0XA) [5953] see these [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5954] Nothing wrong with it then?
[5955] No problem at all is it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5956] Well I don't know [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5957] Done it!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5958] Finished?
Bev (PS0X9) [5959] Yes!
Wendy (PS0X8) [5960] Ooh!
Bev (PS0X9) [5961] Yeah, I'd like to say [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5962] Oh come [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5963] Yeah.
[5964] Dad had a chance to look.
[5965] ... You done, oh yeah you done all the washing up haven't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5966] Yeah.
[5967] ... That's why there's [...] .
[5968] ... Oh, perhaps I'll try it.
Bev (PS0X9) [5969] [...] and liked it.
[5970] ... Lesley says my [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [5971] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [5972] So does dad.
[5973] Don't she mum?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5974] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [5975] It'd be nice if he paid your bus fares for you.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5976] Oh yes.
Bev (PS0X9) [5977] [yawning] Oh dear [] !
Wendy (PS0X8) [5978] Do you want any bread?
Michael (PS0XA) [5979] Yes.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5980] I don't know what it is.
Michael (PS0XA) [5981] Yours is the red one love?
Wendy (PS0X8) [5982] Mine's the red one.
[5983] ... Do you all want bread?
Michael (PS0XA) [5984] I don't.
Bev (PS0X9) [5985] And mine.
Wendy (PS0X8) [5986] Don't [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [5987] Well, that's [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5988] Erm ... Oh I don't know if I'll buy it.
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [5989] Have a look.
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [5990] No I won't!
Michael (PS0XA) [5991] Will.
Bev (PS0X9) [5992] I won't!
[5993] Yeah. [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [5994] Yes.
Bev (PS0X9) [5995] Well that's
Michael (PS0XA) [5996] Alright then.
Bev (PS0X9) [5997] You know what, you know what granddads ... who else will have one ... [...] ?
Michael (PS0XA) [5998] [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [5999] Well that's really what I got him so
Wendy (PS0X8) [6000] No.
Bev (PS0X9) [6001] I got a price anyway.
[6002] ... Well [...] .
[6003] Yeah, sell it to the bike shop.
Michael (PS0XA) [6004] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [6005] And I expect it might be there though now.
Michael (PS0XA) [6006] Ah, well that's right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6007] Cos she's not fussy.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [6008] No.
Bev (PS0X9) [6009] But er ... I ac , I hope she makes them like this.
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [6010] Outside.
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [6011] Yeah!
Michael (PS0XA) [6012] [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [6013] Oh yeah!
Michael (PS0XA) [6014] Fold it in half and give half of it here.
[6015] Just fold it [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6016] Oh right.
Michael (PS0XA) [6017] in my hand.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6018] Yeah. [...] ?
Michael (PS0XA) [6019] Ay?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6020] [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [6021] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [6022] Oh.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6023] Oh, I got some more brandy love ... and that was it.
Michael (PS0XA) [6024] Yeah erm ... don't bring that er ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6025] Oh I know but look
Michael (PS0XA) [6026] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6027] You're gonna bring that one are you?
Michael (PS0XA) [6028] Yeah.
[6029] [...] . He's gotta do ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6030] Yeah.
[6031] Well that's how my [...] bringing the boys.
Bev (PS0X9) [6032] Yeah.
[6033] Erm ... we'll have been [...] then.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6034] What tonight?
[6035] You can't come with me now!
Bev (PS0X9) [6036] How much of that is our [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6037] This is it, they don't dri , coming down town tomorrow.
Bev (PS0X9) [6038] Well, we can do that Saturday because they take a long time to get across.
[6039] Who else is going? [...] as well aren't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6040] Yeah, they are.
[6041] Well, we'll see, I mean
Bev (PS0X9) [6042] Don't come out as much you thought it would did it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6043] No!
[6044] We'll have a look perhaps, would er I mean ... [...] .
[6045] Gotta use the old packet of mince innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [6046] Yeah.
[6047] Have you packed that?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6048] Not yet.
Michael (PS0XA) [6049] Not like, she'll not that.
Bev (PS0X9) [6050] Not much we felt.
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [6051] Is it?
[6052] ... Got a large packet of mince though.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6053] That's right.
Bev (PS0X9) [6054] [...] innit?
[6055] He'll think you ... he's done the whole lot, packet.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6056] That's not bad.
Bev (PS0X9) [6057] That's what I say.
[6058] This is how I've bought mince.
Michael (PS0XA) [6059] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [6060] Damn [...] give her a lot!
[6061] ... I did twenty six thousand I'll have you know!
Michael (PS0XA) [6062] Mm?
Bev (PS0X9) [6063] Yeah, and I'm [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6064] Oh.
Bev (PS0X9) [6065] Not a bad taste, but not got much content have they?
Michael (PS0XA) [6066] No.
Bev (PS0X9) [6067] I mean it's not an [...] perhaps.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6068] They're a boring type!
Bev (PS0X9) [6069] Yeah, well as I say there's nothing to
Wendy (PS0X8) [6070] [...] is there?
[6071] ... Two hundred and seventeen [...] poll tax with a bit more to go on it.
Michael (PS0XA) [6072] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6073] [...] sounds like, what is the bags or what?
[6074] And what goes onto it and then he
Michael (PS0XA) [6075] Ye yeah , a bloody great bomb! [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6076] Bit of a game weren't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [6077] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6078] I don't suppose they'll go up ... twenty eight P have you?
[6079] You can take from here?
[6080] To near ... twenty six.
[6081] But to go up that bit ... bit further than the other [...] .
[6082] ... But I can't see any of them justifying that.
Michael (PS0XA) [6083] Well they're fair stages, I mean where does thirty four go from the top?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6084] I don't know.
Michael (PS0XA) [6085] That'll go right round the top.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6086] Well what did she say?
[6087] Glen her, Glen they say, isn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [6088] Something like that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6089] Okay.
[6090] Is it, no?
Bev (PS0X9) [6091] Mm.
[6092] Probably that.
[6093] That's right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6094] Well you know ... substantial rise isn't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [6095] I know.
Bev (PS0X9) [6096] Well you do that every day.
Michael (PS0XA) [6097] I know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6098] Well if you go by by bus every morning ... that's why [...] a bus in the night, in the
Michael (PS0XA) [6099] Yeah.
[6100] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6101] the eleven o'clock bus.
[6102] Unless they're gonna walk in the pouring rain, no whatever!
[6103] I don't [...] .
[6104] Do you want some
Michael (PS0XA) [6105] I'm not a
Wendy (PS0X8) [6106] cake now, just here?
Bev (PS0X9) [6107] I don't want no cake.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6108] Good!
[6109] Well, look I've got
Bev (PS0X9) [6110] I won't buy it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6111] No!
[6112] Ooh no!
Michael (PS0XA) [6113] [sigh] Ah [] !
Wendy (PS0X8) [6114] Then if we we're going out and then we ... well anyway, what's the point of [...] in the cupboard?
Bev (PS0X9) [6115] Well that pretty tasteless.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6116] What do you want?
[6117] ... There you are, if your father bought that clock back.
Michael (PS0XA) [6118] Didn't.
Bev (PS0X9) [6119] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6120] After all the debating and
Michael (PS0XA) [6121] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6122] We were like that weren't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [6123] Mm?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6124] We were like that.
[6125] [laugh] ... [...] . If you wanna refuse it.
Bev (PS0X9) [6126] [...] like that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6127] Well, are we gonna put Bellise on?
[6128] We don't want any more ... [...] though do we?
Michael (PS0XA) [6129] No.
Bev (PS0X9) [6130] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6131] When I
Bev (PS0X9) [6132] You alright?
Wendy (PS0X8) [...] [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [6133] [...] , yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6134] All the sweets ... spoiling me! ... [...] even done the washing up now innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [6135] Ay?
Michael (PS0XA) [6136] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6137] Calling you a bugger, I'm washing up!
[6138] Well I know, I only do they did tonight.
[6139] Gotta take them glasses haven't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [6140] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6141] [...] .
[6142] Which one do you want Mick?
[6143] Do you want the Swiss brown or the rest of the walnut?
Michael (PS0XA) [6144] It depends on what's happening.
[6145] You know, if the wa [...] I'll have that but ... but I had the last bit before that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6146] Fine.
[6147] Alright then I'll have the walnut.
Michael (PS0XA) [6148] Right.
[6149] I cut it in half last time but I've
Wendy (PS0X8) [6150] I could get us there you know?
[6151] After the weekend I could get us there.
Michael (PS0XA) [6152] Oh.
[6153] [...] , half past nine you know.
Bev (PS0X9) [6154] Oh we gotta find Bellise yeah?
[6155] Now which
Wendy (PS0X8) [6156] Be one of yours won't it Bev?
Bev (PS0X9) [6157] [singing] Straight to my lover's heart []
Wendy (PS0X8) [6158] It's on the front of yours love.
Bev (PS0X9) [6159] See, nearly forgot it!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6160] I did.
[6161] Yours.
Bev (PS0X9) [6162] Citroen.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6163] It looks like [...] .
[6164] It's nine o'clock.
Michael (PS0XA) [6165] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [6166] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6167] What?
[6168] Is that the one you're going over now?
Bev (PS0X9) [6169] [...] in there wouldn't you?
Michael (PS0XA) [6170] Yeah, I did, that's right.
[6171] That's [...] , that's
Bev (PS0X9) [6172] What?
Michael (PS0XA) [6173] the problem.
Bev (PS0X9) [6174] What?
Michael (PS0XA) [6175] Will you stop playing with that!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6176] Well I took them both.
[6177] And put them your side since we found that I did them ... for you.
[6178] And I don't ... believe [...] at all.
Michael (PS0XA) [6179] I only had two left.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6180] Yeah, that's right.
Bev (PS0X9) [6181] Well I think that film might be [...] tonight.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6182] Which one?
Bev (PS0X9) [6183] The coloured one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6184] Oh yeah.
[6185] I don't know.
Bev (PS0X9) [6186] I don't know.

30 (Tape 037204)

Wendy (PS0X8) [6187] Oh!
[6188] Blimey that were quick!
Bev (PS0X9) [6189] I know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6190] They done that one, and you're starting now.
[6191] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [6192] Yeah.
[6193] Can't wait to go can you?
Michael (PS0XA) [6194] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [6195] Starting that film off, it's only that one.
[6196] ... Where is the greens?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6197] Well I could only say in the cupboard?
Bev (PS0X9) [6198] Right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6199] What I say ... only have to look.
[6200] ... Right.
Michael (PS0XA) [6201] Mm.
[6202] ... As soon as I
Wendy (PS0X8) [6203] Last one.
Michael (PS0XA) [6204] pick them up I knew that the
Bev (PS0X9) [6205] Where's the water?
Michael (PS0XA) [6206] Here.
Bev (PS0X9) [6207] Oh.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6208] Erm ... at least you know I'm terribly [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [6209] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6210] So ... [...] .
[6211] That's what I [...] to
Michael (PS0XA) [6212] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6213] do.
Michael (PS0XA) [6214] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6215] I mean, and that ... one in Joan's [...] ... fit innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [6216] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6217] That's Pippa's things.
[6218] Pip will give them up [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [6219] Mm. ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6220] Well he's had a here ain't he, tonight?
Michael (PS0XA) [6221] Hey?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6222] He's here tonight, I forgot.
[6223] I gotta do all those bits and pieces tonight haven't I?
Michael (PS0XA) [6224] You oughta be on [...] .
[6225] Unless you want to see him and I'll [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [6226] Papa! [...] ... it's six foot this way look.
[6227] There are ... and across.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6228] So?
Bev (PS0X9) [6229] Well!
[6230] All the same.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6231] That's right.
Bev (PS0X9) [6232] At work.
[6233] ... I'll have to go tomorrow if that happens.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6234] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [6235] Full swing.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6236] Why?
Bev (PS0X9) [6237] Cos I'll have to I'm afraid.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6238] Won't you?
[6239] Oh you ... no go , ah I see you do!
Bev (PS0X9) [6240] Mm, fluffed it up a bit here haven't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6241] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [6242] Ah, what are we now, March?
[6243] Right, let's go.
[6244] Twenty seven.
Michael (PS0XA) [6245] Well I'm foxed!
[6246] I don't know what that means, I'll go up and get my calendar.
Bev (PS0X9) [6247] Put it in by eleven.
Michael (PS0XA) [6248] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6249] I'd probably have to go there on the eighth.
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6250] [...] .
[6251] Twenty eight.
Michael (PS0XA) [6252] Twenty seventh, do you make it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6253] Twenty seventh this time.
Michael (PS0XA) [6254] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [6255] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [6256] Yeah.
[6257] ... Well twenty eighth
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [6258] tomorrow.
Bev (PS0X9) [6259] Oh.
[6260] Don't know, is it?
Michael (PS0XA) [6261] Yeah, it says ... every fourth Friday though weren't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6262] I have.
Michael (PS0XA) [6263] I think.
Bev (PS0X9) [6264] Friday night I'm going out with Trisha.
[6265] ... Don't get s coming with us now do we?
Michael (PS0XA) [6266] No.
[6267] ... Okay then.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6268] Have you got a [...] please?
Bev (PS0X9) [6269] [...] . [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6270] No, you wanna sit here?
Bev (PS0X9) [6271] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6272] Are you sure?
Bev (PS0X9) [6273] Yes I'm alright.
[6274] ... Not bleeding worried, that's right! [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6275] Well ... don't say it, I might have cut one off.
[6276] That's a problem innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [6277] Pencil.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6278] A what?
[6279] A pencil or a pen?
Bev (PS0X9) [6280] A pencil please.
[6281] ... Dawn's wedding should be right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6282] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [6283] Shouldn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6284] I don't know.
[6285] [...] together, I don't know.
Bev (PS0X9) [6286] A sign ... [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6287] Oh yeah!
[6288] Yeah.
[6289] That's right.
[6290] ... Did they get on alright?
Bev (PS0X9) [6291] Yeah, I do [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6292] He's older than her.
[6293] ... Not that one either.
[6294] ... This is the received one.
[6295] That's the other one isn't it?
[6296] Five sixty five.
Bev (PS0X9) [6297] That is
Wendy (PS0X8) [6298] Where's the other one?
Bev (PS0X9) [6299] There's a longer one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6300] Yeah.
[6301] I know.
[6302] Well I've got that to do.
[6303] ... Well I just leave that one in here
Bev (PS0X9) [6304] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6305] do we?
[6306] ... Right.
[6307] Whe where is this?
[6308] This i this is
Wendy (PS0X8) [6309] Bellise is it?
Michael (PS0XA) [6310] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6311] Oh pa!
[6312] ... Seen who [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [6313] What?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6314] [...] .
[6315] ... Oh I'll [...] that again.
[6316] Oh wait a minute.
Bev (PS0X9) [6317] I wouldn't know.
[6318] Didn't know that.

31 (Tape 037301)

Wendy (PS0X8) [6319] All I've got to do when I ... give the tape back ... is
Bev (PS0X9) [6320] Mum!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6321] Mm?
[6322] ... I don't remember paper.
Bev (PS0X9) [6323] No it hasn't been.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6324] What the midweek?
Bev (PS0X9) [6325] I don't think so.
[6326] I had a look
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [6327] for jobs.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6328] Where's that [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [6329] Have a look at last midweek, I threw it on the [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6330] What is this ... bloody ... [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [6331] [...] let's have a look.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6332] You want that?
[6333] ... Oh, it's what we're looking for isn't it?
[6334] Have you seen the midweek this week?
[6335] Oh, I hope I've [...] .
[6336] ... I don't have to keep them, that's all, I gotta ... know
Bev (PS0X9) [6337] If you've got the receipt.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6338] I've got the receipt.
Bev (PS0X9) [6339] That's alright then.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6340] I won't, besides the fact [...] .
[6341] Ain't you got
Michael (PS0XA) [6342] Well no, it's in, no it won't be.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6343] Well I could all of those letters couldn't I?
Bev (PS0X9) [6344] I dunno.
[6345] Why not!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6346] Would you like [...] there for tomorrow?
Michael (PS0XA) [6347] What?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6348] [...] ?
Michael (PS0XA) [6349] All what?
Bev (PS0X9) [6350] I don't know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6351] I might have put it in the ... the bin.
Michael (PS0XA) [6352] Ay?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6353] I said I haven't put it in the bin.
Bev (PS0X9) [6354] Must have a few shows around you know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6355] Well, I dunno it'll be.
[6356] ... Oh Christ!
[6357] I think Gill will be quite pleased with that clock now.
Michael (PS0XA) [6358] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6359] Don't you?
Michael (PS0XA) [6360] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6361] Cos ooh, we have to [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [6362] What?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6363] Innit?
[6364] The clock we bought them for Christmas.
Bev (PS0X9) [6365] What we have to leave it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6366] No, this one.
[6367] I don't know
Bev (PS0X9) [6368] Oh.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6369] what it is.
[6370] In fact, I gotta [...] [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [6371] [...] .
[6372] But he must be an Agent sometimes?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6373] Might be what?
Bev (PS0X9) [6374] He must be an agent.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6375] What, like the
Bev (PS0X9) [6376] [...] sometimes.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6377] I'll have a look under there, yeah.
[6378] You have that [...] and I'll get that one [...] .
[6379] ... Oh, and she did get it.
[6380] I think he's an agent for that.
[6381] I'll ask Pete.
[6382] Have a look on it.
[6383] ... They burn them first when you've finished.
[6384] That's free.
Bev (PS0X9) [6385] Bob .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6386] Mm.
[6387] I think that Bob is an agent.
[6388] ... Oh I've never heard such a load of bloody rubbish in my life!
Bev (PS0X9) [6389] Stop winging mother! isn't she winging?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6390] Yeah, I think it is.
[6391] ... Right, I haven't got any paper have I?
Bev (PS0X9) [6392] Well I only have to sell [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6393] Well I don't remember what er [...] did ... at the paper.
Bev (PS0X9) [6394] I can't remember seeing it this week but
Wendy (PS0X8) [...] [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [6395] I pick it up don't I?
[6396] Normally.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6397] [yawning] Ooh [] !
[6398] Oh that was a long walk weren't it?
[6399] ... Lovely day though! [...] !
[6400] ... And it was quite warm wasn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [6401] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6402] I don't know whether I gotta take ... what they [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [6403] We haven't got any bus timetables have we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6404] No.
[6405] But you can pick one up ... easy enough can't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [6406] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6407] Well I'll go and have a look for us at the bus stop innit?
[6408] ... Right, that's all I got a tape, eight o'clock innit?
[6409] Eight thirty.
[6410] Start at half past nine and start again at nine thirty.
Michael (PS0XA) [6411] Don't you want this then?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6412] What?
[6413] What do you say?
Michael (PS0XA) [6414] I said, didn't you want this?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6415] Oh [...] father!
Michael (PS0XA) [6416] Ay?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6417] No, I don't want this.
Michael (PS0XA) [belch]
Bev (PS0X9) [6418] But there's nothing else.
[6419] Right, you better get [...] straight with our money.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6420] Where did you have, those scissors?
[6421] Where they over there?
Bev (PS0X9) [6422] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [6423] What are you tutting about now?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6424] No, it's the television money!
[6425] Getting on well without [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6426] Mm?
Bev (PS0X9) [6427] But we could do some [...] , they like that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6428] Ay?
Bev (PS0X9) [6429] Dunno ... if it's possible.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6430] Surely [...] aren't that bad.
Bev (PS0X9) [6431] I would have thought they'd say. [car horn]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6432] Your grandfather!
Bev (PS0X9) [6433] Here's here!
[6434] Here's here!
[6435] Here's here!
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [6436] Put it on number four please.
[6437] ... Well it, [...] a swift one weren't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6438] Yeah, [...] .
[6439] What have I done with [...] ?
[6440] He wants to pick them up.
Bev (PS0X9) [6441] Oh.
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [6442] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6443] Ha!
Michael (PS0XA) [6444] [...] Just bought the car [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [6445] [...] ain't you?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [6446] Righto [...] ! [...]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [6447] See you dad!
[6448] Bye!
[6449] ... God that [...] ... [...] though innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6450] I dunno!
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [6451] Er, I quite like this.
Michael (PS0XA) [6452] So did I.
[6453] [...] she messes about!
[6454] [laugh] That's the ... the problem with that fi film weren't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6455] I dunno what it is!
[6456] I never heard it!
Bev (PS0X9) [6457] Yes, I think so.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6458] Is it?
Michael (PS0XA) [6459] Yeah.
[6460] I think so.
[6461] He dies doesn't he?
Bev (PS0X9) [6462] He's dead!
Michael (PS0XA) [6463] Dead, is he?
Bev (PS0X9) [6464] Well it's supposed to be Christ.
Michael (PS0XA) [6465] Oh, I dunno.
[6466] What, she's ma ma married to him is she?
Bev (PS0X9) [6467] And then you have a de , well ... a devil woman ... cos, cos German's won't play it.
Michael (PS0XA) [6468] Ah oh!
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6469] Yeah,wo wonder why it was [...] have they?
Bev (PS0X9) [6470] Yeah.
[6471] Cos she's ... cleaning him off.
Michael (PS0XA) [6472] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6473] Oh!
[6474] And they won't play it all in Germany?
Bev (PS0X9) [6475] So the ... women said, they were on this morning's programme.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6476] Oh!
Bev (PS0X9) [6477] They think she's the an ... second one of these ... the anti-Christ.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6478] Oh!
Bev (PS0X9) [6479] They won't play it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6480] She's got quite a haunting voice.
[6481] It's nice.
[6482] Got a high tone.
Bev (PS0X9) [6483] Yeah.
[6484] ... This is the bit you don't like?
Michael (PS0XA) [6485] No.
Bev (PS0X9) [6486] Were you saying?
Michael (PS0XA) [6487] No.
[6488] I like the [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [6489] Oh.
Michael (PS0XA) [6490] And she actually goes off the ... it's on e ... every hour ... at least
Bev (PS0X9) [6491] Is it?
Michael (PS0XA) [6492] at least once an hour.
Bev (PS0X9) [6493] I would have said that. [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6494] Don't like those do you?
Michael (PS0XA) [6495] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6496] [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [6497] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [6498] That's great dad!
[6499] [...] ... Well no it's
Wendy (PS0X8) [6500] Well no it's not.
Michael (PS0XA) [6501] No, it's only eight five.
Bev (PS0X9) [6502] Only eighty
Wendy (PS0X8) [6503] I see.
Bev (PS0X9) [6504] five ... that's all.
[6505] ... Is there a romance tonight?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6506] Sorry?
Bev (PS0X9) [6507] Sam's problem. [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6508] I dunno what you're on about!
Bev (PS0X9) [6509] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6510] What this?
Bev (PS0X9) [6511] No.
[6512] It's at the ... [...] Cinema.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6513] What's that?
Michael (PS0XA) [6514] Yes. [music ends; tv still on]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6515] What's happening now then?
Michael (PS0XA) [6516] I dunno what they're doing?
Bev (PS0X9) [6517] It's the paving stone or something.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6518] Ooh!
Michael (PS0XA) [6519] And it's one of these [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6520] I see what you're on about.
[6521] I didn't know what you were on about!
Bev (PS0X9) [6522] I want them to stop there.
[6523] ... Another one of those of [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6524] Oh!
[6525] ... Do you want that Time Out?
Bev (PS0X9) [6526] [singing] na na na na, na na na mm ... na, na na na [] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [6527] What's that?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6528] Not have a car as
Michael (PS0XA) [6529] Oh.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6530] well. [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [6531] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [6532] [singing] Mm, mm mm [] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6533] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [6534] [singing] Stay with
Michael (PS0XA) [6535] Is this the one with the mortgage?
Bev (PS0X9) [6536] me [] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6537] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [6538] Have I opened this already?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6539] Well it's one of the, the insurances.
Michael (PS0XA) [6540] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6541] Has it got the ... bonus?
Michael (PS0XA) [6542] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6543] Well that was this year, won't need to keep that.
[6544] Oh we got some this year, we never got none last year
Michael (PS0XA) [6545] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6546] did we?
Michael (PS0XA) [6547] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6548] Yeah, we didn't get any last year, they
Michael (PS0XA) [6549] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6550] didn't, couldn't give any out wasn't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [6551] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6552] Something like that.
[6553] No money.
[6554] ... Yeah that's one of those that I pay tomorrow.
Michael (PS0XA) [6555] Mm.
[6556] [sigh] Ah.
Bev (PS0X9) [6557] [...] .
[6558] [singing] Mm, mm mm [] .
[6559] I can have er
Wendy (PS0X8) [6560] Yeah that one.
Bev (PS0X9) [6561] Oh I saw that but it [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [6562] [yawning] I wonder what [...] [] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6563] Er
Bev (PS0X9) [6564] Erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [6565] Well it looks like you gotta pay it out it you know and ... take that
Michael (PS0XA) [belch]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6566] from there.
[6567] ... That was all.
[6568] All the debt a vous ... [sigh] Oh [] !
[6569] ... Well I don't have ... er, I I've [...] in there innit?
[6570] On that tape?
Bev (PS0X9) [6571] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6572] And get ... er eight o'clock it'll be compo weren't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [6573] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6574] And
Bev (PS0X9) [6575] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6576] er, the new comedy on one ... starting tonight.
[6577] Er ... where is it on that ... but we need something ... is it tonight we look at Compo Yeah.
[6578] And we [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [6579] What?
[6580] We can't those can we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6581] No we're going to tape, erm [...] .
[6582] We're going to need tomorrow to tape [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [6583] Oh, cos it's normally up in [...] .
[6584] See what I mean?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6585] No, I don't.
Bev (PS0X9) [6586] Well let's try it again.
[6587] Oh!
[6588] Normally
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [6589] it's the Brittas Empire though isn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6590] Mm.
[6591] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [6592] But it's not on tonight, it's the Us Girls
Wendy (PS0X8) [6593] Yeah, so?
[6594] What?
[6595] We tape those?
Bev (PS0X9) [6596] You can't do them [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6597] Why not?
[6598] It's on a , after Compo
Bev (PS0X9) [6599] Yeah, and we normally haven't got anything to watch when Compo is on.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6600] Ah!
[6601] Got you!
Bev (PS0X9) [6602] We normally watch ... [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6603] Ah ha ha ha ha ha!
[6604] Because they break.
[6605] Got you!
Bev (PS0X9) [6606] As I say Brittas, is normally on
Wendy (PS0X8) [6607] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [6608] just there ... [...] .
[6609] Got me now?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6610] Oh I got you now.
[6611] I'd sooner have Compo anyway.
Bev (PS0X9) [6612] Can't have Compo
Wendy (PS0X8) [6613] Why's that [...] ?
[6614] ... Yeah, we have Compo next.
[6615] Normally tape Compo
Bev (PS0X9) [6616] Yeah ... tapes it.
[6617] But you
Wendy (PS0X8) [6618] Oh!
Bev (PS0X9) [6619] don't have to watch it tonight!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6620] That's what I said to you.
[6621] Do we want it tonight?
Bev (PS0X9) [6622] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6623] We shall save it then!
Bev (PS0X9) [6624] Yeah.
[6625] Where's this?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6626] Dunno!
[6627] I'm st , work out what we were doing then!
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6628] The [...] !
Bev (PS0X9) [6629] [...] where?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6630] I both said a time.
[6631] Dunno about holiday, I said cor blimey [...] !
[6632] Is the Cornwa go Cornwall good?
[6633] I said I I'm going on a cruise,the go that men started laughing I said yeah ... I am one day.
[6634] I said even it's not [...] till the last [...] .
[6635] Said alright? [...] away from here!
[6636] Well!
[6637] They [...] one for [...] aren't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [6638] Yep.
[6639] ... Vancouver innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6640] Well it don't bother me, what an experience!
[6641] Innit dear?
Bev (PS0X9) [6642] I'd go back to the Caribbean if I ... [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6643] Caribbean in the er
Bev (PS0X9) [6644] India's
Wendy (PS0X8) [6645] Indies.
[6646] Well that's West Indies.
Bev (PS0X9) [6647] I know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6648] And then Bob said ... Jamaica ... I said, yeah that'll do!
[6649] Well one of those went to Jamaica!
Bev (PS0X9) [6650] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6651] [...] everything.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6652] Mm.
[6653] Stayed on [...] island.
Bev (PS0X9) [6654] Yeah, I remember [...] used to stay on an island.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6655] Mm!
Bev (PS0X9) [6656] Does now.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6657] Do you know it's time for [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [6658] It's not!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6659] Oh it's not!
Bev (PS0X9) [6660] Have you finished it mum?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6661] Nope.
Bev (PS0X9) [6662] Oh dear!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6663] Four rows [...] .
[6664] Yeah, and then six.
Bev (PS0X9) [6665] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6666] And then that's it?
[6667] It's long enough innit? ... [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [6668] Watch, ooh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6669] I got four [...] .
Michael (PS0XA) [6670] Can I share with you love?
Bev (PS0X9) [6671] Yeah!
Michael (PS0XA) [6672] Yeah.
[6673] [laughing] Mm mm [] .
Bev (PS0X9) [6674] No good falling!
[6675] I won't be
Wendy (PS0X8) [6676] You just don't [...] a year.
Bev (PS0X9) [6677] No, got [...] .
[6678] For a year, mm!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6679] [laugh] ... Anyway, well let's hope this [...] .
[6680] Probably get one back to Claire.
Michael (PS0XA) [6681] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [6682] [...] ... I like it very much!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6683] Oh I ... they all owe me now!
[6684] Even Connie owes me!
[6685] After all, I got that [...] by now though.
Michael (PS0XA) [6686] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6687] They'll probably write back ... thank you!
[6688] We love it!
[6689] We've all got colds and can't afford any more medicine!
[6690] So, I'm fed up I want to go to Malita And then we get, they'll call in and say you haven't come up there for a week!
[6691] Ha! [laugh]
Michael (PS0XA) [6692] I tell you I don't, didn't realise that er ... Paul and Charlene have said er ... they can move in by June the second ... all you've gotta do ... is dump everything in there ... then bugger off to Malaya ... for the summer ... and sort out when he gets back! [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [6693] Sort it
Michael (PS0XA) [6694] But
Bev (PS0X9) [6695] out in the winter?
Michael (PS0XA) [6696] no, she's a bit of a ... she says she's broke, he said run enough for her for all the
Bev (PS0X9) [6697] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [6698] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6699] What is it four years?
Michael (PS0XA) [6700] And I said, and I said [...] ... it's every spare time he gets something like that.
Bev (PS0X9) [6701] So it's more than that then.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6702] He says ... don't he say far
Michael (PS0XA) [6703] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6704] too far back.
[6705] But erm
Michael (PS0XA) [6706] Yeah.
[6707] They're going [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6708] she said ... he's ... getting really irritable now!
Michael (PS0XA) [6709] But she says ... I've had enough of this now and ... [...] it there ... don't help [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6710] See it's it's lovely to get it ... done and like that but
Michael (PS0XA) [6711] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6712] not to that ... that extent that you put in every minute!
[6713] It's lovely ... if you can stay in your flat as long as you needed to [...] .
[6714] It's lovely if you had enough money to do it all when you wanted to do it. [music on tv]
Michael (PS0XA) [6715] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6716] It's a marvellous opportunity anyway! [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6717] no but ... he won't have a mortgage.
[6718] He doesn't have a mortgage.
[6719] He owes ... he owes the family ... so he'll be paying back.
Bev (PS0X9) [6720] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6721] But he'll never have a mortgage.
[6722] He won't ha , he won't have no ... no government sce , you know, no ... [...] .
[6723] But he he owes ... the bank, borrows from the bank like.
Bev (PS0X9) [6724] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6725] But er ... that'll have to be paid back but I mean tha that's ... nothing is it?
[6726] I mean, he's got a bank loan rather than twe twenty five year on your property ... around your neck!
[6727] No, I mean, it would have been fantastic if they'd had the cash ... to just get on wouldn't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [6728] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [6729] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6730] Mind you, knowing the [...] I think ... it's just a, a [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [6731] Might not have been the managing director [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6732] No.
Michael (PS0XA) [6733] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6734] Oh!
[6735] Well ... [...] .
[6736] I mean anybody getting into [...] and deeper ... than him ... I'd be surprised!
Michael (PS0XA) [6737] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6738] Right?
Michael (PS0XA) [6739] Yep!
[6740] ... I mean, they're always friendly [...] aren't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [6741] I bet they would!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6742] Can't get any worse!
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6743] [...] .
[6744] ... Well they got to close up.
Michael (PS0XA) [6745] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6746] [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [6747] What this one?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6748] Aha.
Bev (PS0X9) [6749] What is she going then as well?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6750] Mm. [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [6751] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6752] Did you hear about that woman?
[6753] We both know about that.
[6754] That whisky gone and all that
Bev (PS0X9) [6755] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6756] You know it?
[6757] Oh! [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [6758] Ay?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6759] whe when the doctor comes
Michael (PS0XA) [6760] He's there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6761] about sixty [...] for him in he?
Michael (PS0XA) [6762] Something like that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6763] The doctor only drinks whisky!
Bev (PS0X9) [6764] So he would ... he had that ... week off didn't he?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6765] Something or other, yeah. [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [6766] Through this ... window pane [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6767] Yeah [...] remember, yeah he did.
Bev (PS0X9) [6768] That was before the election.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6769] Yeah!
[6770] Got to tell her about that haven't they Mick?
Michael (PS0XA) [6771] Yeah, they insured it pretty well.
[6772] [...] , probably gone into it now but
Wendy (PS0X8) [6773] Not very happy!
Michael (PS0XA) [6774] Won't be very happy, no!
Bev (PS0X9) [6775] It's terrible innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [6776] Mm.
[6777] Well it's his fault [...] , his fault [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6778] He looked through it!
Michael (PS0XA) [6779] he might find a ... pain when he's old.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6780] Ay?
[6781] Oh God!
Michael (PS0XA) [6782] I might find [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6783] Well I'm sure he'll be paying for that.
[6784] I am!
Michael (PS0XA) [6785] Mm, well I'm not!
[6786] But I I, I mean it just
Wendy (PS0X8) [6787] Well I am Mick because
Michael (PS0XA) [6788] perhaps
Wendy (PS0X8) [6789] it's on card!
[6790] They pull them all out Mick!
[6791] Ninety, hundred years old.
[6792] Well ... they pull them out!
[6793] Ain't no doubt about it!
[6794] ... And when is this one?
Michael (PS0XA) [6795] They haven't declared it yet have they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6796] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [6797] Put
Bev (PS0X9) [cough]
Michael (PS0XA) [6798] put that one in at the moment cos it sort of.
Bev (PS0X9) [6799] Well then ... when was the last part of [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6800] No erm
Bev (PS0X9) [6801] Recently?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6802] One night in the week wasn't it?
[6803] Well I can't, can't remember.
Bev (PS0X9) [6804] I shall put [...] properly on this one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6805] Oh!
[6806] Oh yeah!
[6807] Well if er ... you think you're gonna be sure, ah?
Bev (PS0X9) [6808] Yeah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6809] Well, don't need to go up there then.
[6810] Want me to go up there?
Bev (PS0X9) [6811] Well I'll have to un , I'll have to unpick
Wendy (PS0X8) [6812] Oh of course, you got all that haven't you?
[6813] Mm.
[6814] Oh alright.
[6815] Here's some.
Bev (PS0X9) [6816] Well I bought nine hundreds [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6817] I think so, yeah.
[6818] ... I know you used a ... [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [6819] Well I can get up early tomorrow then.
Bev (PS0X9) [6820] And go out
Michael (PS0XA) [6821] That's what I say.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6822] Bloody morning I was up at quarter to nine!
Michael (PS0XA) [6823] No.
[6824] Yeah, but I mean I can you tell you for ... nine, half past [...] something like that.
Bev (PS0X9) [6825] Oh I don't wanna be up [...] too late!
Michael (PS0XA) [6826] No but I mean, yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [6827] In case you come in at twenty past ... eleven.
Michael (PS0XA) [6828] Mm.
[6829] ... Well I'm back by quarter to.
[6830] Wake up normal don't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [6831] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6832] How much have they got in normal cars?
Michael (PS0XA) [6833] If you [...] down there you'll be home ... [...] won't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6834] I gotta go straight down in the morning.
Michael (PS0XA) [6835] Straight down where?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6836] The bakers.
Michael (PS0XA) [6837] Ah, yeah, yeah!
[6838] Well I'll ... but
Wendy (PS0X8) [6839] But
Michael (PS0XA) [6840] I'll be down there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6841] Oh Lore yeah!
Michael (PS0XA) [6842] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6843] Oh yeah!
[6844] I'm not a go , I'm not going down there.
[6845] Not th , yet.
[6846] Soon.
[6847] After.
Bev (PS0X9) [6848] Worst bit now though
Wendy (PS0X8) [6849] [cough] ... Sorry?
Bev (PS0X9) [6850] trying to turn it out.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6851] Mm.
[6852] Right!
[6853] Right!
[6854] Right!
Bev (PS0X9) [6855] Right!
[6856] Right!
[6857] Right!
[6858] How much is seventy five?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6859] Well stretch it on the two when you get
Bev (PS0X9) [6860] No I don't like stretching it!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6861] Well you have to stretch it!
[6862] You stretch it when you put it on!
Bev (PS0X9) [6863] I know, but it's ... [...] good!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6864] Well it's only a forty one!
Bev (PS0X9) [6865] Good God!
[6866] I think I made it bigger than that!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6867] With your neck if it come out at a forty that'll be fine won't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [6868] Well it's only on six millimetre needles ... so
Wendy (PS0X8) [6869] It's always looks ... you know.
Bev (PS0X9) [6870] I don't think I've got the touch!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6871] [...] , look!
[6872] Look!
Bev (PS0X9) [6873] I won't be able to do much more will I?
[6874] Ah, that's going plenty!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6875] Aye it will.
[6876] When you come over down your arm ... in the summer.
[6877] One of those innit?
[6878] One of them that you, well [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [6879] I know, but I still have to do a twenty!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6880] [yawning] Well you got [...] after this [] .
[6881] I've done my bit.
Bev (PS0X9) [6882] Well then that's bloody [...] ... or [...] !
Wendy (PS0X8) [6883] Well it's fitting a blouse ... innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [6884] Dunno!
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [6885] Put the front up ... and I'll measure!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6886] Well, what we do ... seven will have to do.
Bev (PS0X9) [6887] Well if do [...] more and you don't like it
Wendy (PS0X8) [6888] Alright.
[6889] Well let
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6890] well let me do, I've gotta get
Bev (PS0X9) [6891] Well get to your numbers
Wendy (PS0X8) [6892] Yeah I'll get to my numbers.
[6893] Where is the front?
[6894] I know the back or whatever it is, I dunno.
[6895] I'm just doing the front.
Bev (PS0X9) [6896] It's down there.
[6897] This is a bit of a mess innit?
[6898] The [...] pick it up.
[6899] You're not happy with it are you really?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6900] I am happy with it.
[6901] I just can't get the
Bev (PS0X9) [6902] High?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6903] No, I just can't get the enthusiasm ... cracking.
[6904] I think it's
Bev (PS0X9) [6905] Yeah but we've only done so much.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6906] Yeah I know, only I'm tired!
[6907] Really think I'm tired!
[6908] And I really do think that!
[6909] All the [...] I've stuck after work.
[6910] And I did try and sit on one of them.
[6911] No, [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6912] You're up and down like a yo-yo!
[6913] Now, and you're even more tired than if you start a family, you know?
[6914] Well I do, I do the little bits again.
[6915] ... I dunno what we're doing ... on one of them.
[6916] I didn't do it, I'll have to do it tomorrow.
Bev (PS0X9) [6917] Right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6918] You know when they put in the ... foam wall cavity ... you know the, when they
Bev (PS0X9) [6919] They're doing now a model.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6920] Yeah!
[6921] Yes!
[6922] Erm ... green, red and yellow.
Bev (PS0X9) [6923] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6924] And they're all for ... brurgh er er, I dunno!
[6925] Th the three colours are a purpose.
Bev (PS0X9) [6926] Oh, so they know what length,wha
Wendy (PS0X8) [6927] Whatever!
[6928] Whatever!
Bev (PS0X9) [6929] It is.
[6930] Which er
Wendy (PS0X8) [6931] They're all the same size.
Bev (PS0X9) [6932] No but
Wendy (PS0X8) [6933] They're all the same size ... they're just different colours, so whenever
Bev (PS0X9) [6934] To tell the width ... in between the walls obviously.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6935] [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [6936] Well I dunno!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6937] I wondered if it was different solution?
Bev (PS0X9) [6938] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6939] I dunno what it is but ... they're about that long ... and about that round ... and then they got this trigger ... like you ... similar what you do on the Vax hold the trigger.
[6940] ... And they make those horrible shoe box [...] they were open.
[6941] [...] , once it shuts, did you ever see those?
[6942] Come up like that?
Bev (PS0X9) [6943] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6944] You didn't see them?
Bev (PS0X9) [6945] They are good!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6946] They're not supposed to be but they are virtually child-proof now, they showed them!
[6947] ... Well they a , they are!
[6948] You seen me shopping in [...] before.
[6949] As Doreen says to me ... did I see the one on number six?
[6950] Well yes I did.
Bev (PS0X9) [6951] But you didn't see very much.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6952] But I didn't take a lot of it.
[6953] All I saw was ... he was tall ... one I never saw ... I could see the impression ... and it was like four stars.
Bev (PS0X9) [6954] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6955] And I just turned round cos I was making these trigger things, you know this ... cavity
Bev (PS0X9) [6956] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6957] thing ... and I went cor that's pretty tall!
[6958] Never thought any more about it ... and she said to me ... was that this morning?
[6959] Oh the other er ... she said I'd had four of those, and I said what are they then?
[6960] And they're tips to put on the canes ... so you don't poke your eyes out in the garden.
[6961] But I ain't seen one yet.
[6962] Now, I remember ... ages, ages, ages ago ... this was talked about.
[6963] But it never materialised, well ... it has now!
[6964] But I hadn't actually looked at one, picked one up myself but she pinched four.
[6965] But they obviously don't pinch them do they cos
Bev (PS0X9) [6966] Rita?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6967] er, no [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [6968] Oh yeah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [6969] They tried it first cos it's ... brand new tool.
[6970] Only about that big ... four, cos they go in one of the little machines.
[6971] But I know, talking about, I shall be down there.
[6972] Yeah, I shall be down there tomorrow.
[6973] Next to the ... the the triggers.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [6974] [...] , I know.
[6975] I mean, she hasn't got a man of her own but there's plenty going in there is he?
Bev (PS0X9) [6976] Do you know she hasn't got a man of her own?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6977] No.
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [6978] I think she has actually.
[6979] I think it's that one in that blooming great blue ... thing.
[6980] Brought that big present in at Christmas.
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [6981] He, she went out in the car with him one day ... last year.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6982] Did she?
Bev (PS0X9) [6983] She went out all dressed up ... and he drove her blue car.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6984] No, I don't know!
[6985] There's so many men go in there!
[6986] I just dunno!
[6987] ... But he came with a box that day.
[6988] It's probably the dead father!
Bev (PS0X9) [6989] He did stay for Christmas!
[6990] And then two days before Christmas he didn't stay.
Wendy (PS0X8) [6991] [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [6992] I didn't ma ... know damn who they are [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [6993] Well he works here I know that!
Bev (PS0X9) [6994] Urgh!
[6995] Look at those!
[6996] ... [singing] Stay with me [] .
[6997] ... [singing] Stay with me [] . ... [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [6998] Gone outside.
Bev (PS0X9) [6999] [singing] Stay with me [] .
[7000] ... [singing] Stay with me ... oh oh oh ... Stay with me.
[7001] Doo be doo be doo be doo be doo be doo!
[7002] Stay with me [] .
[7003] The reason your system is not going mother is because you keep [...] bloody [...] !
Wendy (PS0X8) [7004] I know!
[7005] I know!
[7006] I know!
[7007] That's cos I think there are two coloured one next.
Bev (PS0X9) [7008] Ooh the [...] got one!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7009] Alright.
Bev (PS0X9) [7010] No!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7011] I know bu , no, I don't wanna leave it!
[7012] I wanna see it finished!
Bev (PS0X9) [7013] Get on with it then!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7014] But it's the cost.
[7015] It's ... [...] and say get on with it!
Bev (PS0X9) [7016] That's alright.
[7017] I will!
[7018] Think we better start doing more over it? [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7019] Oh God!
Bev (PS0X9) [7020] I do!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7021] Well I think it's, we're insufficient.
Bev (PS0X9) [7022] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7023] I do!
Bev (PS0X9) [7024] I don't!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7025] Mm!
[7026] ... Well I enjoy my swimming, like.
Bev (PS0X9) [7027] Yeah, but we won't be swimming will we?
[7028] We'll have to have another swimming night.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7029] Look ... no!
[7030] The whole point is ... what am I going on to, I'm going for free aren't I?
[7031] Yeah.
[7032] It's [...] innit?
[7033] It's still and and foggy and [...] innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [7034] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7035] The thing is ... we can stay longer in the swimming pool.
[7036] We had a hell of a long time in the [...] what's it?
[7037] Didn't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [7038] Yes but ... it's worse ... having a hell of a lot of time in there cos that's what you're
Wendy (PS0X8) [7039] Yeah I know it is!
Bev (PS0X9) [7040] paying for!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7041] Well, it don't matter!
[7042] It's another one pound something, that's all innit?
[7043] It's one pound ... sixty ... forty.
Bev (PS0X9) [7044] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7045] One pound forty to three pound
Bev (PS0X9) [7046] No, one pound sixty to three pound seventy five.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7047] Seventy five.
Bev (PS0X9) [7048] So that's nearly two pound.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7049] Well, so what!
[7050] We got a lot of facility.
[7051] But I mean I, I could of swum more.
[7052] I like the other, I like both of it.
Bev (PS0X9) [7053] Well that's why I say
Wendy (PS0X8) [7054] Now you can see ... just what I say.
Bev (PS0X9) [7055] Well no, I weren't gonna say [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [7056] Oh I do!
[7057] Where's that
Bev (PS0X9) [7058] I've got it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7059] Well start ... He's foreign don't worry!
[7060] If you start that off we're not gonna forget it are we?
Michael (PS0XA) [7061] Put that up there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7062] They working a car? ... [...] pull [...] , put it back in.
Bev (PS0X9) [7063] Oh!
[7064] Thing
Wendy (PS0X8) [7065] What's the matter?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7066] [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [7067] Let me run it forward here.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7068] No it's alright we'll do them.
[7069] Just
Bev (PS0X9) [7070] Gotta try it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7071] Well
Bev (PS0X9) [7072] Right, do this.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7073] Well they do get stuck.
[7074] It's incredible!
[7075] ... [...] . Can't really use for it can you?
[7076] ... Why is this one
Bev (PS0X9) [7077] Put this over there.
[7078] ... I'm not gonna start it now.
Michael (PS0XA) [7079] Oh!
Bev (PS0X9) [7080] Ha!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7081] Long holes.
Bev (PS0X9) [7082] Ha!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7083] The details along this one.
Bev (PS0X9) [7084] Her er! [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [7085] Strange innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [7086] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7087] They're the ones that don't bother taking them.
[7088] ... Strange alright!
Bev (PS0X9) [7089] Well yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7090] Whoever's done that [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [7091] Ah!
[7092] Oh!
[7093] Right, monka ... one more.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7094] Well I think one night of aerobic, one night
Bev (PS0X9) [7095] [yawning] Oh dear [] !
[7096] And I've gotta find a blooming aerobics suit now!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7097] No, you don't!
[7098] Claire will lend you, will do!
Bev (PS0X9) [7099] And what, I'm a sod!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7100] Well ... Marylin's
Bev (PS0X9) [7101] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7102] first.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7103] Then you got Sian, then you got a, ooh!
[7104] Very weird!
Bev (PS0X9) [7105] What do you mean?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7106] Windsurfing.
Bev (PS0X9) [7107] [...] , innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7108] Ladies [...] and start the kitchen and all that.
Bev (PS0X9) [7109] Yes, but it's good when it's done you see!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7110] Ha!
Bev (PS0X9) [7111] Ha!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7112] Ha!
[7113] Well you wouldn't
Bev (PS0X9) [7114] It's good!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7115] want me to do it on my own would you? [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [7116] Oh no!
[7117] You'll have to join her and do it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7118] I've only got this blue and black.
Bev (PS0X9) [7119] [yawning] Well it's over there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7120] They'll let me through, er Sainsburys?
Bev (PS0X9) [7121] Oh yeah!
[7122] Have to be a Thursday I think.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7123] Ah?
Bev (PS0X9) [7124] I say, it has to be a Thursday.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7125] Oh darling!
Bev (PS0X9) [7126] Der darling!
[7127] Or we could always do the Aqua Suite.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7128] No er ... necessarily lo like that.
[7129] I think that's why it comes out a bit boring.
[7130] Well Lesley said that about the aerobics didn't she?
Bev (PS0X9) [7131] Yeah, but I think at the moment Lesley's finding everything boring!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7132] Yeah, she is too!
Bev (PS0X9) [7133] Don't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7134] [yawning] Yeah, they got [] a lot of problems mind.
Bev (PS0X9) [7135] Well haven't we all?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7136] No, not at all actually.
Bev (PS0X9) [7137] Alright.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7138] I think for Lesley ... taking up a bit personally.
[7139] Do you?
Bev (PS0X9) [7140] I think she's gardening too much!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7141] Yeah.
[7142] But, that's up to her.
[7143] Well you look, oh the other one too, I mean she's being stupid with her [...] !
[7144] Really.
[7145] ... I mean, let's be honest, alright, so she does wanna ... whether she do want the firm to fold or not, I'm not certain.
[7146] But I mean, when your [...] phoned in.
Bev (PS0X9) [7147] I would of said why?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7148] Yeah!
Bev (PS0X9) [7149] Cos I would!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7150] I would!
[7151] I would!
Bev (PS0X9) [7152] Certainly would Bev!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7153] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [7154] Well if anything comes to me from ... Arnie
Wendy (PS0X8) [7155] Who?
[7156] Too right!
Bev (PS0X9) [7157] from now on.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7158] Well, I said, tell the truth all the time didn't I?
Bev (PS0X9) [7159] I'm somewhat wondering about this flat.
[7160] And I am.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7161] What ... [...] .
[7162] Only I think you'll have to.
[7163] If that's the way you feel.
[7164] ... Where yo where you are ... I mean they'll have nothing.
[7165] Is there anything I should be doing to this flat?
[7166] ... And then, she might well say either she does want ... something from them or she ain't!
[7167] Won't she?
Bev (PS0X9) [7168] Mm.
[7169] Oh she's said [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [7170] Well if, I sometimes feel a letter, I mean you what she said that morning when you phoned?
Bev (PS0X9) [7171] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7172] I sometimes, this is what I said Marion ... I just feel a letter ... doesn't pressurise them.
[7173] Alright, you gotta wait a couple a days for a reply ... but erm ... I do think sometimes, anyway, it's on paper then isn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [7174] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7175] I mean fortunately you put all that in that first letter didn't you?
[7176] Ah?
[7177] Don't you want it on?
Bev (PS0X9) [7178] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [7179] That's the top?
Bev (PS0X9) [7180] Naughty girl!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7181] Oh!
Bev (PS0X9) [7182] They always used to [...] people with adverts.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7183] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [7184] Ha!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7185] Yeah, it's true innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [7186] What is?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7187] Oh they're over here.
Bev (PS0X9) [7188] Well they're we meant to be?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7189] Are they?
[7190] Well!
[7191] Didn't take no notice of the old woman! [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [7192] Ay?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7193] Yeah!
[7194] ... Why is some [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [7195] I dunno.
[7196] Not really.
[7197] In there?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7198] I thought Dashwood was going out of this here Bill.
Bev (PS0X9) [7199] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7200] Well it's in the paper anyway. [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [7201] Is he?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7202] [...] .
[7203] I'd say ... for what he wants.
Michael (PS0XA) [7204] I thought it was Tuesday night cos he ... he were really bad to them [...] offer ats , offer some ... jobs to sell.
[7205] Er ... security systems.
Bev (PS0X9) [7206] Oh!
[7207] Oh the security people
Michael (PS0XA) [7208] And he
Bev (PS0X9) [7209] were going [...] innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7210] Mm.
Michael (PS0XA) [7211] And that proved to be a fraud.
Bev (PS0X9) [7212] Oh!
Michael (PS0XA) [7213] Ha!
[7214] That's what he was in it for.
[7215] So
Wendy (PS0X8) [7216] Where are, where is your [...] ?
Michael (PS0XA) [7217] Ha!
[7218] Could of brought them [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [7219] What?
[7220] Yeah, but in ... ankle.
Michael (PS0XA) [7221] Yeah but you don't get a security nine pound now do you?
Bev (PS0X9) [7222] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7223] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [7224] I thought you got fifty one pound something?
Bev (PS0X9) [7225] No!
[7226] It's
Wendy (PS0X8) [7227] No, it's twenty nine
Bev (PS0X9) [7228] twenty nine sixty five.
Michael (PS0XA) [7229] Yo you ... If I got
Bev (PS0X9) [7230] My first one was fifty one
Michael (PS0XA) [7231] Ah!
Bev (PS0X9) [7232] because
Wendy (PS0X8) [7233] Oh!
Michael (PS0XA) [7234] and then
Bev (PS0X9) [7235] I had days on
Michael (PS0XA) [7236] you get up to
Bev (PS0X9) [7237] on call.
Michael (PS0XA) [7238] you got seventy nine last time?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7239] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [7240] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [7241] Aha!
Bev (PS0X9) [7242] Oh God, yeah!
Michael (PS0XA) [7243] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7244] Oh no!
[7245] It's not that much!
Michael (PS0XA) [7246] Yeah.
[7247] Well er ... they're not much, nothing you need to do is there?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7248] No.
[7249] I didn't think there was at all.
Michael (PS0XA) [7250] Not until ... er I mean if you do ge
Bev (PS0X9) [7251] Get that job
Michael (PS0XA) [7252] if you do get that job then
Bev (PS0X9) [7253] I've got a thing to send in.
Michael (PS0XA) [7254] Yes, that's right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7255] What do you want me to do then?
Bev (PS0X9) [7256] Well ... stand up ... for a start!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7257] Oh!
[7258] Alright.
[7259] ... Urgh!
[7260] Dirty wasn't it? [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7261] I'd look very nice with erm ... that.
Bev (PS0X9) [7262] Nope!
[7263] Nope!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7264] Not one in here.
Bev (PS0X9) [7265] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7266] Oh blow me stupid!
Bev (PS0X9) [7267] [laugh] ... Oh crike
Wendy (PS0X8) [7268] Who were that, you or me!
Bev (PS0X9) [7269] You.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7270] Oh!
[7271] I couldn't hear. [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [7272] No.
[7273] Oh no!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7274] I warned you!
Bev (PS0X9) [7275] Well he didn't listen then did he?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7276] Have you done it?
Bev (PS0X9) [7277] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [7278] Yeah.

32 (Tape 037303)

Wendy (PS0X8) [7279] [cough] Oh God, those blasted sweets!
Bev (PS0X9) [7280] He looks [...] that I know mum.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7281] Does he really?
Bev (PS0X9) [7282] The, long hair I reckon.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7283] What there?
[7284] Yeah, that's a mole.
Bev (PS0X9) [7285] Cos then it catches the light.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7286] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [7287] It looks like a line.
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [7288] Which makes him real menacing!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7289] Mm!
Bev (PS0X9) [7290] Horrible!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7291] Mm! [...] innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [7292] [singing] children of my own, they asked what will I be?
[7293] Will I [...] ?
[7294] Will I be rich?
[7295] Ca cera cera, whatever will be will be, the future's not ours to see, Ca cera cera, what will be ... Ca cera cera [] !
Wendy (PS0X8) [7296] [yawning] Oh!
[7297] Oh!
[7298] Oh [] !
[7299] ... Urgh! [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [7300] [...] ... that's horrible innit?
[7301] ... It looks awful!
[7302] ... Looks like Granny .
Wendy (PS0X8) [7303] [laugh] ... Does it?
Bev (PS0X9) [7304] Well really!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7305] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [7306] And this, bit [...] .
[7307] ... I have!
[7308] I have!
[7309] I have!
[7310] I have!
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [7311] I have!
[7312] I have! [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [7313] [yawning] Yoh, ho ho ho ho ho [] !

33 (Tape 037304)

Wendy (PS0X8) [7314] We are going to watch Us Girls.
Bev (PS0X9) [7315] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7316] Are we?
[7317] Is that what you said?
Bev (PS0X9) [7318] Yes mum.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7319] New si part comedy series.
[7320] ... I wonder why they put that car down there tonight?
[7321] I wonder if Alan's said something.
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7322] Because they er ... [...] to try and get them out.
Michael (PS0XA) [7323] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [7324] It's, might have left a note on.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7325] He might have done.
[7326] But he would do it!
Bev (PS0X9) [7327] Gosh, he's got a bloody right to!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7328] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [7329] Well that's the first time ... I've known them go down there.
[7330] But, I didn't know when he go out.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7331] Ah, has he left enough room for our ... [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [7332] Well it's bloody far, too far to [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7333] No, you go over by Georges don't you?
[7334] As long [...] anything.
Bev (PS0X9) [7335] Yeah but ... you gotta leave enough room for
Wendy (PS0X8) [7336] Yeah, there's enough for both of them.
[7337] Oh.
[7338] Well I've never known them do that before have you?
[7339] ... But when I er ... come down this morning I thought Christ he's never gonna get out of there!
[7340] Cos I mean it's an awkward space innit Mick?
Michael (PS0XA) [7341] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7342] And they don't seem to have ... [...] do they?
Bev (PS0X9) [7343] He must have had a job.
[7344] ... What's this then?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7345] Peugeot one o, er one o six.
Bev (PS0X9) [7346] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7347] Is it, or a Renault?

34 (Tape 037305)

Bev (PS0X9) [7348] I gotta bloody do three more stitches wouldn't you? [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7349] Why?
Bev (PS0X9) [7350] Yeah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [7351] The more you sew
Bev (PS0X9) [7352] There's now four.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7353] Yeah!
[7354] Well just carry stitches and then bring in a bit and then double up [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [7355] Well no because
Wendy (PS0X8) [7356] Do it that way.
Bev (PS0X9) [7357] you've done these two
Wendy (PS0X8) [7358] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [7359] cos you got one stitch there ... then you've made one ... so, one, two, three.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7360] Do it then.
[7361] You do it your way!
[7362] I wouldn't do it that way personally but then
Bev (PS0X9) [7363] Well then you have one out won't you?
[7364] Already.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7365] No!
[7366] What do you wanna do?
Bev (PS0X9) [7367] I wanna do rib four
Wendy (PS0X8) [7368] Then [...] ... and then up to that's how would do it.
[7369] I'm not saying it'll come out right, but that's what I'm saying I would do it.
[7370] ... Is this it?
Bev (PS0X9) [7371] You wanna watch the [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7372] Why?
[7373] It's on now innit?
[7374] Last of the Summer Wine, Us Girls.
Bev (PS0X9) [7375] It's only on one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7376] You're on one aren't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [7377] No I'm not.
[7378] ... I'm not!
[7379] I am now.
[7380] ... Not on video is it? m

35 (Tape 037401)

Wendy (PS0X8) [7381] Whining ... farting ... howling ... erm ... he came in at half past five and er ... overnight again she's got two carloads there ... so it was just the same till gone eleven ... anyway when Mick came in [cough] I said to him what did that bloke say and he said he's looking out some ... different equipment to what he [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7382] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [7383] and hopefully [...] But I said to him about ... Duttons Road ... and I said to him what I'll do is, I've gotta go to town tomorrow ... I'll er get some tapes ... and start taping
Sandra (PS0XD) [7384] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7385] and write a letter for Duttons Road, enclose one of the tapes ... and say where do I go from here?
[7386] ... I mean you know, I mean it was just impossible, I don't know what the hell's going on in there.
[7387] There's two cars in the road, two in the drive this morning.
[7388] Been there all night.
[7389] Course they're all in bed aren't they?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7390] Yeah.
[7391] ... Do you know bus fares go up Sunday?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7392] Well I haven't been using the bus Sandra.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7393] Twenty eight now ... it will be ... and thirty four from the hospital.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7394] Ooh!
[7395] Dear oh dear.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7396] There was a notice and ... it was Monday ... and I said, you know, what was it?
[7397] Oh, don't really know, they tend to go up sort of two
Wendy (PS0X8) [7398] Well sometimes they went up one.
[7399] Some while back.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7400] Well yeah, I don't think any of them are going up one ... this time.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7401] Well we've been walking, I mean ... we ain't been out this week.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7402] So it was the chatty one this morning.
[7403] He started chatting and there was nobody else on the bus and I said to him what are they?
[7404] It's twenty eight.
[7405] I said what's the hospital [...] ?
[7406] He said thirty four.
[7407] The Drove ... should be forty seven he said but it's an odd amount.
[7408] He said ... they may, cos it's forty five at the moment
Wendy (PS0X8) [7409] Yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7410] he said they may just go one to forty six he said or they may even go forty eight on that one ... to even it up. [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [7411] Ah there's the continuation innit?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7412] And he said thank goodness,h he said oh they got [...] and I said yeah ... I've got Monday and Tuesday off he said, it might have died down when I get back he said cos us drivers take all the stick.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7413] I suppose that's perfectly true.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7414] Which [laughing] yeah I said well [] there's nobody else, I said they get on and you say I want more money ... but he said it's a nightmare.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7415] Gotta be.
[7416] Gotta be innit?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7417] But I mean the hospital, when you think
Wendy (PS0X8) [7418] Yeah but people don't realize do they?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7419] that need, you know ... if you're, unless you live sort of here ... you're going up for appointments, doctors, whatever
Wendy (PS0X8) [7420] Well that's what I mean.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7421] and you don't feel like walking.
[7422] You get on, I mean if it's a mum and a kid or ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7423] Oh well we've been walking when we've gone into town ... but I mean ... just between you and me ... but when I got home Bev said [...] ... pop into town I've got a parcel to post and I said well I can't ... I said because according to Des ... well nothing happened
Sandra (PS0XD) [7424] It didn't.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7425] and she got a bit angry and I, I get a bit angry so I said, because I said well what the hell is going on?
[7426] Now
Sandra (PS0XD) [7427] He should of kept his mouth shut.
[7428] I mean if she's gone home
Wendy (PS0X8) [7429] He should.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7430] and said ooh they didn't half seem interested, I reckon they might ... then he comes in and says
Wendy (PS0X8) [7431] Well I'm not gonna say a word to him Sandra, I'm not
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7432] gonna say a word, I'm gonna wait on ... and see if he says anything ... and er she got
Sandra (PS0XD) [7433] Cos surely I mean if they'd of said ... we are going to
Wendy (PS0X8) [7434] Mm ...
Sandra (PS0XD) [7435] but they didn't [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7436] Yeah.
[7437] Well I think it's a just a mess about place don't you?
[7438] I mean she's in and out of town all the time like you said ... here there and bloody everywhere.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7439] Perhaps they had something else in mind, perhaps it's her.
[7440] Perhaps she was thinking oh yes it's [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7441] Well why didn't he say that yesterday then?
[7442] ... I mean it
Sandra (PS0XD) [7443] Or is he twisting what she says.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7444] Well ... but yesterday, when he said that, you'd of thought
Sandra (PS0XD) [7445] Well I did
Wendy (PS0X8) [7446] well mind you, the only thing is he said did she get a phone call yesterday and she never ... so he might have [...] he expected her to have had one.
[7447] Would you not think?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7448] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7449] Yeah.
[7450] But she's getting cross now cos I said to her look ... you've gotta think about this seriously.
[7451] You going out there, you stop all your Income Support and it co turns out to be a bloody week or something ... well alright you turn round and get back on Income Support but it's not simple is it?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7452] Is she regis she's registered with quite a few agencies hasn't she?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7453] All of them yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7454] Yeah cos they tend to
Wendy (PS0X8) [7455] Well as far as I know.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7456] phone up Thursday
Wendy (PS0X8) [7457] Yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7458] even Friday morning
Wendy (PS0X8) [7459] Yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7460] when they've just had a call in, to start on Monday.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7461] Yeah. ...
Sandra (PS0XD) [7462] You know, so it's her
Wendy (PS0X8) [7463] But I, I mean I'm
Sandra (PS0XD) [7464] [...] the possibility that she could get some
Wendy (PS0X8) [7465] Yeah.
[7466] Well I'm not very happy about this situation at all, I have to say.
[7467] Alright so he should keep his mouth shut, this I agree with ... but at the same time [...] she leaves
Sandra (PS0XD) [7468] Well so somebody ain't
Wendy (PS0X8) [7469] tomorrow.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7470] Yeah somebody ain't telling the truth are they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7471] No.
[7472] So it's up to her.
[7473] I said to her well it's up to you what you do, but I said er I, I don't like the situation.
[7474] I mean she sat watching Neighbours all that day.
[7475] He did say to me right in the very beginning basically it's answering the telephone.
[7476] And then er that
Sandra (PS0XD) [7477] Well if that's case she can go and work for one of the taxi companies and sit in their office and ans
Wendy (PS0X8) [7478] That's right.
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7479] But that day that that woman phoned up ... the house ... erm ... she said I've been watching Neighbours or something
Sandra (PS0XD) [7480] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7481] and she said erm one of them, I think it was ... Clive, he's just narked off she said.
[7482] She did
Doreen (PS0XE) [7483] Hello.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7484] Hello Doreen.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7485] Hiya Doreen.
[7486] ... Yeah, so ... it's up to Bev what she does about it but I mean I'm bloody pissed off with it.
[7487] She does keep on, but I'm not gonna say a word to him.
[7488] She never got a phone call about that job
Doreen (PS0XE) [7489] Ooh
Wendy (PS0X8) [7490] Anyway I'm not saying a word to him, I'm gonna wait and see if and what he says ... because I say it's making me angry.
[7491] And that's the second, third time he's said to me
Sandra (PS0XD) [7492] Yeah. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [7493] So I'm not gonna say nothing.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7494] Well he brought it up in the first place.
[7495] It wasn't as if
Wendy (PS0X8) [7496] Absolutely.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7497] you said oh who's taking your wife's job.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7498] I never.
[7499] Never even bloody thought about it anyway.
[7500] But I say it's in peculiar bloody works.
[7501] But I don't think it is a works, I think it's two blokes, I dunno how many are there but it ... all I've heard of is these two bosses
Sandra (PS0XD) [7502] Mm?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7503] and her.
[7504] And I say if she sits watching Neighbours and pops in to town to book a holiday for Brittany and ... well I shan't, I shan't say [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7505] You don't normally have televisions around do you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7506] Well that's what ... Bev said.
[7507] She said watching Neighbours?
[7508] But she told Bev [...] .
[7509] And I said
Sandra (PS0XD) [7510] Well Annette said when she was up at [...] but
Wendy (PS0X8) [7511] Some do.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7512] but they were all to do with sort of satellite dishes and it was in their reception area and it had satellite T V on, and it was an advertising thing as much
Wendy (PS0X8) [7513] Mm.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7514] as anything, if she ever had to do reception
Wendy (PS0X8) [7515] Mm.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7516] she couldn't understand how, she said oh she said and, and a couple of channels that used to drive her up the wall.
[7517] Oh them things was on [...] [loud crash]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7518] Ooh er ... stupid person!
[7519] [laugh] God!
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7520] Well that must have been a big bit surely.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7521] Seems nobody was underneath it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7522] Well ... bit late anyway weren't it?
[7523] ... Yeah well I say
Doreen (PS0XE) [7524] [...] shut up now.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7525] Mm I see that.
Doreen (PS0XE) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [7526] Body Shop was on there ... erm
Sandra (PS0XD) [7527] Saw it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7528] this morning, no just now
Sandra (PS0XD) [7529] Oh.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7530] I don't know whether they're having difficulties, I don't know what it was about but he seemed very serious, this man.
[7531] It was all about money
Sandra (PS0XD) [7532] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7533] but
Sandra (PS0XD) [7534] It wasn't their profits was it?
[7535] Cos they're all
Wendy (PS0X8) [7536] I dunno.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7537] issuing their
Wendy (PS0X8) [7538] Yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7539] yearly reports aren't they?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7540] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7541] Yeah well the banks are all [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7542] Barclays only made only made five hundred and thirty three million. [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7543] Well that's nothing to them is it?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7544] [laughing] I mean dunnit [] , it makes you laugh does it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7545] Yeah well it's nothing to them.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7546] [...] million down innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7547] Yeah.
[7548] This is it.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7549] Cor yeah but [...] it's still a profit not a
Wendy (PS0X8) [7550] But erm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [7551] loss innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7552] Morning.
[7553] Yeah but they don't [...]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7554] How much [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7555] Oh I didn't, I didn't know.
[7556] Er
Sandra (PS0XD) [7557] [...] they said anyway, and then the parishes add their bit.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7558] Cos it's in the erm [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7559] Oh I didn't know
Wendy (PS0X8) [7560] Was it?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7561] Mm.
[7562] Forty pound extra.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7563] Oh I didn't know, I didn't see.
[7564] How much, forty pound?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7565] Forty pound wasn't it?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7566] Mine's sixty pound actually. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [7567] Yours is?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7568] Yeah cos we had a discount last year [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7569] Oh you did didn't you?
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7570] Yeah we had a twenty pound discount so we've got a hundred
Wendy (PS0X8) [7571] Yeah that's right.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7572] and twenty to find this year.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7573] Oh.
[7574] I know I did seen it on the T V, different places, but I, I didn't know anything about here.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7575] My [...] yesterday and said that ... well my cousin said they've gotta pay twenty pounds [...] but my friend said there is a [...] those who couldn't pay [laughing] [...] [] I dunno whether it'll do any good but ... I should think some of them
Wendy (PS0X8) [7576] Well
Doreen (PS0XE) [7577] wouldn't want their neighbours to know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7578] well in the end I expect there'll be a lot of places that do it don't you?
[7579] ... I mean it's er ... true, isn't it?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [7580] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [7581] It's true ... so ... well ... [...] one here.
[7582] If you get caught ...
Doreen (PS0XE) [7583] Jolly good job [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7584] Well yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7585] Did you see in, I don't know wha where it was ... [...] free paper
Doreen (PS0XE) [7586] [...] must be something they can do. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [7587] the other day but ... yeah it must have been cos I haven't seen any papers since Monday ... how many thousands don't pay on ... not paying their television licence.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7588] Oh yeah.
[7589] They've got [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7590] Oh really?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7591] thing now, it's [...] .
Doreen (PS0XE) [7592] Yeah they got, they can do it better now and [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7593] Well there you go, it's just another fraud
Doreen (PS0XE) [7594] Fine them more and all.
[7595] They're bringing fraud, I did see that on the T V, they're bringing fraud into
Sandra (PS0XD) [7596] It's [...] innit? [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7597] Yeah.
[7598] They're bringing it in or something or thinking of bringing actions forward into the [...] or ... whatever.
[7599] ... Saw that this morning, something about it anyway.
[7600] But er
Sandra (PS0XD) [7601] Oh ... [...] the first payments are due [...] .
[7602] But we started late last year didn't we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7603] Thought we started in June, but I got one more to pay.
[7604] So I got [...] I got Friday ... to pay and that's ten months.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7605] I ... [...] of that and I said to to him is that the last one?
[7606] He said well I ain't heard nothing but [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7607] Well it is for me.
[7608] Definitely.
[7609] I've got one more [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7610] That's February's payment.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7611] That'll be February's payment yeah ... [...] ... No
Sandra (PS0XD) [7612] [...] the month so you'll have to [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7613] No
Sandra (PS0XD) [7614] March. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [7615] It would be March because we started late didn't we?
[7616] Do you remember?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7617] Cos normally normally you finish in February
Wendy (PS0X8) [7618] Yeah well normally I would of been finished wouldn't I?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7619] and we used to have March
Wendy (PS0X8) [7620] I pay it at the end of the previous month so it's due on the [...] twenty eighth, twenty ninth
Sandra (PS0XD) [7621] We used to start paying the rates in May.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7622] Yeah we did ... but I had a feeling ... we were late ... last year
Sandra (PS0XD) [7623] So I should think that's ... but I reckon we must ... cos the government changed it, it knocked hundred and forty quid off didn't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7624] Yeah.
[7625] No I, I, but I'm sure I've got one more to pay but it'll be the fifteenth of March that'll be due.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7626] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7627] Cos I do it, the day he gets paid I pay all the bills
Sandra (PS0XD) [7628] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7629] and that'll be for the next month [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7630] But I said to [...] I said well you might get a free month but I said or you ... [...] in March and then Ap ... supposedly April starts again.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7631] Well that depends when they start again dunnit?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7632] Unless they do it, less the banker's orders go ... start
Wendy (PS0X8) [7633] Yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7634] in May.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7635] Don't know Sandra.
[7636] But I'm
Sandra (PS0XD) [7637] It was just a bit in The Echo cos they're all about here and
Wendy (PS0X8) [7638] sure I've got one more to pay.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7639] Eastleigh is quite high again.
[7640] That's nearly three hundred.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7641] So's Welwyn innit?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7642] Welwyn's over three hundred.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7643] Yeah.
[7644] I saw that on the ... well proposed [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7645] Yeah.
[7646] Cos Annette paid a lot when she was then at Chandler's Ford [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7647] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [7648] very high one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7649] Ah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7650] Thanks Gloria. ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7651] Mind you Marguerite's was over the three hundred last year when she [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7652] And where was that? ...
Sandra (PS0XD) [7653] Er ... it's funny up round there cos there's about three different councils well although her address is Hampshire
Wendy (PS0X8) [7654] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [7655] the postcode ... is Guildford ... and you've got Aldershot or there's [...] and there's another one that is ... three different cou [...] another one
Wendy (PS0X8) [7656] [cough] Mm.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7657] But it was one, one of them anyway and hers was over three hundred so [...] save a bit.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7658] Mm. ...
Sandra (PS0XD) [7659] But once again they haven't worked hers out, I mean she told them she was down here in January ... and she still hasn't had a bill yet for the end of this year.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7660] Well all you can do is tell them, I mean you're within the law then, it's up to them innit?
[7661] You know?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7662] [...] twenty one days don't you, when you move to no she notified the one she'd left.
[7663] She said I'm not paying any more up there, I'm moving [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [cough]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7664] and notified [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7665] I mean they all ought to be geared up for all this for Christ's sake.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7666] Mm.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7667] It must be happening every day of the damned week.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7668] Yeah.
[7669] They take so long to sort it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7670] But I mean it's like Hugh, they said he hadn't registered or something wasn't it?
[7671] That's what they said.
[7672] But [...] , [...] said to me one day [...] erm ...
Sandra (PS0XD) [7673] Yeah but he wasn't paying it before was he?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7674] He hadn't registered, that's what I was told.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7675] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7676] So when the bit of paper came ... they just ignore it [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7677] They said he
Doreen (PS0XE) [7678] Well [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7679] you, you haven't paid when he was out at [...] cos you have to notify them that you're moving
Wendy (PS0X8) [7680] Mm
Sandra (PS0XD) [7681] so one council's got a bit of paper and it ties up with the other one when you come here ... but if you don't, if you haven't paid before you couldn't tell them you were leaving
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7682] or if he suddenly says here ... I'm here
Wendy (PS0X8) [7683] Mm.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7684] well then the next question is where have you come from?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7685] Mm that's, that's right yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7686] Yeah but he hadn't registered, that's what ... cos I said to [...] well I don't really know this sort of thing I said, [...] said here, that's first I knew.
[7687] I said now there's three more of us that know that he's not paying poll tax
Doreen (PS0XE) [7688] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7689] then she said yeah he told me all about it, she said he hadn't registered.
[7690] And I said well if, if you're gonna do this sort of thing you keep your bloody gob shut.
[7691] ... Don't you?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7692] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7693] Cos there's all of us that know now, she knows.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7694] Good job he didn't tell me.
[7695] Not that I could do anything but I wouldn't [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7696] But he didn't register
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7697] When they move into that new house though, cos I mean the council are aware that the new [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7698] Yeah.
[7699] Well you would think so Sandra
Sandra (PS0XD) [7700] and services to be connected [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7701] but I mean when you have a erm
Sandra (PS0XD) [7702] You know the builders might even say we've sold these two.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7703] when they don't have erm, when you have your election form and that and you send it in,do don't they come round if you haven't sent it back, or do they just, they used to didn't they?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7704] No.
[7705] They don't check up. [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7706] Well I, I know something I erm, what was it then, what [...] ?
[7707] Perhaps it was the erm
Sandra (PS0XD) [7708] sign those papers because they thought there was a tie-up
Doreen (PS0XE) [7709] [cough] perhaps it was when we had the census paper
Sandra (PS0XD) [7710] Loads of people
Doreen (PS0XE) [7711] then was it?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7712] Census paper had to be
Doreen (PS0XE) [7713] Oh
Sandra (PS0XD) [7714] done, yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7715] Cos they came round then.
[7716] Why can't, if they don't get things back, why don't they come round?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7717] They can't cos I don't think there's enough [...]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [cough]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7718] in this country.
[7719] What I said, if it was like
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [7720] [...] enough people
Wendy (PS0X8) [7721] No!
[7722] If it was like Germany where everything is, is regimented, whatever word you wanna use ... whether you agree with this or whether you don't, everybody in Germany pays everything that they should.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [7723] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7724] Now, if you agree
Doreen (PS0XE) [7725] Well I suppose that is it, you see in this they don't believe in [...] believe more in freedom don't they? [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7726] Oh yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [7727] Hiya!
Sandra (PS0XD) [7728] They've blocked the idea of I D cards haven't they cos [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7729] Mm.
[7730] Yeah.
[7731] Well you see
Doreen (PS0XE) [7732] Like we had in the war, we had an
Wendy (PS0X8) [7733] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7734] identity card.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7735] But you see you can say it's the big brother and all this rubbish, but the fact remains that we three are paying the poll tax and he is not.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7736] Mm.
[7737] This is it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7738] This is how it ends up [...] .
[7739] I mean everything is, is ... well, regimented, I can't think of a better word [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7740] [...] Germany they do it with T V licences
Doreen (PS0XE) [cough]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7741] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [7742] [...] when he went in to hire ... or buy a television, they
Wendy (PS0X8) [7743] Yes they do.
[7744] Yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7745] had to notify the authorities that so and so has signed up for one.
[7746] ... So perhaps the house [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7747] Mm.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7748] Well I don't know but, but if they [...] up there
Doreen (PS0XE) [...] [cough]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7749] and bought a house ... well then the next question is well where have you come from?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7750] Well of course and this is ... don't you feel whether it's [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7751] So I mean [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7752] Yeah!
[7753] So you and I and Doreen
Doreen (PS0XE) [7754] [...] let everybody come here don't we?
[7755] I mean to say ... [...] law in other countries but they're always pleased to come here and take all our what's it aren't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7756] This is it! [...] immigration [...] to stop.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7757] I mean all the Scottish and the Welsh, [laughing] I always remember when [] when erm ... when the first houses, when we lived, when I lived with me mother, and in that house we lived in was a big estate ... erm near us and erm ... ever such a lot of Welsh people lived there ... and, I don't know who it was, somebody wanted a place, couldn't get anywhere ... and my mother went up there with [...] [laughing] [...] [] you let all the Welsh people come here he s she said they run us down [...] and that was years and years ago she said, nearly everybody on that estate's Welsh [...] ourselves.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7758] [...] with Dennis and Marge we'd been out with Dennis and Marge you know, a while back, and they're both Scottish and they run this country down to the
Sandra (PS0XD) [7759] I know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7760] and he's, he's [...] working in there! [...]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7761] up until now, but, well [...] are different now ... this is the last place he stopped, he would walk down the road if he heard of a job for five pound more
Doreen (PS0XE) [7762] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7763] and
Doreen (PS0XE) [7764] And he always seemed to slip into it I expect.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7765] He did.
[7766] Now he's staying here
Doreen (PS0XE) [7767] [laugh] They do don't they, Scottish people?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7768] because of the state of the country, or the state of the employment, but we've been out, actually out with those two and they ... put this country down [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [cough]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7769] yet they never stayed up in Scotland cos there was nothing to bloody do.
[7770] Now they own their coun well they're buying their council house ... he works for where [...] was you know, and she's erm ... something director, financial director now.
[7771] ... You see?
[7772] I mean ... [...] but I mean people are still flooding into this country today.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7773] Mm.
[7774] That's what I say, there'll always be, they run us down like mad and [laughing] [...] [] and yet they all come here.
[7775] [...] same as all these black countries ... didn't want us in there did they?
[7776] But [laugh] lot of them wanna come over here now things are getting bad for them. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [7777] Well no, that was another thing ... more or less as I was coming out the door they'd got the news thing on ... and this was Australia ... the new prime minister, I don't know his name, he's running down ... I didn't hear it properly but I heard the gist of it, erm and it
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7778] yeah it was running us down this morning cos Britain something something something.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7779] Mm.
[7780] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7781] The insults to the queen, I mean she grimaced when they said it and she had to
Sandra (PS0XD) [7782] I saw it in the papers.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7783] just sit there and she's not allowed to answer back.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7784] She's, no cos erm he ... in a speech didn't he?
[7785] Then he put his arm round her and his wife won't curtsy [...] , she's Dutch, the Dutch [laughing] are just as bad as anybody now [] , just lately, I mean lot of these terrorists get in through Holland don't they?
[7786] They don't seem to do nothing to him.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7787] Yeah.
[7788] [...] in The Sun and there he was was saying you know, no we ... virtually we don't want anything to do with the queen and all that ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7789] I don't know why they don't write ... push off!
Sandra (PS0XD) [7790] Something on the news this morning about, about this
Wendy (PS0X8) [7791] And then don't [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7792] this [...] prime minister ... [...] something wrong with this, English ... [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7793] they wanna separate from us. ... [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7794] And they're, I mean they're not all good at the environment because what's his name David Bellamy was out there when [...] because they were gonna do something weren't they?
[7795] He was protesting [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7796] Oh yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [7797] Something on the erm reef or something wasn't it?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7798] Something to do with David Bellamy
Sandra (PS0XD) [7799] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7800] [...] or something.
[7801] You don't [...] cos ... you don't get all these things but Christine has the ... New Scientist every week ... and I don't know why it's always us, but you wanna read that sometimes, I don't read a lot [laughing] cos I don't understand it [] but some of the things that some of the countries are doing and yet it's always us.
[7802] ... I mean there's a, there was a programme on [...] I watched last night, [...] on the sea or [...] ?
[7803] It runs past Germany, Denmark and Holland ... and then into sort of North Sea and the Rhine comes in it and it's terribly
Sandra (PS0XD) [7804] Zeider Zee
Doreen (PS0XE) [7805] polluted.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7806] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7807] I said to Leslie it's only us, and yet it's Germany does that bit, Holland does this bit and Denmark is doing something else. [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7808] There was a programme, there was ... I mean a lot of it was East Germany but there was a programme on
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7809] West Germany ... that was a while back now ... and the rivers were [...] in filth
Doreen (PS0XE) [7810] Oh.
[7811] And yet it's only us.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7812] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7813] Only us.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7814] Yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7815] I don't know [laughing] [...] []
Wendy (PS0X8) [7816] I mean when they find a bit here there's all hell let loose isn't there?
[7817] I mean even down
Doreen (PS0XE) [7818] Well that's right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7819] [...] they had that central heating oil ... and there was a big boom built all round ... to stop it spreading.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7820] And I went through there, when did I go down with you and I went past [...] ? [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7821] and outside where those students sit, I thought the young people were [...] when you read some of that in paper ... the cigarette ends and crisp packets, well that can only be the students, I mean people go through [...] but they're not [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7822] Well they sit, they sit on the steps don't they?
[7823] They sit on the steps [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7824] terrible that, I thought ooh
Wendy (PS0X8) [7825] Well mind you Andover is, I thought [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7826] For two pins [laughing] I'd sort of say to them, I thought well you might [] might say something to the erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7827] to the wrong sort but I thought [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7828] Well I feel really so I wouldn't [...] that job.
[7829] I mean the other morning I looked down and somebody had thrown up in the street
Doreen (PS0XE) [7830] I know, it's horrible.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7831] all across the pavement and I thought
Doreen (PS0XE) [7832] Sometimes we go down the Salisbury Road [...] [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7833] That's the [...] you know by the time sort of office workers are going in, they've done all the streets and all the pavements but ... while they're doing it it's a hell of a mess.
[7834] ... Well I shan't go, [...] said this morning do you wanna go to town today but I said well I've gotta go tomorrow [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7835] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7836] erm but I said we really hung around all day yesterday with that [...] .
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7837] I'd like to stuff it, I, I would!
[7838] I'd say stuff it.
[7839] I know she wants to get out of the house, I know
Doreen (PS0XE) [7840] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [7841] she wants to do something
Doreen (PS0XE) [7842] she wants to get some money [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7843] [...] but I'm not so sure about this [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [cough]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7844] I'm not so sure about it.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7845] Ask her what [...] it is.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7846] No I don't know anything.
[7847] I, I just think [...] er er I've got a feeling
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7848] one day when I said something he come up with a name but it didn't register [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7849] Where was this?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7850] It's up where I got my carpet, up erm
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7851] commercial centre, [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7852] Oh ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [7853] I mean if she
Doreen (PS0XE) [cough]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7854] if she buses she got a half hour walk there
Doreen (PS0XE) [7855] So it's gotta be [...] ain't she?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7856] Yeah.
[7857] I mean if it, if it ... I mean originally he said to me it was part time ... so I thought to myself well that'll be perfect, just get her back into the flow again.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7858] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7859] Then this woman says erm nine ... nine till five thirty I think she said ... well the five thirty bit would be alright wouldn't it [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7860] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7861] The nine, well ... you go down into [...] and you get a bus ... go [...] wherever it dropped you and then half a mile, mind you that's gonna cost you about fifty P
Sandra (PS0XD) [7862] What?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7863] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7864] just to get [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7865] Really?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7866] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7867] That's right, [...] ... yeah.
[7868] It must do if it's gonna be forty eight to The Drove, yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7869] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7870] Cos they go up on Saturday.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7871] Yeah it's erm ... forty to [...] .
[7872] If I went down
Wendy (PS0X8) [7873] What now?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7874] if I went up and down it would cost me eighty pence.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7875] Well it's going up two P on Monday.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7876] [...] actually it was erm I forget what it was when me mother-in-law died and she used to moan about the shop and I said to ... Christine the time she goes down and back ... I mean things are dear in, but some of the things in the shop now, and then, are cheaper than down the town, so if you take your, your bus
Wendy (PS0X8) [7877] Yeah
Doreen (PS0XE) [7878] now if I was to go there and back ... that's eighty pence, I mean I could get, for, for that e extra eighty pence I could get a few things in there that are dearer but I mean I like going down the town anyway and just wander and go back but I do get a few more bits in there now than I did.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7879] Well mine's going up to twenty eight [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [cough]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7880] I mean it is a few years back but I can remember not long ago it was eighteen P ... [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7881] I pay twenty six now.
[7882] And I said to him what's it going up?
[7883] Thinking will it be a penny or twopence and he said twenty eight.
Doreen (PS0XE) [...] [cough]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7884] Thirty four to [...] .
Doreen (PS0XE) [7885] My friend sent me erm some erm
Sandra (PS0XD) [7886] Been on the bus for two years.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7887] dolls clothes' patterns as well yesterday and [...] they weren't half old cos on one of them there was a, a doll that you could send the doll for [...] , there was a lot of those in Women's Weekly weren't there?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7888] Oh yeah.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7889] And the doll was twenty two and nine.
[7890] And it was about this, it looked this big this doll [laughing] [...] [] and three and three for the postage and packing.
[7891] [laughing] I thought now [] oh now you'd have about two pound for postage and packing wouldn't you, and I don't know what the doll would cost. [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7892] cos some of them are three ply and I thought [...] I'm not gonna sit and knit three ply.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7893] [...] again for them and erm I got a phone call again from Pauline yesterday and now [...] wants ... a wine making book and it's
Doreen (PS0XE) [7894] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [7895] by that bloke Berry from Andover
Doreen (PS0XE) [7896] Oh yeah we've got one of them.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7897] and er
Doreen (PS0XE) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7898] I said we've been to his house, Mick and me ... long time ago ... when he lived [...] way and erm ... I said to Mick well have I gotta send this?
[7899] And he said well no I don't think so, he said, er too late this year for it.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7900] Take it. [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7901] Take it with us. [...] more postage.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7902] What is it cheaper cos I say it's never too late actually for wine making cos it depends what you can [...] [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7903] Well it's their grapes [...] cos they've done it you see.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7904] Yeah. ...

36 (Tape 037403)

Wendy (PS0X8) [7905] four ... and Andrew's round there now.
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7906] Well
Doreen (PS0XE) [7907] Yeah but she put that what's it [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7908] miracle innit?
[7909] That what?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7910] That ... clocking in clock two
Wendy (PS0X8) [7911] I know.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7912] two minutes slow, I mean they go by that.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7913] He wouldn't bother about [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7914] Yeah but when it's the other one that's slow they go by the other one.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7915] Oh dear, well he shouldn't leave two there then should he?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7916] They go by the slowest clock.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7917] [...] innit? [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7918] Mm?
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7919] Yeah but that's the one they start by, you know he, he starts [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7920] when he feels like it.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7921] He won't do nothing like that.
[7922] Well I suppose they could start at seven thirty [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7923] Well no [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [7924] [...] by the clocking in clock.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7925] Eh?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7926] Go out by the clocking in clock.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7927] Yeah that's it.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7928] When I, when you were all doing nights [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7929] Everybody else does.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7930] when Mikie was here and you were doing nights, and he called us one day and I said it's not six o'clock yet he said you're [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7931] Two minutes to I was told [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7932] It was two minutes to six that we [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7933] Yeah
Doreen (PS0XE) [7934] That's it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7935] that's what I was told when I come here. ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7936] Don't let her Steve
Doreen (PS0XE) [7937] I'm leaving [laughing] [...] []
Wendy (PS0X8) [7938] Steve, don't let her.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7939] Bye bye then.
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7940] Okay.
[7941] Ta ta then. ...
Doreen (PS0XE) [7942] [...] not going down the town today [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7943] Me?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7944] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7945] Depends how I feel when I get home.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7946] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7947] If I feel brassed off I bloody well will.
[7948] Well it seems stupid Thursday and Friday, that's all.
[7949] ... I mean another thing is ...
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7950] oh there, yeah I dunno what that is.
Doreen (PS0XE) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7951] Oh is it?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7952] It's quite nice when it's out
Wendy (PS0X8) [7953] Oh.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7954] but I mean it's a pain
Wendy (PS0X8) [7955] Oh it is a weed though innit?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7956] Oh it's n well
Wendy (PS0X8) [7957] Half and half.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7958] [...] I suppose really.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7959] What, like a rockery?
Doreen (PS0XE) [7960] It's an old cottage type really.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7961] Oh.
Doreen (PS0XE) [7962] Bye.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7963] See you.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7964] Cheerio.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7965] Oh I don't know [...] a weed I did.
[7966] Oh I bet [...] bloody phone [...] .
[7967] He never said a word.
[7968] Not a word.
[7969] [...] said to me has he, has she heard anything and I said no and I told her what she said.
[7970] She said well you don't wanna take no notice of him.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7971] I reckon what it is ... talked about it [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Sandra (PS0XD) [7972] [...] what a good idea or something [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7973] He is a liar.
[7974] Mind you she phoned her once look.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7975] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7976] She was supposed to phone her back Tuesday, that's what his wife said.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7977] Yeah.
[7978] It could well be that [...] have got other ideas.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7979] Well I said
Sandra (PS0XD) [7980] I mean they don't have to tell you everything [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7981] No
Sandra (PS0XD) [7982] work somewhere do they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [7983] I said to Bev erm ... don't mean to say, I mean I might get home and find she's got a phone call ... but she said to me yes I mean we, she did think of going out yesterday, and it was me that stopped it but if I feel so inclined today we'll go down [...] if she's in
Sandra (PS0XD) [7984] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7985] cos I haven't been for about a month, three weeks.
[7986] ... Just for the afternoon.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7987] No he's got funny attitude [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7988] He's horrible really you know.
Sandra (PS0XD) [7989] I mean there are occasions when you [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [7990] Don't you find it so terribly annoying that he's walking round ... not paying his poll tax?
Sandra (PS0XD) [7991] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7992] Don't you?
[7993] ... Well I do Sandra.
[7994] I mean Doreen said ... erm I wouldn't do nothing about it but [...] well when we found out she said I will, I'll report him but ... you know when you know
Sandra (PS0XD) [7995] Well I mean what ... all you can do really is anonymously ... [...] is phone up [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [7996] Hello.
Wendy (PS0X8) [7997] Oh here she is.
[7998] Alright?
Bev (PS0X9) [7999] Hiya.
[8000] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8001] Having a walkies today, well why not.
Bev (PS0X9) [8002] Why not?
[8003] A nice day.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8004] Tis nice innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8005] I say if you want we'll phone Leslie
Bev (PS0X9) [8006] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8007] I said to Sandra, well this ... job business Bev, he's not said a bloody word to me this morning [...] he's, in actual fact ... he's been ...
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8008] well yeah, he hasn't been able to
Sandra (PS0XD) [8009] He hasn't been talking to anybody has he?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8010] no, but he hasn't been able to because he has to come round [...] ... but he's all ra ra ra ra, whistle whistle whistle.
Bev (PS0X9) [8011] Well let's face it, she said she'd phone me Tuesday
Wendy (PS0X8) [8012] Tuesday mm.
[8013] But it's
Bev (PS0X9) [8014] Now it's Thursday today
Wendy (PS0X8) [8015] but there's there's something I didn't tell you the other day
Bev (PS0X9) [8016] Oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [8017] and I did say to you that you must go, if you go there you must go on the books because you're with a solicitor
Bev (PS0X9) [8018] Oh yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8019] Yeah.
[8020] Well I, what I didn't tell you was [...] I don't know if I told Sandra did I?
[8021] ... No I didn't
Sandra (PS0XD) [8022] [...] can't remember it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8023] No well ... [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8024] They wanted me to go on casual.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8025] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [8026] You can't be casual any more it's against the law.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8027] Well ... well well
Bev (PS0X9) [8028] [...] even bar work [...] but it's
Wendy (PS0X8) [8029] well
Bev (PS0X9) [8030] it's against the law now.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8031] he said to me one day, and I don't remember the day ... he said the best thing would be for her to go on casual, then she can keep her thingy thingy.
[8032] Well I never said
Bev (PS0X9) [8033] Oh yeah, I'm sure! [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8034] yeah, well I never
Sandra (PS0XD) [8035] So you can do the same as him and you can also not register for poll tax.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8036] Well she's registered already.
Bev (PS0X9) [8037] I'm registered already.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8038] And I mean if she got this job she'd have to pay the full amount, if she's on Income Support you don't do you?
Bev (PS0X9) [8039] No.
[8040] I only pay twenty percent when
Wendy (PS0X8) [8041] But that's beside the point.
[8042] Yeah well [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8043] But I'd rather pay the lot [laughing] I tell you [] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [8044] Well no, that's very fair comment Bev but I think this is a dodgy do.
[8045] I find this
Bev (PS0X9) [8046] It sounds it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8047] I find this strange.
[8048] Anyway what he said to me was
Sandra (PS0XD) [8049] I reckon they're gonna carry on paying her, keep her on the books [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8050] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8051] Yeah, no they're not, they're giving her a lump sum
Bev (PS0X9) [8052] You see with maternity they have to do it anyway.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8053] Yeah but they're giving her it all in one lump sum, that's the deposit on their place.
[8054] He told me that.
[8055] But this other bit that I was telling you
Bev (PS0X9) [8056] Mm?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8057] he phoned her that mor it was that morning, I know it was now, and anyway he went off and he phoned her and he came back and he said to me ... yes she'll, give us your phone number didn't he?
Bev (PS0X9) [8058] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [8059] And she said, he said she said yes that's cheaper for us.
[8060] Cos they won't be paying any
Bev (PS0X9) [8061] Nothing.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8062] thingy doodles, I, I said I don't think you ought to touch it.
Bev (PS0X9) [8063] Well ... I couldn't do that anyway, I'd have to say
Wendy (PS0X8) [8064] Well that's what I said to you
Bev (PS0X9) [8065] if you take me on then it's gotta go on
Wendy (PS0X8) [8066] I told you that didn't I?
[8067] But I didn't tell you all that was said cos I thought well I'm not gonna say it if there's no need ... because you would automatically go there
Bev (PS0X9) [8068] [...] I ain't do nothing against the law.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8069] Well I think it's gonna be difficult anyway Bev.
[8070] And the bus fares will be
Bev (PS0X9) [8071] Well it'd be very expensive in the long run.
Sandra (PS0XD) [8072] I don't ... well, [...] probably like some of the others [...] cos they get a bus in on market day, they get a bus home
Bev (PS0X9) [8073] Well she said it, you have to catch the Woolworth one, the one for Woolworth and then walk half a mile.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8074] I, I don't, I ... I'm bothered
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8075] I know.
[8076] I'm bothered about it though.
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8077] Well Sandra
Sandra (PS0XD) [8078] [...] and that's years back now.
[8079] That was one po no that was seventy five ... each way but they go up through [...] and it's now gonna be twenty eight to Manor Road
Wendy (PS0X8) [8080] Oh
Sandra (PS0XD) [8081] just before the hospital
Wendy (PS0X8) [8082] [...] the hospital?
Sandra (PS0XD) [8083] and ... depending on whether they can't have an odd or even amount [...] forty eight to the Drove which is as far as, if you work at [...] , that's as far as you can get in the morning and get off and walk through.
Bev (PS0X9) [8084] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8085] But I'm, I'm bothered by all this.
[8086] I know he's a liar, I know he can be a liar, but I'm still bothered by it, I mean
Bev (PS0X9) [8087] Well [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8088] it's Thursday and she was supposed to phone you Tuesday but he still keeps [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8089] If she phones then it'll it, it will be ... I wouldn't take it unless it's on my terms.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8090] [...] ... I think it, you know
Bev (PS0X9) [8091] It would have to go through the books
Wendy (PS0X8) [8092] Well it would.
Bev (PS0X9) [8093] because no way
Sandra (PS0XD) [8094] Well somebody sooner or later's gonna catch up, I can't understand really why these people think oh I'll get away with it.
Bev (PS0X9) [8095] I don't know why they bother.
[8096] I don't know why they [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8097] Well it's like
Sandra (PS0XD) [8098] Cos they don't half hammer you and if they catch up with you once they watch you like a hawk.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8099] Yeah but this is the one that ain't paying his poll tax look Bev.
Bev (PS0X9) [8100] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8101] Ain't registered.
[8102] Well you've bloody registered and you've only been back a month haven't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [8103] Month and a bit yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8104] Month and a bit.
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8105] No I don't like this, I don't er ... it sticks in your mind don't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [8106] Well it would be on my terms, there's no way I'd go [...] cos I know it's against the law [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8107] Well Sue said that to me up here didn't she?
Sandra (PS0XD) [8108] Yeah and they [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8109] They can't do it.
Sandra (PS0XD) [8110] and it was too much hassle to put her into any other job.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8111] Yes it was.
[8112] ... But I mean
Sandra (PS0XD) [8113] [...] National Insurance [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8114] Mm.
[8115] ... Oh that's something I was [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [8116] Cos quite how they work it out ... I know before
Wendy (PS0X8) [8117] Well
Sandra (PS0XD) [8118] you had to notify all your employ everybody knew
Wendy (PS0X8) [8119] Yeah.
Sandra (PS0XD) [8120] and between them they decided
Wendy (PS0X8) [8121] Yeah.
[8122] Right ... now
Sandra (PS0XD) [8123] [...] twenty five percent cash [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8124] I've just remembered this, her saying about Annette, you know when Sue came up and said about erm ... being stunk out by the exhaust on that
Sandra (PS0XD) [8125] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [8126] bloody lorry ... [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [8127] Mhm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8128] right ... then we got on to talking about him going into the gents and what he does, he don't shut the door and such
Sandra (PS0XD) [8129] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8130] right?
[8131] And I said yeah, I was on one and Suzie was on seven, and I said yeah, even the cleaners complain, you know, in the evening that he don't shut the door when he goes to the loo ... and er I said, must have said, when she's working and Dee Dee turned round and she gl she laughed and said working?
[8132] I said well whatever you wanna call it.
[8133] And then er I said well th this place was never like this when old [...] was here and, and Dee said no it damned well wasn't.
[8134] And I looked at Sue and I said you know [laughing] she's got twenty jobs [] ... erm two cleaning ... and
Sandra (PS0XD) [8135] Childminding.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8136] childminding.
[8137] And I said how, I [...] , how does he get on [...] ?
[8138] She said oh that's up to her, that's nothing to do with us.
[8139] ... So if he does declare them
Sandra (PS0XD) [8140] Well if she's childminding, she can say she's self employed.
Bev (PS0X9) [8141] She's self employed there.
Sandra (PS0XD) [8142] Therefore ... [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8143] Was it there when you left for work this morning?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8144] There were there were four there this morning when I went to work.
Bev (PS0X9) [8145] Sue's been there all bloody day.
[8146] I think their kid's got a bloody new organ
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [8147] he's going dong dong dong boing ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8148] Good.
[8149] Well let's hope your father brings that thing home tonight.
[8150] If not I'll go and buy one tomorrow.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8151] I'll go and buy something.
Bev (PS0X9) [8152] I got up ... about quarter to nine
Wendy (PS0X8) [8153] Yeah?
Bev (PS0X9) [8154] and I heard it all before I got out of bed.
[8155] This bloody organ
Sandra (PS0XD) [8156] Something should be done [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [8157] Well I was gonna send a tape look.
[8158] If he brings, I won't [...] ... and
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8159] I think I
Bev (PS0X9) [8160] how do I stand
Wendy (PS0X8) [8161] no well I was gonna do that
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8162] write a letter, [...] , send a tape to say here's an example of how we're living, and leave it up to them then.
Sandra (PS0XD) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8163] Yeah but what's the point?
[8164] What's the point?
[8165] If I can [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8166] Because you might they might say before you can do anything you've gotta give them this fourteen days notice.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8167] Well then they'll tell me won't they?
[8168] But at least it'll be on the cards won't it?
[8169] I'd sooner tape because I mean that was quite impressive that tape with all that static wasn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [8170] Yeah. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8171] [...] seen me I was running from one room to the other.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8172] It was terrible downstairs wasn't it?
[8173] But she was laying in bed listening to them last night weren't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [8174] Yeah I don't know what they was playing at.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8175] God knows what they get up to in there.
Bev (PS0X9) [8176] It sounded like the mach er like erm a motorbike, so whether they've got video games
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8177] She was laying in bed.
[8178] And we [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8179] So whether they've got video games.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8180] were awful.
[8181] Well we erm ... we didn't go to bed till [...] did we?
Bev (PS0X9) [8182] About quarter to eleven we got to bed, but they were going on ... I fell asleep during the middle of it cos I just got used [laughing] to the noise []
Sandra (PS0XD) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8183] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [8184] See you tomorrow
Wendy (PS0X8) [8185] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [8186] See you. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8187] Right I'll get us some fags, we'll have a couple of cakes.
[8188] Well I don't see the point, I mean we're staying in every bloody daft day aren't we?
[8189] You know?
[8190] And I really think
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8191] Eh?
Bev (PS0X9) [8192] I said I can't see it coming off.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8193] I think it's bloody
Bev (PS0X9) [8194] I must be honest.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8195] peculiar innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [8196] Who wants to do that travelling every day anyway?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8197] Well ... this is what she said ju just now, yeah well not just now, earlier on, she said about getting out there and I said well I'm sure it's that place ... she said well it's the only one out there that she could think of.
[8198] ... Do you want one of these?
[8199] And er I said to her well [...] and er she said that she was embarrassed, I think he's about the
Bev (PS0X9) [8200] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [8201] the best erm
Bev (PS0X9) [8202] sort of
Wendy (PS0X8) [8203] [...] well no [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8204] No but he was dodgy to me
Wendy (PS0X8) [8205] [...] [talking with mouth full] [...] conversation ... anything else we need?
[8206] We're alright for milk ... [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8207] Erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [8208] Anything else?
[8209] ... Hiya May.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8210] Oh hiya Wendy, alright?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8211] Yeah.
[8212] Erm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8213] Bye Bev.
Bev (PS0X9) [8214] See you. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8215] I don't know.
[8216] Erm let me think, can't remember now.
[8217] No?
Bev (PS0X9) [8218] Erm ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8219] Go and see if there's any ... nice big spuds [...] ... [...] ... Nice weather isn't it?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8220] Yeah.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] [laughing] [...] []
Wendy (PS0X8) [8221] Well I'm done now for ... till tomorrow morning ... and then thank god it's Friday I say.
[8222] ... I don't know what we want for tonight but we might go down my sister's this afternoon so we want something easy for when we come back.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8223] That's right, yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8224] Mm.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8225] No job yet Bev?
Bev (PS0X9) [8226] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8227] No, not yet.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8228] [...] it's hopeless innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [8229] Tis at the moment
Wendy (PS0X8) [8230] Blooming is innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [8231] at the moment
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8232] Expect you get a bit bored don't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8233] Well I say if we can go in and out and ... not stick indoors all the time you know?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8234] Yeah cos you [...] help with the chores as well
Wendy (PS0X8) [8235] That's right
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8236] [laughing] Yeah [] yeah.
[8237] There is some mince in there.
[8238] Shall we do a stew in a pot before we go? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8239] Oh I was gonna do a ... erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [8240] Shepherd's pie?
Bev (PS0X9) [8241] shepherd's pie wasn't I?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8242] Yeah.
[8243] Well I've got
Bev (PS0X9) [8244] What's the time [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8245] Yeah but then we don't wanna be too late back do we so
Wendy (PS0X8) [8246] Yeah but then you're only, it'll be all cooked won't it?
[8247] ... That's gotta be coo I'm sure we can get spuds out for that.
[8248] We got onions, we got mince and we've got Oxos, let's do that shall we, have one of those?
[8249] Then all that's gotta be done is chucked in the ... oven innit?
[8250] But I don't see staying in every damned day for this er
Bev (PS0X9) [8251] No no no no no no no
Wendy (PS0X8) [8252] Do you?
Bev (PS0X9) [8253] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8254] Right we'll do that.
[8255] I mean we'll
Bev (PS0X9) [8256] [...] erm carrots then don't we?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8257] Well if you want carrots, yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [8258] Well do you want carrots in it or
Wendy (PS0X8) [8259] I don't mind.
[8260] If you want them get them, it won't do any harm.
[8261] Go and get two or three.
[8262] ... Go and get two or three, that'll do.
[8263] ... Right I want forty red band Marlborough and quarter of peppermints if you've got them today.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8264] I don't know I [...] the other day.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8265] No, I'll get her chews then.
[8266] And she's getting erm two or three carrots.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8267] No there weren't many left I remember love the other day.
[8268] [...] ooh ... beautiful out innit? [...]
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8269] [...] sun comes out
Wendy (PS0X8) [8270] It's always the way innit?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8271] [...] last week.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8272] It's always the way innit?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8273] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8274] I mean yesterday I did a load of washing ... it's been in the garage ever since cos I
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8275] Mm mine's in the conservatory.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8276] I thought it was gonna pour yesterday.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8277] Mm I did and I, course I went out at eleven so
Wendy (PS0X8) [8278] Yeah, so you don't chance it do you?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8279] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [8280] Okay?
Bev (PS0X9) [8281] Here you are.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8282] Cheers.
[8283] ... Right [...] ... [...] ... Right ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8284] Right [...] sixty six
Wendy (PS0X8) [8285] Thank you very much.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8286] there you are. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8287] Anything else you can think of?
Bev (PS0X9) [8288] Don't think so. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8289] [...] that'll do fine won't it?
[8290] Thanks Maureen, bye.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8291] Cheerio then. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8292] Right ... well it's the sort of day we walk down there innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [8293] Yeah.
[8294] I like those walks in this, in this weather. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8295] No they was all on about theirs this morning erm poll tax [...] cos it's
Bev (PS0X9) [8296] Well there's no way I [...] against the
Wendy (PS0X8) [8297] Well Sandra started off saying it's two hundred and seventeen pound each ... poll tax ... plus there's gonna be more on top because of the parish or something, but the actual borough rate is two hundred and seventeen and er then whatever it comes out at
Bev (PS0X9) [8298] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8299] forty pound off something ... and er course then Doreen gets on to the subject of Des again and all these people that don't pay [cough] cos apparently somewhere, and I [...] she said Portsmouth but I'm not ... I can't really remember ... what she said
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8300] Oh hello.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8301] they're gonna put a list up of non payers but you can't put a lit up of people like him because he's not registered.
Bev (PS0X9) [8302] He's not registered anywhere.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8303] No.
Bev (PS0X9) [8304] Because it's like ... one of the girls [...] now their place is close to two areas
Wendy (PS0X8) [8305] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [8306] because they were paying it over here until we had to pay [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8307] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [8308] so she said [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8309] Oh yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8310] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [8311] [...] because they were paying for her house, she wasn't ... her husband and herself didn't have to pay over there
Wendy (PS0X8) [8312] No.
[8313] Hiya
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [8314] Hiya.
Bev (PS0X9) [8315] because when her ... their house ... and it was being paid through there
Wendy (PS0X8) [8316] Better off then are they?
Bev (PS0X9) [8317] Oh I don't bloody know
Wendy (PS0X8) [8318] Well it's alright, we'll get something sorted.
Bev (PS0X9) [8319] And erm ... then it was, she said we had to [...] ... so I don't know what happens when
Wendy (PS0X8) [8320] At the what?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8321] Who said, who told them [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [8322] Well they're actually paying for it on the erm ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8323] On the books?
Bev (PS0X9) [8324] books.
[8325] This is the council.
[8326] They wrote back and said ... you have proof but you don't have receipts and
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8327] No I know
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8328] [...] ... er
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8329] Yeah.
[8330] Cos she said well [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8331] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8332] [...] and she [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8333] Who? [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [8334] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8335] Oh. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8336] There's a letter for Howard.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8337] For Howard? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8338] What the whole [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [8339] Yes.
[8340] When I twisted it
Wendy (PS0X8) [8341] Yeah?
Bev (PS0X9) [8342] to turn it on well it suddenly went.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8343] Oh well he said he ... he said he'd have to have a look at it didn't he? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8344] What? ... [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8345] Oh look look.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8346] Well if I ... erm
Bev (PS0X9) [8347] Could take it down Leslie's and tell her or ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8348] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [8349] will she want a tape down there?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8350] Oh we'll see.
[8351] I'll take that, I'll readdress that letter ... and
Bev (PS0X9) [8352] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8353] and that can go in the ... box can't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [8354] Yeah. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8355] Normally, I say, I don't see the point of staying in for this.
Bev (PS0X9) [8356] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8357] I know we've gotta go out tomorrow but then if we don't go down there today we're not gonna go this week.
Bev (PS0X9) [8358] No.
[8359] ... But she ... she was pleased to hear
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8360] [...] give you a hand with this.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8361] Yeah.
[8362] ... It's dirty, it runs out black.
[8363] That's a new, brand new tap that is.
[8364] ... Brand new tap. ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8365] I don't know who you do that [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8366] Well let's take the whole lot out.
[8367] ... Well give me the bowl and I'll put it in the bath.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8368] That'll be a job for Tim won't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [8369] Yeah.
[8370] Oh yeah. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8371] I just hope that that boy
Bev (PS0X9) [8372] I'm sure he will.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8373] I mean he
Bev (PS0X9) [8374] Oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [8375] he said he understood why we wanted to do it.
[8376] But
Bev (PS0X9) [8377] And [...] can hear the crackle and the bloody [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8378] Yeah you can
Bev (PS0X9) [8379] cos the ba er the crackle is very bad.
[8380] These two?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8381] Yeah, that's all we've got left.
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8382] Yeah well I mean with all this noise and that you don't feel like doing much do you?
Bev (PS0X9) [8383] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8384] Anyway I talked to Ann about this this morning and we've come to the decision to leave it on ... because that's what we did in the ... in the erm ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8385] We knew you would.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8386] in the ha in the what's name there and it might be a better idea because it's not [...] .
[8387] So if we start pulling them about which is ... cos I said to her about the hall and if I don't scrub it all off ... we're gonna have to [...] erm ... gonna have to do the hall and er I said we've got to try to put it on because the walls are so ... ooh ... bitty ... you know what I mean?
Bev (PS0X9) [8388] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8389] And er I really feel that, you know, you can make yourself more bloody trouble ... cos that's what happened to Helen ... next door.
[8390] When she got the erm ... paper off in the erm er er in the hall, she found it all fell apart.
[8391] All the walls fell apart. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8392] It's like living back in the flat.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8393] I've done this before, but I mean Tim will have to have a look at it when he
Bev (PS0X9) [8394] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8395] if it, if we can't, oh it's the dustman
Bev (PS0X9) [8396] Have we
Wendy (PS0X8) [8397] dustman innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [8398] Yeah.
[8399] Have we got a bucket? ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8400] I've got a bucket yeah, why?
Bev (PS0X9) [8401] Well it's easier with a bucket.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8402] Oh.
[8403] ... Oh a kettle should do, after that lot.
[8404] ... If we can get that lot sorted
Bev (PS0X9) [8405] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8406] and then you can use the kettle can't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [8407] Yes.
[8408] ... Oh [...] ... finished that sleeve off but I must sew it on.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8409] Yeah?
Bev (PS0X9) [8410] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8411] [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [8412] Yeah. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8413] Right I'll leave that there.
[8414] ... No I'm afraid this Des is ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8415] Well I'm not bothered.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8416] a very peculiar character, I just find it all so peculiar.
[8417] ... And I mean Dee said to me this morning ... cos she heard us one morning
Bev (PS0X9) [8418] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8419] well Des, she heard Des look ... talking about it ... and er ... she said has she heard anything and I said no, I said not fully but more or less ... we stayed in yesterday ... cos you said shall we go out didn't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [8420] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8421] And I said more or less we stayed in but not a word.
[8422] ... And I say there was some sort of a ... an embarrassment I can only call it
Bev (PS0X9) [8423] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8424] today.
[8425] ... All this whistling and ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8426] It was all nervous.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8427] nervous, yeah.
[8428] Bit of singing and ... and that sort of thing.
[8429] ... Well they wanna, don't matter to me at all I just think they're dodgy characters.
[8430] And you know they don't pay the poll tax and you ... you've been told almost you can do it on ... casual.
[8431] You got to think about it ain't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [8432] Mm.
[8433] Well I wouldn't do it on cas
Wendy (PS0X8) [8434] Eh?
Bev (PS0X9) [8435] I said I wouldn't do it on casual. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8436] Well you wouldn't do it, no.
[8437] Too much bloody worry, I mean we've never done anything like that anyway.
[8438] I say it's like him ... him not paying his poll tax.
[8439] If he's gonna do things like that he wants to keep his gob shut doesn't he?
Bev (PS0X9) [8440] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8441] You know?
[8442] I just ... can't understand.
[8443] But mind you he can't keep his gob shut, so I do understand ... you know that er
Bev (PS0X9) [8444] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8445] that is the way he is.
[8446] ... He's full of gut really.
[8447] ... But anyway if they did phone now I think it's very bad practice ... if she's leaving tomorrow
Bev (PS0X9) [8448] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [8449] cos Sandra said why the hell has she left so late?
[8450] You know I mean it must be three weeks now till she has it.
[8451] She said you don't normally do that.
Bev (PS0X9) [8452] Well she could have it any day now.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8453] Well that's what she said, fortnight either way actually.
[8454] Just exactly what Sandra said.
[8455] ... So she been in next door has she, all, the whole morning?
Bev (PS0X9) [8456] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8457] Yeah well of course only just gone from last bloody night haven't they?
[8458] ... I mean she seems to fill the bloody house with people every day of the week.
[8459] ... Certainly some strange goings on in there I reckon.
Bev (PS0X9) [8460] Yeah well you see some people can't help that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8461] Some people what? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8462] Can't help that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8463] Help what? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8464] But have people round.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8465] Yeah but it's such a strange bloody house innit?
[8466] Don't know what's going on in there do you?
Bev (PS0X9) [8467] Well I would have liked to have known what the noise was last night, I'm sure it was a video game or something.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8468] If it picked up, if he finds what I think he could probably find us ... I mean he knows precisely what we want and [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8469] He wants an amplifier.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8470] Yes but as I said before ... he now has heard it so
Bev (PS0X9) [8471] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8472] he knows what we want to eliminate. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8473] Oh he'll come up trumps for us.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8474] I'm sure he will.
[8475] ... [...] ... What about the animals this morning then?
Bev (PS0X9) [8476] Oh not bad. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8477] Well probably cos somebody'd been with them.
[8478] Innit?
[8479] ... Well if they're not left continually on their own they've got a bit of company haven't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [8480] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8481] That's the point.
[8482] But when they're left totally on their own for hours and hours.
[8483] Well ... [...] make the veg [...] ... if I do that.
Bev (PS0X9) [8484] Woman and the man went up the garden
Wendy (PS0X8) [8485] The woman what?
Bev (PS0X9) [8486] Woman and the man ... and the kid
Wendy (PS0X8) [8487] Yeah?
Bev (PS0X9) [8488] the alsatian and one other bloody [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8489] Went up the garden?
[8490] What were they doing then? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8491] Talk. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8492] Got a chicken and a bloody rabbit up there.
[8493] Well there was.
[8494] Whether there still is, I mean ... I used to hear the chicken making a ruddy noise.
[8495] I mean obviously you won't hear the rabbit but ... I don't think I'm gonna stay in [...] anyway.
[8496] Alright so we'll be out two days [...] there's
Bev (PS0X9) [8497] No but you're staying with me.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8498] nothing to do.
[8499] I mean we even get bored with the knitting.
Bev (PS0X9) [...] [speaking with mouth full]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8500] Eh?
Bev (PS0X9) [8501] You can very easily get bored with knitting.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8502] Mm.
[8503] What's the [...] ?
[8504] Oh [...] ... But I mean I get to work I'm so bloody tired.
[8505] I'll get those earplugs out ... for night times if it's necessary.
Bev (PS0X9) [8506] Mm. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8507] There you are.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8508] What?
[8509] ... Yeah.
[8510] ... No we can shove that in the box.
Bev (PS0X9) [8511] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8512] Don't know what it is, don't need to open it do we?
[8513] ... I know he's, he's up there this weekend. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8514] Well you do know
Wendy (PS0X8) [8515] What? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8516] he'd probably be very pleased to see ... well all three of us if we wanted to.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8517] Oh they brought that back in.
Bev (PS0X9) [8518] Yeah, I didn't think they were going.
[8519] ... All three of us if we went up for a weekend.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8520] He's gotta work Bev, he's not doing enough.
[8521] He's not doing enough, he had one bad result another [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8522] Oh, I didn't know that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8523] No you didn't did you?
[8524] Couple of decent ones and one bad one.
[8525] And his average is sixty two percent.
[8526] ... [...] Sunday but I mean ... I'm not sure, I'll say it now, I'm not sure ... I'm certainly not sure he's doing enough.
[8527] ... If you think about it ... if you think about it I've probably [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8528] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [8529] [...] where he is up and down, up and down and people are in and out and
Bev (PS0X9) [8530] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8531] well I'm sorry but from where I'm looking at it ... [...] sixty two [...] but ... not that I've thought about it in any depth but ... [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8532] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8533] But there again [...] and that have lived in town before
Wendy (PS0X8) [8534] Oh yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [8535] so maybe not.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8536] [...] ... [...] ... Probably touting for business, that's all it is.
[8537] Barclays have lost a load of money.
Bev (PS0X9) [8538] Yeah.
[8539] ... Right I can start
Wendy (PS0X8) [8540] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [8541] if you want.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8542] It's in the freezer, there's a packet [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8543] Well I'll I'll do er ... carrots and that first.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8544] And I say if you do the spuds just well, if they start to go brown inside chuck them.
Bev (PS0X9) [8545] Right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8546] Cos it goes right the way through.
[8547] ... There's a lot of [...] out to the hospital though innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [8548] Yeah. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8549] Well I think we'll have to find somewhere to lock it, well Danny says there's places all over. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8550] Well there will be.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8551] Yeah.
[8552] Could get a, quite a ... a good deal I would have thought ... somewhere. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8553] [...] use this ... tomato and onion?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8554] Well why not?
[8555] ... Yeah that's a good idea.
Bev (PS0X9) [8556] With minced beef, I won't put carrots in cos that
Wendy (PS0X8) [8557] No.
Bev (PS0X9) [8558] might not be
Wendy (PS0X8) [8559] Well see what they say.
[8560] Is there anything in here I've gotta get out?
Bev (PS0X9) [8561] Well the things will be in there
Wendy (PS0X8) [8562] [...] things
Bev (PS0X9) [8563] Yeah one ... So I won't do carrots
Wendy (PS0X8) [8564] No.
[8565] But you need some more onion
Bev (PS0X9) [8566] Yeah I'll do an onion.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8567] the potato will be on the top anyway so ... that won't matter will it? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8568] Well it says serve with ... fresh mince vegetable, mixed vegetables.
[8569] Cos what you do is you put your meat in that, you don't put your
Wendy (PS0X8) [8570] No
Bev (PS0X9) [8571] potato in it ... do potato on the side
Wendy (PS0X8) [8572] Oh well we can do that then.
[8573] That'll be simpler anyway won't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [8574] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [8575] It'll be a pot of potatoes but ... I should put some onion in there though.
Bev (PS0X9) [8576] Oh yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8577] Cos he'll want that.
Bev (PS0X9) [8578] And your meat
Wendy (PS0X8) [8579] And your meat yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [8580] So ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8581] Well that'll be a bit simpler won't it?
[8582] Could that be done in a pot?
Bev (PS0X9) [8583] Yeah, well it's for casserole so ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8584] Well a pot will be simpler for when we get back if she's in of course but ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8585] No I can't see why not.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8586] [...] ... Mind you get your tea.
Bev (PS0X9) [8587] Yeah. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8588] I think we need a breather anyway.
Bev (PS0X9) [8589] Well it's just a waste of a lovely day.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8590] Yeah.
[8591] It's beautiful innit? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8592] Well no, the reason I [...] ... and because these things just go so quickly
Wendy (PS0X8) [8593] Well yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [8594] that maybe it would work out cheaper to start all over again.
[8595] Well they ... I would think up there there's a screw
Wendy (PS0X8) [8596] Screw yeah.
[8597] ... Well [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8598] Will you have the new fashion taps or do you want ... different bits here? [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8599] This but this is twenty five pounds worth there.
Bev (PS0X9) [8600] Yes I know. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8601] I mean it was only months ago cos it's only a while ago that Tim came.
[8602] ... I saw that [...] down there again. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8603] Do you want some more onion than that, yes?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8604] I should chuck another one in, what difference does it make?
Bev (PS0X9) [8605] Oh my eyes!
Wendy (PS0X8) [8606] Yeah ... that is it.
[8607] ... I mean there is a lot of wall space here that is not wall look.
Bev (PS0X9) [8608] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8609] [...] but I can't see the point of doing vinyl on that anyway ... I really cannot. ...

37 (Tape 037501)

Wendy (PS0X8) [8610] Here I'll tell you what ... [...] ... oh yeah no, alright if you have that
Michael (PS0XA) [8611] Mm?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8612] I can have er Emma Freud explores the unspoilt i island of Belize.
Michael (PS0XA) [8613] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8614] That'll be interesting I [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8615] It's erm
Michael (PS0XA) [8616] What's that, half past eight did you say?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8617] Travelogue half past eight till nine.
Michael (PS0XA) [8618] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8619] Mm.
Michael (PS0XA) [8620] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [8621] Oh she's swimming with a dolphin.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8622] Is she?
Bev (PS0X9) [8623] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8624] Well that'll be interesting.
Michael (PS0XA) [8625] Mm mm yeah we'll do that as well then.
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [8626] Oh you've got your, gotta do that cos you'll wanna be, you're watching Morse aren't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [8627] Mm yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8628] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [8629] Everything's bloody Wednesday night isn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8630] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [8631] Well you shouldn't have to go out then should you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8632] Right so it's eight thirty on four ... and nine o'clock on two.
Michael (PS0XA) [8633] We'd have to get the bloody books out if I was here.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8634] Oh yes, well he would.
[8635] [...] eight
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8636] [laughing] eight [] thirty on four
Michael (PS0XA) [8637] [laughing] Listening [...] []
Wendy (PS0X8) [8638] Oh shove it.
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8639] and nine o'clock on
Michael (PS0XA) [8640] I'm listening.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8641] on two, alright?
Michael (PS0XA) [8642] I am listening. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8643] Now what's the time?
[8644] Now, now I want something now.
[8645] I don't want Coronation Street ... Tomorrow's World ... Def Two's still on
Bev (PS0X9) [8646] There's nothing [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8647] Well we'll have to have Coronation Street then.
Bev (PS0X9) [8648] This is Coronation [laugh] this is [...] discount.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8649] This is what?
Bev (PS0X9) [8650] This is more discount ... on the
Wendy (PS0X8) [8651] Oh oh ...
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8652] Mm. ...
Michael (PS0XA) [belch]
Bev (PS0X9) [8653] He was in Soldier Soldier [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8654] Who, this one?
Bev (PS0X9) [8655] Yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8656] Yeah
Michael (PS0XA) [8657] He was the C O weren't he?
Bev (PS0X9) [8658] No.
[8659] The C O was a ... he looks like ... oh what's his name?
[8660] He reminded me of him straight away Patrick McGowan the ... the colonel reminded me of him.
Michael (PS0XA) [8661] Mhm.
Bev (PS0X9) [8662] It wasn't him it was just ... facially. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8663] Told you in here who it was ... This is Your Life, Gary's Choice.
Bev (PS0X9) [8664] Oh it didn't!
Wendy (PS0X8) [8665] It says [reading] I can't give anything away but that the show is ... show's not a load of old cosh ... tonight []
Bev (PS0X9) [8666] That's naughty.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8667] Tis a bit. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8668] Go on, all made in advance.
[8669] Yeah yeah yeah yeah ... didn't realize that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8670] What?
[8671] Made in advance?
Bev (PS0X9) [8672] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8673] They'd have to be really to get all the people together wouldn't they?
[8674] ... Oh [...] bloody cup of tea now [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [8675] I'm not staying in with you if you're gonna be in a foul mood mother.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8676] I'm not in a foul mood, I'm talking to myself.
[8677] ... [yawning] Do you want tea [] ?
Michael (PS0XA) [8678] Yes please.
Bev (PS0X9) [8679] Yes please.

38 (Tape 037502)

Wendy (PS0X8) [8680] Does it work?
Michael (PS0XA) [8681] [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8682] [...] in the kitchen. ...
Michael (PS0XA) [8683] What, on the ceiling?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8684] No, on the walls.
[8685] Does it work? ...
Michael (PS0XA) [8686] Well I suppose so.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8687] [...] have it done?
Michael (PS0XA) [8688] Eh?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8689] Can we have it done?
[8690] ... Is it permanent? ...
Michael (PS0XA) [8691] Yeah it's permanent [...] isn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8692] Yeah that's what I said to Ann look.
Michael (PS0XA) [8693] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8694] What could you have done out there?
Michael (PS0XA) [8695] Well the, the, the best thing, best thing!
[8696] The only thing is that's that's permanent is wood isn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8697] Yeah.
[8698] And what sort of wood would that have to be?
Michael (PS0XA) [8699] Well you can please yourself, it could be that or pine or whatever can't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8700] Mm.
Michael (PS0XA) [8701] You choose your, your own [...] [...] like it used to be.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8702] [...] That would be permanent wouldn't it?
[8703] It had all better be
Michael (PS0XA) [8704] That's the only thing it can be ... but
Wendy (PS0X8) [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [8705] to be permanent.
Bev (PS0X9) [8706] Or tiles.
Michael (PS0XA) [8707] Or, yeah, or tiles but tiles is all
Bev (PS0X9) [8708] Tiles is clinical.
Michael (PS0XA) [8709] It's cold, yeah. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8710] It's always clinical.
Michael (PS0XA) [8711] Mm. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8712] Gotta have something permanent there.
Michael (PS0XA) [8713] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8714] Haven't we?
[8715] To make it easier.
[8716] ... And that wouldn't be cold would it?
Michael (PS0XA) [8717] No. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8718] I never thought about that.
[8719] Where would you get that?
Michael (PS0XA) [8720] Oh all over the place.
[8721] Yeah, all over the place.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8722] Yeah?
[8723] ... That's quite an idea isn't it?
[8724] Is it very hard? ...
Michael (PS0XA) [8725] No I should say with a er you know, I mean you've gotta ... er ... i if it's tongue and groove or, or whatever [...] but as I say, tongue and groove is best.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8726] And that's this stuff here?
Michael (PS0XA) [8727] Yeah. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8728] Quite an idea innit?
[8729] ... Be worth the money in the end wouldn't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [8730] Mm. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8731] And then would you varnish that?
Michael (PS0XA) [8732] Well that would depend on what you had see
Bev (PS0X9) [8733] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [8734] If you [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [8735] [...] you don't do it. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8736] It would be nice though wouldn't it?
[8737] In the end.
[8738] I mean that would all have to come off, all the lot wouldn't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [8739] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8740] Everything.
[8741] ... That would be rather nice you know. ...

39 (Tape 037503)

Wendy (PS0X8) [8742] Couldn't you get in?
Michael (PS0XA) [8743] No.
[8744] No [...] .
[8745] But as he says I'll probably get in ... he said er [...] I was doing something.
[8746] Er er gotta be tomorrow.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8747] Well you've gotta get it haven't you?
Michael (PS0XA) [8748] Yeah I've got it tomorrow well, the latest Friday morning but I mean it's not as, I've gotta get it now. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8749] It's a pity you haven't got to earn enough to put in there and pay for it.
Michael (PS0XA) [8750] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8751] Yeah it don't it make much odds though
Michael (PS0XA) [8752] No I mean [...] ... [...] doesn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8753] Oh it was the other day when I went in there.
Michael (PS0XA) [8754] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8755] Crikey that didn't take us any time at all. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8756] Ugh pigeon [...] shit on mine.
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [8757] Ugh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [8758] Mm probably.
Bev (PS0X9) [8759] [...] ugh. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8760] [yawning] Ooh ... ooh god [] .
[8761] That was best night's sleep I had last night for ages.
Bev (PS0X9) [8762] Well if you go in mine ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8763] No I'll go in that one. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8764] Yeah but you [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8765] Well unless they make a noise.
Bev (PS0X9) [8766] Well I just put a thingy on. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8767] Well if that boy's bringing that thing in [...] we'll have to
Bev (PS0X9) [8768] Well there's no point in recording anything more.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8769] Why?
[8770] ... It's it's
Bev (PS0X9) [8771] [...] brings in something
Wendy (PS0X8) [8772] well it is, it's using it. ... [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8773] Mm ... hear that minute you said that I knew that ... but it never, it never [...] ... I mean [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8774] But we were doing so well.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8775] Well you'll have to go through the lot.
Bev (PS0X9) [8776] Well that's [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8777] You'll have to go through all the Bs ... [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8778] I wonder what made you stop pressing?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8779] I haven't, I haven't got a clue but I knew it the minute ... the second you said it I knew it.
[8780] ... I say because I was running around a bit I think.
Bev (PS0X9) [8781] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8782] I think that's probably the, the thing.
[8783] ... Just did it, that's the answer.
[8784] ... Blooming annoying though.
[8785] ... [...] what I had on it.
[8786] ... Alright, I'm up to hundred and one now.
Bev (PS0X9) [8787] You rotten devil.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8788] Well hadn't been any for ages. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8789] [yawn] I could be [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8790] It's getting very boring though. [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8791] Well see you're at the wrong colour.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8792] Yeah.
[8793] Yeah I, [...] the mix with this, did you?
Bev (PS0X9) [8794] Oh no.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8795] Mm. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8796] Sorry?
[8797] ... And what colour is that?
Bev (PS0X9) [8798] Green.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8799] The erm ... nice, this oh no
Bev (PS0X9) [8800] Yeah that [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8801] not that green.
[8802] ... Or that green?
Bev (PS0X9) [8803] Or that green.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8804] Or that green.
Bev (PS0X9) [8805] It'll have colour, it'll have pattern in it you see.
[8806] It has
Wendy (PS0X8) [8807] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [8808] ribbed bands going up there and there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8809] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [8810] And I should put the pockets it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8811] Yeah.
[8812] That's right.
[8813] ... [yawn] ... I might get a blooming letter from Pauline someone then mightn't I?
[8814] ... Doubt it if she keeps ringing up.

40 (Tape 037504)

Michael (PS0XA) [8815] No I did, this week.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8816] The other ones ... wasn't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [8817] No we, we all take a turn on it where you do it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8818] Where do you go, Tesco's?
Michael (PS0XA) [8819] I will do, yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8820] Oh you will do.
Michael (PS0XA) [8821] Yeah I'll go tomorrow then. ...

41 (Tape 037505)

Wendy (PS0X8) [8822] Oh yeah ... sure you were. ...
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8823] Well that's quite a point actually.
Bev (PS0X9) [8824] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8825] Well she always says get your arse back to Eng
Michael (PS0XA) [8826] Get your arse back to [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8827] to England.
Michael (PS0XA) [8828] [...] mother she's told me
Wendy (PS0X8) [8829] Her mother.
Michael (PS0XA) [8830] quite a lot about it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8831] And she's a right ooh get your arse back ... Well when Peggy gets [...] gets more [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [8832] Yeah.
[8833] But she [...] to like that
Wendy (PS0X8) [8834] Don't she?
Michael (PS0XA) [8835] doesn't she?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8836] Yeah.
[8837] ... Get your arse back to England she says. ...

42 (Tape 037506)

Bev (PS0X9) [8838] You're sure don't want this then?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8839] No ... otherwise I can't do [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8840] Alright then. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8841] [yawning] Oh god I can't stop yawning [...] [] . ...
Michael (PS0XA) [8842] He was an officer you know.
[8843] ... He was an officer in that ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8844] He was ... he wasn't the colour sergeant
Michael (PS0XA) [8845] No he wasn't, he was an officer. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8846] In what?
Bev (PS0X9) [8847] Soldier Soldier.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8848] Oh I never watched it. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8849] He was captain.
[8850] He was a captain.
[8851] His wife was blond.
[8852] ... I'm sure
Wendy (PS0X8) [8853] Which one is it you're on about? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8854] I'll show you in a minute.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8855] Show me. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8856] She was the blond one that had the affair with ... yeah ... the colonel looked like a ... erm the colonel was an Irish bloke, wasn't he?
Michael (PS0XA) [8857] [...] ... I think he was company commander.
Bev (PS0X9) [8858] Yeah.
[8859] Something like that. ...
Michael (PS0XA) [8860] Cos he was certainly in charge of one of those
Bev (PS0X9) [8861] He was cert
Michael (PS0XA) [8862] when they did the erm
Bev (PS0X9) [8863] he was in charge of the group.
Michael (PS0XA) [8864] Yeah, he, he, he was certainly in charge of those when they had that er mock
Bev (PS0X9) [8865] Mock fight, yeah.
Michael (PS0XA) [8866] fight.
Bev (PS0X9) [8867] Not battle, that [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [8868] Cos he [...] he er ... what put one over on the boat who's had, been having an affair with his wife wasn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [8869] That's right.
[8870] ... I missed the end of that, I ... I hope it'll come back on again ... cos I enjoyed it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8871] That was late on at night though weren't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [8872] Yeah, [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8873] Oh it weren't late there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8874] Yeah it was here.
Bev (PS0X9) [8875] Eight o'clock.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8876] No
Michael (PS0XA) [8877] Yeah [...] was late.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8878] It wasn't a time that I would, it ... er when I
Michael (PS0XA) [8879] Normally sit and watch it, no.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8880] No, not me.
Michael (PS0XA) [8881] No it was ten o'clock at least.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8882] Er yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [8883] Oh no.
[8884] Eight o'clock over there.
Michael (PS0XA) [8885] No, it was ten o'clock at least.
Bev (PS0X9) [8886] Prime time.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8887] [yawning] No, not here [] .
Bev (PS0X9) [8888] But there were a lot of things you could get ... [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8889] [...] when you get into them [...] ?
Bev (PS0X9) [8890] Eh?
[8891] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8892] Take a long time.
Bev (PS0X9) [8893] They show everybody don't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8894] Mm. ...
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8895] What?
Michael (PS0XA) [8896] He gets [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8897] I should think so, yeah. [laugh] ...
Michael (PS0XA) [8898] Do you want to know who it is before I go out? [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8899] No, [...] ... [...] two hour thing. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8900] Slap your legs young man.
[8901] ... Wouldn't we mum? ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8902] Well it wouldn't [...] much would it?
[8903] You know if, [...] ... [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8904] [belch] Oh pardon me.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8905] [yawning] But if we [...] [] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [laugh] ... [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Michael (PS0XA) [8906] [...] sounds if it's recording dunnit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8907] Well if she does it [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8908] I did it, so
Wendy (PS0X8) [8909] [laugh] [laughing] not me [] .
[8910] That's [...] ... [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8911] [laugh] ... Oh dear!
[8912] Hundred and three.
Bev (PS0X9) [8913] [...] probably hundred and eleven now.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8914] But you've got [yawning] fourteen more th [] ... fourteen more than me.
Bev (PS0X9) [8915] I've got four more thank you very much, I've only gotta get hundred and fifteen.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8916] Yeah, but seven a time
Bev (PS0X9) [8917] Oh yeah, I see what you mean.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8918] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [8919] Yeah but you've gotta add on another six.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8920] [...] for god's sake don't say I'm doing it wrong.
Bev (PS0X9) [8921] No.
[8922] You'll have to get to hundred and eleven
Wendy (PS0X8) [8923] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [8924] but then you add on six rows.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8925] Oh do we?
Bev (PS0X9) [8926] Yeah, and then cast off.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8927] Oh.
Bev (PS0X9) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8928] There's Morsey
Bev (PS0X9) [8929] [...] That car's right for him.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8930] It's a lovely car innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [8931] I don't like the car myself
Wendy (PS0X8) [8932] Oh I do.
Bev (PS0X9) [8933] not for me I wouldn't.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8934] [yawning] Oh I think it's beautiful old car [] . ...
Bev (PS0X9) [8935] I know who done it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8936] You don't!
[8937] ... You can't it's brand new.
Bev (PS0X9) [8938] I know who's done it.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8939] Really?
Bev (PS0X9) [8940] Yeah. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8941] Doesn't he know her or something?
[8942] ... There goes that bloody dog.
Bev (PS0X9) [8943] There's two going.
[8944] It's a bloody yapper and a
Wendy (PS0X8) [8945] Bloody house innit?
[8946] ... There goes the other one out the back.
Bev (PS0X9) [8947] Yeah. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [8948] Bloody people.
[8949] ... We must try and get some ... really good ones though if he brings that machine in.
[8950] I mean I ... pity about today.
Bev (PS0X9) [8951] Well
Wendy (PS0X8) [8952] That would have been
Bev (PS0X9) [8953] morning ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8954] What, when you were here?
Bev (PS0X9) [8955] Quiet ... that's when you can hear everything.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8956] Mm.
[8957] ... Well I'll leave that job for you then if [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8958] You never know, I might be busy.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8959] Yeah [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8960] The way he's bloody going I won't be.
[8961] Strange innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8962] Well I ... I get a bit annoyed actually because like I said
Bev (PS0X9) [8963] Well it is a little bit annoying!
Wendy (PS0X8) [8964] Well I, I am.
[8965] I am a bit annoyed so I said don't get messed about I said ... this is the whole point cos if, if you get over there and there's and it's only for a bloody week it'll be annoying.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8966] Yeah I just don't know.
[8967] I never said a word to him, he said it to me.
Bev (PS0X9) [8968] This is a little bit annoying now because
Wendy (PS0X8) [8969] I think so.
Bev (PS0X9) [8970] yeah, I haven't even asked for it!
Wendy (PS0X8) [8971] I know.
[8972] Des said to me this morning did Bev get a phone call yesterday and I said no.
[8973] You know, from that ... works
Michael (PS0XA) [8974] Oh yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8975] and he said oh she will today.
Michael (PS0XA) [8976] Eh?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8977] She will today.
Michael (PS0XA) [8978] Oh, she hasn't.
Bev (PS0X9) [8979] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8980] No.
Michael (PS0XA) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8981] That's it, it's getting a little bit annoying.
Michael (PS0XA) [8982] Yeah.
[8983] I know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [8984] She leaves on Friday.
Michael (PS0XA) [8985] Mm.
[8986] ... Well I would think it er ... isn't to be wouldn't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8987] Well I dunno, that was this morning, he come up to me.
Michael (PS0XA) [8988] Oh yeah but that don't mean to say he she's got the
Wendy (PS0X8) [8989] Oh no, no but
Michael (PS0XA) [8990] I mean er
Wendy (PS0X8) [8991] I find it annoying anyway.
Michael (PS0XA) [8992] it might mean that [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [8993] Well if it's there it's there, if it's not it's not
Michael (PS0XA) [8994] Well [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [8995] That's it [...]
Michael (PS0XA) [8996] they might have decided not to.
[8997] Eh?
Wendy (PS0X8) [8998] Eh?
Michael (PS0XA) [8999] She could still get a phone call telling her sh telling her no, that's the other thing.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9000] Well course she can but it seemed a bit strange that he said that this morning.
Michael (PS0XA) [9001] Yeah, yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9002] Doesn't it?
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9003] Now what?
Michael (PS0XA) [9004] Well I know where my ... oh is that yours? [...] it's in my overall pockets and I, I tell you what's in the, in the thing with it, me petrol one and I ... had me premium punch put on there look.
[9005] And it's in my overall pocket, I know it is. ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9006] A damned good job I got one innit?
Michael (PS0XA) [9007] Yeah.
[9008] Well I could still get in but I couldn't lock the door [...] say no bugger off. [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9009] [...] got a system now.
Michael (PS0XA) [9010] [laugh] It's bloody good too.
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9011] Well he's got a system
Michael (PS0XA) [9012] I bloody would.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9013] hasn't he? ...
Michael (PS0XA) [9014] Right ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9015] Got your key?
Michael (PS0XA) [9016] Yeah. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9017] [...] only one?
Michael (PS0XA) [9018] Yeah cos was the other one w in the car well, in the car [...] fortunately. [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9019] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [9020] See you later.
Michael (PS0XA) [9021] Yes.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9022] Bye bye.
Michael (PS0XA) [9023] [...] nine o'clock ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9024] Well half past eight, nine.
Michael (PS0XA) [9025] Yeah [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9026] Channel Four
Michael (PS0XA) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9027] Okay. [sigh] [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [9028] Must have been [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [...] ...

43 (Tape 037507)

Bev (PS0X9) [9029] You can't be beating me!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9030] I'm not beating you.
Bev (PS0X9) [9031] You are!
[9032] You've only gotta do two more.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9033] Oh no I'm doing the wrong one, I'll be hundred and five.
[9034] ... I've done out all me rows, I've gotta come down instead of going across.
[9035] I'll be hundred and five.
[9036] ... Oh I see what I've done now.
[9037] ... Is that him?
Bev (PS0X9) [9038] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9039] I don't recognize him.
[9040] ... Oh it's
Bev (PS0X9) [9041] There was a young boy there wasn't there?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9042] Young boy?
[9043] ... I don't remember that. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9044] Well not a young boy but a young man.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9045] Mm?
[9046] Who's he then?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9047] Oh.
Bev (PS0X9) [9048] Cos when he was talking to his wife on the phone
Wendy (PS0X8) [9049] Mm?
[9050] ... That was a bit rude wasn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9051] Mm. [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9052] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [9053] Well Lewis is supposed to be [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9054] [laugh] I like him though.
Bev (PS0X9) [9055] Yeah ... he's supposed to be a bit
Wendy (PS0X8) [9056] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9057] Oh yeah.

44 (Tape 037508)

Bev (PS0X9) [9058] Nice to go out for a meal, that'll be a nice.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9059] Mm.
[9060] What, with Rosemary and that?
Bev (PS0X9) [9061] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9062] Well I think so, I mean they're all good company by the looks aren't they and ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9063] Well this is what I say.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9064] it's a different night innit, something
Bev (PS0X9) [9065] You don't go out for meals do you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9066] Well I expect your father will have to take us out or perhaps Anne'll pick us up. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9067] Well you might find, cos they might want a drink ... [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9068] That's it.
Bev (PS0X9) [9069] taxi.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9070] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [9071] Because Margaret's only up the top there isn't she?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9072] Yeah.
[9073] ... Yeah.
[9074] ... Or get your father to run us out and taxi back. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9075] I'd hate to have someone who also looked terrible with a
Wendy (PS0X8) [9076] Mm I know
Bev (PS0X9) [9077] scarf [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9078] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [9079] That's all it is.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9080] I know, some people can wear it, some people can't.
[9081] That's all that is isn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9082] Yeah. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9083] That bowl of fruit there!
Bev (PS0X9) [9084] When we going to the Caribbean mum.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9085] Mm.
[9086] ... [...] wouldn't it?

45 (Tape 037509)

Wendy (PS0X8) [9087] That must be a little pub then, that [...] thing is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9088] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9089] Eh? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9090] Yes. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9091] [yawning] Oh [...] before [...] [] ... Yeah that's a nice hairstyle if you can keep it like it.
Bev (PS0X9) [9092] Mm.
[9093] ... You see trouble is you won't get it all one way. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9094] Mm.
[9095] ... Poor old Morsey. [...] half past eight, what's the time?
Bev (PS0X9) [9096] [...] start it off now.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9097] Oh.
[9098] What did I say it was?
[9099] ... Oh god I can't remember.
Bev (PS0X9) [9100] Two.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9101] Four.
Bev (PS0X9) [9102] Four.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9103] This is at two.
[9104] This is on three ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9105] I haven't really got hold of this yet.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9106] No nor me. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9107] Is that it? [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9108] Yeah.
[9109] ... Yeah well we didn't concentrate on it when it started actually, we was all talking weren't we?
[9110] ... That's the trouble. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9111] Well the
Wendy (PS0X8) [9112] Well
Bev (PS0X9) [9113] son-in-law's trying to hide something.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9114] Yeah, I didn't realize who he was actually.
Bev (PS0X9) [9115] The wife ... that isn't ... the wife is another story.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9116] Yeah.
[9117] ... Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [9118] [yawning] oh god ... but I think he's trying to hide something [] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [9119] Well [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [9120] But there was a young boy there [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9121] No I didn't see him.
Bev (PS0X9) [9122] Cos it was while he was phoning, you know the, the boy said ... you can get a telephone qu er a special telephone fitted.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9123] Oh that's right, that was the ... B T man.
[9124] ... British Telecom man.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9125] He was repairing the
Bev (PS0X9) [9126] Of course he was.
Bev (PS0X9) [9127] telephone.
[9128] But some ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9129] Hark at that bloody row next door.
Bev (PS0X9) [9130] Some boy or somebody cut the phone, you saw that at the beginning.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9131] No I didn't.
[9132] I didn't see that.
Bev (PS0X9) [9133] I'm sure we did. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9134] No that was the B T man.
Bev (PS0X9) [9135] Course it was.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9136] Mm.
[9137] He comes through and said if you want a ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9138] You can have a special phone fitted.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9139] Yeah.
[9140] That's right. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9141] Well we wanna know who this other woman is don't we?
[9142] Cos she wasn't the nurse ... cos she walked in half way through the inquest.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9143] What the one with the ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9144] Son-in-law.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9145] Son-in-law is it?
[9146] ... Oh yeah, that was her daughter wasn't it?
[9147] Yeah.
[9148] Her daughter died
Bev (PS0X9) [9149] And the son
Wendy (PS0X8) [9150] and the er grandson ... yeah.
[9151] ... Yeah that's right. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9152] [...] a yoghurt.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9153] Mm see what I've got will you?
[9154] Please.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9155] I had the black one, so something different.
[9156] ... I think I've had all the mango ones.
[9157] Might not have done though. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9158] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9159] Yeah I'll have a mango then please. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9160] We have nine left.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9161] We've got nine left now?
Bev (PS0X9) [9162] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9163] Good grief.
[9164] Oh well that's good then.
Bev (PS0X9) [9165] First of March, I don't know what to do.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9166] Well you go to town on them then.
[9167] First of March?
Bev (PS0X9) [9168] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9169] Oh that's Saturday then innit ... did I say?
Bev (PS0X9) [9170] I don't know. ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9171] I must go and get some wood. ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9172] Ah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9173] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [9174] Ooh
Wendy (PS0X8) [9175] It's doctor and wife.
[9176] ... He's gonna say he couldn't have pulled the trigger.
Bev (PS0X9) [9177] Mm.

46 (Tape 037601)

Wendy (PS0X8) [9178] Certainly will cos she's leaving ... well that don't matter, have a look and erm, it might turn out fine, it might keep you occupied for a while
Bev (PS0X9) [9179] Well
Wendy (PS0X8) [9180] Do you want your water and that?
Bev (PS0X9) [9181] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9182] It's over there
Bev (PS0X9) [9183] erm put it on again last night, they won't do it for me
Wendy (PS0X8) [9184] have I done that?
[9185] No I haven't, damn it that would of been
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9186] wouldn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9187] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9188] Did I say one?
Bev (PS0X9) [9189] I think so
Wendy (PS0X8) [9190] I think I did, er, mm ... no I say you've got to be choosy, certainly I'll agree with that, anyway by the sound of it, like
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9191] said she seems like she's
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9192] or does down there
Bev (PS0X9) [9193] All I've got to know is, cos I shall write it all down
Wendy (PS0X8) [9194] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [9195] is what buttons do what on that water actually
Wendy (PS0X8) [9196] That's right
Bev (PS0X9) [9197] WordPerfect thing, cos all it is most probably
Wendy (PS0X8) [9198] Yeah well they , they correct spelling and all that don't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [9199] Well
Wendy (PS0X8) [9200] Some of them
Bev (PS0X9) [9201] some of them
Wendy (PS0X8) [9202] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [9203] All I've gotta know is like sort of, which ones to press to get to
Wendy (PS0X8) [9204] Hit A, B and C
Bev (PS0X9) [9205] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9206] Erm you've done
Bev (PS0X9) [9207] to get to the menu you could work out from the menu
Wendy (PS0X8) [9208] Yeah , you've done your pills haven't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [9209] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9210] I've asked you that, nothing else you need to take down there
Bev (PS0X9) [9211] I don't think so
Wendy (PS0X8) [9212] Er ta, start the video ain't I?
Bev (PS0X9) [9213] Right station
Wendy (PS0X8) [9214] Oh I'll check that, one, that's what I said didn't I?
Bev (PS0X9) [9215] Aye

47 (Tape 037602)

Wendy (PS0X8) [9216] Hello mummy, where are you?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [9217] Hello
Wendy (PS0X8) [9218] Hello love, oh
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [9219] open the door would she, nobody else would get up
Wendy (PS0X8) [9220] Ah?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9221] oh
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [9222] No ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9223] just take cut her plant down like I did
Bev (PS0X9) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9224] I had to cut that one down, it's all there look ... oh ...

48 (Tape 037603)

Wendy (PS0X8) [9225] So what do I do here, I've put the potatoes on
Bev (PS0X9) [9226] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9227] what about this other stuff?
[9228] Put it in and stir it ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9229] here I come
Wendy (PS0X8) [9230] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [9231] I said here I come
Wendy (PS0X8) [9232] Oh ... and I want it to be ready that's all
Bev (PS0X9) [9233] [reading] One stir and store it in the fridge and use within three or two to three days, recipe for meat balls and onions
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [9234] divide them into neat piles, place in oven proof dish [] do you wanna do it that way?
[9235] Cos all you've got to do, it's the easiest way
Wendy (PS0X8) [9236] Is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9237] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9238] Alright, I
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9239] have I?
[9240] I use is it, is that all you can do with it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9241] Well that's what it says, or microwave it, but that's just the same
Wendy (PS0X8) [9242] It's happened again
Bev (PS0X9) [9243] Don't worry
Wendy (PS0X8) [9244] Right, I, the first thing I do is go out and sweep it off the road then, I can't, I just can't remember ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9245] nip down and get a loaf yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [9246] That , that must the last bread
Wendy (PS0X8) [9247] Ah?
[9248] Well what do you want?
[9249] You want this dish?
[9250] Well the only thing I can do
Bev (PS0X9) [9251] Put the plate on
Wendy (PS0X8) [9252] is, yeah, that will do, but it'll have to go that way
Bev (PS0X9) [9253] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9254] okay?
[9255] ... Which one?
Bev (PS0X9) [9256] Do the big one
Wendy (PS0X8) [9257] Now what about Oxos?
Bev (PS0X9) [9258] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [9259] None at all?
Bev (PS0X9) [9260] No, you don't need them
Wendy (PS0X8) [9261] If you want
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9262] Amazing
Wendy (PS0X8) [9263] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [9264] cos I told you
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9265] it does a bit don't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9266] Phew
Wendy (PS0X8) [9267] Oh well, so what number?
Bev (PS0X9) [9268] Er what's that?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9269] I know
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9270] what number?
Bev (PS0X9) [9271] Four
Wendy (PS0X8) [9272] Four ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9273] I think she's trying to shelter too much though
Wendy (PS0X8) [9274] Yeah sounds like it actually
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9275] So is it, funny how they're older, they're old enough ... well Lee's not
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9276] no
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9277] When I've had this tea I'll go down and get a cut one
Bev (PS0X9) [9278] Eh?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9279] When I've had this tea, I'll go down and get a cut
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9280] won't be worth buying anything else down there anyway, cos it will be
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9281] won't it?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9282] be interesting anyway ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9283] Probably have a few
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9284] yeah, well there you are, there you are
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [9285] well sort out later, sort out on the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9286] right, well this can go in then can it?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [9287] oh go on
Wendy (PS0X8) [9288] yeah , no
Bev (PS0X9) [9289] that'll be fine
Wendy (PS0X8) [9290] Right, well that's good ... well that's what we needed weren't it something like that?
Bev (PS0X9) [9291] It said forty five and one hour, though stirring occasionally ... that'll do mum, cos you can use up the sausages
Wendy (PS0X8) [9292] Really
Bev (PS0X9) [9293] to make a quick supper
Wendy (PS0X8) [9294] we haven't half got through
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9295] quick ain't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [9296] I know
Wendy (PS0X8) [9297] Oh well
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9298] oh, oh look I'll have this tea and I'll go over and get something, the what?
Bev (PS0X9) [9299] Ah time up
Wendy (PS0X8) [9300] Yeah I see that it just come through the door
Bev (PS0X9) [9301] You know what that is don't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9302] What, a lot of it's adverts mind ... lot of adverts in there
Bev (PS0X9) [9303] Scissors where did they go?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9304] Oh I've put them in the drawer, top drawer, the er kitchen drawer ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9305] Well you must be losing some weight then mother
Wendy (PS0X8) [9306] Oh it is true, but it did, it did do it, but that was the other day and I didn't think that they had the same effect, no, well perhaps so, mind you I mean we have done a lot of walking, haven't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [9307] But as I say
Wendy (PS0X8) [9308] If those bus fares are going up like Sandra says
Bev (PS0X9) [9309] you'll be doing a lot more
Wendy (PS0X8) [9310] won't be worth going on the bus unless like I said you've got a great load to carry but then that could be worked out on a Saturday morning, it would mean going down there, after Tesco's that's the only thing
Bev (PS0X9) [9311] Yeah, well we can do that tomorrow because
Wendy (PS0X8) [9312] You can't
Bev (PS0X9) [9313] I can't, I forgot
Wendy (PS0X8) [9314] ha, mm
Bev (PS0X9) [9315] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9316] Well you might be home within an hour
Bev (PS0X9) [9317] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9318] won't you?
[9319] That's the only way to look at it I'm afraid ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9320] Oh bugger me I'm, there's no way I'm not doing it by the books
Wendy (PS0X8) [9321] No
Bev (PS0X9) [9322] Can't afford to do that
Wendy (PS0X8) [9323] No, don't blame you
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [9324] I shall say well that's it, I'm a law abiding
Wendy (PS0X8) [9325] Well no I mean it's not in your best interest and you wouldn't do it anyway, that's more to the point
Bev (PS0X9) [9326] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9327] You've never done it so you won't bloody start now, it's not worth all the hassle, for god sake, you know damn well it's wrong oh there's another load next door now, in a white van
Bev (PS0X9) [9328] Party time
Wendy (PS0X8) [9329] Yeah, that's that bloke who was on the bike ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9330] right, cheers
Bev (PS0X9) [9331] Fifty P off vodka you want them?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9332] Dunno
Bev (PS0X9) [9333] You don't buy that there so
Wendy (PS0X8) [9334] this is advert ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9335] thirty P off cans of beer that is or a bottle of wine ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9336] I know I'm obviously not gonna take everything, am I?
Bev (PS0X9) [9337] Well ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9338] Cos I wouldn't ... fifty five, seventy, eighty, ninety five that'll do won't it?
[9339] That'll do, I mean there will be people who take the whole damn lot, although I don't want to be embarrassed
Bev (PS0X9) [9340] or just pick, pick out ones that
Wendy (PS0X8) [9341] Well there's that one in the paper, I'll have that one, that'll probably go on longer that Tetley tea one ... mm ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9342] A Comedy of Errors at Crickley
Wendy (PS0X8) [9343] Mm ... ah well that's quite a thought innit?
[9344] Pity we ain't near Sawbridgeworth play house
Bev (PS0X9) [9345] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9346] It's too much of a journey ain't it, they do quite an amount there I think still
Bev (PS0X9) [9347] Yes they do ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9348] there and
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9349] we'll probably fill our time, I mean if ... just if you're working that'll change it won't it?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9350] where's that?
Bev (PS0X9) [9351] Here
Wendy (PS0X8) [9352] Where?
[9353] Quick read
Bev (PS0X9) [9354] There
Wendy (PS0X8) [9355] Oh, erm, we must, I won't do it tomorrow I don't think
Bev (PS0X9) [9356] Easter in Jersey
Wendy (PS0X8) [9357] Easter in Jersey?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9358] yeah and I want that, whereabouts in Jersey?
[9359] Just Jersey
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9360] oh that's
Bev (PS0X9) [9361] Oh this is where oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [9362] that's Holland
Bev (PS0X9) [9363] where else does it go?
[9364] Bruges, Ypres and
Wendy (PS0X8) [9365] Ypres
Bev (PS0X9) [9366] Ypres
Wendy (PS0X8) [9367] that's where my grandfather died Ypres ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9368] That's where it goes, Southern Ireland ... John cruise er choose, coaches
Wendy (PS0X8) [9369] John
Bev (PS0X9) [9370] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9371] That's alright as long as it's not an old one, ha
Bev (PS0X9) [9372] day trip to Brugus
Wendy (PS0X8) [9373] Oh I ain't been there ... ha when's that?
Bev (PS0X9) [9374] Nineteenth of April, mystery tour
Wendy (PS0X8) [9375] That's Easter innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [9376] South of France
Wendy (PS0X8) [9377] Nineteen is, is, is er Good Friday
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [9378] Royal Tournament
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [9379] Italy, Venice
Wendy (PS0X8) [9380] Mm, still a few then ain't there?
Bev (PS0X9) [9381] three day vine and, three day vine valley
Wendy (PS0X8) [9382] How much is that one?
Bev (PS0X9) [9383] and hypermarket, doesn't say
Wendy (PS0X8) [9384] Yeah see there's, they're alright, but if they don't fill it you don't go
Bev (PS0X9) [9385] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9386] cos it happened before ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9387] well
Wendy (PS0X8) [9388] well we must wait on a bit, we'll have to now, if she hadn't phoned it would of been, you know something nice to think about won't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9389] Well they all finish in three months if that so
Wendy (PS0X8) [9390] Yeah, oh , well April is Easter, April nineteen, twenty, twenty one, twenty two, and it looks like your father he said he might take some time innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [9391] Mm, so it's only a couple of months' work really
Wendy (PS0X8) [9392] Oh yeah, if that, she short of cash she can well sure be back, I bet you, I wonder who's she taken over there?
[9393] I can't see them two paying out for somebody to look after it and I cannot really ... I cannot ... Seasons, well what you got on today?
Bev (PS0X9) [9394] Well ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9395] Mm ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9396] Italy in September
Wendy (PS0X8) [9397] Yeah I read one today, that's better
Bev (PS0X9) [9398] ha, sort of really ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9399] I didn't know she was from Wales
Bev (PS0X9) [9400] No, nor did I ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9401] You had a short skirt on today
Bev (PS0X9) [9402] No it's not, a black skirt on the knee, it's Charles' suit
Wendy (PS0X8) [9403] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [9404] No it's not
Wendy (PS0X8) [9405] I can see them bloody lines on her stocking
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9406] shorts
Bev (PS0X9) [9407] Could be ... Fergie got er, erm bloody
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9408] Is it another sleepless night and I'll get my bloody ear plugs out
Bev (PS0X9) [9409] Could be
Wendy (PS0X8) [9410] Oh well ... alright I'd better go and get some bread ... right anything else we need?
Bev (PS0X9) [9411] Don't know, don't think so
Wendy (PS0X8) [9412] Eh?
Bev (PS0X9) [9413] Don't think so
Wendy (PS0X8) [9414] Erm ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9415] I know I had it this morning
Wendy (PS0X8) [9416] Oh well we shall see what we shall see
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [9417] tonight
Wendy (PS0X8) [9418] I shall start it tonight, it's all noise, it's all what we are, no matter what their
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9419] is, right, bread ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9420] I'll turn those spuds off while I'll go out look, anything else then?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...

49 (Tape 037604)

Bev (PS0X9) [9421] Yeah, we came in
Wendy (PS0X8) [9422] Oh I wouldn't, I wouldn't
Bev (PS0X9) [9423] No you wouldn't of mind
Wendy (PS0X8) [9424] No
Bev (PS0X9) [9425] He came in and he'd been playing with this bloody lighter
Wendy (PS0X8) [9426] Yeah, well I knew that
Bev (PS0X9) [9427] now lighter for you, fuel you can use
Wendy (PS0X8) [9428] Can you?
Bev (PS0X9) [9429] Yeah, you can use air freshener
Wendy (PS0X8) [9430] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [9431] any aerosol
Wendy (PS0X8) [9432] Really oh blimey, well I didn't know
Bev (PS0X9) [9433] I know as much as I know cos I watch this this morning
Wendy (PS0X8) [9434] What a blasted programme eh?
Bev (PS0X9) [9435] but he was like that with it
Wendy (PS0X8) [9436] Was he?
Bev (PS0X9) [9437] as he came in
Wendy (PS0X8) [9438] I didn't see
Bev (PS0X9) [9439] No, you were out in the kitchen ... erm he went [sniff] and I thought oh don't you dare
Wendy (PS0X8) [9440] Oh that would of done it ... well I dunno I, I
Bev (PS0X9) [9441] I just can't
Wendy (PS0X8) [9442] Oh you can't be ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9443] but I did somewhat think
Wendy (PS0X8) [9444] You what?
Bev (PS0X9) [9445] I did somewhat thought I
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9446] Well
Bev (PS0X9) [9447] But the say ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [9448] say
Wendy (PS0X8) [9449] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [9450] abusers
Wendy (PS0X8) [9451] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [9452] die the first time they've tried it
Wendy (PS0X8) [9453] Really?
Bev (PS0X9) [9454] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9455] What the erm I mean see it
Bev (PS0X9) [9456] inexperience the
Wendy (PS0X8) [9457] the other one got asthma, oh damn
Bev (PS0X9) [9458] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9459] erm, but this one hasn't has he?
Bev (PS0X9) [9460] No, got eczema
Wendy (PS0X8) [9461] Eczema, yeah ... oh, now what about you getting something for tomorrow then, cos you'll have to take something, you can't go there without anything even if you bring it back, you must take something, ha no problem in a bag is it? ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9462] is a buying rolls
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9463] Do you want me to cut out these date ones?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9464] Yeah why not , yeah anything that's relevant, I mean if it goes on till then we can only use it twice can't we?
Bev (PS0X9) [9465] Yeah, well it seems stupid not to
Wendy (PS0X8) [9466] Yeah ... that cat knocked that plant down, did you know? ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9467] What plant?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9468] You know I said she'd cut down her plant like I had
Bev (PS0X9) [9469] Oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9470] The cat knocked it down
Bev (PS0X9) [9471] Oh well
Wendy (PS0X8) [9472] and er broke it all ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9473] erm, there are a lot of toiletries in this one
Wendy (PS0X8) [9474] Yeah, oh well ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9475] well it's all toiletries in it
Wendy (PS0X8) [9476] Is it?
[9477] What is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9478] Erm, Coffeemate
Wendy (PS0X8) [9479] Mm

50 (Tape 037605)

Bev (PS0X9) [9480] Right ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9481] You wait it'll come in a minute ... can hear the bloody television, it's true though, if we didn't have our television on, all we'd listen to is theirs innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [9482] Mm ... mm good job he went out ... did you hear that banging er
Wendy (PS0X8) [9483] Yeah some it, up there or something
Bev (PS0X9) [9484] computer games innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9485] Is it?
[9486] I don't know ... it's a pain I know that, I mean we don't want to hear anything do we?
Bev (PS0X9) [9487] Oh I don't know what's his name is, what's his name?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9488] Who?
Bev (PS0X9) [9489] My old lorry driver
Wendy (PS0X8) [9490] Your old lorry driver?
Bev (PS0X9) [9491] The lorry driver
Wendy (PS0X8) [9492] From where?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9493] oh I don't know his name, oh dear ... who's winning here?
Bev (PS0X9) [9494] The woman
Wendy (PS0X8) [9495] Colander ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9496] That's er cars, stands for cars don't it?
[9497] Cars or motor bikes
Wendy (PS0X8) [9498] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [9499] going round corners
Wendy (PS0X8) [9500] yeah, well we're safe at the moment ... erm take it back and see what comes out
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [9501] yeah I, if he gets a present and he don't wanna show it, there's a scream ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9502] I wondered why she ain't gone out today, she hardly ever stays in does she?
Bev (PS0X9) [9503] No, I wonder where she's put the dogs?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9504] Dunno ... yeah but it don't mean to say that there's a lot come out, it could only be that lot, couldn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9505] Mm ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9506] I mean you can't if you overload the kids
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9507] you can't have four dogs in there ... thereof, well you wouldn't thought of that would you?
[9508] Really ... yeah I can hear her ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9509] June well it won't be will it?
[9510] Ah, noisy little bastard ain't he?
Bev (PS0X9) [9511] Yes ... he is ... I suppose
Wendy (PS0X8) [9512] Eh?
Bev (PS0X9) [9513] if he doesn't really see that much of his mother
Wendy (PS0X8) [9514] No, can't do can he?
Bev (PS0X9) [9515] he wants all her attention when he does see her
Wendy (PS0X8) [9516] Yeah, but then the times when she could be with him she's buzzing around in the car so what
Bev (PS0X9) [9517] Oh yeah I know, what I'm saying is you can somewhat understand he's a noisy bastard
Wendy (PS0X8) [9518] T A T E R N
Bev (PS0X9) [9519] Double T
Wendy (PS0X8) [9520] Yeah, cater, mater, that sounds A R T, no there's only one R, count ... well I just hope he brings one thing home
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9521] be interesting this bit on a bigger one won't it?
[9522] ... Ha ... well if he can't do, if he can't bring nothing that man, which I'm sure he will I shall go and buy something, I mean that thing of Scott's won't be any good without the appropriate thing will it?
[9523] It's gotta be portable you see, that microphone of Scott's
Bev (PS0X9) [9524] Well does it have to be portable?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9525] Well it's gotta be portable
Bev (PS0X9) [9526] Why?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9527] Well cos it can't only be in here or in there, it's gotta be everywhere innit?
[9528] Gotta be, much simpler anyway
Bev (PS0X9) [9529] Simpler, yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9530] Yeah, but erm, carry around, I mean you might want it at a minute's notice ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9531] Withdraw, no W I T H ... no ... withdraws
Wendy (PS0X8) [9532] Withdraws, you reckon ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9533] No I didn't have it I had one of the W dish water
Wendy (PS0X8) [9534] Dish water?
[9535] Mm, oh ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9536] Oh I must remember to take that film out ... Is that the finish of it total?
Bev (PS0X9) [9537] What?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9538] That jumper?
Bev (PS0X9) [9539] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9540] Oh is it?
[9541] Of course you've done the neck I suppose
Bev (PS0X9) [9542] Mm ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9543] Oh ... oh don't want that then do we?
[9544] ... Oh no ... look at her ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9545] Oh no
Wendy (PS0X8) [9546] Well it's a good cause innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [9547] I didn't mean that I mean this
Wendy (PS0X8) [9548] Oh, what's happened now then?
[9549] You put the light on don't you?
[9550] ... I should think they would, so would I missus ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9551] Oh well they won't win
Wendy (PS0X8) [9552] Why?
Bev (PS0X9) [9553] Because they're favourites they won't win
Wendy (PS0X8) [9554] Oh I see, aha, yeah, probably right ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9555] [singing] Give me just a little more time and our love will surely show [] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9556] Heard about this have you?
Bev (PS0X9) [9557] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9558] Oh I haven't ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9559] a green frog has been the mascot
Wendy (PS0X8) [9560] Oh I haven't heard anything about it at all
Bev (PS0X9) [9561] there he is
Wendy (PS0X8) [9562] Oh yeah, oh I don't know ... that's very loud next door isn't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9563] Mm ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9564] what are they deaf in there?
[9565] ... Be interesting cos you can hear exactly what they're saying, mm ... I say people like Simon and Doreen who don't erm televise much and you've got the telephone you told me don't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [9566] Erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9567] The other day ... have that other one there ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9568] Oh it could only of been at five thirty
Wendy (PS0X8) [9569] Mm
Bev (PS0X9) [9570] they won't go yet
Wendy (PS0X8) [9571] They might not go all night, but er
Bev (PS0X9) [9572] Well they were doing it at eleven o'clock last night, it must of been something like that because I heard every word ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9573] Yeah over that ... I mean sometimes you want to sit quiet and you cannot can you?
Bev (PS0X9) [9574] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [9575] Yeah, well I dunno, do it all properly ... I must do all my bits and pieces tonight, I haven't done them this week, oh let's have a look at the poll tax, because I thought there was one more, I'm sure there is
Bev (PS0X9) [9576] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9577] Sandra wasn't sure, I don't know, I'm sure there is
Bev (PS0X9) [9578] Yeah there is
Wendy (PS0X8) [9579] turn on that and I've done mine ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9580] But the kids are changed these days you know
Wendy (PS0X8) [9581] The kids are what did you say?
Bev (PS0X9) [9582] Changed
Wendy (PS0X8) [9583] Well I don't
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9584] not right is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9585] Like, I would never of thought of
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9586] yeah, what you talking about him next door?
[9587] Or thingy
Bev (PS0X9) [9588] Well both
Wendy (PS0X8) [9589] Both , but this one next door Bev is pushed from pillar to post
Bev (PS0X9) [9590] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9591] I mean
Bev (PS0X9) [9592] he wants loving
Wendy (PS0X8) [9593] he's a very kid where the mother's got to go to work
Bev (PS0X9) [9594] he wants loving
Wendy (PS0X8) [9595] and I mean let's face it if he is still with the old grandmother, it's, that's a different world as well innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [9596] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9597] But this kid goes haywire and a lot of them do ... I mean he's all crash bang wallop isn't he?
[9598] There's no
Bev (PS0X9) [9599] Wayne is though
Wendy (PS0X8) [9600] Wayne yeah but she, she was his neighbours and that don't she?
[9601] That one down the road aren't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [9602] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9603] And all that, or at Betty's or, what have you, I don't think she'd leave them with the mother-in-law
Bev (PS0X9) [9604] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [9605] but she leaves them with the neighbours or a neighbour, but I mean it's all different to bringing them up yourself, innit?
[9606] Gotta be, there a, it's a complex really because nobody will agree, erm, give, bringing up a kid will they?
Bev (PS0X9) [9607] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [9608] Nobody and I don't ever think people will bring up somebody else's the same as they would their selves, I, I don't think it's possible for anybody to do it, I mean look at Julia when she was a, that childminder with that Kerry
Bev (PS0X9) [9609] No she didn't care
Wendy (PS0X8) [9610] Julia didn't care a sod about that kid, she'd let her to scream on, stand in the middle of the garden screaming, indoors screaming and she said to me I have no feelings for her whatsoever but she took the bloody money every week and this is what's so wrong, nobody knows how she er was as that child, only people like us who would hear
Bev (PS0X9) [9611] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9612] and all Julia wanted was more and more and more money, there was a conflict on how many gran children she could have and sometimes she had five in there, one of them which was then very small which she had to spend time feeding and that and that was Kerry
Bev (PS0X9) [9613] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9614] well those others, three of those, somebody else's children plus her own ran total riot out in the garden, but I mean there's not enough people to come round and do spot checks even if they're allowed, I don't know whether they're allowed to, but they've
Bev (PS0X9) [9615] I don't know if they can
Wendy (PS0X8) [9616] No I don't, but nevertheless nobody knew only people like us and the neighbours, how that kid was every day when her mother to the T S B and her mother according to Julia had her because it was the done thing ... her mother, her own mother wouldn't have her, Kerry to look after her ... and I know that for a fact because one time when Ross was ill, Julia said I can't have her and she said oh god I suppose I've got to go and beg my mother to have her now ... she did, but the woman said to Julia, I mean she wouldn't give up her job, they had a four bedroomed house, two bloody great cars, eleven cats
Bev (PS0X9) [9617] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9618] and er, I mean what she saw of Kerry was, she dropped her here at quarter to nine, she picked her up between five and half past and the rest of her she saw around kid, the rest of the time she saw her own kid and er Julia was to have her until she went to school, so I mean how can there be any bond there, which there can't, but the mother said herself I had her because it was the done thing ... so I mean it's, it's today innit don't you think?
Bev (PS0X9) [9619] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9620] I mean all that kid do was scream, scream, scream, scream, I mean Ross wasn't the best one to be with, cos he was selfish and of course in Julia's eyes he never did any wrong but Kerry come off worse all the time and I said childminding is fine and it's necessary but the people, you know that, that people can't know people and Julia was a spoilt brat so
Bev (PS0X9) [9621] Mm ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9622] I mean you must, if you're looking after a little girl, you must in the end, unless you've low and detest children, or unless you're out purely and simply for the money, I mean how can you
Bev (PS0X9) [9623] Not get a bond.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9624] well how can you not get somewhat attached to a child, I mean of course there's children you don't like, like adults you don't like
Bev (PS0X9) [9625] Yeah, but then you still, if you see them every day
Wendy (PS0X8) [9626] That's what I mean
Bev (PS0X9) [9627] you get somewhat attached to them
Wendy (PS0X8) [9628] Julia felt nothing for that child, she didn't like her, she didn't hate her, I mean she, she didn't ... she just felt nothing cos that's precisely what she told me, that's her words, not mine, you know and I find then, that, she shouldn't be a childminder
Bev (PS0X9) [9629] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [9630] that's my instant reaction, instant
Bev (PS0X9) [9631] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9632] that Julia wanted money more, more money, I mean he worked every hour that god gave at , so his money must of been decent, had to be
Bev (PS0X9) [9633] I don't think daddy would of let them
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9634] oh I don't know cos Julia was living with a bloke before that, I don't think they'll of had any say in it
Bev (PS0X9) [9635] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [9636] and from what I understood he was already married anyway, never, never was mentioned here, but I did hear it, whether it was true or not I'm not say it, but I was told that he was already married and divorced to marry her, that was what I was told, no I mean I don't know, but ... but I'm damn sure that I know
Bev (PS0X9) [9637] I hope this fucking kid don't play with that every day
Wendy (PS0X8) [9638] That's alright, play with it, there's no point in saying anything to them Bev it's now got to be proven ... and I say, if I can get it done and I can get it sent off, then they will point me in the right direction won't they?
Bev (PS0X9) [9639] Oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9640] That's the, that's the whole point, you, you have to start somewhere, yes I can give her a bit of paper, yes she can throw it in the bin, it's made no difference, in fact I think it's getting worse since I spoke to her, isn't it?
[9641] She's had more people in there, the dogs have been left more hours that
Bev (PS0X9) [9642] Ah that's just her situation
Wendy (PS0X8) [9643] Fair comment, but this week she was on holiday, didn't stop her and going and leaving them poor dogs in there barking their heads off and crying, for seven and a half hours did it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9644] No ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9645] I mean poor dogs and this, I mean we've said it all before it's not viable, four dogs and a semi that you don't exercise, four dogs that er appear particularly one of them to be housed in the same little area, day in day out with a curtain on the door, so that there's not even light going in there
Bev (PS0X9) [9646] That's so he can't see out in the garden
Wendy (PS0X8) [9647] That's what?
[9648] So that he can't see what's going on, cos she thinks if he don't see what's going on he won't bark, but he cries ... but I mean she shouldn't have them there, she's never here so she shouldn't have them, I mean look at the trouble Alan had to get Jessie, because they worked, but Emma goes home every lunch time to see to Jessie ... from the bank, but I mean the woman ... one of them wouldn't let her have a dog, one kennels, which is how it should be, but I mean this one breed those three herself so, yeah ... I mean if you breed dogs yourself and you have three in the house of the same breed, what the hell do you want an alsatian for, as well but the whole point is she don't have them as enjoyment, she don't have them as company
Bev (PS0X9) [9649] Yeah, they're just there
Wendy (PS0X8) [9650] They're their, their animals that's all like that chicken up the garden I mean I don't know what it's in, might be in a run, but being the place that is in behind that shed, there ain't that much space with a rabbit as well is there, you know, I mean, there might be a run on the floor, it'll be crazy to have a run on the floor because she's had rats
Bev (PS0X9) [9651] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [9652] ain't she?
Bev (PS0X9) [9653] yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9654] And she's had rats under that shed ... it ain't that long ago she said, she said she had them ... so I mean I can't see anybody with an ounce of common sense letting a chicken being on the ground, ground
Bev (PS0X9) [9655] Well no
Wendy (PS0X8) [9656] who knows I don't know, I wouldn't, but who knows?
[9657] You're back to that situation of commonsense again ain't you?
[9658] ... Won't she?
Bev (PS0X9) [9659] Safe from
Wendy (PS0X8) [9660] Safe from cuts, good heavens
Bev (PS0X9) [9661] What?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9662] probably the er, poll tax are
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9663] Right, that was worth it, weren't it?
[9664] I think oh he's left out there his
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9665] Oh it's bubbling away nice
Bev (PS0X9) [9666] Stir him again then
Wendy (PS0X8) [9667] What again?
Bev (PS0X9) [9668] It says stir occasionally
Wendy (PS0X8) [9669] Oh ... watch that dish, it's a bit hot that dish ... right
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9670] no, just towels, good one, right whip it out for me then please, I'll have to leave it there because some of this is, still out there, ta ... well that's not bad, time wise
Bev (PS0X9) [9671] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [9672] Oh ... I bet these kids find this thrilling you know, don't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [9673] God ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9674] Barking dogs next door ... barking dogs next door again, so I shall, plenty of material shouldn't we?
[9675] Subject to material
Bev (PS0X9) [9676] god, yeah ... The annoying, the most annoying thing about it
Wendy (PS0X8) [9677] Yeah
Bev (PS0X9) [9678] is, is if she tries she can make it quiet in there
Wendy (PS0X8) [9679] That's what she's supposed to do according to the Citizens Advice Bureau, is to control them so that she don't annoy the neighbours
Bev (PS0X9) [9680] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9681] Now Sunday when I had her about that terrific barking, your father was the first to say, look she stopped it
Bev (PS0X9) [9682] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9683] but she lets them bark on like she lets the kids scream on, and that is today innit?
[9684] ... I think basically what it comes down to, it doesn't bother her
Bev (PS0X9) [9685] So why should it
Wendy (PS0X8) [9686] so she doesn't care about anybody else
Bev (PS0X9) [9687] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9688] It can't bother her Bev because the amount of noise that we get through the walls is so bad and she's in it, she's actually there with the animals barking, so she takes no notice whatsoever of them
Bev (PS0X9) [9689] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [9690] she's probably bloody used to it after all the years she must of had them, she tells
Bev (PS0X9) [9691] can't
Wendy (PS0X8) [9692] she tells me they're all old dogs
Bev (PS0X9) [9693] But dogs whatever age don't
Wendy (PS0X8) [9694] Well
Bev (PS0X9) [9695] make that noise
Wendy (PS0X8) [9696] the way she said it that day was, they're old dogs, they don't need the exercise and they don't bark, that is the impression, impression I got ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9697] It's not true so ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9698] Now what's that point to spend an afternoon here ... no point at all is there?
Bev (PS0X9) [9699] Not a lot
Wendy (PS0X8) [9700] Well there isn't any more is there?
Bev (PS0X9) [9701] They wanna get that paper out
Wendy (PS0X8) [9702] Sorry?
Bev (PS0X9) [9703] Do you think that put that paper through the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9704] what out in the garage?
Bev (PS0X9) [9705] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [9706] I dunno, right let me do this and then I'll have a look ... I mean I've got to do this because I'm not sure of it,
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9707] done now innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [9708] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9709] I wouldn't wanna do it tomorrow, well only later afternoon ... but I mean if I have to put ear plugs in at night to get some sleep because of them, surely the authorities have gotta say something about that ...
Bev (PS0X9) [9710] Well
Wendy (PS0X8) [9711] well for god's sake, I mean I often wonder about people who make noise like this how they would feel if we did do the same, but I still say because we've done our polystyrene insulation she can't hear us, it's worked in the reverse ain't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [9712] Probably
Wendy (PS0X8) [9713] Instead of us, you know, instead of it blocking out for our benefit, I reckon it blocked out for their benefit somehow ... a hell of a lot of insulation, in here
Bev (PS0X9) [9714] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9715] a hell of a lot really, normally you wouldn't have the vinyl and normally I would think you would only put the tongue and groove not out of the polystyrene behind it and the vinyl, I can't see why people want tongue and groove that they go to all those lengths would you?
Bev (PS0X9) [9716] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [9717] Well I don't think so tongue and groove is, is wood innit?
[9718] ... I don't know I mean I don't know nothing about these things, what, really have to feel that we are the lot ...

51 (Tape 037606)

Wendy (PS0X8) [9719] Oh, and Us Girls, do we want that?
Bev (PS0X9) [9720] Well we'll see what's right
Wendy (PS0X8) [9721] That's
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9722] wro , right then, eight o'clock, eight thirty, that's half an hour innit, er we'll have to turn it off then, er leave out the news and then put Casualty ... that's half an hour, that's an hour ... yeah, we'll have to knock out, just knock out the news because otherwise you've got to
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9723] back and that ain't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [9724] Mm ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9725] Seven thirty ... right, let's see what's on at six, the Crystal Maze or, eh?
Bev (PS0X9) [9726] I think it's
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9727] oh
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9728] on, the next generation, [reading] John Ireland, Robert Fuller, Ben Cartright is dead
Bev (PS0X9) [9729] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [9730] his brother arrives in Boston before he, miners who want the miners families' ranch [] that goes on till seven thirty
Bev (PS0X9) [9731] Oh bloody hell
Wendy (PS0X8) [9732] well other than that we've got
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [9733] There's a fair bit on tonight mind, isn't there? ...

52 (Tape 037701)

Wendy (PS0X8) [9734] Alright.
[9735] What have I got to do here? [...]
Bev (PS0X9) [9736] I don't need all that.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9737] Right!
Bev (PS0X9) [9738] Right, I'm ready.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9739] Now
Bev (PS0X9) [9740] Rib two.
[9741] Make one.
[9742] Rib four.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9743] Yeah.
[9744] ... Rib two.
[9745] Do you want me to read it to you?
[9746] Alright.
[9747] Will it change then?
[9748] Rib
Bev (PS0X9) [9749] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9750] two ... make one.
[9751] Rib four ... one [laugh] ... make one. [laugh]
Bev (PS0X9) [9752] Yeah?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9753] Where have you got to?
Bev (PS0X9) [9754] Rib two, make one.
[9755] Rib four, make one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9756] Rib four.
Bev (PS0X9) [9757] Yeah?
[9758] Rib four.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9759] Make one.
Bev (PS0X9) [9760] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9761] Rib five.
Bev (PS0X9) [9762] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9763] Make one.
Bev (PS0X9) [9764] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9765] Rib four.
Bev (PS0X9) [9766] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9767] Make one.
Bev (PS0X9) [9768] Mhm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9769] Rib four.
Bev (PS0X9) [9770] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9771] Make one.
Bev (PS0X9) [9772] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9773] Rib five.
Bev (PS0X9) [9774] And [...] just there.
[9775] ... Yeah?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9776] Make one.
Bev (PS0X9) [9777] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9778] Rib four.
Bev (PS0X9) [9779] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9780] Make one, rib five.
Bev (PS0X9) [9781] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9782] Make one, rib four.
Bev (PS0X9) [9783] I know.
[9784] Ah!
[9785] That's make one innit?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9786] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [9787] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9788] Make one.
Bev (PS0X9) [9789] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9790] Is that a four or a five?
Bev (PS0X9) [9791] Erm, a four.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9792] Five then.
Bev (PS0X9) [9793] Mm.
[9794] Make one?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9795] Make one.
Bev (PS0X9) [9796] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9797] Rib four.
Bev (PS0X9) [9798] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9799] Make one, rib four.
Bev (PS0X9) [9800] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9801] Make one, rib five.
[9802] How many you got left?
[9803] You gone wrong!
Bev (PS0X9) [9804] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9805] How many you got there?
Bev (PS0X9) [9806] Well if I make one I got four.
[9807] How many do you need?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9808] Eighty six.

53 (Tape 037702)

Wendy (PS0X8) [9809] But I would of worked out to ... I had four left, I had to increase in one ... which would have left [...] .
Bev (PS0X9) [9810] Yeah, and then you had three ... and then you ... made one and ... to there, and that would have been right.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9811] Wait a minute.
[9812] Er ... [laugh] ... right, so what's going up here?
[9813] One, two, three, four ... so that's makes eighty five.
Bev (PS0X9) [9814] No, it's not!
[9815] One, two, three
Wendy (PS0X8) [9816] [yawning] Oh well [] !
Bev (PS0X9) [9817] Nine o'clock.
[9818] What was on telly, something I wanted.
[9819] That's it.
[9820] ... [...] ... Eighty.
[9821] Well that's eighty three now cos I'm [...] .
[9822] So I've, I've gotta back to six haven't I?
[9823] Gotta make eighty six ain't I?

54 (Tape 037703)

Wendy (PS0X8) [9824] Ooh!
[9825] I got eighty six ... but don't ask me how because I just don't know!
[9826] But I know that I'm clever and I know that have it!
[9827] But I how I got there is a mystery!
Bev (PS0X9) [9828] Well you only gotta do it once more so
Wendy (PS0X8) [9829] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [9830] [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [9831] Are they really?
[9832] Honestly and truly?
Bev (PS0X9) [9833] Yeah!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9834] Well truly that's
Bev (PS0X9) [9835] I gotta do that back ain't I?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9836] What a [...] !
[9837] ... Alright, cup of tea?
Bev (PS0X9) [9838] Please!
[9839] [yawning] Oh dear [] !
Wendy (PS0X8) [9840] [yawning] Oh bloody hell!
[9841] That's all that [] bloody walking!
Bev (PS0X9) [9842] I mean, people keep telling you you've gotta lose some weight, they don't tell me!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9843] What did Anne say about you?
[9844] Look at her!
[9845] Look at
Bev (PS0X9) [9846] Oh [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9847] her!
Bev (PS0X9) [9848] Yeah, but come on there should be a bloody difference between me and her!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9849] She meant how slim you were.
Bev (PS0X9) [9850] Exactly!
[9851] Well!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9852] Not in relation to her she's [...] .
[9853] She was just saying look at her!
[9854] Look at her!
Bev (PS0X9) [9855] I know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9856] Alright, what clothes you got?
Bev (PS0X9) [9857] A little podge
Wendy (PS0X8) [9858] She's only a little woman!
[9859] It's all relative.
Bev (PS0X9) [9860] Not that sort of thing.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9861] Tall woman.
Bev (PS0X9) [9862] Well, oh my God!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9863] Tall woman though isn't she?
Michael (PS0XA) [9864] Mm?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9865] Lesley ain't tall is she?
Bev (PS0X9) [9866] Ha!
[9867] Don't want to improve [...] !
[9868] ... Remind me not to go.
Michael (PS0XA) [9869] No.
Bev (PS0X9) [9870] [...] .
[9871] ... [singing] Na nee nee [] .
[9872] ... Okay then.
[9873] ... I haven't got holes have I?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9874] No!
[9875] You [...] have you?
Bev (PS0X9) [9876] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9877] That's alright.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9878] Pardon?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [9879] Yeah!
Bev (PS0X9) [9880] [laughing] Yeah [] !
[9881] Oh I dunno!
[9882] ... This is good [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [9883] Eh?
Bev (PS0X9) [9884] Do you need this?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9885] Erm ... no.
[9886] ... What's this a recall of last week?
Bev (PS0X9) [9887] Yeah.

55 (Tape 037704)

Bev (PS0X9) [9888] Mm, bit of trouble there!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9889] Mm!
[9890] Yeah, there was really.
Bev (PS0X9) [9891] Oh Walt's gone ain't he?
[9892] Been there a while isn't he?
Michael (PS0XA) [9893] Mm.
Bev (PS0X9) [9894] Putting his arm round the Queen!
Michael (PS0XA) [9895] Yeah!

56 (Tape 037705)

Bev (PS0X9) [9896] We've just redecorated the hall and I
Wendy (PS0X8) [9897] Could I?
[9898] I it needs a ... blimey!
Bev (PS0X9) [9899] Oh it's here!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9900] And there's two up isn't there?
Bev (PS0X9) [9901] What shall I wear tomorrow then?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9902] Well, I reckon ... your black skirt ... that's nice
Bev (PS0X9) [9903] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9904] and er ... some sort of top.
Bev (PS0X9) [9905] And my new [...] coat?
[9906] The one he bought.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9907] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [9908] Or [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9909] I like the hem on that black skirt it's look today.
Bev (PS0X9) [9910] What, the little one?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9911] No!
[9912] The long one.
[9913] I like that very much!
[9914] It'll look good with that coat.
Bev (PS0X9) [9915] What coat?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9916] The black one!
Bev (PS0X9) [9917] I got two black ones!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9918] Oh!
[9919] Sorry!
Bev (PS0X9) [9920] My long one?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9921] Yeah!
Bev (PS0X9) [9922] Like that?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9923] Looks [laughing] lovely [] !
Bev (PS0X9) [9924] It looks lovely!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9925] Well it's today's sort of thing innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [9926] I want to wear my short black one!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9927] You can't!
[9928] Be comfortable.
[9929] I wouldn't!
[9930] That other one looks so modern.
[9931] The long, looks so nice on you!
Bev (PS0X9) [9932] Oh yeah, but
Wendy (PS0X8) [9933] well I mean you don't wanna go dressed, too dressed.
Bev (PS0X9) [9934] Don't I?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9935] Well I don't think so, do you?
[9936] I mean, this is the ... temp job innit?
[9937] It's up you!
[9938] You wear what you like!
[9939] But I think you wanna be comfy don't you?
[9940] You know, really comfy Up to you, entirely! [...] !
[9941] See in the morning when you get dressed ... what you think.
[9942] Do you want alarm put on?
Bev (PS0X9) [9943] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9944] You sure?
Bev (PS0X9) [9945] You better do.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9946] Ay?
Bev (PS0X9) [9947] You better do.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9948] Well, you know ... quite seriously.
Bev (PS0X9) [9949] Er
Wendy (PS0X8) [9950] It's probably the night you bloody wo , the day you over sleep innit!
Bev (PS0X9) [9951] Well I did one morning.
[9952] One night [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [9953] I mean, I know it's late, it's twenty past eleven but
Bev (PS0X9) [9954] Yeah I don't ... well, be rushing around.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9955] No, course you don't!
[9956] Well I'll erm
Bev (PS0X9) [9957] I wanna wake up.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9958] what time shall I er ... get him to do it for?
[9959] What would you prefer?
Bev (PS0X9) [9960] Erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9961] Ay?
[9962] ... Nine-ish would
Bev (PS0X9) [9963] Nine.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9964] do.
[9965] Nine would do, wouldn't it, nicely?
[9966] ... I would think so.
[9967] I mean you don't wanna be push, push I mean ... but at the same time you don't wanna be ... you don't definitely wanna be running around like a cuckoo head do you?
Bev (PS0X9) [9968] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9969] There's nothing worse!
[9970] You want a cup and tea and you name it.
[9971] No, nine o'clock should be ... perfect I would think.
[9972] ... Bloody dogs barking!
Bev (PS0X9) [9973] I know!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9974] Howling!
[9975] ... No it ain't it's a kid!
Bev (PS0X9) [9976] No, I think that's a dog.
[9977] It's a dog!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9978] It's both!
Bev (PS0X9) [9979] Oh!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9980] He's shouting mummy ... Oh that's brilliant isn't it?
[9981] No bloody sleep again!
[9982] ... He's not happy kid is he?
Bev (PS0X9) [9983] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9984] Not at all!
[9985] Crying like hell there!
[9986] ... Oh God!
[9987] ... Probably leaving him to cry again.
Bev (PS0X9) [9988] It's what?
Wendy (PS0X8) [9989] She's probably leaving him to cry again.
Bev (PS0X9) [9990] Oh I know!
Wendy (PS0X8) [9991] Easy innit?
[9992] What fo
Bev (PS0X9) [9993] Well unfortunately ... a lot of that he's got to stop you know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9994] Yeah, but you know what?
[9995] If they had some sort of party in there ... he's gonna go over the top you know.
Bev (PS0X9) [9996] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [9997] And then she wants him to go to bed ... after he gets hyper innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [9998] Yeah, but as I say ... a lot of that could be Doctor Spock's erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [9999] Well it could be her, she can't be bothered!
Bev (PS0X9) [10000] Oh yeah, I know.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10001] Just when I never had my thing.
[10002] Innit terrific ay?
[10003] Had to get a blinking day off didn't he, that bloke?
Bev (PS0X9) [10004] Well he isn't now [...] though.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10005] Yeah, not today though.
[10006] So as we said, it'll probably happen again!
[10007] It happens, and happens, and happens!
[10008] Dogs, kids and bloody shouting!
[10009] Terrific!
[10010] Love it!
[10011] Really make you worthwhile coming home don't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [10012] You love it really!
Wendy (PS0X8) [10013] Ay?
Bev (PS0X9) [10014] I said you do love it really!
Wendy (PS0X8) [10015] Do I?
[10016] Well, who knows I do, ay?
[10017] Surprised at that actually!
Bev (PS0X9) [10018] Dunno what to wear.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10019] What?
[10020] You what?
Bev (PS0X9) [10021] Just don't know what to wear tomorrow.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10022] Well, make your mind up in the morning.
[10023] Got plenty of nice stuff.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10024] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [10025] I shall wait and see.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10026] Yeah, well that's what I'm saying!
[10027] Try and few things on and ... go from there innit?
[10028] ... You'll come up with something.
Bev (PS0X9) [10029] Yep!
Wendy (PS0X8) [10030] Right, nine o'clock ... alarm then.
Bev (PS0X9) [10031] Yeah.
[10032] I've got a spider in here!
Wendy (PS0X8) [10033] You what?
Bev (PS0X9) [10034] I got a spider in here.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10035] Big one?
Bev (PS0X9) [10036] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10037] What's he doing in there?
Bev (PS0X9) [10038] An incy wincy spider!
Wendy (PS0X8) [10039] Oh bloody hell kid, go to bed!
Bev (PS0X9) [10040] He shouldn't be up at this time!
Wendy (PS0X8) [10041] He's not!
[10042] He's shut in his bedroom by the sound of it.
Bev (PS0X9) [10043] Oh!
[10044] Well do you wanna come in here?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10045] No!
[10046] I think I'm tired enough.
[10047] ... Where's
Bev (PS0X9) [10048] Stopped.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10049] this spider then?
Bev (PS0X9) [10050] He's under there.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10051] What?
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10052] God!
[10053] Put him, put him on the whole of [...] when you see him.
[10054] He's alright, he'll be asleep now.
Bev (PS0X9) [10055] Oh it's not there, I can't see him.
[10056] ... Oh!
[10057] I bet I wear
Wendy (PS0X8) [10058] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [10059] Right?
[10060] Well if you say that black skirt's alright I'm ... [...] alright.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10061] Well, I mean let's ... lets face it you'll be sat in the car ... you're gonna get crumpled aren't you?
Bev (PS0X9) [10062] Probably.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10063] But, yeah, what were you saying then?
Bev (PS0X9) [10064] Er that white ... er, little top of mine ... with
Wendy (PS0X8) [10065] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [10066] erm ... the little vest one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10067] Vest, vest?
Bev (PS0X9) [10068] The one I wear in the canteen.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10069] Oh yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [10070] And my green erm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10071] bolly
Bev (PS0X9) [10072] bolly
Wendy (PS0X8) [10073] with the black skirt.
Bev (PS0X9) [10074] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10075] Be lovely!
[10076] Yeah, no, that'd be fine Bev.
[10077] Really!
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10078] Right, I'll have a little rest ... before I turn the T V off.
[10079] I think.
Bev (PS0X9) [10080] Well I'm going bed.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10081] You've got a what?
Bev (PS0X9) [10082] I'm going [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [10083] Ni night love.
Bev (PS0X9) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10084] Oh!
[10085] Ho ho!
[10086] Not that cold though is it?
Bev (PS0X9) [10087] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10088] Go to bloody sleep kid!
[10089] Ooh!
[10090] If only I had my thing!
[10091] ... He's just like Ross isn't he?
Bev (PS0X9) [10092] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10093] Can you hear him?
Bev (PS0X9) [10094] No, I just heard the door go though.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10095] Yeah.
[10096] ... Thing is, you know ... he's not next door to here, he's out on the ... in in the ... lawn area isn't he?
[10097] Our lawn area.
[10098] That's where the bedroom is innit?
Bev (PS0X9) [10099] Well I wonder how much of the bedroom?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10100] [cough] Erm
Bev (PS0X9) [10101] When you see Helen next
Wendy (PS0X8) [10102] Yeah, I'll ask her.
Bev (PS0X9) [10103] ask her.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10104] I will.
[10105] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [10106] Wanna know how much the ... bedroom is out there?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10107] No, I don't know.
Bev (PS0X9) [10108] Cos it's cos if it's got
Wendy (PS0X8) [10109] I can't really remem ... Ay?
Bev (PS0X9) [10110] couple of square feet
Wendy (PS0X8) [10111] I can't remember.
Bev (PS0X9) [10112] it's coming ... into your ... area.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10113] Yeah.
[10114] Maybe.
Bev (PS0X9) [10115] So you might have the door to the ... kid's ... bed underneath that wall.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10116] See, he never used to be in this bloody room!
[10117] He was on the other room when she came here.
[10118] In the other room, at the other end.
[10119] That's why I never heard weren't it?
Bev (PS0X9) [10120] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10121] But then she changed bedrooms lo , when that ... bloody ... other bloke came here.
[10122] ... But he's not happy kid!
Bev (PS0X9) [10123] No.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10124] Oh!
Bev (PS0X9) [10125] Yeah ... but the quiet ones [...] .
Wendy (PS0X8) [10126] I dunno whether those people went you know.
Bev (PS0X9) [10127] They must have done.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10128] Must of done ... tonight.
[10129] Cos, I say the car was down the road.
[10130] I've never known that!
[10131] Never!
Bev (PS0X9) [10132] Do you know what?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10133] Mm?
Bev (PS0X9) [10134] I know it's a horrible thing to say
Wendy (PS0X8) [10135] Mm?
Bev (PS0X9) [10136] but ... it's a shame nobody else
Wendy (PS0X8) [10137] Mm?
Bev (PS0X9) [10138] got woken up last night.
[10139] Sort of somebody's put the [...] the road.
[10140] If somebody wanted to get out quickly
Wendy (PS0X8) [10141] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [10142] and couldn't
Wendy (PS0X8) [10143] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [10144] and they went to the wrong door ... and said is this car anything
Wendy (PS0X8) [10145] Well tha , that's right!
[10146] I mean erm ... I
Bev (PS0X9) [10147] Because say ... Gail and Keith go got woken up at three o'clock in the morning
Wendy (PS0X8) [10148] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [10149] and said
Wendy (PS0X8) [10150] That's right!
Bev (PS0X9) [10151] is that your car outside? [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10152] Yeah.
[10153] Well Alan did it here one, one time.
Bev (PS0X9) [10154] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10155] And it wasn't us.
Bev (PS0X9) [10156] No, but you know what I mean?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10157] Yes I do know what you mean.
[10158] Well
Bev (PS0X9) [10159] It'll be unfortunate for the couple that, whoever got woken up
Wendy (PS0X8) [10160] Yeah.
[10161] But it might do something.
[10162] I know what you're meaning.
Bev (PS0X9) [10163] Cos you dunno what Alan might have done.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10164] Ay?
Bev (PS0X9) [10165] You dunno what Alan might have done.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10166] Well
Bev (PS0X9) [10167] If that car was there and
Wendy (PS0X8) [10168] Yeah.
[10169] It, I think he got out and I I do ... he , I said to you and your father how he got out I just dunno!
[10170] Cos it's a very difficult road this.
Bev (PS0X9) [10171] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10172] But I think he did ... probably just, because when I got up ... er ... when I co , you see when I come down the stairs I can see through that window look
Bev (PS0X9) [10173] Mm.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10174] and ... Alan's light was on in the hall, call it the hall ... and the car was there ... well a little while later ... he went.
[10175] I think he got out ... but I don't think it would have been easy, there's ... that time this morning.
[10176] And, I've never known these people ... put the car down by George's!
[10177] So, knowing Alan, do you remember somebody ... used to park their car in front of Alan's gate when they went to London?
Bev (PS0X9) [10178] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10179] And he left a note on the windscreen.
[10180] But I mean Alan has to go up to London!
[10181] It's not long after six o'clock in the morning that he leaves.
[10182] ... But er ... [...] , I fully understand what you're saying.
[10183] Really!
Bev (PS0X9) [10184] Well I say ... some ... let's say Sandra wanted to get out
Wendy (PS0X8) [10185] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [10186] and couldn't ... and can't
Wendy (PS0X8) [10187] Yeah!
[10188] Yeah!
Bev (PS0X9) [10189] Right?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10190] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [10191] And she should be able to.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10192] But another thing is you see ... where Sandra lives, you saying that ... where she lives is apparently ... erm ... P C , now I don't know him, but she does ... he lives up the same road ... and when people park ... didn't she tell you this when we were coming down?
Bev (PS0X9) [10193] No , I don't mean that Sandra, I meant this one!
Wendy (PS0X8) [10194] Oh Sandra over here?
Bev (PS0X9) [10195] Right?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10196] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [10197] Let's just say she couldn't out
Wendy (PS0X8) [10198] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [10199] and she went to Claire and George tonight
Wendy (PS0X8) [10200] Yeah.
Bev (PS0X9) [10201] and said is ... anybody staying with you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10202] Oh yeah, that'd do it!
Bev (PS0X9) [10203] That would do it wouldn't it?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10204] But, what I was gonna say was ... concerning them blocking these pavements ... if the
Bev (PS0X9) [10205] I know as we ... I was there when she
Wendy (PS0X8) [10206] You were there when she said about P C .
[10207] Well if we had some ... I know there's two policemen up round the corner here.
[10208] Cos they walk down here, here
Bev (PS0X9) [10209] Is there any one in [...] ?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10210] Well P C I think ... is an older policeman.
Bev (PS0X9) [10211] Yeah, that's what I meant.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10212] Mm.
[10213] These are two young-uns I reckon they lodge up here somewhere.
[10214] Not this road ... but round ... where Colin and
Bev (PS0X9) [10215] [...] any policemen isn't she?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10216] Ay?
[10217] You what?
Bev (PS0X9) [10218] The lodger, policeman.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10219] Who did?
Bev (PS0X9) [10220] Linda.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10221] Yeah, she did didn't she?
Bev (PS0X9) [10222] A nice one.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10223] I forgot that.
[10224] Yeah.
[10225] Yeah.
[10226] But you see somebody like P C , being an older person ... he does it properly I suppose, is what
Bev (PS0X9) [10227] Yeah.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10228] the answer is.
[10229] He goes and knocks people's door and says you're blocking the pavement!
[10230] Well if he'd have come down here that night, or that day ... when there was three cars in ... in the drive and one ... right across the pavement, and then that ... that big lorry on the pavement ... he'd have had them wouldn't he?
Bev (PS0X9) [10231] Yeah.

57 (Tape 037801)

Wendy (PS0X8) [10232] Went to bed and er of course the kid went berserk didn't he?
[10233] And er god you should of heard him, god if it ain't Ross all over again, mummy, mummy and she left him there, as I said when they first came he was in the far bedroom, well now I suppose with all these people she's rearranged it indoors and he's in the one next to our house, and she's shouting at him and er it went on how, I can't tell you how long, I mean, Bev and I was talking through bedrooms you know
Sandra (PS0XD) [10234] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10235] and er, it was gone eleven I would of thought, anyway he stopped and I slept like a log, got up at twenty past six, but erm, it's a strange thing because one of those came last evening and it parked outside George's, now I said yesterday, when Alan goes to work, it's not long after six normally to go up to London and that
Sandra (PS0XD) [10236] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10237] and I said to both of them, I just don't know how he got past that second car in the road right, come out of his drive, I couldn't believe that he could of done it, but he did, because he went you know
Sandra (PS0XD) [10238] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10239] anyway last night, they parked outside George's so I reckon, I mean it's only us thinking he's put a note in the door because he will do this, because when a bloke used to leave his car outside Alan's gate, others, instead of the station
Sandra (PS0XD) [10240] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10241] Alan left a note on his windscreen
Sandra (PS0XD) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10242] but er, I don't know how he got out yesterday and I've never, never know him parked down the road, not at all, anyway we got, I got home and erm, I said to Bev you know, right go and phone Lesley see if she's in and then I did a bit of housework and then the phone rang, ooh, we was aiming to go out at one and that must of been ten to one, and it was Liz
Sandra (PS0XD) [10243] Oh yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10244] and er I said to Bev well you do what you like, you know, she went out, the first time she's answered the phone, since
Sandra (PS0XD) [10245] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10246] Anyway er Liz said can you come over like today so Bev said yes what does it entail?
[10247] Liz got quite cross you know she's quite oh bugger it, you know, and er she said to Liz what's the hours?
[10248] Oh I dunno you'll have to talk to Ian, she said I've been working Les done, er Les, Les told me eleven till three, it was half past eleven till three and er, so Bev was alright
Sandra (PS0XD) [10249] That's exactly what we do
Wendy (PS0X8) [10250] Yes, well Bev was asking, I mean I was doing housework, oh, I was doing bits and pieces you know, and er getting me coat and all that and er ... she was asking questions and all that and Liz said I'll pick you up at twenty past eleven, so Bev said alright then, so she come off the phone said she'd go and have a look and apparently erm, it must of been yesterday if, if Liz is telling the truth she said to whoever are you going to do anything about this?
[10251] And he said oh yeah, so, I said to Bev well, they had the feeling it was haphazard or whatever the word be, anyway
Sandra (PS0XD) [10252] So she's going over about it
Wendy (PS0X8) [10253] she's going over at half past eleven and she said to me if it's not worth the money I'm not changing and er, I shall tell him that I've certainly got to go on the books you know
Sandra (PS0XD) [10254] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10255] can't do it any other way, so I said oh I'll go and have a look, I've got to go down town and
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10256] that's right
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10257] that's right, I mean she's, she's took some money, or taken some money if, I mean she'll be home twelve o'clock if it don't suit her like
Sandra (PS0XD) [10258] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10259] she'll only get a taxi, if er, she thinks it not viable, but er, it, it to me, it just seems not buggering about, but
Sandra (PS0XD) [10260] I mean there are some places like that and
Wendy (PS0X8) [10261] There are
Sandra (PS0XD) [10262] people are quite happy to work there
Wendy (PS0X8) [10263] Mm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10264] and the pay is
Wendy (PS0X8) [10265] Mm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10266] pretty okay
Wendy (PS0X8) [10267] Yeah, well I mean I don't know what she's been earning this Liz, but
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10268] oh where we going today then?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10269] yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10270] Who knows perhaps it's one of his days out
Wendy (PS0X8) [10271] God knows, I don't, well so we'll see
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10272] we was late weren't we?
[10273] Or later
Sandra (PS0XD) [10274] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10275] he's a bit like her sort of in a dream
Wendy (PS0X8) [10276] Did er
Sandra (PS0XD) [10277] he doesn't realize that you're sort of there seeing him
Wendy (PS0X8) [10278] did erm, did he ask you if you had a roof rack?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10279] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [10280] No
Sandra (PS0XD) [10281] a what?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10282] A roof rack, he wants to borrow one for Sunday, cos Susan's coming back look, anyway she asked me and I said no we've never had one, I don't think we ever had, I said I'll ask Doreen, so I asked Doreen and she said yes we have, but I'd have to ask Leslie first, so when Dee come back I said yes she has, but don't say anything to her cos you might not get it, but she's not getting that.
Sandra (PS0XD) [10283] No Margarette's got, erm the two bars hi Doreen
Wendy (PS0X8) [10284] Morning Doreen
Sandra (PS0XD) [10285] you know when you get two bars as opposed
Wendy (PS0X8) [10286] Mm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10287] to a complete effort
Wendy (PS0X8) [10288] Oh I know what I was gonna say
Sandra (PS0XD) [10289] on her
Wendy (PS0X8) [10290] Norman Gates , they're trying to clo close Norman Gates
Sandra (PS0XD) [10291] Yeah that's been in the erm Echo
Wendy (PS0X8) [10292] Oh dear me
Doreen (PS0XE) [10293] That's been in the papers the last few weeks
Wendy (PS0X8) [10294] there's a person down the bottom, you know in Paul's old house, their little kid goes there, I didn't know nothing about it.
Sandra (PS0XD) [10295] Yeah, their, they're still behind
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10296] aren't they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10297] I think they are actually yeah ... yeah I don't know
Sandra (PS0XD) [10298] Cos the other, that's it, that's, what's the one we've got up by us?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10299] What Walberdeen?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10300] I've go the Walberdeen one
Wendy (PS0X8) [10301] Yeah, yeah, is that a special school?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10302] Somewhat
Wendy (PS0X8) [10303] Oh
Sandra (PS0XD) [10304] yes it's not a normal one, but I don't
Wendy (PS0X8) [10305] No
Sandra (PS0XD) [10306] quite know
Wendy (PS0X8) [10307] no, I mean years ago that's where we all went that
Sandra (PS0XD) [10308] Yes
Wendy (PS0X8) [10309] area you see
Sandra (PS0XD) [10310] No Anton took over
Wendy (PS0X8) [10311] normal school yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10312] Anton Junior
Wendy (PS0X8) [10313] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10314] took over from Walberdeen
Wendy (PS0X8) [10315] Yeah, but er, it says two hundred and something for the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10316] two, seventeen was it?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10317] That's what the Echo says for the
Wendy (PS0X8) [10318] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10319] town and then when you go out and in villages
Wendy (PS0X8) [10320] yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10321] it
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10322] yeah ... but actually the paper boy was late this morning and we didn't get erm mid week
Sandra (PS0XD) [10323] Didn't you?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10324] No
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10325] if there's one here I'll take it, I've done up Howard's
Doreen (PS0XE) [10326] Had mine Monday night again
Wendy (PS0X8) [10327] No we didn't get one, I, I've gotta go to the post office today so any post that's gotta go there I said I'll take the lot and save tomorrow lot
Sandra (PS0XD) [10328] Mm
Doreen (PS0XE) [10329] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10330] and er got, no we never had one cos Les said no I remember we didn't get one this week, cos she would of had a look through you know
Doreen (PS0XE) [10331] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10332] so if there's one here I'll have it
Doreen (PS0XE) [10333] Mm, what, where
Wendy (PS0X8) [10334] That's that woman who looks after Dee Dee's sister
Doreen (PS0XE) [10335] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10336] does that and all, and er ... she had a da , she went to the authorities about that woman
Sandra (PS0XD) [10337] Yeah, did she get anywhere?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10338] Well I don't know, but she, I said, cos she's telling me about her coming, only three days up the hospital then she's gotta go back to her own place because Ian said she'd never managed, she keeps falling and she said this woman never went to see her once when she was in hospital, yet she's getting paid it look all the time, and she ought to go to see if there's anything she wants you see
Sandra (PS0XD) [10339] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10340] and er, I said, morning, I said er
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [10341] Morning
Wendy (PS0X8) [10342] has she been any better this woman cos she was always on about her, and she said no, she said I went to higher authorities about it, is that it?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10343] is letting another, so many off, don't know what it said
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10344] I would think so, I don't know how many it was
Sandra (PS0XD) [10345] Eh?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10346] are laying some more off
Sandra (PS0XD) [10347] Yeah cos I
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10348] no I, it would
Sandra (PS0XD) [10349] interview
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10350] it was double figures but I can't erm, I can't remember
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10351] eh?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10352] but er, as I say I can't remember precisely, I just scanned it and give it to Mick who was out the door like, Lesley put her house up for a hundred and twenty six ... erm, one ... how much is it?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10353] a hundred thousand, a hundred and twenty six thousand, hundred and twenty six thousand
Dee (PS0XG) [10354] That four bedroomed detached?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10355] Yeah, yeah en suite
Doreen (PS0XE) [10356] She might get it
Wendy (PS0X8) [10357] Eh?
Doreen (PS0XE) [10358] She might
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10359] well it's er, it's a funny thing that is because they all gone, now they were supposedly around a hundred thousand look, when they took it on and they've all gone, there ain't any there new ones
Doreen (PS0XE) [10360] But she still hasn't had any body in to see it
Wendy (PS0X8) [10361] No but it is a strange thing because sometimes you get my end of the market and you get somebody wants her end of the market, but erm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10362] Well the ones that have got more money, you know, the maximum money
Wendy (PS0X8) [10363] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10364] they're gonna go for the best there is
Wendy (PS0X8) [10365] Oh they're gonna go for
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10366] and they're gonna go out of town detached
Wendy (PS0X8) [10367] Yeah, yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10368] as much as they can get
Wendy (PS0X8) [10369] that's right
Sandra (PS0XD) [10370] as opposed to
Wendy (PS0X8) [10371] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10372] I mean up our road they don't fetch that much, but there are one or two
Wendy (PS0X8) [10373] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10374] even bigger and more detached than ours
Wendy (PS0X8) [10375] Mm, yeah, but erm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10376] but, you know
Wendy (PS0X8) [10377] it's not even
Sandra (PS0XD) [10378] get a choice of two
Doreen (PS0XE) [10379] it's not even something like
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10380] cos their er home yesterday look Jody went back to work and there was Bill and Scott
Sandra (PS0XD) [10381] He's still at school?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10382] Yeah
Doreen (PS0XE) [10383] Yeah, another year
Wendy (PS0X8) [10384] and er, she's got two more raises at school, they'll give him a credit and then wrote him a letter saying that he'll probably be expelled again, of course she went busting up there
Sandra (PS0XD) [10385] No wonder you said about the credit
Wendy (PS0X8) [10386] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10387] Thought he turned over
Wendy (PS0X8) [10388] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10389] a new leaf
Wendy (PS0X8) [10390] yeah , well the thing was he Peter gave him a key
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10391] Peter gave him a key to come in the flat any time, you know, of course he did didn't he, he was
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10392] well you know what he had in there, he's now got one girlfriend, he ditched Paula
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...] ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [10393] This one comes from Southampton, but he worked on it didn't he?
[10394] Out of work again isn't he?
[10395] ... Well I said to her my god you've got a load of
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10396] you've got a load of problems
Sandra (PS0XD) [10397] Absolutely
Wendy (PS0X8) [10398] She has, she really has ...
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10399] what?
Doreen (PS0XE) [10400] It's wet innit?
[10401] It must of rained cos I, the thing here pots full of water
Wendy (PS0X8) [10402] Yeah, well it, well, I
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10403] got up late, twenty past six, the kid was going berserk when we went to bed
Doreen (PS0XE) [10404] We erm, were they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10405] The kid was
Doreen (PS0XE) [10406] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10407] my erm, screaming, shouting
Doreen (PS0XE) [10408] The garden was dry out the front on the top you know
Wendy (PS0X8) [10409] Yeah
Doreen (PS0XE) [10410] like summer and it's wet today
Wendy (PS0X8) [10411] Yeah, but erm
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10412] as I say we went to bed her and I
Doreen (PS0XE) [10413] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10414] and he was well
Doreen (PS0XE) [10415] Yelling
Wendy (PS0X8) [10416] she was shouting at him, didn't hear any dogs, and erm, it was gone eleven, must of been
Doreen (PS0XE) [10417] Yeah it was
Wendy (PS0X8) [10418] before it stopped and then of course I slept like a bloody log until about twenty past seven
Doreen (PS0XE) [10419] Yeah and you er I ov I overslept, well I woke up at five and normally I think if I go to sleep now and I sort of get myself awake but today I must of turned over
Wendy (PS0X8) [10420] Yeah
Doreen (PS0XE) [10421] and it was right on six when I got up
Wendy (PS0X8) [10422] yeah ...
Doreen (PS0XE) [10423] I don't have to come out until seven
Wendy (PS0X8) [10424] no
Doreen (PS0XE) [10425] near, well not quite seven so I mean I don't have to do a lot but I just liked to er take my time and you know
Wendy (PS0X8) [10426] Well I, I did nothing , I did nothing you see because erm, by the time I'd been in the bathroom done the sandwiches
Doreen (PS0XE) [10427] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10428] blah, blah, got myself a cup of tea, blah, blah, blah, got on me coat
Doreen (PS0XE) [10429] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10430] out the door and that really is, I mean half past eight the other day it was awful
Doreen (PS0XE) [10431] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10432] awful, but by god did he go, I said to Sandra it's Ross all over again, funny innit but she's got no
Doreen (PS0XE) [10433] But did she, did a
Wendy (PS0X8) [10434] time for him Doreen
Doreen (PS0XE) [10435] Well that is the trouble I expect you see
Wendy (PS0X8) [10436] he's pushed from pillar to post this kid
Doreen (PS0XE) [10437] Like the other one
Wendy (PS0X8) [10438] erm and when she has all these people in, he's up, he's not in bed
Doreen (PS0XE) [10439] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [10440] he, er, he, when he went, when he first come there, he used to go to bed seven o'clock
Doreen (PS0XE) [10441] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10442] but she said, well the last lot that I've got
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10443] but one of the times when we were not chatty, but talked, she said how naughty he'd got, but I mean she's never with him
Doreen (PS0XE) [10444] Well, cos I mean if he goes to school now and he didn't, he picked up things and then
Wendy (PS0X8) [10445] Well I, I
Doreen (PS0XE) [10446] he's not got
Wendy (PS0X8) [10447] he's, he's
Doreen (PS0XE) [10448] time for and well that is it innit, well if she's not got time for him
Wendy (PS0X8) [10449] Well what do you mean?
Doreen (PS0XE) [10450] Well that is it, not got the patience have they?
Wendy (PS0X8) [10451] But he weren't like that when they came he weren't like erm Wayne, Celia's Wayne, I mean he's been like it forever
Doreen (PS0XE) [10452] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10453] and Ross was rotten spoilt, you know, there's
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10454] but this one seems to of gone haywire, oh does he go, but as I say she's changed the bedrooms you see, he used to be on the far end
Doreen (PS0XE) [10455] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10456] erm with an outside wall but he's not
Doreen (PS0XE) [10457] Can't be helped with the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [10458] can it in those rooms with the dogs
Wendy (PS0X8) [10459] No, well that boy had to
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10460] a day off didn't he?
Doreen (PS0XE) [10461] Oh
Wendy (PS0X8) [10462] Anyway I'm hopeful that he'll be in today, because I mean the noise won't stop, so I mean when I report it, it just goes on
Doreen (PS0XE) [10463] Mm, mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10464] it just goes on, but I said to Sandra where they've been parking all these cars, Alan over the road he comes out just after six o'clock and goes to London every day and I don't know how he got his car out with the
Doreen (PS0XE) [10465] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [10466] but he did, anyway last night when these, this car arrived, they parked it down the road outside George's, well I've never known that and I reckon Alan's put a note through the door
Doreen (PS0XE) [10467] Could of done, yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10468] but I, I mean Bev said you ought to go over at six o'clock in the morning, bang the bloody door
Doreen (PS0XE) [10469] Yeah make them get up and say can you move
Wendy (PS0X8) [10470] Yeah, yeah
Doreen (PS0XE) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10471] I don't know how he got out, I mean our road is so difficult anyway, of course there wa , that night there were two, yeah two when them, he had to get out in the morning, but er, I mean he did it, but I expect it was a struggle
Doreen (PS0XE) [10472] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10473] you know you have to go backwards and forwards
Doreen (PS0XE) [10474] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10475] shake yourself round, but I've never know that last night
Doreen (PS0XE) [10476] Yeah sometimes when Rosemary was here, we didn't have any bother or anything but now and again somebody, she did their hair at the time
Wendy (PS0X8) [10477] Oh yeah
Doreen (PS0XE) [10478] dress making and er somebody would park outside our house, not by the drive, but there but to get in Les had to swing over and round
Wendy (PS0X8) [10479] That's it
Doreen (PS0XE) [10480] and then when they were
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [10481] he couldn't swing much so he had to go down and back in but er
Wendy (PS0X8) [10482] That's what you have to do
Doreen (PS0XE) [10483] it was only occasionally, I mean no bother with it or each other
Wendy (PS0X8) [10484] I mean this is virtually every day
Doreen (PS0XE) [10485] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10486] every day now, now I mean I don't know how many she's got living in there or what they've got living in there, they stay
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10487] overnight and if they generally do that it's two more car loads
Doreen (PS0XE) [10488] Mm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10489] We've got British Telecom outside our house for six weeks
Wendy (PS0X8) [10490] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10491] the other morning I
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10492] hell of a squeak of brakes and they had two vans and as you used to turn the corner by Swatons, the bollards are out
Wendy (PS0X8) [10493] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10494] the wrong, the wrong side of the road, of course you've got the blind bend, somebody had gone round there, somebody else was coming down old Whitton Road legally
Doreen (PS0XE) [10495] Mm, mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10496] Oh my god
Sandra (PS0XD) [10497] and they sort of met and how they didn't hit I don't know ... but at the moment it's, well get the car back today it's er been away being done, cos somebody smashed into him
Wendy (PS0X8) [10498] Oh no ...
Sandra (PS0XD) [10499] he managed to pull it out, he, they smashed all the front wing in, he was parked
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10500] outside a customer's house and all of a sudden there was a knock at the door
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10501] getting to the end, you know the important bit of the sale
Wendy (PS0X8) [10502] Someone bashed you
Sandra (PS0XD) [10503] got
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10504] and it was a young girl next door, a car
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10505] backed out of her parents' drive
Doreen (PS0XE) [10506] Mm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10507] well drove out and turned, her bumper caught Mick's wing and right up against the wheel so imagine to pull it out to drive it and the driver said oh won't claim on the insurance she said, erm, I'll pay it, get three estimates and let me have them and Mick said it's gonna be about three hundred quid, well if it had gone through the insurance he could then have put in for a hire car
Wendy (PS0X8) [10508] Oh yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10509] of course he couldn't, he said oh well he said what's the point
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10510] so he hadn't been working, earning money, he knocked a hole in the dining room from the lounge wall yesterday ...
Wendy (PS0X8) [10511] Well I, I, I have got
Sandra (PS0XD) [10512] cos I say
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10513] and the worse is the mess is, my god
Wendy (PS0X8) [10514] Well I have to say Sandra that I would, alright you've got a lot of mess, but I have to say I'd sooner have one like that than
Sandra (PS0XD) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10515] well we've tongued and grooved
Sandra (PS0XD) [10516] Just as well we haven't got next door neighbour
Wendy (PS0X8) [10517] right
Sandra (PS0XD) [10518] joined on
Wendy (PS0X8) [10519] tongued and grooved or, or something pine for the kitchen wall, do it, pay it, forget it right, so, I mean I don't know what wood I mean we'd have, we'd have to see it, but I said to him look I said something's gotta be done, so I said to him shall we get Gary or somebody similar to do some Artexing in here and he said well with the coal fire and all that he said it'll, it'll get dirty
Doreen (PS0XE) [10520] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10521] which it will won't it?
Doreen (PS0XE) [10522] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10523] And erm, so I said alright then give me some suggestions, because when we moved out of erm Milton Avenue, Diane and Harry immediately did the walls wood in the kitchen, about the same size as mine
Doreen (PS0XE) [10524] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10525] and it looked like
Doreen (PS0XE) [10526] Andrew's got that in his bathroom half way, that's what he said
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [10527] and then he's got a moulded piece along the top of it and then he's
Wendy (PS0X8) [10528] Yeah
Doreen (PS0XE) [10529] got the wall paper, it looks ever so nice
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10530] does, does it?
Doreen (PS0XE) [10531] rubbed it all down and
Wendy (PS0X8) [10532] And that would be alright in a, in a bathroom you know
Sandra (PS0XD) [10533] Dean's got a complete pine bathroom
Wendy (PS0X8) [10534] Has he?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10535] he's boxed his bathroom in pine and
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10536] that wood stuff and then varnished
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10537] well I said to him
Sandra (PS0XD) [10538] It looks nice very nice it looks
Wendy (PS0X8) [10539] look I said I don't mind vinyl, I don't mind good vinyl the only good, the only one that, it was good for the toilet, but I got it in a pack cos we've got such a small single toilet
Doreen (PS0XE) [10540] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10541] I got it in a pack outside Fads
Doreen (PS0XE) [10542] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10543] but if you believe the proper price
Doreen (PS0XE) [10544] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10545] I mean it was just three rolls
Doreen (PS0XE) [10546] I know it's terrible the price of it, weren't it?
[10547] When you go, at Tesco's they've got a sale ain't they?
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [10548] that, that quick one Texas
Wendy (PS0X8) [10549] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [10550] twenty five is it or twenty percent off or something, but I think I don't know some of the stuff when you
Wendy (PS0X8) [10551] Well I said to him look, I said I know I'm fed up with this thing next door, and I don't want to stay there, but Alan said that I've got to stay there, right, so I said to him, you know, we have to start doing something and I said to him something permanent because he ain't a handy man, I mean he'll do it, because I mean it's something like measuring steel innit?
[10552] Let's be honest
Doreen (PS0XE) [10553] But you've got to keep on and that yeah, that's right, yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10554] but I said to him, I'll go and buy vinyl and we can come back into the same position, and he ain't no good at sticking vinyl up, I always go round with a bloody
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10555] then I have to do something I suppose before we look round it'll be August we'll be off to Malta
Doreen (PS0XE) [10556] Mm and then it's the winter again
Wendy (PS0X8) [10557] and then he'll look round and
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [10558] winter comes so quick
Wendy (PS0X8) [10559] So quick and he said alright then I erm, I said well where shall we go and he said there's plenty of places
Doreen (PS0XE) [10560] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10561] to buy wood
Doreen (PS0XE) [10562] I mean I know nothing
Wendy (PS0X8) [10563] As I say next we're getting this Phillip's
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10564] this Phillip, he does a lot, I mean I don't like Phillip's but as I say
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10565] my Ian says that, Ian says that
Doreen (PS0XE) [10566] That's a lot, I mean that wooden fence we had I mean, a lot of garden fences are dear, but it was a pound cheaper in the garden centre at Tesco's
Wendy (PS0X8) [10567] We've got one there
Sandra (PS0XD) [10568] Most of B & Q stuffs are cheaper
Doreen (PS0XE) [10569] B & Q's nice
Wendy (PS0X8) [10570] Yeah, where is that builders that
Doreen (PS0XE) [10571] There's one at Thatcham
Wendy (PS0X8) [10572] Thatcham?
Doreen (PS0XE) [10573] just outside Newbury you have to go on the M four
Sandra (PS0XD) [10574] B & Q at, one at Basingstoke
Wendy (PS0X8) [10575] Is there?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10576] it's on the dual carriageway as you go in on the
Wendy (PS0X8) [10577] But if not , otherwise I'm gonna go up the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10578] I mean I shout up to the bathroom, I mean
Doreen (PS0XE) [10579] There's a big one at Millbrook
Wendy (PS0X8) [10580] Tim's coming up to move the bath back and all that you see, this old bath and erm, do some pipe work, but until that's all done, erm, er, until this woman is sorted out, because if I find in the end we've got to insulate again, then I know how I feel, I mean that tongue and groove going up polystyrene in the lounge and yesterday I think he's got a new organ
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10581] yeah, I think it's an organ, and that, that is all in those two recesses, now, you know if I find you know that I don't get anywhere and I can't see that I won't, but if, because the bathroom is where the dog is there, of course consequently that comes through the corner of the lounge
Sandra (PS0XD) [10582] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10583] erm, well before wherever you put anything, you know, finished article on the bathroom wall, that one wall we might have to do whatever they allow
Sandra (PS0XD) [10584] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10585] because this is, I mean I didn't hear the dogs last night, only the kid, but I mean nevertheless the day before if you'd of been in there, so but, but the kitchen can be done, toilet can be done
Sandra (PS0XD) [10586] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10587] We don't want tiles now look
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [10588] and I think he's got all the tiles now there's a load of tiles going cheap in there
Wendy (PS0X8) [10589] I know, and this is what I said, he said I know I don't really want the old vinyl, do it anyway
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10590] oh it's a pig of a job
Wendy (PS0X8) [10591] Yeah I remember you have to
Sandra (PS0XD) [10592] It's alright if your walls are absolutely
Wendy (PS0X8) [10593] Yeah they're not
Sandra (PS0XD) [10594] flat
Wendy (PS0X8) [10595] I mean I remember Mike I mean that house had
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10596] mine is absolutely I mean it's, it looks fine and it's done, but if you actually put the skirt level there are actual places
Doreen (PS0XE) [10597] Mm, mm yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10598] Well when you walked in my porch when those blokes were doing it, you walked in there, I mean it's nice, it's a wrong suite for the for the room, too narrow the room for one of those
Sandra (PS0XD) [10599] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10600] I think
Sandra (PS0XD) [10601] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10602] but the minute you walk in a shop, pretty curtains, Austrian blinds, a new shower
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10603] the minute you walk in there you look at this lump
Doreen (PS0XE) [10604] [laugh] Our wall is flat
Wendy (PS0X8) [10605] because the wall
Doreen (PS0XE) [10606] but when Pete was doing the sides of the erm lounge and he erm put that coving up
Wendy (PS0X8) [10607] round it
Doreen (PS0XE) [10608] and got sort of in the hall, ha, and you can just about see it
Wendy (PS0X8) [10609] Yeah
Doreen (PS0XE) [10610] now, it's sort of wall goes
Wendy (PS0X8) [10611] your eyes go on it
Doreen (PS0XE) [10612] down [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10613] Oh yes
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [10614] and he said crikey look at this, what am I gonna do here and he sort of had to fill quite a big gap in, but he sort of pushed it and filled it and then the wallpaper goes up so you can just see it, a little bit, what's a name now, just in the hall there's a bit
Sandra (PS0XD) [10615] Ours shows because it's not a bold pattern it's very subdued
Doreen (PS0XE) [10616] Mm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10617] but it's a lot like a chevron
Doreen (PS0XE) [10618] Mm, mm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10619] so you've got your pattern down, because when you've got something like that
Doreen (PS0XE) [10620] [laugh] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10621] it's fine, until, unless you actually look
Doreen (PS0XE) [10622] that's right yeah [laugh]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10623] go all round the ceiling line, round, the pattern all matches, and the pattern
Doreen (PS0XE) [10624] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10625] you walk round the room this side and it's all level, it's when you get up the top
Doreen (PS0XE) [10626] Yeah, it's just in this one top part in the corner
Sandra (PS0XD) [10627] well the bit where it meets, pattern should be over the door, so it's not until you're in the room and looking back out
Doreen (PS0XE) [10628] not back over, yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10629] but when he did it I said oh my god you know I said yeah, but you know it's there
Doreen (PS0XE) [10630] Yeah, like where I sit in my chair if I look up there I can see it, but as I say it's not there all the wallpaper
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [10631] it doesn't, but when he first sort of put it up, I thought oh crumbs look at that [laugh]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10632] Yes, I must admit I had one or two people going up the loo and looking, I mean people stop and look when we first had all the stuff outside, you know, what you doing in there?
[10633] Because then they could see the conservatory gradually taking shape
Doreen (PS0XE) [10634] Mm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10635] but ...
Doreen (PS0XE) [10636] yeah lovely
Sandra (PS0XD) [10637] it will be nice when it's done, I mean last weekend he sorted out the doorway which wasn't half knocking out
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10638] but Annette was out yesterday after work and she come in and she sort of opened the door, good god she said just as well I'm not sitting in to watch television, well you couldn't
Doreen (PS0XE) [laugh]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10639] until about half past nine, when they said right that's all the dir dirty work done, he said I'm going up to have a shower and he put the carpet, rolled the carpet half back, and picked up a load of mess and we had polythene dust sheets over it
Doreen (PS0XE) [laugh]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10640] and the dust that had got underneath was absolutely thick
Doreen (PS0XE) [10641] Mm, you wouldn't know , you wouldn't believe it would you?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10642] the television the video and all that
Doreen (PS0XE) [10643] When they'd be just our, our patio doors for weeks on, still finding dust
Wendy (PS0X8) [10644] Well you do
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Doreen (PS0XE) [10645] washed and
Wendy (PS0X8) [10646] Mick was drilling, he put the framework round to drill up against
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10647] hammer drill, he says to me do us a favour so I said what?
[10648] He said stand there
Doreen (PS0XE) [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10649] with the hose of the vacuum cleaner with the nozzle on
Doreen (PS0XE) [10650] [laughing] yeah []
Wendy (PS0X8) [10651] so while he's drilling
Doreen (PS0XE) [10652] sucking it up [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10653] Of course he's tried to get under a polythene sheet to contain it
Doreen (PS0XE) [10654] Right, is like the dentist [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10655] it was hot, it was dust in that hammer drill, god it makes a noise, it did, it certainly saved a lot though
Sandra (PS0XD) [10656] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10657] it filled the hoover bag twice, the old vacuum cleaner
Doreen (PS0XE) [10658] Yeah it was like when my mother-in-law had the
Wendy (PS0X8) [10659] But if, if he hadn't been doing that
Doreen (PS0XE) [10660] it was awful up and down [laugh]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10661] Well if we want this kitchen, well a lot of it is tiled anyway you know part ways up, erm I said to him whatever it costs, it'll be done ...

58 (Tape 037802)

Sandra (PS0XD) [10662] They obviously didn't like it, there was nothing dif , there wasn't definitely said but there was some
Wendy (PS0X8) [10663] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10664] comment, and another time I'd lit up a cigarette you know
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Dee (PS0XG) [10665] Have a nice weekend
Wendy (PS0X8) [10666] Bye
Sandra (PS0XD) [10667] See you
Dee (PS0XG) [10668] ta ta
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Dee (PS0XG) [10669] ta ta
Doreen (PS0XE) [10670] see you
Wendy (PS0X8) [10671] I do I
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10672] I never heard a word
Sandra (PS0XD) [10673] She never mentioned it to me, so
Wendy (PS0X8) [10674] Well erm, she never said nothing, ta ta, and er Doreen never said nothing and Dee Dee never said nothing, I mean all I said to Dee was you might get it tomorrow if Lesley lets her, well Lesley wouldn't unless she forgot it of course, there's always that isn't there?
[10675] Ain't it gone dull?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10676] It was so brilliant and
Wendy (PS0X8) [10677] Yeah
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10678] well I've got to go to town only I dunno whether she's gone, can't be gone yet, twenty past
Sandra (PS0XD) [10679] No she's got Andrew's er, she was talking to Andrew and Andrew happen to say
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10680] airport for something, I don't really know
Wendy (PS0X8) [10681] Yeah I know what it is, erm Susan's given all the info except the er
Sandra (PS0XD) [10682] Yeah, but, no Anton had to make a phone call anyway and he said while he was on the phone
Wendy (PS0X8) [10683] No, oh I didn't know that
Sandra (PS0XD) [10684] he would do
Wendy (PS0X8) [10685] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10686] for her
Wendy (PS0X8) [10687] terminal weren't it?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10688] Yeah terminal one
Wendy (PS0X8) [10689] Is it?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10690] plus Andrew said ten thirty and Susan had said ten o'clock
Wendy (PS0X8) [10691] Oh yeah, no
Sandra (PS0XD) [10692] British Airways was due in at ten thirty
Wendy (PS0X8) [10693] Oh
Sandra (PS0XD) [10694] then he stood there explaining, I mean he's driven up to Heathrow a lot
Wendy (PS0X8) [10695] Mm, yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10696] telling her all the signs and what to look out for
Wendy (PS0X8) [10697] I haven't been to Heathrow as much as I'd been to Gatwick
Sandra (PS0XD) [10698] I've never actually flown from Heathrow, I've been
Wendy (PS0X8) [10699] No I haven't
Sandra (PS0XD) [10700] we've been up there several times to
Wendy (PS0X8) [10701] no Bev's flown but when I've gone up with her
Sandra (PS0XD) [10702] to the spectator area, you know when you've got to spend the day there
Wendy (PS0X8) [10703] I don't think I ever have done Heathrow, oh wait a minute, did I the first year?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10704] Took the kids up
Wendy (PS0X8) [10705] No I don't know
Sandra (PS0XD) [10706] took the kids up a couple of times and then Mick and I have been up there with the
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10707] and you go the long stay car park and
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10708] and watch the aircraft
Wendy (PS0X8) [10709] Yeah, yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10710] but we spent, spent the, well half a day at Queens Terminal at Paper Gallery
Wendy (PS0X8) [10711] No I have flown from there it was
Sandra (PS0XD) [10712] mother did when she
Wendy (PS0X8) [10713] But I've been up there cos Bev's done a couple from
Sandra (PS0XD) [10714] yeah mother went out to Robert's wedding
Wendy (PS0X8) [10715] Heathrow oh yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10716] flew out with Robert that went
Wendy (PS0X8) [10717] erm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10718] from Heathrow, that was a schedule flight
Wendy (PS0X8) [10719] Sue was on about her daughter living with that bloke like, I don't know if it was the same bloke, I just dunno, yes it is, yes it is, it's gotta be the one, when she broke her shoulder, it's gotta be, anyway he got no job and Sarah got this good job apparently wherever it is, I can't remember where it was
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10720] well she got what she wanted then, whatever it is anyway, she's keeping him virtually and they got this flat, whatever they've got, and erm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10721] Long wearing tan
Wendy (PS0X8) [10722] yeah, they'll be, and she's always moaning driving Sue up the wall, why should I keep him blah, blah, blah, blah, doing nothing, we sit and look at each other and Sue said for Christ sake she said you're twenty years old, not forty, she'd been bad on and off again, throat, well she had the shoulder, throat er she thought she had, oh the diabetes was one weren't it, diabetes one, they thought she had, thought that she had glandular fever but she hasn't and er, so Sue said to her well are you looking after yourself and she said yes I am, Sue said well I dunno she never seems to be, cos she's never been well has she really?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10723] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [10724] I mean you have to wonder
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10725] I mean they all joined the club but Sue used to
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10726] mm, anyway not only that one Emma erm ... been
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10727] she don't want to go to college or something new and erm she's doing something, must be finals I would think, think it must be finals and er Sue said to her well should she pack up
Sandra (PS0XD) [10728] Yeah she's a couple of years younger so she's
Wendy (PS0X8) [10729] Mm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10730] probably got A levels this May, whatever
Wendy (PS0X8) [10731] erm should she pack up her Saturday job, it pays around twenty pound and it will go up to about twenty five, and Sue and Will sat and talked about it and she got, she's surprising been interviewed for the W R A F but I mean that's not gonna be so easy these days, I mean they're gonna take the exceptionals that they need aren't they?
[10732] And Sue said she's got nothing in view apart from that and she said to her you must have alternatives, she's not applied to anybody or enquired about anything
Sandra (PS0XD) [10733] Police Force are recruiting
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10734] again
Wendy (PS0X8) [10735] Are they?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10736] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10737] Well erm,gor
Sandra (PS0XD) [10738] Government said that you now get
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10739] well Hampshire was supposed to have some more weren't they?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10740] Yeah, they've been advertising in the Echo
Wendy (PS0X8) [10741] Well
Sandra (PS0XD) [10742] they recruit
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10743] well, erm tisn't, she's not, she wants the W R A F and nothing else and Sue said you can't be like that, you know, and er, so they've decided that she's gotta carry on with this Saturday job because she won't be able to go on the dole look, straight away will she?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10744] No
Wendy (PS0X8) [10745] And Income Support I think is, what did she say for her age twenty I think
Sandra (PS0XD) [10746] I know
Wendy (PS0X8) [10747] twenty pound or something
Sandra (PS0XD) [10748] Yeah there's, there's a catchment anyway, I mean when they've finished school, college or whatever
Wendy (PS0X8) [10749] Mm
Sandra (PS0XD) [10750] they're not working or on a scheme
Wendy (PS0X8) [10751] Mm that's something innit?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10752] there's nothing
Wendy (PS0X8) [10753] That's right
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10754] something , something like, like that, anyway so she said er
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10755] she said it's hard enough for people with jobs to exist today without all this and she's gone back to college on the flexi idea, erm, brush up her typing because she said, now whether she's thinking of future years, she said when she left here that time, although she got that job she said it wasn't easy, she said because I had no bits of paper as such, although when I did the test I passed it, she said it wasn't simple, so she's doing
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Wendy (PS0X8) [10756] Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and not sure about Friday evening and er she said then she'll have trouble getting the money over that's out of them, why the redundancy because been there over two year, so I presume redundancy or holidays or both so Sue said to her well if they were so good to you in the past, but that ain't the point is it?
[10757] They did all, they did
Sandra (PS0XD) [10758] Mm
Wendy (PS0X8) [10759] on their own back, she didn't ask for it and June ain't worked since Christmas, so er, I says I know what it's like with my sister ... and I mean she's been right in it ain't she?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10760] Yeah last week
Wendy (PS0X8) [10761] Both of them are
Sandra (PS0XD) [10762] had two phone calls
Wendy (PS0X8) [10763] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10764] one was an agency in Andover
Wendy (PS0X8) [10765] Aha
Sandra (PS0XD) [10766] with a job, they were gonna put her forward
Wendy (PS0X8) [10767] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10768] so she hopes then
Wendy (PS0X8) [10769] something will come
Sandra (PS0XD) [10770] if they put her name forward she might get an interview for that, the other one was an agency in Basingstoke
Wendy (PS0X8) [10771] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10772] most of them were secretary, audio typist
Wendy (PS0X8) [10773] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10774] jobs, so she said that was Wednesday
Wendy (PS0X8) [10775] Aha
Sandra (PS0XD) [10776] so she was hoping to wait and see.
Wendy (PS0X8) [10777] waiting to hear no, oh well hopeful then.
Sandra (PS0XD) [10778] Last night we had a phone call, oh it frightened me at first actually, I answered the phone
Wendy (PS0X8) [10779] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10780] said is Miss there, Tina, I said yes who's calling?
[10781] Cos she was still busy you know
Wendy (PS0X8) [10782] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10783] Forte Travel Lodge, and I thought shit, and of course the thing that went through my mind was when Graham's out on the road
Wendy (PS0X8) [10784] He goes er
Sandra (PS0XD) [10785] he stays over sometimes I mean
Wendy (PS0X8) [10786] yeah somewhere
Sandra (PS0XD) [10787] of course obviously now I don't know what he's doing from day to day
Wendy (PS0X8) [10788] No of course you don't
Sandra (PS0XD) [10789] er, first thing I thought oh my god something's happened with them
Wendy (PS0X8) [10790] Yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10791] and he's at Travel Lodge and somebody's phoning
Wendy (PS0X8) [10792] Yeah, yeah
Sandra (PS0XD) [10793] why ain't they phoning Margarette, so anyway, shouted out to him and he wouldn't do
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10794] I said it's Forte Travel Lodge, he said what they bloody
Unknown speaker (KE6PSUNK) [...]
Sandra (PS0XD) [10795] I said I don't know, and I stood there when he was
Wendy (PS0X8) [10796] Of course
Sandra (PS0XD) [10797] all he was doing was listening at first and I thought oh no it's so long
Wendy (PS0X8) [10798] it
Sandra (PS0XD) [10799] it turned out when he put the phone down, he said well there's a turn up, there she is
Wendy (PS0X8) [10800] Who?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10801] erm, she work as a chamber maid at the weekend or whatever for some spare cash
Wendy (PS0X8) [10802] What this one?
Sandra (PS0XD) [10803] Yeah
Wendy (PS0X8) [10804] Oh, see you.