8 conversations recorded by `Sarah' (PS58U) [dates unknown] with 9 interlocutors, totalling 1080 s-units, 7772 words, and over 1 hour 3 minutes 30 seconds of recordings.

10 speakers recorded by respondent number 714

PS58U Ag0 f (Sarah, age 13, student)
PS58V Ag0 f (Charitra, age 13, student) friend
PS58W Ag0 f (Keat-Yee, age 13, student) friend
PS58X Ag0 m (Roosevelt, age 13, student) friend
PS58Y Ag3 f (Elizabeth, age 37, housewife) mother
PS590 Ag0 f (Kate, age 13, student) friend
PS591 Ag0 f (Emily, age 10, student) sister
PS5AN Ag4 f (Amy, age 59, retired) grandmother
KPYPSUNK (respondent W0000) X u (Unknown speaker, age unknown) other
KPYPSUGP (respondent W000M) X u (Group of unknown speakers, age unknown) other

8 recordings

  1. Tape 136601 recorded on unknown date. LocationGreater London () Activity: Unspecified
  2. Tape 136602 recorded on unknown date. LocationGreater London () Activity: Unspecified
  3. Tape 136603 recorded on unknown date. LocationGreater London () Activity: Unspecified
  4. Tape 136604 recorded on unknown date. LocationGreater London () Activity: Unspecified
  5. Tape 136701 recorded on unknown date. LocationUnknown () Activity: Unspecified
  6. Tape 136901 recorded on unknown date. LocationUnknown () Activity: Unspecified
  7. Tape 136902 recorded on unknown date. LocationUnknown () Activity: Unspecified
  8. Tape 136903 recorded on unknown date. LocationUnknown () Activity: Unspecified

1 (Tape 136601)

Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1] No, no listen right,fir first
Charitra (PS58V) [2] Is it on?
Sarah (PS58U) [3] first of all yeah, we can erm, of course it's on, we can go to my house
Charitra (PS58V) [4] yeah, my house
Sarah (PS58U) [5] drop my bag and tell my mum where we're going then
Charitra (PS58V) [6] or
Sarah (PS58U) [7] no listen, listen, listen, then we can, well first we go, go to your house yeah
Charitra (PS58V) [8] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [9] cos it's closer, yeah, then we go to my house
Charitra (PS58V) [10] I'm coming now
Sarah (PS58U) [11] then we can go to Kate's house and see if she's in
Charitra (PS58V) [12] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [13] if she isn't in, no, we can go to your house and then go back to Kate's house
Charitra (PS58V) [14] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [15] cos she might be in then, yeah
Charitra (PS58V) [16] cos she has [...] and, oh yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [17] and then we can go to the tube station and go up to Kilburn
Charitra (PS58V) [18] yeah, [...] and then we can switch off and afterwards again, when I've finished and, you know [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [19] there's late buses running from
Sarah (PS58U) [20] Johnny
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [21] go this way
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [22] after, afterwards, after I've phoned my darling Wakey and you lot speak to him, yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [23] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [24] oh I wish we were going up to
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [25] ask, I'll speak to Johnny
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [26] eh
Sarah (PS58U) [27] er, I'll speak to Wakey and Johnny
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [28] no, suppose I go to this fella, hi, hi, I love you [...] and for Wakey I just go oh hi fee, fee I never two time you and everything
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [29] in it?, but you lied
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [30] hold on, I, erm, I never two time you, I lied, a [...] [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [31] oh my god, I don't want you and Daniel going mad
Sarah (PS58U) [32] what?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [33] you and Daniel
Sarah (PS58U) [34] what about it?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [35] ooh kissing you know
Sarah (PS58U) [36] oh do you hear [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [37] no
Sarah (PS58U) [38] in, in, er before T P, not T P what am I talking about, before registration when we were all in the class, she started shouting at him
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [39] is it?, why?
Sarah (PS58U) [40] she's going, erm ... because he, he doesn't do anything, yeah, and she's going oh I suppose any other girl would dump you ages ago, you don't know how lucky you are, she just so nice, blah, blah, blah, blah, and he, I say it was so funny and she start shouting at him, that's why he was trying to go oh shut up [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [41] I heard voices oh I heard voices
Sarah (PS58U) [42] oh god
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [43] but what can I do, he doesn't
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [44] I know
Sarah (PS58U) [45] he's too shy
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [46] boys
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [47] hey, say
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [48] yeah I know
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [49] and I said to her well don't [...] she doesn't, she doesn't too shy [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [50] why, what did he say?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [51] he goes oh I think, I've already changed my mind
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [52] does she still fancy him? ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [53] Daniel ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [54] that's nice, yes I get [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [55] yeah, wait, slow down [...] just walk, walk Kilburn okay ... whoops have you seen [...] they're gonna come up in a minute
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [56] oh no
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [57] oh Sarah get off
Sarah (PS58U) [58] what time is it?, what, what, what time is [...] thing?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [59] I dunno
Sarah (PS58U) [60] oh
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [61] I wish we didn't go in there, I don't like going in there
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [62] well would you walk round [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [63] oh it's funny, you just get the laser guns to you and you have to shoot everybody
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [64] yes, but I don't like going in there
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [65] it isn't, it isn't, it isn't where the arcades are, don't, that's just, that's just the waiting room, where you wait, erm, to have your go, what is it, do you play against each other or is there two groups of people?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [66] two teams
Sarah (PS58U) [67] do you get to choose your teams? ... have you been before?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [68] no
Sarah (PS58U) [69] [laugh] neither have I
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [70] [...] really itchy
Sarah (PS58U) [71] oh shut up ... don't, right
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [72] I reckon I am
Sarah (PS58U) [73] yeah, everytime you say that I start scratching, she's
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [74] no
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [75] oh my good
Sarah (PS58U) [76] I know cos that's what Lucas said to you in it?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [77] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [78] but he lied though, do you know why?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [79] no ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [80] watch it
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [81] okay me, mum, I know, yeah, do you know how to cross the road?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [82] where
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [83] I'm sure there's a bus strike
Sarah (PS58U) [84] where's the thing?, yes it is a bus strike it said on the, on the
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [85] and yet we walked to school and we didn't see one
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [86] yeah, but that one was going the other way
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [87] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [88] what time did you catch a bus?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [89] really, really, really, really late
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [90] well we, we, we never saw it
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [91] I know ...
Sarah (PS58U) [92] unless we were just kind of indulge in a conversation and we didn't ... see it
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [93] that means we'll have to walk there if we go to
Sarah (PS58U) [94] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [95] unless, unless you wanna go to your house, and then you come to my house ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [96] no
Sarah (PS58U) [97] and then [...] come to my house when you [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [98] you're coming to my house you know
Sarah (PS58U) [99] yeah, alright, alright
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [100] at first, are we taking the tube alright?, you walk up and have a look
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [101] and then you, us go to your house and look and then ... and then us go to my house okay [...] and then
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [102] yeah, but that's gonna take ages, it's, we're not gonna be able to ... get up to Kilburn on time ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [103] [...] why'd you have to go home?, just to get some money, how much is it a pointer?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [104] if you two take the [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [105] yeah, go to my house it's much quicker
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [106] and phone your parents at your house
Sarah (PS58U) [107] yeah you can phone your mum, just say you're going up to Kilburn
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [108] no way
Sarah (PS58U) [109] to buy, to buy some pens or something for school, cos I need to get a pen anyway, so it won't be, you know
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [110] catch a train now?
Sarah (PS58U) [111] no ... quick increase your pace, increase your pace
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [112] aha, ah?
Sarah (PS58U) [113] increase your pace, increase your pace, only joke, er, normally I'm made ... Amy's coming over this summer
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [114] is she?
Sarah (PS58U) [115] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [116] stay at your house?
Sarah (PS58U) [117] no [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [118] I'm not having them stay at my house, it's not big enough anyway
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [119] Sarah tonight I'm gonna stay at your house
Sarah (PS58U) [120] not in my bedroom [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [121] I think so
Sarah (PS58U) [122] no, no
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [123] hey, guess what?, and we'll buy some chips with vinegar
Sarah (PS58U) [124] are you?, wow, just come to my house, don't go home
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [125] yeah can I phone from your house?
Sarah (PS58U) [126] cos it's gonna take way too long, erm, yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [127] of course
Sarah (PS58U) [128] [...] sorry I didn't take it in, yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [129] of course, what you have to pay [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [130] what are you, you're given you're given her permission to phone
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [131] yes [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [132] from my house
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [133] yeah, yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [134] do you pay the phone bill?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [135] no, you do though
Sarah (PS58U) [136] [laughing] well no [] I don't, I
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [137] who pays your phone bill?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [138] well my nan pays a third, no, a third of it my dad pays a third and my mum pays a third
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [139] oh
Sarah (PS58U) [140] well, like, my mums and dads are all in one really so they pay
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [141] so they just get it out
Sarah (PS58U) [142] two thirds, yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [143] yeah ...
Sarah (PS58U) [144] so you know a bit like that
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [145] so your mum doesn't charge you anything for using the phone
Sarah (PS58U) [146] no
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [147] that's good
Sarah (PS58U) [148] does your mum?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [149] no [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [150] but, she prefers for me not to stay on the phone for very long she does
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [151] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [152] cos the phone bill
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [153] she doesn't like me doing
Sarah (PS58U) [154] I don't listen, I mean [cough] sorry, I've got a frog in my throat, erm ... like, she tells me not to stay on the phone too long, but sometimes I have to, okay, not, not necessarily just as a conversation, but, homework and stuff
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...] ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [155] why you walking?
Sarah (PS58U) [156] because the
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [157] there's a bus coming about every hour or something, it's quicker to walk
Sarah (PS58U) [158] er, that'll teach her, see she's, teacher's name Sarah now and my names [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [159] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [160] [laugh] ... yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [161] [...] erm train station
Sarah (PS58U) [162] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [163] are you walking all the way down Kilburn high street?
Sarah (PS58U) [164] yeah ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [165] I'd like to walk with top of station
Sarah (PS58U) [166] where'd you where'd you live then?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [167] I have to take the train down there
Sarah (PS58U) [168] are the trains running alright?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [169] yeah, I think so, they were this morning, where'd you live?
Sarah (PS58U) [170] oh can we catch the train to Kilburn park?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [171] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [172] eh?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [173] I'll have to tell everyone that I don't fancy him any more
Sarah (PS58U) [174] why?, don't you?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [175] no
Sarah (PS58U) [176] or are you just gonna say that
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [177] Daniel always keep going [whine] [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [178] oh look, I think he's quite flattered, you know ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [179] no [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [180] yeah, he is
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [181] er he maybe flattered, but ... no he must be humiliated
Sarah (PS58U) [182] I don't think I don't think he's, er, he's not angry or anything ... he's alright about it
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [183] yeah, but, say someone fancied you [laugh] [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [184] yeah, but, you're not ugly are you?, are you?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [185] yeah, to his eyes I am ...
Sarah (PS58U) [186] how do you know?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [187] cos I know
Sarah (PS58U) [188] he might be secretly [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [189] in my dreams, in my dreams [...] ... in my dreams we kiss right [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [190] in my dreams
Sarah (PS58U) [191] did you?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [192] yeah [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [193] when?, what in France or when we got back or what?, or before?, how long have you fancied him for?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [194] eh, I dunno, when I met him he was quite [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [195] a quick kiss then
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [196] cos I didn't really know him before
Sarah (PS58U) [197] holiday romance
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [198] no [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [199] did you?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [200] about [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [201] what about them? ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [202] what she gonna do?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [203] Mr
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [204] yeah, he's gonna go bonkers
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [205] bye
Sarah (PS58U) [206] see ya
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [207] bye ... she fancies [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [208] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [209] yeah ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [210] yeah ... have you done your English? ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [211] English?
Sarah (PS58U) [212] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [213] what?
Sarah (PS58U) [214] as in Mr English
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [215] what did I have to do?
Sarah (PS58U) [216] [laugh] extra scenes to that, to that play thing
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [217] ah
Sarah (PS58U) [218] I dunno what to do, I mean
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [219] no, don't be bad
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [220] you see [...] ?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [221] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [222] yeah what time is it open?, kind of, if you, if we went now
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [223] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [224] what time would they let us in?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [225] now
Sarah (PS58U) [226] but isn't it every half an hour, every hour or something?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [227] no, every twenty minutes
Sarah (PS58U) [228] oh right
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [229] [laugh] what's happened to your voice?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [230] I dunno
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...] ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [231] oh bitch, er which one of you in here is called bitch?, what about the other person called bitch?
Sarah (PS58U) [232] no [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [233] where's the one called bitch?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [234] I dunno
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [235] [...] walked under that bridge in it? [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [236] kind of like here
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [237] where's little map?
Sarah (PS58U) [238] having a big map [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [239] ow, you suppose to [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [240] I don't know, he's gone home in it?, station
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [241] Roosevelt take it this way
Sarah (PS58U) [242] no, been to big Macs house
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [243] Roosevelt
Roosevelt (PS58X) [244] what?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Roosevelt (PS58X) [245] what?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [246] I've forgotten now, never mind
Sarah (PS58U) [247] don't tell lies [laugh] ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...] ... [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [248] no she likes somebody else actually
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [249] no, no, not the alarm clock
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [250] how does he know all of this?, do, do you talk to him?, do you tell him
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [251] your darkest secrets?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [252] like, yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [253] I know something that you don't know, I know
Roosevelt (PS58X) [254] so ...
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [255] I know something that you don't know like, I know that you don't know
Sarah (PS58U) [256] but I know
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [257] but I know
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [laugh]
Roosevelt (PS58X) [258] have you lot [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [259] I know something that you know something, she doesn't know, she knows like, she knows that, she knows that, she knows that, I don't know that, that she know
Sarah (PS58U) [260] that you know
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [261] what I don't know [laugh] I don't even know what I'm talking about
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [262] like this ... [laugh]
Roosevelt (PS58X) [263] she looks like [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [264] only because she [...] one of them
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [265] I know, I don't suppose that he doesn't know I know, that he told me, not, no he actually didn't tell me, but [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [266] yeah
Roosevelt (PS58X) [267] are you sure?
Sarah (PS58U) [268] but you don't know what I know
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [269] and I know something that she told me about you that I know that she don't, she don't know that I, I know that, you don't know that, I know
Roosevelt (PS58X) [270] oh can you [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [271] yes I do know ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [272] I know
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [273] Roosevelt?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [274] no
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...] ...
Sarah (PS58U) [275] yes come on, you've started it now you can't finish it?
Roosevelt (PS58X) [276] no I'll finish it tomorrow morning
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [277] oh you better not say, something like [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [278] Bank Holiday next Monday
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [279] I know
Sarah (PS58U) [280] no school, what shall we do?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [281] we've got a
Sarah (PS58U) [282] we have to go out
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [283] we've got an extra day , we've got an extra week [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [284] huh, yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [285] yeah, you lot, you lot can speak to where you want [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [286] extra week for English
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [287] eh?
Sarah (PS58U) [288] extra week for English as well, with Miss
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [289] oh god Sarah what's wrong with me?, must do all this walking like this
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [290] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [291] oh yeah, is it?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [292] who?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [293] go into the Burger King, put them into the Burger King, I've got to go and get out
Sarah (PS58U) [294] it's not open yet though, open soon, look ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [295] you forgot it?
Sarah (PS58U) [296] yeah, I'm gonna buy a big juicy burger
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [297] Christine
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [298] do you have an English name?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [299] er, what's your Chinese name then?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [300] oh yeah she lives round, er where them two live, one is my boyfriend
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [301] I know, but she's a bit fat though
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [302] yeah like you
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [303] no really, listen, I know a girl called [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [304] no
Sarah (PS58U) [305] so do I
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [306] she's fat and ugly
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [307] here, you're talking tongue twisted
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [308] have you seen my very recent [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [309] oh, see it, some, I can't remember who it was, somebody thought she was dead ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [310] why, I don't want to see a [...] cos everytime when I see her again it reminds me of Roosevelt
Sarah (PS58U) [311] reminds me of Roosevelt
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [laugh] [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [312] you're gonna say that, in it
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...] ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...] ...
Sarah (PS58U) [313] but, she never used to have short hair did she?
Roosevelt (PS58X) [314] who? [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [315] oh, did I look nice with long hair [...]
Roosevelt (PS58X) [316] no you look ugly, you look ugly now
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [317] urgh, look at that dress ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [318] ooh, you gonna wear that?
Sarah (PS58U) [319] no I said er look at that dress
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [320] oh I thought you liked it
Sarah (PS58U) [321] no [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [322] er there, er there alright
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [323] I go, do you like my red dress?, she said [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [324] yeah, yeah, yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [325] she said oh I wish there was a big breeze blow my, up my
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [326] and everybody goes wow
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [327] Roosevelt I need to ask you some questions
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [328] you're not a virgin are you?
Roosevelt (PS58X) [329] what?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [330] are you a virgin?
Roosevelt (PS58X) [331] what's it to you?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [332] oh go on please tell me
Roosevelt (PS58X) [333] no
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [334] no, you're not a virgin
Roosevelt (PS58X) [335] no, I'm not gonna tell ya
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [336] no, why?
Sarah (PS58U) [337] maybe she's ugly
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...] ...
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [338] people say that you went out with [...] is that true?
Roosevelt (PS58X) [339] no
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [340] yeah, yeah, yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh] ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [341] alright then, so, yeah, I'll get you
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [342] Sarah, I'm not coming with you
Sarah (PS58U) [343] why?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [344] cos, turn that off for a minute
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Roosevelt (PS58X) [345] and I keep on saying, yeah it's true
Sarah (PS58U) [346] cos what?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [347] because erm, I don't, I don't want to
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [348] oh go on [...] come
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [349] no, no I'm only going into Woolworths
Sarah (PS58U) [350] yeah, I'm going into Woolworths, you have to go to [...] as well
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [351] [...] I'm going home because I don't really [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [352] alright
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [353] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [354] okay
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...] ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [355] no, it's personal [laugh] only joke
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [356] you know for my [...] to school and I like to say something about you know who ... oh it's true [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [357] where did you get that from?
Sarah (PS58U) [358] that?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [359] aha
Sarah (PS58U) [360] this? [...] this?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [361] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [362] from people at university ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [363] it's yours yeah?
Sarah (PS58U) [364] until they collect it, it's not, it's not mine to keep, have to give it back
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [365] but you're not, you're not doing the tape on and let anyone listen, yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [366] no
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [367] good
Sarah (PS58U) [368] why?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [369] better not you know
Sarah (PS58U) [370] you can listen if you want, only joking, no, I don't think I can do that, I'm allowed to listen to it, I have to record it at home you know as well
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [371] it'll be funny ... Mr knows about it, he might let me record the lessons ... that'll be quite good
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [372] there won't be much to discuss
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [373] doing it again
Sarah (PS58U) [374] eh?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [375] there won't be much to discuss
Sarah (PS58U) [376] what in the lessons?, yeah, because you get to hear everybody speaking and everything ... erm
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [377] I wonder where Kate got to?
Sarah (PS58U) [378] [humming] do you wanna go Woolworths now then?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [379] yeah, I'm not going
Sarah (PS58U) [380] [...] coming back up, yeah we have to, well I'm gonna go then okay, cos we have to come back
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [381] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [382] after, we'll be wasting our time
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [383] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [384] bye
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [385] bye
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [386] otherwise we won't know what to do then because
Sarah (PS58U) [387] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [388] like we pop home and that early because there might not be [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [389] shall we go my house first?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [390] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [391] then to your house
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [392] so, I we're taking the train or walking?
Sarah (PS58U) [393] hello ... we're going, well I'm gonna go home and then I'm gonna come up
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [394] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [395] oh I'm just [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [396] alright, I might see you in a minute then
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [397] okay love, bye
Sarah (PS58U) [398] bye, bye
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [399] bye, she's walking there? ...
Sarah (PS58U) [400] she didn't come with us, she, er, we lost her then, we lost her [laugh] I don't know where she's going
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [401] are you walking or taking the train?
Sarah (PS58U) [402] what back?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [403] now
Sarah (PS58U) [404] now
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [405] now
Sarah (PS58U) [406] or coming back up to Kilburn?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [407] yeah, erm now, shall we walk?
Sarah (PS58U) [408] we might as well walk if we're here
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [409] yeah, otherwise you'll have to walk all the way down the hill ... [...] ...
Sarah (PS58U) [410] oh look at the pigeon, urgh
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [411] so we'll go to your house, go to my house, write a note [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [412] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [413] and then we, get my money, I've er over a hundred pound, then, go out, play a round whatever and then later I'll phone up Roddy, tell him to meet me on Saturday and he [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [414] tell him to meet you on Sunday, aha ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [415] no, no, no, just
Sarah (PS58U) [416] where does Roosevelt live?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [417] er [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [418] why's he coming down here?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [419] because usually it's a knock away team, game er [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [420] don't or do?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [421] do, I will say, I will tell him about, I always talk about him, right, he's [...] yeah, [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [422] oh you want, you really want me to speak to him?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [423] yeah, why?, what?, [...] did, [...] goes
Sarah (PS58U) [424] what did she say?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [425] [...] she goes, she says like [...] he's, erm, you know, he's always in erm high
Sarah (PS58U) [426] she writes [...] for [...] all over her [laughing] in her [] books
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [427] she say that, and she say that and she's always writing your name over the books and everything, okay, oh yeah, you must ask him if he fancies me and love him and ask him why he don't he phone me that often, ask him that, you must say, right ... yeah, but don't tell him that I told you to ask him, yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [428] I'll just say do you phone her?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [429] yeah, okay, phone her [...] oh and he goes yes, yes
Sarah (PS58U) [430] cos it's important to phone pe
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [431] he goes, he go you phone her very often, okay, okay
Sarah (PS58U) [432] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [433] very often, okay and he didn't realize, he goes, and if he goes no, just, it's important phoning her you know, she feels happy everytime when she, you know, spoken to you
Sarah (PS58U) [434] speaks to you yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [435] and erm, if he goes yeah, really, well you know, you know that phoning peo your girl friends or whatever right, [...] you know try to make him phone me [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [436] Daniel never phones me ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [437] and ask him how many letters, how many letters he does though, you
Sarah (PS58U) [438] letters, what?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [439] do what?
Sarah (PS58U) [440] you can ask to speak to him and then you pass it over to me after you've spoken, yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [441] yeah, of course
Sarah (PS58U) [442] of course, you know, I mean,fo ,fo you know it's Sarah
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [443] picture him secretly [...] without me knowing
Sarah (PS58U) [444] urgh ... how old is then, fourteen?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [445] yeah, he's gonna be fifteen this year, he's one year and a half older than me, so, and he goes, I told him okay and he goes you're young, and I goes I know
Roosevelt (PS58X) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [446] what?
Sarah (PS58U) [447] what's a matter with you Roosevelt?
Roosevelt (PS58X) [448] [...] Sarah
Sarah (PS58U) [449] yeah
Roosevelt (PS58X) [450] what would you say yes on to that you're going out erm Henry?
Sarah (PS58U) [451] who said that?
Roosevelt (PS58X) [452] no one, nobody said
Sarah (PS58U) [453] if, if somebody said Sarah's going out with Henry?
Roosevelt (PS58X) [454] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [455] I'd say I wasn't going out with Henry
Roosevelt (PS58X) [456] yeah, but if you keep on saying that and the other person keep on saying no you're lying [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [457] what, what is it right?
Roosevelt (PS58X) [458] what would you say?
Sarah (PS58U) [459] huh?
Roosevelt (PS58X) [460] what would you say?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [461] don't
Roosevelt (PS58X) [462] what's this little bitch over here 's doing?,
[463] I said you, I said I don't go out with [...] and he's saying, she's saying that I do
Sarah (PS58U) [464] let go
Roosevelt (PS58X) [465] why you say I'm going out with [...] [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [466] that's what I heard
Roosevelt (PS58X) [467] yeah, but who said?
Sarah (PS58U) [468] [...] just ignore , I'd, I'd ignore the person, what, so if somebody came up to me and said you go out with Henry in it?
Roosevelt (PS58X) [469] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [470] and kept on and on saying it
Roosevelt (PS58X) [471] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [472] and I'd say
Roosevelt (PS58X) [473] you say
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [474] no man, go
Sarah (PS58U) [475] go away get a life
Roosevelt (PS58X) [476] exactly, said to that, that [...] person over there
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [477] shut up
Sarah (PS58U) [478] [laughing] you'd get a [...] []
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Roosevelt (PS58X) [479] pardon?
Sarah (PS58U) [480] you'd get [...] not a new one
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [481] I said let go man
Roosevelt (PS58X) [482] what if they'd get a new [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [483] yes
Roosevelt (PS58X) [484] why?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [485] because [laughing] she [] wants
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...] ...
Sarah (PS58U) [486] [laugh] ... [...] [laugh] ... so we're going to my house first, yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [487] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [488] so it, your, your house, your, it's not too far to your house is it?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [489] no, it's only going to take five minutes to get there
Sarah (PS58U) [490] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [491] from your house
Sarah (PS58U) [492] alright ... what number is it?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [493] four and I'll get all the cash out first [laugh] ...
Sarah (PS58U) [494] I'll have to take my ba my building society book of and get a bit of money out, cos I'm short ... have to get, have, I've got some money to get just seventeen and like I've got two pounds extra right, and, I'm gonna need some money for the weekend.
[495] ... What shall we do in the weekend?, are you gonna be able to make it this time if we do something? ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [496] Saturday?
Sarah (PS58U) [497] yeah, can't do much on Sunday
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [498] erm
Sarah (PS58U) [499] can't you go to Chinese school on Sunday
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [500] I'll have to [...] remember
Sarah (PS58U) [501] oh yeah, if he says yes
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [502] he will because it helps me out, so I don't say nothing, he says he can't wait [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [503] oh ... look my bags open, tt, I hate this bag it always comes open
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [504] by next Monday, you know Monday
Sarah (PS58U) [505] Bank Holiday, yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [506] we should go out with, with everybody, us and the boys
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [507] oh my god [...] Daniel especially
Sarah (PS58U) [508] oh course, aha, no, it's, it's not that bad going out with them ... they act a bit different, not much different, when they're on their own yeah, cos Chris came to the cinema by himself with us, with me and Kate
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [509] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [510] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [511] he was alright ... still a bit stupid, but he wasn't as bad as he is in class
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [512] like when er, when they're only, you know
Sarah (PS58U) [513] find him civil
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [514] [...] they're are okay, I mean, right
Sarah (PS58U) [515] but [sniff] with their friends they've gotta show off
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [516] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [517] and everything, so ... there so stupid
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [518] can't be
Sarah (PS58U) [519] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [520] be cool and everything
Sarah (PS58U) [521] yeah ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [522] I know
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [523] er, maybe it's my turn to [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [524] [laugh] yeah it's nice, nice of you to phone her
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [525] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [526] you phoned him?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [527] no
Sarah (PS58U) [528] yeah sometimes, I've phoned him more times than he's phoned me, put it that way
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [529] me to man, I've been waiting about, nearly like three times
Sarah (PS58U) [530] I phoned
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [531] a week and he hasn't phoned me once a year
Sarah (PS58U) [532] don't phone him that often, Daniel's phoned me twice and once to ask me out
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [533] [...] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [534] and second time was, was returning one of my phone calls
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [535] oh, oh, the thing is okay, did it, did erm, did, Daniel just suddenly like asked you out or did someone got you together?
Sarah (PS58U) [536] no, he, it was, it was after the party, after the Christmas party and everybody was going oh Sarah fancies Daniel and Daniel fancies Sarah and then, but he was too shy to ask me, yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [537] oh yeah, yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [538] so, so then Anita goes, no I go tell him to put it in a letter then, yeah, and he was gonna put it in a letter and then he changed his mind and he said he was gonna ask me after school, but then he didn't ask me after school and Kate gave him my phone number and then he phoned me
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [539] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [540] and then he asked me then ... and erm, he didn't know whether to ask me or not, well he knew, he knew more or less I'd say yes anyway, cos I more, I'd already said yes, but not to his face, so ... but he didn't know whether to because Henry fancied me
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [541] when you ask someone out, I'm scared in case they might say no
Sarah (PS58U) [542] I know
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [543] that's why ... I'm so excited ...
Sarah (PS58U) [544] what about erm Wakey and erm Johnny and [...] , are they gonna go to [...] or not
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [...] ...
Sarah (PS58U) [545] should we or not?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [546] eh?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [547] eh?
Sarah (PS58U) [548] should we?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [549] up to you really
Sarah (PS58U) [550] do you want to?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [551] I don't mind
Sarah (PS58U) [552] it's best to do it at weekend
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [553] yeah, more time in it?
Sarah (PS58U) [554] yeah, do it on the bank holiday
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [555] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [556] if, if, it's open ... should we?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [557] okay ...
Sarah (PS58U) [558] come on then, you come into my house yeah?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [559] yeah, not for long though
Sarah (PS58U) [560] no, oh no Roosevelt's gonna see where I live
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [561] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [562] quick go slowly, let him overtake us, aha, no point
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [563] yeah man
Sarah (PS58U) [564] it's your house okay
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [565] he won't really come up to your house I wouldn't think
Sarah (PS58U) [566] Lucas knows where I live
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [567] Lucas?
Sarah (PS58U) [568] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [569] round my area, that er, you don't have to take one minute, but it [...] ...
Sarah (PS58U) [570] where is he?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [571] I dunno
Sarah (PS58U) [572] ooh ... [laugh] quick
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [573] does that he even noticed
Sarah (PS58U) [574] he, that you, he, he, he walks in a, in his sleep, I saw him, he's in a daze ... okay then, I'll just tell my mum ... put my coat up ... hello, hi ya
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [575] hello
Sarah (PS58U) [576] Hi darling ...
Sarah (PS58U) [577] erm [...] here, erm can we just go up to Kilburn?, to get some pens and stuff and I need to get some money out of my
Sarah (PS58U) [578] why didn't you do it on the way home?
Sarah (PS58U) [579] cos I need to get some money out to get
Sarah (PS58U) [580] oh okay where's [...] darling?
Sarah (PS58U) [581] upstairs
Sarah (PS58U) [582] was she alright on Saturday?
Sarah (PS58U) [583] yeah ... no, what happen was the alarm went off in their block or something and they all had to go into a room, I don't know
Sarah (PS58U) [584] she's [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [585] don't know, anyway I'll, I'll be back for dinner, yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [586] how many sixes in fifty four?
Sarah (PS58U) [587] oh, three, six
Sarah (PS58U) [588] nine ...
Sarah (PS58U) [589] yeah, nine, erm fifty four yeah, exact, nine exactly, okay then
Sarah (PS58U) [590] alright darling, please don't be long will you?
Sarah (PS58U) [591] no, what time shall I be back by?
Sarah (PS58U) [592] tea won't be any longer than an hour, an hour and a half, shops shut at five, five thirty
Sarah (PS58U) [593] okay, I'll go straight to my account and then go to Woolworths or something, saw nanny in Kilburn
Sarah (PS58U) [594] oh good, is she on her way home then? ...
Sarah (PS58U) [595] she's coming down
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [596] what you laughing at me?
Sarah (PS58U) [597] I'm not
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [598] how many calories mum
Sarah (PS58U) [599] seventy nine, so you had a roll tomato and cheese
Sarah (PS58U) [600] okay then, bye, bye
Sarah (PS58U) [601] bye
Sarah (PS58U) [602] bye, [laugh] you got black [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [603] bye
Sarah (PS58U) [604] bye, I just have to get my bank book okay
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [605] why, to get some money out?
Sarah (PS58U) [606] yeah, do you wanna leave your bag here?, oh no you're going to er
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [607] how comes you can get your own money out and I can't?,
[608] I need my mum's signature
Sarah (PS58U) [609] because this is, this is mine, mine in my own na , this is my own building society, this is for children to do
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [610] oh, right
Sarah (PS58U) [611] cos usually you have to, it is my parents, I've got one in my parents name as well but it's just
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [612] so when you put your money in you get it out anytime
Sarah (PS58U) [613] yeah, look, I'll show you, right it's right to save, yeah, Nationwide ... that ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [614] wow see man
Sarah (PS58U) [615] that's, that's just, just what, that's what I put in and take out ... do you get me, hi ... you see, you know
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [616] er how much are you taking out?
Sarah (PS58U) [617] I don't know how much to take, I might take ten pounds worth or something, I don't need that much ... why, I need some money for Saturday as well don't I?, shouldn't need that much though ...

2 (Tape 136602)

Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [618] I'll, I'll call it my dictionary of slang
Sarah (PS58U) [619] Let's go into Woolworths , your dictionary of slang
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [620] [laugh] ... I need to get a pen ... oh look I can buy a bed sheet [laugh] , bed linen anyway, what?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [621] who?
Keat-Yee (PS58W) [622] I always look at food, er [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [623] I know you're food man, mad, man [laugh] , yeah, erm
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [624] where's the Easter eggs?
Sarah (PS58U) [625] I don't know do they, have they still got Easter eggs, just
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [626] you like those Easter eggs, over there, what? ...
Sarah (PS58U) [627] here we go ... got to get this ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [628] do they still have Easter eggs in here?,
[629] I haven't been in here you know since
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [630] yeah there, idiot
Sarah (PS58U) [631] I haven't been in here since I've come back from Devon ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [632] oh, this your ...
Sarah (PS58U) [633] half price, ah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [634] how much?
Sarah (PS58U) [635] forty nine P ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [636] forty nine?
Sarah (PS58U) [637] yeah, cos it's half, half that price, forty nine, fifty
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [638] is that nice though?, jelly in those
Sarah (PS58U) [639] I like these ones ... how much are they?,
[640] I like these to, shall I get one? ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [641] I put, get that and I go urgh in your mouth you know
Sarah (PS58U) [642] I've already had some of these, we had this, whoops
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [643] put it in your mouth and it's awful
Sarah (PS58U) [644] we had some of them ... at home, shall I get one of these?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [645] are they nice?
Sarah (PS58U) [646] yeah ... have you tasted the caramel ones?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [647] yeah, you like it?
Sarah (PS58U) [648] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [649] do you wanna get, shall we, do you wanna get one?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [650] my friend bought seven for my kids, for her kids okay, they didn't like it, gave it all [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [651] yes ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [652] nice look
Sarah (PS58U) [653] have you tasted this?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [654] are they nice?
Sarah (PS58U) [655] I don't know I haven't tasted it?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [656] shall I taste, shall we get one as well?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [657] it's only money [laugh]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...] ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [658] have you tried these before?
Sarah (PS58U) [659] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [660] are they nice?
Sarah (PS58U) [661] bit, it, it's
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [662] this ones much nicer
Sarah (PS58U) [663] it's, it's, it's yuck
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [664] is it?
Sarah (PS58U) [665] you're, don't you see erm Chris, what's his face on the coach when we went to France, this is what we was going to get [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [666] I know
Sarah (PS58U) [667] Kate ... gob stopper ... look they've got what we were gonna get [...]
Kate (PS590) [668] do you like this or not? ...
Sarah (PS58U) [669] that one?
Kate (PS590) [670] yeah ... do you like?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [671] love that
Sarah (PS58U) [672] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [673] is it for you?
Kate (PS590) [674] mm
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [675] ooh Kate
Sarah (PS58U) [676] look Kate
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [677] ah
Sarah (PS58U) [...]
Kate (PS590) [678] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [679] gob stopper [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [680] I'm gonna get some as well you know because I've only got one and it's brown, it's disgusting in it?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [681] get a basket and we, I'm gonna get a lot of sweets, get a basket and put everything inside and [...] I'm looking at [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [682] alright
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [...] ...
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [683] put your things inside
Sarah (PS58U) [684] [laugh] wow, you can carry it
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [685] yeah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [686] oh I love these
Kate (PS590) [687] me to you know, how much are they?, fifty four have you tried these before? milk chocolate
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [688] I like these bar, you put, I always chewed them really fast
Sarah (PS58U) [689] yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [690] I like these [laugh] ... put it this way I like sweets, oh look they've changed the bow
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [691] me to
Sarah (PS58U) [692] they've changed the bow, oh it's a different make isn't it?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [693] oh yes ...
Sarah (PS58U) [694] it's Woolworths make, [laugh] you getting some? ...
Kate (PS590) [695] how much are they?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [laugh] ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...] ...
Sarah (PS58U) [696] what one you gonna get?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [697] what's it called?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [698] you like that?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...] ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...] ...
Sarah (PS58U) [699] what were you gonna buy then [...] if you've got a basket eh?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [700] eh?
Sarah (PS58U) [701] what are you gonna buy?, oh Kate look how cheap this is ... two ninety nine
Kate (PS590) [702] oh I might get it ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [703] how much are they?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [704] what about this one?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [705] hold it Sarah , hold it
Sarah (PS58U) [706] yeah, that's, that's a nice one
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [707] hold it while I'll try it
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [708] what does it look like here? ...
Sarah (PS58U) [709] what do you think?, er [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [710] how much are they?
Sarah (PS58U) [711] I don't know, how much are they?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [712] one pound something
Sarah (PS58U) [713] what colours that?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [714] not even two pounds, do you think that's nice?
Kate (PS590) [715] this is one ninety nine
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [716] that's not for, that's not a t for a test Sarah by the way
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Kate (PS590) [717] do you like this one?
Sarah (PS58U) [718] so
Kate (PS590) [719] erm, cos this is this one
Sarah (PS58U) [720] yeah that
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [721] shall I get it? ... why?,
[722] I'm getting [...] shall I?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [723] take two ...
Sarah (PS58U) [724] you getting one? ... that's, that's rubbish ... oh look [...] oh they're only two ninety nine
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [725] no that, that set of it, that game, it's all plastic in, look
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [726] it's so sweet ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [727] you're buying one now [laugh] , there's no Easter eggs left, are there? ...
Kate (PS590) [728] one time they had this big trolley of all smashed up Easter eggs and me and my mum kept running up to it and nicking bits of chocolate
Sarah (PS58U) [729] [laugh] ... I like all this stuff
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [730] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [731] eh?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [732] nice in it?,
[733] I like the hat, huh
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [734] ooh Sarah
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [735] ahem
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [736] I wanna [...]

3 (Tape 136603)

Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [737] Do you like these mint choc biscuits Sarah?
Sarah (PS58U) [738] Yes viscount
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [739] yes
Sarah (PS58U) [740] yes
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [741] oh the first time I've had one
Sarah (PS58U) [742] I don't like the orange
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [743] oh is there orange as ?
Sarah (PS58U) [744] you can buy orange, but we don't have any here [...]
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [745] I'm gonna pay the telephone bill tomorrow ... a hundred and thirteen pound, fifty nine P
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [746] Chloe says to me ... does the post office pay you?
Emily (PS591) [747] I've got your black [...]
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [748] she said who do you pay the bill to?, to I says the post office, well don't they pay you for having their telephone
Sarah (PS58U) [749] ah, did she?, and what did you say?
Emily (PS591) [750] all that
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [751] I said no, I wished they did ... but it's [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [752] yeah, does she use it a lot?
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [753] I dunno she don't [...]
Emily (PS591) [754] her and her pictures
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [755] when she makes her pictures ... went to doctor today
Sarah (PS58U) [756] mum
Emily (PS591) [757] did you? ...
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [758] went to doctor about me neck, you know
Emily (PS591) [759] yeah
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [760] [...] and she said it could of been
Emily (PS591) [...]
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [761] well
Emily (PS591) [762] is it?
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [763] oh this awful pain coming I can't, move my arm and right side which is the side it hurts, and it goes all up here and it really hurt me to wash my hair, to bend over and wash my hair this morning cos she said
Emily (PS591) [764] oh you went over then?
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [765] I said to her I had it in [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [...]
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [766] and she said that, er
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [767] you're gonna have to come out cos I'm gonna hoover up in a minute
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [768] what did I do?, and I said I think I could of got it when I was in the car with uncle Reg and he, you know how mad he goes along the lanes
Emily (PS591) [769] yeah
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [770] and he pulled off quick
Emily (PS591) [771] oh, was that what it was and it jerked your head?
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [772] and it jerked me, but she said it's a muscle been pulled and it's, it keeps spasm so she said er, could of been nasty, said I daren't tell him, cos I says if I tell him it was his fault, I says he'll never give me another ride, it's again Thursday night coming back, and his car, you know the car kept, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump
Emily (PS591) [773] yeah
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [774] and then Friday morning I was off with [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [775] rightio
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [776] but she's given me some deep cream, she says these spasms she
Sarah (PS58U) [777] not [...]
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [778] no she, he doesn't smell
Sarah (PS58U) [779] oh
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [780] erm, she made me bend my head and I could only bend it a little way and she could see the spasms
Sarah (PS58U) [781] oh
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [782] what are spasms?
Emily (PS591) [783] like twinges of pain
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [784] she said you don't have to bend my head [...]
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [785] not too bad, [...] collar I am
Emily (PS591) [786] yeah, but for you not to be able to bend your head ...
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [787] oh yeah
Emily (PS591) [788] that far down and your head to be able to clear
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [789] some days I can bend alright, it don't hurt and other times I can't
Sarah (PS58U) [whistling]
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [790] I've got to put this cream on twice a day
Sarah (PS58U) [791] er what can I do for my hand writing project nan?
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [792] and she says it can be [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [793] I've done like who'd like, Mary had a little lamb, Jack and Jill went up the hill
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [794] Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, Hickory Dickory dock the mouse ran up the clock, one, two, three, four, five, once I caught a fish alive, just those, [...] three times
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [795] is this your homework?
Sarah (PS58U) [796] hand writing
Emily (PS591) [797] you don't have to do it though
Sarah (PS58U) [798] but that the, the, these are some things I've got, you don't have to answer them [...] my name is Emily what is your name?, how are you?,
[799] I'm fine, I like swimming, what do you like?,
[800] I have two sisters, two big sisters, I have no brothers, do you have any brothers?, and
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [801] talk, talk slowly
Sarah (PS58U) [802] I am [talking slowly] ten years old, how
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [803] there, is, oh, how many years old are you?,
[804] I live with my mum dad, nan and my sisters, who do you live with?, and the class have [...] what class are you in?,
[805] I've got the best teacher in the world, do you have a nice teacher?,
[806] I am a girl, are you a girl or a boy?
Emily (PS591) [807] correction , I've got the best teacher in the world
Sarah (PS58U) [808] eh, eh
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [809] why, what's your teachers name?
Emily (PS591) [810] I've got lots of good teachers
Sarah (PS58U) [811] erm, poems, this
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [812] I never thought she'd settle down in [...] school like she did, did you?
Sarah (PS58U) [813] poem it called
Emily (PS591) [814] she has
Sarah (PS58U) [815] song with poem huh
Emily (PS591) [816] what did [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [817] poem with song
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [818] pardon
Emily (PS591) [819] didn't you thing I'd set

4 (Tape 136604)

Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [820] On Thursday, no, on Thursday we get the last period off, then we come home, home early on Thursday, Monday's Bank holiday so we don't have the school any school and erm, one day in May you're back with [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [821] Spill your drink all over my work
Amy (PS5AN) [822] No I'm not
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [823] Well Monday is in May
Emily (PS591) [824] yeah, but not that day, another day
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [825] another Bank holiday near the end of May
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Emily (PS591) [826] is there?, but we might get a day off in May any way
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [827] I really don't know Emily because I've never even heard of the work and I suggest you look at it in the dictionary
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [828] oh Sarah
Sarah (PS58U) [829] yeah
Emily (PS591) [830] what is?
Sarah (PS58U) [831] accostic
Emily (PS591) [832] accost, A, C
Sarah (PS58U) [833] Sarah, why are you coming home early tomorrow?
Emily (PS591) [834] [spelling] A C , A C O S T I R X []
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [835] why you coming home early tomorrow?
Sarah (PS58U) [836] we're not, it's not tomorrow it's Wednesday, we get period one and two off so we only have half day [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [837] yeah why's that?
Sarah (PS58U) [838] cos of English exams, I bet it, it won't [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [839] oh
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [840] could be that one I got you from er Brentcross
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [841] that's the Teterous
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [842] you mean a Sorous
Sarah (PS58U) [843] yeah not a Teterous it's a Sorous
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [844] no, she might not cos she's in a different year to us
Sarah (PS58U) [845] Sarah, it's er Mary's son plays it
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [846] mummy, we're gonna have an English exam at the end of year eight and we're gonna
Sarah (PS58U) [847] well that's alright
Sarah (PS58U) [848] no it isn't
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [849] we're gonna have, I mean, we're gonna have, as we go off we're gonna start giving talks and everything
Sarah (PS58U) [850] there's a careers then
Sarah (PS58U) [851] that's part that's part of our erm ... exam as well, oral presentations
Sarah (PS58U) [852] that's alright
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [853] you'll enjoy that Sarah
Sarah (PS58U) [854] oh I don't like doing all the speeches though
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [855] pardon?
Sarah (PS58U) [856] I'm shy
Sarah (PS58U) [857] when do you have to do the first?
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [858] we, that means I've got ex , it's because we don't have period one and two on Wednesday, yeah, that means we've got extra time for our French test, I think it was on Wednesday, extra time to practice
Sarah (PS58U) [859] so what time are you going to school Wednesday?, you're home early Wednesday anyway, is it really worth you going?
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [860] or is it Wednesday morning you have off?
Sarah (PS58U) [861] oh that's true, we only have erm, what, what do we have?
Emily (PS591) [862] oh you're hurting me will you keep still
Sarah (PS58U) [863] Sarah, is it Wednesday morning you have off? ...
Sarah (PS58U) [864] yeah Wednesday morning one period, unless we go in after lunch, for
Sarah (PS58U) [865] well then you'll only be there fore
Sarah (PS58U) [866] no we don't ... we go in after break
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [867] what do we have on Wednesday for
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [868] if it's raining tomorrow yeah
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Emily (PS591) [869] what, what'd ya, what'd ya have, you've got
Sarah (PS58U) [870] French, English, so we have maths and T V and that's it ...
Group of unknown speakers (KPYPSUGP) [...]
Emily (PS591) [871] have you been into the [...] library [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [872] yeah
Emily (PS591) [873] do you like it?
Sarah (PS58U) [874] no
Emily (PS591) [875] it's pretty
Sarah (PS58U) [876] why, what have they done?
Sarah (PS58U) [877] did you like it?
Emily (PS591) [878] yeah
Sarah (PS58U) [879] it still smells of paint

5 (Tape 136701)

Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [880] I'll call for you,
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [881] Quarter past,
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [882] Right down, [...] then?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [883] My dad, yes, when she's already gone.
[884] So
Sarah (PS58U) [885] We're well early today.
Charitra (PS58V) [886] I've brought him, I've brought him at half five, because I was at the bus stop, leaning on the lamp-post and it was about twenty five past, and then he didn't come along to the next stop by [...] and it got to twenty five to
Sarah (PS58U) [887] Did you, you went to the one that we usually go to?
Charitra (PS58V) [888] yes, not the [...] one.
Sarah (PS58U) [889] ... yes, but I mean, you see when you walked up from your house, you didn't Kate's one?
[890] The one that Kate goes to sometimes.
Charitra (PS58V) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [891] Alright.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [892] Michael
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [singing]
Sarah (PS58U) [893] Is this, does this shirt look stupid?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [894] No, it's [...] .
Sarah (PS58U) [895] I have to wear it too.
Charitra (PS58V) [896] Would it be better like that?
Sarah (PS58U) [897] [laughing] No []
Charitra (PS58V) [898] No, [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [899] Thank you.
[900] Kate was probably late again.
[901] Walk to school with Ella.
Charitra (PS58V) [902] Anna?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [903] Ella, [...] we've got next week for our
Sarah (PS58U) [904] I know, he might still come in and collect it on Wednesday, but you can just say that you left it home because we don't have English that day now.
[905] Have you done it anyway?
Charitra (PS58V) [906] No
Sarah (PS58U) [907] Oh, let me see your history please.
[908] [laughing] Windbag []
Charitra (PS58V) [909] I need to put some more stuff on [...] on course this term.
Sarah (PS58U) [910] What did you, did you do like a meal like chicken with potatoes and blaa, blaa, blaa, or did you just miss the foods.
Charitra (PS58V) [911] I just missed the foods.
Sarah (PS58U) [912] That's what I did.
[913] Kate didn't.
[914] But it's, it's the way you interpret it, as she says it, I suppose.
[915] What you're really do.
Charitra (PS58V) [916] Did you do any salads.
Sarah (PS58U) [917] Yes, kind of.
[918] Well
Charitra (PS58V) [919] Kind of
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [920] I've done it but, I want to do it again.
Charitra (PS58V) [921] I'm going to put some more stuff down for those.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [922] Which [...] ?
Charitra (PS58V) [923] Put all [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [924] I'll show you what I did if you want.
Charitra (PS58V) [925] It isn't much but er,
Sarah (PS58U) [926] I'll show you what I did, did you have the list in your book, of the foods?
Charitra (PS58V) [927] Yes, but, not
Sarah (PS58U) [928] Yes
Charitra (PS58V) [929] Because like the ones down there, they've got like, [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [930] Your history mark's at the back.
Charitra (PS58V) [laugh]
Sarah (PS58U) [931] I did it like that.
Charitra (PS58V) [932] Ah, that's good.
[933] Oh, you've been [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [934] yes, I did it because it, it's too, I put that there's too much [...] , what did you put for starters?
Charitra (PS58V) [935] I put apples and bread
Sarah (PS58U) [936] All the breads , did you put anything else?
Charitra (PS58V) [937] Erm, I just put vegetables.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [938] I put olives, oysters, smoked cheese, eggs and [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [939] What about, what about your main meal?
Charitra (PS58V) [940] [...] wild pig.
Sarah (PS58U) [941] Why?
Charitra (PS58V) [942] Because
Sarah (PS58U) [943] Didn't you copy it out?
[944] Tr ,sh , put some more down.
Charitra (PS58V) [945] I've got some up there.
Sarah (PS58U) [946] Have you, have you got potatoes anywhere?
Charitra (PS58V) [947] No
Sarah (PS58U) [948] I've got potatoes in the main meal, like chicken and potatoes or something.
Charitra (PS58V) [949] All my [...] has been the way it should.
Sarah (PS58U) [950] Science, what one?
Charitra (PS58V) [951] My history.
Sarah (PS58U) [952] History?
Charitra (PS58V) [953] [laughing] yes, I was going to say art []
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [954] I er, I can't, I don't know if I can use it or not.
Charitra (PS58V) [955] Why?
Sarah (PS58U) [956] Because, because it's like [...]
Charitra (PS58V) [957] What?
Sarah (PS58U) [958] Because it's not on T P S, and, and it was given, it was given to a great-aunt or something, and she hocked it off him.
Charitra (PS58V) [959] No, we're not going to put everything.
Sarah (PS58U) [960] Well we said a new, an old
Charitra (PS58V) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [961] she, she either used a painting or decorating
Charitra (PS58V) [962] I'm not ripping mine up.
Sarah (PS58U) [963] You're not ripping mine up.
Charitra (PS58V) [964] Main meal, what would a [...] ?
Sarah (PS58U) [965] Don't read all of it, I'm here.
[966] ... It's alright, it's not as good as [...] , goodbye [...] .
Charitra (PS58V) [967] What's another main meal?
[968] I put main [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [969] Main what?
Charitra (PS58V) [970] Main [...] , I was supposed to put [...] would be better than [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [971] Erm, you could put chicken with potatoes.
[972] I'm going to have my sandwich now.
Charitra (PS58V) [973] Chicken with potatoes?
Sarah (PS58U) [974] Yes ... What else was there?
[975] There was
Charitra (PS58V) [976] I can go and look at their one.
Sarah (PS58U) [977] No, no, no, no, wait, what other meat was there?
Charitra (PS58V) [978] A fishy thing
Sarah (PS58U) [979] yes, fish with [...] wasn't it?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [980] Why not put grilled fish.
Charitra (PS58V) [981] What?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [982] Grilled fish ... fish with whatever that [...] was.
Sarah (PS58U) [983] Miquaman
Charitra (PS58V) [984] How do you spell it?
Sarah (PS58U) [985] [spelling] M I Q U A M A N [] They're my breakfast by the way.
Charitra (PS58V) [986] That's it.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [987] Are you supposed to put the price?
Sarah (PS58U) [988] I haven't, no I didn't, I, I don't know what the prices would be anyway.
Charitra (PS58V) [989] I know. [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [990] What do they use?
[991] What are the roman coins called?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [992] Shall we go and have a look then?
Charitra (PS58V) [993] [...] they've got some good things haven't they now?
Sarah (PS58U) [994] Do they miss their food, or do they do meals?
Charitra (PS58V) [995] No they, they done like [...] just like [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [996] Did everybody do it like that?
Charitra (PS58V) [997] I don't know.
Sarah (PS58U) [998] Where's your badges?
[999] ... Where is it?
Charitra (PS58V) [1000] It's there.
[1001] I like this one.
Sarah (PS58U) [1002] What does Jenny wish for it?
Charitra (PS58V) [1003] ... The ostrich, [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [laugh]
Charitra (PS58V) [1004] We never did that.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1005] And er they X-rayed me, and took a urine sample, took a blood sample.
[1006] Er, the doctor
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1007] Chorlton?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1008] Chorlton, mhm, he examined me, erm, he, he said now they were on about a slide [...] on my heart.
[1009] Mhm, he couldn't find it.
[1010] He said it could be anxiety or whatever at Hospital, just, so, it's not going to be any,
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1011] Nothing to worry about.
[1012] Good I'm delighted to hear that.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1013] But he did say that, er, it'll take three weeks before he could [...] and send [...] along.
[1014] You know, he sees it, he can see the biopsy and all that.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1015] yes
Sarah (PS58U) [1016] He says that I might not need to get it, right, because, if, he can only tell half my blood.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1017] Mhm
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1018] So he says, he stopped right at the side of it right, yes.
[1019] Right, er, he also agreed with you about the lung and black, right, and he s , and he said the same as you that, erm, if it's got blood on you leave it alone.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1020] Aye
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1021] He told me that same as you.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1022] Oh aye, to take it out, it's not, it's not sensible.
[1023] Ah.
[1024] There we are young John.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1025] [...] I got it with a [...] , because Hughie sold the [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1026] Sure, how are you doing with the, the drink.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1027] Och, I have my good days and my bad days.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1028] How many good ones, and how many bad ones?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1029] [...] today
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1030] Too many bad ones, I'm just glad to see you get off that top.
[1031] ... No, keep it down as low as you can because, the lower you keep it the less chance of there is of getting this biopsy done.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1032] Half of them going to X-ray my back, and the X-ray doesn't.
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1033] Oh, the two?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1034] They've done the lot,
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1035] Yes,
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1036] Front, back, side,
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1037] Yes, oh, aye.
[1038] There you are John, I'll get you
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [...]
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1039] I was really worried about having this
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1040] He's getting worse, I mean, see last night, we went to bed last night, [...] have done it, I'm losing it, I'm losing it, I'll get i

6 (Tape 136901)

Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1041] Mummy
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [1042] Well it'll have to be school dinners Friday, is that what you've?
Sarah (PS58U) [1043] Yes, where's the hairbrush Emily, where did you put it?
Emily (PS591) [1044] Table
Sarah (PS58U) [1045] Why the hell do you have to spill it everywhere?
Emily (PS591) [1046] In this dish, Well I moved this.
Sarah (PS58U) [1047] Did, did you put it on there to measure it out?
[1048] You bozo.
Emily (PS591) [1049] What have I done now?
Sarah (PS58U) [1050] You're supposed to put it in there, because if it's up to there it's balancing.
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [1051] Who's helping Kate darling, and if as she was moving the box, she
Emily (PS591) [1052] Oh yes she did and I went like this,
Sarah (PS58U) [1053] Oh yours it too easy, it's silly.
Emily (PS591) [1054] Amy it looked down.
Sarah (PS58U) [1055] What she had it here all the time?
Unknown speaker (KPYPSUNK) [1056] No, she had it on there.
Sarah (PS58U) [1057] Exactly that's stupid having it up there.
[1058] You should put it there first and then taken them out.
[1059] Then you should move any obstacles before.
Emily (PS591) [1060] We're going.
Sarah (PS58U) [1061] Oh, stop making fun of me.
Emily (PS591) [1062] We'd better empty the whole kitchen then hadn't we?
Sarah (PS58U) [1063] Oh shut up you.
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [1064] There you go.
Emily (PS591) [1065] Where would you put my [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [1066] How much is there?
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [1067] I weighed you two ounces.
Emily (PS591) [1068] I don't want two ounces.
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [1069] Well put some back.
Emily (PS591) [1070] I won't, I'll just eat them. [...]
Sarah (PS58U) [1071] Two ounces is a lot to have of cereal.
Emily (PS591) [1072] Is it?
Sarah (PS58U) [1073] For me, it is because I only have half of that.
Emily (PS591) [1074] How many, how many are you supposed to have?
Sarah (PS58U) [1075] Well there , there's no set rule is there, it's like saying
Emily (PS591) [1076] Two, eight, eight cal ,
Sarah (PS58U) [1077] How tall is everybody supposed to be at the age of ten, that's stupid, that's really upset mum.
[1078] Just have what you want.
Elizabeth (PS58Y) [1079] Well go, I think she's going to be shattered, I'd better wake up Jo.
Sarah (PS58U) [1080] Oh, Mummy.